Obj. HR Questions

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1) Which one of the following becomes a creative factor in production?

a) Land b) Capital c) Consumers d) Human Resources 2) People cast in the role of contributors to production are called a) Capitalist b) Land owners c) Human Resources d) Consumer 3) Wide range of abilities and attributes possessed by people are called as a) Management b) Human Resources c) Entrepreneur d) Intreprenuer 4) Deployment of which resource is difficult to master a) Human b) Land c) Capital d) Natural 5) The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around a) Machine b) Motivation c) Money d)Men 6) Quality- oriented organization primary concern centers around a) Coordination b) Communication c) Human Resources d) Discipline 7) Quality goals require alignment with a) Production b) Human Resources c) Finance d) Purchase 8) Demand for human resources and management is created by a) Expansion of industry (b) Shortage of labor c) Abundance of capital d) Consumer preferences 9) Management function arises as a result of a) Consumer preferences (b) Abundance of capital (c) Expansion of industry d) Shortage of labor 10) Union function arises as a result of employees a) Problem of communication b) Longing for belonging c) Dissatisfaction d) Change in technology 11) Human Resource Management is primarily concerned with a) Sales b) Dimensions of people (c) External environment d) Cost discipline 12) Human Resource Management aims to maximize employees as well as organizational (a) Effectiveness b) Economy c) Efficiency d) Performativity 13) The difference between human resource management and personnel m a n a g e m e n t i s ( a ) I n s i g n i f i c a n t b ) M a r g i n a l ( c ) N a r r o w d) Wide 14) Human Resource Management function does not involve a)Recruitment b) Selection c) Cost control d) Training

15) Which one is not the specific goal of human resource management? a) Attracting applicants b) Separating employees c)Retaining employees employees 16) Identify which one is an added specific goal of human resource management a)Retrainingb)Learning c)) Unlearning d) Separating 17) Identify the top most goal of human resource management a) Legal compliance b) Competitive edge c) Work force adaptability d) Productivity 18) To achieve goals organizations require employees a)Control b) Direction c) Commitment d) Cooperation 19) Human resource management helps improve a ) P r o d u c t i o n b) Productivity c) Profits d) Power 20) The amount of quality output for amount of input means a ) P r o d u c t i v i t y b) Production c) Sales increase d) Increase in profits


21) Responding to employees and involving them in decision making is referred to as a ) Q u a l i t y o f w o r k l i f e b) Autonomy c) Empowerment d)Preaction 22) Input output ratio in terms of quality represent

23. Mutual distrust between employees and employers makes this method more appropriate? (a) Gripe Box system (b) Opinion survey (c) Open-door policy (d) Exit interview.

24. In the collection of relevant informantion, opinion survey involves a) Other than supervisors (b) Workers themselves (c) Co-workers (d) Supervisors 25. Who are involves in the collection of relevant information under opinion surveys? (a) Nonsupervisors (b) Workers themselves (c) Co-workers (d) Supervisors.

26. Open-door policy's basic objective is (a) Upward communication b) Downward communication (c) Lateral communication (d) Communication through another channel.

27. Open-door policy in identifying grievances will succeed when managers develop (a) Positive attitudes (b) Generous attitude (c) Hostile attitude d) Indifferent attitude

28. Free and frank expression of problem by the employees is encouraged under (a) Open-door policy (b) Exit interview (c) Gripe box (d) Opinion surveys.

29. Open-door policy should be adopted in which organisations? (a) Large (b) Small (c) Medium (d) Private.

30. Grievance procedure is required to (a) Prevent explosive situations in the future (b) Make employees happy (c) Silence trade unions d) Make managers cautious. 31. Grievance procedures give the employees a) Greater faith (b) Bargaining power (c) Room for susoicion (d) Benefits.

32. According to .............Grievance procedures act as a 'pressure value on a steam boiler'. (a) Keith Davis (b) Deming (c) Jucius (d) Calhoon.

33. In the third step in Grievance Procedure, the Grievance is referred to a) Grievance committee (b) Supervisor (c) Personnel Manager (d)Arbitrator.

34. At the fifth stage in grievance procedure, the decision of the arbitrator is a)Final and binding (c) Not final (c) Not to be taken seriously (d) Likely to be accepted.

35. In the final stage, grievance is referred to (a) Arbitrator (c) Junior representative (c) Personnel Manager (d) Grievance committee.

36. The grievance, when not redressed, is referred to the Senior or Personnel Manager at which step (a) Fourth (b) Third (c) Second (d) First.

37. The aggrieved employee explains his grievance to his immediate supervisor at which step (a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth. 38. In the second step, who handles the employees' grievances?

a)Departmental head/personnel department (b) Immediate supervisor c) Senior personal manager (d) Grievance committee.

39. A good grievance procedure for its completion takes/involves a) least time and cost (b) Very long time (c) Lot of expenditure (d) Lot of effort.

40. Grievance procedure needs to be (a) able to satisfy emotional needs of employees (b) Long forceful (d) within legal framework.

41) Promptness, being one of the features of good grievance procedure insists that (a) justice delayed is justice denied (b) Justice is impersonal c) Justice is neutral (d) Justice hurried, justice buried.

42. Definition of Grievance by National Commission of Labour does not include (a) Work environment (b) Promotion (c) Merit (d) Wage payment.

43. Which one of the items does not constitute grievance, according to Calhoon? (a) Settled by court (b) that which exists in the minds of the individual (c) fostered by pressure group. (d) made worse by supervisors.

44. Poor relationship with the employer, poor superintending, vague job infrastructure can be brought under which factor for Grievance?

a) Supervision (b) Maladjustment of employee (c) management policies d) working conditions.

45 )According to Walter E.Bear, Grievance Procedure is a Machinery which

a) Settles disputes (b) Suggests remedies (c) Makes cosmetic changes d) Looks into legal aspects.

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