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7 Reference Manual

[email protected] - September 2011

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Presentation........................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 2 Installation.............................................................................................................8 2.1 Compiling and installing under Linux.........................................................................8 2.2 Installing under Windows XP......................................................................................9 2.3 Related files and initial setup...................................................................................... 9 2.4 Choosing a smartcard reader.....................................................................................10 Chapter 3 Using Cardpeek.................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Quick start....................................................................................................................11 3.2 User interface..............................................................................................................12 3.3 Card view.................................................................................................................... 12 3.4 The reader tab.............................................................................................................13 3.5 The logs tab.................................................................................................................14 3.6 The one-line command input field............................................................................ 14 3.7 Card-reader selection upon start-up..........................................................................14 Chapter 4 Card analysis tools............................................................................................... 15 4.1 atr.................................................................................................................................16 4.1.1 Overview...............................................................................................................16 4.1.2 General notes.......................................................................................................16 4.2 Calypso........................................................................................................................16 4.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 16 4.2.2 Implementation notes........................................................................................ 16 4.3 emv.............................................................................................................................. 17 4.3.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 17 4.3.2 Implementation notes.........................................................................................17 4.4 e-passport................................................................................................................... 18 4.4.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 18 4.4.2 Implementation notes........................................................................................ 18 4.5 moneo......................................................................................................................... 18 4.5.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 18 4.5.2 Implementation notes........................................................................................ 18 4.6 vitale 2.........................................................................................................................19 4.6.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 19 4.6.2 Notes....................................................................................................................19 4.7 Adding your own scripts.............................................................................................19 2

Chapter 5 Programming Cardpeek scripts.......................................................................... 20 5.1 Hello world................................................................................................................. 20 5.2 Basic communication with a smart card....................................................................21 5.3 Representing card data in a tree structure................................................................22 Chapter 6 Development library............................................................................................24 6.1 the bit library.............................................................................................................. 24 6.1.1 bit.AND................................................................................................................ 24 6.1.2 bit.OR.................................................................................................................. 24 6.1.3 bit.XOR................................................................................................................24 6.1.4 bit.SHL(A,B)........................................................................................................25 6.1.5 bit.SHR................................................................................................................ 25 6.2 The bytes library.........................................................................................................25 6.2.1 Operators on bytestrings.................................................................................... 26 6.2.2 bytes.append.......................................................................................................26 6.2.3 bytes.assign......................................................................................................... 27 6.2.4 bytes.clone...........................................................................................................27 6.2.5 bytes.concat.........................................................................................................27 6.2.6 bytes.convert.......................................................................................................28 6.2.7 bytes.format........................................................................................................28 6.2.8 bytes.insert......................................................................................................... 29 6.2.9 bytes.invert......................................................................................................... 29 6.2.10 bytes.is_printable.............................................................................................30 6.2.11 bytes.maxn.........................................................................................................30 6.2.12 6.2.13 bytes.new_from_chars..................................................................................... 31 6.2.14 bytes.pad_left.................................................................................................... 31 6.2.15 bytes.pad_right..................................................................................................31 6.2.16 bytes.remove..................................................................................................... 32 6.2.17 bytes.sub............................................................................................................32 6.2.18 4.3.17 tonumber............................................................................................... 33 6.2.19 bytes.toprintable............................................................................................... 33 6.2.20 bytes.width....................................................................................................... 33 6.3 The asn1 library..........................................................................................................34 6.3.1 asn1.enable_single_byte_length........................................................................34 6.3.2 asn1.join.............................................................................................................. 34 6.3.3 asn1.split............................................................................................................. 35 6.3.4 asn1.split_length................................................................................................ 35 6.3.5 asn1.split_tag......................................................................................................36 3

6.4 The card library..........................................................................................................36 6.4.1 card.connect........................................................................................................ 37 6.4.2 card.disconnect...................................................................................................37 6.4.3 card.get_data...................................................................................................... 37 6.4.4 6.4.5 card.last_atr....................................................................................................... 38 6.4.6 card.make_file_path..........................................................................................38 6.4.7 card.read_binary................................................................................................ 40 6.4.8 card.read_record................................................................................................40 6.4.9 6.4.10 card.send...........................................................................................................42 6.4.11 card.warm_reset............................................................................................... 42 6.5 The crypto library.......................................................................................................42 6.5.1 crypto.create_context......................................................................................... 42 6.5.2 crypto.decrypt.....................................................................................................44 6.5.3 crypto.digest....................................................................................................... 44 6.5.4 crypto.encrypt.....................................................................................................44 6.5.5 crypto.mac...........................................................................................................45 6.6 The ui library..............................................................................................................45 6.6.1 ui.question...........................................................................................................45 6.6.2 ui.readline...........................................................................................................46 6.6.3 ui.tree_add_node...............................................................................................46 6.6.4 ui.tree_child_node............................................................................................. 47 6.6.5 ui.tree_delete_node........................................................................................... 47 6.6.6 ui.tree_find_all_nodes...................................................................................... 47 6.6.7 ui.tree_find_node.............................................................................................. 48 6.6.8 ui.tree_get_alt_value........................................................................................ 48 6.6.9 ui.tree_get_attribute..........................................................................................48 6.6.10 ui.tree_get_node.............................................................................................. 49 6.6.11 ui.tree_get_value.............................................................................................. 49 6.6.12 ui.tree_load.......................................................................................................50 6.6.13 ui.tree_next_node............................................................................................ 50 6.6.14 ui.tree_parent_node........................................................................................ 50 6.6.15 ui.tree_save........................................................................................................51 6.6.16 ui.tree_set_alt_value........................................................................................ 51 6.6.17 ui.tree_set_attribute......................................................................................... 51 6.6.18 ui.tree_set_value.............................................................................................. 52 6.6.19 ui.tree_to_xml.................................................................................................. 52 4

6.7 The log library............................................................................................................ 52 6.7.1 log.print............................................................................................................... 53 6.8 Other libraries............................................................................................................ 53 6.8.1 The treeflex library..............................................................................................53 6.8.2 The country_codes and currency_codes libraries............................................ 53 6.8.3 The en1545 library..............................................................................................53 6.8.4 The strict library................................................................................................. 54 6.8.5 The tlv library..................................................................................................... 54 Chapter 7 File format............................................................................................................55 Chapter 8 License................................................................................................................. 57

Chapter 1 Presentation

CARDPEEK is a program that reads the contents of smartcards. This open-source tool has a GTK GUI and can be extended with the LUA programming language. It requires a PCSC card reader to communicate with a smartcard. Smartcards are becoming ubiquitous in our everyday life. We use them for payment, transport, in mobile telephones and many other applications. These cards often contain a lot of personal information such as, for example, our last purchases or our last journeys in public transport. CARDPEEKS goal is to allow you to access all this personal information. As such, you can be better informed about the data that is collected about you. CARDPEEK explores ISO 7816 compliant smartcards and represents their content in an organized tree format that roughly follows the structure it has inside the card, which is also similar to a classical file-system structure. In this version, this tool is capable of reading the contents of the following types of cards: EMV "chip and PIN" bank cards used in many countries throughout the world; Electronic/Biometric passports, which have an embedded contactless chip (a contactless reader is required); Navigo transport cards used in Paris and other Calypso cards used elsewhere; Vitale 2, the French health card.

It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data: Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys card);

Chapter 1 Presentation

Moneo, the French electronic purse; GSM SIM cards.

Some important card types are missing or need further development, however, this application can be modified and extended easily to your needs with the embedded LUA scripting language. For more information on the LUA project see This software has been tested with traditional PCSC card readers (such as the GemaltoPC TWIN) as well as contactless or dual-interface PCSC readers (such as the Omnikey5321). Support for the ACGMulti-ISO contactless card reader is still experimental but has been reported to work well for traditional ISO 7816 compliant cards.

Chapter 1 Presentation

Chapter 2 Installation

CARDPEEK is designed to work under GNU/Linux with GTK+ and has been successfully ported under Windows XP. CARDPEEK can be compiled from source using configure and make. It has currently been tested under Linux Debian version 5 and 6 (both i386 and amd64), Ubuntu 11.4 and Fedora 15. It has been reported to compile and work under FreeBSD as well. The Windows XP version is distributed as a self installing binary package. It can also be compiled under MinGW/MSYS with the custom Makefile provided in the source code (Makefile.win32). Of course, you will need a smartcard reader to take full advantage of this software!

2.1 Compiling and installing under Linux

Instructions: 1. Make sure you have the following development packages installed: libgtk+ 2.0, version 2.12 or above ( liblua 5.1 ( libpcsclite ( libssl ( 2. Unpack the source if needed and change directory to the source directory. 3. Type ./configure 4. Type make Chapter 2 Installation 8

5. Type make install (usually as root) to install install CARDPEEK in the proper system directories. Notes: 1. On a Debian/Ubuntu system, these necessary packages are all available through package management tools such as apt/aptitude. 2. The last step (make install) is optional, as you can run CARDPEEK directly from the source directory.


Installing under Windows XP

Instructions: 1. Download the self installing binary setup program (cardpeek-x.xx-win32setup.exe where x.xx is the version number of CARDPEEK). 2. Follow the instructions. CARDPEEK can also be compiled from source with MinGW/MSYS, but this is a more complicated approach due to some current shortcomings of the windows port. You should use the dedicated Makefile (make -f Makefile.win32) and manually copy the contents of the dot_cardpeek_dir/ from the source into the directory %USERPROFILE %/.cardpeek directory).


Related files and initial setup

In the following discussion, the terms home directory will refer to the traditional home directory on a Linux system (as indicated by the $HOME environment variable) or the %USERPROFILE% directory on a MS-Windows systems. The first time CARDPEEK is run it will attempt to create the .cardpeek/ directory in your home directory. This is normal. For Windows XP users this directory will be created during installation. The .cardpeek/ directory will contain 4 elements: config.lua, the scripts/ and log/ directories and a version file. The config.lua allows you to run commands automatically when the program starts (it should become a full fledged config file in the future). The scripts/ directory contains all the scripts that allow to explore smartcards. These scripts are LUA files (such as emv.lua or calypso.lua) and all show up in the analyzer menu of CARDPEEK (without their extension .lua). If you add any LUA file to this directory, it will therefore also appear in the menu. The scripts/ directory contains three subdirectories: lib/, etc/ and calypso. lib/ and etc/ hold a few LUA files containing frequently used commands or data items that are shared among the card Chapter 2 Installation 9

processing scripts. calypso holds country and region specific scripts for calypso cards. The log/ directory is used to save data for card emulation purposes. Each time the program runs, it creates a file .cardpeek.log in your home directory. This file contains a copy of the messages displayed in the log tab of the application (see next chapter).


Choosing a smartcard reader

There are many smartcard readers available on the market, and their compatibility with different contact or contactless cards, will depend on many parameters, such as: The OS you are using (Linux, Windows, 32bit or 64bit, etc.) The smartcard driver on the OS. The firmware of the smartcard reader. The smartcard itself. As an example, the OMNIKEY 5321USB dual-interface reader comes into at least 2 firmware versions. Under MS Windows, a reader with firmware 5.10 fails to connect with some Calypso e-ticketing cards through the contact interface, but works under Linux with default PCSC drivers. Under linux, the contactless interface only seems to work with the OMNIKEY drivers and fail to operate with the PCSC standard drivers. Because of all these reasons, to our best knowledge there is no perfect smartcard reader. The following smartcard readers have been used during the development of CARDPEEK and are provided here as an indication (without any guaranty): The OMNIKEY 5321USB, with firmware 5,10. The BROADCOM BCM5880 reader (only MS Windows). The GEMALTO PC Twin USB reader (with poor EMV card support under MS Windows).

Chapter 2 Installation


Chapter 3 Using CARDPEEK

Figure 1: Main window of CARDPEEK.

3.1 Quick start

To experiment with CARDPEEK, your may start with your EMV PIN and chip smartcard for example, by following these steps: 1. Start cardpeek. 2. Select your PCSC card reader in the first dialog box. Chapter 3 Using Cardpeek 11

3. Insert your EMV PIN and chip card in the card reader. 4. Select emv in the analyzer menu. This will run the default emv script. 5. View the results in the card data tab. On many bank cards, you will discover a surprising amount of transaction log data (scroll down to the log data in the card view).


User interface

The user interface is divided in four main parts: 3 tabs and a one-line command input field.

Figure 2: The 3 main tabs of CARDPEEK Each one of the 3 tabs proposes a different view of card related information: Card view: shows card data extracted from a card in a structured tree form. Reader: shows raw binary data exchanged between the host PC and the card reader. Logs: displays a journal of application events, mainly useful for debugging purposes.


Card view

The card view tab is the central user interface component of CARDPEEK. It represents the data extracted from a card in a structured tree from. This tree structure is initially blank and is entirely constructed by the LUA scripts that are executed (see Chapter 4 ). This tree can be saved and loaded in XML format (see Chapter 7 ) using the buttons in the toolbar. The card view tab offers the following toolbar buttons: Clicking on this button spawns a menu from which an card Analyze analysis script can be chosen (see next chapter). Clear This button clears the card view. This button allows to load a previously saved card view from an Open XML file. Save As This button allows to save the current card view into an XML file. About This button displays a very brief message about CARDPEEK. Quit This button quits the application. The card view data is represented in 3 columns. The first column displays the nodes of Chapter 3 Using Cardpeek 12

the card tree view in a hierarchical structure similar to a typical file directory tree browser, where each node has a name, composed of a label and an ID. The second column displays the size of the node data, most frequently expressed in bytes. Finally, the third column displays the node data itself. The node data can either be represented in raw (hexadecimal) form or in a more user friendly interpreted alternative form, such as a text, or a date for example. By default, the card view will display node data in an interpreted alternative format if it exists. By clicking on the third column title, it is possible to switch between bothrawand interpreted alternative data representations. The card view tab has a right-click activated context menu featuring two commands: This expands the contents of the tree structure starting expand all from the currently highlighted node. show raw value This is equivalent to clicking on on the third column title to or switch between both raw and interpreted data show interpreted value representations.


The reader tab

The reader tab displays the raw binary data exchanges between the card reader and the card itself. This data is composed of card command APDUs 1, card response APDUs and card reset indicators. Command APDUs are represented by a single block of data, while card responses contain two elements: a card status word and card response data. One interesting feature of the card reader tab is the ability to save the APDU exchanges between the card reader and the smartcard in a file that can later be used to emulate the card. Once this data is saved in a file (with the .clf extension) and placed in the .cardpeek/log/ folder, it will appear as a choice in the smartcard reader selection window that appears when CARDPEEK is launched. The name of the file will be prefixed by emulator:// in the card selection window. Selecting such a card data file allows to rerun the script on the previously recorded APDU/response data instead of a real smartcard inserted in the reader. This is very useful for testing and debugging card scripts without relying on a real smartcard inserted in the reader. The reader tab offers the following toolbar buttons: This button establishes a connexion between the card and the card Connect reader. Reset This button performs a warm reset of the card. This button closes the connexion between the card and the card Disconnect reader.
1 APDU: Application Protocol Data Unit, a sequence of bytes describing a message exchanged between the smartcard and the reader.

Chapter 3 Using Cardpeek


Clear Save as

This button clears the APDU/response data displayed in the window. This button allows to save the displayed APDU/response data, either for future examination or to be replayed as an emulation of a real card.

Connect, Reset and Disconnect operations are usually automatically done by the card scripts. However, it is occasionally useful to manually force the execution of these commands.


The logs tab

The logs tab keeps track of messages emitted by the application or the script being run. These messages are useful for monitoring and for debugging purposes. The last message also appears at the bottom of the screen in the status bar.


The one-line command input field

The one-line command input field at the bottom of the window allows to type LUA commands that will be directly executed by the application. This is useful for testing some ideas quickly or for debugging purposes.

3.7 Card-reader selection upon start-up

When the program starts, youll be asked to choose a card reader. This will give you 3 main choices : 1. Select a PCSC card reader to use: You may have several of PCSC card readers attached to your computer. Card-readers are usually identified by their name, preceded by pcsc://. 2. Select a file containing previously recorded smartcard APDU/response data: This allows to emulate a smartcard that was previously in the reader, and is quite convenient for script debugging purposes. Each time an APDU is sent to the emulated card, CARDPEEK will answer with the previously recorded response data (or return an error if the query is new). Files containing previously recorded APDU/response data are identified by a file name, preceded by emulator://. 3. Select none: Selecting none is useful if you do not wish to use a card reader at all, for example if you only want to load and examine card data that was previously saved in XML format.

Chapter 3 Using Cardpeek


Chapter 4 Card analysis tools

Figure 3: The Analyzer menu As shown on Figure 3, CARDPEEK provides several card analysis tools, which all appear in the "Analyzer" menu. These tools are actually scripts written in the LUA language, and CARDPEEK allows you to add your own scripts easily. Though you are unlikely to damage a smartcard with these tools, these scripts are provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

Chapter 4 Card analysis tools


4.1 atr
4.1.1 Overview
This script simply prints the ATR (Answer To Reset) of the card.


General notes

This is a very basic script that should always work. In the future this script will be enhanced with a detailed analysis of the ATR.



Figure 4: Reading a Navigo card (Paris)



This script provides an analysis of Calypso public transport cards used in many cities.


Implementation notes

The following calypso cards have been reported to work with this script: Navigo/Paris, MOBIB/Brussels (partial support), and Korrigo/Rennes. You will notice that these transport cards keep a event log describing at least 3 of the last stations/stops you have been through. This event log, which could pose a privacy Chapter 4 Card analysis tools 16

risk, is not protected by any access control means and is freely readable. For Navigo cards, this script provides enhanced event log analysis notably with subway/train station names, as illustrated in Figure 4. It has been successfully tested on Navigo Dcouverte, Navigo and Navigo Intgrale cards. You must use the contact interface to read a Navigo card, because they cannot be read with a normal contactless card reader (these cards use a specific protocol that is not fully compatible with ISO 14443 B). The script also reads MOBIB cards used in Brussels, with enhanced event log analysis. One unusual feature of the MOBIB card is the possibility to access the name and date of birth of the card holder. MOBIB cards are fully compatible with ISO 14443 card readers. The calypso script reads all the files it can find on the card and extracts the raw binary data it finds. The interpretation of that binary data varies from country to country, and even from region to region. Once the data is loaded, the script attempts to automatically detect the country and region the card comes from. The country is identified by a number following ISO 3166-1, but without leading zeros. The region code is also a numerical value. The script will then look into the calypso directory for a script called cXXX.lua where XXX represents the country code. If found, this extra script will be executed. Next the main script will look again in the calypso directory for a script called cXXXnYYY.lua where XXX represents the country code and YYY the region code. If found, this script will also be executed. Currently country/region detection is based on some simple heuristics and does not work for all calypso cards. Programmers wishing to tailor the behavior of the calypso script to their own country or region can thus add their own file in the calypso directory.



This script provides an analysis of EMV banking cards used across the world.


Implementation notes

This script will ask you if you want to issue a Get Processing Option (GPO) command for each application on the card. Since some cards have several applications (e.g. a national and an international application), this question may be asked twice or more. This command is needed to allow full access to all freely readable information in the card. As a side effect, issuing this command will increase an internal counter inside the card called Chapter 4 Card analysis tools 17

ATC (Application Transaction Counter). You will notice that many of these bank cards keep a transaction log of the last transactions you have made with your card. Some banks cards keep way over a hundred transactions that are freely readable, which brings up some privacy issues.



This script provides an analysis of data in a electronic/biometric passport, through a contactless interface. You will need to enter the second lower line of the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) data on the passport, as underlined in red in the example below.

Figure 5: The MRZ of a passport (source: Wikipedia)


Implementation notes

This script implements the BAC (Basic Access Control) secure access algorithm to access data in the passport. It will not be able to access data protected with the EAC (Enhances Access Control) algorithm. When the script starts, you will be required to input a minimum of 28 characters from the beginning of the second lower line of the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) data on the passport. This data is needed to compute the cryptographic keys used in the BAC algorithm. This scripts attempts to parse biometric facial and fingerprint image data. Normally however, fingerprint data is not accessible through BAC and requires EAC.



This scripts provide a (limited) analysis of MONEO electronic purse cards used in France.


Implementation notes

The provided output is very "raw".

Chapter 4 Card analysis tools



vitale 2

This script provides an analysis of the second generation French health card called Vitale 2.



This analysis is based on a lot of guesswork and needs further testing. Some zones, notably the one containing the cardholders photography, seem protected: this is a good design choice in terms of privacy protection.

4.7 Adding your own scripts

Adding or modifying a script in CARDPEEK is easy: simply add or modify a script in the $HOME/.cardpeek/scripts/ directory (or %USERPROFILE%/.cardpeek/scripts/ for Windows XP users). On Linux systems, if you want to go further and make a script permanently part of the source code of CARDPEEK for further distribution, you should follow these additional steps: 1. Go to the directory containing the source code of CARDPEEK. 2. Execute the script (e.g. type . 3. Run make to rebuild CARDPEEK. 4. The new created binary cardpeek will now contain your new scripts. On MS Windows systems, you will need to manually copy your scripts form %USERPROFILE%/.cardpeek/scripts/ to the dot_cardpeek_dir directory in the source code, before recompiling CARDPEEK.

Chapter 4 Card analysis tools


Chapter 5 Programming CARDPEEK scripts

The individual scripts that allow to process different types of smartcards are located in your $HOME/.cardpeek/scripts/ directory or %USERPROFILE%/.cardpeek/scripts/ for MS Windows. These scripts are written in LUA, a programming language that shares some similarities with Pascal and Javascript. To allow LUA scripts to communicate with smartcards and to manipulate card data, the LUA language was extended with custom libraries. This section provides an introduction to the CARDPEEK scripting facilities.

5.1 Hello world

The simplest CARDPEEK script is probably this one:
ui.tree_add_node(nil, "item", Hello world)

You can directly type it in the Command: input zone at the bottom of the CARDPEEK GUI. Alternatively you can create a hello_world.lua file in the script directory (indicated above), and copy that one line of script in that file. Once the file is saved, if you start CARDPEEK, hello world should appear in the Analyzer menu. One click on hello world in the menu will execute the script, providing the result shown in Figure 6. The above script is very simple, it creates a node in the tree view area of CARDPEEK and assigns the label Hello world to it. The first nil value that is passed to the ui.tree_add_node() function describes the parent node to which we add a new node. Since we are actually creating the first node in the tree, there's no parent, so we simply put nil. The second value item that is passed to the ui.tree_add_node() function describes the class of the node. You can replace that value by the strings card or block: this will change the icon that is used to display the node.

Chapter 5 Programming Cardpeek scripts


Figure 6 Hello world.


Basic communication with a smart card

Heres a short LUA script that demonstrates how to get and print the ATR (Answer To Reset) of a card in the card view.
card.connect() atr = card.last_atr() if atr then mycard = ui.tree_add_node(nil,"card","My card") ref = ui.tree_add_node(mycard,"block","Cold ATR",nil,#atr) ui.tree_set_value(ref,atr) end card.disconnect()

The fist command card.connect() powers-up the card in the card reader and prepares the card for communication. Next card.last_atr() returns the ATR of the card. If the value of the ATR is non-nil, the script creates a node called ATR, with a call to ui.tree_add_node(). This node will appear at the root of the card data tree-view. A child node called cold ATR is added to the root ATR node. The hexadecimal value of the ATR is associated with the child node. Finally, the card is powered down with the card.disconnect() function. The final output of the script should have roughly the following structure (though the value of the ATR will likely be different):

Figure 7: Displaying the ATR Chapter 5 Programming Cardpeek scripts 21

The example above is equivalent to the atr script provided with CARDPEEK. The LUA language is easy to learn and we refer the reader to for more information.


Representing card data in a tree structure


The data displayed in the card view of Figure 8.

follows a tree structure, as illustrated in

Figure 8: The tree structure of the card view Each node has the following attributes that influence the display of data in the card view: A classname: describes the icon that will be associated with the node in the first column of the card view. A label: describes the name of the node, in bold, in the first column of the card view. An Id: describes the Id associated with the node, following the label, in the first column of the card view. A size: the size of the data associated to the node, displayed in the second column Chapter 5 Programming Cardpeek scripts 22

of the card view. A value (val): the data associated to the node in raw binary format, displayed in the third column of the card view. An alternative value (alt): the data associated to the node in an interpreted format, displayed in the third column of the card view. All these attributes are optional. Moreover, script programmers can create new attributes as they wish for their own use, though only the ones above influence the display of CARDPEEK. Attributes are set through functions such as ui.tree_set_attribute() and ui.tree_set_value() as described in section 6.6 . The tree itself is built with functions such as ui.tree_add_node() already described in the previous examples in this chapter. CARDPEEK provides many other functions to create, remove, alter and find nodes in a tree, all described in section 6.6 .

Chapter 5 Programming Cardpeek scripts


Chapter 6 Development library

This chapter describes the LUA libraries of functions that are used in

CARDPEEK scripts.

6.1 the bit library

Since LUA does not have native bit manipulation functions, the following functions have been added. They all operate on integer numbers.

6.1.1 bit.AND

DESCRIPTION Compute the binary operation A and B.




DESCRIPTION Compute the binary operation A or B.




Chapter 6 Development library


DESCRIPTION Compute the binary operation A xor B.




DESCRIPTION Shift the bits of A by B positions to the left. This is equivalent to computing A*2 B.




DESCRIPTION Shift the bits of A by B positions to the right. This is equivalent to computing A/2 B


The bytes library

The bytes library provides a new opaque type to LUA: a bytestring, which is used to represent an array of binary elements. A bytestring is mainly used to represent binary data exchanged with the card reader in the application. The elements in a bytestring array are most commonly bytes (8 bits), but it is also possible to construct arrays of (4 bit) half-bytes or arrays of individual bits. All elements in a bytestring have the same size (8, 4 or 1), which is referred as the width of the bytestring. The width of each element is specified when the array is created with the function described in this section. A function to convert between bytestrings of different widths is also provided. Individual elements in a bytestring array can be accessed the same way traditional arrays are accessed in LUA. Thus, if BS is a bytestring the following expressions are valid:
BS[0]=1 print(BS[0])

Contrary to the LUA tradition, the first index in a bytestring is 0 instead of 1. The number of elements in a bytestring is indicated by prefixing the bytestring with the # operator, Chapter 6 Development library 25

just as with an array (e.g. #BS). A bytestring cannot be copied like an array with a simple assignment using the = operator, the bytes.assign() function or the bytes.clone() function must be used instead. The functions of the bytes library are described hereafter.

A..B A==B A~=B #A

Operators on bytestrings

The operators that can be used on bytestrings are .., ==, ~= and #

DESCRIPTION The .. operator creates a new bytestring by concatenating two bytestrings together. The concatenation operator also works if one of the operands is a string or a number, by converting it to a bytestring first, following the rules described in the bytes.assign() function. Writing A..B is equivalent to calling the function bytes.concat(A,B). The == and ~= operators allow to compare two bytestrings for equality or nonequality respectively. To be equal, two bytestrings must have the same width and the same elements in the same order. Finally the # operator returns the number of elements in a bytestring.



bytes.append(BS, value0 [, value1, ..., valueN])

DESCRIPTION Append a value to BS. The appended value is composed of value0, optionally concatenated with any additional values value1, ..., valueN (from left to right). This function is equivalent to bytes.assign(BS, BS, value0 [, value1, ..., valueN]). See bytes.assign() for further details. This function modifies its main argument BS.

Chapter 6 Development library


RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



bytes.assign(BS, value0 [, value1, ..., valueN])

DESCRIPTION Assigns a value to BS. The assigned value is composed of value, optionally concatenated with any additional values value1, ..., valueN (from left to right). Each value can be either a bytestring, a string or a number. If value is a bytestring, each element of value is appended to BS, without any conversion. If value is a string, it is interpreted as a text representation of the digits of a bytestring (as returned by the tostring() operator). This string representation is interpreted by taking into consideration the width of elements of BS and is appended to BS. If value is a number, it is converted into a single bytestring element and appended to

This function modifies its main argument BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Creates and returns a copy of BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring upon success or nil if it fails.



bytes.concat(value0, value1 , ..., valueN)

Chapter 6 Development library


DESCRIPTION Returns the concatenation of value0 , value1, ..., valueN (from left to right). For the rules governing the processing of value0 [, value1, ..., valueN], see the bytes.assign() function above. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring upon success and nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Converts BS to a new bytestring where each element has a width w. Depending on the value of w, the elements in the converted bytestring are obtained by either splitting elements of BS into several smaller elements in the new bytestring or by grouping several elements of BS into a single element in the new bytestring. If the conversion requires splitting elements of BS, then the original elements will be split with the most significant bit(s) first: the most significant bits of each original element of BS will have a lower index than the least significant bits. If the conversion requires grouping elements together, BS is will first be right-padded with zeros to a size that is a multiple of w. Next, new elements are formed by considering elements of BS with a lower index as more significant than elements with a higher index. RETURN VALUE This function returns a new bytestring upon success and nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Converts the bytestring BS to various printable formats according to the format character string. This format string can be composed of plain characters, which are simply copied to the resulting string, and format specifications which are replaced by the designated representation of BS. Chapter 6 Development library 28

As in printf() functions found in many programming languages, each format specification starts with the character % and has the following meaning: %I represent BS as an unsigned decimal integer. %D represent BS as the concatenation of each of its elements represented in hexadecimal or binary, starting from BS[0] to BS[N-1]. %S is equivalent to %w:%D. %P represent BS where each element is converted to a printable character (in 7 bit ascii format). %w represents the width of BS, that is 8, 4 or 1. %l represents the number of elements in BS, in decimal form (the length of BS). %% represent the % character. RETURN VALUE This function returns the resulting character string.



bytes.insert(BS, pos, value0 [, value1, ..., valueN])

DESCRIPTION Inserts a value in BS at index pos. The elements in BS of index 0 to (pos 1) will remain untouched. The elements in BS of index pos to #BS are pushed to the right to make room for the inserted value. The inserted value is composed of value0, optionally concatenated with any additional value value1, ..., valueN (from left to right). For the rules governing the processing of value0 [, value1, ..., valueN], see the bytes.assign() function above. This function modifies its main argument BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.




Chapter 6 Development library


DESCRIPTION Reverses the order of elements in BS. If BS has N elements then BS[0] is swapped with BS[N-1], BS[1] is swapped with BS[N-2] and so forth until all elements are in reverse order in BS. This function modifies its main argument. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Returns true if all elements in BS can be converted to printable 7 bit ascii characters, and false otherwise. RETURN VALUE This function always returns false if the width of BS is not 8 (elements of width 4 or 1 are not printable ascii values).




DESCRIPTION Returns the last index in BS (equivalent to #BS 1). RETURN VALUE This function returns nil if BS is empty.

SYNOPSIS [, value1, ..., valueN])

DESCRIPTION Creates a new bytestring, where each element is width bits. width can be either 8, 4 or 1. Chapter 6 Development library 30

A value can optionally be assigned to the bytestring by specifying one or several values value1, ..., valueN that will be concatenated together to form the content of the bytestring. See the function bytes.assign() for more details. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring upon success and nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Creates a new 8 bit width bytestring from string. Each ascii character in string is converted directly to an element of the resulting bytestring (e.g. A is converted to 65). RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring upon success and nil otherwise.



bytes.pad_left(BS, length, value)

DESCRIPTION Pads BS on the left with the element value until the number of elements of BS reaches a multiple of length. If the size of BS is already a multiple of length, BS is left untouched. This function modifies its main argument BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



bytes.pad_right(BS, length, value)

DESCRIPTION Pads BS on the right with the element value until the number of elements of BS reaches Chapter 6 Development library 31

a multiple of length. If the size of BS is already a multiple of length, BS is left untouched. This function modifies its main argument BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



bytes.remove(BS, start [, end])

DESCRIPTION Deletes elements in BS between positions start and end. Removes all elements of BS that have an index that verifies index start and index

The elements in BS are re-indexed: BS[end+1] becomes BS[start], BS[end+2] becomes BS[start+1], and so forth. If end is not specified it will default to the last index of BS. start and end may be negative to refer to the position of an element by starting from the end of the bytestring as described in bytes.sub(). This function modifies its main argument BS. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



bytes.sub(BS, start [, end])

DESCRIPTION Returns a copy of a substring from BS containing all elements between start and end. The returned value represents a bytestring containing a copy of all the elements of BS that have an index that verifies index start and index end. If end is not specified it will default to the last index of BS. If start (or end) is negative, it will be replaced by #BS+start (or #BS+end respectively). RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring upon success and nil otherwise. Chapter 6 Development library 32


4.3.17 tonumber


DESCRIPTION Converts the bytestring BS to a the unsigned decimal value of BS. This conversion considers BS[0] as the most significant element of BS, and BS[#BS1] as the least significant. RETURN VALUE This function returns a number.




This function is OBSOLETE, use bytes.format() instead. DESCRIPTION Converts each element in BS into an ascii character and returns the resulting string. If an element in BS cannot be converted to a printable character it is replaced by the character ?. If BS is empty, the resulting string is also empty. RETURN VALUE A string.




DESCRIPTION Return the width of the elements in BS. RETURN VALUE This function may return the number 1, 4 or 8.

Chapter 6 Development library



The asn1 library

The ASN1 library2 allows to manipulate bytestrings containing ASN1 TLV3 data encoded in DER/BER4 format. These bytestrings must be 8 bit wide. When CARDPEEK reads TLV data from a card, it comes as a bytestring where the tag is encoded, followed by the length, and finally the value itself. For example CARDPEEK may receive the following string: 4F07A0000000031010, where 4F is actually the tag, 07 the length, and A0000000031010 is the value. In some cases, the tag or the length follow more complex encodings, and some TLVs may be contained within other TLVs. The asn1 library provides facilities to decode and encode TLV data. Normally, TLV values are composed of 3 elements: a tag number, a length, and the value itself. In LUA, we only need 2 items to represent a TLV: a tag number and a value represented as a bytestring. The length of the value is implicit and can computed by applying the # operator on the value. The library provides the following functions.




DESCRIPTION This function is only used in rare cases with erroneous card implementations. If enable=true the behavior of TLV decoding functions (such as bytes.tlv_split()) are modified by forcing the ASN1 length to be 1 byte long. This means that even if the first byte of the encoded length is greater than 0x80 it will be interpreted as the length of the TLV value. RETURN VALUE None.



asn1.join(tag, val [, extra])

2 For a quick tutorial on ASN1 see A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER by Burton S. Kaliski Jr.

3 TLV = Tag,Length,Value 4DER/BER = Distinguished/Basic Encoding Rules Chapter 6 Development library 34

DESCRIPTION This function performs the opposite of asn1.split() (described in 6.3.3 ): creates a bytestring representing the ASN1 DER encoding of the TLV { tag, len, val} where len=#val and appends extra to the result. tag is positive integer number, val is a bytestring and extra is a bytestring or nil. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring.




DESCRIPTION Parses the beginning of the bytestring str according to ASN1 BER TLV encoding rules, and extracts a tag number T and a bytestring value V. RETURN VALUE The function returns 3 elements {T, V, extra}, where extra is an optional bytestring representing the remaining part of str that was not parsed or nil if no data remains. If this function fails it returns a triplet of nil values.




DESCRIPTION Parses the beginning of the bytestring str according to ASN1 BER and extracts a length L. RETURN VALUE The function returns {L, extra}, where extra is an optional bytestring representing the remaining part of str that was not parsed or nil if no data remains. If this function fails it returns a pair of nil values.

Chapter 6 Development library





DESCRIPTION Parses the beginning of the bytestring str according to ASN1 BER and extracts a tag T. RETURN VALUE The function returns {L, extra}, where extra is an optional bytestring representing the remaining part of str that was not parsed or nil if no data remains. If this function fails it returns a pair of nil values.


The card library

The card library is used to communicate with a smartcard in a card reader. CARDPEEK internally defines a minimal set of card functions in the card library. Some additional extensions to the card library are written in LUA and can be found in the file $HOME/.cardpeek/scripts/lib/apdu.lua, which should be loaded automatically when CARDPEEK starts. According to ISO 7816-4, smartcard command APDUs are composed as a series of bytes generally organized as follows: Code CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le Length 1 1 1 1 1 (or 3) Variable 1 (or 3) Name Class Instruction Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Length of following data Data Maximum expected length of response

The card library defines a global value card.CLA, which is the value that most card commands will use as CLA when they exchange data with the card-reader (unless you use card.send() directly). This library contains the following functions.

Chapter 6 Development library





DESCRIPTION Connect to the card currently inserted in the selected smartcard reader or in proximity of a contactless smartcard reader. This function will block until card is connected. This command is used at the start of most smartcard scripts. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success, and false otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Disconnect the card currently inserted in the selected smartcard reader. This command concludes most smartcard scripts. RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success, and false otherwise.



card.get_data(id [, length_expected])

DESCRIPTION Execute the GET_DATA command from ISO 7816-4 where:

id is the tag number of the value to read from the card. length_expected is an optional value specifying the length of the resulting

expected result (defaults to 0, which means 256 bytes).

The value of CLA in the command sent to the card is defined by by the variable card.CLA. This function is implemented in apdu.lua. Chapter 6 Development library 37

RETURN VALUE The card status word and response data, as described in card.send (section 6.4.10 ).


DESCRIPTION Return detailed information about the state of the card reader. RETURN VALUE This function returns an associative array of (name value) pairs.




DESCRIPTION Returns a bytestring representing the last ATR (Answer To Reset) returned by the card. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring.




DESCRIPTION This function is designed to be a helper function for the implementation of It converts a human readable path string (representing a file location in a smartcard) into a format that is compatible with the SELECT_FILE command from ISO 7816-4. This function parses the string path and returns a pair of values {path_binary, path_type} where:
path_binary is a bytestring representing the encoded binary value of path, and path_type is a number describing the path type (i.e. a relative path, an AID, ...)

Chapter 6 Development library


The general rules needed to form a path string can be summarized as follows: A file ID is represented by 4 hexadecimal digits (however, there is an exception for ADFs that can also be represented by their AID, which requires 10 to 32 hexadecimal digits, or in other words 5 to 16 bytes). If path starts with the # character, the file is selected directly by its unique ID or AID. If path starts with the . character, the file is selected relatively to the current DF or EF. Files can also be selected by specifying a relative or absolute path, where each element in the path is represented by a 4 digit file ID separated by the / character: If path starts with / the file is selected by its full path (excluding the MF). If path starts with ./ the file is selected by its relative path (excluding the current DF). The next table describes the format of the string path and how it is interpreted more precisely. In this table, as a convention, hexadecimal characters are represented with the character h and repeated elements are summarized by writing []. path format interpretation path_type # Directly select the MF (equivalent to #3F00) 0 #hhhh Directly select the file with ID= hhhh 0 #hhhhhh[]hh Directly select the DF with AID= hhhhhh[]hh 4 .hhhh Under the current DF, select the file with ID= hhhh 1 .hhhh/ Under the current DF, select the DF with ID= hhhh 2 .. Select the parent of the current EF or DF. 3 ./hhhh/hhhh/hh[] Select a file using a relative path from the current 9 DF. All intermediary DFs are represented by their file ID separated by the / character. /hhhh/hhhh/hh[] Select a file with an absolute path from the MF (the 8 MF is omitted) All intermediary DFs are represented by their file ID separated by the / character. The resulting bytestring path_binary is simply produced from the concatenation of the hexadecimal values in path (represented by h in the table above.) RETURN VALUE Upon success this function returns a pair of values consisting of a bytestring and a Chapter 6 Development library 39

number. Upon failure, this functions returns a pair of nil values.



card.read_binary(sfi [, address [, length_expected]])

DESCRIPTION Execute the READ_BINARY command from ISO 7816-4 where:

sfi is a number representing a short file identifier (1 sfi 30) or the string .

to refer to the currently selected file.

address is an optional start address to read data (defaults to 0). length_expected is an optional value specifying the length of the resulting

expected result (defaults to 0, which means 256 bytes). The value of CLA in the command sent to the card is defined by the LUA variable card.CLA. This function is implemented in apdu.lua. RETURN VALUE The card status word and response data, as described in card.send (section 6.4.10 ).



card.read_record(sfi, r, [, length_expected])

DESCRIPTION Execute the READ_RECORD command from ISO 7816-4 where:

sfi is a number representing a short file identifier (1 sfi 30) or the string .

to refer to the currently selected file.

r is the record number to read. length_expected is an optional value specifying the length of the resulting

expected result (defaults to 0, which means 256 bytes).

The value of CLA in the command sent to the card is defined by the LUA variable card.CLA. This function is implemented in apdu.lua. Chapter 6 Development library 40

RETURN VALUE The card status word and response data, as described in card.send (section 6.4.10 ).

SYNOPSIS [, return_what [, length]])

DESCRIPTION Execute the SELECT_FILE command from ISO 7816-4 where: file_path is string describing the file to select, according to the format described in card.make_file_path. return_what is an optional value describing the expected result, as described in the table below (defaults to 0). length is an optional value specifying the length of the resulting expected result (defaults to nil). The following constants have been defined for return_what (some can be combined together by addition): Constant

value 0 1 2 3 0 4 8

The value of CLA in the command sent to the card is defined by by the variable card.CLA. The value of P1 in the command sent to the card corresponds to the file type computed by card.make_file_path. The value of P2 in the command sent to the card corresponds to return_what. This function is implemented in apdu.lua. RETURN VALUE The card status word and response data, as described in card.send (section 6.4.10 ).

Chapter 6 Development library





DESCRIPTION Sends the command APDU to the card. RETURN VALUE The function returns a pair of values: a number representing the status word returned by the card (ex. 0x9000) and the response data returned by the card. Both the command APDU and the response data are bytestrings (see the bytes library).




DESCRIPTION Performs a warm reset of the card (reconnects the card currently inserted in the selected smartcard reader). RETURN VALUE None


The crypto library

This library proposes a limited number of cryptographic functions. Currently these functions offer mainly DES, Triple-DES, and SHA1 based transformations.



crypto.create_context(algorithm [,key])

DESCRIPTION This function creates a cryptographic context that holds a description of a cryptographic algorithm, along with a (optional) key. The created context is later used as a parameter to other generic functions in the crypto library, such as Chapter 6 Development library 42

crypto.encrypt(), crypto.mac(), crypto.digest(), ... The first parameter algorithm allows to describe the cryptographic algorithm to be

used. It can currently take the following values : Algorithm

crypto.ALG_DES_ECB crypto.ALG_DES_CBC crypto.ALG_DES2_EDE_ECB crypto.ALG_DES2_EDE_CBC crypto.ALG_ISO9797_M3


Description Simple DES in ECB mode (so no IV). Simple DES is CBC mode. Triple DES with a double length 112 bit key in ECB mode (no IV). Triple DES with a double length 112 bit key in CBC mode. ISO 9797 MAC method 3 with a 112 bit key: a simple DES CBC MAC iteration with triple DES on the final block. The SHA1 digest algorithm.

Some of the previous algorithms only operate on data that has been padded to a reach a proper size, which is usually a multiple of a defined block size. The value of algorithm can be used to specify the padding method that is used, by combining (with the + operator) one of the following values to the algorithm previously specified: Padding method
crypto.PAD_ZERO crypto.PAD_OPT_80_ZERO


Description Add 0s if needed to reach block size. If the size of cleartext is not already a multiple of block size then add one byte 0x80 and then 0s, if needed, to reach block size. ISO 9797 padding method 2 (add a mandatory byte 0x80 and pad with optional 0s to reach block size).

The optional bytestring key must be used to specify the value of the cryptographic key used for encryption or MAC algorithms (but is ignored for hash algorithms). RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring representing the created context. Programmers should consider the result as an opaque value and should not modify its content.

Chapter 6 Development library




crypto.decrypt(context, data [, iv])

DESCRIPTION Decrypt the bytestring data, using the key and algorithm provided in context. When the decryption algorithm requires a initial vector, it must be specified in iv. All parameters and the return value are 8 bit wide bytestrings. RETURN VALUE This function returns the decrypted data as a bytestring.



crypto.digest(context, data)

DESCRIPTION Compute the digest (also often called a hash) of data, using the algorithm provided in context. All parameters and the return value are 8 bit wide bytestrings. RETURN VALUE This function returns the digest value as a bytestring.



crypto.encrypt(context, data [, iv])

DESCRIPTION Encrypt the bytestring data, using the key and algorithm provided in context. When the encryption algorithm requires a initial vector, it must be specified in iv. All parameters and the return value are 8 bit wide bytestrings. RETURN VALUE This function returns the encrypted data as a bytestring.

Chapter 6 Development library




crypto.mac(context, data)

DESCRIPTION Computes the MAC (Message Authentication Code) of data, using the key and algorithm provided in context. All parameters and the return value are 8 bit wide bytestrings. RETURN VALUE This function returns the MAC as a bytestring. The resulting MAC is not truncated.


The ui library

The ui library allows to control some elements of the user interface of CARDPEEK, and in particular the tree structure representing the data extracted from the card. The tree structure representing card data is composed of nodes, each represented on one row in the card tree view. Some function in the ui library are used to manipulate these nodes (or rows), allowing to add, remove or edit them. These functions identify each node by a node reference, which is an internal opaque type. The ui library functions are described in the following paragraphs.



ui.question(text, buttons)

DESCRIPTION Asks the user a question requesting him to answer by selecting a response. The question is described in the string text, while the set of possible answers described in the LUA array buttons. Each element in the array buttons is string representing a possible answer. RETURN VALUE Upon success, the function returns the index of the answer selected by the user in the table buttons (LUA table indices are usually numbers greater or equal to 1). Upon failure the function returns 0.

Chapter 6 Development library


ui.question(Quit the script?, { yes, no } )



ui.readline(text [,len [,default_value]])

DESCRIPTION Request the user to enter a text string. The users input can optionally be limited to len characters and can also optionally hold a predefined value default_value. RETURN VALUE The function returns the users input upon success and false otherwise. EXAMPLE
ui.readline(Enter PIN code:, 4, 0000)



ui.tree_add_node(parent_ref, classname ,label ,id ,size)

DESCRIPTION Adds a node in the card tree structure. The new node will be appended to the children of the node identified by the node reference parent_ref. If parent_ref is nil the new node will be added at the top level. classname is an optional string that provides additional information describing the type of data represented by the node. This value will affect the choice of the icon that is associated with the node in the displayed card tree structure. The following classname values are associated with a distinct icon: application, block, card, file, record and item. If classname is nil or unrecognized, it will be set to the default value item. label is an optional string that describes the data that is represented by the node in human readable form (such as a file or a date of birth for example). id is an optional string that identifies the node uniquely within a context (such as an number or a unique name). size is an optional value number describing the length of the data element associated to the node. If set, it will be displayed in the second column of the card view. Chapter 6 Development library 46

RETURN VALUE Upon success the function returns a node reference to the newly created node. If the function fails, it returns nil. Once the node is created with this function, data can be associated to it with the ui.tree_set_value()or the ui.tree_set_attribute() functions.




DESCRIPTION Returns the first child node of the node referenced by node_ref. If node_ref is nil, it returns the first root node in the tree. This function can be combined with subsequent calls to ui.tree_next_node() to iterate through all the children of node_ref. RETURN VALUE Return a node reference upon success or nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Deletes the node identified by node_ref as well as all its children. RETURN VALUE The function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



ui.tree_find_all_nodes(origin_ref, label, id)

DESCRIPTION Searches inside the sub-tree that has a root identified by origin_ref for all the nodes that have the label label and/or the id id: If label nil and id nil then the search will return the nodes matching Chapter 6 Development library 47

exactly both the provided label and the id. If label = nil and id nil then the search will only be on the id. If label nil and id = nil then the search will only be on the label. If label = nil and id = nil then the search will always fail.

RETURN VALUE This function returns an array containing all node references that match the search criteria. If no node is found the function returns an empty array.



ui.tree_find_node(origin_ref, label, id)

DESCRIPTION Searches inside the sub-tree that has a root identified by origin_ref for the first node that has the label label and/or the id id following the same rules as for ui.tree_find_all_nodes() described in section 6.6.6 . RETURN VALUE If a node is found, the function returns the reference to that node otherwise it returns nil.




DESCRIPTION Returns the alternative string value associated with the node identified by node_ref, or nil if no value is associated with the node or if the function fails. This is the value displayed in the third column of the card view. RETURN VALUE This function returns a string or nil.



iu.tree_get_attribute(node_ref, attr_name)

Chapter 6 Development library


DESCRIPTION Gets the value of an attribute in the node identified by node_ref. The name of the attribute to retrieve is identified by the string attr_name. The attributes named classname, label, id and size refer to the parameters passed to the function ui.tree_add_node() as described in section 6.6.3 . The attributes val and alt should preferably be accessed with the dedicated functions ui.tree_get_value() and ui.tree_get_alt_value() instead of this function. Attribute names that start with a minus sign - are considered temporary and will not be saved to XML format with a function such ui.tree_save(). RETURN VALUE This function returns a string upon success and nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Returns an associative array containing all attributes associated to the node referenced by node_ref. RETURN VALUE Upon success, this function returns an array. If the function fails, it returns nil.




DESCRIPTION Returns the bytestring value associated with the node identified by node_ref, or nil if no value is associated with the node or if the function fails. This is the value displayed in the third column of the card view. RETURN VALUE This function returns a bytestring or nil.

Chapter 6 Development library





DESCRIPTION Loads the tree from the XML file named file_name. See Chapter 7 for a description of the file format. RETURN VALUE The function returns true upon success and false otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Returns the next node that follows the node referenced by node_ref (under the same parent node). If no node follows the one referenced by node_ref, the function return nil. RETURN VALUE Return a node reference upon success or nil otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Returns the parent node of the node referenced by node_ref. If the node referenced by node_ref has no parent the function return nil. RETURN VALUE Return a node reference upon success or nil otherwise.

Chapter 6 Development library






DESCRIPTION Saves the tree in XML format inside the file named file_name. See Chapter 7 for a description of the file format. RETURN VALUE The function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



ui.tree_set_alt_value(node_ref, val)

DESCRIPTION Associate the alternative string data val to the node identified by node_ref. The value val is a string (not a bytestring) and should be used to provide a more human friendly alternative representation of data associated with the node. RETURN VALUE The function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



iu.tree_set_attribute(node_ref, attr_name, attr_value)

DESCRIPTION Sets an attribute in the node identified by node_ref. The attribute to set is identified by the string attr_name and takes the value indicated by the string attr_value. The attributes named classname, label, id and size refer to the parameters Chapter 6 Development library 51

passed to the function ui.tree_add_node() as described in section 6.6.3 . The attributes val and alt should preferably be set with ui.tree_set_value() and ui.tree_set_alt_value(). The programmer can associate any arbitrary attribute with a node. Attribute names that start with a minus sign - are considered temporary and will not be saved to XML format with a function such ui.tree_save(). RETURN VALUE This function returns true upon success and false otherwise.



ui.tree_set_value(node_ref, val)

DESCRIPTION Associate the bytestring data val to the node identified by node_ref. The value val is a bytestring as constructed by the bytes library functions. RETURN VALUE The function returns true upon success and false otherwise.




DESCRIPTION Returns an XML representation of the sub-tree that has node_ref as a root. If node_ref is nil the representation of the whole tree is returned. RETURN VALUE This function returns a string upon success. If the function fails, it returns nil.

6.7 The log library

The log library contains just one function described below, which allows to print messages in the log tab of the application.

Chapter 6 Development library




log.print(level, text)

DESCRIPTION Prints a message text in the console window. level describes the type of message that is printed. level can take the following values: log.INFO, log.DEBUG, log.WARNING, or log.ERROR. All messages printed on the screen with this function are also saved in the file $HOME/.cardpeek.log. RETURN VALUE None.


Other libraries
The treeflex library

The treeflex library implements the same functions as the tree manipulation functions in the ui library (e.g. function named ui.tree_...), in a much more flexible object oriented and concise format. This library was loosely developed in the same spirit as jQuery for the web. Please see the source code for further details. EXAMPLE To delete all the children of a node with the label record and the id 12 we can write the following expression in LUA using the treeflex library:

6.8.2 The country_codes and currency_codes libraries

These library provide convenience functions to translate currency and country codes in human readable names.

6.8.3 The en1545 library

This library provides tools to manipulate data used in Calypso cards that follow CEN/ISO 1545.

Chapter 6 Development library



The strict library

This library forces LUA variables to be explicitly declared, and thus reduces programming errors.


The tlv library

This library is built upon the asn1 library and provides automated tools to analyze and display complex ASN1 TLV data objects in CARDPEEK.

Chapter 6 Development library


Chapter 7 File format

The card view presented in CARDPEEK can be save or imported in XML format. This format is quite straightforward, as shown in the following example, which was created with the atr script:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <cardtree> <node> <attr name="classname">card</attr> <attr name="label">ATR</attr> <node> <attr name="classname">block</attr> <attr name="label">cold ATR</attr> <attr name="size">18</attr> <attr name="val">8:3B6E00000031C071C66501B0010337839000</attr> </node> </node> </cardtree>

The format of the XML card view file is constructed according to the following rules: The root element of the XML structure is <cardtree>, which contains one or more <node> elements. A <node> element may contain both <node> and <attr> elements. A <attr> element has one mandatory XML attribute name which describes the name of an node attribute associated with a node in the tree view, while the text inside the <attr> element describes the value associated with that node attribute.

A node can have any number of node attributes defined by an <attr> element. However, some node attributes have a specific meaning for CARDPEEK:
<attr name=classname> describes the type of node (a file, an application, a

Chapter 7 File format


data block, a data item, etc.) and its value will determine the icon used to represent the node on the screen in the application.
<attr name=label> is the label given to the node on the screen (first column). <attr name=id> is the id of the node displayed on the screen (first column). <attr name=size> is the size that is displayed on the screen (second column). <attr name=val> is the value of the bytestring associated with a node (and

represented in the third column on the screen). This bytestring is represented as a width value followed by : and the digits representing the bytestring (this is equivalent to the %S output format of the bytes.format() function).
<attr name=alt> is an alternative representation of the value associated with

a node and represented in simple text format. Node attribute names stating with a minus sign (example: -makup-val) are considered as temporary attributes and are not exported or saved in XML format. They are used internally by CARDPEEK or script programs. Note: the CARDPEEK XML format has changed in compatible with previous versions.

version 0.7 and is not

Chapter 7 File format


Chapter 8 License

CARDPEEK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CARDPEEK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Chapter 8 License


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