Job Prospects - A KP Appraisal: (Article Written For KP Year Book-2012)

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Friday: November 25, 2011

Job prospects_A KP appraisal

(Article written for KP Year Book-2012)
Total words: 1400

Effort by Vijay Kumar Bangalore 0-9845039153 [email protected]

Author: The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, presently retired after heading a Senior Managerial position at The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), Bangalore. Besides teaching Parasharic and Jaimini astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological Magazine in Jaimini theme since a decade, the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati and is a serious student of this subject.

One of my colleagues approached me to ask for his daughter who had been jobless for about 2 months. It was understood that his daughter was hectically trying for the job and had applied for some company. The question was When will my daughter get a job?. A time chart was casted on Dec 08, 2010 at 19-52-12 Hrs immediately after the query was asked. Since, the query was for the child, the time chart was rotated by the 5 th house. The brief analysis of the said rotated chart is presented herewith.
Ketu IX 09-37-37 20-36-46

VI 31 Jup







(Time Chart rotated to 5H) Job Prospects 08-12-2010 (Wednesday) 19:52:12 Hrs IST Bangalore (77E33, 12N53) (KP Ayanamsha: 23-55-10) Geocentric corrections: Applied Rahu/Ketu: Mean







Moon III Merc Rah Mars

27-07-10 20-36-46 11-42-54 09-37-37 06-32-21

Sun II

22-27-57 21-1809

I Ven

20-0736 10-31-45

For XII Sat

15-28-23 17-19-31 21-16-53

Cus p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SgL Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer

StL Jup Mer Ven Mon Rah Mer Ven Mon Jup Mer Ven Mon

SbL Jup Ven Jup Sat Ven Mer Jup Ven Jup Mer Ven Sat Planet Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket For SgL Mar Jup Jup Jup Jup Ven Mer Jup Mer Mer StL Mer Sun Ket Ket Jup Rah Mon Ket Rah Mon SbL Mon Sun Rah Mer Mon Sat Ven Sat Jup Jup SsL Rah Mer Mer Ket Mer Sat Rah Sat Ven Rah

The chart is being analysed as follows:

The Query While lagna indicates subject matter of the query, Moon indicates the focus of mind. Look to the lagna sub-lord Jupiter, which gets placed in 5th house indicating that the native is without the job. Jupiter falls in the sub of 10th lord Moon. This indicates the scope of query related to the 5th house (employment) and 10th house (Job). Look to the position of Moon, which gets placed in 3rd house showing the efforts undertaken by the native. Moon is placed in the sub of 11th lord Sun placed in 2nd house. This clearly indicates the mental focus on the fruitfulness (11th house) of the efforts (3rd house). Having the query represented in the prashna chart, it was OK to proceed for analyzing the query. The co-ordinates for judgment The prashna dealing with the profession has a primary focus on the 10th house indicating the karmic profile. In order that the profession points to the salaried job, the focus gets on the 6 th house. 2nd house indicates the salaried earning and overall fructification of the ambition of getting a job is seen through the 11th house. Thus, an amicable connection amongst 2-610-11th houses is necessary for the acquisition of a suitable job. If the job acquisition is through interviews, the 3rd and 9th houses get most pertinent. The 3rd house indicates the performance from the native and 9 th house indicate the favor of the interview panel. If these houses signify the 11th house, the native get successful in the interview process. Analysis of the chart 1. Assess the 3rd house It was learnt that the native was trying very hard for securing a job. Let us examine the fruitfulness of the efforts undertaken astrologically. 3rd house falls in Sagittarius lorded by Jupiter and having Moon placed in it. Saturn is placed in the star of Moon and as such Saturn signifies 3rd house and takes on the mantle to discharge the fructification of 3rd house. Saturn is placed in the star of 10th lord Moon signifying 10th house. Saturn is placed in the sub of Venus which signifies 2nd house because of its star lord Rahu placed in 2nd house. Thus, Saturn signifies the matters of profession and promotes its acquisition through its sub-lord. In this way, Moon placed in 3rd house (in whose star Saturn is posited) promises the acquisition of job. 2. Assess the 9th house Assessment of 9th house is necessary to understand the favors offered by the employer when the native is subjected to interviews during selection process. 9th house is vacant but ruled by Mercury. It is noted that Sun is placed in the star of Mercury, thus Sun would discharge the results of 9th house on behalf of Mercury. Note that Sun falls in the star of Mercury and being the 9 th lord indicates the favor from the interview panels (3-9th house). Further note that Sun falls in the sub of

Moon that signifies 2-11th house because of stellar significations of Moon. This clearly points the favor gained by the native in prospective interviews for job acquisition. 3. Assess 10th house 10th house indicates the promise of profession. 10th house is vacant which is owned by Moon. Saturn is placed in the star of 10th lord Moon, thus Saturn signifies 10th house. As analyzed in the preceding section, Saturn is benefic towards the job acquisition. Thus, the 10th house (Moon as owner) strongly supports the acquisition of the job. 4. Assess the 11th house Having obtained the possibility of the positive outcome of the job acquisition till now, it is prudent to assess the 11th house and 11th cusp whose sub-lord is Venus. 11th house is vacant and Sun lords this house. Note that the Moon is placed in the star of Sun, thus Moon would decide the fructification of 11th house on behalf of Sun. Moon is placed in the star of Sun (11th lord placed in 2nd house) thus projects the matter of positive outcome of job acquisition. Moon is placed in the sub of Sun which signifies 9th house strongly by stellar significations and thus confirms the willingness of the employer to offer the job. Note the sub-lord of the 11th cusp that is Venus. Venus is a strong planet which is placed in 12th house that may mean working atmosphere linked with foreign land, perhaps a multinational company where the job could be secured. Venus at the stellar level falls in the star of Rahu placed in 2nd house and in the sub of Saturn which is very beneficial for job-acquisition, as discussed in the preceding paragraphs. Thus, 11th house is beneficial to confer the job acquisition. 5. Assess the Fortuna Fortuna for the delineation of chart in the night time is represented by the formula Sun-Moon+Lagna, which adds to Virgo 15deg-28min-23sec lorded by Mercury (SgL), Moon (StL), Jupiter (SbL) and Rahu (SsbL). Note that the Fortuna falls in the 11th house that shows a good fortune towards the fructification of the query. Jupiter is the sub-lord of Fortuna which is placed in its own star bringing the subject matter of strong 6th house (win-over) and 5th house (Jupiter placed in 5th house) indicating higher intelligence bestowed to the native. Further note that Jupiter is in the sub of Moon that votes for decisive fructification of the job acquisition due to the signification of 2-11th house at the stellar level. Thus, the Fortuna voted for positive outcome of the query. 6. Look at the dasha breakup. Dasha of Sun was running and the antar-dasha of Sun was up to Jan 12, 2011. Thereafter, Moon antar-dasha was to run till Jul 12, 2011.

As indicated in various analysis in preceding paras, both Sun and Moon are result giving. Note that Sun fell in the sub of 10th lord placed in 3rd house, whereas Moon

fell in the sub of sun 11th lord placed in 2nd house. Thus, Moon was better equipped to signify the job acquisition. With this consideration, Moons antara in Sun dasha was selected for fructification of the job acquisition starting from Jan 12, 2011. Sun-Moon-Moon was to run between Jan 12, 2011 to Jan 28, 2011 and that was the time duration, my hopes rested for fructification. 7. Conclusion: With the above analysis in hand, following conclusions were drawn and indicated to the colleague who asked the query on behalf of his ward.

There was certainty of getting the job. The native was expected to show his best intelligence to the employer during interview and the employer would be pleased to offer her a job. The job could be obtained in Sun-Moon-Moon period, which runs from Jan 12, 2011 to Jan 28, 2011.

Facts of the case: My colleague met me and thanked me towards the end of Jan 2011 and told me the following facts. 1. The interviews were at 7 levels ranging from the local heads to the bosses situated in 3 locations worldwide. The interview process took about 3.5 weeks. 2. The most peculiar outcome of the final interview was that all the heads of various functions in the company worldwide agreed unanimously to select the candidate based on her merits. 3. The native joined the job on Jan 17, 2011 and was given the task to look after the technical sales function of South-East Asia. Acknowledgement: I salute the KP principles as propounded by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy, which have given us a very useful predictive model. ---------------------------

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