DBA Brochure

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The Aston Executive Doctorate (DBA)

3 About Aston University 3 Why Aston Business School 3 Research ranking 3 Research and links with industry 3 Accreditation 4 Research at Aston Business School 4 Making Knowledge Work for Individuals and Organisations 5 Your route to making knowledge work in your Executive Doctorate 6 World-Class Supervision 7 Creating Your Learning Environment 8 Applying to the Programme 8 Fees 8 The Research Proposal 9 Your Alumni Network

Aston Business School aims to continually develop new ideas for business success. We do this by learning with business through sharing challenges, knowledge and insights together. The Aston Executive Doctorate embodies those principles perfectly. Executive Doctorate researchers develop their intellectual, business and research expertise to the highest levels by working with world-leading academics in a challenging and supportive research community. Our intent is that they graduate as knowledge leaders in their areas with a powerful practical knowledge and skill base that enables them to make a difference to their organisations. The Aston Executive Doctorate offers an opportunity for leaders to work at the interface of advanced research and business to ensure unique and powerful breakthroughs in understanding how we can develop effective organisations. It is an exciting and demanding journey of personal transformation that at the same time enables business success.
Professor Mike West Executive Dean, Aston Business School

In this prospectus, we have captured the distinct and stimulating experience that is the Aston Executive Doctorate. We think we have provided answers to most of the questions that you may have about the Programme, but we would be delighted to deal with any further queries. We are confident that we can provide you with a unique challenge here at Aston. At the end of your Executive Doctorate you will be in a position to not only have changed your own organisation but also to influence globally the development of management theory and practice. Our goal is to make the Executive Doctorate a lifechanging experience!
Dr Graham Leask The Aston Executive Doctorate Programme Director


About Aston University Aston was founded in 1895 and has been a university since 1966. At Aston, we have successfully blended our traditional roots as an old university with a dynamic and progressive approach to teaching and learning. We are committed to providing high quality, innovative and relevant degree programmes which meet the needs of the real world. Why Aston Business School The decision to study for a Doctorate at Aston Business School is the decision to participate in a world class research community alongside leading academics. Our underlying principle is to ensure that doctoral research is of a very high standard, the experience of our students is excellent, and that, through our programmes, we are significantly advancing understanding about economies, markets, organisations and about the flourishing of those who work within them and are served by them.

Research ranking The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) confirmed Aston Business Schools position as a leading researchintensive business school; in a submission which included 96% of our academic staff, the majority of our research activity was judged to be either world leading or internationally excellent. Research and links with industry Aston Business School's close links with industry, commerce and the public sector in the UK and abroad, produces a real awareness of the relationship between academic and practical approaches to management. These links also ensure that the rapidly changing requirements of modern management are immediately integrated into our doctoral programmes.
Accreditation Aston Business School is one of Europes leading business schools and is one of an elite group of business schools in the world to hold triple accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB. The Aston Executive Doctorate is one of only six DBAs in the world to be individually accredited by AMBA.


Research at Aston Business School Research at Aston Business School enjoys a reputation as being of a world-class standard and internationally relevant. This is why our research is referenced worldwide and our academics are in high demand to work with other academics, industry, policy makers and governments on a range of collaborative projects. Central to our research is a determination to deliver impact, so that not only do we share our expertise to support business excellence, but what we do can be applied and makes a difference to the world. Our focus is within the area of business, but what we deliver has an impact on how we work, how we live and how we understand and seek to benefit our community, at local, national and global level. Professor Pawan Budhwar Associate Dean of Research

Making Knowledge Work for Individuals and Organisations The Aston Executive Doctorate is a distance learning doctoral programme designed so that senior professionals can advance their learning, whilst still working in their existing roles. On exit, people gain a qualification equivalent to a PhD and are entitled to call themselves Doctor. The Aston Executive Doctorate goes beyond theory. To succeed, participants must show that they can transform practice with the knowledge they have created. For individuals and organisations, the Aston Executive Doctorate makes knowledge work. The benefits offered to the individual: > A unique research experience that will impact on their career and their own development as an individual > A widely respected qualification that clearly demonstrates their intelligence and ability to innovate > Networking opportunities through a global cadre of highly experienced fellow Executive Doctorate participants to exchange ideas and experiences. The benefits offered to your organisation: > Access to vital cutting edge thinking that can be used throughout your organisation > The ability to significantly enhance innovative capacity > The opportunity to offer senior managers the chance for further their career development.

Academic expertise As an Executive Doctorate student you will be linked with one of Aston Business School's six academic groups with supervisors drawn from one or more of them. The Schools academic groups cover the core disciplines of management and commercial law and provide a rich intellectual community of academic faculty, research associates, industry partners and doctoral students. The six academic groups are: > Aston Law > Economics and Strategy > Finance and Accounting > Marketing > Operations and Information Management > Work and Organisational Psychology

Angus Garrett
Senior Economist and Aston DBA Student

In choosing a DBA you look for quality in research, specifically the people and pedigree - Aston has both of these. From the early days of the Aston Studies through to todays DBA programme, Aston University emphasises collaboration, exploring new ideas and doing things differently.

Your Route to Making Knowledge Work in Your Executive Doctorate Milestones and Structure Part-time: four years study (up to six years maximum) Year 1 (up to year 2 maximum): Research Methods Course and Qualifying Report Years 2-4 (up to year 6 maximum): Individual research project and submission of thesis/portfolio The Research Methods Course All doctoral students undertake the taught Research Methods Course (RMC) as the foundation of their development as a professional researcher and this is undertaken in the first year of study (or the first two years in some circumstances). The RMC is intended to provide you with all the skills that you require both to successfully complete your Executive Doctorate and to develop you as a "researching professional". The RMC is taught by expert staff in management research and is designed to lead to the development of a qualifying report, which is the conclusion of the RMC. The four modules are: RMC I Basic Skills within the Management Research Process RMC II- The Philosophy of Management Research RMC III Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design and Analysis RMC IV - Communication and Advanced Research Skills Assessment Each of the Research Methods Course modules is assessed through assignments that require students to link the concepts from that module to their own research project. RMC Delivery RMC Modules I and IV are residential week long modules taught together with full-time research students and on campus attendance is compulsory. For Executive Doctorate students RMC II and RMC III are delivered online via Aston Universitys Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Blackboard. Distance-learners are welcome to attend some of the workshops on campus should the days and times these are arranged be convenient to them. Qualifying Report The RMC is designed to lead to the development of a Qualifying Report, a written document approximately 6,000 words in length which forms the basis for the final thesis. The Qualifying Report is examined by viva voce and has to be successfully completed before the student proceeds onto the next stage of the research project. Final thesis/portfolio The research project culminates in the submission of a final thesis/portfolio approximately 80,000 words in length. The thesis/portfolio must be successfully defended by viva voce before the degree can be awarded. Postgraduate Certificate in Business Research and Consultancy All Executive Doctorate students will begin their studies by being registered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Business Research and Consultancy. The syllabus for this Postgraduate Certificate comprises of the RMC modules. This means that should students leave the Executive Doctorate programme before the award of a doctorate, they can be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate if they have successfully passed the RMC. Entry dates The Executive Doctorate has two intakes each year: October and January. Applications for the October intake should be submitted by July at the latest. Applications for the January intake should be submitted by October at the latest.


Prof. Nick Lee

Professor of Marketing and Organisational Research

Supervisors play a key role in the development of any doctoral student. A high-quality student-supervisor relationship is a key goal of the programme here at Aston, and such a relationship is a major pillar on which success in doctoral work and your future career is based.

These people are amongst many who have all supervised DBAs. Prof. Helen Higson Reviewer for the UKs Quality Assurance Agency. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Researches in higher education learning and management, as well as intercultural learning Prof. John Edwards 1st class honours, MA and PhD from University of Cambridge. Served on the UK RAE panel in 2001 and 2008. Researches in knowledge based and decision support systems. Prof. Emmanuel Thanassoulis BSc 1st class honours and PhD in operational research. World-leading expert on data envelopement analysis. Researches in quantitative performance measurement. Prof. Duncan Shaw Director of Astons Centre for Research Into Safety and Security (CRISIS). Researches in 60 companies and governments on decision-making, and safety and security issues. Prof. Paula Jarzabkowski Holder of a prestigious AIM Ghosal Fellowship. Researches in strategy formation. Prof. Michael West Fellow of BPAS, APS, RSA, IAAP, HEA, BAM and CIPD. Published over 150 scientific and practitioner articles. Researches in team and organizational innovation.

World-Class Supervision The majority of Aston Business Schools faculty is recognised as conducting research that is ranked as internationally excellent or world-class. Any Executive Doctorate applicant is guaranteed to have a supervisor who has an excellent research track record directly related to their research topic. This is a rare facility that can only be undertaken by an institution with the research breadth of Aston University. When you are accepted onto the Executive Doctorate you will be allocated a team of supervisors. As well as being assigned a primary supervisor who will work closely with you in guiding and supporting your research you will also be assigned at least one secondary/associate supervisor who will work with your main supervisor and yourself on specialist issues of methodology or your field of interest. The relationship with your supervisory team will be crucial in successfully completing your doctorate and the Executive Doctorate team goes to great lengths to help match a candidate with the right supervisors for their research. The role of the supervisor will cover all aspects of your research degree ranging from guidance and support in terms of relevant literature, appropriate methodologies and techniques for data collection and analysis, to critiquing your written work, to advice on appropriate journals to target for publications. However, the role of the supervisor is typically much more than this; often the student-supervisor relationship will last longer than the duration of the doctorate, with many students and supervisors working jointly on projects and research papers in the future.

Creating Your Learning Environment

A tailored and dedicated distance learning delivery One of the key features of the Aston Executive Doctorate is its distance learning delivery mode. The Programme exploits the latest version of the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment, which enables the taught components of the Executive Doctorate to be delivered by vodcast linked to a range of Powerpoint material provided. Virtual discussion boards are used to conduct online tutorials sessions between students and programme tutors. Understanding and exemplary customer care through our support team We understand that undertaking the Executive Doctorate is a large commitment, we also know that time for any senior level manager is precious. This is why we offer a dedicated member of staff to ensure your distance learning experience is one of efficiency. As well as this, the programme offers the support of a faculty who are able to provide a wealth of industry-led experience.

The worlds research at your fingertips Astons e-Library is the gateway to a world of electronic resources, including e-journals, e-books and databases. The e-library allows Executive Doctorate participants to search databases and download articles and journal papers to their own PC from wherever they have access to the Internet. The e-Library blurs the distinction between distance learners and Aston-based students and means that Aston Executive Doctorate participants have access to a world of best-practice and research wherever they may be situated.

Aston Executive Doctorate Colloquium A key activity is the Aston Executive Doctorate Colloquium which takes place twice a year, usually in parallel to two of the residential RMC modules. The Colloquium includes a dinner with all Executive Doctorate students and supervisors and a day of Executive Doctorate related workshops, presentations and seminars. Dedicated facilities for research students Executive Doctorate students have access to dedicated research degree facilities in the Doctoral Suite. Facilities are professional, spacious and include a conference-style lecture room, computer suite with 20 PCs, dedicated shared DBA study room, and administrative offices for DBA staff. In addition to its study and teaching facilities, the Doctoral suite has a fully equipped kitchen, dining area, and a quiet reading space. This area provides a space where students can meet and relax. There are full restaurant, coffee and bar facilities in the Aston Business School Building with preferential overnight rates in the conference centre available to students.


Applying to the Programme

Entry requirements Candidates must have: > An MBA or equivalent Masters degree in business and management > A minimum of 3 years business experience > For those whose first language is not English: either evidence that the masters degree was taught mainly or entirely in English or an IELTS score of 7.0 minimum in all sections or a TOEFL IBT score of at least 100 or PBT 610 or an equivalent English language qualification recognised by Aston University. Additionally, applicants should demonstrate the appropriate links to practice, to which their proposed research refers. How to apply A completed application form together with the following supporting documents should be submitted to the DBA Programme Office. Required supporting documents: > A copy of your Research Proposal > A full curriculum vitae or personal statement > At least two references one of which should be from the institution of your latest degree. > Copies of your qualifications, including the transcript of your most recent degree > A copy of your IELTS/TOEFL score if applicable. Both our printed and online application forms are available on our website: www.aston.ac.uk/dba

The Application Process

The Application and research proposal received and approved by the Aston Executive DBA Team Candidates are put in contact with a potential supervisor Potential Supervisors and candidates work together on the research proposal A formal interview with the potential supervisor and Programme Director Offer of a place on the Aston Executive DBA Programme

In order to be successful, the candidate will need to develop an excellent research proposal. Further information on how to write a good proposal can be found on the Executive Doctorate website: www.aston.ac.uk/dba

Tuition fees are paid on an annual basis. Fees for the year 2011/12 are: Part Time Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Home 8000.00 8000.00 8000.00 500.00* Overseas 11,580.00 11,580.00 11,580.00 500.00*

For up-to-date fees information please refer to the website: www.aston.ac.uk/dba-fees

u u u u u

The Research Proposal


*Annual fee for duration of programme

Christopher Owen
PWC Consultant and Aston DBA Student

In consultancy in particular you have to help clients with particularly tough and complex issues, some of which have not been tackled before. Therefore, you need to have the right tools and techniques to be able to analyse these issues and these skills can only really come from this sort of course.

Your Alumni Network As an Executive Doctorate graduate, you will automatically become a member of the Aston Business School Postgraduate Alumni Network, an association of over 7,000 PhD, Executive Doctorate, MBA, and MSc graduates from over 100 different countries. The aim of the network is to connect you, help you build relationships, share news and information and keep you in touch with developments here at Aston. You will see the benefit of the alumni programme right from the start of your time at Aston. Alumni give back to Aston Business School by helping with contacts and industry information, setting up some of our collaborative research projects, giving advice, and advertising their vacancies. Executive Doctorate students have plenty of opportunities to connect with alumni, both face to face at our on-campus events and online via our social-networking groups. Our events are aimed at supporting your professional development, providing you with regular networking opportunities. They give you the chance to learn new skills and theories, or simply listen to an expert speaker. After you leave, youll be able to tap into a range of benefits and services provided by a specialist team dedicated to postgraduate alumni. For further information please visit our website: www.aston.ac.uk/abs/alumni

Further Information Aston Executive Doctorate (DBA) Programme Administrator SW 11th Floor Aston Business School Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 204 3354 Fax: +44 (0)121 204 3326 Email: [email protected] Web: www.aston.ac.uk/dba

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