Review On Operational Faults in Synchronous Generators

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National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Review on Operational Faults in Synchronous Generators


Suryadeep D. Zala, 2Rashesh P. Mehta, 3Bhuvnesh .A.Oza 1 PG Student, B.V.M Engg. College, 2, 3 Associate Professor, B.V.M Engg. College, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat vallabh vidhyanagar,Gujarat
fractures of stator end winding conductors, causing hydrogen to leak into the stator coolant, to fretting damage of the high voltage insulation system, causing partial discharge and, in some severe cases, electrical short circuits [4][5][6]. Early detection of failure in machines is absolutely critical in avoiding major damage. Condition Monitoring (CM) is one of the most effective means of failure prevention by early fault detection in modern asset management practice. In order to optimize the maintenance strategies, the traditional time-based maintenance routines have been replaced with condition-based activities. Although capital investment is required to set up appropriate CM systems, such early fault detection can prevent major failures, downtime and repay their investment many times over. Offline diagnostics, on the other hand, plays an important role in 'health spot checks' for synchronous generators [10]. They can be carried out routinely or as required and are great complement to the online systems. Faults occurring in synchronous generator have been classified in second section. Advisable remedial practices & solutions are explained in third section, fourth section describes the condition monitoring and inspection techniques, finally the conclusion is given in fifth section.

Abstract- Today's societies are critically dependent on the reliable supply of electricity. The reliable operation of large synchronous generators in power stations is therefore of paramount importance. Thus, power utilities are most keenly concerned in taking measures to avoid catastrophic failures and to minimize the impact of generator outages due to faults. Each generator constitutes one of the most expensive single pieces of equipment in the power station. Although they are mostly reliable and generally require minimal maintenance, faults can and do occur with varying degrees of consequences ranging from minor outages to catastrophic failures. When faults occur, causeeffect relationships need to be identified systematically. This is necessary for having a better understanding of the fault formation mechanisms so that preventive measures can be taken, although sometimes the immediate pressures for returning a generator to service may impede a thorough investigation. Keywords- faults in synchronous generator, deterioration in machine, condition monitoring, remedial practices

Over the last half century much advancement has been made in the field of large synchronous generators. The need for larger unit sizes has driven the development of better and more innovative designs. Manufacturing processes have steadily improved. The advent of new insulation materials has contributed to increased reliability in operation at lower cost. The so-called Class F fiber-glass epoxy insulation system, now recognized worldwide as the best modern insulation system for commercial high voltage generators, has all but replaced the hot dip varnish insulation systems known as Class B Insulation [1]. Sophisticated design optimization, clever use of modern materials and more efficient cooling systems have been some of the key achievements in the field of design and manufacturing of large synchronous generators. For example, the emergence of new technology in internal water- cooled conductors within hydrogen cooled generators in the 1960s was, for the power generation industry, a quantum leap in building higher capacity generators to answer the quest of the rapid growth in power generation demands with improved generation efficiency [2]. As a matter of fact, a number of problems have emerged over time in generators, especially in those manufactured during the transition period of the 1960s and 1970s [3]. These problems have varied from


Electrical faults are the most damaging among the disturbances that could possibly happen in the power system. Although faults are transient in nature that occur in just a few cycles, they subject the generator to mechanical and temperature stresses beyond its operating limits. Figure 1 shows the main defects of stator core which shows the reasons of defects. The more frequent the occurrences of these events in the power network, the faster will be the rate of deterioration or wear of the machine.

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Fig .1 main defects of stator core

Fig.2 reasons of damage to insulation

In Stator Core, faults occur due to lamination relaxation. The condition deteriorates over time due to cyclic, thermal, and electromagnetic forces acting on the laminations. In this case, the core was built with a thin layer of compressed paper base material at approximately 100 mm intervals repeated for the entire core length. Over time, the paper layers had been slowly compressed further in Service causing the relaxation. Core lamination looseness causes a thicker protective end plate of stator core lamination packet to rattle and break away, resulting in arcing, overheating and mechanical damage. The faults are described with their reasons to make correct preventive or remedial actions. The faults occurring in the stator are as follows: (1) Stator Core End Plates Hot Spots: Improper design or construction can lead to irreparable damage. Dreaded problems such as core end plate burning are amongst those consequences. When generators operate in leading power factor mode the air gap flux density increases excessively. This leads to a significant increase in the fringing flux density in the end winding region, inducing eddy currents in the core end plates, resulting in local overheating and burning. Once the core burning starts, it forms a so called 'hot spot" and gradually grows. The heat generated from the hot spots can cause damage to the surrounding lamination insulation, encouraging further burning. (2) Back-of-Core Burning Fault It occurs in the back of the core between the stator core laminations and their support key bars. The burning is a result of electrical arcing from the current transfer between core laminations and the key bars through poor electrical contacts. Figure 2 shows some consequences which develop in stator core.

(3) Sub conductor cracking problems: In normal operation, the generator is filled with hydrogen gas at 300 kPa pressure and the stator coolant system is charged with dematerialized water at 200 kPa. The purpose for the differential in the pressure is to prevent water leakage into the stator insulation system. if any small leaks occur in the stator coolant system due to faults such as cracks in conductors or leak gaskets, hydrogen gas escapes into the stator coolant water and is collected in a gas catchment chamber. An alarm is triggered and hydrogen gas is vented safely into the atmosphere. Usually, hydrogen leaks are small and the loss of hydrogen pressure is insignificant. If the cracks were allowed to grow, excessive hydrogen gas in stator coolant water could seriously reduce cooling capacity of the sub-conductors leading to local overheating, eventually, deformation of the sub conductors and severe damage to the stator conductor. (4) End Winding Looseness Problem It is found that in most cases where cracked sub conductors are found there is evidence of excessive interconductor movement within the end-winding and relative to their support structures. As the conductors vibrate in service, they rub against one another and their support system. excessive amount of insulation fretting dust is a cause for alarm as it is indicative of a significant loss of insulation material; a sign of dangerous degradation of conductor insulation system, thus increased risk of discharge and electrical faults.



After identifying the problem area it is important to take corrective actions. Actions taken often help to make good inspection & condition monitoring techniques. Some of them are shown below. (a) Remedy for Stator Lamination Relaxation

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Core laminations must remain tightly pressed together for the entire life of the generator to avoid local overheating related problems. To paint each major section of the generator such as core front, core back, core end plate and end windings, with a different special type of paint. In the case of local heating occurring in a particular area, the paint will release specific chemicals that can be detected by routine gas analysis. This technique is used at a number of power stations because it provides an additional means of monitoring generator stator for this particular parameter: local overheating. There are limitations to this technique though. Many areas in a generator stator are not accessible and can not be painted. Faults can not be detected if they occur outside of the painted areas. (b) Dealing with Stator Core End Plate Faults As the hot spots result from excessive eddy currents generated on the core end plates, their propagation can be stopped by minimizing the fringing axial magnetic flux perpendicular to the core end plate or replacing the core end plate with one made of non-magnetic material, together with significantly increased cooling at the core ends. (c) Dealing with Back-of-Core Burning Fault The two main factors responsible for back-of-core burning faults are: the movements of stator core laminations relative to the core key bars and the magnetic leakage flux in the axial direction and in the back of the core. A remedial solution has been adopted in a number of large generators to control the damage due to the back-of-core burning fault. Copper shorting straps are installed to electrically connect the adjacent key bars forming a squirrel cage arrangement in the back of the core. This provides a low impedance path for the stray currents to flow between the key bars and therefore by-passing the intermittent high impedance interface between the key bars and core laminations. This modification has been successful and has been proven to stop the further propagation of backof- core burning faults. (d)Sub conductor cracking In most cases, if spare conductors are available, conductor replacement is a preferred option. In contrast conductors in each phase group of a waterbox design stator are different due to the physical arrangement of the cast resin water boxes making spare holding expensive. There are several options to repair cracked sub-conductors such as blocking cracked subconductors; and removing cracks by shortening the conductor. Where both of the above options are not suitable, a third option can be adopted: the complete conductor is replaced with a spare. (a) Visual inspection Experience shows that visual inspection is one of the most practical and useful techniques in inspection and condition monitoring. In addition to being simple and cost effective to perform, Visual inspection covers a wide range of examination criteria and, in many cases; it invariably discovers new defects that have not been detected by sophisticated equipment. However, visual inspection should only be utilized as a preliminary examination technique and not replace other analytical inspections and tests. In general, visual inspection is carried out at the beginning and the end of generator overhaul or outages. Table 1 shows the complete test & maintenance schedule with their need & time period. A quality assurance system is prepared to guide the inspector who performs the visual inspection and to record all findings. It also gives the details of different inspections that are taken care of with its need of preventive maintenance. (b) Stator core lamination tightness test It is very important to check the tightness of stator core laminations as part of generator routine inspection program. The inspection procedure is relatively simple but effective to detect such faults. The tightness is checked by inserting a thin tapered toughened knife blade between the core laminations by hand. Such a tool is commonly called a core knife. The thickness and the taper angle of the core knife are precisely machined to predetermined dimensions so that a consistent assessment criterion is applied throughout the inspection. The depth of insertion of the knife blade is noted during the test. The test heavily relies on the experience of the test technician. Although somewhat subjective, it is usually quite obvious to an experienced inspector when loose laminations are found. The test is still the simplest and the most practical way to determine the tightness of core laminations with the least intrusion and minimal risk of damage to stator core lamination insulation [7].



After taking corrective actions, it is important to implement good inspection & condition monitoring techniques to prevent further damage & to improve continuity of operation. Different techniques are described with their merits & demerits.

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Table 1.

core end plate hot spot that occurs more than a few centimeters away from a thermocouple may not be detectable. Prev. mainte nance partial repair - repair or replace ment rewind ing replace ment of improv ed materi al partial repair replace ment replace ment modifi cation & replace ment

Part Stator winding

Method of inspection - Visual test - Leak test

Interv al 4 years always

Phenome na looseness - wearing - water leak deteriorati on looseness



- Diagnostic test Stator wedge - Tapping test

15 years 4 years

The main objective of this paper has been to outline the experience on some of the significant operational faults in large synchronous generators. The paper gives the suggestions on future directions in terms of fault prevention and long term asset maintenance strategies of large synchronous generators. The electricity market plays a major role in driving the operational regime of large synchronous generators. Inevitably, it demands from the participating generators capacity, flexibility and availability. The arduous operating conditions coupled with machine ageing and, in some cases, unsuitable designs have been responsible for a range of operational faults in large synchronous generators. A well balanced combination of visual inspection, online condition monitoring and offline routine examination is by far the best health check for large synchronous generators.

[1] O. Gl and T. V. Tran, 'Stator End Winding Problems in Large Synchronous Generators and Some Remedies', ICEM - International Conference on Electrical Machines, Bruges - Belgium, August 2002. [2] G. C. Stone, Edward A. Boulter, Ian Culbert and Hussein Dhirani, 'Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines Design, Evaluation, Aging, Testing, and Repair'. IEEE Press series on Power Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004. [3] EWBANK PREECE AUSTRALIA, 'Preliminary Study into Two-shifting Operation at Torrens Island Power Station', Consultancy report for SA Generation Corporation, March 1997. [4] J. E. Timperley and J. R. Michalec, 'Estimating The Remaining Service Life of Asphalt-Mica Stator Insulation', IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp 686-694, December 1994. [5] D. J. Petty, 'Recent Experiences in the Refurbishment of Large Generators', Cigre AP11 Conference 1996 - Sydney, No. 15, September 1996. [6] M. Liese, J. Ber, R. Gem and W. Schier, 'Life Extension Methods and Experiences with Turbine Generator Rehabilitation and Uprating', Cigr AP11 1990 Paris Session, No. 11-104, August 1990. [7] G. Klempner Ontario Hydro Toronto Canada, 'Ontario Hydro Experience with Failures in Large Generators due to Loose Stator Core Iron', EPRI Generator Care - Large Steam turbine driven generator course operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting, April 2001. [8] K. Woolhouse - FCA Australia, , 'Cracked Sub-Conductors from Generator Stator Torrens Island Power Station Unit B4', Failure & Condition Assessments Metallurgical Report, report number J174, June 1997. [9] Cigr AP 11, 'Generator Coil Retaining Rings A Literature Survey and care guideline, 2001. [10] Modern power generation practice by Prof. Bhuvanesh oza, prof.Makwana Bharti prakashan, 2007

Stator core

- Visual test - Elcid test

4 years ------8 years 15 years 4 years

- damage looseness - overheat - crack - gas leak - gas leak looseness - crack

High voltage bushing Gland packing Support insulator

- Visual test - Leak test - Leak test - Visual test

- Tapping test

(c) Stator core end plate hot spot inspection The core end plate burning fault is difficult to be detected with a reasonable degree of confidence while the generator is in service. To date, visual inspection is still the best known method to detect and monitor this problem. Unfortunately, it requires an outage of the generator with the end covers removed. For a hydrogen-cooled generator, this task can take a few days and some considerable cost. In some rare fortunate cases, the fault is detected by the thermocouples embedded immediately behind the core end plate within a few centimeters of fault location. Unfortunately, there is a practical limit of the number of thermocouples that can be embedded in the core and they can not be relied on for detection of localized overheating faults such as core end plate burning. A

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

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