Introduction To Sketching Tutorial Summary: Task 1

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Introduction to Sketching Tutorial Summary

In this tutorial, you will create the crankshaft shown on the previous page. Through the creation of this part, you will learn basic sketching, dimensioning, and constraining techniques that will give you the foundation necessary to create sketches with confidence. Task 1: Use sketch entities to develop the shape of the lobe

Task 2: Constrain and dimension the lobe sketch and extrude geometry from the sketch

Task 3: Use sketch entities to develop the shape of the lobe shaft

Task 4: Dimension sketch of shaft and extrude geometry from the sketch

Task 5: Trace an existing sketch to cut-away geometry on the lobe

Task 6: Create a hex-cut in the shaft

Task 7: Emboss text on the lobe

Task 1. Sketch entities to develop the shape of the lobe

1. Start Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Tryout Edition if necessary. 2. If Pro/ENGINEER is already running, close all windows and remove all objects from session using File > Erase > Not Displayed... 3. File > Set Working Directory... , and browse to HANDS-ON_WF4\03-SKETCHER 4. Click the Create New Object icon on the main toolbar at the top left of the screen. The New object dialog opens. 5. Accept the default settings in this dialog and click OK.
Default templates are used when a new part or assembly is created. The default templates are an initial design model that contains default features, layers, views, parameters and units.

6. Click the Sketch Tool

icon on the right toolbar to create a sketch.

7. Click the datum plane named FRONT as the sketch plane, then click Sketch from the Sketch dialog in the upper right corner of the screen. This brings you into the sketching environment. 8. Click the Datum Planes , Datum Axes , Datum Points , and Coordinate Systems icons on the main toolbar.
These buttons toggle datum planes, axes, points and coordinate systems on and off so that your graphics window doesn't become too cluttered.

9. Click on the Circle tool. Click where the vertical and horizontal dashed lines meet to place the center of the circle, then move the mouse away from the center point and leftclick to finish creating the circle.

10. Hold down the right-mouse button, and a context-sensitive menu will appear Select Line, and click location 1 as shown in the figure below to start the line. Note a rubber band line appears attached to the cursor. Click location 2 in the figure to end the line. Pro/ENGINEER creates a line between the two points and starts another rubber band line. Click location 3 in the figure to create the second line. The two lines are shown in the figure below.

11. Middle-click to end the line creation.

Click Sketch Orientation if you accidentally rotate the Sketcher view.

12. Click the Sketch Fillet

tool, and click the two lines just created.

13. In the upper right portion of the screen, click on the arrow next to the Line icon. A flyout toolbar will appear. 14. Click on the Centerline icon and then create a centerline by left-clicking two points on the vertical dashed line, as shown in the figure below.

15. Middle click to end the centerline creation. 16. Hold the CTRL key down, and select the two lines and arc. 17. Select the Mirror tool in the sketch toolbar, and then click on the vertical centerline on the sketch.

18. Click on the Dynamic Trim locations indicated below.

tool, and hold the LMB down to drag select over the four

19. Click the Select Items

icon on the sketcher toolbar (or press MMB) when completed.

Task 2. Constrain and dimension the lobe sketch and extrude

1. Click Constraints from the sketcher toolbar, then click Same Points tool from the Constraints dialog box. 2. Click the center point of one of the fillets, followed by any point on the dashed horizontal line. 3. Click the Close button from the Constraints dialog. 4. Click the Dimension in the main toolbar to enable the display. 5. Double-click the arc highlighted in the following figure, and middle-click around the red x to place the diameter dimension. Ignore the dimensional value for now.

Sketcher will always make sure sketches are adequately constrained and dimensioned. Any dimensions the system automatically creates appear in light grey and are called "weak" because the system will delete them without user input if conflicting dimensions and/or constraints are created by the user. Any user-created dimensions appear dark and are called "strong", and will not be deleted without confirmation from the user.

6. With Dimension still selected left-click where points 1 and 2 are shown, and middleclick at point 3 to create an angular dimension. Ignore the dimensional value for now.

7. Middle-click again to exit the dimensioning tool. 8. Click Select Items in the Sketcher toolbar and draw a selection box around all the dimensions. Start the selection box by left clicking at the top of the sketch and dragging the cursor and releasing the left mouse button. All the dimensions should highlight.

9. Click Modify Values and select the check box Lock Scale. Then select the diameter dimension (88.96) and type 2. 10. Click Regenerate Section to complete the modification. 11. Double-click each dimension to edit their values, and edit them so that they are the same as the following figure.

12. Select the Complete Sketch icon in the sketcher toolbar to exit the sketch. 13. Press CTRL+D to see model in default orientation. 14. Click the Extrude icon with the sketch selected. 15. Select Both Sides from the pull down in the dashboard as the depth direction, and enter 1.125 as the depth.

16. Select the Complete Feature

icon in the dashboard.

In order to return back to the definition a feature, right click on the feature in the model tree or on screen and Edit Definition. This is useful if you have made a mistake or want to change the feature shape or other options.

Task 3. Sketch entities to develop the shape of the lobe shaft

1. Click the Sketch Tool icon on the right toolbar to create a sketch. 2. Click the Datum Planes icon to display datum planes. 3. In the Sketch dialog, select the RIGHT plane as the Sketch Plane. Notice the Sketch Orientation Reference is the Top datum plane. Change the Orientation to Top using the drop-down box in the Sketch dialog. 4. Click on the Sketch button to close the dialog. 5. Click the Datum Planes icon to hide the datum planes. 6. Click on the Centerline icon and then create a centerline by left-clicking two points on the horizontal dashed line, as shown in the figure below.

7. Click the Line

tool and sketch the 6 lines as seen in the figure below.

Task 4. Dimension sketch of shaft and extrude

1. Click the Dimension icon and create the first dimension a. left-click the vertical line on the left side (point 1) b. left-click the dashed line in the middle of the lobe (point 2) c. middle-click anywhere in-between the two lines (point 3) to place the dimension

2. Create another dimension by left-clicking on points 1 and 2, and then middle-clicking on point 3 to place the dimension.

3. Create the final linear dimension by left-clicking point 1, and then middle-clicking point 2 to place the dimension.

4. Create an angular dimension. Left-click points 1 and 2, then middle-click point 3 to place the dimension.

5. Create diameter dimension. a. Left-click horizontal line entity (point 1) b. Left-click centerline to revolve about (point 2) c. Left-click horizontal line entity again (point 3) d. Middle-click to place the dimension (point 4)

This dimensioning technique is very useful when creating revolved features because it shows the dimension as a diameter.

6. Create diameter dimension on the opposite side. Left-click point 1, followed by point 2, followed by point 3, then middle-click point 4.

7. Click the Select Items tool. Double-click each dimension, and change them to where their corresponding values match the figure below.

8. Click the Complete Sketch icon in the sketcher toolbar to complete the sketch. 9. With the sketch still selected, click the Revolve tool on the feature toolbar. 10. Click the Complete Feature icon in the dashboard.

11. Press CTRL+D on your keyboard to see the default view of your model.

Task 5. Trace an existing sketch to cut-away geometry from the lobe

1. Click the Sketch Tool icon on the right toolbar to create a sketch. 2. Click the Datum Planes icon to display datum planes. 3. In the Sketch dialog, select the FRONT plane as the Sketch Plane. Click on the Sketch button to close the dialog. 4. Click the Datum Planes icon to hide the datum planes. 5. Select the No Hidden View icon on the main toolbar. 6. Select the Use Edge icon from the sketch toolbar. 7. In the Type dialog, select the Chain option. Select the edge highlighted in red in the following diagram, followed by the light-blue edge with the cursor.

8. Click Accept, and then select Close from the Type dialog.

The Entity from Edge tool snaps to existing geometry without the need for dimensions. The sketch will update when the existing geometry changes.

9. Click the Circle tool, and sketch a circle as shown in the following illustration. Edit the dimensions as shown.

10. Click the Complete Sketch icon from the right side toolbar. 11. Press CTRL+D to orient the model in the default orientation. 12. Click the Extrude icon with the sketch selected. 13. Select Both Sides from the dashboard as the depth direction, and enter .50 as the depth. 14. Select the Remove Material icon. 15. Select the Complete Feature button in the dashboard to complete the cut.

16. Select the Shading

icon on the main toolbar.

Task 6. Create a hex-shape cut in the shaft

1. Click the Sketch Tool icon on the right toolbar to create a sketch. 2. Select the surface shown as the Sketch Plane and then click the Sketch button in the Sketch dialog.

3. Click the No Hidden icon in the main toolbar for a better display of the sketch. 4. Click the Sketcher Palette icon in the sketcher toolbar. 5. In the Sketcher Palette dialog, select the Polygons tab, and then double-click the Hexagon. You should see a plus (+) sign next to the cursor. 6. Click anywhere to place the hexagon. In the Scale Rotate dialog, select .15 as the scale. In the middle of the hexagon, you will see a circle with an x through it. Left-click this circle (and keep the mouse button down) and move it where the vertical and horizontal

dashed lines meet (see the illustration for more details).

7. Click the Accept Changes in the Scale Rotate dialog and then click the Close button in the Sketcher Palette dialog. 8. Click the Shaded View icon in the main toolbar, and press CTRL+D on your keyboard for the default orientation of the model. 9. Click the Sketch Complete icon on the sketcher toolbar. 10. Click the Extrude icon with the sketch still selected. Change the depth in the dashboard to .125, and click the Change Depth Direction icon. Then select the Remove Material icon in the dashboard.

11. Click the Complete Feature

in the dashboard.

Task 7. Emboss text on the lobe

1. Click the Sketch Tool icon on the right toolbar to create a sketch. 2. Select the surface shown as the Sketch Plane and then click the Sketch button in the Sketch dialog.

3. Click the No Hidden View icon in the main toolbar for a better display of the sketch. 4. Click the Arc icon in the sketcher toolbar. Create a 3-point arc by selecting the start of the arc then selecting the end of the arc and finally drag and click to determine the radius of the arc. The sketched arc will appear similar to the figure below.

5. Select the Sketcher Constraints tool in the sketcher toolbar. 6. Click on the Same Points tool in the Constraints dialog, and select the center point of the arc and the vertical dashed line. Then click on the center point of the arc again, followed by the horizontal dashed line. 7. Click Close in the Constraints dialog. 8. Select the curve in the sketch. Hold down your right-mouse button, and select Construction. 9. Double-click the radius dimension and edit the value to .90. 10. Double click on the horizontal value to be .25. 11. Click the Text icon from the sketcher toolbar. 12. Sketch a line as shown in the following figure. 13. In the Text dialog box, enter 12345 as the Text Line. 14. Click the box next to Place along curve, and select the curve in the sketch.

15. Click OK from the Text dialog box, and then click your middle-mouse button.

16. Change the height of the text to be .115. 17. Click the Sketch Complete icon on the sketcher toolbar. 18. Click the Shaded View icon in the main toolbar, and press CTRL+D on your keyboard for the default orientation of the model. 19. Select the Extrude icon from the features toolbar with the previous sketch selected. Enter .025 as the depth. 20. Select Complete Feature from the dashboard.

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed the crankshaft design.

Congratulations! You have completed the Introduction to Sketching Tutorial.

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