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May 21, 2013 Officer Talya Harris ID 984419, Fraud Investigator Fraud Division Jerusalem District Israel Police

Tel: 02-568-3254 By hand delivery

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@, c=US Date: 2012.05.21 07:04:59 +03'00'

RE: Criminal fraud complaint against former Directors of the Administration of Courts, retired judges BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL Dear Officer Harris: Please accept the attached criminal fraud complaint against former Directors of the Administration of Courts BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL, related to the online publication on the web site of the Judicial Authority a false and deliberately misleading Apostille certification arrangement with no legal foundation and authority. A copy was also posted online, with active links to the referenced records. [1] Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD Mailing Address: PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313 Email: [email protected] CC: 1) 2) 3) 4)

State Comptroller Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein Minister of Justice Yaakov Neeman Members of Knesset

LINKS: [1] 12-05-21 criminal fraud complaint (No. to assigned) has been filed with the Israel Police by Dr Zernik against retired judges BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL, former Directors of the Administration of Courts


12-05-21 Criminal fraud complaint against former Directors of the Administration of Courts BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL
Executive Summary Jerusalem, May 21 criminal complaint (No. to assigned) has been filed today with the Israel Police by Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) against Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel. [1] The Complaint alleges Fraud and Honest Services Fraud [ ] , by Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI, jointly and/or separately, through the usurpation of the office Registrar of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001). The Registrar of Certifying Authorities is akin to a present day, digital Keeper of the Seal of the State of Israel. The conduct, subject of the complaint includes: a) Falsification of Registrar of Certifying Authorities records, with no lawful authority, including, but not limited to guidelines, standards, contracts, enforcement decisions; b) Testimony before the Knesset Committee under false pretenses relative to the lawful appointment of such Registrar of Certifying Authorities. A separate criminal complaint (No. to assigned) has been filed today with the Israel Police by Dr Zernik against retired judges BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL, relative to their conduct as former Directors of Administration of Courts. [2] The complaint specifically accuses the two retired judges of the Fraud and Honest Services Fraud through the online publication of a false and deliberately misleading Apostille certification procedure, with no legal authority. The fraud, related to the Apostille certification procedure is claimed to be perpetrated on the People of all nations, who are parties to the Hague Apostille Convention (1961). Criminal complaint against Ms SARAH LIFSCHITZ (No 158921/2012), was filed with he Israel Police on April 16, 2012. [3] The complaint alleged Fraud and Honest Services Fraud in false and deliberately misleading certification of Supreme Court decisions, as Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court, Combined, the three complaints document a pattern of coordinated assault on the integrity of the electronic records of the State of Israel by members of the judiciary and the legal profession. The impact of such conditions on the fundamentals of the rule of law and socio-economic stability are far-reaching, but cannot be readily assessed. Complainant Joseph Zernik, PhD, has specialized in recent years in analysis of integrity, or lack thereof, in large government and banking data processing systems. [4] The complaint originates in a study he has conducted over the past two years of the electronic records of the courts and the justice system of the State of Israel. [5] Copies of the complaint have been forwarded to the State Comptroller, Attorney General, the Minister of Justice and Members of Knesset. LINKS: [1] 12-05-20 Criminal fraud complaint (No. to assigned) filed against Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel [2] 12-05-20 Criminal fraud complaint (No. to assigned) filed with the Israel Police by Dr Zernik against retired judges BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL of the Administration of Courts [3] 12-04-16 Criminal fraud complaint (No. 158921/2012) filed with Israel Police, against SARAH LIFSCHITZ of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel [4] 12-03-20 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD [5] 12-05-10 Human Right Alert's 2012 State of Israel UPR Submission: Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel s 12-05-10 Human Right Alert's 2012 State of Israel UPR Appendix to Submission: Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic records of the courts


COMPLAINT 1. Complainant Joseph Zernik [] Residence: 44 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem Mailing Address: PO Box 31440, Jerusalem, 91313 Email: (preferred) [email protected] Over the past decade, Complainant specialized in analysis of integrity, or lack thereof, in large government and banking electronic records systems. [i] 2. Complainant is not an attorney, neither is he represented by counsel in this matter; Complainant has specialized in analysis of integrity, or lack thereof, of government and banking electronic record systems. Given that Complainant is not an attorney, special lenience is requested in review of the complaint. No sections of the code were specifically referenced. Where errors were made in reference to the legal definition of the alleged crimes, Complainant requests that such references be disregarded. Instead - the facts alone should be reviewed, and the correct sections of the code be applied by the investigators. Over the past decade, Complainant specialized in analysis of integrity, or lack thereof, in large government and banking electronic records systems. [ii] 3. Accused Boaz Okon [] Residence: Unknown Work: Former Director, Administration of Courts Moshe Gal [] Residence: Unknown Work: Former Director, Administration of Courts 4. Allegations Complainant alleges that retired Directors of the Administration of Courts BOAZ OKON and MOSHE GAL were and are responsible for the online publication of a false and deliberately misleading Apostille certification arrangement with no legal authority. The procedure is claimed to be fraud on the People and courts of nations, who are parties to the Hague Convention (1961), to which the State of Israel is a party. Through the establishment of the fraudulent Apostille certification procedure, the accused: a) Facilitated the issuance of false certifications of court records of the State of Israel by individual, who were not authorized by law to certify court records. b) Engaged in establishing secondary legislation of the State of Israel with no lawful authority. 5. Outline of Freedom of Information requests, pertaining to the authority underlying the online Apostille certification arrangement a) The March 3, 2012 Freedom of Information request (T/6) on the Ministry of Justice, requested the records that are the authorization by the unnamed Minister of Justice of Apostille certification procedure, published online by the Judicial Authority, relative to the Hague Convention (1961). [iii]


b) The April 29, 2012 Freedom of Information response (T/6) by the Ministry of Justice, denied the request, claimed that the Minster of Justice indeed delegate authority, relative to Apostille certification, relative to the Hague Convention (1961) to the clerks of the courts. However, no legal reference was provided for such authorization, and the request was denied under the claim that it was a document generated by another agency. [iv] In its response, the Ministry of Justice distanced itself from the authorization of notaries to certify court records, which is the essence of the alleged fraud. c) May 17, 2012 reply on Freedom of Information response (T/6) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: The Apostille certification arrangement, asked for a reference in Reshumot (the official Register of the State of Israel) for the authorization by the unnamed Minster of Justice. Moreover, the reply claimed that it defied logic that authorization by the Minster of Justice was a record, which was generated by an agency other than the Ministry of Justice. [v] The Administration of Court refuses to respond on Freedom of Information request to disclose the identity of those, who authorized the online publication of the fraudulent Apostille certification arrangement. [vi] 6. The Apostille certification arrangement, published online by the Judicial Authority is opined as fraud on the People of all nations, who are parties to the Hague Convention (1961). An unsigned, undated apostille certification arrangement, published online by the Judicial Authority, is invalid by design and convoluted by implementation. It cannot be reasonably be considered an inadvertent error. Moreover, the arrangement reflects cooperation by two branches of government to circumvent the October 5, 1961 Hague Convention for the Abolishment of Requirement for Legalization of Public Records, through simulated compliance. [vii] In pertinent sections, the online Public Information Page Authentication of Public Records (Apostille) says: [viii]
In the procedure for authentication of public records, they are certified by a Notary Public. The acknowledgement by the Notary Public is a public record, which requires authentication as well. Authentication of the latter public record, and this record alone [bold in the original - jz], is under the authority of the courts. The authentication is executed on a form in compliance with the agreement with the destination nation. ... Apostille - a document destined to nations, who are parties to the October 5, 1961 Hague Convention for the Abolishment of Requirement for Legalization of Public Records (Heretofore the Convention). Israel is a party to the Convention. Therefore, the courts authenticate Notary Public acknowledgements, which are destined to nations, which are parties to the Convention, by an Apostille document. ... The Apostille document is of the form and language stipulated in the Convention, as shown hereafter:

A specific, bilingual (Hebrew/English) Apostille form is also provided online by the Judicial Authority of the State of Israel as part of the Information Page. (Figure 8)


Figure 8: Fraud in Apostille certification arrangement, published online by the Judicial Authority.

Left: True apostille form, as authorized by the Hague Apostille Convention (1961); Right: A sample apostille form, published on the web site of the Judicial Authority of the State of Israel, falsely represented as the true apostille form, as authorized by the Convention. The form, published by the Judicial Authority, purports that an Advocate, acting as a Notary, is permitted to certify court decisions, which the Regulations of the Courts Office of the Clerk (2004) authorize the Chief Clerks to certify. Furthermore, the latter form permits a member of the staff of the Office of the Clerk, to sign the apostille form, as certification of the signature of the Notary, with the Seal of the Court, in a manner that appears as a valid certification by a clerk of the attached court decision. In fact, the arrangement, published online, specifically states that in executing the apostille, the Office of the Clerk certified ONLY the signature of the notary, but not the attached court record. The arrangement is opined as fraud on the People of Israel, and also on the People and the courts of other nations, who are parties to the Convention. It is part of a pattern of false certifications on records of the courts of the State of Israel. Both the Administration of Courts and the Ministry of Justice refuse to disclose, who authorized this arrangement, and who and when authorized its online publication. The Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court refused to provide apostille certification of judicial records of the Supreme Court.

The online published arrangement presents a false chain of authentication authorities, relative to the spirit and the letter of the Convention: As is the case in other courts that originated in the English common law, the law and regulations of the State of Israel (see 1, above) designate the "Office of the Clerk" as the custodian of the judicial records of a given court, and authorized only the individual, who is the "Chief Clerk" of a given court, to certify the authenticity of judicial records of that court. [ix] In contrast, the arrangement, published online, requires that a Notary Public certify the judicial records. Furthermore, the Offices of the Clerks of the various courts are not typically authorized to authenticate the signatures of Notaries. That authority, as explicitly stated in the online arrangement, is vested with the Ministry of Justice. However, as is indicated in the online arrangement, an unnamed Minister of Justice authorizes certain individuals, who are staff members of the offices of the various Clerks of the Courts, to authenticate the signatures of notaries, in order to enable this procedure.


The document, which is the outcome of the online certification arrangement is a false and deliberately misleading document, where a seal of a national court of the state of Israel appears, together with a signature of a staff of the Office of the Clerk, but their signature certifies ONLY the notarys signature, not the public legal record, to which the Apostille is attached. Therefore, the document, which is outcome of such arrangement, should be considered a simulated apostille certification, relative to the Convention. [x] Furthermore, the online certification arrangement is published on a web site of the Judicial Authority. No such agency is recognized in the law of the State of Israel (in contrast with the various courts and the Administration of Courts). Moreover, as is the case in all other records of the courts of the State of Israel, the online certification arrangement is published on a server, whose identity is not certified. Freedom of Information requests were filed on both the Administration of Courts and the Ministry of Justice, in effort to clarify, who the unnamed Minister of Justice is, who authorized the arrangement, what the legal foundation for such authorization was, and what was the date of such authorization. Additionally, requests were made to clarify, who authorized the online publication of the arrangement. [xi] None of the requests was answered, in disregard of the law of the State of Israel. (See also 9, above) The apostille certification procedure should be seen as part of a wider pattern of compromised integrity of the records of the courts of Israel, including, but not limited to: The fraud in certification of decisions of the Supreme Court (See 1, above): xii The publication of simulated records and the conduct of simulated litigation; [ ] Variations in the certification boxes of the records over the past decade that ended with no certification at all; [xiii] xiv Discontinuities in the certification authority of the records; [ ] Refusal of the office of the Clerk of the Court to certify Supreme Court records, even upon request; [xv] xvi False dates/certifications of decisions/judgments of the Supreme Court, [ ] and xvii Missing ID certifications of the Supreme Court servers. [ ] Based on all the reasons, listed above, combined, the online Apostille certification arrangement is opined as fraud through collusion of the Ministry of Justice and the Administration of Courts on the People of the State of Israel, and likewise, on the People and the courts of other nations, which are parties to the Convention. 7. The conduct, documented in instant complaint undermines the fundamentals of Due Process/Fair Hearings, the Rule of Law, and the Human Rights of all residents of the State of Israel. The conduct of Attorneys YORAM HACOHEN and AMIT ASHKENAZI, documented in instant complaint undermines the integrity of the official records of the State of Israel, and with it, the Rule of Law, Human Rights, and socio-economic stability of all residents of the State of Israel. 8. Request for due process in acceptance, acknowledgement, review, and informing Complainant of the outcome of instant complaint. Complainant requests that the Israel Police acknowledge receipt of instant complaint, enter valid registration of the complaint, subject the complaint to honest and expedient review, and duly inform Complainant of the outcome of such review. 9. Additional evidence and records are provided in records linked below For the sake of brevity, only the critical evidence was summarized above.


Additional evidence and records are provided in the attached exhibits, in records linked below, and in particular in the Human Rights Alert (NGO) Submission and Appendix for the 2012 Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights in Israel by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. [xviii] Please consider such records, as integral part of instant complaint. If any additional records, pertinent to instant complaint are received by Complainant, he would promptly forward copies to the Israel Police. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr Zernik for additional information in this matter. Respectfully, Dated: May 21, 2012 Joseph Zernik, PhD

By: ______________ JOSEPH H ZERNIK Residence: 44 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem Mailing Address: PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313 Email: [email protected] LINKS:
12-03-20 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD s ii 12-03-20 Biographical Sketch Joseph Zernik, PhD s iii 12-03-03 Freedom of Information request on the Ministry of Justice, in re: a) Apostille certification procedure, b) Names, locations, clerks of the Detainees Courts R s 12-04-02 Freedom of Information response (T-6) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: a) Apostille certification procedure, b) Names, locations, clerks of the Detainees Courts 12-04-22 Reply on Ministry of Justice Response (1973-12) Re - A) Criminal Fraud Complaint, b) Apostille Certification Procedure s iv 12-04-29 Freedom of Information response (T/6) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: Apostille certification arrangement v 12-05-16 Reply on Freedom of Information response (T/6) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: Apostille certification arrangement vi Freedom of Information requests (P 28-2012) on the Administration of Courts, regarding the Apostille certification arrangement: 12-02-18 Freedom of Information request on the Administration of Courts, in re: Origins and authorization of the 'Public Information Page Authentication of Public Records (Apostille)' 12-03-06 Freedom of Information response (request for clarifications) by the Administration of Courts (P 28-2012), in re: Apostille certification procedures 12-03-13 Repeat Freedom of Information request (P 28-2012) on the Administration of Courts, in re: Apostille certification procedure


12-04-04 Administration of Courts response, denying Freedom of Information Requests (P-2012-28/43/44) January 19, March 13, April 2, 2012 in re Supreme court web site, Apostille, electronic signatures 12-04-18 Reply to Administration of Courts on response dated April 4, 2012, denying Freedom of Information Requests (P-2012-28/43/44) re: Supreme court web site, Apostille, electronic signatures vii 12-02-19 PRESS RELEASE: Invalid, Simulated Apostille Certification Procedure Published Online by the Judicial Authority of the State of Israel (English) viii Public Information Page - Authentication of Public Records (Apostille), from the website of the Judicial Authority of the State of Israel. ix 04-11-25 Takanot Batey Hamishpat - Mazkirut (2004) // Regulations of the Courts - Offices of the Clerks (2004) (Heb + Eng) x "Simulated litigation", "simulated decisions", "simulated service", "simulated justice system" here refer to conduct defined as felonies in the Texas Criminal Code as follows: Texas Penal Code 32.48. SIMULATING LEGAL PROCESS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly causes to be delivered to another any document that simulates a summons, complaint, judgment, or other court process with the intent to: (1) induce payment of a claim from another person; or (2) cause another to: (A) submit to the putative authority of the document; or (B) take any action or refrain from taking any action in response to the document, in compliance with the document, or on the basis of the document. (b) Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded to the intended recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered. xi 12-04-25 Log of Freedom of Information requests, related to the electronic records of the courts of the State of Israel, and refusal of the Administration of Courts and the Ministry of Justice to respond. xii 11-12-04 Simulated Records, Simulated Litigation Enabled by the Electronic Record Systems of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (English) xiii 12-01-17 Evolution of the Electronic Decision Forms of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel s (with Full Appendix: Summary Table, Survey Notes, Records) xiv 12-01-25 Table Summary I: Clerk's Certification, or Lack Thereof, in Judicial Records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (2000-2012) s xv 12-01-29 Table Summary II: Refusal of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel to Provide Clerks Certification of Decisions, Records of the Court s xvi 12-01-30 Certificates, or lack thereof, for servers of the Supreme Court of Israel s xvii 12-02-07 PRESS RELEASE: False Dates, Certifications in the Electronic Records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel xviii 12-05-10 Human Right Alert's 2012 State of Israel UPR Submission: Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel s 12-05-10 Human Right Alert's 2012 State of Israel UPR Appendix to Submission: Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic records of the courts

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