Caitanya Lila For Kids

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For fu our lecture yaa Gos world t haktivednta Nr isit: dB ak ti.t v please v r rma purebh
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- - English Titles by Sri- Sri- mad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami- Maharaja .

r Caitanya-ll for Children Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this work, so long as you attribute the Gauravani Publications and distribute with the same or compatible license any resulting work derived from this book. For more information, see full license at
- - - Paintings on pages v,vi,vii and viii Anuradha dasi . -- - Paintings on pages ix,x and xi Gopali dasi . Cover drawing and all line sketches in the book Jayadeva dasa. - - - The photo of Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja on page xiii Stephen Knapp (
First printing, Gaur Purnima 2009, 1000 copies Printed at Samrat Press, B-88, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II, New Delhi 110 020, India

Arcana-dpik Beyond Liberation Bhakti-rasmta-sindhu-bindu Bhajana-rahasya Bhakti-rasyana Bhakti-tattva-viveka Brahma-sahit Dmodara-ll-mdhur Essence of the Bhagavad-gt Five Essential Essays Going Beyond Vaikuha Happiness in a Fools Paradise Jaiva-dharma Mana-ik Pinnacle of Devotion Prabandhval Secret Truths of the Bhgavatam Secrets of the Undiscovered Self iva-tattva r Camatkra-candrik

r Dmodarakam r Gauya Gti-guccha r Gt-govinda r Gop-gta r Harinma Mah-mantra r Prema-samputa r Navadvpa-dhma Parikram r ikaka r Upademta r Vraja-maala Parikram rla Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvm His Life and Teachings rmad Bhagavad-gt The Butter Thief The Essence of All Advice The Nectar of Govinda-ll The Origin of Ratha-ytr The Way of Love Veu-gta Rays of The Harmonist (periodical)

r Caitanya-ll for Children

A journey through the life and teachings of the Golden Avata ra Sri Caitanya Maha prabhu

compiled under the guidance of r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Gosvm Mahrja

Adaptations from r Caitanya-caritmta by Ka dsa Kavirja Gosvm, r Caitanya-bhgavata by rla Vndvana dsa hkura the lectures of r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Gosvm Mahrja


Preface xv Introduction First Part The Way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus Mission Began 5 Captivating the Hearts of All 9 Childhood 13 The Foolish Thieves 14 Stealing the Brahmanas Offerings 17 . xvii

- vi - r Caitanya Ll for Children

by, ys passed As the da - -devi i on of Sac small s the . Yet e naughty came quit be not ghtiness is Gods nau e he Suprem urs. He is t like o ss is naughtine d, and His Lor ful. nd worship harming a c
(page 9)


- vii -

Nimais Naughtiness 23 Gentle Visvaru pa 27 Nimais Studies Begin 30 Sri Nityananda Prabhu 36 Nimai Weds Laksmi -priya 39 . Loving Dealings in Navadvi pa The Proud Scholar 48 The Disappearance of - 52 Laksmi -priya devi . Sri Visnu-priya 54 . . Sri Haridasa Thakura 56 .


Visvambhara Journeys to Gaya


- viii - r Caitanya Ll for Children

y Nimai yesterda now, As you k aya, k from G ame bac went Pandita c .. them. I dita told an . e Sri man P . the sam He is not , and so to see Him ow He is - i as before. N that Nima e told us sweet. H nd t the humble a a, He me as in Gay w - - a while He -a Puri pad Sri Isvar isnava great Va . . - apadmaalled Pad e c iation at a plac eived init even rec e i t- rtha. H ) . (page 63 from him


- ix -

Second Part

Nimai the Vaisnava 67 . . - i Panditas Perplexed Students Nima .. . Visvambharas Sanki rtana Movement Begins 75 The Meeting of Visvambhara and Nityananda Prabhu 77 The Story of Jagai and Madhai 80 The Chand Kazi 85 Nimais Sannyasa 91



r Caitanya Ll for Children

net om this pla eparture fr His d e ndental. H lly transce was fu f the deity o ared into disappe - - a. In this - . o. - Sri T ta-gopi nath Sri d His conclude y, the Lord wa aving is Earth, le mes on th pasti s to d devotee His belove y and sorbed da ecome ab b of Him. mbrance ht in reme nig 137 )

- xi Third Part The Lord Travels to Puri 97 Mahaprabhu Leaves for South India The Leper Va sudeva 105


- Lord Caitanya Meets Ramananda Raya 107 Mahaprabhu Defeats the Buddhists 109 Pastimes in South India 111 - King Prataparudra and the Ratha-yatra Festival 117 Lord Caitanya Journeys to Sri Vr ndavana . - ma 121 Dha 127 133

- Sri la Sanatana Gosvami 123 - Si vananda Sena and the Dog - The Gambhi ra 131 Final Pastimes 135

Lord Caitanya and the Fisherman

- xii - r Caitanya Ll for Children

The true stories in this book about the life of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were written down by His eternal associates. These records were then handed down through generations of bona fide spiritual masters to the present day.
r rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Gosvm Mahrja

intently travels the world to impart to as many as possible the reasons for Mahprabhus advent Founder crya of the International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society

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r rmad Bhaktivednta Vmana Gosvm Mahrja

perfectly exemplified the humility of a servant of r Caitanya Mahprabhu crya of r Gauya Vednta Samiti 1968--2004

r rmad Bhaktivednta Svm Mahrja

ingeniously distributed the mercy of Mahprabhu to the residents of Western countries Founder crya of the International Society for Ka Consciousness (ISKCON)

- xiv - r Caitanya Ll for Children

r rmad Bhakti Prajna Keava Gosvm Mahrja r rmad Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Prabhupda
vigorously spread the mission of Mahprabhu throughout India Founder crya of r Gauya Vednta Samiti powerfully spearheaded the campaign to flood the world with the mercy of Mahprabhu Founder of the Gauya Maha

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he Vedic scriptures explain that a person who wants to engage in devotional service to the Supreme Lord r Ka, with the aim of becoming His eternal servant, must take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. Under the guidance of such a guru, one must hear and read about spiritual topics, such as those described in rmad Bhagavad-gt, rmad-Bhgavatam, r Caitanya-caritmta and other scriptures. This practice is beneficial for ones progress on the path of loving devotion to Ka. The young, yet interested, audience often finds these literatures difficult to read and understand. The subject matter is deep and the language complex. I am therefore delighted that we are presenting r Caitanyall for Children. The contents of this compilation have been taken from r Caitanya-bhgavata by r Vndvana dsa hkura, r Caitanya-caritmta by rla Kadsa Kavirja Gosvm, and from some of my own commentaries on these pastimes. This delightful and charming journey through the life and teachings of r Caitanya Mahprabhu is presented in a very simple manner. I hope that by making this important book available to young readers, r Caitanya Mahprabhu, r Nitynanda Prabhu and all Their associates will be pleased. Tridai Bhiku r Bhaktivednta Nryaa

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Compilation & adaptation: Svitr ds This book contains adaptions from r Caitanya-caritmta as translated by A. C. Bhaktivednta Swami Prabhupda BBT and from r Caitanya-bhgavata as translated by r Srvabhauma dsa Editing: Jhnav ds and Vaijayant-ml ds Editing input: Symarn ds, Bhadr ds, Vicitr ds, Symasundara dsa, and Cru-candrik ds Book Layout & Design: Ka-karuya dsa Cover Design: Anupama dsa Poofreading: Sulata ds and Kundalat ds Colour Paintings: Anurdh ds, Gopl ds Line sketches and cover drawing: Jayadeva dsa This first printing was kindly funded by Prema-lat ds and Vicitr ds. We would also like to thank Brajantha Prabhu, Um dd, Vndvana-vilsini ds, and others for their valuable assistance.

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n every millennium, for all of time, the Supreme Lord r Ka appears in each of the unlimited universes. In this present age of Kali, r Ka, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared in this world as r Gaurga Mahprabhu. He descended as the son of Jaganntha Mira and ac-dev in Navadvpa, adorned with the moods and lustre of rmat Rdhr. His unlimited friends, servants, family members and beloveds descended along with Him to join Him in His unique pastime in which His generosity has no limit and His transcendental sweetness abounds. In His previous incarnations He killed the demons with mighty weapons, but as Lord Gaurga, He conquered everyone with His divine love. In this incarnation, His weapons were His own sweet names. Taking the role of a devotee, He taught the world the principles of religion by following and practising them Himself. He also distributed the very rare jewel of loving service to r Rdh-Ka to all humans, animals, trees and creepers. Yes, He freely gave this treasure to everyone and immersed the universe in true, fully spiritual love, leaving no place for misery or lamentation. May that Lord, who is known as the Son of rmat ac-dev, be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart.


r r guru-gaurgau jayata

suvara-varo hemgo varga candanngad sannys-kc chama canto nih-nti-paryaa

Mahbhrata (Dna-dharma 149) / Caitanya-caritmta (di-ll 3.49)

a first appears as a householder with a golden complexion. His limbs are the colour of molten gold. His body is extremely beautiful. He is decorated with sandalwood pulp and continuously chants Ka, Ka. He then accepts sannysa and is always equipoised. He is firmly fixed in His mission of propagating harinma-sakrtaa, and He defeats the impersonalist philosophers who are opposed to bhakti. He is thus the highest abode of peace and devotion.

First Part


r Caitanya Ll for Children

First Part


The Beginning of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus Mission

ive thousand years ago, r Ka, the Lord of all Lords, performed His astonishing pastimes on this very Earth planet and then returned to His own home, Goloka Vndvana. He later considered returning to the Earth, but this time in the role of a devotee. In this way, He would show the world the beauty of the loving devotion His devotees have for Him and He has for them. He wanted to give this gift of loving service, which only He can give, to everybody. How? Just by gathering people together and chanting the holy names of the Lord: Hare Ka Hare Ka, Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma, Rma Rma Hare Hare Why should we chant the Hare Ka mah-mantra? The Lords names are the same as the Supreme Lord r Ka Himself, so this mah-mantra is non-different from Him. It is a transcendental sound vibration. Mahprabhu invested pure loving devotion in this mah-mantra. One who chants this great mantra will understand that one does not belong to this material world, which makes us happy only for a short time and is full of suffering. By chanting, one can become free from this material existence and go to the spiritual world. There one can be with the Supreme Lord Ka and eternally play with Him in His pastimes.


r Caitanya Ll for Children

In His heart, the sweet Lord had three desires that He yearned to fulfil: First, r Ka wanted to understand the glory of rmat Rdhrs love for Him. Who is Rdhr? She is His dear most sweetheart. In Her heart, She is never separated from Ka and serves Him lovingly at every moment and at every step. Rdhrs love for Ka melts His heart. Second, He wanted to taste the nectar of His sweetness as only She does. Lord Ka is the Lord of sweetness inside sweet, outside sweet, just like a toy cow that is made of sugar. Everyone in the company of Ka, like His father and mother, Nanda Mahrja and Yaod; His friends like Subala and Madhumagala; and His true loves, like Lalit, Vikh, and especially rmat Rdhr, taste how sweet He really is, but r Ka cannot taste His own sweetness, just like sugar cannot taste itself. And third, Ka yearned to enjoy Her happiness Himself. He wanted to feel the happiness She feels when relishing His sweet nature because only this makes Her happy. In order to do this, r Ka planned to return to this world with rmat Rdhrs moods and also with Her lustre. He knew that if He would have them, He might be able to fulfil these three deep desires. By the wish of the Lord, His companions had already arrived on the planet Earth. Two of them were r Advaita crya and Lord Balarma, His elder brother. r Advaita crya saw that most people were miserable and living in ignorance because they lacked faith in the Supreme Lord. His soft heart melted and, wanting to give them real help, He decided to call for the Saviour of all, Lord r Ka. He offered Tulas buds and water from the holy river Gag to the Lords lotus feet and called loudly from the core of His heart, Kaaaaaaaaaaa! Kaaaaaaaaaaa!

First Part
His calls to r Ka were so powerful that they shook Lord Nryaas throne in Vaikuha. When Ka heard Advaita cryas loud, heartfelt calls, He decided to appear there immediately as Lord Gaurga. Gaurga means one whose body is golden, just like rmat Rdhrs. Thus, taking rmat Rdhrs lustre and Her moods, He came to fulfil His three wishes, and to respond to the pleas of r Advaita crya. At the right moment, r Ka arranged a lunar eclipse on the full moon night in the month of Phlguna [FebruaryMarch], which inspired everyone to chant the holy names of the Lord. At that special time, the most merciful Lord descended to this Earth with the mood and lustre of rmat Rdhik. He took birth in r Navadvpa-dhma as r Gaurga, the son of r Jaganntha Mira and ac-dev. His mother and father, as well as His elder brother Vivarpa, were overjoyed by His glorious appearance in their home. Above the sound of everyone chanting the holy name was another unique sound, like that of a proud lion, loudly roaring in victory. That roaring vibration filled the whole universe, intriguing everyone. What was that sound? From whom was it coming? The wise immediately knew that this sound came from the village of Ekacakr. Before r Ka took birth as the son of ac-dev, r Balarma had taken birth in Ekacakr as the son of r Hi Paita and r Padmvat-dev. His name was r Nitynanda. When His younger brother arrived on this planet, r Nitynanda began roaring in bliss. Like Lord Caitanya, Lord Nitynanda also has a golden hue. He is always absorbed in thoughts of r Gaurga and He serves Him in all kinds of ways. All glories to the extremely merciful Lord Nitynanda. His kindness is unlimited.



r Caitanya Ll for Children

Lord Gaurga was an astonishingly beautiful, sweet golden baby. For a few reasons, the ladies present at His birth named Him Nimi. First of all, He was born under a large neem tree. And secondly, the leaves of the neem tree are very bitter. Anything bitter is known to give protection. They called Him Nimi to protect Him from danger. And Paita Nlmbara Cakravart gave him the name Vivambhara which means "one who maintains the entire universe". Demigods and goddesses descended from the heavenly realms just to see our golden Lord on the night of His appearance. Bearing many, many gifts, they disguised themselves as human beings. In this way nobody recognized them. Some sang beautiful songs, while others played on musical instruments. Some praised Nimi and others danced and danced in happiness. Some demigods were in a fun-loving mood and teased everyone by moving around the house like shadows. Thief! Theres a thief! some cried out. In this way the demigods had great fun. The mother of the demigods, Aditi, also came to visit baby Nimi, carrying a special grass in her hand. She touched it to Nimis head and blessed Him with a long life. In this way everyone was floating in the happiness of the birth festival of the God of Love.

First Part


Captivating the Hearts of All

he people of Navadvpa celebrated the birth of baby Nimi. They had heard about the good fortune of r Jaganntha Mira and r Sc-dev, and the special beauty of their child. From the beginning of His life, He was spreading love of God. How? Well, He cried often, and whenever His family or friends tried to pacify Him, He would cry even louder until some ladies chanted, Hari! Hari! At that very moment He would laugh joyfully, and everyones heart would melt with love for Him. They quickly came to understand that when baby Nimi was upset, this was the only way to make Him happy. As the days passed by, the small son of ac-dev became quite naughty. Yet Gods naughtiness is not like ours. He is the Supreme Lord, and His naughtiness is charming and worshipful. When there was nobody around, He used to take oil, milk, flour, wheat, and other foodstuffs and throw them all over the floor. Hearing His mothers footsteps, He would quickly sneak back to His bed and loudly cry, Whaaaaaaah! Whaaaaaaah! Once, mother ac took her little baby in her lap and calmed Him down by chanting the names of Lord Hari. She then saw the many foodstuffs strewn all over the floor. Ooooh, she gasped, how did this happen? She turned to her son, who smiled at her with such sweetness and innocence. He was so cute that she tightly embraced Him, grateful that He had not come to any harm. Various guests arrived at that time, and they too wondered how this mess had been made. Nimis father was intrigued. There was no trace of anybody entering the room. They concluded that this was the work of

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an angry ghost or a big demon. Unable to harm Nimi, this demon had thrown everything on the floor and then disappeared. Nimi had another name: Vivambhara. His grandfather Nlmbara Cakravart and other learned gentlemen had given Him this name. Nlmbara Cakravart was an astrologer. He made a special birth chart for Him, which stated that Nimi was just like Lord Nryaa. Before the birth of Vivambhara, who is the saviour of all, people were not happy. There was also much poverty, as it had not rained for a long time and the fields of grains, vegetables and fruit had dried up. As soon as He appeared in this world, good fortune for all appeared. Rain fell at exactly the right times for the crops to grow in abundance, so there was no more shortage of food. The very sight of Vivambhara filled everyone with joy. Indeed, you can see that He takes care of every living being. That is why He is called Vivambhara, the protector of the universe. As Nimi grew, He began to crawl about the house on His hands and knees. At that time He ventured outside, where the insects, ducks, frogs, porcupines and other animals became His playmates. One day, while playing in the courtyard, He saw a huge snake, all coiled up. He grabbed that snake and then sat down on its coil, as though it were a nice soft pillow. The snake raised its hood and held it above Nimis head like an umbrella, as if protecting Nimi from the heat of the sun. When His family and others in the house saw their darling boy joyfully sitting on top of a coiled snake, they cried out in fear. Their neighbours heard their loud cries and hastened to the spot, to find baby Nimi,

First Part
sitting carefree and relaxed on top of the snakes coils. They could not believe their eyes and sent up shouts of Garua! Garua! Garua is a marvellous and extremely large eagle who carries Lord Nryaa wherever He wants to go. When Garua is hungry he eats snakes. Now, because of the big commotion, the snake silently began to slither away, but little Nimi wanted it to stay and tried to stop it. Mother ac picked Nimi up and then she, along with the other ladies of the house, went inside. Why didnt Nimi want the snake to go away? This snake was actually Nitynanda Prabhu, His big brother. One of the forms of Nitynanda Prabhu is Ananta ea, a beautiful, transcendental snake that has millions and millions of hoods. With these millions of hoods Ananta ea tells fascinating and sweet stories about His Lord, r Gaurga. He wanted to see Nimi so much that He came to visit Him in the form of an ordinary snake.

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First Part

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s time passed by, Jaganntha Miras small son started to walk. Now that He could play further away from the house, He became even naughtier than before. Every day He sneaked into the neighbours houses and ate their rice and drank their milk. If He could not find a way to make mischief, He would get upset and gleefully break the earthen pots in their homes. And if there were a little baby in the house, He would pinch it so hard that it would sob loudly. Of course, Nimi quickly ran away in fear of being caught, but sometimes He actually was caught. Looking at His captor with His large lotus eyes, He would solemnly say, I will never do it again. With these words, Nimi melted everyones heart. No one was seriously angry with this darling child. Thus charmed and amused, they let Him go. r Ka stole butter from the houses of the gops. That butter represented their pure love for Him, and they were actually happy that He had stolen it. Now this same naughty Ka was performing similar pastimes as Nimi.

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The Foolish Thieves

imis mother used to dress Him in beautiful clothes and golden ornaments. Once, when He went out to play, two thieves spotted Him and plotted a theft. If we take Nimi to our home, they thought, it will be easy to steal His ornaments. They walked over and greeted Him as if they knew Him. One thief picked up little Nimi and softly said, Oh, my dear, dear child! The other one said, Where have you been all this time? Come, let us go home. Yes, Nimi said, Let us go home. The thief who had picked up little Nimi put Him on his shoulder, and off they went. The thieves were so happy thinking about the wealth they were about to attain that they did not notice which path they were taking. Nimi loved this sight-seeing tour and laughed in glee, and He was most satisfied by the nice milk sweet the thieves gave Him to eat. Meanwhile, Nimis family noticed Him missing and started looking for Him. When they were unable to find Him, they became very worried. The thieves walked for a long, long time, and finally they arrived at what they thought was their hiding place but it was Nimi's home. They put Nimi down so that they could take off all His golden ornaments. How could the thieves be so fooled? The Lord had tricked them with His magic spiritual energy, known

First Part - 15 -

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as Yogamy. She is the inner power of Lord Ka, and she makes special arrangements for the Lords pastimes. Anyway, as soon as He was put down, He ran inside the house and jumped on to His fathers lap. Everyone was so happy that they loudly called out, Hari! Hari! When the thieves heard that sound, they looked at each other and said, Hari, Hari? Hey! Where are we? They came back to their senses and, afraid of being seen, quickly ran away. Nimi, now home safe and sound, explained to His family that He had gone to see the Gag, but had forgotten His way home, and two kind men had helped Him to find His way . Later, when the puzzled thieves arrived back at their place, they said, What happened to us? We were truly tricked! It was only thanks to goddess Durg that we were saved.

Stealing the Bra hmanas Offerings .

First Part

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ne day, a brhmaa who was visiting holy places came to the house of r Jaganntha Mira. This brhmaa was a very good devotee of Lord Ka, and he carried a deity of baby Ka and a lagrma-il (sacred stone form of the Lord). Nimais father welcomed him and offered him a seat. Where do you come from? he asked. I do not stay in any fixed place, the brhmaa said. Rather, I like to roam from one place to another. Would you like to honour prasdam, or would you prefer to cook something for your deities? r Jaganntha Mira asked. The brhmaa told him that he wanted to cook, and so they cleaned the kitchen and brought herbs, vegetables and rice so that he could make an offering. After cooking the rice and vegetables for Ka, he began to offer it. At that time Nimi came there, completely naked, and happily started to eat that offering. Oh, no, the boy is eating the Lords meal! the brhmaa cried. Nimis father saw what his son was doing and wanted to spank Him, but the brhmaa said, Oh, He is just a little boy and does not know what is good or bad. Do not beat Him. r Jaganntha Mira was still upset, but the brhmaa told him not to worry about it. He then asked for some more rice and vegetables so that he could cook again.

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First Part
Mother ac took Nimi to the house of a neighbour, where the girls of the house teased Him: O Nimi, is this the way to treat a guest, by stealing from him? Hey, girls, Nimi said, you do not know anything. It is not My fault that I took that offering; the brhmaa called Me. The girls laughed. Oh, yes! He called You, and that is why he was crying out to You! No, no Nimi, You have lost Your position as a brhmaa because You have eaten food cooked by a holy man when You do not even know his family lineage or where he comes from. With an enchanting smile, Nimi replied, Ladies, how can I possibly lose My birthright? I am from a cowherd caste and always eat food cooked by brhmaas. In the meantime, the brhmaa prepared a second meal and started to offer it to his deity of baby Ka. When Vivambhara heard him doing this, He sneaked out of the house where His mother had put Him, and without being seen, ran back to His own house where the offering was being made. Taking a handful of rice from the offering plate, He ate it and ran off. The brhmaa could not believe that this was happening again. Oh, no! he cried in surprise. The little boy has eaten the offering of rice! Nimis father heard his cries of despair. He took up a stick and ran after the rice-thief, ready to give Him a good beating. Everybody tried to stop father Mira, but he was really angry with Nimi and wanted to teach Him a good lesson.

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The brhmaa tried to calm him. Do not be upset with your son. He is very young and cannot understand what is going on. He did not do anything wrong. What must happen, will happen. This is called destiny. A little while later, Vivarpa, the older brother of Nimi, came home. When the brhmaa saw Vivarpa, he was so enchanted by his beauty that he gaped in wonderment. Who is the father of this wonderful, effulgent young boy? He asked. Oh, this is Vivarpa, the older son of r Jaganntha Mira, someone in the house answered. The brhmaa immediately felt a deep love in his heart for Vivarpa. This is not at all strange, for Vivarpa is Lord Nitynanda in another form. Lord r Ka and His big brother Lord Balarma can do anything and take any form They like. They are the greatest magicians. Vivarpa bowed down to the brhmaa in respect and spoke sweet words to him. We are exceedingly fortunate to have you in our home, but we are most disappointed that you are going away without having taken prasdam. Oh, do not worry. the brhmaa said, I feel completely satisfied just by seeing you. I am not hungry or thirsty. And besides, generally I live in the forest and mostly eat fruits and raw vegetables. You can give me that if you like, and I will be happy. I only take rice when it comes to me easily. r Vivarpa replied, You are a ocean of mercy. We feel very bad about what has happened. Please, cook for Ka one more time.

First Part
Oh no, the brhmaa said. If Ka does not want something to happen, it will not happen, no matter how hard we try. I have already cooked twice for r Ka, but it seems that He did not want me to eat today. No need to go to so much trouble again. It is almost two oclock in the morning; it is too late to cook and eat. r Ka can eat at any time; no problem, Vivarpa said, and he touched the brhmaas feet. At that time, the residents of the house requested the brhmaa, Oh, please cook again. Enchanted by r Vivarpa, the brhmaa conceded and started to cook for a third time. Nimais father put Him in His room and left Him in the charge of a few ladies so they could keep an eye on Him. He then closed the windows of that room from outside and stood guard at the door. Despite all endeavour, when the brhmaa started to make his offering, Nimi suddenly appeared before him again. As before, the brhmaa called out in disbelief that his offering had been taken, but no one could hear him as they had all been put into a deep and restful sleep. Nimi turned to the brhmaa and said, O brhmaa, because you are a pure-hearted soul, when you called for Me I came. Do not blame Me for this. I cannot help it. It is because you think of Me day and night that I always come as soon as you call. Dont you know Me? The Lord then showed the brhmaa His very wondrous eight-armed form. In four of His hands, He was holding a conchshell, a disc, a club and a lotus flower. With two other hands, He was eating butter, and with yet two more, He was playing the flute. Around His neck was a garland of forest flowers, and He wore ornaments made of special gems. The king of all jewels, called Kaustubha, sparkled brightly in the middle of His chest. His hair was decorated with nicely scented flowers and a beautiful peacock feather. The ankle-bells

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on His feet made a sweet tinkling sound, and He was smiling beautifully. Struck with wonder, the brhmaa saw r Vndvana with many cowherd boys and girls, peacocks, and beautiful trees like tamla and kadamba. Love for Ka then flooded his heart with such a force that he fainted. The Lord gently touched him with His hand and the brhmaa returned to consciousness, but he was unable to utter a word. Tears of joy flowed from his eyes and such powerful spiritual emotions moved in his heart that he began to perspire and shiver, and the hairs of his body stood on end. He tightly clasped the lotus feet of r Gaurga and wept. When r Gaurga saw the brhmaa overwhelmed with love and affection for Him, He smiled and said, O brhmaa, please listen. You served Me in many of your previous lives, and that is why I wanted to reveal Myself to you. Once, when I was in My form of Ka, you came to the house of Nanda Mahrja, My father in Gokula Vdvana, and gave Me something to eat. You have forgotten this, but I have not. Stay here for some time and you will see more of My activities, but do not say anything about this to anyone. It will be our special secret. Smiling sweetly, the Lord resumed His form as little Nimi and went back to His room. The brhmaa started to dance and sing, Hare Ka Hare Ka Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare and shouted, All glories to r Bla-gopla Ka so loudly that this time his calling out really did wake everyone up, and they came to see if he was all right. Fortunately, just before anyone could ask him what happened, he remembered what Nimi had told him about keeping it a secret, and he gave his full attention to quietly honouring Gaurgas prasdam. The members of the household were so relieved to see him finally taking prasda that they asked him no questions.

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Nima is Naughtiness

ne day, father Mira said to mother ac, The time has come for Nimi to go to school. I will check the horoscope to find a good day for Him to start, so there will be no hindrances to His studies. Nimis father found an auspicious day for Him to start school. When that day came, he put a piece of chalk in Nimis hand, to mark the beginning of His school life. Later, when Nimi became old enough to hear and study the explanations of the holy books like the Vedas, His parents had His ears pierced. Nimi excelled at school, and, much to everybodys surprise, He was able to write the alphabet within three days. He eagerly wrote the names of the Lord, like Ka, Murri, and yma, and studied hard along with the other children. In His play time at school, Nimi would walk about with His friends and tease other boys until a big quarrel would break out. Of course, Nimi was so smart that He and His friends would always win. After school they would go to the Gag to take bath jumping, diving and splashing each other in their boisterous water games. Other people would also be at the Gag taking bath, and Nimi would harass them, kicking His lotus feet hard so as to splash them, and then swimming away fast. They would angrily shake their finger at Nimi and His friends and call out, Hari! Hari! What are you naughty boys doing?

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Sometimes, Nimi would take water in His mouth and spit it out on some brhmaas, so they would have to take bath again. Once He sneaked up to a man, stole his iva deity and ran away. Another time, He took the clothes of the ladies who were bathing and exchanged them with the clothes of the men, thus embarrassing them all. He would spoil the offerings that people were making for Lord Viu by throwing away the flowers and eating the food. When they complained He would say, Why be upset? I am the Lord of your worship! The people were horrified at Nimis behaviour and could not believe what they were hearing. Once He jumped on somebodys back, as though that person were a bull, and yelled, I am Mahesh! Another name of Lord iva is Mahesh, and he rides on a bull. Once, these people were so upset about the mischief Nimi was causing that they came to the house of Jaganntha Mira to complain. And the girls went to ac-dev to inform her that her naughty Nimi was stealing their clothes when they were bathing in the Gag. He also uses really bad language, they told her, and when we ask Him to stop, He quarrels with us. Sometimes He sneaks up on us from behind and shouts loudly in our ears, and sometimes He spoils our offerings, which are meant for Gag-dev. If we refuse to give Him our offerings, He threatens to curse us to marry an ugly old man with no teeth and many wives. Hearing the girls complaints, mother ac spoke sweetly to them and embraced them. I will bind Nimi and give Him a good spanking, she said. Then He will never bother you again. Somewhat pacified, the girls returned to their houses.

First Part - 25 Father Mira, however, was angry and went to look for Vivambhara. The girls who had made complaints felt sorry for Nimi. Nimi! Your father is angry with You and is coming this way to find You! Run away quickly! they warned Him. Gaurga turned to His friends and said, When My father comes and asks about My whereabouts, you should say that I have not yet come to the Gag, and that you are waiting for Me. Nimi then went home by a different path. On the way, He carefully put ink spots on His body, to make it look as if He had come directly from school. Father Mira arrived at the Gag in an angry mood. Have you seen Nimi? he asked the boys. No, He has not yet come to take bath, they replied. r Jaganntha Mira continued his search but was unable to find his son. This made him even more upset. When the brhmaas who had complained about Nimi saw how angry r Mira was, they told him, Vivambhara ran home because He was scared of you. We will come home with you so you will not beat Him when you find Him. We know that if you do beat Him, you will feel sorry later. Do not worry. If He plays these naughty pranks again, we will personally catch Him and bring Him straight home. Dear Mira, although we complained, we are not so angry. You must be the happiest father in the world to have a son like Nimi. Jaganntha Mira then said with a smile, Nimi is not only my son; He is also yours. Jaganntha Mira and the brhmaas heartily embraced each other, and father Mira happily went home. In the meantime, Nimi had arrived at His house. Mother, Im home! He called. I want to take a bath; please give Me some oil. When mother ac saw her son standing before her with dust and ink spots on His

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body, she was both surprised and relieved. What are these girls saying about Him? she wondered, And the brhmaas? My Nimi must have come straight home from school. His tender body is covered with ink spots and He is still wearing His school clothes. Just then, father Mira returned and Nimi jumped into his lap to embrace him. Now that he was caught in his little boys embrace, Jaganntha Miras heart sparkled with joy. My dear son, he asked Nimi gently, are You teasing people when they are taking a bath? Are You eating the offerings meant for Lord Viu? Then, when upset, do You say, Who are you thinking of? Look at Me, I am Nryaa, the Lord of your worship? My boy, You should know better than that! Nimi said, Father, I have not yet been to the Gag to bathe. My friends are waiting for Me to go. These people are telling lies. They just imagined everything. If they speak like that again, I will surely do exactly what they are accusing Me of. The Lord smiled brightly and ran off to meet His friends. Arriving in their midst, He was embraced by them all. Hey, Nimi, one boy said, We saw Your father not so long ago. He was very upset. Nimi told His friends His story of trickery. They laughed and praised the clever way He had escaped a good spanking.

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Gentle Visvaru pa
imi was so naughty that when His parents chastised Him, He would get upset and break all the earthen pots in the house. He was afraid of no one, not even His parents; but whenever He saw His elder brother Vivarpa, He would become sweet and humble. r Vivarpas heart was as soft as butter and everybody loved him. He was always listening to stories about r Ka, or else he was telling them. In fact, he never did anything else. At that time, people in general did not believe in the Supreme Lord, and they would tease and abuse those people who did. O you God-believers, they taunted, all of you are so poor. You do not have any money. We are rich and have so many servants, and we always eat sumptuously. You people are always begging door to door for food, and you eat dry rice with only some green spinach leaves. We think that your God does not exist. And if He exists then He must be displeased with you, because you are always yelling Hari, Hari, keeping us awake, and not allowing us to rest. r Vivarpa was worried for these people. He did not want them to suffer, but to be happy in loving service to Ka. Seeing the wonder in little Nimis naughty antics, Vivarpa concluded that He was Ka Himself. Looking at Nimi, he made up his mind not to divulge this to anyone. He went to the house of r Advaita Prabhu to hear the stories about Ka and also to speak about Him.

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After a while, mother ac asked Nimi to go to r Advaita Prabhus house and bring His big brother home because it was time to take prasda. When Nimi arrived, all who were there stared at Him, being captivated by His beauty. r Advaita Prabhu was also wonderstruck and could not understand why He was so attracted to this sweet golden boy. Nimi simply gazed at r Advaita Prabhu with a big smile and thought, My friend, You do not recognize Me now, but later I will show You who I am and this will fill You with joy. Then, just like an ordinary small child, He tugged at Vivarpas dhot and the two brothers went home. One day r Vivarpa overheard his parents saying that now he was old enough to marry. But deep down in his heart, r Vivarpa had one interest only: to chant r Kas holy names and glorify Him. I cannot marry, he thought. I will leave home and put on saffron cloth. In this way, carrying a staff in my hand, I will abandon the world. Anyone who sees me will know that my only interest is to serve my beloved Ka. Vivarpa is an expansion of Nitynanda Prabhu. When he wants something to happen, it is bound to occur. Thus, a few days later, he left his home and took another name r akarraya Mahrja. When this news reached mother ac and father Mira, grief overwhelmed them and all they could do was cry again and again, O Vivarpa! O Vivarpa! But Vivarpa did not hear their cries, and he never came home again. When Nimi heard that Vivarpa had left home, the tears that flowed from His eyes resembled the river Gag. He became so distressed that He fell to the ground in a faint. r Advaita and other devotees also wept when they heard the news. Everyone felt the pain of separation from their beloved Vivarpa.

First Part - 29 At around this time, people were rapidly becoming more sinful. The devotees were concluding that they should go and live in the forest so that their practice of bhakti would not be disturbed by them. But r Advaita told them, Oh, no, do not go. My heart is joyful, and I feel that something auspicious is going to happen. This must surely be a sign that the Lord has come to this world! Come, let us all do krtana; then surely He will appear among us. Then they all started to sing:

r ka gopla hare mukunda govinda he nanda-kiora ka

The sound was so powerful that it reached the house of Nimi, who was playing with His friends. When He heard it, He immediately went to Advaita Prabhus house. The devotees there asked Him if He needed something. I came because You called for Me, Nimi said. Why did you call? And then He ran off with His friends. Still, nobody there was able to guess who He was.

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Nima is Studies Begin

fter Vivarpa left home, Nimi became less mischievous. He did not play outside as He used to, but stayed at home and helped His father and mother, who were full of sorrow. He became absorbed in His studies and became the best student in His class. In fact, some people said that He was smarter than r Bhaspati, the teacher of the demigods. His father became concerned. He said to mother ac, If Nimi studies the holy books like His big brother, He will also leave home and go to the forest. The holy books say that there is no happiness in this temporary world. Vivarpa knew this and that is why he left. I will no longer send Nimi to school. ac-dev said, But if He doesnt go to school, He will not be educated. How will He earn His livelihood? Nobody will want Him to marry their daughter. Father Mira replied, No, no, r Ka protects us and gives us all of our needs, including a wife. It is not necessary to go to school. It is Ka, the Lord of all lords, who gives everyone what they need. Look at me. I have studied the scriptures so much, but still, there is not enough food in the house. Starting today, Nimi will stay at home. He then called his son and told Him the news. But Nimi did not like to stay at home. He became Nimi the rebel. Whatever He saw in His house, He smashed on the floor. He did this not only in His own house, but also in the neighbours houses. He and His friends would dress like bulls at night and plunder the gardens they had seen in the daytime, and they would

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take all the bananas from the trees there. Before the owner could stop them, they would run away. Day and night, they were so naughty. They would even lock the neighbours in their houses by bolting the doors from the outside. Once, with a smile on His face, Nimi sat down on a pile of dirty cooking pots that had been put out to be cleaned. His golden body was covered with black soot from the pots, and He looked even more enchanting. Some friends went to mother ac and told her what Nimi was doing. Mother ac came outside to see her son perched on the pots. Nimi, she scolded, come away from there immediately! Cant you see that the pots have not been cleaned? Now you have to take a bath. Gaurga replied, Mother, you do not want Me to go to school, so I am ignorant about what is clean and what is not. I am foolish, so how can I tell the difference? Clean and unclean look the same to Me. And besides, you have cooked for Lord Viu in these pots, so how can they be unclean? Everyone smiled. Mother ac still insisted that He take a bath, but Nimi did not move an inch. ac M urged, Come down from there quickly, before Your father comes home. Nimi replied, I will not come down until you allow Me to go back to school. Some neighbours supported Him. Please let Him go to school, they requested her. They then turned to Nimi and said, Dear son, if your parents do not allow You to go to school, keep on breaking things, inside the house and out. At last, mother ac took Nimi down from the pots and gave Him a bath. When father Mira returned home, she told him what had happened.

First Part - 33 Those neighbours also came to see Jaganntha Mira. O brother Mira, they said. You believe in the Lord, so you must know that everything happens as He wishes. You are lucky that Vivambhara wants to go to school. Let Him study. You will surely be proud of Him. After hearing from them, father Mira had a change of heart. O my friends, he said, you are right; Nimi can go back to school. Nimi happily returned to school on the very next day. A few years later, the time came for Nimi, the golden moon of Navadvpa, to be initiated and receive the sacred thread. r Jaganntha Mira asked his friends to come and assist in that ceremony, which they did with great enthusiasm. The ladies sang krtanas and others played mdaga, flute, drums and other musical instruments. Brhmaas read out loud from holy books and others softly uttered beautiful verses about r Ka. Nimi looked lovely, with the holy thread draped across His chest. Joyfulness abounded. After the ceremony, Nimi took a bag and stick and went out to beg for alms. He knew what houses to go to for the best bananas and the best sweets. Everybody gave Him something. Even the goddesses from the heavenly planets and great sages came in disguise so that they could give alms to this brilliant brhmaa boy. Nimi did well at school and passed His school exams with high grades. After that, father Mira asked Him what He wanted to do next. Nimi said that He wanted to continue His studies. In Navadvpa, there was a teacher by the name of r Gagdsa Paita. Of all teachers, he was topmost. Because Nimi asked for this teacher, father Mira went to the place where r Gagdsa Paita had his school and asked him to further Nimis studies. The famous teacher replied that he would be happy to do so.

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Nimis new teacher treated Him like his own son and kept Him by his side. Nimis intelligence was stunning and He immediately grasped whatever His teacher explained to Him. One day, mother ac saw Nimis father praying to the Lord to protect his son, and to let Him get married and stay at home forever. Why are you suddenly praying for this kind of blessing from the Lord? she asked. Father Mira answered, In a dream, I saw Nimi shaving His head and wearing saffron cloth. He was singing r Kas holy names and dancing, laughing and crying at the same time. His friend r Advaita and other devotees were with Him. I saw millions and millions of devotees following Him and they were singing, Jaya acnandana! Jaya acnandana! Everybody was glorifying Him. When I woke up, I became afraid that Nimi would leave us. It is because of this dream that I am praying like this. ac-dev said, Oh, do not worry; Nimi will never leave us. A few days later, something very sad happened. Nimis father suddenly left this world. ac Ma was plunged into an ocean of distress. She only remained alive because of the absolute charm and beauty of her golden child, and her love for Him grew day by day. One day He said to her, Mother, soon I will give you a very beautiful gift. This gift is desired by the heavenly gods themselves, but they are not so fortunate. I will tell you later what it is. Mother ac smiled and looked at the beautiful face of her boy. His smiling eyes were like large pink lotuses, His shining cheeks like two big full moons, and His smile sweeter then nectar. Mother acs heart melted completely and she forgot all her worries.

First Part - 35 One day, mother ac had nothing in the house to cook because Nimi had been so restless that he had destroyed everything in the house. He had wanted to take bath in the Gag and then make an offering to Gag of fragrant sandalwood and a flower garland. He asked His mother to bring the items for worship. Mother ac said, Wait for just one moment and I will bring You a flower garland. But Nimi did not want to wait and became furious. She tried to pacify Him, but He would not listen. He took up a stick and smashed everything in the house. Nothing was safe from Him. The furniture was destroyed and all the clothes were torn to pieces. Still not satisfied, He started beating the doors, windows, and the earth. After that, He threw Himself on the ground and fell into a deep sleep. Mother ac cleaned the house and placed the items her son needed for His worship of the Gag on a plate. She went to the courtyard where Nimi had fallen asleep and gently woke Him up. She wiped the dust and sand from His body and said, My darling son, now You should go to the Gag and take a bath. Do not worry. All inauspiciousness is now gone from the house. Nimi looked ashamed. He stood up, took the offering plate from her, and went to the Gag. After returning from the Gag He went to school. When He came home, He handed His mother two gold coins, saying that r Ka had given them to Him. Then He went to bed. Mother ac was amazed when she saw the gold coins and wondered where they had really come from. She asked her neighbours about it, but nobody knew. She then went to the market and bought what she needed for the service of r Viu.

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Sri Nitya nanda Prabhu

ow, come to Ekacakr, the place of Lord Nitynanda, also known as Niti. Here we find Niti putting on dramas some about Lord r Ka playing with His friends and others about r Kas activities in His other incarnations. Just now they are enacting "Ka and Ptan the witch". That pastime goes like this: When Ka was a tiny baby, the evil Ptan assumed the form of a beautiful lady and, pretending to have all the motherly affection of a nursemaid, came to His house. Having smeared her breast with deadly poison, Ptan tried to feed that most beautiful of babies the milk from her breast. But Ka, although in the form of a mere baby, outsmarted her. He instantly killed her by sucking not just her milk but her life air as well. After this drama, r Niti and His friends performed Lord Vmana and King Bali. r Nitynanda played the role of Vmana, Ka in His dwarf form. One of His friends played the part of Bali, the king of the demons. r Nitynanda Prabhu and His friends would also act out the pastime of Lord Rmacandra. Rvaa, a demon with more than ten heads, had kidnapped Lord Rmacandras wife St and brought her to r Lak. Lord Rmas younger bother was r Lakmaa, and that same r Lakmaa had now appeared on this earth as Niti. In this drama, r Nitynanda played the role of Lakmaa, His own self, and some other boys played the roles of Hanumn, Nala, Nla, Sugrva, and Tara, who were the monkeys in Lord Rmas army. They all marched to r Lak. Lord Rma then killed Rvaa in battle and rescued St-dev.

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Lord Nitynanda and His friends passed their time always thinking about the Lord of their lives and His astonishing activities. One day, when Niti was playing with His friends, an elderly brhmaa came to Ekacakr. He asked Nitis father, r Hi Paita, for his permission to take Niti on parikram to the holy places where r Ka had played. Although father Hi and mother Padmvat did not want their beloved son to go anywhere, they agreed to the brhmaas proposal. Nitynanda Prabhu went on parikram to holy places like Gay, K, Mathur and Vndvana. While travelling in West India, He met a great devotee of Lord Ka named r Mdhavendra Pur. When r Nitynanda and r Mdhavendra Pur first saw each other, they became overwhelmed with bliss. And upon embracing each other tightly, they lost consciousness. All the disciples of r Mdhavendra Pur, such as r vara Pur, shed tears of love to see this. r Nitynanda and r Mdhavendra Pur spoke day and night about Ka. Their happiness knew no bounds and they did not even stop to sleep. After a few days, r Niti continued His journey to other holy places. Until now, Niti had not met Nimi, yet He never stopped thinking about Him. When My Gaurga begins His preaching, I will go to meet Him. Nimi did well at school. By the time He was sixteen, He had become a handsome young boy and the best of students. He was now a respected scholar, or paita. He became famous as Nimi Paita, and nobody could defeat Him in logic and argument. Whenever someone asked Him a question, He answered it easily. Many students came to listen to His lectures. His teacher, r Gagdsa Paita, was proud of Him.

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Nima i Weds Laksmi -priya .

ne day, when Gaurga was in school, a brhmaa named Vanaml came to His house. Mother ac welcomed the brhmaa and inquired why he had come. Vanaml wanted to suggest a bride for Nimi. He suggested the beautiful and sweet natured daughter of r Vallabha crya. But mother ac remembered how Vivarpa suddenly left home at the suggestion of marriage, and she became fearful. Let Him study for now, she said, and I will think about it. With that, the disappointed brhmaa left. On his way home after seeing mother ac, he passed Nimi on the path. Nimi was curious to know where Vanaml was coming from, and Vanaml told him all that had happened. Without saying a word, Nimi smiled, offered the brhmaa obeisances and continued home. Mother, He said, why didnt you accept the offer of Vanaml? With these words, Nimi conveyed to His mother that He did not object to marrying. Her heart filled with both joy and relief, and she immediately sent word to Vanaml to return and make all arrangements for the wedding. Previously, Nimi had been taking bath in the Gag when He saw a young girl of unparalleled beauty. They had glanced at each other, and Nimi gave her a very sweet smile. The girl returned that sweet smile, and then they went back to their own homes in bliss. Nimi knew that this girl was none other than His eternal consort, r Lakm-dev, who always serves His lotus feet. It was this girl that Vanaml was arranging for Him to marry.

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Vanaml happily went to the house of r Vallabha crya to request him to give his daughter r Lakm in marriage to Vivambhara. r Vallabha was delighted. My dear brother, he said, you can certainly arrange this marriage, but I must tell you that I am a poor brhmaa with no dowry to give. All I can offer is five pieces of haritaki fruit. Please see if this is acceptable. Vanaml gave the fruit and happily completed the arrangements. The wedding day was soon fixed. It quickly became universal news that Nimi was getting married. Even Lord iva and Lord Brahm came to the festivities in disguise. On the day before the marriage, there was a special ceremony. Many people danced and sang while others played musical instruments. Brhmaas recited mantras from Vedic holy books. Gaurga, the jewel of the twice-born, appeared like a splendid moon in their midst. r Vallabha, Lakm-devs father, came with special offerings for Nimi. After the ceremony, all received garlands, sandalwood, incense and other gifts. The day of the grand wedding arrived. Mother acs house was full of joyous people dressed in colourful attire. Some danced and others sang, and some ladies served delicious prasdam. ac M gave gifts of fragrant oils and fruits. All were in a festive mood and passed the day in bliss. Before sunset, a procession accompanied Nimi to the house of r Vallabha, performing krtana the whole way. The family members merrily welcomed Nimi. After offering Him a seat, her father, r Vallabha, brought his daughter Lakm to Him. The bride, who was both beautiful and enchanting, was then lifted off the ground and carried around Nimi seven times. She placed a flower garland at His lotus feet and sat to His left.

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In this ceremony they met each other for the first time. Before the marriage arrangement, they had only seen each other once at the Gag and had smiled sweetly at each other. At that time Nimi knew that she was His eternal consort and she knew that He was her Master, and then they both went their separate ways. People sang the holy names of Lord Hari and showered them with flower petals. The next day, as Nimi brought Lakm-dev to His home, everyone they passed gazed at the charming sight of them both. Upon their arrival, mother ac brought them inside. Seeing her beautiful new daughter, her heart swelled with happiness. Some days later, r vara Pur, the disciple of r Mdhavendra Pur, came to Navadvpa, but because he came in the disguise of a Myvd sannys, nobody could recognize him. Myvds dont believe that the Supreme Lord r Ka is a person, and they say that this world is false. Their ideas are against devotion to the Lord. r vara Pur went to the house of r Advaita, who at that time was preparing an offering for His Deities. r vara Pur humbly sat down in the courtyard. He looked so beautiful that r Advaita could not stop gazing at him. He understood that this person was in fact not a Myvd sannys but a pure Vaiava. After worshipping him, Advaita Prabhu said, O dear holy person, who are you? I can see that you are a Vaiava sannys. What is your name? The sannys answered, I am a low class person who has come to take the dust of Your lotus feet. The expert singer Mukunda was present at that time. He knew that the sannys was really a Vaiava, and began to sing a song about r Ka. Tears of happiness streamed from the eyes of the sannys and he

First Part - 43 fell to the ground in bliss. The sannyss reaction thrilled r Advaita and He embraced him. For the pleasure of the Vaiavas, Mukunda continued to sing beautiful songs. Later, that sannys informed them that his name was r vara Pur. Upon hearing this news, krtana burst forth from those in the room. One day after giving class at His school, Nimi was on His way home when He saw r vara Pur wandering about r Navadvpa. Nimi offered His obeisances to him. r vara Pur, seeing Nimis beautiful form, knew that He was a pure personality and asked His name. This is Nimi Paita, one of Nimis students answered. Oh, You are Nimi! said r vara Pur jubilantly. Vivambhara was equally jubilant to meet him and immediately invited him to His house for prasdam. r vara Pur then enraptured all there with charming stories about r Ka. Thereafter, r vara Pur and r Gaddhara Paita stayed for a few months in the house of r Gopntha crya. r vara Pur kept r Gaddhara Paita close by him and would request Gaddhara to read aloud from a book he had written called Ka-llmta, nectarean stories about Ka. r vara Pur explained this text as Gaddhara read it. r vara Pur had written a book about Ka, and he asked Vivambhara, who came to see him daily, to check it for errors. Pure devotees like you never make mistakes, Vivambhara said. Only a sinful person sees that they make them. No, no, I really want You to check it for me, r vara Pur insisted.

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Vivambhara could say nothing more. Every day they sat together and discussed what was written in the book. Once Vivambhara pointed out a word that He did not think was used correctly. r vara Pur took note of the word, and after Nimi left, he contemplated what Nimi said. The next day, when Nimi came to him, r vara Pur told Him that there was no error in how he had used that word. He explained to Nimi that this word had two meanings. You corrected this word because You had never heard this particular meaning. Nimi was satisfied with this explanation and found nothing more in the book to correct. Vivambhara saw r vara Pur every day until he left r Navadvpa.

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Loving Dealings in Navadvi pa

imi would wander here and there throughout the town of Navadvpa. Sometimes He would harass Vaiavas like Gaddhara Paita and Mukunda by grabbing them by the hand and demanding that they answer His questions, and then He would go from shop to shop asking the shopkeepers to give Him some of their goods for free. Those who made garlands gave Him a beautiful flower garland, and the man who made fragrant perfume gave Nimi his finest specimens. When He came to the house of the milkman, He demanded free milk and yoghurt, which the milkman happily gave Him. The milkman lovingly joked with Nimi, saying, Uncle, please come to my house and take rice. Then another milkman would pull Him by the arm and say, No, no, come to my place. Nimi liked their joking moods and sprinkled His merciful glance upon them. Nimi also went to the astrologer and showed him His forms of Lord Vmana and r Rmacandra. By doing so, he left the astrologer in a state of joyful confusion. After that, He would go to the house of His dear friend rdhara. Nimi lovingly quarrelled with rdhara about the price rdhara was charging for pumpkins, banana flower and other vegetables. Although rdhara would offer Nimi the lowest price, Nimi would still bargain for a lower one.

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First Part - 47 Sometimes He would snatch a pumpkin out of rdharas hand and run. rdhara would shout and run after Him, trying to catch Him. O rdhara, Nimi teased, you ceaselessly chant the name of Lord Hari, the husband of the goddess of fortune r Lakm, but still you are poor. Your clothes are so full of holes. Everybody worships Durg-dev for wealth. You should also do so. Or are you secretly hiding a big treasure somewhere under your house? Mind you, rdharas house was nothing more than a little hut made of clay, with a straw roof. rdhara would cleverly retort, My clothes may be full of holes, but they still cover my body. And, by the way, my beloved Lord Hari always gives me what I need. I am quite content with my life. Ha! Nimi would say, I will not give up that easily. I know you have stashed your wealth somewhere. I will take that another time, but for now, if you just give Me the root and stalks of the banana tree for free, I will not quarrel with you. They would haggle with each other for hours on end, thus bringing each other the greatest happiness. rdhara thought, I had better give this boy what He wants before He beats me! Actually, I will give it to him because he is so dear to me. I am happy to give Him whatever He asks. Thus, rdhara would satisfy Nimis demands, and in return Nimi would cease His wrangling. In this way, the Golden Lord of lords Vivambhara, the enjoyer of all transcendental moods, roamed about Navadvpa with a happy heart and blessed all with His merciful glance.

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The Proud Scholar

ne day, a famous and learned scholar, or paita, called Keava Kamiri, came to Navadvpa accompanied by a great number of men, elephants and horses. Wherever he went, this proud paita defeated all learned persons in debates on Vedic knowledge. The scholars of Navadvpa were horrified at the news of his arrival and fearful that they would be next on his list of the vanquished. It was well known that he had received the mercy of r Sarasvat-dev, the goddess of learning, and that he was therefore unbeatable. One evening, Nimi Paita was sitting on the bank of the Gag when His students told Him about the famous paita who was coming to Navadvpa. Nimi said, The Lord is not pleased if somebody is proud, even if that person has a lot of knowledge. For this reason, out of His love for them, He cuts their pride at the root. The branches of a tree full with ripe and juicy fruits automatically hang to the ground. In the same way, when someone has good qualities, his head bows down to the ground. In other words, one becomes humble. Whilst Nimi was speaking, the renowned scholar arrived there. He asked one student, What is the name of the person giving class? Nimi Paita, the student replied. The scholar sat down. Nimi noted him and smiled at him kindly. In this way, He welcomed him. Nimi asked the paita if he would recite some verses glorifying r Gag. The learned paita immediately

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composed one hundred lyrical verses, and in this way, much to the amazement of the students, he was able to glorify r Gag continuously for three hours. Now, please explain these verses, Nimi requested him. Which verse do You want me to explain? Keava Kamiri asked. This one, Nimi answered, and effortlessly quoted a verse from the poem that described the glories of the Ganges. Keava Kamiri was astounded. I spoke all those verses as swiftly as the wind blows, he thought. How could He remember a complete verse? Keava Kamiri proceeded to explain the meaning of the verse. When he had finished, Nimi Paita gently pointed out to him the five faults that were in the verse. Keava Kamiri was completely unaware that the verse had any faults at all. Nimi Paita did not want to hurt the Keava Kamiris feelings, so He described five beautiful aspects of the verse as well. In this way, Nimi defeated the world famous champion poet, even though he merely appeared to be an expert in Sanskrit grammar. The highly intelligent scholar was most embarrassed and at a complete loss for words. He could understand that his worshipful goddess of learning, Sarasvat dev, was displeased with him, but he did not know why. The soft-hearted Nimi then encouraged the poet, saying, You are so skilled in creating beautiful verse that it flows from you just like Ganges flows from its source. There is no one who can match your ability. Please overlook My childish impudence. Let us meet again tomorrow, and you can explain the stra to Me.

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Later that day, when Keava Kamiri was alone, he began to meditate on mother Sarasvat, his worshipful goddess of learning. When he finally lulled off to sleep, she appeared to him in a dream and told him not to be embarrassed that he had been defeated by such a young man. She explained that this very Nimi was the Supreme Lord Himself, and that he should certainly go and see Him again the next day. Early the next morning, Keava Kamiri went to Nimi in a humble and happy mood. He bowed down before Him and Nimi lifted him up and embraced him. Keava Kamiri told Nimi that Mother Sarasvat explained to me who You really are, he said. Thank You so much for the great kindness You have shown me. Then, for Nimis pleasure, he sweetly uttered many poetic prayers to Him. In this way, Nimi blessed Keava Kamiri, who had become sincerely humble and soft-hearted.

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The Disappearance of Laksmi -priya devi .

ne day Nimi told His mother that He was going to visit East Bengal, in the company of some of His students. Upon seeing the charming river Padmvat, He decided to camp out for a couple of days on her beautiful banks. When the news spread that the great Nimi Paita had come to their village, the townspeople joyfully came to welcome Him, and He blessed them all. But His dear wife, Lakm-priy, missed Him. In fact, her pain was so great that she almost stopped eating. Finally, overwhelmed by sorrow, she left this world. Oh, how anguished was mother ac, who wept and wept for days. And with aching hearts, the blessed people of Navadvpa cried along with her. When Nimi returned to Navadvpa He paid His obeisances to His mother and gave her the gifts given to Him by various people during his travels. He then went to the Gag and upon His return, shared news of His travels with His family and friends. Later when everyone had left, Nimi noticed His mothers doleful mood He tried to get her to tell Him why she seemed so sad, but she was unable to speak. It was then that a member of the household told Him that Lakm-priy had left her body. Nimis heart at once filled with sorrow. He had always been satisfied by His wifes sweet mood and her

First Part - 53 loving service to Him. Nevertheless, He said, Mother, do not feel sad. Whatever the Lord wants to happen will happen. He brings people together, but if it is His desire, He also separates them. Do not feel unhappy. The next day, Nimi resumed giving classes. One day, Nimai noticed that one of His students was not wearing tilaka on his forehead. My dear boy, He said, why didnt you put tilaka on your body? The Vedas say that if you do not put tilaka on your forehead, your body is as good as the cremation ground, where dead bodies are burned. If one worships the Lord, but does not wear tilaka, ones worship will be useless. Quickly, go home and put on tilaka. Then worship the Lord again and come back. The boy felt ashamed. He ran home and later returned with beautiful tilaka marks decorating his body. In this way, all of the students of r Gaurga performed their duties conscientiously.

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Sri Visnu-priya . .
ne day, mother ac was looking at her son and thinking, My Nimi should marry again. Earlier that day, while she was taking a bath in the Gag, she saw a beautiful and qualified girl that she instinctively knew would be the perfect bride for her Vivambhara. She later found out that the name of this girl was Viu-priy and that she was the daughter of r Santana Mira, who himself was a treasure house of noble qualities and the Rj Paita, or the priest of the king. Next, mother ac needed to know if the girls parents would agree to this idea, so she sent a messenger to their house. They were more than happy with this proposal. The glorious news spread quickly, and the pious people of Navadvpa were joyous. The wealthy Buddimanta Khn said that he would pay all the costs of the wedding. At the ceremony feast the day before, Nimi gave garlands and gifts to everyone. Some greedy brhmaas pretended they had not received anything and came back to receive a second gift. The compassionate, all-knowing Lord, who has a soft heart for brhmaas, knew that their greed would not benefit them. To protect them from the reactions to their greed, He kindly said that everybody should come three times to take gifts. The brhmaas clearly saw that they were being greedy and felt ashamed. In this sweet way, Vivambhara corrected and protected the brhmaas.

First Part - 55 The next day, Gaurga, along with friends, musicians and others, travelled on a palanquin to the home of the bride. He was welcomed with great pomp and graciously seated. r Santana Mira then offered his daughter Viu-priy to Nimi. Viu-priy placed a garland at the feet of Nimi, which Nimi picked up and tenderly placed over her head. Everyone present showered flowers on the blessed couple. The following day, Nimi and Viu-priy returned to Nimis house, where many people joyfully awaited them. Mother ac was in total bliss and brought the charming couple inside. Nimi gave clothes and other gifts to all of the guests. For Buddhimanta Khn, who had paid for everything, Gaurga had saved a deeply warm embrace. After receiving this very special gift, Buddhimanta Khn was in ecstasy and returned to his home.

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Sri Harida sa Thakura .

ome time later, an exceptional devotee of the Lord named r Haridsa hkura came to Navadvpa. He had left his birthplace, the village of Buhana, and gone to live in Phuliy near ntipura. Although born in a Muslim family, r Haridsa was a high class devotee of Lord Ka. His body shone with a bright lustre, and he incessantly chanted the Lords names. Upon arriving in Navadvpa, people thronged to see him. In his wondrous meeting with Advaita crya Prabhu, both of them shed tears of happiness as they joyfully embraced. Humility, sweetness and generosity flowed from r Haridsa hkuras heart, and he soon became cherished by all. Everyone loved him except for the wicked local Muslim judge known as Kazi. The Kazis heart filled with jealousy as he heard of r Haridsas growing popularity, and he went to the Nawab, the evil Muslim ruler. This Haridsa is actually a Muslim, but he is living like a Hindu. You should have him arrested and punish him. The Nawab agreed. He ordered his arrest and had him brought to court and thrown into jail. There were other pious people in the jail, and when they saw that r Haridsa hkura had been arrested they were most perturbed. At the same time, they felt blessed to have the good fortune of meeting him. As he was brought into the jail, these pious souls paid their full obeisances at his lotus feet. Haridsa looked at the prisoners with eyes full of compassion, and as he did so, his love for Ka was transmitted into their hearts. When he saw this love blossoming within them, he blessed them by saying, Just remain as you are.

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These words of r Haridsa confused the prisoners, and they became most disappointed. They thought that with this blessing from Haridsa, they would have to stay in the jail for the rest of their lives. r Haridsa smiled to see their reaction and said, Do not think that I am wishing you to suffer here. I simply meant that you are now feeling love for r Ka, and I want this sweet love to always remain in your hearts. In two or three days, they will free you from the prison. Do not worry. Always chant the names of Ka and speak about Him. After giving his mercy to the prisoners, Haridsa hkura was brought to the Nawab. Seeing his beautiful lustre, the Nawab automatically stood up and offered him a seat. Why are you living like a low-class Hindu? he asked Haridsa. We dont even take rice that has been touched by Hindus. It is obvious that you do not respect your high birth as a Muslim. How do you expect to get freedom from this world? You should speak about our books and follow the Koran. This is the perfect path. Unless you change your ways right now, I will have to punish you. Without any fear, r Haridsa said, Even if my body is cut into pieces and I die, I will never give up the chanting of the holy names of the Supreme Lord r Ka: Hare Ka Hare Ka Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare. Seeing that Haridsa was not about to give up the practices of a Vaiava, the Nawab turned to the Kazi. What kind of punishment should I give to this person? Let him be beaten in twenty-two marketplaces, the wicked Kazi replied, and then if he is still alive after that, I will accept that he is a saint.

First Part - 59 The Kazis guards dragged Haridsa away and beat him with whips in twenty-two market places. However, by the mercy of Lord Ka, who always protects His devotees, r Haridsa hkura felt no pain and remained absorbed in constantly chanting the names of r Hari. In fact, he was such an exalted saint, that he even prayed to Ka not to punish the guards who were beating him. When they finally came to the twenty-second marketplace, r Haridsa was still alive and happily chanting Hare Ka Hare Ka Ka Ka Hare Hare Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare. The guards looked incredulously at rla Haridsa. He is still alive! they cried in amazement. And he is even smiling at us! One guard said, If he is alive, the Kazi will be furious, and it is we who will soon be dead. Ahh! What to do? What to do? Let us ask him to die, another said. After all, he must be a saint. A normal person would have died after the beating in the second or third marketplace. He is not even in pain. With fear in their hearts, they turned to rla Haridsa and said, O Haridsa, because you are still alive, the Kazi will kill us. Please die. Haridsa said, I do not want you to be distressed because of me. I will die immediately. Using his special powers, he went into a very deep sleep. It was so deep, in fact, that it was not possible to see him breathing. The relieved guards thought that he was dead and quickly took his body to the Nawab, who ordered it to be buried.

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The Kazi was elated that Haridsa was dead and said, Oh, no. Do not bury him. If you bury him, he will go to heaven. He wanted to be a Hindu, so let him be one. Throw his body into the Gag and let him suffer forever. The guards carried Haridsas body to the Gag and threw him into the water, where he drifted downstream. A short time later, rla Haridsa emerged from his deep sleep. He came out of the water loudly chanting, Hare Ka Hare Ka Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma Rma Rma Hare Hare. The Muslims were astounded and realized that he must surely be a saint. They offered their obeisances to him and worshiped him with honour. The Nawab immediately came to him with folded hands and begged forgiveness for his offences.

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Visvambhara Journeys to Gaya

eanwhile Vivambhara had decided to reveal His actual identity to the world. But first He planned to go to Gay. Taking His students with Him, He left in a happy mood. One day, Gaurga fell ill with a high fever. His worried disciples brought medicines, but none of them were able to reduce the fever. The Lord told them that He would only be cured by drinking water that had washed the feet of a pure Vaiava brhmaa. Quickly, the disciples found such a brhmaa and washed his feet. They then brought this pure water to the Lord, who drank it and immediately became better. In this way Nimi taught the world that the mercy of the Vaiavas and the water that bathed the lotus feet of the Vaiavas was the cure for all kinds of pains and illnesses. Continuing on their way they saw the holy river Punpun, where Vivambhara offered worship to the soul of His departed father. A short while later, they arrived in Gay. Gaurga went to Chakra-trtha for darana of the footprint of Lord Viu, and He saw many brhmaa priests offering incense and flowers and glorifying the lotus feet of the Lord. Hearing their glorification, r Gaurga became so blissful that tears poured forth from His beautiful lotus-like eyes. Then, in the midst of the brhmaas, r Gaurga beheld the divine form of r vara Pur, whom He had met in Navadvpa. He quickly found His way to him, and with a melted heart He fell before him like a

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stick, offering full obeisances. rla vara Pur tenderly lifted Him up and embraced Him. r Gaurga said, Now that I have seen your lotus feet, which are the resting place of all the holy abodes, My visit to Gay has become successful. r vara Pur said, O Paita, last night I had a dream that I would meet the Lord of all lords. I know that You are that person. I feel the same love and affection in my heart for You as I do for r Ka. Nimi then went to Dakia-mnasa and other places. Upon returning to His place in Gay, He started to cook and just as He finished, r vara Pur came to visit Him. Gaurga came out of the kitchen, and paid His obeisances. He then gave him a seat and offered him prasdam. Only after rla Purpda was fully satisfied did Nimi Paita take His meal. Later, Nimi went to Kumrahaa, the holy birthplace of r vara Pur. He threw Himself to the ground, and as His golden form rolled in the dust of that holy place, He became overwhelmed with love for r vara Pur. With a choked voice, He called out, r vara Pur, r vara Pur, r vara Pur! He took a little earth from that holy place and tied it in the end of His cloth, cherishing it as His only possession. When Nimi met with r vara Purpda the next day, He humbly asked to receive initiation from him and the fortunate r vara Pur agreed. In this way, the Supreme Lord personally showed that if one genuinely aspires to serve Ka eternally, one must accept a genuine guru. Vivambhara circumambulated His Gurudeva and offered him full obeisances. I have given My life to you. He said. Please always give Me your merciful glance, so that I may be forever immersed in pure love for Ka. r vara Purs heart was touched by Gaurgas sweet words, and he embraced Him tightly.

First Part - 63 One day, Gaurga was fully absorbed in reciting the mantra that His Gurudeva had given Him at His initiation and meditating on Ka. When He opened His eyes, He looked around sadly. Ka is not here, He lamented. He missed Ka so greatly that He loudly called out, O Ka, where are You? O thief of My heart! Come back! Come back! He then fainted and fell to the ground. Some of His students brought Him back to consciousness, and He said, You can all go home, but I am never going back to My family. I will go to Mathur to find My Ka. The students spoke sweet words to Him in an attempt to change His mind, and at first it seemed that they were successful. But then, one day in the early morning, He sneaked out of the house as fast as He could and went in the direction of Mathur. On His way, a voice in the sky said to Him, O dear Lord, do not go to Mathur. The reason You came to this Earth planet with Your devotees was to give love of God to the suffering entities of this world by chanting the holy names of Ka. If You go to Mathur now, this will not happen. We, Your servants, are begging You to now go back to Navadvpa. Later You will go to Mathur. r Gaurga and His students then returned to Navadvpa with joyful hearts.

Thus completes the first part of Nimi Paitas glorious pastimes.

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Nima i the Vaisnava . .

he news that Nimi had returned to Navadvpa spread like wildfire. Everyone ran to greet Him and cried with joy upon seeing Him. Like bees around a honey pot, the devotees encircled their dear Nimi and walked Him home. Mother ac became elated to see Him again. A boundless happiness swept over Viupriy that banished all her sadness. And the happiness of the Vaiavas cannot be described in words. With deep humility, r Vivambhara sat with the Navadvpa-vss. He showered them with affection and pacified their hearts with His gentle words. He was no longer the proud Nimi Paita who had played the role of a brilliant scholar. Instead, He exuded nothing but love for r Ka. Vivambhara told them about His pilgrimage to Gay, and afterwards He asked a few devotees to come to His room. There He secretly told them about the love for Ka that now soared in His heart. He wanted to tell them more, and the next day He again met with those devotees, this time in the house of uklmbara Brahmacr. He asked one devotee named rmn Paita to be there early with r Murri Gupta and Sadiva. The next morning, rmn Paita hurried to the house of rvsa Paita. In the garden was a lovely jasmine tree. It was not an ordinary tree but a desire tree as found in the spiritual world. r Gaddhara, Gopntha, Rmi and other Vaiavas regularly went there to pick the sweetly scented flowers from this tree to offer to their worshipful deities. No matter how many flowers they picked, the tree remained full of flowers. When rmn Paita arrived at the house, he was smiling from ear to ear.

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The other devotees who had come to pick flowers were curious. O rmn, they asked, you are looking particularly joyful today. Is there any special reason for this? There most certainly is! he said. Well, speak. Tell us what it is! they cried. As you know, yesterday Nimi Paita came back from Gay, rman Paita told them. I went to see Him, and He is not the same Nimi as before. Now He is so humble and sweet. He told us that while He was in Gay, He met the great Vaiava r vara Purpda at a place called Pdapadma-trtha. He even received initiation from him. Dear friends, when He uttered the name Pdapadma-trtha, tears poured from His eyes like the Gag and Yamun Rivers. He wept so much that one could have easily watered the garden with His tears. He called out, Ka, Ka, Ka! and trembled like a leaf in a strong wind. Goose-pimples erupted all over His body, and then He fainted. At long last, He came back to His senses, but then He started to cry again. Everybody was stunned. No one had ever seen such amazing symptoms of love for Ka. Then, after a while, Nimi checked His display of emotion and said, My dear friends, please go home now. I want to meet you all again tomorrow in the house of uklmbara Brahmacr. He told me to go there earlier, with Murri and Sadiva. So now you know why I am so happy. It is because Nimi Paita is now showing extraordinary love for Ka. r Gaddhara Paita had been quietly listening to rmn Paita from a distance. Let me go to the house of uklmbara myself, he thought. I want to hear what Nimi has to say about r Ka. He went there and hid himself in a room.

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rmn Paita, Sadiva, Murri and other Vaiavas went to that house as Gaurga had asked, and waited to meet with Him. When the Lord arrived, they greeted Him and sat Him down. Our golden Lord recited one Sanskrit verse after another about the glories of serving r Ka. But then He said, O my dear brothers, I feel such sadness in My heart. I had found My beloved Ka, but then I lost Him again. Have you seen My Ka? Do you know where He went? Please tell Me, where did He go? r Gaurga could not control His emotions and, throwing His arms around a pillar, He fell to the ground as He cried in anguish, Ka! O My beloved! Please come back! Gaurgas feelings of separation from Ka struck the hearts of the devotees there like a thunderbolt, and they started to sway and totter about the room. Gaddhara watched as uklmbaras house drowned in an ocean of love for Ka, and in his hiding place, he fainted. The minds of all of those exalted personalities gradually became steady again, yet tears continued to pour from the eyes of r Gaurga. Finally, the high waves of His ecstasy also calmed down. He turned to the devotees present and asked, Is anybody else in this house? Yes. Your Gaddhara is here, they answered. r Gaddhara Paita, having come back to consciousness, came out of his hiding place. He entered the room with his head lowered. Tears of love streamed down his cheeks. The sight of Gaddhara made Gaurgas heart melt. O Gaddhara, He said, you are truly fortunate. From your childhood, when you were just a little boy, your love for Ka was strong. As for Me, I simply wasted My time running after worldly wisdom, so when I finally found Ka, He would not stay with Me.

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Nima i Panditas Perplexed Students . .

ater that day, Nimi visited His teacher, Gagdsa Paita. He offered obeisances to Gagdsa Paita, who warmly embraced Him. Vivambhara, he said, Your students are waiting impatiently for You to teach them again. When You went to Gay, they refused to continue with their study. Having been instructed by His teacher, Vivambhara went to the school the very next day. As His students opened their books, they uttered, Hari, Hari, as they had always done. But unlike before, Vivambhara was now overflowing with love for Ka. When He heard the name Hari, He forgot everything but how blissful it was to chant r Kas holy names. He cast His glance of mercy upon His students and instead of giving His regular class on Sanskrit grammar, He simply spoke about Ka. r Kas holy name is the only truth. All of the Vedic holy books explain that the only worshipful Lord is Ka. He is the creator of all that exists, and He also is the maintainer and destroyer of all that exists. He is the topmost controller. My dear brothers, just worship the lotus feet of Lord r Ka. When Gaurga finished His explanation, He became shy. Oh, My students might think that I am imbalanced or mad, He thought. He wanted to find out if His students were thinking like this so He asked them, How was My explanation?

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One student replied, We could not understand any of your explanation, not even a little of it. But then, who can? Vivambhara laughed. Close your books, He said, and let us take bath in the Gag. That happy group of students then went to the holy Gag with their dear teacher. The next morning Vivambhara went to teach in the school again. Once more He tried to make His students understand how everything is connected to r Ka. This time also they could not understand and they started to laugh. One student whispered to another, I think our teacher has too much air in His body. It has upset His mind. Another student directly asked Vivambhara, How did You get this explanation? Where does it come from? This is the verdict of all Vedic scriptures, Vivambhara answered. But if you cannot understand it, I will try to explain again this afternoon. When the morning class was over, Vivambharas students went to see r Gagdsa Paita. They had become confused and asked him, Why is our teacher behaving in this way? Gagdsa Paita laughed and told them he would talk with Vivambhara about His behaviour. Later that day, when Vivambhara came to see him, he told Vivambhara that His students were confused about His new teaching methods. Why dont You teach the way You used to? he asked Him.

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The golden Lord answered, By your mercy nobody can defeat Me in debate. I simply explain every word in relation to Ka. Is it possible for anyone to defeat that? Can anyone challenge My explanations, defeat them, and then explain something new? I am curious to see if anyone has the courage to try. I will go to the town and give my explanations there. Vivambhara offered His obeisances to His teacher and left. Gagdsa Paita was most pleased with Vivambharas bold behaviour. Vivambhara walked toward the Gag with His students and sat upon the bank of the river Gag. There He began to explain verses from the Vedas, showing how everything was related to Ka. Scholars who came to the Gag heard His bold explanations, but fearing Him, they kept silent. Can anyone find fault with any of My explanations? He challenged. Nobody dared to come forward to correct Him. In this way, Nimi Paita obliterated the scholars pride. Thereafter, Nimi visited the house of a most fortunate brhmaa. His name was Ratnagarbha crya, and he was born in the same village as Vivambharas father. Ratnagarbha crya was fond of reading from rmad-Bhgavatam and with great relish he recited the famous verse from the Tenth Canto (Chapter 23, Text 22), which describes the beauty of r Ka: His dark-complexion is like a fresh rain-cloud. His yellow cloth, which defeats the splendour of gold, shimmers against His body. His head is decorated with a peacock feather, and every part of His body is ornamented with designs that are drawn with various coloured minerals. Sprigs of new leaves adorn His form, and around His neck is an enchanting forest-flower garland of five colours. Dressed in this way, He appears

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as a fresh, youthful, expert dancer. He rests one hand upon the shoulder of His cowherd friend, and with the other He twirls a pastime lotus. His ears are decorated with earrings. Curly locks of hair splash against His cheeks, and His lotus face blossoms with a gentle smile. Hearing this sweet description of darkish Ka, Nimi fainted in ecstatic bliss. The students were wonderstruck to see their teacher in this condition. Ratnagarbha crya was most happy. Later, when Gaurga came back to His external senses, He told Ratnagarbha crya, Read on! Read on! Ratnagarbha crya happily continued to read the verses, and Gaurasundara, in trance, began to roll on the ground in bliss. All of the people assembled there offered their obeisances to the Lord. When this happened, Gaddhara Paita told r Ratnagarbha, Read no further. They all then sat down around the Lord. Nimi came out of His spiritual trance and asked, What happened? Was I very restless? Nobody was able to tell Him about His exhibition of love for Ka.

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. Visvambharas Sanki rtana Movement Begins

he next day, Vivambhara again gave class on dhtu, or Sanskrit verbal roots. He gave each and every definition in relation to Ka. He became so absorbed in the mood of being a servant of Ka that half the day passed without His noticing. His students did not want to open their mouths to interrupt Him. Finally, He came to external consciousness and asked, Was My explanation on verbal roots all right? His students told Him, For the last ten days, all You have done is explain that service to Ka and the holy name of Ka are within the meaning of every word in the scriptures. But as a result, we have not learnt any of the lessons in our books and our studies have come to a standstill. We were too fearful to tell You this before. What You say is correct. Ka is certainly the Supreme Absolute Truth. This is the essence of all the scriptures, but we were unable to understand them. This is our own fault and a result of our limited intelligence. Nimi informed His students, What you say is true. I see Ka everywhere and that is why I relate the studies in your Sanskrit grammar books to Him. I humbly apologise to you all. As of today, I will stop teaching you. You have My blessings to find another teacher. With tears in His eyes, Nimi closed His books and bound them.

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His students could not bear the thought of being separated from Him. We do not want another teacher, they said. We want to meditate on Your explanations birth after birth and take them into our hearts. We have learned enough. If You stop teaching, we will stop studying. Folding their hands, they offered prama to Vivambhara and then they also closed and bound their books. They loudly chanted, Hari, Hari, Hari! With tears in His eyes, that soft-hearted Lord embraced all of His students. He blessed them and affectionately said, Chant the sweet names of Ka day and night and make Him the dear most object of your hearts. You do not need to study any further. Now we should all perform sakrtana. In this way, the true meaning of all the scriptures will automatically manifest in your hearts. How do we do sakrtana? the students asked. Vivambhara began to sing: haraye nama, ka ydavya nama, gopla govinda rma r madhusdana and clap His hands. His students surrounded Him and sang along. This was the first of Vivambharas krtanas. How powerful it was! The people of Navadvpa ran to that very spot. The Vaiavas also came there and their hearts filled with joy. Finally, krtana has appeared in Navadvpa, they thought with great happiness. The sakrtana movement of Lord Vivambhara had now begun.

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The Meeting of Visvambhara and Nitya nanda Prabhu

hen Lord Nitynanda received word that Nimi had begun His sakrtana movement, He immediately came to Navadvpa and hid Himself in the house of r Nandana crya. He thought, If Vivambhara is the Lord of lords, surely He will be able to find Me. Within His heart, Vivambhara knew that His dear Nitynanda had arrived in Navadvpa. He met with His devotees and told them, Last night I had a wonderful dream. In that dream a chariot came to My door, bringing a very tall person dressed in blue cloth and carrying a plough on His shoulder. He asked again and again, Is this the house of Nimi Paita? Who are You? I asked Him. I am Your elder brother, He said. We will meet tomorrow. Taking the mood of Baladeva, Vivambhara roared as His body swayed back and forth. O Haridsa, O rvsa, immediately go and find this great personality. With happy hearts rla Haridsa and r rvsa set out to find Nitynanda Prabhu. They scoured the town for nine full hours, but they were unable to find Him. Finally, they returned to Vivambhara. We searched and searched, but we did not find anyone new, they told Him.

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Lord Nitynanda is indeed very mysterious. The only person who could reveal the secret of His whereabouts was Lord Vivambhara Himself. The Lord smiled and told them, Come with Me. Together we will go to find Him. As they walked along, the devotees happily chanted, Jaya Ka, jaya Ka! again and again. Lord Vivambhara walked straight to the house of Nandana crya. Inside, they saw a wonderful personality who shone like millions of suns. This was none other than r Nitynanda Prabhu. He was absorbed in blissful meditation and a sweet smile played on His lips. The Lord and the devotees stood before Lord Nitynanda and offered their obeisances to Him. Upon standing, they respectfully and silently gazed at Nitynanda Prabhus divine form. r Nitynanda slowly opened His eyes to see the Lord of His life, r Vivambhara, standing before Him. Unable to speak, the two golden Lords embraced each other and tears of happiness poured from Their eyes, drenching the earth. After this wonderful meeting, Nitynanda Prabhu stayed in the house of rvsa Paita. r Gaurga, r Nitynanda Prabhu and Their devotees held roaring krtanas at rvsas house. It was there, also, that Lord Caitanya revealed His other forms like r Rmacandra and Nsiha to His devotees and freely gave them pure love for Ka.

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The Story of Jaga i and Ma dha i

ne day, Lord Vivambhara said to Haridsa hkura and Nitynanda Prabhu, Listen, Haridsa and Nitynanda, I want both of you to go from door to door, and earnestly beg people to chant Kas name, worship Ka and follow Kas instructions. Then, at the end of the day, report back to Me. r Nitynanda and Haridsa hkura happily set out. Going from door to door, they begged one and all, Please chant the sweet holy names of Ka. One day, as they chanted along the paths of Navadvpa, they saw from a distance two large bodied men. They were obviously quite drunk and looked terribly ferocious. r Nitynanda turned to some people standing nearby and asked, Who are these two men? Why are they behaving like this? The people replied, Although they were born in a good, aristocratic family, they went astray and now they drink alcohol and eat meat. They also rob, steal, burn down peoples houses and kill brhmaas. In fact, there is no sin they have not committed. This was indeed true, but despite performing heaps of sinful activities, they never offended the gentlehearted and saintly devotees of the Lord. In this way, they did not completely lose all of their good fortune.

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When Lord Nitynanda heard how sinful they were, His heart melted and He thought, Lord Vivambhara came to this world to save the most fallen souls. Who could be more fallen than these two? Come, Haridsa, let us go and speak to them. It is our duty to ask them to chant the holy name. They walked in the direction of the two rogues while singing Kas names. When they were within hearing distance, they called out to them, Chant Kas name, worship Ka, give up your bad habits and surrender to the merciful Lord. The two drunkards were infuriated. Catch them! they yelled. Catch them! Now angry, as well as drunk, the two rogues chased Nitynanda and Haridsa, shouting nasty words at them as they ran. This brought great pleasure to the atheistic people, but it distraught the pious brhmaas, who called out, O Ka! Save them! Save them! Haridsa and Nitynanda ran with great speed. As they ran, Nitynanda said to Haridsa, My dear Haridsa, we have gotten ourselves in a fine mess. We will be lucky to come out of this alive. rla Haridsa replied, You wanted us to instruct these two drunkards about the holy names of Ka. In return for our kindness, we are about to meet a horrible violent death! The Lord saved me from my Muslim torturers, but now, because of Your restless nature and lack of intelligence, I will die very soon. Lord Nitynanda laughed and laughed. You are wrong, He joked. By nature I am very peaceful. Any restlessness I show comes from being with your Master, r Vivambhara. We are going from door to door on His order only, so do not blame Me! They laughed joyfully, as the two fatty drunkards chased after them.

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Nitynanda and Haridsa then called out, Save us, Ka! O Govinda, save us! Then, as they came close to rvsa Paitas house, they began running faster and headed directly towards it, leaving the two rogues far behind them. When they finally arrived, they saw Lord Vivambhara and told Him all that had happened. rvsa and Gagdsa told the Lord that the names of the two drunkards were Jagi and Mdhi. When Lord Vivambhara heard how they had greeted Lord Nitynanda and rla Haridsa hkura, He became upset and wanted to cut them to pieces, but the merciful Lord Nitynanda insisted on trying to convince them to chant Kas holy name. The next day, on His way to the house of Lord Vivambhara, Lord Nitynanda came face to face with Jagi and Mdhi. They were drunk, as was their custom, and demanded, What is Your name? My name is Avadhta, Nitynanda Prabhu replied. Avadhta means one who has no connection with the material world. Mdhi became furious. He picked up a broken piece of an earthen wine pot and threw it at Nitynandas forehead, cutting Him and causing Him to bleed. Jagi was totally shocked to see that Nitynanda was bleeding. Mdhi wanted to strike the Lord again, but Jagi stopped him. Why did you do such a brutal thing? he asked. This avadhta is innocent! Do not strike Him again. The townspeople ran to Lord Vivambhara and told Him what had happened. The Lord immediately ran there with His devotees. Seeing the blood on the forehead of Nitynanda Prabhu, He became furious and

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called, Cakra! Cakra! thus summoning His Sudarana disc. The frightening weapon appeared in the sky and moved threateningly towards Jagi and Mdhi. The merciful Lord Nitynanda ran to r Vivambhara and pleaded, I was hit by accident. Mdhi wanted to hit Me, but Jagi tried to stop him. I am bleeding but I do not feel any pain. I beg You to spare these two ruffians and give them to Me. Hearing this, Lord Vivambhara went to Jagi and embraced him. You have purchased Me because you protected My Nitynanda. The Lord blessed him instantly with pure love for Ka and revealed to him His four-handed form. Jagi held the Lords lotus feet on his chest and started to weep. Mdhi also threw himself at the lotus feet of r Vivambhara, begging Him for His mercy. You have committed a big offence to Lord Nitynanda, the Lord said. Go to Him, fall at His lotus feet, and ask for His forgiveness. When Mdhi did so, r Nitynanda immediately forgave him and embraced him tightly. In this way, Jagi and Mdhi were most fortunate, because they received pure love for Lord Ka.

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The Chand Kazi

very day in the company of His devotees, Lord Vivambhara would perform tumultuous krtanas and also instruct others to chant the mah-mantra, Hare Ka Hare Ka, Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma, Rma Rma Hare Hare. Once, when the envious Kazi, or Muslim governor, was out walking, he came upon some devotees doing krtana. He became enraged hearing the singing of Kas names accompanied by mdagas, karatlas and conchshells. Arrest them all! he shouted. Let us see what their teacher Nimi Paita can do to stop that! The fanatical Muslims began beating the devotees and breaking their mdagas. When Nimi heard that the Kazi had attacked the sakrtana party, He became furious and called for Lord Nitynanda. Tell all the Vaiavas to gather in the street this afternoon, He roared. I will lead a sakrtana party through the streets of Navadvpa! Let us see if anyone can stop Me! I will destroy the Kazis house and then I will do krtana right on his doorstep! Today I will shower love for Ka, and those atheists who want to stop Me will face their last hour. Tell everyone to come if they want to see Kas unbreakable strength! And tell all to bring torches with them! All the Vaiavas gathered outside Lord Vivambharas house, and the Lord divided them into different krtana groups. The krtanas were tumultuous as He boldly led the devotees through the streets of Navadvpa.

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The sound of Kas names thundered throughout the universe. Millions and millions of people joyfully and confidently joined the krtana party. Even the demigods came down from the heavenly planets, disguised as humans, and sang Kas names and danced with the devotees. On the instruction of the Lord, thousands of people carried torches, and at nightfall, the flames of all the torches miraculously lit up at the same instant! It was a magical sight. They shone with such brightness that it was not possible to discern whether it was day or night. With a thundering voice, Lord Vivambhara chanted Hari! Hari! He raised His long golden arms skyward and danced. Everywhere, men, women and children were drawn out of their homes, eager to experience the awesome sight of the Lord and His powerful krtana party. Although it seemed that Vivambhara wanted to hurt the Kazi, in fact He only wanted to liberate him and show everyone the glories and power of the Lords holy name. For this reason, He enacted this exciting pastime. Vivambhara led the huge party towards the house of the Kazi. Hearing the krtana from afar, the Kazi told his spies to find out what was happening. When he heard that Nimi Paita was coming to his palace with millions of devotees, all carrying flaming torches, he fled upstairs and locked himself in his room. Vivambhara arrived at the palace door and He angrily called out, Where is that offensive, troublemaking Kazi! Bring him to Me and cut off his head! Break open the doors and smash everything! Millions of people stormed into the palace and on the order of the Lord broke everything to pieces. It looked as if a hurricane had hit the palace.

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Set the palace on fire! Lord Vivambhara commanded. Let the Kazi and his men burn to death! I will destroy anyone who tries to stop the chanting of the holy names! In this incarnation, Lord Vivambhara gave love for Ka. He did not kill any demons. He only destroyed their demonic natures. He knew that by chanting Kas names, people would receive the greatest benefit. Chanting Hare Ka is the recommended spiritual practice for this age of Kali, and Vivambhara did not want anything to stop devotees from being able to do this. So out of love, to protect those souls who want to love Ka, He enacted this dramatic pastime. Out of His kindness, He made it quite clear how dear the devotees are to Him. The soft-hearted devotees sang beautiful verses praising the Lord and begged Him to spare the Kazi. After a while the Kazi came out from his hiding place and went to the Lord with his head down. The Lord was now peaceful and in a serious mood. He offered the Kazi a seat, thus respecting his position as a leading government official. They talked together in a way that was friendly, and the Kazi even called the Lord his nephew. The Kazi used to live in the same village as r Nlmbara Cakravart, the grandfather of Lord Vivambhara. Because r Cakravart was older than the Kazi, the Kazi used to call him uncle. In the course of speaking with the Kazi, Lord Vivambhara explained to him how sinful it was to kill the cow and eat her flesh. And the Kazi told Vivambhara about the complaints he had received about sakrtana, even from Hindus. As he told these stories, he chanted the holy names of the Lord Hari, Ka and Nryaa and his heart became purified.

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He then said, After the mdaga was broken, I had a dream in which a half man-half lion had jumped on my chest and threatened to kill me because I had stopped the sakrtana movement. I was filled with fear. When the lion saw how scared I was, He said that He would not take my life this time, but if I ever tried to stop sakrtana again, He would certainly kill me, and all my family, and all meat-eaters. He said He would rip open my chest just as I had ripped apart the mdaga. With tears of remorse in his eyes, the Kazi took shelter of Lord Vivambhara and promised that he would never interfere with the sakrtana movement again. His words made Lord Vivambhara peaceful. Vivambhara stood up and chanted Hari! Hari! and then He and His sakrtana party went on their way.

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Nima is Sannya sa

ne day, r Gaurga was remembering a pastime of the gops of Vndvana, and thus enchanted He called out, Gop, gop, gop! One atheistic brhmaa student heard this, and not understanding the Lords feelings, said, O Nimi Paita, why are you chanting gop, gop? You will not get any benefit from that. It would be better for You to chant Kas name. This is advised in the Vedas. The Lord responded to him in the mood of the gops. That thief Ka begged three pieces of land from Bali Mahrja and left him with nothing, He said. How will I benefit by chanting His name? He took a stick and ran towards that student who jumped up and fled in fear of his life. Seeing the Lord in this mood, the devotees quickly caught hold of Him and calmed Him down. There is nothing more exalted than the gops mood of loving service to r Ka. When the gops serve Ka, their only desire is to give Him pleasure. They are totally selfless and do not expect anything from Him in return for their service. The student who had rebuked Lord Vivambhara ran and ran until he met up with his friends. He was out of breath and in a state of bewilderment. What happened to you? they asked with concern.

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The student replied, Everybody says that Nimi Paita is a very pious person, but today I heard Him chanting Gop, gop. He was even cursing and abusing Ka. I told Him to chant Ka, Ka because that is advised in all holy books, but He became upset and chased after me with a stick! I am lucky to be alive! His fellow students felt sorry for him and started to criticize the Supreme Lord Vivambhara. They even considered beating Him. Lord Vivambhara knows everybodys heart. He understood that His atheistic students were speaking badly of Him. I came here to save the people of this world by giving them love of God, He thought, but if people criticize Me, they will only become more bound to this material world of suffering. I should leave home, shave My head and take sannysaI should become a renounced monk. People respect sannysis and do not harm them. If I am to save the whole universe, it is necessary that I accept the renounced order and become a sannys. Fixed in His decision, the Lord took r Nitynanda aside and asked His permission to leave home. Lord Nitynanda replied, You always wish the best for all people. You can do whatever is best, but please first ask the Vaiavas what they think about Your plan. Following r Nitynandas advice, Lord Vivambhara spoke to Mukunda, r Gaddhara and other Vaiavas. Although they were shocked and sad, they accepted His plan. One day before taking sannysa, r Vivambhara said to Lord Nitynanda, My dear Nitynanda, tomorrow is the day of Makara-sakrnti. The sun will change its route and move toward the northern direction. It is a

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good day to go to Katwa and take sannysa from the great r Keava Bhrat. Please, only tell five persons My mother, r Gaddhara, r Brahmnanda, r Candraekhara crya and r Mukunda about My decision. That night, a few hours before sunrise, r Gaurahari the son of mother ac silently walked towards the door of His house, about to leave forever. Mother ac sat by the door, weeping. He sat next to her and took hold of her hands. In billions and billions of years, I could never repay your love for Me, He told her. Mother ac did not say a word. Tears simply rolled down her cheeks as she bore intolerable pain. Nimi touched her feet and placed the dust on His head. He then respectfully walked a full circle around her and left. r Vivambhara crossed the Gag, where He met with r Nitynanda, r Gaddhara, Brahmnanda, Candraekhara crya and Mukunda. Together they went to the house of r Keava Bhrat. When r Keava Bhrat saw the divinely beautiful form of the Lord approaching, he rushed out to greet Him with great respect. The Lord offered His obeisances to r Bhrat and requested sannysa initiation from him. r Keava Bhrat said, I know that You are the guru of the universe, but to teach the world that one must accept a spiritual master to progress in spiritual life, You have chosen me to be Your guru. The next day, thousands wept as Lord Gaurgas beautiful, long curling hair was removed in a hair shaving ceremony. After bathing in the Gag, He sat down in the area where His sannysa ceremony was to take place. The Lord said to r Keava Bhrat, I had a dream in which a great personality came to Me and spoke the sannysa mantra. Please listen and see if it is correct. The clever Lord whispered the mantra in the ear of

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r Keava Bhrat. In this very simple way, r Vivambhara first made r Keava Bhrat His disciple. When r Bhrat heard the mantra from the Lords lotus mouth, he became amazed. This is the best of mantras, he said. He then whispered that same mantra into the Lords ear. In this way, Lord Vivambhara received sannysa from r Keava Bhrat. At that moment, all who were present chanted the Lords name. It made a thunderous sound that resounded in the sky. r Vivambhara had taken sannysa. He dressed Himself in the saffron garments of a sannys and took up a staff and water pot. r Keava Bhrat thought, Vivambhara is unique. There is nobody like Him in the three worlds. I want to give Him a special sannysa name. He placed his hand on the chest of the Lord and said, You always cause others to chant Kas holy name, and You began the practice of sakrtana. From now on You will be known as r Ka Caitanya! The crowd issued cries of Hari bol! Hari bol! The Lord was extremely satisfied with His new name. Thus ends second part of Nimis life.

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The Lord Travels to Puri

arly the next morning, r Ka Caitanya begged leave of His sannysa guru, r Keava Bhrat. He told him, Now I will enter the forest and there I will find the Lord of My heart, r Ka. r Keava Bhrat said, I will also come, and together we can take unlimited pleasure in performing sakrtana. Nitynanda, Gaddhara, Mukunda, r Keava Bhrat and Govinda walked westward with Mahprabhu. Mahprabhu had said that He wanted to stay in the forest near the Vakrevara Deity. On the way to Vakrevara, they passed through Rhadea, and Mahprabhu sprinkled His mercy on the people there. But eight miles before they reached Vakrevara, He smiled and completely turned around. Now He walked towards the east. I am going to Nilcala, Pur, He told them, because Lord Jaganntha has instructed Me to go there. As they walked along on the path to Pur, Mahprabhu turned to r Nitynanda Prabhu and said, Please return to Navadvpa. rvsa Paita, My mother and the other devotees are anguished because I am not with them. I must relieve them of their pain. You can tell them that I am on My way to Pur. First, I am going to see Haridsa in Phuliy. They can meet Me at r Advaitas house in ntipur. A few days later after visiting r Haridsa in Phuliy and blessing all the people who came to see Him there, r Caitanya Mahprabhu arrived in ntipur. When r Advaita saw His beloved Lord, He fell at His

- 98 lotus feet. He clasped the Lords feet, bathing them with tears of love. r Gaurga lifted the crya up and affectionately embraced Him. r Raghuntha dsa Gosvm also came to see Mahprabhu. He fell at His lotus feet, and the Lord showered him with great mercy by touching him with His feet. Later, in Pur, by the mercy of r Nitynanda, r Raghuntha stayed with Mahprabhu, who placed him in the care of r Svarpa Dmodara. Meanwhile, r Nitynanda Prabhu arrived at ntipur with all the devotees from Navadvpa. They were blissful to again be meeting with the Lord of their hearts. They sang beautiful prayers to Him. r Caitanya danced in delight to see them again. r Advaita secretly took the dust of His lotus feet and sprinkled it on his head. The next morning, the Lord took His leave and journeyed with His devotees to r Pur. When they arrived at Kamala-pura just outside of Pur, the Lord could see in the distance the flags fluttering on the top of the Jaganntha temple. He immediately offered His obeisances in the direction of that most sacred temple. In fact, He offered His pramas not just once, but again and again. Mahprabhu took permission from the devotees to go ahead of them. With great haste, He approached the temple of Lord Jaganntha. As He entered, He saw the deities of Lord Jaganntha, Balarma, Subhadr and Sudarana and began to roar in bliss and jump up and down. A constant flow of tears poured from His lotus eyes and He fainted and fell to the ground. The foolish guards of the temple, perceiving the Lord as just an ordinary person, thought that He was misbehaving and wanted to beat Him. r Srvabhauma Bhacrya, a local learned paita, was present at

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that time. He noticed that the Lord had all the symptoms of transcendental ecstasy and thought, I do not think He is an ordinary human being. The guards were just about to strike the Lord when r Srvabhauma Bhacrya rushed over and stopped them. He waited for the Lord to come back to His external senses, but the Lord remained motionless. r Srvabhauma Bhacrya had the Lord carefully carried to his home. Meanwhile, the devotees who had been left behind finally arrived at the temple. When they heard that their Lord was at the house of r Srvabhauma Bhacrya, they all went there. The Bhacrya welcomed them, and when he saw Nitynanda Prabhu, he fell to the ground before Him. He took His foot-dust and placed it on his head. He arranged for some guides to take those devotees to the temple of Lord Jaganntha so they could see the Lord. On the way, the guides pleaded with the devotees, Please stay calm in front of the deities. Do not act like your guru did. Lord Nitynanda, r Gaddhara, Govinda and the others laughed and promised the guides that they would act normally. Mind you, a few days later Nitynanda Prabhu went to the Jaganntha temple, jumped on the golden altar and embraced the deity of Lord Balarma. He took the flower garland from the neck of Balarma and put it around His own neck. We are fortunate enough to know that Nitynanda Prabhu is Lord Balarma Himself, but the guards did not know that. A large bodied guard wanted to pull Lord Nitynanda down from the altar, but as soon as the guard touched the Lords body, he flew backwards through the air and landed on

- 100 the temple floor. The Lord then gracefully walked out of the temple, strolling like the king of elephants. Later, the guard apologized to Lord Nitynanda, who happily forgave him. The devotees visited the Jaganntha temple and thereafter returned to Lord Caitanya at r Srvabhauma Bhacryas house. r Caitanya Mahprabhu was still internally absorbed in spiritual bliss. He was not aware of the outside world. After nine hours He returned to His external senses, and Lord Nitynanda told Him that r Srvabhauma had protected Him when He had fainted in the temple. r Caitanya stood up and embraced r Srvabhauma. Srvabhauma Bhacrya had observed the symptoms of ecstasy in r Ka Caitanya. He knew that only someone who has no connection with this material world could manifest such symptoms. He knew that r Caitanya was a most exalted person, but he did not know that He was actually the Supreme Lord. He was a monist, which means that he thought everyone could become God. He did not understand that God is a person and that it is our eternal, blissful nature to lovingly serve Him. Srvabhauma Bhacrya was concerned about Mahprabhu. He thought that since He was only twentyfour years old, it might be difficult for Him to remain a strict sannys. r Gopntha crya tried to tell the Bhacrya that Mahprabhu was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but r Bhacrya could not understand, even though he was a great scholar. I will speak Vedic philosophy to r Caitanya, he said, and in that way He will become detached from sense gratification. He will become a strong sannys and enter the path of monism. Go to r Caitanya and invite Him to come here, he said to Gopntha crya.

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For seven days continuously, the Bhacrya explained Vednta to our illustrious Lord, who simply sat there, listening. He did not say a word. On the eighth day, r Bhacrya said, You have been listening to my explanation, but You have not said one word. I do not know if You think it is right or wrong, or if You understand my explanation or not. I am a fool, Mahprabhu said. I am only listening because you told Me to do so, but I cannot understand a word of your explanation. If You do not understand, why do You remain silent? the Bhacrya asked. Oh, I understand Vednta-stra clearly, Mahprabhu answered. I just do not understand your explanations, which are based on imagination. Mahprabhu told him that the Supreme Lord is indeed a person who is eternal and who knows everything. He said the Lord is always blissful, and He has wonderful potencies, or aktis. He gave many wonderful arguments to support this, and He also proved that r akarcrya had cheated the people with his false impersonalist philosophy, which claimed that the Lord has no form. He then said, Actually, devotional service to r Ka is the perfection of human life. Even great sages who are free from bondage to this material world worship Ka. Mahprabhu then quoted the famous tmrma verse from rmad-Bhgavatam to prove this point. Srvabhauma Bhacrya said, Please explain this verse. Mahprabhu responded, First you explain it, then I will try.

- 102 The Bhacrya explained that verse in nine different ways, and the Lord was pleased with his scholarly presentation. There is, however, another way of looking at it, the Lord said. He then proceeded to explain the tmrma verse in great detail, according to the philosophy of devotion to Ka. r Srvabhauma was struck with wonder, and he understood that r Caitanya Mahprabhu was certainly the Supreme Lord Himself. Oh, I have been so offensive, he cried. Mahprabhu then sprinkled His mercy on r Srvabhauma and revealed to Him His marvellous six-armed form. All truths manifested in Srvabhaumas heart, and he understood the importance of chanting the holy name and giving divine love to one and all. He laughed, cried and danced and immediately composed one hundred prayers in glorification of Mahprabhu. Gopntha crya and the other devotees laughed to see the Bhacrya dance in happiness out of love for Mahprabhu.

Maha prabhu Leaves for South India

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ne month later, Mahprabhu told the devotees that He was going to South India. I want to seek out My brother, Vivarpa, He told them. Actually, Mahprabhu knew that Vivarpa had already left this world. He wanted to go to South India to give bhakti to the people there. I want to go alone, He told them. The devotees were not only sad, but worried. Who will protect Your belongings when You fall to the ground unconscious in ecstasy? asked Nitynanda Prabhu. Please allow this simple brhmaa named Kl Kadsa to accompany You. r Caitanya Mahprabhu agreed. They all then went to the house of r Srvabhauma Bhacrya, and Mahprabhu told him of His plan and asked for his blessings. The Bhacrya was not at all happy about this. Finally, after many, many births, I have met You, and now You are leaving me. Please stay here for just a few more days so I can have darana of Your lotus feet, he requested. Mahprabhu agreed. After some days, they went to the temple of Jaganntha and circumambulated the altar. As Mahprabhu was leaving Pur, r Srvabhauma begged the Lord that while on His journey in South India, He visit r Rmnanda Rya, a great Vaiava who lived on the bank of the holy river Godvar. At that time, Rmnanda Rya was the governor of South India. Mahprabhu assured him that He would. As the Lord set off for South India, travelling on foot, Srvabhauma Bhacrya, who was now filled with love for Him, fainted.

- 104 The devotees walked with Him as far as llantha, which is just outside Pur. From llantha, the Lord went on His way, walking along with Kadsa. Dancing and singing, Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! He! r Ka Caitanya walked from village to village. He would say to whomever He saw, Chant Hari, Hari! and that person would automatically dance and sing Hari, Hari! In this way, all who saw Him would become His devotees. Mahprabhu would embrace them and fill them with spiritual potency. Now, return to your home, He told them, and tell everyone there to chant Hari, Hari! Each person did so and people came from other villages to see such a Vaiava. Just by that Vaiavas glance, all who saw him would become like him.

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The Leper Va sudeva n one village along the way, He stayed with a brhmaa named Krma. Mahprabhu accepted the loving service offered by the brhmaa and his family and with affection told them to always chant the holy names of Ka. The next morning He again went on His way. Some time later, a saintly brhmaa named Vsudeva came to that house. Vsudeva had heard that Mahprabhu was staying there and was most eager to see the Lord. Vsudevas body was plagued with leprosy and filled with live worms. Still, he was so kind that if a worm fell from a sore, he would it pick up and put it back. Upon Vsudevas arrival at Krmas abode, he discovered that Lord Caitanya had already left. He became so overwhelmed with sadness that he fainted. But the merciful Lord, knowing the heart of every living being, immediately returned to that place and lovingly embraced Vsudeva. At that moment, Vsudevas leprosy was cured and his distress caused by not being able to see the Lord, vanished. Dazed by this unbelievable mercy he offered prayers to the Lord. He thought, I fear that now I will become proud because I have personally received the mercy of Mahprabhu. Mahprabhu advised him, If you chant Hare Ka Hare Ka, Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma, Rma Rma Hare Hare day and night, you will never become proud. He also told the brhmaa to tell others about Ka. If you do this, you will soon become Kas devotee. Then, the merciful Lord left that place.

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- Lord Caitanya Meets Ra ma nanda Ra ya

ord Caitanya walked for a few days and finally arrived in Vidynagara, where he went to the bank of the enchanting Godvar River. He took bath in her waters and sat down, uttering Kas name. At that time, r Rmnanda Rya arrived there. He was being carried on a palanquin and surrounded by brhmaas chanting beautiful Vedic hymns. It was a grand scene. The mere sight of Rmnanda Rya enchanted Caitanya Mahprabhu, and in His heart, He ran to greet Him. Rmnanda Rya saw the beautiful sannys to be as radiant as one hundred suns. He was wonderstruck by His beauty and offered his obeisances. Arise, the Lord said, and chant Ka, Ka. Mahprabhu wanted to embrace him, but did not. Are you Rmnanda Rya? He asked. Yes, I am Your lowly servant, Rmnanda answered. Moved by intense love, Mahprabhu embraced him, and, having now met each other, they both fainted in ecstasy. r Caitanya asked r Rya, Please recite a verse about the ultimate goal of life. r Rmnanda Rya recited a verse, but the Lord was not satisfied because the verse was not about the souls eternal and pure service to Ka. He then recited another verse, and again the Lords reaction was, This is also external; please tell us something more. And in this way their conversation continued

- 108 until r Rmnanda Rya spoke a verse about pure devotional service. At that point, the Lord was satisfied, but still He said, There is even a higher goal than that. Can you please speak another verse to describe that? r Rmnanda Rya spoke more and more verses, each time expressing a higher and more beautiful love for Ka as the goal of life. Finally, he said, The highest goal of life is loving service at the lotus feet of the Divine Couple r r Rdh-Ka. How does one attain this loving service mood? Rmnanda Rya explained that if one practises bhakti by chanting and serving under the care of the gops of Vndvana, or of their pure representatives who serve Rdh-Ka day and night, one can attain this goal. No other process enables one to understand it. r Rmnanda Rya spoke further on this point and Mahprabhu embraced Him in great happiness. He showed r Rmnanda His beautiful form as Ka, whose bluish limbs were covered by the hue of golden limbed rmat Rdhik. No one had ever seen this form of the Lord before. r Rmnanda, seeing r r Rdh-Ka together like this, became completely enchanted and he fainted. The Lord touched his hand and brought him back to his senses. They spent the next ten days in great bliss discussing Kas pastimes. Mahprabhu then asked Rmnanda Rya permission to continue on His tour of South India. The Lord also ordered him to leave his post as governor of Madras and stay with Him in Jaganntha Pur. Even though he was the governor of South India, r Rya was eager to leave his position.

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Maha prabhu Defeats the Buddhists

t one place in South India, a learned Buddhist leader and his followers came to meet with r Caitanya. The Buddhist tried to present the nine philosophical conclusions of Buddhism to the Lord, saying it is the only true path. The Buddhist leader gave the first of these conclusions: the creation is eternal, so a creator does not exist. He went on to give the other eight conclusions, but Mahprabhu cut his arguments with His strong logic and defeated them. In this way, the Buddhists could not establish their false ideas as truth. Some people, who were standing nearby, heard all this and laughed. This filled the atheistic Buddhists with shame and fear. They left that place in a hurry. Now they knew that Lord Caitanya was a Vaiava, and out of envy, they plotted against Him. They prepared a plate of untouchable food and brought it before Mahprabhu. Please take this mahprasda, they deceitfully told Him. Suddenly a massive bird appeared in the sky, swooped down and picked up the plate of contaminated food in its claws. Right then and there, it dropped that metal plate on the head of the Buddhist leader. The edge of the plate hit his head and cut it. He fell unconscious to the ground. The disciples of the Buddhist leader wept loudly and ran to take the shelter of the lotus feet of Mahprabhu. You are indeed the Supreme Lord, they cried. We beg You to forgive us for this offence.

- 110 Please bring our guru back to consciousness. r Caitanya Mahprabhu sprinkled His mercy on them, saying, Loudly chant the names of Ka and Hari in unison in the ears of your master. If you do this, he will be revived. The disciples did as He said, and their teacher came back to consciousness. As he awoke, he cried, Hari, Hari, and then he himself took shelter of the lotus feet of Mahprabhu. The local people who witnessed this event were truly amazed.

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Pastimes in South India

ravelling throughout South India, Mahprabhu arrived at r Ragam and visited the temple of r Ragantha. Overwhelmed by love upon seeing the huge deity of lying-down Viu, He sang and danced wonderfully in that temple. No one in r Ragam had ever seen such a charming display of devotion. A Vaiava named r Vekaa Bhaa respectfully invited the Lord to his house. He bathed the Lords lotus feet and then he and his family members honoured that foot-bathing water by sipping a little and sprinkling some on their heads. The four month rainy season, known as Catrmsya, had started. Vekaa Bhaa humbly requested r Caitanya Mahprabhu, Please stay in my house during Catrmsya and tell us about Ka. Mahprabhu agreed to do so and spent His time there in great happiness. This r Vekaa had a devoted son named Gopla, who became the Lords personal servant. Later, this same Gopla went to Vndvana, where he became known as r Gopla Bhaa Gosvm and devoted himself to Mahprabhus teachings.

- The Bra hmana and The Bhagavad-gi ta .

Every day the Lord bathed in the holy river Kver and every day He danced for hours in spiritual bliss. Thousands and thousands of people came to see Him. Indeed, when someone saw r Caitanya Mahprabhu, it was impossible for that person to remain unhappy.

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In that same town there was a Vaiava brhmaa who went every day to the temple of r Ragantha. He would loudly read Bhagavad-gt, but he could not read the words properly. Sometimes people would laugh at him and criticize him, but that did not stop him from his reading. In great bliss, with tear-filled eyes and goose bumps all over his body, he kept on reading. Mahprabhu was most satisfied to see the brhmaas pure absorption in Bhagavad-gt, and asked, Dear brhmaa, which part of this holy book gives you so much spiritual happiness? The brhmaa answered, I cannot read properly. Sometimes I read the words correctly and other times I do not, but I am simply reading rmad Bhagavad-gt because my spiritual master told me to. In fact, I only see beautiful, blackish r Ka. Acting as Arjunas chariot driver, He is holding the reins in His hands and giving Arjuna instruction. This is what makes me blissful. When I read Bhagavad-gt, I see r Kas beautiful lotus face and I cannot think of anything else. Hearing this, Mahprabhu told the brhmaa, Yes, you know the real meaning of this holy book. He then embraced that brhmaa with great affection. The brhmaa fell at the Lords feet and clasped them. Weeping, he said, Now I feel twice as happy as before. I can therefore understand that You are that same r Ka. r Ka had mercifully shown His form to that brhmaa, and the mind of the brhmaa was purified. For this reason he could recognize Mahprabhu. Because he was faithfully following the order of his spiritual master, he could understand the true meaning of Bhagavad-gta, and thus he became happy forever.

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Delivering the Seven Palm Trees

After leaving the house of r Vekaa Bhaa, the Lord came to Saptatla. Sapta means seven and tla means trees. The trees were very old palm trees, enormous in size and very wide. When Lord Rmacandra was in combat with Vli, the brother of Sugrva, He shot the final arrow at Vli from behind one of those trees. Mahprabhu saw those trees and embraced them. Upon His doing so, they disappeared and went to Vaikuha-loka, the spiritual world. The people could not believe their eyes when they saw that these massive trees had suddenly disappeared. Only Lord Rmacandra has the power to send these trees to Vaikuha, they said. This sannys known as r Caitanya Mahprabhu must be Lord Rma Himself. As the golden Lord passed through many villages, He joyfully chanted, Hare Ka Hare Ka, Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma, Rma Rma Hare Hare. By doing this, He freely distributed blissful love for Ka.

- - Reunited with Sri Ra ma nanda Ra ya

After travelling for some time, He started His return journey to Pur, finally arriving again in Vidynagara, the place of r Rmnanda Rya. Word quickly reached r Rmnanda that Mahprabhu had returned, and he hurried to meet Him. He fell at the feet of his beloved Lord, and they embraced and wept in the happiness of seeing each other again.

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Mahprabhu told him about His tour of South India. While there, the Lord said, I came across two holy books about Ka. One was called Brahma-sahit and the other Ka-karmta. He handed these books to r Rya, saying, Everything you told Me about devotion to Ka is supported by these books. The two of them sat together and read those books with great relish. For seven days and nights, they had sweet discussions about service to Ka. I am coming to Pur as You asked me to, said r Rya. I came back to Vidynagara just to bring you to Pur with Me, Mahprabhu replied. I am certainly coming, said r Rya. But for now, You should go alone, because when I come, I will be accompanied by horses, elephants and soldiers, and they will create quite an uproar. I will be there within ten days. The Lord then returned to Jaganntha Pur. When He came to Allantha, He sent His servant Kadsa ahead to call r Nitynanda Prabhu and the other devotees. They all hurried to Allantha, and a blissful reunion between Mahprabhu and the devotees took place. Later, at the house of r Srvabhauma, the devotees listened with rapt attention as the Lord described His journey to South India.

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- King Prata parudra and the Ratha-yatra Festival

ne day r Srvabhauma said to rman Mahprabhu, The King of Orissa, King Pratparudra Rya, is most eager to meet You. Upon hearing that a king wanted to meet Him, that Supreme Lord, in the role of a strict sannys, immediately covered His ears. I do not want to see a king, He said. Kings are busy with worldly matters, and I am a sannys, so it is dangerous for Me to meet with those absorbed in worldly business. I will not meet him. This king is not ordinary, r Srvabhauma said. He is a great devotee of Lord Jaganntha. But the mind of the Lord would not be changed and, in His pastime of instructing everyone that a sannys should avoid contact with anything that will bind him to this world, He remained fixed in His decision. The yearly Ratha-ytr festival was approaching. In this festival, Lord Jaganntha, Lord Balarma and Lady Subhadr journey by chariot to the Guic Temple. As they are carried from the temple to their own magnificent chariots, devotees fan them with cmaras, or shimmering white yak-tail fans. Adding to the wonder of this festival is the thunderous sound of hundreds of large hand-cymbals and drums filling the air. Musicians and singers glorify Lord Jaganntha, and colourfully dressed jugglers and others entertain the Lords with incredulous feats.

- 118 When the deities are all finally seated on their chariots, hundreds and thousands of devotees pull the long, thick ropes of the chariots until they arrive at the Guic Temple, which represents Vndvana. This ceremony takes one full day. After eight days, the Lord returns to His temple. On the day before this festival, Mahprabhu took His devotees to the Guic Temple, and with much merriment and chanting Hari, Hari, Hari they swept it and washed it spotlessly clean with hundreds of pots of water. With His own hands, Mahprabhu cleaned the place where Lord Jaganntha was to be seated. The next day was Ratha-ytr. As Lord Jaganntha, the Lord of the Universe, came out of His temple the devoted King Pratparudra humbly came before Him and, with a golden-handled broom, he swept the road in front of Lord Jaganntha. He then sprinkled the road with water that was scented with sandalwood. Mahprabhu saw the Kings humble act of devotion, and He was silently most pleased. The presence of Mahprabhu at Ratha-ytr made the festival more exciting than ever before. He organized seven krtana parties, and each party had its own singers, musicians and even dancers. The drums in all the parties played at the same time and the deafening sound thrilled the devotees. Showing His mystic power, Mahprabhu appeared in the midst of each krtana party at one and the same time! Each group was thinking that Mahprabhu was only dancing with them! But King Pratparudra and Srvabhauma Bhacrya could see what was really happening. Why did r Caitanya Mahprabhu bestow this mercy upon the King? He was extremely pleased with the Kings humility. Even though he was a great king, he had become a simple street sweeper in the service of Lord Jaganntha.

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Who can describe r Caitanya Mahprabhus amazing dance at Ratha-ytr? He jumped high in the air, spun around like a wheel, ran here and there and rolled on the ground. He looked like an effulgent golden mountain. Tears poured from His lotus eyes like a syringe, wetting everybody around Him. Foam came from His mouth like nectar pouring from the moon. In this way Mahprabhu, who is Ka Himself, with the moods and lustre of rmat Rdhr, became completely absorbed in r Jagannthas journey to Guic. When Lord Jagannthas chariot came to Balagai, it stood still, and Lord Jaganntha was offered a great feast. Nearby there was a beautiful flower garden, and Mahprabhu, feeling tired, entered that garden to take some rest. He laid down and closed His lotus-like eyes. According to the direction of Srvabhauma Bhacrya, King Pratparudra also entered that garden in the dress of a Vaiava. He humbly turned to the devotees and with folded hands, requested their permission before falling at the lotus feet of the Lord and touching those feet. Then, he expertly massaged the legs of Mahprabhu, while singing Gop-gt, beautiful verses from rmad Bhgavatam. This brought unlimited pleasure to rman Mahprabhu and He embraced the king. You are giving me indescribable wealth, He told him. But there is nothing I can give you in return, except for My embrace. Tears flowed from the eyes of both of them, and they trembled in bliss. The wish of the devotee king to meet the Lord was finally fulfilled. The Lord knew, within His heart, that this person dressed as a Vaiava was really the King, but externally He acted like He did not know. The

- 120 Kings humble service of sweeping the road had stimulated the Lords mercy. This is the power of a humble mood of service to Ka. Who are you? Mahprabhu asked. I am the humble servant of your servants, the King answered. The Lord then showed the King just some of His divine opulence, but said, Do not tell anyone about this. Finally it was time for the chariot of Lord Jaganntha to continue its journey, but the chariot would not move a single inch. King Pratparudra arranged for especially powerful wrestlers to pull the chariot, but still it would not move. Next, he brought large elephants and harnessed them to the chariot, but it did not budge, even though they pulled it with all their strength. In an attempt to stimulate them to do this task, they were beaten by their keeper with an elephant goad, but it had no effect. Mahprabhu heard what was going on and came with His devotees to look at the situation. Seeing the commotion, He set the elephants free and handed the ropes to His devotees. Then He went to the back of the chariot. He placed His head against the chariot, and pushed itwith His head. Suddenly, the chariot made a loud rattling sound and began moving forward, without even being pulled! The devotees just held the ropes loosely in their hands. Nothing could be heard but the deafening shouts of, Jaya Jaganntha! Jaya Jaganntha! resounding in the air. Finally the chariot reached its destination, the Guic Temple. Lord Jaganntha, Lord Balarma and r Subhadr were brought inside and placed on their thrones. That evening, Lord Caitanya left the Guic temple and went to rest for the night in the garden called io.

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Lord Caitanya Journeys to Sri Vrndavana Dha ma .

ome time later, Lord Caitanya travelled towards Vrdvana. Many devotees followed Him. When He arrived at Rmakeli-grma, r Nitynanda Prabhu and r Haridsa hkura introduced Him to two brothers who held high positions in the court of the Muslim king. Their names were Dabira Khsa and Skara Mallika.

- 122 Upon seeing their eternal Lord, they fell like two sticks at His lotus feet, and in their humility they offered Him many prayers. r Caitanya was overjoyed to be reunited with His eternal servants and gave them the names r Rpa and r Santana. r Santana said to Mahprabhu, It would be better for You not to go to Vndvana surrounded by so many followers. Mahprabhu journeyed on just a little further to Kni Nal, but eventually He returned to Jaganntha Pur, according to r Santanas idea. Then, just a few days later, Mahprabhu again left for r Vndvana, this time secretly. He took only r Balabhadra Bhacrya with Him. Chanting the holy name, He travelled through the dangerous Jhrikhada forest, where He caused wild animals like tigers, elephants and deer, to dance and chant Ka! Ka! Actually, love for Ka brimmed in their hearts. In that bliss the tigers and deer kissed and embraced each other. When Mahprabhu saw this, He smiled sweetly. After some time He arrived in Mathur. He first visited Virma gha, then Kas birthplace and then He went to other holy places. Thereafter He went to Vndvana and blissfully roamed here and there. He asked the local people, Do you know where r Rdh-kua and r Syma-kua are? The people said, We do not know of Rdh-kua and r Syma-kua. We only know of two fields called the black field and the golden field. Mahprabhu decided to investigate. Indeed, within the fields He found two little ponds. Understanding that they were r Rdh-kua and r Syma-kua, He joyfully took bath in them.

- Sri la Sanatana Gosva mi

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rom Vndvana, Mahprabhu went on to Prayga. r Rpa heard that Mahprabhu was in Prayga, and left his position in the court of Nawab Hussein, the Muslim king of Bengal, to come to meet Mahprabhu. He brought his younger brother, r Anupama, along with him. His resignation displeased the king, but he still had r Santana working for him, so he agreed to accept r Rpas decision to leave. However, not long after this, r Santana also wanted to leave his important post and join r Caitanya. At this point, the king became furious and threw r Santana in prison! Locked up in a prison cell, r Santana received a brief letter from r Rpa. The letter said, Anupama and I are meeting r Caitanya Mahprabhu in Prayga. Somehow, you should join us there soon. Santana was desperate to meet with them all. He cleverly bribed the jail keeper with some money that r Rpa had left him. In this way, he escaped from the clutches of the Muslim ruler and began to make his way to Prayga. In Prayga, r Caitanya visited the temple of Bindu-mdhava. It was there that He met with r Rpa and r Anupama. Where is r Santana? He asked. He is in jail, r Rpa explained. The king became angry when he wanted to leave like I had. Please save him from this predicament.

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Your brother is already out of jail. He will be able to meet with Me soon. In Prayga, r Caitanya Mahprabhu deposited in the heart of r Rpa a vast treasure chest of unique, priceless jewels. What were those jewels? They were the complete art of pure loving service to r r Rdh and Ka. r Rpa happily distributed those precious jewels to all, in the form of the books that he wrote. Ten days later, Mahprabhu went to Vras, where he stayed in the house of r Candraekhara. r Santana also arrived in Vras. He hurried to the house of r Candraekhara and sat at his door. The Lord knew that r Santana was there. He told r Candraekhara, A Vaiava is sitting at your door. Please call him inside. r Candraekhara opened the door, but he did not see any Vaiava, so he went back inside. Is there no one sitting at the door? r Caitanya asked. Only a Muslim mendicant, replied Candraekhara. r Santana looked like a Muslim, with his long hair and beard. Bring him in, said Mahprabhu. Candraekhara told the mendicant to come inside. r Santana entered the courtyard, and as soon as Mahprabhu saw him, He ran to embrace him. Their eternal love for each other welled in their hearts and they both wept. Candraekhara was very intrigued by the deep love this Muslim mendicant and Mahprabhu obviously had for each other. Mahprabhu lovingly took the hand of r Santana, sat him down beside Him, and cleansed his body with His own lotus hands.

- 126 r Santana then went to bathe and put on clean cloth. When he returned to Mahprabhu he humbly said, I am a most fallen and lowly person. I do not know what is good for me. Please tell me, who am I? What is my duty, and why do so many difficulties arise in my life? r Caitanya Mahprabhu explained, The bond between Lord Ka and the living being is eternal. Everybody is a servant of the Supreme Lord r Ka and therefore, one should lovingly serve Him. When one forgets Ka, one becomes addicted to material wealth. This is the root cause of so many problems in a persons life. Someone may become Ka conscious with the help of the pure devotees of the Lord. Then all problems and sadness quickly go far away. When you know this deeply, you can go to the eternal home of r Ka, Goloka Vndvana, and happily serve and play with Him there forever. In this way r Caitanya Mahprabhu sprinkled r Santana Gosvm with His mercy. He then advised him to go to Mathur. While in Vras, Mahprabhu also inspired the impersonalist Myvds to become devotees of Ka.

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- Si va nanda Sena and the Dog

r Caitanya Mahprabhu finally arrived back to Pur and went with the devotees to the temple to see Lord Jaganntha. Under the loving care of ivnanda Sena, the devotees from Bengal, including Mother ac, also travelled to Pur to meet with Mahprabhu. On the journey, ivnanda Sena came across a stray dog. That dog adopted their party and began to travel with them. ivnanda Sena fed that dog and cared for him nicely. One day, they needed cross a river by boat, but the boatman would not allow the dog on board. ivnanda Sena successfully bargained with the boatman, offering him extra money. In this way, the dog was allowed to continue with them. A few days later, while r ivnanda was busy paying a road tax, his servant forgot to feed the dog and the dog disappeared. ivnanda Sena was most upset and sent out a search party, but the dog was nowhere to be found. That evening, ivnanda Sena fasted. The following morning they again looked for the dog but without success. They arrived in Pur and met with Mahprabhu, who took them to the Jaganntha Temple. They honoured prasda with Him and went home. The next day they again went to meet with Mahprabhu, and to their surprise, that very dog was sitting at His side.

- 128 Mahprabhu was feeding the dog the remnants of coconut pulp and saying, Chant Rma! Chant Ka! Chant Hari! The dog was gulping down the coconut pulp and chanting Ka! Ka! ivnanda Sena was incredulous. He offered his obeisances to that dog, to remove his offence of neglecting him. The next day nobody saw the dog, who had gone to Vaikuha in his pure spiritual body. Such is the rare fortune of the association of Mahprabhu and His pure devotees. r Santana Gosvm had left Vndvana to meet with Mahprabhu in Pur. The journey was many hundreds of miles, and r Santana Gosvm travelled on foot all the way. As he walked through the jungles of the Jhrikhaa forest, he became so thirsty that he drank some contaminated water. Wet itching sores developed all over his body. r Santanas only sadness was that now his body was useless for performing devotional service. I will not be able to see Mahprabhu and Lord Jaganntha, he thought. I will give up my life by throwing myself in front of the wheel of Lord Jagannthas chariot at the Ratha-ytr festival. When r Santana reached Pur, he went to see r Haridsa hkura who welcomed him with a warm embrace. At that time Mahprabhu arrived there, coming on his daily visit. When Mahprabhu saw r Santana, He went to embrace him, but r Santana stepped back. O Lord, please do not touch me. I am a low caste person and my body is covered in wet sores. But the Lord forcibly embraced him, not caring that unclean sores covered r Santanas body.

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A few days later, they met again. Mahprabhu said, My dear Santana, if I could attain Ka by committing suicide, I would give up millions of bodies without a seconds delay. You cannot get Ka by killing yourself. You have given yourself to Me, so now your body is My property. Give up this nonsensical idea and just chant and hear about Ka. Santana Gosvm fell at the lotus feet of the Lord and Mahprabhu embraced him again. Some time later, r Jagadnanda Paita advised r Santana to return to Vndvana, but Mahprabhu did not like this idea. He asked r Santana to stay with Him for one year and again embraced him. By the touch of the Lords body, the wet itching sores on r Santanas body disappeared completely, and his body became as brilliant as gold.

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- The Gambhi ra
nce, late at night, in the Lords small room called Gambhr, Svarpa Dmodara and Rya Rmnanda laid the Lord down in His bed. They then bolted the three doors leading to Mahprabhus room, and left. Govinda, Mahprabhus servant, laid himself down on the floor in front of the last of these doors. He could hear the Lord chanting loudly, Hare Ka Hare Ka, Ka Ka Hare Hare, Hare Rma Hare Rma, Rma Rma Hare Hare. Suddenly, there was no sound coming from the Gambhr. Govinda quickly sent for Svarpa Dmodara. They opened all three doors and saw that the room was empty. Mahprabhu had left the room mysteriously. With a burning torch, Svarpa Dmodara and the other devotees went looking for the Lord. At last, after searching everywhere, they found Him unconscious in the cow shed of the Jaganntha temple. His transcendental body was completely transformed. His arms and legs had gone inside His body, just like tortoises do. Tears were flowing from His lotus eyes and foam came from His lotus mouth. The devotees carried the Lord back home as they chanted the Hare Ka mantra. After a while the Lord came back to His senses and His body returned to normal again. He told the devotees, I heard Kas flute sound and went to see Him. In Vrdvana, I saw Him in a grove in the forest, laughing and joking with Rdhr and the gops. And now, by your loud chanting, I was brought back here.

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Lord Caitanya and the Fisherman

ne autumnal full-moon night, Mahprabhu was walking by the sea with His devotees. The waves glittered beautifully in the light of the moon. Thinking that the sea was the Yamun River, He became overjoyed. Losing all external consciousness, He ran and jumped into the water, unseen by the others. His devotees searched for Him, but could not find Him anywhere. They came across a fisherman, whose behaviour was most unusual. He carried his fishing net over his shoulder and was laughing, crying, dancing and singing, Hari, Hari, Hari, Hari. My dear fisherman, why are you acting in this way? Svarpa Dmodara asked. I threw my net into the water and caught a dead body, the fisherman replied. At first I thought it was a big fish, but when I saw that it was a dead person, I tried to get it out of the net. I touched that body and a ghost came into my heart. Now it is haunting me. Do not go over there or that ghost will enter your body, too. I am going to find an exorcist to relieve me of this ghost. Svarpa Dmodara understood the situation and assured the fisherman, Oh, I am a very famous exorcist. I know how to free you from this ghost. He recited some verses, putting his hand on the fishermans head. He then slapped the fisherman three times and said, Now the ghost has gone.

- 134 The fisherman calmed down, and Svarpa Dmodara explained to him that he had not been affected by a ghost at all, but by the Supreme Lord Himself. By touching the Lords body, love for Ka had entered his heart and agitated his mind. The fisherman replied, I have seen the Lord before, but the body I caught in my net is not He. It is completely twisted. Sometimes, because of His love for r Ka, the Lords spiritual body undergoes very special extraordinary changes, Svarpa Dmodara explained to the fisherman. Sometimes His limbs enter His body, just like those of a tortoise, and sometimes they become dislocated and very long. Hearing this, the fisherman became relieved and took the devotees to where the Lord was lying unconscious on the beach. The devotees saw Mahprabhus body all stretched and twisted, with His limbs dislocated from their joints. They gently washed the sand off Him and loudly chanted Kas name. Mahprabhu came back to external consciousness, and His body returned to its normal appearance.

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Final Pastimes
very year r Jagadnanda Paita went from Pur to Navadvpa. The Lord had requested him to visit mother ac, r Advaita crya and other Vaiavas there. But this time r Advaita crya sent a message back to the Lord with Jagadnanda Paita. This message took the form of a mysterious riddle. r Advaita said, Tell r Caitanya Mahprabhu, whose behaviour is like that of a madman, that all here have become mad like Him, so in the marketplace, rice is no longer needed. r Advaita had called Mahprabhu to this world, but in this riddle He was telling the Lord that everybody had now received love for Ka and that His mission had been completed. The time had come for Mahprabhu to leave this world and return to His own eternal abode. After receiving that message, Mahprabhus mood of separation became twice as intense. Day and night, in His little room called the Gambhr, He tasted the sweet and deep moods of rmat Rdhik in separation from Ka. He talked illogically and rubbed His face against the walls, thus revealing powerful emotions. Svarpa Dmodara and Rya Rmnanda were with Him, and they expertly sang beautiful, melodious songs about Rdh and Ka meeting each other. This made Mahprabhu calm and peaceful. Once, in great happiness, Mahprabhu said, My dear Svarpa Dmodara and Rya Rmnanda, in this age of Kali, chanting the holy names of the Lord is the best way of worshipping Ka. If one does this, one

- 136 will quickly reach His lotus feet. The Lord then spoke r ikaka, eight verses describing how this good fortune can come to us.

T .ta-gop-natha i .o
The deity of o-gopntha was given by Caitanya Mahprabhu to r Gaddhara. The word o means garden. One day while Mahprabhu was listening to r Gaddhara Paita speak on rmad Bhgavatam, His lotus hand played with the sand. O Gaddhara, I want to give you something. Will you accept it? Gaddhara Paita replied, I will happily accept whatever You give me. I want to give you My heart, He said. At that time the beautiful deity of Gopntha, in a three-fold bending form, became visible from under the sand. Gaddhara Paita was overjoyed and began to worship this deity.

In this way Mahprabhu roamed around this Earth planet for forty-eight years. He distributed love for Ka to all living beings; He tasted the moods of rmat Rdhik to His full satisfaction, and He brought joy to

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all His devotees. Now fully blissful, because all His wishes were fulfilled, the Golden Avatra r Caitanya Mahprabhu returned to His own abode. His departure from this planet was fully transcendental. He disappeared into the deity of r r ogopntha. In this way, the Lord concluded His pastimes on this Earth, leaving His beloved devotees to become absorbed day and night in remembrance of Him. Shortly after r Caitanya Mahprabhu left this world, r Gaddhara Paitas body became very frail in separation from Mahprabhu. It became almost impossible for him to properly serve o Gopntha. Out of extreme kindness, r Gopntha sat down. Now He could continue receiving the service of r Gaddhara Paita.

We have now completed our short journey through the life of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. These pastimes are sweeter than nectar. They fill the heart with happiness and drive away all inauspiciousness. They quench the souls natural thirst to love the Supreme Lord, and therefore, they are the tonic for all misery.

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Hare Kr .sna Hare Kr .sna . . . . Kr .sna Kr .sna Hare Hare . . . . Hare Ra ma Hare Ra ma Ra ma Ra ma Hare Hare

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