SMU MBA 4th Sem Information Systems Management Assignments

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SMU MBA 4th Sem Information Systems Management Assignments SMU MBA 4th Sem Information Systems Management

Assignments MB0052 Strategic Management and Business Policy (Set 1 and 2)

Q.1 What similarities and differences do you find in BCG business portfolio matrix, Ansoff growth matrix and GE growth pyramid. Answer: BCG Growth Share Matrix Question Marks (high growth, low market share) are new products with potential success, but they need a lot of cash for development. If such a product gains enough market shares to become a market leader, which is categorised under Stars, the organisation takes money from more mature products and spends it on Question Marks. Stars (high growth, high market share) are products at the peak of their product life cycle and they are in a growing market. When their market rate grows, they become Cash Cows. Cash Cows (low growth, high market share) are typically products that bring in far more money than is needed to maintain their market share. In this declining stage of their life cycle, these products are milked for cash that can be invested in new Question Marks. Dogs (low growth, low market share) are products that have low market share and do not have the potential to bring in much cash. According to BCG matrix, Dogs have to be sold off or be managed carefully for the small amount of cash they guarantee. The key to success is assumed to be the market share. Firms with the highest market share tend to have a cost leadership position based on economies of scale among other things. If a company is able to apply the experience curve to its advantage, it should able to produce and sell new products at low price, enough to garner early market share leadership. Limitations of BCG matrix: The use of highs and lows to form four categories is too simple The correlation between market share and profitability is questionable. Low share business can also be profitable. Product lines or business are considered only in relation to one competitor: the market leader. Small competitors with fast growing shares are ignored. Growth rate is the only aspect of industry attractiveness Market share is the only aspect of overall competitive position 2 Igor Ansoff growth matrix The Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps organisations to decide about their product and market growth strategy. Growth matrix suggests that an organisations attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing markets. Ansoffs matrix suggests strategic choices to achieve the objectives. Figure 3.6 depicts Ansoff growth matrix. Ansoff Growth Matrix Market penetration Market penetration is a strategy where the business focuses on selling existing products into existing markets. This increases the revenue of the organisation. Market development Market development is a growth strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products into new markets. This means that the product is the same, but it is marketed to a new audience. Product development Product development is a growth strategy where a business aims to introduce new products into existing markets. This strategy may need the development of new competencies and requires thebusiness to revise products to appeal to existing markets. Diversification Diversification is the growth strategy where a business markets new products in new markets. This is an intrinsically riskier strategy because the business is moving into markets in which it

has little or no experience. For a business to adopt a diversification strategy, it should have a clear idea about what it expects to gain from the strategy and an honest assessment of the risks. Market Penetration Product Development Market Development Diversification New Market Existing Market 3 McKinsey/GE growth pyramid The McKinsey/GE matrix is a tool that performs a business portfolio analysis on the Strategic Business units in an organisation. It is more sophisticated than BCG matrix in the following three aspects: Industry (market) attractiveness Industry attractiveness replaces market growth. It includes market growth, industry profitability, size and pricing practices, among other possible opportunities and threats. Competitive strength Competitive strength replaces market share. It includes market share as well as technological positions, profitability, size, among other possiblestrengths and weaknesses. McKinsey/GE growth pyramid matrix works with 3*3 grids while BCG matrix is 2*2 matrixes. External factors that determine market attractiveness are the following: Market size Market growth Market profitability Pricing trends Competitive intensity/rivalry Overall risk of returns in the industry Opportunity to differentiate products and services Segmentation Distribution structure (e.g., retail, direct, wholesale) Internal factors that affect competitive strength are the following: Strength of assets and competencies Relative brand strength Market share Customer loyalty Relative cost position (cost structure compared to competitors) Distribution strength Record of technological or other innovation Access to financial and other investment resources. Q.2 Discuss the investment strategies applicable for businesses and methods to rectify faulty investment strategies. Answer: An investment strategy is a key component of every conceivable businesstype, and it'scritical to ensuring the success of the busine ss. Entirecollegeprograms have been designed pecifically to teach business investment strategies, but a few key tips can help lay groundwork for effective investing. Use Income to Eliminate Debt o While the pay-down of outstanding debt may not seem like business investmenton the surface, debt elimination can equate to a financial return that outpaces even the best investments. If a business has outstanding debt financed at a giveninterest rate, paying off that debt guarantees an

instant return of that percentage.Because business debt often reaches into double digit interest rates, paying off this debt can provide an instant, guaranteed return that is significantly higher thanusual returns on other investments. Reinvest Funds to Nurture the Business o Perhaps one of the most common ways businessesinvest their funds involves purchasing additional equipment, remodeling customer-facing environments or opening additional locations. By reinvesting profits back into the business for expansion or improvement, the business stands to gain additional profits as a r e s u l t o f t h e e x p a n s i o n . A s a n a d d e d b o n u s , a g u a r a n t e e d r e t u r n o n t h e investment will come in the form of tax not assessed on the reinvested funds. Invest in Other Businesses o Some businesses find success in investing their profits in other noncompeting businesses. These investments may be made as traditional cash investments, asloans or by purchasing securities issued to business start-ups. Investing in other businesses can be an especially wise move for companies in shaky industries, ass p r e a d i n g i n v e s t m e n t s i n t o o t h e r t y p e s o f o p e r a t i o n s c a n h e l p d i v e r s i f y a business's holdings and reduce the risk of a complete business loss.Or Use of income to eliminate debt Reinvestment of funds to nurture the business Investment in other businessesInvestment is defined as the commitment of money or capital (e.g. purchasing assets, keepingfunds in a bank account etc) to generate future returns. A proper understanding of the investmentstrategies and a thorough analysis of the options helps an investor to create a portfolio thatmaximises returns and minimises exposure to risks.Following are the ways to invest successfully: Leave a margin of safety Always leave a margin of safety in your investments to protect y o u r p o r t f o l i o . T h e following are the two ways to incorporate the above principle in y o u r investment selection process.

Q.3. a. Distinguish policy, procedure and programmes with examples. (5 marks) b. Give a short note on synergy. (5 marks) Q.4. Select any established Indian company and analyse the different types of strategies taken up by the company over the last few years. (10marks) Q. 5 Why do you think it is necessary for organisations to have vision and mission statements and also core competencies? Support your answer with relevant examples. (10 marks) Q. 6. What is SBU? Explain its features, functions and roles. Mention some of the successful SBU of MNCs. (10 marks)

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