Bentilee Frontback Moral Corruption

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The Labour Council Is Placing Anti-Social Tenants In Bentilee And Other Decent Communities!

I Accuse Stoke-on-Trent City Council Of Moral Corruption!

Bentilee is becoming a dumping ground for all of Stoke-on-Trents druggies, drunks and other neer-do-wells!
Many of you will have noticed that troublemakers are being given council houses in Bentilee, also that problematic individuals and families are coming into our community by getting houses via private landlords. These people (drug addicts, drunks, paedophiles, habitual criminals) are destructive to our society. Their presence amongst us is creating an atmosphere of fear and despondency. Many old folks have confided in me that they feel ashamed to live in an area with so many low-life peopleand that the moral climate of Bentilee is in a terrible state. Stoke-on-Trent City Council is responsible for housing these scumbags in our area and has therefore become the harbinger of social disruption, crime, moral decline and social injustice!

Dave Leese Demands Action!

The Anti-Social Tenant Merry-Go-Round!
Its absolutely disgraceful that the council are giving houses to known troublemakers and newly released prisoners. These anti-social people are being moved around our city causing havoc wherever they go, this madness has got to stop!

Former BNP Council Candidate, Dave Leese says;

Im sick and tired of seeing druggies and drunks being given council houses and flats! Bentilee is a family housing area and these lowlifes are not welcome herehow can the people of Bentilee achieve any level of social decency when the council is constantly undermining our community by dumping bad people on our estate! I demand that the council introduces a Special Lettings Policy for Bentilees council houses and a robust licensing scheme for private landlords. These measures would go some way to protecting our community by filtering out destructive individuals.

Council OfficersDespicable Hypocrites!

The Officers And Councillors Live Far, Far Away From All Of The Trouble They Are Responsible For! Could there be anything more morally corrupt than a bunch of overpaid, middle class ponces making decisions to place druggies and drunks into the community of Bentilee whilst they live in their oasis of loveliness in rural areas. Each evening they drive out of this city and to the satellite (middle class flight towns) of Congleton, Leek, Stone, Eccleshall and various villages. These council officers can often be found giving lectures to long suffering decent residents of Stoke-on-Trent on how we must be more tolerant and accept integration of these scumbags- whilst the officers themselves are far removed from the disastrous consequences of their dangerous philosophy! These council officers (and councillors) do not live in the communities that they are placing criminals, paedophiles, drug addicts, drunks and other individuals that are guaranteed to bring chaos, crime and suffering to our streets. The scallywags of Stoke-on-Trent are being concentrated onto the council housing estatesthis being due to the outrageous (social Marxist) council house allocations policy that gives priority to so-called homeless people. Giving houses to drug addicts whilst turning down decent young families who want to live in Bentilee is, in my view, a an act of deliberate destructionthat is why I am now declaring Stoke-on-Trent City Council as:


The (Labour Controlled) Council Are Letting The People Of Bentilee And Stoke-on-Trent Down!

Whose Houses?
Stoke BNP have been contacted by several long standing residents of Bentilee who are outraged to see foreigners getting access to council houses on their estatebefore people born and bred in Stoke-on-Trent!
Its an outrageous betrayal of the ancestral community of Bentilee that foreigners (some of whom have travelled half way around the world to get here, through dozens of safe countries) are being handed our council houses. The tragedy here is that this is destroying our once stable and united community the sons and daughters of the parents of Bentilee are being pushed to the back of the queue for housing (or off it completely). This is resulting in a dispersal of our ancestral community as our children are being forced to live outside of the boundaries of our community!


Printed & published by the British National Party, Stoke BNP, C/O P.O. Box 5057, Nuneaton, CV11 9FP.

1. 2. 3. 4.

We believe that council houses in our country are an exclusive asset of the British People. We believe that foreigners have no right to our council houses, they have no righteous claim upon our property! We believe that the only people who are righteously entitled to British Council Houses are the British People themselves, it is our fathers and mothers of previous generations who have worked, fought and paid taxes (a lot of taxes) that have paid to build and maintain these properties. The British National Party believes passionately that the Sons And Daughters of our community should come first in council housing.

We Need A Couple Of Good Pubs On Bentilee

Bentilee is the poorer for losing almost all of the public houses from our estate! These pubs were vital meeting places for the people of our estatewithout them we no longer have anywhere to meet with our friends and neighbours and our community is weaker for losing them! Over the past ten years we have witnessed the closure (and tragically the demolition in some cases) of these pubs: MAN O CLAY- THURSTON - HILLBERRY BEVERLEY - UBBERLEY WORKINGMENS CLUB - WINCHESTER. Dave Leese Says The Labour Council are more interested in building Muslim Mosques in our city than saving our pubs. A BNP council would divert all Mosque Monies towards opening and supporting good community pubs and existing working men/womens clubs. In this way we would be encouraging good community relations and improving the cohesiveness of our society!

Stoke BNP Are Going To Spend 100million On Old Folks Homes!

At a recent group meeting, Stoke BNP Group have decided to invest (when we are the controlling group on the council) 100million on building ten state of the art old folks homes in our city! The BNPs commitment to the care of our old folks is in stark contrast to the betrayal of our elderly by the Labour and Conservative Parties. Labour and the Conservative have conspired to close dozens of essential care homes over the last ten years!

Dave Leese says open the care homes!

1. 2. Bring democratic accountability to the care of elderly in our society. We want to turn away from the costly private back street care home culture that delivers substandard care for our old folks. Yes its costly, but our BNP Care Homes Revival Project is the best and most sensible solution to providing excellent care for our elderly!


Dave Leese is disgusted at the closure of the Meadows Centre, closed by the Labour Council!

Dave Leese invites you to visit his personal blog:

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