Role of The Headteacher in Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools in Vihiga District, Kenya

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Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 1(3): 84-92, 2009 ISSN: 2041-3246 M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Submitted

d Date: August 31, 2009 Accepted Date: September 04, 2009

Published Date: October 30, 2009

Role of the Headteacher in Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools in Vihiga District, Kenya
L.M. Lydiah and J.W. Nasongo Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
Abstract: The headteachers role is to promote academic performance. The success of what is done in the school is attributed to the headteacher. He or she is the pivot around which many aspects of the school revolve, being the person in charge of every detail of running the sch ool, be it academic or administrative. Schools can make a difference to stude nt achievement and the headteachers leadership is one factor determining that success. It is therefore important that the performance of a school is appraised against the performance of the person who leads it. The purpose of the study was to investigate the role of the headteacher in academic achievement in Ke nya Certifica te of Secon dary Education examinations in Vihiga district in Western province. The study was occasioned by the continued poor perfo rman ce by most secon dary schools in V ihiga district. The findings of the study showed that headteachers used quality improvement measu res, teamwork and ensured that the staff w as w ell established as organizational sk ills that influenced academic achievement. The headteac hers were also involved in academic activities by observing and checking the students and teachers work, monitoring students discipline and helping in eradicating cheating in examinations. Key w ords: Academic achievement, effectiveness, efficiency, headteacher, high performing schools, horizontal teaching, instructional supervision, performance, school size staffing, supervision and vertical teaching INTRODUCTION The education system in Kenya is largely examination oriented. The quality of educ ation ten ds to be evaluated in terms of the number of students passing national exam inations (Eshiwani, 1993). Educators and the general public have time and again expressed concern over factors that influe nce studen t perform ance in examinations. The most outstanding factor has to do w ith the organizational management of schools. For instance, Rutter et al. (1979) and W ekesa (199 3) note that to improve students performan ce head teachers are required first to improve the managem ent of the schools. This can be done by setting a clear vision for the schools and com mun icate this vision to students, supp ort its achievement by giving instructional leadership, provision of resources and being visible in every part of the institution. Lack of vision in the management of schools often leads to imbalance in the allocation and use of resources. This is why Ayot and Briggs (1992) point out that, poor results in education are related to the resources allocated to it. If this parameter is not recogn ized, it become s very difficult to understand why a school continues to perform poorly in nation al examina tions. For exa mple in schools whe re parents are doing their best in providing school facilities, such as science equipment, textbooks and physical structures, the blame for poor performance is shifted to teach ers. Both the government and parents expect teachers to perform better at their present levels of training. The whole issue of students performance should be considered from the broad framework of inp ut and outpu t. One of the core fun ctions of schools is to take human raw material (students) and convert them into something more valuable, as in employable adults. Of paramount importance, therefore, is the proper management of teachers for its absence w ill invariably lead to low productivity on the part of the teachers (Republic of Kenya, 1988). Head teachers as schools chief executives, are charg ed w ith this daunting task of managing teache rs among other school resources. Toward this end, Ayot and Briggs (1992) are of the view that input-output studies shou ld be done using learning achieved as seen from student examination performance. Th e impact of school managem ent is an essential element in such studies. Although the ability level of a schools form one intake coup led w ith availability of learning resou rces are significant factors in performan ce, some b right students have performed poorly in the absence of good management and organization in various schools (Griffins, 1994). Accord ing to C hitiavi (20 02), there is no doubt that every Head teachers dream is to get his school ranked among the best in national examinations results. W hen results are eventually release d, schools with good investments reap g ood results over w hich they celebrate jubilantly. Statistics reveal that some schools perform exce ptionally well while others perform poorly. A closer investigation reveals that good performance does not just

Corresponding Author: L.M. Lydiah, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya 84

Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 happen. It is a result of good teaching a nd overall effective headship. The quality of leadership makes the difference between the success and failure of a school (M illette, 1988). He further explains that research and inspection clarify the extent to which the quality of leadership is crucial to improvement. In highly effective schools, as well as sch ools w hich have reversed a trend of poor performance and declining achievement it is the headteacher who sets the pace, leading and motivating pupils and staff to perform to their hig hest potential. Schools can make a difference to students achievement and hea dteachers leadership is one of the factors which contribute to success or failure. Other school factors that the headteacher ought to address due to their influe nce o n students behaviour an d scholastic achievement include: Amount of teaching and degree of acad emic emp hasis; the extent and nature of ability groupings; teacher expectation; styles of teaching and classroom manageme nt; size of the school; patterns of discipline and characteristics of school climate (Rutter et al.,1979). Headteachers in effective sc hools therefore involve themselves in improving instruction and training and are responsible for day-to-day assignment of duties and supervision of the teachers (Republic of Kenya, 1988). Teachers are nominally required to follow the directions given by the headteachers of which the y are liable for d isciplinary action. According to Sushila (2004), the headteacher is the leader in a scho ol, the pivot around which many aspects of the school revolve, and the person in ch arge of every detail of the running of the school, be it academic or administrative. The headteacher should be involved in making most of the decisions of the school. It is therefore important that the headteacher is a leader, a thinker and a decision mak er. A d iscreet headteacher will employ teamw ork as a working strategy. He will set up committees and smaller groups of m emb ers of staff to investigate ideas or strategies. It therefore behoves the headteacher to be a good team player. It is important that the performance of a school is appraised against the performan ce of the person w ho leads it. Research findings reveal that school improvement and effectiveness can be realized through contributions made by va rious inputs. A ccord ing to M ingat (cited in Chitiavi, 2002), the inputs displayed in Table 1 are crucial in the acade mic perform ance of a sch ool. The inp uts in Table 1 that co ntribute to goo d results are appropriately applied when the headteacher is keen on academ ic achievement and is prepared to provide effective leadership. It is therefore evident that a headteacher who properly exercises his or her leadership responsibility w ill enab le his or her school to realize go od ac adem ic achievem ent. This augments the fact that effective management and organization is a prime contributory factor in achievement (C hitiavi, 2002). Indeed, the better education one is exposed to, the higher his/her chances are of future success. This is perhaps why the public debate about educ ational quality is largely reduced to a consideration of the effectiveness 85
Table 1: Contributions made by achievement Inp uts Effective teaching Adequate textbooks/tuition and equipment Good ph ysical facilities effectively used Others e.g. supervision, inspec tion and com mun ity supp ort Total Source: Chitiavi (2002) various inputs for acad e m ic

% Co ntribu tion to goo d res ults 75 15 9 1 100

of schools as production units. The concern for efficiency by the clients of education reflect an interest in minimizing inputs to achieve a maximum level of output and that sch ools should be viewed as units of production whose performance is regulated by the mechanism of consumer choices ba sed on information about their efficiency (Norris, 1993). The Minister for Education in 1987 observed that poor performance in some of the scho ols is not as a result of lack of learning resources. It is rather lack of commitment to the task, the school personnel were called upon to perform (Republic of Ken ya, 1988 ). Kwakwa (1973) describes the headteacher as the keeper of keys, the director of transportation, the coordinator of correspondence, the quartermaster of stores, the divisor of intricate schedules, the publisher of handbooks, the director of public relations and the instructional leader. The headteacher is therefore a key person in any education system. He takes care of the final arrang eme nts for the education of students in a sch ool. His role cannot be taken for granted if he is expected to give the right kind of educ ation to students, hence this sets the focus of the study. Konchar (19 88) states that: Schools are bad or good, in a healthy or unhealthy men tal, moral and physical condition, flourishing or perishing, as the principal is capable, energetic of high ideals o r the reverse. Schools rise to fameor sink to obscurity as greater or lesser principals have charge of them. It is said the school is as great as the princip al, because of every thing in the school, the plant, the staff, the curriculum methods and techniques of teachinghuman relationships, bear the impress of his or her person ality. Schools do not become great because of magnificent buildings but because of mag nificent principals (p.13). The quality of education as measured by student achievement in national examinations is considered as below averag e stand ards (O ngiri and Abdi, 20 04). This fact concurs with what the government of Kenya no ted in its Master Plan on Education and Training (1997-2 010) that the majority of schools fall short of providing for the learning needs of their students, leading to poor academ ic performance (Republic of Kenya, 1998). Ongiri and Abdi (2004) reported that many of the countrys 4,000

Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 second ary schools post bad exam inations results year in year out and that there are only about 600 schools that excel and if a student is not in any of these schools he or she is not exp ected to get a credible grade . W andiba (1996) rem arked that schools in W estern Kenya, once the pride of the nation in academ ic excellence, have dropped drastically in educational standards. He attributed these poor standards to unpreparedness among members of the teaching fraternity, rampant absenteeism and drunkenness. Something is wrong as far as teacher competency and instructional matters are concern ed an d only those headteac hers who are keen o n good performance w ill resolve this problem. It is ag ainst this back ground tha t a research need arose to determine the role of the headteacher in academic achievement in Vih iga D istrict. Statement of the Problem: Performance in national exam inations in secondary schools in Vihiga district is poor. The perform ance of the district in national examinations between the years 2000-2003 was examined. Table 2 gives a comparison of Vihiga district with other districts in the province. Poor performance has persisted despite the fact that the schools in the District are assumed to be having adeq uate and w ell-trained teachers, fairly w ell qualified pupils from primary schools, trained and qualified head teachers. The reasons for poor performance cannot be easily discern ed w ithout focused inve stigation . Surveys on examination performance have show n that a majority of schools which display good results each year have adeq uate facilities and good human resources. Certainly, the same cannot be said of Vihiga district. This is because the district has consistently posted poor examination results in the previous years as sho wn in Tab le 3. Table 3 shows that 8.33 percent are high performing schools, 20.24 percent are averag e perfo rming schools and 71.43 percent are low performing schools. The high percentage of poor performing schools reflects the poor performance in Vihiga district. The problem of poor performance in examinations is costly for any country since education is a major contributor to econom ic grow th (Atkinson, 1987). Headteachers play a significant role in determining academic perform ance in a sch ool du e to their tasks and roles. Purpose and Objectives of the Study: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the headteache r in acad emic achievement in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination in Vihiga District. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to: (i) Investigate the headteachers organizational skills that influence high academic achievement of stud ents in secondary schools. (ii) Identify the academ ic activities the headteacher participates in that he lp to imp rove academic performance.
Table 2: W estern Province K CSE performa nce per d istrict for the period 2000-2003 District Mean score for ------------------------------------------------------------2000 2001 2002 2003 Butere/Mumias 5.61 5.36 5.25 5.38 Lug ari New 5.17 4.81 4.94 Teso 5.24 5.12 5.03 5.42 Bungoma 5.37 4.79 4.58 5.38 Bu sia 4.9 5.21 5.43 5.76 Mt.Elgon 4.55 4.81 4.41 4.67 Vihiga 4.50 4.60 4.45 4.46 Kakamega 4.65 4.73 4.87 4.55 Source: PDEs Office Kakamega (2004) Tab le 3: Vih iga District K.C .S.E performance for the period 2000-2003 Categ ory No % Hig h pe rform ing s cho ols 7 8.33 Av erag e pe rform ing s cho ols 17 20.24 Lo w p erfor min g sc hoo ls 60 71.43 Total 84 100.00 Source: DEOs Office Kakamega (2004)

Research Questions: The following specific research questions guided the study: (i) (ii) W hat are the headteachers organ izational skills that influe nce acade mic achiev eme nt? W hich academic activities does the headteacher participate in to help improve academic performance?

Assumptions of the Study: Basic assumptions of the study were that: (i) The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination is a reliable and accurate instrument for measuring student achievement at the secondary school level. (ii) Headteachers are trained and q ualified perso ns in management of school curriculum. (iii) Head teachers ensure that human and material resources are provided for and effectively used for teaching. (iv) Headteachers supervise an d provide fo r academic and professional guidance to the teachers. (v) All secondary schools in Vihiga district offer similar curriculum as required by the Ministry of Edu cation. (vi) All schools are adequately equipped and staffed. (vii) The head teacher is the central factor determining acad emic achievem ent in the school. Significance of the Study: The study confirms that head teachers leadership style has an influence on school performance. When other factors are held constant it was found that the head teachers who were involved in acad emic activities, provided adequate teaching and learning facilities achieved better results than those who did not. The finding s of this study therefore wo uld be significant in various ways: first on the theoretical value, they would pro vide g reater insight to the administrators and managers of schools into the factors that contribute to


Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 high academic perform ance in schools in Vihiga district. Second on the practical value, the findings would serve as reference points for headteachers of schools in Vihiga district on management skills that would lead to improvement of students performance in national examinations. Besides, the findings would also enlighten school headteachers in order to address the problem of how to improve students achievement in national examinations. The findings of the study would also benefit Kenya Education staff Institute (KE SI) with regard to salient training needs for headteachers that need to be addressed in Vih iga district. Scope of the Study: The study included a sample of high performing schools, average performing schools, and those that performed poorly in Vihiga district. The study focused on the role of the he adteacher in academic achievement of secondary schools in Vihiga district. The headteac hers and teachers of the sample schools were the respondents. They provided information on the role of the headteacher in relation to the two variables assumed to be the major contributors to performance in KCSE examinations. Limitations of the Study: The study was limited to only two variables namely: organizational skills and participation in academic activities. Other relevant variables that have no t been covered w ill form the basis for further research. Given that he study covered Vihiga District only the findings can not be generalized for the whole country. Performance was only limited to KCSE examination results. Formative evaluation was not put into consideration. Determin ation of the relationship between the head teachers role and academ ic achievement was inferred from the head teachers involvement in these two variables which are attributes of effective schools. Th erefore this relationship was not based on statistical analysis. Conceptual Framew ork: The study was conceptualized basing on the variables that were used in the study. In this conceptual framework it was conceptualized that high acad emic achievement was influenced by a combination of various variables, namely organizational skills and participation in academ ic activities. The focus was on the headteacher who was the central independent variable. Organizational skills and participation in academ ic activities depended on the headteacher and eventually determined the kind of results. An effective head teacher ensures that he employs organizational skills which lead to effective teaching resulting into high academic achievem ent. Organizational skills that influence acad emic achievement include the head teachers organizational strategies, quality improvement measures, and skills in curriculum based establishment and teamwork. The conceptual framework is useful to the study in various w ays. First the study is based on the premise that headsh ip plays a sign ificant role in determ ining academic perform ance . Seco nd, he adsh ip 87 encompasses a variety of tasks and roles whose effective ope ratio n a l i sa t i o n posit i ve ly a ff ec ts ac a de m ic achievement. Given the fact that the study investigated these factors, the concep tual model is invaluable. MATERIALS AND METHODS Research Design: The study design used was descriptive analysis. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993) describe descriptive analy sis as that method that involves asking a large group of peop le questions about a particular issue. Information is obtained from a sample rather than the entire population at one point in time which may range from one day to a few weeks. T he study em ploye d descriptive analysis to establish opinions and knowledge about the role of the headteacher in academic achievement. Any research undertaking involv es lots of cost implication s hence this design was deliberately selected for the stud y bec ause it allows for quick data collection at a comparatively cheap cost (Grinne l, 1993). Area of study: Vihiga district formed the study area. It was curved out of Kakamega district in 1991. It borders Kakamega district on the N orth, N andi to the East, Kisumu district to the South and Siaya to the Southw est. The district is divided into six administrative divisions nam ely Vihiga, Sabatia, Tiriki East, Tiriki W est, Emuhaya and Luanda. According to the National Population census of 1989, the district had a total population o f 460,538 (Republic of Ken ya, 1997 ). Study Pop ulation: The study focused on the 84 second ary schools in Vihiga District with a population of 26,979 students, 84 head teachers and 1,280 teachers. The high performing schools w ere seven, average performing schools were 17 and the remaining 60 were poor performing schools. It had 13 girls boarding schools, seven boys boarding schools and 64 mixed boarding and day schools. The district had more mixed day than single sex boarding schools. That could be attributed to the high poverty levels in the district that made boarding fees too high for most paren ts to afford . The secon dary schools that met the cond itions of the study were those that h ad presented candidates for the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNE C) between 2000- 2003. Sam ple and Sampling Technique: The secondary scho ols were stratified into high performing with a mean score of 6.00 and above in KCSE exam inations, average performing with a mean score of 5.00 to 5.9 in KCSE examinations and low performing schools with a mean score of 4.9 and below in KCSE exam inations (of 2000 to 2003).The identification of schools was based on the mean examination scores posted in the Kenya Certifica te of Secondary Education examinations for the four years of study. Saturated sampling method was used to select the high and averag e perfo rming schools, while stratified random sampling method was used to select the poor

Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 performing schools. There were seven high performing schools, 17 average performing schools and 60 poor performing schools. A third of the poor performing scho ols were randomly sampled. A sample of 44 schools was selected based on the above stratification. The principa ls of the 44 sampled schools participated in the study. Similarly, 8 teachers from each school were sampled to participate. In total 396 respo ndents w ere selected for the study. The population and the sample of the study are shown in Table 4. Instrum ents for Data Collection: The da ta were collected using questionnaires, interviews and document analy sis guide. The questionnaire was preferred for its suitability to this study. It was suitable as a method of data collection because it allowed the researcher to reach a larger sample within limited time. It also ensures confidentiality and thus gathers more candid and objective replies. The questionnaires were prepared both for head teachers and class teachers. The document analysis method focused on the observation of documents that are relevant such as lesson books, schemes of work, school attendance registers and records of work covered and stores ledgers with a view to obtaining inform ation on the headteache rs role in acad emic achievement in secondary schools of Vihiga district. Face to face interview w as also used because it helped to enlist the cooperation of respondents and establish a rapport with them. Borg et al. (1993) observe that questionnaires are often used to collect ba sic descriptive information from a large sample while interviews are used to follow up questionnaires, responses in-dep th with a smaller sample. The three instruments, that is, questionnaire, interview s and docu men t analysis guide were used in the study for the purpose of triangu lation and confirming information collected from variou s respo ndents. The Head teachers Questionnaire (H/TQ): The headteachers questionna ire had two sections. Section A of the questionnaire comprised general information from the schools in V ihiga D istrict and Section B comprised open-ended questions related to the role of the headteac her. The questions included the headteachers role in curriculum implementation and supervision, motivation and evaluation. The num ber of respon dents was seven from the high performing schools, 17 from the average performing schools and 20 headteachers from the low performing schools. The Teac hers Q uestionn aire (C/T Q): The teachers questionnaire was used to collect data on the head teachers role in academic performance in Vihiga District. It sought information on edu cation inputs prevailing in schools that affected performance. This included the headteachers organization, provision of facilities, internal supervision and motivation. In part two of the section the teachers were asked to give their views
Table 4: Schools stratified by performance and sample selection Scho ols me an sco re Girls Boys Mixed Total Sam ple 6.00 and above 3 3 1 7 7 5.00-5.99 3 4 10 17 17 1.00-4.99 7 nil 53 60 20 Total 13 7 64 84 44 Source: District Education Office Vihiga: 2003

on how the headteachers would promote acad emic achievement in the schools. Th e num ber of respon dents was 56 from the high performing schools, 136 from the average performing schools, and 160 from the low performing schools. Interviews: Face to face interviews of 44 headteachers of the schools involved in the study were conducted. The headteac hers were better placed to give detailed information on the study. The interviews were administered to the principals of high, average and low performing schools with an aim of getting more information on the role of the headteache r in academ ic achievem ent. Responses from interviews were recorded under headings emerging from interviews with the interviewees. It was hoped that this would give a deeper insight into the inputs that would be assoc iated m ore w ith exam ination perform ance . Document Analysis: School documents that are relev ant, nam ely lesson books, schemes of work, registers, records of work covered, and attendance records were examined. This was done with a view to obtaining the headteachers supervisory role in curriculum implementation in the selected schools. In examining the records the researcher used a docume nt analysis pro forma. Validity and Reliability of the Instruments: It was necessary to ascertain the validity and reliability of the instruments used to collect data so that the research findings could be reliab le. In order to asc ertain content and face validity, the questionnaires and in-dep th interviews were presented to three lecturers in the Department of Educational Management and Foundations at Maseno University who are authorities in the area for scrutiny and advice. The contents and impressions of the instrum ents were improved based on the authorities advice and comments. The questionnaire and interview items were then constructed in a way that they related to each question. That ensured that all research questions were cov ered. Grinnel (1993) observes that reliability measures the degree of accuracy in the measurements an instrument provides. It ensures that the instrum ents genera te similar data when used by independent researchers. He further observes that to remove possible errors, every instrument should be tested before it is formally administered. To ensure reliability of the instruments the researcher conducted a pilot study in tw o secondary schools in Vihiga district before the actual study. The two schools were not included in the main study. The main purpose of


Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 the pilot study was to ch eck o n suitab ility and the clarity of the questions on the instruments designed, relevance of the information being sought, the language used and the content validity of the instruments from the responses given. Methods of Data Analysis: The data collected from questionnaires was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics (freque ncies and p ercen tages). The descriptive analy sis was appropriate for this study because it involved the description, analysis and interpretation of circumstances prevailing at the time of study. B asic statistical techniques were used to analyze various items of the questionnaire. These included averages, percentages, frequencies and totals. This study used frequencies and percentages because they easily com mun icate the rese arch findings to majority of readers (Gay, 1992). Frequencies easily show the number o f subjects in a given category. A number of tables and charts were used to present data findings. D ata collected was analyzed according to the nature of the response. Once the coding was completed, the responses were transferred into a summary sheet by tabulating. This was then tallied to establish frequencies, which w ere converted to percentage of the total number. Responses from open-ended questions were recorded. To determine the frequencies of each response, the number of respondents giving similar answ ers w as converted to perce ntage s to illustrate related levels o f opinio n. Interviews were carried out in the sampled schools. Responses from in-depth interviews were transcribed. The transcribed data was then organized in themes and categories that emerged. Information from the records on the role of the headteacher was used to complement and to cross check data collected using the main instruments. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Head teachers Quality Improvement Mea sures: The head teachers w ere asked to state the quality improvement measures they employed to influence the performance of their schools. Table 5 shows the various quality improvement measures used by the headteachers. The head teachers use of quality improvement measures influenced results of schools. From Table 5 it is evident that the high performing schools indicated that they strongly put into consideration frequent testing and giving of feedback, remedial teaching, and controlled entry mark for students join ing the school and provision of learning resources as measures to improve students performance in the K CSE examin ations. M ost of the scho ols had established facilities and this was a priority issue. On the other hand in the low performing schools, these measures had not taken root adequately. Testing and feedback involved having target mean scores for each class and m easuring on the level of achiev eme nt. Rem edial lea rning was used to help the slow learners catch up w ith the others. The entry mark o f a student was important since those with high entry marks tended to perform better than those with low entry marks. Interviews revealed other important variables that influenced examination performance. Frequent testing was carried out by 6 out of 7 headteachers of high performing schools w hile 5 out of 7 hea dteachers mentioned that they had thorough revision prior to the start of national examinations. These headteachers also viewed teacher experience as a good indicator of good results. Among the headteachers of the average and low performing schools, 8 out of 17 and 9 out of 20 respectively carried out these activities. The rest of the teachers in these two categories said that they did not have ample time to cover the syllabus in order to carry out frequent tests and remed ial teaching. A grim picture of schools that performed poorly was presented. The he adteache rs of the low performing scho ols cited ad mitting students with low marks, thus 15 out of 17 and 17 out of 20 said that they had no students books except reference material for the teachers. Th is agreed with the view of Sweeney (1982) that the he a dte a c he rs o r g a n i za t i o na l s kills influenced performance. Also Sweeney (1982) figures that the direct respo nsibility for improving instruction and learning rested in the hands of the school principal who must be resourceful in terms of organizational ac ume n. This acumen is usually expressed in the effective school philosophy. There was strong evidence from studies that schools organizational management greatly influenced student academic outco mes. For exam ple Rutter et al. (1979) found a nu mbe r of differences in student outcomes in secondary schools in pupils behavior, attendance, examination success and delinquency based on management characteristics of the schools. What teachers do in schools has a real effect on the welfare of the pupils. Team Building: The head teachers w ere asked to indica te how they fostered team building in their schools. The ir responses are summarized in Fig. 1. From Fig. 1 it is evident that over 70 percent of the headteachers in the high p erform ing schools encouraged teamw ork in schools by having a get together to celeb rate and review any achievement, ensuring reg ular staff meetings and constant briefings and consultation, appreciating each others contribution and participation in decision making. However only 57.14 percent of the headteac hers took into consideration vertical teaching. The headteachers in the average performing schools put into consideration exam coordination (70.59 %) and delegation of responsibilities (76.47%). Howev er less than 65 percent of the average performing schools headteac hers had regular staff meetings, vertical teaching, conflict resolution and get togethe r to foster team building in their schools. It is also evident that high performing scho ols encouraged teamwork; get together, regular staff meetings, exam coordination and conflict resolution leading to better p erform ance . This is in com parison with those in the average and low performing categories whose


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Table 5: Summary of responses on quality improvement measures Control measures High performing ----------------------------------N=7 % Co ntrols entry mark 5 71.42 Teachers clear roles 6 85.71 Frequent testing and feedback 6 85.71 Remedial learning 4 57.14 Syllabus coverage 5 71.42 Check ing teachers and s tuden ts work 4 57.14

Average performing -------------------------------------N=17 % 12 70.59 9 52.94 8 47.06 8 47.06 6 35.29 7 41.18

Low performing ------------------------------------N=20 % 12 60 3 15 9 45 11 55 3 15 5 25

Fig. 1: The head teachers strategies used in teamwork performance was lower. Team building is therefore an important aspect in performance. The study revealed that skills in curriculum deployment of teachers, the head teachers quality improvement measures and team building were the organizational skills that influenced performance in scho ols. The Head teachers In volve me nt in A cadem ic Activities: The question responded to was: W hat academic activities does the head teacher participate in to help improve academic performance? The teachers we re asked to appraise their headteac hers with regard to variables such as observing and checking students and teachers work, ensuring that all departments had enough teachers, participation in internal classroom supervision, era dicating che ating in examinations among students and monitoring students discipline. Their respon ses we re as summarized in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 shows that over 70 percent of the hea dteachers in the high performing schools checked the teachers and students work, ensured that all departments had enough teachers, were involved in internal classroom supervision, helped in eradicating cheating among students, and also 90 monitored students discipline. The average performing schools headteachers ensured that all departments had enough teachers (65.44%), had internal classroom supervision (71.32%), and helped eradicate cheating (80.14% ). Less than 50 percent of them checked teachers and students work and mon itored stu dents discipline. On the other hand , less than 65 percent of the head teachers in the low performing schools participated in these activities except for discouraging cheating among students in which 75 percent were said to participate. It was evident that headteachers who check teachers and students work, ensured that all departments had enough teachers, carried out internal classroom supervision, helped in eradicating cheating among students and were keen on monitoring students discipline thus leading to good performance. From Fig. 2 it can be o bserv ed that schools in the high performing category had a high percentage of headteac hers who checked teachers and students work, ensured that all departments had enough teachers, organized for internal classroom supe rvision, helped in eradicating cheating in examinations and monitored students discipline. The average and low performing schools percentages were also reflected in the results of the two categories.

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Fig. 2: The teachers evaluation on the headteachers involvement in academic activities Key: S1 - checks teachers and students work S2 ensures that all departments have enough teachers S3 Organizes for internal classroom supervision. S4 - helps in eradicating cheating in examination. S5 Monitors students discipline. CONCLUSION W hat are the head teachers organizational skills that influen ce academ ic achievem ent? The study revealed that one of the organizational skills that the headteachers used was to en sure that the staff was well established. This skill was practiced by all the headteac hers in the schools. The headteachers ensured that the departments had enough teachers by employing teachers in subjects they were not adequately staffed. Another skill used by the headteachers was the quality improvement measu res. The study revealed that the quality improvement measures headteachers employed included entry mark of students to form one, syllabus coverage, remedial learning, testing and feedback and having clear roles for teachers. The study also revealed that the headteachers use of teamw ork was another organizational skill used to influence performance in their schools. In teamwork delegation of duties ensured that work was done effectively. They also had regular staff meetings where planning and d ecision s we re made jointly and policies well communicated. Vertical teaching was used instead of horizo ntal teaching. W hich academic activities does the head teacher participate in that help improve academic performance? The head teachers involvement in academic activities included observing and checking teachers and students work, monitoring studen ts discipline, helping in eradicating cheating in examinations among students, internal classroom supervision and ensuring that all departments had enough teachers. The main purpose of the study was to find out the role of the head teacher in academic achievement in secondary schools of Vihiga district. Percentages for high, average and low performing schools we re worked out. The headteachers use of the five variables determined the schools performance. This was reflected in the high percentages of the high performing schools, followed by average performing schools and lastly low percentages from the low performing sch ools. Con clusions are based on the five rese arch q uestions. The following conclusions were reached: 1 The head teachers organizational skills that influenced high acade mic achievem ent of studen ts in second ary schools included skills in curriculum based establishment, quality improvement measures and teamwork. The results of a school were determined by the application of these skills. 2 The head teachers involvem ent in acade mic activities such as checking of teachers and students work, helping in eradicating cheating among students


Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci., 1(3): 84-92, 2009 in examinations, internal classroom supervision and monitoring students discipline contribute towards the academ ic performan ce of a school. RECOMMENDATIONS Policy Recom mend ations: The findings of the study have implications for policy. Therefore the following is recommended emanating from the findings of the study: 1 Head teachers sho uld em ploy o rganizational skills such as teamwork and various quality improvement measures so as to influence the performance of the schools. Practice Recom mend ations: The findings of the study have implications for practice 1 Head teachers should be actively involved in acad emic activities so as to influence the school academic performance. Recommendations for Further Research: The study did not exha ust all matters related to it. Other issues emanated from the study that require further investigation. These are as follows: 1 More comprehensive studies should be undertaken to include a larger population in order to ascertain or not whether the problem transcends other district REFERENCES Atkinson, G.B..J., 1987. The Economics of Education. Lon don: Hodder and S tough ton Educational. Ayot, H.O., and H. Briggs, 1992. Economics of Education. Nairobi: Educational Research and Publications. Chitiavi, M.J., 2002. Guidance and Counseling Series School administration. Nairobi: Kenya Pavement Publishers. Eshiwani, G.S., 1993. Education in Kenya since Indepen dence. N airobi: Governmen t printer. Fraenkel, R.J. and E.N. Wallen, 1993. How to Design and Evaluate Research. 4th Edn., Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. Griffins, G., 19 94. School Mastery. Straight Talk About Boarding School Management in K enya. Na irobi: Lectern Publishers Kenya. Grinnel, M.R.J.R., 1993. Social Work Reseach and Evaluation. 4th Edn. Illinois: F.E Peacock Publishers, Inc. Konchar, S.K., 1988. Secondary School Administration. New D elhi: Sterling Publishers private Ltd. Kwakwa, M ., 1973. Is the School Principal an Educational Leader or an Admin istrator?. J. Edu., 4(1): 10. Millette, A., 19 88. Tes / kelle lectures on educational leadership in the millennium professionals, pedagogy and leadership. A lecture given on 3 June. Ministry of Education, 1979. A manual for heads of second ary schools in ke nya. Nairo bi: Jom o Kenyatta Foundation. Norris, 1993. Evaluation, Economics and Performance Indicators. In: Reconstructing Teacher Education. J. Elliot, (Ed.). London: Falmer Press. Ong iri. I. and A. A bdi, 2004. H ard wo rk is the secret of success. Nairobi: Kenya. The Standard, March 21, pp: 5. Republic of Kenya, 1988. Report of the presidential working party on education and manpower training for the next decade and beyo nd. N airobi: Gov ernmen t printer. Republic of Kenya, 1988. Report of the education administration conference. Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation. Republic of Kenya, 199 8. M aster plan on education and training 1997-2010. N airobi: Governmen t printer. Rutter, M., B. M augham , P. M ortimer and A . Smith, 1979. Fifteen thousa nd hours in secondary schools and their effects on children. C ambridg e Hav ard University U.S.A. Sushila, B., 2004. Mana gement and evaluation of schools. Nairobi: Oxford Un iversity Press, East African Ltd. W andiba, S., 199 6. Inco mpe tence Low ers A cade mic Excellence in W estern Kenya. Kenya Times, Nairobi: Kenya. May 28, pp: 12. W ekesa, G.W., 1993. The impacts of headteachers instructional leadership on student academ ic achievement i n k en y a, U npublished Ph .D . Dissertation, Teach ers college, Co lumb ia, Columb ia University.


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