Confined Space - Generic - Rescue Plan Template
Confined Space - Generic - Rescue Plan Template
Confined Space - Generic - Rescue Plan Template
Prepared By: Approved By: Prepared Date: Review Date: Revised Date:
(NOTE: If rescue is done by an external entity, ensure they have assisted in the development and approved a similar procedure. Also, if the space requires specific rescue procedures due to configuration, location, etc, this template can not be used.) 1.0 PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for deployment of safe and effective confined space rescue operations. 2.0 SCOPE: This procedure applies to all confined space rescue activities conducted at (Insert Facility Name Here). The (Insert Facility Name Here) Confined Space Rescue Team will provide primary emergency rescue support for all permit required confined space entries conducted at (Insert Facility Name Here). 3.0 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES: Managers: Provide resources to conduct confined space rescue. Assure rescue team members are properly trained and equipped. Security: (may be different at your location) Assure all security personnel are trained in their roles in the rescue process. Maintain accurate count of confined space rescue personnel on plant site at all times. Send out message via emergency radio (or other means be specific) to terminate all full permit confined space entries if less than four qualified confined space rescue team members are on plant site. Notify confined space rescue team members via emergency radio (or other means be specific) of confined space rescue emergencies.. Maintain an accurate record (time, location, type of emergency) for each confined space entry emergency. Maintain site security at the confined space rescue scene.
3.3 On Scene Commander: Upon arriving on the scene, the first-Rescue Team member will assess the following and advise all other personal responding: What type of space is this? Are there product storage hazards? Locate and secure the attendant or a reliable witness. Determine location and number of victims. Obtain blue prints, maps or have site personnel draw a sketch of the site. Determine the mechanisms of entrapment or nature of illness. Make a conscious decision as to this is a "rescue or recovery". Determine number of entry points and locations. Determine electrical/mechanical/chemical hazards. Is responsible for the entire site emergency.
Directs the entire emergency on scene. Is involved in the development of the site strategy. Is responsible for the tactical activities and decisions. Remains at the site Communicates with the Incident Commander. Rescue Team Members: Communicates with the On Scene Commander. Performs actions as directed by the On Scene Commander Medical: Assure all Confined Space Rescue team personnel receive appropriate medical examinations. PROCEDURE: Notification: Upon notification of a confined space rescue situation, (who) will immediately dispatch the following via the emergency channel of the plant radio system: Rescue Truck (confined space rescue equipment cart) and all rescue personal Ambulance Call the local Fire Chief Phase 1 Arrive On-Scene. Take Command. Size-Up. THE PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Command should attempt to secure a responsible party or witness to the accident to determine exactly what happened. An immediate assessment of the hazards present to rescuers must be done. Command should determine how many victims have been affected. A victim assessment should be performed to determine how long the victims have been down, the mechanism of injury, and the survivability profile of the victim. An early decision must be made as to whether the operation will be run in the rescue or recovery mode. Establish communications with the victim as soon as possible. Locate confined space permit and all other information about the space. THE SECONDARY ASSESSMENT The Confined Space o Command should determine what type of confined space this is. This can be done by consulting the type of entry permit. o What type of products are stored in this space. o What known hazards are present; mechanical, electrical, etc. o Location and number of victims affected. o Diagram of confined space, including entry and egress locations. o Structural stability of the confined space. o Hazardous material size-up. o Review copy of entry packet. On-Scene Personnel and Equipment
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Command should determine if there is an adequate number of properly trained personnel on scene to do the rescue/recovery; a minimum of four properly trained personnel are required. Command should consider the effect of temperature extremes on personnel, and consider early rotation of personnel operating on scene. For high humidity/high temperature conditions this rotation of personnel should take place every 15 to 20 minutes. For moderate to low humidity/temperature conditions the rotation of personnel should take place every 30 minutes. Command should consider the effects of rain on the hazard profile. Command should consider if the proper equipment is on-scene to complete the operation. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Atmospheric monitoring equipment 2. Intrinsically safe lighting. 3. Supplied air breathing apparatus or remote air. 4. Victim removal systems/equipment. 5. Ventilation equipment with a CFM of 2000 with necessary duct work. 6. Rehab vehicle.
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Phase II Pre-Entry Operations MAKE THE GENERAL AREA SAFE o Establish a perimeter. The size of the perimeter should be dictated by the atmospheric conditions, wind direction, structural stability, etc. o Stop all unnecessary traffic in the area. o Assure that vehicles park downwind from incident if vehicles are running. CONSIDER ASSIGNING THE FOLLOWING SECTORS AS APPROPRIATE. o Hazard Sector o Safety Sector. o Rescue Sector. o Staging Area. o Rehab Sector. o Ventilation Sector. MAKE THE RESCUE AREA SAFE o Command should assign a Hazard Sector to determine exactly what hazards and products are within the confined space. o Hazard Sector shall do atmospheric testing in the space to determine oxygen level, flammability, and toxicity. Based on readings, Hazard Sector should advise Command of the proper level of personal protective equipment. Any instruments used to monitor the confined space shall have: 1. Have the audio-alarm set at: - O2 20.4%, low and O2 enriched 21.4% - flammability 5% alarm set - toxicity carbon monoxide 12.5 ppm - hydrogen sulfide 5 ppm 2. Any O2 readings below 12%, Command should recognize that the LEL reading will not be accurate.
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3. Hazard Sector shall give Command atmosphere readings at least every 5 minutes with an announcement of rescue or recovery mode. The Hazard and Ventilation Sectors are extremely important parts of a confined space operation. They should be staffed by personnel with a thorough knowledge of atmospheric monitoring and ventilation techniques. Any product that is in or flowing in the confined space must be secured and blanked off if possible. It may be determined that the space must be drained of any product prior to entry. Any manufacturing or processing equipment must be shut down prior to entry. If possible, all equipment should be locked/tagged out and brought to a zero energy state. The structural stability of the confined space should be evaluated. If there is a potential for collapse, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the structural stability of the space.
VENTILATION o Command should assign a Ventilation Sector to establish the proper ventilation of the confined space. o Ventilation Sector should consult with Safety Sector and Hazard Sector to determine the proper type of ventilation for the space. o Ventilation Sector must consider the effects on the atmosphere that positive or negative pressure ventilation will have (i.e., increase or decrease flammability of atmosphere). It could require both positive and negative ventilation (pushing and pulling). This will be based on the vapor density or molecular weight of the product. o Ventilation Sector may consider negative pressure ventilation if there is only one entry point. Atmospheric monitoring will be required to ensure a non-explosive environment is present in the exhausted vapor area. o Ventilation Sector must also consider the effects the exhaust is having on the operation. Don't add CO to a confined space. If possible, use intrinsically safe electric fans. Phase III Entry Operations. Victim Removal. SELECTION OF PERSONNEL o The proper personnel shall be selected to make entry into the confined space. A minimum of two persons should be assigned to make entry. o Command shall assign a Rescue Sector. Rescue Sector shall provide a minimum 2:1 ratio of personnel outside the confined space to support personnel inside. This shall include a standby rescue team with a 1:1 ratio to provide immediate assistance to personnel in the confined space. o All entry and back-up personnel should be properly trained in confined space rescue procedures annually and capable of carrying out the rescue/recovery.
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SELECTION OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT o Protective clothing shall be worn as required by the situation, depending on an evaluation of the hazards and the products which may be inside the confined space. This may include helmet, gloves, proper footwear, goggles, turnouts, Nomex or PBI jumpsuits, and a Class II or Class III harness system. o Rescue Sector should determine the level of personal protective equipment by consultation with Safety Sectors. o All entry and back-up personnel shall wear SABA or SCBA when making entry into the confined space. SABA (supplied air breathing apparatus) is recommended. o If entry personnel use an SCBA, they shall enter no farther than one half the amount of supplied air minus 500 lbs. EXAMPLE: 3000 PSI tank gauge pressure -- 1/2 = 1500 PSI minus 500 PSI = 1000 PSI usage. o Entry personnel shall use personal air monitoring devices that monitor flammability and O2 as a minimum o Entry personnel shall have a Class II or III harness on prior to entry. Class III harness shall be used if inversion of the rescuer is possible. COMMUNICATION AND LIGHTING o If the confined space has a flammable atmosphere, entry personnel should have intrinsically safe or explosion proof communication equipment. If this equipment is not available, Rescue Sector may decide to use a tag line for communication or a message relay person. Remember, these atmospheres are considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH), until proven otherwise. o If the entry team is entering a dark confined space, Rescue Sector must ensure that the proper type of lighting is used. If explosion proof lighting is not available, then cyalume type lights must be used by the entry team. ORIENTATION OF CONFINED SPACE o If available and prior to entry into the confined space, the Rescue Sector, with the help of the responsible party, should obtain a blue print or diagram of the space. All entry and backup personnel should be made aware of the layout of the space to be entered. o All entry and back-up personnel, Command and Safety shall be made aware of the action plan and the back-up plan prior to entry. o Rescuer tag lines may or may not be appropriate in the confined space, depending on the specific layout. Taglines could be an entanglement hazard. VICTIM REMOVAL EQUIPMENT o Rescue sector should consider the necessary victim retrieval equipment prior to entry. o If possible, the entry team should bring a supply of breathable air for the victim. o Pure oxygen shall not be used in a confined space that has a potentially flammable atmosphere. Rescuers should not remove their breathing apparatus and give it to the victim.
ASSESSING CONDITION OF VICTIM o Upon reaching the victim, entry personnel should do an immediate primary survey of the victim. If appropriate, treatment should be started immediately. o A quick but thorough secondary assessment of the victim should be done. If time permits, entry personnel should attempt to treat serious injuries prior to removal. o If indicated, complete C-spine precautions should be administered. NOTE: Because of the difficulty removing the victim from the space, optimum C-spine precautions may not be possible. o If the victim is conscious, he/she should be encouraged to wear the appropriate breathing apparatus. PATIENT PACKAGING o After treatment of immediate life threatening injuries, the victim(s) should be properly packaged for removal from the space. This may include using a backboard, stokes basket, SKED, or some other similar device designed for extrication. o Prior to removal from the space, the entry team should secure any loose webbing, buckles, straps, or any other device that may hinder the extrication process. VICTIM REMOVAL SYSTEM o Prior to removal of victim, the entry team should have determined the appropriate method of extrication. This may include a vertical or horizontal haul system constructed of ropes, pulleys, and other hardware, with a minimum of a 2:1 mechanical advantage. o As a general rule, entry personnel should never allow the victim between the rescuer an the point of egress, unless the situation dictates that one rescuer must pull the victim while the other rescuer pushes the victim in order to achieve rescue. o NOTE: IF the victim is a fatality, Rescue Sector may want to leave the body and related equipment in place for investigative purposes. TRANSFER TO TREATMENT o Immediately after reaching the point of egress, entry personnel shall transfer the victim to treatment personnel. o If the victim is contaminated from product inside the space, they shall be decontamination and corridor shall be set up and used prior to transport of victim. Phase IV. Termination PREPARATION FOR TERMINATION o Insure personnel accountability. o If there has been a fatality, Rescue Sector may consider leaving equipment in place and photographing the scene for investigative purposes. o If entry personnel and/or equipment have been contaminated during the rescue/recovery, proper decontamination procedures shall be followed prior to putting the equipment back in service. o Secure the scene. Prior to turning the property back over to the operating, one final reading of atmospheres shall be taken and recorded. o Conduct an on written critique with involved people. Focus on lessons learned from the incident.
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TRAINING: All rescue personnel are to be certified/properly trained to perform their assigned duties under the (Insert Location Name Here) Confined Space Program. It shall include: 40 hours of rope training. 54 hours of emergency medical service training. 4 hours of (Insert Location Name Here) confined space program training. 8 hours of incident command training Security Coordinators and Fire Inspectors. 8 hour quarterly refresher training Team must practice making confined space rescues at least once every 12 months in which they remove mannequins through representative openings whose size, configuration and accessibility closely approximate those of the confined space from which rescues may be required at (Insert Location Name Here). Appropriate retraining and re-certification will be maintained.
Start: __________ Gas Level:____/____ Battery Water Level:____ Radiator:____ Left Side Front ___ ___ ___ ___ 3 Boxes Gloves (L,XL) 3 Grey Blankets Suction Unit 4 JLG Harnesses
Left Side Middle ___ Half SKED ___ KED ___ Traction Splint Left Side Rear ___ 2 Head Blocks ___ Extra Gloves ___ Cordless Recip Saw Right Side Rear ___ 4 Team Member Kits Right Side Front ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4 Top Spot Lights 20 Xlg Carabineers 4 Rigging Plates Knot Pulley 7 Swivels 5 Edge Protectors 8-4 Pulleys 1-84 Column Wrap 4 Red Webbing 35 1 Roco Wristlets ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4 Rappel Racks 2 Line Transfer Kits 2 Petzl ID red 2-540 Safety Belays 12 Tri-Links 10-6 Utility Straps 2-30 Column Wraps 1-92 Column Wrap 8 Shock Absorbers 1 Roco Pick Off Strap ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 10 Lg Carabineers 3 Figure 8s 2 Emergency Harnesses 8 Ascenders Duct Tape 4-4 Double Pulley 4-60 Column Wraps 3-150 Tagline Bags 10- 7 Accessory Cords ___ Hose Edge Protectors ___ Coveralls ___ Barricade Tape ___ Hand Tool Box ___ Ear Plugs ___ SKED Stretcher ___ Air Splints ___ Stiffneck Collars ___ Ladder Splints ___ Vacuum Splints
Right Side Middle ___ Come-along Equipment ___ 2 Edge Rollers ___ 1-12x12 Tarp Inside Right Shelves ___ Blower w/ Hose ___ Work Winch ___ 50 Rescue Winch ___ Port-a-Power Equipment ___ 2 Flag Stands and Flags ___ 1 Angle Grinder w/ wheels ___ 3 Sets of Knee Pads ___ 1-3x3 Tarp ___ 2 Air Horns
Davit Pulley Head 4-200 Rope Bags 2 Quick Entry Bags 1-400 Rope Bag
___ Davit Retrieval Adaptor ___ 5-100 Rope Bags ___ 1-300 Rope Bag
Inside Left Shelves ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Board Splints 1-60 Min. Spare Tank 8 Air Line Hoses 5 Air Bags 6 Emergency Radios ___ ___ ___ ___ 2 Back Boards 2-30 Min. Spare Tank 2 Small Air Masks 2 Air Bag Controls and Hoses ___ ___ ___ ___ Scoop Stretcher 4 Air Line Units 1 Xlg. Air Mask Stair Chair
Inside Center ___ ___ ___ ___ 3 Light Boxes Portable Air Supply 3 Boxes of Cribbing Rolligres rescue kit ___ Davit Pole ___ Stokes/Hauling Kit/Tagline ___ ParaTech Strut and bag ___ 4 Air Packs ___ JLG Adapter ___ 4 Hitches
Appendix I