An Efficient and Adaptive Decentralized File Replication Algorithm in P2P File Sharing Systems

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An Efficient and Adaptive Decentralized

File Replication Algorithm in

P2P File Sharing Systems
Haiying Shen, Member, IEEE
AbstractIn peer-to-peer file sharing systems, file replication technology is widely used to reduce hot spots and improve file query
efficiency. Most current file replication methods replicate files in all nodes or two end points on a client-server query path. However,
these methods either have low effectiveness or come at a cost of high overhead. File replication in server side enhances replica hit
rate, hence, lookup efficiency but produces overloaded nodes and cannot significantly reduce query path length. File replication in
client side could greatly reduce query path length, but cannot guarantee high replica hit rate to fully utilize replicas. Though replication
along query path solves these problems, it comes at a high cost of overhead due to more replicas and produces underutilized replicas.
This paper presents an Efficient and Adaptive Decentralized (EAD) file replication algorithm that achieves high query efficiency and
high replica utilization at a significantly low cost. EAD enhances the utilization of file replicas by selecting query traffic hubs and
frequent requesters as replica nodes, and dynamically adapting to nonuniform and time-varying file popularity and node interest. Unlike
current methods, EAD creates and deletes replicas in a decentralized self-adaptive manner while guarantees high replica utilization.
Theoretical analysis shows the high performance of EAD. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of EAD in
comparison with other approaches in both static and dynamic environments. It dramatically reduces the overhead of file replication,
and yields significant improvements on the efficiency and effectiveness of file replication in terms of query efficiency, replica hit rate,
and overloaded nodes reduction.
Index TermsPeer-to-peer system, distributed hash table, file sharing system, file replication.

HE immense popularity of Internet and P2P networks
has produced a significant stimulus to P2P file sharing
systems, where a file requesters query is forwarded to a file
provider in a distributed manner. The systems can be used
in video-on-demand service and shared digital library
applications, where individuals dedicate files that are
available to others. A recent large-scale characterization of
HTTP traffic [1] has shown that more than 75 percent of
Internet traffic is generated by P2P file sharing applications.
The median file size of these P2P systems is 4 MB, which
represents a 1,000-fold increase over the 4 KB median size of
typical Web objects. The study also shows that the access to
these files is highly repetitive and skewed toward the most
popular ones. In such circumstances, if a server receives
many requests at a time, it could become overloaded and
consequently cannot respond to the requests quickly.
Therefore, highly popular files (i.e., hot files) could exhaust
the bandwidth capacity of the servers, leading to low
efficiency in file sharing.
File replication is an effective method to deal with the
problem of server overload by distributing load over replica
nodes. It helps to achieve high query efficiency by reducing
server response latency and lookup path length (i.e., the
number of hops in a lookup path). A higher effective file
replication method produces higher replica hit rate. A
replica hit occurs when a file request is resolved by a replica
node rather than the file owner. Replica hit rate denotes the
percentage of the number of file queries that are resolved by
replica nodes among total queries.
Recently, numerous file replication methods have been
proposed. The methods can be generally classified into three
categories denoted by ServerSide, ClientSide, and Path.
ServerSide replicates a file close to the file owner [2], [3],
[4], [5]; ClientSide replicates a file close to or at a file requester
[6], [7]; and Path replicates on the nodes along the query path
from a requester to a file owner [8], [9], [10]. However, most
of these methods either have low effectiveness on improving
query efficiency or come at a cost of high overhead.
By replicating files on the nodes near the file owners,
ServerSide enhances replica hit rate and query efficiency.
However, it cannot significantly reduce path length because
replicas are close to the file owners. It may overload the
replica nodes since a node has limited number of neighbors.
On the other hand, ClientSide could dramatically improve
query efficiency when a replica node queries for its replica
files, but such a case is not guaranteed to occur as node
interest varies over time. Moreover, these replicas have low
chance to serve other requesters. Thus, ClientSide cannot
ensure high hit rate and replica utilization. Path avoids the
problems of ServerSide and ClientSide. It provides high hit
rate and greatly reduces lookup path length. However, its
effectiveness is outweighed by its high cost of overhead for
replicating and maintaining much more replicas. Further-
more, it may produce underutilized replicas.
Since more replicas lead to higher query efficiency but
more maintenance overhead, a challenge for a replication
algorithm is how to minimize replicas while still achieving
. The author is with the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Clemson University, 105 Riggs Hall, Clemson, SC 29634.
E-mail: [email protected].
Manuscript received 26 Aug. 2008; revised 4 Feb. 2009; accepted 22 June
2009; published online 4 Aug. 2009.
Recommended for acceptance by X. Zhang.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TPDS-2008-08-0325.
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2009.127.
1045-9219/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
high query efficiency. To deal with this challenge, this
paper presents an Efficient and Adaptive Decentralized
(EAD) file replication algorithm. One novel feature of EAD
is that it achieves high query efficiency and high replica
utilization at a significantly low cost. Instead of creating
replicas on all nodes or two ends on a client-server path,
EAD chooses query traffic hubs (i.e., query traffic conjunc-
tion nodes) as replica nodes to ensure high replica hit rate. It
achieves comparable query efficiency to Path but creates
much less replicas. It also produces higher hit rate than
ClientSide, and dramatically reduces lookup path length and
avoids overloading replica nodes in ServerSide. Moreover,
EAD takes full advantage of file replicas by dynamically
choosing replica nodes based on file query rate.
Another novel feature of EAD is that it adaptively
adjusts the file replicas to nonuniform and time-varying file
popularity and node interest in a decentralized manner.
Unlike other algorithms in which a file owner determines
where to create or delete replicas in a centralized fashion,
EAD enables nodes themselves to decide whether to store
or delete replicas based on their actual query traffic. This
self-adaptive manner enhances EADs scalability, and
meanwhile, guarantees high utilization of replicas. It also
facilitates EAD to deal with churn. In addition, EAD is
highly capable of tackling skewed lookups. Furthermore,
EAD employs an exponential moving average technique to
reasonably measure file query traffic. The contribution of
this paper also includes theoretical analysis and compre-
hensive simulations for the performance of EAD.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the EAD file replication algorithm with theoretical
analysis. Section 3 shows the performance of EAD in
comparison with other approaches with a variety of metrics,
and analyzes the factors effecting file replication perfor-
mance. Section 4 presents a concise review of representative
file replication approaches for P2P systems. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper with remarks on our future work.
In this section, we describe the EAD algorithm. We start off
by describing the goals of EAD and the strategies to achieve
the goals. Then, we discuss the various aspects of the
algorithm in detail.
2.1 Goals and Strategies
In a P2P file sharing system, overloaded conditions are
common during flash crowds or when a server hosts a hot
file. For example, in Fig. 1, if many nodes query for a hot file
in node G at a time, G will be overloaded, leading to
delayed file query response. File replication is an effective
method to deal with the problem of overload condition. By
replicating a hot file to a number of other nodes, the file
owner distributes load over replica nodes, leading to quick
file response. Moreover, a file query may encounter replica
nodes before it arrives at the file owner, reducing lookup
path length. Thus, file replication helps achieve high file
query efficiency due to lookup path length reduction and
quick query response.
In ServerSide, node Gwill choose its neighbors 1, 1, `, O,
and1as options for replica nodes. Thoughit has highhit rate,
it cannot significantly reduce the lookuppathlengthandmay
overload the neighbors. On the other hand, ClientSide
replicates a file to requesters , 1, and C. It brings benefits
when the requester or its nearby nodes always queries for the
file. However, considering nonuniformandtime-varying file
popularity and node interest, the replicas may not be fully
utilized. Path replicates the file in all path nodes 1, 1, and 1.
It has high hit rate and significantly reduces lookup path
length, but comes at high cost of much more replicas.
The ultimate objective of EAD is to achieve high query
efficiency and low file replication overhead. Specifically,
EAD aims to overcome the drawback of the previous
methods with two goals. First, it aims to minimize replicas
and achieve high file query efficiency. More replicas lead to
higher query efficiency and vice versa. How can a
replication algorithm reduce replicas without compromis-
ing query efficiency? Rather than statically replicating a file
along a query path, EAD replicates a file in nodes with high
query traffic of the file, thus reducing replicas while
ensuring high hit rate and comparable query efficiency.
Second, rather than depending on a file owner to
determine replica creation and deletion in a centralized
manner, EAD aims to conduct the operations in a
decentralized manner without compromising replica utili-
zation. Since P2P systems can be very large, decentralized
replication decision making is key to scaling the system. For
example, the popular KaZaA file sharing application
routinely supports on the order of two million simultaneous
users, exporting more than 300 million files. To achieve this
objective, EAD uses self-adaptive method in which nodes
themselves decide replica creation and deletion.
Splitting a large file into small pieces can increase the
service capacity of a large file rapidly. Replicating file
location hint along a query path can also improve file query
efficiency. EAD can employ the techniques to further
improve its performance. These techniques are orthogonal
to our study in this paper.
2.2 Algorithm Description
The basic idea of EAD is replicating a file in nodes with
high query traffic of the file so that more queries will
encounter the replica nodes, leading to high hit rate. To deal
with time-varying file popularity and node interest, EAD
adaptively adjusts the file replica nodes based on recent
query traffic in a decentralized manner. We present EAD
from the following aspects of file replication:
1. Where to replicate files so that the file query can be
significantly expedited, and meanwhile, the file
replicas can be taken full advantage of (Section 2.2.1)?
Fig. 1. File querying in a file sharing system.
2. How to conduct the replication of hot files and the
deletion of underutilized replicas in a decentralized
manner for high replica utilization (Section 2.2.2)?
3. How to reasonably measure file query traffic for
replica adjustment (Section 2.2.3)?
4. How is the performance of EAD from the perspec-
tive of theoretical analysis (Section 2.2.4)?
5. How to deal with P2P churn for highly efficient and
effective file replication (Section 2.2.5)?
6. How is the performance of EAD in handling skewed
file lookups (Section 2.2.6)?
2.2.1 Efficient File Replication
In a structured P2P system, the query load is distributed in
an imbalanced manner. The existence of query imbalance is
confirmed by recent studies of P2P file sharing systems [11],
[1], which demonstrate that node query patterns are heavily
skewed in the systems. The query load imbalance in a
structured P2P system is mainly caused by three reasons.
First, file requests are routed according to a strictly defined
routing algorithm, and nodes are located in different places
and have different number of neighbors in a P2P overlay
network. Second, node interests are different and time
varying. There will be more query traffic along the query
paths from the frequent file requesters and the file owner.
Third, file popularity is nonuniform and time varying.
Nodes receiving and forwarding hot file queries experience
more query traffic load. Nodes in some overlay areas with
hot files or with more neighbors will experience more query
traffic. It is easy to understand the last two reasons for
query imbalance. The explanation for the first reason is
presented below.
Most of the structured P2P systems such as Chord,
Tapestry, and Pastry use a variant of the routing algorithm
developed by Plaxton et al. [12]. The routing algorithm
works by correcting a single digit at a time in the left-to-
right order. If a node with nodeID 12345 receives a lookup
query with key 12456, which matches the first two digits,
then the routing algorithm forwards the query to a node
that matches the first three digits (e.g., node 12467).
Therefore, each routing step reduces the querys distance
to the destination. To facilitate the routing, the neighbors in
a nodes routing table are the nodes that match each prefix
of its own identifier.
To handle P2P churn where nodes join and leave the
system continuously and rapidly, and meanwhile, improve
the efficiency of routing, a node with nodeID x maintains
another neighbor list of nodes whose nodeIDs succeed x.
Facilitated by a neighbor list, in a routing, the file query for
a key is forwarded to a node whose nodeID shares a prefix
with the key as long as the current node, but is numerically
closer to the key than the present nodes nodeID. Assume
that the source node ID is 12345 and the destinations
nodeID is 13579, Fig. 2 shows a routing path from the
source node to the destination node. In the first three steps
of the routing, each node forwards the query to one of its
neighbors in its routing table. In the last two steps when the
query is close to the destination, the routing node forwards
the query to a node in its neighbor list.
We can see that the routing algorithm is characterized by
convergence in which a query travels toward its destina-
tion. Thus, queries for the same file from different directions
converge when they are approaching their destination. The
traffic hubs have more query load than other nodes. A
node, which is a neighbor of many nodes, carries much
more query load than others, since the nodes forward the
query to the neighbor. Therefore, in structured P2P file
sharing systems, some nodes carry more query traffic load
than others [13], [14], [15]. The degree of node is the
number of nodes that take node as their neighbor. Since a
node owning larger nodeID space has higher probability to
be other nodes neighbor and has higher degree, the node
will also carry more query load. This is confirmed by
Godfrey and Stoica [13].
For example, in Fig. 1, because nodes , 1, and C are very
interested in a hot file in node G, all the queries need to pass
through nodes 1 and 1 before they arrive at file server G.
Thus, nodes 1 and 1 forward much more queries for the file
than others. Based on this observation, we can choose query
traffic hubs 1 and 1 as replica nodes so that the queries from
different direction can encounter the replica nodes, increas-
ing the replica hit rate. The efficiency of this strategy is
determined by whether the replica nodes always serve as
query traffic hubs. The answer for this question is given by a
study which shows that the access to P2P files is highly
repetitive and skewed toward the most popular ones [1].
Therefore, EAD replicates a file in nodes that have been
carrying more query traffic of the file or nodes that query the
file frequently. The former increases the probability that
queries fromdifferent directions encounter the replica nodes,
and the latter provides files to the frequent file requesters
without query routing, thus increasing replica hit rate. In
addition, replicatinga file inthe middle of a querypathrather
than near its server as in ServerSide speeds up file querying.
We define query rate of a file ), denoted by
, as the
number of queries initiated by a requester or forwarded by a
node during a unit time period T, say, one second.
be indexed by different files such as
, but we omit
the indices here for brevity. A technique for reasonably
will be introduced in Section 2.2.3. EAD sets
a threshold for query rate denoted by T

; T

c , where
cc ! 2 is a constant parameter and is the average query
rate in the system:


, i. 1
where i is the number of files in the system. If a nodes


, it is regarded as a frequent requester or traffic hub

for file ). A node periodically calculates its
. If

it has enough capacity such as storage space and bandwidth
for a file replica, it piggybacks a file replication request and
into a file query when initiating or forwarding a file
request for this file. A traffic hub also needs to incorporate
its IP address and nodeID into the file query. Piggybacking
replication requests in file queries avoids additional over-
head of the file replication algorithm.
Fig. 2. An example of a query routing in structured P2P system.
In addition to the original owner of a file, a replica node
can also replicate the file to other nodes. We use server to
denote both the original file owner and replica nodes. We
define visit rate of a node as the number of queries the node
receives during T. We use a servers visit rate of all its files
to represent its query load, denoted by |. We use c to denote
a nodes capacity represented by the number of queries it
can respond during T. We use node utilization to denote the
fraction of a node capacity that is used, represented by |,c.
Each server i periodically measures its query load |
over T,
and checks whether it is overloaded or lightly loaded by a
factor of
, i.e., whether

oi < 1,
. 2
as shown in Fig. 3. In the former case, it releases |


query load units by replicating files. In the latter case,

though it is not overloaded, replication may enhance query
efficiency. Therefore, the server makes decision of file
replication based on the benefits and cost brought about by
the file replication.
When overloaded, a files server releases its load by
selecting the nodes with high query rates to be the replica
nodes. Specifically, if the server receives queries with
replication requests, it first orders the replication requesters
based on their
in a descending order. Then, it retrieves
replication requesters in the list one at a time and replicates
) at the requester until

! |

which makes the server lightly loaded. This scheme
guarantees that nodes with higher query rates have higher
priorities to be replica nodes, leading to higher replica hit
rate. In the case that there is no file replication request, then
a server replicates file ) to its neighbors that forward the
queries of ) most frequently.
If the file server is not overloaded, it makes file replication
only when the benefits brought about by the replication are
greater than its cost. In practice, a node has various capacities
in terms of bandwidth, memory storage, processing speed,
etc. We assume that different capacities can be represented
by one metric [13]. If a file is replicated in a requester with
and d hop distance to the file server, it saves the query
forwarding resource of

, where


is the resource
consumption for forwarding one query in one step. On the
other hand, it costs extra storage resource / for a replica. If the
benefit of the file replication is greater than its cost, that is,

d |

/. 3
then the file server makes a replication in the requester.
We assume homogeneous benefits for each replica of a
file. If a replica is visited during T, the system earns o
benefit. An unvisited replica generates system cost /. When
a file server receives 1 requests, how many replicas it
should create in order to earn the maximum average benefit
during T? We use r to denote the number of created
replicas that lead to the maximum average benefit. r is a
value 2 1. 1. We use Y to denote the benefit earned by the
system during T due to the file replication. Y is a function
of \ , which is the server visit rate of the file during T:
Y )\
or n/ci \ ! r.
o\ /r \ n/ci \ < r.
Hence, the average benefit is
1Y 1)\



o/ /r /

_ _

o/ /r /
_ _


o /
_ _
11o /r.

o /
_ _
r 11o /.

o /
_ _
< 0.
1Y achieves the maximum value. Therefore, when
211o /
o /
. 5
1Y achieves the maximumvalue. In other words, when the
file server creates
number of replicas, the system
earns the maximum benefits with high replica utilization.
2.2.2 Decentralized File Replica Adaptation
Considering that file popularity is nonuniform and time
varying and node interest varies over time, some file
replicas become unnecessary when there are few queries for
these files. To deal with this situation, EAD adaptively
removes and creates file replicas.
In previous methods, a file server maintains information
of its replica nodes to manage the replicas and disseminates
information about new replica sets. Rather than depending
onsucha centralizedmethod, EADmakes replica adjustment
in a decentralized manner. EADenables nodes themselves to
determine whether they should create replicas or delete
replicas based on their actual experienced query traffic. If a
node has too high query traffic of a file, it requests to be a
replica node of the file. On the other hand, if a replica node
receives too few queries of a replica, it removes the replica.
Such decentralized adaptation helps to guarantee high hit
rate and replica utilization. In addition, it reduces the extra
load for replica information maintenance in file servers,
making the replication algorithm more scalable.
Specifically, EAD arranges each node to periodically
update its query rate of each file. If a nodes

, it
Fig. 3. File replication decision by a file server.
requests to have a replica as introduced in the previous
section. If a replica nodes
< cT

c < 1, where c is a
underloaded factor, it marks the replica as infrequently used
replica. When the
< cT

condition continually occurs for a

specified number of time periods, or when the node needs
more space for other replicas, the node removes the replica. If
this condition does not happen for the specified number of
time periods, which means the replica is still useful, then the
replica node removes the mark. Therefore, the determination
of keepingfile replicas is basedonrecentlyexperiencedquery
traffic due to the file popularity and node interest. When a
file is no longer requested frequently, there will be less file
replicas for it. The adaptationtoqueryrate ensures that all file
replicas are worthwhile and there is no waste of overhead for
the maintenance of unnecessary replicas, thus ensuring high
replica utilization.
We use `
to denote the number of generated queries of
a certain file during T, and use ^
to denote the probability
that a query of the file passes node i during T. The
probability that node i creates a new replica of the file is

_ _
1 ^

. 6
The probability that node i deletes a replica is


_ _
1 ^

. 7
Formulas (6) and (7) show that 1
increases and
decreases as `
increases, and 1
and 1
increases as `
decreases. It means that when
a file is becoming more and more popular, the replicas of
the file will spread wider and wider to the traffic hubs and
requesters in the system, and the query load of the file is
distributed among the replica nodes. From the perspective
of the entire system, file query can be resolved more
efficiently at relatively lower cost of storing replicas. When
a file is becoming less and less popular, its replicas will be
removed from the system until a balanced condition is
reached, where no node is overloaded by the files queries
and all the replicas are fully utilized.
EAD arranges each node to keep track of its query rate of
a file for both replica creation and deletion. In ClientSide and
ServerSide, each file owner keeps track of every nodes query
rate for replica creation. In addition, each replica node also
needs to keep track of its query rate of a file for replica
deletion. Therefore, EAD produces less cost than ClientSide
and ServerSide for replica creation and deletion.
2.2.3 Query Rate Determination
File popularity and node interest vary over time. For
example, a file may suddenly become hot for a very short
period of time and then changes back to be cold. In this
case, based on the file replication algorithm introduced
earlier, a number of nodes replicate the file when they
observe high
of the file, and then remove the replicas
is low after the next periodical measurement,
leading to replica fluctuation and a waste of replication
overhead. To deal with this problem, rather than directly
using the periodically measured results, EAD employs
exponential moving average (EMA) technique [16] to
reasonably determine file query rate over time period T.
EMA assigns more weight to recent observations without
discarding older observations entirely. It applies weighting
factors to older observed
so that the weight for each older

decreases exponentially. The degree of decrease is
expressed as a constant smoothing factor u 2 0. 1, which
serves as the fading mechanism.
The value of
at time period t 1 is designated by
and the value of the query rate at any time period T is
designated by
. The formula for calculating
at time
periods T ! 2 is

1 u
. 8
Smaller u makes the new observations relatively more
important than larger u, since a higher u discounts older
observations faster. An appropriate value of u can be
determined according to the actual situation of a file sharing
system. If the query rate fluctuates greatly, it is better to use
a large u. Otherwise, small u can be used. Based on the
query rate determination algorithm, node i observes the
number of queries for file ) periodically and computes
using the EMA (8). EMA-based query rate calculation helps
to reasonably measure query traffic, which is critical to
EADs effectiveness. Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode of
EAD file replication algorithm integrating its different
strategy components.
Algorithm 1. Pseudocode for EAD file replication
//Executed by a file requester
Periodically calculate
1 u

if query for file ) then
Include replication request into the query
//Executed by a query forwarding node
Periodically calculate
1 u

if receive a query for file ) to forward then
Include replication request into the query
//Executed by a file server i
Periodically calculate |
if it is overloaded by a factor of
if there are file replication requests during Tf
Order replication requesters based on their
in a descending order

< |

Replicate file to replication requester on the top of
the list
Remove the replication requester from the top of the
Replicate file to the neighbor nodes that most
frequently forward queries for file )g
for each requested file replication by a node with
d |

Make a replication to the replication requester
//Executed by a replica node
for each replica of file ) do f
Periodically calculate
1 u

Remove the file replicag
2.2.4 Performance Analysis
We first analyze the effect of EAD by replicating files in
traffic hubs, which sheds additional insight into the
performance of EAD. Let j
denote the request probability
of the ,th request for file ) from a random requester and

denote the number of all requests for file ) in the
system in time period T. We use 1
to denote the hit
probability, n
to denote the probability that routing node i
has a replica, and o
to denote the probability that node i is
online. We use r
to indicate whether node i contains a
replica of file ). If yes, r
1; otherwise, r
0. We use d
denote the path length of request ,.
The hit probability of the J requests is


1 o
1 n

. 10
We consider a special case of the hit probability of one
request. In this case, each node is online with the same
probability, each node in the lookup path has the same
probability of having a replica, andeach request has a lookup
path length with the same length. That is, o
o, n
n, and
d. We use c
to represent a group of routing nodes for
the ,th request. We use 1fc
\ c
. c
. c
. . . c
! T

to denote the number of routing nodes in group , that appear
in the rest J 1 groups for at least T

1 times. Recall that

when a nodes query rate exceeds query rate threshold, i.e.,


, the node requests to become a replica node.

Therefore, 1fc
\ c
. c
. c
. . . c
! T

g means the
number of replica nodes in the lookup path of the ,th request
if all requests are approved.
In the case of homogeneous node online probabilities
and routing node having replica probabilities, and the same
lookup path length, the problem of how files should be
optimally replicated is to choose T

such that the following

is maximized:
1 1 o1 n
) 1 1
1 o1 n
subject to
\ c
. c
. c
. . . c
! T

g nd. 12
For instance, assume o 90%. d 10. In order to
achieve 1
90%, based on (11), we get
0.1 0.1 1 n
) n 20%.
It means that 20 percent nodes in a routing path should be
replica nodes. Therefore, based on (12), T

should set to a
value that makes 1fc
\ c
. c
. c
. . . c
! T

g 2.
We assume that the number of generated queries `
of a
file follows Poisson distribution [17]; `
$ IPij, where j
is the probability that a node generates a query for the file.
We assume that a replica node only responds to one
request. The problem of guaranteeing the probability of C
that each query generated can be resolved by a replica node
is to calculate r in the following inequation:
r ! C.
r 1 < C.
Suppose that i 10.000, j 0.0004, and C 99%, thus
$ IP4. Replacing C in the inequation with 0.99, we
derive r 9. This means that nine replicas are needed to
ensure that a request is resolved by a replica node with
99 percent probability.
We now analyze the performance of EAD compared to
ServerSide and ClientSide. We assume that all replication
methods have ii < i replicas for a specific file ). The hit
probability for the J requests in ClientSide is


. 13
Without the loss of generality, we assume that i replicas
cover all the neighbors of the owner of file ). Thus, each
request can encounter one of i replicas. Therefore, 1
ServerSide is


. 14
In EAD, a replica is created when
c . It means that, on
average, c requests can encounter the replica during T.
Hence, 1
in EAD is




. 15
The results show that when c
, EAD achieves the same
hit rate as ServerSide. Since the results of (14) and (15) are
higher than the result of (13), respectively, we can arrive at
Proposition 2.1.
Proposition 2.1. Given the same number of replicas for a file,
EAD and ServerSide lead to higher hit rate for the file than
In ClientSide, when a request hits a replica, the path
length of the request is 0 because the replica is in the
requester. Otherwise, the path length of the request is log i
on the average case. Therefore, the total path lengths for J
requests, denoted by 1
, is

_ _
log i. 16
Since replica nodes are the neighbors of file owner in
ServerSide, the path length of a lookup is approximately
log i. Then,

log i. 17
In EAD, query traffic hubs are in the middle of a lookup
path. Suppose that replica nodes are located
log i
hops from
the requesters on the average case. Therefore,

_ _
log i



log i

log i
_ _
We can find that the result of (17) is larger than (16) and
(18). Comparing results (16) and (18), we observe that when
c ., EAD produces shorter 1
than ClientSide. Based on
the structured P2P routing algorithm, the query flows
usually converge in the second half of a path. This implies
that . < 2. Since c ! 2 and c . in most cases, (18) < (16).
Thus, we can get the following Proposition:
Proposition 2.2. On the average case, EAD leads to shorter path
length than ClientSide, and ClientSide produces shorter path
length than ServerSide.
2.2.5 Discussion of EAD in Churn
P2P systems are characterized by churn in which participat-
ing nodes continuously join and leave the network or even
fail unexpectedly. EAD should be able to efficiently handle
node joins, departures, and failures.
Node joins. A nodes successor is the node with the
smallest nodeID among the nodes whose nodeIDs are larger
than the nodes ID. A nodes predecessor is the node with
the largest nodeID among the nodes whose nodeIDs are less
than the nodes nodeID. As shown in Fig. 4, when a new
node Q joins a structured P2P system shown in Fig. 1, it
becomes responsible for a portion of P2P global ID space
based on its nodeID. The original node responsible for the
files in this ID space portion, say, node 1, moves the files to
node Q. In addition, the routing tables of nodes that take Q
as a neighbor should be updated. There are mainly two
policies for updating the routing tables of affected nodes.
Systems like Pastry and Tapestry update affected routing
tables once a new node joins in. Rather than using instant
updating, systems like Chord rely on stabilization in which
each node updates its neighbors periodically. This is a basic
component of P2P maintenance to guarantee the connectiv-
ity of nodes for successful routings in churn.
For EAD, the issue at hand is deciding what to do with
file replicas. As indicated in Section 2.2.1, node degree
influences query imbalance. The newly joined node Q may
affect the degree, and hence, the query load of node 1. Some
nodes that take node 1 as a neighbor and frequently
forward 1, the query of a replica, may replace node 1 with
Q in their routing tables. Thus, if node Q takes over most of
the query load of a replica from node 1, node 1 should
transfer the replica to node Q. Therefore, to determine
whether to move a replica depends on how many nodes will
replace node 1 with Q in their routing tables. For example,
in Fig. 4, when node Q joins in the system, nodes 1, C, and
1 replace their previous neighbor 1 with Q. As a result,
queries for a replica from nodes 1, C, and 1 will flow to
node Q. In this case, node 1 should transfer the replica to
node Q. Thus, each node such as node 1 keeps track of the
traffic flow coming from each of its neighbors. When a node,
say, node C, replaces 1 with Q in its routing table, it notifies
node 1. When node 1 finds that most of its neighbors that
frequently forward the query for its replica replace itself
with Q, it transfers the replica to node Q. However, this
method has a number of drawbacks. First, keeping the
record for traffic flow from each backward link is resource
consuming. Second, it is difficult to decide how much of a
replicas traffic is moved from node 1 to node Q before the
replica transfer is triggered. Third, in P2P systems such as
Chord in which the routing tables are not updated soon
after a node join operation, 1 wont transfer its replica to
node Q even if Q becomes a traffic hub soon after joining.
To avoid these drawbacks, EAD depends on a less
complex and lightweight method. When node 1 transfers
its files to node Q, it also stores the indices of its replicas to
node Q indicating their location. If node Q receives a query
for the file of the replica, it directly forwards the query to
node 1 based on the indices. Later on, when node Qs


, it requests to have a replica from node 1. Since

node Q and node 1 are neighbors, the communication cost
generated between them is less than the cost of requesting a
replica from the file owner. When the
< cT

continually occurs in node 1 for a specified number of time
periods, node 1 deletes the replica if node Q already has the
replica. Otherwise, it moves the replica to node Q in case Q
needs the replica. If the replica is underutilized in node Q,
Q will remove the replica. This strategy ensures that there is
no unnecessary replica transfer in a node join, and mean-
while, the replica is fully utilized. Algorithm 2 shows the
pseudocode for a node join in the EAD file replication
algorithm in a system where a file is stored in a node whose
nodeID is the closest to the files fileID and stabilization is
used for updating routing tables.
Algorithm 2. Pseudocode for a node join in EAD algorithm
//Executed by a joining node
Get its nodeID
Build its routing table and neighbor list
Notify its predecessor and successor
Receive the files in nodeID space [pre.ID, ID] and
[ID, suc.ID]
Receive the indices of replicas in its predecessor and
Periodically compute the query rate of each of the replicas
of )

Request a replica from the owner of the replica
Fig. 4. Node join in a file sharing system.
//Executed by a joining nodes predecessor and successor
Get the notification from the newly-joined node
Update its predecessor or successor
if it is the predecessor then
Transfer the files in nodeID [pre.ID, ID] to the
newly-joined node
Transfer the files in nodeID [ID, suc.ID] to the
newly-joined node
Transfer the indices of its replicas to the newly-joined node
Periodically calculate
of each of its replica of )
< cT

if the newly-joined node has the replica then
Remove the replica
Transfer the replica to the newly-joined node
Node departures. Before a node leaves the system, it
transfers its files to its successor and predecessor based on
the structured P2P systems file allocation algorithm. Like
the node join operation, there are two policies for routing
table update for node departure. Systems like Chord
depend on stabilization. In others systems, the leaving node
notifies affected nodes that need to update their routing
tables. Most structured systems resort to stabilization to deal
with node departures without warning and node failures.
The problem that EAD needs to resolve is that the
leaving node should transfer its replicas to its successor or
predecessor. If there are more affected nodes originally
forwarding the file query take the successor as the
replacement for the leaving node, the files replica should
be transferred to the successor. Otherwise, the replica
should be transferred to the predecessor.
According to the P2P neighbor selection policy, between
the successor and predecessor, the one closer to the leaving
node has higher probability to replace the leaving node in
affected nodes routing tables. For example, leaving node
12345s successor is 12349 and its predecessor is 12339, then
its successor has higher probability to be its replacement in
affected nodes routing table. Based on this, EAD arranges
the leaving node to move its replica to its successor or its
predecessor that is closer to itself, and stores the indices of
the replicas in the other node.
Suppose that leaving node Q transfers its replicas to its
successor 1 and stores the indices of the replicas in its
predecessor C. Later on, when node C receives a query for
the file of one of the replicas, it directly forwards the query
to its successor node 1. Node C keeps track of the query
rate of the replicas whose indices are stored in node C.
When a files

, node C requests a replica from node

1. Since node 1 and node C are neighbors, the commu-
nication between these two nodes will not generate much
overhead. At the same time, node 1 periodically checks
of its replicas. When
< cT

condition continually occurs

for a specified number of time periods, it deletes the replica
if node C already has the replica. Otherwise, it moves the
replica to node C in case C needs it later. If the replica is
underutilized in node C, C removes the replica.
Node departures without warning and node failures lead
to replica loss. EADs decentralized file replica adaption
algorithm helps to cope with the negative results due to the
replica loss. In this case, the failed nodes otherwise carrying
traffic are moved to some other nodes. When these nodes
observe the high traffic volume of a file, they will create
replicas. This algorithm plays an important role in dealing
with churn. It ensures that traffic hubs have replicas for high
utilization of replicas, and there are few underutilized
replicas in churn. Algorithm 3 demonstrates the pseudocode
for node departure in the EAD file replication algorithm.
Algorithm 3. Pseudocode for node departure in EAD
//Executed by a leaving node
Notify its predecessor and successor
Transfer files in [pre.ID,ID] to its predecessor
Transfer files in [ID,suc.ID] to its successor
if j:nc.1111j < j11jic.11j then
Transfer all its replicas to N
Transfer the indices of its replicas to the other neighbor
//Executed by a leaving nodes predecessor and successor
Get the leaving notification
Update its predecessor or successor
Receive the files from the leaving node
if receive the replicas then
Periodically calculate
of each of its replica of )
< cT

if its predecessor or successor has the replica then
Remove the replica
Transfer the replica to its successor or predecessor
Periodically calculate
of each file whose index is
stored in itself

Request a replica from the indexed replica node
2.2.6 Discussion of EAD in Skewed Lookups
In skewed lookups, many nodes visit a file repeatedly and
continuously. For example, during the period of Olympic
games, Olympic news becomes very popular. Queries
flowing from all over the world to one file owner of
Olympic news will overload the owner, leading to high
query latency. In this case, much more replicas than usual
are needed to release the load of the owner, generating very
high overhead. ServerSide replicates the file at the neighbors
near the owner. Thus, queries still need to travel long way
before encountering a replica node. In addition, these
replica nodes around the file owner can easily be over-
loaded under the tremendous volume of query flow. In
ClientSide, much more replicas will be stored in many
widely distributed clients all over the world. However, the
replicas may not be shared by other requesters, resulting in
low replica utilization and very high overhead for the
maintenance of widely scattered replicas. In contrast,
skewed lookup is an asset in EAD, which enables EAD to
exploit its fullest capacity.
In skewed lookups, a significant amount of queries flow
toward the same destination. Thus, much more queries will
meet with each other than the regular lookups, generating
many traffic hubs. EAD replicates the file in traffic hubs.
Therefore, a high volume of query flow is resolved in the
middle of routes, reducing the query latency, and mean-
while, enhancing the utilization of replicas. Therefore,
skewed lookups increase the number of traffic hubs,
facilitating EAD to find the traffic hubs for replications. In
addition, it increases the probability that a file query is
resolved by a traffic hub, raising the replica utilization.
Unlike ServerSide and ClientSide that cannot handle skewed
lookups effectively and efficiently, EAD exhibits its fullest
advantages in skewed lookups.
To make ServerSide, ClientSide, and EAD comparable, we
suppose ServerSide replicates a file in the files neighbor, and
ClientSide replicates a file in a requester if the requesters

! c . We assume in skewed lookups that JJ ! 1
requests for a file are generated by random nodes in time
period T. We now analyze the probability that random
node i becomes a replica node in the skewed lookups.
Recall that ^
denotes the probability that a request passes
the random node i. Thus, the probability that / requests pass
node i is
1A / lim
_ _
1 ^


where ` J^
. That is, A $ IP`. Hence,
1A ` J ^
. 19
Thus, the probability that a random node becomes a replica
node is
1 1A T


. 20
We use
, and
to represent ClientSide, ServerSide,
and EAD, respectively. Considering the locations of replica
nodes in three methods, we get ^
< ^
< ^
. Based on
(19), we can get 1A
< 1A
< 1A
. Therefore, we
can arrive at the following proposition:
Proposition 2.3. In skewed lookups, on the average case, file
owner neighbors in ServerSide have higher probability to
become replica nodes than the routing nodes in EAD, which
have higher probability to become replica nodes than requesters
in ClientSide.
We use `
to denote the number of replica hits for
another group J requests for the file in skewed lookups.
Then, `
. On the average case, `
< `
< `
Hence, we can get the following proposition:
Proposition 2.4. In skewed lookups, the utilization of replicas in
ClientSide is not as high as in EAD, and that in EAD is not
as high as in ServerSide.
We designed and implemented a simulator for evaluating
the EAD algorithm based on Chord P2P system [17]. We
use system utilization to represent the fraction of the
systems total capacity that is used, which equals


. We compared the performance of EAD
with ServerSide, ClientSide, and Path in both static and
dynamic environments. Experiment results show that EAD
achieves high file query efficiency, high hit rate, and
balanced load distribution with less file replicas. Moreover,
EAD is resilient to P2P churn and skewed lookups. In
addition, EADs decentralized adaptation strategy is effec-
tive in guaranteeing high replica utilization.
To be comparable, we used the same number of
replication operations when a server is overloaded in all
replication algorithms. In a replication operation, the server
randomly chooses one of its neighbors in ServerSide, a
frequent requester in ClientSide, and all nodes in a lookup
path in Path to replicate a file. Therefore, EAD, ServerSide,
and ClientSide replicate a file to a single node while Path
replicates to a number of nodes in one replication operation.
We assumed bounded Pareto distribution for node
capacities. This distribution reflects the real world, where
there are machines with capacities that vary by different
orders of magnitude. The file requesters and requested files
in the experiment were randomly chosen. File lookups were
generated according to a Poisson process at a rate of one per
second as in [17]. Table 1 lists the parameters of the
simulation and their default values.
3.1 Query Load Imbalance
This experiment is conducted in order to verify the funda-
mental basis that there exist traffic hubs basedon which EAD
is developed. In the experiment, 5,000 randomly selected
nodes query for the same file that is randomly chosen. We
conducted five tests and recorded the average, the 1st and
99th percentiles of the number of requests a node received.
Fig. 5 plots the results of the five tests. The figure shows that
the99thpercentile keeps around80, the 1st percentile keeps at
0, and the average is around 7. The results imply that the
Simulated Environment and Parameters
Fig. 5. Query load imbalance.
query load varies among nodes, and some nodes have much
heavier query load than others. These highly loaded nodes
are traffic hubs, where requests for a file meet together. The
experiment results confirm the existence of traffic hubs,
which is the cornerstone of the EAD algorithm. EAD takes
advantage of these traffic hubs to achieve efficient and
effective file replication with low overhead.
3.2 Effectiveness of Replication Algorithms
Fig. 6a demonstrates the replica hit rate of different
algorithms versus the number of replication operations
when a server is overloaded. We can observe that ClientSide
generates the least hit rate, EAD has higher hit rate than
ServerSide, and Path leads to higher hit rate than EAD.
ClientSide replicates a file in the file requesters, which may
not request the same file later. Also, other file requests have
very low possibility of passing through these replica nodes.
Consequently, ClientSide has very low replica hit rate.
ServerSide replicates a file near its owner such that a query
for the file has high probability to encounter a replica node
before it arrives at the file owner. The result that EAD leads
to higher hit rate than ServerSide is particularly intriguing
given that they have the same number of replicas. Though
ServerSide has high possibility for a query to meet a replica
node near the file server, it is not guaranteed. EAD
replicates a file at frequent requesters or traffic hubs,
ensuring high hit rate. This implies the effectiveness of EAD
to replicate files in nodes with high query rate, which
enhances the utilization of replicas, and hence, reduces the
lookup path length. Path replicates files at nodes along a
routing path. More replica nodes render higher possibility
for a file request to meet a replica node. Therefore, Path
increases replica hit rate and produces shorter path length.
However, its efficiency is outweighed by its prohibitive cost
of overhead for keeping track of query paths and
maintaining much more file replicas.
3.3 Overhead of Replication Algorithms
Fig. 6b illustrates the total number of replicas in different
algorithms. It shows that the number of replicas increases as
the number of replication operations increases. The number
of replicas of Path is excessively higher than others, and that
of others keeps almost the same. It is because in each file
replication operation, a file is replicated in a single node in
ServerSide, ClientSide, and EAD, but in multiple nodes along
a routing path in Path. Therefore, Path needs much higher
overhead for file replication and replica maintenance.
In conclusion, Path has high hit rate and short lookup
path length, but this benefit comes at the cost of prohibitively
higher overhead. ServerSide and ClientSide incur less over-
head for file replicas, but are relatively less efficient in
lookups. EAD can achieve approximately the same lookup
efficiency at a significantly lower cost.
3.4 Load Balance of Replication Algorithms
This experiment demonstrates the load balance among
replica nodes in each replication method. Recall that
ClientSide and ServerSide dont take into account node
available capacity, while EAD proactively takes into
account node available capacity during file replication. It
avoids exacerbating overloaded node problem by choosing
nodes with enough available capacity as replica nodes.
Thus, it outperforms ClientSide and ServerSide by controlling
the overloaded nodes, and hence, extra overhead for load
balancing or further file replication. We measured the
maximum node utilizations of all nodes and took the 1st,
99th percentiles and median of those results as experiment
results. Fig. 7 plots the median, 1st and 99th percentiles of
node utilizations versus system utilization. Path distributes
load among much more replica nodes, so its load balance
result is not comparable to others. Therefore, we didt
include the results of Path into the figure. The figure
demonstrates that the 99th percentile of node utilization of
ServerSide is much higher than others. It is because Server-
Side relies on a small set of nodes within a small range
around the overloaded file owner, which makes these
replica nodes overloaded. In contrast, ClientSide and EAD
replicate files in widely distributed nodes. The figure also
shows that the 99th percentile of node utilization of EAD is
constrained within 1, while those of ClientSide and Server-
Side are higher than 1 and increase with system utilization.
The results imply that ClientSide and ServerSide incur much
more overloaded nodes due to the neglect of node available
capacity. In EAD, a node sends a replication request only
Fig. 6. Effectiveness and overhead of file replication algorithms. (a) Replica hit rate. (b) Number of replicas.
Fig. 7. Node utilization.
when it has sufficient available capacity for a replica. Thus,
EAD can keep all nodes lightly loaded with the considera-
tion of node available capacity.
3.5 Effectiveness of Decentralized Adaptation
Fig. 8 shows the effectiveness of decentralized replica
adaptation strategy in EAD. We use EADw/A and EADw/oA
to denote EAD with and without this strategy, respectively.
In this experiment, the number of hot files is ranged from 50
to 10 with 10 decrease in each step. Fig. 8a illustrates that
EADw/A and EADw/oA can achieve almost the same
average path length and replica hit rate. Fig. 8b shows that
the number of replicas of EADw/A decreases as the number
of hot files decreases, while that of EADw/oA keeps
constant. EADw/A adjusts the number of file replicas
adaptively based on the file query rate such that less
popular or requested files have less file replicas and vice
versa. The results imply that EADw/A performs as well as
EADw/oA with regard to lookup efficiency and replica hit
rate, but it reduces unnecessary replicas and creates replicas
for hot files corresponding to query rate in order to keep
replicas worthwhile. Thus, EADw/A guarantees high replica
utilization while saves overhead for maintaining replicas of
cold files.
3.6 Performance in Skewed Lookups
We tested the file replication algorithms in skewed lookups.
In the experiment, only the files whose fileID is between [0,
99] are queried. The fileIDs of the queried files are
randomly generated. Fig. 9 shows the performance of
different replication methods in skewed lookups. Fig. 9a
plots the average path length of different algorithms. It
demonstrates that Path generates the shortest lookup path
length, and EAD leads to marginally longer lookup path
length than Path. ServerSides path length is longer than
EAD, and ClientSides path length is longer than ServerSide.
Since the file destinations are gathered together in a small
nodeID space interval, the file requests from different
directions are very likely to take similar routes and the
probability that two requests meet together is very high.
Therefore, by replicating a file in the nodes along the route,
Path significantly reduces the path length. EAD replicates a
file in nodes with high query load. It also reduces path
length since a request meets the replica node with very high
probability in skewed lookups. Because it has less replicas
than Path, its path length is slightly longer than Path.
ServerSide replicates a file around its server. Thus, a file
request still needs to travel until it is close to the server
before it encounters a replica node, which results in longer
path length. Replicating a file in a client doesnt enable
other requesters to share the replica. The requests from
other requesters still need to be forwarded hop by hop to
the file server, leading to longer path length.
Fig. 9b shows the replica hit rate of each replication
algorithm. Path generates the highest hit rate followed by
EAD. ServerSide produces lower hit rate than EAD
followed by ClientSide. The results are consistent with the
lookup path results in Fig. 9a. Higher rate leads to shorter
lookup path length and vice versa. The reasons for the
results are due to the same reasons observed in Fig. 9a.
Fig. 9c demonstrates the number of file replicas in each
replication algorithm. We can observe that Path produces
much more replicas than others. It is because Path
replicates a file in all nodes in a route and the EAD,
ServerSide, and ClientSide algorithms only replicate a file in
one node. The results imply that Path achieves shorter path
length and high hit rate at the cost of dramatically more
replicas. EADs path length is slightly longer than Path and
much shorter than ServerSide and ClientSide, but its cost is
almost the same as them.
Fig. 8. Effectiveness of adaptiveness in EAD file replication algorithm. (a) Average path length and replica hit rate. (b) Number of replicas.
Fig. 9. Performance of file replication algorithms in skewed lookups. (a) Average path length. (b) Replica hit rate. (c) Number of replicas.
3.7 Performance in Churn
We evaluated the efficiency of the file replication algorithms
in Chord P2P system with churn. We run each trial of the
simulation for 20

T simulated seconds, where

T is a
parameterized time period, which was set to 60 seconds.
Node joins and voluntary departures are modeled by a
Poissonprocess as in[17] withameanrate, whichranges from
0.05 to0.40. Arate of 0.05 corresponds toone node joiningand
leaving every 20 seconds, on average. In Chord, each node
invokes the stabilization protocol once every 30 seconds and
each nodes stabilization routine is at intervals that are
uniformly distributed in the 30-second interval. The number
of replication operations when a server is overloaded was set
to 15. We specify that before a node leaves, it also transfers its
replicas to its neighbors along with its files.
Fig. 10a plots the average lookup path length versus
node join/leave rate. We can see that the results are
consistent with those in Fig. 6 without churn due to the
same reasons. We can also observe that the lookup path
length increases slightly with the node join/leave rate.
Before a node leaves, it transfers its replicas to its neighbors.
A query for the file may pass through the neighboring
replicas or other replica nodes. Otherwise, the query needs
to travel to the file owner. In addition, churn may lead to
detour routing with more node hops along the routing path.
Therefore, the path length increases marginally with the
node join/leave rate. Since Path has much more replicas, a
query has higher probability of meeting a replica node.
Hence, its path length does not increase as fast as others. In
summary, churn does not have significant adverse impact
on the file replication algorithms due to the P2P self-
organization mechanisms.
The next experiment is to test the lookup latency of each
replication algorithm. We assume that the request forward-
inglatencyis 0.2 secondina lightlyloadednode, and1 second
in a heavily loaded node. Fig. 10b displays the average
lookup latency versus the node join/leave rate. It can be
observed that the latency increases as node join/leave rate
grows due to the same reasons observed in Fig. 10a. It is
intriguing to see that the latency of Path is longer than EAD,
and that of ServerSide is longer than ClientSide since the path
length of the algorithms is in the opposite case. In addition to
the path length, node utilization is also an important factor
affecting the lookup latency. A heavily loaded node needs
more time to process and forward a request than a lightly
loaded node. EADavoids overloading nodes by replicating a
file to nodes with sufficient capacity. However, Path just
replicates a file in the nodes along a lookup path without
considering the node capacity and load status, which tend to
generate heavily loaded nodes. Thus, although Path has
average less hops in a lookup, it leads to longer lookup
latency due to its neglect of node load status. ServerSide
replicates a file around a server, overloading the nodes close
to the server. In contrast, ClientSide distributes replicas
among requesters inthe entire system, makingit less possible
to generate heavily loaded nodes. Consequently, although
ServerSide has shorter path length than ClientSide, its average
lookup latency is longer than ClientSide. The results demon-
strate that an effective file replication algorithm should
reduce lookuppathlength, andmeanwhile, avoidgenerating
heavily loaded nodes.
Numerous methods have been proposed for file replication
in P2P systems. As mentioned, most current file replication
methods generally can be classified into three categories:
ServerSide, ClientSide, and Path. Some proposed approaches
use a combination of the methods.
ServerSide category includes PAST [2], CFS [3], Backslash
[4], and Overlook [5]. PAST is an Internet-based global P2P
storage utility with a storage management and caching
system. It replicates each file on a set number of nodes whose
nodeIDs match most closely to the file owners nodeID. The
number of replicas is chosen to meet the availability needs of
a file, relative to the expected failure rates of individual
nodes. The work also proposed file diversion method in
which a file is diverted to a different part of ID space by
choosing a different fileID when a file insert operation fails.
PAST uses file caching along the lookup path to minimize
query latency and balance query load. Cooperative File
System (CFS) [3] is a P2P read-only storage system for file
storage andretrieval. CFSis built onChord[17] andreplicates
blocks of a file on nodes immediately after the blocks owner
on the Chord ring. CFS also caches a file location hint along a
path to improve query efficiency and avoid overloading
servers that hold popular data. Stading et al. [4] proposed
Backslash, which is built on a structured P2P overlay and
caches aggressively a file that experiences a high request
load. Each Backslash node has available storage splitting into
two categories: replica space and temporary cache space.
Replicas are placed in the overlay by insertion operations of
the distributed hash table (DHT). A temporary cache is a
cachedcopy of a document that is placed opportunistically at
a node. Overlook [5] is built on Pastry [18]. It places a replica
of a file ona node withmost incominglookuprequests for fast
replica location. Overlook does this by selecting the incoming
Fig. 10. Performance of file replication algorithms in churn. (a) Average path length. (b) Lookup latency.
forwarding node with the highest recorded request rate and
sending that node a create-replica request message.
In the ClientSide category, Gnutella [7] replicates files in
overloaded nodes at the file requesters. Nodes store and
serve only what they requested, and a replica can be found
only by probing a node with a replica. FarSite [19], [20], [21]
is a traditional file system with high reliability and
availability. It replicates the same number (e.g., 3 or 4) of
a file on the client side to enhance file availability. LAR [6] is
a lightweight, adaptive, and system-neutral replication
protocol. It specifies the overloaded degree of a server that
a file should be replicated, and replicates a file to a client. In
addition to replicating a file at the requester, LAR also
replicates file location hints along the lookup path. Once a
replica is created, LAR installs cache state on the path from
the new replica to the node that created the replica.
In the Path category, Freenet [22] replicates files on the
path from the requester to the target. Freenets request
mechanism will cause popular data to be transparently
replicated by the system and mirrored closer to requestors.
In addition to PAST [2], CFS [3], and LAR [6], CUP [8], DUP
[9], and the work in [10] also perform caching along the
query path. CUP [8] is a protocol for performing Controlled
Update Propagation to maintain caches of metadata in P2P
networks. The propagation is conducted by building a CUP
tree similar to an application-level multicast tree. A node
proactively receives updates for metadata items from a
neighbor only if the node has registered interest with the
neighbor. However, intermediate nodes along the path
receive the updated index even if they do not need it.
Dynamic tree-based Update Propagation (DUP) scheme [9]
is proposed to improve CUP. DUP builds a dynamic update
propagation tree on top of the existing index searching
structure. Because the update propagation tree only in-
volves nodes that are essential for update propagation, the
overhead of DUP is very small and the query latency is
significantly reduced. Cox et al. [10] studied providing DNS
service over a P2P network. In order to increase the
robustness as servers come and go, a Chord-based dis-
tributed hash table automatically moves data so that it is
always stored on a fixed number of replicas (typically six).
Specifically, the method caches index entries, which are
DNS mappings, along query paths.
Ghodsi et al. [23] proposed a symmetric replication
scheme in which a number of fileIDs are associated with
each other, and any file with a fileID can be replicated in
nodes responsible for the fileIDs in this group. HotRoD [24]
is a structured P2P-based architecture with a replication
scheme. An arc of peers (i.e., successive peers on the ring) is
hot when at least one of these peers is hot. In the scheme,
hot arcs of peers are replicated and rotated over the
identifier space. LessLog [25] determines the replicated
nodes by constructing a lookup tree based on nodeIDs to
determine the location of the replicated node. Ni et al. [26]
introduced expected costs computed from user request
rates, file storage/transfer/miss costs, and node up/down
statistics. The authors then proposed file replication
schemes that determine the sets of nodes to store replicas
in order to minimize the expected costs. DHT-based self-
adapting replication protocol [27] determines the locations
of replicas by the DHT data allocation algorithm. It enables
a newly joined peer first to assume an initial value for the
number of replicas, and then adjusts autonomously the
number of replicas to deliver a configured data availability
guarantee. The works in [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33]
employed erasure coding technique for file replication. The
technique allows nodes to generate encoded blocks of
information for replication, which could enhance availabil-
ity and reliability in storage and communication systems.
There are other studies for file replication in unstruc-
tured P2P systems [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [34], [39], [40].
Since unstructured P2P systems use flooding or random
probing-based methods for file location, the number of
replicas directly affects the efficiency of file query. These
works study the system performance such as successful
queries and bandwidth consumption when the number of
replicas of a file is proportional, uniform, and square-root
proportional to the query rate. The works focused on the
relationship among the number of replicas, file search time,
and load balance, but did not investigate the impact of
replica location on file query efficiency.
Traditional file replication methods for P2P file sharing
systems replicate files close to file owners, file requesters ,or
query path to release the owners load, and meanwhile,
improve the file query efficiency. However, replicating files
close to the file owner may overload the nodes in the close
proximity of the owner, and cannot significantly improve
query efficiency since replica nodes are close to the owners.
Replicating files close to or in the file requesters only brings
benefits when the requester or its nearby nodes always
queries for the file. In addition, due to nonuniform and
time-varying file popularity and node interest variation, the
replicas cannot be fully utilized and the query efficiency
cannot be improved significantly. Replicating files along the
query path improves the efficiency of file query, but it
incurs significant overhead.
This paper proposes an EAD file replication algorithm
that chooses query traffic hubs and frequent requesters as
replica nodes to guarantee high utilization of replicas and
high query efficiency. Unlike current methods in which file
servers keep track of replicas, EAD creates and deletes file
replicas by dynamically adapting to nonuniform and time-
varying file popularity and node interest in a decentralized
manner based on experienced query traffic. It leads to higher
scalability and ensures high replica utilization. Furthermore,
EAD relies on exponential moving average technique to
reasonably measure file query rate for replica management.
Theoretical study sheds insight into the efficiency and
effectiveness of EAD. Simulation results demonstrate the
superiority of EAD in comparison with other file replication
algorithms. It dramatically reduces the overhead of file
replication and produces significant improvements in
lookup efficiency. In addition, it is resilient to P2P churn
and skewed lookups.
In the future work, we will further study the effect of
churn on the efficiency and effectiveness of EAD. In a
public P2P system, a node may not be willing to have
replicas for others. We will study the effect of real system
constraints and access right constraints for replications. We
also plan to further explore adaptive methods to fully
exploit file popularity and update rate for efficient replica
consistency maintenance.
The author is grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments and suggestions. This research was
supported in part by the US National Science Foundation
(NSF) grants CNS-0834592, CNS-0832109, and CNS 0917056.
An early version of this work [41] was presented in the
Proceedings of the International Conference on Peer-to-Peer
Computing 2008 (P2P 08).
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Haiying Shen received the BS degree in
computer science and engineering from Tongji
University, China, in 2000, and the MS and PhD
degrees in computer engineering from Wayne
State University in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
She is currently an assistant professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, and the director of the Pervasive
Communications Laboratory at Clemson Uni-
versity. Her research interests include distribu-
ted and parallel computer systems and computer networks, with an
emphasis on peer-to-peer and content delivery networks, wireless
networks, resource management in cluster and grid computing, and data
mining. Her research work has been published in top journals and
conferences in these areas. She was the program cochair for a number
of international conferences and member of the program committees of
many leading conferences. She is a member of the IEEE, the IEEE
Computer Society, and the ACM.
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