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Rav Ch haim Pincha Scheinber as rg (born Se 1910-20 12) ept aim s g n d Rav Cha Pinchas Scheinberg was born in Poland and was the seco son of th second so of Rabbi Yaakov ond he on Yitzcho Scheinber and Yuspa (Yosefa) T ok rg a Tamback. Wh hen he was born, his fath was in A b her America esca aping from th he Polish army. His fat a ther had hop to find a job and brin his ped ng family to the U.S. H t However, he wouldnt work on Shab bbos. Rabbi Yaakov Yitzc Y chak lost ma jobs and was living o any d on the stree Finally, in 1919, he saved enoug money to open ets. gh up his own tailor sh and bring his family to America. o hop g . Rav Sche einberg mov to the tea ved aming Lower East Side o New York when he w nine year r of k was rs old. .He was enrolled in the Rabb Jacob Jose School u w d bi eph until he was 14. He then went to lear in n rn one of th first yeshiv in Amer - Rabbi Yehuda Lev he vos rica Y venberg's Be Medrash L eis LeRabbonim m yeshiva in New Have Connecti i en, icut. By the time he was 16, Rav She t einberg was known as a big masmid who devoted himself to his learning and even m w d made a siyum on Shas. W m When he was seventeen Rav Shein n, nberg began learning in the Rabbi Is t saac Elchana Theologic Seminary He an cal y. learned under Rav Sh u hlomo Polac chek (known as the "Mei n itcheter Ilui" Rav Mosh Soloveich "), he hik, and Rav Shimon Shk kop. He lear rned with ma future ge any edolei Torah including R Avigdor h Rav r Miller, Rav Moshe Bick, Rav Mo R B ordechai Gif fter, and Rav Nosson Me Wachtfog v eir gel. Rav Yaak Yosef Herman (All for the Boss had a daug kov H s) ghter who he thought wo e ould be a good shidduch for Rav She h einberg. Rav Herman ha encourage Rav Shein v ad ed nberg in his learning and d knew tha his middos and hasmad were a go match fo his daught Bessie. A 19, Rav at s da ood or hter At Sheinber became engaged to 17 rg 7-year-old Bessie. B Mir, Pol land After the were marr ey ried, the She einbergs mov to the tow of Mir, P ved wn Poland. Ther were only a re y few fami ilies and even fewer Am mericans. The rest in the y e yeshiva were single boch e hurim. The Sheinber lived ther for five ye with no running wat only an oven for hea and mudd rgs re ears ter, at dy streets. The temperat T ture was 20 below 0. Despite the har condition Rebbetzin Sheinberg b rsh ns, n always en ncouraged her husband to grow in le h t earning, and Rav Sheinb berg became known as one of the yeshi iva's biggest masmidim (diligent stud ( dents). Return to America t In 1935, the Scheinb bergs had to return to Am merica becau his Amer use rican citizen nship would have expired if they stayed longer. Soo after, Rav Scheinberg became the mashgiach ruchani of t d on v g e h the Yeshiva Chofetz Cha in Queen He was the mashgiac for 25 yea He went on to found his aim ns. t ch ars. t d

ShiraHochh heimer2012



own yeshiva, Torah Ore in Brooklyn in 1960. The Sheinbergs always did chesed for others. Their daughters would someties sleep two in a bed so they could give guests someplace to sleep.
Teaching Kibud Av VEm Rav Sheinbergs daughter remembers her father asking her to pick up his shoes. She asked him, Papa, youre right there. Why cant you? He answered matter of factly that if he picked them up, I wouldnt have the mitzvah!

Move to Israel In 1963, Bessie's sister, Ruchoma Shain went to visit Rav Herman, their father, who lived in Israel.While there, she toured a new neighborhood that was just being built and decided to move there. The Sheinbergs also decided to move their family and yeshiva to Israel. They moved to Israel in May 1965 with a married daughter Rebbetzin Fruma Rochel Altusky, a son and his family and over 20 students. Rav Scheinberg was in Israel for two years before the Six Day War broke out. Many Americans returned home. Rav Sheinberg encouraged his students to stay. He stayed with his talmidim and even slept with them in the bomb shelter. After the war, Rav Scheinberg built a permanent home for his yeshiva. Torah Ore.As of 2011, the yeshiva enrolls nearly 800 students, including over 500 kollel students. A Wife and parter Bessie was a partner in all that Rav Sheinberg did. She opened her home to the thousands who streamed o the apartment for advice and brachos. She even installed a telephone in their bedroom so callers could reach the Rav at any hour. On Simchas Torah, hundreds of singing and dancing students would escort their Rosh Yeshiva home. When he came upstairs, he would say to her Did you see that? Did you see all those students singing and dancing? That was all because of you. It's all yours, Basha". Whenever his Rebbetzin would come to the yeshiva, Rav Sheinberg would give up his seat because of all the devotion she had for building the yeshiva. He would say "Basha, this seat belongs to you". When Rebbetzin Sheinber was 96, she was nifteres. They had been been married for close to 80 years. A Leader of Klal Yisrael Despite his age, Rav Scheinberg continues to make visits to America. On the plane he tries to learn the entire masechta Niddah. He is known not to wast a minute. His driver recounted that Rav Sheinberg always has a sefter with him and even propped up a Mishnah Berura on a shelf in the kitchen when he helped by washing the dishes.Rav Sheinberg is also famous for wearing many layers of tzitzis. No one knows the reason for this practice. May Rav Sheinberg continue to lead and inspire klal Yisrael!



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