The DAGMAR Approach

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The DAGMAR Approach - October 20th, 2010 Defining Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results Dagmar Approach

is the task of measuring ad effectiveness will not be daunting if we clearly spell out the advertising goals. Russel H. Colley (1961) pioneered an approach known by the acronym DAGMAR Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results, where to establish an explicit link between ad goals and ad results, Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used with respect to a single advertisement, a years campaign for a product or a companys entire advertising philosophy. DAGMAR also focused attention upon measurement, encouraging people to create objectives so specific and operational that they can be measured. Characteristics of Objectives: A major contribution of DAGMAR was Colleys specification of what constitutes a good objective. Five requirements or characteristics of good objectives were noted 1. Concrete and measurable: the communications task or objective should be a precise statement of what appeal or message the advertiser wants to communicate to the target audience. Furthermore the specification should include a description of the measurement procedure 2. Target audience a key tenet to DAGMAR is that the target audience be well defined. For example if the goal was to increase awareness, it is essential to know the target audience precisely. The benchmark measure cannot be developed without a specification of the target segment 3. Benchmark and degree of change sought: another important part of setting objectives is having benchmark measures to determine where the target audience stands at the beginning of the campaign with respect to various communication response variables such as awareness, knowledge, attitudes, image, etc. The objectives should also specify how much change or movement is being sought such as increase in awareness levels, creation of favorable attitudes or number of consumers intending to purchase the brand, etc. a benchmark is also a prerequisite to the ultimate measurement of results, an essential part of any planning program and DAGMAR in particular. 4. Specified time period A final characteristic of good objectives is the specification of the time period during which the objective is to be accomplished, e.g. 6months, 1 year etc. The time period should be appropriate for the communication objective as simple tasks such as increasing awareness levels can be accomplished much faster than a complex goal such as repositioning a brand. All parties involved will understand that the results will be available for evaluating the campaign, which could lead to a contraction, expansion or change in the current effort. With a time period specified a survey to generate a set if measures can be planned and anticipated. 5. Written Goal Finally goals should be committed to paper. When the goals are clearly written, basic shortcomings and misunderstandings become exposed and it becomes easy to determine

whether the goal contains the crucial aspects of the DAGMAR approach.

Criticism of DAGMAR 1. Problems with the Response Hierarchy: 2. Sales objectives 3. Practicality and costs 4Inhibition of creativity

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