Entrepreneurship Can Be Described As A Process of Action An

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In the present global competitive economy, which can be characterized by its constant and rapid changes, entrepreneurship is considered as a core economical component that can boost productivity, employment, economic growth, and social welfare in the society. Over the past two decades, entrepreneurship has gained interest from more developed countries and it is only recently that the so called developing countries have started to pay considerable attention to this phenomenon due to its significant role in tackling socio-economical challenges such as unemployment and social welfare.

What is an entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship can be described as a process of action an entrepreneur undertakes to establish his enterprise. An entrepreneur is a person who starts an enterprise. He searches for change and responds to it. The economists view him as a fourth factor of production along with land labor and capital. The sociologists feel that certain communities and cultures promote entrepreneurship like for example in India we say that Gujaratis and Sindhis are very enterprising. Still others feel that entrepreneurs are innovators who come up with new ideas for products, markets or techniques. Entrepreneurship is a creative activity. It is the ability to create and build something from practically nothing. It is a knack of sensing opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion. Entrepreneurship is the attitude of mind to seek opportunities, take calculated risks and derive benefits by setting up a venture. It comprises of numerous activities involved in conception, creation and running an enterprise. Entrepreneurship is a discipline with a knowledge base theory. It is an outcome of complex socio-economic, psychological, technological, legal and other factors. It is a dynamic and risky process. It involves a fusion of capital, technology and human talent. Entrepreneurship is equally applicable to big and small businesses, to economic and non-economic activities. Different entrepreneurs might have some common traits but all of them will have some different and unique features.

If we just concentrate on the entrepreneurs then there will be as many models as there are ventures and we will not be able to predict or plan, how and where, and when these entrepreneurs will start their ventures. Entrepreneurship is a process. It is not a combination of some stray incidents. It is the purposeful and organized search for change, conducted after systematic analysis of opportunities in the environment. Entrepreneurship is a philosophy- it is the way one thinks, one acts and therefore it can exist in any situation be it business or government or in the field of education, science and technology or poverty alleviation or any others. The term entrepreneur is used to describe men and women who establish and manage their own business. The process involved is called entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an abstraction whereas entrepreneurs are tangible people. Entrepreneurship is a process and an entrepreneur is a person. Entrepreneurship is the outcome of complex socio-economic, psychological and other factors. Entrepreneur is the key individual central to entrepreneurship who makes things happen. Entrepreneur is the actor, entrepreneurship is the act. Entrepreneurship is the most effective way of bridging the gap between science and the market place by creating new enterprises. An entrepreneur is the catalyst who brings about this change.


Entrepreneurship helps the society as well as the entrepreneur, itself. The benefits of an entrepreneurship may be divided into three distinct categories that include the benefits to the nation, benefit to the society and the benefit to the individual. When many of the entrepreneurship produce an output greater than the input, the economy of the nation is directly bolstered. Another advantage to the nation is the creation of jobs for its people. Such a job creation utilizes the human resources of that particular country and helps the natural talent materialize. With the new inventions and development in the new technology a nation can use its resources

more effectively. Since, a majority of the entrepreneurship projects are private; it provides an environment of competitiveness which further increases the quality of the products in the national markets. By privatizing the local economy, entrepreneurship ventures help attract eager foreign firms who are otherwise reluctant to do business with the government subsidized economy. The income level of the average person and the standard of living of a society increase with every successful entrepreneurship project that is undertaken. There is an increase in the employment level on the regional scale. It is also noticeable that an entrepreneurship helps develop other entrepreneur businesses because of the extra incentives that it can provide to a new entrepreneur in the shape of capital, knowledge and technology. Entrepreneurship helps the societies to fulfill its basic needs in the world that calls for the survival of the fittest. Entrepreneurs lead by example in assisting the society and therefore boost the moral of the public. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Entrepreneurship is basically concerned with creating wealth through production of goods and services. This results in a process of upward change whereby the real per capita income of a country rises overtime or in other words economic development takes place. Thus entrepreneurial development is the key to economic development. In fact it is one of the most critical inputs in the economic development of a region. It speeds up the process of activating factors of production leading to a higher rate of economic growth, dispersal of economic activities and development of backward regions. If a region is unable to throw up a sufficient number of entrepreneurs then alien entrepreneurs usually step in to provide goods and services needed by the people. However the profits earned by these entrepreneurs are usually not ploughed back but repatriated to their place of origin. The above reiterates the importance of entrepreneurship development for fuelling economic growth of a region. Entrepreneurship begets and also injects entrepreneurship by starting a chain reaction when the entrepreneur continuously tries to improve the quality of existing goods and services and add new ones. E.g. when computers came into the market there was continuous improvement in the models, their functions etc. like first generation computers, personal computers, laptops, palmtops etc. Not only had this fostered the development of the software industry, computer education institutes, computer maintenance and stationery units etc. but also other industries like banking, railways, education, travel, films, medical and legal transcriptions, business process outsourcing [BPOs] etc. In this manner by harnessing the entrepreneurial talent a society comes out of traditional lethargy to modern industrial culture.

Factors affecting entrepreneurship ability?

1. Having no self confidence

2. Lack of finance 3. Absence of Analytical mind 4. Not hearing advices from Experienced persons 5. Over confidence 6. Weak business strategy 7. Greediness of becoming successful overnight 8. Wrong and immoral business ethics 9. Evasion of Taxes 10. Bribing attitude and many more associated with the working in office .. Social entrepreneurship services General Information Social Entrepreneurship Services (SES) started due to observations that small businesses and nonprofits need a strong set of tools and information in order to succeed. With a portfolio of tools that help nonprofits and for-profits alike travel toward their goals, SES takes pride in utilizing its time and talent to help others gain the information, insight, and tools needed to proceed toward their goals. SESs goal is to help others reach theirs. Social Entrepreneurship Services goal is to help small businesses and nonprofits make the most of their resources to effectively meet the purpose of their own organizations by providing planning, analysis, materials, and funding resources on an independent contractor basis. Services: -Business Plans Market Analysis -Feasibility Studies -Collateral Materials Development -Budget Actual Comparisons -Strategic Planning -Grant Writing -Funding Research Example :

The goal is to bring businesses, students and the community together to achieve a continual community lifecycle of prosperity. The owner, Jesus Omar Gallegos, became a teacher to become a Social Entreprenership. He started this business to take the classroom and students into the world of business. The idea is that by empowering students through real world business experience, a positive difference in their lives will be made as well as in the surrounding communities. Chido Marketing is the vehicle for this idea to become a reality. This company exists to serve the community by servicing businesses at very affordable rates and giving students internships and case studies. Chido's clients are used as case studies in the classroom and revenue from clients provide internships for students that find a passion for Online Marketing as long as they attend college if already graduated from High School.. Gallegos believes that if he can make this venture a success, teachers all over the county can do the same.

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