Solucionario Capitulo 1

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Solutions to the Exercises in Chapter 1, Introduction to Commutative Algebra, M. F. Atiyah and I. G.

Yimu Yin August 24, 2007
1. Since x is nilpotent, there is an n such that xn = 0. so (1 + x)(1 x + x2 . . . + (x)n1 ) = 1. Now if a is a unit, then 1 + a1 x is a unit, hence a + x is a unit. 2. (i) Suppose f is a unit in A[x]. Let b0 + b1 x + . . . + bm xm be its inverse. Clearly a0 b0 = 1 and an bm = 0. We show by induction that ar+1 bmr = 0 for n each 0 r m. Since for each 0 r m we have ai bj = 0,

multiplying ar+1 on both sides we obtain ar+2 bmr1 = 0. So am+1 b0 = 0, n n n that is am+1 = 0. Now by Ex. 1 a0 + an xn is a unit, so we may repeat the n above argument for an1 and so on, so a1 , . . . , an are all nilpotent. The other direction is immediate by Ex. 1. (ii) Suppose f m = 0. So am = 0. Since 1 + f is a unit, by (i) we deduce that 0 a1 , . . . , an are all nilpotent. Conversely, since all coecients are nilpotent, it is easy to see that for suciently large N we have f N = 0. (iii) Choose a g = b0 + b1 x + . . . + bm xm of least degree such that f g = 0. Since an bm = 0, we deduce that an g = 0. Then for the same reason we see that ai g = 0 for any 0 i n. So every nonzero coecient of g annihilates f. (iv) Suppose for contradiction that f g is primitive and, say, f is not primitive. Let I = (a0 , a1 , . . . , an )A . Since I is a proper ideal, the ring A = A/I 1

is nontrivial. From this it is readily seen that the ideal generated by the coecients of f g is not (1)A . So f g is not primitive, contradiction. Conversely, if f g is not primitive then as above we consider the ideal I generated by the coecients of f g. So again A/I is not trivial. Consider the ring A/I[x]. Let f and g be the images of f and g in A/I[x] respectively. So f and g are zero divisors. So by (iii) there is a nonzero a A/I such that a f = 0. This means that there is an a A such that a I and / aai I for every 0 i n. Since f is primitive we deduce that a I, contradiction. 3. Do induction and consider the ring A[x1 , . . . , xr ]/(x1 , . . . , xr1 ). 4. It is clear that the nilradical is contained in the Jacobson radical. Suppose f J, then 1 + f is a unit, so by 2(i) above 1 + a0 is a unit, so a1 , . . . , an are all nilpotent. Since, for any b A, bf J, we deduce 1 + ba0 is a unit. So a0 is also nilpotent. So by 2(ii) f is nilpotent. 5. (i) Suppose a0 b0 = 1. Then working forwards for each power of x one easily sees that each bn can be solved. (ii) Suppose f n = 0. Let R be the nilradical of A. There is an obvious ring homomorphism : A[[x]] A/R[[x]]. So n (f ) = 0, which readily shows that each an is nilpotent. The converse is not true. Simply consider A = nN Z/2n Z. (iii) This is immediate from (i). (iv) Let m be a maximal ideal of A[[x]]. Clearly mc is an ideal A. Suppose it is not maximal, then consider any maximal ideal m that contains it. The ideal of A[[x]] generated by m and m is proper, contradicting the maximality of m. Now clearly m (mc , x), so by maximality we have m = (mc , x). (v) For any prime ideal p of A (p, x) is a prime ideal of A[[x]]. 6. If R and J are not the same, then there is an idempotent e J \ R (nonzero idempotent elements cannot be nilpotent). So 1 e is a unit. Since e(1 e) = 0, we have e = 0, contradiction. 7. Let p be a prime. For any a p we have (a/p)n = a/p for some n > 1, / so a/p is either a nonzero divisor or a unit. The former is impossible as A/p is an ID. This implies that A/p is a eld, so p is maximal. 8. The intersection of a descending chain of prime ideals is a prime ideal. 9. For any a a we have {1, a, . . . , an , . . .} a = . So there is a maximal / (hence prime) ideal ba which contains a and is disjoint from {1, a, . . . , an , . . .}. So a = aa ba . The other direction is clear. / 10. (i)(ii): Suppose a is not a unit. Then there is a maximal ideal which contains a, which must be the only prime ideal, which must be R. 2

(ii)(iii): R is maximal. (iii)(i): Since R is maximal, clearly R is the only prime ideal. 11. (i) Since (1 + x)2 = 1 + x and x2 = x, naturally 2x = 0. (ii) That any prime p is maximal follows from 7 above. A/p has only two elements because each nonzero element of it is an idempotent unit, which must be 1. (iii) ETS any ideal generated by two elements a, b is principal. Observe that (a + b ab)a = a and (a + b ab)b = b. 12. Let m be the unique maximal ideal. Let e be an idempotent element. Since e(1 e) = 0, either e m or 1 e m but not both. So either e or 1 e is a unit, i.e. e is either 0 or 1. 13. See Theorem V.2.5 in Lang [1]. (In the light of modern logical machinery this construction looks a bit old-fashioned.) 14. That maximal elements exist is by Zorns Lemma. The set C of non-zero-divisors of A is a MC set. This means that any maximal ideal that avoids C is prime. 15. The rst three are pretty obvious. For (iv), clearly V (a) V (b) V (a b) V (ab). For a prime ideal p, if a a \ p and b b \ p then ab p. / This shows that the rst two must be equal. Setting a = b we see that the last two must be equal too. 16. This is hard. 17. (i) Clear. This shows that the sets Xf s form a basis. (ii) If f is not nilpotent then there is a prime ideal that avoids the set {1, f, . . . , f n , . . .}. The other direction is clear. (iii) Clear. (iv) If h r((f )) \ r((g)) then {1, h, . . . , hn , . . .} r((g)) = and there is a prime ideal p that contains r((g)) and avoids the set {1, h, . . . , hn , . . .}. So by 15(i) p Xf but p Xg . The other direction is clear by 15(i). / (v) Following the hint we argue that for some nite J I the equation jJ gj fj = 1 holds for some gj A, because otherwise {fi : i I} generates a proper ideal, which in turn can be extended to a maximal ideal that is not covered by the Xi s. Then ideals that contain {fj : j J} cannot be proper, i.e. {Xj : j J} must cover X. (vi) Replace 1 with f n for some n in the equation in (v). (vii) Clear. 18. (i) If {x} is closed then X \ {x} = apx Xa , hence the equivalence. (ii) Since X \ {x} = apx Xa , we have {x} = {p X : px p} = V (px ). 3

(iii) Obvious by (ii). (iv) Otherwise there are two points x = y such that y {x} and x {y}, so by (iii) px = py , contradiction. 19. If the nilradical R is not prime then nd a, b R such that ab R. / So Xa Xb = Xab = . The other direction is clear. 20. (i) Otherwise there are two open sets A, B of Y such that A B = . Since A = A Y = and B = B Y = , we have a contradiction. (ii) Use Zorns Lemma in the usual way. (iii) By (ii) the maximal subspaces are closed. They cover X because {x} is an irreducible subspace for any x X. For a Hausdor space the irreducible components must be the singletons. (iv) Given any prime ideal p, if Xa V (p) = and Xb V (p) = then a, b p, so ab p, so Xab V (p) = , so V (p) is irreducible. Now suppose / / V (r(a)) is an irreducible subspace for some ideal a. If r(a) is not a prime then there are a, b r(a) such that ab r(a). But clearly Xa V (r(a)) = and / Xb V (r(a)) = and Xa Xb V (r(a)) = Xab V (r(a)) = , contradiction. If Y is an irreducible component of X then Y must be closed and hence must be of the form V (r(a)) for some ideal a. r(a) must be a minimal prime as V (r(a)) is maximal. Conversely if p is a minimal prime and V (p) is not maximal, then it is contained in an irreducible component V (q) where q is a prime. So q p, contradiction. 21. (i) For any q Y(f ) , we have 1 (q)1 ((f )) = , so 1 (q) Xf , so q 1 (Xf ). Conversely if q 1 (Xf ) then q 1 (p) for some p Xf , so 1 (q) = p, so (f ) q. / 1 (ii) We have: (V (a)) = Y \ 1 (X \ V (a)) = Y \ 1 ( aa Xa ) = Y \ aa 1 (Xa ) = Y \ aa Y(a) = aa (Y \ Y(a) ) = aa V (((a))) = V ( aa ((a))) = V (ae ). (iii) Since (V (b)) V (bc ) and V (bc ) is closed, clearly (V (b)) V (bc ). Now if p V (bc ) is a prime ideal such that p (V (b)), then there is an / f A such that f r(bc ) and p Xf and Xf (V (b)) = . By (i) / 1 (p) 1 (Xf ) = Y(f ) , hence Y(f ) V (b) = . But since (f ) r(b), / we see that this is impossible. (iv) Only observe that if is surjective then B A/ ker(). = (v) Let RA and RB be the nilradicals of A and B respectively. If (Y ) is dense in X then Xa (Y ) = for every a X such that a RA . Hence / 1 ker() RA . Conversely, we know that (RB ) r(ker()) = RA (in fact also (RA ) RB and hence (RA ) = RB ), so Y(a) is nonempty for every

a X such that a RA . / (vi) Clear. (vii) A is a local ring, so A/p is a eld. It is not hard to see that there are only two prime ideals of B: (A/p){0} and {0}K. Naturally ((A/p){0}) = 0 and ({0} K) = p. But {0} K is open while p is not. 22. Let ei = (0, . . . , 0, 1i , 0, . . . , 0). For any prime ideal p of A clearly not all of the ei s are in p, but there can only be exactly one ei that is not in p because ei ej = 0 whenever i = j. Hence p is of the form pi j=i Aj for some prime ideal pi of Ai . From this the rst claim readily follows. For an explanation of the topological concepts used in this book see Munkres [2]. (i)(ii): This is trickier than you think. Let S1 and S2 witness X = Spec(A)s disconnectedness. So S1 = V (r(a)) and S2 = V (r(b)) for some ideals a, b. Since S1 S2 = , it follows that r(a) + r(b) = (1). Since X = V (r(a)) V (r(b)) = V (r(a) r(b)), it follows that r(a) r(b) = R. Fix an a a and a b b such that a + b = 1. So a, b R. / Now, since Xa S2 and Xb S1 , we have Xa Xb = and hence ab R. Suppose an bn = 0. So an = 0 and bn = 0. Since (a + b)n = 1, we see that an + bn = 1 abf for some element f A. Clearly abf is nilpotent, and since R J, we see that 1 abf is a unit. So for some unit g A we have an g + bn g = 1 and an gbn g = 0. Clearly an g, bn g = 0, 1. Since an g(1 an g) = 0, we conclude that an g is a nontrivial (i.e. = 0, 1) idempotent element. Similarly bn g is a nontrivial idempotent element. In general, if a, b are two nontrivial idempotent elements such that a+b = 1 and ab = 0, then (a) (b) = {0}: if ac = bd, then ac = (1 a)d, so a(c + d) = d, so 0 = ba(c + d) = bd. Now let A1 = A/(a) and A2 = A/(b), we have A A1 A2 . = (ii)(iii): (0, 1)2 = (0, 1). (iii)(i): Let e be such an idempotent element. Since e(1 e) = 0, clearly Xe and X1e witness that X is disconnected. 23. (i) Xe and X1e are both open and complementary to each other. (ii) i Xfi = X \ i V (fi ) = X \ V ({f1 , . . . , fn }). Now use 11(iii). (iii) The hint reveals all! (iv) It is not clear what compact Hausdor means in the books terminology. We assume it means quasi-compact and Hausdor. Since all Zariski topologies are quasi-compact, we just need to show that for a boolean ring A Spec(A) is Hausdor. If two dierent prime ideals a and b cannot be contained in two disjoint open sets respectively, then either a b b a 5

or ab R for every a a \ b and every b b \ a. Check that this does not / happen for a boolean ring (use 11(ii)). 24. This is tedious. 25. This is immediate from the last two exercises. 26. The question we are asked to do is trivial (the overall result is not, of course). 27. This is by Hilberts Nullstellensatz. 28. This is essentially just denition checking. (Ask: Where the coordinate functions on Y are mapped to by a k-algebra homomorphism?)

[1] S. Lang, Algebra, revised third ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. [2] J. R. Munkres, Topology, second ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.

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