Evaluating, Coaching Character in Your Athletes, Brunner, U of Idaho

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Evaluating & Coaching Character in Your Athletes

Dave Brunner, Univ. of Idaho

2008 Nike Coach of the Year Clinic
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Follow-up to Am. FB Monthly article, “Evaluation: The One Constant,” Sept. 2007

2 kinds of character – 1) moral character, & 2) social character

25 years of data from moral reasoning tests:

a) scores for athletes are lower than for the general population
b) team-sport players score lower than individual-sport players
c) football players score lower than any team-sport players except lacrosse players

Qualities (Univ. of Idaho) college coaches looking for:

Coachable: ·ability to learn

·willingness to learn – more important in some positions than others
·ability to be trusted – let them know you’re giving them
·willingness to trust

·if about excellence, doesn’t matter what the opponent does
·play every snap – not competitive
·play their best against the best
·at their best when only their best will get the job done
·make their best plays when it counts
·how consistent are they?

Toughness: ·focus & concentrate in adverse conditions – perseverance

·respond positively to adversity & setbacks
·play their best even when indications are that their best will not be enough
--How do your kids play when down 46-0 at halftime?
·appropriate use of physical force in competition
·ability to subordinate discomfort in competition – play hurt
·play thru the “echo” of the whistle
·3 F’s of Football: 1) physical 2) fly around 3) fun

Leadership: ·do they influence others positively by their actions and/or inactions?
·assumes self & group responsibility/accountability
--starts with being responsible for self
--level of responsibility has to be greater than level of accountability;
teach responsibility before-hand
--“Greatest tool for leadership is your own example.” – John Wooden
--being a good leader means being a good follower when the time is right

Brunner 2008, p. 1
Leadership (cont.):
·lives the example of good leadership on and off the field
·follows others when appropriate to bring out the best in others
·subordinates their personal agenda for the agenda of the team
Servant-leader training for football coaches offered thru U of Idaho ethics center; online;
continuing ed credits; practical application

Explosiveness: ·…at point of attack; “play fast”

·non-contact explosiveness to create an advantage in competition
·knee bend / hip bend without substantial reduction in speed
·measurable achievement in the vertical leap and the key Olympic lifts (snatch,
split jerk…)

Change of Direction:
·redirect without wasted movement
·regain maximum velocity after redirection
·sudden change with correct biomechanical display

Ball Skills/Hand Skills:

·hand-eye coordination that will permit athlete to catch the ball naturally in a
variety of positions
·superior ability to react when competing for the ball
·fluid handling of the ball (QB & RB)
·plays ball instinctively while it is in the air
·hand-eye coordination important for linemen, too
– eyes on key & hands on target

Brunner 2008, p. 2

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