Creating A Persuasive

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Creating a Persuasive Speech Which Calls For Action Using an Outline Format

Before you begin:

We already know that your purpose is to persuade.
The purpose statement expresses the goal of the speech. Formulating it lets you identify precisely what you
want the speech to accomplish. In the case of your speech, what do you want the governing body to do?
Complete this sentence by identifying what you want the governing body to do and you will have your
purpose statement. Hint: youll need to start with an action word.
To persuade the ________________to __________________________________________________________
Developing Your Introduction:
The introduction is important because it gets the attention of your audience.
Attention Getting Device:
This is the first statement you will make after you tell the governing body your name and address. It is
designed to get their attention. What you say has to relate directly to your speech topic. You should look to
use evidence and/or emotion in your attention getting device.
Examples of Attention Getting Devices (circle the ones that are of most interest to you for your speech):
Really short story (real or hypothetical)
Startling statement(s)
After you know which attention getting device you want to employ, use the space below to jot down what you
want to say:
The University Speaking Center, 336-256-1346,

Developing the Body:

The body is where you will present your three main points as they fulfill your purpose and support your
purpose statement.
Your three main points will be organized as:
I. A statement of the problem as you see it with evidence and emotion as supporting points
II. A short statement of what you think needs to be done to solve the problem
III. A clear explanation as to how the solution will put an end to the problem with evidence and emotion
Supporting Points:
This is the variety of evidence you use to justify your main points.
It will lead your audience to accept the purpose of your speech.
You need to cite where your evidence comes from in order to establish credibility and to give credit where
credit is due.
Developing Your Speech Body:
What is the problem?
What evidence can you offer to prove that this problem exists?
A. ________________________________________________________________________________________
What emotionally charged examples can you offer to further prove that this problem exists?
B. ________________________________________________________________________________________
As you see it, what is the best solution?
The University Speaking Center, 336-256-1346,

How will this solution put an end to the problem?

III. _______________________________________________________________________________________
What needs to happen in order for the solution to work (use evidence here if you can)?
A. ________________________________________________________________________________________
What, if anything, stands in the way of implementing the solution (use emotion here if you can) and what
benefit(s) can you point to that would outweigh anything standing in the way?
B. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Developing Your Conclusion:
The purpose of your speech conclusion is to tell the governing body exactly what action you need them to
take. If you want, you can use emotion and/or more evidence. This is the last thing you will say before
thanking the governing body and returning to your seat.
In one or two sentences state the exact action you are calling for the governing body to take:
________________________________________________________________________________Thank you.

The University Speaking Center, 336-256-1346,

My Speech Outline
Now use your notes from the previous pages to construct your speech here

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________________________
II. ________________________________________________________________________________________
III. _______________________________________________________________________________________
The University Speaking Center, 336-256-1346,

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________Thank you.

The University Speaking Center, 336-256-1346,

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