We Are Wisconsin

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edited by erica sagrans

What happened in Wisconsin in the winter of 2011 is a remarkable and
important story that needs to be told. We Are Wisconsin is one of the frst
steps towards telling that story, and weve made it available as a free PDF in
order to reach the widest possible audience.
Please share this book with anyone who might be interestedand help
spread the word by writing your own review on Amazon.com.
Printed copies are available for purchase on Amazon.com and at
WeAreWisconsinBook.com, where you can also fnd the latest book-
related news and updates.
Many thanks and much #solidarity.
Erica Sagrans, editor
we are wisconsin
edited by
erica sagrans
We Are Wisconsin
Copyright 2011
ISBN: 978-1-934690-48-2
Content licensed under Creative Commons, unless otherwise noted, and used
with permission of the authors. Individual tweets copyright the tweeters.
Union Made poster used with permission of the artist, Colin Matthes
Wisconsin fst image used with permission of the artist, Brandon Bauer
Capitol rotunda photo copyright Emily Mills
Editor: Erica Sagrans
Cover and Interior Design: Christopher Hass
Copy Editor: Joel Handley
Printed in the United States of America
Tasora Books
5120 Cedar Lake Road S
Minneapolis, MN 55416
(952) 345-4488
Distributed by Itasca Books
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
we are wisconsin | 8
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Scott Walker just declared war on Government workers.

Memorial Union. A few dozen members of the Teaching Assistants Asso-
ciation (TAA), the oldest graduate employee union in the world, rallied on
a frigid February morning to object to Republican Governor Scott Walkers
plan to strip public-employee unions of collective bargaining rights. Te
message from TAA organizers to union members was blunt: All public-
sector workers are under attack. Faculty and staf are under attack. Te UW
as a whole is under attack. ... You need to get active now!
It worked.
Two weeks afer that frst protest, upwards of 125,000 Wisconsinites
rallied at the Capitol in Madison as tens of thousands more gathered in
communities across the state. And while the crowds outside the Capitol
were massive, inside were thousands morestudents, teachers, and snow-
plow drivers who had occupied the building around-the-clock for more
than a week.
Yet the demonstration on that third Saturday was not the largest to
occur during the month of protests at the Capitol. Two weeks later, a signif-
cantly larger crowd would fll the downtown of the city and hail the return
of Democratic state senators who had decamped to Illinois for the better
part of a month in order to deny the governor and his Republican allies a
legislative quorum.
John Nichols
July, 2011
foreword | 13
But the Wisconsin uprising was not just about crowds, protests, or
occupations. Like all epic struggles, what happened in Wisconsin in the
frst months of 2011, and what continues to this day, cannot be reduced to
simple story lines. Te full picture is always a nuanced onecomplete with
a history, economic demands, social complexities, and prospects that are
only beginning to be realized. All of the vibrant colors, the black-and-white
contrasts, and the shades of gray that make the picture of what has hap-
pened in Wisconsin, or what is still happening in Wisconsin, are refected
in this fne collection of writing.
If there was a day when it seemed absolutely clear to me that what was
happening in Wisconsin would shape the lives not just of Wisconsinites
but of Americans for years to come, it was that third Saturday, Feb. 26.
And it was not just because of what I saw in Madisonalthough what I
saw in Madison was awesome.
Snow fell throughout the day, and temperatures were brutal. Te day-
long demonstration surrounded the Capitol, spilled down the streets of the
city, and flled every foor of the statehouse for what local historian Stuart
Levitan described as the largest political event ever in Madison.
Te people-power surge came in response to what the senior member
of the Wisconsin Legislature, state Sen. Fred Risser (D-Madison) described
as Walkers dictatorial actions, and to what state Rep. Cory Mason
(D-Racine) leveled tyranny. Tose are charged words, but Wisconsinites
recognized them as appropriate to the moment.
In interviews with national networks, Walker had tried to spin the
fantasy that the crowds that had surrounded the Capitol for almost two
weeks werent made up of real Wisconsinites. Tat was a lie, coming from
a politician who was spinning a web of deception.
Te people were ofended by their governors false premisesnot just
with regard to the makeup of the protests but with the trumped-up budget
crisis Walker was using to bust unions, attack local democracy, and slash
funding for schools and public services. Wisconsinites do not take ofense
in the ordinary way, however. Tey do not get all hufy. Tey get all creative.
And their handmade signs put the liar in his place:
Walker: Governor of Wall Street, Not Wisconsin
foreword | 14
Im From Wisconsin, What Planet Is Walker From?
Hundreds of signs recalled the governors 20-minute conversation
revealed days earlierwith a prank caller who had gotten past Walkers
receptionists and stafers by identifying himself as conservative billionaire
David Koch:
Walker Has One Constituent: David Koch
Governor Walker, Your Koch Dealer Is On Line Two
Tat Saturdays rally in Madison was the largest gathering of activists
to that point in what had already become an unprecedented state-based
movement for economic and social justice. But what made the day a turn-
ing point was the fact that the movement was no longer playing out in a
single state. Te Wisconsin protesters were joined that day by supporters in
every one of the nations state capitals, as well as Washington, D.C.
Energized by the images of Wisconsinites rallying night afer win-
ter nightand flling the state Capitol with chants of Whats disgusting?
Union-busting!the nations savviest unions were coming to recognize
that they were in a fght for survival. And they had to take that fght to the
streetsnot just on behalf of labor rights but for basic premises of a just
and equitable society.
Te National Nurses United union took the lead in organizing national
solidarity marches and rallies that Saturday, with executive director Rose
Ann DeMoro declaring that the frst lesson to be taken from Wisconsin is
Working peoplewith our many allies, students, seniors, womens organi-
zations, and moreare inspired and ready to fght.
Tat became clear as the day unfolded.
MoveOn.org and other progressive groups, along with unions across
the country, celebrated the success of Rallies to Save the American Dream,
explaining that, In Wisconsin and around our country, the American
Dream is under ferce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giv-
ing tax breaks to corporations and the very richand then cutting funding
for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services.
Standing in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin on Feb. 26, those
who rallied in all the nations capitals announced that: We demand an end
foreword | 15
to the attacks on workers rights and public services across the country. We
demand investment to create decent jobs for the millions of people who
desperately want to work. And we demand that the rich and powerful pay
their fair share.
We are all Wisconsin. We are all Americans, they declared.
Tey stood in Atlanta and Boston, in Columbus and Denver, in Juneau
and Jeferson City, Santa Fe and Sacramento, in Tucson and Tallahassee.
And they stood in Madison.
In solidarity.
Tis book tells the story of that solidarity, and of the radical possibility
it has given Wisconsin and America.
July, 2011

I had immersed myself among British activists as they prepared for one
of the biggest demonstrations in Londons historywhere half a million
people took to the streets to protest the deep and painful cuts to basic gov-
ernment services that were about to take place. Te protests had grown out
of Britains student uprising that began earlier that winter, when high school
and university students stormed the Conservative Partys headquarters to
protest tuition hikes and were met with violent police confrontations.
Afer several years working in national Democratic politics, I had fed
Washington, D.C. earlier that winter. Like many progressives, I was dispir-
ited by large losses in the midterm elections, frustrated with some Demo-
crats inability to stand up for progressive values, and wondering when the
lef would fnd a way to match the Tea Partys grassroots energy bubbling
up on the other side. I knew there was energy on our side too; it just wasnt
being channeled or organized as efectivelyand much of it took the form
of frustration directed at the Democratic Party. As a stafer at the Demo-
cratic National Committee, each week I read survey responses from some-
times-supporters who admonished Democrats to toughen up or show
some spineand those were among the gentler words they had for us. Like
many of the young people who had started working in D.C. politics afer
Obamas 2008 victory, I ofen agreed with them. So we shook our heads
Erica Sagrans
July, 2011
introduction | 19
and did what we could to steer the huge ship we were on a few feet to the
lef whenever possible.
But something changed while I was away. In Wisconsin, teachers and
students and police ofcers and farmers gathered at their Capitol and
refused to leave, for days and then weeksand Democratic state senators
stood with them. Te people of Wisconsin were no longer waiting for poli-
ticians to leadthey were fnding their own voice, and their own power.
Teir actions helped inspire similar protests at capitols around the country,
breathing some new life into both the labor movement and the progressive
lef overall.
In London, as we prepared for the March 26 demonstration it was
impossible to stop thinking about the Wisconsin protests, as well as the
awe-inspiring Egyptian revolution that had just unfolded. At an East Lon-
don gathering a few weeks before the big march, a thousand people cheered
Egyptian activist Gigi Ibrahim, who had been part of the revolution that had
toppled her countrys dictator afer a brutal 30-year rule. During a teach-
in at a London university, hundreds of us spoke with activists in Madison
through Skype video, and watched a YouTube clip of farmer Tony Schultz
fring up crowds in front of the snowy Wisconsin Capitol. A British activ-
ist told me how he had been riveted by the live video stream my American
friend had broadcast from his iPhone during the Madison Capitol occupa-
tionvideo that was seen over a hundred thousand times by people who
were fascinated by what was going on, but unable to watch it elsewhere.
It was a strange but beautiful confuence of earth-shaking change. From
Madison to Cairo to London, it felt like we were all connected, all part of
something incredibly unlikely and incredibly powerful.
Afer returning to the U.S., I went to Wisconsin to see what it was like
there during the weeks following the protests that shook the Capitol and
the state. Tere were no more 100,000-person rallies, but it was impossible
to miss that something incredible had just happened. In the neighborhood
where I stayed, handmade signs remained in nearly every window or yard:
Governor Walker, the whole world is watching, Walker gives welfare to
the rich, and Care about educators like they care for your child were just
a few. Stores along State Street were flled with posters and pins and bumper
stickers that combined Wisconsin pride with support for unions and state
workers (We have State workers are sexy pins, one chalkboard sign on
the sidewalk proclaimed). Chalk messages were scrawled on the sidewalk
introduction | 20
outside the Capitol; inside, large letters spelling out the word Solidarity
hung facing outward in legislators ofce windows.
I was also struck by how good life seemed to be in Madison. People
biked along the tree-lined streets and on paths next to the shimmering
lakes; tasty, local food was plentiful; strangers were friendly (one greeted
me with an energetic Hello citizen! and a salute from across the street).
Madison seemed like a place where you could live well, regardless of wheth-
er you had a job with a fancy title or a big salary. I could see why, when these
folks way of life was attacked by Governor Scott Walkers eforts, they stood
up to fercely defend it.
Tis collection is a frst draf of the story of the Wisconsin uprising. No
doubt it is a story that will be told and retold for years to come, in for-
mats more nuanced and more in-depth than this one. But this anthology
attempts to bridge the gap between the immediacy of Twitter and the per-
manence of academic study. Te story told here is by no means complete,
because the story is far from over. Battles continue in Wisconsin each day,
from the elections to recall Wisconsins state senators to the (likely) even-
tual push to recall Governor Scott Walker himself. For now, Walkers attack
on collective bargaining has become law. Its a huge loss, to be sure. Yet
regardless of the fate of this particular piece of legislation, the impact of
what happened during those unlikely months in Wisconsin will be felt for
a long time to come.
Tough the organizing in Wisconsin continues, there is also a palpable
sense of fatigue, along with a desire to recharge and fgure out what comes
next. In this, there is now an opportunity to begin to take stock of the events
that have taken place. Many of the Wisconsinites I spoke with had not yet
sat down and truly refected on what they had been part ofthey were too
busy getting back to some semblance of normal life afer weeks spent com-
pletely consumed by the demonstrations.
Tat isnt to say there is not a strong desire to tell the Wisconsin story
to a larger audience. Afer all, it was the protestersalmost every one of
themwho told the story of the uprising using their phones, laptops, and
cameras, through Twitter and Facebook and email and blogs. Telling indi-
vidual stories was a way of sharing and documenting the protests, but sto-
rytelling also played a central role in the Madison Capitol occupation itself.
Te statehouse takeover began when protesters packed a hearing room to
introduction | 21
give their personal testimonies in opposition to Walkers budget-repair
bill, keeping the proceedings going all night long and into the next day.
From that impromptu occupation grew an incredible new community un-
like anything protesters had experienced before. As more and more people
focked to Madison to show their support, those inside the Capitol found
what had been lacking for too longa sense of power and a true feeling
of solidarity.
While this is not my own story in any signifcant way, I wanted to help
tell the story of the Wisconsin protests as a way of documenting what hap-
pened and inspiring others to continue the fght that began in Madisonin
whatever form that may take. While the protests eventually captured the
attention of the mainstream media, this collection focuses on telling the
story of the people directly involved: the Wisconsinites who spoke out in
hours of testimony and speeches at the Capitol; those who blogged, tweeted,
and reported updates from the protests day and night. Tis collection pulls
together many of the blog posts and links you may have stumbled upon
while the action was at its height, but that have already begun to fade away
into the ether of the internet. It also includes a glimpse of the parallel story
that was told in real-time through Twitter updates from those at the scene
of the protests. Tese short messages came together to form a fascinating
narrative that was captured daily through the liveblogging done by web edi-
tors at the Madison Isthmus, which served as an invaluable resource when
putting together the posts included in this book.
We Are Wisconsin highlights a range of voices from the lef, broad-
ly-defned: Democratic elected ofcials, progressive journalists, radical
grassroots activists, union members, and those who did not previously
consider themselves at all political. While there are certainly real dis-
agreements that these writers dont shy away from, the aim is to push
each of us to look beyond our narrower labels and consider where we
as progressives, the lef, or people with certain shared valuescan come
together around common goals.
Tis book is for people who were not there to hear the stories told in
the Capitol rotunda. It is for those who merely caught glimpses of the Wis-
consin protests through the mainstream media, as well as those who spent
days scrolling the #WIunion hashtag on Twitter for the latest update.
It is for progressives who dont think that the idea of unions or collec-
tive organizing matters for them.
introduction | 22
It is for union members, organizers, and leaders, and anyone who
wants to build a stronger labor movement, but wonders how they can
appeal to a broader audience.
It is for anyone who believes in the tenets of basic fairness and eco-
nomic justice, but wants to know what regular people can really do to stand
up for these values.
Tis story is much bigger than just Wisconsin. It is about people
around the world who are standing up and saying no to the budget cuts
and austerity measures that use real or perceived crises to pull the rug out
from under working people. It is about the global connections that are
starting to be built between movements, from the places that have already
begun rising up to the places that are next.
In the streets of London, as I walked with demonstrators on March
26, I saw a sign that read: London, Cairo, Wisconsin, we will fght, we will
win. Whats become clear to me over these past few months is that when we
do choose to fght, we can win. But no matter whether we win each particu-
lar battle, by fghting we inspire others to do soand onward it goes.
July 2011
For a detailed overview of the events surrounding the Wisconsin protests, see
the timeline beginning on page 281.

the one thing I learned about myself at a young age was that whenever I
joined my father at picket lines and union meetings, my uncomfortable
sense of insecurity vanished in the face of all that brave determination.
Spending time with workers who stood up for themselves and organized
against powerful corporations, even at the risk of losing their jobs, inspired
me to fght back against the bullies who teased me heavily as a child. What
workers taught me was that while someone may be more powerful than you
and make your life miserable, they could never truly beat you down as long
as you stood up for yourself. Tese experiences had a profound efect on
me, and that is why Ive dedicated my career as a labor journalist to giving
a voice to the workers who helped me grow so confdent and happy in my
own voice.
At times though, its been tougher than I expected for both the labor
movement and myself. Tis past winter I found myself sinking into a dark
Mike Elk
July, 2011
burning down the forest | 24
lull, as it appeared that the labor movement was going to be wiped out for
good, just as my girlfriend lef me shortly before the Christmas holidays.
To make matters worse, I was still reeling from a bout of chronic pneu-
monia, and most days I was so tired that I could barely crawl out of bed.
And as a freelance labor journalist, I was broke and with bleak prospects,
since few publications were interested or had the funding to print stories
about organized labor.
At the time, most of the media conversation about labor was focused
on the themes of the documentary flm Waiting for Supermanwhich
argued that overpaid public employees and teachers were to blame for the
decline of American society. It was hard to fnd anyone who disagreed, even
among middle-class liberals and Democrats in Washington, D.C., where I
live. Tey all seemed to agree that organized labor was a part of the prob-
lem, rather than the solution, to the current economic recession. And it
went right up to the top: Democrats like President Barack Obama even
seemed to endorse the attack on public-sector unions by calling for a wage
freeze on federal workers in January.
As that dark winter stumbled slowly into February, newly elected
Republican governors in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida were racing at
breakneck speed to see who could take away public employees collective
bargaining rights frst. It was so over-the-top and aggressive that it almost
didnt seem real; and yet, nobody except a small handful of reporters seemed
to be writing about these new attacks on organized labor. It was unclear if
labor would even stand up for itself anymorewas this still the same gutsy
labor movement whose stories inspired me in my childhood?
In February I went to New York to take a break from the problems
haunting me in D.C., and in part to understand why New York Citys
Building and Constructions Trades Council President Gary LaBarbera
had turned on public-employee unions. LaBarbera had endorsed a con-
troversial group that called for policies curtailing New Yorks public-
employee unions. Te leadership of the trades council, whose mem-
bers were facing 40 percent unemployment, were convinced that they
could fnd political support and additional revenue to fund construction
projects by advocating for the cutting of benefts and wages of public
employees. It seemed as if labor was doomed, and that some union lead-
ers might try to make separate deals to save their own individual unions
at the expense of others.
burning down the forest | 25
I was also going to New York City to see the legendary 96-year-old
labor journalist Harry Kelber.
Kelber had covered the labor movements birth in the 1930s, when
Kelber himself was still in his twenties, and he continues to write three
columns a week for his website, the Labor Educator.
Te year before, my activist grandparents had passed away within
months of each other; both were 92 when they died. Tey had always
helped me get through my occasional bouts of depression by sharing their
wisdom about the many twists and turns in life. I missed them dearly, and
as I headed to New York I hoped Harry Kelber could provide me with the
same kind of insights that my grandparents used to share.
Kelber lived in a beautiful apartment in Brooklyn Heights, with a jaw-
dropping view overlooking the harbor. His apartment was littered with
books and sheet music that he was using for his own original compositions;
the walls were adorned with gorgeous paintings and posters depicting
labors great struggles of the past; and there were so many plants it seemed
they were sprouting out of every corner. Te mood inside the apartment
was bright and cheerful, contrasting sharply with my own darkness.
Kelber seemed upbeat, inspired by the recent revolution in Egypt, whose
dictator looked like he would be stepping down any day now afer weeks
of popular protests.
I can just feel it, Kelber told me, people will see what is happening in
Egypt and all of a sudden they will realize they have a voice. Once people
see they have a voice, its tough to put that away. It will spread like wildfre.
I saw it happen in the 1930s, and it will happen here again with the great
attack labor is under. I lef Brooklyn Heights that day desperately cling-
ing to Kelbers dream of a working-class uprising, but it was hard not to
be skeptical; it was hard to think that the American working class would
march together in strength ever again.
On Friday Feb. 11, three days afer I visited Kelber, Wisconsin Gover-
nor Scott Walker upped his war against public-employee unions by threat-
ening to call out the National Guard to prevent state workers from strik-
ing. I received a phone call from a friend, American Federation of Teachers
organizer Jan Van Tol, who told me that people were outraged by Walkers
actions and that they expected protests the following week that could pos-
sibly number in the thousands.
By Monday they had already exceeded that expectation, when 10,000
burning down the forest | 26
people showed up at the Wisconsin state Capitol. Te following night, the
Teaching Assistants Association made a daring but key decision to step up
the protests and occupy the Capitol, and they began sleeping there over-
night. One of the unions leaders was Alex Hanna, a graduate student who
had just returned from Cairo a few days before. Afer seeing the events
in Egypt frsthand, Hanna was confdent that students and workers would
have their voices heard by turning the Wisconsin Capitol into their own
Tahrir Square.
And it spread: On Tuesday, hundreds of students from high schools
around Madison, who, of course, had never been union members, started
walking out of class. Madisons teachers union voted to go on a sickout
strike, and teachers around the state of Wisconsin began to join students
in walking out of school. Crowds swelled by the tens of thousands nearly
every day.
I couldnt believe what was happening. I sat glued to my computer in
D.C. for upwards of 20 hours a day, trying to get a sense of what was unfold-
ing while frantically making phone calls to any labor organizer I could fnd
in Wisconsin.
Even though I wasnt in Wisconsin during that frst week of protest,
thanks to Twitter I felt like I was there. Stories like the woman who, dur-
ing a rally, scattered the ashes of her union member father on the Capitol
grounds, and the images of the Capitol covered in a sea of red T-shirts,
painted a picture so rich in my mind that I ofen forgot I was in D.C., look-
ing at a Twitter stream.
Tursday Feb. 17, when the Wisconsin state Senate was scheduled to
vote on the budget-repair bill to restrict public employees collective bar-
gaining rights, I was getting antsy; I wanted to be inside the Capitol rotunda,
not in D.C. I watched as 75,000 people jammed the Capitol grounds, hoping
somehow to present a show of force that would cause the Republicans to
back down from passing the anti-labor bill.
I thought it was only a symbolic gesture when Wisconsin Democratic
state senators lef the chamber together, holding up solidarity fsts and dis-
appearing into the crowd outside. I realized I was witnessing a fickering of
the old Democratic Party, fghting for labornothing like the Democratic
Party hacks in Washington constantly attacking teachers unions. An hour
later news broke that Wisconsins 14 Democratic state senators had not only
lef the Capitol chambers, but had fed the state in order to deny Republican
burning down the forest | 27
members the quorum needed to vote on Walkers bill. Senators that day
were inspired to literally shut down the Wisconsin Senate.
I started seeing reports on Twitter that groups of 30-40 union activ-
ists had barricaded each of the doors to the Senate to prevent Republican
senators from re-entering the chamber. Activists held tight that day, and
Republicans lef the building unable to pass the bill. Tweets of rejoice began
streaming out as it became clear that the peoples stand in the Capitol had
won that days battle.
And then, all of a sudden, a photo of the sea of Wisconsins Badger-red
T-shirts covering the marble foor of the Capitol emerged on my Twitter
feed and captured the collective nature of what we as the labor movement
are able to achieve.
I began to crywe had saved the labor movement. We workers, through
our mere voices, had saved the labor movement, my God, we did it.
Over the following days, occasionally I found myself home alone singing
Solidarity Forever as I frantically typed updates from Twitter sources on
what was happening in Wisconsin, but I couldnt shake the disappoint-
ment of being stuck in D.C. Wisconsin was where the big fght was, and I
knew I had to be there.
I made phone calls to diferent editors, asking them to send me to
Wisconsin. Finally, flmmaker Michael Moore agreed to sponsor me to go
to Madison under an arrangement where I would write for a variety of
burning down the forest | 28
Within hours, I had a ticket to Wisconsin. I couldnt contain my joy
and my pacing: Tis was the most exciting thing that had ever happened
to me. When I arrived at the airport, all fights were delayed due to an ice
storm, but things in Wisconsin were moving so rapidly that I couldnt wait
another a day to get there. With most of Madisons teachers out on sickout
strike, it seemed like anything could happen, perhaps even a general strike.
I had to get to Wisconsin right away.
I quickly rebooked a fight to Chicago and found a bus from the Windy
City that took me straight to Madison. Te bus was so full that two-dozen
people were forced to stand in the aisles. I spent the trip anxiously fipping
my iPhone in and out of my hands, fdgeting impatiently.
I felt like a nervous combat correspondent touching down in a hot
LZin my case, ground zero of the class war.
Almost immediately upon arriving in Madison, I went straight to the
Capitol. Te frst sight that struck me was of people mopping up the foor
with gentle strokes, bent down on hands and knees. Tis was their house.
Te people had reclaimed it, and they were taking care of it as they would
their own housethey aimed to protect and preserve what had become a
symbol to the nation of the power of workers voices.
No sooner had I arrived than I ran into my friend Brett Banditelli,
a labor journalist who runs a small radio show in Central Pennsylvania.
Look who fnally decided to show up to the class war, Mr. Elk, was how
he greeted me.
Brett was representative of the small network of labor reporters and
citizen journalists who provided the bulk of the coverage of the Wisconsin
protests. Labor had largely been ignored by all but a few reporters from
mainly smaller publications and those who worked for labor-funded pro-
grams like Banditellis. Previously our audiences had been quite small, but
we now found ourselves trying to explain what was happening in Wiscon-
sin to the larger world, to whoever was following us through Twitter.
But frst, we had to make sense of the situation for ourselves. It wasnt
easy, to be honest: Just a few weeks earlier, absolutely nobody in the labor
movementoutside of the old optimists like Harry Kelberthought this
was even possible. For the moment, Banditelli and I were bewildered by
the campsite of protesters sleeping out on the foor of the Capitol, with old-
time potbelly union activists in sleeping bags camped next to college hip-
pies cuddling in a corner. Te Capitol had turned into some strange version
burning down the forest | 29
of Paris Commune meets old-school Midwestern union hall, complete with
bratwursts and drum circles.
I went a second night without sleep due to the excitement. I made my
way to the headquarters of the occupation, a command center set up by the
University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Assistants Association. It was
a crazy, chaotic, cafeine-soaked scene, now in its ninth day, fueled by cold
pizza and high fves. Students were running around like headless chickens,
setting up phone banks to get more graduate students to come out for pro-
tests, arranging for more food deliveries to the Capitol, and coordinating
volunteer protest marshals who had been self-policing the protesters.
As I looked around the room I noticed several laptops with Obama/
Biden stickers. Tese were kids who had worked for Obama in 2008 and
despite the disappointment that many had felt about the Presidents admin-
istration, they had not given in to despair. Tey had learned valuable lessons
about how to organize, only this time they were organizing for themselves,
not for Obama. Holy crap, I thought, hope and change are still alive, but in
the occupation of a state Capitol.
While most reporters focused on covering the legislative and political
action playing out, I tried to cover something diferent. Something much
deeper was happening among the activists. Tere was a growing sense of
confdence that was emerging that turned ordinary students and workers
into gung-ho union organizers.
Most of the media narratives coming out of Wisconsin were about how
this had changed the politics of union-busting and shifed public opinion
in the unions favor. I would argue that it went even deeper than that: Wis-
consin changed the way people do politics, period.
Madison revived the concept of street protests, strikes, and solidarity
actions that had seemed to be all but extinct, replaced by the passive point
and click activism of the internet age and cautious top-down, D.C.-centric
labor leadership. As labor fought for its life in Madison, I worked feverishly
to document the revival of the in-your-face direct action, civil disobedi-
ence, and organizing that had built the labor movement in the 1930s.
I worked around the clock interviewing people, and fled three to
four stories a day from the front lines. I was so caught up in it that I even
managed to forget about the girlfriend who lef me. Hell, I forgot about
everything: I forgot about sleeping; I even forget to eat most of the time.
I dont know exactly how, but suddenly all those months of lethargy afer
burning down the forest | 30
coming down with pneumonia just disappeared and I was full of energy
again. Te adrenaline of the protests kept me working 20 hours a day cover-
ing the new dynamic emerging on Wisconsins streets.
Ten one morning, my body crashed. I woke up and was nearly unable
to move my legs. My immune system, weakened from pneumonia and lack
of sleep and food, had caught up with me. My doctor ordered me to go back
home to D.C. to rest. I returned home physically exhausted, but mentally
energized and full of hope for the futuregoing over the possibilities of
rebuilding the labor movement that Wisconsin had unleashed.
A week later, in violation of the state open-meetings laws, the Wis-
consin Legislature was able to illegally, as pro-union activists argue, push
through the bill stripping public employees of their right to collectively
bargain. Protesters stormed the Capitol, busting down barricades and reoc-
cupying the building in disgust, but there was nothing they could do.
It was a body blow. It seemed like for the time being we had lost in
Wisconsin. Corporate America, like always, had fgured out a way to strong
arm the labor movement. It seemed like things were getting back to usual,
with the boss always winning out over workers.
But then I started noticing a new optimism about the labor movement
that hadnt been there before. Everywhere I went, workers seemed inspired
by Wisconsin. General Electric workers in Erie, Pennsylvania adopted the
Wisconsin Badger as their mascot as they threatened strikes against GE,
which was pushing for workers to make concessions. Now, at every union
rally I go to across the nation, I see people wearing shirts of the state of
Wisconsin shaped like a solidarity fst. Wisconsin has become a rallying
cry that gave activists a sense that they could win. As United Steelworkers
Local USW 7-699 President Darrell Lillie told me when I visited him dur-
ing a bitter year-long lockout at a Honeywell uranium facility in Southern
Illinois: You have to understand Wisconsin to understand that we can win
here and win as a labor movement.
Wisconsin lit a spark in me; it lit a spark in all of us. A spark that union
organizer August Spies, one of the Haymarket martyrs, talked about shortly
before he was put to death in 1887 for a crime he did not commit: If you
think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labor movement, then hang
us. Here you will tread upon a spark, but here, and there, and behind you,
and in front of you, the fames will blaze up. It is a subterranean fre. You
cannot put it out. Te ground is on fre upon which you stand.
burning down the forest | 31
Wisconsin was a new spark of that subterranean fre of justice that
burns deep in all of us. A spark that the 96-year-old labor journalist Harry
Kelber had witnessed with his own eyes when labor frst came alive in the
1930s. As Kelber predicted, once people found their voices, as they did in
Wisconsin, it started to spread like a wildfre.
Lets burn down the whole goddamn forest.
July 2011
Not sure what democracy looks like. Could somebody point it out,
preferably by chanting? #wiunion
protesters occupied the Wiscon-
sin Capitol in an attempt to stop Governor Scott Walkers attack on unions
and state workers. What began as a spontaneous sleep-in of people waiting
their turn to testify against Walkers budget-repair bill soon evolved into
a highly-organized, diverse community determined to stand its ground for
as long as necessary.
Side-by-side they slept on the hard marble floors of Madisons
Capitolfarmers next to student activists, teachers beside frefghters,
those who would be directly afected by the bill and those who saw it as an
assault on all workers rights. It was part protest, part sleepover, part new
city sprung up to meet the unique needs of its residents.
Volunteers set up an information station, frst-aid facilities, and a
Peoples Mic for anyone who wanted to speak to the crowds gathered at all
hours. Tey coordinated food donations from local businesses and around
the world, created a charging station to plug in electronics, and designated
a childrens area where families could go to get away from the crowds.
Protesters cooperated with Capitol cleaning crews, and stood in solidarity
with the police ofcers that patrolled the grounds.
what democracy looks like | 34
As the physical center of the resistance, the Capitol became the place
where protesters negotiated tactics and discussed strategies. Even amid
intense disagreements, they showed what a real, developing democratic
process looked like. Tere were moments of anger and frustration, but
many more of joy and connection, from the daily drum circles to nightly
gatherings for old labor flms and protest music.
Te remarkable occupation lasted for more than two weeks, despite
attempts throughout by Walker and his allies to tighten building access and
push protesters out of the Capitol. People who took part in the occupation
describe it as an almost sacred community that kept them camped there for
days or continuing to return for more. In a rare instance, they had claimed
the Capitol back from the usual lobbyists and legislators and turned it into
a true peoples house.
@ttagaris Tim Tagaris
No idea if it will materialize, but it really feels like Scott Walkers actions
could inspire something special in Wisconsin
5:19pm Feb 13
@millbot Emily Mills
Est. 3-400 ppl at rally, went right to govs offce with big pile of v-day cards
protesting budget bill. #wiunions
12:52pm Feb 14
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Tomorrow is going to be huge, follow this account for any necessary
updates during the protest, today was for love! #handsoffourteachers
2:33pm Feb 14
@JamesEBriggs James Briggs
People waiting in line to get into the public hearing.
9:56am Feb 15
@weeks89 Lin Weeks
Weirdly high number of signs refing egypt. And now chanting: From
Egypt/ to wisconsin/ power to the people.
11:20am Feb 15
@aClUMadison ACLU Madison
RT @WORTnews: East High School staff member calls in to say that 700
students walked out of school to join the labor rallies at the Capitol.
12:30pm Feb 15
@millbot Emily Mills
Contingent of frefghters showing support for unions tho Walker exempted
them from bill. #wiunion
12:37pm Feb 15
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
We belong. This is our Capitol today #solidarityWI #wiunions
12:57pm Feb 15
what democracy looks like | 36
Te Wisconsin labor fght has no shortage of compelling storylines. When
I got to Madison, I expected to talk to the lawmakers who were holding
back an assault on workers rights and the union leaders fghting for their
continued existence. I expected to break down vote counts to determine
whether the budget-repair bill had the numbers to pass, or look up arcane
Wisconsin law to see if Republicans could engineer a workaround to get
their anti-union measures passed into law. And I expected to check in with
Wisconsins 14 Democratic senators, safely ensconced out of state, to see if
they would hold out, or if they would crack and return to Madison.
But I was drawn to something quite diferent. And thats the story of
the state Capitol, under a virtual occupation for the tenth straight day. What
started as a protest has taken on the quality of a virtual city on the square.
Its very hard to explain unless you see it for yourself, but Ill try. Te Capitol
has become a site for dissent, an information center, an organizing hub, a
pizzeria, a display of wit and the site of a new progressive movement. Tats
really not overstating the case.
As you walk into the Capitol, the walls are basically covered, and not
just with protest slogans and witticisms, though they are there as well (Hey
Stewart/Colbert, we came to your rally, now come to ours; Te Curdish
rebels of Wisconsin; Tank God for CNN or Id never know whats on
David Dayen
Firedoglake, February 24, 2011
what democracy looks like | 37
Twitter). Governor Scott Walker is getting a lot of mockery as well; my
favorite banner reads, Hey Scott Walker, this is David Koch, will you talk
to me? Madison is the birthplace of Te Onion, afer all. But the walls are
also festooned with a surprising amount of graphs and charts depicting
inequality in America, the percentage cuts to BadgerCare
in the budget-
repair bill, or how much of the federal budget is spent on war and the
military. Tere are even historical treatises about how Abraham Lincoln
once jumped out of a window to avoid a quorum call in the Illinois
Senate. Tis is a wonk rebellion too, furthered by the internet and the
easy accessibility of data.
And then theres the organizing. While protesters rally and wave signs
and give public testimony on the legislation (a process that has been going
on for days), others are harnessing the frustration and passion. Phone banks
have been set up. Other fyers announce self-organized protests, including
one today in front of the new lobbying ofces for Koch Industries, which
popped up just a couple weeks afer Walkers election. Teres a sign-up
sheet that reads, I would strike to kill the bill, with a pretty long list of
names. (Te idea of a general strike has been discussed and even endorsed
by a local labor council. Private unions wouldnt be able to go out because
of the Taf-Hartley Act, but by mid-March most public unions would not
be operating under a contract with the state, so you could absolutely see
something like this happen, depending on what legislation goes forward.)
At another station on the ground foor is the pizza distribution; Ians Pizza
on State has basically become the ofcial supplier of the protests, paid for
by donations coming in from around the country and the world. Theres
coffee as well, and periodically calls for supplies go out and get fulfilled.
There are websites up devoted to the protest, like DefendWisconsin.org.
Other fliers announce Twitter feeds to follow for information or sites
collecting YouTube videos of the event.
Teres a lot of earnestness, knowledge and even humor throughout
the Capitol. You know what theres not a lot of? Lobbyists. Ive been to a
few state capitols in my day, and the suits are invariably fitting about, push-
ing their little riders to help out their clients. Youre seeing none of that in
Madison; its really a takeover. And the unity in the rotunda is remarkable.
State-run government program that provides health coverage to low-income
what democracy looks like | 38
Some of the most visible union members in there are police and frefghters,
who are exempted from the collective bargaining restrictions under the bill.
I saw a guy walking around with a sign reading, Private Sector Nonunion
Employee I Stand with Labor. High school and college students are
extremely active as well.
One person said to me that the outpouring here is paradoxically
similar to the outpouring that ended up sweeping Walker into office.
People are tired of losing good jobs, of seeing wealth foat to the top, of being
part of a generation falling behind that of its parents. Tey want something
diferent, but they dont know what that is. Now they see the true agenda
of these Republicans who got elected, and the same energy has gone into
fghting that. Its an interesting theory, and I think theres a bit more nuance
than that; Madison is a liberal town, and this isnt Walker country no matter
what. But in the bars and on the streets, people who I would characterize as
townies, people who werent all that political to begin with, are incessantly
talking about this issue. It has consumed the town and, in many ways, has
consumed Wisconsin and the nation. Were fnally talking about things that
matter to the mass of people.
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Sen. Taylor just entered the overfow room to a standing ovation! Shes
telling people to stay, theyll get a chance to speak #killthisbill
2:29pm Feb 15
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Get your pillows and pull an all-nighter at the Capitol! Sign up to speak
and keep this hearing going till the morning! #killthisbill
5:16pm Feb 15
@millbot Emily Mills
Um, we elected you? Dont get to ignore us. RT @jef4wi Gov Walkers
budget head said that no amount of testimony will change this bill.
6:03pm Feb 15
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
@GBsOwnMrsDiSH It was so clear today that folks arent just stereo-
typical Madison liberals. Lots of working class folks from all over WI.
7:24pm Feb 15
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Come sign up to speak IMMEDIATELY. They may cut off the number of
speakers they are accepting. NOW NOW NOW. #killthisbill
8:45pm Feb 15
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
My thumbs hurt but i will persevere
9:52pm Feb 15
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
#Madison is no Cairo. But I for one felt inspired by Egypts strong desire 4
a say in governance. Rights. Democracy #solidarityWI #wiunion
11:57pm Feb 15
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Were hearing Republicans are going to leave and Democrats are going
to keep hearing testimony through the night.
12:07am Feb 16
what democracy looks like | 40
Tey call themselves the Cuddle Puddle. Tey did not come up with the
name. Tere are 10 of them, and they were among the frst people to start
camping out in the Capitol.
We were all lying down in the sleeping bags, says CJ Terrell, an unof-
cial spokesman for the cuddlers, and somebody said, Teyve got a cuddle
puddle going on. And we liked it.
We didnt know each other before this happened, says Tom Bird, a
University of Wisconsin-Madison grad student.
Most of us met between 10 and two days ago, says Terrell. He and
Bird became Facebook friends only this week.
You can walk the halls 100 times and not lose your sense of wonder and
amazement at the occupation. Its hard to admit this without it sounding
like an endorsement of the pro-labor, anti-Republican stance of the protest-
ers. Its not. Its just that things like this dont ever happen in state capitols.
Sure, there have been temporary sit-ins at statehouses. Tere were scat-
tered one-day sit-ins to protest the Iraq war. Te graybeard liberals of Mad-
isonthis city does not lack for themremember sit-ins to build pressure
for a nuclear weapons ban and against the Vietnam War. But those arent
the same thing as a 10-day sit-in of a public building, fueled by donations
from thankful liberals in other states, peopled by union workers and college
How a bunch of pro-union, anti-Republican protesters turned the hallways of
the Wisconsin state house into a commune
David Weigel
Slate, February 25, 2011
what democracy looks like | 41
students who have built a little commune on marble. Tey flm themselves
and upload the videos to YouTube, and they are constantly in front of cam-
eras gathering footage for news or for exposs by the conservative MacIver
Howd it happen? Because its legal to sleep in the Capitol if hearings are
going on, and because the minority Democrats started hearings last week.
Since Monday, police have tightened up access to the Capitol. Instead of
every door to the building being open, only two are. All four wings had
unrestricted access; two do now. Starting on Saturday, Senate ofcessome
of which had been used to house protesters for sleeping or strategizing
will be closed to anyone whos not a senator.
Tus the little village protesters have built will be disrupted, perhaps
even disbanded. Its got to happen sometime. Before it does, I decided to
spend a night with the micro-commune. My night happened to coincide
with the night that Republicans pushed the budget-repair bill through
the Assembly, and the striking thing was how little changed afer that
6:28 p.m.: Governor Scott Walkers press conference ends with no
real news. Te hallway outside his ofce is lined with letters collected by
MoveOn.org from Wisconsinites, pleading with Walker to cave. A sign
says the group has 10,000 or so letters.
Down the stairwell, on the second-foor atrium, a crowd has parted for
a nine-piece funk fusion group called VO5, which is performing an origi-
nal song tentatively called Wisconsin (Cheddar Revolution). Bandleader
Andrew Rohn is still thinking about where to put the parentheses. Its an
old song he has repurposed with new protest-specifc lyrics:
You think youll beat us, were gonna lay down and die?
Screw us and we multiply!
6:55 p.m.: Parts of the second foor have been closed of, but protesters
have complete control of the area around Ofce 116N. On the lef: a table
for medical supplies, crowded with aspirin, Band-Aids, feminine hygiene
products, and so on. Tere are no photos allowed, and volunteers are told to
give a press release, handwritten on notebook paper, to anyone who asks
questions; it just confrms that the supplies are dropped of by Samaritans
who ask whats needed.
what democracy looks like | 42
On the right: two tables of foodstufs, with supplies that dwindle and
change quickly. At the moment, they include a Tupperware container of
chocolate chip cookies, a tub of peanut butter that a volunteer describes
as various peanut butters working together in solidarity for the cause of
deliciousness, regular bread and gluten-free bread, tart candies, and piles
of bagels. Te food is paid for by donations; volunteers buy it and serve it, as
well as remind people to use the hand sanitizer nearby liberally.
In the center: a family area. Its a safe space with no cameras allowed,
where children frolic, play with communal toys, or rest on yoga mats. Im
bonked in the head painlessly by a ball tossed by a child being watched
by Trina Clemente. Im a student right now, she says, because there are
no jobs.
7:23 p.m.: Ryan Henry, a construction worker from Baltimore, stands
in a frst-foor hallway singing original songs with a kind of Bob Dylan or
Fred Neil lilt:
Tea Party on the Capitol lawn
And Sarah Palin, singing along
Laughing all the way to the Pentagon.
Te song is drowned out at times by the sound of a whistle being blown
by Drake Singleton, whos drawing attention to his silk-screened T-shirts
commemorating the sit-in.
7:44 p.m.: Dane Spudnik, who works at the Willy Street Co-op in
town, is manning the anarchist lending library set up next to a stairwell. He
doesnt mind if people make of with the Capitalism is Doomed posters or
Organizing in the Workplace guides, but he wants to make sure nobody
sees this copy of Te Shock Doctrine and says, oh, I can sell that for $5.
8:27 p.m.: Te War Room of the Teaching Assistants Association
(TAA) is tucked away on the third foor. Te walls are lined with donated
cofee, takeout containers, cereal, and chartslots and lots of chartsto
sign up for cleaning duties, or to pick up a bright-green vest and act as a
marshal. Te room itself is about to be closed down on Saturday, a casualty
of the Senates tightened security.
Tats been our Situation Room, says one graduate student, Ben Stein,
a little glumly. We organized everything from there, and I dont think we
could have put together any of this without that room. Now that we have, I
what democracy looks like | 43
think we can keep it going, butthat was a nice room!
Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who represents Madison, is in the Situation
Room talking to some students. Other students are grading papers or call-
ing people in for shifs. I asked them what they needed, says Baldwin,
and they said they needed air mattresses. She points to the infatable mat-
tresses she just delivered, which will be deployed within hours.
8:43 p.m.: Te TAA ofers to let me do a round of trash cleanup. Afer
a moments hesitation, my journalistic instinct takes over: Collecting trash
would give me exclusive access to a whole new part of the commune. I grab
plastic gloves and a bag, and start downstairs. My ethical qualms vanish
when Diane Blum, a secretary at a nearby school, demands to carry the
trash bag.
So: Te trash pickup, which has kept the Capitol remarkably clean,
has two components. Te usual Capitol custodians do cleanup on regular
hours; the TAA does regular runs around the building, putting their trash
bags next to trash cans, per an agreement with the custodial staf. Tere has
been very little damage to the building. Once protesters were warned that
taping signs everywhere might damage the property, they switched to blue
electrical tape. Once protesters realized that some people were writing un-
kind things on the Scott-brand toilet paper containers in bathrooms, signs
went up warning against this. Te scribbling stopped.
9:14 p.m.: Protesters wholl sleep in the Capitol are starting to settle in.
Te protesters who cant are heading out. George Boulamatis, a corrections
ofcer in Racine, has to leave for a 10:30-6:30 shif, but he listens to an ad
hoc string band play folk songs before he goes.
9:50 p.m.: Te debate in the Assembly is dragging on. Republicans sit
as still and look as alert as they can. Rep. Dave Cullen is on the foor, and he
sounds like a tape slowed down on the reel as he hammers Walker over his
conversation with a phony David Koch.
Tats one of our quietest members on the foor right now, says Rep.
Chris Danou. We can keep going for a long time. One of my fellow repre-
sentatives was telling me he has three hours of labor history to talk about.
A lot of Democratic members are talking about the Kochs; when they
do, they ofen get boisterous cheers from the second foor of the Capitol,
where the proceedings are audible.
10:31 p.m.: League of Conservation Voters organizer Matt Dannen-
berg was listening to the speakers playing the Assembly debate. Hes one of
what democracy looks like | 44
the frst people to notice that Republicans have made an end-run around
the Democratic flibuster and are about to force a vote.
Get people over here! he says, swinging his arm toward the Assembly.
Tis is not democracy! Tis is not democracy! Come on, we need more
Protesters jump of of their mats and bedrolls and run toward the
police tape blocking them from the Assembly. A heavyset trumpet player is
allowed to the very front of the crowd; screams and chants get intermingled
with smooth jazz. A Democratic stafer emerges from the chamber and
waves his arms in a raise the roof -type gesture.
11:20 p.m.: Te protesters calm down a bit. One sign around the Capi-
tol says, explicitly, Te Assembly Will Pass Te Bill, We Need to Focus on
the Senate. So theres a sense of resignation at a vote that was always going
to go against them. Kristina Nielsen, a UW student wearing her mothers
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) shirt, knits a solidarity bracelet
and talks about staying even afer the bill passes.
Weve been here 10 days and Im starting to get used to the marble
foor, she says. It actually helps that were more exhausted. What about
the constant noise? Its fne. Its like living in a dorm.
1:01 a.m.: Te Assembly debate dragged on for hours afer Republi-
cans started to force the voteby now, its been going on for more than 60
hours, and Republicans are fed up.
Everything thats being said has been said three or four times already,
said Speaker Pro Tempore Bill Kramer. Until seven minutes ago, no one
was listening. Except me.
Minutes later, Kramer gavels in a quick vote. Democrats explode,
furious not just at the result but at the fact that the vote lasted fewer than
15 seconds.
Tey start to fle out of the chamber, and one by one they go to a railing
and wave to the hundreds of people crammed onto the foor below. Rep.
Leon Young tosses his orange T-shirt into the crowd; a protester grabs it as
if Eddie Van Halen has tossed a guitar pick.
Tis is a travesty! says Rep. Bill Hulsey, whod yelled, Shame at
Republicans louder than almost anyone. What do I want to do next? I dont
even want to say. He joins his colleagues in a caucus meeting.
1:20 a.m.: In the frst-foor atrium, Rep. Cory Mason joins the Cuddle
Puddle, who have a megaphone at the ready, and thanks the protesters. Ive
what democracy looks like | 45
never been so glad that we have two chambers, he says. In the other cham-
ber, of course, striking Senate Democrats are not present for a vote, so the
bill is stuck.
Te megaphone is passed to Damon Terrell, CJs brother. Hes wearing
a cutof shirt that displays a fresh tattoo, a fst in the shape of Wisconsin
with SOLIDARITY written alongside. For the frst time in my life, he
says, I know I am doing what I was born to do.
Reporters try to talk to Terrell, but he gives them little information
before holding up. I really want to be in the moment now, he says. He
returns to the circle for hugs.
2:14 a.m.: Every night theres a rumor that the Capitol will be cleared.
Its not being cleared tonight. Some protesters are sitting up straight; some
seem to have slept through the apocalypse.
How can you sleep? says Mary McDonald, a representative of AFT
Healthcare in Washington. Its so dramatic! Its so upsetting! How can
these people possibly work together now, you know? Tere have been so
many double-crosses.
7:45 a.m.: Te doors to the Capitol are about to open again, and be-
fore they do I take a quick survey of the feeding/sleeping areas. Some of
the sleepers, roused, are doing TV interviews through heavy eyelids. Te
food has been replenished, with stacks of bagels and cream cheese in the
breakfast nook. (Teres no fresh cofee just yet.) Tere are rumors, as there
are every day, that the Capitol will be closed to protesters, but theres a mas-
sive rally planned for Saturday. Tom Bird, the frst of the Cuddle Puddle to
wake up, stops me and speaks happily about the sleep he managed to get,
afer Democratic stafers lef and handed him and other protesters the cold
remainders of their Ians Pizza.
I had to sleep, he says, because this is going to be a big weekend.
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
Another person testifying at the J.F.C. hearing is talking/crying. A teacher.
A man. This is LIVE here http://www.wiseye.org/
1:24am Feb 16
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
Sen. Lena Taylor Im staying until everyone has testifed. #killthisbill
2:31am Feb 16
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
do not be discouraged - we have demonstrated an unfathomable
opposition to the bill, and we must continue to do so. we are
making history!
2:56am Feb 16
@ryan_rainey Ryan Rainey
I estimate at least 300 here right now. Jauch: at 3am, this state is alive,
this is the rebirth of the progressive movement here.
3:20am Feb 16
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Dems are addressing crowd now, getting resounding applause
3:22am Feb 16
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Sen. Taylor announcing that hearing will continue in 411S. And Ians Pizza
has donated pizza?! #killthisbill
3:25am Feb 16
@JamesEBriggs James Briggs
Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, is looking a bit disheveled, with a tieless,
untucked shirt. #capitolfashion #wiunion #latenight
10:34am Feb 16
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
Were calling it a work stoppage, includes fac/staff @DanMotor
RT @eigenjo: rumored uw ta teach out tomorrow. Spread the word
11:56am Feb 16
what democracy looks like | 47
As Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker bolts the windows and bars the doors
of the Capitol to scare, shrink and starve the ongoing protest within, its
important for everyone outside to understand just what hes so afraid of,
and why.
I write this afer completing a once-in-a-lifetime week in Madison as
one of the many camped out in the occupied Capitol. And now I know why
Walker is so frightened.
Imagine a group of several hundred sleep-deprived, hungry people
crammed into a confned, noisy, bright, uncomfortable space for weeks on
end. Tere are no showers, no reliable food supply and no proper beds.
Teyre surrounded by police day and night. And theyre mere inches away
from the chambers where the devastating legislation theyre gathered to
protest is being rammed through right in front of their faces. Surely, a
recipe for total meltdown.
And yet there hasnt been a single episode of serious confict between
protesters or with the police. And theres no sign of any such confrontation
to come. How is this possible? Its not an accident, and its not a miracle.
Its the product of a sophisticated, unbreakable culture that has evolved in
the hallways of the occupied Capitol. And thats exactly why Walker is so
desperately tightening the screws.
Ben Brandzel
The Huffington Post, March 1, 2011
what democracy looks like | 48
If you were to walk through the halls of the Capitol, you would see the
bedrocks of this incredible culture all around you:
Responsibility. Volunteer marshals of every age and background,
wearing now-iconic refective vests, distribute information, convey instruc-
tions from the legal authorities and gently keep the peace. Te marshals
are all fellow protesters. Teres no hierarchy to it; you just sign up with
the Teaching Assistants Association and get a brief training on that nights
priorities. Te system ensures the protest remains a largely self-regulating
phenomenon. Tis limits tension with the police and inculcates a spirit of
responsibility and good stewardship among every participant.
Respect. Handmade signs everywhere urge respect for the premises.
Te bathroom door sign reminds you Tagging the wall is hurting the
movement. On the second foor a large poster reads, Remember, this is
OUR houseso lets keep it clean! When the cleaning crew takes its foor-
sweeping Zamboni out onto the rotunda foor, it is greeted with thunderous
applause and chants of Tank you! All the thousands of posters are hung
with special blue tape that will leave no trace. In my entire time there, I
didnt see a single example of permanent damage or the slightest desecra-
tion of the building.
Health. A dedicated volunteer medical team operates a well-stocked
frst-aid clinic (with all-donated supplies). Medics patrol the building wear-
ing handmade badges or red-tape crosses, looking out for injury or signs of
illness. Hand sanitizer dispensers are taped to the walls. Piles of Emergen-C
line the hallways. Before you can touch the megaphone in the rotunda,
youre asked to use Purell. I can speak to the efectiveness of this system
frsthand: While distributing fyers one evening, I tumbled down a fight of
stairs and badly sprained my ankle. Immediately, a man Id never met half-
carried me to the medical station, where medics who would never think of
payment administered top quality care, cold packs, ace bandages and lots of
attentive follow up. Te occupied Capitol has become a far safer, healthier
place than, say, your average major city.
Generosity. Everything is donated. Te community survives because
people from Madison to Cairo have chipped in for Ians Pizza, endless ba-
gels, or breakfast burritos from an organic cafe. Fabulous homemade stews
and soups appeared daily for lunch until the police were ordered to ban
Crock-Pots. I saw masseuses drive for hours and haul their chairs up
three flights of stairs just to give free massages (before, of course, the
what democracy looks like | 49
massage chairs were banned). I saw people who had slept on cold marble
for weeks gladly share or give away camping mats and pillows. Tis week-
end, when food supplies were blocked and reserves ran dangerously low,
locals started smuggling pizzas in through the windows from the snowy
ground (prompting Walkers unspeakably cruel order on Monday to bolt
the windows closed). And when the pizza supply was cut of, I saw people
who hadnt eaten all day gladly share their only slice.
Nonviolence. Hand-drawn signs on every foor declare, Remember,
this is a peaceful protest. Every speech from the rotunda, no matter how
thunderous, declares a frm commitment to avoid violence at any cost.
When AFL-CIO union ofcials announced their commitment to provide
legal and logistical support, they made it extremely clear all ofers would
evaporate for anyone committing a violent act. Every night, several train-
ings are held throughout the building on how to remain peaceful and pre-
pared. Te volunteer facilitators help protesters understand their rights, but
are equally focused on teaching breathing techniques and planning skills to
avoid even an unintentional fash of violence during a tense moment. For
nonviolence to solidify as an unshakable collective commitment, it cannot
come from above. It requires a thousand individual eforts to build resolve
from the bottom up. In the occupied Capitol, that resolve is everywhere.
Solidarity. Last Wednesday evening the entire crowd erupted in up-
roarious cheers as a line of Wisconsin frefghters in full uniform streamed
into the building to spend the night on the foor with us. As one of the
few public-sector unions not to oppose Walkers election, the frefghters
are exempted from the devastating restrictions in the budget-repair bill.
But what Walker didnt realize is that these guys risk their lives every day
to save others from burning homesand for people like that, solidarity is
a way of life. One of the frefghters held up a hand-drawn sign of Di-
vide and conquer written in a circle with line through it. Tat pretty much
says it all. Te spirit of solidarity drives everything in the occupied Capitol.
Its why managers and students and private-sector workers are sleeping in
hallways to protest an attack on public school teachers and civil servants.
Its the word two brothers from Madison camping with us had tattooed on
their arms. And its what defnes perhaps the most remarkable feature of life
there: the strongly positive relationship with the police.
Te culture of respect for the police in the Capitol runs very deep. We all
knew they might at any moment be ordered to remove us. But we also knew
what democracy looks like | 50
they were never our enemy. As a giant poster on the first floor declared,
Ofcers stand with activists, activists stand for ofcers. For their part,
the Capitol Police, Madison Police, as well as State Troopers and ofcers
brought in from other municipalities were consistently friendly, helpful and
politeeven when forced to take all-night shifs sandwiched between two
consecutive day shifs, as was frequently the case. Te ofcers knew their
duty and executed it well, but they knew we would be here camping out to
defend their rights if they were on the chopping block (police unions, many
of which also endorsed Walker, were also exempted from the bill). On Fri-
day afernoon I saw an elderly member of the pipeftters union going up to
each uniformed police ofcer, extending his hand, and saying, Tank you
for being here. One of them smiled back and said, Tank you! We know
if this goes through, were next! Many of the same ofcers who guarded us
during the day would take their uniforms of at night and join us in protest,
ofen bringing large Cops for Labor signs with them.
Te occupied Capitol has become so much more than a protest. Bound
by these principles, it has become a tightly woven community that now
stands together at a crossroads in history.
And these principlesresponsibility, respect, health, generosity, non-
violence and solidarityare more than just the defning qualities of the
protest camp in the Capitol. Tey are the values of the society we are pro-
testing for, that Walker is trying to tear down. Tey are who we want be and
how we want to live.
Tats why Walker is so scared of this community. Because he knows
hes not up against a feeting burst of anger. Hes up against human nature at
its bestand its strongest.
No matter what happens next at the standof at the Wisconsin Capitol,
the occupation has given rise to a new and powerful culture. Its a culture
that wins more allies and draws more strength every day.
And it is unbreakable.
@millbot Emily Mills
Firefghters have entered main throng of rally with bagpipes! Style.
11:58am Feb 16
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
This crowd is made up of families, students, teachers, people who love
their state. Will all stay as long as it takes. #notmyWI
12:05pm Feb 16
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
Unions do good for the people. Let this be heard in the corridors of the
capitol. And they can hear. I hope they pause and listen.
12:08pm Feb 16
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
If you didnt know, you do now: Wisconsin is ground zero. Holding the line
against the onslaught against Progressive values
12:10pm Feb 16
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
Lemme lay it out: #Madison AND #WI has a literal shit-storm of
protest rt. now. We have Dems who R conducting a 24hr+ hearing
12:35pm Feb 16
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
It is amazing to be a part of history today
12:41pm Feb 16
what democracy looks like | 52
Ive spent the last few days almost entirely immersed in the ever-growing
protest on behalf of workers rights and against Governor Scott Walkers
attempt to take them away. Tuesday I found myself in the middle of a
10,000-plus crowd of students and workers, union and non-union alike, as
they stormed the Capitol and flled its halls with the almost overwhelming
echoes of their chants and cheers.
Its been intense, but incredibly inspiring.
I dont know what the outcome will bewhether Walker and his
cronies will simply ignore the deafening will of the people of their state and
push the budget-repair bill through as isor if reason and compassion
will actually win the day, and force them to at least delay and reconsider.
What I do know is that there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of
people in Wisconsin who are out there walking the line, showing support
for their friends and families, and doing so peacefully but passionately.
I walked with over 700 students from East High School as they marched
up East Washington Avenue to the Capitol to join the protesters there.
While Im sure there were some in the crowd who simply found themselves
swept up in the moment and the opportunity to miss class, the vast majority
knew what the issue was and what was at stake. I spoke with several who ex-
pressed a desire to fght for the rights of their teachers and family members
Emily Mills
Isthmus, February 16, 2011
what democracy looks like | 53
who worked for the state. Tere will always be those cynics who dismiss the
activism of youth as naive and pointless, but this is our future, folks. As far
as I could see yesterday (and again today, as yet more students joined the
throngs), the futures looking pretty damn good.
Today I stood on a stone pillar on the King Street side of the Capitol,
craned my neck in every direction and couldnt see a single patch of ground
unoccupied by someone. I saw union workers, both public- and private-
sector, from every occupationnurses, steelworkers, teachers, sanitation
workers, law enforcement, social workers, prison guards, civil servants. A
group of frefghters, though exempted from Walkers scheme, came out
in force, bagpipers and all, to show support for fellow union members.
Children stood with their parents or schoolmates and waved handmade
signs in support. Music blasted, people danced, and all around there was an
all-encompassing sense of determination.
If Walkers goal was to galvanize the organized labor movement in this
state, hes succeeded admirably. But thats about all Id be willing to give him
credit for.
Talking with a couple of local teachers who turned out to the rally, it
became all the more clear the damage this bill will do on the groundnot
just for the teachers themselves, but for children across the state who rely
on them for education, for a second home, for security even.
Jesse Wiedmeyer, a substitute teacher at Madison East High School,
was handing out Madison Teachers, Inc. support stickers to fellow picketers
when I asked him what the bills passage would mean for him, personally.
New job or a new state, he answered with a rueful chuckle. Tats
what we decided, yknow? If we want to keep teaching maybe Wisconsins
not the place.
Two women who are teachers in Madison but preferred not to give
their names expressed serious concerns over what the bill would mean in
terms of how they actually did their jobs.
Without collective bargaining rights we cant negotiate curriculum,
other important safety and school issues that are important to students
and thats why we teach, said one.
Mostly, they were concerned with just how much remained unknown
about the bills particulars, rushed through in just under a week as its
been. If collective bargaining rights for everything but salary are to be
taken away, will teachers have a say in what they teach their students? Or
what democracy looks like | 54
will the governor have the ability to legislate curriculum?
Its just one of a slew of serious questions that are being asked regarding
the bill and, so far, going unanswered by Walker.
State workers have stated time and again that theyre more than willing
to share in the burden of balancing the budget through concessions. Tey
made a series of them at the end of contract negotiations that were ulti-
mately struck down by the lame-duck session of the Legislature that bowed
to the wishes of the incoming administration.
Tis isnt about money, though. As Brad Lutes, a teacher from Sun
Prairie and one of the speakers at todays rally said, As much as this is
about salaries and benefts, its much more about the loss of workers fun-
damental rights.
Stripping 50 years of established labor law in less than a week is a
dangerous and frankly disgusting act of stubborn, compassionless, short-
sighted governance. Walker says he doesnt want to negotiate and seems
completely blind to the massive outpouring of opposition coming from his
constituents. Tat to me indicates a person not interested in being part of
a democracy, but rather someone more concerned with personal gain and
Tats not the Wisconsin Ive come to love in the 10 years Ive lived
here, and there are tens of thousands of people (at least!) who visibly agree
with me.
Keep it up, Wisconsin. Solidarity!
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
@athenae Some try 2 paint #Madison as only sandals,lattes. Well
yestrday I saw WAY MORE WORK COATS & coveralls in town
#wiunion #solidarityWI
12:44pm Feb 16
@aemilli Emily
I effng love my city and my state so much right now. #notmywi
#killthisbill #wiunion
1:32pm Feb 16
@cruiskeen cruiskeen
RT @aemilli: Apparently Ians Pizza brought free pizza to the
protesters at 2 a.m. last night. http://huff.to/iaF9wf Will now be eating ...
1:38pm Feb 16
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
#TAA says were going to have another sleepover in the Capitol
tonight! Bring your sleeping bags! #wiunion
2:57pm Feb 16
@MissPronouncer Miss Pronouncer
Just watched a report on ntl TV about WI possibly being a template for
other states as fght for workers rights builds at state capitol.
3:12pm Feb 16
@swell Swell
We have to recall Scott Walker in January 2012. Even if we beat him now,
imagine what he would do his last year in offce! #dumpwalker
4:11pm Feb 16
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
OVER #killthisbill #wiunion
4:39pm Feb 16
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Email from @DailyKos encouraging people to come to the rallies.
@ThisBowers: The battleground is in Madison.
6:16pm Feb 16
what democracy looks like | 56
I am suffering from audio nausea from all these drums and shouting.
I am on overload. Im exhausted, sighed 42-year-old AFSCME staff
representative Edward Sadlowski. Te Wisconsin Local 40 member had
been sleeping on the cold marble foor of the Wisconsin state Capitol for
over a week when I caught up with him. I can barely hear, talk, or see
straight, he said. However, I am loving every moment of it and wouldnt
want to be anywhere else.
Sadlowskis comments sum up what it has been like to be in the
Capitol as pro-union protesters occupy it for the second week in a row.
Amid the noise and confusion, its also been an exhilarating experience
for many of its participants, who feel they have found their collective
voices in the banging of drums and the singing of Solidarity Forever.
Othersmainly youngerfeel like they are discovering who they are
as they converse with the like-minded strangers who have thronged the
halls and rotunda of the Capitol.
My father always said during a strike is when we would rebuild
the labor movement, said Sadlowski, a veteran organizer whose father
famously vied to head the United Steelworkers of America in the late
70s. We are proving it right here.
Older union organizers have been sharing their experiences organizing
Mike Elk
The Atlantic, February 25, 2011
what democracy looks like | 57
in the workplace with students who have never before engaged with the
labor movement. Some youngsters have been so inspired that they are
talking about dedicating their lives to it.
Every day I come down here I just feel like we are winning, said
Andrew Cole, who is in his twenties. We are just a bunch of people stand-
ing around a Capitol talking together and singing songs, but through this
collective voice we have been able to defne the national debate about
Likewise, young and optimistic organizers have been giving older ones,
beaten down by years of anti-union actions, new ideasand new hope that
it might be possible to rebuild the much-decimated labor movement.
Sadlowski has served as a bridge between the two groups, often
coordinating communication among protesters occupying the Capitol.
I think what we created here is the first true labor temple, he said.
Coming down to the Capitol is a lot like coming to church. Its rejuve-
nating; its a spiritual experience for a lot of people.
But unlike a church, where people go home at night, hundreds of
protesters have turned the Capitol into their temporary home. People
have been sleeping there overnight since Tuesday, Feb. 15. Tey eat meals
there, and go to nearby houses and dormitories to take showers.
In the early days, the Capitol occupation was almost entirely coor-
dinated by the Teaching Assistants Association, the union of teaching
assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. But other unions have
become more involved in occupying the Capitol since, organizing groups
to clean the building and provide food and supplies for people camping
out there. Local pizza businesses have been experiencing a mini-boom
as people from all over the country and even the world have called in
delivery orders for the protesters, while Midwestern grandmothers with
thick Wisconsin accents stop by to deliver trays of food cooked at home.
In one back hallway, you can fnd tables full of food as well as boxes of
donated supplies like toilet paper, water, toothbrushes, soap, spare hats,
scarves, and gloves that are free to take. Tis level of organization is what
has made it sustainable for hundreds of people to more or less live in a
Capitol of a major Midwestern state.
Activities have been organized to create a festive environment. Tere
are bands and drum circles that play throughout the day. People put on
street theater performances and organize arts and crafs projects. One night
what democracy looks like | 58
I spotted a group of women knitting. Another night, a group of people
When everyone goes to bed, you can walk around the Capitol and fnd
young college couples cuddling and kissing in one corner, while families
with children bed down for the night in another.
Te presence of blue-collar workers in the Capitol has made it more
difcult for Governor Scott Walker or Capitol Police to kick protesters out.
Each night one union will take a shif and send down a hundred of its
member to sleep in the Capitol. One day the frefghters will come, the next
the construction unions, said Sadlowski. Te labor movement under-
stands they have to stand in solidarity with the young people who started
this occupation.
In a struggle such as this, we have proven that numbers and masses
determine what happens, said Dave Poklinkoski, president of International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2304. His union is planning to stay
in the building Saturday night, when some of the rooms being occupied will
become contested territory, and protesters will risk being kicked out.
As the political stalemate deepens in Wisconsinand the size of pro-
tests dampensthe political importance of occupying the Capitol has risen.
Teachers who were out on strike for the frst few days of the protest have
returned to the classroom, creating a sense of normalcy for most people in
Wisconsin, even as the sit-in has continued.
Right now the only thing we are disrupting is this Capitol, said
Sadlowski. As long as we hold onto this Capitol, we have a chance.
They will keep the building open as long as testimony is being taken.
Its not just about your voice, its about all of ours. #wiunion
people came to the Wisconsin Capitol to tell
their stories as a way of speaking out against Governor Scott Walkers attack
on workers. It was these farmers, frefghters, teachers, and students who
helped catalyze the protests from just another show of activist anger to a
sustained demonstration that captured the countrys attention.
Over the course of the days-long hearing on the proposed bill, more
than 1,000 people testifed. Even afer the hearing ended, a microphone was
set up beneath the Capitol dome each day so that speakers could continue
to address the assembled crowds.
For some it was the frst time they felt their voice mattered. Videogra-
pher Matt Wisniewski, who spent weeks documenting and participating
in the protests, observed how powerful it was to have people listen to
you and care about what you were saying, in a culture that doesnt always
value that.
Tese speeches and shared testimonies were a form of resistance, of
making the fght personal, and of energizing fellow demonstrators by re-
minding each other why they were there and what was at stake. One by one,
these stories were woven together to create a narrative that was stronger
than any one voice could ever be.
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Capitol is PACKED. I cannot move. I smell like I imagine a sumo wrestler
might. Im so sexy.
6:32pm Feb 16
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
RT @rjetty: Scott Walker is the best union organizer that Ive seen
in ages.
7:17pm Feb 16
@ddayen David Dayen
Obama tells WTMJ in Milwaukee that Wisconsin bill stripping public
employee rights seems like more of an assault on unions.
7:36pm Feb 16
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
900 people spoke at the hearing last night and today.
7:51pm Feb 16
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Dem senator says: Im convinced that the nation if not the world is
watching. #wiunion #killthisbill
8:06pm Feb 16
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
Madison, Monona Grove, Verona, Oregon, Middleton Waunakee,
Deforest, and Oshkosh schools will be closed tomorrow. #wiunion
9:03pm Feb 16
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Can no longer hear JFC over chants of the people united will never be
defeated. #wisolidarity #wiunion #notmywi
9:32pm Feb 16
@cabell Cabell Gathman
thx 4 encouragement, everyone. I broke mental promise not 2 cry, but
I got through it. Woman nxt 2 me was v. nice. #wiunion
9:34pm Feb 16
dear scott walker | 63
Tony Schultz is a family farmer in Athens, Wisconsin, and board member of
Family Farm Defenders. Te following is text of a speech given by Schultz at
the farmer labor solidarity tractorcade on March 12, 2011.
My name is Tony Schultz. Im a member of Family Farm Defenders farm-
ers union, and Im a third generation family farmer, born and raised on a
50-cow dairy. Today my partner Kat and I run our farm as a 150-member
with some beefers, maple syrup, and chickens and pigs. I came back
to the family farm afer college because of my values; and its the values that
Im reminded of every time I look at our states license plate and see that
little red barn. Its values that I think overlap entirely with the values of the
labor movement.
Family farmers, like the labor movement, value the dignity of being
able to have some control over your work and your life, to be empowered by
your worknot alienated by it. Family farmers, like the labor movement,
value the means to have a beautiful and constructive setting to raise a fam-
ily. Family farmers, like the labor movement, value economic democracy.
Tony Schultz
March 12, 2011
Community Supported Agriculture
dear scott walker | 64
What is a union anyway, but working people coming together, acting to-
gether to improve their lives? And that is what we are here to do: to act
together, to speak together in solidarity, saying, We reject this union-
busting bill, and we reject this budget!
Solidarity between farmers and workers is an old and sacred alliance
of producers that dates back beyond the populist movement, when workers
and farmers came together to struggle for a progressive income tax, for a
fnancial system that served the people, for unions and the eight-hour day.
Listen to these quotes. It was over 120 years ago when Tom Watson, the
Georgia Populist, saidand this couldnt be truerTe fruits of the toil of
millions are boldly stolen to build up the fortunes of a few unprecedented
in human history. Ignatius Donnelly, the Minnesota Populist, said in 1890,
Te interests of rural and urban labor are the same. Teir enemies are
identical. For more than 100 years we have been fghting together, we have
been picketing together, weve been dumping milk, weve been sitting in,
weve been blocking trafc, and we are going to take this state back!
And yet there are those who tell us that this isnt a farmers issue. Tose
people have petty resentment that is amplifed by right-wing radio un-
til they think that a fremans pension is the problem. And then there are
groups that represent this evil: Te Dairy Business Association was here on
Wednesday at Ag day at the Capitol saying, Hooray for Walkers budget.
Well, I want you to know that those arent farmers. Teyre agribusiness
corporations with a few factory farmers in front, and I want Wisconsin and
the world to know that this is the real Ag Day at the Capitol, and this is a
farmers issue.
Its a farmers issue because our rural schools are getting decimated
by this budget, and they are the centers of our small towns and rural com-
munities. In my hometown of Athens, 14 of 44 teachers got pink slips, and
will be laid of because of this budget. Its bad for our childrens education,
its bad for the stability of our town, its bad for the very future of our school
district, and we say no!
Its a farmers issue because Scott Walker wants to hack BadgerCare.
Eleven thousand Family Farm members depend on BadgerCare because of
the exclusivity of for-proft health insurance companies, and because of the
pathetic and volatile price we receive for milk and other commodities that
dont meet the cost of our production. We depend on this, and we support
dear scott walker | 65
Its a farmers issue because we have been battling corporate power for
more than a centurythis budget could not be a clearer manifestation of
corporate power, and we say no.
Its a farmers issue because public workers are our friends, and neigh-
bors, and our family members, and we stand in solidarity with them!
It a farmers issue because we know that were all in this together.
We go up together or we go down together. Te way I see it is we got
two choices: I can have my unions busted and stand alone and be pitted
against my neighbor in a desperate and unequal economy, or we can come
together to say Tis is what our families need, this is what our communi-
ties need, this is what a just wage is, this is what a democracy looks like!
Its a farmers issue because we understand that an injury to one is an
injury to all! Solidarity!
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
All of Milwaukee public schools will be closed tomorrow. #wiunion
9:45pm Feb 16
@millbot Emily Mills
Seeing lots of blankets, pillows & sleeping bags coming out. #wiunion
10:20pm Feb 16
@kristinelZ Kristine LZ
RT @uwlaxecho: Support a teacher. Wear red tomorrow. We @WEAC
10:34pm Feb 16
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Party line vote against Democratic amendment to restore collective
bargaining. Amendment fails. #wisolidarity #notmywi
11:11pm Feb 16
@emmahduhjemmah Emma Gibbens
HELL YEAH! You are on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side
of justice! You tell em Sen Jauch!
11:24pm Feb 16
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Everyone remember to register to testify in the GAR room, 4th foor north,
to keep the hearing going all night #killthisbill #wiunion
11:38pm Feb 16
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Sen Glenn Grothman just used phrase so-called community leaders.
I hope some of those leaders organize our communities against him.
11:38pm Feb 16
@emmahduhjemmah Emma Gibbens
More and more people are arriving. I love democracy.
11:44pm Feb 16
dear scott walker | 67
Dear Governor Walker,
I doubt you remember me. In fact, weve never formally met, but you
and I grew up not half a block away from each other in the small town
of Delavan, Wisconsin. You were in my sister Katies high school class,
though perhaps you didnt know her then (indeed, she was a brainy punk
rocker, while you were a mullet-haired jock). Six years your junior, I have
only fuzzy memories of youof riding my bike around the corner, seeing
one of the older boys in the neighborhood walk out of his house on West
Wisconsin Street, and hearing my sister say, Hey, theres Scott Walker.
Our limited acquaintance notwithstanding, within the past four days I
fear Ive gotten to know you fairly well, or well enough. So perhaps its time
I introduce myself. My name is Sigrid Peterson. Im your former neighbor
from Delavan, and Im a public-sector worker in Wisconsin.
If it isnt obvious, Im writing to ask you, your administration, and your
Republican friends in the legislature to put a swif stop to your proposed
budget-repair bill, along with its crude and unapologetic assault on 50
years of rights and benefts granted to Wisconsins public-sector employ-
ees. Your measure is nothing short of devastatingstripping most (in some
cases, all) of our collective bargaining rights, incapacitating any future
Sigrid Peterson
February 14, 2011
dear scott walker | 68
resources of our unions, and further straining the livability and reach of
our compensation with steep increases in employee contributions to health
care and pensions.
And you do this with nothing but unsubstantiated excuses that this is
the only alternative. And you do this with no efort (none) to meet with
workers since you took ofce. Forgive me, but this makes you no more
forthright or articulate than a tongue-tied and cowardly teenager breaking
up with his girlfriend/boyfriend via text message. Does this mean youll
bring back your mullet too?
If Im irreverent, Governor Walker, I assure you its in service to things
greater than concern over my job, alone. I write this out of respect for my
late father tooyour old neighbor, a lifelong Wisconsinite, and a public
municipal employee. I also write this out of pride in the progressive legacy
of my home state, a legacy you and your colleagues delight in dismantling.
My dad, Lyle (raised in Richland Center, Wisconsin), was living proof
that a public-sector jobwith its modest salary but good beneftsgarners
more than the sum of its parts. More importantly, he taught me that we
should celebrate (versus vilify) this form of work arrangement and ensure
that we fght for the same for workers in every sector of the economy.
Dad raised me and my seven brothers and sisters on a comparatively
small municipal accountants salary of $32,000 a year. Tat salary not only
fed (with lots of spaghetti) and housed us, but slimly subsidized all eight
of our undergraduate educations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
His afordable health insurance treated eight cases of chicken pox, 33 epi-
sodes of tonsillitis, and paid for a total of 137 stitches. Most importantly,
his comprehensive health care saw my mom, Shirley (raised in Muscoda,
Wisconsin), through two years of chemotherapy treatments, and carried
Dad to the end of his 10-year battle with cardiomyopathy.
Dads pension with the Wisconsin Retirement System is a lifesaver to
my mother in her older years. Mom had to exit the formal labor force at a
young age in favor of unpaid work in the home to feed, clothe, love, and
educate eight good and generous people. She still lives in Delavan, Dads
pension serving as her fxed income against the backdrop of a labor market
that would have punished (if not outright dismissed) her afer 40 years of
bringing up kids.
Five of those kids (and their families) live in Wisconsin today. We are
teachers, public attorneys, university doctors, web engineers, and business
dear scott walker | 69
people. We give to our local communities. My mom, in particular, has spent
a lifetime in volunteer service to Delavan fghting for clean watersheds,
transparent city government, the preservation of public education, and ac-
countable economic development toward quality jobs.
Im her sixth daughter and seventh child. Two and half years ago, I lef
a career in New York City to be close to her in Wisconsin and to pursue my
dream of getting a Ph.D. Im currently a graduate student in our top-ranked
Department of Geography, as well as an employee of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Similarly to teaching assistants (TAs, or full-time
graduate students who dedicate more than twenty hours a week to instruct-
ing undergraduates), I devote over half of my workweek as a University
project assistant (PA). I am part of the staf in a policy research center in the
Department of Sociology devoted to growing Wisconsins economy through
statewide partnerships between businesses and workers. Tat job (which
grants me membership in AFT local 3220, the Teaching Assistants Associa-
tion, or TAA) provides a small take-home salary of just over $12,000 a year,
along with state health insurance to help me weather winter infections and
viruses. Importantly, my job also grants me a tuition waiver, without which
I could never aford to pursue training in the academy. I know just how
lucky I am, and my greatest goal is to repay this debt by becoming a profes-
sor in a land grant institution like the University of Wisconsin, giving back
to young people seeking an afordable public education, as well as helping
them get the most out of a few short years of engaging in the profound fun
that is thinking and learning. Your proposal, Governor Walker, seeks to
strip me of the contractual rights to the benefts allowing me to stay here,
and I am frightened over what my future holds if it passes.
As ambitious as it is damaging, your bill is also of grave ofense to the
progressive legacy of the state of Wisconsin, a legacy my father held dear,
and one I bragged wildly about in New York. While there, I worked on
the physical and economic redevelopment of Lower Manhattans central
business district (Wall Street), following its decimation from the ter-
rorist attacks of 9/11. As typical New Yorkers ofen do, my friends and
colleagues would tease me for hailing from one of those funny-shaped
states in the middle. Id always take their jab with good humor, but try
to explain just how deeply proud I was of Wisconsins good people and
progressive historythe land of Bob La Follette, Gaylord Nelson, Frank
Zeidler, and Russ Feingold.
dear scott walker | 70
My job in the city demanded I work with various CEOs and execu-
tives of major Wall Street corporations, and on limited occasions, when
our job titles and ranks melted away (perhaps prior to a breakfast meeting
or during a casual work gathering), we spoke candidly about personal in-
terests. My nerdy obsession with cities and the history of workers came up
frequently. And what amazed me was the reverence these otherwise pow-
erful actors of private enterprise expressed for the city, county, and state
employees who kept the Big Apple running. Maybe its the sheer humil-
ity one feels when confronted with New Yorks awesome, gritty mass of
physical infrastructure and embodied space, but I met power brokers who
deeply respected the men and women laboring for the metropolis, day in
and day out. None of the executives with whom I worked were anti-union,
nor would they have ever rubber-stamped such a bold-faced erosion to
public workers basic rights and livelihoods as you endorse today.
While your version of Wisconsins door may indeed be open for
business, I doubt the business people I know would care to walk through
it, especially nowtry as you might to steeply discount the entry ticket.
I leave in a few weeks to visit New York, to see my very good friends,
and to catch them up on my goings-on in Wisconsin. I still have things to
brag about, of course. I still get to live among the kind, committed, and
understatedly clever folks of my upbringing everyday. And I get to work
for our tremendous state university, in a department I respect immensely,
and with people I love. But I regret to say, Governor Walker, I brag a bit less
enthusiastically, now. You disappoint me, old neighbor. Whats worse, you
dont just disappoint me, you embarrass me, you embarrass my father, you
embarrass Delavan, and you embarrass the state of Wisconsin.
Please stop your bill, for all our sakes.
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
The vote is now.
11:52pm Feb 16
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
12-4 on party lines, the budget repair bill is sent to the Legislature.
And with that, its back to protesting.
11:53pm Feb 16
@millbot Emily Mills
Big day across Wisconsin tomorrow. Big thanks to everyone out there
fghting the good fght. See you in the morning! #wiunion #notmywi
12:04am Feb 17
dear scott walker | 72
Joanne Staudacher posted the following as a note on Facebook.
Tis is the text of the sign I wore on my back when I marched at the Capitol
last. It is my manifesto, my statement of purpose, and every word is truth.
My manifesto was limited to the size of what I could carry on my back,
could have used some better planning, had to have an amendment over
my two-poster limit and I had to tie it around my throat like a cape to
keep it all visible. I broke the lines in the same way that my medium and
handwriting dictated.
I fght for the people I love, the people I have loved, the people I will
love. I fght for the land beneath my feet. I fght for people who dont agree
with me, because I still want them to have a beautiful future. Yes, some of
you tagged will not agree with me. I still ofer you my story, my motivation,
my intent, and the better future I hope we will share.
Tis is why I fght. Tis is why I will not give up. I have made this note
visible to Everyonefeel free to share it, to comment on it, to think about
itwhatever makes you happy. Tis is why I fght, for better I hope, not
worse. Te war isnt over. In true badger fashion, we dig in and hold fast:
Joanne Staudacher
March 18, 2011
dear scott walker | 73
Dear Walker & Hopper:
Conceived, born, raised,
educated, employed + unemployed,
living still, and hope to die.
My father is a forester, methodist, veteran.
My mother is a seamstress, CCD teacher, devout Catholic.
Both sides farmed. I come from
hardworking, determined, long-lived stock.
I am unemployed. I am pro-union.
I have worked for pay in homes, yards,
restaurants, ofces, computer labs, warehouses,
thrif stores, and college classrooms.
I have a Ph.D.
I have been a literacy tutor, humane society
volunteerIve donated money, food, blood,
and time.
I am a daughter, wife, sister, aunt, niece,
cousin, friend, mentor. I will be a mother.
dear scott walker | 74
I will not see my childrens future spoiled.
I sewed my own wedding dress + changed my alternator.
I am a deer hunter who bakes vegan cookies.
Im equal parts June Cleaver + meat cleaver.
I am educated, creative, passionate. Complex.
I have been Chippewa Falls, Holcombe, Eau Claire,
Prairie du Chien, Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Green Bay.
I am Oshkosh.
I stand before you in my science
camp T-shirt + thrif store skirt.
I am not a slob. If I were
lazy, I wouldnt be here.
You may not remember folks
like me, but I WILL RECALL
I am Wisconsin, and I am
NOT alone!
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
the world has its eye on is. lets make sure it is focused on our massive
peaceful demonstrations today. #notmywi #killthisbill #wiunion
9:13am Feb 17
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
National media fnally taking notice of whats happening here in Wisconsin.
9:37am Feb 17
@scoutprime scoutprime
Sign--100% of teachers better educated than Gov Walker. (hes hs grad
for u out of staters)
10:15am Feb 17
@aemilli Emily
whole building just sang national anthem #notmywi
10:42am Feb 17
@aemilli Emily
chanting at the senators going in to vote! kill the bill! #notmywi
10:56am Feb 17
@emmahduhjemmah Emma Gibbens
@sentaylor you go girl! Dont tell me where youre off to! :D
11:19am Feb 17
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
This is a great thing! The Senate will not be able to vote because they will
not have quorum. STAY IN THE CAPITOL! #killthisbill #wiunion
11:20am Feb 17
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
So what I gather: A vote cant be taken if Dem Senators walk out - as they
have. Needed are 20 Senators. There are only 17 now. .... :-)
11:24am Feb 17
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Democratic reps just walked out of the capitol. No vote on Walkers bill.
11:32am Feb 17
dear scott walker | 76
Speech delivered at the Wisconsin Capitol
America is not broke.
Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that youll
give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-
grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. Te country
is awash in wealth and cash. Its just that its not in your hands. It has been
transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consum-
ers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich.
Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans
Let me say that again. Four hundred obscenely rich people, most of
whom benefted in some way from the multitrillion-dollar taxpayer bail-
out of 2008, now have more loot, stock, and property than the assets of
155 million Americans combined. If you cant bring yourself to call that a
fnancial coup detat, then you are simply not being honest about what you
know in your heart to be true.
And I can see why. For us to admit that we have let a small group of
men abscond with and hoard the bulk of the wealth that runs our economy,
would mean that wed have to accept the humiliating acknowledgment that
Michael Moore
March 5, 2011
dear scott walker | 77
we have indeed surrendered our precious democracy to the moneyed elite.
Wall Street, the banks, and the Fortune 500 now run this Republicand,
until this past month, the rest of us have felt completely helpless, unable to
fnd a way to do anything about it.
I have nothing more than a high school degree. But back when I was
in school, every student had to take one semester of economics in order to
graduate. And heres what I learned: Money doesnt grow on trees. It grows
when we make things. It grows when we have good jobs with good wages
that we use to buy the things we need and thus create more jobs. It grows
when we provide an outstanding educational system that then grows a new
generation of inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and thinkers who
come up with the next great idea for the planet. And that new idea creates
new jobs and that creates revenue for the state. But if those who have the
most money dont pay their fair share of taxes, the state cant function. Te
schools cant produce the best and the brightest who will go on to create
those jobs. If the wealthy get to keep most of their money, we have seen
what they will do with it: recklessly gamble it on crazy Wall Street schemes
and crash our economy. Te crash they created cost us millions of jobs. Tat
too caused a reduction in revenue. And the population ended up sufering
because they reduced their taxes, reduced our jobs, and took wealth out of
the system, removing it from circulation.
Te nation is not broke, my friends. Wisconsin is not broke. Its part of
the Big Lie. Its one of the three biggest lies of the decade: America/Wiscon-
sin is broke, Iraq has WMD, the Packers cant win the Super Bowl without
Brett Favre.
Te truth is, theres lots of money to go around. LOTS. Its just that
those in charge have diverted that wealth into a deep well that sits on their
well-guarded estates. Tey know they have committed crimes to make this
happen, and they know that someday you may want to see some of that
money that used to be yours. So they have bought and paid for hundreds of
politicians across the country to do their bidding for them. But just in case
that doesnt work, theyve got their gated communities, and the luxury jet
is always fully fueled, the engines running, waiting for that day they hope
never comes. To help prevent that day when the people demand their coun-
try back, the wealthy have done two very smart things:
1. Tey control the message. By owning most of the media they have
expertly convinced many Americans of few means to buy their version of
dear scott walker | 78
the American Dream and to vote for their politicians. Teir version of the
Dream says that you, too, might be rich some daythis is America, where
anything can happen if you just apply yourself! Tey have conveniently
provided you with believable examples to show you how a poor boy can
become a rich man, how the child of a single mother in Hawaii can become
president, how a guy with a high school education can become a successful
flmmaker. Tey will play these stories for you over and over again all day
long so that the last thing you will want to do is upset the apple cartbe-
cause youyes, you, too!might be rich/president/an Oscar winner some
day! Te message is clear: Keep your head down, your nose to the grind-
stone, dont rock the boat, and be sure to vote for the party that protects the
rich man that you might be some day.
2. Tey have created a poison pill that they know you will never want
to take. It is their version of mutually-assured destruction. And when they
threatened to release this weapon of mass economic annihilation in Sep-
tember of 2008, we blinked. As the economy and the stock market went
into a tailspin, and the banks were caught conducting a worldwide Ponzi
scheme, Wall Street issued this threat: Either hand over trillions of dollars
from the American taxpayers or we will crash this economy straight into
the ground. Fork it over or its goodbye savings accounts. Goodbye pen-
sions. Goodbye United States Treasury. Goodbye jobs and homes and
future. It was friggin awesome, and it scared the shit out of everyone.
Here! Take our money! We dont care. Well even print more for you!
Just take it! But, please, leave our lives alone, PLEASE!
Te executives in the board rooms and hedge funds could not contain
their laughter, their glee, and within three months they were writing each
other huge bonus checks and marveling at how perfectly they had played a
nation full of suckers. Millions lost their jobs anyway, and millions lost their
homes. But there was no revolt (see No. 1).
Until now. On Wisconsin! Never has a Michigander been more happy
to share a big, great lake with you! You have aroused the sleeping giant
known as the working people of the United States of America. Right now
the earth is shaking, and the ground is shifing under the feet of those who
are in charge. Your message has inspired people in all 50 states and that
message is: WE HAVE HAD IT! We reject anyone who tells us America is
broke and broken. Its just the opposite! We are rich with talent and ideas
and hard work and, yes, love. Love and compassion toward those who have,
dear scott walker | 79
through no fault of their own, ended up as the least among us. But they still
crave what we all crave: our country back! Our democracy back! Our good
name back! Te United States of America. NOT the Corporate States of
America. Te United States of America!
So how do we get this? Well, we do it with a little bit of Egypt here, a
little bit of Madison there. And let us pause for a moment and remember
that it was a poor man with a fruit stand in Tunisia who gave his life so that
the world might focus its attention on how a government run by billionaires
for billionaires is an afront to freedom and morality and humanity.
Tank you, Wisconsin. You have made people realize this was our last
best chance to grab the fnal thread of what was lef of who we are as Ameri-
cans. For three weeks you have stood in the cold, slept on the foor, skipped
out of town to Illinoiswhatever it took, you have done it, and one thing
is for certain: Madison is only the beginning. Te smug rich have over-
played their hand. Tey couldnt have just been content with the money
they raided from the Treasury. Tey couldnt be satiated by simply remov-
ing millions of jobs and shipping them overseas to exploit the poor else-
where. No, they had to have moresomething more than all the riches in
the world. Tey had to have our soul. Tey had to strip us of our dignity.
Tey had to shut us up and shut us down so that we could not even sit at
a table with them and bargain about simple things like classroom size, or
bulletproof vests for everyone on the police force, or letting a pilot just get a
few extra hours sleep so he or she can do their jobtheir $19,000 a year job.
Tats how much some rookie pilots on commuter airlines make, maybe
even the rookie pilots fying people here to Madison. But hes stopped try-
ing to get better pay. All he asks is that he doesnt have to sleep in his car
between shifs at OHare Airport. Tats how despicably low we have sunk.
Te wealthy couldnt be content with just paying this man $19,000 a year.
Tey wanted to take away his sleep. Tey wanted to demean and dehuman-
ize him. Afer all, hes just another slob.
And that, my friends, is corporate Americas fatal mistake. But in try-
ing to destroy us they have given birth to a movementa movement that
is becoming a massive, nonviolent revolt across the country. We all knew
there had to be a breaking point some day, and that point is upon us. Many
people in the media dont understand this. Tey say they were caught of
guard about Egypt, never saw it coming. Now they act surprised and fum-
moxed about why so many hundreds of thousands have come to Madison
dear scott walker | 80
over the last three weeks during brutal winter weather. Why are they all
standing out there in the cold? I mean there was that election in November,
and that was supposed to be that!
Teres something happening here, and you dont know what it is, do
America aint broke! Te only thing thats broke is the moral compass
of the rulers. And we aim to fx that compass and steer the ship ourselves
from now on. Never forget, as long as that Constitution of ours still stands,
its one person, one vote, and its the thing the rich hate most about Ameri-
cabecause even though they seem to hold all the money and all the cards,
they begrudgingly know this one unshakeable basic fact: Tere are more of
us than there are of them!
Madison, do not retreat. We are with you. We will win together.
Back inside. Taking a moment to absorb everything. So many people
documenting this on phones. Everyone is the media. #notmyWI

and screens of the mainstream media, it was Twitter and blogs, photos
and web videos that remained the best ways of following the latest in the
#WIunion story.
Twitter updates scrolled continuously; go-to tweeters posted photos of
the growing crowds, told followers when and where help was needed, and
solicited donations of food and supplies. Tey recruited speakers for televi-
sion shows looking to cover the story, and challenged traditional media for
failing to cover the protests and for portraying the peaceful demonstrators
as violent troublemakers.
An outspoken group of Wisconsin bloggers called out Republican
shenanigans and helped shape the broader medias protest coverage.
Rabble-rousing and proudly progressive, the bloggers of the Wisconsin
Cheddarsphere turned the protests into a national story that soon drew
support from a vibrant community of netroots bloggers across the coun-
try. And it was a blogger who provided the strangest yet most revealing
moment of the whole saga, when Ian Murphy, pretending to be billion-
aire Republican donor David Koch, prank-called Walker. Te call, if a
somewhat questionable journalistic tactic, made headlines, revealing that
Walker had considered planting troublemakers among the protesters
do not retreat, retweet | 84
to provoke violence, and contemplated laying a trap for the Democratic
senators who were on the run.
Online organizing led to real resultsthe millions of dollars raised
nationally to help with recall elections, stories that bubbled up from Twit-
ter and blogs to the mainstream mediawhile also spreading the protests
message in less tangible but equally powerful ways. Tens of thousands of
people watched the videos that Matt Wisniewski flmed from inside the
Capitol, and over a hundred thousand watched live video that online ac-
tivist Ben Brandzel broadcast from the Capitol on his iPhone on the night
of the frst real confict between police and protesters.
Just as those occupying the Capitol had found a way to take govern-
ment into their own hands, these bloggers, videographers, and activists had
found ways to take control of and tell their own story to the world.
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Walking around Madison, the convos Im overhearing are wild. Rank and
fle union workers are livid. Never seen anything like this in my life
11:50am Feb 17
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
More than a few people here are talking general strike. #solidarityWI
12:53pm Feb 17
@thisBowers Chris Bowers
RT @Atrios ive got some extra room. the WI dems can crash at my place
if they want / #wiconsin #solidarity
1:06pm Feb 17
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
News about the 14 Senators who have left the state has everyone here at
@barriques excited and re-energized. #NotmyWI #aslongasittakes
2:18pm Feb 17
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
huffpo wants to get in touch with a frefghter in wisconsin to interview.
anyone interested? mention me and ill DM you with info.
2:44pm Feb 17
@brianekdale Brian Ekdale
cop near us is swaying and texting #sheswithus #wiunion
3:23pm Feb 17
@scoutprime scoutprime
Balloons carrying poster of fst released to top pf Rotunda. Everyone went
crazy. #wiunion #killthebill
3:31pm Feb 17
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
RT @daveweigel: RT @mamaier262: RT @ufcw: Winning the internet -
Wisconsin Democratic State Senator tells @govwalker shell brb
4:06pm Feb 17
do not retreat, retweet | 86
Adapted from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Blog
So much has changed politically in Wisconsin in the last three months. It
shows up clearly in one timeline of the Wisconsin union struggle, which
begins with historic-low polling favorability for unions and fnishes with
jaw-droppingly bad polling for Wisconsins brand new governor.
Te public groundswell of opposition to Governor Scott Walkers
attack on workers rights has changed. Its gone from getting thousands of
people to the Capitol every day and tens of thousands every weekend, to
getting a few people there every day while mobilizing volunteers to mount
and contribute to recall campaigns against Wisconsin Republicans.
Te shape of national and social media interest has also changed. Last
Tursday, for the frst time since the February peak of the protests in Madi-
son, Wisconsin dropped from the list of top tags on Daily Kos, the largest
community blog in the progressive netroots.
Te popular #WIunion tag on Twitter no longer updates too fast to
read everything, though it still sees regular use, and has been superseded
by the #wirecall and #wivote tags that started being used as the energy of
protest politics was shifed towards electoral politics.
As were likely to be feeling the ripple of recent events in Wisconsin for
Natasha Chart
May 3, 2011
do not retreat, retweet | 87
a long time to come, its a good point at which to look back at some of the
early social media milestones before theyre lost in the food. Whatever else
it was and is, the #WIunion struggle was mostly a word-of-mouth popular
uprising, driven in large part by citizen media and email activism, inspiring
people all over the country. If were lucky, well see its like again.
Te list of social media milestones youll fnd below could have been
three times as long, or more. Hopefully, its just long enough to capture the
sense of community purpose and public conversation that made #WIunion
a powerful experience.
1: Te Call
Te infamous call, where Bufalo Beast blogger Ian Murphy impersonated
David Koch and recorded the 20 minutes of conversation he then had with
Walker, was one of the most shocking, if not gonzo, media moments of
the budget-repair bill fght. Listeners marveled at the amount of time the
governor made available, on short notice and without an appointment, for
someone that he thought was a billionaire campaign contributor of his. At
the same time Walker bragged about his exploits to Koch, almost as if he
were giving a progress update to a boss, his staf was telling Democratic
state senators that he was too busy to talk to them.
2: Te Mistress
Te report, via a chain of blog posts and a little sleuthing by Blogging Blues
Zach Wisniewski, that not only was Republican state Sen. Randy Hopper
living with his 25-year-old mistress in Madison, but that she was also a lob-
byist, generated a media frestorm. Te story was prominently picked up by
Firedoglake, and spurred a fundraising action on Daily Kos to run ads on
the topic to support the Hopper recall campaign.
3: Tey Begged To Difer
Blogger Chris Liebenthal covered the budget fght and protests through the
largely editorial posts in the solidarity archive on Cognitive Dissidence.
Liebenthals chronicling of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinels support of
Walker before its eventual criticism of him over the budget fght in late
February is exemplary of the way bloggers in the aggregate tend to con-
nect these sorts of dots into larger stories, in ways that mainstream media
outlets ofen wont. Liebenthal has countered Walkers claims about public
do not retreat, retweet | 88
employees and has continued to focus on issues such as alleged cost-
cutting measures that will actually cost the state millions.
4: Tey Mopped the Floors
Allison Hantschel of First Draf started covering the protests early, with
extensive photo archives on the blog and Flickr stream. Hantschel imme-
diately got the story out that these were peaceful, positive events, striking
back against the talking points of Walkers allies with personal stories and
editorials, and larger photo diaries from all the big weekend rallies.
Key posts include a photo diary of protesters washing the Capitol foor
and playing chess, a review of the UW-Madison privatization plan, and an
eyewitness debunking of the claim that protesters took hinges of Capitol
building doors.
5: Tey Built a Town
David Dayen of Firedoglake provided one of the defnitive eyewitness re-
ports on Te Incredible Ecosystem of the Wisconsin State Capitol, when
the national blog decided that this was a big enough deal to send a cor-
respondent. Tis is fairly rare for even large blogs, who tend not to cover
events in person if they dont have writers nearby. Its likely that this wouldnt
have happened if the local blogs hadnt followed the story from the begin-
ning and helped keep it alive.
6: Tey Got Pizza
Word got out that Ians Pizza on State Street was taking its lefover pizzas to
the Capitol protests while the building was being occupied 24 hours a day
during the Assembly Democrats marathon budget-repair bill hearings. Some
bloggers noticed and asked people to call in orders to be delivered to the
protesters so that Ians would get reimbursed. People on Twitter were made
aware. Te local Journal Sentinel and Te New York Times heard about it.
Ians Pizza got call-in orders for the protesters from all 50 states, Wash-
ington, D.C., Egypt, Antarctica, and dozens of other countries. A few weeks
in, they got so many orders that they opened the doors and gave away their
food for free to anyone who walked in and placed an order, in addition to
continuing to deliver their widely-praised pizzas to the protests down the
block at the Capitol.
Ians also makes salads. Tey were delicious.
do not retreat, retweet | 89
7: Tey Got Trown Out
Madison blog Dane 101s archive of state government stories featured exten-
sive photo diaries, covered day-by-day developments at the Capitol, and put
the spotlight on stories such as the illegal contributions made to Walkers
campaign by wealthy railroad executives. Tey also posted video of some
key moments, such as footage of citizens being removed from the state As-
sembly antechamber in advance of a March 11 vote on a stand-alone bill to
strip state workers collective bargaining rights.
8: Te Whole Country Watched
Until Tursday, April 28, the Wisconsin tag steadily remained among the
20 most popular on Daily Kos. Tis national blog, while it didnt send a cor-
respondent, has prominently featured diaries by community members (in-
cluding teachers and other union workers) from Wisconsin and interested
political enthusiasts from around the country. Front-page authors picked
up the story and covered the topic daily during the height of the protests
and budget standof, as well as educating people about the recall efort.
During the frst electoral contest following the peak of Capitol protests,
the Wisconsin Supreme Court race between David Prosser and JoAnne
Kloppenburg, a front page analysis of the procedures being followed in the
investigation of vote totals in Waukesha was signifcant in quelling conspir-
acy theories about the elections outcome. And while Kloppenburg lost in
the fnal count, many onlookers were amazed that shed made up a 30-point
defcit in the polls to come so close to unseating the incumbent, Prosser.
9: Tey Would Not Be Silent
#WIunion: Tis hashtag isnt the one that was initially favored by the
unions. It was actually started by Kristian Knutsen of the Isthmus,
Madisons alternative weekly paper, on Feb. 11 and used as a tag for their
daily blog coverage, well before events in Madison became a national story.
With a frst-mover advantage like that in the Wisconsin Twittersphere, it
was the one that stuck, even trending worldwide at one point. Although the
pace has slowed considerably, it was updating on April 2 at a rate of two to
three times per minute, minimum, and still gets updated with new content
at least every fve minutes or so during the day.
Other tags worth mentioning: #notmywi, #solidaritywi, #wirecall,
and #wivote. For the nationwide fghtback, #statesos and #1u have been
do not retreat, retweet | 90
picking up steam ever since.
Also noteworthy on Twitter, Melissa Ryan, Sen. Russ Feingolds former
new media director, put together the lists of key local bloggers and #WIunion
allies for others who wanted to follow their perspective on events.
10: Tey Took Pictures of Each Other
Tis list would be woefully incomplete without a mention of several in-
dependent flms of the protests posted to Vimeo, by 23-year-old Matt
Wisniewski (no relation to Zach Wisniewski of Blogging Blue), set to
popular songs and cut together from his own footage of the Capitol pro-
tests. While not blog posts, as such, these video montages (though there
were many others, and multiple livestreams, and many Flickr archives
of still photos) will defne the event for tens of thousands of people who
werent able to be there in person, and even for many who were.
When people asked if you saw the protest videos in Madison at the
peak of the demonstrations, chances were, they meant these.
11: Tey Watched the World
A time-lapse video of global protests and uprisings from Dec. 18, 2010
March 7, 2011 was put together by John Caelan of SwampPost, and added
to his site on March 9, 2011. Te video link spread like wildfre over Twit-
ter, tapping into popular sentiment among the activist community that
saw protests in Madison and other state capitals as part of a global wave of
populist uprisings, each unique to their situations but inspired by the same
longing for more just societies.
12: Tey Raised Some Dough
Te online fundraising driven by the #WIunion events and national public-
ity defnitely deserves its own spotlight. As they head into an unprecedented
season of recall elections, Wisconsin Democrats start with a cash advantage
in excess of $1 million, and to thank for it, they can mostly look to four
online activist organizations that are unafliated with either a Democratic
Party committee or any of the unions involved (these are MoveOn.org,
Democracy for America, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee,
and Daily Kos).
As of May 2, over $3 million was raised online from more than 173,000
people, putting the average donation at a little over $17.
do not retreat, retweet | 91
And then
Wisconsinites were so fred up that they began collecting signatures
to recall six Republican state senators in special elections this summer.
Soon afer, Walker signed a bill that that made it more difcult for seniors,
students, and people of color to be heard at the polls. In Wisconsin and
around the country, conservatives are stepping up their attacks on workers
and democracy following the Citizens United Supreme Court decision that
unlimited corporate money could be poured into politics.
Increased protests over cuts to education, health care, mass transit,
public safety, and job security in the #WIunion era have been met with bi-
partisan proposals for even bigger cuts at every level of government. Ofen,
these cuts are ofered side by side with tax cuts for millionaires and big busi-
ness. Tese are not the results the protesters were looking for.
Still, there were results. Tere was intense, unfltered public conversa-
tion through social networking sites. Volunteers were recruited on websites.
Funds were raised over email. Could there be more someday?
Whose house? Our house! was a regular chant in Madison and, Ive
heard, wherever governors are launching attacks on working people. Yet,
its going to take a lot of work before the people who work in our houses
start acting like it again.
Tough once upon a time, even having unions was a pipe dream. One
person, one vote, used to be a laughable proposition. For those ideals, peo-
ple past and present have faced despots and tear gas, nooses and clubs. So I
have great faith that the fnal outcome, eventually, will be justice for all.
Because Ive seen what democracy looks like. Its pretty great. I think
everybody will want some.
@analieseeicher Analiese Eicher
RT @chicagobars: Free drinks on me for any WI state senators hiding out
in Chicago from Gov Scott Walkers power play.
4:22pm Feb 17
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
When all of this is over, I want to be in a dark room with a stiff drink. And
also a scalp massage.
4:44pm Feb 17
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Anyone who has ever complained that the American populace is too lazy
to fght back should be in Madison right now. #unionWI #killthebill
4:45pm Feb 17
@cabell Cabell Gathman
RT @nateckennedy: 30,000 people protesting in Wisconsin and Fox News
is talking about the silent majority who disagrees. Sheesh.
4:51pm Feb 17
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Please be peaceful and non-violent. This is OUR state capitol. There is
food and water available. We are winning this. #wiunion
4:54pm Feb 17
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
I defy anyone with a soul to feel the energy of >30,000 workers and
students crying for justice & not feel moved. Walker isnt. #wiunion
4:57pm Feb 17
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Text from my Mom, watching cable news from KY: Watching the news.
Rallies getting more and more coverage. Tons. Keep fghting! #WIunion
5:18pm Feb 17
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
I am not a union member. My job doesnt provide ANY health care. I dont
have a pension. Im still in solidarity with #notmywi #wiunion.
5:48pm Feb 17
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
No profle 2 pick out I see dudes in sweatshrts n on the mullet side along
w.hipsters aside oldr couples #wiunion
7:04am Feb 17
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Matt Wisniewski is videographer and public employee at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Wisniewski, who was 23 at the time of the protests,
created powerful videos from the Capitol occupation that quickly went viral
and helped spread the story of the protests around the world. His videos can
be seen at Vimeo.com/mgwisni.
Erica Sagrans: I was in London during the Wisconsin protests, and people
there were mentioning seeing photos and watching videos online as one of the
main ways that they stayed in touch with what was going on in Wisconsin.
Your videos really resonated with a lot of people who werent able to experi-
ence the protests up close. What do you think you were able to convey to
people, which perhaps wasnt being shared elsewhere?
Matt Wisniewski: Te frst video I put out, I think was on February 18,
maybe February 17, which was about four or fve days from when the rally
started. And all the news coverage that came out right when it started was
very factual. Tere were a couple pictures attached to each story. Tere was
some video on local news, but it was mostly just people holding signs and
looking at the camera, and there was also some weird stuf that was coming
out from Fox News and Drudge Report that sort of made us look bad or
Erica Sagrans
May 2, 2011
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inferring that we were a riotous crowd.
But what I think made the frst video so successful and made it spread
so quickly was that I gave a face to the protest. I showed the diversity of
people that were there. And I gave it an emotional angle that the other
factual information didnt really show. Tat frst video really conveys the
energy that we had the frst three weeks. It was such an infectious thing
because people that I knew who lived in Madison who hadnt gone would
see the video and be like, Wow, its really great, and then they would be
inspired to go down to the Capitol and theyd be like, Holy crap, I didnt
realize it was so powerful. I was so wrong to doubt this. But I think the fact
that I gave it a face and I really conveyed the emotion that was happening,
because the emotion was infectious, it was incredible down there, I think
that really helped the frst video take of.
ES: I was looking at your website and read some of what youd written about
the power of story and narrative. Im wondering what for you is the story
of these past few months, or the story that you were trying to tell with your
MW: Tat is a difcult thing to say. Tats like a book by itself. What I saw
and what I got out of thisIll tell you my story. Im a public employee, so
the budget-repair bill is directly going to afect me. Its going to take money
away from the paycheck I get every month. I initially went down to the
Capitol to protest the money, the monetary value of what I was losingand
then when I got down there, I saw a lot of people from unions (Im non-
union), and I started to meet people from unions, and I started to learn
about the labor movement, stuf that I hadnt learned in school. I started
to realize how powerful this whole thing is, the labor movement, and it
started to get tied into civil rights, and labor rights are human rights. Te
thing that kept me coming back was this sense of community that we had.
Everyone that was down there was working togetherthe people who were
staying in the Capitol overnight, people who were delivering them food and
supplies. Tey started to organize ofces in the Capitol. Tere was a wing
that was just for children and their parents to hang out in. Tere was a wing
that just had a ton of food, and people were there watching it and making
sure no one was coming in there and stealing it. Tere were people handing
out food and making sandwiches. Tere was also an information station
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where people could go and ask where they could get blankets or pillows
or sleeping bags. It was really like a community and everyone really cared
about each other. I think thats something unique not only to the Midwest
but to Madison as a city, is that people really do take stock in each others
ES: I know that you posted your email address where people could send in
messages of support for protesters. Will you talk about what kinds of messages
you got and what you did with them?
MW: At frst I was getting a lot of emails through my website, and those are
more difcult for me to respond to because when I hit reply I cant reply
without changing the from. So I actually posted my email on the web-
site, and my email blew up then, obviously. Probably for about two weeks
I was getting close to 200 emails a day, and then it died down afer that. I
would say over the course of the last two and a half months I probably got
several thousand emails. Eventually I started to post those on a website,
and I would try to document where the email came from, and Id post the
comment they sent me. I got thousands of emails. I dont think I got more
than fve that were negative, and even those were people who disagreed but
wanted to have a discussion, a civil discourse.
I was getting emails from people all over Wisconsin, people all over the
United States, and I got several from outside the country. All of em were
just like, Keep up the fght, because we know if you guys fail, then theyre
going to come afer us next. It was really incredible.
Tere was this hearing that was going on for the budget-repair bill, and
the reason we could keep the Capitol open was because the hearing kept
going on, and it went on for eight or nine days in a row, 24 hours a day. I
signed up and gave my testimony really late on a Saturday night or Sunday
morning, it was like 2 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I went up and I was read-
ing of emails I had gotten. During it I broke down in tears, Im not exactly
sure why, but I think it was that Id been living the entire protest through
my camera lens, I hadnt really absorbed the emotion and expressed it. I
felt like there was so much pressure on me to convey these messages from
the thousands of people who had been sending me emails. It was a position
Id never been in before, where I was a spokesman for this huge group of
people. I was really stressed out for awhile.
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I read a bunch of [the messages in the hearing], but we also had this
thing called the Peoples Mic, and people could speak on it, and I went on
there probably a dozen times and read a few emails.
ES: Te Peoples Mic seemed like a really interesting part of the whole occupa-
tion, how much people were speaking out and sharing their stories with one
another at the microphone set up in the Capitol.
MW: Im part of the organization that ran the Peoples Mic now, and we were
talking about the Peoples Mic recently. We live in a country where it sort of
feels like your voice doesnt matter, because theres so many of us. Someone
compared it to old-school Rome, where people would speak about politics
in the open and have discussionsit felt like that. People were up there and
they knew that people were listening, and they cared about what they were
saying, and they started to realize that their voice matters and their vote
matters. It was really powerful to have people listen to you and care about
what you were saying in a culture that doesnt always value that.
ES: During the protests, did you see yourself mostly as someone documenting
what was going on, or as someone who was doing video and participating in
other ways? Or did you see making videos as a way of protesting?
MW: Te frst few days I went, I just happened to have my camera with me,
and I take pictures a lot. I was sort of documenting what was going on. Te
reason I actually made the frst video was basically just so that my friends
who couldnt go down there could see what was going on. I do wedding
videography, and I just edited it together in the way I do wedding videosI
pick a song and then edit it to the music. Once the frst video went viral
and the second video was really popular, I almost felt like I had to go, be-
cause people were counting on me to show them what was going on. I also
felt like if I wasnt documenting this, then no one might see it. I ended up
with 200 or 400 gigabytes of video footage. I havent even gone through
any of it practically. I would sit in front of the Peoples Mic sometimes and
just record what people were saying because I knew that if I didnt, no one
would ever see it or hear what they were saying. I did feel like that was
how I was participating because I hoped that the people who were seeing
my videos were either protesters who were there already and using it to
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motivate themselves to go back every day, or people who werent there and
would use it to eventually go down to the Capitol on those big rally days. I
think it was both.
ES: Had you done video of a similar event or big events like this, or had you
been involved politically in something like this before?
MW: Not hardly at all. I considered myself to have pretty strong political
beliefs, but I hadnt really participated in democracy in that way before.
And the only videos Id really produced were for weddings.
ES: Whats next for you, either organizing-wise or video-wise?
MW: Im part of Autonomous Solidarity Organization now, but I dont have
a very senior role there. Im trying to participate just enough so that I do
what I say I can do. I dont want to be the person who says they can do
something and then fails to do it, because I do have a full-time job and
other stuf going on. Im going to defnitely stick with them for awhile and
help em out as much as I can. As far as a political career or what I want to
do in politics, I dont know if I want to be involved more than I really have
been so far. I really like where I am an activist/documentarian. I actually
got ofered a job by AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees) to work in Washington, D.C. as their video guy
but I just love Madison so much, and I have a full-time job that I really love
to do, and I dont know if I want to have my entire life be politics. I really
love what we did, and I hope that we can keep helping this change move
forward, but I dont see myself as a lifetime activist or anything like that.
Hopefully once we turn the tide and fx our rights I can go back to being a
kid for a little longer. I havent dressed in suits so much in my entire life as I
have for the past two months.
ES: Rightas someone whos been involved with politics in D.C., I think its
great to do that, but we need people all over, doing video, doing diferent things
all over the country. Teres not just one way to efect change.
MW: Tats something that was so cool about this movementthe way
people were using media. There were a lot of events or periods during
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the rally that I only learned about through Twitter. I basically became
a Twitter celebrity on accident. I had a Twitter account and the last time I
used it before this started was probably a year ago, and I had 10 followers
who were my friends. And then one day I logged into Twitter afer this hap-
pened, and I had some 500 followers, and I was like, What is going on? So
then I had to start using Twitter because people were listening to me.
Te way people were using their camera phones, and taking video and
putting it online and capturing all these moments that were really impor-
tant and spreading them on Facebookthat was such a unique thing that
I dont think people have really seen before. I think that itll defnitely be a
case study in social media use for a long time.
ES: What do you think the role of social media waswas it a way of people
capturing the protests and telling that story, or a way people organized, or
what else?
MW: It was just that we could see so many more facts and events that were
happening outside of only the media realm. Normally an event like this,
you learn about it through either being there or reading in the newspaper.
In this event, there were so many more sources of information than that,
anybody who went down there was a source of information who could
take pictures, or video, or tweet about it, or put it on their Facebook. It
was like an aggregator, but it was also getting other people involved. It was
incredibly valuable.
One of the more important nights of the rallies was the night that
they passed the budget-repair bill afer hoursit was on a Wednesday or
a Tuesday, and the doors usually close at 5 oclock on those days, and there
was hardly anybody there, probably a few thousand people at the Capitol.
Somebody tweeted, Teyre trying to pass this budget bill tonight, get to
the Capitoland thousands of people showed up. And we occupied the
Capitol that night, and that was the frst night the doors were open. It was
crazy. I would never have known about it if it hadnt been for Twitter. I think
it played an incredibly important role. And theres actually now a circle of
infuential Wisconsin union tweeters who are spreading knowledge out to
people who are still listening and paying attention to whats going on.
ES: Who are the main tweeters youve been following?
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MW: Te main ones I was following closely are @bluecheddar1, who does
a radio show, and an attorney named @LegalEagle, as well as her friend
@edcetera who tweeted a lot during the protests. Tere are three reporters
from Madison who were covering the protests every day and tweeting
all the time and providing a lot of really good informationtwo were
@News3David and @News3Jessica. It was really cool that there were
citizen journalists providing information, but also that there were actual
news journalists who were really into it and spreading knowledge more
than just putting out a story. Tey were putting up tweets and pictures and
videos on a timely basis.
ES: Tats it as far as my questions go, but is there anything else you think is
an important part of the story or that youd want to share?
MW: I think something that was really important to my part of the story
here was if I hadnt chosen to get involved and to do something, then none
of my side of the story would have ever happened. I could have spent the
whole time at home, do whatever I wanted, have all this free timebut the
fact that I got involved and that I was actually doing something to try to
help this movement spread, was such a fulflling thing for me. Te fact that
you called me about a story for a bookthats crazy to meno ones ever
cared what I talked about before. But I think that sometimes you have to put
away your personal wants for a movement that is a lot bigger than just you. I
would hope that what I did did help the movement and got people to come
to the CapitolI will never know for sure if thats true, but I would hope
that thats true, and all the time that I spent and all the nights that I didnt
sleep, that those were all worth it because of what ended up happening and
this community that we built together that isnt going to be shut down. Its
just not something Ive experienced before. I love what we did, and I love
all the emails that I got, and I love that I got to spread that around, the love
that we were all sharing. I will never forget that experience for the rest of
my life.
One email that I got really resonates with meI took video during the
frst really big rally with 100,000 people, and I took video of this dad, and
he had his baby daughter on his back. She must have been less than two
years old. When I was taking the video I was really nervous. I was think-
ing, Oh man, Im nervous that this guys going to think something weird
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about me taking pictures of his daughter. And I put it in the video because
I just thought it was such a cool moment, and he ended up emailing me and
was like, Tank you for putting us in the video. Its so awesome. When she
grows up Im going to show her the video, and shes going to know she was
there for this historic event. Tat really hit me that what I did and what I
captured and created is going to be out there for the rest of my life. People
are going to be watching it 10 years from now and thats so cooltheyll
remember what happened in Madison and look back on it and say, We
started something there that changed things.
RT @wendykloiber: RT @thebookpolice: Am I to believe that not a single
friend of the worker in WI has a damn vuvuzela? #solidarity
7:11pm Feb 17
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
@sentaylor Thank you Senator Taylor for everything. You are our hero.
I hope things R well w. U & all the Senators #wiunion
8:11pm Feb 17
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
RT @WiStateJournal: BREAKING: Madison schools to close Friday amid
calls for more protests http://dlvr.it/GtH8w
8:37pm Feb 17
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
RT @pourmecoffee: Governor Walker will regret radicalizing teachers.
When they come for him, all he will see is rulers and then darkness.
9:41pm Feb 17
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
@karamartens The Packers issued a statement of solidarity - theyre
publicly owned, and unionized, and they stand with us! #wiunion
9:50pm Feb 17
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
Or, if food and beer dont tempt you to protest, come for the hot union men
and women in uniform! #whatisitaboutfrefghters? #wiunion
10:01pm Feb 17
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
We have been testifying for over 60 hours and counting! If you havent had
your voice heard, head to room 328 NW #killthisbill #wiunion
10:03pm Feb 17
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
HUGE thanks to the Capitol cleaning crew - on day 4, bathrooms clean &
completely stocked with all your necessities. #wiunion #wisolidarity
10:12pm Feb 17
@cabell Cabell Gathman
Dudes, I <3 HAVING A BULLHORN. I used to think what was missing from
my life was a giant fag, but now I know its a fag AND a bullhorn.
10:33pm Feb 17
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Prank caller Ian Murphy, who pretended to be right-wing billionaire (and
Governor Scott Walker supporter) David Koch, visited Madison this week-
end and took in the protests. Murphy was invited to Wisconsin by a school-
teacher from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, who few him out to the Badger
Murphy is a folk hero around here. His punking of the governor gave
huge momentum to the burgeoning pro-democracy movement. People
began protesting at the Koch brothers lobbying ofces here in Madison
and elsewhere. More importantly, by releasing the audio of Walker speak-
ing candidly about the crisis, Murphy changed the narrative. Walkers na-
ked corporate agenda was revealed for what it was, bursting the budget
crisis storyline.
Te role of right-wing money in funding anti-union eforts ofen goes
unnoticed by the press. But even the corporate media had to take notice.
And it gave proof to what many of us had suspectedWalker is in for the
long haul and will start layofs in an attempt to crush bargaining rights.
Walker went so far as to admit he considered inserting provocateurs in the
peaceful protests.
Murphys an editor of the Bufalo Beast, and unlike many out-of-town-
ers who have descended upon Madison recently, he knows how to dress for
Elizabeth DiNovella
The Progressive, March 7, 2011
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the cold. Hes stocky, with a round face and shaggy brown hair underneath
a big fuzzy hat. He totally looked like a Wisconsinite.
Mike, the teacher from Fond du Lac, took him to the Capitol rotunda,
which had just reopened the day before. He introduced Murphy, and the
crowd cheered him and shouted chants of Beast! Beast! Beast!
Murphy is a fan of Te Progressive, and he and his entourage stopped
by the ofce to say hello. Afer our chat, they headed down to State Street
Brats, you know, to get some sausage.
Q: How did you decide to be David Koch, rather than someone else?
Ian Murphy: I came across a quote from Tim Carpenter, one of the 14
Democratic state senators who lef the state, about Walker not talking to
the Dems.
[Hes just hard-linedwill not talk, will not communicate, will not
return phone calls, said Carpenter.]
I read this in a piece by Amanda Terkel on Hufngton Post. Walker
wouldnt talk to them. He wouldnt pick up the phone. So I thought, whose
call would he take?
I had been following Koch brothers. I knew they had been involved
with union-busting. Te choice was obvious.
Q: Were you surprised that the prank worked?
Ian Murphy: Very. I was a little unprepared. I thought the jig would be up
each time I called.
Q: You made more than one call?
Ian Murphy: Yes. Te frst call answered by a male secretary. He knew the
name David Koch. He transferred me over to Walkers executive assistant,
Dorothy Moore. She told me my name sounded familiar and asked me to
please call back.
I called back and spoke to Keith Gilkes, Walkers chief of staf. He was
expecting me to call. He was thrilled to talk to me. I told him I had to talk
to Scott.
He said that could be arranged and that I should just leave my number.
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One problem was that I was using Skype. So I told them my maid Maria
washed my cell phone. I wouldve had her deported, I said, but she works
for close to nothing. Gilkes thought this was funny.
He checked the governors schedule and told me to call back at 2 p.m.
And I did and I got through to the governor.
With pranks, you have to tip your hand a little. I tipped my hand with
the maid, so they kind of deserved it.
Q: Were you surprised by what Walker said?
Ian Murphy: Yes. Te part about planting provocateurs was really amazing.
And disturbing.
Murphy put the prank call on the Bufalo Beast website. Te rest is history.
Now every day I see an anti-Koch protester sign. One of the funniest is,
Scott, your Koch dealer is on line 2.
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David Koch: Well back you any way we can. What we were thinking about
the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker: You know, well, the only problem with
thatbecause we thought about that
Hes just hard-linedwill not talk, will not communicate, will not return
phone calls.
Wisconsin state Sen. Tim Carpenter (D) on Walker
Carpenters quote made me wonder: who could get through to Walker?
Well, what do we know about Walker and his proposed union-busting, no-
bid budget-repair bill? Te obvious candidate was David Koch.
I frst called at 11:30 a.m. CST, and eventually got through to a young,
male receptionist who, upon hearing the magic name Koch, immediately
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker answers his masters call
Ian Murphy
Buffalo Beast, February 23, 2011
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transferred me to executive assistant Dorothy Moore.
Weve met before, Dorothy, I nudged. I really need to talk to Scott
Governor Walker. She said that, yes, she thought she had met Koch, and
that the name was familiar. But she insisted that Walker was detained in
a meeting and couldnt get away. She asked about the nature of my call. I
balked, I just needed to speak with the governor. He knows what this is
about, I said. She told me to call back at noon, and shed have a better idea
of when he would be free.
I called at noon and was quickly transferred to Moore, who then trans-
ferred me to Walkers chief of staf Keith Gilkes. He was expecting my
David! he said with an audible smile.
I politely said hello, not knowing how friendly Gilkes and Koch may
be. He was eager to help. I was really hoping to talk directly to Scott, I said.
He said that could be arranged and that I should just leave my number.
I explained to Gilkes, My goddamn maid, Maria, put my phone in the
washer. Id have her deported, but she works for next to nothing. Gilkes
found this amusing. Im calling from the VOIDwith the VOID, or what-
ever its called. You know, the Snype!
Gotcha, Gilkes said. Let me check the schedule here OK, theres
an opening at 2 oclock Central Standard Time. Just call this same number,
and well put you through.
Could it really be that easy? Yes. What follows is a rushed, abridged
transcript of myI mean, David Kochs conversation with Walker.
Walker: Hi; this is Scott Walker.
Koch: Scott! David Koch. How are you?
Walker: Hey, David! Im good. And yourself?
Koch: Im very well. Im a little disheartened by the situation there, but, uh,
whats the latest?
Walker: Well, were actually hanging pretty tough. I meanyou know,
amazingly theres a much smaller group of protestersalmost all of
whom are in from other states today. Te state Assembly is taking the bill
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upgetting it all the way to the last point it can be at where its unamend-
able. But theyre waiting to pass it until the Senatesthe Senate Democrats,
excuse me, the Assembly Democrats have about a hundred amendments
theyre going through. Te state Senate still has the 14 members missing but
what theyre doing today is bringing up all sorts of other non-fscal items,
many of which are things members on the Democratic side care about. And
each day were going to ratchet it up a little bit. ... Te Senate majority leader
had a great plan he told about this morninghe told the Senate Democrats
about and hes going to announce it later today, and that is: Te Senate or-
ganization committee is going to meet and pass a rule that says if you dont
show up for two consecutive days on a session dayin the state Senate, the
Senate chief clerkits a little procedural thing here, butcan actually have
your payroll stopped from being automatically deducted
Koch: Beautiful.
Walker: into your checking account and insteadyou still get a check,
but the check has to be personally picked up and hes instructing them
which we just lovedto lock them in their desk on the foor of the state
Koch: Now youre not talking to any of these Democrat bastards, are you?
Walker: Ah, Itheres one guy thats actually voted with me on a bunch of
things I called on Saturday for about 45 minutes, mainly to tell him that
while I appreciate his friendship and hes worked with us on other things, to
tell him I wasnt going to budge.
Koch: Goddamn right!
Walker: His name is Tim Cullen
Koch: All right, Ill have to give that man a call.
Walker: Well, actually, in his case I wouldnt call him and Ill tell you why:
hes pretty reasonable but hes not one of us
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Koch: Now who can we get to budge on this collective bargaining?
Walker: I think the paycheck will have an impact. ... Secondly, one of the
things were looking at next were still waiting on an opinion to see if the
unions have been paying to put these guys up out of state. We think theres
at minimum an ethics violation if not an outright felony.
Koch: Well, theyre probably putting hobos in suits.
Walker: Yeah.
Koch: Tats what we do. Sometimes.
Walker: I mean paying for the senators to be put up. I know theyre pay-
ing for these guysI mean, people can pay for protesters to come in and
thats not an ethics code, but, I mean, literally if the unions are paying the
14 senatorstheir food, their lodging, anything like that [*** Important
regarding his later acceptance of a Koch ofer to show him a good time.
[I was stunned. I am stunned. In the interest of expediting the release of this
story, here are the juiciest bits:]
Walker: Ive got layof notices ready.
Koch: Beautiful; beautiful. Gotta crush that union.
Walker: [bragging about how he doesnt budge] I would be willing to sit
down and talk to him, the Assembly Democrat leader, plus the other two
Republican leaderstalk, not negotiate and listen to what they have to say
if they will in turnbut Ill only do it if all 14 of them will come back and
sit down in the state Assembly. ... Legally, we believe, once theyve gone into
session, they dont physically have to be there. If theyre actually in session
for that day, and they take a recess, the 19 Senate Republicans could then
go into action and theyd have quorum. ... So were double-checking that. If
you heard I was going to talk to them thats the only reason why. Wed only
do it if they came back to the Capitol with all 14 of them
do not retreat, retweet | 109
Koch: Bring a baseball bat. Tats what Id do.
Walker: I have one in my ofce; youd be happy with that. I have a slugger
with my name on it.
Koch: Beautiful.
Walker: [union-bashing...]
Koch: Beautiful.
Walker: So this is ground zero, theres no doubt about it. [Talks about a
great New York Times piece of objective journalism. Talks about how
most private blue-collar workers have turned against public, unionized
workers.] So I went through and called a handful, a dozen or so lawmak-
ers I worry about each day and said, Everyone, we should get that story
printed out and send it to anyone giving you grief.
Koch: Goddamn right! We, uh, we sent, uh, Andrew Breitbart down there.
Walker: Yeah.
Koch: Yeah.
Walker: Good stuf.
Koch: Hes our man, you know.
Walker: [Blah about his press conferences, attacking Obama, and all the
great press hes getting.] Brian [Sandoval], the new governor of Nevada,
called me last night. He saidhe was out in the Lincoln Day Circuit in the
last two weekends and he was kidding me, he said, Scott, dont come to Ne-
vada because Id be afraid you beat me running for governor. Tats all they
want to talk about is what are you doing to help the governor of Wisconsin.
I talk to Kasich every dayJohns gotta stand frm in Ohio. I think we could
do the same thing with Rick Scott in Florida. I think, uh, Snyderif he
got a little more supportprobably could do that in Michigan. You start
do not retreat, retweet | 110
going down the list theres a lot of us new governors that got elected to do
something big.
Koch: Youre the frst domino.
Walker: Yep. Tis is our moment.
Koch: Now what else could we do for you down there?
Walker: Well the biggest thing would beand your guy on the ground
[Americans For Prosperity president Tim Phillips] is probably seeing this
[stuf about all the people protesting, and some of them fip him of].
[Abrupt end of frst recording, and start of second.]
Walker: [Bullshit about doing the right thing and getting fipped of by
union bulls, and the decreasing number of protesters. Or some such.]
Koch: Well back you any way we can. What we were thinking about the
crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.
Walker: You know, well, the only problem with thatbecause we thought
about that. Te problemthe, my only gut reaction to that is right now the
lawmakers Ive talked to have just completely had it with them, the public
is not really fond of this. ... [Explains that planting troublemakers may not
work.] My only fear would be if theres a ruckus caused is that maybe the
governor has to settle to solve all these problems. ... [something about 60s
liberals.] Let em protest all they want. Sooner or later the media stops
fnding it interesting.
Koch: Well, not the liberal bastards on MSNBC.
Walker: Oh yeah, but who watches that? I went on Morning Joe this
morning. I like it because I just like being combative with those guys, but,
uh. You know theyre of the deep end.
Koch: JoeJoes a good guy. Hes one of us.
do not retreat, retweet | 111
Walker: Yeah, hes all right. He was fair to me. [bashes NY Sen. Chuck
Schumer, who was also on the program.]
Koch: Beautiful; beautiful. You gotta love that Mika Brzezinski; shes a real
piece of ass.
Walker: Oh yeah. [Story about when he hung out with human pig Jim
Sensenbrenner at some D.C. function, and he was sitting next to Brzezinski
and her father, and their guest was David Axelrod. He introduced himself.]
Koch: Tat son of a bitch!
Walker: Yeah no kidding huh?
Koch: Well, good; good. Good catching up with ya.
Walker: Tis is an exciting time [blah, blah, blah, Super Bowl reference
followed by an odd story of pulling out a picture of Ronald Reagan and
explaining to his staf the plan to crush the union the same way Reagan
fred the air trafc controllers]. Tat was the frst crack in the Berlin Wall
because the Communists then knew Reagan wasnt a pushover. [Blah, blah,
blah. Hes exactly like Reagan. Wont shut up about how awesome he is.]
Koch: [Laughs] Well, I tell you what, Scott: Once you crush these bastards
Ill fy you out to Cali and really show you a good time.
Walker: All right, that would be outstanding. [*** Ethical violation much?
***] Tanks for all the support. Its all about getting our freedoms back.
Koch: Absolutely. And, you know, we have a little bit of a vested interest as
well. [Laughs]
Walker: [Blah] Tanks a million!
Koch: Bye-bye!
Walker: Bye.
do not retreat, retweet | 112
So there you have it, kids. Government isnt for the people. Its for the
people with money. You want to be heard? Too fucking bad. You want to
collectively bargain? You cant aford a seat at the table. You may have built
that table. But its not yours. It belongs to the Kochs and the oligarch class.
Its guarded by Republicans like Walker, and his Democratic counterparts
across that ever-narrowing aisle that is corporate rule, so that the ever-
widening gap between the haves and the have-nots can swallow all the
power in the world. Tese are known knowns, and now we just know them
a little more.
But money isnt always power. Te protesters in Cairo and Madison
have taught us thisreminded us of this. Tey cant buy a muzzle big
enough to silence us all. Share the news. Do not retreat; ReTweet.
Te revolution keeps spinning. Try not to get too dizzy.
Sen Dems leaving the state? Hell yeah!
the fourth day of massive protests in the Madison
Capitol, all 14 of Wisconsins Democratic state senators disappeared. State
troopers were sent to track them down, but it soon became clear that they
had lef the state and regrouped at an undisclosed location across the bor-
der in Illinois, where Wisconsin police had no jurisdiction.
Te 14 Democratic senators had taken the extreme measure of
feeing Wisconsin in order to block Governor Walkers bill from being
brought to a vote by the Legislature, where Republicans were trying to
pass it as quickly as possible despite the outpouring of opposition. By
bringing the legislative process to a halt, the senators opened up a space
for the protesters to keep the momentum of the occupation going strong
in their absence.
Republicans held a 19-14 majority in the state Senate, but a quo-
rum of 20 senators is required by law in order to hold a vote on fnan-
cial matters. Republicans needed only to persuade a single Democrat to
returnbut all 14 remained together and on the run for more than three
weeks, longer than anyone expected. When they fnally did return, the
group was welcomed home by over 100,000 supporters who cheered and
held signs saying, Tank You Fab 14, We Heart the Wisconsin 14, and
Fighting 14.
the wisconsin 14 | 116
Tis dramatic action, where Democratic senators stood with the
protesters demanding the bill be stopped, didnt just energize Wisconsin
progressives. It fred up people all over the country who had become
disillusioned by Democrats reluctance to stand up and fght for their prin-
ciples. Since the election of President Barack Obama in 2008, progressives
had become frustrated with an administration and Democrats who seemed
too willing to compromise in the face of Republican extremism. But for
several weeks this winter, the Wisconsin 14 set an example for the country,
showing how progressives and elected ofcials could work together, and
how Democrats could fght back.
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Fox is really saying WI protests are violent? IM IN MADISON, AND
THERE IS NOT A SHRED OF VIOLENCE. Absolutely, positively none.
10:54pm Feb 17
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
it is amazing to see the outpouring of national attention. i remember 9pm
on tuesday 2/15 we feared our voices would not be heard!
11:13pm Feb 17
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
CONFIRMED: Further violence in Capitol.A woman just entered,
unsolicited, and gave us all homemade cookies #WIunion
11:22pm Feb 17
@liz_gilbert Liz Gilbert
Great sign: the national guard cant teach organic chemistry
-@M_Pomerantz #killthebill #wiunion #notmywi
11:29pm Feb 17
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
May or may not have announced to my friends my plan to run for offce
tonight. Wisconsin, you inspire me. #wisolidarity
12:44am Feb 18
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
I am toast. Gnight.
12:58am Feb 18
the wisconsin 14 | 118
Wisconsin state Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) is one of 14 Democrats
hiding out in Illinois, participating in a flibuster with our feet to slow
down the budget-repair bill, which would strip collective bargaining
rights from public employees, among other things. By walking out of the
state, Senate Democrats have denied Republicans the 3/5 quorum needed
for passing legislation with a fscal intent. Larson and his 13 colleagues and
their whereabouts have become a major part of this unfolding story, but
hed rather the focus go to the legislation on ofer, and the constituents out
in the streets in Madison and elsewhere.
Ever since we stepped away, theres been a lot of attention on us, said
Larson in an interview last night from his undisclosed location in Illinois.
Were trying to focus it back on this ridiculous legislation.
Despite the disadvantage of being outside the state, Larson believes that
he and his colleagues have been able to get their message out. Tere have
been huge rallies in Wisconsin. Not just in the Capitol, but in our districts
in support of us and against this legislation, Larson said. He believes that
the stalemate has forced a spotlight on what Governor Scott Walker and his
fellow Republicans have been doing since taking ofce. Trying to ram this
budget-repair bill through the Legislature in a matter of days, with radio
and TV ads on the air from the Club for Growth, before Democrats ever got
David Dayen
Firedoglake, February 22, 2011
the wisconsin 14 | 119
a chance to see it, is a symptom of how Walker and the Republicans, who
control both houses of the Legislature, have been operating.
Tis has been happening since they got in there, Larson said, referring
to several bills rubber-stamped by the Legislature in January, including a
series of corporate tax cuts totaling over $140 million at a time when Walker
and his party keep talking about a budget crisis. Frankly, there hadnt been
much public outcry because of the Packers. People werent paying attention.
Its not a coincidence that its a week afer the Super Bowl when people wake
up and say, What the hell is going on?
Contrary to the opinions of A.G. Sulzberger in an article in Te New
York Times today, Larson said that his constituents fully understand the
diference between labor concessions on pension and health-care contribu-
tions, given the tough economic and budget environment, and the strip-
ping of virtually all collective bargaining rights. Most labor groups have
agreed to the givebacks but not the loss of their bargaining rights. Larson
attributes this awareness from the public to the long tradition of organized
labor in the state. He cited one event in particular that sticks in the minds
of Wisconsinites:
My district is in Bay View, south of Milwaukee. A hundred and
twenty-five years ago, workers there decided to strike for eight-
hour workdays and weekends. They had enough of 16-hour
days and poor work conditions. The governor said at the time
that if they strike and march on the factory theyll get shot.
Seven people died at Bay View. We started this back then. We
were the first state in the nation to provide public employee
bargaining rights. The first AFSCME local is here. People get
workers rights in Wisconsin.
Te Bay View Massacre of 1886, coming up on its 125th anniversary
on May 5, is an important corollary to whats happening in Madison to-
day. Te striking workers spent two years building their movement for an
eight-hour workday, warning noncompliant businesses that they would call
a nationwide strike if they didnt meet the demand by May 1886. When
that date rolled around, labor leaders spent several days marching through
Milwaukee, picking up new recruits at each factory and workplace along
the way. Te strikers shut down every factory in Milwaukee except for one,
the wisconsin 14 | 120
the North Chicago Railroad Rolling Mills Steel Foundry in Bay View.
Tey could not get entry into Rolling Mills, and afer a one-day standof,
Governor Jeremiah Rusk gave the order:
Rusk called the Mills and told Captain Treaumer of the Lincoln
Guard, If the strikers try to enter the mill, shoot to kill. Captain
Treaumer then ordered his men to pick out a man, concentrate,
and kill him when the order is given. Te strikers spent the night
in open felds nearby while the militia camps stayed at the Mills
with sentries posted. During the night the sentries were shooting
at anything that moved. A Navy tug brought provisions for the
May 5: Around nine in the morning the strikers gathered again
chanting, Eight hours. A reporter who slept with them reported
that it was odd that this was a group with no real leadership, but
everyone was united in one single purpose.
Te crowd approached the mill and faced the militia, who were
ready to fre. Before Treaumer knew the crowds real intentions he
ordered halt, but the strikers, who were about two hundred yards
away, did not hear him.
He ordered the militia to fre. Te crowd was in chaos as people
fed the scene. Te Milwaukee Journal reported that six were dead
and at least eight more were expected to die within 24 hours.
Meanwhile, some strikers called for revenge on the militia but
to no avail. For several days aferwards a few strikers were still
marching throughout the city but no one would join them. Te
dead included a 13-year-old boy who tagged along with the crowd
wondering what was going on and a retired worker who lived in
Bay View. He was struck down by a stray bullet, as he was getting
water and was not part of the strike. - Libcom.org
Public sympathy after the massacre (and others like it, such as the
Haymarket Riot in Chicago) eventually led to widespread change in
the wisconsin 14 | 121
Milwaukee county and city governments. Socialists were voted in during
the next election in 1888. Eventually, workers won the right to an eight-
hour day. Tey did it through collective action. Tese are the hard-fought
rights that Walkers measure would basically take away from public em-
ployeesthe ability to bargain in their interest for appropriate pay, benefts,
and working conditions. Tese rights were won with blood.
Teres a kind of eternal recurrence here. Mike Elk reports that the
Southern Central Federation of Labor (SCFL), a 45,000-member AFL-CIO
local in the Madison area, just endorsed a general strike if Walker signs the
budget-repair bill and strips workers rights. Only individual unions and
not the labor federation can call a strike, so the SCFL announcement takes
care to say it will begin educating afliates and members on the organiza-
tion and function of a general strike. Many public-sector unions and some
construction unions could go out on strike as part of this efort.
Larson did feel a certain burden as part of the group of senators lead-
ing what has become a nationwide efort to fght back against an assault
on workers rights. Te state Senate committee in Wisconsin has raised
$330,000 in a matter of days in online contributions from ActBlue, thanks
largely to eforts by the netroots and progressive groups. But Larson said he
was trying not to let that go to his head, believing instead that he was part
of a continuum with the Bay View marchers.
People have always stood up for labor, Larson said. Tis has hap-
pened for 50 years. People have been spit on, beat up, punched, shot at for
protecting their rights. Were just one piece of that.
He said he understood the plight of those workers who had decent
wages, health insurance, and a good pension, and lost it during the Great
Recession. Tose people look at the public sector and its union protec-
tions. Tey can either say, I hope everyone rises up to that level, or I hope
no one does. I dont fault people who get frustrated, but I hope they say, I
dont have that but Id like to. Te right wings counting on the middle class
fghting among themselves and the rich getting richer.
Larson continued: Scott Walker is trying to pit the middle class against
itself. If anything its brought the middle class together. Im getting emails
and phone calls, people stopping by my ofce, people who never would stop
by my ofce, people who arent in unions are coming out. Walker doesnt get
it. Hes not understanding why were upset.
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
RT @analieseeicher: My republican gpa says hell walk the streets (w/bad
knees) to collect sigs for Walkers recall. <3 my family #wiu ...
11:22am Feb 18
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Come outside of the Capitol after speeches at 1 PM to help us clean.
Show @GovWalker that we take care of WI. Look for yellow vests
11:33am Feb 18
@fnnryan Finn Ryan
Yes, I will lose $4000-$5000 from my annual salary if this bill passes, but I
12:01pm Feb 18
You can hear the crowd roar as Russ Feingold walks by.#wiunion
12:18pm Feb 18
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
Ians Pizza says people are calling from all over country to order pizza to
deliver to the protesters as thanks. :)
1:56pm Feb 18
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
change fb status to Today I stand with the teachers, nurses, and all public
employees of Wisconsin who are fghting for their rights. #fb
2:06pm Feb 18
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
@mommelissab Many teachers. Yes. But also PLENTY of men in Carhart
jackets - the universal workman coat. #wiunion
2:38pm Feb 18
RT @stanscates: Mother Jones reporter @AndrewKroll is on his way 2
Wisconsin. Follow him & @MotherJones #wiunion
2:52pm Feb 18
the wisconsin 14 | 123
Get back to work, the man told me. He listened to the radio all afernoon
and was convinced I needed to be in Madison to do my job. At the same
time, my constituents pleaded with me to fght for workers rights.
Leaving Madison was the only way my colleagues and I could stop a
bill that would fundamentally change Wisconsin. We needed time for the
peoples voice to be heard.
On Feb. 11 Governor Scott Walker introduced a bill to make sweeping
changes in the states Medicaid system, chip away at the civil service system,
and do away with public-workers rights.
Te bill is fast-tracked; the only committee hearing was the following
Tuesday. Public testimony was halted with still hundreds waiting to testify.
Te bill passed out of committee at 12 a.m. Tursday morning and was
scheduled for a fnal Senate vote the same day.
Invoking a Wisconsin Constitution provision, my Senate Democratic
colleagues and I decided to move our base of operations to Illinois. By cross-
ing state lines we were outside the reach of the majority party who would
have compelled us to vote. We did not take this decision lightly. We chose
our only option to slow the process and work toward honest negotiations.
Te governor says the proposed law is necessary to balance the bud-
get. Last Friday state and local public-employee union leaders agreed to
Wisconsin State Senator Kathleen Vinehout
February 23, 2011
the wisconsin 14 | 124
all fnancial aspects of the bill. Still the governor claims he must eliminate
public-employee unions to resolve the budget defcit.
Two years ago Wisconsin faced a $6.6 billion budget hole. We flled the
defcit with a balanced approach to spending and taxes that protected vital
services and infrastructure. We cut spending by more than $3 billionthe
deepest cut in Wisconsin history. We closed tax loopholes and made other
tax changes to bring an additional $1.6 billion to the state cofers. We cut
government programs by $2 billion, making nearly every aspect of gov-
ernment do more with less. Now the state faces a defcit of less than half
that amount.
According to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau the state isnt
even required to pass a budget-repair bill. But if the governor wants to get
the states fscal house in order by the end of this fscal year, he could call for
passing parts of the bill dealing only with fscal matters.
There is absolutely no need to destroy Wisconsins traditions of civil
service, clean government, quality public schools, and peaceful labor
The governor called on public employees to pay more for their
health care and pensions. In good faith, public-employee union lead-
ers agreed to those financial concessions. Now it is time for Walker to
negotiate in good faith.
My Democratic colleagues and I respectfully asked the governor to ne-
gotiate. We reminded him that a large coalition of religious leaders asked
that he sit down with leaders.
But the governor refuses to sit down with labor leaders, refuses to
acknowledge the concessions made by those leaders, and refuses to ne-
gotiate at all.
My ofce phone has rung continuously for over a week. Te calls run
10 to one opposed to the bill. I received more contact from constituents
on this bill than all other issues in the past four years combined. Cities,
counties, and school boards are passing resolutions asking that parts of the
bill eliminating public-workers rights be removed. Many local ofcials ex-
pressed dismay over the way the bill usurps local control. Some mayors
who complained unions gained too much power say the governors bill is
too extreme.
Even though I write this from an undisclosed location in Illinois, I con-
tinue to talk with constituents, local government ofcials, and local media.
the wisconsin 14 | 125
I work with my staf to respond to thousands of constituents who write
or called about this bill. And I continue to represent the people of our
Senate district.
People asked me when we will return to Madison. Right now the ball is
in the governors court. He has the power to end the strife by simply calling
all sides to the table.
Something so far he has refused to do.
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Just saw myself in a mirror. I look like a person who hasnt slept in days.
So worth it though. #wiunion #wisolidarity
3:04pm Feb 18
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Its cold and windy in Milwaukee. Kind of wish I was wearing socks.
3:40pm Feb 18
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Angry man 2 inches from my face tells me to get some skin in the game
instead of being protected by union. Im not a union member. #weac
4:14pm Feb 18
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
At capitol now. We are getting this party started.
4:43pm Feb 18
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Stayed up all night in capitol,drove to Chicago at 5am, worked an 8 hour
day, and now leaving to return to Madison. and Im pumped! @WIunion
5:08pm Feb 18
@eigenjo Jo Nelson
Dear dem senators, we love you but please dont come home. Love the
masses. thanks for being our fearless leaders and advocates! #wiunion
5:17pm Feb 18
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
RT @millbot: Jesse Jackson just called the protests the Super Bowl of
workers rights. Awesome. #wiunion #notmywi
6:12pm Feb 18
@jjoyce Jason Joyce
Jackson: This is a Ghandi moment. This is a King moment. #wiunion
6:21pm Feb 18
the wisconsin 14 | 127
Over the past fve weeks, tens of thousands of grassroots progressives have
hit the streets, and made political contributions totaling in the millions, in
support of the fght for workers rights in Wisconsin. As a political orga-
nizer, I cant help but wonder why a simultaneous spending fght in the U.S.
Congressone which impacts far more peoplehasnt resulted anywhere
near the same amount of activist outpouring.
Certainly, the relative lack of an existential threat is one of the key
diferences, as unions are fghting for their lives in Wisconsin and Ohio.
While some organizations are faced with the void in the D.C. spending
fght, most notably Planned Parenthood and NPR, there isnt a strong
belief they will disappear entirely while Democrats control the Senate and
the White House.
A second important diference between the Wisconsin and D.C. fghts
is the relative lack of pageantry inside the beltway. Among all center-lef
constituencies, labor remains the undisputed champion in its ability to turn
people out to events not hosted by a candidate for president. Te sheer
energy of the protests in Wisconsin, spurred on by the existential threat to
labor lacking in the D.C. fght, inspired many people around the country to
take action themselves.
However, a third, more fundamental reason for the relative lack of
Chris Bowers
Daily Kos, March 20, 2011
the wisconsin 14 | 128
grassroots activism is that Democratic leaders in Congress and the White
House havent picked a fght with Republicans. Starting in late November,
when President Barack Obama backed a pay freeze for federal workers,
Democratic leaders in the White House and Senate made it plain that
they agreed with the basic Republican campaign premise of slashing non-
defense discretionary spending. While Democrats have some diferences
with Republicans over the quality and quantity of the cuts they desire, the
line between the two parties is pretty blurry right now. Vagaries such as
winning the future arent clearing up the picture.
In the same vein as inching toward Republicans on policy, almost
everyone believes the White House would rather give Republicans most
of what they want than go through a government shutdown. If Obama
presents himself as anything, he presents himself as a bipartisan deal-
maker. Tis has been central to his image since he launched his campaign
for president more than four years ago. He burnished this image back in
December, cutting a number of deals with Republicans during the lame-
duck session, most notably an extension to all of former President George
W. Bushs tax cuts.
Te idea that Obama will suddenly make a break from his longstanding
motif to engage in a high-stakes fght over a government shutdown comes
of as ludicrous. Who would believe he would do that? As such, on at least
an unconscious level we all know there is not going to be a big public fght,
a.k.a. a government shutdown, over spending cuts in D.C. Te most likely
outcome is what happened in December: Te White House is going to work
out some deal with Republicans behind closed doors, giving them most of
what they want. Aside from the debatable question about whether or not
thats good politics, forging bipartisan deals behind closed doors unques-
tionably functions as a severe dampener on grassroots activism.
Te exact opposite happened in Wisconsin. Instead of pleading for
bipartisanship, the Senate Democrats there lef the state in order to deny
Senate Republicans the quorum needed to pass the budget-repair bill. By
doing so, the Wisconsin 14 launched national activist eforts into high gear,
quickly raising more than three-quarters of a million dollars from 30,000
donors. A couple of weeks later, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin fol-
lowed suit by ofcially backing recall eforts against all eight Republican
state senators who were eligible. It wasnt long before a couple million bucks
poured in. Te whole time, the crowds on the ground in Madisonand
the wisconsin 14 | 129
around the countrykept getting bigger and bigger. Te Wisconsin Demo-
crats picked real fghts, and the activism fowed freely as a direct result.
Democrats in D.C. could experience a similar windfall in activist sup-
port during the spending fght. To do so, they would likely have to say no
to some specifc Republican demands and sufer through a government
shutdown. This line of action would definitely be risky. If Democrats
appeared to be the unreasonable party, as Governor Scott Walker and Sen-
ate Republicans did in Wisconsin, they would take a signifcant hit in the
polls and Obamas re-election would be imperiled. However, if it succeeded,
and Republicans were viewed as the unreasonable party, then Democrats
would simultaneously fre up their base and receive a nice bump in the
polls. High risk, high reward.
Back when I was a consultant, clients repeatedly asked me how they
could get some of that internet magic, by which they meant lots of buzz,
supporters, and money. When I told them it usually required becoming
a leader in a big national fght, more ofen than not they demurred. In
most cases, this wasnt due to shyness, but instead because it simply wasnt
an option open to them (going viral isnt easy). It is, however, an option
open to Democratic leaders in D.C., especially Obama. Tey can choose
to walk through it if they wish, but right now there is no good reason to
believe they will.
Wow. #wiunion is trending on twitter. Kinda makes me feel like a
rebel in Egypt.

this winter were clear inspiration for the tens of thousands of people
who occupied the Wisconsin Capitol just weeks afterward. Hosni
Walker, Walker is the Mubarak of the Midwest, and March Like an
Egyptian, read the signs that demonstrators waved in the air at rallies
and posted throughout the statehouse.
There were distinct similarities. In both the Egyptian and Wiscon-
sin uprisings, occupying a physical locationTahrir Square in Cairo
and the Capitol in Madisonwas key. In both, the use of Twitter and
social media played a central role in organizing the action and keep-
ing participants informed about the latest developments. While some
called it the Twitter Revolution in Egypt, the Wisconsin protests may
have been the United States first popular movement captured with and
largely driven by social media tools. The Republican leadership in Wis-
consin even appeared to take a page directly from Egypts playbook,
when access to DefendWisconsin.org, one of the major organizing and
information sites that protesters had created, was blocked from within
the Capitol. In both the Middle East and the Midwest, citizens began to
feel as though their bold actions were bringing about unlikely yet pro-
found changes in the world.
from the middle east to the midwest | 132
Despite the connections, however, some felt that comparing the
Wisconsin uprising to the Egyptian revolution did not fairly refect the
staggering nature of what had just taken place in the Middle East. In Tu-
nisia, the revolt began when a fruit vendor set himself on fre; there and
in Egypt, people overthrew brutal U.S.-backed dictators afer decades of
repression, and hundreds were killed over the course of the protests. Co-
median Jon Stewart put things in perspective by joking that while protest-
ers in Egypt risked being shot, protesters in Madison risked being caught
up in a drum circle.
And yet, there was no denying that Egypt was very much alive and
in the air as an inspiration for the protesters in Wisconsin. From pizza
orders called in from Cairo to mutual demonstrations of solidarity, there
was a distinctif complexconnection between the Wisconsin uprising
that unfolded just weeks afer the Egyptian revolution.
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
At the U. of Kentucky, Geography graduate students are taking up a
collection to support us. Thank you U. of Kentucky Geographers!
6:25pm Feb 18
@abeckettwrn Andrew Beckett
Funniest part of the day? Watching people in the Assembly gallery get
admonished for doing jazz hands instead of applauding. #wibudget
6:35pm Feb 18
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
@jenniebrand I havent heard anything offcial, but EVERYONE Ive
talked to says theyre willing to contribute/make sacrifces
8:00pm Feb 18
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Finally time to sleep. Tomorrow, Breitbart and Tea Partiers descend
on Madison. #wiunion
1:09am Feb 19
from the middle east to the midwest | 134
Te following is a statement to workers of Wisconsin from Kamal Abbas, the
general coordinator of Egypts Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services.
KAMAL ABBAS: I am speaking to you from a place very close to Tahrir
Square in Cairo, Liberation Square, which was the heart of the revolution
in Egypt. Tis is the place were many of our youth paid with their lives and
blood in the struggle for our just rights.
From this place, I want you to know that we stand with you as you
stood with us.
I want you to know that no power can challenge the will of the people
when they believe in their rights, when they raise their voices loud and
clear, and struggle against exploitation.
No one believed that our revolution could succeed against the stron-
gest dictatorship in the region. But in 18 days the revolution achieved the
victory of the people. When the working class of Egypt joined the revolu-
tion on Feb. 9 and 10, the dictatorship was doomed, and the victory of the
people became inevitable.
We want you to know that we stand on your side. Stand frm and dont
waiver. Dont give up on your rights. Victory always belongs to the people
who stand frm and demand their just rights.
Kamal Abbas
February 21, 2011
from the middle east to the midwest | 135
We and all the people of the world stand on your side and give you our
full support.
As our just struggle for freedom, democracy, and justice succeeded,
your struggle will succeed. Victory belongs to you when you stand frm and
remain steadfast in demanding your just rights.
We support you. We support the struggle of the peoples of Libya, Bah-
rain and Algeria, who are fghting for their just rights and falling martyrs in
the face of the autocratic regimes. Te peoples are determined to succeed
no matter the sacrifces, and they will be victorious.
Today is the day of the American workers. We salute you American
workers! You will be victorious. Victory belongs to all the people of the
world, who are fghting against exploitation, and for their just rights.
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
#WIunion RT @knitmeapony: Holy crap. I love the universe today. Egypt
supports Wisconsin Workers: http://t.co/JNhAO1E @muskrat_john.
9:11am Feb 19
@cjliebmann cjliebmann
RT @Cog_Dis: Remind the teabaggers that they are enjoying their
Saturday off thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of union workers.
9:46am Feb 19
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Welcome counter protesters. Nice of you to join us on day 6. #notmywi
10:52am Feb 19
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
All 300 of you. #wiunion #notmyWI
10:53am Feb 19
@cjliebmann cjliebmann
RT @Cog_Dis: @ChrisJLarson and @sentaylor Just stay low. We got this
one for you. #solidarityWI #wiunion
11:38am Feb 19
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Madison summarized in one sentence: Wisconsin is in the middle of a
class war--and we will hold the line. --Capitol rally speaker #wiunion
11:40am Feb 19
from the middle east to the midwest | 137
Te call reportedly arrived from Cairo. Pizza for the protesters, the voice
said. It was Saturday, Feb. 20, and by then Ians Pizza on State Street in
Madison, Wisconsin, was overwhelmed. One employee had been assigned
the sole task of answering the phone and taking down orders. And in they
came, from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, from Morocco, Haiti,
Turkey, Belgium, Uganda, China, New Zealand, and even a research station
in Antarctica. More than 50 countries around the globe. Ians couldnt make
pizza fast enough, and the generosity of distant strangers with credit cards
was paying for it all.
Tose pizzas, of course, were heading for the Wisconsin state Capitol,
an elegant domed structure at the heart of this Midwestern college town.
For nearly two weeks, tens of thousands of raucous, sleepless, grizzled,
energized protesters have called the stately building their home. As the
police moved in to clear it out on Sunday afernoon, it was still the pulsing
heart of the largest labor protest in my lifetime, the focal point of rallies
and concerts against a politically-charged piece of legislation proposed by
Governor Scott Walker, a hard-right Republican. Tat bill, ofcially known
as the Special Session Senate Bill 11, would, among other things, eliminate
collective bargaining rights for most of the states public-sector unions, in
efect eviscerating the unions themselves.
Eating Egyptian Pizza in Downtown Madison
Andy Kroll
TomDispatch, February 27, 2011
from the middle east to the midwest | 138
Kill the bill! the protesters chant en masse, day afer day, while the
drums pound and cowbells clang. Whats disgusting? Union-busting!
One World, One Pain
Te spark for Wisconsins protests came on Feb. 11. Tat was the day the
Associated Press published a brief story quoting Walker as saying he would
call in the National Guard to crack down on unruly workers upset that their
bargaining rights were being stripped away. Labor and other lef-leaning
groups seized on Walkers incendiary threat, and within a week there were
close to 70,000 protesters flling the streets of Madison.
Six thousand miles away, Feb. 11 was an even more momentous day.
Weary but jubilant protesters on the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, and other
Egyptian cities celebrated the toppling of Egyptian President Hosni Muba-
rak, the autocrat who had ruled over them for more than 30 years and
amassed billions in wealth at their expense. We have brought down the
regime, cheered the protesters in Cairos Tahrir Square, the center of the
Egyptian uprising. In calendar terms, the demonstrations in Wisconsin,
you could say, picked up right where the Egyptians lef of.
I arrived in Madison several days into the protests. Ive watched the
crowds swell, nearly all of those arrivingand some just not leavingunit-
ed against Walkers budget-repair bill. Ive interviewed protesters young
and old, union members and grassroots organizers, students and teachers,
children and retirees. Ive huddled with labor leaders in their Madison war
rooms and sat through the governors press conferences. Ive slept on the
cold, stone foor of the Capitol (twice). Believe me, the spirit of Cairo is
here. Te air is charged with it.
It was strongest inside the Capitol. A previously seldom-visited build-
ing had been miraculously transformed into a genuine living, breathing
community. Tere was a medic station, child day care, a food court, sleep-
ing quarters, hundreds of signs and banners, live music, and a sense of
camaraderie and purpose youd struggle to fnd in most American cities,
possibly anywhere else in this country. Like Cairos Tahrir Square in the
weeks of the Egyptian uprising, most of what happens inside the Capitols
walls is protest.
Egypt is a presence here in all sorts of obvious ways, as well as ways
harder to put your fnger on. Te walls of the Capitol, to take one exam-
ple, ofer regular reminders of Egypts feat. I saw, for instance, multiple
from the middle east to the midwest | 139
copies of that famous photo on Facebook of an Egyptian man, his face half-
obscured, holding a sign that reads, EGYPT Supports Wisconsin Workers:
One World, One Pain. Te picture is all the more striking for whats going
on around the man with the sign: A sea of cheering demonstrators are wav-
ing Egyptian fags, hands held alof. Te man, however, faces in the opposite
direction, as if showing support for brethren halfway around the world was
important enough to break away from the historic celebrations erupting
around him.
Similarly, Ive seen multiple copies of a statement by Kamal Abbas,
the general coordinator for Egypts Center for Trade Unions and Workers
Services, taped to the walls of the Capitol. Not long afer Egypts January
revolution triumphed and Wisconsins protests began, Abbas announced
his groups support for the Wisconsin labor protesters in a page-long dec-
Ten theres the role of organized labor more generally. Afer all, wide-
spread strikes coordinated by labor unions shut down Egyptian govern-
ment agencies and increased the pressure on Mubarak to relinquish power.
While we havent seen similar strikes yet here in Madisonthough theres
talk of a general strike if Walkers bill somehow passestheres no underes-
timating the role of labor unions like the AFL-CIO, the Service Employees
International Union (SEIU), the American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees, and the American Federation of Teachers in orga-
nizing the events of the past two weeks.
Faced with a bill that could all but wipe out unions in historically labor-
friendly states across the Midwest, labor leaders knew they had to actand
quickly. Our very labor movement is at stake, Stephanie Bloomingdale,
secretary-treasurer of Wisconsins AFL-CIO branch, told me. And when
thats at stake, the economic security of Americans is at stake.
Te Mubarak of the Midwest
On the Sunday afer I arrived, I was wandering the halls of the Capitol when
I met Scott Graham, a third grade teacher who lives in Lacrosse, Wisconsin.
Over the cheers of the crowd, I asked Graham whether he saw a connection
between the events in Egypt and those here in Wisconsin. His response
caught the mood of the moment. Watching Egypts story for a week or
two very intently, I was inspired by the Egyptian people, you know, striving
for their own self-determination and democracy in their country, Graham
from the middle east to the midwest | 140
told me. I was very inspired by that. And when I got here I sensed that
everyones in it together. Te sense of solidarity is just amazing.
A few days later, I stood outside the Capitol in the frigid cold and
talked about Egypt with two local teachers. Te most obvious connection
between Egypt and Wisconsin was the role and power of young people, said
Ann Wachter, a federal employee who joined our conversation when she
overheard me mention Egypt. Tere, it was tech-savvy young people who
helped keep the protests alive and the same, she said, applied in Madison.
You go in there everyday and its the youth that carries it throughout hours
that were working, or were running our errands, whatever we do. Tey do
whatever they do as young people to keep it alive. Afer all, Im at the end of
my working career; its their future.
And of course, lets not forget those almost omnipresent signs that link
the young governor of Wisconsin to the aging Mubarak. Tey typically la-
bel Walker the Mubarak of the Midwest or Mini-Mubarak, or demand
the recall of Scott Mubarak. In a public talk on Tursday night, journal-
ist Amy Goodman quipped, Walker would be wise to negotiate. Its not a
good season for tyrants.
One protester I saw on Tursday hoisted alof a No Union Busting!
sign with a black shoe perched atop it, the heel facing forwarda severe
sign of disrespect that Egyptian protesters directed at Mubarak and a sym-
bol that, before the recent American TV blitz of rage and revolution in the
Middle East, would have had little meaning here.
Which isnt to say that the Egypt-Wisconsin comparison is a perfect
one. Hardly. Afer all, the Egyptian demonstrators massed in hopes of a new
and quite diferent world; the American ones, no matter the celebratory and
energized air in Madison, are essentially negotiating loss (of pensions and
health-care benefts, if not collective bargaining rights). Te historic dem-
onstrations in Madison have been nothing if not peaceful. On Saturday,
when as many as 100,000 people descended on Madison to protest Walkers
bill, the largest turnout so far, not a single arrest was made. In Egypt, by
contrast, the protests were plenty bloody, with more than 300 deaths during
the 29-day uprising.
Not that some observers didnt see the need for violence in Madison.
Last Saturday, Jef Cox, a deputy attorney general in Indiana, suggested on
his Twitter account that police use live ammunition on the protesters oc-
cupying the state Capitol. Tat sentiment, discovered by a colleague of mine,
from the middle east to the midwest | 141
led to an outcry. Te story broke on Wednesday morning; by Wednesday
afernoon Cox had been fred.
New York Times columnist David Brooks was typical of mainstream
coverage and punditry in quickly dismissing any connection between
Egypt (or Tunisia) and Wisconsin. On Te Daily Show, Jon Stewart spoofed
and rejected the notion that the Wisconsin protests had any meaningful
connection to Egypt. He called the people gathered here the bizarro Tea
Party. Stewarts crew even brought in a camel as a prop. Tose of us in
Madison watched as Stewarts skit went horribly wrong when the camel got
entangled in a barricade and fell to the ground.
As far as I know, neither Brooks nor Stewart spent time here. Still, you
can count on one thing: If the demonstrators in Tahrir Square had been
enthusiastically citing Americans as models for their protest, nobody here
would have been in such a dismissive or mocking mood. In other parts of
this country, perhaps it still feels less than comfortable to credit Egyptians
or Arabs with inspiring an American movement for justice. If you had been
here in Madison, this last week, you might have felt diferently.
Pizza Town Protest
Obviously, the outcomes in Egypt and Wisconsin wont be comparable.
Egypt toppled a dictator; Wisconsin has a democratically-elected governor
who, at the very earliest, cant be recalled until 2012. And so the protests in
Wisconsin are unlikely to transform the world around us. Still, there can be
no question, as they spread elsewhere in the Midwest, that they have re-en-
ergized the countrys stagnant labor movement, a once-powerful player in
American politics and business thats now a shell of its former self. Teres
such energy right now, one SEIU stafer told me a few nights ago. Tis is
a magic moment.
Not long afer talking with her, I trudged back to Ians Pizza, the icy
snow crunching under my feet. At the door stood an employee with tired
eyes, a distinct fve oclock shadow, and a beanie on his head.
I wanted to ask him, I said, about that reported call from Cairo. You
know, he responded, I really dont remember it. I waited while he politely
rebufed several approaching customers, telling them how Ians had run out
of dough and how, in any case, all the stores existing orders were bound for
the Capitol. When he fnally had a free moment, he returned to the Cairo
order. Tere had, he said, been questions about whether it was authentic
from the middle east to the midwest | 142
or not, and then he added, Im pretty sure it was from Cairo, but its not
like I can guarantee it. By then, another wave of soon-to-be disappointed
customers was upon us, and so I headed back to the Capitol and another
semi-sleepless night.
Te building, as I approached in the darkness, was brightly lit, reach-
ing high over the city. Protesters were still fling inside with all the usual
signs. In the rotunda, drums pounded and people chanted and the sound
swirled into a massive roar. For this brief moment at least, people here in
Madison are bound together by a single cause, as other protesters were not
so long ago, and may be again, in the ancient cities of Egypt.
Right then, the distance separating Cairo and Wisconsin couldnt
have felt smaller. But maybe you had to be there.
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
One contingent not seen here: anarchists in black. One contingent
representing heavily: middle-aged teachers w/families. #wiunion
12:00pm Feb 19
@ryan_rainey Ryan Rainey
#tea party here not as numerous but just as passionate as #wiunion
12:14pm Feb 19
@cjliebmann cjliebmann
#wiunion is trending third in U.S. but im wondering why national
christmas tree is trending at all?
12:15pm Feb 19
@kyleMianulli Kyle Mianulli
Opposing side of capitol has light and celebratory sense. Teabaggers
seem tense and angry.
12:19pm Feb 19
@ryan_rainey Ryan Rainey
After speaking with police and #wiunion supporters it appears a visit from
pres Clinton is still a rumor. Can anyone confrm?
1:06pm Feb 19
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
@leftofthehill Youre welcome! WI bloggers have been working nonstop
to cover this and deserve all the love, support, and props we can give.
1:07pm Feb19
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
Remember: If things start getting heated near you, start the crowd
chanting peaceful! Dont let the bullies incite the crowd. #wiunion
1:07pm Feb19
Counter-protesters wearing red @SEIU shirts in hopes to incite.
Actual @SEIU members are wearing PURPLE shirts, not red. #wiunion
1:15pm Feb19
Good Facebook status:Tweeting the #wiunion revolution. *brb*
1:28pm Feb19
from the middle east to the midwest | 144
Te Cairo evening seeped with optimism and joy, with dancing punctuated
by shouts of Egyptian pride, and people waving the red, white, and black
fag with the eagle emblazoned in the center. I was nearly breathless when I
reached the Qasr al-Nil bridge that led to Tahrir Square afer running from
my hotel wearing oversized khakis and uncomfortable shoes with no socks,
equipped with only my two cell phones (American and Egyptian), which I
had assembled hastily minutes afer Egypts vice president had announced
that President Hosni Mubarak had stepped down and subsequently bolted
out the door.
I had fown to Cairo fve days earlier, afer nearly two weeks of staying
up late at night, eyes glued to my computer, focusing on Twitter and Al
Jazeera. As a sociology Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin, my
research is on activists who use social media in Egypt; now bloggers and
citizen journalists I had tracked for months had abandoned their comput-
ers and were fghting against Mubaraks regime in the streets, although still
tweeting and blogging from smartphones.
Two days later, on my way back to Wisconsin, I rested on an airport
foor in Istanbul, using my backpack as a pillow afer sleeping little on the
plane. I posted on Facebook, Egyptians faced and won against the no-
torious Central Security Forces. State employees can do the same against
Alexander Hanna
June 12, 2011
from the middle east to the midwest | 145
measly Wisconsin National Guard troops, in response to Governor Scott
Walkers threat of calling in the National Guard if corrections employees
went on strike.
And on Sunday, Feb. 13, I was back in Madison, in the ofce of my
union, the Teaching Assistants Association. I chuckled at a website that
photoshopped Mubaraks face onto that of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers, and
Scott Walkers face onto that of Mini-Mes. I joked that someone should cre-
ate an image of the two shaking hands. But stationed in the overfow room
of the Wisconsin Capitol during the frst day of mass protests in Madison,
I puzzled over the waving of Egyptian fags and signs that read, Walk Like
an Egyptian, hoisted by a few in the thousands of pro-labor protesters sta-
tioned in front of the statehouse.
Im somewhat less Pollyannaish than many others when it comes to
making the connection between Cairo and Madison, a comparison that
was in vogue during the early days of the Wisconsin protests. Te From
Cairo to Madison meme became a common part of the protest discourse,
used by many, including Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor and activist
Medea Benjamin, the only other person I know of that was at the heart of
both events.
I initially smirked at the comparisons of Cairo to Madison, of Mubarak
to Walker. It may have merited a tweet or a Facebook status update. I did, af-
ter all, just come from Egypt, so the connection seemed to be a funny coin-
cidence, like a red string I had threaded from Cairo to Madison. It certainly
was coincidental that large protests in Madison had come shortly afer those
in Cairo brought to an end Mubaraks regime, but did the two really have
anything to do with each other? Yes, there were occupations in both. Yes,
many people participated. Yes, youth and social media did help catalyze ac-
tion. But my latter and much more long-held sentiment was that of distaste
and annoyance with the continued comparison. How can you compare the
struggle in Egypt, wherein a popular movement forced the hand of a dicta-
tor who had held onto the reins for 30 yearsto a struggle against a fairly-
elected governor who had only been in ofce for three months? Could you
actually compare the deaths of over 800 Egyptian martyrs to a situation in
which your greatest threat was perhaps, as labor journalist Micah Uetricht
noted, being assaulted with homemade cookies?
I dont want to belabor the obvious diferences or similarities here.
But making the comparison has some serious implications for how we do
from the middle east to the midwest | 146
politics in the United States.
First of, it belittles and trivializes the eforts and struggles of Egyp-
tians. Against enormous odds, Egyptians emerged en masse on Jan. 25 and
eventually held Tahrir Square, braving attacks by Central Security Forces,
State Security Investigations (the infamous mukhabarrat, an organization
that brutally abducted political dissenters in the middle of the night), plain-
clothes thugs, and Mubarak supporters riding on horses and camels. Com-
pare this to Wisconsin-based police forces that were broadly in favor of
protest action. Of-duty police ofcers frequently participated in the pro-
tests, holding Cops for Labor signs, even though they had been exempted
from the efects of Walkers collective bargaining law. Capitol Police had
daily meetings with protest organizers and the Capitol occupants to ensure
clear lines of communication and so that cleaning operations could take
place each evening. Madison protesters, in participating, at most risked
their jobsespecially in the case of Madison teachers sicking outbut
did not risk life nor limb in their involvement. Te fip side of this is self-
aggrandizement by the Wisconsin protesters. Between the two, which will
be remembered as a world-changing event decades from now?
Furthermore, although on the surface we may be seeing a new opening
for political possibility, we see each movement heading in radically diferent
directions. While the Egyptian movement seems new, it is emerging from a
vibrant history of human rights work and labor struggles. Tis movement
is fnally bearing political fruit, breaking down a stagnant political regime
and culture of fear. In Wisconsin, the labor movement is decades-old but
is almost at its nadir. Public-sector unionism has been on the decline for
the past 30 years, marred now by aged, creaky institutions, an ugly public
image of union thugs, Cadillac health care and pension plans, and, possibly
most damning, a service model of unionism in which members see their
own union as merely insurance against abuse by Te Boss. Gone seem to
be the days of social movement unionism in which the haves feared the
collective power and solidarity of the have-nots. Now were fghting with
our backs against the wall.
Finally, the comparison itself signals a lack of political imagination,
one that must resort to farfetched comparisons to justify its relevancy. I
dont agree with the now-infamous sign, held by Egyptian Muhammad
Saladin Nusair to show support for Wisconsin workers, that it is One
World, One Pain. While its good to see solidarity alive and well, and that it
from the middle east to the midwest | 147
is true that the whole world is watching, hope is a thin thread on which to
connect movements. It seems more apt for Wisconsinites to look towards
inspiration from American labors heyday, when there were few guarantees
of rights and the ability to organize, when unions werent insurance and, to
quote the singer Travis Morrison, Being union got you dead. Tats more
like what the situation looks like now for an increasing number of states,
of which Wisconsin is the opening salvo in a full-on attack by the right. As
unionists, our own vision of American labor should place it in proper his-
torical context, and rebuild and reorganize our unions from there.
And so Egypt has seen a spring, while in Wisconsin its become win-
ter. Te buds of the Egyptian spring are trying to survive against whipping
winds and torrential downpours. But the reprieve between the storms
may allow time for development, for the creation of a more democratic
political regime. On the other side of the world, in Middle America, we
huddle together against ice and snow, against the northern wind that cuts
to the bone, that chatters the teeth and freezes the hair in our nostrils. It
will take organizing and self-criticism of what in our unions and political
organizations is awry. Its going to take a lot of time and energy to actively
stoke the stove fre and remodel the log cabin, maybe more than we are
willing to admit.
But if theres one thing that Wisconsinites have done well for years,
its weathering winters.
Alexander Hanna is a Ph.D. student in sociology at the University of Wiscon-
sin-Madison and co-president of the graduate student union, the Teaching
Assistants Association (TAA).
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
RT @MikeElk: @mmfint (Michael Moore) paying for me to come up to
Wisconsin and cover #notmywi #wiunion
2:53pm Feb 19
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
May be 1000s of Tea Partiers here,but I honestly havent seen em. A few
marching around, a couple hundred at both capitol entrances #wiunion
2:57pm Feb 19
@kyleMianulli Kyle Mianulli
So proud of the state of Wisconsin. Peaceful protests with health dose of
passionate democratic discourse.
3:03pm Feb 19
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
Dont tell my fellow thugs, but after six days of #wiunion, I just broke down
in tears with the positive emotion at this Capitol.
3:17pm Feb 19
RT @charlesmonaco: Im a Maine legislator - coming cross country by
Uhaul to Madison with food and solidarity. #WIunion
4:15pm Feb 19
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
RT @actblue: 1,000 donors, $16k for the Wisconsin Senate Democrats in
just one hour: http://actb.lu/ai2JrI #WIunion #solidarityWI
4:29pm Feb 19
@JacquelynGill Jacquelyn Gill
Want to help #wiunion from afar? Call major media outlets and ask them
why Twitter is doing a better job of the news than they ate.
4:47pm Feb 19
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
TAs wandering arnd Capitol,rounding up Hitler signs, patiently explaining
that comparisons to genocide are inappropes #boutdamntime #wiunion
5:05pm Feb 19
from the middle east to the midwest | 149
Copyright 2011 by Noam Chomsky. Reprinted with permission of City
Lights Books.
On Feb. 20, Kamal Abbas, Egyptian union leader and prominent fgure in
the Jan. 25 movement, sent a message to the workers of Wisconsin: We
stand with you as you stood with us.
Egyptian workers have long fought for fundamental rights denied by
the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak regime. Kamal is right to invoke the soli-
darity that has long been the driving force of the labor movement world-
wide, and to compare their struggles for labor rights and democracy.
Te two are closely intertwined. Labor movements have been in the
forefront of protecting democracy and human rights and expanding their
domains, a primary reason why they are the bane of systems of power, both
state and private.
Te trajectories of labor struggles in Egypt and in the U.S. are heading
in opposite directions: toward gaining rights in Egypt, and defending rights
under harsh attack in the U.S.
Te two cases merit a closer look.
The Jan. 25 uprising was sparked by the Facebook-savvy young
people of the April 6 movement, which arose in Egypt in spring 2008 in
Noam Chomsky
March 11, 2011
from the middle east to the midwest | 150
solidarity with striking textile workers in Mahalla, labor analyst Nada
Matta observes.
State violence crushed the strike and solidarity actions, but Mahalla
was a symbol of revolt and challenge to the regime, Matta adds. Te
strike became particularly threatening to the dictatorship when workers
demands extended beyond their local concerns to a minimum wage for
all Egyptians.
Mattas observations are confrmed by Joel Beinin, a U.S. authority on
Egyptian labor. Over many years of struggle, Beinin reports, workers have
established bonds and can mobilize readily.
When the workers joined the Jan. 25 movement, the impact was de-
cisive, and the military command sent Mubarak on his way. Tat was a
great victory for the Egyptian democracy movement, though many barriers
remain, internal and external.
Te external barriers are clear. Te U.S. and its allies cannot easily tol-
erate functioning democracy in the Arab world.
For evidence, look to public opinion polls in Egypt and throughout
the Middle East. By overwhelming majorities, the public regards the U.S.
and Israel as the major threats, not Iran. Indeed, most think that the region
would be better of if Iran had nuclear weapons.
We can anticipate that Washington will keep to its traditional policy,
well-confrmed by scholarship: Democracy is tolerable only insofar as
it conforms to strategic-economic objectives. Te United States fabled
yearning for democracy is reserved for ideologues and propaganda.
Democracy in the U.S. has taken a diferent turn. Afer World War
II the country enjoyed unprecedented growth, largely egalitarian and ac-
companied by legislation that benefted most people. Te trend continued
through the Richard Nixon years, which ended the liberal era.
Te backlash against the democratizing impact of 60s activism and
Nixons class treachery was not long in coming: a vast increase in lobbying
to shape legislation, in establishing right-wing think tanks to capture the
ideological spectrum, and in many other measures.
Te economy also shifed course sharply toward fnancialization and
export of production. Inequality soared, primarily due to the skyrocketing
wealth of the top 1 percent of the populationor even a smaller fraction,
limited to mostly CEOs, hedge fund managers and the like.
For the majority, real incomes stagnated. Most resorted to increased
from the middle east to the midwest | 151
working hours, debt, and asset infation. Ten came the $8 trillion housing
bubble, unnoticed by the Federal Reserve and almost all economists, who
were enthralled by efcient market dogmas. When the bubble burst, the
economy collapsed to near-Depression levels for manufacturing workers
and many others.
Concentration of income confers political power, which in turn leads
to legislation that further enhances the privilege of the super-rich: tax poli-
cies, deregulation, rules of corporate governance, and much else.
Alongside this vicious cycle, costs of campaigning sharply increased,
driving both political parties to cater to the corporate sectorthe Repub-
licans refexively, and the Democrats (now pretty much equivalent to the
moderate Republicans of earlier years) following not far behind.
In 1978, as the process was taking of, United Auto Workers President
Doug Fraser condemned business leaders for having chosen to wage a
one-sided class war in this countrya war against working people, the un-
employed, the poor, the minorities, the very young, and the very old, and
even many in the middle class of our society, and having broken and dis-
carded the fragile, unwritten compact previously existing during a period
of growth and progress.
As working people won basic rights in the 1930s, business leaders
warned of the hazard facing industrialists in the rising political power of
the masses, and called for urgent measures to beat back the threat, accord-
ing to scholar Alex Carey in Taking the Risk Out of Democracy. Tey under-
stood as well as Mubarak did that unions are a leading force in advancing
rights and democracy. In the U.S., unions are the primary counterforce to
corporate tyranny.
By now, U.S. private-sector unions have been severely weakened. Pub-
lic-sector unions have recently come under sharp attack from right-wing
opponents who cynically exploit the economic crisis caused primarily by
the fnance industry and its associates in government.
Popular anger must be diverted from the agents of the fnancial crisis,
who are profting from it; for example, Goldman Sachs, on track to pay out
$17.5 billion in compensation for last year, the business press reports, with
CEO Lloyd Blankfein receiving a $12.6 million bonus while his base salary
more than triples to $2 million.
Instead, propaganda must blame teachers and other public-sector
workers with their fat salaries and exorbitant pensionsall a fabrication, on
from the middle east to the midwest | 152
a model that is all too familiar. To Governor Scott Walker, to other Repub-
licans, and many Democrats, the slogan is that austerity must be shared
with some notable exceptions.
Te propaganda has been fairly efective. Walker can count on at least a
large minority to support his brazen efort to destroy the unions. Invoking
the defcit as an excuse is pure farce.
In diferent ways, the fate of democracy is at stake in Madison, Wiscon-
sin, no less than it is in Tahrir Square.
We say again, with hearts full, how proud we are that you are in this fght
with us. Solidarity! #wiunion
5:08pm Feb 19
@ryan_rainey Ryan Rainey
Large #wiunion crowd chanting @foxnews lies near their camera
5:12pm Feb 19
RT @YoProWI: A man in Cairo Egypt just called Ians pizza ordering food
for the rallyers here in Madison. hmm...
5:34pm Feb 19
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Just ate two pieces of pizza paid for by anonymous generous union
supporters somewhere in America.It was really good. #solidarityWI
10:34pm Feb 19
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Sign in rotunda: Obama come to Madison
1:34pm Feb 20
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Just occurred to me: the most striking part of these protests is massive
amounts of young ppl fred up abt labor mvt, w no prior labor ties
2:40pm Feb 20
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
For the 2nd time since Ive come, I spent 20mins hearing testimony from
everyday WI citizens abt effects of bill. So, so powerful. #wiunion
5:19pm Feb 20
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Leaving the state capitol, i cant shake the sense that im walking away
from one of the more impt events in recent american history
7:59pm Feb 20
from the middle east to the midwest | 154
Here in Madison, Wisconsin, where protesters have occupied the state
Capitol to stop the pending bill that would eliminate workers right to col-
lective bargaining, echoes of Cairo are everywhere. Protesters here were
elated by the photo of an Egyptian engineer named Muhammad Saladin
Nusair holding a sign in Tahrir Square saying, Egypt Supports Wiscon-
sin Workers: One World, One Pain. Te signs by protesters in Madison
include Welcome to Wiscairo, From Egypt to Wisconsin: We Rise Up,
and Government Walker: Our Mubarak. Te banner I brought directly
from Tahrir Square saying, Solidarity with Egyptian Workers, has been
hanging from the balcony of the Capitol alongside solidarity messages
from around the country.
My travels from Cairo to Madison seem like one seamless web. Afer
camping out with the students and workers in the Capitol, I gave an early-
morning seminar on what it was like to be an eyewitness to the Egyptian
revolution and the struggles that are taking place right now in places like
Libya, Bahrain, and Yemen. Folks told me all day how inspiring it was to
hear about the uprisings in the Arab world.
Some took the lessons from Cairo literally. Looking around at the Cap-
itol that was starting to show the wear and tear from housing thousands
of protesters, I had mentioned that in Cairo the activists were constantly
Medea Benjamin
The Huffington Post, February 21, 2011
from the middle east to the midwest | 155
scrubbing the square, determined to show how much they loved the space
they had liberated. A few hours later, in Madisons rotunda, people were
on their hands and knees scrubbing the marble foor. Were quick learn-
ers, one of the high school students told me, smiling as she picked at the
remains of Oreo cookies sticking to the foor.
I heard echoes of Cairo in the Capitol hearing room where a nonstop
line of people had gathered all week to give testimonies. Te Democratic
Assembly members have been giving folks a chance to voice their concerns
about the governors pending bill. In this endless stream of heartfelt testi-
monies, people talk about the impact this bill will have on their own fami-
liestheir take-home pay, their health care, their pensions. Tey talk about
the governor manufacturing the budget crisis to break the unions. Tey talk
about the history of workers struggles to earn living wages and have decent
benefts. And time and again, I heard people say, I saw how the Egyptian
people were able to rise up and overthrow a 30-year dictatorship, and that
inspired me to rise up and fght this bill.
Solidarity is, indeed, a beautiful thing. It is a way we show our oneness
with all of humanity; it is a way to reafrm our own humanity. CODEPINK
sent fowers to the people in Tahrir Squarea gesture that was received
with kisses, hugs, and tears from the Egyptians. Te campers in Madison
erupted in cheer when they heard that an Egyptian had called the local piz-
za place, Ians, and placed a huge order to feed the protesters. Pizza never
tasted so good, a Wisconsin freman commented when he was told that the
garlic pizza he was eating had come from supporters in Cairo.
Egyptian engineer Muhammad Saladin Nusair, the one whose pho-
to supporting Wisconsin workers went viral, now has thousands of new
American Facebook friends. He wrote in his blog that many of his new
friends were surprised by his gesture of solidarity, but he was taught that
we live in ONE world and under the same sky.
If a human being doesnt feel the pain of his fellow human beings, then
everything weve created and established since the very beginning of exis-
tence is in great danger, Muhammad wrote. We shouldnt let borders and
diferences separate us. We were made diferent to complete each other, to
integrate and live together. One world, one pain, one humanity, one hope.
From the trenches of Wisconsins Capitol, hopeand solidarityare
alive and well.
Our State motto is Forward. This is backward. #notmyWI

John Nichols, political writer and seventh-generation Wisconsinite,
says that people from his state deeply believe that it is the greatest in
the nation, and with good reason. Wisconsin has been a pioneer in pro-
moting justice and equalityoften serving as a model for other states
around the country.
In the 1860s, Wisconsinites helped runaway slaves travel north to
freedom in Canada and proudly fought in the Civil War in order to help
bring about the end of slavery. Wisconsin was the birthplace of the pro-
gressive movement under Governor Fighting Bob La Follette, who be-
came a national icon for progressive reform, introducing the Wisconsin
Idea that institutions should be controlled by voters, not special interests.
Te progressive movement helped Wisconsin become the frst state to pass
child-labor laws and one of the frst states that ratifed the amendment that
gave women the right to vote.
In 1911, Wisconsin was the frst state to enact workers compensation,
and in 1932, it was the frst to pass unemployment insurance. Much of
President Franklin Delano Roosevelts New Deal legislation was inspired
by the work of Wisconsin progressives. In 1959, Wisconsin became the
frst state in the nation to allow public workers to join unions and bargain
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 158
collectively, and it was the home of the countrys frst public-employees
union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employ-
ees (AFSCME).
More recently, Wisconsinites protesting apartheid in South Africa oc-
cupied the Capitol in the 1980s, and in the 2000s the antiwar movement
gained momentum when cities and even small towns around Wisconsin
passed antiwar resolutions. As John Nichols explains, If you could come
out as against the war back then, its not that hard to come out in support
of state workers now.
Yet the strong labor movement that grew throughout the years in
Wisconsin didnt come without a price. When Governor Scott Walker
threatened to deploy the National Guard to prevent a potential strike, he
recalled one of the states most violent episodes in labor history. In 1886,
workers across the country marched and went on strike for the eight-
hour workday. When 15,000 workers gathered outside the Bay View steel
foundry to urge the workers inside to join them, Governor Jeremiah Rusk
called in 250 members of the National Guard to quell the uprising. In the
end, seven protesters were shot and killed in what is now known as the
Bay View Massacre.
It was this progressive history that helped foster the conditions that
led to the 2011 Capitol occupation. And it was Madisons vibrant lef-
leaning infrastructure and institutions, as well as its global outlook and
high concentration of students and teachers that all combined to create an
environment where a diverse coalition could come together, and subsist,
in defense of long-held values and shared identity.
@MikeElk Mike Elk
Wow no metal detrectors at Wisconsin state Capitol just a sign that says
please no frearms total Midwest nice #wiunion #notmywi
10:38pm Feb 20
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
RT @DefendWisconsin: defendwisconsin.org is being BLOCKED on the
Capitols wireless network. DM @TAA_Madison TAA Madison if you help
set up mirrors
11:34am Feb 21
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
Somewhere in my many tweets, I learned that 300 California nurses are
fying to Wisconsin to rally with us. Amazing #wiunion
1:57pm Feb 21
RT @eigenjo: The vuvuzela might be counterproductive. Just saying.
2:32pm Feb 21
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
I see many signs w this sentimentMy teachers taught me 2 stand up 4
myself now I stand up 4 them #wiunion
4:02pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Crowd is cheering. Constantly. Walker press conference set to start. Its
a battle of wills & a battle of decibels. #wiunion #wisolidarity
4:50pm Feb 21
@thesconz The Sconz
jesus! the daily show brought in a camel that got its leg stuck and
fell down!
4:57pm Feb 21
RT @wiartteacher: I can feel the heartbeat of Wisconsin in the Capitol.
5:02pm Feb 21
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 160
As I sit here at my computer, the button I wore today is still on my shirt.
It was given to me by the American Federation of Teachers-Wisconsin
organizer on my campus so I could show my solidarity with others who are
protesting our newly-elected governors agenda this afernoon in Green
Bay, in Madison, and across the state. It has a picture of Wisconsins Capi-
tol with a question in bold above it: W.T.F? Tose who know me know I
rarely swear. But really, W.T.F.? Tere is no other way to put what is going
on in this state. W.T.F., like those other great cursing acronymsS.N.A.F.U.
and F.U.B.A.R.says it all.
In all seriousness, and with tears in my eyes, I am trying to make sense
of this, and its hard to do.
As a historian of the United States who has written about unions and
working people, I know the history. Since last November, Ive been reading
about how a blue state has gone red. Tats too simplistic and an inaccurate
characterization of the past and present. Rather, we need to see Wisconsin
as a front in the political and economic war that has swept through our na-
tion. It has a very long historyif only it were new!in this country and
in Wisconsin.
Te struggle between the rich and their politicians and the work-
ing class was there at the beginning of the state. Te frst labor union in
Andrew E. Kersten
Dissent, February 21, 2011
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 161
Wisconsin predated the states admission into the Union by a year. Wis-
consinites were always active partisans in the struggle to shape the political
economy. At times, this struggle was peaceful; at other times, it was not.
In 1886, while workers in Chicago were fghting for an eight-hour day and
in the midst of the Haymarket Massacre, workers outside Milwaukee were
staging their own protests for industrial democracy at the Bay View rolling
mill. On May 4, 1886, National Guardsmen fred into the crowd of strikers,
killing seven.
Te Bay View Massacrewhich is memorialized every yearwas just
one episode in the labor battles in Wisconsin. Twelve years later in Os-
hkosh, there was a general strike by woodworkers laboring in the towns
factories. Saw Dust City was a world leader in the production of doors,
windows, and sashes. Te mill owners were among the nations most cal-
lous and cruel. Tey crushed the strike and brought the strike leaders up
on charges of conspiracy. Clarence Darrow, the great labor lawyer, came to
their defense and quite rightly pronounced to the jury and by extension the
entire American public that the case was not merely about the grievances
of abused workers. (Tey had indeed been abused.) By winning in court,
the mill owners hoped to smash all unions in Wisconsin and in the United
States. As Darrow said, the case was but an episode in the great battle for
human liberty, a battle which was commenced when the tyranny and op-
pression of man frst caused him to impose upon his fellows and which will
not end so long as the children of one father shall be compelled to toil to
support the children of another in luxury and ease. If his defendants went
to jail for conspiracy, Darrow declared, then there never can be a strike
again in this country where men cannot be sent to jail as well. Darrow won
freedom for his clients, but the bigger fght went on.
With or without Darrow, the war raged in Wisconsin. Tere were vic-
tories such as the nations frst workers compensation law in 1902 and stun-
ning defeats like the successful open-shop movement in the 1920s, which
stunted the Wisconsin Federation of Labor and its member unions. Te war
continued unabated during the Great Depression. Wisconsins Baby Wag-
ner Act of 1937, a milestone law providing state workers the same rights and
guarantees as the national New Deal labor law, did not go unchallenged.
And in 1939, conservatives won a major victory with the passage of the
Employment Peace Act, which curtailed the right to strike and picket and
opened new avenues to shut down militancy. Weakened but not destroyed,
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 162
workers kept fghting through the Cold War years. In 1959, Wisconsin was
the frst state to allow its public-sector employees to form unions and bar-
gain collectively. In the last 30 years, even while labor has been fat on its
back, there were major workers struggles and strikes in the core industries
in Wisconsin. In my hometown of Green Bay in the late 1970s and through
the 1980s, there were four signifcant strikes: at Nicolet Paper, at KI Indus-
tries, at Schneider Trucking, and, of course, at Lambeau Field.
And now, in this new Gilded Age of corporate greed, bailouts, upper-
bracket tax cuts, corporate subsidies, deregulation, and disinvestment, we
are witnessing yet another historic frontal assault on workers rights in Wis-
consin. Its all predicated upon the elections last November, which swept the
radical right wing into ofce. Why did this happen? Te Democrats plan
for prosperity did not work fast enough. Certainly we can say that recalci-
trant Republicans and their Blue Dog Democrat friends are partly to blame.
Tey greatly limited President Barack Obamas Summer of Recovery. But
I say too that the Democrats missed an opportunity. Te stimulus package
along with the bailouts helped to create wealth and restart the economy,
but these measures did not go far enough in creating prosperity. Obama
should have taken a page out of President Franklin Delano Roosevelts play-
book and had Congress pass the Employee Free Choice Act, along with
the stimulus. Sure, the federal government can help create wealth, but they
should also help empower workers to go and get it! It worked for the Great-
est Generation; it would have worked for us. Instead, we got half a stimulus
and a corporate bailout without workers rights.
Te Summer of Recovery wasnt what its name promised, and voters
across the nation were mad and again sought change. In Wisconsin, a ma-
jority of voters threw out the incumbents and endorsed those with a new
plan for wealth. Last week, the plan was revealed: Destroy unions, prevent
new ones from forming (like faculty unions in the University of Wisconsin
system), and slash wages and benefts.
And that is just for starters. Read the 140-page budget-repair bill and
youll see that the fx is in. Te Republicans plan to gut both K12 and higher
education, and erode business and environmental regulation. Personally, I
expect that once the Republicans are done it will cost me a lot more to be an
employee of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. I also expect that my
wife will lose her part-time job at our local elementary school (hence, my
tears). And yet, we will probably be OK. I worry more about those around
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 163
me. Te husband of a close friend of mine who also works in the Green Bay
public schools stands a good chance of losing his full-time job. If he keeps
it, he can expect a dramatically enlarged classroom. A new friend of mine at
UW-Green Bay said the cuts in his pay likely mean he will lose his home.
Whats happening is not isolated, not new, and as vicious as before:
Smash unions, drive workers into the ground, and reap profts from the
lowly. But Wisconsin blue has not become Badger red. Far from it. Te war
rages on. If anything, the events of these last weeks have shown that al-
though the Republicans have captured the statehouse and the governors
mansion, they have not captured the hearts and minds of average citizens,
who have for almost two weeks been keeping a peaceful and joyful vigil.
Workers and citizens across the state have joined them in solidarity. Al-
though we here in Green Bay are quite reticent, today there was a student
rally and teach-in on my campus. Te last time there was any mass, on-
campus student demonstration here was in 1970 when faculty, staf, and
students protested President Richard Nixons bombing of Cambodia and
Laos. Tus, the protesters seem to come out when the time is just right and
the stakes are high.
Will we win? Its going to be tough. Just like in 1898, the conservatives
are on the verge of destroying unionism, and this time we dont have Dar-
row on our side. But like Darrow, Im a hopeful pessimist. Te other side
has the money; theyve got the points of power. We have the nerve to say no
and the courage to stick together.
Te Republicans have gone over the top here in Wisconsin and are
running through our lines in hopes of a fnal victory. Alls not quiet on the
Midwestern Front; its noisy. What happens over the next few weeks will
make or break the lives of workers all over the state. But this class war from
above wont end in Wisconsin or elsewhere in the United States, where Re-
publicans are poised to launch similar attacks using these Cheesehead battle
plans. A friend of mine who has had a birds-eye view of the demonstrations
in Madison emailed me today with photos. He wished that I were there see-
ing labor history unfold and asked if I thought this was the beginning of the
end for unions. I replied it was not; its the end of the beginning, as it always
is. As such, we look to the future. FORWARD!, we say in Wisconsin.
Friends who know my passion for Darrows life and legacy ask me:
What would he counsel? As he once famously said, Te best proof of the
usefulness of the union is that the employers dont want it. If Darrow were
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 164
still among the living, his advice would be: FORM A UNION! He would
also give some advice that many might not want to hear: STOP VOTING
FOR YOUR ENEMIES! In 1897, the year afer the Populists went down in
faming defeat, Darrow lambasted the working-class voters who elected and
endorsed politicians who entirely subverted the liberties of the people.
Darrow would be clear: Fight like your very life depended on the outcome.
Andrew E. Kersten is a professor of U.S. history in the Department of Social
Change and Development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. His book
Clarence Darrow: American Iconoclast was published earlier this year.
@millbot Emily Mills
Walker poo pooing out of state support, still thinks majority of WI supports
him. Polling & protests suggest otherwise. #wiunion
5:10pm Feb 21
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
The fghting 14 are closing in on $300,000 raised online! Put them over
the top already. http://bit.ly/ff8aqz
5:34pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Have any recall petitions been started? I know they cant be FILED yet,
but seems like the time to get signatures if thats allowed.
5:36pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
RT @IsthmusTDP: As the #sleepinginthecapitol and #foorcheckin
crowd starts up, were wondering if any romances are blossoming via
7:58pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
We have wristbands. Our fsts are up in solidarity. This protest just keeps
getting more and more legit. #wiunion #wisolidarity
8:09pm Feb 21
@MspicuzzaWsJ Mary Spicuzza
RT @MissPronouncer: Chalkboard showing people from all over the world
donate Ians Pizza to protesters in Madison
8:13pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
@sentaylor Thank you. I cant say it enough. Thanks to every last one of
you. Well be here until you can come back. #wiunion #wisolidarity
8:34pm Feb 21
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Kid you not, @tmorello is reading a letter to WI from one of the organizers
of the Egypt protests. #wiunion
8:56pm Feb 21
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 166
In February 2011, more than 15,000 Wisconsinites marched on the state
Capitol in Madison. By the middle of March, more than 100,000 protesters
had joined this challenge to Governor Scott Walkers steep budget cuts, his
proposal to strip public employees of collective bargaining rights, and his
threat to use the National Guard if government workers go on strike. Many
at these rallies called upon the memory of a Republican progressive whose
bust stands inside the Capitol: Robert M. La Follette, Sr., who spent his
long political careeras a U.S. congressman (18851890), governor of Wis-
consin (19011906), U.S. senator (19071925), and candidate for president
(1924)consistently and efectively challenging militarism and corporate
power. Signs asked, What Would Bob Do? and proclaimed, La Follette
forever. A professor at the University of Wisconsin told Te Wall Street
Journal that La Follette would be standing with the protesters, screaming
Right on! Who was this man called Fighting Bob, who infuenced so
many reformers and radicals during his life and afer his death?
Born in Dane Countys Primrose township, La Follette worked as
a farm laborer before enrolling at the University of Wisconsin. Afer his
graduation, he ran successfully for district attorney. In 1884, he was elected
to Congress as a Republican. Afer an electoral defeat in 1890 he returned to
Wisconsin. Philetus Sawyer, a leading state Republican, ofered La Follette
Peter Dreier
Dissent, April 11, 2011
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 167
a bribe to fx a court case against several former state ofcials. La Follette
not only refused the bribe, but took the opportunity to publicly decry the
corrosive efect of money in democratic politics. Te incident lit a spark,
and La Follette spent the next ten years touring Wisconsin denouncing the
political infuence of the railroad and lumber barons who dominated his
own party. In 1900, he ran for governor on a pledge to clean up the corrup-
tion. He gave 208 speeches in 61 countiessometimes 10 or 15 speeches a
dayand won handily.
Upon taking ofce, he denounced the corporation agents and repre-
sentatives of the machine, who had moved upon the Capitol. As a correc-
tive, he promoted the Wisconsin Idea, making the state a laboratory for
reforms that would prove highly infuential. He created state commissions
on the environment, taxation, railroad regulation, transportation, and civil
service, recruiting experts (especially from the University of Wisconsin)
to provide ideas and information. To weaken the political infuence of big
business and party machines, he successfully pushed for campaign spending
limits and direct primary elections, which gave voters the right to choose
their own candidates for ofce. He supported measures that doubled the
taxes on the railroads, broke up monopolies, preserved the states forests,
protected workers rights, defended small farmers, and regulated lobbying
to curtail patronage politics.
Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1906, La Follette became a leader of the
Senates progressive wing. In 1909, as the progressive spirit spread to cities
and states around the country, La Follette launched a publication that soon
became a major outlet for the movements ideas. La Follettes Weekly Maga-
zine was edited by his wife, Belle, and featured articles by leading journalists
such as Lincoln Stefens, Ray Stannard Baker, and William Allen White,
as well as by La Follette himself. Its goal, La Follette wrote, was winning
back for the people the complete power over governmentnational, state,
and municipalwhich has been lost to them. To this end, the magazine
championed womens sufrage, led the fght to stay out of World War I,
criticized the postwar Palmer Raids as a violation of civil liberties, and sup-
ported workers rights and control of corporate power. Never a commercial
success, the magazine gained popularity among progressive farmers and
working people and raised La Follettes national profle. (Afer his death,
the publication was renamed Te Progressive. Still published in Madison,
Wisconsin, it remains a major voice of dissent.)
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 168
Breaking again with the Republican Party, La Follette supported Dem-
ocrat Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential election over Teodore
Roosevelt (an erstwhile Republican running on the Progressive, or Bull
Moose, Party ticket), the Republican William Howard Taf, and the Social-
ist Eugene Debs. But La Follette later risked his political career opposing
Wilson, becoming one of only six senators to vote against Wilsons war dec-
laration. On April 4, 1917, two days afer Wilson called for the United States
to enter the war, La Follette delivered a forceful speech in the Senate. Te
poor who are always the ones called upon to rot in the trenches, have no
organized power, he told the chamber. But oh, Mr. President, at some time
they will be heard. ... Tere will come an awakening. Tey will have their
day, and they will be heard.
Afer the war, La Follette stuck to his principles. He found new outlets
for his lifelong struggle against corporate power as a close ally of the labor
movement and a supporter of farm loan programs. He called for investi-
gations of corporate war profteers and defended the victims, including
Debs, of Wilsons wartime crackdown on dissent. As the Red Scare con-
tinued with the notorious Palmer Raids, La Follette became the dissidents
biggest advocate. Never in all my many years experience in the House and
in the Senate, he told his colleagues, have I heard so much democracy
preached and so little practiced as during the last few months.
Some Wisconsinites, and many Washington insiders and newspapers,
condemned him as a traitor. In 1921, the 65-year-old La Follette had to de-
cide whether to seek re-election. He was scheduled to give a major speech
before the Wisconsin Legislature, and his aides urged him to tone down the
fery antiwar rhetoric.
La Follette opened his speech by acknowledging old supporters in
the room and recognizing that this was an important turning point in his
political career. Ten, suddenly, he pounded the lectern and stretched his
clenched fst into the air. I am going to be a candidate for re-election to the
United States Senate, he boomed. I do not want the vote of a single citizen
under any misapprehension of where I stand: I would not change my record
on the war for that of any man, living or dead.
Afer a moment of stunned silence, the crowd erupted into thunder-
ous applause. Even one of his staunchest critics, standing at the back of the
chamber with tears running down his cheeks, told a reporter, I hate the son
of a bitch. But, my God, what guts hes got.
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 169
Or perhaps La Follette simply had a better understanding of Wisconsin
voters. Tey re-elected him that year with 80 percent of their votes.
Many La Follette-watchers viewed his momentous 1922 re-election
victory as a vindication of his antiwar and anti-corporate stances. Te Con-
ference for Progressive Political Action, a coalition of unions, socialists, and
farmers, convinced him to run for president in 1924 as an independent
progressive. La Follette, historically a Republican, selected Montana Sen.
Burton Wheeler, a Democrat, as his running mate.
La Follettes platform called for government takeover of the railroads,
elimination of private utilities, the right of workers to organize unions,
easier credit for farmers, a ban on child labor, stronger protection for civil
liberties, and an end to U.S. imperialism in Latin America. He pledged an
expansion of democracy, condemning reactionary Supreme Court rulings
and advocating a plebiscite before any declaration of war. He promised to
break the combined power of the private monopoly system over the politi-
cal and economic life of the American people and denounced, far ahead
of most political fgures, any discrimination between races, classes, and
La Follette won almost 5 million votes (about one-sixth of the popular
vote), running frst in Wisconsin, second in eleven Western states, and
winning working-class districts of major cities. Journalist John Nichols
called this the most successful lef-wing presidential campaign in Ameri-
can history.
Tough he died of a heart attack less than a year afer the election, La
Follettes success inspired other progressive movements and campaigns
around the country, including farmer-labor parties in Minnesota and North
Dakota, the Progressive Party in Wisconsin, and the American Labor Party
in New York City. La Follettes ideas as governor, senator, and presidential
candidate helped lay the groundwork for Franklin Roosevelts reforms in the
1930s. Harold Ickes, Sr., an infuential adviser on the 1924 campaign, be-
came part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelts inner circle and a major
architect of the New Deal. La Follettes progressive political ofspring also
include Floyd Olson of Minnesota, perhaps the most radical governor of
any state; Upton Sinclair, whose 1934 campaign for California governor bor-
rowed many of La Follettes ideas; and New York Congressman (later Mayor)
Fiorello La Guardia, who nominated the senator for president in 1924, de-
claring, I speak for Avenue A and 116th Street, instead of Broad and Wall.
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 170
Decades afer La Follettes courageous opposition to World War I, a
U.S. president once again asked Congress for an authorization to go to
warthis time in Vietnam. Ernest Gruening (D-Alaska) and Wayne Morse
(R-Ore.), the only senators to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,
shared something else in common. Gruening had served as spokesman for
La Follettes 1924 campaign. Morse, a Wisconsin native, told Time magazine
in 1956 that his fondest memory as a young man was lapping up liberal
philosophy at the feet of the great Robert La Follette, Sr.
And, even before the current protests broke out, La Follettes specter
haunted Wisconsins Walker. Breaking with convention, Walker held his
inauguration in a part of the Capitol rotunda far from La Follettes bust,
avoiding the possibility that he might be photographed sharing a frame
with the progressive stalwart.
Among La Follettes political heirs are also several literal descendants,
who have served Wisconsin as senator, governor, secretary of state, and
activists. His son Phil, elected Wisconsin governor in 1930, ushered in
what some have called a little New Deal during the Depression. In 1931,
the state enacted its frst labor code, declaring that all workers had the
right to form unions and to picket, four years before the federal Wagner
Act. Tat year, too, Phil La Follette pushed through Wisconsins unem-
ployment compensation system, the frst in the nation. Doug La Follette,
a veteran environmental activist, is Wisconsins current Secretary of State.
His great-grandfather and La Follette were brothers.
Te revival of Wisconsins radical spirit, so evident in the massive
and sustained mobilizations in Madison, suggests that it will take more
than these ceremonial logistics for conservatives to erase the legacy of
La Follette.
Peter Dreier is E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Politics at Occidental
College. Tis essay is adapted from Te 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th
Century, due to be published in November by Nation Books.
@cjliebmann cjliebmann
RT @markos: Daily Kos community breaks $100K raised for Wisconsin
Senate Dems. Theyve raised $317K from overall netroots.
8:59pm Feb 21
@millbot Emily Mills
RT @IsthmusTDP: Wisconsin Dems say protest website
@DefendWisconsin blocked in Capitol http://isthmus.com/r/?r=1365
#wiunion #notmywi
11:47am Feb 22
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
If a vote strips collec. bargaining-next-general strikes. Repub. Senator
recall is/are inevitable.Votes do have consequences.
12:22pm Feb 22
@millbot Emily Mills
Rotunda now chanting Recall! at rep now speaking in session.
12:37pm Feb 22
@MikeElk Mike Elk
Walker Pulls a Mubarak and Cut off Internet to Capitol Protestors as
Poll Shows Drop of Support http://bit.ly/hsN2aB #wiunion
12:52pm Feb 22
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 172
Picture this.
Im pedaling downtown from my home on Madisons West Side for a
show on a summer evening, past modestly sized mid-century homes tucked
into the slopes. Getting there early, I walk up State Street and around the
square. Students in town for the summer are out entertaining themselves
with burgers and ice cream while their professors dine on Nepali food. A
man with a guitar, who resembles the other man with a guitar a little fur-
ther down the street, tunes his beat-up instrument. Near the steps of the
Capitol, homeless gentlemen make their beds in spacious intervals along
the square, in peaceful coexistence with the cop zipping by the lit-up Capi-
tol on a bicycle and the patrons of upscale locavore restaurants strolling to
and from their car parks. Hardly noticed are a couple of teens on the lawn
and, playing roles we can only imagine, a lone suit working latean aide,
lawyer, or lobbyistwho crosses the square from ofce to condo. Afer the
band is done at the Orpheum or the Majestic, I munch a fresh donut at the
Greenbush Bakery to fuel my return passage through the quiet dark streets
and leafy bike paths, seemingly far from the turmoil of the world.
Tis funky idyll isor wasthe norm in Madison. It is that kind
of placid Midwestern town: well-educated, competently governed, eco-
nomically stable, and full of intelligent diversionswhich is to say, it is
Dan S. Wang
March 20, 2011
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 173
not a normal place at all. It is a Rust Belt city enjoying the trappings of
a modest 20th-century afuence while hundreds of cities, towns, and vil-
lages throughout the region deal with economies that have gone down the
greased chute of globalization, leaving behind wrecked communities. It
is this comparatively intact economy and communityand the peculiar
abnormalities of Madison that have fourished as a resultthat are worth
considering following the events of February and March.
In the age of clicktivism and depoliticized sites like malls, airports, and
urban entertainment districts, place and space in political movements mat-
ter more than ever. Madison was the natural focus of early and continued
action for the obvious reason that it is the capital, where the governor and
the state assembly do their work. Te Capitol is where people came to per-
sonally confront the extremists in power. But the size and the sustained na-
ture of the outpouring of discontent begs the question: What is it about this
particular city that surrounds the square that allowed for this possibility?
For one thing, Madison has long been one of those places where you
dont have to look very hard to see the globe, in a sort of distorted refection;
the city sufers from a conceit of cosmopolitanism, a scene where sporting
Guatemalan pants or quafng Belgian lambic can be passed of for con-
sciousness and connection. Needless to say, in normal times this tendency
is irritating to the critical eye. But in extraordinary times the substance
behind the superfciality does make a diference. For example, Madison is a
favorite stop on the lef-wing circuit, always supplying national movement
fgures a reliable audience. When Noam Chomsky wrote an analysis for
Truthout in which he linked the Cairo and Madison movements, he was
thinking about the friendly town he has visited regularly over the yearsin
2009 and 2010 he lectured to packed houses at the Orpheum Teatre. Even
better, a Wisconsin State Journal profle of Madison native Evan Hill, who
had gone to report from Tahrir Square for Al Jazeera, was published on Feb.
8, just days before the Wisconsin uprising broke out. Te internationalist
awareness of the local populace worked to the movements advantage over
the frst week in the many echoes of Cairo, and then through to the Ians
Pizza phenomenon (where supporters from every state and over twenty
countries ordered hot pies for the frozen demonstrators), before fading as
the political narrative split into diferent storylines. Whether and how that
internationalism will be re-injected into the language of the movement is
unknown, but internationalist terms remain as a potential advantage and
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 174
cannot be erased for as long as the movements demonstration element is
located primarily in Madison.
A key factor in how the movement materialized over the frst weeks of
the uprising is that Madison is a peoples city, not a police state. Madisonites
take it for granted, but nearly all the out-of-state visitors I met mentioned
the unbelievably low and friendly police presence, especially over the frst
two weeks. Speaking from a Chicago perspective, where the cops routinely
don $700 worth of hard-shell riot gear to contain depressingly small anti-
war demonstrations, I can say that by comparison Madison has thus far
successfully fended of the pressure to militarize Americas police forces.
Tere are reasons for this. One, the Madison Police Department is
strongly committed to a trust-based and non-confrontational philoso-
phy. Two, it is a comparatively well-educated force, without the egregious
corruption that plagues the departments of so many cities. And three,
Madisons main public security threat is the crowds of out-of-control
drunk college football fans and the regular party atmosphere in the citys
drinking district. Even in terms of outside agitators, it is the bars that
attract the out-of-town rabble, not the demonstrations. Te city police
know this, and so does county law enforcement.
Te consciousness of the police and county sherif bled over into open
sympathy for the forces opposed to Walker early on, thus depriving the
governor of a ready onsite tool of enforcement. In time both Chief Noble
Wray and Sherif Jim Mahoney publicly questioned and/or criticized the
governor in their capacity as public security professionals. Teir statements
damaged Walker, further (and correctly) painting him as a hyper-partisan
extremist, and reinforced the broad unity of public opposition. So when
right-wing outsiders were bafed by Walkers tolerance of the occupation,
they did not understand that in Madison the police have diferent and more
intelligent priorities, unlike the authoritarian law enforcement most Amer-
icans now accept. Te lesson here is that building the conditions for large
social movements that can assemble in spectacular and peaceful masses
includes working to civilize your local police.
Another thing about Madison is its progressive and countercultural
infrastructure. Over a couple of generations at least, people in Madison
have built up a functioning network of co-ops and enlightened businesses,
a healthy local alternative media in print, radio, and online, several locally-
based but internationally-networked progressive organizations, and thriving
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 175
local food and bike cultures. Tis infrastructure is maintained and used
by a population of graduate students, educators, sort-of-creative types, and
lots of people who work secure, moderately compensated state jobs. On the
whole, this is a population that has, compared to the big-city rat racers, a
good deal of free time. To put it negatively, Madison is one of those enclaves
where artist is not a meaningful professional category, the local currency
project trades heavily in bodywork, and an awful lot of residents seem to
have the time and narcissism to work on themselves.
But a friend once said to me, as awful as the prospect may be, the hip-
pie freaks just might be humanitys last and best hope. By essentially hosting
the Wisconsin uprising, the hippie element of Madison did in fact prove its
worth. Without the laid-back vibe and good humor, the anger might have
gotten out of control. Without the easy generosity expressed in a thousand
little ways (I did my part early on with a midnight delivery of fve dozen
donuts to the occupied rotundathe pleasure is truly in the giving), the
welcome would have stayed theoretical. And most importantly, it was the
people of Madison, dedicated and available, who kept the attendance of the
weekday rallies at respectable and sometimes very impressive numbers for
four weeks. Unions and student organizations bused in people from Mil-
waukee and other parts of the state for a day at a time, but without the
thousands of Madison residents holding down the square during the week
in frigid temperatures, the movement would not have gained the respect
that durability commands.
Afer the rallies on the square took a backseat to the statewide April
5 election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the dispersed recall cam-
paigns, and the localized struggles around the wider region (working
to defeat new mining initiatives in northern Wisconsin, resisting emer-
gency privatization powers in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and so forth),
for people who live in Madison additional questions concern the lasting
efects on our city of this historic uprising. Will the nascent police state
patched together by Scott Walker to maintain control of the Capitol be-
come a permanent feature of our town? What sorts of punitive measures
will the conservatives aim at the workers and students of Madison? Will
the events of the past few weeks open opportunities to bring the segre-
gated communities of Madisonall of which will sufer under the Walker
agendainto substantive contact? How will the Generation Y students,
who played powerful roles and gained real political experience, move
whats the matter with wisconsin? | 176
forward as radicalized adults facing much greater personal uncertainties
than those before them?
Although much in this struggle has yet to be settled, we can be sure
that the old normal of Madison is gone. Walkers attacks have revealed
what used to be normal as a temporary arrangement. It lasted for de-
cades and the people and institutions of Madison on balance benefted
from it, but if Madison was a pocket of comfort, health, and freedom in
the Midwestern geography of deindustrialization and global reordering,
then the conservative ofensive has turned that pocket inside out. Over
the frst four months of 2011, the people of Madison rejoined the people
of Detroit, Youngstown, Rockford, Flint, Janesville, and the rest of the
Midwest as a front in the global class war. Now it is up to those of us who
call Madison home to take those progressive achievements and privileges
aforded by the decades of stabilityand to put them to use in the shared
struggle that has landed on our doorstep and is not going away.
Dan S. Wang is a writer, artist, and activist who lives in Madison and teaches
in Chicago.
In the wake of Wisconsin, three states have backed off anti-union
bills Florida, Indiana, Michigan, will Ohio be next? #wiunion
and provoked by
similar attacks on workers rights in their statespeople across the Unit-
ed States are standing up and fghting back. Te resistance that began in
Wisconsin emboldened citizens to occupy state capitols in Washington
state and California, energized student sit-ins from Texas to New Jersey,
and prompted New Yorkers to take the spirit of Wisconsin to Wall Street
to protest their citys budget cuts. In Ohio, more than 1.3 million people
signed in opposition to a bill that closely resembles the one Governor
Scott Walker put forwardenough to place repeal on the ballot for this
Novembers elections.
On Feb. 26, the newly-formed group US Uncut held its frst national
day of protests, where activists targeted Bank of America for having paid
no federal taxes in 2009. Inspired by UK Uncut, Britains successful anti-
government cuts group, the U.S. version similarly argued that government
shouldnt be cutting basic services for people in need while simultaneously
cutting taxes for corporations and the rich. Fueled in part by the momen-
tum of Wisconsin, US Uncut has organized hundreds of sit-ins and fostered
civil disobedience of a kind not ofen seen in the United States.
Also on Feb. 26, while tens of thousand gathered in Madison, 55,000
people joined solidarity rallies organized by MoveOn.org in front of every
resistance is spreading | 180
state capitol in the country. Demonstrators wore red and whiteUniversity
of Wisconsin colorsto show their support for the Badgers fght. Out of
these protests has emerged a new push to Rebuild the American Dream,
an efort led by MoveOn and green jobs leader Van Jones that aims to build
a Tea Party for the lef by connecting various progressive fghts under
one recognizable banner, building a stronger and more cohesive move-
ment as a result.
While it may be impossible to plan protests similar to the spontane-
ous Wisconsin uprising, the demonstrations there have inspired experi-
enced activists and everyday citizens alike with a fresh vision of what is
possible. In a speech laying out his vision for the American Dream Move-
ment, Van Jones said, Te fght back has begun. Its not just Madisonas
extraordinary as Madison was. Tats not the great exception, thats the
great example.
@MoveOn MoveOn.org
Emergency Call to Action: 50-State Wisconsin solidarity rally this Saturday
at noon: http://bit.ly/gPac2J #wiunion
1:18pm Feb 22
@millbot Emily Mills
Koch Industries registered SEVEN lobbyists in Wisconsin in January
alone. Assuming this is only the beginning. #wiunion
2:06pm Feb 22
I see a new sign: Im really from WI, and am really against this bill.
Or something like that. #wiunion
4:24pm Feb 22
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Wisconsin bloggers have created a site to aggregate their content.
http://solidaritywisconsin.com/ #Wiunion
4:53pm Feb 22
@millbot Emily Mills
Appreciate greatly what the Fab 14 are doing for WI right now, but still
hope this brings out good, new leadership for future. #wiunion
8:08pm Feb 22
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
You know what @govwalker? Its not about the cheddar. This is about
fghting for working families. #WIunion
8:44pm Feb 22
resistance is spreading | 182
Today, April 15, 2011, we will be continuing our opposition to the budget
cuts which will, if passed, leave many people in Washington more desperate
and hurting than at any other time in the past 30 years.
Too ofen in our society we are told that we ought to look out for only
ourselves. Our sense of real community has been broken down with that
constant mantra and the false representations of community which corpo-
rations continually throw at us. Enough is enough! It is time that we stand
together in unity and solidarity. An injury to one is an injury to all. Our
personal well-being is tied to the collective well-being of our communities.
In order to win this fght we must stand together, link our arms and our
wills to create a chain so strong that no one will be able to break it.
Too long we have allowed this class war to continue with the rich in
constant ofensive position, taking and taking what they want, while there
has been very little defense from the working classes. G. K. Chesterton said,
Among the rich you will be hard pressed to fnd a really generous man
even by accident. Tey may give their money away, but they will never give
themselves away; they are egotistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart
enough to get all that money, you must be dull enough to want it. We must
remember that there will be few if any from the upper classes who do not
have a stake in the budget cuts. Tis is why we are seeing the cuts come to
Statement from protesters occupying the Washington state Capitol
April 15, 2011
resistance is spreading | 183
those of us in the more vulnerable sects of society, while the things that
meet the ruling class wants and needs go untouched.
In the Seattle workers struggles for dignity, justice, and freedom
around the turn of the century, Mr. Doodley, a Washington union activist
said, Do not ask for your rights; take them. Tere is something the mat-
ter with the right that is handed to you. Te time weve been waiting for
is here! People young and old have had enough. In the past six years more
and more occupations have sprung up. First it began with occupations of
Rochester University, then NYU, Te New School, UC Berkeley, UCLA,
UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Irvine, Evergreen State College, and LSU.
Now we are seeing it with the occupations of state capitols, Wisconsin state
Capitol, Washington state Capitol, and today the capitols of California and
Hawaii will be occupied. We are not alone!
Mario Savio once famously said while standing on the steps of Berke-
ley, Tere is a time when the machine becomes so odious, makes you so
sick at heart, that you cant take part! You cant even passively take part!
And youve got to throw yourself upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the
leavers, upon all the apparatuses! And youve go to indicate to the people
who run it, to the people who own it, that unless youre free, the machine
will be prevented from working at all! And thats what this is all about. If
we believe that we live in a democracy, then weve got to realize that living
in a healthy democratic state means people from all classes, all races, all
groups of society having a constant say and stake in what happens. Tis
means we need to be in the streets. As it stands, simply voting every once in
a while is no longer cutting it. We need to vote with our bodies in the streets
of Washington and the halls of the Capitol. Let us lif our voices so that we
might be heard. Let us no longer ask for our rights, but demand them!
Te time has come! Te time is now!
Come down to the state Capitol today at 2 p.m.!
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Boom! @news3jessica Govs offce confrms it is Walker in recorded
interview circulating online.
10:19am Feb 23
@millbot Emily Mills
Of course Walker fell for Koch prank call. Guy is megalomaniac
enough to expect random chatty calls from Koch brother re: #wiunion
10:56am Feb 23
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
RT @ttagaris: So, Wisconsin legislature shuts down its comment line,
but Governor immediately takes a call from a Kansas oil billionaire
12:40pm Feb 23
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
I just chewed out a CNN reporter. Hes was setting up a story I thought
was bullshit, and I said as much. He got pissed when I told him..
1:57pm Feb 23
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Almost 11pm. Lazy,overpaid teacher in front of me correcting huge stack
of papers while observing legislators.She is clearly destroying WI
10:57pm Feb 23
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Just walked by WI protester soundly slumbering on foor of capitol w/copy
of The Shock Doctrine next to them. Fitting. #wiunion @NaomiAKlein
2:04am Feb 24
resistance is spreading | 185
It took a while, but Wisconsin shows that the poor and middle class of the U.S.
may be ready to push back. Madison may be only the beginning.
Te uprising that swept Tunisia, Egypt, and parts of Europe is showing
signs of blossoming across the United States.
In Wisconsin, public employees and their supporters are drawing the
line at Governor Scott Walkers plan to eliminate collective bargaining and
unilaterally cut benefts. School teachers, university students, frefghters,
and others descended on the Capitol in the tens of thousands, and even the
Superbowl champion Green Bay Packers have weighed in against the bill.
Protests against similar anti-union measures are ramping up in Ohio.
Meanwhile, another protest movement aimed at protecting the poor
and middle class is in the works. Cities around the country are preparing
for a Feb. 26 Day of Action, targeting corporate tax dodgers.
Learning from the UK
Te strategy picks up on the UK Uncut campaign, begun when a group
meeting at a London puba frefghter, a nurse, a student, and others
came up with an idea that is part fash mob, part sit-in. In an article pub-
lished in Te Nation, reporter Johann Hari tells the story of the groups frus-
Sarah van Gelder
Yes! magazine, February 18, 2011
resistance is spreading | 186
tration about government cutbacks. If Vodafone, one corporation with a
huge back-tax bill, paid up, the cutbacks wouldnt be needed. Te group
spread the word over social media, and held loud, impolite demonstrations.
Te idea quickly went viral, and fash mobs/sit-ins materialized at retail
outlets across Britain, shutting many of them down.
Now, a US Uncut group has formed and announced a Feb. 26 Day of
Action here to coincide with UK Uncuts planned protests on the same day.
Already, a dozen local events are planned [UPDATE: As of Feb. 21, there
are 30 local events listed on the US Uncut website]. Some groups are keep-
ing quiet about their targets, but several are targeting Bank of America. Te
goal, according to a statement on the US Uncut website, is to draw atten-
tion to the fact that Bank of America received $45 billion in government
bailout funds while funneling its tax dollars into 115 ofshore tax havens. ...
And to highlight the fact that the poor and middle class are now paying for
this largess through drastic government cuts.
Te Politics of Class Warfare
Across the country, the poor and middle class have sufered from the eco-
nomic collapse: Jobs disappeared, mortgages sank underneath debt, and
opportunities for a college education evaporated. Much of the bailout that
was supposed to fx the economy went to the very institutions that caused
the collapse. Many of these institutions are now using tax loopholes and
ofshore tax shelters to avoid paying taxes.
Te poor and middle class, those who didnt cause the collapse but
have felt the most pain from the poor economy, are now being asked to
sacrifce again.
It took some time for a political response to coalesce. Te Tea Party
movement was able to direct discontent away from the Wall Street titans
who brought the economy to its knees. Funding from the Koch brothers
petro-fortune along with fawning attention from Fox News helped get the
libertarian movement of the ground. But progressives remained fragment-
ed and few built active, organized bases. Many waited for President Barack
Obama to act.
The tide may now be turning. Inspired by people-power move-
ments around the world, people in the United States are beginning to
push back. The poor and middle class, those who didnt cause the col-
lapse but have felt the most pain from the poor economy, are now being
resistance is spreading | 187
asked to sacrifice again.
Politicians are scurrying to cut spending, but fewer than one in fve
Americans say the federal budget defcit is their chief worry about the
economy, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center; 44 percent
say theyre most worried about jobs. Polls show that Americans also want
spending for education, investment in infrastructure, and environmental
protection. Yet spending in all these areas is up for drastic cuts in state and
federal budgets.
Likewise, on the tax side, 59 percent of Americans opposed extending
the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest, according to a Bloomberg poll. Con-
gress cut the taxes anyway, and the package will cost $800 billion over just
two years.
Until now, polls have been one of the few places where anger at govern-
ment policies that favor the rich while cutting service to the middle-class
has been visible. But the crowds in Madison and the momentum of US
Uncut tell us that may be about to change.
As a statement on the US Uncut website puts it: We demand that be-
fore the hard-working, tax-paying families of this country are once again
forced to sacrifce, the corporations who have so richly profted from our
labor, our patronage, and our bailouts be compelled to pay their taxes and
contribute their fair share to the continued prosperity of our nation. We will
organize, we will mobilize, and we will NOT be quiet!
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
If youre on the frst foor of the Capitol, please dont stand on the Bob
La Follette statue! Thanks! #wiunion
2:05pm Feb 24
@cabell Cabell Gathman
Metro driver of this bus just honked #solidarity at frefghters for labor.
#wiunion #killthisbill
2:08pm Feb 24
@scoutprime scoutprime
This crowd is middle class America. Looks like same crowd as a Packer
game. #wiunion #solidaritywi
6:20pm Feb 24
RT @mikeelk: John Nichols takes the stage greeted to the sound of
vuvuzuelas - quite a greeting for a labor journalist #wiunion
7:38pm Feb 24
@MikeElk Mike Elk
Weather observers at antarctica sent a pizza to the protestors in the
Capitol yesterday. #wiunion
7:55pm Feb 24
@jjoyce Jason Joyce
Motion to remove speaker pro tem fails. Discussion is now on passage
of the bill.
11:37pm Feb 24
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
@JErickson85 The bill passes the Assembly. Senate must now approve.
1:31am Feb 25
@thomasmbird Thomas Bird
Dont even know the full details of what they pulled procedurally. But they
will regret it. We responded with peace and love. #wiunion
2:30am Feb 25
resistance is spreading | 189
For the past week, Ive been documenting the plethora of nonviolent pro-
tests breaking out across the country in opposition to the governments
proposed radical budget cuts. In another typically excellent article, Chris
Hedges recently declared that the resistance hes been calling for has fnally
begun. Te powerful elite got too greedy and took too much from average
Americans, who are now fghting back.
Hedges announced he will be joining protesters in Union Square for a
planned tax-weekend protest in front of Bank of America.
Te political process no longer works, Kevin Zeese, the director of
Prosperity Agenda and one of the organizers of the April 15 event, told me.
Te economy is controlled by a handful of economic elites. Te necessities
of most Americans are no longer being met. Te only way to change this is
to shif the power to a culture of resistance. Tis will be the frst in a series
of events we will organize to help give people control of their economic and
political life.
Hedges implores the one in six workers in this country who does not
have a job and the 6 million people who have lost their homes to repos-
sessions to join the protest. And this isnt the only event of its kind in the
works. Resistance cells have been springing up across the countrysome
planned, some seemingly spontaneous acts of desperation from citizens
Allison Kilkenny
The Nation, April 4, 2011
resistance is spreading | 190
at their breaking points.
Albany is braced for a Wisconsin-style takeover of its Capitol. Te
People Power Rally includes union members representing state univer-
sity professors, public school teachers, and human services group, who say
the state budget will cripple classroom programs, health services, and low-
income New Yorkers.
In New Hampshire, the Capitol witnessed budget-cut protests that or-
ganizers claim was the largest gathering of people on statehouse grounds
in 25 years.
A similar gathering, though this time protesters actually occupied the
Capitol, occurred in Mississippi.
Meanwhile, students in Illinois are organizing to oppose the House of
Representatives recent actions cutting federally-funded Pell Grants by 15
percent in 2011. Te Pell Yes! campaign is designed to heighten awareness
of the issue and help students take a stand.
In all of these cases of resistance, the participants heed the advice from
Hedges, who writes that citizens dont need leaders, directives from above,
or formal organizations.
We dont need to waste our time appealing to the Democratic Party
or writing letters to the editor. We dont need more diatribes on the internet.
We need to physically get into the public square and create a mass move-
Tat physical action of leaving the computer at home and occupying
the bank, street, or Capitol is beginning to happen.
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Heartened to see all the emails today promoting Solidarity rallies across
the country. Thank you @MoveOn @dailykos @ProgressivesUtd etc.!
11:54am Feb 25
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
RT @gottalaff: RT @ddayen: John Nichols predicts 1 million ppl across
the country tomorrow in solidarity with #wiunion
1:04pm Feb 25
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Vols needed to live-stream Saturday 3:00 PM rally. Must have iphone (or
similar) or laptop w/aircard. Contact: [email protected] #wiunion
1:17pm Feb 25
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
ANNOUNCEMENT: Senator Taylor will be phoning at 3:00pm. Silence is
requested in the rotunda at that time. #wiunion
2:45pm Feb 25
@Erickleefeld Eric Kleefeld
NEWS: Capitol Police announce building will CLOSE 4 p.m. Sunday -
theyre easing this process down.
4:40pm Feb 25
Great sign: Walker, lets be friends with benefts. #wiunion
9:51pm Feb 25
resistance is spreading | 192
My wife Lenore Palladinowho is MoveOn.orgs feld directorand I were
on the train, coming home from a visit with family. It was late February, and
protesters in Wisconsin had been occupying their state Capitol for a week.
I overheard Lenore talking on the phone with MoveOns campaign director,
Daniel Mintz. Tey were trying to fgure out what they could do to help.
Tey landed on the idea of organizing rallies that weekend, at all 50
state capitols, so people across the country could have a way to show their
solidarity with the Wisconsin protesters. Tis was Monday, Feb. 21. Te
rallies would take place on Saturday, Feb. 26, just fve days awaya huge
undertaking in such a short amount of time. Tey decided to go for it.
Te next day, Van Jones wrote an article for Te Hufngton Post called
Introducing the American Dream Movement, framing these rallies as the
beginning of a larger fght. Te idea was to say, Teres a movement here,
but it doesnt see itself most of the time. Te response was overwhelming.
By Tursday, over 40 groups had signed on, from ColorOfChange.org
to the AFL-CIO. MoveOns feld team and our partners had organized ral-
lies at every state capitol, complete with permits and sound systems. Glenn
Beck did a special broadcast about it. He had all the logos of the partner
organizations in the background, and went into a bizarre rant attacking the
American Dream: How did Van Jones and MoveOn organize this in three
days? Te answer is they didnt. Teyve been planning this since 2008!
Billy Wimsatt
july 17, 2011
resistance is spreading | 193
But it really was organized in three days: I saw it with my own eyes. By
that Saturday, Lenore and her staf, their networks of local volunteers, and
partner organizations had 50,000 people show up in 50 states, not including
the 70,000-100,000 in Madison. MoveOn sent signs: Save Te American
Dream. Te American Dream movement was born.
Wisconsin was a turning point. Te attacks were so extreme, people de-
cided they had to go to extreme lengths to stand up for themselves. I think
their original idea was to do a two-day rally. Ten they thought maybe it
could extend to three days. Ten someone tweeted as long as it takes, and
people began to put their entire lives on hold to spend a month living in the
state Capitol. No one could have predicted it. It was unbelievable. It gave the
progressive movement hope again. It was... awesome.
Te question everyone is asking ourselves now is How do we build on
this momentum? How can we keep the movement expanding? I think part
of the answer lies in asking the questionand asking that question over and
over again with millions of people. How do we build on this movement?
Te simple act of asking that question empowers each of us to take
ownership. Te answer is that we need to do this locally where we live. We
need to connect it all in a way that lets people see that its all one struggle.
Its bigger than any one of us.
And we have to do this everywhere. Were facing similar attacks
everywhere, but we havent had a similar breakthrough like Wisconsin.
Tats what we need to do now.
What the American Dream movement is doing is challenging us all to
think about how to tell the story and brand all of this as one big efort, in
the same way the Tea Party has done. Te American Dream movement is
working with MoveOn, the Campaign for Americas Future, the Center for
Community Change, with labor, with so many groups. And theres a paral-
lel sister efort, We Are One, thats come out of the Leadership Conference
on Civil Rights. Were all working together, saying that we have to protect
the progress of the 20th century and put forward a vision for a great 21st
century where everyone gets to win together. Wisconsin has been the
inspiration for these eforts, and has helped bring all of these various groups
together as one.
Just this weekend, July 16-17, the American Dream movement orga-
nized more than 1,500 house meetings in more than 400 congressional
resistance is spreading | 194
districts nationwide to create a Contract for the American Dream, a pro-
gressive economic agenda written and voted on collectively by more than
100,000 people.
Vans suggestion that we begin to see ourselves as part of a larger move-
ment has been met with an incrediblereally an unbelievablechorus of
Yes, lets do that, which is pretty uncharacteristic of how the progressive
movement has been operating up until this point. Most people think, We
already have our brand, our name, or our message, or were going to come
up with our own. But instead of the usual mode that we operate in, I think
that people are so terrifed of whats happening and theres such a recogni-
tion that the good work weve been doing isnt enough, theres now a pro-
found openness to sticking together and trying this radical experiment of
acting like were all on the same team.
What happened in Wisconsin has been compared to the Seattle WTO
protests, which also took place during a very dark time (during another
Democratic administration) when we felt like the powers that be and the
multinational corporations were destroying everything we loved. Tats
when you frst saw these really bold, unlikely coalitionsof turtles and
Teamsters, blues and greensthat was really game-changing when it hap-
pened. People forget, but a whole series of these huge mobilizations hap-
pened with tens and even hundreds of thousands of people, all over the
world, that came together as part of a new global justice movement a de-
cade ago. When 9/11 happened, that energy was redirected into the peace
movementand then eventually into voter mobilization in 2004, 2006, and
2008 in Obamas electionthen it was fnally demobilized in 2010 because
we got confused by having Obama in ofce and started thinking that we
didnt still need to fght for our lives.
What the brave folks in Wisconsin did was say: Were back, were here,
were not dead, we havent gone anywhere. Its the same movement, and its
been reawakened, like someone kicked the sleeping giant. And we woke up.
Its very exciting.
Billy Wimsatt is Strategic Partnerships Director at Rebuild the Dream
(RebuildtheDream.com), and the author, most recently, of Please Dont Bomb
the Suburbs: A Midterm Report on My Generation and the Future of Our
Super Movement.
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
@weep4humanity The 4pm closing on Sunday is solid. Thats not
11:18am Feb 26
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Starting to see #WIunion related merch show up on the street and in
stores. Sadly most of it isnt union made. #SolidarityFAIL
11:42am Feb 26
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
Sky thick w snowfakes rt now #wiunion
1:23pm Feb 26
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
High of 15 degrees down here Wearing 2 pair of pants & earfap hat
1:25pm Feb 26
RT @VanJones68: this isnt about a shift to the political left or the political
right, it is about a return to Americas moral center.
2:22pm Feb 26
@millbot Emily Mills
Hearing reports from Madison police of something like 100k people for
rally. Hasnt even started yet! #wiunion
2:29pm Feb 26
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Kids in snowpants are adorable. And here in large numbers. #wiunion
2:43pm Feb 26
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Have no idea how big this crowd is. Its incredible. So damn cold, so
snowy, yet the streets are packed. #wiunion
3:37pm Feb 26
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Also interviewed guy with sign: Republican against the bill. Everyone
wanted to shake his hand, thank him. #wiunion #wearewi
3:53pm Feb 26
resistance is spreading | 196
In the past 24 months, those of us who longed for positive change have gone
from hope to heartbreak. But hope is returning to Americaat lastthanks
largely to the courageous stand of the heroes and heroines of Wisconsin.
Reinvigorated by the idealism and fghting spirit on display right now
in Americas heartland, the movement for hope and change has a rare,
second chance. It can renew itself and become again a national force with
which to be reckoned.
Over the next hours and days, all who love this country need to do ev-
erything possible to spread the spirit of Madison to all 50 states. Tis does
not mean we need to occupy 50 state capitols; things elsewhere are not yet
that dire. But this weekend, the best of America should rally on the steps of
every statehouse in the union.
MoveOn.org and others have issued just this kind of call to action;
everyone should prioritize responding and turning out in large numbers.
On Saturday, the powers-that-be (in both parties) should see a rain-
bow force coming together: organized workers, business leaders, veterans,
students and youth, faith leaders, civil rights fghters, womens rights cham-
pions, immigrant rights defenders, LGBTQ stalwarts, environmentalists,
academics, artists, celebrities, community activists, elected ofcials, and
moreall standing up for whats right.
Van Jones
Yes! Magazine, February 22, 2011
resistance is spreading | 197
Defendingand Defningthe American Dream
And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just
a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as im-
portant as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: Our
country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself.
And the fght in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one.
Afer all, it is the American Dream that the GOPs slash and burn
agenda is killing of. We need a movement dedicated to renewing the idea
that hard work pays in our country; that you can make it if you try; that
America remains a land committed to dignity, justice, and opportunity for
all. Right now, this very idea is on the GOP chopping block. And we must
rescue it nowor risk losing it forever.
America will not make it through this crisis healthy and whole ifat
the frst sign of troublewe are willing to throw away millions of our ev-
eryday heroes. Our teachers, police ofcers, frefghters, nurses, and others
make our communities and country strong. Teir daily work is essential to
the smooth functioning and long-term success of our nation. An attack on
them is an attack on the backbone of America.
Nobody objects to politicians cutting budgetary fat. But the GOP pro-
gram everywhere is so reckless that it would actually cut muscle, bone, and
marrow, too. Tis approach is both shortsighted and immoral. We should
rise up against itin our millions.
Both parties should be taking steps to solve the countrys problems in
a balanced, fair, and rational way. If defcits are truly the issue, then raising
taxes and cutting spending both should be on the table, as tools. But Wis-
consins governor recently handed out massive corporate tax breaks, reduc-
ing the states revenues. Tat move greatly added to the problem he now
wants to fx by attacking essential services with a meat axe. A slew of GOP
governors in places like Ohio are gearing up to take similar approaches.
If a foreign power conspired to infict this much damage on Americas
frst responders and essential infrastructure, we would see it as an act of
And if a foreign dictator unilaterally announced that his nations work-
ers no longer had a seat at the bargaining table in their own country, the
U.S. establishment would rightfully go bananas.
If Republicans would oppose that kind of thuggery abroad, how can
they champion it here at home?
resistance is spreading | 198
How can they accept for the American people what they would de-
nounce for the people of any other nation on Earth?
GOP governors in multiple states are advancing schemes to erase the
long-standing rights of American employees to choose a union and bar-
gain collectively. We need to call these outrageous plots what they are: un-
American and unacceptable. Tey are not just assaults on workers; they are
assaults on the American Way itself.
Tis Is Our Tea Party Moment
It is time to draw a line in the sandnationally. Someone has to stand up
for common sense and fairness. It is time to use all nonviolent means to de-
fend the American people and our American principles from these abuses.
If we take a bold and courageous stand, over time, we can win. Make
no mistake about it: this is our Tea Party momentin a positive sense.
In fact, we can learn many important lessons from the recent achieve-
ments of the libertarian, populist right. Dont forget: even afer the Repub-
licans epic electoral defeat in 2008, a right-wing uprising was still able to
smash public support for new New Deal economics. Along the way, it
revived the political fortunes of the GOP.
A popular outcry from the lef could just as easily shatter the prevailing
bipartisan consensus that America is suddenly a poor country that cannot
possibly help its people meet our basic needs.
Te truth is that we dont live in Bangladesh or Malawi. America is
not a poor country. Te public has just been hypnotized into believing that
the richest and most creative nation on Earth has only two choices in this
crisis: massive austerity (as championed by the Tea Party/Republicans) or
semi-massive austerity (as meekly ofered by too many D.C. Democrats). It
is ridiculous.
Fortunately, the people in Wisconsin know that. So they are fghting
courageously. Teir eforts could blossom into a compelling, national force
for the goodofering a powerful alternative to those false choices.
And while our re-born movement needs to be as clear and bold as the
Tea Parties, we must base our eforts on a deeper set of American values.
Te Tea Party attached itself to only a single American principle. And
it identifes itself with only one moment in our distant past: the Boston Tea
Party, symbolizing no taxation without representation.
resistance is spreading | 199
American Dream Movement Rooted in a Deeper Patriotism
Tat is an important moment and concept. But the notion of negative lib-
erty (Dont tread on me!) is only one principle among many that makes
our country great. Other equally vital American values and ideals (like jus-
tice, opportunity, fairness, and democracy) have gone largely undefended
and unheralded in this recent crisis. Tat endsnow. Our rising movement
should stand for the full suite of American values and principles.
And the American ideal most in need of defense is our most essential
one: the American Dream.
Te steps needed to renew and redeem the American Dream are
straightforward and simple:
Increase revenue for Americas government sensibly by making
Wall Street and the super-rich pay their fair share.
Reduce spending responsibly by cutting the real fatlike corpo-
rate welfare for military contractors, big agriculture, and big oil.
Simultaneously protect the heart and soul of Americaour
teachers, nurses, and frst responders.
Guarantee the health, safety, and success of our children and
communities by leaving the muscle and bone of Americas
communities intact.
Maintain the American Way by treating employees with dignity
and respecting their right to a seat at the bargaining table.
Rebuild the middle classand pathways into itby fghting for
a made in America innovation and manufacturing agenda,
including trade and currency policies that honor American
workers and entrepreneurs.
Stand for the idea that, in a crisis, Americans turn TO each
otherand not ON each other.
A Return to the Moral Center
By standing up for dignity, equal opportunity, and fair play, the Wisconsin
workers have found their way to Americas great moral center. By standing
with them, we reclaim what is best in our country.
Tese are not radical notions. Tey are the common sense ideas that
form the core of who we are as a nation. We can rally Americans, once
again, to stand up for these values. We can make America, once again, a
resistance is spreading | 200
land where it is safe for everyday people to dream.
We will prevail becausein truthwe are not in a right-wing period
of American history, nor are we in a lef-wing period. We are simply in a
volatile period.
And during times like these, we can take comfort in knowing that a
great nation will ultimately pull its answersnot from its ideological ex-
tremesbut from its deep, moral center.
By standing up for dignity, equal opportunity, and fair play, the Wis-
consin workers have found their way to Americas great moral center. Tey
have shown us all, at last, the way back home. By standing with them, we
reclaim what is best in our country.
April 15, 2009, marked the beginning of the national movement to re-
member the Tea Party and pull America to the ideological right.
Let Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, mark the beginning of the national move-
ment to renew the American Dream and return us to the moral center
where everybody counts, and everybody matters.
Madison Teachers just voted to go on general strike tomorrow
mounting an historic
efort to recall six Wisconsin Republican state senators from ofce is a
radical act. In all of Wisconsin history, only four previous recalls have
ever been attempted. Yet there is a contingent of activists who have taken
issue with the way Democrats and union leaders have channeled the re-
markable momentum of the uprising into the narrow and limited sphere
of electoral politics.
Tey object to politicians and union leaders eforts to harness and
sanitize the energy of a spontaneous movement toward their own long-
standing objectives. Rather than simply trying to shif the balance of power
from one party to another, radical grassroots activists saw in the uprising
the potential to bring about fundamental change to larger political and eco-
nomic systems. And in the face of Governor Scott Walkers extreme actions,
they felt that union leaders blinked by failing to call a general strike or use
civil disobedience to continue or even escalate the struggle.
In an uprising marked by diversity and solidarity, these competing vi-
sions created an undercurrent of tension throughout. From the attempts to
negotiate a wind-down of the Capitol occupation to the discussions of what
comes next, there remain larger questions of power, control, and the mean-
ing of the movement that has grown out of the Wisconsin struggle.
@millbot Emily Mills
Coldest, snowiest day of the last two weeks. Biggest rally turnout in
support of workers to date. God love you, Wisconsin. #wiunion #wearewi
4:05pm Feb 26
@millbot Emily Mills
Inspired by huge turnout today in Madison & solidarity rallies all over
country. Thanks for keeping it up, all! #wiunion #wearewi
5:19pm Feb 26
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
Guys sign has shoes hanging from it, says: Obama-Heres yer
comfortable shoes Where are you?
6:10pm Feb 26
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Day 13. Were still here. Weve multiplied. And you can close the Capitol
tomorrow, but our voices wont stop.
6:15pm Feb 26
@cabell Cabell Gathman
Ive heard estimates up to 150K & Id believe it. RT @AFLCIO: RT
@wisafcio: More than 100,000! http://bit.ly/h57ikr #WIunion #WeAreWI
6:39pm Feb 26
@bluecheddar1 blue cheddar
@purrplecatmama Now home. Damn cold there. Amazing turn-out,
people just getting covered in a heavy snow. Completely unfazed.
7:07pm Feb 26
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Town hall mtg going on in capitol rotunda. Trying to get a sense of what
will happen tomorrow at 4pm, when police kick folks out #wiunion
8:10pm Feb 26
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 205
Adapted from an article frst published at SocialistWorker.org
Te round-the-clock occupation of the Wisconsin state Capitol ended
March 3 amid stark strategic debates on how to take the struggle forward.
Te fault lines of that debate continue to separate two poles of the move-
ment in Wisconsin today.
On one side is the strategy backed by the largest unions and organiza-
tions: exclusive focus on elections to recall Republican state senators. On
the other are those of us who see the central strategic issue as creating new
networks focused on escalating direct, mass pressure on the state govern-
ment and its corporate backers. As a proponent of the later approach, I want
to share how these debates played out at the crucial moments that deter-
mined when and how the Capitol occupation would continue.
For 16 days, the Capitol occupation had been the most visible symbol
of the remarkable series of protests for workers rights in Wisconsin and a
focal point for solidarity from around the world. At a more practical level,
it was also the space where activists met one another, debated strategies and
ideas, and organized. Tat occupation played a crucial role in maintaining
the momentum of the protests afer Madison teachers ended their sickout
and returned to work during the second week of protests.
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field
March 9, 2011
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 206
With the occupation now over, in part due to Governor Scott Walk-
ers illegal restrictions on access to the building, activists are regrouping
and developing new strategies. But the last fve days of the occupation
in particular, the debates over when and how to stay or leaverevealed
diferences that will inform the strategies to come.
Te division appeared most sharply on the frst day that the police ordered
the Capitol clearedSunday, Feb. 27and the last day of the 16-day con-
tinuous occupation, on Tursday, March 3.
On Feb. 27, this divergence took the form of struggle for democracy
within the movement as much as for the Capitol itself. Democrats, most
labor union leaders and stafers, and the activists who saw themselves as
running the Capitol occupation directed everyone to leave as ordered by the
police at 4 p.m., while a pre-selected group was to stay behind to be arrested
with a carefully constructed media message. According to Capitol Police
Chief Charles Tubbs, labor leaders and the police had negotiated this exit
planthough this was news to many union members and activists involved
in the occupation. Union stafers and other activists widely presented the
situation as though all decisions were made: Te building would inevitably
be shut down and all those lef in it arrested, and the only decision lef was
whether to join the planned protestson its termsor to leave quietly.
As the 4 p.m. deadline approached, Democratic state Rep. Brett Hulsey
sauntered past a long line of people waiting to speak and occupied the mi-
crophone for 12 minutes, telling the crowd, And now I want you to do the
most important thing in this campaign, which is to follow me out of that
door at 4 o clock. Hulseys lengthy speech was facilitated by self-appoint-
ed MCs who had taken control of the buildings main microphones as the
deadline neared; one told me he was just doing what he was told though
he couldnt say who had told him to do what.
But rather than follow Hulsey out of the Capitol, a small group of
activists had organized a diferent strategy: Pack the building with people
refusing to leave at the deadline in the hopes that if the numbers were large
enough, no one would be arrested, and the building would remain ours. In
this context, those of us who fought to continue the occupation felt that we
were fghting just as much for democracy within the movement as we were
to continue the occupation.
In the course of this efort, we met and joined with other small groups
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 207
with the same goal. One network organized in the Capitol, which later
began calling itself A Peoples Movement, had met over several days and
headed into Sunday with a plan to try to keep the building open. Correctly
guessing that the police would prevent people from entering the building as
the afernoon wore on, this group organized to bring crowds of people
inside the Capitol to the buildings entrances to protest the doors being
closed to the outside. Te contingents chanting, Let them in! helped to
focus anger at the Capitol being closed, rather than acceptance of the
restrictions coming from the police.
As the 4 p.m. deadline hit, instead of leaving, hundreds of activists,
including many union members, decided to stay inside the Capitol. Afer
having claimed that arrest was imminent, Capitol Police decided to avoid
arrests by leaving the building open: a huge victory for protesters.
On the last day of the occupation, the same constellations of forces emerged.
By this time, Walker had kept the building under illegal lockdown for four
days, beginning the morning afer the Feb. 27 victory. Tis was in violation
of an explicit promise made to protesters by Chief Tubbs that the building
would reopen as usual the following morning.
By Tursday, March 3, the core of activists inside the building had
dwindled to fewer than 50 people, as thousands of othersin violation of
the state Constitutionwere kept from joining them by restrictions put on
entering the Capitol. Activists knew they could not hold on indefnitely in
these circumstances, so discussions inside the building turned to how to
resist the police clampdown.
Over several days, activists tested the limits of the police and devel-
oped their own confidence and initiative. On Tuesday, March 1, after
police set up checkpoints in the building, a small group of protesters
moved to sit just outside the allowed area. Tis provoked debate inside the
building about whether resisting police directives threatened the occupa-
tiona debate that ended afer half an hour, when the police decided to
respond by moving the rope barrier so that those sitting were once again
inside it. Ten the activists moved to the other side again, establishing that
even though they were fagrantly violating the rules, the police did not
intend to arrest them.
As Student Labor Action Coalition member Scot McCullough ex-
plained, It was big because they said, You cant cross this line, and then we
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 208
did, and they didnt do anything. ... We showed that the police dont have
supreme rule here.
On Tursday, March 3, activists hatched a more daring plan. To get
protesters inside the building despite police eforts to limit access, a small
group inside rushed an under-guarded Capitol door and held it open at
the precise moment that thousands of people had gathered for a No Con-
cessions rally on the other side. Hundreds of union members streamed
into the statehouse in the minutes before police managed to shut the
doors again.
Te mood was jubilantfor about 15 minutes, before Rep. Hulsey re-
turned to lead people out once again. Tis time, the group inside advocat-
ing to stay was too small to efectively infuence what happened, and by
this point it was clear that to fully cooperate with the police was incom-
patible with maintaining the occupation. As most people fled out, what
remained was a core of only about 20 activists, faced with a court order
ordering them to leave.
Late that night, afer hours of discussion, the small group remaining in
the Capitol marched out singing, greeted by hundreds of supporters. Te
16-day occupation of the Capitol had ended.
No one can fault activistssome of whom had been in the Capitol continu-
ously for four days or longerfor choosing to leave on March 3. As the
Capitol became more restricted, holding the space increasingly became a
source of exhaustion rather than of creativity and networking, making it
hard for activists to formulate longer-term strategies.
In that sense, the key moment was not the decision to leave the Capitol
late on Tursday night. Rather, it was a long series of decisions up to that
point that led to the end of the occupation: activists accepting every restric-
tion made by the police, and the lack of an efective plan to resist, outside
the courtroom, Walkers illegal restrictions on entry.
Te direct action that had brought hundreds into the Capitol only
hours before the occupation ended, the successful occupation on the
night of Sunday, Feb. 27, and the smaller actions inside the Capitol last
week showed that activists could efectively resist police orders. But this
lesson was absorbed too late to bring sufcient people into the Capitol to
hold it in the face of the decision of much of organized labor to scuttle
the occupation.
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 209
Te fault lines exposed in the Capitol debates will reassert themselves
in the post-occupation strategies for taking the movement forward. Te
unions strategy is to focus everything on eforts to recall the Republican
senators. Te idea is that special elections can elect Democrats who will
modify Walkers attacks on collective bargaining, maintaining unions legal
existenceand their campaign contributions.
A recall efort could put pressure on Republican legislators to back
away from their harshest demands. But it is no substitute for the kind of
strugglesthe teachers sickouts and the Capitol occupationthat have
propelled the struggle forward.
And in practice, the push for the recall strategy is explicitly being
counterposed to action. Tus, the recall strategy relegates the hundreds of
thousands of people who have protested Walkers so-called budget-repair
bill to an almost wholly passive role. At best, they will be phone-bankers
and signature-gatherers for an electoral campaign focused in eight relative-
ly conservative districts.
Instead of building the mass movement to stop the cuts now, the
Democrats and union leaders are willing to take the risk of the cuts going
through, based on the hope that they will recapture the state Senate in a
few months time. But given that Walker will remain in ofce and the state
Assembly will remain in Republican hands, it will be almost impossible to
reverse those cuts once theyve passed.
Te cost of the Democrats strategy of counterposing recall elections
to mass action can already be seen, from the constantand frankly conde-
scendingadmonitions to be peaceful to the attempts to carefully man-
age a media message. In fact, union leaders preferred to split the March 5
rally rather than let Michael Moore speak from their stage, for fear that hed
call for a general strike. Tis refects a deep distrust of rank-and-fle work-
ers and the power of their self-organization.
But that power is what has propelled the movement forward over the
last three weeks in Wisconsin. Tis has been seen from the regular mass
demonstrations to the self-organization of Capitol City, when the hundreds
of us sleeping in the Capitol managed to run it better than normal. It was
direct action by large numbers of people who occupied the Capitol, spear-
headed by teachers.
Te most efective strategy for building a new labor movement will
involve organizing the direct power of the masses of angry, hopeful, fright-
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 210
ened and inspired people whose lives Walker is planning to wreck. Te
teachers gave us a glimpse of that power when they shut down schools for
four days and led the blockade of the state Legislature that launched the
occupation of the Capitol.
But all this hasnt been enough to stop Walker. A disruption serious
enough to make Walker and his corporate backers think twice would have
to involve mass action that could shut down multiple sectors of the state
at once.
Tat vision can sometimes feel impossible to realize, even to those of us
who favor it. But occupying the Capitol for over two weeks sounded just as
crazybefore we did it. Te question being posed to all of us in Wisconsin
is whether we are going to make the most of this historic opportunity and
try to organize, from the bottom up, a labor movement that fghtsor
fritter it away because of the fear that things will get out of hand.
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison and a member of the Teaching Assistants Association, the Wiscon-
sin Resists coalition, and the International Socialist Organization.
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Church service about to start in the rotunda.
10:05am Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Word from several sources in capitol is if there are enough protesters in
building, police wont arrest them all. #wiunion
#notmywi #wearewi
11:03am Feb 27
@cabell Cabell Gathman
Members of marginalized groups (POC, LGBTQ, low-income, etc.) risk
greater consequences for civil disobedience. #WeAreWI
1:15pm Feb 27
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
They are restricting access to the Capitol. Line formed at the King Street
entrance. #wiunion #wearewi
1:40pm Feb 27
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
RT @ddayen: My sense is that the Capitol police dont quite know yet
how they will clear this building #wiunion
1:44pm Feb 27
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
If the Capitol is open to the public until 4, but they wont let the public in,
how is that open? #wiunion
2:27pm Feb 27
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
I havent felt this rushed and panicky since my frst contested hearing.
2:43pm Feb 27
@ddayen David Dayen
Release from protesters: citizens to remain in Capitol more in a minute
2:54pm Feb 27
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 212
Versions of this essay were originally published on Daily Kos, Proposition
Press, and the Justseeds blog.
Two months into the Wisconsin uprising a movement still exists, but where
it goes from here is unclear. Te budget-repair bill that will end collec-
tive bargaining rights for most public employees in Wisconsin is currently
tied up in the courts. Legal challenges will likely go on for several months,
maybe longer. In the meantime, risks, challenges, and contradictions loom
within a movement that can be described as painfully moderate. Wisconsin
citizens have arisen and protested in massive numbers. Te sleeping giant
that is the labor movement plus working class solidarity has awoken. But
the outlook is not entirely optimistic.
Te Wisconsin uprising has refected the strengths and weaknesses of
the organized labor movement. Organized labor has mobilized huge num-
bers of people and demonstrated the collective power of public and private
unions to combat Governor Scott Walker, the GOP, and corporate greed.
But the movement has also become sadly refective of the labors leaders
cautious, allergic to direct action and civil disobedience, and most of all,
averse to calling a strike. Labor leadership has instead curtailed a move-
ment that had real potential to defeat Walker and real potential to demand
Dan S. Wang and Nicolas Lampert
April 28, 2011
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 213
and create a more just and equal society, and transformed it into a move-
ment that has become all about protest marches, recall eforts, and votes for
Tis is a shame. For the frst week, the Wisconsin uprising was all about
taking risks, the eminent power of self-organized action, and the snowball-
ing impacts of tactical escalation. Even the fight of Wisconsins 14 Demo-
cratic senators to Illinoisto break the quorum needed for the Legislature
to vote on the union-busting billwas an act of aggression, a true counter-
attack that served as an escalation. Every escalation risks a loss of support, a
desertion of the nervous, the unsure, and the moderate. But in each of the
earlier escalationsthe student walkouts, teachers sickouts, the Capitol oc-
cupation, resolve stifened and excitement grew massively.
But precisely because these 14 Democratic senators are elected of-
cials, their move opened up a whole front of legalistic minutiae, opaque
and inaccessible to the vast majority of the citizenry. At the same time, as a
media storyline, the 14 drowned out the other risk-taking constituencies
rank-and-fle union members, non-obedient law enforcement workers,
unorganized private-sector workers, and high school, college, and gradu-
ate students. As movement voices, the Senate Democrats presented solu-
tions in terms of legislative compromise and electoral strategy. While we
credit them for their timely move, for all the above reasons, the fight of the
14i.e., inserting themselves into the movementin hindsight represents
a structural moderation from within the movement.
Tis was confrmed when some of the returning 14 Democratic sena-
tors spoke to more than 150,000 people who gathered around the Capitol
for a huge rally on Saturday, March 12. Tey spoke almost exclusively of
the movement as an electoral efort, and neglected to credit the chain of es-
calations that made their own move possible. For us, the lesson of the day
was that the grassroots would do well by refraining from over-valorizing
the 14. And we would do better by refecting on the actions of fellow work-
ers and global citizens in Egypt who inspired us during the frst weekthe
ones who peacefully toppled a 30-year autocrat partly thanks to an unwav-
ering general strike. In times like this, when public unions are fghting for
their very existence, and a wide range of constituencies face attacks that
threaten to undo decades of hard-earned progress, all tactics are needed to
win, including strikes and direct action. No action can be ruled out.
From the point of view of the raging non-unionized grassroots and
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 214
many rank-and-fle union members, a one-day strike should have been
called on the day that Walker signed the anti-union bill. Te hot potato then
would have been thrown back into Walkers hands, confronting him with
the queasiness of having to carry out his stated threats to fre public work-
ers. But it did not happen. Te union leadership responded with words, not
actions, thereby severing the chain of escalations, and accepting defeat. By
this time the movement had for all practical purposes become identifed,
including from within, as union-led, leaving the non-union grassroots with
nowhere to channel their outrage, energy, and willingness to share risk. A
precious historic opportunity was lost.
What weve been reminded of in Wisconsin over the last two months
is that once started, following through on the chain of escalations gives us
a better chance of winning specifc battles and puts our opposition on the
defensiveas long as we have the courage, vision, and creativity to increase
the pressure when the opportunities present themselves. Strategically
speaking, the events in the chain of escalation itself are what generate the
spaces for new possibilities, new ways of relating to each other as citizens,
the beginnings of the democracy we want, and the ground on which new
leaders and new ideas emerge from the grassroots. Electoral politics alone
do not accomplish this. Neither do the cautious tactics of labor leaders. Ask
yourself, when has labor won a signifcant victory without calling a strike?
And when has a social justice movement won signifcant demands without
the one-two punch of electoral politics combined with civil disobedience
and actions that led to mass arrests?
Now that the chain has been broken and the conservatives have pre-
vailed for the moment, the question is how to restart a series of mean-
ingfully oppositional actions. In other words, if this movement is to be
sustained, it can no longer be exclusively or even primarily about unions,
collective bargaining, or the GOPs greed and lies, as egregious as they
are. In order to win, we need to imagine and articulate the society that
we want to live in, not simply fght defensively against the latest round of
GOP/corporate attacks. Te Wisconsin uprising must evolve into a move-
ment that speaks to the priorities of immigrants and the inner-city poor,
the unorganized private-sector workers, the struggling farm communi-
ties, the unemployed, and the incarceratedas loudly as it speaks to the
concerns of the unionized. We need to ask what it would take to make this
movement truly popular. We have the power of numbers but we remain
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 215
separated by walls of division.
As we move forward we need to examine why overly cautious labor
leaders and unimaginative Democrats took the reins of a movement that
held such promise, and how we let them. We urge our fellow citizens and
grassroots activists to reserve our power separately from the leadership
and prepare for the next uprising, the one that will erupt in a day, a week,
a month, or years down the roadthe one in which we do not let the op-
portunity slip away.
Dan S. Wang is a writer and artist who lives in Madison and works at Columbia
College in Chicago, where he is a member of the part-time faculty union (PFAC).

Nicolas Lampert is a Milwaukee-based activist-artist who teaches at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and belongs to the TAUMP union (American
Federation of Teachers-Wisconsin). He is a member of the Justseeds Artists
Cooperative (www.Justseeds.org).
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
T-minus ffteen mins until #wiunion protesters scheduled to be moved
out... #wearewi
3:15pm Feb 27
@evale72 evale72
The voice you hear is the our advisers instructing the crowd on their legal
options and non violent civil disobedience tactics.
3:16pm Feb 27
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Hello awesome tweeps: Im not PLANNING to get arrested. Just prepared
for all contingencies. Thanks for your concern. #wiunion
3:27pm Feb 27
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
RT @MikeElk: When arrests begin, in capitol we will play Dr Kings fnal
speech where he was in Memphis to support AFSCME sanitation workers
3:28pm Feb 27
@ddayen David Dayen
People planning on not leaving holding up their hands #wiunion
3:40pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
All of a sudden press is everywhere. all it took was a few hundred people
ready to get arrested. #wiunion #wearewi
3:49pm Feb 27
@ddayen David Dayen
Chant stand our ground #wiunion
3:51pm Feb 27
@evale72 evale72
RT @brandzel 3rd police offcer in a row whose simply said, thank you for
being here. Something very unusual is happening..
3:56pm Feb 27
@ddayen David Dayen
Countdown to 4:00 #wiunion
3:59pm Feb 27
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 217
I believe leaders of the business community, with few exceptions, have
chosen to wage a one-sided class war in this country...
Doug Fraser, UAW President, 1978
...20 years or so down the road well be talking about the before
Wisconsin and afer Wisconsin movements.
Tom Juravich, labor organizer and researcher 2011
...the organization does not supply the troops for the struggle, but the
struggle, in an ever growing degree, supplies recruits for the organization.
Rosa Luxemburg, Te Mass Strike, 1906
As the last decade or more has demonstrated, unions dont grow incremen-
tally as a result of their patient, even persistent eforts to recruit. Rather,
unions grow more or less rapidly in periods of intense confict and labor
upheaval. Such was the clear experience of the 1930s. In a somewhat more
uneven fashion, the period from the mid-1960s through the 1970s saw ris-
ing numbers of strikes, increased rank-and-fle rebellion, and the addition
of 4 million members to the ranks of organized labor.
While some level of organization is required to spark a rise in labors
side of the class struggle, Rosa Luxemburg was essentially right that it
is the struggle, in an ever growing degree, (that) supplies recruits. Te
Kim Moody
Against the Current, May/June, 2011
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 218
FebruaryMarch events in Wisconsin, across the Midwest, and indeed
around the country, have already ignited a spark that has drawn tens, per-
haps hundreds of thousands into action.
Its not just that the demonstrations have been big and bold, which
they certainly have been. Nor is it that fairly high-placed union leaders
called for actions, refreshing as that is. Rather it is that these events, the
occupations, the growing numbers, the rallying of non-union support-
ers, the national outpouring, are the consequence of countless grassroots
initiativesof worker self-activitythat carried these events beyond
what those who might have initiated them had ever imagined possible,
or perhaps desirable.
Like the beginnings of upsurge in earlier times, the rebellion that be-
gan with Wisconsins public workersagainst one of the most far-reaching
attacks on workers rights in some timecame as a result of anger building
afer years of pressure on public employees all across the nation.
Real wages of Wisconsin public employees, for example, grew by less
than 1 percent from 1999 through 2009. Municipal employees in Madison
hadnt had a wage increase for three years. But we are to imagine that they
are to blame for the states newly manufactured defcit, even though the
research arm of the National Nurses United found that two-thirds of Wis-
consin corporations paid no taxes. So, to injury was added insult.
Crisis and Pressure
Tese kinds of pressures, of course, are not unique to public-sector workers.
Enormous pressures of work intensifcation have joined slumping income
and attacks on benefts of all kinds. Te Great Recession brought still more
pressure on those with jobs, while continuing the shif of the workforce as
a whole to lower-paid work. Im suggesting here that these same attacks
and erosions of power, which have brought about labors retreats and stale-
mates, may also be what impels people to rebellion.
Not surprisingly, the recent Great Recession dealt another blow to a
very weakened labor movement. In 2009 and 2010, afer a couple of years
of moderate growth, the unions lost 1.4 million members, with all the net
loss in the private sector. Collective bargaining outcomes followed suit.
In 2008, according to Bureau of National Afairs reports, the average ne-
gotiated frst-year wage increase was 3.6 percent. By 2009 it had sunk to
2.3 percent, and by the frst nine months of 2010 to 1.7 percent. State and
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 219
local public-workers did even worse as frst-year increases dropped from
3.2 percent in 2008 to 2.0 percent in 2009 and 1.3 percent in the frst nine
months of 2010. In this latter year 35 percent of all agreements contained
no frst-year wage increase.
Benefts had been eroding for some time, and by 2009 only 20 percent
of all workers still had a defned beneft pension. Te percentage of work-
ers with employer-provided health insurance fell from over 68 percent in
2000 to just under 62 percent in 2008. Of course, union workers are more
likely to have such coverage, but here too erosion has been at work as more
workers pay more in deductibles, co-pays, or even premiums. Te results
among diferent groups of workers varied, of course, but what seemed to be
the object of capital was a gradual redefnition of what subsistence would
amount to in the Marxist sense, i.e., the historically and culturally accept-
able living standard for the average worker.
Ongoing increases in the intensity of work had become a regular
feature of the 2000s, afer the recession of 200001. From 20022007
productivity grew by 2.2 percent a year, much higher than even the rate
of the 198389 recovery. Te Great Recession provided still another op-
portunity to increase this rate even more, as production grew faster than
hiring. Not surprisingly, corporate profts hit an all-time high at $1.7 tril-
lion in the third quarter of 2010, an increase of 28 percent over the year
before. And it was not the fnancial sector that brought these new profts,
but the domestic profts of the non-fnancial sector where profts soared
40 percent in that period.
With strikes at an all-time low, a little over 100 in 2009 according to
the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, it might be concluded that
Doug Frasers one-sided class war was still the reality. But prolonged pe-
riods of massive pressure on work, particularly when joined by falling in-
comes, tend to build resentment and anger.
Tis may be expressed in both negative and positive ways. Disgusted
union voters stay home or even vote for Republicans, as in 2010. A few may
join the largely middle-class Tea Party movement. But sooner or later the
anger is likely to fnd the real culprits and explode. Tis is what happened
in the 1930s afer fve years of speed-up and wage cuts, and in the mid-
1960s as the impact of what Mike Davis calls the management ofensive of
195863 took its toll. Tis may well be what has happened in Wisconsin
and around the country in early 2011.
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 220
Create Crisis, Blame the Workers
Te fscal crisis that the states fnd themselves in today has to be under-
stood in the context of the massive shif of income that occurred in the last
30 years or so, as labor income shrank from 73.9 percent in 1979 to 70.4
percent in 2006. Much of this was simply the huge rise in the rate of surplus
value extracted from the working class over this period (see Crisis and
Potential in Labors Wars, Against the Current No. 145, March/April 2010),
but some of this shif unquestionably derives from the reduction of taxes
on corporate America.
Tus the annual share of afer-tax proft as a proportion of total prof-
its rose from 5455 percent in the 1960s and 1970s to two-thirds in the
1990s and 2000s. At the state level corporate taxes fell from 9.7 percent of
total (non-federal) receipts in 1970s to 6.7 percent in 2006. Tis underlying
source of state fscal problems would be enhanced in Wisconsin by the ac-
tions of Governor Scott Walker.
As noted above, Wisconsin public workers have not seen any real in-
crease in weekly wages for a decade. Indeed, as one study by the Economic
Policy Institute shows, Wisconsin public employees make 14.2 percent less
than comparable private-sector workers in annual wages and 10.7 percent
less in hourly terms. Tey have better benefts, but they pay more for them:
26.7 percent of total public-sector compensation goes to non-wage benefts,
compared to 19.4 to 22.8 percent in the private sector.
Health insurance accounts for 12.9 percent of compensation for public
employees, compared to 7 percent to 9.7 percent for those in the private
sector. Te comparable fgures for retirement benefts are 8 percent to be-
tween 2.5 and 4.9 percent. Yet Walker and his big business allies, including
the billionaire Tea Party backers David and Charles Koch and the far-right
business group Club for Growth Wisconsin, are saying in ads and elsewhere
that public-sector workers arent sacrifcing like everyone else (everyone?).
Demonizing public employees has been a nationwide campaign for
some time, and recently no group of public workers has been more system-
atically targeted than teachers. Campaign afer campaign has claimed that
bad teachers are to blame for Americas slumping test results, as though
these were the measure of everything. Newsweek ran a 2010 cover suggest-
ing the solution to poor education was to fre poor teachers. Last August
the Los Angeles Times rated thousands of teachers as bad, based on leaked
test scores.
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 221
President Barack Obamas Race to the Top has also demonized teachers.
Te drive to deprive teachers of seniority and collective bargaining has gained
momentum, despite the fact that states with strong teachers unions and col-
lective bargaining are among the highest scoring. Furthermore, nationally be-
tween 2000 and 2006 teachers salaries have fallen behind infation by 3 percent.
Wisconsin teachers actually make $2,600 a year less than the national average.
Teachers, of course, played a big role in the Wisconsin rebellion.
Nevertheless, Walkers entire case for his draconian anti-union legisla-
tion rests on the assertion that public workers are to blame for the states
defcits, their wages and benefts said to be unsustainable. So it is neces-
sary not only that these should be cut, but that the workers ability to resist
such cuts be removed entirely.
On top of anger about their own economic reality is the fact that Wis-
consins public-sector workers know they are not the source of the defcits.
It was known that Walker has ballooned the defcit for the next fscal year,
mainly by handing out $140 million to various business and special-interest
groups. Had he not done this, there would be no crisis with which to beat
up the states public employees.
Indeed the problem in Wisconsin, as in many states and within the
federal government, goes back even farther. A study done by the research
arm of the National Nurses United showed that two-thirds of Wisconsin
corporations had paid no taxes for years. Public-worker anger not only had
more fuel, it also had a culpritin fact, a cluster of very well-of culprits.
Walker, along with other newly elected Republican governors and state
lawmakers, are on a rampage to destroy public-sector unions and collec-
tive bargaining. As any number of commentators have argued, this is about
power, class power, not budgets. His legislation not only limits collective
bargaining to wages, which he has vowed to cut, but eliminates dues check-
of and requires an annual decertifcation vote, a combination that would
certainly destabilize most unions. Tis is, in short, an attack on the unions
as institutions, a fact that in itself explains much about the origins of the
fght in Wisconsin, above all the unusually militant responses of the states
top level union ofcials.
Dynamics of the Struggle
Te call for escalating demonstrations beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 15 from
the local American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 222
(AFSCME), Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) and
American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was meant specifcally to protest
the bill that was to be introduced on that Tursday. Te threat to the very
institution of unionism was enough to stir the top leaders to action.
AFSCME President Gerald McEntee came to Madison on the frst day,
John Nichols tells us in Te Nation (Feb. 15, 2001), not merely to protest
but to lobby.
In other words, militant tactics were tied to conventional strategies
lobbying to stop the bill. As the crisis deepened, WEAC took a step further
and urged its members to call in sick and rally in Madison. Afer two days
they would call of the sickout. Furthermore, with the institutional defense
foremost in mind, these leaders agreed in advance to grant Walker the cuts
he was asking, including an 8 percent wage cut.
Whatever the narrow, if understandable, objectives and means the top
ofcials had in mind, they had set something in motion that would go far
beyond conventional lobbying or protest and even, for some, beyond the
ofcial union goals. Te escalating numbers, rising to 30,000 on Friday the
18 and then 70,000 on Saturday, the occupation of the Capitols rotunda
night afer night by workers and students, the growing out-of-state contin-
gents, reaching a peak of perhaps 100,000 on Saturday the 26, all spoke of
grassroots initiatives.
Observers called the growing demonstrations and occupations spon-
taneous, and pointed to the roles of volunteers in organizing the overnight
occupations of the Capitol. Local unions took turns volunteering for slee-
pover duty on diferent nights. Car pools from around the state and then
from out-of-state were organized by local unions, groups of activists, and
even individuals.
In short, the union ofcialdom had called into being a movement that
exceeded its expectation or intentions. A lobby and demonstration became
a major disruption that drew thousands from their jobs into the streets of
Madison, the halls of the statehouse, and then cities around the country.
Te dynamics of class confict had revealed themselves for all to see.
Tis truly mass movement has had unexpected and unconvention-
al results. Te 14 Democrats who lef the Capitol for Illinois on Feb. 17
certainly did something out of character. Te fact that they remained
out-of-state for as long as they did was also a consequence of the mass
movementthey had looked their electoral base in the eye and saw it
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 223
demanding action. Indianas Democratic legislators took the cue and did
the same. If in the end, the movement could not stop the Republicans from
ramming through their bill, it did disrupt politics-as-usual to an extent
rarely seen in the United States.
Te dynamics of the struggle also pushed past the expectations and
intentions of most top union ofcials in at least three other ways. For one
thing, the mass movement galvanized public opinion. Which side are you
on? goes the old song and by almost two to one the public, both in Wis-
consin and nationally, sided with the movement against the governor.
Perhaps less desired by some union ofcials was the anti-concessions
wing of the movement that developed around the National Nurses Unit-
ed (NNU). Tis led to a demonstration explicitly opposing the state labor
leaders agreement to accept Walkers cuts, including the 8 percent wage
reduction and the cut which would cost 70,000 people Medicaid coverage.
On March 3 a no-concessions funeral march, led of by a New Orleans-
style brass band, drew 7,000 people. Te march was addressed by Jim Ca-
vanaugh, president of the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL), which
played a central role throughout the movement.
Ten there was the resolution passed by SCFL calling for education
and preparation for a general strike if the legislation passed. Te resolution
passed with the votes of all but one of its 97 afliates in both the public and
private sectors. A committee was set up to consult with European union
about how they organize such strikes. General strike or not, the idea came
from an on-the-ground central labor council composed of local union del-
egates caught up in the spirit of rebellion.
Te fght against the anti-union laws proposed in several states didnt
actually begin in Wisconsin. To the 400 or so Minnesotans who stormed
their state Legislature the week before belongs that honor. And of course
workers and their unions in Ohio, Indiana, and elsewhere launched their
own demonstrations and occupations of resistance. But it was the massive
nature of events in Wisconsin that brought union members into the streets
across the entire nation on Feb. 26 in support of their struggle.
Te speculation on the impact of all of this ranges from D-Day to
Dunkirk, as labor analyst Harley Shaiken put it. Some union leaders seem
genuinely inspired. Te CWA, for example, intends to recruit veterans of
the struggles in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana to help them organize 20,000
T-Mobile workers. Certainly the thousands who participated in one way or
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 224
another have not only been inspired, but have learned much about the real-
ity of class politics in America. Tere is an enormous opportunity here.
An Afer Wisconsin Movement?
If there is to be the sort of growth organized labor desperately needs, it will
not be just a matter of more and better organizing tactics and strategies. It
will have to come through an intensifcation of the level of struggle that, as
Luxemburg put it, supplies the recruits to the organization.
Tere are at least two ways in which the recent events, including the
passage of the anti-union legislation in Wisconsin and soon across the Mid-
west, can aid this process. Te frst is the obvious possibility that thousands
of people who participated and/or were inspired by the Wisconsin upsurge
will become the volunteer army that U.S. labor has long needed to grow.
Te second fows from the fact that the Republicans have made labor rights
a political issue in a way they have not been for a long time.
Like the black box of work itself, labor rights are seldom considered
media-worthy despite the alarming state into which they have fallen or
been pushed. Te relative invisibility of labor rights in mainstream political
discourse was one reason why it was so easy for Obama and the Congres-
sional Democrats to bury the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). No one
outside the unions themselves and a handful of academics saw this as a
make or break political issue.
With public opinion now running two to one in favor of labor rights
as a basic cornerstone of democracy, it is possible that this could become
the national debate it needs to beperhaps even to the point of reviving
the EFCA as an issue in the 2012 elections. Tis must not, however, be just
another election techno-mobilization a la 2008, but a grassroots movement
in the streets, schools, and workplaces (union or not) of the nation. As with
the labor movement of the 1930s and the social movements of the 1960s
and 1970s, it is mass action that alters the political agenda in U.S. politics.
Both these possibilities depend to a dangerous degree on the ability of
the labor ofcialdom to provide leadership, resources, and support to such
a movement. I say dangerous because the track record is not good. Te
almost congenital proclivity of Americas top labor leaders to turn progres-
sive mood swings into a conventional, though no doubt well-funded and
stafed, Democratic Party election campaign may well prove irresistible. If
this is all that happens, a great opportunity will have been lost.
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 225
Among the many lessons of the Wisconsin events is that politicians
develop backbone to the degree their base is in the streets and out of con-
trol. Should the Democrats take back various statehouses, perhaps even
Congress, and the mass movement subsides, they will fall back into their
pattern of compromise and retreat. Post-Wisconsin politics need to be a
politics of mobilization and direct action if the debate on workers rights is
to replace that of austerity and increasing empoverishment.
For the past two years, the right and their Tea Party shock troops domi-
nated political discourse in the style of a semi-mass movement, sometimes
attracting the angry and frustrated with their sharp rhetoric. Tis year in
Wisconsin and across the Midwest, the Tea Party eforts to support these
Republican governors were pathetic and that movement was reduced to
its true proportion as a middle-class minority. Tis year, the working-class
majority spoke in the loudest voice and clearest terms it has for decades,
and attracted broad support in the process.
A growing labor movement can drown the sound of the right, but
growth will not be orderly or commanded from some center. Te events
in Wisconsin did not reach the point of a mass strike movement. Never-
theless, once again the words of Rosa Luxemburg concerning the fears of
union ofcials that their organizations will fall in pieces in a revolutionary
whirlwind like rare porcelain remind us that, on the contrary, from the
whirlwind and the storm, out of the fre and glow of the mass strike and the
street fghting rise again, like Venus from the foam, fresh, young, powerful,
buoyant trade unions.
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Announcement: The Capital is now closed. #wiunion
4:01pm Feb 27
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
If you are at the capitol and want to leave, you should do so now. If you
choose to say, move peacefully to the frst foor rotunda.
4:07pm Feb 27
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Everyone is quite calm.
4:09pm Feb 27
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
Have #wiunion protesters called @govwalkers bluff? Cops arent
moving, neither are protesters...Capitol looks about the same...
4:21pm Feb 27
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Chanting is loud as ever, protestors are determined not to leave #wiunion
4:27pm Feb 27
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Were still here! Were still here! Fuck. Yes. (because if anything ever
deserved the fbomb for awesomeness, its this)
4:29pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
No way cops are arresting anyone any time soon. Too many people.
Incredible #wiunion
4:33pm Feb 27
RT @edcetera: Whether you are for or against #wiunion take note of how
Twitter, uStream Qik, etc helping coordinate everything
4:52pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
My take: protesters will be here all night. Cant confrm but it appears
police wont make a move. #Wiunion
5:15pm Feb 27
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 227
Since the fnancial crisis and President Barack Obamas election in the fall
of 2008, there have been two major actions taken by working people that
commanded the attention of Americas fnancial elitethe 2008 occupa-
tion of Republic Windows and Doors factory in Chicago and the current
Wisconsin Capitol occupation. Both events won enormous public support.
However, these types of events not only threatened economic elites
that run our economy, but posed a challenge to established progressive
leaders in Washington; how to incorporate them. Te mass, spontaneous
civil disobedience and direct action allowed workers to take matters into
their own hands and upset the normal function of the insider relationships
the progressive elite tend to rely upon.
As the president came into ofce in December 2008, United Electrical
Workers (UE) at Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago shook the world
when they occupied their factory afer its closure was announced. For eight
days and nights, the factory occupation held the attention of state, national,
and international media as unions around the world issued statements of
solidarity. Even President-elect Obamathen in downtown Chicago, just
miles away from the factoryannounced his support for the workers. Te
workers were ultimately successful in winning their legally-owed severance
from Bank of America. As a result of the attention drawn to the struggle,
Mike Elk
Alternet, March 5, 2011
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 228
the workers were able to fnd an owner to reopen and run the factory.
Despite the success in Chicago, there was no follow-up in terms of fac-
tory occupations by unions, plants employing thousands continued to close
under Obama with little resistance. Te progressive movement has so far
not responded to the economic crisis in the way that the activists during the
Great Depression did. Tey did not engage in the mass campaign of factory
occupations and strikes that led to the New Deal nor did they engage in the
campaigns of nonviolent civil disobedience that won civil rights for African
Americans in the 1960s. And little efort was made to incorporate the suc-
cess of Republic Windows and Doors.
Tere were these big expensive conferences where people talked about
how to build a progressive movement, but never was I or anybody from our
union invited to talk about how we could replicate the tension with the
banks that led to victory at Republic Windows and Doors, said veteran UE
Political Action Director Chris Townsend. Instead, the progressive move-
ment just went back to relying on the same overpaid media consultants,
playbook, and insider relationships that had resulted in their betrayal dur-
ing the Clinton administration and the Carter administration before that.
And talk of nonviolent direct action was virtually nonexistent until
events forced state public workers to rise up in Wisconsin. It seemed as if
Governor Scott Walker was on his way to crushing public-sector unions
in Wisconsinand then something unexpected happened. Protesters oc-
cupied the Wisconsin Capitol, inspiring 14 Democratic senators to fee and
efectively shut down the Wisconsin state Legislature. Te current Capitol
occupation has shaken elites throughout the country, created a political
stalemate in Wisconsin, and forced governors in states like Indiana, Michi-
gan, Florida and Iowa to back down from assaulting workers rights.
Trough dozens of interviews I conducted on the ground in Wisconsin
with people involved in the protests at all levels, it became abundantly clear
to me the protests in the early stages were not driven by top-down organi-
zations or even the leadership of the Wisconsin-based labor organizations,
but by the activists and workers themselves. While the leadership of these
organizations played somewhat of a role in promoting the protests, the size
and intensity of the protests was not something their leaders had the capac-
ity to organize.
When Governor Walker announced his budget-repair bill the Friday
before, we met and thought it would be difcult for us to get 5,000 people
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 229
for a rally the following Tuesday, says Dave Poklinkoski, president of IBEW
Local 2304 and a prominent member of the 45,000-member Madison-
based Wisconsin South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL). When nearly
20,000 people showed up I was amazed. People saw what was happening
and just simply showed up in solidarity.
One of the major sparks for these actions occurred at a little high school
in a conservative suburb of Madison known as Stoughton. On Monday,
Feb. 14, about 100 students at Stoughton High School decided to walk out
of classes in a sign of solidarity with their teacher. While this high school
walkout occurred, thousands of college students were spontaneously walk-
ing out of classes at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to attend rallies
at the Capitol and in front of Walkers house. Tese two actions inspired
high school students the following day to walk out of schools throughout
Madison in the thousands and attend a rally with 20,000 people, mainly
students, at the Capitol.
Madison teachers, inspired by their high school students who had lef
class that day, decided Tuesday evening to go on a strike themselves on
Wednesday. As news of the call of the Madison teachers strike spread, mem-
bers of the Teaching Assistants Association decided to occupy the Capitol
overnight, which helped escalate the intensity of the protests dramatically.
On Wednesday, 30,000 people showed up at the Capitol, far exceeding the
wildest expectations of local labor leaders.
At this point on Wednesday when a critical mass of support had been
grown by individual activists without much top-down organizing, the Wis-
consin Education Association began to call on teachers unions throughout
the state to call in sick on Tursday and Friday. Dozens of protests began
to appear in cities and towns throughout Wisconsin that had never in their
history seen protest crowds of that size. Even the conservative bastion of
Appleton, Wisconsin, hometown of Joseph McCarthy, saw an unheard-of
protest with over 2,000 people.
By Tursday, Feb. 17, the day the vote was expected on the budget-re-
pair bill in the Wisconsin state Senate, crowds had grown to nearly 50,000
at the Capitol. State senators watched the crowds from their windows as
they caucused that day and decided to fee the state. Many would later
claim the senators were inspired to fee afer seeing the massive outpour-
ing of support on the lawn of the Capitol. Tese protests were organic;
they werent orchestrated by the direction of some established leader, but
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 230
they certainly inspired leaders.
Since the protests, many progressive leaders in Washington who were
nearly invisible during the frst two years of the Obama administration
have been attempting to take the spotlight, positioning themselves as
representing the masses gallantly occupying the Wisconsin Capitol. An
article appeared in Te Washington Post shortly afer the protests, claim-
ing, the presidents political machine worked in close coordination
Tursday with state and national union ofcials to get thousands of pro-
testers to gather in Madison. In the dozens of interviews I conducted in
Wisconsin, I did not encounter a single person who said they showed up
at the protests because of an email from Obamas Organizing for America
or the Democratic National Committee.
Te internet-driven advocacy group, Progressive Change Campaign
Committee got attention this week from sources including Te Atlantic,
Talking Points Memo, and AlterNet when they announced they were pay-
ing for thousands of dollars of robocalls in an efort to jumpstart the recall
eforts of eight Republican Wisconsin state senators. Tese articles did not
mention that most people fnd automated robocalls annoying and intru-
sive. Nor did they note that actual activists in Wisconsin had already been
blanketing voters with calls in these districts for two weeks gauging support
for recall eforts.
Many D.C.-based groups have spoken on behalf of the Wisconsin
events as though they had some real role in the events, using tactics that
have little proven efectiveness: press releases, passive internet-based activ-
ism, and expensive TV ads and robocalls. But how serious are these groups?
Would they push to go as far as needed to actually win the fght in Wiscon-
sin? On the ground, you can hear workers and local activists calling for a
general strike.
Te governor and the Republicans clearly intend to follow through on
their assault, says Dave Poklinkoski, a forklif driver at a local utility com-
pany and president of IBEW Local 2304. As history in America has shown,
and most recently in Egypt has shown, it is when the working class begins
to strike and shut things down that the capitalists start thinking seriously
about backing of.
Poklinkoski played a key role in getting the 45,000-member SCFL, the
local chapter of the AFL-CIO for the Madison and Southern Central Wis-
consin area, to vote last week to make preparations for a general strike.
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 231
Te motion passed the 97-member body nearly unanimously, with only
one dissenting vote.
One person who worries about the role of D.C.-based organizations
hampering the spreading of mass direction action is Stephen Lerner. One
of the labor movements brightest stars, Lerner led SEIUs famous Justice for
Janitors and Wall Street/Bank Campaign.
Labor, civil rights, and other groups that are involved in building a
progressive majority and infrastructure are important to the movement but
cant lead or control such a campaign. Tey are essential to funding, to cre-
ating capacity, credibility and scale, says Lerner.
But the reality is that there is just enough political access, fnancial
assets, and institutional interests to hinder and ultimately strangle a cam-
paign, whose strategy must be built around tactics designed to create the
level of disruption and uncertainty needed to force fundamental changes
in how the economy is organized, says Lerner. Tats why the campaign
needs to be independent, and not controlled by institutions with too
much to lose.
Te progressive movement is at a turning point. Will we embrace the
same passive messaging and online activism tactics that led to progressive
defeat in the last two years? Or will progressives adopt the tactics of civil
disobedience and direct action used during the 1930s and 1960s that led to
massive progressive gains?
Under the Taf-Hartley Act, a general strike in support of other workers
is illegal; the key words of the SCFL resolution were the calls for the feder-
ationnot individual unionsto begin educating afliates and members
on the organization and function of a general strike.
Many private-sector unions would not formally endorse the idea of a
general strike out of fear of being of sued by their employer, but workers
without formal endorsement of their unions could engage in wildcat strikes
by simply deciding to walk out individually.
If the unions do not make a formal call for a general strike, it probably
avoids a Taf-Hartley issue, says Don Taylor, an assistant professor at the
University of Wisconsin School for Workers.
In order to create conditions in which workers might walk out of work
on a type of general strike, there has to be a great deal of discussion in the
progressive and labor movement by organizations encouraging them to do
that. If most of these online-based D.C. advocacy organizations wanted to
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 232
show true solidarity with the protesters in Wisconsin, they would send out
emails to their millions of members educating them about the possibility
of a general strike in order to save collective bargaining in Wisconsin. Un-
like unions, these organizations could legally do this under Taf-Hartley
because of their non-union status.
If the large progressive advocacy organizations were willing to educate
workers and activists about how to organize a general strike, it could spur
on a dramatic people-powered political act not seen since the 1930s. Does
Wisconsin represent the birth of a new, powerful progressive movement or
is it simply the last violent, desperate gasps of air of a dying movement?
@ddayen David Dayen
Basically we all suck compared to these amazing kids and activists
holding the Capitol in Madison #wiunion #onedaylonger
5:22pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Firefghters, teachers and students literally hand in hand right now.
Like Seattle. Totally incredible #wiunion
5:32pm Feb 27
@brandzel Ben Brandzel
Just got a message on qik from someone singing we shall overcome
with us from switzerland. #SwissForSolidarity :)
5:36pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
Only the most jaded souls or the most hardcore Friedmanites could not
be moved by what I am witnessing right now #wiunion
5:45pm Feb 27
RT @mikeelk: Women sit in a knitting circle to stop arrests - classic
midwest union move #wiunion
5:49pm Feb 27
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
If you can help spread the word that were still here & we did not go
quietly into the night, Id appreciate it. News has it wrong. #wiunion
6:02pm Feb 27
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
Well, folks, we seem to be at a stalemate right now. Cops not moving,
protesters just doing their thing, drumming and chanting.
6:11pm Feb 27
@micahuetricht Micah Uetricht
@AndrewKroll Dont think this is a stalemate. Looks more like the
protesters are winning. #Wiunion
6:18pm Feb 27
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 234
Te following is adapted from a talk given by Monica Adams at the 2011
Lef Forum.
Its clear that most everyone in Wisconsin is opposed to Governor Scott
Walkers bill. What is not clear is what exactly are we for? I mean this in a
larger scale, outside the context of the specifc bill. What exactly will bring
hundreds of thousands of people together again? Will it be to protect free
lunch, or will it be to protect reduced lunch? Will it be to save food share, or
will it be to save BadgerCare, health insurance to low-income families with
children under age 19? In this sense, theres a lack of unity.
Its very clear that we are collectively shouting, Kill the Bill. But what
is not clear is what is the alternative. Is the vision to simply go back to the
way things were a year ago? Or is the vision something greater?
Kwame Ture, also known as Stokely Carmichael, brings up an interest-
ing point in thinking about building movements. He says theres a signif-
cant diference between mobilizing and organizing. Mobilizing is when a
group of people are against the same things. Organizing is when a group of
people are for the same things. While weve been proud of the work weve
been doing in Madison, in fact, its a huge mobilization efort and not so
much a big organization efort. I think we need to spend more time fguring
Monica Adams
March 20, 2011
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 235
this out. If were all trying to build a vision or to fgure out what it is were
for, we know our work has to go beyond the sectors in which we participate.
Whats happening in Wisconsin can no longer be talked about as just whats
afecting public-sector workers. It can no longer be talked about as just a
movement of unions. It can no longer be talked about as groups of people
frefghters or cops or teachers. Instead, we have to understand the response
to what is happening in Wisconsin as part of a larger movement that strives
for racial and gender justice, queer liberation, as well as dismantling ableism
and other larger forms of oppression.
My experience doing the work in Wisconsin is that it has been in-
credibly inspiring to be part of a large group of people who are out mobi-
lizing to achieve something. But, at the same time, it has also been trou-
bling. Te harsh truth of the matter is that a lot of the workers who are
out there mobilizing against Walker are the people who put him in ofce
to begin with. Its important to understand this because its going to de-
termine how to build a solid base in order to build a movement. A lot of
people who voted for Walker initially did so because they believed the all-
too-common narrative of lazy workersthinking it was just a targeted
attack on people of color and immigrants, when, in actuality, he was talk-
ing about all of us. Surprise.
While we are supporting workers rights, people of color, immigrants,
and fghting in solidarity, we have to ask the critical question: Will the same
group of people be with us on our issues? For example, in the bill there is a
piece of legislation that says health-care providers will no longer be required
to pay for contraceptives for women, but they would still pay for Viagra. In-
stead of thinking of this as just some small piece of legislation or something
peripheral to the larger fght around collective bargaining, we must view this
as a fundamental attack on womens reproductive health rights.
Whats central in movements is that people have an identity around
something and it cannot just be a mobilization. It cannot be that we all
just agree on thisthats a coalition. If were talking about a movement,
we all have to collectively strive for something and be able to identify with
each other on some sort of level. So the question is, Who is the we of
Wisconsin? Is the we just the workers or just the middle-class public
sector, or is it also the undocumented workers who make up a signifcant
part of the dairy industry? Is it the chronically unemployed, underem-
ployed, and those who never get the chance at a meaningful job due to
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 236
structural racism, classism, and genderism?
Also, is the playing feld leveled for all to participate in this movement?
For example, what does the leadership and decision making look like?
Frankly, Ive been in too many places where all the people look the same.
If we are building a movement of people and for the people, where the hell
are all the people?
I think whats unique about this opportunity is now we are forging an
alliance of folks who are not traditional allies. Tis could be something in-
credibly good, but we have to be able to do the hard work to ensure that
its something incredibly good and not give Walker, Republicans, and Tea
Partiers the opportunity to play divide and conquer antics.
Also, in that spirit, weve been doing a lot of assuming about us having
a common enemy, therefore necessitating that we are friends. I think we see
on many diferent levels thats not necessarily true. So, how deep is the alli-
ance? Is there really solidarity? For instance, what happens if we win collec-
tive bargaining? What happens if Walker says, Damn it, Im tired, youve
won? What if he says hell leave the rights of collective bargaining alone?
Do we all go home? Or do we say, No, were going to knock this Capitol
down if you dont give back BadgerCare?
In thinking about identities of folks, we also have to translate that into
what kind of strategies we take up to further the movement. As I mentioned,
not all of us have the same identities, so all of us cant equally participate in
the same strategies. For example, do you honestly think that 150,000 black
people can occupy the Capitol for 16 days? We have the ability to mobilize
that many, but will we be there in solidarity with the police? Absolutely not.
So this means we have to think about building inclusive strategies. I also
think it took an incredible amount of privilege to be there. I was there for a
few days, but I also had the privilege to be able to be there because I didnt
have children. Folks I knew who had children who wanted to be there were
not able to do so. Like all these other things, if were talking about building
a movement for the people, we have to create entry points so that all people
can participate in all of the work that we are doing.
In that same spirit, we have to do the hard work of base building, but
coming from a place of solidarity, which means we need ongoing political
education around not just what it means to be a Republican, or what it
means to be a Democrat, or how the mayors ofce runs, but around what
have been the struggles of folks of color in this country. How is 100 years
the revolution will not be phonebanked | 237
of oppression tied to current policies?
In addition to political education, we need to get back to grassroots
training. I think its very attractive and easy to engage in some of this aca-
demic and high policy work, but what about the everyday ability to knock
on doors and get people out who have no idea that this is going on?
We need to begin to escalate strategies, which we are beginning to see
more of. So we need to be training folks around direct action organizing.
Not only are we going to be peacefully protestingwere still going to be
nonviolentbut were going to turn up the fre. Were going to shut down
M&I Bank, but were going to do more things. Its very clear that the right
Walker and othershas a very escalating strategy. Not only do we need to
match it, we need to be able to defeat it, which requires us to develop our
own escalating strategy.
We also need to be able to develop strategies that are relevant for people
in their lives. Marches and protests feel very attractive, but we need to use
peoples skills and put them in more relevant areas. For example, if teachers
want to strike, by all means strike. But I also think teachers are in a unique
position to be able to mobilize an entire youth body by using their teaching
skills to educate and politicize the youth. We know all social movements
need young folks, and there are more schools than just UW-Madison. We
also need to think about the way that people live their daily lives and how
that can be politicized and connected to a larger movement. Teres a lot
of wisdom in the resistance that people carry every day, so I really want to
connect that to a larger struggle.
Lastly, we need to start to build alternatives. I question any structure,
any government that is able to take away so many rights so quickly. How
does that happen? We cannot support such a structure. My rights should
not be determined by whether or not this person in ofce is hopefully a
good person. We should begin to invest in grassroots structures, in folks
building alternative societies who have been doing it all along. As is written
on the BadgerCare card, as the state motto goes, as the movement demands
it: Forward.
Monica Adams is a community organizer from Milwaukee, working in Wis-
consins black, Southeast Asian, and queer people of color communities to
build an alternative society as the means to ending oppression.
I will never stop loving the sound of the drums.
so unexpected, and
so unlikely, that there are no clear answers to the question of What comes
next? Will we as progressives be able to turn the Wisconsin moment of
transformation into a lasting movement? Will we be able to avoid returning
to timid and defensive ways of the past, and instead continue to fght with a
reawakened sense of boldness and possibility?
Many of the contributors to this collection have some pretty great ideas
that, while by no means easy, speak to what is needed to create a larger
movement of Wisconsin-like breakthroughs:
Emphasize progressive identity and history wherever you are, building
todays fghts atop legacies of the past whenever possible. Connect diferent
progressive fghts under a common banner to strengthen each and build a
larger movement as a result. Create a strong progressive infrastructure
everywhereit was Madisons many cooperatively run institutions, lef-
leaning university departments, and strong local alternative media that
helped raise the profle of the Wisconsin uprising early on and provided
support networks for the protesters once it was underway. Develop good
relationships with local police, so that theyre on our side when it matters.
Embrace a wide spectrum of people and organizations on the leffrom
anarchists and socialists to Democrats in the center, not dismissing each
on wisconsin! | 240
other but fguring out what each can contribute toward common goals. Tell
our own stories through social media, and highlight the work of writers,
photographers, and videographersboth amateur and professionalwho
are showing whats really happening. Tink about ways to involve frst-time
activists. Make sure that anyone who wants to take part can plug in to real
leadership positions, rather than being forced into low-level roles within a
top-down organization. Recognize that people want to be connected, not
divided, and they want to be part of a meaningful experience and com-
munity. Capitalize on moments of transformation. Force elected ofcials
to take bold action. Keep asking the question of how well do thisto
everyone you knowbecause the answer is contained in that continued
questioning. Dont count usprogressives, the labor movement, radicals
out. Many like to speak about a movement taking its dying breaths, but if
Wisconsin proved anything, its that were just getting started.
Erica Sagrans
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
Every time I pass a big groups of police offcers, at least one is using
iPhone to take video of protests #wiunion #wishyouwerehere
6:44pm Feb 27
@MikeElk Mike Elk
POLICE said Protestors can stay the night in Wisconsin Capitol #wiunion
6:53pm Feb 27
@cabell Cabell Gathman
RT @kimberlycreates: RT @sickjew I cant believe the only way I can
watch US history is from some dudes iPhone: http://qik.com/video/38
7:22pm Feb 27
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
And on day 14 we kept our house. #wiunion
7:30pm Feb 27
on wisconsin! | 242
It is easy to see the beginnings of things, and harder to see the ends.
Joan Didion
In the February weeks I spent in snowy Madison, Wisconsin, that line of
Didions, the opening of her 1967 essay Goodbye to All Tat, ricocheted
through my mind as I tried to make sense of the massive protests unfold-
ing around me. What was I witnessing? Te beginning of a new movement
in this countryor the end of an existing one, the last stand of organized
labor? Or could it have been both?
None of us on the ground could really say. We were too close to the
action, too absorbed by what was directly in front of us.
Of course, the battle between unions, progressive groups, and Wis-
consin Republican Governor Scott Walker is not over. Not by a long shot.
A county judge recently blocked publication of Walkers anti-union leg-
islation, saying it was possible Senate Republicans violated Wisconsins
rigorous open-records law when they rammed through a vote on his bill
to do away with the collective bargaining rights of state workers. Te case
could end up before the state Supreme Court. But that didnt stop the
states Legislative Reference Bureau from publishing Walkers bill anyway,
touching of another round of arguing about the tactics used to make the
Andy Kroll
TomDispatch, March 31, 2011
on wisconsin! | 243
bill into law. As of this writing, its actual status remains unclear. If a judge
does force a new vote, its unlikely the outcome will change, though even
thats not certain.
Either way, the meaning of Madison, and also of what similar gover-
nors are doing amid similar turmoil in Columbus, Indianapolis, and other
Midwestern cities, remains to be seen. Without the ability to bargain col-
lectively, unions may indeed be fatally weakened. So, you could argue that
the wave of attacks by conservative governors will gut public-sector unions
in those states, if not wipe them out entirely.
On the other hand, those same eforts have mobilized startling num-
bers of ordinary citizens, young and old, educated and not, in a way none of
us have seen since perhaps the 1930s. I know this for a fact. I was there in
Madison and watched hundreds of thousands of protesters brave the numb-
ing cold while jamming the streets to demand that Walker back down. Te
events in Madison radicalized many young people who kept the fame of
protest burning with their live-ins inside the Wisconsin Capitol.
What remains to be seen is whether the new spark lit by the Republican
Partys latest crusade against unions can in some way fll the space lef by
those unions which, nationwide, stare down their own demise.
Take the Unions Out at the Knees
Madison was the beginning. When Walker threatened to use the Wisconsin
National Guard to quell a backlash in response to his draconian budget-
repair bill, it set of a month of protests. Almost as soon as Madison erupt-
ed, Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich, a former executive at Lehman
Brothers, unveiled a union-crushing bill of his own, known as Senate Bill
5. Kasich sought even more power to curb unions than Walker, proposing
to curb bargaining rights for all public-sector unionsWalkers exempts
frefghters and copsand even outlaw strikes by public workers.
As in Madison, thousands of protesters poured into the Ohio Capitol
in Columbusthat is, those who got inside before state troopers locked
and blocked the doors. Tey brought megaphones and signs saying Pro-
tect Workers Rights and Daughters of Teachers Against SB 5. And in
response, like Walker, Kasich has shown not the slightest willingness to
negotiate; earlier this month, he promised to sign the bill into law as soon
as the legislature approves it.
Meanwhile, the union-busting movement continues to spread. Iowas
on wisconsin! | 244
House of Representatives, controlled by Republicans, passed its own law
in March gutting collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions. Te
measure, nearly identical to Wisconsins, would have made it to the desk of
Republican Governor Terry Branstad, who backed the bill, and into law had
the states Democrat-controlled Senate not killed it on the spot.
In early March, Idahos Legislature voted to eliminate most bargaining
rights for public school teachers, not to mention tossing out tenure and
seniority. Two separate anti-union bills are wending their way through
the Tennessee Legislatureone in the House that resembles Idahos, and
another in the Senate that aims to outlaw collective bargaining for teachers
And now comes Alaska, one of the latest states to join the fght. Tere,
on March 21, a Republican state legislator introduced a measure nearly
identical to Wisconsins that would strip most public-sector unions of the
right to collectively bargain on health-care and retirement benefts. By one
estimate, more than 20 state legislatures are considering bills to limit collec-
tive bargaining for unions.
Not to be forgotten is Indiana, where Democrats in the Legislatures
lower chamber camped out beyond state lines for more than a month (as
had Wisconsin Senate Democrats before them) to protest multiple pieces of
legislation that would hurt unions and public-education funding. Tey re-
turned to Indianapolis on Monday to cheers from supporters, their protest
having killed a bill that would have made Indiana a right-to-work state
while undermining support for other anti-union measures.
Even if, in the end, its lawmakers dont pass any anti-union legislation,
Indiana is already illustrative of what happens when collective bargaining
is wiped out. With a fick of his pen, Republican Governor Mitch Daniels
banned it for state employees in 2005 by executive order. Te result, as Te
New York Times reported, was signifcant savings for the state, but skyrock-
eting health-insurance payments and a pay freeze for state workers. Man-
agement fred more experienced employees who would have had seniority
under old union rules. And union membership among state workers dwin-
dled by 90 percent, with one former labor activist claiming workers, fearing
repercussions from their bosses, were afraid to pay union dues.
Not that unions cant exist in states without collective bargaining rights.
In Arizona and Texas, for instance, unions still operate, even though both
are heavily conservative right-to-work states, which means employees can
on wisconsin! | 245
opt out of union membership but still enjoy the wage increases and benefts
negotiated by unions. Still, in those states, organized labors infuence pales
when compared to that of unions in Michigan or Wisconsin.
Ten there are the political ramifcations. Elected ofcials in each of
these embattled states denied that any political motives lay behind their bills,
but thats obviously not true. Public-sector unions like the American Federa-
tion of State, County, and Municipal Employees are a pillar of support for the
lef wing of the Democratic Party. Knock out the unions, and you efectively
defund that party, as my colleague Kevin Drum put it recently.
Despite their pleas of ignorance, Republicans in Wisconsin, Iowa,
Tennessee, Ohio, and every other state where legislation of this type is
being considered understand perfectly well the damage their bills will
infict on their political opponents. As the top Republican in the Wisconsin
Senate said, If we win this battle, and the money is not there under the
auspices of the unions, certainly what youre going to fnd is President
Obama is going to have a much more difcult time getting elected and
winning the state of Wisconsin.
Indeed. So, in one sense, the intensifying assault on unions across much
of the nation may represent an ending for a labor movement long on the
wane and at least 30-years under siege by various Republican administra-
tions, national and state. It is visibly now in danger of becoming a force of
little signifcance in much of the country.
Tis is exactly what conservatives and the GOP want. As a director for
the Koch brothers-backed advocacy group Americans for Prosperity recently
admitted, We fght these battles on taxes and regulation, but really what we
would like to see is to take the unions out at the knees so they dont have
the resources to fght these battles. If the bills mentioned here make it into
law, the power wielded by public-sector unionsto fght for better wages and
benefts, to demand a safer workplace, to elect progressive candidateswill
wither. And with history as a guide, if union clout fades away, so, too, does the
spirit of democracy in this country.
If you look at the last 150 years of history across all nations with a work-
ing class of some sort, the maintenance of democracy and the maintenance of
a union movement are joined at the hip, Nelson Lichtenstein, a professor and
labor historian at the University of California, Santa Barbara, said recently. If
democracy has a future, then so, too, must trade unionism.
on wisconsin! | 246
Te Radicalization of Tom Bird
If the events in Wisconsin and elsewhere do signal an end, they may also
mark a beginning. I saw it in the outpouring of protesters in Madison, the
young and old who defed convention and expectation by showing up day
afer day, weekend afer weekend, signs in hand, in snow or sun, to voice
their disgust with Walker and his agenda. For me, the inspiration in that
crowd came in the form of a tall, string-bean-thin 22-year-old with a sheep-
ish smile named Tom Bird.
Birds radicalization, if you will, began innocently enough. As he told
me one evening, when the news leaked out about the explosive contents of
Walkers bill, his reaction was typical: angry but resigned to the fact that, in
a GOP-controlled legislature, it would pass. What was I going to do about
it? was, he said, the way he then felt.
Bird was no labor activist. Far from it. A masters student in nuclear
engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he felt at home in the
world of plasma physics. Hed opposed the Iraq war, but collective bargain-
ing, walkouts, picket lines well, not so much. He joined his frst student-
organized march from the university campus to the Capitol downtown in
the days afer Walker announced his bill more out of curiosity than indig-
nation. He was, he told me, just tagging along with a friend.
Yet something kept pulling him back to the growing protests. Hed drop
in on the demonstrators on his way to and from campus, wading through
the throngs of people, admiring the signs taped to the walls of the Capitol ro-
tunda, taking in the exhortations of the speakers at its center. Te frst night
he spent in the Capitol, Bird testifed in the all-night hearings taking place by
reading a statement once given by Clarence Darrow, the famous civil liber-
ties lawyer, in defense of a man named Tomas I. Kidd charged with treason
for inciting workers to unionize in Birds hometown of Oshkosh. And in do-
ing so, Bird felt something new: an urge to be part of a movement.
Day afer day he gravitated closer to the drum circle and the speak-
ers pulpit, the beating heart of those Capitol protests. And then, one day,
someone handed him the megaphone. It was his turn to speak. He hadnt
necessarily planned this, so feeling the energy of the moment he simply
stepped up and said what he thought. Before long, he was an activist whose
impassioned cries rang out in the rotunda as loud as anyones. Any time
I ventured into the Capitol I looked for Bird, with his Wisconsin baseball
cap, lining up new speakers and keeping the drums beating. Someone even
on wisconsin! | 247
dubbed him Speaker of the Rotunda.
Bird and his newfound activist friends even organized the disparate
groups inside the Capitolthe medic team, university teaching assistants,
protest marshals, and moreinto the Capitol City Leadership Commit-
tee. Te CCLC, while short-lived, was created to ensure that the protests
remained safe, peaceful, and forceful. It had its own leadership structure
and governing bylaws. Once the police squeezed the protesters out of
the Capitol for good, instead of dissolving and disappearing, the group
evolved into the Autonomous Solidarity Organization, an outft now de-
termined to continue the fght for workers rights and social justice.
Ive thought a lot of about Bird since then. If a 22-year-old plasma
physics geek can be transformed into an activist in mere weeks, then may-
be the crushing efects of Walkers and Kasichs bills and all the others can
be channeled into new energy, into a new movement. It may not look like
organized labor as weve known it, but it could begin to fll a void lef in
states where governors and legislatures are gutting the unions.
In Wisconsin, the upcoming weeks will put this new energy to a test.
Right now, campaigns are under way to recall eight Republican state sena-
tors for their support of Walkers repair bill; in the case of GOP Sen.
Randy Hopper, opponents have already collected enough signatures, in-
cluding that of Hoppers estranged wife, to demand a recall vote. And
on April 5, Wisconsinites will go to the polls to choose between a liberal
candidate and a corporate-backed Republican for a seat on the state Su-
preme Court. Tat race is the frst since the protests, and so could be the
frst true test of whether the crowds that stormed the Capitol can translate
their anger into pressure at the polls.
No one can say for certain what Wisconsin, or Ohio, or Iowa will look
like if organized labor is whacked at the knees. Will public-sector unions
fnd a way to reinvent themselves, or will they slide into irrelevance like
so many unions in the private sector?
As grim as the bills may be, I cant help but feel hopeful, thinking
about the massive protests I witnessed in Madison. I particularly remem-
ber one frigid night, when a group of protesters and reporters adjourned
to a local bar for beers. At some point, Tom Bird bounded in, so full of
energy, moving restlessly between our table and another with friends.
At one point, he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a scrawny bicep. Some
of his fellow activists, he told me, wanted to get tattoos of one of the
on wisconsin! | 248
most enduring images from the protests, a solidarity fst in the shape
of Wisconsin. Except on mine, he told us, I want the Polish version:
Tat, of course, was the labor movement that, afer a decade-long strug-
gle, helped bring down the Soviet Union. Who knows what could happen
here if Bird and his compatriots, awakened by the spark that was Madison,
were to keep at it for 10 years or more? Who knows if Wisconsin wasnt the
beginning of the end, but the beginning of something new?
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
Protester standing next to me: we *did* it. we kept this thing open.
#wiunion #wearewi
7:36pm Feb 27
@MikeElk Mike Elk
More tweets from journos about Andrew Sullivan leaving the Atlantic
than #wiunion not leaving Wisc state Capitol #SHAME
8:09pm Feb 27
@brandzel Ben Brandzel
So, apparently that feed had over 100k people on it. Um, wow. Your
support means so much to folks here. We really are all in this together.
10:14pm Feb 27
@andrewkroll Andy Kroll
Tweeps, it pains me to say this but time to go for me. fights at 6am tom,
need to pack, eat, say my goodbyes. its been amazing!! #wiunion
10:22pm Feb 27
on wisconsin! | 250
Monday, April 4, marked the 50th day since protests started at the Wis-
consin Capitol in Madison over a bill that would gut public employees
collective bargaining rights. Fify days of Wisconsinites standing up and
making their voices heardthrough hearing testimony, through meetings
with their elected ofcials, through letters and emails to the governors of-
fce, through protests, through where they chose to sleep, through signs,
through chants, through showing up and taking part, through recall can-
vassing, and through adding their signatures to recall petitions. Fify days.
When the protests started, I didnt know enough about the bill to
know what its impact would be. I just knew that I was opposed to the
idea of a budget-repair bill that substantially changed workers rights
being rammed through the Legislature in a week, which was the reported
Republican plan. I thought that, at the very least, it was an issue that de-
served more time for the public to gather information and participate
in the debate. So I showed up at the Capitol to make sure my voice was
heard. My dad showed up. My friends showed up. People who I never
even knew were interested in politics showed up. And it became some-
thing a lot bigger than any of us.
On Feb. 16, when I stood in the stairwell leading to the room in which
the Joint Finance Committee was about to vote, I yelled with the crowd,
Jenni Dye
Isthmus, April 5, 2011
on wisconsin! | 251
Te people united will never be defeated, and I knew that this was difer-
ent than anything Id seen before and, possibly, anything Ill ever see again.
As that frst week unfolded, I educated myself about the contents of the bill
and found I didnt at all like what it contained. My motivations changed
from merely procedural to substantiveI wanted to stop that proposal in
its tracks. I wanted compromise. I wanted our elected ofcials to sit at a
table and talk.
During that frst week, which I mostly spent protesting with my dad,
my former teachers, and a few close friends, I felt a sort of hope that had
been dormant for years. Hope that people joining forces really can make
a diference. On Day 50, I stood on the State Street steps to the Capitol
and listened as Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s
legacy on the anniversary of his assassination.
Jackson told the crowd that it was our responsibility to ensure that Dr.
King lived on through us, that his dream was not ended with a single bullet.
As Jackson spoke, I stood next to a fellow protester whom I had never met
50 days ago, but now consider a friend. Behind me, two protesters held a
sign bearing the Martin Luther King quote: Our lives begin to end the day
we become silent about things that matter.
Our voices have been largely ignored by Governor Scott Walker, broth-
ers Sen. Scott Fitzgerald and Rep. Jef Fitzgerald, and their allies. Tey tried
to trample our hope by locking us out of the Capitol, but we brought our
sleeping bags and blankets and showed them that it didnt matter if we slept
inside or out, our opposition remained steady.
Tey held public meetings with minimal notice, trying to cut us out
of the process. But we showed up in force anyway, and we refused to allow
violations of Wisconsins open-meetings law to go unchallenged. Tey tried
to make us go away by passing the legislation, but that night, we flled the
streets surrounding the Capitol and continued our protest. And now, seven
weeks afer we started, we are still standing up and making our voices heard,
letting them know we dont like their budget-repair bill, their infringement
of our constitutional rights, or their way of opening Wisconsin for busi-
ness by closing our open government.
We may not have gotten through to Walker or the Fitzgeralds or their
friends yet, but those of you who have also devoted your time and your
energy to this movement have gotten through to me in a way that is perma-
nent and life-changing. For every moment in my past where I have ques-
on wisconsin! | 252
tioned whether there are good people out there, the compassion and com-
mitment of those raising their voices at our Capitol have proved 10 times
over that there are people who care about each other, care about perfect
strangers, care about Wisconsin, care about democracy and open govern-
ment, and care that things are done the right way, even when the proposal
itself is abhorrent.
Tere have been days when my voice is not strong, but Ive found that
I can rely on others to carry the load. Tere have been days when I literally
might have collapsed into a sobbing heap on the Capitol foor were it not
for the kindness of friends and perfect strangers. Tere are days when a hug
is an absolute lifeline to maintaining any sanity at all. Sometimes relief and
renewal have come in the form of inspiration from the words of speakers at
a rally and sometimes from perfect strangers who are also dedicating their
time to the cause. Ill never be able to thank you all individually. Ill never
be able to thank you all enough.
Its not enough, but I will forever be grateful for what the individuals
involved in this movement have given me. And I plan to keep giving it my
all until we take Wisconsin back.
@yoProWI Young Progressives
Access to the capitol is reportedly restricted to those who have offcial
business, or those who are attending a hearing!
11:08am Feb 28
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
Medical supplies running low in Capitol. They need: handwarmers, rubber
gloves, childrens Tylenol, ibuprofen, toothbrushes, soap #wiunion
2:07pm Feb 28
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Latest: Ppl not being let into Capitol right now. Protestors mtg w police to
determine how many will be let in #wiunion
2:23pm Feb 28
@taa_Madison TAA Madison
Dems are starting a public hearing. You will be escorted inside & out. Info
we have now is that you will not be allowed to stay. #wiunion
4:31pm Feb 28
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
If we cant take the building well take the whole square. Bring tents,
heaters, and warm sleeping bags @ king! #wiunion even when its cold!
7:52pm Feb 28
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
I cant stop smiling. As much as Walkers actions are abhorrent, the
people here sticking it out in the cold are amazing. #wiunion
10:26pm Feb 28
@legalEagle Legal Eagle
Theres a lot of people settling in here at #walkerville. Thanks to
@TAA_Madison and everyone else who brought extra blankets! #wiunion
1:42am Mar 1
on wisconsin! | 254
Tomas M. Bird was a mild-mannered graduate student from Oshkosh,
voting Democratic but paying only slight attention to politics, before
Governor Scott Walker announced his budget-repair bill. He didnt
make it over to the Capitol in Madison until Feb. 17, four days into the
protests. Within a couple weeks, he was a ranking member of the Capitol
City Leadership Committee, an umbrella organization made up of the dif-
ferent groups performing tasks in the buildingthe megaphone people, the
Teaching Assistants Association, the volunteer marshals, the information
station coalition, the medical station volunteers, and the Wisconsin Work-
ers Solidarity Sit-In. Bird participated in meetings coordinated under their
own democratic rules. Te group meets regularly and we ensure that each
meeting has an even number of people. Any business is put to a democratic
vote. If there is a tie, there are three rounds of debate and then the motion
is tabled. Te Wisconsin Republicans could probably learn a thing or two
from us. Tis is a protest, Wisconsin-style.
As Walker cracks down on the activists inside the Capitol rotunda on
the day he releases his 20112013 budget, he will be unable to quash the
spirit of people like Tomas M. Bird, whose life will never be the same.
What may not be clear from outside of Wisconsin is the level to which
the grassroots protesters and the Democratic members of the Wisconsin
David Dayen
Firedoglake, March 1, 2011
on wisconsin! | 255
Legislature have become one throughout this struggle. Not just the Fab
14 group of senators who still reside in Illinois, denying the Republicans a
quorum and stalling the budget-repair bill that would strip most collective
bargaining rights from public employees. But the Democrats in the state
Assembly have become activists themselves. Tey are readily identifable
in the orange Assembly Democrats: Fighting for Working Families shirts
theyve been wearing for two weeks. Tey help negotiate access to the build-
ing and use their resources to get in people and supplies. Tey hold public
hearings through the night to force the Capitol to stay open. Tey spent 63
hours on the Assembly foor stretching out debate on the bill, forcing the
local media to report on what it contained. One Assembly Democrat had
reconstructive surgery for skin cancer last Tuesday, and was back on the
foor Wednesday for debate. She was in the Capitol Sunday night, with a
bandage on her face, as the protesters readied themselves to be arrested.
Tis is civil disobedience at its fnest, she told me.
Our Democrats, ofen disappointing, have delinked from the compro-
mises of the Democratic party, and linked in to the opinions of the progres-
sive grassroots, said John Nichols, writer for Madisons Te Capital Times
and Te Nation and unofcial mayor of Madison. He was speaking to Te
Peoples Legislature, at a Crowne Plaza conference room on the east side
of the city. A group called Fighting Bob, named afer the legendary pro-
gressive leader Robert La Follette and organized by the popular reformer
and former U.S. Senate candidate Ed Garvey, was meeting to discuss their
next move to respond to the assault on public workers taken up by Walker.
Nichols said proudly, We have in a sense retaken the Democratic Party in
this state, and the Peoples Legislature wanted to make good on that. Over
the course of a day-long meeting, they plotted out a multi-pronged strategy
that also has echoes of the kind of medium-term and long-term fghts that
the grassroots in the Capitol rotunda will wage.
Everyone is focused on the short-term goal of stopping the budget-
repair bill, and that may happen. Te Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which
endorsed Walker on its editorial pages, now routinely criticizes him and
today came out against the bill. Walkers ramping up of out-of-state-funded
TV ads shows his nervousness over whether his allies, the Senate Repub-
licans, will waver and eventually lack the numbers to pass the bill. Charles
Koch himself, and not a Bufalo-based blogger, actually placed an op-ed in
Te Wall Street Journal to announce support, which only extends the focus
on wisconsin! | 256
on that prank call, one which may have led to a host of legal trouble for
Walker. So the possibility exists that this gets stopped. But even if it doesnt,
Wisconsins grassroots, growing by the day, and buttressed by a completely
responsive Democratic Party which protesters and activists will now crawl
across glass for, have a plan. It goes like this:
Legal Claims Against the Bill. Milwaukees city attorney came out today
and declared that the budget-repair bill is unconstitutional:
Walkers budget-repair bill would be unconstitutional because it would
violate the constitutional home rule that protects cities and villages from
interference in local pensions by the state, according to a legal opinion is-
sued today by Milwaukee City Attorney Grant Langley.
In a letter to Milwaukee Alderman Joseph Dudzik, Langley stated, In
our judgment, the courts would fnd the statue unconstitutional on three
grounds: First, that it unconstitutionally interferes with and intrudes upon
the citys home-rule authority over its pension plan; second, that given cer-
tain vested rights or benefts that have accrued to employees currently in
the plan, the statute would constitute an unconstitutional impairment of
contract rights under the state and federal constitutions; and third, given
these same vested rights or benefts, the proposed statute would violate the
due process clauses of the state and federal constitutions because it would
abrogate the terms and conditions of the Global Pension Settlement
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (who lost to Walker in the gubernato-
rial race) has already asked Walker to seek a legal opinion from the state
attorney general on the topic. Tese arent the only legal questions about
the bill. AFSCME has fled an unfair labor practice claim against Walker for
refusing to negotiate while under a collective bargaining agreement. Tere
is still a lingering sense that the Assembly vote was illegal. Democrats are
still looking at all footage of the vote, to see if their suspicions are correct
that Republicans leaned over and voted by electronic device in place of their
missing colleagues. Te most important thing over the next two weeks,
Nichols told the Peoples Legislature, Is to maintain the rule of law and the
rules of the Senate. We cant let them roll over process. Te point is that
lawyers plan to sue the state the moment Walker signs any budget-repair
bill that includes the stripping of collective bargaining rights. I believe
there are enough good judges lef in this state to get injunctions and slow
this down.
on wisconsin! | 257
Legal Claims Against Walker. Te phone call from David Koch features
a number of statements from the governor that could violate ethics, labor,
and election laws, according to Peg Lautenschlager, the states former Dem-
ocratic attorney general. Tere are campaign fnance questions regarding
Walkers acceptance of an ofer to come to California afer he crushes the
bastards. Teres the infamous answer we thought about that to the ques-
tion of why Walker isnt using planted thugs to disrupt the protests. Teres
the admission that Walker is trying to break public-employee unions like
Reagan broke PATCO, and how layofs in particular would be used in that
fght. All of these things have questionable legality, and I believe the claims
will be fled.
General Strike. Te Capital Times picks up on the fact that the Wisconsin
South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) has endorsed the notion of a
general strike. Tats basically all they can do; the federation has no author-
ity to call a strike. But afer March 13, state public-employee unions will be
operating without a contract. At that point, all bets are of. And workers
throughout Madison, though barred by Taf-Hartley requirements from
joining strikes, may do so anyway. If the bill passes, chances are there will
be at least some portion of Wisconsin that will go on a general strike for
some amount of time. Teres a very large piece of construction paper in
the Capitol with thousands of names of people who signed their support
for a strike.
State Supreme Court. On April 5, theres a race for a state Supreme Court
seat between an incumbent Republican, David Prosser, and the Democrat,
JoAnne Kloppenburg. Supreme Court races in Wisconsin are actual elec-
tions. Tey feature TV commercials and debates and retail politics. And
the Democrats are both energized and ready. Tis will be a national-level
battle, a proxy Presidential race, said Nichols, who thinks that $10 million
will be spent on it between both sides. Prosser has said publicly that he
would coordinate his rulings in alliance with Republican ideology. Hes part
of a 4-3 Republican advantage on the state Supreme Court. Tis would shif
the balance of power there and provide a major setback for Walker and the
Republicans. Organizing has begun and is intense inside the Capitol and
throughout the state.
on wisconsin! | 258
Legislative Seats. Te same day as that April 5 special election, there
are primaries for three state Assembly races, vacated by three Republi-
cans who joined Walkers cabinet. While at least two of the three are seen
as strong Republican seats, progressives in Wisconsin plan to contest all
three. If this (protest) means anything, it means that the rules of where
we compete have to be thrown out, Nichols insisted. We fght for every
inch of Wisconsin!
Recalls. Tere will absolutely be recall elections for many of the Repub-
lican 8 state senators who can be recalled immediately. Te organizing for
this has already begun; a Democratic strategist in the state found the Re-
publican 8 vulnerable to recall because of the heightened passions around
the issue. Tis will also happen on the Democratic side; a group from Utah
has already begun that process. You will see many recall elections in the
coming year, putting the closely divided state Senate up for grabs in Wis-
consin. Recall elections are basically do-over elections in the state, with pri-
maries and general ballots. Te recall is the progressive gif to the citizens
of this state, Nichols said to the Peoples Legislature. It was established for
this moment. We have a duty to recall those legislators who failed us, and
defend those who stood with us.
One particular recall battle stands out, and progressives may take it on
frst. Sen. Alberta Darling is the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee,
which reported out the budget-repair bill. She represents a North Shore
suburban Milwaukee district, which is heavily Jewish and fairly Democrat-
ic. Its the kind of seat many Democrats lost in 2010. In 2011 in Wisconsin,
theres already a candidate lined up for the recall, former Assemblyman
Sheldon Wasserman. Tis will be a critical contest, said Nichols. Teres
our referendum.
And then theres the possible recall of Walker, which could not begin un-
til January 2012. Whether progressives take it up could depend on whether
they win these fghts prior to it. Tey have a very deliberate strategy to build
momentum at every step of the way. Tey are fghting for workers rights
on a host of fronts. And they have the Democratic Party behind them. Tis
is a new synchronicity between the party apparatus and the grassroots, and
its starting to spread. Perhaps more remarkable than the Wisconsin battle
is the one happening in Indiana. State House Democrats walked out there
in protest of a bill that would have crushed private-employee unions. Te
on wisconsin! | 259
Republicans pulled back on that. But Democrats REMAINED out of the
district, and vowed to stay put until an education bill that would set up a
voucher system was scotched. Indiana Democrats are not exactly known as
fghting progressives; in some cases they may be to the right of Wisconsin
Republicans. But they have responded to their grassroots and are standing
by them.
Ultimately, thats how this new American progressive movement will
move forward. Te activists and the politicians, the protesters and the
reformers, the signature-gatherers and the people fghting in the streets,
the unions and the college students, all must unite on a series of goals
dedicated to the rights of the worker to have a good job and a house and
a reasonable way of life for themselves. People power, basic fundamental
rights, and justice. Tese are the tenets of the movement. Te question
shall arise in your day: Which shall rule, wealth or man? said Edward
Ryan, the Chief Justice of Wisconsins Supreme Court, in an address to the
law school in Madison in 1873. Which shall lead, money or intellect; who
shall fll public stationseducated and patriotic free men or the feudal
serfs of corporate capital?
Te spirit of that has not yet been extinguished in America.
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Restraining order has been granted, so start heading to the Capitol!
Doors are opening soon. #wiunion
11:26am Mar 1
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
We have confrmed that there will be a hearing at 2:15PM on public
access to the Capitol in room 4A of the Dane County Courthouse.
11:59am Mar 1
@millbot Emily Mills
RT @LegalEagle: Why in Gods name are the doors still locked? When
a court order means nothing, our system has failed. #wiunion
3:09pm Mar 1
@millbot Emily Mills
Only 20 members of the public allowed in to watch budget address.
Assuming Walker scuttled into Capitol via tunnel. Pretty lame. #wiunion
4:09pm Mar 1
@millbot Emily Mills
I dont think Walker has more than one facial expression. #wiunion
4:32pm Mar 1
@MelissaRyan Melissa Ryan
Apparently if I take $200 from you, what Im actually doing is giving you
the tools you need to succeed. #Walkernomics #WIunion
4:41pm Mar 1
Dedicated supporters are sleeping outside the Capitol again. Follow
#wiunion and #walkerville for their coverage. Thank you!
9:38pm Mar 1
@millbot Emily Mills
RT @LegalEagle: Access to the Capitol is more restricted right now than it
was in the days and weeks following 9/11, when I worked there ...
11:18am Mar 2
on wisconsin! | 261
I attended an ecumenical conference on rural ministry this past weekend,
held annually in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Tat I would take up such an
opportunity for professional development ought to tell you something
about just how exciting my life has become these days.
Te opening speaker was a professor of rural sociology with a thick
Missouri accent who was met by an impatient room of pastors fddling with
empty cofee cups and wondering when dessert would arrive. Te professor
cheerfully attempted to help us understand the people in our pews with the
help of corny jokes and stories and cultural insights so old they might have
had grandchildren. I dont want to harp on the man, because he was sincere
and intelligent and genuinely committed to the well-being of the church.
But if anyone has not heard by now the idea that diferent generations see
the world diferently, they should check into the validity of their college
diploma. My guess is it will turn out to have been printed on high-quality
cardboard that could have been put to better use as a cereal box.
Afer almost an hour of talking about such tidbits as the formative ef-
fect the Challenger disaster had on my generation, the professor got around
to what I thought was the obvious point, which was how economics shape
cultural perspective. Tough traumas stick out in our minds, the stagna-
tion of real income for most of the past 40 years has done more to shape
Daniel Schultz
A Pastors Notebook, March 11, 2011
on wisconsin! | 262
people my age than the loss of 10 space shuttles could ever achieve. When
asked why Gen-Xers are so cynical, I used to reply that our frst memories
of watching television ofen ran to seeing President Richard Nixon resign
or helicopters being pushed of the side of aircraf carriers as Saigon fell.
Now I believe that it has more to do with seeing our economic opportuni-
ties chipped away, year by year. Weve never thought there was much future
in being us.
You might think that recent events in Wisconsin would confrm this
bias. Indeed, some people have claimed that no matter what the legislative
outcome, conservatives have scored a big win in this battle. I suppose, if you
can claim running down teachers as winning something worth having.
About that legislative outcome, though: It will no doubt face legal chal-
lenges, and the state senators who voted for it will come up against well-
organized and well-funded recall campaigns later this year. But for now it is
done. We will have to wait to see its fnal disposition.
Tere is a lot lef undecided in Wisconsin these days. If I can impress
upon my out-of-state friends any single point, it is the terrible uncertainty
Cheddarheads live with these days. Our school district, like many others,
has no idea what its budget might look like next year because state aid has
not passed the Legislature. Te projected shortfall runs into the millions. Its
possible that teachers may be laid of. Its also possible that our sons school
may be shut. We have no way of telling. I say nothing about cuts to social
services that may or may not afect our daughters treatment.
Again and again I am asked, how does this end? I dont know.
Come what may, I discern a light, for myself and my children. It
may seem today that the battle is lost. Republicans had the votes to shove
through legislation canceling collective bargaining. In short order, they will
have enough bodies in the Senate and Assembly to authorize the meanest of
budgets. But the cost to them has been delay and thousandspossibly hun-
dreds of thousandsof ordinary people pouring into the streets in opposi-
tion. Governor Scott Walker has poked a hornets nest of immense propor-
tions, and seems determined to keep poking it to suit his ideological bent.
Tyrants fear tomorrow, because where there is a future, there is hope
that things could be diferent. It is no accident that Walker continually
pleads that crisis forces his hand. Nor is it accidental that the most contro-
versial measures are the ones that move the quickest. If it doesnt have to
be done right now, it opens the possibility that it doesnt have to be done at
on wisconsin! | 263
all. Or perhaps things dont have to be the way they are arranged presently.
Tomorrow is the greatest threat there is to an unjust today.
Te protesters in the streets of Madison and anyone who watches
them with any astuteness have learned this lesson well. Te protesters have
learned that their voices can be heard, that they can change outcomes, that
when they stand together, they can have a future that is meaningfully dif-
ferent than the present. Tere is no political structure, however imbalanced,
however stacked against ordinary people, that can withstand this mix of
hope and social solidarity. On Feb. 17, it seemed certain that the story had
run its course and any opposition to the original bill would come to noth-
ing. Since then, the people have forced one tomorrow afer another, evading
every opportunity to end the situation today. Even now, afer the legisla-
tion has passed, the end is nowhere near manifest. Tomorrow, tractors and
200,000 protesters are expected on the Capitol square. By March 2012, it is
possible that we may have replaced every senator eligible for recall and be
preparing to vote on Walkers future. I dont envy him next year.
I am perhaps fanciful enough to see in this chaos the hand of the trick-
ster God Yahweh. He has a track record of being a singularly ill-behaved
deity, refusing to bow to conventional expectations of the divine, such as
endorsing the rule of whoever happens to be on top of the social heap at
the moment. God is no respecter of wealth and privilege, but he does seem
inordinately fond of creating new possibilities and disrupting the seem-
ingly self-evident way things must be. When the Israelites cried out under
the oppression of Pharaoh, the Lord heard them, and began to move them
toward freedom, new and unheard-of possibilities. No one ever thought
that the most powerful ruler in the world could lose his slave labor force!
Tis was simply not the way things were done.
But it did happen, or so the Bible tells us. It took a very long time:
Moses was 80 years old when he appeared before the king of Egypt, and
afer dickering with him, it took another 40 years before Israel had enough
of its stuf together to enter into the promised land.
In all that time, God
remained patient, tugging his children into a new future gently but insis-
tently, creating a way forward where there was none. I will teach my son
that in the streets of Madison, God did it again, and that with a little faith
Tey promptly slaughtered the previous residents. I hope this is one piece of the
story that will not repeat itself.
on wisconsin! | 264
and a little grace, the people who have been weighed down for so long
with legal and economic injustice can once again be free. I hope and I
trust that years in the future, when some sociologist shorthands the char-
acter of his generation, he will note their sunny optimism formed by the
knowledge that pharaohs come and pharaohs go, the economic tides for
working-class families rise and the tides fall, but through it all, there is
always a tomorrow.
@analieseeicher Analiese Eicher
Yessssssssss!!!!! MT @sandycullenWSJ: 4 Dem Reps. moved desks
outside the Capitol to meet with constituents who cant get inside.
2:37pm Mar 2
RT @fnnryan Assembly dems have moved their desks OUTSIDE Capitol
& are meeting w/ constituents. Go talk to them! North wing #wiunion
2:47pm Mar 2
@abeckettwrn Andrew Beckett
Hearing on Capitol access lawsuit will go to a third day. Testimony
expected to resume at 1pm Thursday. #wiunion #wibudget
6:29pm Mar 2
@analieseeicher Analiese Eicher
No order from judge kicking ppl out of the cap tonight. Stay strong
rotunda community! #yallrock! #wiunion
6:36pm Mar 2
@edcetera Ed Cetera
Everyone hang in there. The light is making its way through the cracks.
Were so close to victory. #wiunion
7:48pm Mar 2
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
News: WI Senate passed a resolution ordering arrest of Senate Dems if
they dont return by 4 p.m. today. Constitutionality unclear. #wiunion
12:38pm Mar 3
@millbot Emily Mills
Walking around downtown the city feels decidedly changed. Hope for that
state, too. Offcially not just protest but a movement. #wiunion
1:09pm Mar 3
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
3 PM rally outside of the Capitol to demand that the public be allowed to
enter their house!
3:02pm Mar 3
@yoProWI Young Progressives
The State is now seeking a court order to remove the people from
the capitol.
3:12pm Feb 28
@analieseeicher Analiese Eicher
Hulsey said getting into bldg was easier for himself today, but not for
constituents. #wiunion
3:20pm Mar 3
@abeckettwrn Andrew Beckett
Closing arguments done. Judge taking a few minutes, but expected to
rule soon. Hints decision may include restraint on sleeping at capitol
5:19pm Mar 3
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Judge drafts letter asking Rotunda to be vacated after the closing of
business hours tonight. #wiunion
5:41pm Mar 3
@defendWisconsin Defend Wisconsin
Lets give the exiting demonstrators a heros welcome when they leave
the building! Meet at the Capitol @ 6pm. Pizza will be there. #wiunion
5:53pm Mar 3
@millbot Emily Mills
RT @benmasel: March out proud tonight, march in proud in the morning.
6:37pm Mar 3
an hour before
another of the evening demonstrations that brought thousands, then tens
of thousands, then more than 100,000 public employees, teachers, students,
and their allies to the great square that surrounds the Capitol in Madison,
Sarah Roberts was sitting in the Ancora cofee shop warming up. With her
blunt-cut blond hair and hip retro glasses, the library sciences grad student
looked the picture of urban cool, except perhaps for the decades-old factory
ID badge bearing the image of a young man. A few weeks ago I asked my
mom, What made my grandfather such a civic-minded man? Why was he
always there to help someone who had lost their job? Take food to someone
who couldnt make ends meet? Serve on the City Council? What made him
so incredibly engaged with his community and his state? Mom looked at
me and she said, Labor.
So it was that the granddaughter of Willard Robertsa 45-year
employee and proud union man at the Monarch Range plant in the fac-
tory town of Beaver Dampulled out her grandpas ID and pinned it to
her jacket when she learned that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was
proposing to strip state, county, and municipal employees and teachers of
their collective bargaining rights. Tis state was built by people like him;
this country was built by people like him. I think we all kind of forgot that
John Nichols
The Nation, March 3, 2011
epilogue | 270
until the governor woke us up, she said. Walker thought he could bust
the unions, privatize everything, give it all away to the corporations. But
that was a great misfre. Because when he attacked the unions, he reminded
us where we came from. Were the children and grandchildren of union
workers and farmers and shopkeepers. Tat goes deeper, way deeper, than
politics. Tis legislation is an afront to my whole family history.
Afer three decades of attacks on public-sector unions, dating back at
least to President Ronald Reagans breaking of the air trafc controllers in
1981, the mass uprising against Walkers attack has revealed a popular un-
derstanding of the necessity of the labor movement that is far richer than
even the most optimistic organizer imagined. Te bonds are not just eco-
nomic or political; they are emotional and personal. And when the determi-
nation of corporate interests and their political pawns to destroy unions
not by slow cuts, as is so ofen the case, but all at onceis revealed, all that
talk of building coalitions, of creating movements linking union members
with those who have never joined, suddenly moves from theory to practice.
Tousands of students show up for an impromptu show by rocker Tom Mo-
rello and pump their fsts in the air as they shout the lyrics of union songs
they are only just learning. Tens of thousands of citizensnot just pub-
lic workers fearing for their livelihood but students fearing for their future
and small-business owners fearing for their communitychant in unison
as they rally in cities across the state, An injury to one is an injury to all.
Afer we fnished talking, Roberts told me she couldnt go to the demo just
yet: Im meeting my mom here. Shes driving in. She wanted to be here to
honor her father and to stand on the side of the workers.
Te remarkable events that have transpired in Wisconsin since Feb.
11, when Walker announced he would attach proposals to a minor budget-
repair bill to strip away the rights of public employees and teachers to or-
ganize in the workplace and to engage in meaningful collective bargaining,
have made Wisconsin, in the words of AFSCME President Gerald McEn-
tee, ground zero in the fght for labor rights in the United States. Tey
have also created what the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who rallied more than 50,000
demonstrators on a freezing Friday night, describes as a Martin Luther
King moment for supporters of economic and social justice. Te size of the
demonstrations, which have flled the central square of this capital in much
the way that demonstrators flled Tahrir Square in Cairo just weeks earlier,
has focused more attention on an American labor struggle than has been
epilogue | 271
seen in decades. Tis struggleall but certain to see legislative disappoint-
ments, legal challenges, and dramatic electoral twists and turns before it is
doneraises key questions about whether mass movements can forge not
only a new and better economy but a new and better politics. Walker will
get his way on some issuestoo many issues. But thats not the most impor-
tant story out of Wisconsin. Te most vital story is the one that people on
both sides of this struggle least expected: Afer years of eforts by unions to
rebrand and reposition themselves as partners and constructive collabo-
rators with employers, many Americans still recognize that perhaps the
most important role of the labor movement is as a countervailing force not
just in the workplace, but in politics. And this at a time when public services
and education are under constant assault from corporate privatizers and
billionaire political donors who are more than ready to invest in election
results that will lower their taxes and serve their interests.
Joel Greeno, a dairy farmer from western Wisconsin, fnished his chores on
a Saturday morning one week afer mass demonstrations prompted Demo-
cratic state senators to fee the state in order to deny Walkers legislative
allies a quorum to pass the bill. Greeno then drove his truck to Madison to
join what would turn out to be probably the largest demonstration in Wis-
consin history and one of the largest pro-labor demonstrations in Ameri-
can history. Te big corporations are organized. Teyre in this fght with
all the money in the world, he shouted above chants of Whats disgusting?
Union-busting! Te big-money guys, they know what its all about: If they
can take away the collective bargaining rights of unions, if they can shut
them up politically, were all fnished. How are farmers going to organize
and be heard? If this goes through, none of us stand a chance.
Walker actually agrees with Greeno. It was clear from the beginning
that Walkers initiative, backed by big-money TV ad campaigns and by
such national conservative groups as the Club for Growth, had more to do
with politics than balancing budgets. His bill, like similarly motivated if not
quite-so-draconian measures proposed by GOP governors in other states,
uses a fscal challenge as an excuse to achieve a political end. Te governor
says he must eliminate most collective bargaining rights to deal with short-
falls in revenues. But state Rep. Mark Pocan, a Madison Democrat who is
former co-chair of the powerful legislative Joint Finance Committee, says,
Wisconsin can balance its budget. Weve actually dealt with more serious
epilogue | 272
shortfalls. Tis isnt about revenue and spending. Tis is about fnding an
excuse to take away collective bargaining rights and to destroy unions as a
political force. Te governor disputes Pocans argument, and there is great
debate over whether this budget-repair bill is needed. Pocan points to a
review by the nonpartisan Fiscal Bureau that suggested the state might be
able to end the year with a slight surplus if a tax dispute with Minnesota and
issues regarding Medicaid payments are resolved. While Wisconsin faces
a genuine shortfall, it is much smaller than the one former Governor Jim
Doyle and Democratic legislators sorted out two years ago in cooperation
with state employee unions.
Walkers real goal has always been clear. Lets consider some context.
A year before the governor took ofce in Januaryafer winning a rela-
tively low-turnout fall election that also saw Republicans take charge of this
traditionally blue states Assembly and Senatethe U.S. Supreme Courts
Citizens United v. FEC decision removed barriers to corporate spending in
election campaigns. GOP candidates reaped tremendous benefts from that
ruling, which cleared the way for former White House political czar Karl
Rove and fellow operatives to spend hundreds of millions on federal and
state races. Te Republican Governors Association, having collected a $1
million check from billionaire right-wingers Charles and David Koch and
smaller contributions from other corporate interests, invested at least $3.4
million in electing Walker. As Lisa Graves, who heads the Madison-based
Center for Media and Democracy, noted, Big money funneled by one of
the richest men in America [David Koch] and one of the richest corpora-
tions in the world [Koch Industries] put controversial Wisconsin Gov-
ernor Scott Walker in ofce. Walkers debt to the Koch brothers, whose
PAC donated $43,000 to his campaign, was highlighted in the governors
budget-repair billwhich in addition to attacking unions outlined a plan
to restructure state government so Walker could sell of power plants in
no-bid deals to frms like Koch Industries, while restructuring state health-
insurance programs so that tens of thousands of Wisconsinites could be
stranded with no access to care.
Te Koch-Walker connection became a central issue of the Wisconsin
uprising when the tape of a prank phone callin which the governor can
be heard talking over strategy with a blogger impersonating David Koch
was released to the public. On it, Walker talked about coordinating spend-
ing campaigns to shore up GOP legislators who back the bill. But even more
epilogue | 273
telling is the governors repetition of the phrase Tis is our moment. At
one point, Walker recalled a dinner with cabinet members on the eve of his
announcement of the anti-union push. I said, you know, this may seem
a little melodramatic, but thirty years ago, Ronald Reagan ... had one of
the most defning moments of his political career, not just his presidency,
when he fred the air trafc controllers, said Walker. And, uh, I said, to
me that moment was more important than just for labor relations or even
the federal budget; that was the frst crack in the Berlin Wall and the fall
of Communism. ... And, uh, I said, this may not have as broad of world
implications, but in Wisconsins historylittle did I know how big it would
be nationallyin Wisconsins history, I said this is our moment, this is our
time to change the course of history.
Walker certainly understands the stakes. Across the United States, but
particularly in the swing states of the Great Lakes region and the upper
Midwest, public-employee unions like AFSCME, the American Federation
of Teachers, and afliates of the National Education Association are more
than labor organizations. Tey are the best-funded and most aggressive
challengers to attempts by corporate interests and their political allies to
promote privatization, to underfund schools, and to win elections. If unions
in Northern states are disempoweredas they are already in much of the
South, where right-to-work laws are commona debate already warped
by the overwhelming infuence of corporate cash will become dramatically
narrower and even more deferential to wealthy donors and big business.
Progressives have been talking about these concerns for a long time.
Tey have tried to create movements to push back, sometimes with suc-
cess, sometimes not. Te same goes for organized labor. So what is diferent
about Wisconsin? And, more signifcant, what potential is there to build a
movement that extends far beyond one state?
Trade unionism has deep roots in Wisconsin. It was here that the fore-
runner to AFSCME was founded in 1932 and that pioneering labor laws
were enacted, including the frst state law allowing local government work-
ers and teachers to engage in collective bargaining, signed by Governor
Gaylord Nelson in 1959.
Wisconsin has ofen been a political outlier. More than a century ago
Robert La Follette forged the progressive movement in the state. It grew
so strong that when the former Wisconsin governor ran for president in
1924 as an independent radical backed by the Socialist Party and the labor
epilogue | 274
movement, he beat the Democratic and Republican presidential nomi-
nees in Wisconsin. Te maverick strain was maintained through the 20th
century by liberals and radicals who briefy governed the state under the
banner of the Progressive Party, by Milwaukee voters who kept electing
Socialist mayors well into the 1950s (even as a right-wing populist, Joe
McCarthy, was winning statewide and stirring a red scare nationally), and
most recently by former Sen. Russ Feingold. Pride in the progressive tradi-
tion runs so strong that as many as 10,000 people gather each September
for an annual Fighting Bob Fest in rural Sauk County, where invariably
there is a reading of the words of the man who inspired La Follette, for-
mer state Supreme Court Justice Edward Ryan, who said in 1873: Tere
is looming up a new and dark power. ... Te enterprises of the country
are aggregating vast corporate combinations of unexampled capital, boldly
marching, not for economical conquests only, but for political power.
When students afliated with the Teaching Assistants Association
marched from the University of Wisconsin to the Capitol in one of the
initial protests against Walkers bill, they decorated the area around the
bust of La Follette. And as protesters slept-in at the Capitol while Demo-
cratic legislators kept hearings going 24 hours a day in the early stages
of the struggle, union activists like AFSCMEs Ed Sadlowski kept a vigil
at the La Follette bust. But its not just nostalgia or tradition that distin-
guishes Wisconsin in general and Madison in particular. Madison was a
hotbed of 1960s protests and has remained a center of activism and in-
dependent media. Tere are strong community stations like WORT-FM,
and even commercial radio hosts like John Sly Sylvester have given daily
coverage to the protests. Progressive TV and radio hosts like MSNBCs Ed
Schultz, Democracy Now!s Amy Goodman and radios Tom Hartmann
have broadcast from Madison in the past, and Schultz and Goodman re-
turned for live broadcasts as the current dispute developed. Local elected
ofcials tend to be progressive and pro-union; Dane County Sherif Dave
Mahoney played a critical role in easing tensions at the Capitol, making it
possible for demonstrators to maintain a sleep-in afer the governor and
GOP legislators tried to force them out. Tat infuriated Walker so much
that he and legislative allies initiated a clampdown limiting access to the
Capitol before a judge ordered its reopening. Mahoney responded that his
deputies werent palace guards.
Wisconsins history and progressive infrastructure created a sense, ex-
epilogue | 275
pressed by many in the state, that was perhaps best summed up by an
instructor at Madison Area Technical College, Mary Bartholomew, who
declared, Im so glad it came here first. But I know its going to have to
go everywhere. Bartholomew is right; it does have to go everywhere.
But that will not happen easily. While Walker is not backing down,
other Republican governors will be smarter than Walker, as will Demo-
crats who seek to make cuts in public-employee pay, benefits, pensions,
and workplace protections. Noting the news from Wisconsin, Michigan
Governor Rick Snyder announced, Were going to go negotiate with
our unions in a collective bargaining fashion to achieve goals. Its not
picking fights.
But even if other governors avoid Walkers divisive rhetoric and ex-
treme tactics, that does not mean the labor movement and progressives
cant learn powerful lessons from this fght. Te frst is that even afer years
of right-wing messaging, Americansat least in key swing statesdont
have much taste for union-busting, even in the public sector. A Public Pol-
icy Polling survey of likely Wisconsin voters, released Feb. 28, found that if
they were electing a governor today, Democrat Tom Barrett would defeat
Walker by a 5245 margin. And other surveys have found solid support for
collective bargaining rights. Recent national polls suggest that Americans
favor protecting collective bargaining rights by a 21 margin. Tats im-
portant when public employees and teachers are under assault from con-
servative think tanks and their media echo chamber.
Te second lesson is that when the assault comes, it is vital to be
bold and fexible. Members of the Teaching Assistants Association were
among the frst to start sleeping at the Capitol, and that inspired others.
So did a decision by members of Madison Teachers, Inc. (MTI), the citys
education union, to take four days of to march and lobby against the bill.
When Walker tried to set police and frefghter unions against the broader
movement by exempting them from the worst assaults, MTIs John Mat-
thews immediately went to frefghters and got them to join the protest in
solidarity; the initiative was so successful that frefghter and police union
members became key players. When the teachers went back to school, par-
ents and private-sector union members stepped into their places on the
picket line. When Walker tried to portray the unions and their members
as greedy, union leaders made the not wholly popular choice to concede on
a host of economic issues so the focus would remain squarely on the fght
epilogue | 276
to keep collective bargaining rights. When Walker claimed that the dem-
onstrators were being bused in from out of state, marchers began carrying
signs naming the towns, villages, and counties they came from; many state
and local employees showed up in their work uniforms. Te international
unions certainly provided tactical and economic support, but they did so
with an awareness of the need to be open to new ideas and approaches
learned from the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle; indeed, the Seattle infu-
ence was so deep that some of its slogans were adopted, particularly Tis
is what democracy looks like.
Te third lesson is that Democratic politicians can act in smart and
courageous ways, especially when they see tens of thousands of their
constituents through their ofce windows. Te decision by state Senate
Democrats to leave the Capitol to deny a quorum for the governors bill
was essential in giving its opponents time to build their numbers and ral-
ly communities. Te marathon resistance by state Assembly Democrats,
who forced a 60-plus-hour debate led by younger legislators like Mark
Pocan, Racines Cory Mason, and Milwaukees Tamara Grigsby, strength-
ened opposition and further expanded the movement. Tis outside/in-
side strategy was critical for protesters and legislators. Ultimately, some
Democrats still disappointed, and communication between the unions
and the Democratic senators was stilted and at times dysfunctional. Te
Democrats are not a labor party in any classic sense, but the best of the
Democrats championed labors cause at critical junctures.
Te fnal lesson is that the infuence of corporate money in our politics
must be highlighted, in order to show how fscal crises are ofen manufac-
tured or twisted for political gain. Even when the problems are real, the
answers ofered by Republican governors like Walker are not. One of the
most popular signs on the streets, distributed by National Nurses United,
said, Blame Wall Street. Instead of concessions, the nurses argued, its
time to focus on the corporate CEOs and speculators; as they point out:
In U.S. states facing a budget shortfall, revenues from corporate taxes
have declined $2.5 billion in the last year. In Wisconsin, two-thirds of
corporations pay no taxes, and the share of state revenue from corporate
taxes has fallen by half since 1981. Te same is true in other states. Tese
facts must be stressed, repeatedly and aggressively, if the debate is going
to shif from cuts in public services and education to demands for fair
taxes and the revenues necessary for services and schools.
epilogue | 277
For all the excitement of Wisconsin, for all the hope the protests have
generated, we are still only at a point where we can talk about changing
the terms of the debate. But thats a big deal. Afer the policy compromises
of 2009 and the electoral setbacks of 2010, which were so disappointing to
progressives, the upsurge in Wisconsin has inspired people so powerfully
that national labor leaders like United Steelworkers International Presi-
dent Leo Gerard were ecstatic as they addressed the crowds of students,
young teachers, and state employees at the Capitol. You have inspired
this fat old white guy! Gerard said.
But its not just the labor leaders who are inspired, and thats the most
important lesson. Something about this has struck a chord of fairness and
humanity that runs deep in all of us, Sarah Roberts told me as she waited
for her mom. Weve been pushed around for so long, told we didnt have
any power for so long. But I think our grandparents and our parents, they
planted something in us, some values. And if we get pushed too far, we
are going to push back. I think it started here, and I am so excited to see
where we take it.
appendix: timeline | 279
During the extraordinary protests that took place this winter in Wisconsin,
events developed at a breakneck speed. What follows is an overview of what
happened over the frst few months of Wisconsins struggle for workers
rights, presented as a timeline of the major developments in what was ofen
a complex and rapidly changing situation.
What set these unprecedented demonstrations in motion was this: On Friday,
February 11, Scott Walker, Wisconsins newly elected Republican governor,
launched an attack on state workers in the form of his now-infamous budget-
repair bill. Walker had come into ofce as part of the 2010 conservative wave
that ushered in Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives; in Wis-
consin, the governorship fipped from blue to red and a Tea Party-supported
billionaire ousted progressive champion Senator Russ Feingold.
Walkers bill proposed severely limiting state employees right to col-
lectively bargain on wages, and would take away unions ability to negoti-
ate on sick leave, workplace conditions, grievance procedures, and benefts.
Te bill would force unions to undergo annual elections to maintain their
existence, allow employers to fre or discipline workers without cause, and
would require public employees to contribute a much higher percentage
of their pay into pensions and health care costs, reducing their paychecks
What Happened in Wisconsin: A Timeline
appendix: timeline | 280
by eight percent. While the governor claimed the bill was necessary to ad-
dress the states budget shortfall, many saw his move as a blatant assault
that used the states budget crisis as pretext for weakening public unions
in Wisconsinthe frst state to allow their existence. Adding insult to the
blow, Walker announced that he was willing to mobilize the states National
Guard to suppress dissent or prevent a potential workers strike.
Te frst day of large demonstrations took place on Monday, February
14, when a thousand University of Wisconsin students marched to the
Capitol. Tey carried Valentines Day cards that read I Heart UW, and
they urged Walker to not cut university funding. Tough the rally had been
planned weeks before Walker announced his bill, the new attack on workers
and unions energized many more to come out and join in.
On Tuesday, February 15, more than 10,000 outraged Wisconsinites
flled the Capitol to express their opposition to the bill that they saw as a
direct attack on their states identity and its deeply-rooted values. Te crowds
included 700 students from Madisons East High School, who walked out
of classes to march to the Capitol. People flled the Legislatures Joint Fi-
nance Committee hearing on the bill, signing up to testify by the hundreds,
and crowding into overfow rooms around the Capitol. Organizers from the
University of Wisconsin graduate assistants union, the Teaching Assistants
Association (TAA), and other groups saw an opportunity: In Wisconsin, the
Capitol is required to stay open as long as a hearing is taking place. So they
encouraged people to continue signing up to testify in order to keep the mo-
mentum of the packed Capitol going strong. Hundreds watched and waited
for their turn to speak, and as afernoon became evening, protesters contin-
ued streaming in, bringing food, drinks, and sleeping bags. As Alexander
Hanna from the TAA said, If you go home and come back youre going to
have a lower turnout the next day. ... We were staying. Yet Republican mem-
bers of the Joint Finance Committee repeatedly tried to end the marathon
hearing, and eventually succeeded in cutting of the ofcial session at around
3 a.m. that night. But with hundreds of people still waiting to speak, Demo-
cratic members kept an informal hearing going throughout the night, and
the Capitol remained open as people testifedone afer another in two-
minute time slotsuntil dawn. In this way, as a sleep-in started by those
waiting to testify against Walkers bill, the Capitol occupation was born.
appendix: timeline | 281
On Wednesday, February 16, more than half of Madisons teachers called
in sick to protest Walkers bill, completely shutting down the citys schools until
February 22. Tey too joined the Capitol protests, and their act of defance
and the fact that they risked their jobs by leaving work and efectively going on
strikeenergized many others. Firefghters and police ofcers, two groups that
Walker had specifcally exempted from the bills reach, came to show solidarity
with protesters, and were greeted with raucous cheers by the crowds in the ro-
tunda. But afer hours of testimony, Walkers bill passed out of the Joint Finance
Committee. For the second night, protesters slept inside the Capitol.
Te bill then moved to the state Senatebut before a vote could be held,
on Thursday, February 17, Wisconsins 14 Democratic senators fed the
state. By doing so, they stood with the thousands of protesters in the Capi-
tol that day, including hundreds of people who had been holding a sit-in
in front of the Senate chambers to block senators from going inside. With
no Democrats present, Republicans were lef one senator short of the quo-
rum required to hold a vote, and unable to move forward with the bill. State
troopers were sent to Democratic senators houses to track them down, but
they remained on the run, moving from hotel to hotel across state lines in
Illinois, where Wisconsin police had no jurisdiction. Teir dramatic move
energized the crowds of protesters, who swelled to an estimated 25,000 that
day, with hundreds continuing to sleep inside the Capitol.
On Saturday, February 19, 68,000 people took part in rallies outside
the Capitol. A smaller group of between 3,000 and 5,000 turned out for a
counter-protest, where they heard from Tea Party favorites Joe the Plumber,
Andrew Breitbart, and Herman Cain. Despite the close proximity of the two
opposing groups, the gathering remained peaceful.
On Wednesday, February 23, news broke that Walker had been punked.
Bufalo Beast editor Ian Murphy recorded a call to Walker, in which Murphy
pretended to be billionaire Tea Party and Walker campaign-donor David
Koch. Murphy talked to Walker for 20 minutes, during which time Walker
admitted that he had considered attempting to lure Democratic senators
back to the state under false promises of negotiation and had thought about
planting rabble-rousers amongst demonstrators to create a violent image of
the protesters.
appendix: timeline | 282
In the early hours of Friday, February 25, with the legislation still blocked
in the Senate by the 14 Democrats absence, the Republican leadership in
the State Assembly suddenly called for a vote on Walkers bill. Tere had
been 60 hours of debate, but representatives had only seconds to cast their
vote, and many Democrats who attempted to vote didnt even have time for
their choice to be registered. Crowds of protesters shouted, Shame! from
the rotunda at the Republicans as the legislators hurried out of the building
afer the vote. Later that day, police announced that on Sunday the Capitol
would close at 4 p.m. for cleaning, and would return to normal business
hours on Monday.
Saturday, February 26 saw between 70,000 and 100,000 protesters
gathered in Madison amid freezing temperatures and heavy snow. Across
the country that day, MoveOn.org held solidarity rallies in all 50 state capi-
tals, where more than 50,000 people gathered to show their support for the
Wisconsin fght.
Te next day, police tried to put a stop to the Capitol occupation that
had gone on for more than a week. As they had announced on Friday, on
Sunday, February 27 police continued to announce their plans to close
the Capitol to protesters at 4 p.m., saying that protesters would have to leave
so that the building could be cleaned for public health reasons. Tension
built throughout the day, and many protesters made preparations to engage
in civil disobedience and be arrested rather than voluntarily leave the Capi-
tol. Yet as the announced deadline approached and then passed, the police
did not take action to arrest the protesters. Hundreds remained inside the
Capitol; by having held their ground they achieved a powerful victory. Yet
while police refrained from making arrests, they began tightening security,
with entry to the Capitol severely limited from that day forward.
On Tuesday, March 1, Walker unveiled his full proposed budget, a sepa-
rate piece of legislation from the budget-repair bill, with an address at the
Capitol, where he was rushed in and out through an underground tunnel
to avoid the protesters. Te number of demonstrators inside the building
dwindledwith only one protester being let inside for each one who lef
as the courts heard legal challenges to the governors attempts to force and
keep protesters out of the building.
appendix: timeline | 283
On Wednesday, March 2, Democratic state representatives moved their
desks outside, into the freezing cold temperatures, where they met with
constituents in protest of how restricted access to the Capitol had become.
Te Capitol occupation came to an end on Thursday, March 3, 16 days
afer it had begun. Protesters were exhaustedmany had been in the Capi-
tol continuously since access had become tightened several days before
but they promised to continue the fght and return once the building was
reopened afer the weekend.
Without warning, on Wednesday, March 9, Republican legislators de-
cided to quickly separate out the fscal provisions from Walkers bill and
vote on only the union-busting measures, making it clearer than ever that
Walkers push was not a response to the states budget crisis, but a targeted
political attack. Since a quorum of 20 senators is only needed for a fscal bill,
Republicans went ahead with a vote with no Democrats presentpassing
the bill through the Senate on March 9, and through the Assembly on
Thursday, March 10. Amid a massive outpouring of opposition, Walker
signed the bill into law on Friday, March 11.
On Saturday, March 12, the Democratic state senators returned home.
Tey were greeted with a heros welcome in Madison as they marched into
town and through the streets outside of the Capitol. With estimates of more
than 100,000 protesters out that day, March 12 was the biggest of the Madi-
son ralliesthe largest Wisconsin had seen since the Vietnam War, and one
of the largest labor protests in American history.
On March 18, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi blocked
Walkers bill from being implemented, ruling that the way in which it was
passed may have violated Wisconsins law requiring 24-hours notice before
a vote.
On March 25, the Legislative Reference Bureau published the bill anyway,
circumventing the Secretary of State and following the instructions of Re-
publicans who said they would enforce the new law.
On Tuesday, April 5, Wisconsinites went to the polls to vote in the frst
appendix: timeline | 284
election to be held afer the protests. Te race was for the Wisconsin Su-
preme Court, between upstart challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg and David
Prosser, the Walker-backed incumbent judge. Were Kloppenburg to win,
her victory would shif the balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Courtthe
body who would ultimately decide whether Walkers budget-repair bill had
been passed legally. On Election Day the race was unexpectedly close, and
the challenger that people hadnt heard of just a few weeks before ended the
night with a lead of fewer than a thousand votes, though the race remained
too close to call. Days later, a Republican county clerk found 7,000 uncount-
ed votes that had been stored on her home computer. Many were outraged,
accusing Republicans of Florida-style election shenanigans. Kloppenburg
challenged the fndingsbut afer a lengthy recount process, Prosser was
determined to be the legal winner.
On May 26, Judge Maryann Sumi voided Walkers bill, saying that it was
passed illegally in violation of Wisconsins open-meetings law.
But on June 14, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed Judge Sumis rul-
ing, arguing that the closing of the Capitol doors did not violate the con-
stitutional mandate that the building stay open while the Legislature is in
On June 29, following months of protests, Walkers budget-repair bill
became law in Wisconsin.
At the time of this writing, many of the protesters in the Wisconsin struggle
are immersed in the eforts to recall six Republican state senators from of-
fce. In all of Wisconsin history, only four previous recall eforts have been
attempted. In 2012, Walker himself will be eligible for recall, and many
groups have already pledged that this will be a major focus.
While the tale of the Wisconsin struggle evolves each day, this collec-
tion captures a moment in time that is part of a much longer story that has
only begun.
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 285
At several points in this collection we meet Tom Bird: a Wisconsite whose
story, for a number of authors, came to represent many frst-time activists
who were involved in the Wisconsin fght. A 22-year-old engineering gradu-
ate student from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Bird decided to check out the protests
several days afer they had begun. Once there, he quickly became part of a
tight-knit group of protesters, none of whom knew each other previously, who
lived in the Capitol for days on end and played an important role in keeping
the occupation going strong.
What follows is Bird story, in his own wordsthe original and unedited
text of a statement Bird wrote in early March, refecting on what for him had
been a life-changing few weeks in February.
On Tursday, February 17th I entered the Capitol building for the frst time
during these protests. I write this early in the morning on March 1st. 12
days have passed since this began for me but I cannot even comprehend
those 12 days through my usual perception of time. It feels like a month. My
life has been irreparably changed in ways that I am only starting to come
to terms with. I began by simply trying to write a brief timeline of what
happened on each day... and there are entire days that I cannot place any
specifc events into. As I write this I am gripped with a sense of purpose that
A Statement from Tomas M Bird
March 1, 2011
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 286
I have never felt before in my life. All I can do now is try to describe what I
have experienced in the hope that I do not forget more.
First, a brief history of my life as is relevant to these events. I grew up
in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I became politically aware around the time of the
frst Iraq war in 2003, when I was only 14 years old. A friend of mine was a
frst generation American from Lebanon. He was very politically involved
and active in the local peace and justice movement. I cant remember what
exactly galvanized me to oppose the Iraq war so strongly at such a young
age, but the day the war started I walked out of school, following my friends
lead, and spent the day protesting. It was a great experience but did not
change my life in any signifcant way.
From that point on I was aware of the broader political movements
in the country. However I did not begin to follow politics rabidly until the
fnancial crisis and presidential election in 2008. At this point I began to self
educate myself on macroeconomics and began to tune myself in to the na-
tional political scene. As this happened it became clear to me that I agreed
very strongly with the major tenets of the Progressive movement, which of
course happened to be born here in Wisconsin. While I have mostly voted
Democrat, I have always felt disappointed in the national Democratic party
due to their tendency to let the radical Republican party frame the debate
and control the center, which the Democrats would promptly claim as
their new territory and the process repeats. Te progressive members of the
Democratic party have been the only thing holding me back from complete
cynicism. I could not be prouder to say that I was able to cast a vote for
Tammy Baldwin and Russ Feingold.
Te 2010 midterm elections deeply saddened me. Russ Feingold was
defeated by a man who is signifcantly less qualifed than myself to be a
United States Senator, and that is not to say that I am particularly quali-
fed, but rather that Ron Johnsons only real qualifcation was the number of
digits in his bank statement. Te Republicans took complete control of the
state government of Wisconsin. Prior to the past few weeks I had not fol-
lowed the state government all that closely, but I knew it would be nothing
but bad news for Wisconsin and our proud, Progressive tradition. We have
one of the better public education systems in the country (which I benefted
from immensely), one of the fnest state universities in the country or world
(which I have also benefted from to an even greater degree), and a strong
social safety net (growing up as the son of a paraplegic I also benefted from
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 287
this.) Wisconsin had a proud history of being a union stronghold, pioneer-
ing many of the rights that workers across the country enjoy. I knew we
would begin to see much of this dismantled, and I felt rather hopeless and
cynical. But there was little I could do and my life went on.
I believe it was Friday, February 11th that the details of the Budget
Repair Bill, (SB 11 in the state senate) began to be released. I saw that col-
lective bargaining rights were being stripped from nearly every public em-
ployee union in the state, with a few exceptions (frefghters, some police).
I couldnt believe it, but I also did not believe anything could be done. Pro-
tests began on Monday the 14th. My life continued as normal, going to
classes and attending to my research. On Tursday the 17th I did not have
any classes, so I decided to join the University of Wisconsin student walk-
out which met on campus and marched to the capitol square. I entered the
building for the frst time during these protests and my life has never been
the same.
I quickly met my frst protest friend afer chatting briefy while stand-
ing on the 1st foor overlooking the rotunda foor. At this point rumors
began circulating that the 14 Senate Democrats had fed the state. I couldnt
believe it, but my spirits were immediately raised. We took part in a sit-
in outside of the senate chamber, blocking anyone from entering (the 19
Republicans were inside but needed 20 members for a quorum to pass any
fnancial legislation.) We complied with the police to allow anyone to leave.
For the frst time it crossed my mind that I might be arrested, which was
exciting but I was still nervous about it. Eventually the Republican senators
lef and I wandered around outside the capitol, still not understanding what
was about to happen. I decided I would join those sleeping in the Capitol
building for at least a night, perhaps just as a novelty. My new protest friend
and I spent most of the night awake, discussing politics and everything else
under the sun. I signed up to testify in the public hearing the Assembly
Democrats were running around 1 am. My friend found a wonderful state-
ment for me to read from Clarence Darrow, a famous ACLU lawyer, in de-
fense of Tomas I. Kidd who incited workers to unionize in my hometown
of Oshkosh and was charged with treason.
At around 4am I entered the room where the hearings were taking
place. Unfortunately I didnt get to testify until 7am but it was a powerful
three hours. I saw, for the frst time, several brave young men who I now
view as my family. I heard incredibly articulate high school students give
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 288
impassioned statements out of love for their teachers. I heard passionate
teachers describe how collective bargaining allowed them to keep class siz-
es smaller. Not one word about pension contributions, not one word about
salary. I heard downtrodden union workers describe how they would gladly
see their salary go down (many of them already had) but merely wanted to
protect their basic right to collectively bargain. It was emotional and in-
credible. Te Assembly Democrats running the hearing listened intently
and provided thoughtful, intelligent commentary. I began to fall in love
with them. Tat sounds a bit clich but it is the only language I know of to
describe what I felt.
At 7am on the morning of Friday, February 18th I lef the Capitol
building and was greeted by the now risen sun. It felt strange... and yet I
still did not understand what was to come. I went home and showered, and
then returned to campus for the next UW student walkout. It wasnt until
11am but I ended up helping organize the march. I found myself in the
front row of the student march, locking arms with new friends I had just
met. We slowly marched up State Street from campus to the Capitol square,
in contact with the police who were escorting us. It was my frst taste of
being an organizer. It was a wonderful day, but I dont remember too much
at this point. I decided to spend the night and testify again, but this time I
had no other friends in the Capitol. Some students from Milwaukee had a
megaphone and drum circle set up on the ground foor in the center of the
rotunda. Emboldened by others who stepped up and talked into the mega-
phone, I did it for the frst time. I testifed again and thankfully ran into a
friend whose group I slept next to that night.
Saturday the 19th saw even bigger protests. An estimated 70,000 pro-
tested, including a Tea Party counter-protest. I cannot verify the statement
because I spent the entire day inside the Capitol building, staying close to
the center of the rotunda. I spoke on the megaphone again, this time to a
massive crowd. I merely decided to thank the 14 Senate Democrats, starting
a Fab 14 chant. At some point I joined the drum circle and started pound-
ing on a plastic bucket with a drumstick. I began to meet the others drum-
ming or running the megaphone who would become my family. Tere was
still no organization at all amongst the protestors... just a beautiful open
microphone for anyone to speak and all to listen.
Tat night I joined some of my new drum circle friends to sleep in our
little encampment on the 1st foor overlooking the rotunda foor. Eventually
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 289
we would come to be called the cuddle puddle, though the name came
from a random passerby. I lef valuables unattended several foors up the
entire day as thousands poured through the building. Food orders were
pouring in from across the country by this point. Some people had set up
an information station, some people had set up a makeshif medic station,
but there was no overall organization. Te UW Teaching Assistant Associa-
tion had access to a room where they were distributing food and had an
army of laptops set up. Volunteers donned marshall vests to help the police
maintain order. It was a beautiful, organic thing. Everyone pitched in to
keep the building clean.
Sunday the 19th saw smaller rallies inside the rotunda where I contin-
ued drumming and built a stronger relationship with my new friends. We
let a young child join us on our drum and ended up spending hours having
a lot of fun. Te childs mother eventually became such a good friend that
she lef her child with us for 30 minutes at a time, knowing that we would
keep an eye on him. Tat night we drummed our hearts out and had a lot
of fun. A group of ballroom dancers joined us to help entertain. I started to
get a feeling that something special was happening. I had never been more
well fed in my life.
Monday the 21st through Wednesday 23rd were a bit of a blur. At some
point, Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine spent a night with us in
the capitol. I stood next to him as he spoke into the megaphone to a packed
building, reading a statement from one of the leaders of the Egyptian revo-
lution ofering complete support to our movement. I couldnt even fathom
how that could happen at the time. I had spent the past few weeks following
the situation in Egypt very intensely and was inspired by the incredible,
brave struggle of the Egyptian people. Te United States had long support-
ed the oppressive dictator whom they overthrew, and within days they were
standing in solidarity with us. I am still in awe of that. I met Medea Benja-
min of Code Pink, a wonderful person, just back from Egypt. She shared
with us the lessons of Tahrir square, but there was still no formal organiza-
tion so it merely planted ideas into our collective conscience.
Union workers from across the country had come to the Capitol in
massive numbers, ofering their support. I began to hear about similar
political battles beginning to erupt across the country. Te infamous prank
call happened at some point. It became very clear that we were at the focal
point of a decade long assault on unions in the United States. It became clear
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 290
that Wisconsin was targeted due to its proud union history and history of
pioneering new workers rights. I began to feel a true sense of purpose.
On Tursday the 24th, the Senate Republicans tried to pass a Voter
ID bill to bait the Democrats into returning. In principle, the bill was not
fnancial and did not require the 3/5ths quorum of fnancial legislation. I
had followed this issue in the past and knew it was a naked, political attack
on the poor designed to discourage voters who tend to vote Democrat. I
lef the rotunda and sat upstairs listening to the Republican Senators speak,
feeling sick to my stomach. Fortunately, prior law in Indiana required that
free identifcation cards must be provided for this bill to be legal, which
required funding thus making the legislation fnancial. I read this online on
my iPad and literally ran down to the rotunda to announce it on the mega-
phone. Te crowd erupted into a massive cheer. Perhaps years of spending
my free time reading about politics were beginning to pay of.
Tat night, the Assembly voted. My understanding was that the Capitol
building could only stay open outside of its normal hours if the legislature
was in session. Te Assembly Democrats had kept the building open by
running public hearings on the bill throughout each night. Afer that vote,
we thought we would be asked to leave. I was preparing to be arrested.
Tere had been numerous information sessions on civil disobedience so I
understood that I would not face any signifcant charges. I was a bit excited.
I believed in the cause and wanted to peacefully be arrested in defense of
it. I was nervous and excited. I listened intently as the Assembly Demo-
crats poured their hearts out in front of the cameras. Te representative
from Oshkosh, my hometown, described the wonderful physics teacher he
learned from at his high school. It was the same teacher I learned from, who
inspired me to take up the career path I have embarked on. Tat was a pow-
erful moment and only strengthened my resolve. Te bill was supposed to
come up to a vote at around 4am. At 1am, the Republicans broke their own
legislative rules and forced a vote. Only roughly a third of the Democrats
even had a chance to vote.
Te Republicans fled out of the chamber as the Democrats shouted
Shame! Shame!. Te mood in the rotunda was incredibly tense. Many
were angry, justifably so. We knew this was an important moment to main-
tain peace. It was difcult but many of us quieted the crowd and kept it
peaceful. Some of us gathered in the center of the rotunda on the ground
foor for a group hug, preparing to be arrested. It was incredibly emotional.
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 291
Several Assembly Democrats came down and spoke. A friend of mine gave
a powerful, moving speech. I even gave a speech, but I forget what I even
said now. We embraced each other and prepared to be asked to leave. It
never happened, and eventually we went back to sleep.
Tat night, the diferent groups running various aspects of the new
Capitol City began to organize. I was asked to stay in the center of the
rotunda by the microphone and ensure that we kept a peaceful, open mi-
crophone for all to have their voices heard. We knew the coming weekend
was important. I dont remember Friday the 25th all that well sadly. I believe
it was when 160 union workers from Los Angeles chartered a plane and
showed up all at once, marching into the rotunda. Tat was quite a moment.
I had already met so many wonderful union workers from across the coun-
try, but Los Angeles really surprised me being so far away. We were building
momentum and I began to feel a confdence which has yet to leave me. Te
Polish Trade Union Solidarity, who helped bring down the Communist
government there, had come out in support of us. Our victory was their
victory, they said. Another incomprehensible honor which I will forever
feel unworthy of.
Saturday the 26th was another massive protest day. A large snowstorm
passed through yet the crowds likely surpassed 100,000. Tey began to limit
what food we could bring into the building. Te frst half of the day I was
reminded what cafeine depravation felt like, which wasnt pleasant. It was
very stressful to watch over the megaphone and try to get as many peoples
voices heard while still making administrative announcements. I knew the
most important thing we could do was initiate recall elections for the 8
Republican senators who could be immediately recalled. I started to an-
nounce their names over the megaphone as frequently as I could without
overriding the peoples voices. It was a delicate balance and very stressful.
We began to hear that on Sunday they would ask us to leave at 4pm and the
building would return to normal hours. Te Capitol City Leadership Com-
mittee, an umbrella organization of the 6 diferent groups which had been
performing various tasks in the building, had been meeting by this point. I
was technically in their command but I didnt need to know much to do my
part. Te meetings are a paragon of the democratic process. Each meeting
has an even number of representatives. All business is put to a democratic
vote. In the event of a tie, there are 3 rounds of debate and then the motion
is tabled. Eventually we will release videos of this process. Te Wisconsin
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 292
Republicans could probably learn a thing or two from us.
Sunday the 27th was an intense, emotional day. I fnally told my own
story on the megaphone, to a massive crowd and many many cameras. A
video of this will be released soon... but I was able to channel years of frus-
tration with the Republican Party into a coherent, emotional message. It
felt amazing. A group of musicians and actors spontaneously broke out into
a song from Les Miserables in the rotunda at some point. One of my new
friends, whose ancestors were Polish, brought a Polish fag with Solidarity
1980 written on it. I stood next to him holding this fag as we sang a song
written about the French revolution, in Madison Wisconsin. It was really
just designed to be a fun event, obviously we werent seeking to evoke the
French revolution as our inspiration, but it was still powerful. Once again
a brave woman with colon cancer whom I had become good friends with
came to the megaphone and spoke. Tis bill, if it passes, will almost cer-
tainly result in her losing her chemotherapy as it gives the governor direct
control over funding to our healthcare programs. I had been able to avoid
tears up to this point, some how, but I broke down and cried. I doubt I will
ever be more motivated by a single story than I have been by her brave
As 4pm approached it became a bit chaotic. Rumors were constantly
being spread that the police had dogs and were targeting the leaders. Te
police had protected us for nearly two weeks at this point and had been
nothing short of incredible, so I did not believe those rumors. We were
expecting to be asked to leave, and those of us who would refuse would be
arrested. We constantly were imploring the crowd to cooperate (that is to
say, those who wished to be arrested would at least go peacefully and not
force the police to drag them out) over the megaphone while also continu-
ing to let everyone who wished to speak do so. Representative Brett Hulsey
asked the crowd to peacefully follow him out of the building when asked.
Tey announced over the speakers that we were being asked to leave, and
for those who wished to refuse and be arrested to go up to the frst foor. I
made one last speech imploring people to cooperate and headed up to the
frst foor. It was starting to become apparent that maybe we wouldnt actu-
ally be arrested, so I jubilantly walked around the 1st foor with someone
collecting signatures for recall petitions for the 8 Republican senators.
Tose of us who stayed were not arrested. Later that night I eventually
lef, exhausted, as my sleeping supplies were no longer in the building. As
appendix: statement from thomas m bird | 293
I write this the Capitol building has still been not reopened to the public
since 4pm on Sunday the 27th. Te longer they keep the building locked
down, the more they lower their profle and raise ours. Tis was an unprec-
edented, beautiful, peaceful event. I believe that there are no rational, hon-
est reasons for continuing to lock us out of the building. Some of my friends
who I cherish as family are still inside and I do fear for them, but I can only
hope that decency will prevail.
I believe that the progressive movement and the labor unions are the
only political force lef in this country capable of standing up for the brave,
hard working Americans who have seen their voice drowned out by the in-
fuence of corporate campaign donations. Tese Americans are not partisan
ideologues, many do not have the leisure of intensely following the political
developments in this country, nor would they want to waste their time on
such things. And this is bigger than just America. Although our stature has
been lessened recently, the United States still sets an important example for
the rest of the world. Whether we win or lose, it will echo across the country
and the world.
Te Democratic representatives of the state of Wisconsin have con-
verted me from being a cynic into being an activist. It is the greatest honor
of my life that I have been a part of this fght, and I will do everything that
I possibly can do continue it. I should proof read and edit this statement, as
Im sure Ive constantly reused the same language, but it came directly from
my heart, and I will leave it as it is.
Wisconsin Progressive Blogroll
Blogging Blue
Blue Cheddar
Cognitive Dissidence
Dan Cody: Left on the Lake
Dane 101
First Draft
Forward Lookout
Illusory Tenant
The Political Environment
Uppity Wisconsin
Christopher Hass, my designer, editor, and partner at every step of this
Mike Elk for being a shit-kicking labor journalist and for supporting this
book from the beginning.
John Nichols for your encouragement, stories, and Wisconsin history lessons.
Kristian Knutsen and the other editors of Madisons Isthmus newspaper,
whose online protest coverage helped me fnd the majority of the tweets in
this collection.
Tank you to Alex Hanna, Jill Hopke, Magda Konieczna, Ben Stein, and the
rest of the Teaching Assistants Association.
Tom Bird, Matt Wisniewski, Bill Fetty, and the whole Autonomous
Solidarity Organization.
Melissa Ryan, Andy Kroll, Paul Adler, Ben Manski, John Peck, Natalie Fos-
ter, Joel Handley, and the Justseeds artists.
Tanks and #solidarity to the London crew behind Fight Back! A Reader
on the Winter of Protest, the book that helped inspire this one. Lets keep
it going.
Tank you to all of the contributors to this collection, to the tweeters and
bloggers and others who told this story, and most importantly, the people
of Wisconsin who made it happen.

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