Family Circle Great Ground-Beef Recipes

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Copyricht under International Copyricbt Convention. Copyrisht @ 195. 196. 1971 by The Family Circle. lnc. All rghU reserved.
1Uc FAMILY CIRCLE re1istered U. S. Patent Olce. Canada, Frauce. West Germany. Spaiot and Mexico. Marca resistrada.
Printed in L.b.A.

Third printins. Revised Edition.

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A meat-counter bargain-best-that's
ground beef. And for many reasons: It's
al meat W\h no waste, so you can de
pend on getting your money's worth
from what you buy. It's a versatile
meat, 08 uuCh at home on a party table
as on a D0CK-\uId grill. And what's best,
it's al beef, and just about everyboy
les it.
Pro udly we present this cookbook of
ground-beef favorites-from hamurg
ul8 Iu a Dm to goumet treasures-all
carefuy tested by AMILY IIBCLE`8O
Staf. We hope you will keep ths Dk
m a ispot m you kitchen Md use
I1 WHuDuVul you're thinking, "How
about hambuger!"
GHO\^ 111
Ground beef and pork
round beef, pork, and veal
Meat loaf
1^ YI111 WE 1| Y11I1
O1I1^ 111!
Many a supermarket builds its reputation around ground beef, for
\ I8 one of I\8 most popular meats. 1\ is always ground fresh each
day-often several times, when stores are busiest-so whether uu
pick up a package labeled ground regular, chuck, round, or meat
loaf mixture, all pictured here, you can be sure it is a today's pack
of quality meat your supermarket is proud to ofer. The next pages
describe each of these good meat buys.
Your supermarket displays are bountiful, and, depending
on the cut of beef used, the cost will vary. Here are de
scriptions of the choices pictured on page 6, with reasons
why their price tags vary.
REGULAR GROUND BEEF-Freshly ground beef made
from lean meat and fat as cut from a whol
side of beef.
You can recognize it by its speckled pink and white color,
and its good beef favor makes it an all-round favorite for
hamburger patties, casseroles, meat loaves, and sauces. To
speed shopping, this popular budget-tagged grind is
wrapped in 1-, 2-, and 3-pound packs, often with a
"special" price on the 3-pounders.
GROUND CHUCK-Its name describes it, for only
favorful chuck is used. Its pink meatiness has just enough
fat to give it juicy goodness. Sold mostly in about-1-pound
packages, this grind, too, is a perfect choice for all-round
hamburger needs.
UND-This is de luxe "hamburger" with
a price tag to match its quality. Your supermarket grinds
it from lean beef round, which gives it its rich red color.
Like ground chuck, it is sold mostly in about-1-pound
packs, or you can ask your meatman to grind any amount
you want to your order.
MEAT-LOAF MIXTURES-Most meat-loaf recipes in
this book call for plain ground beef, so choose regular,
chuck, or round. When a recipe suggests a mixture such
as ground beef and pork or ground beef, pork, and veal,
ask your meatman to grind it to your order, or pick up a
package packed-in any of these ways: [1)Each meat ground
separately and displayed in a single package as ground
beef and pork, or ground beef, pork, and veal; [2) Ground
meats already blended and labeled MEAT-LOAF.
The most-popular-weight package is about 2 pounds-1Y
pounds ground beef to Y pound ground pork for beef-pork
mix and 13 pounds ground beef to 6 ounces each ground
pork and veal for the three-meat combination. Either
choice is enough to make a 6-to-8-serving meat loaf.
In this book all recipes call for an even weight of 1 pound
or more of ground beef or meat-loaf mixture. In shopping
for the meat you need, you are likely to fnd packages
labeled slightly under or over these even weights. And for
a very good reason. Meatmen are good guessers of the
weights needed, so they watch the meat as it comes from
the grinder, and divide it into mounds. With no further
handling, each mound is weighed automatically and marked
with its exact ounce weight. Buy the weight
nearest to the
amount you need for your recipe, for any slightly over or
under ounces will make no di
If you open a package of rich red ground beef only to fnd
the meat darker on the inside, you needn't be concerned
about its freshness. This change in color-"bloom" your
meatman calls it-is natural because much of the air has
been closed out of the package. Leave the meat unwrapped
in the refrigerator for a short time and its bright color will
"bloom" again.
To use the same day or the next: Tear of a corner of the
transparent covering to expose the meat to the air, or
remove wrapper entirely and rewrap meat loosely in waxed
paper or foil. Store in the meat-keeper or coldest part of
your refrig
To freeze ground beef for patties: Shape meat lightly into
patties preferably plain, as seasoning favors tend to build
up during freezing. Wrap patties in freezer paper, foil, or
transparent wrap or bags and seal tightly. For single serv
ings, wrap each patty separately. For family serving, stack
three, four, or more patties with double-thick waxed paper
_ or foil between, then wrap and seal. Come cooking time,
patties are easy to separate.
Want a bagful for a cookout or party Arrange patties,
without touching, on a cooky sheet, then fast-freeze in the
coldest part of the freezer. When frozen, pile into a trans
parent bag and seal. You can take out as many as you
need at a time, reseal the bag, and return the rest to the
freezer. Be sure to label all packages with the contents
and the date, and plan to use within four months.
111l ^\1I1O
D Follow a tip your supermarket uses and handle ground
beef as little as possible, for the gentler your touch, the
juicier and tenderer the burger.
D Season each 1 pound of ground beef with 1 teaspoon
salt and '/,teaspoon pepper. Nothing more is really needed,
but for variety, you may want to add other seasonings,
as many of our recipes suggest.
D Use a mixing fork to blend in seasonings. Even an egg
will mix in quickly without beating frst.
D Making four or six patties Pat out seasoned meat
about 1 inch thick, cut into even mounds, and shape lightly
with your hands. For small appetites, or for children, you
may prefer to divide each mound again, then shape it into
a thinner patty.
IY I lII1 \1I1C
J\ 1l
D To pan-fry: Heat a heavy frying pan until sizzling hot.
[ A few drops of water sprinkled into the pan should bounce
about.) For plain burgers, there's no need to add any fat,
but you can sprinkle the pan lightly with salt, if you wish,
to prevent sticking. For burgers seasoned with extras such
. il E, <, - as egg, bread crumbs, or rolled oats, you may need to add
... ,
a little butter or margarine or salad oil. Lay patties in hot
- 1

pan and lower heat to medium. Cook l-inch-thick patties

8 minutes on each side for medium. For Y-inch-thick
patties, allow 4 minutes on each side for medium.
0 To broil: Remove broiler pan, then turn heat to BROIL.
Lay patties, without touching, on rack in pan, then slide
back into broiler about 4 inches from heat. Broil l-inch
thick patties 6 minutes on each side for medium. Since
thin patties-those Y inch thick-will cook through before
they brown on the outside, it is better, if your choice is
medium-rare, to pan-fry them.
0 Turn the meat just once, for flipping it over and over
tends to dry it. Juices oozing out around edges are your
clue for turning.
0 Undercook a hamburger if it has to stand. Each patty
has enough heat in it to continue some cooking, and you
can reheat it without overcooking.
Cooking patties while frozen is all right, but it takes
slightly longer and the meat is likely to turn out well-done.
As all recipes here are based on freshly ground beef, we
prefer to thaw the meat frst this way: Remove patties
from the freezer a day ahead and store in their sealed
wrapper in the refrigerator. If time is short and you must
cook them frozen, follow these tips:
0 To pan-fry: Brown each side quickly in a hot frying
pan, then lower heat and cook, turning two or three times,
until meat is done as you like it.
0 To broil: Set the broiler pan farther from the heat
than when cooking fresh patties and turn several times.
Croundbeef movea rlgbtlntotbe company spotwben
tumed lntoBurger-tomato Towers (recipe MM page 19 )O
Meat pattlea, tomatoes, andmuskroomsareallsklllet-
grllIed,tbenatacked to maketkislnvltlngplatter
And what homemaker isn't happy about that It's a buger
i-a-bun piled high with tri ings when hungry teens get
together. It's a quick "steak" meat when dinner must be
ready fast. It's hearty family fare when your budget's in a
squeeze, and an easy-to-dress-up star when company comes.
The recipes in this chapter provide dozens of ways to fix
sandwich patties-from those that are just plain good to
others fancied up with all kinds of extras. . . . Looking for
a dinner idea Stop here, too, for there are ever so many
suggestions for varying the. seasonng, shape, or toppig;
serving them stuffed or sauced, broiled or skillet-cooked, as
mnatues or juos.
Yes, the whole world loves a hambuger-just about any
tie, any way-and is it any wonder
Mcat gattcs. . .
thc guck
stcak`` mca
Makes 6 servlngs
1 puundsgruundbeeI
I egg
I cupsuItbreadcrumbs (2 sllces)
cup water
l teaspuundrymustard
1 teaspuunssalt
2 dlllylckles
1 tablespuunsaladull
1 cancundensedcreamoImuskruumsuup
_ cupdlll-plcklejulce
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
water, mustard, and salt until well-blended ;
divide into 12 equal portions.
2. Cut each dill pickle into 6 strips ; shape a portion
of meat around each strip to cover completely.
3. Pan-fry over medium heat in salad oil just until
brown; pour of all drippings. Blend mushroom
soup and pickle juice ; pour over rolls ; cover.
4. Simmer, basting several time, 20 minutes.
Makes 4 rgs
l puundgruundbe f
l teaspuundrymustard
2 tablespuunsnelyckuppedgreenpeyyer
cup mllk
1 tablespounbutterormargarlne
1 cancundensedcreamuImuskruumsoug
l. Mix ground beef lightly with mustard, salt, pep
per, green pepper, and milk; shape into 4 patties
about l inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
just until brown on both sides. Spoon soup over ;
stir lightly to blend with drippings, being careful
not to break patties ; cover.
3. Simmer, basting patties often, 10 to 15 minutes.
(Pictured at right)
Makes4 servlngs
I largeBermudaunlun
2 tablespuunsbutterurmargarlne
_ cup water
3 tablespuunsbruwnsugar

2 puunds gruundbI
2 teaspuunssalt
CmhClaze ( recpe follows)
1. Peel onion and cut crosswise into 4 thick slices.
Saute in butter or margarine until lightly
browned on bottom; turn carefully; add water
and brown sugar ; cover. Simmer 10 minutes, or
just until tender ; sprinkle with paprika. Keep hot
while fxing and cooking meat.
2. Mix ground bef lightly with salt ; shape into 4
large and 4 medium-size patties about 1 inch
3. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes ; turn ; cook
5 minutes longer. Spoon CHILI GLAZE over ; con
tinue coking, basting with glaze in pan, 3 min
utes longer for medium, or until meat is done as
you l ike it.
4. Put one each large and medium-size patty to
gether with a Bermuda-onion slice between, as
pictured, on a srving plate. Top with any re
maining sauce from pan.
CHILI GLAZE-Combine :z cup chili sauce with 1
cup water, l tablepoon corn syrup, and 1 table
spon Worcestershire sauce in a 2-cup measure.
Makes about 1 cup.
DinnerBeeIPatties (recipe at kjr} luukfancyIur
sulittleeEurt. Tumake,glazlargeandsmallburgers,
sandwick witk a paprikamniunslice, ad servewitk
a baked putatu,steamedbrucculi,and a pickled pepper
Mmes sergs
l enveloplnstantbefbrotk
OR: l beef-avorbouloncube
_ cupbolllngwater
2 poundsgroundbef
l tablespoonWorcestersklresauce
2 teasgonssoysauce
_ teasp nsalt
l. Dissolve instant beef broth or bouillon cube in
boiling water; stir lightly into ground beef with
Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and salt. Shape
into 6 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Sprinkle each side generously with pepper, press
ing it into meat lightly with hands.
3. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Makes servlngs
l poundsgroundbeef
l smallonlon,grated
l cupnelyckoppedpeeledcooked
2 tablespoonslvottledkamburgerrellsk
l egg
1 teaspoonssalt
3 tablespoonsbutterormargarlne
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, potatoes,
beets, relish, egg, evaporated milk, salt, and pep
per until well-blended ; shape into 6 paties about
1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
8 minutes on each side for medium, or until meat
is done as you like it.
uoK8aVCF tg:
When company's coming, dress up bur
ger plates these simple ways: Stufed
olives and pickled onions on wooden
picks, pepper relish in cucumber cups,
cherry tomatoes sauteed in butter
uuK8aVCr tg:
No pepper grinder? Crush peppercors
like this: Place them in a transparent
bag and pound with a rolling pin
just enough to crack the little balls
Makes servlngs
2 poundsgroundbeef
2 teaspoonssalt
l teaspoonmonosodlumglutamate (M5C)
2 cupspreparedlnstantmasked
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, MSG, and pep
per; shape into 12 patties about % inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 4 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Spoon potatoes onto 6 heated srving plates ; top
each with 2 meat patties put together, sandwich
style, with a dollup of catsup.
Makes 4 serlngs
1 poundsgroundbI
4 sllcescHspdlcedbacon
cup grated Ckeddarckeese
I teaspoonsalt
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with bacon, che, salt,
and pepper ; shape into 4 patties about 1 inch
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in bacon drippings 8
minutes on each side for medium, or until meat
is done as you like it.
akes 4 servings
cup grated Cheddar cheese
cup soft bread crumbs ( l slice)
2 talespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons milk
l pounds ground beef
I small onion, grated
2 teaspoons W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoons salt
l. Combine cheese, bread crumbs, parsley, and
milk; form lightly into 4 halls.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, Worcester
shire sauce, and salt; divide into quarters and
shape each around stufng ball, then fatten
lightly with palm of hand to make a patty about
1 inCh thick.
3. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
akes 4 servins
l pound ground beef
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon pepper
l small onion, grated
l tablespoon butter or margarine
Barbecue Sauce
cup catsup
cup water
cup chili sauce
l tablespoon brown sugar
l tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoon lemon juice
teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon salt
1. Make hamburgers: Mix ground beef lightly
with salt, chili powder, pepper, and onion. Shape
into 4 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
just until brown on both sides; remove; pour of
all drippings.
3. Make barbecue sauce: Combine all ingredients
in same frying pan; heat to boiling, then simmer
3 minutes to blend favors.
4. Return hamburgers to sauce; cover. Simmer 5 to
10 minutes.
akes 4 servings
3 medium-size onions, peeled and sliced
l large green pepper, halved, seeded,
and sliced
3 tablespoons salad oil
l pound ground beef
l teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l can ( 8 ounces) tomato sauce with
teaspoon thyme
1. Saute onions and gren pepper in salad oil just
until soft; remove.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with
teaspoon of the
salt and pepper; shape into 4 patties about 1 inch
3. Pan-fry over medium heat just until brown on
both sides; return onions and green pepper to
4. Pour tomato sauce over; stir in thyme and re
maining 1 teaspoon salt; cover.
5. Simmer, basting several times, 15 minutes.
akes 4 servings
l pounds ground beef
l egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
cup evaporated milk
2 tablespoons minced onion
l teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l tablespoon salad oil
l can condensed cream of chicken soup
cup apple juice
2 teaspoons {aprika
cup dairy sour cream
2 teaspoons four
1. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
evaporated milk, onion, salt, and pepper until
well-blended; shape into 8 paties about % inch
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in salad oil until
brown on both sideS; remove, then pour of al
drippings. Stir soup, apple juice, and paprika
into pan; return patties; cover.
3. Simmer, hasting often, 20 minutes. Mix sour
cream with four; stir in a few tablespoons of the
hot sauce, then blend all back into pan. Heat,
stirring constantly, 1 minute.
akes 4 servgs
l pound ground beef
l can (8 ounces ) tomato sauce
cup soft bread crumbs ( l slice)
l egg
l tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
l small onion, grated
teaspoon salt
l tablespoon butter or margarine
l envelope sour-cream sauce mix
l. Mix ground beef lightly with % cup of the tomato
sauce, bread crumbs, egg, W orcestershire sauce,
onion, and salt until well-blended; shape into 4
patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
just until brown on both sides.
3. Blend sour-cream sauce mix with milk, following
label directions; stir in remaining tomato sauce;
pour over patties; cover.
4. Simmer, basting several times, 25 minutes.
akes 6 servings
l pounds ground beef
2 eggs
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon onion salt
l teaspoon grated lemon rind
* cup nonfat dry milk powder
* cup water
* cup fne dry bread crumbs
l tablespoon butter or margarine
l envelope brown gravy mix
3 tablespoons lemon juice
* cup frmly packed brow sugar
_ teaspoon ginger
3 whole cloves
l. Mix ground beef lightly with eggs, plain and
onion salts, lemon rind, dry milk, water, and
bread crumbs until well-blended; shape into 6
patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
just until brown on both sides.
3. Prepare gravy mix, following label directions;
stir in lemon juice, brown sugar, and spices. Pour
over patties; cover.
4. Simmer, basting several times, 30 minutes. Re
move cloves before serving.
akes 4 servings
1 pounds ground beef
* cup quick-cooking rolled oats
cup evaporated milk
l teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons W orcestershire sauce
l teaspoon prepared mustard
medium-size green pepper, sliced
l can condensed onion soup
cup chili sauce
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with rolled oats, evapo
rated milk, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce
until well-blended; shape into 4 patties about 1
inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat just until brown on
both sides; spread each with mustard. Stir
green pepper, soup, and chili sauce; cover.
3. Simmer, basting patties often, 20 minutes.
HoI sandwiches.
all wa
always a hiI
akes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
l medium-size onion, grated
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon marjoram
% teaspoon pepper
8 slices toast, buttered
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
l tablespoon bottled steak sauce

l. Mix ground beef lighty with onion, salt, mar
joram, and pepper; spread evenly on toast slices
to edges.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 3 to 5 minutes, or until
meat is done as you like it. Heat butter or mar
arine with steak sauce until butter melts; spoon
over meat.
(Pictured H pge 12)
Makes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef
l teaspoon seasoned salt
2 large tomatoes
l ca (3 or 4 ounces) mushroom caps
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
3 split hamburger buns, toasted
I. Mix ground beef lightly with seasoned salt; shape
into 6 patties about l inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While meat cooks, remove stem ends from toma
toes; cut each tomato crosswise into 3 thick
slices. Drain mushrooms, saving liquid for next
step. Saute tomato slices and mushroom caps in
butter or margarine in a second large frying pan,
turning tomatoes once, just until heated through.
4. Place a meat patty on each bun half on a heated
serving platter. Heat liquid from mushrooms in
same frying pan; spoon over patties. Top each
with a tomato slice; garnish with mushrom caps
and parsley, if you wish. {Our picture shows
mushroom caps threaded on wooden picks, kebab
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
cup coarsely chopped pecans
l teaspoon salt
Dash of ground allspice
4 split hamburger buns, toasted and
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
4 thick slices tomato
4 small sweet pickles
1. Mix ground beef lightly with pecans, salt, and
allspice; shape into 4 pattes about l inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minute on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Sprinkle buttered rolls with parsley; place a meat
patty and tomato slice in each. Hold together with
a wooden pick topped with a picke.

Cooksaver tg:
Another idea: Omit tomato m sandwich;
top with a gay kebab of cherry tomatoes
Makes 4 srings
l pound ground beef
l small onion, grated
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon monosmlium glutamate (MSG)
% teaspoon pepper
4 split hamburger buns, buttered and
1. Mix ground bef lightly with seasonings; shape
into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each
side for medium, or broil, 4 inches from heat, 6
minutes on each side for medium, or until meat is
done as you like it.
3. Put together, sandwich style, with toasted buns.
Variations :
TIVOLI BURGERs-Prepare mixture for JUST-PLAIN
GOOD BURGERS; broil, following directions above.
Mix % cup mashed blue cheese, l tablespoon mayon
naise or salad dressing, and % teaspoon soy sauce;
spread on patties. Return to broiler until cheese is
bubbly. Serve, sandwich style, in toasted buns.
HERBED BuRGERS-Prepare mixture for JUST-PLIN
GOOD BURGERS, adding lh teaspoon mixed salad
herbs. Pan-fry or broil, following directions above.
Cream l tablespoon butter or margarine with l tea
spoon fnely cut chives; spread over hot patties.
Serve, sandwich style, in toasted buns.
CHILI-CHEESE BURGERsPrepare mixture for JUST
PLIN-GOOD BURGERS, adding l cup diced Muenster
cheese and % teaspoon chili powder. Pan-fry or
broil, following directions above. Serve, sandwich
style, in toasted buns.
Makes 6 servings
l pound ground beef
cup wheat-fakes cereal
I cup grat- sharp Cheddar cheese
(4 ounces)
cup chopped walnuts
teaspoon seasoned salt
cup water
12 slices rye bread, toasted and buttered
1. Mix ground bef lightly with wheat-fakes cereal,
cheese, walnuts, seasoned salt, and water; shape
into 6 patties about Yz inch thick.
2. Broil, 3 inches from heat, 4 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Put together, sandwich style, with toaste bread.
akes 6 servings
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon ppper
Bacon drippings
% cup bottled barbecue sauce
6 split frankfurter rolls, toasted and
I. Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper;
shape into 6 sausagelike rolls.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in bacon drippings,
turning often, 10 minutes; pour barbecue sauce
3. Simmer, hasting meat once or twice, 5 minutes,
or until lightly glazed.
4. Serve in toasted frankfurter rolls; spoon any re
maining sauce over.
akes 6 servings
1 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
6 tomato slices
3 slices bacon, halved
6 slices French bread
6 slices process American cheese, halved
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper;
shape into 6 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes; tur; broil
3 minutes. Top each with a tomato and bacon
slice; broil 3 minute longer for medium, or until
meat is done as you like it and bacon is crisp.
3. Place bread slices on broiler rack with patties;
toast; tur. Top each with 2 cheese triangles;
sprinkle with oregano. Toast just until cheese
melts slightly. Top each with a tomato-bacon
Cooksaver tg:
To chop pa1sley fast, place it
in a cup and snip away with scissors, or bunch a
(Pictured at right)
akes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons bottled steak sauce
2 packages (9 ounces each) frozen cut
green beans
1 can condense cream of mushroom soup
12 slices bacon (about pound)
6 split hamburger buns, buttered
3 slices mozzarella or pizza cheese, cut into
12 strips
1 can ( about 3 ounces) French-fried onion
l. Mix ground beef lightly with steak sauce; shape
into 6 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Cook green beans, following label directions;
drain. Stir in soup; heat, stirring carefully so as
not to break beans, just until bubbly.
3. While beans cook, place meat patties on one side
of rack in broiler pan and bacon on the other.
Broil, 4 inches from heat and without turning
bacon, 5 minutes, or just until bacon starts to
crisp; remove. Continue broiling patties 1 min
ute; turn; broil 5 minutes longer for medium, or
until meat is done as you like it.
4. Place each patt on a buttered hun half; arrange
cheese strips over each to form an X. Spoon hot
green-bean mixture onto remaining hun halves,
dividing evenly; crisscross bacon, uncrisped side
up, over top.
5. Broil 1 minute longer, or just until cheese melts
and bacon is crisp. Garnish meat patties with
French-fried onion rings. (To crisp, heat in shal
low pan in oven.)
handful of tufts on a board and use a French knife. Same
tricks work equally well with water cress or fresh herbs
Dig right in, for Hamburger Clubs (recipe a left)
includes everything to satisfy a hungy apptite.
One bun half holds a juicy cheeseburger and onions
and the other, saucy beans and crisp bacon slices
Dinner patties
each with a

company twist
Makes 4 servings
I pounds groud beef
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
cup dry mustard
cup milk
I teaspoons bottled steak sauce
I tablespoon chili sauce

1. Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper;
shape into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While meat cooks, blend mustard with milk to
make a paste; stir in steak and chili sauces. Cook,
stirring constantly, just until sauce thickens.
4. Serve sauce warm as a dip with meat. It's hot, so
dip sparingly.
Makes 4 srings
I pound ground beef
l teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons soy sauce
I teaspoon gated lemon rind
* teaspoon ground ginger
l tablespoon lemon juice
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt, l teaspoon of
the soy sauce, lemon rind, and ginger; shape into
4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Mix remaining 3 teaspoons soy sauce with lemon
juice; brush part over patties.
3. Broil, 4 inches from heat, basting with remaining
soy mixture, 6 minutes on each side for medium,
or until meat is done as you like it.
Makes 4 serngs
l pounds ground be f
I teaspoons salt
* teaspoon pepper
Instant mashed potatos
I egg
l can ( l pound) cling peach haves,
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
* cup pickle relish
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper;
shape into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Prepare 4 servings of instant mashed potatoes,
following label directions; heat in egg until wel
3. Spoon into 4 mounds in one end of a greased
shallow baking pan; place drained peach halves,
cut sides up, at other end. Brush all with melted
butter or margarine. Set aside for Step 5.
4. Broil patties, 4 inches from heat, 6 minute on
each side for medium, or until meat is done as you
like it.
5. Broil potatoes and peaches along with meat, 3 to
5 minutes, or until tips of potatoes turn golden.
6. Top each burger with a mashed-potato mound;
garish plate with a peach half flled with pickle
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
l tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pppe r
Cheddar Filling (recip follos)
Scotch Filling (recipe follows)
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with Worcestershire
sauce, salt, and pepper. Pat into a square, 8x8,
on a sheet of waxed paper; cut in half lengthwise,
then crosswise to make 4 even-size bloks.
2. Spoon your choice of flling, dividing evenly, on
each block; fold over, pressing edges together.
3. Broil, 4 inche from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
CHEDDAR FILLING: Mix l cup grated Cheddar cheese
( 4 ounces) with 1_ cup chili sauce.
ScoTCH FILLING: Mix V cup diced fresh tomato
with l tablespoon minced onion and V teaspoon salt.
Makes 4 servings
I pounds grouml beef
2 tablespoons fnely chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons fnely cut chives
2 tablespoons fnely chopped parsley
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
% teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons four
Salad oll
4 tblespoons ( stick) butter or
cup chili sauce
cup orange juice
l teaspoon sugar
I tablespoon lemon juice
I teaspoon prepared mustard
5 drops red-pepper seasoning
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with green pepper,
chives, parsley, salt, paprika, and pepper until
well-blended; shape into 4 patties about l inch
thick. Dust with four, then brush each with salad
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While meat cooks, melt butter or margarine in a
small saucepan ; stir in remaining ingredients;
heat just to boiling.
4. Place meat patties on a heated serving platter ;
pour hot sauce over.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I small onion, grated
_ cup crunchy-style peanut butter
teaspoon seasoned salt
teaspoon seasoned pepper
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, peanut but
ter, and seasoned salt and pepper until well
blended ; shape into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Serve with mashed sweet potatoes, buttered rice,
or paprika-topped hominy grits, and watermelon
pickle or sweet-pepper relish, if you wish.
Makes 4 servings
* cup milk
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon prepared mustard
: teaspoon ground sage
1. Stir milk into bread, then lightly mix in ground
beef, salt, pepper, mustard, and sage; shape into
4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Makes 4 servgs
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
4 thick slices tomato
2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese
1 . MiX ground beef lightly with salt and pepper ;
shape into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While meat cooks, top each tomato slice with blue
cheese. About 2 minutes before meat is done,
place a tomato slice on top of each patty to heat
and melt cheese.
Makes 4 servings
I pounds ground beef
3 tablespoons bottled barbeue sauce
I small onion, grated
I teaspoon salt
Seasoned hot mashed potatoes
4 tablespoons grated Cheddar cheese
l. Mix ground bef lightly with barbecue sauce,
onion, and salt ; shape into 4 patties aboWt l inch
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Top each patty with a mound of hot mashed pota
toes ; sprinkle cheese over. Broil l minute longer,
or j ust until chees starts to melt.
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
cup chopped pecans
l small onion, grated
l teaspoon salt
% teaspoon ground cloves
l jar ( about 5 ounces ) baby-pack strained
1 tablepon brow sugar
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
% teaspoon ground ginger
l. Mix ground beef lightly with pecans, onion, salt,
doves, and 3 tablespoons of the peaches. (Set
remaining aside for glaze. ) Shape meat into 4
patties about l inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes.
3. While meat cooks, season remaining peaches with
brown sugar, vinegar, and ginger. Brush on hot
patties ; turn ; brush again. Broil 6 minutes longer
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Makes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon celery salt
% teaspoon pepper
I egg
cup mixed vegetable juices
cup chopped stufed green olives
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
I tablespoon chopped onion
I package cheese sauce mix
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, celery salt,
pepper, egg, and mixed vegetable j uices until
well-blended ; shape into 12 patties about l) inch
2. Mix olives, parsley, and onion ; spread on 6 pat
ties, dividing evenly ; top with remaining patties,
pressing edges together.
3. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 4 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
While meat-cooks, prepare cheese sauce mix, fol
lowing label directions ; spoon over hot patties.
Cooksaver tip:
If you're broiling only one or two meat
patties, save dishwshing by using
a disposable foil pie plate or cake pan
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I large Bermuda onion, peeled
t I d 4 cup sa a oil
I pounds ground beef
I small onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
% cup soft bread crumbs ( I slices)
I egg
I teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
cup catsup
6 slices bacon, halved
l. Cut Bermuda onion into 6 slices; arrange in a
single layer in a shallow baking pan ; pour salad
oil over top. Bake in moderate oven ( 350") 20
2. While onion cooks, mix ground beef lightly with
chopped onion, parsley, bread crumbs, egg, salt,
and pepper until well-blended ; shape into 6 pat
ties about l inch thick.
3. Place one each on a baked onion slice ; spread
with catsup; top each with 2 half slices of bacon.
4. Bake 30 minutes longer, or until bacon is crisp
and meat is done as you like it.
Makes 4 servings
I small onion, chopped ( * cup)
l tablespoon salad oil
cup ready-mix bread stufng
3 tablespoons water
l pounds ground beef
I tablespoon bottled steak sauce
I teaspoon salt
I tablespoon crumbled blue cheese
l. Saute onion lightly in salad oil ; stir in bread
stufng and water ; remove from heat.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with steak sauce and
salt ; shape into 4 patties about l inch thick. Make
a slight hollow in top of each to hold stufng.
3. Broil, top side down, 5 to 6 inches from heat, 6
minutes ; turn. Fill centers with stufng mixture ;
top with blue cheese. Broil 6 minutes* longer for
medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
*If broiling closer to heat than 5 to 6 inches, add
stufng and cheese about 3 minutes before meat is
done to keep stufng from burning.
Makes 4 serings
I pounds ground beef
I teaspoons salt
% teaspoon monosodium glutamate (MSG)
cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons brow sugar
I tablespoon cider vnegar
I tablespoon prepared mustard
4 drops red-pepper seasoning
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt and MSG ;
shape into 4 "steaks" about 1 inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While "steaks" broil, mix chili sauce, brown
sugar, vinegar, mustard, and red-pepper season
ing; heat j ust until blended. Spoon sparingly over
meat, for this sauce is hot.
gecial hurger- .
lrom round
the world
Makes 4 servings
1 pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon basil
teaspoon oregano
% teaspoon pepper
cup tomato sauce (from an 8-ounce can)
2 slices mozzarella or pizza cheese, halved
4 split hard rolls, toasted and buttered

1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt, herbs, and

pepper ; shape into 4 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Panfry over medium heat 8 minutes ; turn ; cook
5 minutes. Top each with 1 tablespoon tomato
sauce and l slice cheese ; cook about 3 minutes
longer, or until cheese melts and meat is done as
you like it.
3. Put together, sandwich style, with buttered rolls.
Makes 4 servings
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons catsup
4 slices (half an 8-onnce package) process
sharp American cheese
4 slices tomato
4 slices Bermuda onion
4 split hamburger buns, toasted and
l . Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper ;
shape into 4 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Brush tops lightly with catsup ; cover with cheese
slices. ( Heat from meat will melt cheese slightly. )
3. Top each with a tomato and onion slice ; put to
gether, sandwich style, with buttered buns.
Makes 4 servings
I pounds ground beef
I teaspoon seasoned salt
I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
4 slices Bermuda onion
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
4 eggs
I large tomato, cut in 4 slices
2 split hamburger buns, toasted and
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with seasoned salt and
Worcestershire sauce ; shape into 4 patties about
1 inch thick.
2. Saute onion slices, turning once, in 2 tablespoons
of the butter or margarine, 4 minutes, or j ust
until lightly golden. Remove and keep warm.
3. Pan-fry patties over medium heat 8 minutes on
each side for medium, or until meat is done as
you like it.
4. While meat cooks, melt remaining 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine in a medium-size frying pan ;
break eggs into pan ; cover. Cook slowly 3 to 4
minutes, or j ust until yolks set. Cut around whites
to separate eggs neatly.
5. Place a tomato slice on each bun half ; top with
an onion slice, meat patty, and a fried egg.
Makes 6 servings
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon chili powder
% teaspoon pepper
I can ( about 8 ounces) baked beans
cup chopped stufed green olives
I cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces)
I can (8 ounces) tortillas
2 cups shredded lettuce
I. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, chili powder,
and pepper ; shape into a large patty. Brown 5
minutes on each side, then break up into chunks.
2. Stir in baked beans, mashing them slightly, then
olives. Cook, stirring often, 3 minutes, or j ust
until heated through. Stir in cheese ; keep hot.
3. Prepare tortillas, following label directions for
tacos. Place a spoonful of the hot beef mixture in
center of each ; top with some shredded lettuce,
then fold over.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
I can (8 ounces ) pineapple tidbits
I tablespoon prepared mustard
I teaspoon brown sugar
teaspoon ground ginger
4 fat com-meal cakes, toasted and buttered
Flaked coconut
l . Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper ;
shape into 4 patties about l inch thick.
2. Drain syrup from pineapple ; combine with mus
tard, brown sugar, and ginger.
3. Pan-fry patties over medium heat, brushing sev
eral times with sauce, 8 minutes ; tur. Brush
with more sauce ; cook 4 minutes longer. Stir in
pineapple and any remaining sauce ; cook 4 min
utes lon
er, or until meat is done as you l ike it.
4. Place a patty on each corn-meal ; top with
pineapple and sauce from pan ; sprinkle with
Cooksaver tg.
For a diferent Islands dress-up, top
burgers with chopped macadamia nuts
Makes 4 serngs
I pound ground beef
2 tablespoons drained chopped mushrooms
(from a 3- or 4ounce can)
I teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
I tablespoon soy sauce
4 split sesame-seed buns, toasted
l. Mix ground beef lightly with mushrooms, salt,
and pepper ; shape into 4 patties about l inch
thick. Brush both side with soy sauce.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
Put together, sandwich style, with toasted buns
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon sherry favoring or extract
teaspoon herb seasoning
% teaspoon pepper
8 slices French bread, toasted and buttered
8 radishes, grated
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, sherry favor
ing or extract, herb seasoning, and pepper ; shape
into 8 patties about % inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 4 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Top each slice of French bread with a patty;
sprinkle with grated radishes.
Makes 4 servings
I pounds ground beef
2 tablespoons brewed cofee
I teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons soy sauce
I tablespoon butter or margarine
4 poppy-seed rolls, split and buttered
l. Mix ground beef lightly with cofee and sal;
-:shape into 4 tatties about l inch thick; brush
with part of the soy sauce.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in butter or margarine
8 minutes ; turn. Brush again with more soy
sauce ; cook 8 minutes longer for medium, or
until meat i s done as you like it. Put together,
sandwich style, with rolls.
Makes 4 servngs
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
1, teaspoon caraway seeds
1; teaspoon pepper
cup well-drained sauerkraut (from an
about-I-pound can)
8 slices bacon
8 slices square pumpernickel bread,
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, caraway seeds,
and pepper; shape into 8 patties about 1 inch
2. Place 2 tablespoonfuls of sauerkraut on each of 4
pattie; top with remaining patties. Wrap 2 slices
bacon around each; fasten with moistened
wooden picks.
3. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minute on each side
for medium, or until bacon is crisp and meat is
done as you like it.
4. Put together, sandwich style, with pumpernickel
Makes 4 serings
I pound ground beef
l egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( l slice)
2 tablespoons milk
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon pepper
2 slices caraway cheese, halved
8 slices square rye bread, buttered
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
milk, salt, nutmeg, and pepper until well- blended;
shape into 4 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Lay cheese slices on top of patties. ( Heat from
meat will melt cheese slightly.) Put together,
sandwich style, with buttered bread. Serve with
pickled beets, if you wish.
Makes 4 serings
l pound ground beef
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon curr powder
teaspoon pepper
4 split hamburger buns, toasted and
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
Bottled chutney
2 tablespoons faked coconut
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, curry powder,
and pepper; shape into 4 patties about 1 inch
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Place a patty on the bottom half of each bun.
Arrange banana slices in a ring on top; spoon
chutney in the center; sprinkle coconut over all.
Top with remaining bun halves.
Makes 4 serings
l pound ground beef
I small onion, grated
cup chopped parsley
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground coriander
4 large sesame-seed wafers
cup cottage cheese or ricotta cheese
4 lemon wedges
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, parsley, salt,
and coriander; shape into 4 patties about 1 inch
2. Pan-fry over medium heat 8 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Place each patty on a sesame-seed wafer ; top
with cottage cheese or ricotta cheese. ( For an
authentic Greek touch, use sliced Feta cheese.)
Serve with lemon to squeeze over.
Devile Meat Loaf (recipe M pge 30) framed with
snowy caulifowerets ad sauteed cherry tomatoes
makes this colorful platter for a family meal. Loaf
owes its mellow favor to a surprise ingredient
^ O^
^d with good reason! They please beef- eating families, are
quick to put together, take easily to all sorts of platter dress
ups, hold well if dinner is delayed, slice neatly for serving hot
or turning into cold sandwiches, and-a big, big plus-are good
to you food budget.
In ths chapter we have included more than a recipes for
meat loaves, all with their own special seasoning and shaping
twists, and all starting "Tith either plain ground beef or a mix
ture of ground beef and pork or ground beef, pork,
Some are quickies for days when mealtime comes fast ; others
are stuffed and rolled, baked in layers, sauced simply, or served
with perky toppers. Whatever your choices may be, all of
them are wonderfu eating.
ix these eas
WM busy days
Bake at 37 5 for 50 minutes.
Make 6 servings
I tablespoon instant
inced onion
2 tablespoons lemon juice
I cups caraway-rye bread crumbs
(3 slices)
* cup milk
I pound ground beef
pound ground pork
I egg
cup chopped parsley
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l. Combine onion, lemon juice, bread crumbs, and
milk; let stand until milk is absorbed. Mix
lightly with ground beef and pork, egg, parsley,
salt, and pepper until well-blended; press into a
baking pan, 8x8x2.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 50 minutes, or
until brown.
3. Cut into oblongs ; remove with a wide spatula
or pancake turner.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
5 slices French bread, cut in cubes ( about
I cups)
I cup milk
2 pounds ground beef
cup chopped celery
cup grated pared raw carrot
I small onion, grated
I egg
I tablespoon prepared horseradish
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l. Combine bread cubes and milk; let stand 5 min
utes, or until milk is absorbed.
2. Mix lightly with ground beef, celery, carrot,
onion, egg, horseradish, sat, and pepper until
well-blended. Shape into a loaf in a shallow bak
ing pan; make deep cuts in top to mark into 8
even portions.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) I hour, or until
(Pictured H page 28}
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground bef
I can ( 4 ounces) deviled ham
* cup chopped parsley
cup fne dry bread crumbs
I egg
I small onion, grated
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons basil
teaspoon pepper
I cup tomato juice
l. Mix ground bef and deviled ham lightly with
remaining ingredient until well-blended; shape
into a loaf in a shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) I hour, or until
brown. To serve as pictured, place loaf on a serv
ing platter; frame with mounds of cooked cauli
fowerets and sauteed cherry-tomato halves, and
garnish with a kebab of two onion rings centered
with a whole cherry tomato and parsley.
Bake at 350 for I hour and I5 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
2 eggs
I cup quick-cooking rolled oats
I medium-size onion, grated
I cup canned applesauce
2 teaspoons salt
M teaspoon pepper
teaspoon crumbled leaf sage
I tablespoon bottled steak sauce
l. Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with eggs, rolled
oats, onion, applesauce, salt, pepper, and sage
until well-blended.
2. Pack frmly into a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; unmold into
a shallow baking pan. Score top in crisscross pat
tern ; brush with steak sauce.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour and 15
minutes, or until brown.
Variation :
SAGE LOAF, following directions above, then chilL ( A
day ahead is best. ) Cut lengthwise into 2 long
blocks, then crosswise into l2inch-thick slices ; wrap
each block tightly in foil to carry to your picnic spot.
Just before serving, spread split soft rolls generously
with bottled mustard-dressing sauce ; put together,
sandwich style, with sliced meat loaf. Each block
of meat loaf will cut into about 16 slices.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
l cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I egg
cup chili sauce
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 small bay leaves
l. Mix ground beef lightly with bread crumbs,
onion, egg, chili sauce, salt, and pepper until
2. Shape into a loaf in a shallow baking pan ; tuck
a bay leaf under each end of loaf.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
brown. Discard bay leaves before serving.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
I cup grated pared raw carrots
I cup grated pared raw potatoes
I small onion, grated
I can ( 3 or 4 ounces) chopped
cp fne dry bread crumbs
I teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
I cup (8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
l. Mix ground beef lightly with carrots, potatoes,
onion, mushrooms and liquid, bread crumbs, salt,
pepper, and sour cream until well-blended ; shape
into a round about 1 inch thick in a shallow bak
ing pan. Mark top into 6 wedges.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
brown. Cut at marks into wedges.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground beef,
pork, and veal )
% cup wheat germ (from a 12-ounce jar)
2 eggs
cup milk
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I can ( 3 or 4 ounces ) chopped mushrooms
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
I tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoons prepared horseradish
Quick Bordelaise Sauce (recipe follows)
l . Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with wheat germ,
eggs, milk, onion, mushrooms and liquid, and
seasonings until well-blended.
2. Pack into a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; unmold into a shal
low baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
brown. Slice and serve with QUICK BORDELISE
QUicK BoRDELISE SAUCE -Combine l can ( about
ll ounces) mushroom gravy, 1 can ( 3 or 4 ounce)
chopped mushrooms and liquid, 1 tablespoon grated
onion, 2 tablespons butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon
cider vinegar, and teaspoon thyme. Simmer about
15 minutes to blend favors. Stir in 1_ cup chopped
parsley. Makes about 2 cups.
(Pictured H pe 49)
Bake at 375 for I hour and I5 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground bf,
pork, and veal )
cup quick-cooking rolled oats
2 eggs
cup catsup
I tablespoon prepared horseradish
I teaspoon dry mustard
3 pona slt
% teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon bottled gravy coloring
8 small carrots, pared
8 small potatoes, pared
I6 small white onions, peeled
I package ( I 0 ounces) frozen peas
1 . Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with rolled oats,
eggs, catsup, horseradish, mustard, 2 teaspons
of the salt, and pepper until well- blended. Shape
into a loaf in a shallow baking pan ; brush with
gravy coloring.
2. Halve carrots lengthwise ; arrange with potatos
and onions around meat ; sprinkle with the re
maining l teaspoon salt. Cover pan with foil.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 40 minutes ; un
cover ; add peas. Cover again ; bake 30 minutes.
Uncover ; baste meat and vegetables with pan
j uices ; bake 5 minutes longer, or until vegetables
are tender.
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
% cup canned applesauce
6 tablespoons catsup
% teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground sage
l. Mix ground beef lightly with remammg in
gredients until well-blended ; shape into a 6-inch
square in a shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 50 minutes, or
until brown.
3. Cut into oblongs ; remove with wide spatula or
pancake turner. Garnish each with a spiced apple
ring ( from a 12-ounce j ar) , if you wish.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 to 8 servings
I large sweet red pepper
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
2 tablespoons shortening
I pounds ground beef
2 cups coarsely crumble saltines
04 pound)
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon celery salt
teaspoon pepper
2 eggs
I cup milk
pound Ched(lar cheese, cut in -inch
I tablespoon butter or margarine
l. Cut stem end from red pepper, then remove
seeds. Slice 8 thin rings from center and set
aside for topping ; chop remaining. (There
should he about :2 cup. )
2. Saute chopped pepper and onion in shortening
j ust until soft.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with saltines, salt, cel
ery salt, paprika, pepper, eggs, and milk until
well-blended ; stir in pepper-onion mixhue, then
fold in cheese cubes.
4. Pack lightly into a 6-cup oval or round baking
dish; unmold into a shallow baking pan ; score
top in crisscross pattern.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
6. Saute red-pepper rings in butter or margarine,
turning once, just until slightly wilted ; arrange
on top of loaf.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
I jar (8 ounces) junior apples and
Y cup catsup
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground sage
l. Mix ground beef lightly with remammg in
gredients until well-blended ; shape into a big
patty in a shallow baking pan ; score top i n criss
cross design with knife.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes, or
until brown.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes 6 srvings
I pounds ground beef
1 cup coarsely crushed shredded wheat
I small onion, chopped ( cup)
I cups milk
I egg
1 teaspoons salt
teaspoon ppper
% teaspoon poultry seasoning
l. Mix ground beef lightly with remaining ingredi
ents until well-blended ; shape into a loaf in a
shallo baking pane
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
Cooksaver tip:
It's a good idea to remove the hot
meat juices and drippings
from the baking pan before
unmolding meat loaf. A baster
does a fast neat job, or you can
use a small spoon. Make the drippings
into gravy or save to use as
a base for soup another day.
And for easier unmolding -
dishwashing, too -line
the bottom and ends
of the baking pan with a
strip of foil
Season these
loaves with U
savory bUMCt
(Pictured H pge 42)
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes IO to I2 servings
3 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground bef,
pork, and veal )
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4slices)
3 eggs
1 medium-size onion, grated
cup milk
cup prepared mustard
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon ground doves
cup frmly packed brown sugar
* cup cider vinegar
cup orange juice
cup molasses
Green Rice (recipe follows)
l . Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with bread crumbsg
eggs, onion, milk, mustard, salt, and cloves until
well-blended. Pack into an 8-cup ring mold ; un
mold into a shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes.
3. While ring bakesg combine brown sugar, vinegarg
orange juiLeg and molasses ; Look, stirring often,
1 0 minutes, or until slightly thick. Spoon part
over meat.
4. Continue baking, hasting often with remaining
glaze, 30 minutes longer, or until richly broned
5. To serve as pictMred, place loaf on a heated serv
ing platter ; spoon GREEN RICE in center. Garnish
with pitted ripe olives stufed with thin slices of
carrot and celery "plumes."
GREEN RI CE-Combine 1 cup uncooked Iiceg 2%
cups water, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, and
1 teaspoon salt in a 6-cup baking dish ; cover. Bake
along with meat ring in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1
hour, or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed.
Stir in li cup fnely chopped celery and : cup
chopped parsley. Makes 4 cups.
Bake at 375 for 1 hour.
Makes 16 servings
3 eggs
1 cup evaporated milk ( from a tall can)
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4 slices )
4 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
3 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
teaspoon ground allspice
lh teaspoon nutmeg
Y teaspoon thyme
teaspoon pepper
Parsley Sauce (recipe follows)
l . Beat eggs with evaporated milk ; stir in bread
crumbs ; let stand a few minutes. Mix lightly
with meat-loaf mixture, onion, and seasonings
until well- blended.
2. Press half into a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; unmold at one
end of a large shallow baking pan. Repeat with
remaining meat mixture.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) l hour, or until
richly browned. Lift out with 2 wide spatulas onto
a heated serving platter.
4. Spoon a ribbon of PARSLEY SAUCE down middle
of each ; serve remaining sauce separately.
PARSLEY SAUCE-Blend l envelope Strogonof-sauce
mix with l% cups water. Heat to boiling ; lower
heat and simmer lO minutes. Stir a few tablespoons
hot mixture into % cup dairy sour cream, then blend
back into remaining in pan ; heat just to boiling. Stir
in : cup chopped parsley. Makes 2 cups.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef
1 cup crushed corn fake
cup bottled hot-dog relish
1 small onion, grated
l can condensed cheese soup
cup milk
l. Mix ground beef lightly with corn fakes, hot-dog
relish, and onion.
2. Divide into 6 even-size portions ; shape each into
a small loaf ; place in a shallow baking dish.
3. Blend cheese soup with milk, then spoon over
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) , basting several
times with sauce in dish, l hour, or until browned.
Bake at 375 for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal )
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( Y cup)
1 cup grated pared raw carrots
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4 slices)
2 eggs
1 small can evaporated milk ( % cup)
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
% cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons corn syrup
1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons horseradish-mustard
l. Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with onion, car
rots, bread crumbs, eggs, evaporated milk, salt,
and pepper until well-blended.
2. Pack into a 5- cup ring mold ; unmold into a shal
low baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) l hour. Mix chili
sauce, corn syrup, W orcestershire sauce, and
horseradish-mustard ; spoon over ring. Bake 15
minutes longer, or until top i s glazed. Fill center
with fufy hot mashed potatoes, if you wish.
Cooksaver tg:
To give meat loaf a fancy shape, pack
mixture into a ring mold, then invert
into baking pan. When baked, fll center
of loaf with mashed potatoes or a
vegetable. No ring mold? Make your own
by molding loaf around a custar cup
Bake at 375 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I pound ground beef
pound pork sausage meat
I egg
I small onion, chopped ( * cup)
cup chopped celery
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
cup milk
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon poultry seasoning
I can ( 7 ounces) whole-fruit cranbrry
l. Mix ground beef and sausage meat lightly with
egg, onion, celery, bread crumbs, milk, and sea
sonings until well-blended.
2. Shape into a loaf in a shallow baking pan ; spoon
cranbrry sauce over.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 1 hour, or until
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
* teaspoon pepper
* teaspoon ground cloves
% cup cider vinegar
I carrot, pared and sliced
I medium-size onion, peeled and sliced
I stalk celery, sliced
I hay leaf
% cup water
2 tablespoons brown sugar
3 gingersnaps
1 cup hot water
I. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, pepper, cloves,
and % cup of the vinegar; shape into a big patty
in a frying pan.
2. Place carrot, onion, celery, and bay leaf around
meat. Mix water, remaining l2 cup vinegar, and
brown sugar ; pour over meat ; cover.
3. Simmer, basting often, 1 hour . . Remove meat to
a heated platter ; discard bay leaf.
4. Soften gingersnaps in hot water ; stir into drip
pings in pan. Heat, stirring constantly, just until
gravy thickens. Pour over meat or serve sepa
rately to spoon over.
(Pitured H pages 36-37}
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
I egg
I cup cooked rice ( * cup uncooked)
I small onion, chopped ( cup)
I small carrot, pared and grated
5 tablespoons chopped parsley
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
cup milk
2 tablespoons bottled steak sauce
I medium-size onion, peeled, sliced, an(l
separated into rings
I tablespoon butter or margarine
l . Mix ground beef lightly with egg, rice, chopped
onion, carrot, 4 tablespoons of the parsley, salt,
pepper, and milk until well-blended.
2. Pat into a bowl-shape loaf in a greased shallow
baking pan ; mark top deeply into quarters.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 4 minutes ; brush
with steak sauce. Bake 15 minutes longer, or until
richly browned.
4. While loaf bakes, saute onion rings in butter
or margarine just until soft ; sprinkle with re
maining 1 tablespoon parsley ; toss lightly to mix.
5. Spoon onions in a mound on top of loaf. Cut
loaf into quarters at marks, then slice.
Bake at 350 for I l hours.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
I cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces)
I egg
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4 slices)
I small onion, grated
I tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
I tablespoon prepared mustard
I teaspoon salt
I can (8 ounces ) tomato sauce
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with % cup of cheese,
egg, bread crumbs, onion, and seasonings until
well-blended. Shape into a loaf in a shallow bak
ing pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour. Pour of
3. Pour tomato sauce over loaf ; sprinkle with re
maining % cnp cheese. Bake 30 minutes longer.
Fr extra favor, extra moistess,
snow rice and shreds of golden
carrots go into this easy-fx
Beef-vegetable Loaf (recipe on
page 35 ). Go menu mates : Oven
steamed zucchini sticks, cor on
the cob, mufns, and rosy baked
apples to top wth cream
(Pictured H pge 42)
Bake at 350 for 1 hour aud 15 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
1 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground beef
and pork)
1 medium-size onion, chopped, ( cup)
cup soft bread crumbs ( 1 slice)
cup bottled dill-pickle juice
1 egg
1 teaspoons salt
* teaspoon peppr
cup chopped dill pickle
cup catsup
cup water
2 tablespons sugar
1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
L Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with onion, bread
crumbs, dill-pickle j uice, egg, salt, and pepper
until well-blended. Shape into a loaf in a shallow
baking pan.
2. Combine dill pickle, catsup, water, sugar, and
Worcestershire sauce ; pour over loaf.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) , basting twice
with sauce in pan, 40 minutes. Continue baking,
without basting, 35 minute longer, or until richly
glazed. To serve as pictured, place l oaf on a
heated serving platter ; garnish with a dill-pickle
fan and frame with buttered Brussels sprouts and
tiny whole carrots.
Bake at 350 for 1 hours.
Makes 6 servings
I * pounds ground beef
2 eggs
I cup ready-mix bread stufng
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( * cup)
I teaspoons salt
% teaspoon thyme
% teaspoon marjoram
1, cup chili sauce
I bay leaf
L Mix ground beef lightly with eggs, bread stufing,
tomato sauce, onion, salt, thyme, and marjoram
until well-blended.
2. Shape into a loaf in a shallow baking pan ; score
top. Spread with chili sauce ; lay bay leaf on top.
3. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) IY hours, or
until richly browned, Remove bay leaf.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 15 miutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground beef
and pork)
I egg
1 can condensed cream of celery soup
l cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
l medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
l teaspoon paprika
teaspoon basil
teaspoon ground sage
teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon pepper
cup chili sauce
* cup shredded process American cheese
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
L Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with egg, soup,
bread crumbs, onion, and seasonings until well
blended. Pack into a baking pan, 9x9x2.
2. Mix chili sauce, cheese, and mustard ; spread on
top of loaf.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; pour
of all drippings. Bake 30 minutes longer, or until
Bake at 37 5 for 45 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
1 medium-size onion, peeled and sliced
l pounds ground beef
teaspoon salt
teaspoon basil
teaspoon oregano
1 can condensed tomato soup
L Place half the onion slices in the botom of a
baking pan, 8x8x2 ; cover with ground beef,
breaking it up lightly with a fork, but do not pack
down. Sprinkle with salt, basil, and oregano; top
with remaining onion slice; pour tomato soup
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 45 minutes, or
until brown.
DouBLE CHEESE LoAF-Place onion and ground
beef in baking pan, following directions above ;
spoon I cup ( 8-ounce carton) cream-style cottage
cheese on top, then add seasonings and soup. Bake
as above 30 minutes. Sprinkle with 1 cup grated
Parmesan cheese ; bake 15 minutes longer.
Bake at 350 for l hour.
Makes 8 servings
I * pounds groud beef
% pound pork sausage meat
l cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices )
I cup catsup
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I egg
2 teaspoons W orcestershire sauce
I Y teaspoons salt
l tablespoon brown sugar
% teaspoon dry mustard
l. Mix ground beef and sausage meat lightly with
bread crumbs, l cup of the catsup, onion, egg,
Worcetershire sauce, and salt until well-blended ;
shape into a loaf in a shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; re
move from oven. Mix the remaining % cup
catsup, brown sugar, and mustard ; spread on top
of loaf.
3. Bake, basting once or twice, 15 minutes, or until
top is bubbly brown.
Shape miniatures
to step up
cooking time
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I Y pounds ground beef
l egg
Y cup bottled smoky-favor barbecue sauce
teaspoon salt
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, 6 tablespoons
of the barbecue sauce, and salt ; spoon into 6
large mufn-pan cups or 6-ounce custard cups.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) , brushing once
or twice with remaining 2 tablespoons barbecue
sauce, 4 minutes, or until tops are glazed.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4 slices)
I egg
I small onion, choppe<l ( % cup)
cup instant nonfat dry milk powder
I teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
cup water
Milk Gravy (recipe follows)
Hot mashed potatoes
l . Mix ground beef lightly with bread crumbs, egg,
onion, dry milk, salt, pepper, and water until
2. Spread in an even layer in a greased jelly-roll
pan, l5xl0xl, spreading to within l inch of
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes. Cut
into 8 serving-size pieces ; remove to a heated
platter ; keep warm while making MILK GRAVY.
4. To serve, put each 2 pieces of meat loaf to
gether with mashed potatoes between and on
top ; spoon hot gravy over all .
MILK GRAVY-Stir l cup hot water into drippings
in jelly-roll pan. Mix 3 tablespoons instant nonfat
dry milk powder, 2 tablespoons four, and l teaspoon
salt with % cup cold water until smooth in a small
saucepan ; stir in drippings mixture. Cook, stirring
constantly, until gravy thickens and boils l minute.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. Strain, if you
wish. Makes ll cups.
Makes 6 servings
l Y pounds ground beef
I small onion, grated
l Y teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
* cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
I teaspoon dry mustard
I tablespoon cider vinegar
2 drops red-pepper seasoning
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, salt, and
pepper ; shape into 6 small loaves about l%
inches thick ; place on rack in broiler pan.
2. Combine chili sauce with remaining ingredients.
3. Broil loaves, 4 inches from heat, 7 minutes ; trn.
Spoon sauce over tops ; broil 8 minutes longer,
or until glazed.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes serngs
1 pounds ground beef
1 cup grated American cheese ( 4 ounces)
% cup fnely crushed saltines (about 4
I small onion, grated
I can (about II ounces) mushroom gravy
1 teaspoon sat
teaspoon peppr
Seasoned hot mashed potatoes
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with cheese, saltines,
onion, lh cup of the mushroom gravy, salt, and
pepper until well-blended ; shape into 6 even-size
thick rounds. Place, without touching, in a shal
low baking pan.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes, or
until richly browned.
3. Heat remaining mushroom gravy to boiling.
Spoon mashed potatoes into mounds on serving
plates ; make a well in the center of each ; fll
with mushroom gravy. Top each with a meat
Makes serings
I envelope onion-soup mx
I cups water
2 pounds ground beef
Seasoned hot mashed potatoes
l. Stir soup mix into water in a 2-cup measure.
Measure out % cup and blend into ground beef.
2. Shape mixture into a thick 8-inch round in a
large frying pan ; cut into 6 wedges hut leave in
patty shape. Pour remaining soup mixture over ;
3. Cook over medium heat 25 minutes, or until
richly browned.
4. Spoon hot mashed potatoes into a mound on top
of meat ; dip gravy from bottom of pan and driz
zle over.
uuK8aVCF tg:
Dinnertime delayed? Wrap meat loaf m
its baking pan with foil and slide
back into the oven with the heat of.
It will wait
well for about an hour
Makes 4 serings
I can ( 3or 4 ounces) chopped
I pounds gound beef
I can condensed tomato-rice soup
cup fne dry bread crumbs
I egg
cup choppd green pepper
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon thyme
I tablespoon salad oil
1. Drain mushrooms, saving liquid for sauce-gravy
in Step 4.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with mushrooms, % can
of the soup, bread crumbs, egg, green pepper, and
seasonings until well-blended; shape into 4 small
3. Brown on all sides in salad oil ; cover. Cook over
low heat 20 minute; pour of drippings.
4. Mix remaining soup with mushroom liquid ; pour
over loaves.
5. Simmer, basting loaves several times, 15 minutes.
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Makes servings
2 pounds ground beef
I C (about I pound) tomatoes,
I cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
I egg
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons crumbled blue chees
1. Mix ground beef lightly with tomatoes (break
up with a fork, if needed) , bread crumbs, egg,
salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce until well
2. Shape into 6 individual loaves ; make a small
hollow in top of each.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minute; spoon
1 teaspoon blue cheese into hollow in each. Bake
10 minutes longer, or unti cheese is melty and
loaves are richly browned.
Bake at 350 for 35 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
l cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices)
l cup chopped walnuts
cup chili sauce
I teaspoon seasoned salt
cup milk
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with remaining ingredi
ents. Shape into 4 small loaves.
2. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 35 minutes, or
unti richly browned.
Cooksaver tip:
When making individual
loaves, try one of these
easy shaping tricks:
Pat meat mixture into mufn
pan cups ; brush each generously
with barbecue sauce
Divide meat mixture in portions ; shape
each into a log ; top with catsup
Mold meat mixture in a
custard cup, then tum out into
a shallow baking pan
Serve these
rolls for

Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
cup chopped dried apricots
cup water
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground
beef, pork, and veal)
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
I egg
cup dairy sour cream
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
2 cups ready-mix bread stufng (half an
8-ounce package)
cup chopped celery
. . t1blespons -ehutter or nargarne
Dash of cayenne
4 slices bacon
l. Simmer apricots in water l minute ; remove from
2. Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with parsley, egg,
sour cream, l teaspoon of the salt, and pepper
until well-blended ; pat into a rectangle, l6xl0,
on waxed paper or foil. ( For easy handling,
paper should he a few inches longer than meat
layer. )
3 . Stir bread stufng, celery, melted butter or mar
garine, remaining % teaspoon salt, and cayenne
into apricots. Spread evenly over meat to within
l inch of edges. Roll up, jelly-roll fashion, using
waxed paper or foil as a guide. Pinch together at
ends to seal.
4. Place roll, seam side down, in a greased large
shallow baking pan ; top with bacon slices.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
richly browned.
Just look at this inviting array o meat loaves, perfect for any
occasion. Lft to right : Perky Dil-sauced Meat Loaf (recipe
on page 38), double-good Piquant Ring with Green Rice (recipe on
page 33 ), ad colorful Beef-macaroni Loaf (recipe on page 48)
Bake at 375 for 1 hour.
Makes 8 servings
Raisin Filling (recipe follows)
OR: Cheese Filling (recipe follows)
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal )
1 egg
I small onion, chopped ( _ cup)
I teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon W orcestershire sauce
4 slices bacon, halved
l . Make your choice of RAISIN or CHEESE FILLING.
2. Mix meat-loaf mixture with egg, onion, and
seasonings. Pat into a thin rectangle, 16x10, on
waxed paper or foil. ( For easy handling, paper
should be a few inches longer than meat layer. )
3. Spread flling evenly over meat to within 1 inch
of edges ; roll up, j elly-roll fashion, using waxed
paper or foil as a guide.
4. Place, seam side down, in a greased large shallow
baking pan ; top with bacon.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 1 hour, or until
bacon is crisp.
RAISIN FILLING-Combine 4 cups small bread cubes
( about 8 slices ) , 1, cup seedless raisins, 1, cup
chopped celery, :Yz teaspoon poultry seasoning, 1
teaspoon salt, Y teaspoon pepper, and 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine. Pour Y: cup boiling water
over ; toss to mix well .
CHEESE FILLING-Pour 1 cup boiling water over
2 cups ready-mix bread stufng; toss to mix well.
Stir i n l cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces) , 1
egg, and 1 cup catsup.
Cooksaver tip:
Bake at 375 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
I package ( 10 ounces) frozen mixm
2 pounds ground beef
I egg
I tablespoon prepared mustard
2 teaspoons W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
I cup grated process American cheese
(4 ounces)
3 slices bacon, halved
1. Saute onion in butter or margarine just until
soft ; stir in frozen mixed vegetables. Heat over
low heat, breaking up vegetables with a fork;
cover, then cook 10 minutes, or until almost ten
der. Drain well ; cool while preparing meat.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, mustard,
W orcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper until well
blended ; pat into a rectangle, l6x10, on waxed
paper or foil. ( For easy handling, paper should
be a few inches longer than meat layer. )
3. Spread cooled vegetable mixture evenly over meat
to within 1 inch of edges ; sprinkle with cheese.
Roll up, j elly-roll fashion, using waxed paper or
foil as a guide. Pinch together at ends to seal .
4. Place roll, seam side down, in a greased large
shallow baking pan ; top with bacon slices.
5. Bake i n moderate oven ( 375 ) 1 hour, or until
richly browned.
A few slices of bacon arranged over meat loaf
will help to keep it moist during baking
and give it extra favor as well as a pretty
top. Another idea : Brush with barbecue sauce

Cooksaver tip:
When making a stufed rolled loaf, keep flling
in from the edges so it doesn't squeeze out
as meat is rolled. Paper serves as your rolling
guide, and if te meat should stick a bit,
just loosen it with a spatula as you go along
Bake at 475 for I5 minutes,
then at 32 5 for 45 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
I cup ready-mix bread stufng
I small onion, grated
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
I egg
2 cans ( about I I ounces each) mushroom
package piecrust mix
l. Mix meat-loa mixture lightly with bread stufng,
onion, salt, pepper, egg, and % cup of the mush
room gravy until well-blended. Shape into a roll
about 9 inches long.
2. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions.
Roll out on a lightly foured pastry cloth or board
to a rectangle, I2x9. Place meat loaf in center ;
fold pastry up over loaf ; seal edges, but leave
ends open. Place, seam side down, in an un
greased large shallow baking pan ; cut several
slits in top of pastry.
3. Bake in very hot oven (475 ) I5 minutes ; lower
heat to slow ( 325 ) . Bake 45 minutes longer, or
until pastry is golden:brown.
4. Heat remaining mushroom gravy to boiling ;
serve separately to spoon over loaf when sliced.
Bake at 375 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
I can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
I % cups soft bread crumbs (3 slices)
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
I egg
I small onion, chopped 0 4 cup)
% cup chopped celery
* cup chopped green pepper
I envelope French salad-dressing mix
I teaspoon prepared mustard
4 slices bacon, halved
l. Pour tomato sauce over bread crumbs ; let stand
a few minutes. Mix lightly with meat-loa mix
ture, egg, onion, celery, green pepper, salad
dressing mix, and mustard until well-blended.
2. Shape into a long roll in a shallow baking pan.
Lay bacon slices across top.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) I hour, or until
bacon is crisp.
Bake at 350 for 35 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I % pounds ground lean beef round
I jar ( about 5 ounces ) baby-pack strained
% cup tomato juice
* cup chopped parsley
I small onion, chopped ( * cup)
I teaspoons salt
% teaspoon Italian seasoning
teaspoon pepper
I. Mix ground beef lightly with carrots, tomato
juice, parsley, onion, and seasonings until well
2. Shape into 6 even-size rolls about I inch thick;
place on rack in broiler pan or set on a wire rack
in a shallow baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 35 minutes, or
until richly browned.
Bake at 400 for 30 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
2 cups biscuit mix
I teaspoon paprika
I cup (8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
I pound ground beef
I egg
I small onion, grated
* cup choppe parsley
I tablespoon horseradish-mustard
I teaspoon seasoned salt
* teaspoon seasoned pepper
I package frozen creamed mixed vegetables
I. Combine biscuit mix and paprika ; stir in sour
cream just until dough holds together. Knead
about 8 times on a lightly foured pastry cloth
or board ; pat into a thin rectangle, I4xi2, on
waxed paper or foil. ( For easy handling, paper
should be a few inche lo.nger than biscuit layer. )
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, onion, parsley,
and seasonings ; spread evenly over dough. Roll
up, j elly-roll fashion, using waxed paper or foil
as a guide.
3. Cut into 8 slices ; place, without touching, in an
ungreased large shallow baking pan.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 30 minutes, or until
rol ls are crusty- brown.
5. While rolls bake, heat creamed vegetables,
following label directions ; spon over hot meat
Make these
in layers
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I ponnds ground beef
I egg
2 tablespoons chili sauce
2 teaspoons salt
I teaspoon dry mustard
Dash of pepper
I small onion, chopped ( * cup)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
teaspoon lemon juice
I can ( 3 or 4 ounces) sliced mushrooms,
2 tablespoons choppd parsley
2 tablespoons chopped pimiento
* teaspoon thyme
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4 slices)
l. Grease a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; line bottom and ends
with double-thick strip of foil, leaving a l- inch
overhang ; grease foil.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, chili sauce,
11 teaspoons of the salt, mustard, and pepper
until well-blended.
3. Saute onion in butter or margarine just until
soft ; remove from heat. Stir i n lemon juice,
drained mushrooms, parsley, pimiento, remain
ing 1 teaspoon salt, and thyme. Pour over bread
crumbs ; toss lightly to mix.
4. Spoon half of the meat mixture in an even layer
in prepared pan; top with all of the stufng mix
ture ; pat remaining meat mixture over stufng
to cover completely.
5. Bake in moerate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
richly browned.
6. Cool loaf i n pan 5 minutes ; loosen from sides
with knife, then lift up ends of foil and set
loaf on a heated serving platter ; slide out foil.
Bake at 37 5 for 50 miutes.
Makes 6 serings
I can ( I2 onnces) Mexican-style whole
kernel com
I can ( about 2 onnce) chopped rip
olives, drained
cup fne dry bread crumbs
* teaspoon poultry seasoning
I pounds ground beef
I egg
cup catsup
I teaspoon prepared mustard
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l . Combine corn and liquid, olives, bread crumbs,
and poultry seasoning.
2. Mix ground bef lightly with egg, * cup of the
catsup, mustard, salt, and pepper. Pres haf into
a shallow 9-inch round baking dish; spread with
corn mixture, ten wth remaining meat mixture.
3. Mark top deeply into 6 wedges with a knife ;
spoon remaining * cup catsup along marks to
resemble spokes.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 50 minutes, or
until browned. Garnish with a "hub" of sliced
stufed olives, if you wish.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
I can ( about I ponnd) spaghetti i
tomato sauce
I egg
I teaspoon salt
* teaspoon oregano
teaspoon garlic powder
I small onion, peeled and sliced thin
4 slices (half an 8-onnce package) process
American cheese
l. Mix ground beef lightly with spaghetti, egg, salt,
oregano, and garlic powder until well-blended.
2. Press half into a baking pan, 8x8x2; top with
onion and cheee slices, then remaining meat
3. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) l hour, or until
browned . .
Bake at 375 for 50 minutes.
Makes 3 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal)
I small onion, grated
I cup soft whole-wheat bread crumbs
cup chopped celery
I tablespoon chopped parsley
I egg
cup apple juice
2 teaspoons salt
teaspon ground cloves
Snowcap Potatoes (recipe foUows)
l. Mix meat-loaf mixture lighty with onion, bread
crumbs, celery, parsley, egg, apple juice, salt, and
doves until well-blended.
2. Pat into a square pan, 8x8x2 ; unmold into a
shallow baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 30 minutes ;
spoon SNOWCAP POTATOES in small mounds on
top. Bake 20 minutes longer, or until brown.
SNOWCAP POTATOEs-Pare 4 large potatoes and cut
up; cook, covered, in a small amount of boiling
salted water 15 minutes, or until tender ; drain.
Mash, then heat in 4 tablespoons ( lh stick) butter
or margarine, I egg, 2 tablespoons milk, l teaspoon
salt and a dash of pepper until light and fufy.
Makes about 4 cups.
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 3 servings
2 pounds ground beef
I egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
* cup milk
I teaspoon salt
4 large onions, peeled and sliced thin
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
l tablespoon brown sugar
teaspoon cracked pepper
I. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
milk, and salt until well-blended.
2. Saute onions until soft in butter or margarine ;
stir in brown sugar.
3. Pat half of the meat mixture into a loaf pan,
9x5x3 ; top with all of the onion mixture, then
remaining meat mixture. Unmold i nto a shallow
baking pan ; sprinkle loaf with pepper.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
richly browned.
Cooksaver tip:
To line a loaf pan : Fold a double sheet
of foil to ft across bottom and up
ends of pan with an inch overhang. Flip
pan right side up and grease ; press
the strip inside and grease agam
Bake at 425 for 30 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
l pounds ground bf
I egg
I envelope onion-soup mix
I cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
cup milk ( for .eat .ixture)
2 _cups biscuit -ix
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
% cup milk ( for biscuit topping)
3 tblespoons salad oil
Vegetable Sauce (recipe folows)
I . Mix ground beef lightly with egg, onion-soup
mix, bread crumbs, and the
cup milk until
well-blended ; pack into a 9-inch layer-cake pan ;
unmold into a jelly-roll pan, l5xl0xl.
2. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 30 minutes, or until
richly browned.
3. While loaf bakes, combine biscuit mix and
parsley ; stir in the % cup milk and salad oil all
at once, stirring lightly with a fork just until
blended. Pat mixture on the hack of a greased
9-inch layer-cake pan.
4. Bake in same oven with meat 15 minutes, or until
5. Lift meat onto a heated serving plate and top
with biscuit ; cut into wedges. Serve with VEGE
VEGETABLE SAUCE-Heat l can condensed cream of
mushroom soup with % cup milk and a few drops
redpepper seasoning j ust until bubbly. Makes
about Ilh cups.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes 6 serings
1 pounds ground beef
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
* cup chili sauce
1 egg
1 teaspoons salt
Dash of pepper
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cups ready-mix bread stufng
* cup water
I. Grease a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; line bottom and ends
with a double-thick strip of foil, leaving a l- inch
overhang; grease foil.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with 1, cup of the onion,
chili sauce, egg, salt, and pepper until well
3. Saute remaining 1 cup onion and parsley in but
ter or margarine just until onion is soft ; stir in
bread stufng and water until well-blended.
( Stufng will be crumbly, but will absorb mois
ture from meat as loaf bakes . )
4. Pat half of the meat mixture i n an even layer .
in prepared pan ; top with all of the stufng mix
ture, then with remaining meat mixture.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
richly browned.
6. Cool loaf in pan 5 minutes ; loosen from sides
with knife, then lift up ends of foil and set loaf on
a heated serving platter ; slide out foil.
Cooksaver tip:
To have plenty for seconds when serving
a crowd, or an on-hand treat to slice
cold for sandwiches, mix a double batch
of meat loaf and bake as "twins. " Saves
time and dishwashing -and oven heat too
(Pictured H
ge 4)
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes 6 to 8 ser

Macaroni Layers
1 package ( 8 ounces) elbow macaroni
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
1 egg
2 cups milk
cup grated Parmesan cheese
Meat Layer
1 small onion, chopped ( * cup)
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 pounds ground beef
1 egg
1 can condensed tomato soup
1 teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
* teaspoon basil
1 . Grease a loaf pan, 9x5x3 ; line bottom and ends
with a double-thick strip of foil, leaving a l-inch
overhang ; grease foil.
2. Make macaroni layers : Cook macaroni, foll owing
label directions ; drain ; return to kettle. Stir in
butter or margarine ; sprinkle four, salt, and pep
per over ; toss to mix well.
3. Beat egg ; stir in milk; pour over macaroni mix
ture. Cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat,
until thickened; remove from heat. Stir in Par
mesan cheese.
4. Make meat layer : Saute onion in butter or mar
garine until soft ; add ground be and brown,
breaking meat up with a fork as it cooks.
5. Beat egg ; stir in l can of the tomato soup, salt,
and pepper ; stir into cooked meat mixture.
6. Spoon half of the macaroni mixture in an even
layer in prepared pan; top with all of the meat
mixture, then remaining macaroni mixture.
7. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
frm and brown on top.
8. Make sauce : While loaf bakes, heat tomato sauce
with remaining l can of tomato soup, sugar,
and basil to boiling; simmer 2 to 3 minute to
blend favors.
9. Cool loaf in pan 10 minutes ; loosen from sides
with knife, then lift up ends of foil and set loaf
on a heated serving platter ; slide out foil. Frame
platter and top loaf with steamed green and red
pepper rings, if you wish. Slice loaf ; serve sauce
separately to spoon over.
Bound to be a hit with meat-and-potato fans is this
hearty, diferent Mock Pot Roast with Vegetables
(recipe MM pge 32 ). Zippy-seasone meat loaf, plus
ptatos, onions, carrots, and peas cook together,
are ready for the table i just abut an hou
Your hands and a few everyday kitchen
tools are the only helpers you need
Chunky oblong
Pretty to look at and so easy to do. Just
place the meat in a large shallow
pan and pat it into a neat thick rounded
loaf. Dress top with deep crisscross
marks made with a knife or spatula
Jumbo roll

For this trim loaf, use a long baking pa

shape the meat into a big "log. " If
\' .
meat is very lean, top with halved
slices of bacon for extra moistness
and favor, then slice between bacon pieces
so each serving has a bonus crisp topping
Casserole easy
Most-popular loaf
A jify -that's all thi s shaping trick takes.
Press meat into a bread pan, then invert
into a shallow pan for baking. Want to go simpler
still ? Bake the loaf right in the pan
A shallow baking dish -round, square, or oblong -
makes an ideal mold for meat loaf, and most
are attractive enough to carry right to the
table for serving. For a subtle favor
touch, top loaf with a bay leaf before baking
Easy-as-pie whirligig
Bowl-'em-over round
Here's another molding trick with a
casserole, or you can use a regular mixing
bowl. Place the meat in the bowl and
turn it upside down into a pan ; lift of
bowl. Serving tip: Divide the loaf
into quarters and slice each quarter
A pie plate is the baker for this inviting
loaf. After pressing meat into the
plate, mark it into wedges and
outline each with a ribbon of catsup.
Cut between marks after baking; lift
out each saucetopped wedge with a spatula
Bake at 350 for I hour.
Makes 6 servings
I % pounds ground beef
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I clove garlic, minced
I teaspoon chili powder
% teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons salad oil
cup four
I cup water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Onion Pastry (recipe follows)
% cup sliced stufed green olives
cup seedless raisins
2 tablepoons chili sauce
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, garlic, chili
powder, salt, and pepper. Shape into a large
patty ; brown in salad oil in a large frying pan 5
minutes on each side, then break up into chunks.
2. Sprinkle with four, then stir in with water and
lemon juice. Cook, stirring constantly, until mix
ture thickens and boils l minute; remove from
3. Make ONION PASTRY. Roll out to a rectangle,
l6xl4, on a cooky sheet. { To prevent slipping, set
coky sheet on a damp towel . )
4. Spread half of the meat mixture evenly down
middle of pastry, leaving a border of 4 inches on
sides and 2 inches at ends. Mix olives, raisins,
and chili sauce ; spread over meat layer ; top with
remaining meat mixture. Fold ends of pastry over
flling, then fold up sides and overlap to cover
flling. Press all edge together to seal ; cut several
slits in top to let steam escape.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
pastry is golden-brown and flling bubbles up
through slits in pastry.
6. Cut loaf into 2-inch-thick slices. Serve plain or
with canned mushroom gravy, if you wish.
ONION PASTRY-Combine 2 cups sifted regular four,
l tablespoon instant minced onion, and l teaspoon
salt in a medium-size bowl ; cut in % cup shortening
with a pastry blender until mixture is crumbly.
Sprinke 4 to 5 tablespoons told water over, l table
spoon at a time ; mix lightly with a fork until pastry
holds together and leaves side of bowl clean.
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I cup chopped celery
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground bef,
pork, and veal )
2 cups cooked rice
I % teaspoons salt
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
2 eggs
* cup milk
% cup grated white American cheese
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons toasted slivered almonds
l. Saute onion and celery in butter or margarine
until soft. Combine half with meat-loaf mixture
and remaining with cooked rice.
2. Mix meat-loaf-nion mixture lightly with salt,
W orcestershire sauce, l of the eggs, and milk
until well -blended; pat into a square pan, 8x8x2 ;
unmold into a shallow baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes.
4. Mix rice-onion mixture with chees, parsley, and
remaining egg until well-blended ; spread over
meat loaf ; sprinkle with almonds.
5. Bake 20 minutes longer, or until rice is set.
Bake at 350 for I hour and I5 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
I % cups coarse Italian-bread crumbs
I small can evaporated milk ( % cup)
2 pounds ground beef
I can ( 8 ounces) spaghetti sauce wth
I tablespoon chopped parsley
I % teaspoons salt
I teaspoon oregano
3 sweet Italian sausages (about pound)
l . Combine bread crumbs and evaporated milk; let
stand about 5 minutes. Mix lightly with ground
beef, l cup of the spaghetti sauce, parsley, and
seasonings until well-blended. Pat half into a loaf
pan, 9x5x3.
2. Squeze sausage meat from casings ; pat over
meat mixture in pan ; top with remaining meat
mixture. Unmold into a shallow baking pan ;
spread with remaining spaghetti sauce.
3. Bake in moderate oven {350 ) l hour and 15
minutes, or until richly browned.
Bake at 350 for l hour.
Makes 8 serings
l pounds ground beef
pound ground pork
2 eggs
2 teaspoons salt
l teaspoon mixed salad herbs
* teaspoon pepper
l package (8 ounces ) mozzarella cheese,
l red onion, peeled and sliced
OR: l Bermuda onion, peeled and sliced
cup bottled barbecue sauce
l . Mix ground beef and pork lightly with eggs, salt,
salad herbs, and pepper until well-blended.
2. Shape half into a 9-inch round in a l arge shallow
baking pan ; top with layers of cheese and onion
slices, then remaining meat mixture.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; brush
with barbecue sauce.
4. Bake 15 minutes longer, or until richly glazed.
Cut into wedges.
Bake at 375 for l hour.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal )
l cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices)
l egg
cup apple cider
2 teaspoons salt
l teaspoon fnes herbes
teaspoon pepper
l package (8 ounces) sliced Muenster
cheese, cut in strips
2 tablespoons apple jelly
L Mix meat-loaf mixture, bread crumbs, egg, cider,
salt, herbes, and pepper until well- blended.
2. Shape half into a 9-inch square in a shallow bak
ing pan ; top with a layer of cheese strips, then
remaining meat mixture.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 45 minutes ;
spread apple jelly over top.
4. Bake 15 minutes longer, or until richly glazed.
Cut into squares or oblongs.
Bake at 375 for l hour.
Makes 8 servings
Pineapple Layer
l medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons salad oil
l can ( about 9 ounces ) crushed pineapple
l tablespoon bottled steak sauce
2 teaspoons soy sauce
teaspoon ground ginger
l clove garlic, peeled
2 teaspoons cornstarch
Meat Layers
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal)
l egg
cup coarse unsalted cracker crumbs
cup catsup
cup water
cup fnely chopped parsley
l teaspoons salt
1 . Make pineapple layer : Saute onion in salad oil
until soft in a medium-size frying pan ; stir in
pineapple and syrup, steak and soy sauces, ginger,
and whole clove of garlic.
2. Smooth cornstarch to a paste with a little water ;
stir into pineapple mixture. Cook, stirring con
stantly, until sauce thickens and boils 3 minutes ;
remove garlic.
3. Make meat layers : Mix meat-loaf mixture l ightly
with remaining ingredients until well-blended.
4. Pat half into a loaf pan, 9x5x3, lined with foil,
following directions on page 4 7 ; top with all of
the pineapple mixture, then remaining meat mix
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 1 hour, or until
6. Cool loaf in pan 5 minutes ; loosen from sides
with knife, then lift up ends of foil and set l oaf
on a heated serving platter ; slide out foiL
DIXIE MEAT LOAF-Make peach layer : Drain syrup
from 1 can (8 ounce) cling peach slices into a
small saucepan; chop peach slices coarsely. Sti

teaspoon cinnamon, Y teaspon ground allspice, and
2 tablespoons cider vinegar into syrup ; cook until
syIup is slightly thickened. Smooth l tablespoon
cornstarch to a paste with a little water ; stir into hot
syrup ; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thick
ens and boils 3 minutes ; stir in peaches. Make meat
layers, following recipe above ; put together with
peach flling and bake, following Steps 4 and 5 above.
Tis hearty Spaghetti Bowl (recp on page 56) with
mildly ssone meat balls poached in a quick-mix
W4 m~only a half hou from frying pan to table
^ ^
Popular spaghetti with meat balls, dainty Swedish meat
balls, hearty soup with meat balls, company-good meat
balls-whatever you menu need, you' ll fnd plenty of
choices here.
In making meat balls, handle the meat mixture with a
light touch and you' ll be rewarded with the tenderest,
juciest morsels. Pan-fry, bake, or poach them-they're
that adaptable. Serve them with noodles, rice, potatoes,
or vegetables-they go with all. Make them into a quick
family dish or a guest-night treat-they're perfect any
time. And Ilyou're giving a party, there's a whole section
on appetizer meat balls in Chapter .
Yes, for plain or fancy eating, we vote meat balls tops
and hope you do too.
o-good mcat
ball- lor
lamily meal-
Makes 4 servings
3 slices bacon
l pound ground beef
2 tablespoons minced green pepper
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
l medium-size onion, peeled and sliced
l can ( about l pound) red kidney beans
l can condensed tomato soup
l soup-can water
% cup catsup
2 teaspoons chili powder
% cup uncooked elbow macaroni
l. Saute bacon until crisp in a large frying pan ; re
move and drain on paper toweling, then crumble.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with crumbled baco,
green pepper, salt, and pepper until well-blended ;
shape into 16 balls.
3. Brown with onion in drippings in same pan. Stir
in kidney beans and liquid, soup, water, catsup,
chili powder, and macaroni ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring often, 25 minutes, or until
macaroni is tender.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
2 cups ( half an 8-ounce package) noodles
l can ( about l pound) sauerkraut, drained
l pound ground beef
l egg
cup soft caraway-rye bread crumbs
* cup milk
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
l tablespoon butter or margarine
l can ( about l pound) stewed tomatoes
l . Cook noodles and drain, following label direc
tions ; stir in drained sauerkraut.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
milk, salt, and pepper until well-blended ; shape
into 24 balls. Brown in butter or margarine in
a large frying pan ; stir in tomatoes.
3. Spoon half of the noodle-sauerkraut mixture into
an 8-cup baking dish ; top with half of the meat
ball mixture ; repeat layers ; cover.
4. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) 45 minutes, or
until bubbly hot in center.
(Pictured H page 54)
Makes 4 servings
l package ( l pound) spaghetti
2 envelopes spaghetti-sauce mix
2 cans (8 ounces each) tomato sauce
3 cups water
* cup salad oil
l pound gound beef
l small onion, grated
* cup chopped parsley
l egg
cup ready-mix bread stufng
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon marjoram
Grated Parmesan cheese
l. Cook spaghetti, following label di rections ; drain.
2. Combine spaghetti-sauce mix, tomato sauce,
water, and salad oil in a large frying pan ; simmer
. 15 minutes to blend favors.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, parsley, egg,
bread stufng, salt, and marjoram until well
blended ; shape into 24 balls. Place in hot sauce.
4. Simmer 10 minutes, or until cooked through.
5. Layer cooked spaghetti and meat balls and sauce
onto a deep serving platter ; serve with Parmesan
cheese to sprinkle over.
Makes 4 servings
l pou
d goud beef
l cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
l egg
1, cup milk
I teaspoon salt
I tablespoon salad oil
I can ( 12 ounces) mixed vegetable juices
teaspoon sugar
% teaspoon pepper
5 whole allspice
l bay leaf
12 small carrots, pared
l package (9 ounces) frozen French-style
green beans
I. Mix ground beef lightly with bread crumbs, egg,
milk, and 1 teaspoon of the salt until well
blended ; shape into 12 balls.
2. Brown in salad oil in a large frying pan ; drain
of all drippings.
3. Stir in mixed vegetable juices, remaining Y tea
spoon salt, sugar, pepper, allspice, and bay lea.
Push meat balls to one side of pan ; place carrots
alongside meat ; cover. Simmer 30 minutes.
4. Place frozen green beans in a third pile in pan ;
cook 15 minutes longer, or just until beans are
tender. Remove allspice and bay leaf.
5. Serve with hot mashed potatoes, if you wish.



Cooksaver tip:

Meat balls will be even size if you pat
meat into a rectangle about an inch
thick, then divide it : First in half,
then quarters, eighths, and sixteenths,
depending on what size ball you want
Makes 6 servings
4 slices bacon
l pound ground beef
l egg
2 tablespoons water
cup soft whole-wheat bread crumb
teaspoon salt
% teaspoon thyme
l can condensed minestrone soup
I can condensed tomato soup
2 soup-cans water
1 . Saute bacon until crisp in a l arge saucepan ; re
move and drain on paper toweling; crumble and
set aside for garnish. Pour of all drippings, then
measure 1 tablespoonful and return to pan.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, water, bread
crumbs, and seasonings until well-blended; shape
into 48 balls.
3. Brown, hal at a time, in drippings in pan ; pour
of any remaining drippings. Return all meat
balls to pan ; stir in soups and water ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring several times, 20 minutes to
blend favors. Ladle into soup bowls ; sprinkle
with crumbled bacon.
Makes 8 servings
I pound ground beef
I pound ground pork
l egg
cup milk
% cup uncooked rice
l small onion, chopped ( * cup)
* cup chopped parsley
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
I can ( about l pound) tomatoes
I can condensed tomato soup
2 soup-cans water
1 . Mix ground bee and pork lightly with egg, milk,
rice, onion, parsley, 1 teaspoon of the chili pow
der, and salt ; shape into 24 balls.
2. Brown, hal at a time, in butter or margarine in
a kettle or Dutch oven ; remove with a slotted
spoon and set aside. Pour of all drippings.
3. Combine tomatoes, soup, water, and remaining
1 teaspoon chili powder in same kettle ; heat to
boiling. Place meat balls i n sauce ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring several times, 1 hour, or until
rice is pufed out around meat balls and is tender.
l puunds gruundbeeI
2 cupsmasbedpeeledcuukedputatues
l smallunlun,grated
cup chupped p~ledcuukedbeets
2 tablespuunschuppeddlllplckle
2 eggs
2 teaspuunssalt
4 tablespuuns ( stlck) butterur
3 tablespuuns duur
l cupswater
l. Mix ground beef lightly with mashed potatoes,
onion, beets, dill pickle, eggs, cream, 1 teaspoon
of the salt, and pepper until well-blended ; shape
into 36 balls, then fatten each slightly.
2. Brown, a few at a time, in butter or margarine in
a large frying pan, adding butter or margarine
as needed. Remove with a slotted spoon and set
3. Blend four and remaining 1 teaspoon salt into
drippings in pan ; stir in water. Cook, stirring
constantly, until the gravy thickens and boils 1
4. Place meat balls in gravy ; heat just until bubbly.
l puundgruundbeeI
l teaspuonsult
cups water
l ublespuonbuttledsteuksauce
2 tml~pmnsbutterurmurgurme
l envelupeonlon-suupml
l cupcbopp~celery
l currut,gur~andgrat~
l. Mix ground beef lightly with parsley, salt, % cup
of the water, and steak sauce; shape into 36 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in butter or margarine in
a large saucepan ; remove with a slotted spoon
and set aside. Pour of all drippings.
3. Heat remaining 6 cups water to boiling in same
pan ; stir in soup mix, celery, and rice ; cover.
4. Simmer 15 minutes ; stir in carrot and meat balls.
Cook 5 minutes longer, or until rice is tender.
5. Ladle into soup bowls ; garnish with chopped
parsley, if you wish.
l egg
cup watm
l envelugunlon-soupm
l puundsgruundb~I
l C ( 4 uunces) tumutujulce
l teaspounsugur
l. Beat egg slightly with water and 2 tablespoons of
the soup mix. Mix lightly with ground beef and
% cup of the rice ; shape into 12 balls. Roll in
remaining % cup rice, pressing it lightly into
2. Heat tomato juice to boiling; stir in remaining
onion-soup mix and sugar. Place meat balls in
sauce ; cover.
3. Simmer, strring several times, 50 minutes, or
until rice pufs out around meat and is tender.
Bakeat375 Iur30 mlnutes.
Makes4 servlngs
2 cupssllcedparedrawpututues
l cupsllcedparedrawcarruts
l medlum-slzeunlun,geeledandsliced
2 teaspuunssalt
l puundgroundbeeI
l egg
_ cupnedrybreadcrumbs
_ cup mllk
2 tablespuunsbutterurmurgarlne
l C cundensed cream uI mushruum suup
l cup (muncecartun) dalrysuurcream
l. Parboil potatoes with carrots, onion, and 1 tea
spoon of the salt in a small amount of boiling
water 5 minutes ; drain.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
milk, thyme, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt until
well-blended ; shape into 16 balls.
3. Brown in butter or margarine in a large frying
pan ; remove with a slotte spoon and set aside.
Pour of all drippings.
4. Str soup, sour cream, and paprika into frying
pan ; heat, stirring constantly, just until hot.
5. Layer half each of the cooked vegetables, meat
balls, and soup mixture into an 8-cup baking
dish ; repeat layers ; cover.
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 30 minutes, or
until bubbly hot in center.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I egg
% cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
I tablespoon chopped parsley
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons salad oil
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I clove garlic, minced
I small eggplant, pared and diced ( 4 cups)
I can ( about I pound) tomatoes
I teaspoon sugar
I teaspoon cumin seeds
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
parsley, and 1 teaspoon of the salt until well
blended; shape into 24 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil in a large fry
ing pan ; remove with a slotted spoon and set
3. Stir onion and garlic into drippings in pan ;
saute j ust until soft ; add eggplant and meat balls.
4. Mix tomatoes with remaining 1 teaspoon salt,
sugar, and cumin seeds ; pour over meat balls and
eggplant ; cover.
5. Simmer, stirring several times, 30 minutes, or
until eggplant is tender.
Cooksaver tip:
Rice is simple to cook right
Makes 6 servings
I % pounds ground beef
2 eggs
I % teaspoons salt
* teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons salad oil
3 medium-size onions, peeled and sliced
2 cups thinly sliced celery
I can condensed beef broth
I teaspoon sugar
I can ( I pound) bean sprouts, drained
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons soy sauce
I tablespoon water
Hot cooked rice
I can ( 3 ounces) Chinese fried noodles
l . Mix ground beef lightly with eggs, salt, and pep
per until welT-blended ; shape into 36 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil in a kettle or
Dutch oven ; remove with a slotted spoon and set
3. Stir onions and celery into drippings in kettle ;
cook, stirring constantly, just until soft, then
stir in beef broth, sugar, bean sprouts, and meat
balls ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring several times, 15 minutes to
blend favors.
5. Blend cornstarch with soy sauce and water ; stir
into meat-ball mixture. Cook, stirring constantly,
until mixture thickens and boils 3 minutes.
6. Serve with hot cooked rice, Chinese fried noodles,
and more soy sauce, if you wish.
Follow label directions, or steam or bake it these no-watch ways
and it will come out plump, tender, and fufy every time.
The two easy secrets : Accurate measuring and a snug cover for
your cooking pot. To make four cups cooked rice, you'll need:
2% cups water
I tablespoon butter or margarine
I teaspoon salt .
I cup uncooked long-grain or
processed white rice
To steam: Measure the 2% cups water, butter or
margarine, and salt into the top of a double boiler ;
heat to boiling over direct heat ; stir in rice ; cover.
Place top of double boiler oer bottom half flled
with boiling water ; turn heat to medium. Cook 45
minutes, or until water is absorbed completely and
rice is fufy-dry and tender. Toss lightly with a fork
to fuf up, season as you wish, and serve.
To bake: Combine rice, salt, and butter or margarine
in a 6-cup baking dish. Heat the 2 cups water to
boiling and pour over ; stir well ; cover. Bake in
moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until water is
absorbed and rice is tender. Fluf up with a fork,
season as you
wish, and serve.
Versatile meat bm go really grand as company choices. Lft to
right: Easy-n-the hostess Scadinava Ragout (recipe MM
page 62), little cream-toppe Saucy Dm Meat Balls (recipe MM
page 6 )g and Oriental-inspire Pacifc Potluck (recipe MM pge 63)
meat halls for
comgany nights
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground ginger
I egg
I teaspoon water
cup four
3 tablespoons salad oil
I can (about I4 ounces) pineapple chunks
cup frmly packe brown sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
cup cider vinegar
I tablespoon soy sauce
2 green peppers, halved, seeded, and cut
in strips
Hot cooked noodles
l. Mix g

ound beef lightly with salt and ginger ;

shape mto 16 halls. Beat egg slightly with water ;
dip halls into egg mixture, then into four to coat
2. Brown in salad oil in a large frying pan; remove
with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3. Drain syrup from pineapple into a 1-cup meas
ure ; add water to make 1 cup; stir into drippings
in pan. Mix brown sugar with cornstarch, vine
gar, and soy sauce ; sti r into pineapple-j uice
mixture ; cook, stirring constantly, until sauce
thickens and boils 3 minutes.
4. Arrange meat halls, pineapple chunks, and pep
per strips in separate piles in pan ; sti r each gently
to coat with sauce ; cover. Simmer 10 minutes, or
until meat halls are cooked through.
5. Serve with hot cooked noodles ; garnish with
chopped macadamia nuts, if you wish.
(Pictured H page 6)
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I pound ground beef
pound ground veal
I cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices)
I egg
I small can evaporated milk ( % cup)
I- small onion, grate
I teaspoon grated lemon rind
l teaspoons salt
* cup salad oil
6 medium-size potatoes, pared and cut
French-fry style
I medium-size cucumber, halved length
wise and sliced inch thick
I can ( I2 or I6 ounces) whole-kernel
1 tablespoon four
teaspoon pepper
I cup (8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
I tablespoon dill weed
l. Mix ground beef and veal lighty with bread
crumbs, egg, evaporated milk, onion, lemon rind,
and 1 teaspoon of the salt until well-blended
shape into 36 halls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil ; place in a

ound in one
third of a greased 12-cup baking
dish. ( Set frymg pan with drippings aside for
making gravy. )
3. Parboil potato strips in a small amount of boiling
salted water 5 minutes. Remove with a elotted
spoon and mound in second third of baking dish ;
set potato water aside.
4. Parboil cucumber slices in a small amount of
boiling water 3 minutes ; drain, adding liquid to
potato water. Drain corn, adding liquid to potato
cucumer water, if needed, to make l cup. Toss
orn wth cuumher ; spoon into remaining space
m hakmg dish.
5. Blend four, remaining % teaspoon salt, and pep
per into drippings in frying pan ; stir in the I
cup saved vegetable liquid. Cook, stirrina con
stantly, until gravy thickens and boils I inute.
Blend a few tablespoonfuls into sour cream,
then stir back into remaining in pan ; stir in dill
weed ; heat just to boiling.
6. P
ur over meat halls and vegetables ; stir lightly
With a fork so gravy will fow to bottom; cover.
7. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes or
until bubbly hot. To serve as pictured, soon
meat halls and vegetables into mounds on
heated serving platter ; garnish with a pickled
red pepper.
(Pitured H pge 1)
Bakeat350 Iur25 mlnutes.
2 puundsgruundbeeI
1 smallunlun,grat~
2 eggs
2 teaspuunssalt
_ teaspuunpepper
2 tablespuuns suysauce
2 tablespuunssaladull
1 cm (5 uunces) wbuleblancbed almunds
( I cup)
I can (abuut14uunces) plneapplecbunks
1 can ( 1plnt,2 uunces) plneapplejulce
cup sugar
3 cupsIruznpeas (IrumaI -puund
bag) ,cuukedanddralned
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, eggs, 2 tea
spoons of the salt, and pepper ; shape into 32
balls ; dip in soy sauce.
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil in a large fry
ing pan ; remove with a slotted spoon and place
in a 10-cup baking dish. Stir almonds into drip
pings in pan ; heat 1 to 2 minutes ; sprinkle over
meat balls.
3. Drain syrup from pineapple chunks and combine
with pineapple juice. ( There should be about 3
cups. ) Mix sugar with cornstarch and remaining
% teaspon salt ; stir in pineapple-juice mixture
and vinegar. Cook in same frying pan, stirring
constantly, until sauce thickens and boils 3
4. Combine pineapple chunks and peas with meat
balls and almonds in baking dish; pour sauce
over ; cover.
5. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) 25 minutes to
blend favors.
6. Serve from baking dish with cooked rice, or to
serve as pictured, mound meat balls i n center of
a large shallow dish; spoon cooked rice around
edge. Pass little bowls of diced bananas, chopped
green onions, and East Indian chutney to spoon
on top, if you wish.
Bakeat450 IurZ0mlnutes,
tbenat350 Iur15mlnutes.
1 puundgruundbeeI
1 puundgruundveal
2 cupssuItbreadcrumbs (4sllces)
3 eggs
I largetartapple,pared,guartered,
1 smallunlun,grated
cup cbuppedgarsley
2 teaspuunsseasunedsalt
1 teaspuungruundglnger
2 cupsbutwater
4 tablespuuns ( stlck) butterur
ublespuuns duur
1 teaspuunsalt
1 talle evapuratedmllk ( 1 @ cups)
teaspuun nesberbes
l. Make meat balls : Mix ground beef and veal
lightly with bread crumbs, eggs, apple, onion,
parsley, seasoned salt, and ginger until well
blended ; shape into 4 balls. Place in a single
layer in a greased large shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in very hot oven ( 450 ) , turning balls
once, 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Re
move with a slotted spoon and mound in the
center of a shallow 8-cup baking dish. Lwer heat
to oderate ( 350 ) .
3. Make gravy : Pour hot water into baking pan ;
stir to mix with drippings and baked-on meat
juices ; strain into a 4-cup measure. Melt butter
or margarine in a saucepan ; blend in four and
salt ; cook, stirring constantly, just until bubbly.
Stir in drippings mixture and evaporated milk;
cook, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens and
boils 1 minute; stir in herbes. Pour around meat
balls ; cover.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 15 minutes to
blend favors.
Cooksaver tip:
Try this early-bird fxing trick when you're making lots of meat balls
for a party. Season them, shape, and dust lightly with four to
keep them from sticking together ( see Cooksaver Tip, page 65) , then pile them
into a big bowl and chill. Another hint: Use a slotted spoon for turning
and lifting them from the pan so all of the fat will drip back
Bake at 400 for IO minutes.
Makes servings
Meal Balls
I pounds ground beef
I large green apple, pared, quartered, and
l large pear, pared, quartered, and cored
I small Bermuda onion, peeled and
I small green pepper, halved and seeded
2 eggs
I cup crushed cor fakes
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon putmeg
Dash of ground allspice
cup toasted slivered almonds (from a
5-ounce can)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons corstarch
I tablespoon brown sugar
2 envelopes instant chicken broth
OR: 2chicken bouillon cubes
I cups water
I jar (about 5 ounces) baby-pack strained
apricots and apples
I cup seeded halved green grapes
1. Make meat balls : Put ground beef, apple, pear,
onion, and green pepper through a food chopper,
using fne blade ; mix lightly with eggs, corn
fakes, and seasonings until well-blended. Shape
into 4 balls. Place in a single layer in a greased
large shallow baking pan.
2. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 10 minutes, then broil
1 to 2 minutes to brown tops.
3. Make sauce : Saute almonds, stirring often, in
butter or margarine in a large saucepan just
until golden ; remove from heat.
4. Stir in cornstarch, brown sugar, instant chicken
broth or bouillon cubes, and water, crushing
cubes, if using, with a spoon. Cook, stirring con
stantly, until sauce thickens and boils 3 minutes ;
stir in apricots and apples and grapes.
5. Place meat balls in sauce ; simmer, stirring often,
10 minutes to blend favors.
Cooksaver tip:
Green g1apes out of season? Substitute
red Tokays or the big purple variety
either tastes equally delicious
Makes 4 serngs
pound ground beef
pound sausage meat
I egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
* cup milk
I small onion, minced
I teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
3 tablespoons four
I tablespoon salad oil
2 large onions, peeled, halved, and sliced
l. Mix ground bef and sausage meat lightly with
egg, bread crumbs, milk, minced onion, salt, and
pepper until well-blended ; shape into 16 balls ;
roll in four to coat well.
2. Brown in salad oil in a large frying pan ; remove
with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3. Saute sliced onions in drippings in same pan 10
minute, or j ust until soft ; return meat balls to
pan ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring often, 15 minutes, or until meat
balls are cooked through.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I egg
* cup milk
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
I can condensed tomato soup
Seasoned hot mashed potatoes
l . Mix ground beef lightly with egg, milk, bread
crumbs, pecans, parsley, salt, and pepper until
well-blended ; shape into 24 balls.
2. Brown in butter or margarine in a large frying
pan ; stir in tomato soup ; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 10 minutes to
blend favors.
4. Spoon seasoned hot mashed potatoes in a ring
on a serving plate ; spoon meat balls and sauce
in center.
Makes 6 servings
1 pound ground beef
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( % cup)
6 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 egg
% cup soft bread crumbs ( 1 slice)
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon dry mustard
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 can ( I pint, 2 ounces) tomato juice
% cup water
I clove garlic, minced
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon chili powder
I2 small white onions, peeled
I2 small carrots, pared and cut i 2-inch
1 cups biscuit mix
cup milk
1 package ( 10 ounces ) frozen lima beans
l . Mix ground beef lightly with chopped onion, 4
tablespoons of the parsley, egg, bread crumbs,
1 teaspoon of the salt, 1 teaspoon of the pepper,
and mustard until well-blended ; shape into 36
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil in a kettle or
Dutch oven ; remove with a slotted spoon and set
aside. Pour of all drippings.
3. Combine tomato juice, water, garlic, bay leaf,
chili powder, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt and
1 teaspoon pepper in same kettle ; heat to boil
ing. Add white onions and carrots ; cover. Sim
mer 30 minutes.
4. While vegetables cook, mix biscuit mix with re
maining 2 tablespoons parsley ; add milk all at
once; stir lightly just until four is moistened.
5. Return meat balls to kettle ; add lima beans ; heat
to boiling. Drop dumpling mixture in 6 mounds
on top.
6. Cook, uncovered, 10 minutes ; cover ; cook 10
minutes longer, or until dumplings are fufy-light.
Remove bay leaf before serving.
Cooksaver tip:
Flouring meat balls ? Speed up the job by
sprinkling the four from a shaker, or
toss the meat balls, a few at a time, in
four in a paper bag to coat well. Place
salt, pepper, spices, or herb seasonings
the bag, too-another timesaver step
Makes 6 servings
1 % pounds ground beef
1 cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
I cup tomato juice
1 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
cup four
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 medium-size onions, peeled and sliced
1 medium-size apple, pared, quartered,
cored, and diced
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 teaspoons sugar
1 envelope instant beef broth
OR: 1 beef-favor bquillon cube
1 cup hot water
Hot cooked rice
l . Mix ground bef lightly with bread crumbs, Y
cup of the tomato juice, salt, and pepper ; . shape
into 36 balls ; roll in four to coat well.
2. Brown, half at a time, in butter or margarine
in a large frying pan ; remove with a slotted
spoon and set aside.
3. Stir onions, apple, and curry powder into drip
pings in pan ; saute, stirring often, just until
onion is soft.
4. Return meat balls ; stir in sugar, instant beef
broth or bouillon cube, water, and remaining Y
cup tomato juice, crushing cube, if using, with a
spoon ; cover. Simmer, stirring often, 20 minutes
to blend favors.
5. Serve over hot cooked rice.

Makes servings
I cup milk
2 cups soft caraway-rye bread crumbs
( about 3large slices)
I pound ground beef
pound ground pork
I small onion, grated
I egg
tablespoons chopped parsley
2 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons salad oil
2 tablespoons four
I can ( 3or 4 ounces) sliced mushrooms
I cup cream for whipping
I. Pour milk over bread crumbs ; let stand until
milk is absorbed, then beat with a fork.
2. Mix lightly with ground beef and pork, onion,
egg, 4 tablespoons of the parsley, 1% teaspoons
of the salt, and pepper until well-blended ; shape
into 36 balls.
3. Brown, a few at a time, in salad oil in a large
frying pan ; remove with a slotted spoon and set
4. Pour of all drippings from frying pan, then
measure 2 tablespoonfuls and return to pan. Stir
in four and remaining l2 teaspoon salt ; cook,
stirring constantly, j ust until bubbly. Drain liquid
from mushrooms into a 1-cup measure ; add
water to make 1 cup ; stir into four mixture.
Cook, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens
and boils 1 minute.
5. Stir in mushrooms, cream, and meat balls ; cover.
Simmer 15 minutes, or until meat balls are cooked
through; stir in remaining 2 tablespoons parsley.
6. Serve with buttered noodles, fufy rice, or
mashed potatoes, if you wish.
(Pictured H pages 6-61)
Makes IO to I2 servings
Meat Balls
I pounds ground bef
I pound ground veal
I can ( 4 ounces) deviled ham
I small can evaporated milk ( @cup)
2 eggs
I cup soft whole-wheat bread crumbs
(2 slices )
I small onion, grated
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground cloves
teaspoon pepper
* cup shortening
cup water
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons four
teaspoon salt
I cup water
I cup ( 8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
I tablespoon catsup
I tablespoon dill weed
I. Make meat balls : Mix ground beef and veal and
deviled ham lightly with evaporated milk, eggs,
bread crumbs, onion, and seasonings until well
blended ; shape into 72 balls.
2. Brown, a few at a time, in shortening in a large
frying pan ; pour of all drippings. Return all
meat balls to pan ; add water ; cover. Simmer 20
minute, or until cooked through.
3. Make sauce : Melt butter or margarine i n a small
saucepan ; blend in four and salt ; sti r in water.
Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens
and boils 1 minute. Stir a few tablespoonfuls into
sour cream, then stir back into remaining in
saucepan. Stir in catsup and dill weed ; heat j ust
to boiling.
4. Spoon meat balls into a chafng dish or heated
serving bowl ; pour hot sauce over.
looksaver tg:
recipes call for soft bread crumbs,
and here's the easy way to fx them. Lay
bread slice on a board, and cut it in
matchlike strips lengthwise, then crosswi se.
One regular slice bread will give 1 cup
crumbs. Need more? Stack two or three slices
together and cut them at the same time
meat balls for
all occasions
2 puundsmeat-luaImlxture (gruundbeeI,
purk,andveal )
2 eggs
l cupcrushedpretzels
_ cupchuppedparsley
l tablespuunlnstantmlnc~unlun
l tablespuunlemunjulce
l teaspuunpaprlka
l can (46 uunces) mlxedvegetablejulces
2 envelupeslnstantbeeIbruth
4 tablespuuns ( stlck) butteror
4 tablespuunsuur
l. Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with eggs, pretzels,
parsley, onion, lemon juice, paprika, and salt until
well-blended ; shape into 16 balls.
2. Combine mixed vegetable juices and i nstant beef
broth or bouillon cubes in a kettle or Dutch oven
heat, crushing cubes, if using, with a spoon, t
boiling ; add meat balls.
3. Simmer 25 minutes, or until cooked through. Re
move with a slotted spoon and set aside. Pour
liquid into a 4-cup measure. ( There should b
3 cups. }
4. Melt butter or margarine in same kettle ; blend
in four, then stir in the 3 cups liquid and mus
tard. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture
thickens and boils 1 minute. Return meat balls
heat just until bubbly hot.
5. Serve with hot cooked noodles or mashed pota
toes, if you wish.
l goundgroundbeeI
l small unlon, cbopped (@ cup)
l teaspooncurrygwder
l teaspoonsmt
2 tablespuonssaladull
3 envelupeslnstantbeeIbrotb
3 cups water
@ cupsmdlessralslns
9 glngersnaps,crumbled(about cup)
l teaspuunscldervlnegar
l . Mix ground beef lightly with onion, curry
powder, salt, and poultry seasoning ; shape into
16 balls.
2. Brown i n salad oil in a frying pan ; add instant
beef broth or bouillon cubes, water, raisins, and
pepper, crushing cubes, if using, with a spoon ;
3. Simmer, stirring several tmes, 20 minutes to
blend favors.
4. Stir in crumbled gingersnaps and vinegar, being
careful not to break meat balls. Cook, stirring
constantly, until gravy is thick and smooth.
5. Serve with hot cooked noodles.
l puundgroundbI
l can (2t r3 ounces) devll~bam
cup soIt bread crumbs ( l sllce)
2 cups mllk
l egg
2 tablespoonsbutterurmargarlne
l envelupemusbroom-soupml
l cup water
l . Mix ground beef lightly with deviled ham, bread
crumbs, Y2 cup of the milk, and egg until well
blended ; shape into 32 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in butter or margarine in
a large frying pan ; remove with a sloted spoon
and set aside.
3. Blend mushroom-sup mix into drippings i n pan ;
slowly sti r in water, then remaining 1 l cups
milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce
thickens and boils 1 minute.
4. Return meat balls ; cover. Simmer 15 minutes to
blend favors.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
I egg
cup soft whole-wheat bread crumbs
( I slice)
% cup milk
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons salad oil
I bottle ( 12 ounces) chili sauce
l cup water
1 tablespoon brown sugar
I teaspoon prepared mustard
l . Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with egg, bread
crumbs, milk, salt, and paprika until well
blended ; shape into 16 balls.
2. Brown i n salad oil in. a kettle or Dutch oven ;
remove and set aside. Pour of all drippings.
3. Stir chili sauce, water, brown sugar, and mus
tard into kettle ; return meat balls ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring several times, 30 minutes, or
until meat balls are cooked through.
5. Serve with mashed potatoes or hot cooked rice
or noodles, if you wish.
Bake at 375 for l hour.
Makes 8 servings
l pounds ground beef
pound sausage meat
l jar (8 ounces) junior applesauce
I cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
8 prunes, pitted and chopped
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
1 can condensed tomato soup
cup water
l. Mix ground beef and sausage meat lightly with
applesauce, bread crumbs, prunes, salt, and
pepper until well-blended ; shape into 24 balls.
Place in an 8-cup baking dish.
2. Blend tomato soup and water ; pour over meat
balls ; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 1 hour, or until
meat balls are cooked through and mixture is
bubbly hot.
(Pictured at right)
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal )
2 eggs
l cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices)
cup chopped parsley
1 teaspoons salt
1 large onion, chopped ( I cup)
1 medium-size head of cabbage (aout 2
I cup sliced pared carrots
I cup mixed vegetable juices
teaspoon basil
* teaspoon pepper
l .
1 package ( 10 ounces) frozen Fordhook
lima beans, partly thawed
I package ( 10 ounces) frozen peas, partly
Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with eggs, bread
crumbs, parsley, and 1 teaspoon of the salt until
well -blended ; shape into 48 small balls.
Brown, half at a time, in a large frying pan ; re-
move and set aside.
Pour all drppings from pan, then measure 3
tablespoonfuls and return to pan. Stir in onion
and saute j ust until soft. ( This much cooking can
be done ahead, if you wish. )
Cut cabbage in half ; slice one half in 8 wedge,
then shred other half fnely to make about 6 cups.
Stir shredded cabbage into onion in pan ; cook
2 minutes, or just until wilted.
Stir in carrots, mixed vegetable j uices, remaining
Y teaspoon salt, basil, and pepper. Arrange cab-
bage wedges around edge; cover. Heat to boiling,
then simmer 15 minutes.
Stir partly thawed Iimas and peas into vegetables
in frying pan ; top with meat balls ; cover. Cook
15 minutes longer, or until limas are tender and
meat balls are heated through.
Serve right from the frying pan, or spon into a
heated shallow serving bowl, arranging cabbage
wedges around edge.
Mlldly seusuned gruund bmI, purk, and ve, plus Iuur garden-guud
vegetables, gu lntu tbls bearty 5klllet Dlnner (recipe at lft).
Wltb tbe meat seasuned, sbap~, and bruwned ahead, the msb te
unly abuut u balI buur tu nlsb cuuklng just beIure mealtlme
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
l small onion, grated
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon ground cloves
Dash of pepper
l tablespoon salad oil
2 tablespoons four
l teaspoon dry mustard
l envelope instant beef broth
OR: l beef-favor bouillon cube
l cup water
l cup (8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
2 tblespoons chopped parsley
1. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, salt, nutmeg,
cloves, and pepper ; shape into 36 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in salad oil in a large
frying pan ; remove and set aside. Pour of drip
pings, then measure l tablespoonful and return
to pan.
3. Blend in four and mustard ; stir in instant beef
broth or bouillon cube and water, crushing cube,
if using, with a spoon. Cook, stirring constantly,
until sauce thickens and boils l minute.
4. Return meat balls ; cover ; simmer 5 minutes, or
until cooked through.
5. Mix sour cream and parsley ; blend in about 1jz
cup of the hot sauce, then stir back into remain
ing in pan. Heat slowly just until hot.
6. Serve with hot cooked rice, noodles, or mashed
potatoes, if you wish.
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
l egg
l tablespoon chopped parsley
l teaspoon seasoned salt
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
l cups water
2 packages (9 ounces each) frozen onions
in cream sauce
l . Mix ground beef lightly with egg, parsley, and
seasoned salt ; shape i nto 24 balls.
2. Brown in butter or margarine, turning often, in
a medium-size frying pan ; stir in water ; add
frozen onions ; cover.
3. Heat to boiling, then cook 5 to 8 minutes, or
untl onions are tender.
4. Spoon over mashed potatoes, buttered toast, or
toasted corn-bread squares, if you wish.
Makes 6 servings
l envelope onion-soup mix
l cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
cup scalded milk
l pound ground beef
pound ground pork
l egg
cup chopped parsley
cup chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons salad oil
l tablespoon four
2 cups water
2 tablespoons catsup
Hot cooked rice
l . Mix l tablespoon of the onion-soup mix with
bread crumbs and milk ; let stand 5 minutes. Mix
with ground beef and pork, egg, and parsley.
2. Saute walnuts in salad oil until richly browned
in a large frying pan ; remove with a slotted
spoon. Stir into meat mixture ; shape into 18
3. Stir remaining onion-soup mix into drippings in
pan ; blend in four, then water and catsup ; cook,
sti rring constantly, until sauce thickens.
4. Place meat balls in sauce. Simmer 20 minutes,
or until cooked through.
5. Pile hot cooked rice in the center of a heated
dish ; spoon meat balls and sauce around edge.
Makes 6 servings
4 slices Canadian-style bacon, diced
l medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
l pounds ground beef
l egg
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground allspice
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons four
l can condensed beef broth
l small can evaporated milk ( % cup)
1. Saute Canadian bacon lightly in a large f rying
pan ; stir in onion ; saute until soft.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, salt, and all
spice ; stir in bacon-onion mixture ; shape into 36
balls. Brown in butter or margarine in same fry
ing pan ; push to one side ; blend in four and
beef broth.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens
slightly, then simmer lO minutes. Stir in evapo
rated milk ; heat j ust to boiling.
Maes 6 servings
I pound ground beef
I medium-site onion, chopped ( cup)
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
I egg
2 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
* teaspoon thyme
2 tablespoons shortening
3 cups water
I can condensed cream of mushroom soup
I can ( 8 ounces) tomato sauce
l hay leaf
6 ounces thin spaghetti, broken into
2-inch pieces (about 2 cups)
I. Mix ground beef lightly with half of the chopped
onion, bread crumbs, egg, I teaspoon of the salt,
pepper, and thyme until well-blended; shape into
30 balls.
2. Brown, all at one time, in shortening i n a kettle
or Dutch oven. Stir in water, soup, tomato sauce,
bay leaf, and the remaining chopped onion and
I teaspoon salt.
3. Heat to boiling ; stir in spaghetti ; cover. Simmer,
stirring often, 20 minutes, or until spaghetti is
tender. Remove bay leaf before serving.
Makes 8 servigs
I pounds ground beef
1 can ( I2 ounces) pork luncheon meat
1 cup light or table cream
2 eggs
I medium-size onion, grated
I cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
teaspoon ground allspice
* teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoon
butter or margarine
2 tablespoons four
I cups milk
I. Put ground beef and pork luncheon meat through
a food chopper, using fne blade ; mix lightly with
cup of the cream, eggs, onion, bread crumbs,
allspice, and pepper until well-blended ; shape into
48 balls.
2. Brown, a few at a time, in butter or margarine
in a large frying pan ; remove with a slotted
spoon and set aside.
3. Blend four into drippings in pan ; stir in milk
and remaining % cup cream; cook, stirring con
stantly, until gravy thickens and boils I minute.
4. Return meat balls to pan ; heat j ust to boiling.
Makes 4 servings
1 pound ground beef
I egg
cup soft rye-bread crumbs ( 1 slice)
I tablespoon prepared beet-horseradish
teaspoon salt
I tablespoon butter or margarine
I tablespoon four
I envelope instant beef broth
% cup water
cup dairy sour cream
2 tablespoons grated Cheddar cheese
I . Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
beet-horseradish, and salt until well-blended ;
shape into 24 balls.
2. Brown in butter or margarine in a large frying
pan ; sprinkle with four and instant beef broth ;
stir in water. Cook, stirring constantly, until mix
ture thickens and boils 1 minute, then simmer 5
minutes ; remove from heat.
3. Stir abou
% cup of the hot sauce from meat
mixture into sour cream, then stir back into re
maining mixture in pan. Heat over very low heat
just until hot. ( Do not let it boil, for sour cream
may curdle. )
4. Just before serving, sprinkle with cheese. Spoon
over butered toast or noodles, if you wish.
Makes servings
I pounds ground beef
pound ground pork
1 teaspoon salt
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
2 tblespoons chili sauce
2 tablespoons salad oil
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I large apple, pared, cored, and chopped
2 cans ( about I pound each) sauerkraut,
I can (about 6 ounces) apple juice
I tablespoon brown sugar
teaspoon caraway seeds
I. Mix ground beef and pork lightly with sat, bread
crumbs, and chili sauce until well- blended; shape
into 24 balls. Brown in salad oil in a large fry
ing pan ; remove with a slotted spoon.
2. Sauteonion and apple until soft in drippings in
pan ; stir in sauerkraut. Place meat balls on top ;
pour apple j uice over ; sprinkle with brown sugar
and caraway seds.
3. Simmer 4 minute to blend favors.
Specially tempting on a brisk day is this savory
Continental Meat-hall Pie (recipe M
age 74).
Tiny beef balls and peppery sausages simmer frst
in a tomato-rich sauce, then bake with carrots,
zucchini, and onions under a cap of golden pastry
Planing dinner around one hearty dish is
a happy answer when you' re looking for
something new, something diferent, some
thing special, or something fast. And here' s
a whole chapter packed with almost fve
dozen choices.
Some are casserol es that can be put to
gether ahead and baked later ; others are
meat-rich pies and stews, garden-fresh vege
tables stufed with savory fillings, or skil
let speedies that cook on top of the range
with little or no watchi ng. And wi th
everything-meat, potato, and vegetable
mone dish, serving and cleanup are a snap.
Busy days or easy days, they're all ideas
you'l be glad to have in your fle to use
the year roud.
For an old-time
treat, bake a
meat pie
Bake at 40 Iur 4 mlnutes.
Makes 6 servlngs
1 puundsgruundbeeI
1 egg
@ cupqulck-cuuklngrulleduats
2 tablespuunsbuttledRusslansalad
1 packagepl~rustmlx
cupprucesscheesespread (Irumun
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, sour cream,
rolled oat, seasoned salt, and Russian dressing
until well-blended.
2. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions.
Roll out half to a 12-inch round; ft into a 9-inch
pie plate ; trim overhang to 1 inch. Pack meat
flling lightly into shell ; spoon cheese spread
over top.
3. Roll out remaining pastry to an H-inch round ;
cut several slits near center to let steam escape ;
cover pie. Trim overhang to lz inch; turn under,
fush with rim; fute.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 40 minutes, or until
crust is golden-brown. Cut into wedges.
(Pitured OH
pge 72)
Bake at 425 Iur 30 mlnutes.
Makes 6 tu servlngs
I puunds meat-luaI mlture (gruundbeeI,
purk, and veal )
3 tablespuuns duur
3 tablespuuns salad ull
2 ltallan butsausages,sll~ lncb tblck
3 cups water
1 envelupe spagbettl-sauce m
I 4 ( 6 uunces) tumatu paste
I2 small carruts, pured and cut m
I-lncb-lung pleces
6 small zuccblnl, wusbed and sllced 1 mcb
I can ( 1 puund) wbule wblte unluns,
I package plecrust mlx
1 egg, sllgbtly beaten
l . Shape meat-loa mixture into about 18 halls roll
in four to coat evenly. Brown in salad oil
i n a
large frying pan ; push to one side ; add sausages
and brown lightly.
2. tir wat
er, spaghetti-sauce mix, and tomato paste
mto frymg pan ; cover. Simmer 15 minutes.
3. Cook carrots and zucchini together in boiling
salted water 15 minutes, or j ust until teder
drain well .
4. Spoon meat-hall mixture, carrots and zucchini
and drained onions into a shalow 12-cup hakin
5. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions,
or make pastry from your own favorite two-crust
recipe. Roll out to a rectangle, l5xl2 ; cut out 9
about- l-inch-wide strips.
6. Save 3 strips for rim of pie, then weave remain
ing over pie to make a crisscross top ; trim ends.
Cover rim with saved strips, pressing down lighty
all around. Cut out tiny fancy shapes from re
maining pastry with a trufe or smal cooky cut
ter. ( Bake any leftover pastry for nibbles. )
7. Brush pastry strips with beaten egg; place cut
outs around rim; brush again.
8. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 30 minutes, or until
pastry is golden and flling bubbles up.
Bake at 400 for 30 minutes.
akes 6 serings
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
l clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons salad oil
I pound ground beef
I can (about I pound) red kidney beans,
I can (ounces) tomato sauce
% medium-size green pepper, seeded and
l teaspoon salt
% teaspoon sugar
teaspoon prepared mustard
% teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon oregano
teaspoon celery salt
I tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons water
I package piecrust mix
I . Saute onion and garlic lightl y in salad oil ; push
to one side of pan. Shape ground beef into a
large patty in same pan ; brown 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into chunks.
2. Stir in beans, tomato sauce, green pepper, and
seasonings ; cover. Simmer, stirring often, 20
3. Mix cornstarch with water until smooth; stir
into bean mixture; cook, stirring constantly,
until thickened.
4. While flling cooks, prepare piecrust mix, follow
ing label directions. Roll out half to a 12-inch
round on a lightly foured pastry cloth or board ;
ft into a 9- inch pie plate ; trim overhang to 2
inch. Spoon hot meat mixture into shell .
5. Roll out remaining pastry to an l l-inch round ;
cut several slits near center to let steam escape ;
cover pie. Trim overhang to l_ inch; turn under,
fush with rim; fute.
6. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 30 minutes, or until
golden-brown. Cut into wedges.
Cooksaver tip:
Have trouble transferring rolled-out
pastry from board to pie plate
without tearing it ? Just mll pastry
around the rolling pin, lift over
plate, and unroll carefully, keeping
overhang even all the way around
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
akes 6 servings
I egg
cup milk
2 cups herb-seasoned stufng croutons
( from a 7-ounce package)
I pounds ground beef
I teaspoon salt
I small onion, peeled and sliced
I medium-size apple, pared, quartered,
cored, and chopped
cup chopped celery
I medium-size carrot, pared and grated
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
cup hot water
1. Beat egg with milk ; stir in 1; cup of the croutons ;
let stand 5 minutes. Mix in ground beef and salt
lightly until well- blended. Press into a 9- inch pie
plate, making a 1;- inch-high edge.
2. Saute onion, apple, celery, and carrot in butter or
margarine j ust until onion is soft ; stir in water
and remaining croutons. Spoon into meat shell.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 40 minutes, or
until top is golden-brown.
4. Pour of any drippings ; cut pie into wedges.
Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.
akes 6 servings
2 packages refrigerated plain or
buttermilk biscuits
% cup chopped celery
I small onion, chopped ( cup)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
I package ( I 0 ounces) frozen chopped
I pound ground beef
2 eggs, beaten
I % teaspoons salt
I. Flatten biscuits to : -inch thickness ; stand 11
around side of a greased 10-inch pie plate; place
remaining, overlapping, in bottom.
2. Saute celery with onion in 2 tablespoons of the
butter or margarine just until soft. Add spinach;
cover. Heat just until spinach thaws.
3. Stir in ground beef, eggs, and salt ; spoon into
biscuit-lined pie plate.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 30 minutes, or
until biscuits are crusty-brown.
5. Melt remaining 1 tablespoon butter or margarine ;
brush over biscuit edge. Cut pie into wedges
Bake at 425 for 25 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
I pound ground beef
I egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 can ( 1 pound) beans and franks in
tomato sauce
I can (ounces ) tomato sauce
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
I cup biscuit mix
1 small onion, grated
cup fnely diced process American cheese
cup milk
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
w orcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper until well
blended ; shape into 16 balls;
2. Brown in butter or margarine in a large frying
pan. Stir in beans, tomato sauce, brown sugar,
and mustard ; heat to boiling, then spoon into an
8-cup baking dish.
3. Mix biscuit mix with onion, cheese, and milk
to make a soft dough ; drop by teaspoonfuls in
mounds on top of hot meat-ball mixture.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 25 minutes, or until
top is golden-brown.
Cooksaver tip:
These picture-directions show at a glance
!10w easy it is to make Creole Eggburger
Pie. Another time, after baking for
25 minutes and pouring of the
drippings, following Step 3 at
right, above, stack slices of
hard -cooked egg in each
hollow, top each with sauce
and several strips of
process American cheese.
Slide back into the
oven for 10 minutes, or
until cheese melts. A wide
spatula is a good serving tool
Bake at 350 for 35 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
I can condensed tomato soup
2 tablespoons pickle relish
I small onion, minced
2 tablespoons minced celery
2 tablespoons minced green pepper
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
I pounds ground beef
4 eggs
Dash of pepper
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
l. Mix tomato soup, pickle relish, onion, celery,
green pepper, salt, and Worcestershire sauce in a
small saucepan. Measure out cup, then simmer
remaining 5 minutes.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with the l3 cup sauce
mixture ; press into a 9-inch pie plate. Mark
lightly into quarters, then make a deep hollow
in each with a tablespoon.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 15 minutes ; pour
of all drippings.
4. Spoon I teaspoonful of the hot sauce into each
hollow in meat ; break an egg into each ; sprinkle
with pepper. Spoon remaining sauce around
eggs ; sprinkle cheese over all.
5. Bake 20 minutes longer, or until eggs are cooked
as you like them.
6. Cut into quarters with an egg for each serving.
Cooksaver tip:
It's good planning to keep a package
of piecrust, mufn, corn-bread,
or biscuit mix on hand for days when
time's short and you want to turn
out a meat pie fast. Other equally
speedy-and versatile-helpers :
Plain or seasoned instant mashed
potatoes, and the wonderful
variety of refrigerated biscuits
Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.
Makes 6 to 8 servings
1 pounds ground beef
2 packages ( IO ounces each) frozen
succotash, cooked and drained
I cup chopped celery
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
3 tablespoons four
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon basil
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
I can (about I pound) tomatoes
I cup yellow or white corn meal
4 tablespoons four
I tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
I egg
cup milk
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
margarine, melted
I. Make flling : Shape ground beef into a large
paty in a large frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into chunks. Spoon into
a 10-cup baking dish; stir in succotash and celery.
2. Saute onion until soft in drippings in pan ; stir in
four, salt, basil, Worcestershire sauce, and to
matoes. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture
thickens and boils 1 minute. Pour over meat and
vegetables ; stir lightly to mix.
3. Make topping: Combine corn meal, four, sugar,
baking powder, and salt.
4. Beat egg with milk ; stir into four mixture j ust
until blended ; sti r in melted butter or margarine.
Pour over hot mixture in baking dish.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 30 minutes, or
until top is golden-brown.
Bake at 375 for 40 minutes.
Makes 6 to 8 servings
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground .eef,
pork, and veal )
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
cup chopped celery
I can condensed cream of mushroom soup
cup light or table cream
I tablespoon dried parsley fakes
I bay leaf
I tablespoon soy sauce
package piecrust mix
cup grated process American cheese
I. Mix meat-loaf mixture lightly with onion and
celery; shape into a large patty ; brown 5 minutes
on each side, then break up into chunks.
2. Stir in mushroom soup, cream, parsley fakes, bay
leaf, and soy sauce ; cover. Simmer, stirring sev
eral times, 15 minutes ; remove bay leaf. Spoon
meat mixture into a baking pan, 9x9x2.
3. While meat cooks, combine piecrust mix and
grated cheese ; prepare pastry, following label
directions. Roll out to a square, 10x10; trim edges
even ; place over hot meat flling, pressing against
edges of pan to seal ; cut several slits in top to let
steam escape.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 40 minutes, or
until crust is golden and flling bubbles up.
Cooksaver tip:
Making a pie with a corn-bread topper?
For variety, spoon the batter in
ribbons over flling or spoon it all
around the edge of the baking dish,
leaving a ring or square in the
center so the flling shows through
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
I egg
* cup catsup
I tablespoon prepared horseradish
I cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
cup milk
I teaspoons salt
cup four-
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
I can ( about I pound) tomatoes
* cup water
I tablespoon soy sauce
4 medium-size carrots, pared and sliced
I cup sliced celery
I large onion, peeled and sliced
pound green beans, diced
I package refrigerated crescent rolls
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, catsup, horse
radish-mustard, bread crumbs, milk, and salt
until well-blended ; shape into 24 balls ; roll in
four to coat well.
2. Brown, half at a time, in 3 tablespoons of the
butter or margarine in a kettle or Dutch oven ;
remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3. Stir tomatoes, water, soy sauce, carrots, celery,
and onion into kettle ; cover. Simmer 20 minutes ;
retur meat balls and add green beans ;, cook 10
minutes longer, or j ust until vegetables are tender.
Spoon into a greased 12-cup round baking dish.
4. Separate crescent rolls into triangles, following
label directions ; place each fat, spoke fashion,
on top of meat mixture so points meet in center.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 20 minutes, or
until topping is golden-brown. Melt remaining 1
tablespon butter or margarine ; brush over top.
Cooksaver tg.
See how a twist of the wrist turns
triangles of dough from refrigerated
crescent rolls into this whirligig
topper for the Harvest Pie above?
Bake at 375 for 35 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
2 slices bacon
I pound ground beef
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I can ( about I pound) tomatoes
I can (8 ounces ) tomato sauce
I tablespoon chili powder
I teaspoon salt
I package corn-mufn mix
l. Saute bacon until crisp ; drain on paper toweling,
then crumble. Pour of all drippings ; measure 2
tablespoonfuls and return to pan.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with onion. Shape into
a large patty in same pan ; brown 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into chunks. Stir in
crumbled bacon, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and sea
sonings ; heat to boiling.
3. Prepare com-mufn mix, following label direc
tions for mufns.
4. Spread half of batter evenly over bottom of a
greased shallow 6-cup baking dish ; spoon hot
meat mixture over ; drop remaining batter by
tablespoonfuls on top.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 35 minutes, or
until top i s pufed and golden-brown.
Bake at 400 for IO minutes.
Makes 4 to 6 servings
I pound ground beef
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
cup four
I teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
I small can evaporated milk ( 7 cup)
I can ( 8 ounces ) peas
2 pimientos, diced
4 slices buttere bread, halved diagonally
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in fr
ing pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, ten
break up into chunks.
2. Stir in onion and butter or margarine ; continue
cooking lightly j ust until onion is soft. Blend in
four, salt, milk, and evaporated milk.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens
and boils 1 minute. Stir in peas and liquid and
pimientos. Pour into a greased shallow 8-cup
baking dish ; top with overlapping bread slices.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 10 minutes, or until
blead is toasty-golden.
I l l
Cooksaver tg.
Turnover Pasties are fun to eat
and fun to shape. After folding biscuit
dough squares over meat flling, use a
fork to press the edges together
to seal. Cut a few slits in the top to
let the steam escape, or go fancy and
make a tiny cutout with a trufe cutter
Bake at 400 for I5 minutes.
Makes 8 pasties
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I tablespoon salad oil
% pound ground beef
cup chili sauce
l tablespoon soy sauce
teaspoon salt
2 cups biscuit mix
I package (3 ounces ) pimiento cream
cup milk
1. Saute onion lightly in salad oil ; push to one
side of pan. Shape ground beef into a large patty
in same pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks ; pour of all drippings.
2. Stir in chili sauce, soy sauce, salt, and 1 cup of
the biscuit mix. Remove from heat.
3. Cut pimiento cream cheese into remaining 2 cups
biscuit mix until crumbly ; stir in milk to make a
soft dough. Turn out on a foured board and
knead a few times. Divide dough in half ; roll out
each to a 10-inch square ; trim edges even, then
cut each in quarters.
4. Place about 1 cup of the meat flling on each
square ; fold into a triangle and press edges to
seal ; cut several slits in top to let steam escape.
Place pasties on a greased cooky sheet.
5. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 15 minutes, or until
6. Serve hot, plain or with hot canned beef gravy,
if you wish, or cold as a picnic or lunch-box meat.
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.
Makes 8 dumplings
I pound ground beef
cup catsup
2 tablespoons pickle relish
I teaspoon dry mustard
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
I tablespoon salad oil
package piecrust mix
I can ( about I I ounces) meatless
spaghetti sauce
l. Mix ground beef lightly with catsup, pickle relish,
mustard, salt, and pepper until well-blended ;
shape into 8 balls. Brown in salad oil.
2. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions.
Roll out to a rectangle, 20x10 ; trim edge even,
then cut into 8 squares.
3. Place a browned meat ball on each square ; fold
pastry up and around meat balls ; moisten edges,
then pinch to seal . Place dumplings, without
touching, in a shallow baking pan.
4. Bake in moderate oven { 375 ) 20 minutes, or
until golden-brown.
5. Heat spaghetti sauce to boiling ; spoon over hot
Cooksaver tg.
Jify Beef Dumplings are

another fun twist on a meat pie. To

make even-shape dumplings, place the
meat ball right in the center of pastry
square ; fold opposite sides of dough up
over the meat to cover completely,
then pinch the edges lightly Nith
your fngers to crimp and seal
Bake at 40 for 45 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
Onion Pie
I package piecrust mix
3 large onions, peeled and sliced thin
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
2 large potatoes, pared and sliced thin
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
Beef Crow
I pounds ground beef
cup chili sauce
cup milk
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l. Make onion pie : Prepare piecrust mix, follow
ing label directions. Roll out to a rectangle,
18x13 ; ft into a jelly- roll pan, 15x10xl. Trim
overhang to inch ; turn under, fush with rim;
2. Saute onions in butter or margarine 10 minutes,
r j ust until barely soft ; stir in potatoes ; sprinkle
ith salt and pepper, tossing lightly to miX.
Spread in an even layer in pastry shell.
3. Bake i n hot oven ( 400 ) 45 minutes, or until
potatoes are tender and pastry is golden.
4. Make beef crown : Mix ground beef lightly with
chili sauce, milk, salt, and pepper ; shape into 12
patties about inch thick. Place in a shallow
baking pan.
5. Bake in oven with onion pie 15 minutes, or until
meat is done as you like it.
6. Cut pie into 12 pieces ; top each with a meat
Cooksaver tip:
A pastry brush i s a good investment
to short-cut many kitchen jobs.
Use it to spread a buttery topper or
beaten egg over a pastry crust, or
to brush a glaze on meat loaf. It's
handy, too, for barbecue cooking

Time aflying?
Cook dinner
in 8 skillet
Makes 6 servings
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons salad oil
I pound ground beef
I can ( about I pound) Chinese vegetables
I can ( about I pound) bean sprouts
I envelope instant beef broth
OR: I bef-favor bouillon cube
2 tablespoons cornstarch
I tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 cups thinly sliced broccoli fowerets
teaspoon salt
I can ( 3 ounces ) Chinese fried noodles
l . Saute onion in salad oil just until soft in a large
frying pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
3. Drain liquids from Chinese vegetables and bean
sprouts into a 2-cup measure ; add 1
4 cups to
meat mixture with instant beef broth or bouillon
cube. Heat, stirring constantly and crushing
bouillon cube, if using, with a spoon, to boiling.
4. Blend cornstarch with sugar and soy sauce ; sti r
into meat mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until
mixture thickens and boils 3 minutes.
5. Lay broccoli on top of meat mixture ; cover.
Cook over low heat, stirring often, 10 minutes, or
j ust until hroccoli is tender.
6. Sti r in drained vegetables, bean sprouts, and salt ;
cover. Cook 5 minutes longer, or until bubbly
hot. Serve with Chinese fried noodles.
Makes 4 sergs
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I tablespoon curry powder
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
I pound ground beef
2 tomatoes, peeled and diced
I can (about 9 ounces ) peas
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon paprika
teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon garlic salt
Brown-butter Rice (recipe follows)
I. Saute onion with curry powder lightly in butter
or margarine in a large frying pan ; push to one
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
3. Stir in tomatoe, peas and liquid, and seasonings ;
cover. Simmer 30 minutes to blend favors.
BROWN-BUTTER RICE - Prepare l package ( 7
ounces) precooked rice, following label directions.
Heat 4 tablespoons ( Y stick) butter or margarine
slowly in a small frying pan, shaking pan often as
butter bubbles up and turns a rich brown. ( Watch
that it does not burn. ) Stir into hot rice ; toss lightly
with a fork to mix ; sprinkle with pepper.
Makes 6 servings
4 medium-size potatoes, pared and
sliced thin
I pounds ground b
3 medium-size onions, peeled and
sliced th
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
cup canned condensed bef broth
l . Place one third of the potato slices in the bottom
of a buttered electric skillet ; top with even lay
ers of half of the ground beef and half of the
. onion slices. Repeat layers, ending with potato
slices arranged in an attractive pattern on top.
2. Sprinkle with salt and pepper ; dot with butter
or margarine ; sprinkle with parsley. Pour beef
broth over ; cover. Set heat control at 225 ,
owing manu
s directions.
3. Simmer l hour, or until potatoes are tender.
Makes 6 servings
4 slices bacon, diced
I pound ground beef
I medium-size onion, peeled and slice
cup slice celery
I medium-size carrot, pared and sliced
pound chicken livers, coarsely chopped
cup catsup
2 envelopes instant beef broth
OR: 2 beef-favor bouillon cubes
I cups water
teaspoon salt
% teaspoon nutmeg
cup cream for whipping
I package (8 ounces) spaghetti
Grated Parmesan cheese
l. Saute bacon until crisp in a large frying pan;
add ground beef, onion, cdery, and carrot. Brown
meat, breaking it up as it cooks.
2. Stir in chicken livers, catsup, instant beef broth
or bouillon cubes, water, salt, and nutmeg, crush
ing cubes, if using, with a spoon ; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 30 minutes. Blend
in cream slowly ; heat j ust until bubbly.
4. While sauce simmers, cook spaghetti, following
label directions ; drain. Pour sauce over ; toss
lightly to mi x. Serve with Parmesan cheese to
sprinkle over.
Makes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I cup diced celery
I clove garlic, minced
I tablespoon sugar
I tablespoon basil
2 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
I bay leaf
I can ( 46 ounces ) mixed vegetable juices
I cup uncooked rice
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks. Push to one side .
2. Stir in onion, celery, and garlic ; saute lightly.
3. Stir in seasonings, mixed vegetable j uices, and
rice ; heat to boiling ; cover.
4. Simmer 45 minutes, or until rice is tender and
liquid is a
most absor
emove bay
fore serving.
Makes servings
2 slices bacon, cut in l-inch piees
I pound meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef,
pork, and veal )
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
I cup chopped celery
2 packages ( 10 ounces each) frozen
black eye peas, partly thawed
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon basil
teaspoon thyme
l bay leaf
Few drops red-pepper seasoning
I envelope instant beef broth
cup water
cup precooked rice
1 cup tomato juice
l. Saute bacon until crisp in a large frying pan ;
remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper
toweling; set aside.
2. Shape meat.loaf mixture into a patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks ; push to one side. Add onion to
pan and saute just until soft. Stir in cooked
bacon, celery, blackeye peas, seasonings, beef
broth, and water. Heat to boiling ; cover.
3. Simmer 30 minutes, or until blackeye peas are
4. Stir in rice. and tomato juice ; cover again. Sim
mer 10 minutes longer, or until rice is tender.
Remove bay leaf before serving.
Makes 4servings
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon thyme
teaspoon pepper
2 cans ( I pound each) white kidney beans,
I can ( I pound) small whole onions,
1 cup apple cider
1, cup chopped parsley
l . Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks.
2. Stir in remaining ingredients, except parsley ;
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 30 minutes. Sprin
kle with chopped parsley.
Makes 6 serings
I pounds ground beef
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
I clove garlic, minced
I large eggplant, pared and cubd
4 cans ( ounces each) tomato sauce
2 teaspoons salt
I teaspoon oregano
I teaspoon basil
I teaspoon sugar
cup chopped parsley
1 . Shape ground beef into a large patty in large
frying pan. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir onion and garlic into pan; saute j ust until
onion is soft. Stir in eggplant, tomato sauce, and
seasonings ; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 25 minutes, or
j ust until eggplant is tender. Sprinkle with
chopped parsley.
Makes 4servings
4 slice bacon
I pound ground beef
I egg
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
2 teaspoons salt
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
cup chopped celery
cup chopped green pepper
I teaspoon chili powder
I cup uncooke rice
1 can (about I pound) tomatoes
1 cup water
l . Saute bacon until crisp in a large frying pan ;
remove and drain on paper toweling.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, bread crumbs,
and 1 teaspoon of the salt until well-blended ;
shape into 16 small halls.
3. Brown in bacon drippings in same pan ; push to
one side.
4. Stir onion, celery, green pepper, and chili pow
der into pan ; saute just until vegetables are soft.
5. Stir in rice, tomatoes, water, and remaining salt ;
heat to boiling, stirring lightly to mix ; cover.
6. Simmer, adding more water if mixture seems
dry, 45 minutes, or until rice is tender and liquid
is absorbed. Garnish with saved bacon.
I puundgruundbeeI
puund gruundpurk
1 tablespuunpeanutuil
l largeuniun,peeledandslic~
I cupthinlyslicedcelery
6 smallcarruts,paredandsllc~
I mvelupeinstantbeeIbrutb
cup water
4 cupssbreddedCbinesecabbage
I tablesguuncurnstarcb
l tablespuunbruwnsugar
2 tablespuunssuysauce
l . Mix ground beef and pork and shape into a large
patty in a large frying pan; brown in peanut oil
5 minutes on each side, then break up into small
chunks. Push to one side.
2. Stir onion and celery into pan ; saute just until
onion is soft. Stir in carrots, instant beef broth,
and water ; heat to boiling ; cover.
3. Simmer 20 minutes, or until carrots are crisply
tender. Spread cabbage over meat-vegetable mix
ture ; cover again. Cook 7 to 10 minutes, or until
cabbage is tender.
4. Mix cornstarch and brown sugar with soy sauce ;
stir into meat-vegetable mixture. Cook, stirring
constantly, until mixture thickens and boils 3
5. Serve with Chinese fried noodle and more soy
sauce, if you wish.
Makes6 servings
1 puunds gruundbeeI
I largeuniun,chupped ( I cup)
1 can (15 uunces) macaruniin
I can (abuutI puund) tumatues
I can (7 uunces) whule-kernelcurn,
I can (6 uunces) slicedmusbruums
I teaspuunsalt
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into small chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir onion into pan and saute just until soft ; stir
in remaining ingredients.
3. Heat to boiling ; simmer 15 minutes, or until
heated through.
Makes4 servlngs
1 puund gruundbeeI
1 cancundmsedbeeIbrutb
cup nedrybreadcrumbs
1 smalluniun,grated
1 teaspuunalt
teaspuun pepper
2 tablespuunsbutterurmargarine
3 medium-sizeyelluwsquashes,trimmed
andsliced 1 incbthick
I tablespuun instant-typeduur
l. Mix ground beef lightly with % cup of the beef
broth, bread crumbs, onion, salt, and pepper ;
shape into 20 small balls.
2. Brown in butter or margarine ; pour remaining
broth over. Place squashes and carrots around
meat balls ; cover.
3. Simmer 25 minutes, or until vegetables are
4. Remove meat balls with a slotted spoon and place
in center of a deep serving plater ; place vege
tables around edge.
5. Blend evaporated milk and four in a cup; stir
into hot liquid in pan. Cook, stirring constantly,
until gravy thickens and boils 1 minute. Spoon
over meat and vegetables.
Makes6 servings
I puundgruundbeeI
I largeuniun, cbupped ( 1cup)
1 cupdicedcelery
I cluvegarlic,minced
I package (12 uunces ) smukedsausage
I can ( abuutI puund) tumatues
I can ( abuut 1 puund) cbickpeas
1 can ( abuut1 puund) slicedcarruts
2 cupsshreddedcabbage
1 teaspuunsugar
I teaspuun seasunedsalt
I teaspuunthyme
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in frying
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir onion, celery, and garlic into frying pan ;
saute just until onion is soft. Stir in remaining
ingredients ; heat to boiling.
3. Simmer 20 minutes, or until cabbage is tender.
Makes 4 servings
1 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
1 can ( 1 pint, 2 ounces) tomato juice
2 tablespoons corn syrup
teaspoon paprika
4 medium-size carrots, pared and
medium-size head cabbage, cut in
4 wedges
1 can ( 1 pound) whole potatoes, drained
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
l. Mix ground beef lightly with 1 teaspoon of the
salt ; shape into 12 balls ; fatten each slightly.
2. Brown meat patties in a large frying pan ; re
move with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3. Stir tomato j uice, remaining l teaspoon salt, corn
syrup, and paprika into pan ; add carrots ; cover.
4. Simmer 10 minutes ; add cabbage wedges, po
tatoes, and meat patties ; sprinkle with caraway
seeds. Simmer 20 minutes longer, or until cabbage
and carrots are tender.
Makes 6 servings
I pound ground beef
pound sausage meat
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
clove garlic, minced
I package ( 8 ounces) fne noodles
2 cans ( about I pound each) tomatoes
cup water
I pimiento, chopped
I teaspoons salt
I cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces)
l. Mix ground beef and sausage meat; shape into
a large patty in a large frying pan ; brown
5 minutes on each side, then break up into
chunks. Remove and set aside.
2. Pour of all drippings, then measure 3 table
spoonfuls and return to pan ; sti r in onion and
garlic and saute j ust until soft. Add uncooked
noodles ; continue cooking, stirring often, until
noodles are toasty-golden.
3. Stir in tomatoes, water, pimiento, salt, and
browned meat ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring often, 10 minutes ; stir in
cheese ; cover again. Cook 10 minutes longer, or
until noodles are tender and cheese is melted.
Makes 8 servings
8 medium-size onions, chopped ( 4 cups)
2 cloves garlic, minced
6 teaspoons chili powder
2 tablespoons bacon drippings
2 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups water
3 cans ( about I pound each) red kidney
2 teaspoons ground cumin
l . Saute onions and garlic with chili powder in
bacon drippings j ust until onions are soft in
a large heavy frying pan ; remove with a slotted
spoon and set aside.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in sauteed onion mixture,
salt, and water ; simmer 45 minutes.
3. Stir in kidney beans and liquid and cumin; sim
mer l hour.
4. Spoon into soup bowls ; serve with buttered hard
rolls or corn bread.
(Pictured at right)
Makes 6 servings
pound sweet Italian sausages, sliced
I pound ground beef
2 teaspoons bottled steak sauce
2 cans (about 1 pound each) stewed
I package (9 ounces) frozen Italian green
beans, partly thawed
2 cans ( I pound each) whole potatoes,
I teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Hour
2 tablespoons cold water
l . Brown sausages in a large frying pan ; push to
one side.
2. While sausages brown, shape ground beef lightly
into 12 balls ; fatten each slightly. Brown on one
side in same pan ; tur; pour of all drippings.
3. Brush meat patties with steak sauce ; pour to
matoes over ; add green beans and potatoes.
Sprinkle with salt ; cover.
4. Cook 20 minutes, or until beans are tender.
5. Smooth four and cold water to a paste ; stir into
meat mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until
gravy thickens and boils l minute.
)lEyDlnner 5tew (recipe at left) uwesltsdlEerentduvur
tutullunsuusagesandlts speedtugulck-cuuklnggruund
bf,fruzengreenbeans,reudy-seusunedtumutues, undcanned
potutues. Rumulnesulud andIrultcumputeruunduuttbemeul
Bake these quick hot breads
to dress up a plain meal
Olive-cheese rounds
Roll refrigerated biscuits to 3- inch rounds ;
drizzle with melted butter or margarine, then
top with thinly sliced Cheddar cheese and ripe
olives. Place on a greased cooky sheet.
Bake i n hot oven ( 400 ) 10 minutes,
or until cheese melts and bubbles up
Fan-tan loaves
Separate I package refrigerated butterfake or
gem-fake rolls into 12 pieces ; stand 4 each
in ungreased toy loaf pans. Brush with melted
butter or margarine ; sprinkle generously with
sesame or celery seeds. Bake in moderate oven
Garlic-bread chunks
Halve a loaf of French
bread lengthwise, then
quarter crosswise. Make
3 cuts i n each piece
almost to bottom crust ;
spread with butter or margarine
( 375 ) 25 minutes, or until golden. Serve hot
B ^ `
=, -

seasoned with minced garlic or garlic
powder. Place on a cooky sheet. Bake
hot oven ( 425 ) 5 minutes, or until crispy-hot
Italian herb sticks
Club toasties
Make 4 or 5 deep cuts diagonally in brown
'n' serve club rolls ; spread cuts with
butter or margarine seasoned with chopped
parsley. Bake, following label directions
5 minutes,
or until toasty-crisp
Herb ring-a-round
Cracker crunchies
Split milk crackers with a small sharp-tip
knife ; brush with melted butter or
margarine ; sprinkle with seasoned salt.
Place on a cooky sheet. Bake in hot oven ( 400 )
l 0 minutes, or until toasty. Other
seasoners : Caraway seeds, paprika, dill weed
Separate 2 packages refrigerated butterfake or
gem-fake rolls into 12 pieces each. Dip
1_ cup melted butter or margarine
combined with 2 teaspoons mixed salad
herbs and a dash of nutmeg. Stand on edge,
working from outside to center, in a 9- inch
pie plate. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 )
20 minutes, or until golden. Serve hot
Make -tulled
your Dain di-h
Bukeut40 Iur 1 buurund20mlnutes.
4 lurgebukingputatoes
4 sllcesbucun
@ puundgruundbeeI
3 green uniuns,trimmedundsll~d
1 teaspuuns salt
2 tablespuunsbutterurmurgurlne
* cupgut~grucsAmerlcuncheese
l. Bake potatoes in hot oven ( 40 ) 1 hour, or
until tender.
2. Saute bacon until crisp; drain on paper toweling,
then crumble. Pour of all drippings from pan.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with green onions ; shap
into a large patty in same pan; brown 5 minutes
on each side, then break up into small chunks.
Stir in % teaspoon of the salt, sour cream, and
crumbled bacon; remove from heat.
4. Split baked potatos in half ; scoop out centers,
being careful not to break shells. Place shells in a
shallow baking pan. Mash potatos ; beat in re
maining 1 teaspoon salt, butter or margarine,
and just enough milk to make them creamy-stif.
5. Spoon bef mixture into shells, dividing evenly ;
top with mashed potatos ; sprinkle with chese.
6. Bake in hot oven ( 4 ) 20 minute, or until
che is bubbly hot.
ooK8aVCr tg:
Best baking potatoes are the big
chubby round ones, or thin-skin
long or boat-shape varieties. Scrub
them, then dry well before baking
Bakeut350 Iur30minute.
4 largegreenpeppers
1 puundgruundbeeI
1 4 {1 puund) purkundbeunsmtumutu
1 4 {ubuut4uunces) FrenckIrlmunlun
cup catsup
1 teaspuunprepuredmusturd
l . Cut a thin slice from top of each pepper; coop
out seeds and membrane. Parboil peppers in
small amount of boiling salted water 10 minutes ;
drain well. Stand in a greased shallow baking
2. Shape ground bef into a large patty in a frying
pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into small chunks.
3. Stir in pork and beans, half of the onion rings,
catsup, and mustard. Spoon into pepper cups, di
viding evenly.
4. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) 20 minutes ; top
with remaining onion rings. Bake 10 minutes
longer, or until onions are hot and crisp.
ooK8aVCr tg:
Give ground beef that is to be mixed
with other ingredients a deep rich
color and favor this way: Pat
meat lightly into a big patty in a
frying pan ; saute slowly until crusty
on bottom. Cut patty in half for
easy turning and brown other

side the same way, then

re into chunks
Cooksaver tip:
Follow these how-to' s for making cabbage
rolls : First trim of coarse rib of
leaf for easier rolling, then place meat
in center of leaf ; fold leaf over to
cover and roll up, jelly-roll fashion
Bake at 375 for I hour and 45 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
3 medium-size acorn squashes
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
Salt and pepper ( for squashes)
I pounds gound beef
I cups soft bread crumbs ( 3 slices)
I egg
cup catsup
I teaspoon salt (for flling)
I teaspoon oregano
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
l. Halve squashes ; scoop out seeds and membrane,
but do not pare. Brush hollows with melted butter
or margarine; sprinkle lightly with salt and pep
per. Place in shallow baking pan.
2. Combine ground beef lightly with bread crumbs,
egg, catsup, the l teaspoon salt, and oregano until
well-blended. Heap into squash halves, dividing
evenly. ( Mixture will mound well . ) Sprinkle with
Parmesan cheese. U
3. Bake, uncovered, in moderate oven ( 375 ) 45
minutes ; cover with foil . Bake l hour longer, or
until squashes are tender.
(Pictured MM page 90)
Bake at 375 for 45 minutes.
Makes 4 serings
large cabbage leaves (from a medium
size head)
I pound ground beef
cup quick-cooking rolled oats
I small onion, chopped ( cup)
I tablespoon chopped parsley
I egg
1 can condensed beef broth
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
I tablespoon butter or margarine
l. Trim base of cabbage and carefully break of
8 whole leaves. ( Save remaining cabbage to cook
for a vegetable or make into salad for another
meal. )
2. Place leave in a large saucepan ; pour in water
to a depth of l inch; cover. Heat to boiling ; re
move from heat. Let stand 5 minutes, or until
leaves wilt ; drain well.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with rolled oats, onion,
parsley, egg, % cup of the beef broth, salt, and
pepper until well-blended.
4. Lay cabbage leaves fat on counter top; spoon
meat mixture onto middle of each, dividing
evenly. Fold edge of each leaf over flling and
roll up; fasten with wooden picks. Arrange rolls
in a single layer in a greased shallow 6-cup bak
ing dish.
5. Pour remaining broth over cabbage rolls ; dot
with butter or margarine ; cover.
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 45 minutes, or
until cabbage is tender. Lift onto a heated serv
ing platter with a slotted spoon ; remove picks.
Serve suce separately to spoon over rolls, if you
wish. To serve as pictured, arrange cabbage rolls
on top of a platter of hot cooked noodles ; spoon
sauce over. Garnish with a kebab of pitted ripe
olives and a sweet yelow wax pepper.
Cooksave tip:
Here's another hint for peeling leaves
from cabbage without tearing them: Trim
base of head and cut out core ; place
cabbage, cored end up, in a kettle and
add boiling water to cover ; let stand
a few minutes. Holding head with a fork,
remove leaves as they wilt. Rest of head
can be drained, ready to cook later
TIsbudget-b~ttrio plumpCabbage Rullups (recpe MM
page 89 ), gegpery-butBancbuBeeIDlnner (recipe MM
pge 101 ), ad Spe~yPartyLasagna (recp MM pge 10 )~
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes servings
small zucchini (about 2 pounds)
1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, chopped ( cup)
1 tablespoon salad oil
l tablespoon chopped pimiento
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
1 cup soft bread crumbs ( 2 slices )
cup grated Parmesan cheese
I. Trim ends from zucchini ; parboil zucchini whole
in boiling salted water lO minutes ; drain. Cut
in half lengthwise ; scoop out centers, being care
ful not to break shells. Place in a shallow baking
pan. Chop scooped-out centers ; drain well . Set
aside for Step 3.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty i n a frying
pan ; brown with onion in salad oil 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into small chunks. Re
move from heat.
3. Stir in chopped zucchini, pimiento, egg, salt, pep
per, and bread crumbs. Spoon into zucchini
shells, dividing evenly ; sprinkle with cheese.
4. Bake in moderate oven { 350 ) 30 minutes, or
until tops are golden-brown.
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Makes 6 servings
medium-size tomatoes
1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, minced ( cup)
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
3 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 cup milk
cup buttered bread crumbs
l . Cut a thin slice from tops of tomatoes ; scoop out
centers carefully and save to use in sou
or salad.
Turn tomato cups upside down to drain.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with onion ; shape into a
large patty in frying pan ; brown in butter or
margarine 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into small chunks.
3. Stir in four, salt, pepper, curry powder, and
milk. Cok, stirring constantly, until mixture
thickens and boils l minute.
4. Spoon into tomato cups ; place in a greased shal
low baking pan ; sprinkle tops with buttered
bread crumbs.
5. Bake in moderate oven { 350 ) 20 minutes, or
until crumbs are golden- brown.
Cooksaver tip:
Easy-does-it when you're fxing zucchini for stufng. Parboil squash
frst then halve lengthwise and carefully scoop out centers. ( A
', measuring spoon does a fast neat j ob because i t has a

sharp edge. ) Same tool works equally well when

you're hollowing out tomatoes or eggplant


.. --I
Bake at 35for Iminutes.
Makes 4 sergs
l cup (half an 8-ounce package) elbow
4 medium-size green peppers
* pound ground beef
l small can evaporated milk ( @cup)
% cup water
l envelope chicken-noodle
soup mix
* cup grated process American cheese
l. Cook macaroni in unsated boiling water, follow
ing label directions ; drain, then _return to kettle.
2. Cut a slice from top of each pepper ; scoop out
seeds and membrane. Chop slices and set aside
for flling. Parboil peppers in a small amount of
boiling water 10 minutes ; drain well. Stand in a
greased shallow baking pan.
. e
3. Shape ground beef into a large patty a frpng
pan ; brown with chopped green pepper 5 minutes
on each side, then break up into small chunks.
Stir in evaporated milk, water, soup mix, and 2
tablespoons of the cheese.
4. Stir into cooked macaroni ; spoon into peper
cups. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 10 minutes, or
until bubbly hot.
Bake at 35for 25minutes.
Makes 4 servings
2 medium-size eggplants (about 2 pounds)
l pound ground beef
2 tablespoons salad oil
l can ( about l pound) stewed tomatoes
l can ( 8 ounces) tomato sauce
l teaspoon salt
* teaspoon oregano
* teaspoon garlic salt
* cup grated Parmesan cheese
l. Trim ends from eggplants ; cut a thin slice length
wise from each; scoop out centers, being careful
not to break shells. Place shells in a shallow bak
ing pan. Chop scooped-out centers.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a frying
pan ; brown in salad oil with chopped eggplant
5 minutes on each side, then break up into chunks.
Stir in tomatos, tomato sauce, and seasonings.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 25 minutes ; stir
in cheese. Spoon into eggplant shells.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 25 minutes, or
until shells are tender. To serve, cut each in half.

the merrier
Bake at 35 for 3minutes.
Makes 6 servngs
l package ( 8 ounces) small twist or elbow
l small onion, peeled and sliced
l tablespoon butter or margarine
l pound ground beef
2 tablespoons four
3 teaspoons paprika
teaspoon salt
l envelope instant beef broth
OR: l beef-favor bouillon cube
l cup milk
l can (3 or 4 ounces) chopped mushrooms
cup water
l cup (8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
_ cup chopped parsley
l cup buttered bread crumbs
l. Cook macaroni, following label directions ; drain,
then retur to kettle.
2. Saute onion lightly in butter or margarine in a
large frying pan ; push to one side. Shape ground
beef into a large patty in same pan ; brown 5
minutes on each side, then break up into chunks.
3. Blend in four, 2 teaspoons of the paprika, and
salt ; add instant beef broth or bouillon cube,
milk, mushrooms and liquid, and water. Cook,
stirring constantly, and crushing bouillon cube,
if using, with a spoon, until mixture thickens
and boils I minute.
4. Blend about :2 cup of the hot mixture into sour
cream, then stir back into remaining in pan.
Stir into cooked macaroni with parsley.
5. Spoon into a greased 8-cup baking dish; sprinkle
with buttered bread crumbs and remaining :2
teaspoon paprika.
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes, or
until bubbly hot and crumbs are golden.
Bake at 325 for 3to 45 minute.
Makes servings
1 package (ounces) elbow macaroni
1 pound ground beef
1 egg
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons butter or margarie
2 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
2 cups milk
2 cups gated Cheddar cheese (ounces)
3 small tomatoes
1 cup buttered bread crumbs
I. Cook macaroni, following label directions ; drain,
then reurn to kettle.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, parsley, l tea
spoon of the salt, and pepper ; shape into 18 balls.
3. Brown in l tablespoon of the butter or margarine
in a large frying pan; place 3 in each of 6 greased
individual baking dishes, or all in an 8-cup bak
ing dish.
4. Pour of all drippings. Melt remaining 2 table
spoons butter or margarine ; blend in four, re
maining l teaspoon salt, and mustard; stir in
Worcestershire sauce and milk. Cook, strring
constantly, until the sauce thickens and boils l
5. Stir in l cup of the chese until melted, then stir
into cooked macaroni. Spoon over meat balls ;
sprinkle with remaining l cup cheese.
6. Cut stem ends from tomatoes ; halve tomatoe
crosswise and sprinkle lightly with sugar, salt,
and pepper, if you wish. Place on top of macaroni
mixture ; sprinkle buttered crumbs around edges.
7. Bake in slow oven ( 325 ) 30 minutes for indi
vidual baking dishes, or 45 minutes for large
baking dish, or until bubbly hot.
uoK8aVCr tg:
When you have time to fuss, fancy up
tomato halves by giving each a futed
edge this way: Mark a guideline around
middle of tomato with a wooden pick,
then make even saw-tooth cuts, cutting
tough to center, above and below marks
all around. Pull halves apart gently
Bake at 35 for 35minuts.
Makes servings
1 medium-size onion, peeled and slice
1 package noodles with sour-ream-heese
sauce mix
1 pound ground bef
1 can condensed cream of mushrW soup
1 4 (4 ounces) deviled ham
cup milk
% teaspoon pepper
cup crushed chese crackers
1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine
I. Stir onion into noodle, then prepare with sauce
mix from package, following label directions.
2. Shape ground b f into a large patty in a frying
pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in mushroom soup, deviled
ham, milk, and peppr ; pour over noodle mix
ture ; toss lightly to mix.
3. Spoon into a greased shallow 6-cup baking dish ;
sprinkle with crushed crackers, then drizzle with
butter or margarine.
4. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) 35 minuts, or
until bubbly in center and top is golden-brown.
Bake at 375for 45 miute.
Makes 4 servings
1 pound ground beef
1 medium-sie onion, pele and slice
1 teaspoons salt
% taspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups (about half an 8unce package)
fne noodles
1 can condense cream of celery soup
1 soup can of water
1 can ( 1 pound) cream-style cor
Chopped parsley
l. Shape ground bef into a large patty in frying
pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in onion, salt, pepper, and
Worcestershire sauce ; cook, stirring constantly,
2 to 3 minutes. Spoon into a greased 8-cup bak
ing- dish; top with uncoked noodles.
2. Heat soup, water, and corn, stirring constantly,
to boiling in same pan. Pour over noodles ; stir
lightly so sauce will fow to bottom; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven (375 ) 45 minutes, or
until noodles are tender. Sprinkle with chopped
Bake at 37 5 for 55minutes.
Makes 4servings
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
lh teaspoon pepper
teaspoon poultry seasoning
I envelope onion-sauce mix
1 cup water
1 package ( I ounces ) fro
en mixed
vegetables, partly thawed
2 cups thinly sliced pared potatoes
1 cup buttered bread crumbs
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt, paprika, pep
per, and poultry seasoning. Shape into a large
patty in a frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each
side, then break up into chunks.
2. Sprinkle onion-sauce mix over ; stir in water.
Heat, stirring constantly, j ust to boiling ; stir in
mixed vegetables.
3. Spoon one third into a greased 8-cup baking
dish; top with half of the potatoes. Repeat layers,
then spoon remaining meat mixture on top;
4. Bake in moderate oven { 375 ) 45 minutes ; un
cover ; sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs.
Bake 10 minutes longer, or until crumbs are
Bake at 35for 1hour.
Makes servings
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 envelope beef-vegetable soup mix
1 can ( about 1 pound) stewed tomatoes
I package ( I ounces) frozen baby lima
beans, pardy thawed
cup crushed corn chips ( from a 4-ounce
l. Mix ground beef lightly with chili powder. Shape
into a large patty in a frying pan ; brown in salad
oil 5 minutes on each side, then break up into
2. Stir in soup mix, stewed tomatoes, and beans ;
heat, stirring several times, to boiling.
3. Spoon into a greased 6-cup baking dish ; sprinkle
corn chips in a ring on top.
4. Bake in moderate oven { 350 ) 1 hour, or until
bubbly hot in center.
Bake at 35 for 2hours.
Makes 8 servings
1 package ( 1 ounces) frozen lima beans,
partly thawed
1 pound ground beef
1 can ( about 1 pound) tomatoes
1 can (12or 1ounces) whole-kernel corn
2 cups thinly sliced pared potatoes
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 large green pepper, halved, seeded, and
4 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 cup buttered bread crumbs
l . Combine beans with ground beef, tomatoes, corn,
potatoes, onion, and green pepper in a greased
12-cup baking dish.
2. Mix four with salt and curry powder; sprinkle
over meat mixture, then stir in ; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour ; uncover ;
sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs. Bake, un
covered, 1 hour longer, or until potatoes are
tender and top is golden-brown.
Bake at 4 for 3minutes.
Makes _ servings
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 pound ground beef
1 can ( about 1 pound) tomatoes
1 can ( about 1 pound) red kidney beans
1 can ( 15ounces) chili con care without
1 teaspoons salt
1 can ( 1 1 ounces) tortillas
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4ounces)
l . Saute onion and garlic lightly in salad oil in a
large frying pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in tomatoes, beans and
liquid, chili con carne, and salt ; heat to boiling.
3. Place 3 of the tortillas, overlapping if necessay,
in a greased 12-cup baking dish ; top with about
l cup of the sauce. Repeat to make 5 more lay
ers of each. Sprinkle with cheese.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 30 minutes, or until
bubbly hot.
1ry tbe8e tw8t8 Wtb ga8try
For an extra-dressy look, twist strips of pastry
into ro
s, and place diagonally over
a meat pie. Or weave plain strips, over
and under, to make a crisscross top
this simple design
that looks so pretty.
Cut a 3-inch cross in
pastry round and turn
points back so the
flling peeks through
No tricks needed for this three-ring design.
Just make cutouts in a pastry round with
a futed trufe cutter ; lift them out and
place in an even pattern on top of pastry
o gay Wlb cbce8e
So many casseroles call for
cheese toppings and here it's te
arrangement that counts. To make
the chevron desig, cut cheese
slices into abut-inch-wide
strips and arrange as picture
You couldn't ask for an easier
trim than this, but it goes
a long way in dressing up a
casserole. Cut cheese slices
in strips, and place, crisscross
fashion, to make a lattice top
For this whirling star, start
with four square slices of
cheese. Cut three in half
diagonally to form triangles,
then place, points out,
around whole slice in center
MaKe tbe8e auce8 Wtb Uread
Ring-a-round-a-rosy go thin slices of crusty French
bread. Place them on the casserole about 15 minutes
before it comes from the oven, so they'll stay
crisp, bake just long enough to tur toasty-golden
Here's still another variatin
of a star. To make it, cut
bread slices in quarters
diagonally, and place, points
in, around te edge of a
chicken or beef pie or stew
Inch-size cubes of bread, placed checkerboard
style, form an inviting see-through "crust." White
bread is always pleasing, but for favor variety,
try sesame-seed, whole-wheat, or pumpernickel
Even party rye gets into the
act, and here it's cut in
quarters and lined up around
the edge of a casserole. Looks
special, tastes special, too

tut a gretty @ure Wtb U8cut8

Zip open a package of refrigerated biscuits and
you're of to all kinds of designs. Separate
biscuits, cut rounds from centers with the inside
of a doughnut or small biscuit cutter. Lift out
rounds ; use them for one design, rings, for another.
Two other ideas : Cut biscuits in half moons or ovals
with a round cutter, or make four cuts in each
biscuit, separate slightly to form "petals"
Bake at 35 for 45minutes.
Makes servings
1 pound ground beef
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
1 envelope instant beef broth
OR: 1 beef-favor bouillon cube
1 cup water
1 cup sliced celery
1 small onion, peeled and sliced
cup uncooked rice
I teaspoon soy sauce
teaspoon oregano
cup toasted slivered almonds
I. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks.
2. Stir in chicken soup, instant beef broth or bouil
lon cube, water, celery, onion, rice, soy sauce, and
oregano. Heat to boiling, crushing bouillon cube,
if using, with a spoon ; pour into a greased 8-cup
baking dish ; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes ; un
cover ; sprinkle almonds on top. Bake 15 mm
utes longer, or until golden-brown.
Bake at 325 for 1 hour.
Makes servings
1 clove garlic, minced
I tablespoon salad oil
1 pound ground beef
teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoon prepared mustard
* cup chili sauce
1 can (about 1 pound) beans in tomato
1 can (about 1 pound) red kidney beans,
cup grated Cheddar cheese
cup dry bread crumbs
I. Saute garlic lightly in salad oil in a large frying
pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pl; brown 5 minute on each side, then break up
into chunks. Stir in chili powder, Worcestershire
sauce, mustard, chili sauce, and beans. Spoon
into a greased 8-cup baking dish.
3. Mix cheese and bread crumbs ; sprinkle over top.
4. Bake in slow oven ( 325 ) 1 hour, or until top is
(Pictured at right)
Bake at 35 for 1 hour.
Makes 8 servings
slices bacon
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture ( ground beef
and pork)
1 can (about I pound) red kidney beans,
1 can ( about I pound) white kidney beans,
1 can ( about 1 pound) sliced carrots,
1 can (about 1 pound) stewed tomatoes
1 tablespoon dried parsley fakes
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon thyme
* teaspoon pepper
I. Saute bacon j ust until fat starts to cook out in a
large frying pan ; remove and drain on paper
toweling ; set aside.
2. Shape meat-loa mixture into a large patty in
same pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side. Pour
of all drippings, then break meat up into chunks.
3. Stir in drained beans and carrots, tomatoes, and
seasonings ; heat to boiling. Spoon into a greased
10cup baking dish ; place bacon on top.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
bubbly hot and bacon is crisp.
Bake at 375 for 45minutes.
Makes 4servings
2 cups (about half an 8-ounce package)
regular noodles
1 cup cream-style cottage cheese
pound ground beef
4 slices Muenster cheese (from an 8-ounce
package) , cut in strips
I can (about 11 ounces) spaghetti sauce
with mushrooms
cup grated Parmesan cheese
I. Cook noodles, following label directions ; drain,
then spoon into a greased shallow 6-cup baking
2. Spread cottage cheese over noodles ; break up
ground beef and sprinkle on top. Place half each
of the cheese strips and spaghetti sauce on top;
repeat with remaining cheese strips and sauce.
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 45 minutes, or
until bubbly in center and top is golden-brown.
Ready-mixed meat-loaf meat ad four speedy canned veetble
go into Jity Cassoulet (recipe at left), a modern-day
version of an old-fashioned French favorite. Serve with zippy
corn relish and crusty little rolls or com-bread suares
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes 8 serngs
1 medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
cup chopped celery
1 teaspoons chili powder
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground beef,
pork, and veal)
teaspoon oregano
1 can ( 8 ounces) tomato sauce
2 cans (about 1 pound each) baked beans
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces)
l . Saute onion and celery with chili powder lightly
in salad oil in a frying pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape meat-loaf mixture into a large patty in
same pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks. Stir in oregano and to
mato sauce ; heat to boiling. Place beans, cheese,
and meat mixture in a greased 8-cup baking dish.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes.
(Pictured H pge 91}
Bake at 425 for 25 minutes.
Maes 12 servngs
2 packages ( l pound, 8 ounces each)
lasaga dinner
2 packages ( 10 ounces each) frozen
chopped spinach
1 pound ground beef
2 cups ( 1-pound carton) cream-style
cottage cheese
I egg
2 teaspoons Italia seasoning
teaspoon salt
l. Cook noodles from packages of lasagna dinner,
following label directions ; drain.
2. Cook spinach, following label directions ; drain.
3. Shape ground beef into a patty in a frying pan;
brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up into
chunks. Stir in sauce from lasagna dinner.
4. Mix cottage cheese with egg, Italian seasoning,
and salt ; stir in spinach.
5. Set aside 6 noodles. Layer half of remaining
noodles, cheese mixture, meat sauce, and grated
cheese ( from packages) into a greased baking
dish, 13x9. Repeat layers.
6. Roll up saved noodles, jelly-roll fashion ; slice in
half and press, cut sides down, into sauce.
7. Bake in hot oven (425 ) 25 minutes, or until
bubbly hot.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Makes serings
1 package . (8 ounces) small macaroni
1 package (ounces) cream cheese with
l pound ground beef
2 cans ( 8 ounces each) tomato sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoons salt
2 medium-size onions pe le ad slce
2 tablespoons buHer or margarine
l egg
1 cup (8unee carion} da C-- .
l. Cook macaroni, following label directions ; drain,
then return to kettle.
2. Slice cream cheese with chives into macaroni ;
toss to coat well. Spoon into a greased shallow 8-
cup baking dish.
3. Shape ground beef into a large paty in a frying
pan; brown 5 minute on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in tomato sauce, sugar, and
1 teaspoon of the sat ; spoon over macaroni mix
ture in baking dish.
4. Saute onions in butter or margarine just until
soft in same pan; arrange over meat mixture in
baking dish.
5. Beat egg sightly ; blend in sour cream and re
maining % teaspoon salt ; spoon over onions.
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 4 minutes, or
until bubbly in center and top is set.
Cooksaver tip:
If you fnd you're out of the variety
of macaroni your recipe calls for,
take heart. Other kinds taste just as
good, and it's fun to experiment with
spaghetti, butterfies, spirals-or
mix them, if you like. When making
substitutions, choose shapes of about
the same size so they'll cook evenly
Cooksaver tip:
Besides using a pastry brush, there's
many a quick trick for greasing a
casserole. A few worh knowing: Swishing
the outside wrapper from a stick of
butter or margarine around the di sh ;
dipping a small piece of paper
toweling into bacon drippings or
salad oil and into the casserole. Even
a piece of buttered bread does the job
Bakeat 4 Iur1 buur.
1 smallkeadcabbage (abuut2 puunds)
1 medium-sizeuniun, ckupped ( cup)
1 cupuncuukedrice
1 puundsmeat-luaImixture (gruundbeeI
1 teaspuunsalt
1 can ( ahuut 15uunces) spagkettl sauce
3 cupswater
1. Shred cabbage. ( There should he about 8 cups. )
Spread half in .a greased shallow baking dish,
2. Saute bacon just until fat starts to cook out ; re
move and drain on paper toweling ; set aside.
3. Stir onion and rice into drippings in pan ; cook,
stirring constantly, until onion is soft and rice
is lightly browned. Spoon over cabbage in bak
ing dish.
4. Shape meat-loa mixture into large patty in same
pan. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up
into chunks. Spoon over rice mixture in baking
dish ; sprinkle with salt and pepper ; top with
remaining cabbage.
5. Heat spaghetti sauce with water to boiling in
same pan. Pour over cabbage, stirring lightly
with a fork so sauce will fow to bottom. Top
with bacon slices ; cover.
6. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 50 minutes, or until
rice and cabbage are tender ; uncover. Bake 10
minutes longer to crisp bacon.
(Pitured OH pages 90-91)
Bakeat35 for1 kour.
1 cupyelluwcornmeal
1 puundgroundbeeI
1 teaspounssalt
1 largeunion,cbupped ( 1 cup)
cup ckupped celery
cluvegarlic, crusked
1 can (abuut1 puund) tumatues
1 package (ounces) cubedCkeddar
1 . Stir corn meal slowly into 4 cups boiling water ;
cook until thick, about 30 minutes. Pour into a
greasd baking dish, 13x9x2 ; chill.
2. Saute bacon until crisp in a medium-size frying
pan ; drain on paper toweling; crumble and set
aside. Pour of drippings, then measure 2 table
spoonfuls and return to pan.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with I teaspoon of the
salt, pepper, and parsley ; shape into 24 small
balls. Brown in drippings in pan ; push to one
4. Stir onion, celery, and garlic into pan ; saute just
until onion is soft. Stir in tomatoe, cheese, and
remaining l2 teaspoon salt. Remove from heat.
5. Remove chilled corn-meal mush from dish by
turning upside down on a cutting hoard; cut into
about-l -inch blocks.
6. Set aside about 10 for top, then place half of the
remaining in the bottom of a greased 8-cup bak
ing dish. Top with half each of the meat balls
and sauce and crumbled bacon. Repeat to make
another layer of each, mounding meat balls in
center ; arrange saved corn-meal blocks around
edge ; cover.
7. Bake in moderate oven { 350 ) 20 minutes ; un
cover. Bake 40 minutes longer, or until bubbly
Cooksaver tip:
Shred cabbage quickly thi s chef's
way : Quarter, cut out core, and lay
each wedge fat on a cutting board.
Using a French knife ( it has a long
sharp blade) , slice cabbage
crosswise into shreds
Layers uI peppery meat sauce, nuudles, and ckeese stack up tu
Our FavurIte Lasagna (recipe MM page 104). Reclpe lls
big dlsk, su iI yuu're planning a party, lt's a guud easy-
serve cbulce. bume leIt : t rekeats perIectly ln lts baker
|OOb `
Pufs of smoke are curlng up from back- yard
grills where sizzling- good burgers are regular
fare. Kitchens make happy settings, to, when
lively teen- agers get together for fill- ' em- up fod
that' s fast and easy.
Here you'll fnd lots - of ways to shape, season,
grill, and serve hamurgers outdoors and in . . .
barbecue sauces to brush on burgers as they cok
and toppers to crown your griled- to- perfection
prizes . . . spoonables to dip from a bottomless
kettle . . . cook-in and carry - out casseroles, pizza,
spaghetti, and chili mixes for a small famly gath
ering as well as a crowd. And yes, even tips for
the chef on building the fire.
Whether you cook out or cook in, serve ham
burger plain or fancy-you can depend on ths
favorite to make a hit.
Picnic specials
to cook

carry out
Makes 12servlngs
I largeunlun,ckupped ( I cup)
2 cluvesgarllc,mlnced
_ cupollveullursaladull
2 puunds gruundbeeI
2 cans (abuut2puundseack) tallan
2 cans (uunceseack) tumatupaste
1 cup water
* cupcbuppedparsley
2 bay leaves
I teaspuunbasll
4 teaspuunssalt
2 teaspuunssugar
_ teaspuunpepper
2 packages ( 1 puundeack) spagkettl
l . Saute onion and garlic in olive oil or salad oil
just until onion is soft in a kettle or Dutch oven ;
push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
kettle ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in remaining ingredients,
except spaghetti and cheese.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 2 hours, or until
sauce is thick. Let stand 5 to lO minutes until fat
rises to top, then skim of; remove bay leaves.
4. Cook spaghetti in two kettles, following label
directions ; drain.
5. Spoon cooked spaghetti and meat sauce into
separate large bowls for everyone to dish up his
own ; serve with grated Parmesan cheese to
sprinkle on top.
(Pictred H pge 102)
Bake at350 Ior30 mlnutes.
Makes8 servlngs
1 medium-sizeuniun, ckupped ( cup)
1 cluvegarlic,mlnced
1 can ( abuut2 puunds) tallantumatoe
1 envelupespagkettl-saucemlx
1 puundlasagnanuudles
1 tablespuunsaladull
2 eggs
2 cups ( I puund) cream-stylecottage
2 packages ( 8 uunceseack) sllced
l . Squeeze sausages from casings ; mix meat lighty
with ground beef. Shape into a large patty in a
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir in onion and garlic ; saute j ust until soft.
Stir in tomatoes and spaghetti-sauce mix ; sim
mer, stirring several times, 30 minutes, or until
slightly thickened.
3. While sauce cooks, slide lasagna noodles, one at
a time so as not to break, into a kettle of boiling
salted water. Add salad oil ; cook, following
label directions. ( Oil keeps noodles from stick
ing. ) Cook, stirring often, 15 minutes, or j ust
until tender. Drain ; cover with cold water.
4. Beat eggs slightly ; blend in cottage cheese.
5. Line bottom of a lightly oiled baking dish,
l3x9x2, with a single layer of drained noodles.
( Lift each strip separately from water and hold
over kettle to drain. ) Cover with a third each of
cottage-cheese mixture, meat sauce, and moz
zarella or pizza and Parmesan cheeses. Repeat to
make two more layers of each. ( Our picture shows
the top layer of mozzarella cheese arranged in
crisscross and triangle designs. )
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes, or
until bubbly hot. Garish with a ripe-olive
"fower" and parsley, if you wish. ( To make
olive "fower," cut a pitted ripe olive lengthwise
i nto sixths ; arrange, petal fashion, around a
whole ripe olive. )
Cooksaver tip:
For a change from mild Parmesan cheese,
try gra
ed zesty Romano or
herb-seasoned Sap Sag
Makes servings
1 pound groud beef
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 medium-size green pepper, halve,
seeded, and chopped
I cup chopped celery
I clove garlic, minced
cup sliced stufed green olives
I can ( 3 or 4ounces) chopped mushrooms
I evelope spaghetti-sauce mix
1 4 ( ounces) tomato paste
1 can condensed beef broth
I soup can of water
_ pound spaghetti, broke in 2-inch pieces
I. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a kettle
or Dutch oven; brown 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chu

2. Stir in onion, green pepper, celery, garlic, olives,
mushrooms and liquid, spagheti-sauce mix,
tomato paste, beef broth, and water.
3. Cok, stirring often, l hour, or until thick.
4. Cook spaghetti, following label directions ; drain.
Stir into meat mixture; heat just to boiling.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes servings
1 small Bermuda onion, peeled and slic
1 medium-size green pepper, halve,
seeded, and slice
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 pounds ground beef
I cup bottled barbecue sauce
2 cups water
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 tablespoon brow sugar
teaspoon salt
% cup uncooked rice
I. Saute onion and green pepper in butter or mar
garine just until soft in a large frying pan ; re
move and set aside.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
3. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat, stirring sev
eral times, just to boiling.
4. Spoon half of the onion-green-pepper mixture
into an ungreased 12-cup baking dish ; top with
all of the meat mixture, then remaining onion
green-pepper mixture ; cover.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) l hour, or until
rice is tender.
(Pitured H
e 10)
Makes ssvings
3 meium-siz onions, choppe
( 1 cups)
1 tablespoon chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil or salad oil
2 cans (about 1 pound each) tomatoes
2 cans (8 ounces each) tomato suce
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon oregano
* teaspoon bottled red-pepper seasoning
1 clove garlic
Tortillas and Filling
1 pound ground beef
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can (about 4 ounces) choppe ripe
olives, dained
1 cup chopp green onions
_ cup salad oil
8 tortillas (from an 11-ounce can)
1 cups grated Chedar chese ( ounces)
Slice stufed green olives
Swet-onion rings
I. Make sauce : Saute onions and chili powder in
olive oil or salad oil until onions are soft in a
large frying pan; stir in remaining sauce ingre
dients, sticking garlic onto a wooden pick so it
will be easy to remove.
2. Simmer, adding a little water from time to time
if mixture seems dry, 45 minutes to blend favors ;
remove garlic.
3. Prepare tortillas : Mix ground bef lightly with
chili powder and garlic ; shape int a large patty
in a medium-size frying pan. Brown 5 minutes
on each side, then break up into chunks ; remove
from heat. Stir in ripe olives and green onions.
4. Heat salad oil in a small frying pan; dip each
tortilla into the hot oil just until softened. Re
move and drain on paper toweling.
5. Spread each with a scant Y cup meat mixture,
then sprinkle with l tablespoon of the grated
cheese. Roll up ; place, spoke fashion and seam
side down, in suce in pan.
6. Spoon some of the sauce over rolls ; sprinkle with
remaining cheese.
7. Arrange topping: Place sliced green olives and
onion rings on top of enchiladas ; heat slowly just
until enchiladas are hot and cheese melts slightly.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Makes 4 servings
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
I pound ground beef
2 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon sat
teaspoon paprika
I small can evaporated milk ( % cup)
% cnp water
cup catsup
I cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4 ounces)
I can (about I pound) hominy, drained
cup fne dry bread crumbs
cup sliced shed green olives
1. Saute onion lightly in buter or margarine in a
large frying pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in four, salt, and paprika,
then evaporated milk, water, and catsup.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens
and boils 1 minute. Stir in l3 cup of the cheese
and drained hominy.
4. Spoon into a greased 6- cup baking dish; sprinkle
with bread crumbs and remaining cheese.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes, or
until bubbly hot and top is golden-brown. Gar
nish with a ring of sliced olives.
Makes 8 to I 0 servings
I pounds ground beef
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
ponnd salami, diced
I package ( I pound) dried lentils
I teaspoon Italian seasoning
teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice
I envelope instant beef broth
OR: I beef-favor bouillon cube
I teaspoon salt
cups water
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a kettle
or Dutch oven ; brown 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir onion into drippings in kettle ; saute just
until soft ; stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to
boiling, crushing bouillon cube, if using, with a
spoon ; cover.
3. Simmer l hour, or untl lentils are soft. Ladle
into soup plates or small bowls.
Bake at 325 for I hour.
Makes 8 servings
4 slices bacon, diced
I pounds ground beef
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
cup chopped celery
I clove garlic, minced
2 cans ( about I pound each) red kidney
I can (about I poud) tomatoes
I can (ounces) tomato paste
I tablespoon chili powder
I teaspoon sal
I teaspoon sugar
teaspoon oregano
teaspoon pepper
l. Saute bacon until crisp in a kettle or Dutch oven ;
remove and set aside. Pour of drippings, then
measure 2 tablespoonfuls and return to kettle.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
kettle ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
3. Stir in onion, celery, and garlic ; saute lightly,
then stir in kidney beans and liquid and remain
ing ingredients ; heat j ust to boiling.
4. Spoon into an ungreased 12-cup baking dish;
sprinkle bacon on top ; cover.
5. Bake in slow oven ( 325 ) 1 hour, or until bub.bly.
6. Spoon over your choice of corn chips, toasted
corn-bread squares, or toasted English mufns, if
yol wish.
Makes servings
I poUd ground beef
I large onion, diced ( I cup)
I cup diced celery
I cup diced pared raw carrots
I cup diced pared white turip
cup barley
I envelope instant beef broth
2 teaspoons salt
4 cups water
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a kettle or
Dutch oven ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Stir onion and celery into kettle; saute just until
soft. Stir in remaining ingredients ; heat to boil
ing; cover.
3. Simmer 1 hour, or until barley is tender. Ladle
into soup plates or small bowls.
Bake at 400 for 20 minutes.
Makes 8 pies
l poud ground beef
l small onion, grated
l egg
% cup soft bread crumbs ( l slice)
I tablespoon catsup
% tespoon W orcestershire sauce
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
I package piecrust mix
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion ; shape into
a large patty in a frying pan ; brown 5 minutes
on each side, then break up into small chunks.
2. Beat egg slightly; stir in bread crumbs, catsup,
W orcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper ; drizzle
over meat. Cook, stirring constantly, about 1 min
ute ; cool while making pastry.
3. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions.
Roll out half to a 12-inch square ; cut into 4 six
inch squares.
4. Spoon about : cup meat mixture onto center of
each; fold over to make a triangle. Press edges
frmly with a fork to seal, then trim even, if
needed. Place pies on an ungreased cooky sheet.
Repeat with remaining pastry and meat mixture.
5. Bake in hot oven ( 40 ) 20 minutes, or until
pastry is golden. Serve warm.
Makes servings
I % pounds ground beef
I medium-size potato, cooked, peele, and
chopped fne
I medium-size onion, grated
3 tablespoons chopped pickled beets
I egg
I tablespoon chopped parsley
I teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 envelope brown-gravy mix
% teaspoon prepared horseradish
I cup water
l. Mix ground beef lightly with potato, onion, beets,
egg, parsley, and salt until well-blended ; shape
into 6 patties about I inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat in salad oil 8 minutes
on each side, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Blend gravy mix, horseradish, and water ; pour
over paties. Heat, stirring constantly, to boiling ;
cover. Simmer 1 minute to blend favors.
Cooksaver tip:
If you make the Picnic Pies ahead and
want to tote them farther away than
your back yard, reheat them, then keep
under wraps this way: Bundle each pie
in foil and reheat in moderate oven
( 350 ) 10 minutes. Pack all -still in
their foil jackets -in a box.
They'll stay warm for about an hour
Bake at 350 for I hour and IO minutes.
Makes 8 servings
I cup ( about half an 8-ounce package)
macaroni twists
I pound ground beef
I teaspoon salt
I teaspoon curry powder
* teaspoon marjoram
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
4 cups chopped raw cabbage (about
I pound)
I can ( about I pound) tomatoes
I can (8 ounces ) tomato sauce
I can ( 3 or 4ounces ) chopped mushrooms
I cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese
(4ounces )
* cup seedless raisins
4 slices mozzarella or pizza cheese ( from an
8-ounce package) , cut i triangles
l. Cook macaroni, following label directions ; drain,
then return to kettle.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with salt, curry powder,
marjoram, and onion ; shape into a large patty in
a frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chunks.
3. Stir into cooked macaroni with cabbage, toma
toes, tomato sauce, mushrooms and liquid, Ched
dar cheese, and raisins. Spoon into a greased 12-
cup baking dish; cover.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour ; arrange
mozzarella or pizza cheese on top. Bake 10 min
utes longer, or until cheese melts slightly.
Help yourseH, everyboy, to sizg
Burgers Kun Koki (reeip MM pge 117)
to pop into a big roll. Slumgullion
on-a-bun ( reeipe MM pge 113) ad
Skillet Enchiladas (recipe MM pge 105)
are choices to cook idoors, then
whisk o: to your outdoor eating spot
1 10
(Pitured H pge 1J2)
Bakeat325 for30 minutes.
2 pouodsgroundb f
1 eovelopeonlon+oupml
I 4 ( 1pmt,2ouoces) tomumjulce
I cup catsup
% cuprmlypack~browosugar
2 tublespoooscldmvmeg
2 mblpmosWorceatersblre
2 teaspooossat
3 eggs
1 cups mllk
1 cupsiIt~regularuur
1 teaspooosalt
2 tablespoonsmeltedbutterormargarine
2 cups ( 1-ouocecarton) dairysourcream
1 package (4 ounces) sbreddedsbarp
1 medlum-si gr~o pepper, seeded and
1 . Make flling : Shape ground beef into a large
patty in a large frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into small chunks. Stir
in remaining flling ingredients ; cover.
2. Simmer, stirring often, 1 hour, or until thick.
3. Make pancakes : Beat eggs with milk; sift in four
and salt, then stir in corn meal and melted butter
or margarine ; beat just until smooth.
4. Heat a 7-inch heavy frying pan over low heat ;
lightly grease with butter or margarine. Pour in
hatter, a scant % cup at a time, tipping pan to
cover bottom completely. Bake until pancake top
appears dry and underside is golden; tr ;
brown other side. Repeat, lightly buttering pan
before each baking, to make 12 pancakes.
5. Spoon about % cup of the flling onto each pan
cake as it is baked ; roll up and place, seam side
down, in a double row in a buttered shallow
baking dish, 13x9x2.
6. Keep pancake rolls warm in very slow oven
( 250 ) until all are flled. ( Pancakes may he
flled ahead, then chilled until ready to bake. )
7. Make topping : Spoon sour cream in a ribbon
between pancake rows ; sprinkle with cheese ;
spoon any remaining flling beside sour cream.
8. Bake in slow oven ( 325 ) 30 minutes, or until
top is bubbly and pancakes are heated through.
( If flled pancakes have been chilled, increase
baking time to 45 minutes . ) Garnish with gren
pepper rings and cherry tomatos.
Bake at 350 for I @ bours.
Makes 4 serviogs
1 pomdgroundbeef
cup gratedprmess Amerlcuocke~e
1 teaspooossalt
1 tablespoonsaladoll
@ cupuocookedrice
1 medium-size onioo, cboppcd ( cup)
1 can coodeosedtomatosoup
1 soupcaoofwater
% teaspooodrymustard
1 4 (about1 pouod) cutgr~obms,
1 cao ( 12orIouoces) wkole-kemel
l. Mix ground beef lightly with cheese and I tea
spoon of the salt until well-blended; shape into
12 balls.
2. Brown in salad oil in a large frying pan ; remove
with a slotted spoon and place in an ungreasd
8-cup. baking dish ; sprinke with uncooked rice
and onion.
3. Stir soup, water, oregano, mustard, and remain
ing Yz teaspoon salt into drippings in pan ; heat
slowly, stirring several times, to boiling. Pour
over meat mixture ; cover.
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; stir
with a fork to mix well. Spoon drained green
beans and corn in a double ring on top, then
cover again.
5. Bake 30 minutes longer, or until rice is tender
and vegetable are heated through.
ooK8aVer tip:
When baking pancakes, make sure your
frying pan is heated to te proper
temperature before pouring in batter.
Here's how to test: Sprinkle a few
drops of water into the pan ; when they
bounce about, temperature is right.
Using a griddle? Test it the same way
uuK8aVCr tgt
No canned sweet potatoes or yams on
hand for French Beef Bake? Just
substitute either fresh variety this way:
Pare the potatoes and slice
1; inch
thick, then parboil in boiling, slightly
salted water about 10 minutes.
Drain well ; layer into baking dish, as
below. You'll need about a pound,
the same as the canned ones
Bme at 350 for I hours.
Makes 8 servngs
2 poundsgroundbeef
cup our
2 teaspoonssalt
I teaspooncurrypowder
1 can (about1 pound) wkolesweet
potatmsoryams, dralnedandcut
lnto -lnck-tklcksllces
4 leeks,trlmmedandsllced
1 package (10 ounces) Irozenpeas,
1 _ cupsbolllngwater
1 tablespoonbutterormargarme
l. Shap ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks ; stir in four.
2. Mix salt, curry powder, and pepper.
3. Layer vegetables and ground-beef mixture into
a 12-cup baking dish this way: Half each of the
sliced sweet potatoes, leeks, ground-beef mixture,
peas, and olive slices ; sprinkle with half of the
seasoning mixture. Repeat with remaining vege
tables, meat, and seasoning mixture.
4. Pour in boiling water slowly; dot with butter or
margarine; cover.
5. Bake in moderate oven (350 ) I hours, or
until vegetables are tender.
2 poundsgroundbeef
2 teaspoonssalt
2 cans (aboutIIounceseach) bfgray
I can (sounces) spagkettlsaucewlth
1 can ( 1 pound) mlxedvegetables
1 can ( 1 pound) smallwkltepotatoes,
1 can ( 1 pound) smallwholeonlons,
l. Mix ground beef lightly with salt ; shape into 6
patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry in a large heavy frying pan 8 minutes
on each side for medium, or until meat is done as
you like it. Pour of all drippings.
3. Stir in beef gravy, spaghetti sauce, mixed vege
tables and liquid, and drained potatoe and
onions. Heat just until bubbly hot.
4. Spoon meat patty into each of six soup bowls ;
spoon vegetables and gravy over.
Makes 12 servngs
4 poundsgroundbeef
2 cans (about1 poundeack) tomatoes
2 cans (1 poundeack) cream-stylecorn
2 cans ( 1 poundeack) peas
1 can (aboutI4ounces) cklckenbroth
1 envelopeFrencksalad<resslngmlx
_ cuplnstantmlncedonlon
1 tablespoon sugar
1 package ( 8 ounces) Enenoodles
OR: I package (8 ounces) regular
1. Shape ground beef into 4 large patties ; brown,
one at a time, 5 minutes on each side in a kettle
or Dutch oven. Pour of all drippings. Retur all
meat to kettle ; break up into small chunks.
2. Stir in tomatoes, corn, peas and liquid, chicken
broth, salad-dressing mix, onion, sugar, and pep
per ; heat to boiling. Simmer, stirring several
times, 5 minutes.
3. Stir in noodles ; cook 10 to 15 minutes longer, or
just until noodles are tender ; stir in parsley.
4. Serve with big squares of hot corn bread, if you
to please
every 8SC
Makes 12 to 16 servings
3 pounds ground beef
1 pound sausage meat
2 large onions, chopped (2 cups )
1 clove garlic, minced
2 cups choppe celery
1 small green ppper, halve, seded, and
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 cans (about 1 pound each) red kidney
1 bottle ( 14 ounces) catsup
2 tlespoons brow sugar
1 tablespoon dry mustard
3 teaspoons salt
2 taspoons paprika
teaspoon pepper
3 cups water
* cup cider vinegar
2 tablespoons W orcestershire sauce
12 split hamburger buns, toasted and
Grated Cheddar cheese
Sweet onion rings
l . Mix ground beef lightly with sausage meat ; shape
into two large patties. Brown, one at a time, in a
kettle or Dutch oven 5 minutes on each side ;
remove and set aside.
2. Pour of all drippings, then measure 2 tablespoon
fuls and return to kettle. Add onions and garlic ;
saute just until soft. Stir in celery, green pepper,
and chili powder ; cook just until celery is soft.
3. Reur browned meat to kettle and break up into
chunks. Stir in kidney beans and liquid, catsup,
brown sugar, mustard, salt, paprika, pepper,
water, vinegar, and Worcestershire sauce.
4. Simmer, stirring often, l hour, or until thick.
5. Spo n onto hamburger buns ; top with grated
chees and onion rings.
Makes 6 servings
pound sausage meat
1 pounds ground beef
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 cup dice celery
1 bottle ( 12 ounces) chil sauce
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 cups water
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
6 split hamburger buns, toasted and
l . Saute sausage meat 3 to 5 minutes in a kettle or
Dutch oven ; remove and set aside. Pour of all
drippings ; rturn l tablespoonful to kettle.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
kettle; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks ; remove with a slotted spoon and
add to sausage meat.
3. Stir onion and celery into drippings in pan ; saute
just until onion is soft.
4. Return browned meats to kettle ; stir in chili
sauce, . tomato sauce, water, mustard, and season
ings. Simmer, stirring often, 45 minutes, or until
5. Spoon onto hamburger buns.
Makes 6 servings
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
2 tablespoons bacon drippings
1 pound gound beef
1 m 2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cans (about 1 pound each) re kidney
1 can condensed tomato soup
2 cans (about 1 pound each) tamales
l . Saute onion in bacon drippings just until soft in
a kettle or Dutch oven; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in chili powder, salt, kidney
beans and l iquid, tomato soup, and sauce from
tamale; heat to boiling,
3. Remove wrappers from tamales ; cut tamales into
l-inch piece; stir into meat mixture. Heat slowly
just until tamales are hot.
4. Spoon over hot corn bread, if you wish.
Makes8 servlngs
4 sllcesbmon,dlced
I argeonlon,peeledandsllced
I clovegarllc,mlnced
I teaspooncklllpowder
I poundsgroundbeI
2 cans (about1 poundeack) bakedbeans
1 cancondensedtomatosoup
1 teaspoonsalt
1 can (about7ounces) glttedHgollves,
8 hardrolls,spllt
I. Saute bacon just until crisp in a kettle; remove
and drain on paper toweling.
2. Stir oni
n, garlic, and chili powder into drip
pings in kettle ; saute j ust until onion is soft ; push
to one side.
3. Shape ground beef into a large patty in kettle ;
brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up into
4. Stir in baked beans and sauce, tomato soup, salt,
and pepper. Cook, stirring often, 15 minutes. Stir
in olives.
5. Toast rolls and butter, if you wish. Top with hot
hamburger mixture ; sprinkle with bacon.
(Pictured M pes 108-10)
Makes8 servlngs
2 poundsgroundbeeI
I largeonlon,ckopped ( I cup)
I clovegarlIc,mlnced
1 envelopespagkettl-sauce mlx
1 can ( 1 ylnt,2 ounces) tomatojulce
I cupckoppedceler
1 can (12 or16 ounces} wkolekeHel

8 splltkamburgerbuns
I. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a kettle
or Dutch oven. Brown 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chunks ; push to one side.
2. Add onion and garlic ; saute just until soft. Stir
in spaghetti-sauce mix, tomato juice, celery, and
corn and liquid ; cover.
3. Simmer 30 minute, or until thick; stir in chopped
4. Spoon over hamburger buns. Top with chopped
swet onions or grated cheese, if you wish.
Makes 6 servlngs
1 clovegarllc,mlnced
I smallonlon,peeledandsllced
2 tablespoons salad oll
1 c

n ( 1 plnt,2 ounces) tomatojulce

I can (about1 pound) tomatoes
1 teaspoonsugar
teaspoon pepper
1 poundgroundbeeI
1 egg
2 tablespoonswater
1. Cut sausages in l- inch pieces. Saute with garlic,
onion, and green pepper in salad oil in a kettle
or Dutch oven 5 minutes. Stir in tomato juice,
tomatoes, sugar, salt, pepper, and oregano until
2. Simmer, uncovered, stirring several times, 30
minutes to blend favors.
3. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, water, bread
crumbs, and cheese until well-blended; shape into
36 halls.
4. Place in hot sauce ; simmer, stirring several times,
25 minutes, or until meat halls are cooked through
and sauce is thick.
5. Spoon 6 meat halls and some of the sauce, sand
wich style, into each buttered roll.
Teen-agers love to eat spoonburgers
out of hand, so wrap them, picnic
style, in big paper napkins. For the
grownups who prefer plates, make
outdoor eating carefree with the paper
variety. With so many colorful
patterns available today, you can go
plain or fancy to suit your mood
1 13
Makes servings
1 pound ground beef
1 medium-siz onion, chopp ( * cup)
% teaspoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon four
1 * teaspoons chili powder
% tspon salt
1 4 (about 1 pound) tomatoes
1 4 (12 or 16 ounces) whole-kerel
1 can (about 2 ounces) chopped ripe
olives, drained
1 package ( 4ounces) shredded Chedar
slices white bread, toaste and buttere
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion and garlic
salt. Shape into a large patty in a kettle or Dutch
oven; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
2. Stir in four, chili powder, and salt, then toma
to, corn and liquid, and olives ; cover. Simmer,
stirring several times, 15 minutes. Stir in cheese
just until melted.
3. Spoon over toast ; top with chopped bread-and
butter pickles, if you wish.
Make 4 servings
1 pound ground bf
* cup cor-fake crumbs (from an about
1 0-unce package)
1 envelop onion-sup mix
cup milk
1 egg
1 4 ( 3or 4ounces) slice mushrooms
1 * cups watr
2 tablespoons four
teaspoon Italian sasoning
4 split hambuger buns, toast
1. Mix ground bef lightly with corn-fake crumbs,
half of the soup mix, milk, and egg until well
blended; shape into 8 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Pan-fry just until brown on both sides.
3. Mix remaining soup mix, mushrooms and liquid,
water, four, and Italian seasoning; pour over
patties. Heat, stirring constantly, to boiling;
cover. Simmer, stirring once T twice, 20 minutes
to blend favors.
4. Spoon a meat patty and sme of the sauce over
each bun bal .
Makes 12 srvgs
2 tablespons salad oil
1 clove garlic, minced
2 envelopes spaghetti-sauce m
1 4 (abut 1 pound) tomato
1 4 ( 12 ouee) mixe vegetable jue
1 * cups watr
2 teaspoons sugar
cup chopp parsley
2 pounds ground bef
1 meium-siz onion, gate
2 eggs
1 cup sft bread crumbs ( 2slee)
2 teaspoons salt
1 taspoon dry mustard
* cup milk
12 onion rlls or English mufns, split ad
Grat Pamesan cheese
OR: Grated Romano chese
l. Heat salad oil and garlic in a saucepan; stir in
spaghetti-sauce mix, tomatoes, mixed vegetable
juices, water, sugar, and parsley. Simmer 20 min
utes to blend favors.
2. Mix ground bef lightly with onion, eggs, bread
crumbs, salt, and mustard until well-blende;
shape into 36 halls. Place in hot sauc; simer
15 minutes, or until meat halls ar cooked
through. Remove from heat. Slowly stir in milk
until well-blended.
3. Spoon 3 meat halls and some of the suce into
each roll or mun, sandwich style ; sprinkle with
Parmesan cheese or Romano chees. Serve with
potato chips, if you wish.
tooK8aVer lgt
If you like the favor of garlic hut
prefer not to eat it, try this easy
trick: String the peeled whole clove
on a wooden pick and drop it into your
cooking pot, then scoop it out before
serving. Or substitute a dash of
garlic salt or powder ; both come
handy shaker-top or easy-measure Jars
ooK8uVCr tg.
If you're sering Burger Shorcakes for
a big crowd, save yourself time by
making the mashed potatoes with your
favorite instant packaged V3riety
either plain or seasoned. Label tells
you clearly what quantity you will need
Makes 4 servings
1 pounds ground bef
1 small onion, grated
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons foW
teaspon paprika
1 can ( 3 or 4ounces) sliced mushrooms
cup water
I envelope instant chicken broth
OR: 1cbicken-bouillon c
cup dar SOW cream
2 tablespoons chili sauce
Hutmashed potato
I . Mix ground beef lightly with onion, salt, and
pepper until well-blended; shape into 8 patties
about 1 inch thick.
2. Brown on both sides in a large frying pan; re
move with a slotted _ spoon and set aside while
making sauce.
3. Blend four and paprika into drippings in pan ;
cook, stirring constantly, just until bubbly. Stir
in mushrooms and liquid, water, and instant
chicken broth or bouillon cube. Continue cooking
and stirring, crushing bouillon cube, if using,
with a spoon, until sauce thickens and boils 1
4. Retur meat patties to pan; cover. Simmer 15
5. Mix sour cream and chili sauce ; stir in about
1 cup of the hot sauce, then stir back into re
maining suce in pan. Heat slowly just until hot.
6. Put each to patties together, sandich style,
with mashed potatoes ; spoon sauce over top.
Makes s serving
1 pounds ground beef
pound ground veal
cup quick-ooking rolled oats
2 eggs
1 tablespoon instant minced onion
2 teaspoons seasoned salt
teaspoon dry mustard
teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon peppr
cup mlk
2 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons foW
1 envelope instant beef broth
OB: 1 b f-favor bouillon cub
1 cups water
1 cup ( 8ounce carton) dairy SOW cream
s hero rolls, split and toasted
I. Mix ground bee and veal lightly with rolled oats,
eggs, instant minced onion, seasoned salt, mus
tard, nutmeg, pepper, and milk until well-blended.
Shape into 6 balls.
2. Brown, part at a time, in shortening in a large
frying pan; remove with a slotted spoon and set
3. Stir four into drippings ; cook, stirring con
stantly, just until bubbly. Stir in instant beef
broth or bouillon cube, and water ; continue cook
ing and stirring, crushing cube, if using, with a
spoon, until sauce thickens and boils 1 minute.
4. Place ieat balls in sauce ; cover. Simmer 10
5. Stir a generous 1 cup of the sauce into sour
cream; stir back into remaining mixture in pan.
Heat slowly, just until hot.
6. Spoon, sandwich style, into hero rolls.
ooK8aVCr tg.
When serving a big crowd, you can fx
Torpedoes ahead through simmering
meat halls in sauce, then chill. Just
before party eating time, reheat to
boiling; fnish making sauce, folowi
Step 5. Special for new cooks :
Stirring part of the hot sauce into
the cold sour cream frst, then
into cooking pan, and heating very
slowly just until hot, p1events curdling
Sandwich bests
to grill to
your order
Makes servigs
l pounds ground beef
2 cups soft bread crumbs ( 4slices)
cup evaporated milk
I meium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
cup chopped stufed green olives
l clove garlic, minced
2 eggs
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
* teaspon pepper
cup bottled barbecue sauce
split hamburger buns, toasted
l. Mix ground beef lightly with bread crumbs,
evaporated milk, onion, chopped olives, garlic,
eggs, salt, paprika, and pepper until well-blended.
2. Shape meat into a 12-inch-long roll on a sheet of
heavy foil ; wrap tightly and seal lengthwise with
a drugstore fold. Fold one end over and over to
seal ; stand roll on end; tap gently to settle meat ;
sal other end. (This much can be done early in
the day and roll chilled until cooking time. )
3. Take roll from refrigerator when you start the
grill fre. When coals are white-hot, place roll in
its foil cover on grill. Grill, turning roll a quarter
. tr every 10 minutes, 4 minutes.
4. Slide roll far enough from heat to unwrap ; open
foil and crush it around roll to form a cooking
pan. Brush roll generously all over with barbecue
sauce. Continue grilling, turning and brushing
often with sauce, until meat is richly browned
and done as you like it.
5. Cut into thick slices ; make into jumbo sand
wiches with toasted hamburger buns.
Make sservings
2 pounds ground bef
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l package ( 4ounces) shredded Cheddar
* cup bottled steak sauce
8 split hamburger buns
2 medium-size tomatoes, sliced
l large onion, peeled, sliced, and separate
in rings
l. Mix ground bef lightly with salt and pepper ;
divide into 8 portions.
2. Pat each into 6-inch round on a piee of
waxed paper or foil ; spoon about 2 tablespoons
cheese in center. Fold round in half, using papr
or foil to lift meat ; press edges together to seal.
Brush pattie with steak sauce.
3. Grill over hot coals, turning and brushing with
more steak sauce, until meat is done as you like it.
4. Toast buns on grill, then butter, if you wish. Put
together, sandwich style, with meat patties, to
mato slices, and onion rings.

ooK8aVer Ig.
Big thin hamburger patties or squares
are easy to fold in half moons or
triangles if patted out frst on foil
or waxed paper to use as a "lifter"
(Pictured H pge 108)
2 tablespoonscoHsyrup
1 tablespoonlemonjulce
* teaspoongarllcpowder
2 green onlons,sllcedtkln
2 poundsgroundbeef
l. Mix salad oil, soy sauce, corn syrup, lemon juice,
ginger, garlic powder, and green onions in a
large shallow pan.
2. Shape ground beef into 8 patties about % inch
thick. Dip in sauce mixture to coat both sides,
then place in a single layer in same pan. Chill 3
to 4 hours to season.
3. When ready to cook, remove patties from sauce
and grill over hot coals, brushing several times
with the remaining sauce, until meat is done as
you like it.
4. Toast buns on grill, if you wish; put together,
sandwich style, with meat patties.
Makes servlngs
2 poundsgroundb~f
1 package (ounces)

1 sllcestallanbread,toasted
I. Shape ground beef into 8 patties about % inch
thick ; place in a shallow dish. Pour salad dress
ing over ; turn patties to coat well with dressing ;
chill, turning several times, about IS minutes to
2. When ready to cook, remove patties from dress
ing. Grill over hot coals, brushing several times
with remaining dressing in dish, until meat is
almost as d
ne as you like it.
3. Top e!ch patty with 2 or 3 cheese triangles ; con
tinue grilling I to 2 minutes longer, or just until
cheese melts slightly.
4. Put each patty together, sandwich styl

, with
toasted bread slices.
Makes serlngs
2 poundsgroundbeef
I medlum-slzeonlon,grated
2 teaspoonssalt
3 tablespoonswater
I. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, salt, oregano,
pepper, and 2 tablespoons of the barbecue sauce ;
shape into 8 patties about % inch thick. Mix re-
maining barbecue sauce and water. ,
2. Grill patties over hot coals, brushing several times
with barbecue-sauce mixture, until meat is done
as you like it.
3. Put together, sandwich style, with toasted mufns.
Makes servlngs
2 poundsgroundbeef
2 teaspoonssalt
2 cupscoleslaw (fromaI-pomd
I. Mix ground beef lightly with salt and caraway
seeds; shape into 6 patties about I inch thick.
2. Grill patties over hot coals until meat is done as
you like it.
3. Drain coleslaw well ; spoon onto each slice of
bread to form a nest ; top with a meat patty;
sprinkle with paprika.
Cooksaver tg.
Prefer to fx your own coleslaw? Here's
how for 4 cups : Finely shred enoug
cabbage to measure 4 cups ; toss
with 1 tablespoon sugar, ten chill.
When ready to serve, toss again wit a
mixture of 1 tablespoon eacQ mayonnaise
or salad dressing, lemon juice, and
cream; season with salt and pepper
This tiere Pacifca Patio Burger (recip at rght) with crisp
potato chips aud relishes makes a satisfying ma course.
The soup blend of buttermilk aud mixe vegetable juices
sre frosty cold-au double as the appetizer aud beverage
Makes servlngs
1 C (omces) tomatosauce
1 envelopegarllcsalad-dresslngmlx
1 poundsgroundbeI
I egg
12 sllcesbacon
I. Mix tomato sauce and salad dressing mix.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with egg and 1 cup of
the tomato-sauce mixture ; shape into 6 patties
about 1 inch thick.
3. Grill over hot coals, brushing often with remain
ing sauce, until meat is done as you like it.
4. While patties cook, thread bacon, accordion style,
onto long skewers ; grill until crisp.
5. Put pattie together, sandwich style, with but
tered buns ; top each with 2 slice bacon.
2 pomdsgroundbeeI
2 cupsgratedprmessAmerlcmck~se
( ounc~)
I medlum-slmonlon,ckopp~ ( cup)
I teasgmnsalt
_ uaspoonppper
12 splltkamburgerbuns,butter~
l. Mix ground beef lightly with cheese, onion, salt,
and pepper until well-blended; shape into 12
patties about lh inch thick.
2. Stack with waxed paper or foil between; cover
1ightly and chill until ready to cook.
3. Grill over hot coals until meat is done as you
like it.
4. Put together, sandwich style, with buttered buns.
Cooksaver tg.
Lots of foods take to kebab-cooking, and
it's fun to grill a few to serve with
your burgers. Try: Mushroom caps, cherry
tomatoes, canned small onions, or chunks
of green pepper threaded onto a long
skewer, brushed with melted butter or
margarine, and grilled just until hot
2 poundsgoundbeeI
1 smallonlon,grated
1 tablespoonmolasses
ix ground beef lightly with onion ; shape into
16 sticks about 1 inch thick. Place in a shal
low baking dish, 10x6x2.
2. Combine remaining seasonings ; pour over meat ;
turn to coat well. Chill about 30 minutes.
3. Grill over hot coals, brushing with remaining
sauce in dish, until meat is done as you like it.
4. Put each two together, sandwich style, with
toasted rolls.
(Pitured a left}
Makes 4 serngs
1 poundsgoundbeeI
1 smallonlon,grated
2 teaspoonsWorcestersklresauce
1 teaspoonsalt
3 sllcesprocess5wlssckeese,cutlntotkln
4 spllt kamburger buns, toasted and
4 tklcksllcestomato
I . Mix ground beef lighty with onion, Worcester
shire sauce, salt, and pepper; shape into 4 patties
about 1 inch thick.
2. Grill over hot coals until meat is almost as done
as you like it. Crisscross cheese strips on top,
dividing evenly ; grill 1 minute longer, or until
cheese melts.
3. Cover bottom halves of buns with lettuce. Spread
tomato slices with mayonnaise or salad dressing;
place on top
of letuce, then top with a broiled
meat patty. Garnish with a few onion rings and
a generous spoonful of red-pepper relish. Serve
with remaining bun halves. Our pictured plate
shows a serving of potato chips, dill pickles, and
olives and refreshing cooler of equal parts
chilled mixed vegetable juices and buttermilk.
1 19
Staing point: The fire
Getting te fre going is the same, whether
your grill is a fancy store-bought model or a
simple rack propped up on two stones. Unless
you live where slow-buring wood is abun
dant, it's best to buy charcoal briquettes, sold
by the bag in varying weights in most super
markets. They start fast, bum slowly without
spitting out sparks, and give an intense heat.
Knowing how much charcoal to use is also
important, . and while you'll lear through
practice, here's a good guide: Hamburgers
cook quickly, so a single layer of briquettes
usually will be enough.
For easy starting, buy one of the many pack
aged starter fuels on the market. Choices are
many-liquid, jelly, a combination box of
charcoal and lighter, even an electric lighter
to plug into an outdoor outlet. Be sure to
read label directions, and for complete safety
follow them to the letter. Other tips : Keep
youngsters away from the grill while you're
starting the fre and cooking, and before
starting any fre, know how to put it out-
. fast ! Sand is your bst helper, so it's smar
to keep a small pailful handy.
A single layer of briquetes will take a
minimum of 30 minutes to heat through.
Briquettes are ready when they tum ash
gray. At night, you can also detect a re
glow, but the ash-gray look is your best
guide. They hold their heat for a long time,
so you needn't be in a rush to star cooking.
Budget note : If your fre b is still active
when you fnish cooking, pick out the bri
quettes with tongs, dunk them in water, ad
dry, ready to use another time.
If your food choices seem to be cooking too
slowly, it may be that you need a bigger fre
bed, or should simply wait awhile .before
loading the grill. Another possibility is to
tap the ash of the briquettes, for it's an
insulator. For a fre that appears to b too
hot, know-how is simple, too. Lower te fre
box or raise the grill, if they're adjustable.
Or move the food to the edge of the grill,
away from intense heat.
What about tools?
You can do nicely with a few carefully
chosen ones or go all out-ven to a chefs
hat. Whatever your choice, do buy good
quality utensils, for they will reward you in
long service. A few musts for the new chef:
A long-handle pancake trer for fipping
hamburgers, plus a matching spoon for stir
ring spoonables.
A dipper to use for serg.
A wire broiler basket such as the one shown
at right for grilling and turning several ham
burgers at a time.
A two-inch quality paintbrush and heavy
with a fat bottom and eatproof
handle for sauce spreader and container.
Sharp knives and a cutting board.
Large easy-grasp salt and pepper shakers.
Asbestos pot holders or mitts.
Roll of heavy foil for all kinds of jobs, from
lining the frebox ( foil refects heat faster)
to making disposable pans for cooking little
burgers if te wire mesh on your grill is wide.
Sering tips for the chef's helper
Keep a supply of paper plates, cups, bowls,
platters, and napkins on hand, for they make
eating out fun and cleanup easy.
Save up a few empty 4-ounce cans (the kind
fruit and vegetable juices come in) and
small ones, too, for they make perfect con
tainers for heating barbecue sauces and but
tery spreads. They cost nothing and, what's
best, are disposable.
Use washcloths for napkins when you enter
tain, for they stay put i a breeze, wash
easily with no ironing, and, if dampened, are
ideal for fnger-style eating. And your guests
will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Turn oven racks into trays if you need extra
large ones. They're perfect for toting all the
paraphernalia that's needed for outdoor
A few simple tricks with burgers
Grill burgers good and brown before tr
ing. And, as when cooking indoors, fip only
Prevent sticking by brushing grill or patties
with a little salad oil ; or for meat, use salad
oil mixed with a seasoner of your choice.
Shape hamburger patties around a small
piece of cracked ice. As the meat grills, te
ice will melt and give the burger a special
juiciness. Or moisten both sides of the patty
with a few drops of cold water.
Make one giant l-inch-thick patty instead of
several individual burgers and, as it grills,
brush with barbecue or W orcestershire sauce
for a deep rich color. Simply cut into wedges
for serving.
(Pictured on pges 126-127}
Makes 12serlngs
3 poundsgroundbe f
1 largeonlon,grated
I egg
I cupcannedapplesauce
2 teaspoonssalt
_ teaspoonpepper
12 splltkamburgerbuns,toastedand
CklllTopplng (recipe follows)
5alty-nutTopplng (recipe follows)
RarebltTopplng (recipe follows)
5pagkettl Topplng (recipe follows)
1. Mix ground bef lightly with onion, egg, apple
sauce, and seasonings until well-blended; shape
into 12 patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Grill 8 minutes on each side for medium, or over
hot coals, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Place each patty on half a roll ; spoon a topping
of your choice over ; put together with remaining
halves of rolls.
Cklll Topplng
1 medlum-sIzeonlon,chopped ( cup)
2 teaspoonscklllpowder
2 tablespoonsollveollorsaladoll
1 can ( 1 pound) redkldneybuns
I cn (about1 pound) stewedtomatoes
_ teaspoonpepper
1 cupsllcedpltt~rlpeollves
1. Saute onion with chili powder in olive oil or
salad oil just until onion is sof in a large frying
pan; stir in remaining ingredients except olives ;
2. Simmer, stirring several times, 30 minute to
blend favors ; stir in olives.
5alty-nut Topplng
Makesabout1 cups
_ pound ( 1 stlck) Lutterormargarlne
1 can (ounces) walnuts,ckopped
1 teaspoonseasonedsalt
1 . Melt butter or margarine in a small sucepan ;
stir in walnuts and seasoned salt.
2. Saute, stirring often, 5 minutes, or until walnuts
are buttery-hot.
Rareblt Topplng
Makesabout3 cups
2 tablespoonsbutterormargarme
2 tablespoonsour
1 teaspoonsalt
I tablespoonWorcestersmresauce
2 cups mllk
1 gundprocessAmerlcanck~se,cutlnto
1. Melt butter or margarine in a saucepan ; blend
in four, salt, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce ;
cook just until bubbly. Stir in milk continue
cooking, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens
and boils 1 minute.
2. Stir in chese; cook, stirring constantly, just until
cheese melts.
5pagkettl Topplng
2 envelopesspaghettl-saucem
1 can (ounces) tomatopaste
1 can (ounces) tomatosauce
4 tablespoonssaladoll
3 cups water
1 package (ounces) tknspaghettl
1 . Blend spaghetti-sauce mix with tomato paste and
tomato sauce in a large saucepan ; sti r in salad
oil and water.
2. Heat to boiling; simmer, stirring once or twice,
25 to 30 minutes to blend favors.
3. While sauce simmers, cook spaghetti, following
label directions ; drain. Spon sauce over ; sprin
kle with cheese. Toss to mix well.
Makes sergs
1 pomdsgroundb f
1 teaspoon nstantcoE~
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoonscream
12 sllcescracked-wkeatbread,toastedmd
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with cofee, salt, and
cream until well-blended ; shape into 6 patties
about % inch thick.
2. Grill patties over hot coals until meat is done as
you like it.
3. Put together, sandwich style, with toasted bread
slices. Serve with sweet-pickle relish and potato
salad, if you wish.
2 pounds groundbeeI
2 eggs
1 medlum-slzeonlon,cbopped ( cup)
1 cupnelycbopp~rawsploacb
l cupgratedCbeddarcbeese ( 4ouoces)
2 teaspoonssalt
_ teaspoonpepper
16 sllcesbread
I. Mix ground beef lightly with eggs, onion, spin
ach, cheese, and seasonings until well-blended ;
divide into 8 portions.
2. Press each into a square the same size as bread
slice on a square of waxed paper or foil.
3. Grill squares over hot coals until meat is done as
you like it.
4. Toast bread on grill, then butter, if you wish.
Put together, sandwich style, with meat squares.
Serve plain or with catsup, prepared horseradish
mustard, or canned French fried onion rings.
ooK8aVer lg:
Hamburgers take to so many
stylings, and it's fun to make rounds,
squares, logs, rectangles, or triangles
to ft diferent shapes of bread; buns,
and rolls. "Doughnut" patty even has
a custom-made center to hold catsup or
mustard. Tiny balls molded around an
olive and strung on a skewer are
best skillet-grilled, for meat is soft
Makes servlngs
2 pouodsgroundbI
l envelopelostantmeatmarlnade
@ cup water
I . Shape ground bef into 8 patie about % inch
thick ; place in a shallow dish ; chill.
2. Just before cooking, mix meat marinade and
water, following label directions ; poW1 MNC1 pat
ties ; turn to coat all over.
3. Grill over hot coals, brushing several times with
remaining marnade in dish, until meat is done
as you like it.
4. Put together, sandwich style, with toasted rolls.
Serve with sweet pickles and potato or corn chips,
if you wish.
Quick and easy
tricks to var
2 poundsgroundb~I
2 teaspoonssalt
Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper. Stir
in 1 medium-size onion, grated, if you wish. Shpe
any of these ways, stacking each two patties with
waxed pper or foil between:
Sixteen thin rounds to ft hamburger buns, round
bread slices, or large baking powder biscuits.
Sixteen rectangle to ft frankfurter rolls, club
rolls, or 3-inch pieces of French bread.
Sixteen squares to ft sliced sandwich bread.
Put each two ptties together with any of these
fllings :
Thinly sliced tomatoes sprinkled lightly with sea-
soned salt and grated Parmesan cheese.
Canned baked beans seasoned with crumbled crisp
bacon and a dash of catsup.
Chili con carne spooned right from the can.
Canned French fried onions, coarsely crushed.
Drained canned chopped or sliced mushrooms.
Dill, sweet, or crisp cucumber pickle slices.
Assorted sliced cheeses : American, Swiss, pi
miento, sharp Cheddar.
Crumbled or mashed blue cheese mixed with an
equal amount of cream cheese.
Grated Parmesan cheese or sharp cheese spread
plain or mixed wit a little chili sauce.
Tinly sliced frankfurers topped with mustard.
Pickle relish blended with chopped celery, grated
carrot, and a little mayonnaise or salad dressing.
Grill this wy: Press edges of flled patties together
to seal. Grill over hot coals until ma i done as you
like it. Put together, sandwich style, wth your chice
of bun or brea.
1 poundgroundbeeI
1 teaspoon salt
Mix ground beef lightly with sat and pepper, then
mix in one of these special seasoners before shaping
ptties :
" cup bottled barbecue sauce.
1 or 2 green onions, sliced thin.
1 can (2" or 3 ounces) deviled ham, 1 teaspoon
prepared mustard, and 1 tablespoon pickle relish.
l cup grated Cheddar cheese and 1, cup catsup.
lh cup chopped walnuts, peanuts, or toasted
" cup dairy sour cream, 1 tablespon chopped
parsley, and a generous dash of thyme and
l cup chopped fresh mushrooms or drained
canned one.
" cup chopped stufed green olives or 2 table
spoons each chopped pimiento and ripe olives.
l cup grated pared carrot, 2 tablespoons grated
radishes, and 1 teaspoon grated onion.
" cup grated Parean cheese, " cup canned
tomato sauce, and " teaspoon oregano.
l cup cooked rice, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, and
1 sliced green onion.
3 slices crumbled crisp bacon and l cup canned
l cup crushed cheese crackers or other favored
crackers, or plain or seasoned potato chips or
corn chips.
Shp int patties. Gril over hot coals until ma i
done as you like it. Put together, sndwich style,
with your choice of buns or brea.
Makesenougb for4 m 6 smdwches
Make pain burgers a gri over ht coas unti
mea i done as you like it, then tp with ay of these
seaoning extras :
I tablespoon butter or margarine heated with *
cup chili suce and * teaspoon chili powder just
until bubbly.
% package (3 or 4 ounces) pimiento, relish, or
chive cream che bleded with * cup dairy
sour LM.
I tablespoon each melted butter or margarine and
bottled garlic-favor French dressing mixed with
I teaspon choppd parley and % teaspoon cut
1 tablespoon four blended with 1 tablepoon
butter or margarine, % teaspoon curry powder,
% teaspon salt, and 1 can ( 3 or 4 ounces)
chopped mushroms and liquid, and cooked until
sauce thickens and boils 1 minute.
% can French fried onions heated with * cup
catsup just until bubbly.
2 tablepoons butter or margarine heated with *
cup catsup and 1 tablespoon bottled steak sauce.
2 cups shredded cabbage seasoned with bottled
coleslaw dressing and a few sliced stufed green
olive and bit of crisp bacon.
%can (1 pound) barbecue beans or baked beans
heated with % cup grated Cheddar cheese.
Instant mashed potatoes blended with 1 or 2 sliced
gren onions.
Cooksaver lgt
Hot cooked burgers taste twice as good
topped with frosty butter drops to
melt in 'way down deep. To f them,
choose any of the buttery spreads
listed at right. Drop, a teaspoonful
at a time, into a tiny mound in a
foil- or waxed-paper-lined ice-cube
tray; chill until frm. At -cookout
time, pile them into a bowl half-flled
with ice, ready to put on burgers
Makesenougkfor4 to6 sandwckes
Start with 4 tblespons (% stick) softened butter
or margarine and blend in ay of these seaoners,
then sprea on buns, rol, or brea:
I tablespoon chopped parsley and 1 teaspoon
fnely cut chives.
1 can (2% ounce) deviled ham and % teaspoon
prepared horseradish-mustard.
1 tablespoon hamburger or hot-dog relish.
1 teaspoon bottled steak sauce and % teaspoon
chili powder.
1 tablespoon chopped stufed green olive or
chopped ripe olives.
2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese and % tea
spoon W orcestershire sauce.
* cup mashed peled avoado, 1 tablespoon chili
sauce, and % teaspoon onion salt.
* teaspon curry powder and 2 tablespoons cat
sup or chili sauce.
1 small onion, minced, and % cup chili sauce.
I tablespoon mayonnaise or salad dressing, I
tablespoon chopped dill pickle, and % teaspoon
garlic salt.
% cup grated Cheddar chees and 2 tablepons
pickle relish.
2 tablespoons grated Parmesa cheese and a dash
of 'oregano.
% cup smoky-cheese spread ( from a 5-ounce jar)
and 1 teaspoon prpared mustard.
1 tablespoon catsup, I teaspoon lemon juice, %
teaspoon prepared mustard, and * teaspoon chili
1 tablespoon fnely chopped walnuts, peanuts, or
almonds and % teaspoon seasned salt.
ColdenCate5aucy Burgerswlth 5pagkettlandRarebltTopplngs (recipes on
page 122 ), assortedrellskes,andablgtubIuloIlcybottledbeverages
Zippy sauces to
brush on burgers
as they grill
Makes 3 cups
1 cupllgktmolasses
1 cuppreparedmustard
1 cupcldervlnegar
Combine all ingredients in a 4-cup jar with tight
ftting lid; shake well to mix. Store in refrigerator.
Varlatlons :
BECUE SAUCE with % cup ginger marmalade and 1
teaspoon ground ginger. Makes 1% cups.
SAUCE with cup catsup, : cup salad oil, and 2
tablespoons Worcestershire sauce. Makes l% cups.
BECUE SAUCE with % cup chili sauce and % tea
spoon oregano. Makes 1% cups.
BARBECUE SAUCE with % cup tomato juice and l/2
teaspoon cracked or freshly ground pepper. Makes
l% cups.
Makes about 2 cups
@ cuppreparedmustard
l tabIespoonW orcestersklresauce
* teaspoonbottledred-pepperseasonlng
l. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl ; beat
until well-blended.
2. Spread sparingly on hamburgers, for this sauce
is kot.
3. Store any left over in a tightly covered jar in the
Makes 2 cuys
2 cans ( ounceseack) tomatosauce
1 medlum-slzeonlon,ckopped cup)
1 clovegarllc,mlnced
_ cupsoysauce
2 tablespoonssugar
1 teaspoondrymustard
1 . Combine all ingredients in a medium-size bowl ;
stir until well-blended.
2. Store any left over in a , tightly covered jar in the
Gourmet sauces
to top your
cooked burgers
Makes 1_ cups
1 smallonlon,nelyckopped ( cug)
2 tablespoonspeanutollorsalad oll
* teaspoongroundcardamom
1. Saute onion in peanut oil or salad oil just unti
soft in a small frying pan; stir in cardamom. Let
stand to cool slightly.
2. Blend peanut butter with brown sugar in a small
bowl ; stir in remaining ingredients, then coled
onion mixture.
3. Let stand at rom temperature until sering time.
Make abut I * cups
* cup toaste slvered almonds (from a
Sunc )
2 teaspons butter or margarine
2 teaspoons fonr
I teaspoon sugar
_ teaspo n salt
I small 4 evaprated milk ( % cup)
% cup milk
2 tablespoons prepare horseradish
l . Saute almonds in bqtter or margarine until
golden-brown in a small saucepan ; remove from
2. Stir in four, sugar, and salt ; cook, stirring con
stantly, just until bubbly. Stir in evaporated milk
and milk ; continue cooking and stirring until
sauce thickens and boils l minute.
3. Stir in horradish; serve warm.
Makes about I cup
cup apple juice
I tablespoon tarragon vinegar
I tablespoon fnely chopped onion
or shallots
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
I sprg parsley
teaspoon dried tarragon leaves
2 eg yolks
cup ( I stick) butter or margarine, melted
Dash of cayenne
I teaspoon chopped parsley
l. Combine apple juice, vinegar, onion or shallots,
pepper, parsley sprig, and tarragon in a small
saucepan. Heat to boiling, then simmer, uncov
ered, 8 to 10 minutes, or until liquid measures
about Y cup ; strain into a cup.
2. Beat egg yolks slightly in the top of double
boiler ; stir in about Y of the melted butter or
margarine. Place top over simmering, nt boiling,
3. Beat in strained liquid, alternately with remain
ing melted butter or margarine; continue beat
ing, keeping top over simmering water, until
mixture is fufy-thick. Remove from heat at once.
4. Stir in cayenne and chopped parsley. Serve warm.
Fancy relishes
to serve with
plain burgers
Makes about 5 cups
3 cans ( 2 * ounces each) chopped
ripe olives
I cups fnely chopped celey
I cup fnely chopped dill pickle
( about 4meium-si)
cup fnely choppe onion
I clove garlic, miced
I can (2 ounces) anchovy fllets
cup salad oi
* cup wne vinegar or cider vnegar
* teaspoon pepper
l. Combine olives, celery, dill pickle, onion, and
garlic ; toss lightly to mix.
2. Drain oil from anchovies into olive mixture ; cut
anchovies into tiny pieces and stir in with salad
oil, vinegar, and pepper; toss well to mix ; cover.
Chill several hours or overnight.
Makes about 4 cups
I teaspoon sugar
teaspoon salt
* teaspoon paprika
%, cup salad oil
* cup cider vnegar
I tblespoon prepared horeradish
I teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
2 drops red-pepper seasoning
2 cans ( 12 or 16 ounces each) whole
kerel com, drained
l. Combine all ingredients, except cor, in a jar
with tight-ftting lid ; shake well to mix.
2. Pour over cor; toss lightly to mix ; cover. Chill
several hour or overight.
Sandwich ''twists''
to fix in
the kitchen
Makes servlngs
1 largeonlon,ckopped ( Icup)
3 tablespoonssaladoll
2 poundsgroundbeeI
2 cans (sounceseack) tomatosaucewltk
1 teaspoonoregano
1 teaspoonsalt
4 kerorulls,splltandbuttered
1 package (ounces) sllcedmozzarellaor
l . Saute onion in salad oil just until soft in a large
frying pan ; push to one side.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in tomato sauce, oregano,
and salt ; simmer 10 minutes.
3. Place split rolls in a single layer in a large shallow
baking pan ; spoon meat mixture on top; cover
with cheese triangle, then olive slices.
4. Broil, 4 to 6 inches from heat, 3 minutes, or just
until cheese starts to melt and bubble up.
ooK8aVCr lgt
When making Mexicali Cheeseburgers,
use a biscuit cutter to cut rounds from
bread slices. Or simply cut squares
from centers with a sharp knife.
Set rounds or squares aside to toast
for breakfast or turn into crisp
croutons for another day
Mak~ 4 sergs
@ poundgroundbeef
@ cupnelyckoppedcelery
1 medlum-slzeonlon,nelyckopped
( @ cup)
1 teaspooncklllpowder
@ teaspoonsugar
_ teaspoonpepper
% teaspoongarllcpowder
cuptomatopaste ( froma6ounce ca)
cup water
I2 sllceswkltesandwlckbread
4 tablespoons ( stlck) softbutteror
1 package ( ounces) sllcedproc~s
l. Mix ground beef lightly with celery, onion, chili
powder, sugar, salt, pepper, and garlic powder
until well-blended ; shape into a large patty in a
frying pan.
2. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up
into small chunks ; stir in tomato paste and
water ; simmer 15 minutes.
3. Cut a 3-inch :ound from the center of each of
4 of the bread slices ; spread both sides of remain
ing 8 slices with butter or margarine.
4. Put each sandwich together this way: Buttered
slice of bread, cheee slice, bread slice with cen
ter removed, about lf cup meat mixture spooned
into center hole, cheese slice, and buttered bread.
5. Saute in a large frying pan, adding more butter
or margarine, if needed, 3 to 4 minutes on each
side, or until golden and cheese flling melts
slightly. Cut each in half diagonally; srve hot.
Makes 4 servmgs
I poundgroundbeeI
1 cancondensedcklll-beeIsoup
1 can (about9 ounces) cream-stylecoH
l. Shape ground beef into a large paty in a frying
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks. Stir in soup and corn ; simmer,
stirring often, 5 minutes to blend favors.
2. Spoon, sandwich style, into toasted buns. Serve
with small sweet pickles, if you wish.
2 pouodsgrouodb~f
2 eggs
2 teuspooossult
* teaspoonpepper
2 teaspoonscbilipowder
1 medium-siooioo,pml~uodsliced
2 tublespooossaladoil
2 caos (about1 gouodeacb) burbcue
I6 sli~wbitebreud,tousudmdbutter~
I package (omces) slic~sburpCkeddur
l. Mix ground bee lightly with eggs, salt, pepper,
and % teaspoon of the chili powder until well
blended; shape into 8 large patties about 1 inch
2. Saute onion in salad oil just until soft in a
medium-size frying pan ; stir in beans and re
maining 1 1 teaspoons chili powder ; cook slowly
until thick.
3. Pan-fry meat patties 4 minutes on each side for
medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
4. Top half of the toasted bread slices with a meat
patty, a spoonful of bean mixture, and a cheese
slice. Broil just until cheese melts and bubbles
up. Top, sandwich style, with remaining toast.
2 poundsgrouodbeef
1 teaspuonscbilipowder
_ teaspooopepper
1 medium-sizeonion,ckopped ( cup)
1 clovegarlic,mioced
2 tablespooosbutterormargarioe
2 cms (ubout11ouoceseack) beeIgravy
_ cup catsup
l. Mix ground bef lightly with 1 teaspoon of the
chili powder, salt, and pepper ; shape into 32
2. Brown, all at one time, with onion and garlic in
butter or margarine in a large frying pan. Stir
in beef gravy, catsup, and remaining 1 teaspoon
chili powder. Cook, stirring often, 15 minutes.
3. Spoon 4 meat balls and gravy into each buttered
frankfurter roll.
Makes6 serviogs
1 pouodsgrouodbeef
1 tublespooobottledsteaksuuce
1 teaspooosult
_ teaspooopepper
6 sliceswbitebread
6 slicesmildooioo
2 tublespoonsmeltedbutterormargarioe
2 tublespooosbrowosugur
@ cupcrumbledbluecb~se
6 sEcestomuto
l. Mix grund beef lightly with steak sauce, salt,
and pepper ; shape into 6 patties about l inch
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes ; turn.
3. Place bread in a single layer on broiler pan with
patties ; toast one side ; turn. Top each slice with
an onion slice ; brush all with butter or mar
garine ; sprinkle with brown sugar.
4. Top each meat patty with blue cheese and a
tomato slice. Broil 2 to 3 minutes longer, or until
onion is glazed and meat is done as you like it.
5. Serve meat patties on top of onion toast.
Makes6 serviogs
1 pouodsgrouodbmf
@ cupcbillsauce
I clovegarlic,mlnced
1 teaspooossult
_ teaspooo pepper
1 loaIloogtbioFreocbbread
1 medium-si sw~tonioo,peeled,sliced,
I puckage ( ouoces) slicedprocess
l. Mix ground beef lightly with chili sauce, garlic,
salt, and pepper.
2. Split French bread lengthwise ; spread each half
lightly with mustard and mayonnaise or salad
dresing, then meat mixture.
3. Broil, 6 inches from heat, 10 to 12 minutes, or
until meat is done as you like it ; top with onion
rings and cheese strips. Broil l to 2 minute
longer, or just until cheese melts. Slice into thirds
for serving.
Ld-ho 5ubs (recipe at right) and Texas Tacos (recip MM
ge 110) show two lnvltlng ways ground beef goe on
m eatlng-outlng. Botk, plctured here wltk plcnlc-favorlte
frankfurters, can b Exed atkom

and reheated on tke grl

(Picture a left}
Makes 8 serings
l lge onion, chopped ( I cup)
2 tablespoons salad oil
2 pounds ground b f
2 cans (8 ouces each) tomato sauce with
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons barbecue spice sasoning
2 loaves long thin French bread, split
lenghwise ad buttered
4 mpickes, cut lenghwise in thin slices
4 tomatoes, sliced
4 slices (froW an 8-ounce package) process
Swiss cheese, each cut in 4strips
I6 green onions, trimmed
l. Saute onion in salad oil just until soft in a kettle
or Dutch oven ; remove and set aside.
2. Shape ground beef into two large patties. Brown,
one at a time, in drippings in same kettle 5
minutes on each side, then break up into chunks.
3. Return all meat and onion to kettle ; stir in
tomato sauce, slt, and barbecue spice seasoning.
Simmer 15 minutes, or until thick.
4. Spon mixture onto bread halves ; top with pickle
and tomato slices, then cheese strips.
5. Broil, 4 to 6 inches from heat, 3 minutes, or j ust
until cheese bubble up.
6. Stick 4 green onions, sail fashion, in top of each
half ; cut each long loaf in half for serving.
Makes 8 servings
I* pounds ground bf
I jar ( I pound) meatle88 spaghetti sauce
cup ( l stick) butter or margarie
I tablespoon grated onion
I teaspoon thyme
8 dub rolls, split
* cup grated Romano cheese
I. Shap ground beef into a large patty in a frying
pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
2. Stir in spaghetti sauce; heat to boiling; simmer
5 minutes to blend favors.
3. Melt butter or margarine with onion and thyme ;
brush over cut surface of rolls ; sprinkle with
half of the cheese. Toast in broiler 2 to 3 minutes,
or until golden.
4. Spoon hot meat mixture over bottom halves of
rolls ; sprine with remaining cheese ; top with
remaining rolls.
Bake at 4M for 2minutes.
Makes 8 servings
@ cup ( I stick) butter or margarie
2 tablespoons horseradish-mustad
I loaf long French bread, split lengthwis
I6 thin slices bake meat loaf
2 medium-size tomatoes, slice
I package (8 ounces) sliced caraway chees
I. Mix butter or margarine with horseradish-mus
tard; spread on bread.
2. Layer half of the meat loaf on bottom half of
bread. ( You'll fnd many meat-loaf choices in
Chapter 3. ) Top with layers of tomato, remain
ing meat loaf, and cheese sices; cover with 1
maining bread ; wrap loaf in foil.
3. Bake in hot oven ( 4 ) 20 minutes, or unti
cheee is melted and loaf is heated through.
4. Cut into 8 serving-size sandwiches.
Makes 6 servigs
2 pounds meat-loaf mixture (ground bef,
pork, and veal)
I large onion, chopped ( l cup)
I tablespoon chili powder
2 tablespoons four
I can (8 ounces) tomatoes
@ cup water
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons suga
I teaspoon cumin
I can ( I I ounces) tortillas
4 tablespoons ( @ stick) butter or
Crisp shredded lettuce
Dced geen pepper
Grated Cheddar cheese
I. Shape meat-loa mixture. into a large patty in
a frying pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks. Stir in onion and chili
powder ; cook 5 minutes longer.
2. Sprinkle four over meat mixture, then stir in
with tomatoes, water, salt, sugar, and cumin.
Heat to boiling ; simmer, stirring several ti,
15 minutes, or until very thick.
3. Saute tortillas, a few at a time, and adding butter
or margarine as needed, I minute, or just until
soft ; remove and drain; keep warm.
4. When ready to serve, spoon about : cup of the
meat mixture onto each tortilla ; sprinkle with
shredded lettuce, green pepper, or grated chees;
roll up to eat like a sandwich.
Bake at 4M Ior mioutm.
Makes about 1 servings, 2 rouods eacb
3 poundsgroundbeeI
2 largeclovesgarllc
1 teaspoonsalt
2 cans (3 or4ouoceseucb) cbopped
2 teaspoonsoregano
3 canscondensedtomatosoup
2 loavesslicedwbitebread
2 cups gratedCbeddar cbeese ( ounces )

upsgratedmozzarellacbeese (ouoces)
I. Shape ground beef lightly into two large patties.
Brown, one at a time, in a kettle or Dutch oven
5 minutes on each side, then break up into small
2. Mash garlic with salt ; stir into kettle with mush
rooms and liquid, oregano, and tomato soup ;
3. Simmer, stirring often, 20 minutes, or until
thick ; stir in salami.
4. Toast bread lightly ; arrange slices in a single
layer on large cooky sheets or in large shallow
baking pans.
5. Mix Cheddar and mozzarella cheeses. Spoon hot
meat mixture onto each slice of toast ; sprinkle
with cheeses.
6. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 8 rinutes, or just until
cheeses melt.
2 poundsgroundbeeI
1 medlum-sizeonlon,grated
. 1 teaspoonssalt
1 teaspoon bottledsteaksauce
4 slices (balIan-ounce package) process
split bamburger buns, toastedaod
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, mixed vege
table juices, salt, and steak sauce until well
blended ; shape into 16 very thin patties.
2. Pan-fry quickly just until brown on both sides.
( Edges will get crisp and lacelike. ) Top 8 patties
with halved slices of cheese ; let melt in slightly,
then top each with a plain patt.
3. Put together sandwich style, with buttered buns.
Serve plain or with catsup or thinly sliced sweet
onion rings, if you wish.
2 . poundsgroundbeeI
1 cupsoItbreadcrumbs (2 slices)
2 teaspoonssalt
4 tablespoons ( stlck) butteror
1 tablespoonpreparedmusud
1 jar ( 5 ounces) relisb<beesespread
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with bread crumbs,
evaporated milk, salt, and pepper ; shape into 8
patties about 1 inch thick.
2. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 6 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. While meat cooks, spread bottom halves of buns
with butter or margarine and mustard ; spread
top halves with cheese.
4. Broil along with meat patties 2 to 3 minutes, or
just until toppings bubble up. Put together, sand
wich style, with meat patties.
Makes 12 serviogs
12 slicesbacon ( pound)
2 pouodsgroundbeeI
1 small onion,grated
1 cupcrusbedpotatocblps
1 egg
cup catsup
2 tablespoonsW orcestersbiresauce
1 can (about11 ounces) musbroomgravy
12 splitbamburgerbuns,toastedand
l . Broil bacon just until fat starts to cook out ; re
move an
drain on paper toweling.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with onion, potato chips,
egg, catsup, and seasonings until well-blended ;
shape into 12 patties about 11 inches thick.
Wrap a bacon slice around each ; fasten with
moistened wooden picks. ( Dampening picks frst
keeps them from charring. )
3. Broil, 4 inches from heat, 7 minutes on each side
for medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
4. While patties cook, heat mushroom gravy to boil
ing. Remove picks from patties ; place each patty
on a bun half on a serving plate ; spoon mush-
room gravy over ; top with remaining bun halves.
Bakeat4M Ior2mlnutes.
2 sweettallansausages
l pomdgromdbeeI
l can (about l pound) tomatoes
1 can (omces) tomatopaste
l clovegarllc,mlnced
2 teaspoonsoregano
1 teaspoonsugar
1 teaspoonsalt
l cm (3 or4omces) sllcedmuskrooms
l yackagekot-rollmlx
2 tablespoonssaladoll
l package (ounces)sllcedmozrellaor
l . Squeeze sausage meat from casings ; mix lightly
with ground beef. Shape into a patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into small chunks.
2. Stir in tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, oregano,
sugar, salt, pepper, and mushrooms and liquid.
Heat to boiling, then simmer 45 minutes, or
until as thick as chili sauce.
3. Prepare hot-roll mix, following label directions
for pizza dough. ( No need to le dough rise. )
Divide in half ; roll each to an about- IS-inch
round ; ft into an ungreased 14-inch pizza pan;
fute edge, if you wish. Brush with salad oil. ( Or
roll each half to a 14-inch round on an ungreased
cooky sheet or heavy foil ; turn up dough to make
a narrow edge so flling won't bubble out, then
brush with salad oil. )
4. Spoon meat sauce into shells, dividing and
spreading evenly; top with cheese.
5. Bake in hot oven ( 40 ) 20 minutes, or until
sauce bubbles and crust is golden. Cut each pizza
in 6 or 8 wedges.
Cooksaver tgt
To step up pizza-making, call on one of
the versatile canned sauces. Besides
tomato sauce, there's spaghetti sauce-
plain or with mushrooms, meat, or tiny
meat balls. Or choose spaghetti-sauce
mix in a foil envelope. A good
rule of thumb is to allow 1
; cups
sauce for a 14-inch pizza
1 sllcesFrenckbread
2 poundsgroundb~I
cup catsup
l medlum-slzeonlon,grat~
2 teaspoonslt
_ teaspoonpeppr
l teaspoonbas
l package (ounces) sllcedmomarellaor
1. Toast bread on one side in broiler ; spread un
toasted sides with butter or margarine ; sprinkle
lightly with garlic salt. Remove and set aside.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with catsup, onion, salt,
pepper, basil, and oregano until well-blended;
shape into 16 patties about 2 inch thick, the
same size as toast slices.
3. Broil, 3 inches from heat, 4 minute on each side.
4. Place on untoasted sides of bread slices ; top each
with a halved slice of cheese. Broil 1 to 2 min
utes longer, or j ust until cheese melts.
2 poundsgroundbeeI
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
2 packages (ounceseack) sllcedprocess
4 tomatoes,sllcedtkln
1 . Mix ground beef lightly with salt and pepper ;
shape into 24 patties about % inch thick.
2. Pan-fry over medium heat, using two or three
large frying pans, 4 minutes on each side for
medium, or until meat is done as you like it.
3. Cut cheese slices into 3 strips each; crisscross
2 over each patty ; cover. Turn of heat and 1et
stand 1 minute to melt cheese.
4. Spread each roll with sandwich spread ; top with
3 meat patties, shredded lettuce, tomato slices,
and pickles.
Makes 6 servigs
2 pounds gound be f
2 eggs
cup bottle hamburger relish
cup four
2 teaspoons salt
I bottle small stufe green olives, draie
Shortening for frying
1 cup bottled barbecue sauce
cup tomato juice
_ teaspoon peppr
6 split frankfurter rolls, toaste
I . Mix ground beef lightly with eggs, hamburger
relish, four, and salt until well-blended. Shape,
a generous tablespoonful at a time, around a
stufed olive to make 36 small halls.
2. Thread 3 meat halls through the stufed-olive
center onto each of 12 metal skewers.
3. Brown, half at a time, in just enough shortening
to keep them from sticking, about 5 minutes in a
large frying pan. Return all kebabs to pan.
4. While meat brwns, mix barbecue sauce, tomato
juice, and pepper in a 2-cup measure ; spoon part
over kebabs. Continue cooking and spooning on
remaining sauce, 2 to 3 minutes longer, or until
richly glazed.
5. Remove meat halls from skewers ; put together,
sandwich style, with toasted rolls.
Makes 4 sergs
I 4 (about 1 pound) sauerkraut
I tablespoon brow sugar
cup mayonnaise or salad dressig
. cup bottled pickle relish
4 large poppy-seed rolls,
8 slices bake meat loaf, cut ich thick
2 teaspo . ns butter or margarine
4 slices Swiss cheese (from an 8-ounc
I . Mix sauerkraut with brown sugar in a small
saucepan; cook 10 minutes, or j ust until liquid is
2. Mix mayonnaise or salad dressing with pickle
relish; spread on rolls.
3. Heat meat-loaf slices, turning once, in butter or
margarine in a large frying pan. ( You'll fnd
many meat-loaf choices in Chapter 3. )
4. Put rolls together, sandwich style, with hot meat
loaf, chee slics, and hot sauerkraut mixture.
Makes servings
2 eggs
teaspon salt
@ cup milk
8 slices French bread
I pound ground bef
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
cup piza sauce (from an about- I 1-unce
I can (about 5ounces) chopped rp olives
4 slices mozzarella or piza che (from an
8-ounce package) , halve
I . Beat eggs with salt and milk in a small howl.
Arrange bread slices in a single layer in a shal
low pan ; pour egg mixture over ; turn to coat well.
Let stand about 5 minute, or until all liquid is
2. Shap ground bef lightly into 8 patties about
inch thick. Pan-fry 3 minutes on each side for
medium, or until meat is doe as you like it ; keep
3. Saute bread slices in butter or margarine, turn
ing once, just until golden in a scond frying
pan ; place on a cooky shee. Spread with pizza
sauce, then sprinkle with olive; top with a meat
patty and a halved cheese slice.
4. Broil, 4 to 6 inches from heat, 3 minutes, or
until che melts and bubbles up.
Make 4 servigs
2 slices white brad, toaste
cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
slices cold baked meat loaf, cut inch
cup swet-pickle relish
2 medium-size tomatoes, slice
slices crisp bacon
16 stufed green olives
I . Spread toast with mayonnaise or salad dressing
and meat-loa slices with pickle relish. ( You'll
fnd many me
t-loa ch
ices in Chapter 3. )
2. Put each sandwich together this way: Slice of
toast, spread side up; meat loaf ; toast, spread
side up; lettuce ; tomato slice ; crisp bacon ; toast,
spread side down.
3. Hold sandwiches in place with wooden picks ; top
each pick with an olive. Cut sandwiches diago
nally into quarters.
l medlum-slze onlon,ckopped ( cup)
l tablespoonbutterormargarlne
l poundsgroundbeeI
l can ( 3or4ounces) sllcedorckopped
1 envelopemuskroom-gravymlx
1 teaspoonWorcestersklresauce
cup cream
l . Saute onion lightly in butter or margarine ; push
to one side of pan.
2. Shape ground beef lightly into a large patty in
same pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks.
3. Drain liquid from mushrooms into a 1-cup meas
ure ; add water to make 1 cup. Stir into ground
beef mixture with mushrooms, mushroom-gravy
mix, and W orcestershire sauce. Heat to boiling,
then simmer, stirring often, 5 minutes. Stir in
cream; simmer, stirring several times, 3 minutes
longer to blend favors.
4. Spoon over toasted wafes ; sprinkle with chopped
parsley, if you wish.
Cooksaver tgt
Here are two easy ways to heat frozen
wafes : Simply pop them into a
toaster, or if you're :xing lots at
once, place in a single layer in a
jelly-roll pan or on a cooky sheet and
heat in hot oven ( 40 ) for 10 minutes.
And do try this undercover tip for
keeping home-baked wafes hot if they
must stand awhile : Stack them on a
plate, cover with a colander turned
upside down, and set in a warm place.
Colander lets steam out, keeps heat in
l poundgroundbeeI
l teaspooncurrypowder
cupwkeatpllaI (Iroma 12-ounce
2 tablespoonsour
2 teaspoonssugar
1 teaspoonsalt
teaspoon cardamomseeds,crusk~
1 can (aboutl pound) stewedtomatoes
cup water
2 teaspoonslemonjulce
l . Shape ground beef lightly into a patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, ten
break up into chunks.
2. Stir in curry powder and wheat pilaf ; cook 1
minute ; blend in four, then stir in sugar, salt,
cardamom seeds, tomatoes, water, and lemon
juice ; cover.
3. Heat to boiling; simmer, stirring often, 15 min
utes, or until pilaf is tender and mixture is thick; .
stir i n parsley.
4. Spoon over bottom halves of buns ; top with re
maining buns.
1 poundgroundbeeI
_ cupsllcedgreenonlons
l clovegarllc,mlnced
1 teaspoonpaprlka
2 tabespoonsour
l cancondendbeeIbrotk
4 splltkamburgerbuns,toastedand
l . Shape ground beef lightly into a patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks.
2. Stir in green onions, garlic, and paprika ; cook
2 minutes. Blend in four, then stir in beef broth.
Simmer, stirring ofen, 10 minutes to blend
3. Stir about l cup of the hot mixture into sour
cream, then stir back into remaining mixture in
pan. Heat slowly, sti rring constantly, until hot.
4. Spoon on top of split hamburger buns to serve
open-face style.
Sotch Eggs (recipe MW pge 142) give ground bf a new look,
ad they're a wonderful way to make a little meat go far.
Go go-wths : Creamy potatoes in a spinach ring, and crt salad
OJ |\1
Versatile groud beef goes hgh-fashion here, starting with conver
sation-piece main dishes for company, then on to dress-up ways
with party appetizers, and simple specialties when you want to
fuss a bit for the family.
L king for a good- to- the-budget company classicP Continental
uI0Laf, Scptch Eggs, East-West Sukiyaki, Matambre Roll-and
more-are the choices here.
Planning a bufetP Iiha chafing dish or keep- hot server with minia-
ture meat balls or pass a tray of hot appeteasers. More than a
dozen ideas are yours under "Savory Appetizers. "
Tired of fixing hambuger the same old wayP Surprise the family
with a good butter- upper, beginning on page 1V. Is it any wonder
god coks everywhere love thifty, versatile, hearty hambuger
When com

come-, -erve
the-e dre---u

(Pictured H pges 14-14)
Bake at 35for 1 hour and 45minutes.
Makes to servgs
1 pound gound beef
1 pound ground veal
2 eggs
1 small onion, grated
1 tablespoon Hour
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon marjoram
* teaspoon pepper
2 cans condensd beef broth
Meatpie Pastry (recipe follow)
IO small sweet pickles, quartered lengthwise
I envelope unHavored gelatin
Fluiy Mustard Sauce (recipe follow)
I. Combine ground beef and veal in a large bowl.
Beat eggs slightly in a cup; measure 2 table
spoons into a second cup and set aside for brush
ing loaf. Stir remaining into meat mixture with
onion, four, salt, marjoram, pepper, and 1 cup
of the broth; mix well.
2. Make MEAT-PIE PASTRY. Roll out % to a rectan
gle, l5xl0, on a lightly foured pastry cloth or
board; ft into a loaf pan, 9x5x3, to line.
3. Spoon one third of the meat mixture in an even
layer in bottom of pan; place half of the pickle
slices lengthwise in fve evenly spaced rows on
top. Repat with another layer of each, then top
with remaining meat. Fold edges of pastry over.
4. Roll out remaining pastry to a rectangle ; cut out
a piece, 9x5, then cut several slits to let steam
escape. Place over meat loaf ; pinch edge to
seal ; brush with saved beaten egg.
5. Bake in moderat oven ( 350 ) l hour and 4
minutes, or until golden. ( During baking, juices
from meat may bubble up around edges and
through openings in top but wil soa back into
loaf it cools. ) Place pan on wire rack to
col while preparing gelatin mixture.
6. Soften gelatin in 1 cup of the remaining broth;
heat slowly, stirring constantly, just until gelatin
dissolves. Stir in remaining broth.
7. Push a skewer through each of the openings in
top of loaf, pushing it carefully to bottom of meat,
then spoon in iust enough of . the warm gelatin
mixture to fll holes. Let stand until gelatin mix
ture soaks into meat. Repeat several more times
with remaining gelatin mixture until no more
will soak into meat. ( If there is any gelatin mix
ture left, sve t add to soup. ) Chill loaf several
hours, or even overnight.
8. When ready to serve, loosen around edges wh a
knife; turn out onto a sring plate. Cut in thick
slice with a sharp knife. Serve with FLUFFY
Meat-pie Pastry
2 cups sifted regular Hour
I teaspoon salt
% cup shortening
4 to 5tblespoons cold water
Combine four and salt in a medium-size bowl ; cut
in shortening with a pastry blender until mixture
is crumbly. Sprinkle cold water over, I tablespoon
at a time, mixing lightly with a fork until pastry
holds together and leaves side of bowl clean.
Fluiy Mustard Sauce
Makes about I cup
3 tablespoons dry mustard
2 tablespoons sugar
I tblespoon corstarch
I teaspoon salt
I egg yolk
cup water
I tablespoon butter or margane
* cup white vinegar
* cup cream for whipping
I. Mix mustard, sugar, cornstarch, and salt in
a small saucepan. Beat egg yolk slightly with
water ; stir into mustard mixture.
2. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until mix
ture thickens and boils 3 minutes. Remove from
heat ; stir in butter or margarine and vinegar.
Strain into a small bowl ; cool.
3. Beat cream until stif; fold into cooled mustard
mixture. Chill until serving time.
(Pictured H pge 14)
Makes 4 servlngs
I poundsgroundbeeI
1 can ( 5 ounces) waterckesmuts,
I egg,beaten
4 teaspoons soysauce (Iormeat)
1 can (about9 ounces) sllcedplneapple,
1 largetomato,cutln4sllces
5 tablespoonsbutterormargarlne
l tubIespooncoHstarck
l tablespoonmolasses
2 tablespoonssoysauce (Iorsauce)
1 cup water
1 tablespoonlemonjulce
3 cupscookedkotrlce ( @cupuncooked)
4 sllcescucumber
l. Mix ground bef lightly with chopped water
chestnuts, egg, and the 4 teaspoons soy sauce
until well-blended ; divide mixture in half.
2. Shape half into 4 pattes about l inch thick.
Shape two thirds of remaining, then other third,
into 4 medium-size and 4 small patties. ( Keep. all
12 patties evenly thick so they will cook in te
same time. ) Place, close together, on rack m
broiler pan.
3. Broil 4 inches from heat, 4 minutes ; turn. Place
pine.pple and tomato slices beside mea ; dot wth
3 tablespoons of the butter or marganne ; spnn
kle tomatoes with salt and pepper. Broil 4 minutes
longer for medium, or until meat is done as you
like it.
4. Blend cornstarch, molasses, and the 2 tablespoons
soy sauce ; stir in water. Cook, stirring constantly,
until sauce thickens and boils 3 minutes. Stir in
remaining 2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
lemon juice, and green onions.
5. Spoon rice onto 4 serving plates ; place a pme
apple slice on each; top each with a large meat
patty, tomato slice, medium-size patty, cucumber
slice, and small meat patty. Spoon some of the
sauce over each, then serve remaining separately.
Garnish each with a kumquat "fower," as pic
tured, if you wish.
Note-To fx kumquat "fower," make 4 lengthwise
cuts in a preserved kumquat from tip almost to stem
end ; place a tny sweet pickle in center ; thread onto
a wooden pick and stick into a meat patty.
Bakeat35 for 3mlnutes.
l packge ( 1 ounces) Irozenchopyd
I medlum-slzeonlon,peeledandsllced
1 tablesgonsaladoll
teaspmn salt
1 medlum-slzetomato, peeledandckopgd
2 eggs
1 cups mllk
1 cupslItedreglarour
2 tablespoonsmeltedbutterormargarlne
1 tabl~poonbutterormargarlne
1 tablespoon our
* teaspoosalt
1 cup mllk
_ cupgratedParmesanch~se
l. Make flling : Cook spinach, following label direc
tions ; drain well. Saute onion lightly in salad oil
in a frying pan ; push to one side. Shape ground
beef into a large patty in same pan ; brown 5
minutes on each side, then break up into small
chunks. Stir in salt, tomato, chese, and drained
spinach; simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
2. Make crepes : Beat eggs lightly with milk; beat
in four and melted butter or margarine j ust until
smooth. ( Batter will be thin. )
3. Heat a 7-inch frying pan slowly ; test temperature
by sprinkling in a few drops of water. When
drops bounce about, temperature is right ; grease
lightly. Pour batter, a scant cup for each
crepe, into pan; tip pan to cover bottom com
pletely. Bake 2 to 3 minute, or until top appears
dry and underside is golden. ( No need to tu

. )
Repeat with remaining batter, lightly greasmg
pan before each baking, to make 12 crepe.
4. As each crepe is baked, spoon about cup meat
flling down middle ; roll up and place, seam side
down, in a greased shallow baking dish, 13x9x2.
Keep warm in very slow oven ( 250 ) until all are
baked and flled.
5. Make sauce : Melt butter or margarine in a smal
saucepan stir in four, salt, and milk. Cook, stir
ring conantly, until sauce thickens a
d boil

minute. Pour over pancake rolls ; sprmkle with
6. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes, or
. until golden-brown.
(Pitured H pge 13)
Makes 6 servings
1 pounds ground bef
1 small onion, chopped ( cup)
2 tablespoons bottled steak sauce
1 teaspoons salt
tspoon ppper
cup milk
6 hard-ooke eggs, shelle
1 raw egg, slightly beaten
% cup com-fake crumbs (from about-
1 0-ounce package)
Shortening or salad oil for frying
l . Mix ground bef lightly with onion, steak sauce,
salt, peppr, and milk until well-blended.
2. Divide meat mixture evenly into 6 mounds ;
shape each around a hard-cooked egg to cover
- completely and -ake an oval shape.
3. Brush each meat roll with baten egg, then roll
in corn-fake crumbs to coat well .
4. Melt enough shortemng or pour in salad oil to
make a 2-inch depth in a deep sucepan ; heat
to 325.
5. Fry meat rolls, 2 or 3 at a time, turning once or
twice, 5 minutes, or until crispy-brown. Lift out
with a slotted spoon ; drain on paper toweling.
Kep hot.
6. When all are cooked, cut each in half lengthwise ;
place on a heated serving platter. To serve as
pictured, spoon creamed potatoes and p
as into
ceter of platter and buttered spinach in a ring
next to potatoes. Arrange halved meat rolls
around edge.
ooK8aVer lgt
Versatile ground beef takes easily to
all kinds of shapings, and Scotch
Eggs are just one example of a new
and diferent twist on this favorite.
io fx tem, form the meat into
patties about one half inch thick
( remember to handle meat
lightly) , then place a shelled
hard-cooked egg in the center of
each and mold the meat around it
(Pictured H pges 14-14}
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Makes servings
2 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
teaspoon seasoned pepper
cup bottle smoke-favor barbecue sauce
cup catsup
2 cups shrdded pared raw carrot
1 cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
cup choppe parsley
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup water
cup four
1 cup milk
l. Mix ground bef lightly with seasoned salt and
pepper ; pat into a thin rectangle, 14x12, on
waxed paper or foil. ( For easy handling, paper
should be a few inches longer than meat layer. )
2. Mix barbecue sauce and catsup; brush about half
over meat layer.
3. Combine carrots, bread crumbs, parsley, salt, and
eggs to make a stufng mixture; spread evenly
over meat. Roll up, jelly-roll fashion, using waxed
paper or foil a guide ; lift into a greased large
shallow baking pan ; rmove waxed papr or foi.
Brush roll all over with part of remaining sauce
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) , brushing several
times with sauce mixture, 1 hour, or until richly
glazed. Remove from pan and keep hot while
making gravy.
5. Stir water into drippings in pan, scraping any
brown hits from bottom of pan. Blend four and
milk; sir into drippings mixture. Cook, stirring
constantly, until gravy thickens and boils 1 min
ute. Season with salt and pepper, if neded.
6. Slice roll and srve with gravy. To serve as pic
tured, spoon German-style potato salad in the
center of a large serving platter ; stand meat slices
around edge ; garnish salad with red-onion rings.
Bake at 4M for 30 minutes.
Makes sergs
1 large onion, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil or salad oil
1 pound ground b I
2 cans (about 1 pound each) tomatoes
2 cas (about 1 pound each) red kidney
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 egg
I cup sifted regular :our
cup yellow cor meal
teaspoon salt
I cups water
I small onion, peeled, sliced, and
sparated ito rings
cup pitted ripe olives, sliced
I cup grated Cheddar cheese ( 4ouces)
I. Make flling: Saute onion and garlic with chili
powder in olive oil or salad oil just until soft in a
large frying pan; push to one side. Shape ground
beef into a large patty in same pan; brown 5
minutes on each side, then break up into small
2. Stir in tomatoes, kidney beans, sugar, and salt ;
cover. Simmer 15 minutes to blend favors.
3. Make pancakes : Beat egg well ; beat in four, corn
meal, salt, and water until smooth. ( Batter will
be thin. )
4. Heat a 9-inch heavy frying pan slowly; test tem
perature by sprinkling in a few drops of water.
When drops bounce about, temperature is right ;
grease lightly. Pour hatter, a scant cup for each
pancake, into pan; bake 3 minutes, or until top
appears dry and underside is golden; turn ; hake
2 minutes longer. Repeat with remaining hatter,
lightly greasing pan before each baking, to make
8 pancakes.
5. As each pancake is baked, stack with 1 cup sauce
between in a 12-cup round deep baking dish, end
ing with pancake. ( Pancake take up sauce dur
ing baking. )
6. Arrange topping: Place onion rings and sliced
olive in a pretty pattern on top of pancakes ;
sprinkle with cheese.
7. Bake in hot oven (40 ) 30 minutes, or until
bubbly hot. Cut into wedges.
Makes 6 to ssergs
pound drie white kidey bs
3 cups boiling water
3 medium-size carrots, pare and slice
2 medium-siz potatoes, pared ad slice
2 medium-size apples, pared, quartere,
cored, and sliced
2 medium-size pears, pare, quartered,
cored, and sliced
pound grn beans, cut in 1-inch
1 pound ground b I
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 cups water
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon peppr
Dash of ground cloves
4 smoke sausage links (half a 12-ouce
package) , cut in -inch pieces
I. Pick over and rn kidney beans. Place in a
large saucepan; pour the 3 cups boiling water
over; cover. Lt stand 1 hour, then heat to boil
ing; lower heat and simmer 1 hour ; drain wel
and set aside.
2. While kidney beans cook, combine carrots, pota
toes, apples, pears, and green beans in a large
3. Shape ground beef into a patty in a large frying
pan; brown in salad oil 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chunks. Stir in the 1 Y2 cups
water, salt, pepper, and cloves ; heat to boiling;
remove from heat.
4. Combine drained kidney beans, meat mixture,
sausage, and vegetable-fruit mixture in a large
kettle ; cover.
5. Simmer 4 minutes, or until vegetables are ten
der. Sprinke with chopped parsley, if you wish.
ooK8aVCr tgt
Here's an easy but important touch:
Give curry or chili powder a good
"burn" by sauteing either of these
husky seasoners well in butter,
margarine; salad oil, or drippings.
This is a ourmet chefs trick, and
like cooking onion lightly before
adding it to ground beef or sauce -it
brings out the full richness and gives
your dish a long-simmered mellowness

. .
Here thre hamburr stars, al
luscious and invitingly diferent. Left
to right : Stacked-threhigh Pagoda
Burgers (rcip on pge 141), savory
Matambre Roll with carrot-parsley
stufng (recip on pge 142), and Con
tinental Pate Loaf baked i a jacket
of golden pasty (recipe on pge 14)
Bakeat35 or45mlnutes.
1 largeeggplant (about1 pounds)
1 smallonlon,grated
1 cupssoftbreadcrumbs (3 sllces)
teaspoon salt
teaspoon nutmeg
cuptomatosauce (romanounce
4 eggs,separated
l . Halve eggplant ; pare, then dice pulp. ( There
should be about 8 cups. } Cook, covered, in a
small amount of boiling salted water 10 to 15
minutes, or until soft ; drain well. ( Pulp should
now measure 1% cups. }
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a me
dium-size frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each
side, then break up into small chunks.
3. Stir in drained eggplant, onion, 1 cup of the
bread crumbs, salt, basil, nutmeg, and tomato
sauce ; remove from heat ; let cool while beating
4. Beat egg whites j ust until they form soh peaks.
Beat egg yolks until creamy-thick ; blend in
cooled eggplant mixture ; fold in beaten egg
whites until no streaks of white remain. Pour
into an ungreased 6-cup soufe or straight-side
baking dish. Sprinkle remaining lh cup bread
crumbs on top.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes, or
until pufy-frm and golden on top. Serve at once.
Cooksaver tg.
Whether you're planning for
company or you just want to make a
delicious main dish for the family,
you'll fnd it' s hard to heat
a baked sandwich-custard dish -
often called Strata. Our Swiss
Sandwich Puf version uses simple
on-hand foods, and it's best prepared
the night before and chilled.
Then when you hake it -with hardly
any watching needed -it pufs up
into a handsomely golden treat
4 eggs,separat~
1 can ( 7ounces) wkole-kemelcom,
1 teaspoonsalt
l . Beat egg whites until they stand in frm peaks.
Beat egg yolks until creamy-thick; stir in ground
beef, corn, four, salt, baking powder, pepper, and
thyme ; fold in beaten egg whites.
2. Drop by . tablespoonfuls into about 2 tablespoons
hot salad oil in a frying pan; cook until pufed
and brown around edges ; tum; brown other side.
Repeat with remaining batter, adding more salad
oil as needed.
3. Serve hot with applesauce .or spiced apple rings,
if you wish.
Bakeat325 or5mlnutes.
1 teaspoonsalt
@ cupcklllsauce
2 cupsgrated5wlssckeese (8 ounces)
1 teaspoon preparedmustard
12 sllceswkltebread,toastm
2 cups mllk
l. Mix ground beef lightly with % teaspoon of the
salt and paprika ; shape into a large patty in a
frying pan. Brown 5 minute on each side, then
break up into small chunks. Remove from heat ;
stir in chili sauce, cheese, and mustard.
2. Spread thickly on 6 of the toast slices ; put to
gether with remaining toast to make 6 sand
wiches. Cut each diagonally into quarters; stand,
crust edge down, in a buttered baking dish,
3. Beat eggs slightly with mi and remaining 1
teaspoon salt ; pour over sandwiches ; cover. Chill
at least 4 hours. ( Overnight is even better. )
4. Bake in slow oven ( 325 ) 40 minutes ; uncover.
Bake 10 minute longer, or until custard is set.
5. Lt stand about 5 minutes, then cut between sand
wiches, allowing 4 triangles for each serving.
@ cupmmcocoout (Irom a 3@-ouoce
I tablespouncurrypowder
2 teuspoooscurnstarck
I cup water
1 pouodgrouodbeeI
1 teaspuuomooosodiumglutamate (MbC)
I teaspuoosalt
_ teaspooogrouodgloger
I largeoniuo,ckopped ( I cup)
I package (1ounces ) Iruzeopeus
I cao (4uunces) pimieotu,draloedaodcut
lo 1-incbsguares
4 cupsbutcookedrlce
I. Combine coconut, curry powder, cornstarch, and
water in a 2-cup measure ; set aside.
2. Mix ground beef lightly with MSG, salt, and
ginger; shape into a large patty in a frying pan ;
brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up into
chunks. Stir in onion ; saute 5 minute, or just
until soft, then stir in coconut mixture.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens and
boils 3 minutes. Sprinkle peas and pimiento on
top; cover. Simmer 10 minutes, or just until peas
are tender.
4. Spoon hot cooked rice in a ring on a heated serv
ing plate ; spoon beef mixture into center.
Bakeat350 Iurl kour.
2 pouodsgroundbeeI
1 teaspounsalt
2 tablespuonsbutterurmargarioe
2 packages (ouoceseacb) bpaolskRlce
5 cupsbuiliogwater
I tablespuun cbuppedparsley
l. Mix ground beef with salt and shape into 32
balls ; saute in butter or margarine until lightly
browned. Place in a 10-cup baking dish.
2. Add contents of both packages of rice ; stir in
boiling water until favor buds ( from packages)
disslve ; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; un
cover ; bake 15 minute longer, or until all liquid
is absorbed.
4. Fluf up meat balls and rice with fork; sprinkle
with chopped parsley.
tooK8aVer lgt
Look to the Orient for inspiration
and cook deliciously diferent
sukiyaki at your table, where all can
watch. Arrange the rich red ground beef
and carefully cut vegetables in rows
on a tray. Then use an electric
skillet or a big frying pan set on
a frame over canned heat, and saute
meat frst, vegetables next, for in
true Japanese style, vegetables should
have a crisply inviting fresh look
{Pictured OH pge 156}
1 pouodgrouodbeef
I Bermudaooioo,peel~aodsEcedtkm
1 tablespuuosaladoil
3 stalkscelery,sli~dtblo
sliced tkln
I 4 (ubout5uuoces) bambooskoots,
I tublespooo sugar
% cupsoysuuce
I eovelupelostuotckickeobrtk
OR: I cMckeo-bouilloo cube
% cup water
I package ( IO ouoces) sploack,wask~
I. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into chunks. Push to one side.
2. Add onion and salad oil ; saute just until onion
starts to soften. Stir in celery, mushrooms, green
beans, drained bamboo shoots, sugar, soy sauce,
instant chicken broth or bouillon cube. and
water ; heat to boiling, crushing cube, if using,
with a spoon ; cover.
3. Simmer 10 minutes. Lay spinach on top of meat
and vegetables ; cover. Simmer 5 minutes longer,
or just until spinach wilts and vegetables are
crisply tender.
4. Serve with seasoned rice.
(Pitured on pge 151}
Makes 4serngs
1 pound ground beef
cp four (for meat)
1 teasp ns salt
teaspn pepper
1 egg
1 cup m
1 smal onion, grate
1 large bead cabbage (about 3 pounds)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tlespons four (for gravy)
1. Combine ground bef, the % cup four, salt, pep
per, and egg in the large bowl of electric mixer ;
beat until blended, then gradually heat in milk,
1 tablespoon at a time, until smooth and paste
like ; stir in onion.
2. Trim of outside leaves of cabbage. Cut of a
slice about an inch thick from core end; set aside
for next step. Cut core from cabbage with a sharp
knife, then hollow out cabbage to make a shell
about " inch thick. ( Chop cut-out pieces coarsely
and cook separately to serve along with stfed
cabbage, as pictured, or save to cook as a vege
table for another day. )
3. Spoon meat mixture into shell ; ft cut slice back
into place ; tie tightly with string.
4. Place stufed cabbage, core end down, in a kettle ;
pour in boiling water to cover about % of the
way; cover. .
5. Simmer 1" hours, or until cabbage is tender.
Lift from water with two large spoons; keep hot
whie making gravy. Pour 1" cups of the liquid
into a 2-cup measure ; discard any remaining
6. Heat butter or margarine just until it foams up
and turns golden in a small saucepan ; blend in
the 2 tablespoons four ; cook, stirring constantly,
just until bubbly.
7. Stir in the 1% cups saved liquid; continue cook
ing and stirring until gravy thickens and boils 1
minute. Season to taste with salt and pepper ;
darken with a few drops bottled gravy coloring,
if you wish.
8. Place stufed cabbage on a heated sering plat
ter ; remove string. Pour gravy into a separate
bowl ; garnish each with parsley, if you wish. Cut
cabbage into wedges ; spoon gravy over.
Note: Any left over can be reheated easily. Use a
frying pan, lay wedges on their side in gravy, cover,
and heat slowly.
When hollowing out cabbage for St.u:f ed
Cabbage Crown, remember to start from
the core end. Capped, the fled shel wil
he frm enough to tie securely, as show
Bake at 375 for 45minutes.
Makes 4servings
1 pound ground beef
1 egg
* cup com-fake crumbs (from a aout-
10unce package)
cup evaporated milk
1 teaspoon gated orange rind
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
thin slices boiled bam (about 1 pound)
cup orange juice
cup light corn syrup
cup frmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon dry mustard
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, corn-fake
crumbs, evaporated milk, orange rind, salt, and
peppr until well-blended; shap into 8 sausage
like rolls, the width of a ham slice.
2. Lay each roll across one end of a ham slice and
roll up; place, seam side down, in a greased
shallow baking dish, 10x6x2.
3. Blend orange juice with cor syrup, brown sugar,
lemon juice, and mustard; pour over rolls. .
4. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) , basting several
times, 45 minutes, or until richly glazed. Sere
with hot buttered rice or hominy grits.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Make 8 sergs
1 medium-tiz eggplant, p ad slice
* inch thick
cup sald oil
4 meium-tiz onions, pe le ad slce
1 clove garlic, minc
1 pound ground b f
1 (8 ounc) tomat W
1 teaspons salt
1 teaspoon oreano
2 tablespoons butter or margarie
2 talespoons four
% teaspoon nutmeg
1 cups milk
cup soft bread crumbs ( 1 slice)
2 eggs, separated
I. Brown eggplant slices, a few at a time, in salad
oil in a medium-size frying pan, adding oil as
neded. Drain well on paper toweling; set aside.
2. Saute onion$ and garlic just until onions are soft
in same pan, adding more oil if needed; push to
one side. Shape ground beef into a large patty in
same pan; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into small chunks.
3. Stir in tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and
oregano; cover.
4. Simmer 30 minutes ; remove from heat ; let cool
while making sauce-topping.
5. Melt butter or margarine in a small saucean.
Stir in four, rmaining % teaspoon salt, and nut
meg; cook, stirring constantly, just until bubbly.
Stir in milk; continue cooking and stirring until
sauce thickens and boils 1 minute.
6. Stir bread crumbs and unbeaten egg whites into
co ed meat mixture. Beat egg yolks slightly in a
small howl ; stir in a generous % cup of the hot
sauce ; stir hack into remaining sauce in pan.
Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat 3
minutes, or until thick.
7. Make 2 layers each of eggplant slices and meat
mixture in a greasd 8-cup baking d1h; pour
sauc over.
8. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
topping is a rich golden-brown.
Bake at 350 for 4 minute.
Makes 8 servings
. 1 large onion, choppe ( 1 cup)
1 clove garlic, mince
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 tablespoon Italian 8ea80ning
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
4 cans ( 8 ounces each) tomato sauce
1 ( 1 pound) Italian tomatoes
1 package ( 12 ounces) manicotti noodles
1 pound ground beef
cup chopped walnuts
2 eggs
1 package (9 ounces) frozn chopped
spinach, thawed and draine
1 cups cream-style cottage cheese
1 package ( 3 or 4ounces) cream ce,
1 package (8 ounces) slice mozarella
or piza cheese, cut in triangles
I. Saute onion and garlic in butter or margarine
just until onion is sf in a medium-size sauce
pan ; stir in Italian seasoning, 1 teaspoon of the
salt, sugar, tomato sauce, and tomatos. Simmer,
stirring several times, 15 minutes ; keep hot.
2. Cook manicotti noodles, few at a time, in a
large amount of boiling salted water, following
label directions ; lift out carefully with a slotted
spoon s as not to break them; place in a pan of
cold water until ready to fll.
3. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into small chunks ; remove from heat ;
cool. Stir in 1 teaspoon of the remaining salt,
walnuts, 1 of the eggs, and- hal of the spinach.
4. Blend cottage cheese with cream cheese, remain
ing % tespoon salt, egg, and spinach in a
medium-size howl.
5. Lif manicotti noodles, 1 at a time, from water;
drain well. Fill hal with meat mixture and half
with cheese mixture, using a long-handle tea
6. Spoon 2 cups of the hot tomato sauce into a but
terd baking pan, 13x9x2 ; arrange flled noodles
on top ; spoon remaining sauce over ; cover.
7. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 30 minutes ; un
cover. Arrang6 mozzarella chees triangle, over
lapping, on top. Bake 10 minute longer, or unti
chee melts.
Bakeat35for1 kour.
1 poundgroundbeeI
1 clovegarllc,mlnced
1 teaspoonssugar
2 poundsfreshkaddockEllets,cutln
1 largeonlon,ckopped ( 1 cup)
4 medlum-slm carrots,paredandcutln
1 teaspoonssalt
1 teaspoonpepper
@ cup water
1 @g
1 tablespoon butterormargarlne
1. Mix ground beef with green onions, garlic, sugar,
and 2 tablespoons of the soy sauce until well
blended in a medium-size howl.
2. Spread half of the meat mixture evenly in a 12-
cup baking dish ; top with half each of the had
dock, chopped onion, mushrooms, carrots, and
3. Mix salt, pepper, and ginger ; sprinkle half over
layers in dish. Repeat with remaining ground
beef mixture, haddock, vegetables, and season
ing mixture to make another layer of each.
4. Combine remaining 2 tablespoons soy sauce and
wate.r ; pour over layers ; cover tightly.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 1 hour, or until
haddock fakes easily with a fork and all vege
tables are tender.
6. Just before serving, heat egg well in a small
howl ; cook in butter or margarine, turning once,
just until frm in a small frying pan. Remove
and place on a cutting hoard. Slice in thin strips ;
mound in a petal design in center of baking dish.
7. Serve in soup plates or shallow bowls for it's eat
with-a-spoon food.
Cooksaver tgt
When seasoning wt dried herbs, be
miserly, for the herb should enhance- not
take over-the favor of the dish. And
crushing the herb frst gives a more even favor
Bakeat4M Ior35mlnutes.
1 poundsgroundbeeI
2 tablespoonsbutterormargarlne
1 smallonlon,ckopped ( cup)
4 tablespoonsour
1 can (about1 pound) tomatoes
1 can (ounces) tomatosauce
3 tablespoonsgratedParmesancheese
1 tablespoonsugar
1 teaspoonbasll
_ teaspoonpepper
HerbPastry (recip follo-t)
4 sllces (kalIm -ouncepackage)
l. Shape ground beef into a patty in a large frying
pan ; brown in butter or margarine 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into chunks ; remove and
set aside.
2. Saute onion just until soft in same pan; blend in
four, tomatoes, tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese,
and seasonings. Heat, stirring constantly, until
mixture thickens slightly, then simmer 10 minutes
to blend favors. Stir in browned ground beef.
3. While flling simmers, make HERB PASTRY. Roll
out % of dough to a 12-inch round on a lightly
foured pastry cloth or hoard ; ft into a 9-inch
pie plate. Trim overhang to 1 inch ;
urn under,
fush with rim; fute to make a stand-up edge.
Spoon meat mixture into prepared shell ; arrange
cheese slices on top. Roll out remaining pastry
to :. inch thickness ; cut into rounds with a
2-inch cutter ; place or top of cheese.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 40 ) 35 minutes, or until
pastry is golden and flling is bubbly hot.
5. Cool 5 minutes on a wire rack ; cut into wedge-
shape servings.
HERB PASTRY-Mix 1 cups sifted regular four,
cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon garlic
salt, and 1 teaspoon oregano in a meium-size bowl.
Cut in lh cup ( 1 stick) butter or margarine until
mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle 4 to 5 tablespoons cold
water over, 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing lightly
with a fork until pastry holds together and leaves
side of howl clean.
This new-look wy with gound bef is Daish
ispire Stufe Cabae Crown (recipe M
pge 14). Beef is sne and stuf e into
W holowe-out jumo cbbae, then steame.
Cut in wege for srvg, ad top wth grav
Win fame
for your savory

Bakeat425 or15mlnutes.
1 smallonlon,grated
_ cupour
1 teaspoonWorcestersblresauce
I egg
cup mllk
2 smalldlllplckles, sllcedtkln
1. Prepare piecrust mix, following label directions,
or make pastry from your own favorite one-crust
recipe. Roll out, half at a time, l inch thick;
cut into 18 two-inch rounds. Fit into shallow 1%
inch tart pans or tiny mufn-pan cups.
2. Combine ground beef, onion, four, Worcester
shire sauce, salt, pepper, and egg in the large
bowl of electric mixer ; beat until blended, then
gradually beat in milk, 1 tablespoon at a time,
until mixture is smooth and pastelike. Place 1
teaspoonful in each tart shell.
3. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 15 minutes, or until
pastry is golden-brown. Top each with a thin slice
of dill pickle. Serve hot.
arlatlons :
lowing recipe above, and bake 10 minute. While
tarts bake, blend 7 cup mayonnaise or salad dress
ing with 7 cup grated Parmesan cheese and a drop
of red-pepper seasoning ; spoon a dollop on top of
each tart ; return to oven. Bake 5 minutes longer, or
until pufy-golden.
CHIPPIES -Prepare BEEF TARTLETS, following re
ipe at left, and add 7 cup fnely chopped walnuts
or toasted almonds to the meat mixture ; spoon into
tart shells. Top each with a walnut or almond half
before baking.
lowing recipe at left, and add 7 cup chili sauce or
catsup t o the meat mixture ; spoon into tart shells.
Bake, then garish with thinly sliced stufed green
lowing recipe at left, and add 7 cup chopped dill
pickle or pickle relish to the meat mixture; spoon
into tar shells. Press a tiny cube of Cheddar cheese
into meat in each bfore baking.
NoteFor a big party, bake only one panful at a
time to keep them coming piping-hot. And for
variety, top with diferent garnishes. A few sugges
tions : Thin slices of pitted ripe olive, cherry toma
toes, or water chestnuts ( from a 5-ounce can) ; tiny
mounds of _hard-cooked egg yolk put through a fne
sieve ; sprigs of parsley or fresh dill weed.
1 poundgroundbeeI
1 tablespoonlemonjulce
1 teaspoonsalt
1 egg
cupsoItbreadcrumbs ( I sllce)
2 tablespoonssaladoll
1 can ( 1 pound) jellled cranberry sauce
_ cup bottled steak sauce
2 tablespoonsbrownsugar
1. Mix ground beef lightly with walnuts, lemon
juice, salt, pepper, egg, and bread crumbs ; shape
into 48 small balls.
2. Brown, part at a time, in salad oil, then return
all meat to pan. Beat cranberry sauce with steak
sauce and brown sugar ; pour over meat balls ;
3. Simmer, stirring often, 10 minutes, or until meat
balls are cooked through.
Note-Meat balls may be browned ahead, if you
wish, then chilled. Just before serving, top with cran
berry-sauce mixture and simmer. For favor variety
another time, use half each ground beef and veal.
Bake at 375 for I2 to I5 minutes.
Makes 5 doz
I package ( 3 or 4 ounces) cream cheese
with chives
I tablespoon bottled hamburger relish
I teaspoon W orcestershire sauce
* teaspoon salt
* teaspoon garlic salt
* poud ground bef
2 packages refrigerated plain or buttermilk
l. Blend chee with hamburger relish, Worcester
shire sauce, salt, and garlic salt ; stir in ground
beef to make a sft mixture. Shape into 6 tiny
2. Roll each biscuit to a 3-inch round ; cut each
into 3 strips. Place a meat ball on each strip ;
fold ends, overlapping, over meat ; moisten with
water and press to sal. Place, seam side down,
in a large shallow baking pan.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) 12 to 15 minutes,
or until golden-brown. Serve hot.
Note-If you wish, prepare flled rolls sveral hours
ahead and chill in their baking pan, then bake just
before srving.
Bake at 425 for I5 minute.
Makes 4 dozen
* pound liverwurst
I pound ground be f
* cup soft bread crumbs ( I slce)
I egg
* cup milk
I teaspon salt
% teaspoon pepper
24 small stufed olives, halve
3 tablespoons butter or margarie
l. Mash liverwurst ; mix in ground bee, bread
crumbs, egg, milk, salt, and pepper lightly until
well-blended ; shape around olive halves to make
4 balls.
2. Melt butter or margarine in a large shallow bak
ing pan ; add meat balls, tossing lightly to give
them a buttery coating.
3. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) ; turning once, 15 min
utes, or until crispy brown. Serve hot.
Note-If you wish, mix and shape meat balls sveral
hours ahead and chill, then bake just before serving.
Makes 4 dozen
1 pound meat-loaf mixture (gud b f
ad pork)
1 small onion, grate
* cup fne dry bread crumbs
2 egg
@ cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
* teaspoon pepper
% teaspoon nutmeg
% teaspoon marjoram
3 talepons shorteing
I cn condens consomme
2 talepons four
* cup cold wa
2 tablepoons pickle relish
l . Mix meat-loa mixture lightly with onion, bread
crumbs, eggs, milk, and sasonings until well
blended ; shape into 4 balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in shortening in a large
frying pan ; drain of all drippings. Return all
meat to pan ; stir in consmme ; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring often, 15 minutes, or until meat
balls are cooked through. Remove with a slotted
spoon ; keep hot while making suce.
4. Pour all liquid into a 1-cup measure ; add water,
if needed, to make 1 cup. Return to pan ; heat to
boiling. Stir four into cold water, then into hot
liquid. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce
thickens and boils 1 minute ; stir in pickle relish.
5. Pile meat balls into a chafng dish or heated serv-
ing bowl ; pour hot sauce over.
Note-Tese appetizer meat balls may be made
ahead, if you wish, and chilled. At serving time,
reheat slowly in their sauce.
ooK8aVer lgt
Some of the recipes in this appetizer
group call for their own sauce-gravy;
others are served plain. If you would
like to add your own dip choice, set
out small bowls of botled cocktil
sauce or savory sauce, or make your
own Horseradish-almond Sauce, Javanese
Peanut Sauce, or, for an extra-special
treat, gourmet-fancy Mock Beamaise
Sauce (all recipes on pages 128-129)
Easy-to-make, good-to-eat
vegetable trims
aU8b gomgou
Slice a trimmed radish one way,
then crosswise, almost through to stem. Chill in ice
and water until opened into a pufy fowerlike ball
cKC au
Slice small pickles into 5 or 6 strips,
starting at tip end and cutting almost to stem.
Spread slices to form open fans
uCumUCr uccordou
Cut 3-inch lengths of split pared
cucumber ; slice thin almost to fat side.
Poke thin radish slices into cuts
auc cagCr8 Wlb carrol8
In making carrot curls, your vegetable
rer is your handiest helper. Just shave paper
thin strips from a pared carrot, roll them up, fasten
imwooden picks, and chill , in a bowl of ice and water.
Or for zigzags, thread the strips, accordion style, onto picks.
Want a pretty posy for the center of a sandwich
tray? Trim strips to an about-5-inch lengt, rounding ends
slightly, and thread 7 or 8 through the middle onto a pick. Spread
ends, fower-petal fashion, and, as before, chill until curled
emou carlWbeel
How easy it is to fx this prety! Just
cut small notches all around the rim of
lemon slices with a knife or scissors
elCr lule
Slit 2-inch lengths of celery into narrow
strips, cutting from ends toward the middle.
Chill in ice and water until strips curl
uou rue
Trim root and tip from a green onion, then
shred the top down about three inches.
Place in a bowl of ice and water to curl
lVe dumDDell uud Duudle
So simple! Just place a pitted ripe olive on each end of a thick
carrot stick, or thread several sticks through the olive
bardcooKed egg8
`Fun to "grow, " iey add"..g.'..."
after baking. To fx these, overlp slices around an
olive ; or cut wedges for petals and arrange
with parsley between. For a "tulip" cup,
make saw-tooth cuts around middle of

egg; separate. Sieve yolk, mix with

mayonnaise, and refll whites
Favor ts of this delicious East-
West Sukiyai (rep MM pge 147) ae
light handling, short cookig, and W
generous dash of soy suce. Orientals use
chopsticks to t088 the meat and vegetables
just until vegetables are crisply tender
Makes about 6 dozen
I pound ground beef
I small onion, grated
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
* cup four
cup milk
cup cream for whipping
Salad oil
Bottled cocktail sauce
l . Mix ground beef with onion, salt, pepper, and
four in the large bowl of an electric mixer. Beat
until blended, then beat in milk and cream, a
tablespoon at a time, until mixture is smooth and
pastelike. Cover and chill well. ( Two to three
hours is best . )
2. Drop meat mixture, a teaspoonful at a time, into
hot salad oil in a large frying pan, adding more
salad oil, as needed. Cook quickly j ust until
brown ; drain on paper toweling.
3. Spear with wooden picks ; serve hot with cocktail
Note-Brown burgers j ust before serving time ;
place in a large shallow baking pan ; cover loosely
with foil and keep hot in slow oven ( 325 ) .
Bake at 425 for I5 minutes.
Makes 4 dozen
I pounds ground beef
teaspoon grated lemon rind
I tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon nutmeg
Dash of cayenne
2 large bananas
24 slices bacon, halved ( I pound)
l . Mix ground beef lightly with lemon rind and
j uice, salt, nutmeg, and cayenne until well
2. Peel bananas ; halve lengthwise, then cut each
half into 12 slices.
3. Shape meat mixture around each banana slice
to make 48 balls. Wrap a half slice of bacon
around each ; fasten with a moistened wooden
pick. Place balls on a rack in a large shallow
baking pan.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ). 15 minutes, or until
bacon is crisp. Serve hot.
Note-If you wish, prepare meat balls several hours
ahead and chill on rack in baking pan, then bake
j ust before serving.
Makes 6 dozen
I pound ground beef
I pound ground pork
2 eggs
I cup soft bread crumbs (2slices)
I medium-size onion, grated
I teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
I bottle capers, drained ( cup)
* cup four
2 tablespoons salad oil
I can condensed beef broth
* cup water
I tablespoon lemon juice
l . Mix ground beef and pork li ghtly with eggs,
bread crumbs, onion, salt, pepper, and half of the
capers until well-blended ; shape into 72 balls ;
roll each in four to coat well .
2. Brown, a third at a time, in salad oil in a large
frying pan ; pour of all drippings. Return meat
balls to pan ; stir in beef broth, water, and lemon
juice ; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring often, 15 minutes, or until meat
balls are cooked through. Stir in remaining
Note-These appetizer meat balls may be made
ahead, if you wish, and chilled. At serving time,
reheat slowly in their sauce.
Cooksaver tip:
It's fun to make colorful, good-to-eat
kebabs to decorate party foods. Just
spear small or cut raw vegetables,
pickles, or olives onto plain or fancy
picks. Here we chose a pickled pepper,
cherry tomato, and cucumber slice
Makes25 servings
2 pounds ground beeI
2 pounds grouodveal
cup our
I cupligktortablecream
* cupsoysauce
4 tablespoons ( stick) butteror
Gingerboybauce(recipe follows)
2 medium-sizegreenpeppers
1 can ( 5uunces ) waterckestnuts
l. Mix ground beef and veal with four and ginger
in the large bowl of an electric mixer. Beat until
blended, then beat in cream and soy sauce, l
tablespoon at a time, until mixture is smooth and
paste like.
2. Divide meat mixture into quarters ; shape each
into about 4 marble-size balls. ( Recipe will make
as many as 180 balls. )
3 . Saute, a single layer at a time, in part of the but
ter or margarine until browned and cooked
through in a large frying pan. Keep hot while
cooking remaining meat balls and making GINGER
4. Quarter green peppers ; remove seeds ; cut pep
pers in small cubes. Drain water chestnuts ; cut
in thin slices.
5. Pour GINGER SOY SAUCE into a chafng dish or
keep-hot server. Spoon meat balls on top ; tuck in
green peppers and water chestnuts. Serve with
wooden picks for spearing meat balls.
GINGER SoY SAUCE-After all meat balls are cooked,
tip pan so fat will rise to top ; pour of all fat, leav
ing brown drippings in pan. Measure 1 cup fat and
return to pan ; blend in 1 cup four and l) teaspoon
ground ginger ; cook, stirring constantly, j ust until
bubbly. Stir in 2 cups water and 3 tablespoons soy
sauce ; continue cooking and stirring, scraping
baked-on bits from bottom and side of pan, until
sauce thickens and boils l minute. Makes about 2
Note-Meat balls can be shaped ahead and chilled
until about an hour before partytime, then use two
or three frying pans to speed cooking. To keep them
hot for serving, spoon into a large shallow baking
pan ; cover lightly with foil and place in a very slow
oven ( 250 ) .
Bakeat 35 Ior1 bours.
1 poundgroundbeeI
_ cupour
1 teaspoooseasonedsalt
_ teaspoonseasonedpepper
1 envelope unavoredgelatin
1 cancondensedbeeIbrotk
1 can ( 4ounces) deviledbam
2 tablespoonsgratedonioo
2 tablespoonspreparedmustard
_ cup water
2 tablespoonslemonjuice
1 pimiento
4 wholepittedripeolives
l . Combine ground beef, four, seasoned salt and
pepper in the large bowl of an electric mixer ;
beat until very smooth.
2. Soften gelatin in beef broth in a 2-cup measure.
Measure out % cup and beat, l tablespon at a
time, into meat mixture until smooth and paste
like. Set remaining broth- gelatin mixture aside.
3. Blend deviled ham, walnuts, chopped ripe olives,
onion, and mustard into beef mixture. Pack into
a loaf pan, 8x4x2. Cover pan with a double thick
ness of foil.
4. Set in a shallow baking pan ; place on oven shel f ;
pour boiling water into pan t o a depth of about l
5. Bake in moderate. oven (350 ) lYz hours, or
until no red j uices bubble up. Remove at once
from pan of water.
6. Uncover ; let meat cool in pan about 2 hours, or
until all juices are absorbed. Unmold and chill .
7. Stir water and lemon j uice into remaining broth
gelatin mixture in a small saucepan ; heat, stir
ring constantly, just until gelatin dissolves. Re
move from heat. Chill until as thick as unbeaten
egg white.
8. Cut pimiento into thin strips ; cut whole ripe
olives into thin wedges ; arrange each, alternately,
in rows across top of loaf. Spoon. broth-gelatin
mixture over carefully to cover completely ; brush
remaining around sides. Chill several hours, or
until glaze is frm. ( Overnight is best. )
9. Place loaf on a serving plate; cut into thin slices.
Serve with your favorite crisp crackers.
Note-Pate can be served warm without glaze, if
you wish. For a garnish, top with suteed mush
room caps.
Uelight the
family with
these specials
Makes 8 serings
pound pork sausage links
1 pounds ground beef
teaspoon seasoned salt
* teaspoon seasoned pepper
teaspoon oregano
* teaspoon basil
l envelope onion-soup mix
6 cups boiling water
I can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
I cup sliced celery
1 can (12 or I6 ounces) whole-kernel corn
1 can (about 1pound) red kidney beans
I cup (about half 8-ounce package)
small macaroni shells
l. Brown sausages in a kettle or Dutch oven ; re
move ; cut each in thirds and set aside. Pour of
all drippings.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in kettle ;
brown 5 minutes on each side, then break up into
chunks. Stir in seasonings, onion-soup mix, water,
and tomato sauce; cover.
3. Simmer, stirring several times, 15 minutes. Stir
in sausages, celery, corn and beans and liquids,
and uncooked macaroni ; cover.
4. Simmer, stirring several times, 20 minutes longer,
or until macaroni is tender.
5. Ladle into heated soup bowls.
Cooksaver tip:
Perfect go-withs for this hearty main
course soup are a green salad and
thick slices of crusty Italian bread
or buttered, toasted, split hard rolls
Makes I2 pancakes
pound ground beef
I small onion, minced
2 tablespoons minced green pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
I can ( 8 ounces) cream-style corn
teaspoon salt
I cup pancake mix
1 egg
I cup milk
l. Mix ground beef lightly with onion and green
pepper ; shape into a large patty in a frying pan.
Brown in butter or margarine 5 minutes on each
side, then break up into small chunks. Remove
from heat ; stir in corn and salt.
2. Mix pancake mix, egg, and milk, following label
directions ; fold in meat mixture.
3. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto a hot greased grid
dle ; bake, turning once, 5 minutes, or until well
4. Serve with catsup or chili sauce, if you wish.
Makes 4 servings
I large onion, chopped ( I cup)
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
I pound ground beef
I tablespoon four
1 can ( 6 ounces) sliced mushrooms
2 tablespoons chili sauce
I teaspoon salt
1 cup ( 8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
l . Saute onion in butter or margarine until richly
browned in a large frying pan; remove with a
slotted spoon and set aside.
2. Shape ground beef into a large patty in same
pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks.
3. Sprinkle four over meat and blend in, then stir
in browned onion, mushrooms and liquid, chili
sauce, and salt. Cook, stirring constantly and
scraping brown bits from bottom of pan, until
mixture thickens and boils l minute. Remove
from heat.
4. Stir about cup of the hot meat mixture into
sour cream, then stir back into remaining mix
ture in pan. Heat over very low heat j ust until
hot. ( Do not let it boil, for sour cream may
curdle. ) Stir in a few drops of bottled gravy col
oring to darken, if you wish.
5. Spoon over buttered toast, fufy rice, mashed
potatoes, or buttered noodles, j you wish.
Makes 4 servings
pound ground beef
2 medium-size onions, peeled and sliced
3 tablespoons salad oil
4 small zucchini, trimmed and sliced
inch thick
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon garlic salt
U teaspoon pepper
l can condensed beef broth
l soup f of water
4 slices French bread, toasted
cup grated Parmesan cheese
l. Shape ground beef into a patty in a large sauce
pan ; brown with onions in salad oil 5 minutes on
each side, then break up into small chunks. Push
to one side.
2. Add zucchini and saute. stirring lightly, 2 to 3
minutes. Stir in seasonings, beef broth, and
water ; cover.
3. Simmer 15 minutes, or just until zucchini is
4. Place a toasted bread slice in each of 4 heated
soup plates ; top with soup ; sprinkle with cheese.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
l large onion, chopped ( l cup)
I clove garlic, minced
2 teaspoons curry powder
teaspoon ground allspice
I jar ( about 8 ounces) junior prunes
l jar ( about 8 ounces ) junior apples-and
l cup water
cup lemon juice
l . Mix ground bef l ightly with l l teaspoons of
the salt and pepper ; shape into 4 small balls.
2. Brown, half at a time, in a l arge frying pan ;
remove and set aside.
3. Stir onion, garlic, curry powder, allspice, and
teaspoon salt into drippings in pan ;
saute, stirring often, until onion is soft.
4. Stir in fruits, water, and lemon j uice ; heat to
boiling; return meat balls to pan ; cover.
5. Simmer, stirring once or twice, 30 minutes, or
until sauce thickens slightly.
Bake at 375 for l hour.
Makes 6 servings
I pounds ground beef
cup unsalted cracker crumbs
l tall can evaporated milk
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
3 eggs
I cup sifted regular four
I teaspoon mixed salad herbs
l cup milk
Cream Gravy (recipe follows)
l. Mix ground beef lightly with cracker crumbs, lh
cup of the evaporated milk, l l teaspoons of the
salt, and pepper until well-blended ; shape into 30
small balls. ( Set remaining evaporated milk aside
for gravy and salt for popover batter. )
2. Brown meat balls i n butter or margarine i n a
large frying pan ; keep hot .
3. Place a shallow 8-cup baking dish in oven to heat
while making batter. Beat eggs slightly in a
medium-size bowl ; add four, salad herbs, re
maining teaspoon salt, and milk. Beat briskl,
V2 minute ; scrape down side of bowl ; beat l V
minutes longer.
4. Place browned meat balls in heated baking dish ;
pour batter over top.
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 ) l hour, or until
batter is pufed and golden-brown. Serve with
CREAM GRAVY-Pour all fat from frying pan, leav
ing brown drippings in pan ; measure 4 tablespoon
fuls fat and return to pan. Blend in 4 tablespoons
four and l teaspoon salt ; cook, stirring constantly,
j ust until bubbly. Stir in remaining evaporated milk
and l cup water ; continue cooking and stirring,
scraping cooked-on j uices from bottom and side of
pan, until gravy thickens and boils l minute. Stir in
a little gravy coloring to darken, if you wish. Make
about 2 cups.
look-aver tig.
For the best results and to prevent
spillovers i n your oven, be sure
to use the exact-size baking dish
suggested i n your recipe. Yorkshire
Beef Bake also calls for a shallow
di sh so the popover batter will
puf up around the meat balls
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, then at
425 for 12 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
l egg
2 teaspoons salt
; teaspoon pepper
cup milk
2 tablespoons salad oil
6 tablespoons four
3 cups water
I envelope instant beef broth
OR: l beef-favor bouillon cube
I bay leaf
8 small white onions, peele
2 cups cubed pared potatoes
I package (9 ounces) frozen Italian
green beans, slightly thawed
Cheese Biscuits (recipe follows)
l. Mix ground beef lightly with egg, l teaspoon
of the salt, pepper, and milk until well-blended ;
shape into 24 balls.
2. Brown in salad oil in a large frying pan ; place
in a shallow baking dish, l3x9x2.
3. Pour all drippings from pan, then measure 6
tablespoonfuls and return to pan. ( Add more
salad oil, if needed, to make this measure. ) Blend
in four, then stir in water, instant beef broth or

ube, bay leaf, and remaining l tea

spoon salt. Cook, stirring constantly and crushing
bouillon cube, if using, with a spoon, until gravy
thickens and boils 1 minute.
4. Combine onions, potatoes, and green beans with
meat balls in baking dish ; pour hot gravy over ;
5. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes ; raise
heat to hot (425 ) .
6. While meat mixture cooks, make CHEESE BIS
CUITS ; arrange on top of meat and vegetables in
7. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 12 minutes, or until
biscuits are pufed and golden.
CHEESE BISCUITs-Sift 3 cups sifted regular four,
4 teaspoons baking powder, . Jl/2 teaspoons sugar,
and % teaspoon salt into a large bowl ; stir in %
cup grated Cheddar cheese. Cut in 3 tablespoons
shortening with a pastry blender until mixture is
crumbly ; add l cup milk all at once; sti r j ust until
mixture is moist. Turn dough out onto a lightly
foured pastry doth or board. Pat out to a rectangle
about 1 inch thick ; cut into rounds with a 2-inch
cutter. Makes about 16 biscuits.
Bake at 400 for 4minutes.
Makes 6 servings
I cup yellow corn meal
pound sweet Italian sausages
pound ground beef
I medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
medium-size green pepper, chopped
I envelope spaghetti-sauce mix without
2 teaspoons chil powder
I can ( about 1 pound) tomatoes
I can (7 ounces ) pitted ripe olives,
drained and halved
l cup grated Cheddar cheese
l . Stir corn meal slowly into 4 cups boiling water ;
cook until thick ; about 30 minutes. Spread about
half in an even layer in a greased shallow 8-cup
baking dish. Pour remaining into a greased pan,
9x5x3 ; chill layer in pan.
2. Peel casings from sausages ; mix meat with
ground beef ; shape into a large patty in a frying
pan. Brown 5 minutes on each side, then break
up into chunks ; push to one side.
3. Stir onion and green pepper into drippings in
pan ; saute j ust until onion is soft. Stir in spa
ghetti-sauce mix, chili powder, and tomatoes ;
heat, stirring constantly, to boiling; remove from
4. Set aside 12 olive halves for garnish, then stir
remaining with : cup of the cheese into hot
sauce; pour over corn-meal layer in baking dish.
5. Remove chilled corn-meal layer from pan by
turning upside down onto a cutting board ; cut
into 6 even-size pieces, then halve each diagonally
to make 12 wedges. Arrange on top of meat mix
ture in baking dish ; sprinkle with remaining
cup cheese.
6. Bake in hot oven ( 400 ) 40 minutes, or until
bubbly hot. Garnish with remaining olive halves.
Cooksaver tip:
Looking for a make-ahead dish?
Polenta-chili Bake is a fne choice.
Put everything together in its baker
and- chill. When ready to hake, place
dish in a cold oven, set heat regulator
to hot ( 400 ) , and hake as above,
allowing 10 minutes' extra cooking time
Bake at 425 for 50 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
2 pounds ground beef
l can condensed cream of celery soup
I cup grated pared raw carrots ( about 3
l small onion, grated
l egg
l teaspoon salt
teaspoon Italian seasoning
teaspoon pepper
l package piecrust mix
Milk Pan Gravy (reci
e follows)
l. Mix ground beef lightly with soup, carrots, onion,
egg, salt, Italian seasoning, and pepper until wel l
2. Prepare piecrust mix, following l abel di rections,
or make pastry from your own favorite two-crust
recipe. Roll out, half at a time, to a 12- i nch
square ; cut each into quarters.
3. Divide meat mixture into eighths and spoon onto
middle of each square, then shape each into a
small loaf. Fold pastry up over meat ; pinch edges
to seal, but leave ends open. Place on a rack in
a shallow baking pan.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 50 minutes, or until pas
try is golden. Remove loaves to a heated serving
platter ; keep hot while making PAN GRAVY.
MILK PAN GRAV-Remove rack from baking pan.
Measure fat i n pan and add butter or margarine, if
needed, to make 4 tablespoons ; return to pan. Blend
in 4 tablespoons four ; cook, stirring constantly, j ust
until bubbly. Stir in l cup water and l cup milk ;
continue cooking and stirring, scraping baked-on
juices from bottom of pan, until gravy thickens and
boils l minute. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Makes 2 cups.
look-aver tig:
If water chestnuts are new to you, do
try this Oriental treat. Packed in
5-ounce cans, each marble- size chestnut
is snowy and crisp with a celerylike
favor. Slice or chop them to add to meat
balls, as called for in the recipe at
right, or stir into hamburgers or their
sauce or gravy toppers. After the
can has been opened, cover any leftover
nuts with cold water and keep chilled
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Makes 6 servinls
1 pound ground beef
2 cups uncooked regular noodles
l can ( about l pound) tomatoes
2 cups shredded cabbage
l cup sliced pared raw carrots
l can condensed cream of celery soup
l cnp water
l teaspoon instant minced onion
teaspoon salt
l. Shape ground beef into a large patty in a large
frying pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side, then
break up into small chunks.
2. Stir in remaining ingredients ; spoon into an
8-cup baking dish ; cover.
3. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 40 minutes, or
until noodles and vegetables are tender.
Makes 4 servings
l pound ground beef
l cup soft bread crumbs (2 slices )
l egg
cup chopped water chestnuts (from a
5-ounce can)
cup water ( for meat balls)
2 tablespoons prepared horseradish
teaspoon salt
* cup four
2 tablespoons peanut oil or salad oil
% cup orange marmalade
cup cream-style peanut butter
l clove garlic, minced
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons water ( for sauce)
l . Mi x ground beef l ightly with bread crumbs, egg,
water chestnuts, the Y cup water, horseradish,
and salt until well-blended ; shape into 24 balls ;
roll in four to coat well .
2. Brown in peanut oil or salad oil in a large frying
pan ; pour of al l drippings.
3. While meat balls brown, combine orange marma
lade, peanut butter, garlic, soy sauce, lemon j uice,
and 3 tablespoons water ; beat until well-blended ;
stir into f rying pan.
4. Heat, sti rring constantly, over low heat 2 to 3
minutes, or until sauce is bubbly and meat balls
are richly glazed.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
4 or 5 large potatoes, pared and quartered
l medium-size yellow turnip, pared and
6 tablespoons ( * stick) butter or
Salt and pepper
l tablespoon brown sugar
Dash of nutmeg
2 slices bacon, cut in l-inch pieces
l pound ground beef
pound ground pork
l medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
l envelope brown gravy mix
l small head cabbage, shredded
l. Cook potatoes and turnip in boiling salted water
in separate medium-size saucepans 15 minutes, or
j ust until tender ; drain wel l .
2. Mash potatoes with 2 tablespoons of the butter or
margarine ; season with salt and pepper. ( There
should be about 5 cups . ) Mash turnip with 2
tablespoons of the butter or margarine, brown
sugar, and nutmeg. ( There should be about 3
cups. ) Set both aside.
3. Saute bacon until crisp in a large frying pan ;
remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
4. Mix ground beef and pork ; shape into a l arge
patty in same pan ; brown 5 minutes on each side,
then break up into chunks ; push to one side.
5. Stir onion into pan and saute just until soft ; stir
into meat mixture.
6. Prepare brown gravy mix, following label direc
tions ; stir into meat mixture.
7. Spread mashed potatoes evenly over bottom and
sides of a buttered shallow 8-cup baking dish to
make a shell ; spread mashed turnips next to pota
toes to make a double shell ; spoon meat mixture
into center.
8. Bake in moderate oven ( 350 ) 45 minutes, or
until bubbly hot.
9. While meat bakes, cook cabbage in a small
amount of boiling salted water 10 minutes, or j ust
until tender ; drain well. Toss with remaining 2
tablepoons butter or margarine. Spread over hot
meat and vegetables in baking dish ; sprinkle
with crisp bacon.
Bake at 425 for 30 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
l medium-size onion, chopped ( cup)
4 tablespoons ( stick) butter or
2 pounds ground beef
l egg
* cup chopped parsley
cup soft bread crumbs ( I slice)
l teaspoon salt
l package ( 10 ounces ) frozen peas,
partly thawed
l can condensed cream of celery soup
l can ( about 8 ounces ) cream-style corn
cup milk
l cup ( 8-ounce carton) dairy sour cream
Herb Biscuits (reci
e follows)
l . Saute onion in 2 tablespoons of the butter or
margarine j ust until soft in a large frying pan ;
mix lightly with ground beef, egg, parsley, bread
crumbs, and salt until well-blended. Shape into
24 balls, then fatten.
2. Saute in remaining 2 tablespoons butter or mar
garine 2 minutes on each side, or j ust until brown.
Place in a single layer in a shallow baking dish,
13x9x2 ; sprinkle with peas.
3. Stir soup, corn, and milk into drippings in frying
pan ; heat, stirring constantly and scraping
browned bits from bottom of pan, j ust to boiling.
Stir about l cup hot sauce into sour cream, then
stir back into remaining sauce in pan ; pour over
meat and peas i n baking dish.
4. Bake in hot oven ( 425 ) 15 minutes.
5. While meat mixture cooks, make HERB BJSCUITS ;
arrange on top of hot meat mixture.
6. Bake 15 minutes longer, or until biscuits are
golden- brown.
HERB BISCUITS-Combine 2 cups biscuit mix and 2
teaspoons mixed salad herbs in a medium-size bowl ;
add % cup milk all at once ; stir with a fork until
evenly moist. Drop by tablespoonfuls into 3 table
spoons mel ted butter or margarine in a pie plate ; roll
to coat all over, then roll in 1 cup soft bread crumbs
(2 slices ) . Makes 8 biscuits.
look-aver tig.
Most frozen whole vegetables break up
easily i f you tap the package frmly
on the counter top, so there's no
need to thaw them before adding to
a top-of-the-range or casserole dish
1D1 U
^ M
All-American Cheeseburgers, 25
All-purpose Barbecue Sauce, 128
Banana-burger Wrapups, 157
Beef Tartlets, 152
Burger Bites, 153
Caper Meat Balls, 157
Cheese Savories, 152
Chippies, 152
Danish Appeteasers, 153
Meat-ball Miniatures, 158
Olive Tartlets, 152
Parmesan Pufs, 152
Pate Burgers, 157
Pate Laf, Glazed, 158
Piquant Patty-balls, 153
Relish Meat Balls, 152
Appletime Beef Square, 53
Apricot-beef Rollup, 40

Bacon-cheese Surprses, 16
Bacon Rollups, 134
Baked French Meat Loaf, 3
Baked Saucy Meat Balls, 68
Bali Beef Dinner, 147
Banana-burger Wrapups, 157
Bangkok Burgers, 26
Barbecue Beanies, 113
Barbecued Beef Bake, 105
Barbecued Beef Cakes, 39
Barbecued Skillet Burgers, 17
Barley-beef Stew, 10
Bavarian Dnner, 71
Beef and Beans au Gratin, 98
Beef-and-gravy Burgers, 17
Beef and Lentils Genoese, 106
Beef and Potato Boats, 88
Beef and Potato Scallop, 95
Beef and Rice Amandine, 98
Beef and Spinach Cobbler Pie, 75
Beef Bavarian, 18
Beefburger Rollup, 116
Beef-cor Fritter Pufs, 14
Beef-crowned Onion Pie, 80
Beef-ham Pufs in Mushroom Sauce, 67
Beef in a Blanket, 45
Beef-macaroni Loaf, 4
Beef-mushroom Wafes Supreme, 137
Beef-onion Loaf, 47
Beef Patties Fricassee, 163
Beef Porkers, 64
Beef Tacos, 26
Beef Tartlets, 152
Beef-vegetable Loaf, 35
Beef-vegetable Patties, 16
Belmont Patty-steaks, 23
Bonus Burgers, 24
Bread crumbs, how to make, 6
Cheese Biscuits, 161
Club Toaties, 87
Cracker Crunchies, 87
Fan-tan Loaves, 86
Garlic-bread Chunks, 8
Herb Biscuits, 163
Herb Ring-a-round, 87
Italian Herb Sticks, 87
Olive-cheese Rounds, 86
Broncos, 20
Brunswick Beef, Ill
Bufet Meat Balls, 71
Burger-bacon Grill, 119
Burger Bites, 153
Burger Buildups, 23
Burger Mile-highs, 135
Burger Shortcakes, 115
Burger Steaks Diable, 25
Burgers Kun Koki, 117
Burgers Milanese, 117
Burgers, outdoor grilled
Beefburger Rollup, 116
Burger-bacon Grill, 119
Burgers Kun Koki, 117
Burgers Milanese, 117
Golden Gate Saucy Burgers, 122
Grilled Four-squares, 123
"Guess What" Grilled Burgers, 124
Hamburger Foldovers, 116
Kona Coast Grill, 122
More-and-more Bmger, 1'4
Mulholland Burgers, 123
Pacifca Patio Burgers, 119
Patio Cheeseburgers, 1 19
Smoky Beef Burgers, 117
Teriyaki Sticks, 119
Yorkville Special, 117
Burgers Roma, 25
Burger-tomato Towers, 19
Busy-day Beef Round, 31
Butter spreads, 125

Cabbage-burger Bake, 101

Cabbage Crown, Stufed, 14
Cabbage, how to shred, 101
Cabbage Rollups, 89
Calico Beef Stew, 83
Camper's Stew, Ill
Canadian Meat Balls
in Cream Grav, 70
Canyon Burgers, 131
Caper Meat Balls, 157
Caraway Loaf, 30
Casserole Meat Balls, 63
Barbecued Beef Bake, 105
Beef and Beans au Gratin, 98
Beef and Potato Scallop, 95
Beef and Rice Amandine, 98
Cabbage-burger Bake, 101
Colcannon, 163
Confetti Scallop, 107
Deviled Noodles and Beef, 94
Dixie, 106
Double-good Manicotti, 149
Fiesta, 95
French Beef Bake, 111
Hamburger Jumble, 162
How to grease, 101
Jify Cassoulet, 98
Laredo Beef, 95
Little Lasagna, 98
Macaroni-beef Royale, 100
Macaroni-and-cheese Surprise, 94
Macaroni Paprikash, 93
Meat Balls, 63
Merry Mix-up, 95
Mexican Jack, 100
Oriental Pepper Pot, 150
Our Favorite Lasagna, 104
Polenta-chili Bake, 161
Potluck Burger Bake, 94
Quick Spanish Bake, 147
Rancho Beef Dinner, 101
Rio Chili Beans, 106
Royal Eggplant Fondue, 146
Scalloped Meat Balls, 58
Skillet Enchiladas, 105
Speedy Party Lasagna, 100
Stufed Crepes au Gratin, 141
Swiss Sandwich Puf, 146
Taormina Bake, 149
Texas Tacos, 110
Toppers for, 96-97
Tortilla Tower, 143
Western, 1 10
Yorkshire Beef Bake, 160
Cheddar Filling, 22
Cheese-and-cracker Meat Loaf, 32
Cheese-biscuit Pie, 161
Cheese Biscuits, 161
Cheeseburger Pie, 74
Cheese Filling, 44
Cheese Savories, 152
Chili Burger Balls, 68
Chili-cheese Burgers, 19
Chili-cheese Toast, 114
Chili Glaze, 14
Chili Meat-ball Heroes, 131
Chili Rice Meat Balls, 57
Chili Topping, 122
Chinese Meat Balls, 59
Chippies, 152
Chowders (see Soups)
Chow Mein Bowl, 80
Chubbies, 133
Chuck-wagon Chili Buns, 1 12
City Burgers, 18
Cobble Beef Pie, 76
Colcannon, 163
Confetti Rolls, 45
Confetti Scallop, 107
Continental Meat-ball Pie, 74
Continental Pate Loaf, 140
Cookout Burgers
( see Burgers, outdoor grilled)
Corn Piquant, 129
Country Burgers, 14
Creamed Beef-onion Balls, 70
Cream Gravy, 160
Creole Eggburger Pie, 76
Creole Skillet Loaves, 4
Crispy Burgers, 134
Crunch-burger Balls, 70
Crunchy Cheeseburgers, 19
Curried Meat Balls, 65

Danish Appeteasers, 153

Danish Beef Loaves, 4
Danish Beef Patties, 107
Danish Burgers, 25
Deep-dish Beef Pie, 77
Denver Pancakes, 159
Deviled Meat Loaf, 30
Deviled Noodles and Beef, 94
Diable Sauce, 128
Dill Rolls with Mushroom Sauce, 14
Dill-sauced Meat Loaf, 38
Dinner Beef Patties, 14
Dinner Loaf, 38
Dixie Casserole, 106
Dixie Hamburgers, 17
Dixie Meat Loaf, 53
Double Beefburgers, 137
Double Cheese Loaf, 38
Double-corn Pie, 77
Double-good Manicotti, 149
Double Onion Burgers, 24
Double-rich Meat Loaf, 31
Duchess Meat Balls, 64
Duchess Meat Loaf, 40
Duxbury Loaf, 35

Early Harvest Meat Loaf, 32

East Indian Burgers, 27
East-West Sukiyaki, 147
Easy Meat Loaf, 33
Eggplant Supreme, 93
English Pub Beef
with Mustard Sauce, 22

Family-best Beef Loaf, 31

Fiesta Casserole, 95
Fiesta Cheeseburgers, 134
Fillings for burgrs
Cheddar, 22
Other choices (see "Guess What"
Grilled Burgers)
Scotch, 22
Fire, tips on building a, 120
Flufy Mustard Sauce, 140
French Beef Bake, 111
Frijole Pi e, 75
Frying-pan Moussaka, 82
Carrot Fancies, 154
Celery Flute, 155
Cucumber Accordion, 154
Egg Flowers, 155
Lemon Cartwheel, 155
Olive Dumbbell, 155
Onion Rufe, 155
Pickle Fan, 154
Radish Pompon, 154
Georgia Burgers, 24
German Casserole, 56
Ginger-rich Sauce, 128
Ginger Soy Sauce, 158
Glazed Beef Patty, 53
Glazed Broiled Loaves, 39
Glazed Dinner Ring, 34
Glazed Pate Loaf, 158
Glazed Polynesian Meat Balls, 162
Golden Gate Saucy Burgers, 122
Goober Burgers, 23
Greek Burgers, 27
Green Rice, 33
Grilled Four-squares, 123
Ground Beef
Browning, 88
Buying, 8
Cooking, 10
Freezing, 11
Storing, 9
"Guess What" Grilled Burgers, 124
Hamburger Chop-chop, 83
Hamburger Oubs, 20
Hamburger Foldovers, 1 16
Hamburger Jumble, 162
Hamburger Strogonof, 159
Hawaiian Burgers, 26
Herb Biscuits, 163
Herbed Burgers, 19
Herb Pastry, 150
Herb Square, 38
Herb-stufed Meat Pie, 75
Hong Kong Burgers, 26
Hopping John, 82
Horseradish-almond Sauce, 129
Hot-hot Chili con Carne, 84
Humpty-Dumpties, 1 14

Italian Herb Pie, 150

Italian Herb Sauce, 128
Italian Meat-ball Ragout, 59
Italian Meat Laves
in Squash Bowls, 89
Javanese Peanut Sauce, 128
Jify Beef Dumplings, 79
Jify Cassoulet, 98
Jiy Dinner Stew, 8
Jumbo Joes, 131
Jumbos, 18
Just-plain-good Burgers, 19
King Burgers, 22
King Cheeseburgers, 131
Kona Coast Grill, 122

Lnd-ho Subs, 133

Laredo Beef, 95
Lelani Meat Loaf, 53
Little Lasagna, 98
Little "Steaks" Oriental, 22
Luncheon Cheese Dreams, 20
Macaroni-and-beef Cancan, 83
Macaroni-and-cheese Surprise, 94
Macaroni-beef Royale, 100
Macaroni Dinner, 5
Macaroni Paprikash, 93
Matambre Roll, 142
Meat-and-potato Cakes, 23
Meat-ball Chowder, 58
Meat-ball Goulash, 71
Meat-hall Miniatures, 158
Meat Balls
Baked Saucy, 68
Bavarian Dnner, 71
Beef-ham Pufs in Mushroom
Sauce, 67
Beef Porkers, 64
Bufet, 71
Casserole, 63
Chili Burger, 6
Chili Rice, 57
Chinese, 59
Chowder, 58
Creamed Beef-onion, 70
Crunch-burger, 70
Duchess, 64
Flouring, 65
German Casserole, 56
Glazed Polynesian, 162
Goulash; 71
Hawaiian, 62
in Cream, 6
in Cream Gravy, Canadian, 70
Macaroni Dinner, 5
Moscows, 71
Pacifc Potluck, 63
Pennsylvania Dutch Beef Balls, 67
Poached Burger, 67
Porcupines, 58
Ragout, Italian, 59
Saucy Dill, 6
Scalloped, 58
Scandinavian Ragout, 62
Shaping, 57
Skillet Dinner, 68
Spaghetti Bowl, 5
Spring Beef Ragout, 57
Stew with Dumplings, 65
Strogonof, 70
Supper Soup, 57
Swedish Beef, 58
V eronique, 64
Wenatchee Valley Beef, 160
Meat Balls Hawaiian, 62
Meat Balls in Cream, 66
Meat Balls Strogonof, 70
Meat-ball Stew with Dumplings, 65
Meat Balls Veronique, 64
Meat Layer Loaves, 39
Meat Loaf
Appletime Beef Square, 53
Apricot-beef Roll up, 41
au Gratin, 35
Baked French, 30
Barbecued Beef Cakes, 39
Beef in a Blanket, 45
Beef-macaroni, 48
Beef-onion, 47
Beef-vegetable, 35
Busy-day Beef Round, 31
Caraway, 30
Cheese-and-cracker, 32
Confetti Rolls, 45
Continental Pate, 140
Creole Skillet, 40
Danish Beef, 40
Deviled, 30
Dill-sauced, 3
Dinner, 38
Dixie, 53
Double Cheese, 38
Double-rich, 31
Duchess, 40
Duxbury, 35
Early Harvest, 32
Easy, 33
Family-best, 31
Glazed Beef Patty, 53
Glazed Broiled, 39
Glazed Dinner Ring, 3
Herb Square, 3
Italiano, 52
Lyer, 39
Lelani, 53
Matambre Roll, 142
Meat Rolls Coronado, 148
Mexicali Beef Wheel, 4
Midget, 41
Mock Pot Roast
with Vegetables, 32
Old-fashioned Sage, 31
Pattycake, 32
Pinwheel, 4
Piquant Ring
with Green Rice, 33
Quick Beef Shorcake, 1
Quick Gourmet Rounds, 4
Ribbon, 4
Rice Scramble, 52
Rollups, 162
Saucy Cheeseburger, 34
Scotch Eggs, 142
Shaping, 50-51
Skillet Sauerbraten, 35
Snowcap, 47
Souther Beef Roll, 45
Spaghetti-cheese, 4
Spanish, 52
Stufed Beef, 48
Texas, 39
Tomato, 38
Twin Party, 3
Vegetable-stufed Beef Roll, 4
Weight-watcher's Meat Rolls, 45
Meat Laf au Gratin, 35
Meat-loaf Clubs, 136
Meat-loaf Dividend, 133
Meat Loaf Italiano, 52
Meat-loaf Reubens, 136
Meat-loaf Rollups, 162
Meat-pie Pastry, 140
Meat Pies
Beef and Spinach Cobbler, 75
Beef-crowned Onion, 80
Beef Patties Fricassee, 163
Cheese-biscuit, 161
Cheeseburger, 74
Cobble Beef, 76
Continental Meat-ball, 74
Creole Eggburger, 76
Deep-dish, 77
Double-cor, 77
Frijole, 75
Herb-stufed, 75
Italian Herb, 150
Jify Beef Dumplings, 79
Picnic, 107
Turover Pasties, 79
Meat Rolls Coronado, 148
Merry Mix-up, 95
Mexicali Beef Wheel, 4
Mexicali Cheeseburgers, 130
Mexican Jack Casserole, 100
Mexican Rollups, 133
Midget Meat Loaves, 41
Midnight Sun Burgers, 27
Milk Gravy, 39
Milk Pan Gravy, 162
Mock Bearnaise Sauce, 129
Mock Pot Roast with Vegetables, 32 Beef-and-gravy Burgers, 17 Rancho Beef Dinner, 101
Monte Carlo Burgers, 135 Beef Bavarian, 18 Rarebit Topping, 122
More-and-more Burgers, 124 Beef-vegetable, 16 Red Soy Sauce, 128
Moscows, 71 Belmont Patty-steaks, 23 Relish Meat Balls, 152
Mulholland Burgers, 123 Bonus Burgers, 24 Relishes
Burger Buildups, 23 Cor Piquant, 129
Burger Steaks Diable, 25 Ripe-olive Chop-chop, 12
Country Burgers, 14 Rhine Burger Stacks, 27
-Danish Beef Patties, 107 Ribbon Meat Laf, 4
Dill Rolls Rice, Green, 33
with Mushroom Sauce, 14 Rice, how t.o cook, 59
Dinner Beef Pattie, 14 Rice Scramble Loaf, 52
Noodles and Beef, Deviled, 94 Dixie Hamburgers, 17 Rio Chili Beans, 106
Noodles Napoli, 8 Double Onion Burgers, 24 Ripe-olive Chop-chop, 129
English Pub Beef with Mustard Rivieras, 136
Sauce, 22 Royal Eggplant Fondue, 14
Georgia Burgers, 2
Goober Burgers, 23
Jumbos, 18
King Burgers, 22

Little "Steaks" Orienta, 22

Old-fashioned Sage Loaf, 31
Meat-and-potato Cakes, 23
Olive Tartlets, 152
Pepper Steakettes, 16
One-dish meals (see Casseroles
Pocket Beefburgers, 22
and Skillet Dishes)
Sour-cream Burgers, 18
Salty-nut Topping, 122
Onion-gravy Burgers, 114
Stufed Burgers, 17 Sandwiches
Onion Pastry, 52
Treasure Burgers, 24 AU-American Cheeseburgers, 2
Open-face Heroes, 130
Yankee Hamburgers, 23 Bacon Rolups, 134
Oriental Pepper Pot, 150
Pattycake Laf, 32 Bangkok Burgers, 2
Our Favorite Lasagna, 104
Pennsylvania Barbecue, 112 Barbecue Beanies, 113
Pennsylvania Dutch Meat Balls, 67 Beef-mushroom W afes
Pepper-bean Cups, 8 Supreme, 137

Peppercorns, how to crush, 16 Beef Tacos, 26

Pepper Steakettes, 16 Broncos, 20
Peppers, Supper Stufed, 93 Burger Mile-highs, 135
Peppy Tomato Sauce, 128 Burger Shortcakes, 115
Persian Spoonburgers, 137 Burgers Roma, 25
Pacifc Potluck, 63
Piccolo Piza Rounds, 134 Burger-tomato Towers, 19
Pacifca Patio Burgers, 119
Picnic Pies, 107 Canyon Burgers, 131
Pagoda Burgers, 141
Picnic Squares, 31 Chili-cheese Burgers, 19
Pan, how to line fQ meat loaf, 47
Pinwheel Meat Loaf, 4 Chili-cheese Toast, 114
Panama Johnny, 105
Piquant Patty-balls, 153 Chili Meat-ball Heroes, 131
Parisian Burgers, 2
Piquant Ring with Green Rice, 33 Chubbies, 133
Parmesan Pufs, 152
Platter Dinner, 83 Chuck-wagon Chili Buns, 112
Parley, how to chop, 20
Poached Burger Balls, 67 City Burgers, 18
Parsley Sauce, 34
Pocket Beefburgers, 22 Crispy Burgers, 134
Party Piza, 135
Polenta-chili Bake, 161 Crunchy Cheeseburgers, 19
Pasta dishes
Porcupines, 58 Danish Burgers, 25
Deviled Noodles and Beef, 94
Potatoes, Snowcap, 47 Double Beefburgers, 137
Double-good Manicotti, 149
Potluck Burger Bake, 94 East Indian Burgers, 27
Little Lasagna, 98
Fiesta Cheeseburgers, 134
Macaroni-and-beef Cancan, 83
Greek Burgers, 27
Macaroni-and-cheese Surprise, 94
Hamburger Clubs, 20
Macaroni-bee Royale, 100
Hawaiian Burgers, 26
Macaroni Dinner, 5
Herbed Burgers, 19
Macaroni Paprikash, 93
Hong Kong Burgers, 26
Noodles Napoli, 8
Humpty-Dumpties, 114
Our Favorte Lsagna, 10 Quick Beef Shortcake, 47 Jumbo Joes, 131
Spaghetti Bowl, 5 Quick Bordelaise Sauce, 31 Just-plain-good Burgers, 19
Spaghetti for a Crowd, 104 Quick Chiliburgers, 130 King Cheeseburger, 131
Speedy Party Lasagna, 100 Quick Gourmet Rounds, 40 Lnd-ho Subs, 133
Pasta e Fagioli, 159 Quick Spanish Bake, 147 Luncheon Cheese Deams, 20
Meat-loaf Clubs, 13
Herb, 15
Meat-loaf Dividend, 133
Meat-pie, 14

Meat-loaf Reubens, 13
Onion, 52
Mexicali Cheeseburgers, 130
Pate Burgers, 157 Mexican Rollups, 133
Patio Cheeseburgers, 119 Midnight Su Burgers, 27
Patties, dinner Monte Carlo Burgers, 135
Bacon-cheese Surprises, 16 Raisin Filling, 4 Onion-gavy Burgers, 114
Barbecued Skillet Burgers, 17 Ranch Breakfast Burgers, 16 Open-face Heroes, 13
Pagoda Burgers, 141
Parisian Burgers, 26
Party Pizza, 135
Pennsylvania Barbecue, 112
Persian Spoonburgers, 137
Piccolo Pizza Rounds, 13
Quick Chiliburgers, 130
Rhine Burger Stacks, 27
Rivieras, 136
Slumgullion-on-a-bun, 113
Spanish Meat-ball Kebabs, 136
Tamale Hot Pot, 1 12
Teen Party Subs, 113
Texas Tomato Burgers, 19
Tivoli Burgers, 19
Torpedoes, 115
Sauces for grilling burgers
All-purpose Barbecue, 128
Diable, 128
Ginger-rich, 128
Italian Herb, 128
Peppy Tomato, 128
Red Soy, 128
Zing, 128
Saucy Cheeseburger Loaves, 3
Saucy Dill Meat Balls, 66
Scalloped Meat Balls, 58
Scandinavian Bean Pot, 143
Scandinavian Ragout, 62
Scotch Eggs, 142
Scotch Filling, 22
Skillet Beef and Beans, 82
Skillet Dinner, 68
Skillet dishes
Bali Beef Dinner, 147
Beef and Beans, 82
Beef-cor Fritter Pufs, 14
Brunswick Beef, Ill
Calico Beef Stew, 83
Chow Mein Bowl, 80
Denver Pancakes, 159
Dinner, 68
East-West Sukiyaki, 147
Enchiladas, lOS
Fring-pan Moussaka, 82
Goulash, 84
Hamburger Chop-chop, 83
Hamburger Strogonof, 159
Hopping John, 82
Hot-hot Chili con Carne, 8
Jify Dinner Stew, 8
Macaroni-and-bee Cancan, 83
Noodles Napoli, 84
Panama Johnny, lOS
Platter Diner, 83
Scandinavian Bean Pot, 143
Spanish Rice and Meat Balls, 82
Skillet Enchiladas, lOS
Skillet Goulash, 8
Skillet Sauerbraten, 35
Slumgullion-on-a-bun, 1 13
Smoky Beef Burgers, 117
Snowcap Meat Loaf, 47
Snowcap Potatoes, 47
Barley-bee Stew, 106
Beef and Lentils Genoese, 106
Camper's Stew, 1 1 1
Hot-hot Chili con Care, 84
Meat-ball Chowder, 58
Pasta e Fagioli, 159
Supper, 57
Tureen Treat, 160
Sour-cream Burgers, 18
Souther Beef Roll, 4
Spaghetti Bowl, 5
Spaghetti-cheese Loaf, 46
Spaghetti for a Crowd, 104
Spaghetti Topping, 122
Spanish Meat-ball Kebabs, 136
Spanish Meat Loaf, 52
Spanish Rice and Meat Balls, 82
Speedy Party Lasagna, 10
Spring Beef Ragout, 57
Stufed Beef Loaf, 48
Stufed Burgers, 17
Stufed Cabbage Crown, 148
Stufed Crepes au Gratin, 141
Stufed Tomato Crowns, 92
Supper Soup, 57
Supper Stufed Peppers, 93
Swedish Beef Balls, 58
Swiss Sandwich Puf, 146

Tamale Hot Pot, 112

Taormina Bake, 149
Teen Party Subs, 113
Teriyaki Sticks, 119
Texas Meat Loaf, 39
Texas Tacos, 110
Texas Tomato Burgers, 19
Tivoli Burgers, 19
Tomato Crowns, Stufed, 92
Tomato Meat Laf, 38
Toppers for burgers
Chili, 122
Fufy Mustard Sauce, 140
Horseradish-almond Sauce, 129
Javanese Peanut Sauce, 128
Mock Bearnaise Sauce, 129
Rarebit, 122
Salty-nut, 122
Spaghetti, 122
Toppers for Plain Burgers, 125
Torpedoes, 115
Tortilla Tower, 143
Treasure Burgers, 24
Tureen Treat, 160
Turnover Pasties, 79
Twin Party Loaves, 34

Vegetable Sauce, 47
Vegetable-stufed Beef Roll, 4
Vegetables, stufed
Beef and Potato Boats, 8
Cabbage Crown, 148
Cabbage Rollups, 89
Eggplant Supreme, 93
Italian Meat Loaves in Squash
Bowls, 89
Pepper-bean Cups, 88
Supper Stufed Peppers, 93
Tomato Crowns, 92
Zucchini in a Shell, 92

W afes, how to heat, 137

Wenatchee Valley Beef Balls, 16
Western Casserole, 110
Winter Garden Meat Balls@ 4

Yankee Hamburgers, 23
Yorkshire Beef Bake, 160
Yorkville Special, ll7

Zing Sauce, 128

Zucchini in a Shell, 92

' 4

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