Job Analysis Questionnaire: Superior University

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Superior University Job Analysis Questionnaire

PURPOSE AND INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the study is to obtain current information on your job based on a review of job duties and responsibilities. Because you know your duties and responsibilities better than anyone else, we need your help to get an accurate description of your job. We are asking you to complete this questionnaire that asks for information about your job duties. The questionnaire does not ask about your job performance; only what your job requires you to do. .

Your Name: Employee ID: Your Job Title: How long have you been in your current position: Work Telephone Number: Supervisor's Name: Supervisor's Title: years Division or College: Department: Job Code: months

Listthedutiesandresponsibilitiesofthisposition.Beginwiththoseconsideredtobethemost importantandworkdowntothosethatareoflesserimportanceandindicateapproximate percentageoftimespentperformingit.Listnomorethan10primaryduties.Performsother dutiesasassignedwillbeadded.

C.Knowledge,SkillsandAbilities: PleaselisttheKnowledge(bodyofinformationnecessaryfortaskperformance),Skills(levelof competencyor Proficiencyneededfortaskperformance)andAbilities(traitsorcapabilitiesnecessarytoperform thedutiesofthejob).


Indicate in one or two sentences the general purpose of the position (or why this job exists). This statement should be a general summary of the responsibilities listed in the next section.

E. EDUCATION: Check the box that best indicates the minimum training/education requirements of this job. (Not
necessarily your education, but the requirements for the job).
Minimum Requirement

Up to 8 years of education 9 to 11 years of education High School Diploma or GED

Some College/Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree

TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Please indicate the specific job experience needed. For example, "accounting experience in an education environment" vs. "accounting experience". Be sure that the experience stated is what is actually required by the job, not what is preferred.

Check the box which best indicates the minimum amount of experience described above. (Not necessarily your years of experience, but the requirements for the job.) Less than 6 months 6 months but less than 1 year 1 year but less than 3 years 3 but less than 5 years 5 but less than 7 years 7 years plus

G. Accountability / Decision Making

For each situation, please indicate the response that most appropriately describes your job. Whwhen there is a situation you have not come across Be before, do you (ch (check all responses that apply) Never sometimes often Most of The time Not applicable

Ask your Immediate Supervisor what to do Ask colleagues for help in deciding what to do Read manuals and figure out what to do Check guidelines and past practices Decide what to do based on your related experience O other (please specify) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
When making decisions do you consult with the following: (check all responses that apply and provide examples) Never sometimes often Most of The time Not applicable

Immediate Supervisor Example_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Government Departments/Agencies (Social Development, Education, Mental Health, Public Safety) Example____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Colleagues Example___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Other Professionals (i.e. Doctors, Police, Pharmacists, etc. Example_____________________________________ _______________________________________________ Community Resources (i.e. YMCA, ADAPT centers, day programs, etc.) Example______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___

SUPERVISORY NATURE: What is the nature of the direct supervisory responsibility your job has? Check one answer. No supervisory responsibility. Work leadership of one or more employees. Supervisor over a section of a department. Assistant Manager over supervisors or a small department. Manager of one department. Manager of more than one department. Director, through managers, of a single department. Director, through managers, of multiple departments. How many positions report directly to you? None 1 2-3 4-6 7 or more

List the title(s) of employee(s) whom you directly supervise: Title Grade/Level Number of Positions


Indicate how often the following physical demands are required to perform the Essential Job Responsibilities. C=Constantly (5-8 hrs./shift) Physical Demands Standing Walking Sitting Lifting Carrying Pushing Pulling Climbing Balancing Stooping Kneeling Crouching Crawling Reaching Handling Grasping Feeling Talking Hearing Repetitive Motions Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination Physical Strength Little Physical Effort Light Work Medium Work Heavy Work Very Heavy Work F=Frequently (2-5 hrs./shift) O=Occasionally (Up to 2 hrs./shift) R=Rarely (Does not exist as regular part of job) Environmental Conditions Extreme Cold Extreme Heat Temperature Changes Wet Humid Noise Vibration Hazards Atmospheric Conditions Other (define):

Respondent Identification Questionnaire no:

Respondents Name (First and Last):



I hereby confirm that the information I have supplied in this questionnaire accurately reflects my job to the best of my


____________________________ Date

_______________________________________ Respondents signature

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