Rubrics For Speaking Skills
Rubrics For Speaking Skills
Rubrics For Speaking Skills
To be improved
Pronouncing individual words in phrases or sentences in isolation -
Attempting to speak in meaningful chunks -
Producing connected speech Producing speech occasionally disrupted by hesitations as students search for correct form of expression Varying speed to convey intended meanings and feelings
Producing speech frequently disrupted by hesitations as students search for correct form of expression
Pronouncing most words incomprehensibly Speaking in monotone Using isolated words or sentence fragments Making many grammatical errors which obscure meaning -
Using correct pronunciation for familiar and simple words Attempting to use intonation in speech Using simple sentences Making some grammatical errors which obscure meaning -
Using correct pronunciation for both familiar and some unfamiliar words Using appropriate stress and intonation to express ideas and opinions Using a variety of sentences Making few grammatical errors which do not interfere with the message
Speaking clearly and loudly Making good use of body language to help express ideas and feelings (e.g. good
Making some use of body language to help express ideas and feelings (e.g. eye-contact) Making little effort to pronounce unfamiliar words Sometimes unwilling to speak up or perform in class -
eye-contact) Making good effort to pronounce unfamiliar words Willing to speak up or perform in class
Making some use of gestures and / or facial expression to convey meaning and intonation Making little effort to use tone to convey meanings or feelings
Making good use of gestures and facial expression to convey meaning and intonation Varying tone to convey intended meanings or feelings
Performance Skills