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Syllabus for Bachelor of Arts Programme

(Under Semester System, 2010-11 onwards)

Department of English Faculty of Arts Banaras Hindu University

Approved by the Board of Studies on 22nd April 2010

Bachelor of Arts Programme in English

Core Course Elective Course Language Course Soft Skill Spoken English Course : 60 credits : 12 credits : 12 credits : 6 credits

(A credit is measured by the number of hours. 1 credit =1 hour of formal class for 14/15 weeks)

The BA course in English shall comprise six semesters of 60 credits. Semesters I to IV shall consist of two courses each, while Semesters V and VI shall have six courses each. Each course shall carry 100 marks. Of these, 70 marks shall be reserved for theory (End Semester examination) and 30 marks for tutorials/class tests (Internal assessment). The examination of the theory component of each course shall be of three hours duration.

[The starred texts/items are meant for detailed study]

CORE COURSE (60 credits) SEMESTER I Eng.C-101: Essay I (3 credits) The following essays are prescribed from Susanta K. Sinha (ed.) English Essayists. New Delhi: OUP. The starred items are meant for detailed study. Introducing Essay: Definition, Types, and Development *Bacon: Of Studies; Of Travel

*Addison: Meditations at Westminster Abbey *Steele: The Spectator Club *Lamb: Dream-Children: A Reverie

Eng.C-111: Drama I (3 credits) Introducing Drama: Concepts, Characteristics, and Types *Shakespeare: Macbeth *Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice Both plays are meant for detailed study.

SEMESTER II Eng.C-102: Essay II (3 credits) The following essays are prescribed from Susanta K. Sinha (ed.) English Essayists. New Delhi: OUP. The starred items are meant for detailed study. *Hazlitt: On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth *Stevenson: Walking Tours *Chesterton: The Worship of the Wealthy *Lynd: The Money-Box *Huxley: Selected Snobberies *Gardiner: On Superstitions

Eng.C-112: Drama II (3 credits) The starred items are meant for detailed study. Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer *Shaw: Arms and the Man

*Osborne: Look Back in Anger Synge: Riders to the Sea

SEMESTER III Eng.C-121: Poetry I (3 credits) Introducing Poetry: Forms of Poetry - Sonnet, Lyric, Elegy, Ode, Epic, Ballad, Dramatic Monologue. The following poems are prescribed from David Green (ed.) The Winged Word. New Delhi: Macmillan, and Dastoor and Dastoor (eds.) The Poet s Pen. New Delhi: OUP. The starred texts/items are meant for detailed study. *Shakespeare: Sonnet 60 & 116, When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought *Milton: How Soon Hath Time, When the Assault was intended to the City *Donne: Hymn to God Thy Father *Pope: from Essay on Man *Wordsworth: Tintern Abbey *Shelley: Ode to the West Wind *Keats: Ode to a Nightingale

Eng.C-131: Fiction I (3 credits) Introducing Fiction: Aspects of Novel; Types of Novel Epistolary, Picaresque, Gothic, Historical, Realistic, Psychological Fielding: Joseph Andrews Austen: Pride and Prejudice

SEMESTER IV Eng.C-122: Poetry II (3 credits) The following poems are prescribed from David Green (ed.) The Winged Word. New Delhi: Macmillan, and Dastoor and Dastoor (eds.) The Poet s Pen. New Delhi: OUP. The starred items are meant for detailed study. *Tennyson: Ulysses *Browning: My Last Duchess *Arnold: Dover Beach *Owen: Strange Meeting *Yeats: The Second Coming *Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock *Auden: The Unknown Citizen *Larkin: Wants

Eng.C-132: Fiction II (3 credits) Dickens: Oliver Twist Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge Golding: Lord of the Flies

SEMESTER V Eng.C-141: History of English Literature I (3 credits) The Age of Chaucer Renaissance in England Pre-Shakespearean Drama Elizabethan and Jacobean Age

17th Century Poetry before Restoration Literature of the Restoration Period Neo-Classical Literature The Periodical Essay The Rise of the English Novel

Eng.C-151: Literary Forms and Practical Criticism I (3 credits) Literary Devices: (a) Simile, Metaphor, Metonymy, Synecdoche, Personification, Alliteration, Assonance, Imagery, Symbol (b) Plot, Character, Structure, Narrator, Point of view, Allegory, Irony, Paradox (c) Rhythm and Metre: Iamb, Trochee, Spondee, Pyrrhic, Anapaest, Dactyl, Blank Verse (d) Main Stanza Forms: Ballad Metre, Terza rima, Spenserian stanza, Ottava rima, Heroic Couplet Practical Criticism: Critical analysis of a short literary passage in prose or verse

Eng.C-161: Literary Criticism I (3 credits) Aristotle: Mimesis, Plot, Tragic Hero, Catharsis Longinus: Sublime and its Sources Dryden: Views on Drama Wordsworth: Theory of Poetry and Poetic Diction Coleridge: Fancy and Imagination; Criticism of Wordsworth s Theory of Poetic Diction

Eng.C-171: Linguistics and the Structure of English Language I (3 credits) A. (i) Definition and Scope of Linguistics (ii) Branches of Linguistics (iii) Defining Properties of Human Language (iv) Linguistics versus Traditional Grammar B. (i) Symbols for the Sounds of English and Phonemic Transcription (ii) Description of Vowels and Consonants of English (iii) Phoneme and Syllable (iv) Stress and Intonation

Eng.C-181: Indian English Literature I (3 credits) Poetry The following poems are prescribed from Hari Mohan Prasad and Chakradhar Prasad Singh (eds.) Indian Poetry in English, New Delhi: Sterling. The starred items are meant for detailed study. *Toru Dutt: Our Casuarina Tree *Tagore: Heaven of Freedom, Separation *Aurobindo: Transformation *Sarojini Naidu: The Pardah Nashin *Nissim Ezekiel: Night of the Scorpion, Philosophy *Kamala Das: Introduction, The Old Playhouse *A. K. Ramanujan: The Striders, Obituary Drama *Girish Karnad: Taledanda

Eng.C-191: American Literature I (3 credits) Poetry The following poems are prescribed from Egbert S. Oliver (ed.) American Literature 1890-1965.New Delhi: Eurasia Publishing House. The starred texts/items are meant for detailed study. *R. W. Emerson: Each and All, Bramha *Walt Whitman: Faces, To a Locomotive in Winter Prose * R.W.Emerson: The Oversoul *Walt Whitman: Preface to the First Edition of Leaves of Grass Fiction Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn

SEMESTER VI Eng.C-142: History of English Literature II (3 credits) The Romantic Period Victorian Society and Thought Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite Poetry The Victorian Novel Poetry of the First World War Modernist Movement in Poetry Experiments in Modern Novel The Literature of the 1930s Modern Drama: Shaw to Beckett The Movement Poets

Eng.C-162: Literary Criticism II (3 credits) Matthew Arnold: Theory of Poetry; Touchstone Method T. S. Eliot: Theory of Impersonality; Concept of Tradition F. R. Leavis: Norms of Criticism I. A. Richards: Theory of Value; Theory of Communication

Eng.C-172: Linguistics and the Structure of English Language II (3 credits) A. (i) Morpheme, Allomorph and Word (ii) Inflection and Derivation (iii) Compounding, Conversion, Borrowing, Blending. B. (i) The Structure of Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase and Adverb Phrase in English (ii) Basic Sentence Patterns in English C. Semantics and Pragmatics: Conceptual and Associative Meaning; Lexical Relations; Deictic Expressions; Speech Acts.

Eng.C-182: Indian English Literature II (3 credits) Fiction Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable Raja Rao: Kanthapura Shashi Deshpande: Small Remedies

Short Stories R. K. Narayan: Astrologer s Day, A Horse and Two Goats


Prose Jawaharlal Nehru: An Autobiography (Chapter L: A Visit to Gandhiji )

Eng.C-192: American Literature II (3 credits) The following poems and plays are prescribed from Egbert S. Oliver (ed.) American Literature 1890-1965.New Delhi: Eurasia Publishing House. The starred texts/items are meant for detailed study. Poetry *Emily Dickinson: Success is Counted Sweetest; A Narrow Fellow in the Grass; I Never Lost as Much but Twice *Robert Frost: Birches, Fire and Ice Drama *Eugene O Neill: The Hairy Ape *Arthur Miller: All my Sons Fiction Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea

Eng.C-201: New Literatures in English (3 credits) Fiction V. S. Naipaul: The Mystic Masseur Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart Bharati Mukherjee: The Middleman and other Stories. New York: Grove/Atlantic. The following items are prescribed: Jasmine, A Wife s Story, The Middleman, The Management of Grief


Poetry The following poems are prescribed from C. D. Narasimhaiah (ed.). An Anthology of Commonwealth Poetry, New Delhi: Macmillan. A. K. Ramanujan: Small Scale Reflections on a Great House Dom Moraes: A Letter Derek Walcott: A Far Cry from Africa

Suggested Reading for Core Course History of English Literature Albert, E: A History of English Literature Carter, Ronald and John McRae: The Routledge History of Literature in English Compton-Rickett, A.: A History of English Literature Daiches, David: A Critical History of English Literature. Vols. 1-4. Elton, Oliver: A Survey of English Literature (1730-1880) Ford, Boris: The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vols. 1-9. Fraser, G. S.: The Modern Writer and His World Long, W. J.: A History of English Literature Rai, V.: Landmarks in the History of English Literature. Vols. 1-3. Sampson, George: A Concise Cambridge History of English Literature Sanders, Andrew: A Short Oxford History of English Literature Trevelyan, G.M.: English Social History Walker, Hugh: The Literature of the Victorian Era Literary Terms Abrams, M.H.: A Glossary of Literary Terms Baldick, Chris: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms


Cuddon, J.A.: A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory Peck, John, and Martin Coyle: Literary Terms and Criticism Shipley, Joseph T.: Dictionary of World Literary Terms Prose Boulton, Marjorie: Anatomy of Prose Walker, Hugh: English Essay and Essayists Read, Herbert: English Prose Style Poetry Boulton, Marjorie: Anatomy of Poetry Bowra, C. M.: The Romantic Imagination Butt, John: The Augustan Age Courthope, William John: A History of English Poetry. Vols. 1-4. Durrell, Lawrence: A Key to Modern British Poetry Hough, Graham: The Last Romantics Hough, Graham: Poetry and the Modern World Hough, Graham: The Romantic Poets Jack, Ian: Augustan Satire King, P.R.: Nine Contemporary Poets Leavis, F. R.: Revaluation: Tradition and Development in English Poetry Morrison, Blake: The Movement Perkins, David: A History of Modern Poetry: Modernism and After Perkins, David: A History of Modern Poetry: From 1890 to High Modernism Preminger, Alex, et al.: Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Rosenthal, M. L.: Sailing into the Unknown: Yeats, Eliot and Pound. Rosenthal, M. L.: The New Poets: British and American Poets since World War II


Rosenthal, M. L.: The Modern Poets: A Critical Introduction Drama Bogard, Travis and William L. Oliver: Modern Drama: Essays in Criticism Boulton, Marjorie: Anatomy of Drama Bradley, A. C.: Shakespearean Tragedy Brustein, Robert: The Theatre of Revolt: An Approach to Modern Drama Charlton, H. B.: Shakespearean Comedy Easthon, John W.: Types of English Drama Elam, Keir: The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama Esslin, Martin: An Anatomy of Drama Evans, Ifor B.: A Short History of English Drama Gascoine, Bamber: Twentieth Century Drama Nicoll, A.: British Drama Nicoll, A.: The Theory of British Drama Nicoll, A.: History of English Drama Styan, J. L.: Elements of Drama Taylor, J.R.: Anger and After Williams, Raymond: Drama from Ibsen to Brecht Williams, Raymond: English Drama: Forms and Development Wilson Knight, G.: A Study of British Drama Worth, Katharine J.: Revolutions in Modern Drama Fiction Allen, Walter: The English Novel Baker, Ernest A.: The History of the English Novel Booth, Wayne C.: The Rhetoric of Fiction


Boulton, Marjorie: Anatomy of Novel Cecil, David: Early Victorian Novelists Daiches, David: The Novel and the Modern World Eagleton, Terry: The English Novel: An Introduction Edel, Leon: The Psychological Novel: 1900-1950 Ghent, Dorothy Van: The English Novel: Form and Function Karl, F. R. and M. Malaganer: A Reader s Guide to Great Twentieth Century Novels Leavis, F. R.: The Great Tradition Lubbock, Percy: The Craft of Fiction Watt, Ian: The Rise of the Novel Williams, Raymond: The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence Forms of Literature and Practical Criticism Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren: Theory of Literature Coombes, H.: Literature and Criticism Cox and Dyson: Practical Criticism Iyengar, K. R. Srinivas and Prema Nandkumar: An Introduction to the Study of English Literature Vallins, G. H.: The Best English Murphy, M. J.: Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students Hudson, W. H.: An Introduction to the Study of Literature Peck, John and Martin Coyle: Practical Criticism: How to Write a Critical Appreciation Sethuraman et al: Practical Criticism.


Nicholas, Marsh: How to begin Studying English Literature. Literary Criticism Bertens, Hans: Literary Theory: The Basics Blamires, Harry: A History of English Criticism Daiches, David: Critical Approaches to Literature Enright, D. J. and E. D. Chickera: English Critical Texts Habib, M. A. R.: A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present Prasad, B.: An Introduction to English Criticism Rai, V. and R. A. Dwivedi: Literary Criticism Scott-James, R. A.: The Making of Literature Saintsbury, George: Loci Critici Watson, George: The Literary Critics Wimsatt, W. and C. Brooks: Literary Criticism: A Short History Linguistics and the Structure of English Language Trask, R.: Language: The Basics Lyons, John: Language and Linguistics: An Introduction Balasubramaniam, T.: A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Balasubramaniam, T.: English Phonetics for Indian Students: A Workbook Yule, George: The Study of Language Aitchison, Jean: Linguistics Cruttenden, A.: Gimson s Pronunciation of English Roach, P.: English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course Mey, J.: Pragmatics: An Introduction Quirk, R. et al: Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language Thakur, D.: Syntax


Indian English Literature Devy, G.N.: Of Many Heroes Iyengar, K. R. S.: Indian Writing In English King, Bruce: Modern Indian Poetry in English Mehrotra, A.K. (ed.): An Illustrated History of Indian Literature in English Mukherjee, Meenakshi: Twice Born Fiction Mukherjee, Meenakshi: The Perishable Empire. Naik, M.K and Shyamala A. Narayan: Indian English Literature Naik, M.K.: A History of Indian English Literature Naik, M.K. (ed.): Aspects of Indian Writing Ranjani, J.: Metaphor of Postcoloniality. American Literature Bogan, Louise: Achievements in American Poetry 1900-1959 Bradley, Malcolm and Howard Temperley (eds.): Introduction to American Studies Bradley, S (ed.): The American Tradition in Literature Bigsby, C. W. E. A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama Christy, Arthur: The Orient in American Transcendentalism Cunliffe, Marcus: Sphere History of American Literature to 1900 Cunliffe, Marcus: The Literature of the United States Ford, Boris (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol.9 Hoffman, Daniel: Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing Hoffman, F. C.: The Modern Novel in America 1900-1950 Oliver, Egbert S.: Studies in American Literature Spiller, Robert (ed.): Literary History of the United States


Wagner, Willis: American Literature: A Worldview Krasner, David. A Companion to Twentieth Century American Drama. New Literatures Feders, Lillian: Naipaul s Truth Gera, Anjali: Three Great African Novelists: Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and Amos Tutola Jain, Jasbir: Writers of the Indian Diaspora Killam, G.D.: The Writing of East and Central Africa King, Bruce: V.S.Naipaul. Khayyoom, S. A.: Chinua Achebe: A Study of his Novels Mishra,Sudesh: Preparing Faces. Narasimhaiah, C.D.: The Awakened Consciousness Pandurang, Mala (ed.): Chinua Achebe: An Anthology of Recent Criticism Paranjape,Makarand: In Diaspora: Theories, Histories, Texts Patke, Rajiv: Postcolonial Poetry in English. Ranjani, J.: Metaphor of Postcoloniality. Reddy, K. I.: The Novels of Achebe and Ngugi: A Study in Dialectics of Commitment

ELECTIVE COURSE (12 credits) Semester I Literature and Environment / Indian Writing in Translation

Literature and Environment (3 credits) Literature, Nature and Eco-Consciousness


R. K. Narayan: The Axe (Short Story) Walter de la Mare: Reserved (Poem) Stephen Talbott: Toward an Ecological Conversation (Essay) Rachel Carson: Silent Spring (Essay) Literature, Nature and Self-Fashioning Edmund Spenser: Sonnet LXXVII (Poem) William Shakespeare: To His Love (Poem) William Wordsworth: Education of Nature (Poem) Jim Corbett: Goongi (Prose) Eco-sophy and Eco-stories of Human Values and Human Intelligence Jawaharlal Nehru: The Book of Nature (Prose) Vishnu Sharma: The Panchatantra. The following items are prescribed: The Turtle and the Geese; The Three Fish; Of Crows and Owls; The Ape and the Crocodile; The Brahmani and the Faithful Mongoose Literature and Environmental Imagination Henry David Thoreau: Where I Lived, What I Lived For (Essay) Bibhutibhusan Bandopadhayay: Across the Richtersveld Range (Excerpt from Moon Mountain) A. K. Ramanujan: excerpt from Ecology Eco-tour and eco-writing (creative and critical impressions of the students on/about nature) Sources: Tickoo, M. L. and A. E. Subramanian. Current English for Language Skills. New Delhi: Macmillan. Lukose, M. M. Images: Short Stories. Madras: Macmillan.


Buell, Lawrence. The American Transcendentalists: Essential Writings. New York: Modern Library, 2006. Palgrave, F. T. The Golden Treasury. Hawkins, R. E. Jim Corbett: Story. New Delhi: OUP, 1978 (rpt. 2009). Suggested Reading Reynolds, Martin. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London: Zed Books, 2009. Guha, Ramachandra Guha (ed.). The Illustrated Lives in the Wilderness: Three Classic Indian Autobiographies. New Delhi: OUP, 2009. Compton-Rickett, Arthur. The Romantic Revival in A History of English Literature (Compton-Rickett).

Indian Literature in Translation (3 credits) Concept of Indian Literature and Translation Drama Vijay Tendulkar: Silence! The Court is in Session Short story Mahasweta Devi: Breast Giver Premchand: The Shroud Novel Fakir Mohan Senapati: Six Acres and a Third Poetry The following poems are prescribed from Signatures: One Hundred Indian Poets. New Delhi: NBT, 2000. Kedarnath Singh: Banaras


Navakant Barua: Two Stanzas for a River Chandrasekhara Kambar: My Grandfather K.Satchidanandan: Genesis Suggested Reading Bassnett ,Susan. Translation Studies. London &New York: Routleldge, 2002. Das, Sisir. A History of Indian Literature 1810-1910. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1991. Das, Sisir. A History of Indian Literature 1911-1956. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1991. Devy, G.N. After Amnesia. Bombay: Orient Longman. Mukherjee ,Sujit(ed.). The Idea of an Indian Literature: A Book of Reading. Mysore: CIIL, 1981. Mukherjee, Meenakshi: Realism and Reality. New Delhi: OUP, 1999. Satchidanandan, K. Indian Literature: Positions and Prepositions. New Delhi: Pencraft, 1991.

SEMESTER II Women Writing / Partition Fiction

Women Writing (3 credits) The following items are prescribed from Tharu, Susie and K. Lalitha (eds.) Women Writing in India: 600 BC to the Present, Delhi: OUP, 1993. Non Fiction Tarabai Shinde: A Comparison of Men and Women Pandita Ramabai Saraswati: The High Caste Hindu Women (Chapter 3)


Short story Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain: Sultana s Dream Ishmat Chugtai: Lihaaf Ambai: The Squirrel Poetry Akkamahadevi: Would a Circling Surface Vulture Pratibha Satpathy: Dew Drops Jameela Nishat: What Fire is this Drama Manjula Pdmanabhan: Lights Out. Padmanabhan, Sengupta and Mehta (eds.). Body Blows: Women, Violence and Survival: Three Plays. Calcutta: Seagull, 2000. Suggested Reading Chaudhuri, Maitrayee. Feminism in India: Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism. New York: Zed, 2005. Bhasin, Kamla. What is Patriarchy? New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1994. Bhasin, Kamla. Exploring Masculinity. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 2000. Bhasin, Kamla. Understanding Gender. New Delhi, Kali for Women .1999. Kumar, Radha. The History of Doing: An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women's Rights and Feminism in India, 1800-1990. London & New York: Verso, 1993. Sangari, Kumkum and Sudesh Vaid (eds.). Recasting Women: Essays in Indian Colonial History. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990.


Partition Fiction (3 credits) Violence, Dislocation, Trauma, Memory, History, Narrative, Regeneration. Fiction Khushwant Singh: Train to Pakistan Bapsi Sidhwa: Ice Candy Man Short story Sadat Hasan Manto: Toba Tek Singh Ismat Chugtai: Roots. Rajinder Singh Bedi: Lajwanti Non Fiction Urvashi Butalia: The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India (Chapter 2: Blood). Suggested Reading Chatterjee, Partha.The Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993. Pandey, Gyanendra. Routine Violence: Nations, Fragments, Histories. New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2006. Pandey, Gyanendra. Remembering Partition. New Delhi: Foundation Books, 2003. Bagchi, Jasodhara and Subhoranjan Dasgupta (eds.).The Trauma and the Triumph: Gender and Partition in Eastern India. Kolkata: Stree, 2003. Misra, Salil. A Narrative of Communal Politics: Uttar Pradesh, 1937-39. New Delhi: Sage 2001. Menon, Ritu and Kamla Bhasin. Borders and Boundaries: Women in India s Partition. New Delhi: Kali for Women,1998.


SEMESTER III Greek Drama / Disability and Literature / Gandhian Thought and Indian English Novel

Greek Drama (3 credits) Greek Theatre: Origin, Main components, Structure and Types (Tragedy, Comedy and Satyr Plays) The following plays are prescribed from Whitney J. Oates and Eugene O Neill, Jr. (eds.). The Complete Greek Drama (Vols. I & II), New York: Random House Sophocles: Oedipus Rex Euripides: Medea Aristophanes: Lysistrata Suggested Reading Bowie, A. Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual, and Comedy. Cambridge, 1993. Dover, K. J. Aristophanic Comedy. Batsford, 1972. Gregory, J. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy. Oxford, 2005. Goldhill, S. Reading Greek Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Heath, M. The Poetics of Greek Tragedy. London, 1987. Kitto, H. D. F. Greek Drama: Form and Meaning in Drama. London: Methuen, 1956. Rehm, R. Greek Tragic Theatre. Routledge, 1992. Vickers, B. Towards Greek Tragedy . Longman, 1973.


Disability and Literature (3 credits) The What and How of Disability: Modes of Comprehension, Models of perception Demonizing Disability: Excerpts from Herman Melville, Moby Dick Stereotypes of Disability: Excerpts from Charlotte Bront , Jane Eyre Disability and Narrative Agency: Excerpts from Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes Old age and/as Disability: Excerpts from Rohinton Mistry, Family Matters Societal Status as Disability (The Indian context): Excerpts from Narendra Jadhav, Outcaste: A Memoir Gender as Disability (The Indian context): Excerpts from Anita Nair, Ladies Coup Suggested Reading Adlakkha, Renu et al. Disability and Society: A Reader. Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, 2009. Barnes, Colin and Geof Mercer. Disability. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003. Davis, Lennard J. (Ed). The Disability Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge, 1997. Nussbaum, Martha C. Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership. New Delhi: OUP, 2006 Sen, Amartya. The Idea of Justice. London: Allen Lane, 2009. http://www.un.org/disabilities http://disabilityindia.org


Gandhian Thought and Indian English Novel (3 credits) M. K. Gandhi: Hind Swaraj The following writings / speeches of Gandhi are prescribed from S. Radhakrishnan (ed.) Mahatma Gandhi: Essays and Reflections on his Life and Works: Ideals for the Ashram of Soul Force, The Doctrine of the Sword, The Trial Speech Raja Rao: Kanthapura Dina Mehta: And Some Take a Lover Suggested Reading Brown, Judith M. (ed.). Mahatma Gandhi: The Essential Writings. New Delhi: OUP, 2008. Gandhi, M. K. My Experiments with Truth. Ahmedabad: Navjivan Publishing House, 1947(rpt.1995). Gandhi, M. K. India of My Dreams. Ahmedabad: Navjivan Publishing House, 1947(rpt.1995). Iyengar, K. R. S: Indian Writing in English, New Delhi: Sterling,1984. Naik, M. K.: A History of Indian English Literature, New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1982. Parel, A. J.(ed). Hind Swaraj. New Delhi: Vistaar Publishing House, 1947. Pathan, B. A. Gandhian Myth in Indo-Anglian Literature. New Delhi: Deepak Publications, 1987. Rolland, Romain. Mahatma Gandhi. New Delhi, Publication Division, Govt. of India, 1924 (rpt 2004).


Rai, Ramashrya. Contemporary Crisis and Gandhi. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1986. Raju, Raghuram A. Debating Gandhi. New Delhi: Oxford, 2006. Sharma, Suresh and Tridib Suhrid. Hind Swaraj. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2010.

SEMESTER IV Dalit Literature / Literature and Film / Narrative: Folktale and Short Story

Literature and Film (3 credits) Introduction to Basic Concepts in Film-Making: Mise-n-scene, Long Takes, Deep Focus, Types of Shots, Colour and Sound Major Genres of Films Major Movements, Periods and Theories of Film-Making Films and literature Any two films to be screened and reviewed from among the following: a. Shakespeare: Macbeth; Hamlet b. The Novel in English: Oliver Twist , Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind c. Indian English Fiction: Guide; English, August; The Namesake d. Popular Fiction: Three Idiots; Slumdog Millionaire e. Bhasha Classics: Pather Panchali; Ghare Baire; Tamas f. Animation: Pocahontas; The Jungle Book Suggested Reading Dix, Andrew. Beginning Film Studies. New Delhi: Viva, 2010.


Villarejo, Amy. Film Studies: The Basics. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. Prasad, M. Madhava. Ideology of the Hindi Film: A Historical Construction. New Delhi: OUP, 1998. Stam, Robert. Film Theory: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000. http://www.filmsite.org

Dalit Literature (3 credits) Essays: Sharan Kumar Limbale: Dalit Literature: Form and Purpose in Towards an Aesthetics of Dalit Literature, Orient Longman, 2004. Baburao Bagul: Dalit Literature is but human literature in Journal of Literature and Aesthetics ed. S. Sreenivasan, Jan- Dec 2008. Gail Omvedt: Literature of Revolt: Prefatory Note in Poisoned Bread ed. Arjun Dangle, Orient BlackSwan, 2009. Autobiography: Joothan by Omprakash Valmiki Short Stories: Amma by Omprakash Valmiki in Journal of Literature and Aesthetics ed. S. Sreenivasan, Jan-Dec 2008. Harum-Scarum Saar by Bama in Journal of Literature and Aesthetics ed. S. Sreenivasan, Jan-Dec 2009. Poems: Caves by Jyoti Lanjewar in Poisoned Bread, edited by Arjun Dangle, Orient BlackSwan, 2009.


To be or Not to be Born by L.S. Rokade in Poisoned Bread, ed. Arjun Dangle, Orient BlackSwan, 2009. Coaching Centre by Basudev Sunani in Journal of Literature and Aesthetics ed. S. Sreenivasan, Jan-Dec 2009. Suggested Reading Mukherjee, Prabhati. Beyond The Four Varnas: The Untouchbles in India. Shimla: IIAS, rpt. 2002. Limbale, Sharan Kumar. Towards an Aesthetics of Dalit Literature: History, Controversies and Considerations. (Trans. Alok Mukherjee). Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2004. Dangle, Arjun Dangle (ed.). Poisoned Bread, New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 2009.

Narrative: Folktale and Short Story (3 credits) How do stories evolve? Why do we tell stories? How to read stories? Events, Character, Time, Space, Focalization, Narrator, Speech Representation, Author - Implied Author, Reader- Implied Reader Folktales The following folktales are prescribed from The Collected Essays of A. K. Ramanujan. New Delhi: OUP, 2006. The Clay Mother- in- law, The Adventure of Hanchi, A Flowering Tree Short story The following stories are prescribed from Shantinath. K Desai (ed.) Contemporary Indian Short Stories. Series 4. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2007.


M.T.Vasudevan Nair: Little Little Earthquakes Gopinath Mohanty: The Bed of Arrows Vijai Dan Detha: Cannibal Surendra Parkash: Retelling Suggested Reading Reid, Ian. The Short Story. New York: Methuen, 1977. Scholes, Robert and Robert Kellog. The Nature of Narrative. London: OUP, 1966. Bates, H. E. The Modern Short Story. London: Nelson, 1987. Friedman, Norman. What Makes a Short Story Short? Modern Fiction Studies. 4(1958): 103-17. Rimmon-Kenan, Sholmith. Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics. London: Routledge, 2002. Cobley, Paul. Narrative. London: Routledge, 2001. Thompson, Stith and Warren E. Roberts. Types of Indic Oral Tales. Helsinki: FF Communications,1960. Propp, Vladimir J. Morphology of Folktale. Austin: Texas Univ. Press, 1958. Geetha, V. Patriarchy. Calcutta: Stree, 2007.


SEMESTER I: Reading Skills (3 credits) The following items are prescribed for enhancing reading skill and the level of comprehension from M. L. Tickoo and A. E. Subramanian (ed.) Current English for Language Skills. New Delhi: Macmillan


The Book of Nature, A Day s Wait, I was Gandhi s Jailer, Too Dear, My Greatest Olympic Prize, My Struggle for an Education, My Lost Dollar Exercises appended at the end of each prose piece.

SEMESTER II: Reading Skills (3 credits) Poetry The following items are prescribed for enhancing reading skill and the level of comprehension from M. L. Tickoo and A. E. Subramanian (ed.) Current English for Language Skills. New Delhi: Macmillan The Perfect Life, Coromandel Fishers, Ozymandias, Upagupta, Night of the Scorpion, If

Short Stories (non- detailed) The following items are prescribed from M. M. Lukose (ed.) Images. Madras: Macmillan Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Refugees, The Axe, Luck

SEMESTER III: Grammar and Comprehension (3 credits) The following items are from W. S .Allen. Living English Structure. New Delhi: Orient Longman Too and Enough, Some and Any, Tenses, Conditions and Unreal Past, Adverb Order, Prepositions, Reported Speech The following items are from F. T. Wood. Remedial English Grammar. New Delhi: Macmillan


Articles, Agreement of Verb and Subject, Adjectives, Active and Passive voice, Use of Fairly and Rather, Tag Questions. Comprehension of unseen prose passage

SEMESTER IV: Writing Skills (3 credits) Aid to Writing: Clauses , Sentence Connectors, Cohesion, Rewriting of Sentences Letter Writing: Official and Personal Prcis Paragraph Writing Essay Expansion, Paraphrasing Punctuation Report Writing Writing Rsum e-writing

Suggested Reading for English Language Course English Pronouncing Dictionary 15th edition/New Advanced Learners Dictionary 7thedition. Garrand, Timothy Paul. Writing for Multimedia and the Web: A Practical Guide to Content Development Krishnaswamy, M.: .Modern English: A Book of Grammar, Usage and Composition


LaRocque, Paula: The Book on Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Well Smalley, Reginal: Developing Writing Skills

SOFT SKILL SPOKEN ENGLISH (6 credits) SEMESTER I Level I: Spoken English (3 credits) Importance of Spoken English: Indian and Global Context; Native and NonNative Accents of English and Issue of Intelligibility Aspects of English Pronunciation: Individual sounds: Vowels and Consonants Phonemic Transcription Features of Connected Speech: Word Stress, Rhythm and Intonation Fluency in Spoken English: Rate of Speaking, Volume of Voice, Pitch, Articulation, Clarity of Expression, Lack of Hesitation, Confidence Speaking Politely in English: Use of Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Excuse Me, Sorry, Thanks and Please in Expressing Requests, Gratitude, Compliments, Agreement, Disagreement

SEMESTER II Level II: Spoken English (3 credits) Definition and Functions of Communication, Types of Communication: Interpersonal (Dyadic), Group Communication, Mass Communication Maxims of Good Conversation Characteristics of Competent Speaker Styles of Speaking Interview and Group Discussion


Speaking with Confidence: Speech Anxiety, Ways to Overcome Speech Anxiety, Building Credibility as a Speaker: Competence, Character, Charisma Situational Conversations: Meeting People, Greetings, Introducing Yourself, Introducing People, Saying Thanks

Suggested Reading for Soft Skill Spoken English Adler and Rodman: Understanding Human Communication. Bhatnagar & Bell: Communication in English Balasubramainan, T: A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students English Pronouncing Dictionary 15th edition/New Advanced Learners Dictionary 7th edition. Gimson, AC: An Introduction to English Pronunciation

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