AMU Network Intro & FAQ

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Introduction and FAQ

About AMU Network: AMU Network was established on November 24, 1999 for AMU Alumni and the well wishers of the AMU (current membership about 6000 representing Aligs and well wishers around the world) to share their thoughts and news about the university and its alumni around the world. It is intended to establish a viable and effective communication among AMU community. The major aim of this forum is to promote and facilitate the exchange of information among Aligs on issues related to AMU and the Alig Community. Please feel free to express your views and share your ideas. However, it is expected that each one of us would act in a spirit of friendship and goodwill towards fellow members of this Network and utilize this forum in a dignified and constructive manner. We certainly appreciate your written compositions and thoughtful contributions and thank you for your postings on this Network. Addresses: AMU Network Home Page: Post message: [email protected] Subscribe: [email protected] Unsubscribe: [email protected] List owner: [email protected] Who can subscribe to the list? This group is created for the Aligs and the well-wishers of the AMU. We value the participation of all who believe in the aims and objectives of this forum. How to subscribe? To subscribe, send a message to [email protected] or go to this e-group's home page at /list/amunetwork You can subscribe to either receive the individual Email messages posted OR Full Text digest (wherein you receive one message that is a compilation of all messages posted that day) OR you can read it on the Web. How to Unsubscribe from AMU Network? To unsubscribe via e- mail, send an empty e- mail to [email protected]. Be sure your e- mail program is adjusted to send mail from the address you want to unsubscribe. If you are not sure what address you are subscribed as, you will find the address used to reach you in the "Return-Path" header of the message you received.

To unsubscribe via the Web: 1. Sign in to Yahoo! Groups and go to the My Groups page and then Edit my Groups. (Please see below if you are not a registered member of yahoo Groups). 2. Look for the group you wish to unsubscribe from, and click on Leave Group on the upper right. 3. Click Update to save your changes. The group will no longer be listed on the My Groups page, and you will no longer receive messages. Alternatively you may wish to remain a member of the Yahoo Group, but cut down on the volume of e- mail that you may be receiving. This may be preferred if you plan to be away/vacation or for any other reason. The best way to handle it is to change the settings for your preferences in "My Groups." Here is how to do it yourself. Visit the AMU Network home page at: If you do not have a Yahoo ID yet, then go to the following page: Click the link "New to Group? Sign up." You will need to create a Yahoo ID, and then link your subscribed email address to that ID. Make sure your browser has JavaScript and cookies turned on. You can link all your yahoo groups this way. Look for the group you wish to change your preferences, and click on Edit My Membership on the upper right. You can set your preferences here. Vacation Email Setting: You can select 'Daily Digest'. This option will ensure that, you receive just one mail in a day. All postings for that day are clubbed up in one mail. A potential disadvantage of this option is that you may not get any attachments, and you will receive all the messages together that were posted in a preceding 24-hour period. You can also opt to select "No Email" to remain subscribed to the group and view messages on the group's home page but not receive e-mail from the group. This is the best way to avoid going home from a vacation and finding your mailbox filled to more than 1000 mails or beyond your disk quota How to change your subscription address (email address)? Go to 1. Click on the Membership Wizard. The wizard will show all of the email addresses you currently have available for use in Yahoo! Groups. Any unverified addresses will be listed at the bottom of the second page. Next to the address will be a "Verify" link. Click on the link to generate a verification email that will be sent to you at that address. Follow the instructions contained in the email to complete the process.

2. If the email address you wish to use is not listed, click on the Add new email address link. If you are having difficulty verifying an address, please read the troubleshooting steps. Who can post and read the messages? Only members can read and post the messages. How to post the message on AMU Network? Please email your message to: [email protected] or go to this Yahoo Groups home page at When posting a message please include the Subject heading (This is helpful for archiving and also to those who subscribe it as Daily Digest) and your full name, highest degree from Aligarh, year of graduation, and present location, like: Joe Brown M.Sc. (Bio Chem.)'76 Washington, DC. Messages without this information will not be approved and no further reminders will be sent. Members who are not the alumni of AMU can simply write their full name and present location, like: Joe Brown AMU Well Wisher Washington, DC. Replies to messages should be sent directly to the sender if they are NOT of general interest. What topics are appropriate for posting to the list? There is no restriction on the topics that can be discussed; however, it is requested that common ethical norms be followed and only projects/ articles/ announcements/ news items/ discussions relevant to AMU and Alig Community be posted and discussed on this Network. Divergent opinions are encouraged but please use good judgment. Please do not post irrelevant messages since the reader's time is valuable. If anyone is interested in discussions on other topics, he/she can subscribe to other group/s, which cater to their interest. Please do not get emotional and definitely not make any personal or derogatory remarks about anyone or use provocative language. Remarks should be objective and focused on the contents of the posting that someone is commenting on. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and content. Major editing is consultatively done. How to communicate Personal Messages? Please mail your message directly to intended person (you can find his/her address with original posting to which you are referring) instead of posting it on AMU Network. How to Search for missing Alig Friends?

It is recommended that you try to find the person in the global AMU Directory of Aligs ( before posting search request on AMU Network. Whenever you post a search request on AMU Network please include more details (e.g.: years at AMU, department, class, hostel etc) so that the subscribers of this network can easily recognize the person. Links: AMU Network has some cool links related to AMU, AMU Alumni Associations, and Alig's Home Pages. What are "bouncing" members? If messages sent to a member are consistently returned to Yahoo! Groups with an error, that member is considered "bouncing." Their Yahoo! Groups account is deactivated and group messages will not be delivered to the account. Once an account is considered bouncing, Yahoo! Groups will send a series of test messages to the member. If the test messages are returned as undeliverable, then the account will continue to bounce. However, if a message is delivered and not returned as undeliverable within five days after it was sent, the account will automatically be reactivated. Members may also manually reactivate their accounts by visiting their My Groups page If you stop receiving mails from AMU Network, chances are that you have been unsubscribed because mails were being bounced back from your e- mail address. You can always subscribe again as explained before but please fix your mailbox before sending a request for subscription. Additional requests to our members: When you join AMU Network, monitor the messages for a few days to get a feel of the group and its discussion topics. All of you are encouraged to actively participate at AMU Network. However, you are requested to follow the following guidelines as much as possible. The better you follow any and all rules and guidelines that are described in this FAQ, the higher are the chances of approval of your message. Lot of people tend to leave the group when the frequency of messages increases. Therefore, at present we try to limit the posts at a max of 6-8 per day.

1. Please discuss local issues at your local discussion group. 2. Raw postings of news items without comments or annotations should be avoided. The objective is interactive discussion and not to be a just news" network. 3. When posting the message which has been copied from another website please refrain from posting entire image (GIF file), just send the summary and URL instead. If you must post a long message, warn the readers with a statement at the top of the mail message. Example: WARNING: LONG MESSAGE. Always remember some of us have limited space in our mailboxes. 4. Your message should look cosmetically clean, presentable and readable. 5. Circulation of forwards: Do not just hit "forward" button to post, as those messages will be deleted. Long emailed list forwarded jokes or pictures are irritating and are not welcoming.

6. Clean up the ">" forwarding marks, headers, footers, etc. before posting. 7. Please use 'bcc' instead of 'cc' for addressing multiple people as a plain simple courtesy to your recipients. 8. Please send your replies to any discussion to the network where it was started and do not cc to AMU Network. 9. Use Subject Line: Use an appropriate subject line intelligently saying about the topic of the email. It gives an idea to people about the post before they open it. Also if that thread grows large enough then subject field makes it easier to tack the complete thread. Moreover inclusion of appropriate subject line avoids junk mail filtering. 10. Please refrain from posting one-liners. Make sure you're not simply typing "Yeah" or "That's right" or Mubarak Ho or something. 11. If you are replying to someone else's question, do so through private e-mail. Twenty people answering the same question on a large list can fill your mailbox (and those of everyone else on the list) quickly. 12. When posting a question, request that responses be directed to you personally. Post a summary or answer to your question to the group. 13. It is considered extremely rude to forward personal e- mail to the list without the original author's permission. 14. Grammar and punctuation: Dont type in big mass of text. Divide in paragraphs and use applicable punctuation and grammar. Before posting a message please do a quick spell and grammar check. Now almost all the word processing and email programs have a built in option to do spell/grammar check. 15. No caps: Look at your keyboard. The key marked Caps Lock keep it off while typing the email. Except for the normal use of capitals, proper nouns, to start a sentence, etc. Use Lower case as it is a polite and easier to read. Capitals are extremely rude in electronic media and seems like shouting in a verbal conversation. 16. Use proper fonts: Use standard size fonts only. Avoid extra big or small fonts and avoid the colorful designs and tables 17. Avoid Chat language: Dont use (U= you, ur= you are, b4=before, bcoz=because etc.) as they seem irritating in regular emails. In friendship mails, all's fine as far as the right meaning is understood by the reader. 18. Do not send big attachments (these attachments include graphics, documents and audio files) as they are automatically deleted. 19. Do not keep on reposting same me ssage if it is not approved originally. 20. Shorter contributions are more likely to get posted faster than longer ones. 21. Avoid unnecessary personal remarks. 22. Do not include big disclaimers. 23. Commercial, Religious, and Political messages are not permitted. 24. No solicitation of funds unless authorized by the moderators. 25. Personal Message: If you're replying to another person's letter, send it to that person not to the whole list. It is easy, accidentally, to reply to the list when you meant to reply to an individual - and this can be quite embarrassing at times, depending on your message. 26. If you feel that you are getting too much mail, don't address your complaint to the whole list or send harassing mail to someone to get off a list, contact the list owner. 27. If you have a conflict with anyone, settle it by private e-mail. If you are upset or angry, wait a few days before answering. A list was not created for you to harass each other, so flaming is inappropriate. It is ok to discuss, debate, and have differing views. It is NOT ok to put someone down for their views, thoughts or ideas. 28. Know the Spam Rules: No chain letters, unverified virus warnings or other such nuisances. 29. Quoting: While replying just quote the relevant part of related mail and not whole mail. Cut and paste the key parts of the message to which you are responding, instead of including the entire thing. Take the time to edit any quotations down to the minimum

necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth time, only to be followed by a one line response: "Yeah, me too." Think of members who have dialup accounts. Any irrelevant part when quoted will take a toll on download time & speed. Most importantly trim the advertisements, which are at the end of mails. Leave a blank line between quotes and replies. A quote of more than 10 lines is too much. 30. Spamming: Spamming is the electronic equivalent of junk mail. Sending information about yourself / services you offer to people who have no interest in it. In the online world, its a taboo and can result in removal from the group. 31. It is NOT necessary to send copies of the postings to the moderator. 32. AMU Network's messages may be forwarded to other newsgroups and e- mailed to others, provided that they are not edited, and author name, and URL are included. A few courtesies E- mailing and a quick, pleasurable communication will reach you miles ahead on information super highways. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Fair Use Notice This site some times publishes copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of educational, environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. (See: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in the email messages and files are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the moderator, AMU, AMU Alumni Association, its members or its affiliates.

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