0ancient Phi, Universal Harmonic Pi, Modern Pi and Phi, Grand Unification of Ancient and Modern Mathematics

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Vic Showell {C} March 28, 2009 It is recommended to read: The Mars Pentad Time Pyramids Part 1 and

Part 2 Ancient Pyramid Pi - Solfeggio Synchronicities Establishing a New Value for Modern Pi Tesseract Hypercube 261 Fourth Dimension Egyptian and Mayan Cosmology Masonic Code Deciphered from Philadelphia Grand Masonic Lodge Architecture

The Universal Harmonic Codes

Ancient Pi Ancient Phi Modern Pi and Phi Universal Harmonic Pi Grand Unification of Modern and Ancient Mathematics
Mathematic Harmonic Convergence Dynamics and Applications in ancient numerologies and cosmologies unified into modern mathematics Part One: 5 pg. Fast Track Summary Introduction of Ancient Calendar Count and Number Systems, Glossary, Decimal Variations in Numeric Sets, Mars Pentad Calendar Universal Harmonic Pi and the Harmonic Pi Constant Grand Unification of Ancient and Modern Number Count Systems Part Two: Pi Values in Harmonic Convergence Ancient Phi and Ancient Calendar Count Phi
Convergent Phi Values and Harmonic Convergence Dynamics

Conclusion: Harmonic Convergence Dynamics in Analysis, The Khufu Pyramid Slope, The Khafre Pyramid in Conclusion Summary
Post Conclusion: Pascal Triangle Numbers and the Ancient Constants, Hypercube Polytope Chart and excerpts from the Tesseract Hypercube 261 pdf.

Appendix: Solfeggio Frequency Summation, The Egyptian Pyramid Mile,

Mayan Long Count and Venus [585] synod, Speed of Light Harmonic Equation

One suggestion for those that are impatient with the volume of content: Scan the document then read then Conclusion first.
You must review the Glossary, Decimal Variations, and Mars Pentad Calendar sections prior to reading the content of the entire text. BE SURE to study: first Pyramid Diagram which has the Khufu Pyramid geometry.

The equations below are preview equations of the dynamics of Universal Harmonic Pi, and important Egyptian and Mayan numerologies in Harmonic Convergence. Modern Pi divided by Phi squared = [1 .199981615] = [1.2] rounded Universal Harmonic Pi divided by Phi squared = [1.2], or 10Pi / by Phi sq. = [12] Mayan Long Count = [1872000] days = [13] x [144, 000], and 144000 = [12000 x 12] Egpyt Kemi = [3600] squared = [12960000] Egpyt Kemi base value thus = [1296] -----see bottom line equation Khufu Constant = [195 / by 162] = [1.203 703 703 703~] = KhC Mayan Long Count = [1872000], then divide by KhC = [1555200] Then: [1555200] / by Egypt Kemi value [1296] = [1200] = Universal Harmonic Pi x 1000

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the Khufu Pyarmid

Ancient [99] number count system manuscript

[9] x [11] = [99]

Numbers in this document are parenthesized to enable better focus

on the multitudes of numbers in stacked lines so as to facilitate recognitions of the harmonic cycle or convergence of those numbers, and specifically to help differentiate numbers when they are congested in many equations on one, or many pages.

Definition of SIDEREAL: The time period for a PLANET to orbit the sun. Definition of SYNOD: also called the SYNODICAL, the time period or interval between two conjunction of planets. Mars has a 780 day SYNOD with Earth. Every 780 days Mars shows up in the exact same position in the sky on Earth.

GLOSSARY and Mathematical Constants used in this Document

Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857 142857~] = [aPi] Your hand calculator will round [22 / 7] to [3 .142857 14 3]. Ancient Square Root Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 27~] = Sqrt [aPhi] = {14 / by 11} Your hand calculator will round [14 / 11] to [1. 27 27 27 27 3] Ancient Phi = [1 .619834711~] = [aPhi] = [14 / 11] squared. Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62] or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9] Khufu Constant = [1 .203 703 703 703~] = [195 / by 162] = KhC The replicating decimal of [0 .203 703 703 703~] = [11 / 54] primary Ancient Square Root Two = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = [99 / 70] secondary Ancient Square Root Two = [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14 14~] = [140 / 99] Mayan Long Count = [1872000] = MLC Mayan Dresden Codex Astronomical Constant = [702] Mayan Tzolkin Spiritual Calendar [13] x [20] = [260] days

The Mars and Earth synod = 780 days = 3 x [260] Tzolkin

Egyptian Kemi = [3600] squared = [12960000] The Mars Pentad: A set of five mounds on Mars that have a tetrahedral grid which is a geologic impossibility, thus they are an extraterrestrial or native Mars artificiality.

The Khufu Constant: [1 .203 703 703 703~] = [195 / 162] = KhC

-----The replicating decimal of [0 .203 703 703 703~] = [11 /54] The Khufu Constant is found in Egyptian numerologies attached to the Pyramid designs that are functions of Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9]. The Egyptians were aware of the tetrahedral angle [19 .47122061], but for practical and simplified mathematical purpose this value is [19 .5]. For Calendar Count purpose the value is simply the numeric set [195]= [13 x 15]. The KhC value is connective between Egyptian numerologies and planetary astronomical timeline functions, for instance the Mars [780] synod result below: Kemi base numeric set [1296] / by [2] = [648], then [648] x KhC = [780] Mars synod. Or: Great Platonic Age of [25920] years x KhC = [31200] = [780] Mars synod x 40 2000Ancient Sqrt Phi x Ancient Sqrt[2]=[3600], x KhC = [4333 .33333~] Jupiter sidereal The Khufu Constant connects Egyptian numerologic values to planetary timelines, especially those of the Mars Pentad tetrahedral cosmic [13] calendar, and most specifically to the Mars synod of [780] days: Egypt Kemi base value [1296] times KhC = [1560] = Mars [780] synod times [2]. Important Egyptian number value [9 x 54] = [486], then x KhC = [585] Venus synod. The Great Platonic Age [25920] years x KhC = [31200] = 120 cycles of [260] Tzolkin.

Ancient Calendar Count, Ancient Count Systems, FAST TRACK Summary Intro Ancient civilizations spiritualized the mathematics of the planetary movements because these ancient cultures recognized the amazing harmonic relationships between the planets orbits and synodicals, and how that could be applied to pyramid geometry. Ancient Pyramids from Egypt to the Meso American, Olmec and Mayan, are all Time Pyramids, and they express in one way or another the planetary movements and also importantly the ancient mathematics. These cultures pyramids also have much more in their Intent than just the planetary timelines and expressions of ancient mathematics in cultural spiritualities. It is suspected that these pyramids, city grids and even multiple pyramid grids over large areas of land are laid out with powerful global resonance capacities which are now being both scientifically and spiritually explored. However this research of mine focuses on the Universal Harmonic Codes, and how the ancient mathematics are woven with planetary timelines and pyramid geometries that express the unique harmonic cycles of predominant number systems. Ancient Calendar Count Systems are astronomical count vehicles. The ancient cultures kept track of specifically, but not exclusively, the first 6 planets movements. These planets have the Harmonic Cycles in relation to each other and thus were highly accountable for in the spiritual mathematics. Astronomical count systems are not constricted to exact values for planet orbits [sidereal] or their synodicals, because these modern astronomical values are averages anyways. The Gregorian Calendar created a hodge podge of months with 28, 30, and 31 days, which became a basic human labor calendar designed for western societies and religious controls instituted by the Vatican to erase the ancient mathematics and those spiritual connectivities to the Universal Harmonics from every day usage passed down by ancient civilizations, and this is the least harmonious or synchronous calendar in human history. Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian calendar counts used a 360 day year. [360 = 12 x 30], with simply 5 extra days at the end of the year. One Egyptian count and measurement system is called the Kemi which is based on multiples of this 360 count, and this value is [12960000] = [3600] squared or [360 x 36000]. Ancient Mayans also had a [360] day Haab civic calendar with a 5 day Uayeb period at the end of the year as well. The Mayans also had a Tzolkin Spiritual Calendar of [260] days = [13 x 20], that worked directly with the Mars synod as: Tzolkin [260] x 3 = [780] Mars synod, and with the famous Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [260] Tzolkin = [7200]. This means that there are 7200 Tzolkin [260] day cycles in the Long Count that ends in 2012. The Mayan Long Count also incorporates the [360] count system: MLC [1872000] / by [360] = [5200] cycles. The Great Platonic Age of [25920] years = [360 x 72]. The Egyptian number constant, the Kemi = [12960000] = [360 x 36000]. Ancient Pi = [22 / 7]. Ancient Pi x Square Root of Ancient Phi = [4] = [22 / 7] x {1 .27 27 27 27 27~} Ancient Square Root of Phi is revealed from newly discovered Saqqara pyramid dimensions of Queen Sesheshet {as attributed by Zawi Hawass} of [14] meters high and a [22] meter square base, and basically the slope is thus arctangent of [14 / 11].

[14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 ~] = Ancient Square Root Phi = [126 / 99]. Because this is the value that determines the slope of the Khufu Pyramid, and as a replicating decimal originates from a replicating decimal number count system referred to as the [99] = [11 x 9] ancient count system that creates these unique replicating decimals in such a fashion: [36 / 99] = [0 .36 36 36 36 ~], [63 / 99] = [0 .63 63 63 63 ~], [14 / 99] = [0 .14 14 14~]. The base value of the Egypt Kemi is [1296] = [18 x 72] = [24 x 54] = [9 x 144] Then: [1296] times {Ancient Pi x Ancient Square Root Phi} = [5184] = [72] squared. [1296] evolves the Egyptian number count systems using Ancient Pi and Ancient Phi. Ancient Square Root of Phi [14 / by 11] from the Saqqara pyramid dimensions, {which are also the dimensions of the Khufu Pyramid}, creates a slope for the pyramid Side Faces of [51 .84 277~] degrees, closely correlating the 5184 = [72] squared.

Ancient Pi number count systems are based on the replicating decimals of the
number [7] or the sevenths. Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~]. The replicating decimal [0 .142857 142857 142857~] = [1 / 7], These decimals rotate with each seventh, i.e. [2 / 7] = [0 .285714 285714 285714~]. Thus one of the discoveries I found in these Egyptian number systems using [7] and [99] based replicating decimal count vehicles are the Ancient Square Root Twos: [99 / by 70] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~], as primary Ancient Square Root Two and [140 / 99] = [1.4 14 14 14 14 14~], as secondary Ancient Square Root Two in this Ancient Pi replicating decimal number count system of the sevenths. Therefore: [1 .4 142857 142857 142857] times [1.4 14 14 14 14 14~] = exactly [2] Therefore: [2 .8 285714 285714 285714~] times [2 .8 28 28 28 28 28~] = exactly [8] Egyptian Calendar Count [360] / by [1 .27 27 27 27~]= [282 .857142 857142 857142~], and that is exactly 200 x primary Ancient Square Root Two. Primary Ancient Sqrt [2] divided by Ancient Square Root Phi = [1 .1111111~] = [10 / 9] This now will translate mathematically right back the Mayan Long Count system related to the [13] count, and Egyptian base Kemi [1296]: MLC [1872000] / by [1 .1111111~] = [1296 x 1300] This creates a fundamental ratio between the two important cultural mathematics systems and can be seen in base numbers as: [1872 / 1296] = [1 .4444444~] = [13 / 9]. Thus Tzolkin [260] divided by [1 .4444444~] = [180] And [180] = 100{primary Ancient Sqrt 2} x Ancient Square Root Phi. This lengthy exercise is a simple basis for the reader to begin to acclimate to the complexities of these Ancient Harmonic Codes to be further presented. Calendar counts are easily adjustable to account for any discrepancies as exhibited by the Earth year and the ancient cultures knew how to adjust these timelines extremely accurately, with the Mayans accounting for all planetary movements to within a day in 26,000 years. The Gregorian calendar accommodated its own calendar systems to enforce religious adherence to Christianity, and away from the ancient spiritualities that were directly connected to the Mathematical Harmony of planetary movements.

The Mayan Long Count uses a spiritual based astronomical system with [13] Baktuns. Mayan Long Count = MLC [1872000] = [13] x [144,000]. And due to this alignment of count system numbers with the [13], the Venus synod is mathematically realigned to [585] because then that value for the Venus synod has a harmonic cycle with the other planets in the Mayan Long Count: MLC [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod =[3200], and thus [585] = [13 x 45] = [9 x 65] MLC [1872000] / by [780] Mars synod = [2400], and thus [780] = [13 x 60] = [12 x 65] and so the Mars and Venus synods then align as: [585] V / by [780] M = [3 / 4]. This means that there are exactly [3200] Venus synods in the great Mayan Long Count, and this clearly shows a mathematical system based on Harmonic Cycles. A very important Egyptian count number is [486] = [9 x 54], and the number [54] relates to the Saturn Synod [378] = [7 x 54], and the Saturn Synod [378] is exactly HALF the Khufu Pyramid base of [756] feet! As a ratio the above values[486 / by 378] = [9 / 7], and [486] x the Khufu Constant = the [585] Venus synod. {see Khufu Constant section} Most interestingly, the Mercury synod to Earth is also realigned from 116 days average to [117] days in Mayan Long Count as well. This then aligns with Venus synod [585]= [5] x [117] Mercury synod, [117] = [9 x 13]. The Mercury synod then aligns with the Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [6 x 117]. Tzolkin [260] / by [117] Mercury synod = [2 .22222~] = Ancient Pi / by Ancient Sqrt[2]. The Mercury synod itself varies by as much as 5 days, and modern values are averages. The Mayan Long Count with the Venus and Mercury synods creates unique Harmonic Cycles to be inclusive of the Venus sidereal and designated as such for accounting: [25] x [117] Mercury synod = [2925] = [5] x [585] Venus synod, then with the Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [2925] = [640] cycles of that cycle. Also note that during these synodical cycles of [2925] days, the Venus sidereal aligns perfectly into the cycle as: [13] x [225] Venus sidereal = [2925] days. My work on the Mars Pentad mounds tetrahedral grid revealing a Cosmic 13 Calendar for the first 6 planets, aligns with the Mayan Tzolkin [260 = 13 x 20] Spiritual calendar, and the Mayan Long Count [1872000] exactly in those planetary calendar count systems. The Mayan count systems and the Egyptian count systems have distinct connectivities in Harmonic Cycles, and this will be reviewed through the following text of this work. Simple examples of this can be shown with the important Egyptian number: [5184] =[72] squared = [4 x 1296], as this value of [5184] correlates to the Khufu Pyramid slope of [51 .84 277~], and used here with the Jupiter sidereal in astronomical count systems: Standard western astronomical solar orbit [sidereal] of Jupiter is [4332 .587] days, But in the Mayan Long Count that value is [4333 .333333~] days = [13 x 333 .33333~]. Thus this value connects directly into Egyptian count system like this: MLC [1872000] / by [4333 .333333~] = [432] = [360] x [1.2] Or that [432] value as [4320] is known in the Egyptian count system as 4320 =[12 x 360], and then the aforementioned important Egyptian number [5184] / by 4320 = [1 .2]. Later in this document the value [1.2] is also shown as Universal Pi / by Phi squared].

Correlating the Harmonic Cycles between important Mayan and Egyptian counts: Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by Dresden Codex [702] = [2666. 66666~], and the Egypt Kemi [12960000] / by [2666 .66666~] = [4860] = [90 x 54] Egyptian number [5184] divided by above result [4860] = [16 / 15].

Kemi [1296] / by [702] Dresden Codex astronomical constant= [24 / 13]

[24 x 54] = [1296], and [13 x 54] = [702] And [7] x [54] = [378] Saturn Synod or [378] is half the Khufu Pyramid base in feet, thus to get the height of the Khufu Pyramid, [378] x Sqrt Ancient Phi = [481 .09 90 09~] The [585] Venus synod / by Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [0 .8333333~] This value is excruciatingly close to modern {Phi squared / by Pi} = [0 .8333461~] In Part 1 of this pdf, Pi is reformulated as Universal Harmonic Pi to accommodate this: [585] Venus synod / by Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [0 .8333333~] = {Phi sq. / by Pi} Harmonic cycle of number systems then align uniquely: [585] Venus synod / by [702] = [0 .833333~], then [0 .833333~] x Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333~] = [3611 .11111~] MLC [1872000] / by Egyptian number [5184] = [361 .111111~], thus the harmonic cycles are exactly multiples of 10, using the exact same numbers. The Mayan Dresden Codex is the highly important astronomical constant related to Mars of [702] days, and in relation to the Mars synod as well: [9 x 78] = Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [13 x 54] = [36 x 19.5] [10 x 78] = [780] Mars synod = [13 x 60] = [12 x 65] =[40 x 19.5] The [19.5] values just shown correlate the predominant Mars Pentad mounds tetrahedral grid angle of [19.5] degrees as a key count number in the calendar system, and this value as [195] is numerator in the important ancient Khufu Constant. The Venus synod [585] = [3 x 195] or [30 x 19.5]. Mercury synod [117] = [6 x 19.5]. The Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333~] / by [195] = [22 .22222~] = [10aPi / ancient Sqrt2} The Khufu Constant = [195] / by [162], and [162] = [3 x 6 x 9], and this value is later defined as Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62] which works with modern Sqrt [2], as more directly do the Mayan Long Count and Mars Pentad Calendar Systems. Square Root [1 .62] / by [9] = Modern Square Root [2] / by [10]. Tzolkin [260] / by The Khufu Constant = Egyptiam number [216] = [4 x 54] = [9 x 24] In actuality we have [52] weeks each year of [7] days each, to equal [364] days, and not [365 .24] days currently experienced on Earth. Many ancient cultures also used a lunar style calendar in relation to the [13] full moons per year that we experience. Thus an Earth Lunar Year could also be: the [13] months of each year times a 28 day, 4 week month to equal [364] = [13 x 28]. [364] is an important Pascal Triangle number attached directly to Pascal number [286]. [364] divided by Ancient Square Root Phi = Pascal Triangle number [286] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [364] = [36000 / by 7] 10{Ancient Pi} x [364]= [11440] = [44] x [260] Tzolkin spiritual calendar count. If you had 1000 Earth Year Counts of [364] to equal [364,000], then you would have exactly [84] total Jupiter sidereal in that cycle: [364,000] / by [4333 .33333~] = [84].

Infinite replicating decimals are also represented by fractions of the number [9], and create magic in Universal Harmonic Codes. The number [9] is the ultimate number in the universe. [1 / 9] = [0 .1111111~], [10 / 9] = [1 .1111111~] = Ancient Square Root Two divided by Ancient Sqrt. Phi [2 / 9] = [0 .2222222~] and [0 .2222222~] times secondary Ancient Square Root Two = {Ancient Pi / 10} [3 / 9] = [0 .3333333~] = the sine of tetrahedral [19 .47122061] degrees. [3 / 9] = [0 .3333333~], and [0 .3333333~] squared = [0 .1111111~] [4 / 9] = [0.444444~], and [0 .444444~] x [585] Venus synod = [260] Tzolkin [5 / 9] = [0 .555555~], and the inverse of [0 .555555~] = [1 .8], and [1 .8] = Ancient Square Root Phi TIMES Ancient Square Root [2]. [6 / 9] = [0 .666666~], and [0 .666666~] squared = [0 .4444444~] = [4 / 9] [8 / 9] = [0 .888888~ ], the square root of [0 .88888~] is cosine tetrahedral [19 .4712206] Now the most fantastic aspect of the relationship between the number [9] and the Ancient Pi based number count system value [7] and the sevenths, is the fraction of [7 / 9]. [7 / 9] = [0 .7777777~], and [7 / 9] is the one and only of the Ninth fractions that has an inverse of another replicating decimal: The inverse [0 .7777777~] = [1 .285714 285714 285714~] = [9 / 7]. This is a reason why the ancient number count system of Ancient Pi is so powerful: Ancient Pi = [aPi] = {3 .142857 142857 142857~] with the replicating decimal sequences of the sevenths in multiplications, also has an inverse of [0 .318 318 318~] as a replicating decimal in the [99] count system of [9 x 11] = [99]. The Mercury sidereal of [88] days = [8 x 11] Mercury sidereal [88] / by Ancient Pi = exactly [28] = [4 x 7] [9] x Ancient Pi = [28 .285714 285714 285714~] which is immediately recognizable: [28 .285714 285714 285714~] times [28 .28 28 28 28 28~] = [800] exact. So these 5 pages are FAST TRACK SUMMARY for the reader to quickly acclimate a basic understanding of The Universal Harmonic Codes and how they emanate from the ancient cultural mathematics systems and the applications of those systems to the planetary timelines, and how this ancient math was quite advanced and exotic. The Egyptians and Mayans studied their astronomies meticulously and applied these planetary movements and number count systems into expressions of Pyramid geometries. Much more will follow to augment this summary to include the Khufu Constant, The Teotihuacan Grids, The Masonic Codes, The Solfeggio Synchronicities, and Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [162] = [3 x 6 x 9] with its applications to calendar: Kemi [1296000] divided by [162] = [80,000], Square Root [162] divided by [9] = modern Square Root Two!

Short summary of the Decimal Variation System and numeric sets:

The Mayan 9 Lords of the Underworld in this exercise are bemusedly represented by the fractional decimals to infinity that the [9] represents in these fractions: [1 / 9] = [0.1111111], [2 / 9] = [0.22222222], . [3 / 9] = [0.3333333] and so on. Thus the author expresses everything in decimal form for this reason: To reveal dynamic repetitive important coincident numeric sets as comparatives. [702] / by Ancient Calendar Count [aPhi] = [433 .33333] = 1/10th Jupiter sidereal, The Jupiter sidereal days [4333. 33333~] = [13] x [333. 333333], and the sine of tetrahedral angle [19.47122061] = [0 .333333333]. Using the Jupiter value for the sidereal of [4333 .33333] days, the author cannot show comparative cycling of numbers with unique decimal form of repetition by saying that the Jupiter sidereal is [4333 and 1/3] days, because fully typed out numeric text reveals the repetitive decimals in numeric sets by expressing the decimal in full as such: The Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [360] Egyptian / Sumerian calendar = [1.95], and this is a decimal variant of the set [195], which is the numerator in the Khufu Constant, of which also this value is the tetrahedral angle of [19.5] degrees. Thus the numeric set is [195]. [19.5] / by [9] =[2 .1666666] = [26 / by 12]. The [26] thus correlates to the [260] Tzolkin. And thus [20] x [216 .666666 ] = [4333 .333333~] Jupiter sidereal. The decimal variation process follows into the square roots as well. Tzolkin [260] squared = [67600], and the [2.6] is the square root of [6.76]. The Mars synod [780] in decimal variation analysis: [0 .78]---- [7 .8]---- [78]----- [780] and one can thus follow this two ways, [780] x [4333 .33333~] Jupiter sidereal = [338,000] = [1300] x [260] Tzolkin. [0 .78] x [4333.3333] J = [3380] equals [13] x [260] Tzolkin The author displays the fraction as decimals in a fashion as such: The Earth Lunar Year [364] / by [1680] Ceres sidereal =.[0 .21666] Tetrahedral [19.5] / by [9] Mayan Lords of the Underworld = [2.16666], The Mayan Tzolkin [260] / by [12] =[21.6666]. The vigesimal Jupiter sidereal [4333.33333] =..[20] x [216.6666]. One can certainly see the relationships of a mathematical harmonic working distinctly now within a complexity of frameworks.

Reviewing this table of planetary values is important to understanding aspects of the text. These are planetary sidereal [orbits] and synods of the first six planets that conform to a perfect harmonic cycle developed by the tetrahedral grid of the actual Mars Pentad Mounds into a complete astronomical calendar based on the constant value [13], found in the Tzolkin [260] = [13] x [20], and the Mayan Long Count or MLC [1872000] = [13] x [144,000]

Mars Pentad Mounds Tetrahedral Grid Calendar Count Values

The Planetary Sidereal and Synods in the [13] Cosmic Calendar
[13] x [20] = [260] Tzolkin, then x [3] = [780] Mars synod = 20 x [39] = 40 x [19 .5] = [13] x [60] Mars synod to Earth = [780], and the Venus synod to Earth = [585] = 30 x [19 .5] Thus as a ratio, [780] / by [585] = [4 / 3] = [1 .333333~] The Mars synod of [780] days thus aligns with Venus in a [13] Cosmic Calendar. [780] Mars synod = [12] x [65] and [13] x [60], and [780] / [9] = [86 .6666] or [2] x [43 .3333] [585] Venus synod = [9] x [65] and [13] x [45] And [13] x [9] = [117] day Mercury synod, then [117] x [5], = [585] Venus synod. Venus sidereal is [225] days = [9 x 25] and [5 x 45], and [13 x Sqrt3] x [10] as an approximation. Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [9 x 78], = [13 x 54], = [19.5 x 36], = [26 x 27], = [12 x 58.5] Dresden Codex [702] / by [780] Mars = [0.9] = arctangent of the side angle of Saqqara Pyramid. Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [780] Mars synod = [2400] Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by The [585] Venus synod = [1.2] = [Pi / by Phi squared] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by Venus [585] synod = [3200] Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [117] Mercury synod = [6] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [117] Mercury synod = [16,000] From this one can now easily see how planetary timeline counts align and progress in a cycle. Mars sidereal is [687] in standard western astronomy, and the tetrahedral [13] calendar count is [689] = [13] x [53]. This was calculated by virtue of the [53] being equal to [2] x [26.5] degree Mars Pentad angle, and [53] essentially equaling [19.5] x math constant [e], with [19.5] being an important Pentad angle. The Mars Pentad Angles are rounded to [19.5] and [26.5] because that is how the numbers themselves operate in the calendar count systems, especially [19.5] which also works in Egyptian counts by virtue of the Khufu constant with the numerator [195]. Note: Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [360] day Ancient Calendar Count systems = [1 .95]. Note: Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [19 .5] = [96,000] The Jupiter sidereal thus = [13] x [333 .333333~] = [4333 .33333~] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [4333 .33333~] = [432] and Egyptian value [4320] = [12 x 360] Jupiter sidereal is [13] x [333 .33333] = [4333 .33333] = [19 .5] x [222. 22222~] a multiple of [2 / 9]. Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333] / by [9] = [481. 481 481~] which is a direct decimal variant of [260 / 540] = [0 .481 481 481~] with [260] as the Tzolkin and [540] being the total degrees in the pentagon. Saturn uses modern Pi as a calculative constant with all the Pentad planetary mathematics. Saturn sidereal [10759] / by [13] = [827.6153846], then x [Pi] = [2600] or ten times the Tzolkin [260]!

Note: The Saturn synod of [378] = [1.05] x [360], and [378] is an Aztec calendar function number. The Mayan Dresden Codex [702] divided by the Saturn Synod [378] = [13 / 7] as a ratio. In Mayan glyphs for Mars is found an astronomical count for [819]. This count of [819] = [21] x [39], in relation to the Mars synod of [780] = [20] x [39]. It is this authors speculation that the [819] is a count value ascribed to the Mars synod with Jupiter. Thus the known Mars synod of [816.5] days may be a calibration to [819] = [13] x [63] and [9] x [91]. Note that [819] = [9] x [91], relating to a Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid Earth sidereal [364] = [13 x 28]. Coincident with that Earth sidereal would be the [91] number value. Earth sidereal as [364] = [13] x [28] = [364] = [4] x [91]. Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [364] = [36000 / 7]. Thus Mayan Glyph [819] / by Earth [364] = [2 .25] and [2 .25] is a decimal variant of the Venus sidereal of [225] days. Earth Lunar Year [364] divided by Venus [225] = [1 .6177777~] = almost exact modern Phi Earth can be defined as the Earth Lunar Year of the [13] full moons x [28] = [364], and the [7] days times [4] weeks = [28] day month, and [7] x [52] weeks of a lunar calendar thus = [364]: AND importantly also [14] x [26] = [364] This is important with the [14 x 26] = [364] because as mentioned earlier [14] = {10phi} x [e], then / Pi. Obviously the [26] in the equations correlates the [260] Tzolkin, as well as [52] x 5 = [260]. NOTE: In decimal variations of the Mars Pentad Angle number value [26.5] are synchronicities as such which are equations in extreme convergence but not exact: Sqrt. [265,000] = Earth Lunar Year [364] times Square Root [2], The exact value would be Sqrt [264, 992], and this is an error factor of 3 / 100,000. AND! Sqrt [26,500] times Sqrt[5] = Earth Lunar Year [364], exact at [364 .0055] [26,500] / by [364] = Sqrt of [5300], aligning as [53] x [13] = [689] Mars sidereal in the [13] Calendar. NOTE: Mars Pentad angle [26.5] calibrated as Sqrt [26.5] x [aPi] = modern Phi x [10]. As such: Sqrt. [26.5] x [aPi =3.142857143= 22/7] = [16 .17885] and 10Phi = [16 .1803399] One must READ:
Dr. Horace Craters Mars Pentad study Mounds of Cydonia, Case Study for Planetary SETI http://www.scribd.com/word/download/91742?extension=doc

NOTE: Numbers as such: [0 .83333~] or [4333 .3333~], with [~] are meant that the decimal goes to infinity, or in numbers that have irrelevant decimal endings after a certain point such as true Pi = [3. 141562654~]. Ancient Pi has a repeating decimal sequence [3 .142857 14 2857 142857~]. NOTE: When using a calculator following the math you MUST use the full extent of the replicating decimals: [0. 8333~] is wrong, [0 .8333333333333~] is how you operate equations! The Mayan Dresden Codex [702] explained in math reviews: Highly suggested reference links to aid the reader in this document: The Dresden Codex Mars [702]:
http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20010310/mathtrek.asp http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=29390

The Mars Pentad Mounds E A B D G as a tetrahedral grid on the left:

Below is this above rectangular grid as a pyramid with a height of [2] units from the center point, and the Earth Year is found in the Side Angles of the Pyramid.

Part ONE: Universal Harmonic Pi unifies Ancient Number Systems

Into Modern Mathematics For the purposes of calculation, the Phi value is [1 .618033989], Thus to accomplish Phi squared, = {Phi + 1} = [2 .618033989] The equation that unifies modern Pi and modern Phi:

Pi divided by Phi squared = [1 .2] = [6 / 5]

The actual true value found in this equation is: {1 .199981615}, Thus with the value so excruciatingly close to [1 .2], I have not rounded the result, I have kept Phi as a constant because it has a formula that can define it from the pentagonal geometries, and thus it is Pi that is readjusted to align the number systems. In the prior pdf titled Developing a New Value for Modern Pi, the value of Pi from the above formula was rounded to: {3 .141640787}, and thus this value becomes a Universal Harmonic Pi value. However to attain a Pi value that has an infinite and random decimal sequence of which modern Pi exhibits, in order to accommodate circle circumferences and sphere volumes, one can merely take a full value of Phi squared with its infinite decimal sequence, and multiply it by [1 .2]. Thus an example: [1 .2] x [Phi squared] = Pi [1 .2] x [2 .618033988749894842~] = [3 .14164078649987381784~ random to infinity]. This equation thus aligns modern math systems in a unified and logical mathematic by simply creating a fundamental simple equation that propels Pi and Phi into Harmonic Cycles of all number count systems both modern and ancient. With this realignment we get basic fundamental cohesive and comprehensively integrated universal constants which work together in perfect harmony. It is as easy as this: Pi / by [Phi squared] = [6 / 5]. Another way to look at the constants is also this: 10Pi = {12 x Phi Squared}. The importance of this relationship becomes the value of [12]. The ancient number count systems of the Egyptians and the Mayans {mesoAmericans}, all are fundamentally tied to the number [9] first and then {12}. The Mayan Long Count [1872000] is 13 Baktuns. Each Baktun in days is [144, 000] = [12 x 12,000] = [Pi / Phi sq.] x [120,000]. Egyptian numbers systems use multiples of [12] in a variety of applications. The Egyptian and Sumerian Calendar count system is a 360 day year = [12] x 30. This also aligns harmonically with the 360 degrees of a circle or one could say: 10Pi / by Phi squared = 12, and then x [30] days = 360 day year.

Returning to the ancient Egyptian count systems which utilize the 9 and 12 in multiples, there is a value called the Kemi = 3600 squared = [12960000]. The basic numeric sequence here is [1296]. [1296] divided by [9] = [144] [1296] divided by [9] = [12 squared] Therefore the idea is to implicate the value of [12] in the equation above as a unified expression of the reformulated Harmonic Pi with modern Phi, and reveal how these constants now will flow into ancient and modern mathematics. The Khufu Pyramid slope has been found to be [51 .84 277~] degrees, [6 x 12] = [72], thus [72] squared = Egyptian number [5184], correlating slope value. [1296] x [4] = [5184], thus to align [5184] into Universal Pi harmonics: [5184] / by [12] = [432] = [360 x 1 .2] = { 360 x [Pi / by Phi sq. ] }. Or: {Phi squared / by Pi} = [0 .833333~], then x [5184] = [4320] = [12 x 360] The Harmonic Codex of this then goes back into the Mayan Long Count: MLC [1872000] / by [12] = [156000] = [780 Mars synod x 200]. Note: The Mayan Tzolkin [260] x [3] = [780] Mars synod to Earth. Thus the application of the equation [Pi / Phi squared] = [1 .2] = [6 / 5], Or {10Pi / by Phi sq.} = [12] = [60 / 50], creates an obvious and excellent unification of number systems into Harmonic Cycles. The Great Giza pyramid slope has been found to be [51 .84277~] degrees, and that is accomplished from the dimensions of the newly found Saqqara pyramid of height [14] meters by a [22] meter square base, thus producing arctangent of [14 / 11], to attain that [51 .84277~] degrees . This is also the Great Giza Pyramid slope, or The Khufu Pyramid slope, thus [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] is known as Ancient Square Root Phi. This above pyramid slope tangent has the replicating decimals which are characterized by an ancient 99 count system: [27 / by 99] = [0 .27 27 27 27 27~] This replicating decimal numerological system is simply any two digit number divided by [99]. Like this: [36 / 99] = [0 .36 36 36 36 36~]. [99 / by 70] yields the sevenths replicating decimals of Ancient Pi as [22 / 7], and creates Ancient Square Root Two: [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~], which has the inverse of [0 .70 70 70 70 70~] in the 99 count methodology. The 99 count numerologic systems then unify into alignment with this Harmonic Pi equation of Pi / by {Phi squared} = [1 .2], like this: [1 .27 27 27 27~] / by [1 .2] = [1 .06 06 06 06~], [1 .27 27 27 27~] x [1 .2] = [1 .5 27 27 27 27~], thus showing how [1 .2] as a Universal Constant, maintains unified integrity in the ancient count system by maintaining replication of the decimals within that system. Pascal Triangle connected numbers [364] / by [286] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]. Pascal Triangle connected numbers [4368] / by [3432] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 ~]. Thus Pascal Triangle value [4368] / by Pascal [364] = [12] = 10Pi / by Phi squared.

Simplified Equation Process in Grand Unification of Ancient and Modern Number Count Systems Pi realigned to [3 .141640787], then divided by [Phi sq.] = [1 .2]
In harmonic code mathematics decimal placements are merely expressions of a particular numeric sequence or set in multiples of ten. I will quickly use the Khufu Constant of [195] / by [162] to show this concept: [0 .195]---- [1 .95]---- [19 .5]--- [195]. [0 .162]---- [1 .62]---- [16 .2]--- [162] [195] / by [162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~to infinity] [1 .95] / by [1 .62] = [1.203 703 703 703~ to infinity] Two extremely important angles in geometry are [45] and [54] degrees. The [54] degree angle is a fundamental part of pentagonal geometry. The sine of [54] degrees = [Phi / 2] The [45] degree angle is a fundamental part of geometry as the equilateral triangle. [45] times [1 .2] = [54], or: [45] times [Pi / by Phi sq.] =[54], or [45] / by [54] = [0 .8333333~] = [Phi sq. / by Pi] In decimal variation form [54] can also be se as [0 .54] In decimal variation form [45] can also be seen as [0 .45] Now to show this relationship of decimal variations, and incorporating the Harmonic Constant [1 .2]: Ancient Square Root Two / by Ancient Pi =[0 .45] ] decimal variant of [45]: [1 .414 285714 285714~] divided by [3 .142857 142857~] = [0 .45] Thus taking [0 .45] then times [1 .2] = [0 .54]. [0 .45] x {Harmonic Pi divided by modern Phi} = [0 .54]. The inverse of [0 .54] = [1 .851 851 851~], {a replicating decimal in 99 count system}. The inverse of [0 .54] = [1 .851 851 851~] = [700 / by Saturn synod 378] [100 / 54] = [1 .851 851 851~], times the Mars [780] synod = [1444 .44444~], Now notice the decimal variation of the above [1444 .44444~] at end of the next line: The Khufu Constant times [1.2 or Pi / by Phi sq.] = [1 .44444444~]! Also importantly: [180] x [1 .4444444~] = [260] Tzolkin, and [1 .444444] = [13 / 9] Now look at the [180] in the above equation noting the decimal variation system. [1 .8]--- [18]--- [180] [180] = 100 [Ancient Square Root Phi] times Ancient Square Root Two: [1 .8] = Ancient Square Root Phi times Ancient Square Root Two, or: [1 .8] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] times [1 .414 285714 285714 285714~] [180] = [1 .2] x [150], or [180] = {150Pi / by Phi sq.} and [150] / by [180] = [0 .83333333~] = [Phi sq. / by Pi]! Now bringing back the above original target value of [0 .45]: [1 .8] / by [0 .45] = [4] = Ancient Pi times Ancient Sqrt Phi. [1 .8] / by [0 .45] = [4] = Ancient Pi times [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]

Next: Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [aPi] ----NOTE the abbreviated form! Ancient Pi =[3 .142857 142857 142857~] --replicating sevenths decimal to infinity, Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = [99 / 70], Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [140 / by 99]. Note: the inverse of secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] is: [0 .707 142857 142857 142857~]. Note: the inverse of primary Ancient Sqrt[2] is: [0 .70 70 70 70 70 70 70~]. The ancient AND hypercube Square Root Twos: {see Tessearct Hypercube 261 pdf} [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] times [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~] = [2] exact.
An equation exists uniquely with modern Phi and independently of modern Pi: and this is the target equation: [2] x [Phi sq.] = {Sqrt[5] + 3}, I will use this second equation as a model to unify modern Pi and modern Phi into the Ancient Pi and Ancient Square Root Phi number systems using Harmonic Pi:

With harmonic Pi formulated properly to [3 .141640787~], {as Pi},

by the equation [Pi / by Phi sq.] = [1. 2], and then using the above target equation: [2] x [Phi sq.] = {Sqrt[5] + 3} as the model because modern Pi cannot accomplish this: One can substitute this Harmonic Pi value for Phi sq. in the target equation: [2] x {Pi / 1 .2} = {Sqrt[5] + 3}, which also = 1 .6666666~[Pi], This above equation equals the 2nd equation below in line using Ancient Pi as [aPi]: [2] = {aPi / 2 times Ancient Sqrt. Phi}, therefore: {aPi / 2 times Ancient Sqrt. Phi}, then times {harmonic Pi / by 1 .2} = {Sqrt[5] + 3}. The math of above equation: {Ancient Pi / 2 times [1 .27 27 27 27 ~]} times {0 .833333~ Pi } = {Sqrt[5] + 3}

So the question arises on the validity of modern Pi.

Modern Pi [3 .1426592654~~~ to infinity] is quite valid. The Harmonic Pi value in my equations, is just as valid and much more versatile. My purpose in Part One will be to show that there are a variety of values of what can be considered to be Harmonic Convergent Pi. Modern mathematics over the last few decades has a pattern of constantly reformulating values of important constants. Plancks constant and [e] are examples of this. Modern Pi has been found to have many close values, and Ancient Pi is ancient Sumerian and Egyptian number count system Pyramid Pi. That ancient value of Pi is incredibly valid and appropriate as an important Pi value. Modern math science is thumb nailed, tacked, stapled and super glued to modern Pi. Modern Pi promotes disharmonious function within number systems, ancient or modern. My convergent form of Pi unifies Phi squared into a perfect harmonious equilibrium, in conjuction with maintaining the balances and integrities of the ancient number count systems by virtue of creating the equation: 10Pi / by {Phi squared} = [12]. This Pi value needs a distinction from modern Pi: Thus {Phi squared} x [1 .2] = Universal Harmonic [1 .2] is the Universal Harmonic Pi and Phi Constant

Pi = [uPi].

Universal Pi harmonics with Phi and tetrahedral [19 .47122061]:

This Pyramid shows how Pi and Phi squared work in Universal Harmonics with the Universal Harmonic Pi equation: Pi / by Phi squared = [1 .2]. Thus the symbol for Pi in the diagram corresponds to Universal Harmonic Pi. This Pyramid creates 4 tetrahedral [19 .47122061] degree angles in the Pyramid peak. This is a Tetraphihedral Resonance Amplification Pyramid.

The bottom equation is from the Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex pdf, In that pdf it is shown that using the Mars [687] day sidereal, and its reverse number [786]: [687] / by [786] = [x], then [x] times Phi = Square Root Two. The Mars Pentad grid landforms are arranged in Square Root Two rectangle geometry. Note in the diagram that length [a] = modern Sqrt[2] x Phi. Thus using Universal Harmonic Pi, this equation can now be written as: [687] / by [786] = [x], then [x] times the Square Root of [Pi / 1 .2] = Square Root Two, This is accomplished by substituting Phi, with the Square Root of [Pi / 1 .2] } The length [a] in the diagram thus correlates in Harmonic Convergence closely to the equation: {Mars 687 / 786} times Phi squared, or length [a] = Sqrt[2] x Sqrt[0.83333~Pi]

Teotihuacan Grids [15 .5] degrees and The Harmonic Pi Constant [1 .2]
In previous discoveries published, I solved:

The Mystery of the Teotihuacan Grids of [15 .5] degrees

Quickly this was shown to be the grid angle [15 .5] as: Sine [15 .5] degrees times sqrt[14] = [1] Tangent [15 .5] degrees times Sqrt [13] = [1] A quick succession of findings now which will set a target value for the next page: Tangent [15.5] x [260] Tzolkin = [x], then divide [x] by Sqrt [13] = [20],

The exact angle to make the exact results is about: [15 .5 0135] degrees.
Equation results display extreme Harmonic Convergence: Tangent [15.5] x [702] Dresden Codex = [x], then divide [x] by Sqrt [13] = [54]. The actual result is [53 .995~] Tangent [15.5] x EXACT number value of tetrahedral [19.47122061] = [5.4] The actual result is [5 .399 847~], thus using the from above:

[54] times Ancient Pi = [x],

then [x] times Ancient Square Root [2] value [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [240] exact. Thus: The resultant value [240] = [200] times {uPi / by [Phi squared]}, when modern Pi is reformulated into the equation uPi / by [Phi squared] = [1 .2]. Teotihuacan Grid [15 .5] was proven to be a calendar count function in that published document. Shown here again as well with the Mayan Tzolkin [260]. Tzolkin [260] = [13] x [20] Tangent [15.5] x [260] Tzolkin = [x], then divide [x] by Sqrt [13] = [20], Now using the reformulated Harmonic Pi equation: Harmonic Pi / by Phi squared = [1 .2], and we notice that using the above Tzolkin [260], then times [1 .2] = [312] = [13 x 24] Thus using that result of the number [312] and applying the decimal variation aspect of Harmonic Cycle: [312] -- [31 .2]-- [3 .12] = Three plus {Pi /10 divided by Phi sq.} Now take the Teotihuacan Grids [15 .5] degree tangent, and [3 .12] that was achieved with the Harmonic Pi constant [1 .2]: Tangent [15 .5] times [3 .12] = [0 .865252577]. ----1st result. Now take MODERN Pi and math constant [e] = [2. 71828]: Math constant [e] divided by MODERN Pi = [0 .865255397] ----2nd result. Now compare the two results: [0 .865252577] and [0 .865255397] With a difference in results of [0 .000000282], or that is a [3 / 1,000,000] error factor. This shows fantastic Convergence Harmonics between modern Pi, Tzolkin [260], the Teotihuacan Grids [15 .5] degrees, and the Universal Harmonic Pi equation! Note: in the original Teotihuacan Grid equation using Sqrt [13]: Sqrt [13] divided by Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt. Phi or Sqrt [1 .62] = [x], Then take tangent [x] = [70 .567~] degrees only [0 .03] degrees off of exact tetrahedral. Modern Sqrt. Phi in the equation would be off of true tetrahedral by [0 .04] degrees.

Exceptional Harmonic Cycle Study Utilizing The Harmonic Pi Equation

The Harmonic Pi Equation for Universal Harmonic Pi: Pi divided by Phi squared = [1 .2], or that also is, Phi sq. / by Pi = [0 .8333333~]

Then: Phi = the Square Root of [Pi / by 1 .2] = Sqrt. [0 .8333333~Pi]

First from the Teotihuacan [15 .5] degree grids equations to set the initial target value: [5 .4] = {tangent [15 .5] times exact tetrahedral angle value [19 .47122061] } [54] = {tangent [15 .5] times the Mayan Dresden Codex [702], then / by Sqrt [13] } {exact angle for the tangent is about 15 .50 135 degrees.}| Then a target equation is set to carry out the extrapolation, with constant values noted: Ancient Pi = [aPi] = [22 / 7] [5 .4] = Ancient Pi x [1 .7 18 18 18 18 18~] [54] = 40 [aPi] x [1 .7 18 18 18 18 18~] Square Root Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] Thus: [5 .4] = {4 divided by [Sqrt. Ancient Phi] } times [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] [54] = {40 divided by [Sqrt. Ancient Phi] } times [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] [Pi / by Phi sq.] = [1 .2], therefore [4] = 3 .33333~ times [uPi / by Phi sq.] thus: [5 .4] =3 .333333~ [uPi / by Phi sq.] divided by [Sqrt. aPhi], then x [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] [54] = 33 .333333~[uPi / by Phi sq.] divided by [Sqrt. aPhi], then x [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] The above substitutions clearly show how the Universal Harmonic Pi Equation = [1 .2] aligns ancient and modern constants together with exceptional harmonic cohesiveness. Now to look further into this extrapolation the obvious choice is to inspect the conversion factor used in the equations: [1 .7 18 18 18 18~], and an excellent sequence of equations will bring us to modern Phi, using the secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] and Jupiter sidereal in the Mars Pentad tetrahedral based calendar, or the Mayan Long Count Jupiter sidereal = [4333. 33333~] days. [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] divided by [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [1 .215], then utilizing [1 .215] in decimal variation harmonics as [1215]: Jupiter Sidereal [4333 .3333333~] divided by [1215] = [x] Then: [x] squared = [12 .72013262] = virtually EXACT 10 times Sqrt. Modern Phi! Ten times the Sqrt. of modern Phi = [12 .7201965], a difference of only [0 .000063876]. Thus amazing and absolute Convergent Harmonic Cycle is accomplished with the Jupiter sidereal, secondary Ancient Sqrt[2], and an ancient subconstant of [1 .718 18 18~] A major coincident occurs a s well from astronomical synod mathematics related to the Mars Pentad Time Pyramids Cosmic [13] Calendar and the Mayan Long Count with: the Venus synod [585] times [5] = [2925] = [13] x [225] Venus sidereal. [1 .7 18 18 18 18~] times {1000 Ancient Square Root Two} x KhC = [2925] Note: KhC = Khufu Constant = [195 / 162] Note: 1000 x Ancient Square Root Two = [1414 .285714 285714 285714~]

Exposing an Ancient Harmonic Pi exclusive for Ancient Pi

Using the Universal Harmonic Pi Constant [1 .2] and the Ancient Square Root Two values:
Primary [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] x Secondary [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~] = [2] The ancient Egyptian and Mayan calendars and astronomical count systems have shown a harmonic propensity to work well with the value [2 .666666~]. Examples: Mayan Tzolkin [260] x [8] = [2080] = Mars [780] synod x [2 .666666~] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [2 .666666~] = [702,000] and [702,000]= 1000 x [702] Mayan Dresden Codex astronomical constant. Egyptian Kemi base number [1296] divided by [2 .666666~] = [486] = [9 x 54] [486] x KhC = [585] Venus synod, [585] x [2 .66666~] = [1560] = [780] Mars synod. Noting and using the astronomical and numerological examples of the value [2 .666666~] being a nodal harmonic value, an equation is developed to find Ancient Pi: Universal Harmonic Pi CONSTANT times Secondary Then appling [2 .666666~] in a target equation to [x]: [2 .666666~] divided by [x] = [Ancient Pi / 2] The math: [1 .2] times [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [x], then [2 .666666~] / by [x] = [Ancient Pi / 2] Ancient Sqrt[2] = [x],

Then to find the Harmonic Ancient Pi:

Universal Harmonic Pi Constant now times Primary Then: [2 .666666~] divided by [x] = {Harmonic Ancient Pi / 2} The math: [1 .2] times [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = [x], Then: [2 .666666~] / by [x] = {Harmonic Ancient Pi / by 2} Ancient Sqrt[2] = [x]

An amazing Universal Harmonic Code conclusion with Ancient Pi:

Thus our two values of Ancient Pi are: True Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] ---replicating 7ths decimal Harmonic Ancient Pi = [3 .142536476~], Now notice how Harmonic Ancient Pi can also create a replicating decimal: The inverse of Harmonic Ancient Pi = [0 .3182 142857 142857 142857~]. So why are the two values Harmonic ? {use 22 / 7 on your calculator for true aPi}

True Ancient Pi times Harmonic Ancient Pi = [9 .8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1] ! That is pure Universal Harmonic Codes in action!

True Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] ---replicating decimal Harmonic Ancient Pi = [3 .142536476~],
and the inverse of Harmonic Ancient Pi = [0 .3182 142857 142857 142857~] which is the same replicating decimal of True Ancient Pi. A unique extrapolation follows that results in the above Ancient Pi values. The important numerological values used here are: [5184] = [72] squared, and is correlative to the Giza slope of [51 .84 277~] degrees. [2304] is a 4D polytope value of the Enneract, [2304] = [32 x 72],see hypercube chart. [261] are the number of Nets that the Hypercube or Tesseract unfolds into. [116] is the standard NASA astronomical value for the Mercury synod to Earth. Inverse of secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [0 .707 142857 142857 142857~] Inverse of primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [0 .707 07 07 07 07 07 07 07~] [225] is the Venus sidereal as the astronomical average in days [2 .25] is the decimal variant of [225], NOTE: The above inverses and below results! The Extrapolation: The Venus sidereal [225] x True Ancient Pi = [707 .142857 142857 142857~] The Venus sidereal [225] x Harmonic Ancient Pi = [707 .07 07 07 07 07 07~] [2 .25] x True Ancient Pi = [7. 07 142857 142857 142857~] [2 .25] x Harmonic Ancient Pi = [7 .07 07 07 07 07 07~] This creates the Ancient Square Root of [50] values! [7. 07 142857 142857 142857~] times [7 .07 07 07 07 07 07~] = [50] exact Now taking into account Universal Harmonic Pi to show convergencies: Venus sidereal [225] = {187.5 uPi} / by Phi sq. Decimal variant [2 .25] = {1 .875uPi} / by Phi sq. [261] are the number of Nets that the Hypercube or Tesseract unfolds into. Hypercube [261] / by Mercury synod [116] = [2 .25] = {1 .875uPi} / by Phi squared. Egyptian [5184] / by 4D Enneract Polytope [2304] = [2 .25] = {1 .875uPi} / by Phi sq. Therefore: [7. 07 142857 142857 142857~] divided by [2 .25] = True Ancient Pi and; [7 .07 07 07 07 07 07~] divided by [2 .25] = Harmonic Ancient Pi One can easily see now as well that in the above two equations one can substitute for the value [2 .25], the Harmonic Pi and Phi equivalent of {1 .875Pi} / by Phi sq. Also: The Venus sidereal [225] times Universal Harmonic Constant [1 .2] = [270] Note: [585] Venus synod value / by [225] = [2.6] decimal variant of Tzolkin [260].

Universal Harmonic Constant [1 .2] in Pentagonal Geometry

[uPi] = Universal Harmonic Pi = [3 .141640787], rounded. [uPi] / by Phi squared = [1 .2] or Phi squared / by uPi = [0 .8333333~] On your calculator you can just use Pi in these equations, but uPi is exact. The 6 interior pentagonal angles are [72] degrees each. Cosine [72] degrees = [0 .309016994] = the sine of [54] degrees divided by Phi squared. Therefore in perfect harmonic cycle: Cosine [72] degrees = [0 .309016994] = sine of [54] degrees divided by [0 .833333~]uPi. Cosine [72] degrees = [0 .309016994] = sine of [54] degrees divided by {uPi / by 1 .2} The five exterior angles of the pentagon are [108] degrees each, Thus there are 10 total of [54] degree angles. Sine of [54] degrees = [Phi / 2] = [0 .809016994]. Therefore: Sine of [54] degrees = [Phi / 2] = Square Root of [0 .833333~uPi], then divided by [2].

Exact Universal Harmonic Pi [3 .141640787~] in pentagonal 72 degrees: Square Root [3] divided by cosine [72] degrees =Square Root of [10 uPi]
Sqrt. [3] / by cosine [72] = Sqrt. [31 .41640787], and uPi = [3 .141640787]

Connecting to Egyptian and Mayan cosmological count numbers:

Sqrt[2] x [uPi] = [x], then [x] divided by Phi squared = Square Root of [2 .88] = Square Root [2.4 uPi] The connecting Egyptian number is in the above square root as [2 .88] or [288], and much more easily seen in decimal variation as: [288] = [2 x 144] = [240uPi.] The number [288] works harmonically with Egyptian count systems, and the Mayan Long Count: Egypt Kemi = 3600 squared = [12960000], then divided by [288]=[45000]= 37,500 [uPi] Mayan Long Count [1872000] divided by [288] = [6500], Thus: [6500] times [uPi] =[7800]= Ten Mars [780] day synods or [30] x 260 Tzolkin Sqrt. [3] times x [uPi], then divided by Phi squared = Sqrt. [4 .32] Connecting Egyptian number is in above resultant square root = [432] = [1 .2 x 360] Thus: Egypt Kemi [12960000] divided by [432] = [30,000] Mayan Long Count [1872000] divided by [432] = [4333 .33333~] the Jupiter sidereal. Now in the above result the Mars Pentad landforms tetrahedral grid based Cosmic [13] Calendar Jupiter sidereal of [4333 .333333~] days = [13] x [333 .333333~]. This equation is written like this to show harmonic cycle of the above [333 .333333~] as a direct decimal variation of the sine of tetrahedral [19 .47122061] = [0 .333333~]. This is important in the scope of the Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid landforms because the famous tetrahedral angle of [19 .47122061] is the most common angle within the grid, and cosine [19 .46122061] = Sqrt [8 / 9] = Sqrt [0 .8888888~] and cosine [19 .46122061] times Sqrt[18] = [4]= {Ancient Pi x Ancient Sqrt. Phi} or Sqrt[18] likewise can be evidenced as: 10 Ancient Sqrt[2] x Ancient Sqrt Phi.

Universal Harmonic Pi and Tetrahedral Geometry: The Mars Pentad

The Mars Pentad landforms create a tetrahedral grid composed of two stacked Square Root Two rectangles. The resultant grid creates a unique relationship of square root lengths that integrate themselves in a multitude of direct and cross sectional lengths. The diagram below of the Mars Pentad landforms tetrahedral grid, is shown complete with cross sectional lengths of the interior star geometry. Note that the smallest length in the diagram is Sqrt [0 .08333333~]. Sqrt [0 .08333333~] = Sqrt of [Phi sq. / by 10 uPi] Sqrt [0 .08333333~] = Sqrt of [432 / by 5184], and the value [5184] = [72] squared. Thus the Mars Pentad grid smallest base component of [0 .0833333~] can be expressed in ancient Egyptian numerologies by virtue of the existence of the Universal Harmonic Pi constant [1 .2], and the value [5184] as [72] squared, correlated to the Khufu Pyramid slope, and as an important Egyptian count system value.

Mars Pentad Mounds E, A, B, D, and G. What I am doing here is using the tetrahedral grid that the Mars Pentad landforms create, to show how lengths indicated by the various square roots, which are components of multiples of the smallest length possible, length [x] = [0 .083333~], can now all be expressed are exactly functions of Phi and Pi harmonically and unify to ancient constants. Sqrt[3] = Sqrt[0 .08333333~] x [4], and then [4] = [aPi x Sqrt. Ancient Phi] Sqrt[3] = Sqrt[0 .08333333~] x [aPi x Sqrt. Ancient Phi] Sqrt[3] = Sqrt[432 / 5184] x [aPi x Sqrt. Ancient Phi] Sqrt[3] = Sqrt. of [Phi sq. / by 10uPi] then times [aPi x Sqrt. Ancient Phi]

Now note the earlier relationships of the number [1.8] or [18]: [1 .8] = Ancient Square Root Phi times Ancient Sqrt[2] [1 .8] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] times [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] [18] = Ancient Square Root Phi times {10[Ancient Sqrt[2]} [18] = 15[uPi] divided by Phi squared. Now to utilize that with our Square Root Three just on the prior page bottom. One point of this exercise is to show that the above constants can be directly interchanged with the values of [1 .8] or [18]. Square Root [3] divided by [1 .8] = [x] = the Square root of [0 .925 925 925~]. Note that the number [0 .925 925 925~] = [100 / 108] = [925 / 999] = [916 / 990]. This shows initial Harmonic Cycle with the number [108] which happens to be the amount of degrees in each of the pentagon angles, and similarly to what earlier was shown as replicating decimal systems, such as the 99 count system accomplishes.

An amazing extrapolation follows:

Square Root [3] divided by [1 .8] = [x] = Sqrt of [0 .925 925 925~]. Now take the arcsine of [x], which then equals in degrees {74 .20683085~} = [y] Take the tangent of [y] degrees to equal: [3 .535533906] [3 .535533906] = exactly 10 times the tangent of tetrahedral [19 .47122061~] [3 .535533906] = exactly 10 x [0 .353553906] the tetrahedral tangent. Then to connect the famous tetrahedral angle right back in complete Harmonic Cycle: Cosine of tetrahedral [19 .47122061] x Sqrt[18] = [4] = {Ancient Pi x Ancient Sqrt Phi} And: the above value of [18] in any equation equals 15[uPi] divided by Phi squared. Or: the above value of [18] = Ancient Square Root Phi times {10[Ancient Sqrt[2]} Now to indicate proof that that the above extrapolation is NOT an anomaly, I will present another simple equation that takes the arctangent of an angle value and transforms it directly into a very important geometric function virtually like in the above example with the tetrahedral angle of [19 .47122061]. Sqaure Root [3] times Square Root [13] = [6 .244997998] = [x] --, Then: Take arctangent [x] = [80. 9025638] degrees. Then: Take the number value of the angle [80 .9025368] and divide by [100] = [0 .80925638] And the resultant [0 .80925638] equals virtually EXACTLY: The sine of pentagonal [54] degrees! That actual angle would be [54 .000 8426] degrees. So these equations and analyses predicate that unique and integrated Harmonic Cycles exist in a mathematical spiraling vortex of unified number systems in universal convergence harmonics of both modern and ancient mathematics, when modern Pi is unified into the Universal Harmonics by: Universal Harmonic Pi = [3 .141640787] rounded, and the Universal Harmonic Pi and Phi Eqaution: Pi / by Phi sqaured = [1 .2], or Phi sq. / by Pi = [0 .83333333~].

This is a diagram from the first Mars Pentad Time Pyramids publication, and this shows the tetrahedral grid of the Mars pentad landforms as the base of a pyramid that is [2] unts high. This resultant pyramid expresses all the square roots as lengths then in the Side Faces and Side Angles etc. Thus with Universal Harmonic Pi, each and every square root in mathematics can be fundamentally expressed as a function of Phi and Pi in harmonic cycle.

Khufu Cosmological Constant, and the Saturn Synod [378]

The Egyptians ancient count systems were aware of [19 .47122] tetrahedral geometry. The Khufu Cosmological Constant and ancient Egyptian and MesoAmerican cosmologic count systems use the tetrahedral angle rounded [19.5], and [195] for count. Mayan Long Count [1872000] divided by [195] = [96, 000] = [24 x 4000] The Khufu Cosmological Constant = [KhC] [KhC] = [1.95 / by Ancient Calendar Count Phi 1 .62] or [195 / 162]. [195 / by 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~]. The [703] replicates to infinity. Applying the Saturn [378] to the [KhC] creates a fantastic calculative value which creates magic of its own just like the Mayan Dresden Codex [702] does. Saturn synod [378] x [KhC] = [455], thus [455] is the studied astronomical constant. [455] is a Pascals triangle number attached to [364]. [455] / by [585] Venus synod = [0.77777777] or [7 / 9]. The Venus synod = [585] = [13 x 45] = [9 x 65] = [5 x 117 Mercury synod], [117] Mercury synod / by [455] = [1.8] / by [7], or that can be defined as: [117] Mercury synod / by [455] = [Ancient Sqrt 2 x Ancient Phi] / by [7] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [455] = Egyptian value [28800] / by [7].

[455] / by [780] Mars synod = [0 .58333333] = the fraction [7 / 12],

Now take Kemi [12960000] x [0 .5833333] = [7560000], notice the [756] in the value, and [756] / by [2] = [378] Saturn synod and [756] is the Giza pyramid base in feet. A GRAND FINALE: [455] / by [780] Mars synod = [0 .58333333] ----target value. Note: [aPi] or Ancient Pi = [3 .142857 142857 142857 ~] = [22 / 7] Extrapolation: [0 .5833333] x Saturn sidereal [10759] = [x], then take [x] and multiply by [aPi] = [y], then take [y] and divide by [54]= EXACTLY [365 .275], Almost EXACTLY The Earth Year of [365 .24], off by 50 minutes! So then Why divide by [54]? Because [54] is related to the Saturn synod. Saturn synod [378] / by Earth as the [7] dots in ancient iconography= [54], And sine of [54] degrees is [Phi / 2]!

Using Harmonic Pi Constant [1 .2] or [12],

and the value [0 .58333333] = [455] / by [780] Mars synod: Note: {10Pi / Phi sq} = [12] -----see next line. [12] x [0 .58333333~] = [7], as Earth in ancient Sumerian iconographies, often seen in stone stele and cylinder seals as the [7] dots. {Sitchin translation} An interesting extended extrapolation attempting to show unique harmonic cycle: [455] / by [816.5] Mars Jupiter synod =[0 .557256583] = tangent [29.1290257~] degrees. Now take the sine of [29.12902576~] degrees = [0 .486777967] [0 .486777967] x [40] = virtual EXACT tetrahedral [19. 47122]! Yes, the exact actual value is [0 .486777967] x [40] = [19 .47110]. Or: sine value derived of [0 .486777967] x 10Ancient Pi x Ancient SqrtPhi = 19 .47110

Khufu Constant and the two Ancient Square Root Two's

[1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] x [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~] = [2] exact with Pentad tetrahedral based Calendar Jupiter sidereal of [4333 .3333333~] days. Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by Jupiter [4333 .33333~] = [432] = [1 .2 x 360]. [4333 .333333~] Jupiter sidereal divided by Ancient Pi = [1378 .78787878~] = [x]<--then: [x] divided by Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] = [851 .1036284] = [y]<---then: [y] TIMES Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 12857 14 2857~] = [1203 .703 703 703~] [1203 .703 703 703~]= 1000 times Khufu constant or [4333 .333333~] Jupiter sidereal divided by Ancient Pi = [1378 .78787878~] = [x]<--then: [x] divided by TRUE Ancient Phi [1 .619834711] = [851 .1904756] = [y]<---then: [y] TIMES the alternate Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 14 14 14 ~] = [1203 .703 703~] [1203 .703 703~] = 1000 times Khufu constant Thus above there is evidenced that the Egyptian based Ancient Pi number system with those replicating decimals of the sevenths in the Primary Ancient Sqrt[2], is unified with the tetrahedral based Mars Pentad [13] Cosmic Calendar, and the Mayan Long Count mathematics by virtue of those calendar systems and the Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333-] working harmonically with the KhC. Likewise the Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] being an ancient 99 count system replicating decimal [0 .14 14 14 14 14~] and how that operates with the KhC in these equations to align harmonically into Mars Pentad tetrahedral style [4333 .33333~]Jupiter sidereal. The Khufu Consant = [195 / by 162], and with the tetrahedral style numerator of 195: Jupiter sidereal as [4333 .33333~] days / by [195] = [22 .2222222~] = [200 / 9], then: [22 .222222~] = 10[aPi] divided by Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 142857 142857~]. Then using the Khufu Constant denominator of Ancient Calendar Colunt Phi [162]: The Jupiter sidereal of [4333 .33333~] days times [162] = [702,000] [702,000] = Mayan Dresden Codex Astronomical Constant [702] x 1000. Saturn Synod [378] times Khufu Constant = [455], and so using:

[12] = 10uPi / by Phi squared

[12] x [455] = [5460] = 7 x [780] Mars synod, then that value [5460] times Ancient Pi = [17160] = 40 x Catalan number [429]. Catalan number 429 is related to Pascals triangle. [1716] is a Pascal triangle number. Then: [17160] = [22] x [780] Mars synod = [195] x [88] Mercury sidereal [5460] times Ancient Pi = [17160] [5460] / by [1 .27 27 27 27~ or Sqrt aPhi] = [4290] = ten times Catalan number [429] [5460] / by KhC = [4536], then divided by [12] squared = [3 .15] ----[3 .15] times 10[aPi] = [99], connecting right into that number system. The purpose is to show Harmonic Cycle using the Harmonic Constant [1.2] or [12].

The Khufu Constant uses the number value [195] as a basis of tetrahedral connectivity in ancient number count system mathematics. This value of [195] is used with Ancient Calendar Count Phi [162] = [3 x 6 x 9]. So the Khufu Constant = [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~]. The value [195] however is not exclusive to just this ancient Phi value of [162], and creates a constant as well with the value of [180], with [180] being the degrees in a half circle, and also one half the [360] day ancient Calendar Count year used by Sumerians, Egyptians, and also used by the Mayans as the Haab civic calendar. [180] = 150[uPi] / by Phi squared. [180] = 100 [Ancient Sqrt 2] times Ancient Sqrt Phi: [180] = 100 [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] times [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] Therefore another constant as well using [195] would be: [195] / by [180] = [1 .083333333~] = {Khufu Constant / by 1 .11111111~} [180] / by [195] = [0 .923076 923076 923076~] This value corresponds to the Calendar Count facet of the Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid. The predominant Pentad angles: [18 / by 19 .5] = [0 .923076 923076 923076~]. It should also be noted that [195] times the [360] day ancient calendar = [70200] Which is 100 times the Mayan Dresden Codex astronomical constant [702], thus: [195] / by [360] = [0 .54166666~] another constant value that cycles through the planetary timelines and Egyptian numerologies: [0 .54166666~] times Egypt Kemi base value [1296] = [702] Mayan Dresden Codex!

So this TARGET VALUE of [195] will be used to demonstrate that [uPi]

is a more qualitative and quantitatively better Pi value than Modern Pi. Constants used in extrapolation: Primary Ancient Square Root [2] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [aPi] = [3 .14 2857 14 2857 14 2857~] Modern Pi = [3 .141592654~] Universal Harmonic Pi = [3 .141640787] Target Equation: Pi squared times Sqrt[2] = [x], then [x] squared = [195] Using modern Pi: {Modern Pi squared} times modern Sqrt[2] = [x] then [x] squared = [194 .8181821]--- converges to [195], but not close enough. NOW using Modern Pi and Ancient Pi as Pi squared and Ancient Sqrt[2]: {Modern Pi times Ancient Pi}, then times Ancient Sqrt[2] = [x] then [x] squared = [194 .9949374]--- converges even closer to [195] Using Universal Harmonic Pi times Ancient Pi as Pi squared and Ancient Sqrt[2]: {Universal Harmonic Pi times Ancient Pi}, then times Ancient Sqrt[2] = [x], then [x] squared = [195 .000 9126]--- the closest convergence possible. The usage of Universal Harmonic Pi and Ancient Pi created ultimate convergence to 195.

Dynamics of Important Replicating Decimal Systems Other replicating decimal systems in Universal Harmonic Code
Ancient Pi is developed from the replicating decimals created by the sevenths, which have the replicating sequence: [0 .142857 142857 142857~] = [1 / 7]. Ancient Pi was a convergent form of true Pi, and part of an ancient Egyptian spiritual mathematical system that was expressed in Pyramid dimensions in conjunction with planetary timelines expressing their sacred geometries. Ancient Pi is ancient Earth civilization Pyramid Pi, and the usage of it in ancient cultural systems far predates the Egyptian histories. Other important replicating decimal systems exist and are functions of harmonic cycles. The number [13] is important in the Mayan Long Count and the Mayan Tzolkin, and is the basis of the Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid Cosmic [13] Planetary Calendar. The number [13] has TWO important replicating decimal sequences: [1 / 13] = [0 .076923 076923 076923~], and that replicating sequence will operate the same way as the Ancient Pi sevenths do in progressional mixed sequences: Using [10 / 13] = [0 .769230 769230 769230~], and [12 / 13] = [0 .923076 923076 923076~] = [180 / 195] = [18 / 19.5] Pentad angles. Thus [180 / 195] has the same replicating decimal in mixed order sequence. [1 / 13] = [0 .076923 076923 076923~] However: [2 / 13] = [0 .153846 153846 153846~] shows the second replicating decimal sequence which also performs the same mixed sequential decimal order of the sevenths: [5 / 13] = [0 .384615 384615 384615~]. The thirteenths alternate in groups of order with these two replicating sequences. The most important one is [9 / 13] = [0 .692307 692307 692307~] Because: [0 .692307 692307 692307~] times the Mayan Long Count [1872000] = [1296000] = Egypt Kemi / by 10. [0 .692307 692307 692307~] = [9 / 13], [0 .692307 692307 692307~] x [260] Tzolkin = [180] [0 .692307 692307 692307~] x Pascal triangle value [364] = Pascal number [252]. [0 .692307 692307 692307~] x [195] = [135] [9 / 13] = [0 .692307 692307 692307~] then times Khufu Constant = [0 .83333333~]. Khufu Constant = [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~] The math: [0 .692307 692307 692307~] times [1 .203 703 703 703~] = [0 .8333333~], And most exquisitely: [585] Venus synod / by [702] Dresden Codex astronomical constant = [0 .8333333~], [Phi squared / by uPi] = [0 .8333333~]. This progression of the thirteenths shows how these important replicating decimals are also part of Universal Harmonic Codes just as much as the Ancient Pi sevenths. The elevenths are the important replicating system and follow a simple expansion: [1 / 11] = [0 .09 09 09~], [2 / 11] = [0 .18 18 18~], [3 / 11] = [0 .27 27 27 27~] and on.

[9 x 54] = [486] = The modern western astronomical Venus sidereal day [243] x 2. [486] times [54] = [26244] = Ancient Calendar Count Phi [162] squared. Replicating decimal [9 / 13] = [0 .692307 692307~] and [13 / 9] = [1 .44444444~], Therefore: [1 .444444~] x [486] = [702] Mayan Dresden Codex astronomical constant. [486] x Mayan Long Count [1872000] = [x], then [x] / by Kemi [1296000] = [702]. [486] x KhC = [585] Venus synod, and [486] / by Mercury synod [117] = [54 / 13].

Ancient Pi and Harmonic Convergent Pi Values

Modern Pi = [3 .141592654~--- to infinity in random numbers]. Ancient Pi = [aPi] Ancient Pi = [3 .142857 142857 142857~ replicating decimal to infinity] = [22 / 7].

Ancient Pi times ancient Square Root Phi [1 .27272727272~]= [4] exact.

The replicating decimal sequence in Ancient Pi is one seventh = [1 / 7]. This is a key factor in a cosmological number count system application with Ancient Pi. Exploring the sevenths as exhibited in the Ancient Pi replicating decimal sequence, we note that each form of a seventh has a simple mix of the original integers. Sequence [0 .142857 142857 142857~]= [1 / 7], so [2 / 7] = [0 .285714 285714 285714~], and on through the sevenths. All the sevenths have the infinite replicating decimal sequences as such above. Note: Pascal triangle number [330] divided by Pascal Number [210] = [aPi / 2]. Thus to reveal an extremely convergent form of Pi: The closest Integer based Pi equation possible = [355 / by 113] = [3 .14159292]. It evolves from multiple of [113]. This Pi value [3 .14159292] variates from modern Pi by a total of [0 .0000000266]. This Pi value was found experimenting with Solfeggio [639], and a mixed sequence of the important Egyptian number [4320]. In this case, the mixed sequence is [2034]. Noticing that Solfeggio [639] divided by [2034]= virtually {Pi / 10} = [0 .314159292], I decided to ferret out the cycle with value [2034], and thus it is found that [355 / by 113] = Pi value [3 .14159292]. Noting the earlier equation of 10Pi / by Phi squared = [12], Also note that the important Egyptian number 288 = [24 x 12] or = [2 x 144] Thus: [288] / by [2034] = the decimal sequence [0 .14159292], the exact decimal sequence on the end of Pi value [3 .14159292]. No watch how [2034] works with this Pi value and the aforementioned [113] multiples: A common standard constant number in Egyptian math is [1296]. [1296] = [24 x 54] = [36] squared = [12 x 108]. Its quick multiples are [2 x 1296] = [2592], and [4 x 1296] = [5184] = [72]squared. The Kemi = [3600] squared = [12960000] So: Using this as a constant value in Egyptian math: [1296] / by [2034] = [0 .637168142], then [0 .637168142] times [113] = [72]. Mixed sequence numeric sets: [2034] is a polytope number in the Hypercube Tesseract polytope chart. [4032] is a polytope number in the Hypercube Tesseract polytope chart [2340] = [9 x 260 Tzolkin], and [234] = Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [3]. [3240] = [18 squared x 10] = [36 x 90] [3024] = [8 x 378 Saturn synod] = [21 x 144] = [364 / KhC] [4320] = [12 x 360] = [80 x 54] = [16 x 270] [4320] / by [486] = [8 .888888~] = [80 / 9],{see bottom of prior page for [486] analysis} [5184] / by [4860] = [16 / 15], and [4032 / 486] = [x], and [x] x 54 = polytope no. [448]

Values which have CONVERGANCE upon Pi AND Phi all have relevance, example: 120 times modern Pi = [376 .9911184] = [377] rounded. to be exact then: [377] = [120] times convergent Pi value [3 .141666666666~], such that in the original equation: Pi as [3 .14166666666~] divided by [1 .2] = [2 .618055555555~]. Looking at Pi as the above [3 .141666666~], Now use: Hypercube Tesseract total nets = [261], and the Khufu Constant which was found to be [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~] Hypercube [261] times the Khufu constant = [314 .16666666~] = 100 x that Pi value. Now, for another unique Pi value take modern Pi and multiply it by itself [17] times: On your hand calculator just enter Pi, then apply the Square function 4 times on the modern Pi value. The result will be: [90032220.84]. Then to get the 17th multiplication of Pi, just multiply that value by Pi once more, and you get: [282844563.6]------------ looks very close to Square Root 8 numbers. Then square that above result for: [8 .000104715] times 10 to the 16th power. So the target value is [8] x 10 to the 16th power, as the coincident value. So back tracking the math to see what exact Pi value correlates to, The value which perfectly creates [8] x 10 to the 16th power from the above process is: [3 .14159 14444444444444444~]. Another fantastic and important Harmonic Pi Convergance: Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9]. This is an amazing set of harmonic cycles wrapped up in a decimal sequence. The target value here is: 3 and 162 / 1144 = [3 .141608392] as convergent Pi. The decimal sequence of [162 / 1144] is studied below. The numerator [162] is defined as [3 x 6 x 9], and as Ancient Calendar Count Phi. The denominator: [1144] = Ancient Pi x [364] Exact, where [364 = 13 x 28 days] and [364] is a Pascal triangle number attached to [455]. An important coincident factor of [364] being attached to [455] in Pascals Triangle is that the Saturn synod [378] times Khufu Constant = [455], and [364] x [1 .25] = [455]. Note: Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] / by [1 .25] = [1 .296] which is a direct decimal variation of the Egyptian Kemi base number [1296]! [364] = [13 x 28] and that is the Earth Lunar Year interpreted as 13 full moons per year. [364] / by Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] = [224 .69] virtually exact Venus sidereal [224 .7]. [364] is the tetrahedral Mars Pentad mounds grid Cosmic 13 Calendar and Mayan Long Count value for the Earth Year in relation to other planets in those [13] based calendars. Denominator [1144] = [11 x 104], and that [104] value ties [1144] to the Tzolkin: [104 = 4 x 26], or [104] = [0.4 x Tzolkin 260], or [4 x 260] = [1040] [1144 / 260 Tzolkin] = [4 .4], and [44 = 4 x 11].

Solfeggio Frequency connections to a convergent Pi value:

In studying the major Solfeggio frequencies we found these wonderful relationships with 4 particular Solfeggio frequencies: Solfeggio [396] x [1 .3333333~] = Solfeggio [528], and note that [396] = [4 x 99] Solfeggio [639] x [1 .3333333~] = Solfeggio [852] These are the only Solfeggio frequencies that perform in this particular equation from the Perfect Circle of Sound created by Leonard Horowitz, or in the suggested 18 Solfeggio frequencies often seen in other publications. The Khafre pyramid at Giza has a Side Face angle of just over [53] degrees. That pyramid has been determined by many investigators as having the geometry of the [3-4-5] triangle that has a baseline of 3 and height of 4, thus giving the arctangent [1 .3333333~] = [53 .13~] degrees. The beauty of this Solfeggio connection to a convergent Pi value is that it uses the famous tetrahedral angle value of [19 .47122061] of which I have proven in other publications is not just an angle value, but the number value itself is a Constant. That angle [19 .47122061] has a sine of [0 .3333333333~] and in a later pyramid diagram in this document you will see the base line of the Great Giza Pyramid as [756] feet = 2 x [378] Saturn synod. In that diagram is the fact that Saturn synod [378] times Ancient Pi = [1188] exact. Solfeggio [396] / by [1188] = [0 .3333333~] = sine of tetrahedral [19 .47122061] The cosine of [19 .47122061] = the square root of [8 /9] or sqrt [0 .88888888~]. Cosine [19 .47122061] times [162] = Sqrt [23328] , and [23328] = [18sq. x 72] Cosine [19 .47122061] times [1296] = Sqrt [1492992], and [1492992] = [5184 x 288] and since [1296 x 4] = [5184], Cosine [19 .47122061] times [5184] = Sqrt [5971968], and [5971968] = [16 x 72 x 72 x 72], and 72 squared = 5184. PS, your calculator will show a tiny discrepancy due to hand calculator inabilities to multiply in these equations by [0 .88888888888~] to infinity. Calculators will show [0 .88888888~] times [1296] = 1151 .9999999~ = 1152 =16 x 72. The point of all the above is to define how the tetrahedral angle 19 .47122061 works, and how that will create a Pi convergance formula with Solfeggio numerologies: Solfeggio [396] x [1 .3333333~] = Solfeggio [528] Solfeggio [639] x [1 .3333333~] = Solfeggio [852] Solfeggio [852] / by Solfeggio [528] = [x], then [x] times [19 .47122061] = Pi / 10. Solfeggio [639] / by Solfeggio [396] = [x], then [x] times [19 .47122061] = Pi / 10. In these cases the Pi value converges to [3 .141946962], with a difference of: [0 .000354~] off of modern Pi.

One might say that this is an oddball target value of convergence but, watch how Harmonic Convergances happen in these above calculations: [852] / by [528] = [1 .61 36 36 36 36 36~] ------replicating 99 count system decimal. Seeing the replicating decimal, I know to apply Ancient Square Root Phi to this number as a matter of protocol. Thus: [1 .61 36 36 36 36 36~] divided by [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [1 .267 857142 857142 857142~] and now we are in the Ancient Pi sevenths replicating decimal system. Note: this value is [1.26] plus the important sequence:[0 .007 857142 857142 857142~]. Now look at the two values in the above line: [1 .26] x 100 = [126], and then 126 times 3 = [378] Saturn synod. The replicating decimal sequence: [0 .007 857142 857142 857142 857142~] when inversed, equals 100 Ancient Square Root Phi = [127 .27 27 27 27 27~]! Now to continue on this path: [852] / by [528] = [1 .61 36 36 36 36 36~] Thus:[1 .61 36 36 36 36 36~] divided by [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [1 .26 7857142 857142 857142~]. Thus take this resultant replicating sevenths value: [1 .26 7857142 857142 857142~] and multiply by [7] = [8 .875] Now looking at the result of [8 .875] as [8875] in decimal variation connectivities: [8875] divided by [25] = [355], and if you look back earlier in the document that value [355] is the numerator in the convergent Pi equation [355 / 113] = [3 .14159292]. This lengthy process with the Solfeggio Pi convergence reveals that these convergences will even harmonicize with other Pi convergent number values which are present. REMEMBER: hand calculators do not fully extend multiplications properly, And you have to recognize the CORRECT value! Example from above: [1 .26 7857142 857142 857142~] and multiply by [7] = [8 .875], but on my TI hand calculator you will get this: [1 .26 7857142 857142 857142~] and multiply by [7] = [8 .87499995] To adjust hand calculator incapacity to fully multiply or divide replicating decimals you have to know where to round the last digit in the sequence: [1 .26 7857142 857142 857142~]--- [1 .26 785714 3]. The same thing happens with Ancient Pi = [22 /7], with the calculator rounding to [3 .14285714 3] when it is actually [3 .142857 142857~]. SIDE NOTE on the Mayan [260] Tzolkin Spiritual Calendar: Square Root [aPhi] = [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~], using the numerator of [14]: [260] Tzolkin / by [14] = [x] = [18 .571428 571428 571428~], then [x] times [378] Saturn synod = [7020] = Ten times Mayan Dresden Codex [702].

Convergent Pi with the Khufu Constant and the Saturn synod

Ancient Pi = [aPi] = [22 / 7], Khufu constant = [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~], [195] connects ancient Egyptian number count systems to Mayan Long Count when aligned in a ratio with the Calendar Count Ancient Phi [162]. MLC [1872000] / by KhC = [1555200] = [300 x 5184] = [300 x 72sq.] = [1200 x 1296] [aPi] / by the Khufu Constant = [2.610989011] [2.610989011] x [378] Saturn synod = [986 .9538462], and now take the Square Root of [986 .9538462] to = [10 Pi] as a convergence value. The math: Square root [986 .9538462] =[31.4 1582 1582 1582 1582~] / by 10 = [3.14 1582 1582~] Modern Pi =[3 .141592654~], which also has this extremely convergent form: [3 .14 1582 1582 1582 1582~]= the Khufu Constant Saturn synod Ancient Pi value. Due to calculator inefficiencies the decimal sequence appears to be replicating. In other words when you divide [195] by [162] on the calculator, it = [1 .203 703 704]. But without doubt that value is a replicating sequence as [1 .203 703 703 703 703~], and the calculator rounds the last digit. The replicating sequence [0 .203 703 703 703~] is actually [11 / 54]. The replicating sequence [0 .703 703 703 703~] = [19 / 27] The same happens with Ancient Pi, the calculator result for [22 / 7] = [3 .142857143] when we know that it is [3 .142857 142857 142857~ to infinity] This all conveys that there are constant cycling features to ancient number count sytems, and there is Harmonic Convergence in all number system cycles that are extremely valid. In music this kind of cycling that converges could be called Harmonic Conchordances.

Harmonic Convergence of Universal Pi, with uPi / by Phi squared = [1 .2] as a universal constant,
unifies and aligns Ancient Pi and ancient count systems into modern mathematics and makes those equations conform and align to universal harmonic codes and cycles. One of the most important aspects of the replicating decimals of the sevenths as exhibited in Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] is that they replicate themselves in new order of arrangement when multiplied. Using the above Harmonic Pi equation with standard modern Pi rather than uPi, the result is in that Harmonic Pi equation is [1 .199981615] and not exactly [1 .2], and if you use that result of [1 .199981615] times Ancient Pi, you will not get a replicating decimal sequence. BUT! If you use the Harmonic Universal Pi value and the resultant [1 .2] Constant, whenever you multiply [1 .2] times any replicating seventh or notably Ancient Pi, you will result in the sevenths or Ancient Pi decimal replicating system [1 .2] x [aPi] = [3 .77 142857 142857 142857], then / by Ancient Sqrt[2] = [2 .66666~]. Or vice versa: [aPi] / by [1 .2] = [2 .619047 169047 169047 169047~], and that then is in the ancient 99 replicating decimal number count system!

This diagram is from the Ancient Pi and Solfeggio Synchronicities pdf. This shows the graph of Ancient Pi multiples which show the realignments of the replicating decimal sequences. Most important as well is the equation in the diagram center above:

[14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 27 27~] = Sqrt [aPhi] = [4 / aPi]

This means that [aPi / 4] = inverse Sqrt [aPhi] = [0 .7857 142857 142857 142857~].

Also: [aPi] / by Primary Ancient Sqrt [2] = [2 .2222222222~], Then: [2 .22222222~] x Calendar Count Ancient Phi [1 .62] = [3 .6] exact Or: [2 .22222222~] x Calendar Count Ancient Phi [162] = [360] exact. Thus: [aPi / by Primary Ancient Sqrt 2], then times [162] = [360] This begins to show important relationships mathematically that can use the Sqrt. of Ancient Phi, Ancient Pi, and Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] together. Conversion equation: [4 / by Square Root Ancient Phi] = [aPi]. Equation 1: [aPi] divided by Ancient Sqrt[2] = [20 / 9] = [2 .2222222~], Equation 2: [4 / by Sqrt Ancient Phi], then / by Ancient Sqrt[2] = [2 .2222222~]. Modern Sqrt [2] times [2 .22222222~] = [3 .142696805] = [4 / Sqrt 1.62], which is: Modern Sqrt [2] x [20 / 9]= [3 .142696805]= 4 / by Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt Phi. This value of [3 .14269805] is now another form of Convergent Pi harmonics. Therefore unifying Modern and Ancient Sqrt[2], with Ancient Pi, and Ancient Calendar Count Phi: Modern Sqrt [2] times: [aPi] divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] = [x], Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt [1 .62] = [4] . Modern Sqrt[2] times: [aPi / 2] divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] =[x] Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt [1. 62] = [2] . Modern Sqrt[2] times: [aPi /4] divided by Ancient Sqrt[2] =[x] Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt[1.62] = [1] . Sqrt [3] creates a new set of harmonic progressions: Modern Sqrt [3] times: [aPi / 4] divided by Ancient Sqrt[2] =[x] Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt[1.62] = Sqrt [1.5]. Modern Sqrt[3] times [aPi / 2] divided by Ancient Sqrt[2] =[x] Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt[1.62] = Sqrt [6]. Modern Sqrt[3] times [aPi] divided by Ancient Sqrt[2] =[x] Then, [x] times Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt[1.62] = Sqrt [24]. Ancient Calendar [360] count aligned with ancient constants in this progression: Inverse of [1 .8] = [0 .55555555~] = [5 / 9], thus decimal [0 .55555555~] equals: [Ancient Pi / 8] times Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = inverse [1 .8] = [0 .555555~] Thus: Ancient Sqrt Phi times Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .8] [1 .8] x [200] = [360] = [300uPi / by Phi sq.], [aPi / by Ancient Sqrt 2] times [162] = [360] = 200Ancient Sqrt Phi x Ancient Sqrt[2] Note that the above value [162] is Ancient Calendar Count Phi [3 x 6 x 9]. Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 142857 142857~], Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2]=[1 .4 14 14 14~]

The ancient and modern number count systems are significantly unified with the infinite decimal sequences of the number [9], showing unique harmonic cycles in decimal sequence studies. Often modern mathematics education teaches students to not recognize unique decimal sequences. A case in point is that few recognize that the cosine of tetrahedral [19.47122061~] = [0.942809042] on the calculator, but it is actually more important as Sqrt[0 .8888888~] = Sqrt [8 / 9]. [1 / 9] = [0 .11111111~] = [0 .33333333~] squared

[10 / 9] = [1. 11111111~] = [aPi / 2 divided by Ancient Sqrt 2], the math:
[10 / 9] = [1. 11111111~] = [1 .571428 571428 571428~ ] / by [1 .4 142857 142857~] [20 /9] = [2 .22222222~] = [aPi] divided by [Ancient Sqrt 2]. [30 /9] = [3 .33333333~] = 1.5[aPi] divided by [Ancient Sqrt 2]. [40 /9] = [4 .44444444~]= 2[aPi] divided by [Ancient Sqrt 2]. [50 /9] = [5 .55555555~] = 2.5[aPi] divided by [Ancient Sqrt 2]. Displaying a harmonic universal codes cycle equation that creates Egyptian multiples: [x] multiples of [aPi], each divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] = multiples of the ninths [x] in the next two equations is thus [0.5] and [2 .5]: 0.5 times [aPi], then divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] = [1 .111111111~] 2.5 times [aPi], then divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] = [5 .555555555~] such that any multiple of any form of a ninth can be multiplied by Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt[Phi] = Sqrt [1 .62] ----{target conversion factor} to form a succession of Harmonic Cycles. The initial equation 5 lines up: 0.5 times [aPi], then divided by Ancient Sqrt [2] = [1 .111111111~], therefore: [10 / 9] = [1 .1111111~] times Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [2] [20 / 9] = [2 .222222222~] x Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [8] [30 / 9] = [3 .333333333~] x Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [18] [40 / 9] = [4 .444444444~] x Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [32] [50 / 9] = [5 .555555555~] x Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [50] [60 / 9] = [6 .666666666~] x Sqrt [1 .62] = modern square root [72],& [72] sq.= [5184] The harmonic cycle seen in vertical order above, thus creates in cycle: Sqrt[2], sqrt[8], sqrt[18], sqrt[32], sqrt[50], sqrt[72], sqrt[128], Sqrt [162] -----! Sqrt [162] thus = Sqrt [3 x 6 x 9], or Sqrt [1 .62] / by [9] = modern Sqrt[2] / by [10]. [162] = [12 .72 72 72 72 72~] x [12 .7 285714 285714 285714~] The above value [12 .72 72 72 72 72~] = 10 x Ancient Sqrt Phi ! Now amazingly if you take the above cycle like this: The square root value in vertical order shown in cycle above, THEN times: the NEXT value in order, WITHOUT the square root, thus = [x]. Then the value [x] squared= Egyptian numbers divisible by [16], [24], [54] or [1296]. Sqrt [8] times [18] = [x], then [x] squared = [2592] = [5184 / 2] = [16 x 162], Sqrt [32] times [72] = [x], then [x] squared = [25920] = [12 x 360], Sqrt [128] times [162] = [x], then [x] squared = [3359232] = [648 x 5184] = [1296 x 2592] = [72 x 72 x 648] [9] sq. = [81], inverse [81] = [0 .012345679 012345679 ~] = [0 .11111111~] squared.

Weaving together the Ancient Constants in Calendar Count Systems:

Ancient Sqrt Phi = [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [4 / by Ancient Pi] Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt. Phi = Sqrt [1 .62] = [1 .27 27 92206~]. Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9] Thus:

Square Root [162]= [12 .7 27 27 27 27 ~] times [12 .7 285714 285714~],

showing the replicating decimals in consistent ancient number count system strategy, where the above value [12 .7 27 27 27 27~] = Ten times Ancient Square Root Phi. The value also used of [12 .7 285714 285714] is an Ancient Pi style replicating decimal. These ancient Constants used in the Sumerian and Egyptian spiritual mathematics also work together just like the two Ancient Square Root Two values do: The primary Ancient Square Root Two value follows the replicating decimals of the sevenths in Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~], Thus: Primary Ancient Square Root [2] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = [99 / 70]. The Secondary Ancient Square Root Two value was found in extrapolated pyramid drawings using Great Giza dimensions, and equals [840 / by 594] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~], where [594] = Saturn synod [378] times [aPi / 2]. Secondary Ancient Square Root Two = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] And that is in the 99 ancient count replicating decimal system as [1 .4] plus [14 / 99]. Thus the equation [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] times [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [2] Exact. such that: Sqrt [162] = 100 x [Sqrt. Calendar Count Phi] Sqrt. [162]= [12 .7 285714 285714~] times [12 .7 27 27 27 27 ~]. [12 .7 285714 285714~] / by [1 .4 142857 142857 ~] = [9] [12 .7 27 27 27 27~] / by [1.4 14 14 14 14 14 ~] = [9]

Mayan Long Count [1872000], and Egyptian Kemi = 3600 squared

The original Universal Harmonic Pi equation is now integrated into the ancient calendar and number count systems with the equation:

[12] =10 Pi divided by Phi Squared

[12] x Ancient Pi = [x], then take [x] as: [x] divided by Ancient Square Root Two = [26 .666666~] Achieving this value of [26 .666666~] one can work that into both the Mayan and Egyptian number count systems in perfect Harmonic Cycle: MLC [1872000] divided by [26 .666666~] = [70200] = 100 times Dresden Codex [702] Kemi [12960000] divided by [26 .666666~] = [486,000] = [54 x 9000] Now using the two values achieved above in the two ancient count systems equations: [70200]= / by [486,000] = [x], then take [x] as: [x] divided by [12] = [y] = [0 .01 203 703 703 703~], = {KhC / by 100}OR: [x] / by [10uPi / by Phi sq] =[y]= [0 .01 203 703 703 703~] = Khufu Constant / 100! Note: [70200] divided by [486000]= [x] = [0 .14444444~] And with that replicating decimal sequence of [14444444~] in mind: Tzolkin [260] / by [1 .4444444~] =[180]= {Ancient Sqrt Phi x Ancient Sqrt2} x 100.

The above diagram takes the Great Giza pyramid and loosely reconstructs the geometry to reveal the secondary Ancient Square Root Two: [840 / 594] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~]. Fantastic harmonic cycle convergences include the connection with Mars [687] sidereal and the tetrahedral [19 .47122061] numeric value. [687] / by [19 .47122061] = [x], then Sqrt of [x] = [5 .94] as a harmonic convergence decimal variant of the base length [594] {Pi / Phi sq} = [1 .2], then [1 .2] / by [1 .4 14 14 14 ~] = [x], and then [x] x [7] = [5 .94] The exact Khufu Pyramid height is [481 .09 09 09 09~] feet, and [481] in the diagram itself is shown as a planetary cycle value, and [481] = [13 x 37]. In the diagram upper right is shown an application of the exact height times [aPi], [481 .09 09 09 09~] x [aPi] = [1512], then: [1512] times Khufu Constant [1 .203 703 703~] = [1820] = [5 x 364] = [7 x 260 Tz]. [1820] is a Pascal triangle number, the number [364] is a Pascal triangle number, and [364] = [13 x 28], correlating a lunar year of 13 full moons per year Kemi[1296000] / by [1512] = [60,000 / by 7]. Other interesting notes: Tzolkin [260] divided by [11] = [23 .63 63 63 63 63~] = [x], then [x] times [aPi] = [520 / 7], where the numerator [520] = 2 x [260] Tzolkin. Or: [x] / by Sqrt [aPhi] or [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [130 / 7] = [y], then [y] times Saturn synod [378]= [7020] = ten times Mayan Dresden Codex [702]. Mercury sidereal [88] / by [aPi] = [28] exact, thus using modern Phi and uPi: Mercury sidereal [88] / by [aPi] = 20 x equation:{Phi x [e], then divided by uPi} Because {Phi x [e], then divided by uPi} = [1 .4], and [260] Tzolkin x [1 .4] = [364].

A spectacular Convergent Pi Value from tangent [51] degrees.

In studying the architecture in the Philadelphia Grand Masonic Lodge and the fantastic doorway arches in the Norman Hall, one can witness two vertically aligned doorway arches studded with processions of pyramids and pyramidal forms which provided a possible clue from a Sumerian cylinder seal as an ancient mathematical connection to the Masonic doorway architecture. The ancient Sumerian cylinder seal has a [16] pointed star, and an arch with [17] distinct nodal points, also to include the common iconographical symbol of Earth as the [7] dots. This iconography of the [7] dots seen so often in ancient Sumerian and other cultural artifacts is a symbol as well of the ancient number count system of ancient Pi and the sevenths replicating decimals. The two archways in the Norman Hall room themselves, one above the other have: Upper arch [21] total pyramids surrounding a [16] pointed star, and the lower arch has [17] total pyramidal forms surrounding a [6] pointed star. The lower Masonic arch thus has extreme coincidence to the Sumerian cylinder seals [17] pointed archway, to accomodate the evidence of the [16] pointed star in the Masonic architecture and the ancient cylinder seal as well. Upper arch [21] over lower arch [17]---- [21] / by [17] = tangent [51] degrees.

Convergent Pi and Phi equations in Masonic Architecture:

Tangent [51] times modern Sqrt Phi = [Pi / 2] Tangent [51] times modern Sqrt Phi = [1 .570813448], then x [2] = [3 .141626897]. [3 .142626897] is a form of Pi intended to be represented as Pi in the architecture. Next: Tangent [51] degrees times the square root of inverse Phi = [x], Then [x], divided by [Pi] = COSINE of [72] degrees which is the interior pentagonal angle, thus it has to be related to MODERN Phi! The math: Sqrt of inverse modern Phi = Sqrt[1 / Phi] = [0 .786151377] Tangent [51] x [0 .786151377] = [x], then [x] / by Pi = COSINE [72] degrees. Cosine [72] x Phi squared = [Phi / 2] = sine of [54] degrees, another pentagon angle. TWO / by Tangent [51] = [x], Then take the Sqrt of [x] to = tangent of [51 .840~] degrees = [1 .272622515], which is close enough to the Khufu pyramid tangent [1 .27272727~] = Sqrt [aPhi], which clearly shows not only intent of mathematic design, but unique convergence. Though close it is not perfect; The number itself of [51] squared = [2601] = almost exactly [260] Tzolkin x [10]. The upper arch [16] pointed Star, divided by lower arch [6] pointed Star = [2 .6666666~ ] and this value is a home run. MLC [1872000] / by [2.6666666~] =[702000]= 1000 times Dresden Codex [702] Kemi [12960000] / by [2 .666666~] = [4,860,000] = 54 x 90,000 Sqrt [2 .666666~] is a fundamental length component in The Mars Pentad landforms.

Above are the two arches in the Norman Hall Room of the Grand Masonic lodge in Philadelphia. The pyramids of the top arch and pyramidal forms of the lower arch are clearly counted and defined with a specified number count system template. The upper arch top value is [11], the Lower arch top value is [9], thus [9 x 11] = [99], and there is the ancient [99] count system. Be sure to read my Masonic Codes pdf in full, to understand how the template works. Also above is the French cathedral window that was known to have Masonic Mathematical influence. Notice that it is a [16] pointed star as a huge window. Bottom right is the Sumerian cylinder seal, with the Earth [7] dots on the far left, adjacent to the [16] pointed star, and between the Fish Gods is the arch with [17] distinct nodal points identical numerically to the lower Masonic arch

Ancient Pi and Solfeggio [528] in Grand Masonic Lodge Architecture

A close up of the upper arch reveals the [16] pointed star surrounded by [21] pyramids. Note that the [16] pointed star has distinctly only [56] total points. Aligned perfectly vertically in the image archway display of architectural coding, are the numbers [16], and [56], and [11], Thus it is NO coincidence that:

[16] / by [56] = [0 .285714 285714 285714], then [0 .285714 285714 285714] times [11] = exactly, yes, exactly Ancient Pi!
The upper arch has [21] pyramids times the [16] pointed star = [336], and [336] times [aPi / 2] = Solfeggio [528].

The upper arch has [21] pyramids times the [16] pointed star = [336], and [336] times [aPi / 2] = Solfeggio [528]. Note the number [336], as that is an E8 physics value. See Masonic code pdf. Last but not least I decided from all this evidence from above few pages to create a Solfeggio [528] pyramid, in which the number [528] is used to gain the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid slope. The reason for this is that Solfeggio 528 as a number value is the most comprehensively connected Solfeggio numeric value that integrates into the ancient Giza geometries. Note in the pyramid that height [672] = [2 x 336] and [672] is a hepteract polytope value from the hypercube polytope chart, {see Hypercube Tesseract 261 pdf}. Thus height [672] divided by base line [528] = [1 .27 27 27 2727~] = ancient sqrt Phi.

This next diagram is from the Masonic Codes pdf as well,

And shows how various possibilities are utilized to attain the [72] degree angle using tangent [51]as a pyramid base line length. From the Masonic Architectural Codes equation: Sqrt of the inverse of modern Phi = Sqrt[1 / Phi] = [0 .786151377]. Tangent [51] x [0 .786151377] = [x], then [x] / by Pi = COSINE [72] degrees. Cosine [72] x modern Phi squared= [Phi / 2] = sine of [54] degrees, another pentagon angle.

The top left pyramid is amazing. The bottom left pyramid is applying ancient Calendar Count Phi [1.62] with the ninths.

Calendar Count Ancient Phi, Mars Sidereal and Pi Convergence

In peer reviewed science mathematics documents it was found that within the Mayan Dresden Codex was found to have the astronomical constant [702]. This value was related to Mars sidereal counts related to the Mayan Tzolkin: 13 x 20 = [260] Tzolkin 13 x 60 = [780] synod = 3 x [260] Tzolkin 13 x 54 = [702] Mayan Dresden Codex = [26 x 27] = [19.5 x 36] [702] / by [780] Mars synod = [0.9]. [0 .9] as symbolized by the Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [780] Mars synod, is also the exact tangent of the Khufu Great Giza Pyramid Side Angles [not side face], when using Ancient Calendar Count Phi Sqrt[1 .62] = [1 .27 27 92206] as slope tangent of the Side Faces, which is accomplished normally when using the Square Root of Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~], or even modern Sqrt Phi. In studies of eighth century Mayan Dresden Codex, records show a distinct period in which the Mars sidereal stretched to an average [707] day sidereal. Noting this, I immediately connected that average value to a sacred geometry connection by pointing out in the first Mars Pentad Time Pyramids document of mine that this [707] day Mars sidereal average found was numerically identical to: the sines and cosines of [45] degrees [0 .707 106781] in decimal variation, and one of the tetrahedral tangents of the {1 by Sqrt2} with hypotenuse Sqrt [3] triangle. Uniquely I found that if Mars has evidence of a stretched or lengthened orbit as in this [707] day sidereal, that Earth may have this same anomalous orbital period stretch at the same time. By maintaining the Mars synod as [780] exactly during this anomaly as would have had to be witnessed on Earth as an astronomical consistency in ancient times, {or by using synod formulas} it was evidenced: that if Earth had an exact [53] week period of [53] x [7] days = [371] for the sidereal, and Mars was experiencing a [707] day sidereal, the Mars synod of [780] days would be maintained perfectly, thus on Earth that observation would have remained constant for those keeping track back then. In the first Mars Pentad Time Pyramids pdf, the Venus synod is [225] days. This is an accepted round value in any ancient astronomical account. Taking the Mars [707] sidereal / by [225] Venus = [3 .142222222222~] This Pi convergence value is [3 .14] and [20 / 9000], with [0 .2222222~] = [2 / 9]. Using the Harmonic Pi formula: [3 .1422222~] / by [1 .2] = {2 .6 185 185 185~}. Thus a convergent Phi sq. = [2 .6] plus [1 / 54] as the replicating decimal sequence. 0r this also equals [2 .6] and the same decimal sequence defined as [22] / by [1188], where [1188] = [12 x 99] = [22 x 54], and importantly = [aPi] x [378] Saturn synod. Even more amazing is to go to the attribution of the [707] day Mars sidereal anomaly and the sines and cosines of [45] degrees as [0 .7071067812] like this: [707 .1067812] Mars anomalous sidereal, divided by [225] Venus sidereal = [3 .142696805] as a convergent Pi value. [3 .142696805]=EXACTLY [4] / by Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt Phi as Sqrt[1 .62]! Using the Harmonic Pi equation with the above Pi value, Phi would be [1 .618305906~].

Conclusion for Pi Convergence with Harmonic Ancient Pi and secondary Ancient Square Root Two = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~], displaying Universal Harmonic Code with Ancient Constants
With the process for Ancient Square Root Two in the ancient number count systems we also found that the same process worked for Square Root [8]. [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] times 2 = [2 .8 28 28 28 28~], then x [2 .8 285714 285714~] = [8]. Therefore [800] can be expressed as = [28 .28 28 28 28~] x [28 .285714 285714~]. Using the ancient harmonic code values that achieve [800]: [28 .285714 285714 ~] / by [9] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] = Ancient Pi. [28 .28 28 28 28 28~] / by [9] = [3 .142536476~] = Harmonic Ancient Pi. Therefore Ancient Pi times Harmonic Ancient Pi = [9 .8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1] -------! The inverse of the Convergent Harmonic Ancient Pi is a replicating sevenths decimal: [0 .3182 142857 142857 142857~]. Ancient Pi [22 / 7] and Harmonic Ancient Pi connects Ancient Phi [1 .619834711~] and the Ancient Calendar Count Phi value of [1 .62] like this: Ancient Pi x Ancient Phi = [5 .09 09 09 09 09~], then: [5 .09 09 09 09 09~] / by Convergent Ancient Pi =[1 .62]= Calendar Count Phi Thus to test the Harmonic Ancient Pi value, take the Egyptian base Kemi value [1296]: [1296] x [3 .14 2536476~] = [x], then: [x] divided by [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [2880] = [240 x 12] = 240 x { uPi / by [Phi sq.] }. Therefore: Convergent Ancient Pi [3 .14 2536476~] divided by [1 .4 14 14 14 ~] =[20 / 9]= [2 .222222~] = {aPi / by 1 .4 142857 142857~}

[12] = 10 uPi / by Phi squared,

[12] times Convergent Ancient Pi [3 .14 2536476] = [x], Then: [x] divided by secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] or [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [26 .6666666~]. Comparing from the above when using Convergent Harmonic Ancient Pi: [12] times True Ancient Pi = [x], and [x] divided by primary Ancient Sqrt[2] or [1 .4 142857 142857~] = [26 .666666~]. To make the full Harmonic Cycle: [1 .2] = {Pi / by Phi sq.}, note this when [1.2] is used: [1 .2] times primary Ancient Sqrt[2] or [1 .4 142857 142857~] = [x], Then: [2 .66666666~] divided by [x] = Convergent Ancient Pi / by 2, Then: {Harmonic Ancient Pi / by 2} x [1 .8] = [2 .8 28 28 28 28 ~]= [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] x 2. Note that the above: [1 .8] = Ancient Sqrt. Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] times: primary Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~]! [1 .2] x secondary Ancient Sqrt [2] = [x], or: [1 .2] x [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [x], then [2 .666666~] divided by [x] = {Ancient Pi / 2}. Thus ends this section of the text identifying a variety of Convergent Pi Harmonics which in confluence with the ancient number count systems and the Universal Harmonic Pi Constant [1 .2], clearly show that modern Pi has a distinct superior counterpart in Universal Harmonic Pi, and good company with convergent Pi. Modern Pi has Quantum Flux, or numeric count system Convergence Fluidity.

Ancient Phi, Ancient Square Root Phi, Ancient Calendar Count Phi Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9]. Ancient Phi =[14 / 11] squared= [1 .27 27 27 27~ sq.] = [1 .61934711~to infinity].
Ancient Square Root Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 ~] = [126 / by 99], and this value reveals the ancient [99] number count system, with the above value [126] as: [126 x 3] = [378] Saturn synod, with [378] being exactly half of the Great Giza pyramid base of [756] feet. This ancient 99 count number system creates the infinite decimals for any two digit number: [36 / 99] = [0 .36 36 36 36 36 36 36~], [63 / 99] = [0 .63 63 63 63 63 63 63~] [14 / 99] = [0 .14 14 14 14 14 14 14~] Thus the connection created between the ancient [99] number count system of replicating decimals and the replicating decimal system of the sevenths which is found in ancient Pi = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] = [aPi] is Ancient Square Root Two: [99 / 70] = [1 .414 2856714 285714 285714~] AND that has an ancient square root two counterpart in the 99 number system, Thus: [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] times [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14 14~] = [2] EXACT. [2 .8 285714 285714 285714~] times [2 .8 28 28 28 28 28 28~] = [8] exact, [2 .8 285714 285714 285714~] = [0 .9] times [aPi]. [2 .8 28 28 28 28 28 28~] times [9] = [25 .45 45 45 45~] = Square Root [aPhi] x 20. This ancient square root two exercise is important because these values work directly with the Square Root of Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27 27 ~] = [14 / by 11]: [14 / by 11]= arctangent for the pyramid slope with an angle of [51 .84 277~] degrees. The obvious Intended Coincident value is thus [72] squared =[5184] = 1296 x [4]. [72] squared = [5184] = 1296 x {Ancient Pi x Ancient Sqrt Phi} [72] = [6 x 12] = {60uPi / by Phi sq.}, and this equation can thus substitute for [72], Thus using the target value [72] = {60uPi / by Phi sq.},

[72] / by Ancient Phi [1 .619834711] = [x], then, [x] divided by Ancient Square Root Two = exactly [10] times Ancient Pi.
The math: [72] / by [1 .619843711] = [44 .44897958], then: [44 .44897958] / by [1.4 142857 142857 ~] = [31 .428571 428571 428571~] = 10[aPi]. Also: [72] / by Ancient Square Root Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [x] then: [x] divided by Ancient Square Root Two [1.4 142857 142857~] = [40] exact.

Ancient Pi squared, then times Ancient Phi = [16] Exact.

The math: [22 / 7] squared, then times [1 .619834711] = [16]. Note the connection now with ancient Pi and ancient Phi through the value [16]: The Egyptian Kemi is a [360] based number, [36] squared = [1296]: The Egyptian Kemi = [3600] squared = [1296000]. The Kemi [12960000] divided by [16 squared] = [x] Then, [x] divided by tetrahedral value [19 .47122061] = [2600] = 10 times Tzolkin [260]! ------- Target value is thus [2600] = 10 times the Tzolkin [260]. The Tzolkin spiritual calendar [260] = [13] x [20], and this creates the [13] Cosmic Calendar for the first 6 planets, which is a tetrahedral based calendar revealed by the Mars Pentad landforms tetrahedral grid composed of two modern Square Root Two rectangles. {see preface table for Mars pentad [13] Cosmic calendar} examples: [780] Mars synod = [13 x 60], and [585] Venus synod = [13 x 45]. Now looking at the above value calculated of [2600], and noting that the Saturn synod [378] x 2 = Khufu Pyramid base length [756], a direct correlation is found now between the ancient and modern Pi values: with the Saturn sidereal of [10759] days, then divided by [13] =[x] Then: [x] times modern Pi = [2600], and so that Saturn sidereal equation equals the original equation result: The Kemi [12960000] divided by [16 squared] = [x] Then, [x] divided by tetrahedral value [19 .47122061] = [2600], where [16] in that original equation = [aPi squared] times [aPhi]. Yes there are very miniscule slight factors of error, and the two exact values achieved are: First equation: [2599 .991085], and second equation: [2600.030412]. Nonetheless: Both equations together have extreme Convergence Harmonics. Modern astronomy will also tell you that the Saturn synod is [378 .09]. That is an average created by a formula that uses averages. The ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs ALL used [378] for the Saturn synod. [378] aligns the number count systems: [378] = [6 x 7 x 9]. Likewise with the Saturn sidereal: Modern astronomy will tell you that the Saturn sidereal is [10759 .2] days. Ancient cultures would have used even count numbers for Saturn like [10759]. The difference is 5 hours in 11000 days. Either value has harmonic convergence.

The Egyptians thus were aware of the tetrahedral value [19 .47122061], as was used in the initial equation prior page with the value of [16] squared, but in their number systems this tetrahedral value of [19 .47122061] would have been looked at as [19 .5]---- [195]. Thus Ancient Calendar Count Phi or [1 .62], creates the Khufu Constant = [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~] = KhC. This will be reviewed shortly.

Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9].

Ancient Phi and the square root of Ancient Phi are developed from the dimensions of the recently discovered Saqqara pyramid: 14 meters high by a 22 meter square base. These dimensions are the exact geometry of the Great Giza pyramid. Thus the Side Face Slope = [14 / 11] = [1 .2727272727272~] = Ancient square root Phi. This achieved a pyramid side face slope of [51 .84 277~] degrees. Thus it was also seen that [72] squared = [5184]. [5184] divided by [1.62] = [3200] = MLC [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod. The Egyptian Kemi [1296000] divided by [162] = [80,000]. Now remember the original Pi and Phi realignment: 10uPi divided by [Phi squared] = [12], [12] squared = [144], and the Mayan Baktun = [144,000], then [144] / by [162] = [8 / 9] = the tetrahedral [19 .47122061] angle cosine squared! Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] or [162] unifies the ancient Egyptian count systems into modern math with modern Square Root Two and the [9]:

Square Root [1 .62] / by [9] = modern Square Root Two divided by 10.
The Giza Pyramid slope = [51 .84 277~] Also then [72] squared = [5184], [5184] divided by [162] = [32], and to show decimal variation validities: this then converts over to the Mayan Long Count [1872000]: MLC [1872000] / by [32] = [58500] = [100 x 585 Venus synod] In the Mars Pentad landforms tetrahedral grid Cosmic [13] Calendar, The Venus synod is valued at [13 x 45] = [585] = [5 x 117 Mercury synod]. Now: Take the Mayan Long Count [1872000] times Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] = [x], Then with resultant [x] = [3032640], [x] divided by the Venus synod [585] = [5184] = [72] squared! Mayan Long Count [1872000] times Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] = [x], Then with resultant [x] = [3032640], [x] divided by Mercury synod [117] = [25920] = the Great Platonic Age in years. Clearly the harmonic nature of these numbers becomes apparent.

So how does true Ancient Phi [1 .619834711~] = [14 / 11] squared, and Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62], work together in a Harmonic Convergance?
That answer is with the two Ancient Square Root Two values, and using Ancient Calendar Count [162] to even up the decimal placements. To prove this: The target value used will be the Mars Synod [780] = 3 x [260] Tzolkin. This equation will work for any possible number: Mars synod [780] divided by Ancient Phi [1 .619834711~] = [x], Then: [x] divided by Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = [y] Then: [y] TIMES the Secondary Ancient Square Root Two [1.4 14 14 14 14~] = [z] Then: [z] times Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] = exactly the Mars synod [780]. The above formula has amazing Harmonic Cycle with both Ancient Phi values, which are connected in a virtual spiraling of the Ancient Square Toot Two numbers. One cannot accomplish the same result with modern Square Root Two. It is unique to these ancient number systems that display this replicating decimal sequence patterning with specific nodal constants like Ancient Phi, or Ancient Pi Note that value [z] = [481 .481 481 481~] = [4333 .33333~] Jupiter sidereal / by [9]. Ancient Square Root Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 ~] = arctangent of the Khufu Pyramid slope. Arctangent [1 .2727272727~] = [51 .84 277~] degrees. Then we found that [72] squared = [5184] ------Note target value in below results. Use all three values: Ancient Phi, Ancient Pi, and Ancient Square Root Two, And SQUARE all their values: {use 22 / 7 squared, for aPi squared} Ancient Phi [1 .619834711~] squared = [2 .623864491~] Ancient Pi [3 .142857 142857 142857~] squared = [9 .87755102~] Ancient Square Root Two [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] squared = [2 .000204081] Now multiply them ALL together:

[2 .623864491~] x [9 .877551021~] x [2 .000204081] = [51 .84 00000] !

Hard to beat those numbers ist it? All the previous support mathematics CLEARLY indicates that the slope of the Egyptian Great Giza Pyramid follows the simple initial equation offered by the recently discovered Saqqara pyramid of [14] meter height and [22] meter square base, which dictates that the Side Face Slope is the arctangent of [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27~], and that Ancient Pi is derived from the same number structures as [22 / 7], such that Ancient Pi [3 .142857 142857~] times Ancient Sqrt Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] =exactly [4].

HARMONIC CONVERGENCE examples in Ancient Calendar Count Phi: Using Calendar Count [1 .62] as calendar count Phi, noting the equation on the prior page bottom for the value of [4] as such: [4] / by Sqrt [1 .62] = [3 .142696805]. This value works with all multiples of [9] uniquely: [3 .142696805] times [9] = Square Root 800 exactly. [3 .142696805] x [18] = Sqrt [3200], then: [3200] = Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod. [3 .142696805] x [72] = Sqrt [52,000], and [52,000] = Tzolkin [260] x 200. [4 .444444~] or [40 / 9], then divided by modern Square Root Two = [3 .142696805], or [3 .142696805] = modern Sqrt [2] x [2 .2222222~]! As earlier found then, the value of [2 .22222222~] = [aPi divided by Ancient Sqrt[2]. The inverse of [3 .142696805] times [10 / 9] = Tangent of tetrahedral [19 .47122063] Values which converge upon Phi also have CONVERGENCE relevance, example: Egyptian number count systems work perfectly with 12 and 24 and 54. Egypt Kemi base value [1296] = [24 x 54], If you divide a circle into 24 even sections of 15 degrees each: Then using Tangent [23 .44] degrees, which is the axial tilt of Earth ---------- important convergence below! Tangent [23 .44] degrees DIVIDED by tangent [15] degrees = [1 .6180969~] = Phi! Aligning into the ancient 99 count system with modern Phi: Euler Mascheroni constant [0 .57721566490~] times [1 .07 07 07 07 07 07~] = Inverse Phi.= [0 .6180 28894~]. Where 1 .0707070707 = 106 / 99. Another unusual replicating convergent Phi cycle takes Calendar Count Phi [1.62]: [1 .62] / by [1 .001] = [1 .61838 161838 161838~] thus: the replicating sequence [161838] / by [999] = [162] = [3 x 6 x 9]. Using this concept you can then accomplish an Harmonic Convergence to Ancient Phi using Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62]! This time: [1 .62] / by [1 .0001] = [1 .61983 80 16198380 16198380 ~], compare Ancient Phi = [1 .61983 4711~ unknown random decimal to infinity] Thus: [1 .6198380 16198380 16198380 ~] is an Ancient Phi convergence value, and the square root of that number converges to [1 .27 27 285714 285714 285714~]! Amazingly resulting with a sevenths replicating decimal sequence above, and the resultant Pyramid Side face slope value would be [51 .84280~] degrees, lees than ten thousandth of a degree off of the Great Giza pyramid slope [51 .84277]. that is accomplished with Ancient Sqrt. Phi = with [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]. Next, a simple correlation: [1 .4] = {Phi x [e]}, then divided by Pi, and then [7 / 6] = [1 .1666666~] [1 .4] = [1 .166666~] x [1 .2] [1 .4] = [1 .166666~] x [uPi / Phi sq.] This creates nice harmonic structure between the equations using [uPi] = [1 .2]

Values which have CONVERGENCE upon Pi AND Phi all have relevance, example: 120 times modern Pi = [376 .9911184] = [377] rounded. to be exact then: [377] = [120] x [3 .141666666666~], such that in the original equation using Pi as: [3 .14166666666~] divided by [1 .2] = [2 .618055555555~] ---Convergent Phi sq. Looking at Pi as the above [3 .141666666~], Now use these two important numbers to further show convergencies: Hypercube Tesseract total number of nets = [261], and the Khufu Constant which was found to be [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~] Hypercube [261] times the Khufu constant = [314 .16666666~] = 100 x that Pi value In a study done by website www.code144.com : The author performed math in what he referred to as the subprimes in the Leedskalnin Numbers amd derivations. One subprime identified in this study was by [44 .5] / by [27 .5] = [1 .618 18 18 18~]. Thus this resultant value of [1 .618 18 18 18~] is another form of convergent Phi. [1 .618 18 18 18~] / by Ancient Sqrt Phi [1 .27 27 27 27~] = [1 .27 142857 142857~] The Mars Pentad tetrahedral calendar Venus synod [585]. This value of [585] days = [13 x 45] and [9 x 65], and important Egyptian value [9 x 54] = [486], then times the Khufu Constant = [585]. [585] divided by the Mayan Dresden Codex astronomical constant [702] = [0.833333~], and: [0 .8333333~] = the original Pi and Phi reformulated equation in the introduction: {Phi squared divided by uPi} = [0 .833333333~], or: {uPi divided by Phi squared} = [1 .2] Another convergent Pi value: Infinite decimal sequence [0 .318 318 318 318 318 ~] = {318 / 999} Thus: 999 / 318 = [3 .141509434], then [3 .141509434] / by [1 .2] = [1 .618000163] sq. The number [61262] is composed solely of numbers from number [162] = Ancient Calendar Count Phi. [61262] / by [uPi] = [19500 .00 148], which is uniquely convergent on [19 .5] or [195] the Khufu Constant numerator. This all conveys that there are harmonic cycles to important or nodal point numbers, and there is Harmonic Convergence in number system cycles that are extremely valid. In music this kind of cycling that converges could be called Harmonic Conchordances.

Modern Pi has Quantum Flux,

or numeric count system Convergence Fluidity. Universal Harmonic Pi expresses that Convergence Fluidity as Universal Harmonic Code unifying the ancient count systems into modern math.

The Ancient Square Root System that emanates from the ancient numerologies
is a convergence dynamic of the replicating decimals which have Harmonic Cycle such as Ancient Pi and the 99 count system decimals. Sqrt[5] = [2 .236 045 045 045~] times [2 .236 09 09 09 09~] Sqrt[6] = [2 .45 45 45 45~] times [2 .4444444444~] Sqrt[7] = [2 .6 428571 428571 428571~] times [2 .6 486 486 486 486~] Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] times [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] Sqrt[8] = [2 .8 28 28 28 28~] times [2 .828 571428 571428 571428~] Sqrt[800] = [28 .285714 285714~] x [28 .28 28 28 28 28~] Sqrt[10] = [3 .162 22222222~] times [3 .162 33333333~] Sqrt[10] = Ancient Pi [3 .142857 142857~] x [3 .18 18 18 18~] Sqrt[14] = [3 .714285 714285 714285~] times [3 .769230 769230 769230~] Now look at the replicating decimal above here: [0 .769230 769230 769230~] = [10 / 13] The replicating sequence above of [0 .714285 714285 714285] = [10 / 14] [10 / 13] ratio is the Khufu Pyramid height estimated in cubits [280] / by Pascal No. [364] Sqrt [18] = [4 .24 24 24 24 24~] times [4 .24 285714 285714 285714~] Sqrt[72] = [8 .48 48 48 48 48~] x [8 .48 571428 571428 571428~]

Square Root [50] = [7 .07 142857 142857~] x [7 . 07 07 07 07 07 07~]

Square Root [50] = {10 / by primary Ancient Sqrt 2} TIMES: Square Root [50] = {10 / by secondary Ancient Sqrt 2}

Fantastic finish: Using Ancient Calendar Count Phi [162],

The first value below this next line is exactly 10 times: True Sqrt Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]: [12 .7 27 27 27 27 27 27~] Then times: [12 .7 285714 285714 285714~] = [162] =[3 x 6 x 9]

Thus: Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] equals: Ancient Sqrt Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] x [1 .27 285714 285714 285714~]
A distinct connection in these ancient cosmologies of number count systems is therefore again established between Ancient Sqrt Phi and Calendar Count Phi,. revealing a beautiful system of mathematics in the Universal Harmonic Codes.

The standard astronomical Mars sidereal [solar orbit] is 687 days.

So to make a beautiful Universal Harmonic Codes connection: Modern Phi emerges from pentagonal geometry, and the pentagon has [5] angles of [108] degrees each to equal a total of [540] degrees. Egypt Kemi [1296000] / by [540] = [24,000] [540] x [1 .27 27 27 27~] = [687 .27 27 27 27~] -----Target value: That is the Ancient Phi Mars Sidereal with the replicating decimal of Ancient Sqrt Phi. The Ancient Phi Mars Sidereal is an astronomical number in the ancient Egyptian number count systems that is directly related to a Harmonic Cycle component of the Square Root of Ancient Phi which equals [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27~], by virtue of both values exhibiting exactly the same replicating decimals in Convergence Harmonics.

Convergence Harmonics and Convergence Dynamics The Ancient Phi Sidereal of Mars
With Ancient Pi Dynamics Note: The Standard NASA astronomical Mars sidereal is [687] days, as an average. Much of the text in Part Two was concerned with Convergent Pi values, As my focus there was to show that Pi had a flex, a fluidity, and something I called Quantum Flux. Ancient Pi with its complete number system becomes a form of Pyramid Pi especially in the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid mathematical dynamics. Convergence Harmonics focalizes specific cycles of certain numbers complete with mathematical predictabilities, and these numbers are thus important and exclusive Harmonic Nodal Points, in which convergence harmonics tend to cycle into either an exact definition of Pi or Phi, or on a level of being so excruciatingly close so as to validate the cycle involved as a Harmonic Convergence Cycle in Universal Codes. So to press forward with the issue of Convergence Harmonics, a good example to extrapolate would be an important number value to show what I just referred to as a Harmonic Nodal Point in number cycle dynamics. The target value here will be [54] as a Prime Nodal Point Convergence Number Value. [54] degrees has a sine value of modern {Phi / 2} [54] = [30] x Sqrt Ancient Phi x primary Ancient Sqrt [2] [54] x [96] = [5184] = [72] sq. [54] x [24] = the Egypt Kemi base value [1296] [54] x [1 .2] or{Pi / by Phi sq.} = [64 .8], and [648] is half of [1296] [54] / by [1 .2] or {Pi / by Phi sq.] = [45], which is the reverse number of [54] [54] x [7] = [378] Saturn synod and [378] is half the Giza pyramid base in feet. [54] x [9] = [486], and [486] x [10uPi / Phi sq.] = [5832], Note: [10uPi / Phi sq.] = [12] Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by above result [5832] =100 Tzolkin [260] cycles / by 81 There are Ten 54 degree angles in the Pentagon angles to equal [540] degrees. -----. [540] x Sqrt Ancient Phi or [14 / 11] = [687 .27 27 27 27 27 27 27 ~]: With hand calculators: Sqrt Ancient Phi [14 / 11] is rounded to [1 .27 27 27 27 3], Therefore on your calculator: [14 / by 11] x [378] Saturn synod = [481 .09 09 09 1] Therefore on calculators the Khufu pyramid height rounds with [1]: [481 .09 09 09 1], [540] x [14 / 11] = [687 .27 27 27 27 27 27 27~] = Ancient Phi Mars sidereal, Calculators when rounding automatically: [540] x [14 / 11] = [687 .27 27 27 3]. So why call this the Ancient Phi Sidereal of Mars ? The slope of the Khufu Pyramid as derived from Ancient Square Root Phi = [14 / 11], and the resultant height is: [481 .09 09 09 09 09~] feet = Saturn synod [378] x [14 / 11]. Automatically rounding calculators: [687 .27 27 27 3] / by [481 .09 09 09 1] = [10 / 7]. Thus in true form: [687 .27 27 27 27 27 ~] / by [481 .09 09 09 09 09~] = [10 / 7] exact. Then: [10 / 7] x Saturn Synod [378] = [540]. Thus using the Ancient Sqrt[2] values: [687 .27 27 27 27~] / by [1.4 14 14 14 14~]= [486] = [9 x 54], [540] / by [486] = [1 .111111~] = Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] / by Ancient Sqrt Phi. [486] = The standard NASA astronomical value of the Venus Sidereal Day [243] x 2. [687 .27 27 27 27~] x [1.4 142857 142857~] = [972] = [18 x 54] = [2 x 486],

Egyptian number [5184] = [72] squared, then: Egyptian number [5184] / by [687 .27 27 27 27~] = [52 .8 / by 7] ------Note! Why is the above [52 .8] important in Harmonic Convergence of Universal Codes? Look at the value in decimal variation mathematics: [52 .8] ----- [528] Solfeggio----- [5280] feet per mile. Following through: [5280] / by [4320] = [10 / 9] = [1 .222222~], and [1 .22222~] / by Ancient Pi = [28 / 72] [4320] is an important Egyptian number value = [12 x 360] = [30 x 144] = [80 x 54]. [4320] = {5184 x 0 .8333333~} = [5184 x {Phi sq. / uPi}] Thus: [4320] / by [687 .27 27 27 27~] = [6 .285714 285714 285714~] = 2 [aPi] EXACT! [687 .27 27 27 27~] x Ancient Pi = [2160] = [40 x 54] = [12 x 180] = [4320 / 2], {Note that on calculators Ancient Pi [22 / 7] rounds to 3 .142857 143 }, then using the resultant value form above of [2160]: [2160] x [12] = [25920] = The Great Platonic Age in years [2160] x {10uPi / by Phi sq.} = [25920] [2160] / by [5184] = [5 / 12]. Now use Ancient Phi = [1 .619843711~] = [14 / 11] sq = [1 .27 27 27 27~] Ancient Phi mars sidereal [687 .27 27 27 27~] / by Ancient Phi = [2970 / 7]. Then looking at above resultant value [2970] in the above sevenths fraction: [4200 / by 2970] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = secondary Ancient Square Root Two. [2970] / by Ancient Pi = [945]. Note: [945] / by [944] = the virtual Pyramid Inch = [1 .001059322] [2970] = [54] x [55], and [55] Ancient Phi Mars Sidereals = 100 Saturn Synods Thus we return full circle in Harmonic Cycle to [54] where this exercise started. [687 .27 27 27 27~] / by {Ancient Pi x Ancient Phi} = [135], note: 135 = {945 / 7} Kemi [1296000] / by above value [135] = [96000]. Note: [53] x [54] = [2862], and [2862] / by [911] = a form of convergent modern Pi. This elaborate ending of the [54] extrapolation focused on [54] as a Nodal Point important number of extreme Harmonic Convergence ideal for extrapolation. This same methodology works for many important numbers: [71] x [72] = [5112]= Solfeggio {852 x 6} = {639 x 8}. Decimal variation of [5112]: Thus [51120] = [144 x 355] = {10uPi / Phi squared} x {12} x [355] Now looking at the above value of [355]: From the section on Convergent Pi values [355] / by [113] = [3 .14159292] Thus: [144 x 113] = [12672], then divided by [71 x 72] = [3 .14159292] Continuing the same process: [80] x [81] = [6480] = Egypt Kemi base value [1296] x [5], or as a decimal variation: [648] = Mayan Dresden Codex [702] x [180 / 195] = [1296 / 2] [80] / by [81] = [0 .9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1} and earlier it was shown that Ancient Pi x Convergent Ancient Pi = [9 .8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1] Now look at the above fraction and decimal: [80] / by [81] = {0 .9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1} {0 .9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1} x Ancient Phi Mars sidereal: {0 .9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1} x [687 .27 27 27 27~] = [678 .78 78 78 78~], then:

[678 .78 78 78 78~] / by secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] as [1.4 14 14 14 14~] = [480] exact [678 .78 78 78 78~] TIMES primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [960] = 2 x [480] [678 .78 78 78 78~] / by {100Ancient Pi x Ancient Phi} = [1. 33333333~] and that of course is: arctangent [1 .3333333~] = [53 .13010235] degrees = slope of the Khafre Pyramid I would hope that this displays the absolute beauty of the ancient number count systems, which use Ancient Phi and Ancient Pi, as well as important nodal point number values like [54] and [378] Saturn synod, and Kemi base number [1296], and [5184]. My favorite equation in this Ancient Phi Mars Sidereal harmonic cycle study was this: [55] Ancient Phi Mars Sidereal = 100 Saturn Synods [55] x [687 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [37800] = 100 Saturn Synods Convergence Harmonics both on the level of being EXACT to specific constants, and on the level of the actual extreme close convergences in cycles specifically, can be used in predictable mathematical models. Convergence Harmonics emerging from, or converging into the quantum level thus is the predictable mathematical model that can be applied. The ancient number count systems need to be looked at in this way. Just as modern Pi emerges from scientific measurements in evolutions of microcosm to macrocosm, Universal Harmonic Pi can use a wonderful and perfect harmonic cycle number system to account for the same mathematics in the microcosm to macrocosm, right into multidimensionality such as can be exhibited in Hypercube polytope numbers. Universal Harmonic Pi compliments the Ancient Number Count Systems, and unifies them with modern Phi. This makes Universal Harmonic Pi a far more powerful mathematic model than modern Pi in possible mathematics applied to quantum physics, or any form of quantitative number systems. The actual percentage difference between the two Pi values is: [1.5 / 100,000]. This is in my opinion negligible in advanced industrial production methodologies, especially with modern Physics having problems with subjects like the Heisenberg Uncertainty which basically uses predictive and probablilty models on the quantum level anyways, so who is to say that modern Pi has no stretch or flex to the value at the quantum level? To close I will use the Euler Mascheroni constant as a target value to apply Convergence Harmonics and supply closest possible values to this crazy number: EM constant = [0 .57721566490~], decimal goes to infinity randomly. [99] count system value [1.07 07 07 07 07~] x EM = Inverse Phi = [0 .6180289] EM constant = 1 divided by [{Sqrt 0 .1 + 1}] squared. The Math step by step: EM constant = 1 divided by [0 .316227766 +1] squared. EM constant = 1 divided by [1 .732455532] = [0 .577215 393]. Point being that the initial equation is a simplified harmonic convergence count vehicle.

CONCLUSION and Summary: What is the EXACT Great Giza Pyramid Slope ?
The controversy over the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid slope has rambled on for over a hundred years. There are many interpretations and various slope attributions. Many of these involve a variety of angles at or over [51 .85] degrees. Most of these attributions however use modern Pi as a function of determining the slope, and then the inevitable disclaimer is offered that it was the Intent of the Egyptians to use modern Pi. This is Nonsense. This is a great mistake because the Egyptians not only did not use modern Pi, AND they had no idea of what that value of modern Pi was. But they did use Ancient Pi most certainly, because it is derived from simple fundamental and usable integers of [22 / 7]. One can attain an angle of Pyramid using [4 / modern Pi] = 51 .85397401 degrees. Likewise, and far more plausible: One can attain a more comprehensive angle with [4 / Ancient Pi] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~], and that arctangent gives us the angle of [51 .84277341] degrees. This is clearly seen when I simplified numbers from the recently discovered Saqqara Pyramid of Queen Seshetshet as attributed by Zawi Hawass, of a [14] meter height and a [22] meter square base, which offers the exact slope arctangent of [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [51 .84277~] degrees. Thus: [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] is the Square Root of Ancient Phi. This then creates the wonderful equation:

Ancient Pi times Ancient Square Root Phi = [4] exact

This creates a height of [481 .09 09 09 09~] feet for the pyramid, and thus the usage of this equation [4 / Ancient Pi] to attain the slope, becomes a definition of a complete ancient numerologic count system of which I have named these TWO replicating decimal count systems:

The [99] base replicating decimal count system,

evidenced quickly with the slope tangent of [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [126 / 99] and that [126] equals the Khufu Pyramid base in feet [756] divided by [6] = [126], or [126] x [3] = [378] Saturn synod, and Pyramid base line [756] = [378] x [2], thus the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid slope arctangent is: height [481 .09 09 09 09~] divided by the Saturn synod [378] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] That above [99] count system has direct connectivity with the ancient Sevenths replicating decimal system that is recognized in: Ancient Pi = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] And thus the value of primary Ancient Square Root Two is found as: [99] / by [70] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~], with an inverse of: [0 .70 70 70 70 70~] = [70 / 99]. Like wise the secondary Ancient Square Root Two = [140 / 99] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] with an inverse of: [0 .707 142857 142857 142857~] Thus [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] times [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [2] exact.

Thus:Primary Ancient square Root Two times Ancient Square Root Phi = [1 .8] [1 .4 142857 142857~] x [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [1 .8] = [1.5 uPi / by Phi sq.] I have also often called these two values for Ancient Square Root Two, the Tesseract Hypercube Square Root Two values because of their unique functions operating the evolved Hypercube Polytope numbers, of which modern Square Root Two will not accomplish. {see Tesseract Hypercube 261 pdf}. I will offer one example for readers to see what I mean: Evolved Hypercube geometry has an Icosa-10-tope value of [13440]. [13440] TIMES [1. 4 142857 142857~] = [19008] thus: [5184] / by [19008] = [0 .27 27 27 27 27~] [19008] = [216] times the [88] day Mercury sidereal. [19008] = [72 x 264] or [36] x Solfeggio [528], or [264 x 20] = [5280] mile. [19008] x Khufu Constant = [22880] = [260] Tzolkin x [88] Mercury sidereal [13440] DIVIDED by [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [9504] [9504] = Mercury sidereal [88] x [108], and [9504 / 5184] = [22 / 12] and [108] is each pentagon exterior angle in degrees for an example of harmonics. [9504] = the mile [5280] x [1 .8] = [5280 x Ancient Sqrt Phi x Ancient Sqrt2]. [9504] = [54 x 176] = [108] x [88] Mercury sidereal. This value of [88] for the Mercury sidereal gives a clue towards a connection between:

The Great Giza Pyramid, and The Tesseract or Hypercube:

First: Using [481] as an even count number height of the Pyramid we see an astronomical cycle and relationship that cannot be coincidence: [481] times the [88] Mercury sidereal = [x] then: [x] divided by the Mars and Jupiter synod of [816 .5] = [51 .840 78383~]. This value numerically is extremely close to the slope of [51 .84277~] degrees, and cannot be a statistical coincidence. Also note that [72] squared = [5184]. Second: the Fourth Dimensional Tesseract or Hypercube unfolds into [261] distinct Nets, which is a key clue in the following equation development. Third: we also have a distinct clue in the Hypercube charts and the Great Giza Pyramid that the Mercury sidereal of [88] days may be a key number as an indicator. So I looked at planetary timelines associated with Egyptian astronomical studies: The standard astronomical Mercury and Venus synods of [116] and [584] respectively. Now focus simply on this extrapolation: Hypercube Nets [261] TIMES the standard Mercury synod [116] = [x] Then: [x] divided by the [584] day Venus synod = [51 .842 46575], and the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid slope defined = [51 .842 77341], and that cannot be statistical coincidence connecting the Pyramid to 4D Tesseract. Hypercube Nets [261] also works with the Mayan Long Count style Venus synod [585]: [261] x [585] = [x], then [x] / by Mars Jupiter synod [816.5] = [187] = {100Pi x Phi / e}. Either modern Pi or uPi will work in the above equation.

The point I am making is that the Khufu Great Giza Pyramid not only expresses a complexity of ancient numerologic count systems, but it also appears to express Fourth Dimensional Hypercube geometry with the slope determined from the equation [4 / by Ancient Pi] = [1 .27 27 27 27~] as the arctangent. One interesting example of a Hypercube polytope value with this equation is Icosa-10-tope number [13440]: [13440] / by Ancient Sqrt Phi [1 .27 27 27 27~] = [10560] = 2 x [5280] mile, or [10560] = [20] x Solfeggio [528]. With this abbreviated conclusion of evidences to be presented on the fast track, it is clear that the Intent of Ancient Egyptians was to express definitive cosmologic number systems into the Great Giza Pyramid slope as a monument of preserving the ancient mathematics forever in a structure that could withstand the physical catastrophisms that have periodically plagued mankind into long periods of cultural resurrections from those catastrophisms. So we return now to Square Root Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [14 / 11]. Thus:

Ancient Phi = [1 .619834711]


{Ancient Pi squared} times Ancient Phi = [16] exact.

From that equation above comes this extrapolation using the Egyptian count number [16], and the Egyptian Kemi = [12960000] = [3600] squared.

Egypt Kemi / by [16 squared] = [x] Then: [x] divided by the famous tetrahedral value [19 .47122061] = [2600]
[2600] = Ten times the Mayan spiritual calendar [260] Tzolkin! This connectivity mathematically to the Mayan spiritual value in Harmonic Cycle is not coincidence.

To accommodate these fantastic ancient numerologies was this equation set

earlier offered in the text: {Ancient Pi squared} times [Ancient Phi squared] times {Ancient Sqrt[2] squared} equals exactly: [51 .84]

The math: [22 / 7 squared] x [1.619834711 squared] x [1 .4 142857 142857~ squared]

equals: [51 .84] exact! And that is a fantastic statistical correlation that cannot be denied with: [51 .84 277~] degrees as the Khufu Pyramid slope, which is using constructs of Ancient Pi and Ancient Square Root Phi:

[4] / by [Ancient Pi] = Ancient Square Root Phi {Ancient Pi squared} times Ancient Phi = [16] exact [72] squared = [5184] [72] = Ancient Pi x Ancient Phi, x 10{primary Ancient Square Root 2},
Clearly the vast capacity of this ancient mathematical system was important and integral in the Egyptians application of number systems to their measurements for constructs.

So one last exploration of this would be to connect in Harmonic Cycle: Ancient Phi = [1 .619834711] = [14 / 11] squared,
with some aspect of Modern Phi = [1 .618033989] First note that: [5184] = [72] squared, then follow through with the process to make this connection, as this process isolates and identifies [72] degrees as the nodal harmonic connectivity. First: The formula to unite Modern Phi with a Harmonic Pi in the equation: Modern Phi squared x [1 .2] = Universal Harmonic Pi = [3 .141640787] = [uPi]

Sqrt [3] / by cos[72] degrees = Sqrt [31 .41640787] = Sqrt of [10uPi]

This was then augmented by the interior pentagonal angle of [72] degrees which has to have Phi geometry associated with it being a component of the pentagon: Cosine [72] degrees times [2Phi squared] = Phi Then aligned with [uPi] that above equation also equals: Cosine [72] degrees times [1 .66666666~ uPi] = Phi And: Cosine [72] times [Phi squared] = Sine [54] degrees = [Phi / 2]. Therefore aligning with Universal Harmonic Pi: Cosine [72] times [uPi / by 1 .2] = Sine [54] degrees = [Phi / 2] PS: [uPi / 1 .2] = [0 .83333333~uPi] Therefore I get a consensus clue to try and use the pentagonal [72] degrees with its associative Modern Phi mathematics, to see if I can connect that to Ancient Phi in a comprehensive but simplistic manner that has Convergence Harmonics.

Ancient Phi x [19] = tangent [72] degrees x 10

Or: [1 .619834711] x [1 .9] = tangent [72] degrees. The actual angle achieved is: [72 .0000 1321] degrees. So with the angle of [72] degrees displaying Phi mathematics, there is now a simple formula to tie in ancient Phi to modern Phi. Why the number [19] or [1.9] works I am not sure. In the Mars Pentad landforms study done by Dr Horace Crater UTSI, there was the Outlier of [19] for the angles in the Mars Cydonia mounds studied. The decimal sequence section of the KhC of [0 .703 703 703 703~] = [19 / 27]. There are two numbers evenly divisible by [19] that give a value excruciatingly close to the Great Giza pyramid slope value of [51 .842 77~] degrees. [985 / by 19] = [51 .842 105~], and the opposite angle to equal 90 degrees exact is [725 / by 19] = [38 .15789474] See appendix for a further analysis of this.

Evidence also is shown for what I called Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62] as being a distinct possibility for the Giza Pyramid slope, in the form of its square root. Ancient Calendar Count Phi is directly related to modern mathematics, square root two, and the all important number 9 in ancient cultural astronomies and spiritual numerology. Calendar Count Phi as [1 .62] or [162 = 3 x 6 x 9], Modern Sqrt[2] x [9] = Sqrt [162], Sqrt [1 .62] / by [9] = modern Sqrt[2] / by 10. Ancient Square Root Calendar Count Phi = [1.27 27 92206] Ancient Square Root True Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27~] There is very little difference, and as far as Giza pyramid height relates, the difference is respectively [481 .11154539] for Sqrt [1 .62] = [1.27 27 92206], and [481 .09 09 09 09~] feet for Sqrt True Ancient Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~], a difference of: [0 .024544821] inches in height, which would be an impossibility to differentiate in excruciating exactitude on a monumental structure such as the Great Giza Khufu pyramid. So if there ever was any Intent to create a unique height by the Egyptians, it may be that both heights are implied by the base measurements and the height applications which create a vast ancient numerologic system from Ancient Pi and Ancient Phi, to a complete Calendar Count system expressed by pyramid mathematics with Ancient Calendar Count Phi which optimizes modern Square Root Two and the [9]. The Mayan number systems optimize Ancient Calendar Count Phi in the Long Count. The Egyptians would have had to be aware of modern Square Root Two as well, by virtue of the fact that ANY square base pyramid has the hypotenuse from base corner to base midpoint, is ALWAYS EXACTLY Modern Square Root Two times the {Base Line / by 2}. That alone establishes additional evidence for using Sqrt [1 .62] as a form of Sqrt Phi, and as the Pyramid slope arctangent. Thus the difference in slope between the two related possibilities is: Arctangent [1. 27 27 27 27 ~] = [51 .842 77~] degrees, using Ancient Phi. Arctangent [1 .27 27 922 06] = [51 .844 19~] degrees, using Ancient Calendar Count Phi. Therefore a formula emerges to accomodate the possibilities of both count systems, using the Mars [780] synod! [780] Mars synod divided by True Ancient Phi [1 .619834711] = [x] then: [x] divided by primary Ancient Square Root Two [1 .414 285714 285714~]= [y] then: [y] TIMES the secondary Ancient Square Root Two [1 .414 14 14 14~] = [z] then: [z] TIMES Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] returns us back to EXACT [780] This operation will work for any target number [x] possible.

Ancient Calendar Count Square Root Phi = Sqrt[1 .62],

The below geometry of the Khafre Pyramid theorizes that the top section of the Bent Pyramid has the same angle as Side Angle of the Khafre Pyramid. Khafre Side Angle tangent [0 .942809041] = Sqrt[0 .888888~] = cos[19 .47 122061] Khafre Side Angle tangent [0 .942809041] times Sqrt[1 .62] = [1 .2] = [uPi / Phi sq.]

Exploring Khafre Pyramid Dimensions and Harmonic Mathematics.

The Side Face slope angle [53 .13010235] degrees has a tangent of [1 .333333~], Which is also the exact conversion factor of the predominant Solfeggio frequencies: Solfeggio [639] x [1 .333333~] = Solfeggio [852] Solfeggio [396] x [1 .333333~] = Solfeggio [528] Note as well that Solfeggio [396] = [4 x 99], thus it fits right into that [99] ancient count system. Solfeggio [528] is exactly one tenth of the [5280] mile, and we see that the Great Pyramid of Giza can be defined directly into feet with distinct harmonic code applications to those measurements. The absolute beauty of this pyramid geometry is shown in the diagram with the tangent of the Side Angle [43 .31385666~] equaling exactly the cosine of the famous tetrahedral angle [19 .47122061] = Sqrt [0 .888888~] or that is Sqrt [8 / 9]. Amazingly if you take the Square Root of Ancient Calendar Count Phi = Sqrt[1 .62], and multiply it by the Khafre Side Angle tangent you get this profound result: Square Root [1 .62] times tangent [43 .31385666~] = [1 .2] = [uPi / Phi squared]. To accomodate that, the base hypotenuse to the base midpoint of the pyramid: Square Root [18] = Square Root [1.5uPi / Phi sq.] Square Root [18] = Square Root [Ancient Sqrt Phi x 10[Ancient Square Root Two]. It is difficult to find consensus accuracy in measurements of the Khafre pyramid. There appear to be two distinct base measurements: One with a base of [704] feet, and the other with a base of about [215 .25] meters, So I have deciphered both, and note that Solfeggio [528] is 1/10th the mile [5280]: The Kahfre Pyramid base as [704] feet, equals [1 .333333~] times Solfeggio [528]. Or this can be seen as: [1 .33333~] times {Mile in feet / 10} = [704]. With this base line length, the height would be [469 .33333~] feet, which is EXACTLY the tangent of the Khafre Side Angle times [528]: Tangent of the Khafre Pyramid Side Angle [43 .31385666] degrees = [0 .942809042] then [0 .942809042] x [528] = [469 .33333~]. The [251 .25] meter Pyramid base length rounded may be more accurate, I do not know. This is accompanied by a projected height of [471] feet rounded. If so, a number for the Pyramid base line of [706 .2] feet using metric conversion formulas is found. In harmonic cycles this value makes no sense except in one case: NASA space science has the Venus sidereal at exactly [224 .7] days. [224 .7] days times Ancient Pi = exactly [706 .2]. Here is an unusual correlative ratio which also follows the above Venus equation closely. If you take the Ancient Square Root Phi Constant [1 .27 27 27 27 27~], you can employ a unique conversion ratio of 555 / 370: [555] x [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [706 .36 36 36 36~] feet as the base length. [370] x [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [470 .90 90 90 90~] feet as the height. This will achieve the exact slope [53 .13~] degrees tangent of [1 .333333~].

With the height and base line as a proposed possibility just in the previous page: [470 .90 90 90 90~] times Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = exactly [666]. [706 .36 36 36 36~] times Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = exactly [999]. Another Egyptian count strategy in Khafre Pyramid dimensions also could work like this: In Egyptian count systems the Venus sidereal would be tallied as [225] days: [225] x Ancient Pi = [707 .142857 142857~], and [707 .142857 142857~] feet as the base = inverse secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] / [1000]. With that base length the height would then be [471 .42857 42857~] = [3300 / 7]! Using the metric conversion of 1 meter = [3 .2808399] feet, the Khafre pyramid base is [707 .142857 142857~] feet / by [3 .2808399] feet = [215 .537] meters, about one quarter meter difference in the [215 .25] estimate for the Khafre Pyramid base length. [707 .142857 142857~] times [707 .07 70 70 70 70~] = [500,000] Note in the diagram image how the two angles [19 .47122~] and [26 .565~] are achieved. [26 .56505118] and tetrahedral [19 .47122] are the two of the predominant angles found in the Mars Pentad land forms in Dr Horace Craters Cydonia Mounds study. The Khafre Pyramid slope of [53 .13010235] degrees is exactly [2] x [26 .56505118]. In conclusion on this Khafre pyramid, and in respect to the Egyptian Bent Pyarmid, it becomes quite apparent that the ideal geometry for the top section of the Bent Pyramid is the Side Angle of the Khafre pyramid, and the Khafre Pyramid is likely to be modeled to some extent after that Bent Pyramid Side Face angle. There are attributions to the Bent Pyramid slope from 43 .22 degrees to 43 .4 degrees. One thing that many Pyramid Cosmologists understand is that these pyramids were built with Harmonic Convergence Resonance in Universal Mathematics Coding. For that reason, an angle of [43 .22] degrees makes absolutely no sense, and the angle of [43 .31385666] degrees makes ultimate sense and fulfills the spiritual mathematics that the Egyptians employed in their constructions, noting above evidences.

The Khafre Pyramid Side Angle and the Bent Pyramid top section Side Face Angle, are most evidenced as exactly the same angle with tetrahedral connectivity to the famous [19 .47122061] tetrahedral angle:
Tangent [43 .31385664] = cosine [19 .47122061] = Sqrt[0 .888888~] = Sqrt [8 / 9]. A fun note on the Khafre Pyramid geometry in Harmonic Convergence Cycle as well: If you create a baseline of 2 x Sqrt[5] even half parts of that baseline, for total Sqrt[20], the height would be Sqrt[8 .8888888~], and the base hypotenuse from corner to base midpoint would be square root [10].

Harmonic Convergence with Khafre Slope tangent [1 .333333~]:

On your calculator you can simply use Pi to calculate the below result easily. [2] / by cosine [72] degrees = Sqrt [13 .333333~ uPi] EXACT. [2] / by cosine [72] degrees = Sqrt[41 .88854382] = Sqrt [13 .33333~ uPi] exact.

Experimental Pentagonal Pyramid with the Khufu Pyramid slope

With the Khafre pyramid base length, Ancient Mars sidereal and Venus sidereal Note: Sqrt Ancient Phi = [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27~] Thus: Ancient Phi = [14 / 11] squared = [1 .619834711~] One measurement seen most often for the Khafre pyramid base is [215 .25] meters. Using metric to feet conversion formula: 1 meter = 3 .2808399 feet, the Khafre Pyramid is [706 .2] feet long on each base length. Astonishingly, if you divide the Khafre Pyramid base length by the EXACT standard NASA astronomical measured [224 .7] day sidereal of Venus, you get exactly Ancient Pi = [706 .2 / by 224 .7]. This pentagonal pyramid design uses the Ancient Phi sidereal of Mars as the height. Total degrees in a pentagon =[540], then [540] x Sqrt of Ancient Phi = [687 .27 27 27 27~] = Ancient Phi sidereal of Mars. NOTE: Pyramid base length of [392 .33333~]: [392 .33333~] = Khafre Pyramid length [706 .2] feet / by [1 .8], and [1 .8] = Ancient Sqrt Phi x primary Ancient Sqrt Two = [1.5 uPi / by Phi sq.], [392 .33333~] x 2 = one FULL base length = [1 .111111~ times Khafre base 706 .2] NOTE: Venus sidereal [224 .7] / by Pyramid length [392 .33333~] = [0 .57 27 27 27~] Then: [0 .57 27 27 27~] / by Ancient Phi [1 .619834711] = [0 .35 35 714285 714285 714285~] Using the above Ancient Pi style of replicating decimal result: [0 .35 35 714285 714285 714285~] times [0 .35 35 35 35 35 35~] = [1 / 8] NOTE: BOTH [0 .35 35 714285 714285 714285~] and [0 .35 35 35 35 35 35~] are almost the EXACT tangents of tetrahedral [19 .47122061] degrees! Tangent of tetrahedral [19.47122061] degrees = [0 .35 35 5339] The pyramid is not perfect: [54] degree angle [a] is exact at [53 .9999 7443]. Angle [a] is quantified by arctangent of [540 / by 392 .33333~], There is a factor of error of 4 / one billion, a difference of {0 .000025} degrees from being exact at [54] degrees. [392 .33333~] is a harmonic cycle length that works within these Egyptian and Universal Harmonic Code numerologies. To achieve an exact [54] degree angle that particular base length is The Pyramid Base length is [10 / 9] x the Khafre Pyramid base of [706.2] feet. [10 / 9] = [1 .1111111~], and [1 .1111111~] = [0 .35 35 35 35~] x Ancient Phi [10 / 9] = [1 .1111111~], therefore: [1 .1111111~] = secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] / by Ancient Sqrt Phi. The math: [1 .1111111~] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] / by [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]

Conclusion Equations Show Harmonic Convergence in Universal Harmonic Pi, Modern Pi and Ancient Pi
The Great Giza Pyramid slope is determined by the ratio [14 / 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27~] which is known as Ancient square Root Phi. The equation that aligns MODERN Pi, Phi, and [e] to the number [14]: 10Phi x [e], then divided by Pi = [14]

OR Phi x [e], then divided by Pi = [1.4]

The actual result is [14. 000 12642] and [1 .4 00012642] respectively. Using Universal Harmonic Pi in the second equation you get [1 .39999 1192], and that is a full decimal placement closer to true [1 .4] than using modern Pi. For these two equations above to work exactly to equal [14] or [1 .4], modern or uPi would have to be convergent at exactly [3 .141621023]. A good test of this difference between true [1 .4] in the above paragraph and the exact value achieved of [1. 399991192] with [uPi], can be seen by the unique equation operating the Leedskalnin number [6105195] which operates as such: The Tzolkin Spiritual Calendar [260]-- [26]-- [2.6] ----- in decimal variation. Phi x [e], then divided by Pi = [1 .4] Leedskalnin [6105195] / by [1 .4] = [x] Then: Take 4 square roots of [x] on your calculator = [2 .599999228] = [2 .6] Compare to: Leedskalnin [6105195] / by [1 .399991192] = [x] Then: Take 4 square roots of [x] on your calculator = [2 .60000025] = [2 .6] Thus highly significant Convergent Harmonics are displayed, giving new meaning to the Leedskalnin mystery number [6105195] One can also loosely calculate the Great Giza Pyramid slope like this:

10Phi x [e], then / divided by 11 uPi =[1 .27 27 19266] =[51 .8426] degrees. This is why the ancient numerologies used Ancient Pi: [3 .5] times [aPi], then times Ancient Sqrt Phi = [14] =10Phi x [e] / by Pi. thus: 3 .5 x [aPi] = [11], and [11] times Ancient Sqrt Phi = [14] and: [14] times primary Ancient Sqrt [2] = [19 .8] = 2 x [9 .9]
correlating the [11 x 9] = [99] count system {above and below in decimal variation},

and [14] divided by secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [9 .9]

NOTE: [99] / by [3 .5] = primary Ancient Sqrt[8] = [28. 285714 285714~] with the same Ancient Pi style of sevenths replicating decimal = 20 x primary Ancient Sqrt[2]. Ancient Sqrt [800] would then equal:[28 .285714 285714~] x [28 .28 28 28 28~] = [800] NOTE: [280] cubits is often referenced as the height of the Great Giza Pyramid. [280] times primary Ancient Sqrt Two = Solfeggio [396], [280] / by secondary Ancient Sqrt [2] = [198] = 2 x [99], and this works harmonically this way because Solfeggio [396] = [4] x [99] Harmonic Convergence with [e] and Modern Pi: In the first Mars Pentad Time Pyramids study I performed and released last year, I posted this equation of unique harmonic convergence:

[e] divided by Pi = the third square root of [Pi / 10]

[2 .71828] divided by Modern Pi = [0 .86525 5397] The third square root of [Pi / 10] = [0 .86525 4226], This where Modern Pi and Universal Harmonic Pi have convergence with each other: [2 .71828] divided by Modern Pi = [0 .865255 397] The third square root of [uPi / 10] = [0 .865255 893] This displays that [uPi] converges better in bottom equation than modern Pi This convergence between modern Pi and [uPi] would then be aligned as such:

The third square root of [uPi / 10], then times modern Pi = [e] = [2 .71828 1557], a difference of [0 .000001557]
from exact [e]. You could call this Harmonic [e] thus keeping Phi constant in equations. In the above first two equations however, modern Pi facilitates a closer Harmonic Nodal Convergence, than using [uPi], when used in both those equations and comparing the values. This is because Phi is not used in the originals equations, meaning that this harmonic cycle with modern Pi and [e] is independent of Phi dynamics. This is one of the reasons in which I indicated earlier that modern Pi is quite valid as one of the top two harmonic Convergent Pi values: modern Pi and [uPi]. But when it comes to direct applications of Phi and Pi together, both in modern mathematics, and as shown in all the ancient number count systems and sacred geometry cosmologies, Universal Harmonic Pi is a stand out winner of superior application into: The Universal Harmonic Codes. This was proven as well using the volume of a sphere equation in my: Developing a New Value for Modern Pi pdf released a few months ago. Universal Harmonic Pi unites the Ancient and Modern number systems, and integrates them into the Universal Harmonic Codes of the Sacred Geometries, from the Quantum Fractal Microcosms to the Infinities of Interdimensional Multiverses.

In each of my publications I try to introduce a form of Sacred Geometry that has novel and artistic meaning along with pure mathematical expression. For this I will use the earlier model of the pyramid with 4 tetrahedral [19 .47122061] degree angles in the peak in the diagram below: Then attached to this pyramid BASE, is the standard pyramid base of [2] units square, with [4] tetrahedral Side Angles formed by the right triangle Sqrt[2] by 1 unit high. The resultant combination of tetrahedral angles at the pyramid base junction through the Side Angles is thus:The Molecular Lattice of Water

Six of the above Octahedrons come together to form the 6 Pointed Star Crystallization down 2 pages.
Six of the smaller tetrahedral Pyramids shown in the above diagram, with height = [1] then automatically become the packing of the cubic solid interior. Then the Six of the larger tetrahedral pyramids shown in the above image, with height [4], attach to the cubic solid front faces.

This creates a matrix of [24] interconnected Water Molecular Lattices. This shows the interior packing of the Crystallization in the cubic solid.

Next image below shows the cubic solid interior above the actual Crystallization itself. The attached Pyramids are the ones with height [4] units, and the tetrahedral angles [a] of [19 .47122061] in those pyramid peaks. The opposite angle [b] at the bottom of these attaching pyramids to the cubic faces, then is added to the interior tetrahedral angle [c] of the interior cubic solid: Angles [b] + [c] = [70 .52878] plus [35 .26438968] = [105 .793] and that is the standard definition of tetrahedral molecular lattice of water.

Another Tetrahedral Crystallization combines tetrahedral angles and uses Phi as lengths. This is identical to the above Crystallization when the Height [H] = [4 Phi], Such that when height is [4 Phi], the attached pyramid peaks have the tetrahedral angle of [19 .47122061] and the resultant combined geometry creates the molecular lattice of water. In the below pyramids, the Height[H]= [Phi] is set to create a 90 degree angle with the attached pyramid Side Faces to the interior cube packed pyramidal Side Faces, and the Side Angles of the attached pyramids added to the Side Angles of the resultant interior packed pyramids, is then angle [b] in the prior Crystallization of tetrahedral [70 .5~] degrees.

Ancient Pi is Pyramid Pi, and it is also Egyptian Cosmology in almost a magical sense of the Universal Harmonic Codes with the unique functions of Sqrt Ancient Phi. Ancient Pi is a mathematical gem found deep in the Sacred Geometries, and is extremely ancient, far in the past beyond the Egyptian Pharoahonic ages. My research found that the Khufu pyramid of Giza has the slope derived from the simple ratio of [14 / by 11] = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] as arctangent to equal [51 .84277~] degrees. This is the most obvious and plausible choice of all the different angles and explanations offered because the angle is a distinct part of the Ancient Pi mathematics system of which the Egyptians certainly used, without any connection to modern Pi. Though there are interesting evidences that the slope of the Khufu Pyramid is {51 .85 + degrees} but the angle does not display fundamental geometries of the Egyptian cosmological number systems, or any real balance in the pyramid dimensions. The slope of the Khufu Pyramid using Sqrt Ancient Phi is [51 .84277~], The slope of the Khufu Pyramid using Ancient Calendar Count Sqrt Phi = [51 .84419~] The difference is [0 .0245~] inches in Pyramid height. Both of these values as angles express fundamental number count systems used by the Egyptians. It is my opinion that the Meso Americans and the Mayans optimized the Ancient Calendar Count Phi system which fundamentally used the [9] as the most powerful number in their mathematics, and the [9] exclusively uses modern Sqrt[2] in the pyramid and grid geometries. Ancient Calendar Count Phi as: Sqrt [1.62] / by [9] = modern Sqrt[2] / by [10]. This is also the case with the Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid Cosmic [13] Calendar to be aligned with modern square root [2] and the [9], and the Tzolkin [260]. The Aztecs appear to have aligned both the ancient Egyptian style of calendar count, and Tzolkin style of Calendar Count which uses the [13] and the [9], and that also is alignment with the Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid Cosmic Calendar: [13 x 20] = Tzolkin [260], then / by [54] = [4 .814 814 814~], with decimal variation as: The Jupiter sidereal of [4333 .333333~] = [481 .481 481 481~] x [9] The Aztecs used a tetrahedral style calendar count system as well as the Mayans. Mayan Long Count: MLC [1872000] / by [481 .481 481 481~] = [3888] = [72 x 54]. The Mars synod [780] / by [481 .481 481 481~] = [1 .62] = Calendar Count Phi The Earth year in this system is Pascal Number [364] = [13] x [28], and [364] calculated as the [13] full moons we have each year on this planet, where [364] = [13] x 1 month each of [28] days, and [28] = 4 seven day weeks. Thus [364] / by [481 .481 481 481~] = [0 .756], and [756] is the Giza pyramid base in feet, revealing harmonic cycle in decimal variation. The Mars Pentad tetrahedral grid Cosmic [13] Astronomical Calendar The Mayan Long Count using [13] Baktuns of [144, 000] days, and thus this is the Mayans way of aligning the tetrahedral style of Calendar Count and the Tzolkin, with the Venus synod as [585], the Mercury synod as [117], and Earth [364] for astronomical count purposes: MLC [1872000] / by [364] = [36000 / 7].

This section has supporting pyramids to the prior text, and excerpts from the:

Hypercube Polytope Chart from the Tesseract Hypercube 261 pdf. Pascals triangle numbers are examined as Universal Harmonic Code
with Ancient Constants and planetary timelines.

This Pyramid is from the Tesseract Hypercube 261 pdf released in December, where it was shown how the Ancient Sqrt[2] values worked Hypercube Polytope Chart values in harmonics, and thus they were also called Hypercube Sqrt [2] in relation to the Giza Pyramid geometries and cosmologic numerologies. NOTE: Height [1 .8] = Sqrt [aPhi] x primary Ancient Sqrt[2] NOTE: Height [1 .8]={1 .5uPi / by Phi squared} NOTE: there are Two Side Face Angles Slope of Great Giza Pyramid is achieved with almost exact tetrahedral on other Side Face

The same pyramid this time using Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], modern Sqrt[2], and the ancient Phi progression is shown as well, exact tetrahedral is achieved.

Fourth Dimensional Cosmology, Ancient Constants in Hypercube Polytope Chart.

Earlier in the text is the Solfeggio [528] pyramid with Height [672] = [336] x [2]. Solfeggio [528] = [336 x aPi / 2], or Polytope value 3360 x [aPi / 2] = the Mile 5280. The [672] value is largest value in the hepteract, or seven sided polytope. The two highest numeric values on the chart in the Icoso-10-tope, And those are [13440] and [15360]. Icoso-10-tope value [13440] / by [336] = [40]. The tangent of the slope of Saqqara and Great Giza Pyramid is [1 .2727272727~]. Slope = [51 .84277~] degrees. [13440] / by [1 .27272727~] = [10560] = [20] x Solfeggio [528] or [2] x [5280] mile! [15360] / by [1 .27 27 27 27~] = [x], then [x] divided by [88] Mercury sidereal = [y], then [y] times [378] Saturn synod = [51840] exact = [72 x 720]! Now that is what I call 4D Hypercube Tesseract Egyptian Pyramid Cosmology!

The Hypercube has [261] total Nets that it unfolds into. Hypercube Tesseract Nets [261] x [11] =--- [2871] ---- = [29 x 99] [2871] x [687] Mars sidereal = [1972377], and then [1972377], divided by the above noted decimal variant of pentagonal [540] as [5400] = [365 .255], = ------------------------------- [365 .255] ------------and the exact Earth Year of [365 .24] is off by [0.015] days or that is 22 minutes. Now take that Tesseract [261] x Saqqara Pyramid base length [22] = [2 x 11], Tesseract [261] x [22] = [5742], Then, [5742] x [687] Mars sidereal = [3944754], and [3944754] / by above Earth value [365 .255] = [10800], which correlates as: Five [108] degree pentagon angles, and the [108] Mayan dimensions, [decimal variation]. Thus a value of Earth Year as [365 .255] days becomes a constant below: From those above calculations, the Harmonic Code sequence patterning is demonstrated: 1. [11] x Tessaract [261] = [2871], 2. [687] Mars sidereal x [2871] = [1972377], 3. and then [1972377] = [x], [x] divided by Earth year value [365 .255] = [5400], USE THE ABOVE 3 Step Process to calculate the below table! Therefore the following show the progression of the Tesseract [261] number, with multiples of 11 and 22, which are the base values pertinent to the newly discovered Saqqara pyramid of dimensions [22]m. square base, [14] high., and the starting value will only show the finishing value in above 3 step process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 22 x Tesseract 261 = [2871], -------------33 x Tesseract 261 = [8613], -------------44 x Tesseract 261 = [11484], -----------55 x Tesseract 261 = [14355], ------------66 x Tesseract 261 = [17226], ------------77 x Tesseract 261 = [20097], -----------88 x Tesseract 261 = [22968], -----------99 x Tesseract 261 = [25839], -----------[10800] [16200] or 1000 times [aPhi]! [21600] [27000] [32400] = [180] squared [37800] = 100 x Saturn synod [43200] = [12] x [3600] [48600] = [9] x [5400]

Now to move ahead in the progression, just as 9 x 11 = [99], Then 12 x11 = [132]: 12. 132 x Tesseract 261 = [34452], ------------- [64800] = [54 x 1200] 13. 143 x Tesseract 261 = [37223], ------------- [70200], And of course [70200] = 100 times Mayan Dresden Codex [702]. [70200] / by [64800] = [1 .083333~] the Mars Pentad [19.5 / 18] degree angles, from the Omkulkancoatl Codex in the first Mars pentad document = [195 / 180].

The Harmonic Code in this extrapolation, also flows through central column of then above tabled values: 33 x Tesseract 261 = [8613], -------------- [16200] or 1000 times [aPhi]! 44 x Tesseract 261 = [11484], ------------ [21600], Thus: [11484] / by [8613] = [1 .33333~], the tangent of the slope of second Giza pyramid. Or simply: [44 / by 33] = [1 .33333], or [77 / by 66] = [1 .166666~] = [7 / 6]. One can clearly see the important Egyptian numbers arise in order, in conjunction with the Saturn synod [378], the ancient Phi Calendar Count [1 .62], and the Mayan Dresden Codex [702]. Seeing the multiples of [11], times Tesseract [261] = [2871] operate so beautifully, I realized that [261] x [7] = [1827] follows suit mathematically and note that both values [261] x [7] = [1827], and [261] x [11] = [2871] are both numeric variations of the Mayan Long Count value [187200] or [1872], and [11 /by 7] = Ancient Pi / 2. And the last 3 in the progression are: [14] x [11] = [154], and [15] x [11] = [165], Remembering that [14] = [10phi x e], then divided by [Pi], And [14] is the height in meters of the Saqqara pyramid studied. 14. [154] x Tesseract [261] = [40194], ----------- [75600] = 200 x [378] Saturn synod, and the base of the Great Giza pyramid is 756 feet. 15. [165] x Tesseract [261] = [43065], --------[81000] = 90 x 900

16. [176] x Tesseract [261] = [45936], ---------- [86,400], then times ten = sun diameter And [176] = 2 x Mercury sidereal [88] [1 .63 63 63 63 63 ~] divided by [1 .36 36 36 36 36~] =[1 .2]= [uPi / Phi sq.] and [1. 2] = [702] Dresden Codex constant / by Venus [585] synod Another excerpt from the Tesseract Hypercube 261 pdf:

Try this with 9:

Equation process: [9 / 8] = [x], and [9 / 8 / 7] = [x], and [9 / 8 / 7 / 6] = [x]
Thus: [9 / 8/ 7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1] = [x] = the inverse of [4480] [448] is a hypercube chart polytope number of the hepteract and octeract. Watch every single result of [x], and then take the inverse of [x]. Many of the inverse numbers will operate the form of square root two discovered as: [840 / by 594] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~]! Once the number [7] is reached in the division process, this is where Ancient Sqrt [2] value kicks in.

I will do one equation operation completely at [5]: [9 /8 /7 /6 /5] = [0 .05357143] = [x], then: take the inverse of [x] = [186 .66666~], Thus: [186 .66666~] / by [1 .414141414~] = [132] = [2 x 66], and: [132] = Solfeggio [528] / by [4], and Solfeggio [396] / by [3], and: [132] x [9] = [1188] = the Saturn synod [378] x Ancient Pi exact. At [5], you get inverse of [x] = [186 .666666~], Icosa-10-tope value [13440] / by [186 .66666~] = [72]! Icosa-10-tope value [3360] / by [186 .66666~] = [18]! One can divide [186 .6666~] effectively into almost every number on the Tessearct polytope chart, with the exception of a very few, which you just multiply by the Saturn [378] synod to adjust. I will supply a very few as evidence: Hepteract [672] / by [186 .66666~] = [3 .6] = [Ancient Sqrt Phi] x [2 Ancient Sqrt 2]. Hepteract [672] / by [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] = [475 .2], then as a decimal variation: [4752] = [54 x 88 Mercury sidereal] Many of the Harmonic cycles evidenced differ by a factor of ten in application: Enneract [4032] / by [186 .66666~] = [21 .6] ----- Egyptian value [216] = [4 x 54]. Enneract [4032] / by [1 .414 1414~] = [2851 .2] ----[28512] = [54 x Solfeggio 528]

Enneract [4032] / by [1 .414 285714 285714~] = [2850 .909090909~] Then: [2850 .909090909~] / by [1 .2727272727~] = [2240] exact = [0 .6666666~] x [3360], and [3360] is an Icosa-10-tope value, and: [2240] = [5] x Octeract value [448], and: [2240] = one half of : [9 / 8/ 7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 /1] = [x] = the inverse of [4480]. And for one of the polytope values that didnt work immediately! Octeract value [256] = [16] squared, [256] / by [186 .66666~] = [1 .3 714285 714285~] = [x] then: [x] times [378] saturn synod = [518 .4], then x [10] ----- [5184] = [72] squared. This evidence of harmonic cycle flowing through number systems with differences of a factor of ten is quite common, and reveals that the decimal variation system is valid.

Using the equation process shown one can then move on to extrapolating [4], [9 / 8 / 6 / 5 / 4] = [x] And the result you get the with the inverse of [x] = [746 .666666~], Then: [746 .666666~] / by [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~] = [528] Solfeggio. You can repeat the same operations again, within the Polytope number chart with [746 .666666~]: Icosa-10-tope [15360] / by [746 .666666~] = [20 .571428 571428~] = [x], Then: [x] times [7] = [144] = 12 squared where [12] = [10uPi / by Phi sq.], or [x] x [378] = [7776] = [72 x 108] = [12 x 648] Looking at above value achieved of [746 .66666~] with: Icosa -10-tope value [13440]: Icosa -10-tope value [13440] / by [1 .414 285714 285714~] = [9503 .030303~] = [x] Then: [x] / by [1 .27272727~] = [7466 .66666~] or 10 times above [746 .66666~] Using the equation process shown one can then move on to extrapolating [6], [9 / 8 / 7 / 6] = [x] You get inverse of [x] = [37 .3333333~] Icosa-10-tope value [13440] / by [37 .3333333~] = [360]! Above result [360] = prior page result of Hepteract [672] / by [186 .66666~] then x 100. Above result [360] = 200 Ancient Sqrt Phi times primary Ancient Sqrt [2]. [37 .3333333~] / by [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~] = [26 .4], Then: [26 .4] x [20] = [528] Solfeggio frequency, or x 200 = the 5280 mile. And: Solfeggio [528] x [9] = [4752], Then: [4752] / by primary Ancient Sqrt[2] or [1.4 14 2857 142857~] = [3360], and [3360] is an Icosa-10-tope value, not to mention that [336] as an important symmetry value in E8 physics. This also works for Solfeggio [396] [396] x [9] = [3564] = [22 x 162] where [162] = 100 Ancient Calendar Count Phi. Then: [3564] / by [1 .4 142857 142857~] = [2520] and [252] is a central Pascal value, Then: [2520] / by [88] Mercury = [x], then [x] / by [1 .36 36 36 36~] = [21] [2520] x [780] Mars synod = [x], then / by [585] Venus synod = [3360], and [3360] is the Icosa-10-tope value. Note that Solfeggio values operate with a Convergent Pi value times a factor of ten: Solfegio [852] / by Solfeggio [528] = [x], the [x] times tetrahedral value [19 .47122061] equals the convergent Pi value [31 .41946962], and one sees the factor of [10] here.

Pascal Triangle Values and Ancient Constants

show distinct connectivity and harmonic applications.

NOTE: abbreviations for Ancient Sqrt [2]:

In these equations the two Ancient Sqrt [2] values are designated: Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] = Sqrt[2a] Secondary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14 14~]= Sqrt[2b] Ancient Pi = [aPi] = [22 / 7] = [3 .142857 142857 142857~] Ancient Sqrt Phi = [1 .27 27 27 27 27~]
Ancient Phi = [1 .619834711]

Ancient Calendar Count Phi = [1 .62], or [162] = [3 x 6 x 9] Khufu Constant = [195 / 162] = [1 .203 703 703 703~]
Secondary KhC = [195 / 180] = 1 .0833333~ or [180 / 195] = [12 / 13] [1 .1111111111~] divided by KhC = [12 / 13] = [180 / 195] [1 .11111111~] x Sqrt [aPhi] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14 ~] = Sqrt [2b] [1 .11111111~] / by Sqrt [2b] = [aPi / 2] [1 .11111111~] x Calendar Count [aPhi] = [1 .8] = Sqrt[aPhi] x Sqrt[2a] ===============================================

Pascal number [1820] = [7 x 260 Tzolkin] and [5 x Pascal 364]

[1820] / by Sqrt [2b] = Pascal number [1827] Pascal [1820] x [aPi] = [5720] = the mile x [195 / 180] Pascal [1820] / by [aPi] = [579 .09 09 09 09~] Then above result: [579 .09 09 09~] / by Giza Pyramid height [481 .09 09 09~] = KhC Pascal [1820] / by Sqrt [aPhi] =[1430]= [5 x Pascal 286] = 2 x Pascal

Pascal no. [252] x [aPi] = Pascal no. [792]

Pascal [252] / by Sqrt [aPhi] = [198] = [2 x 99] = Solfeggio [396 / 2] Pascal [252] / by Sqrt [2a] = [x], then [x] times [aPi] = Pascal [560] Pascal [252] x Sqrt [2a] = [356 .4], then [356 .4] x KhC = Catalan no. [429] Solfeggio [396] / by Pascal [252] = [aPi / 2]

Pascal [364] x KhC = directly attached Pascal value [455]

See Pascal Triangle where [364] and [455] are directlu attached to each other. Pascal [364] / by Sqrt [aPhi] = directly attached Pascal value [286]. Thus: Pascal [455] / by Pascal [286] = [x] = {5 / by ancient Pi}. Pascal [364] / by KhC = [302.4], and in decimal variation as [3024]: [3024] = 8 x [378] Saturn synod, and [378] x [2] = Giza Pyramid base line [756] feet Pascal [364] / by secondary KhC or [195 / 180] = [336], then [336] x [aPi / 2] = Solfeggio 528, or 1/10th the 5280 mile.

Pascal [364] times [ancient Pi] = [1144] = Pascal [1287] x [0 .888888~] Convergent Pi value 3 and [162] / [1144] = [3 .141608393] Pascal [364] / by secondary Ancient Sqrt [2] = Pascal [1287] / by 5 Pascal [364] x primary Ancient Sqrt[2] = [514 .8] = Pascal [1287] / by 2.5 Pascal [364] = [13 x 28], and Pascal value [1287] = [13 x 99]! [364] reverse number = [463] reverse number [463] / by Pascal [364] = virtual exact Sqrt modern Phi. Pascal [792] / by Sqrt [2a] = Pascal [560] Pascal [792] x Sqrt [aPhi] = [1008] = {4 x Pascal 252} Pascal [792] x Ancient Phi = [1282 .90 90 90 90~] Then: [1282 .90 90 90 ~] / by Giza Pyramid height [481 .09 09 09~]= [2 .66666~] Pascal [792] x Sqrt [2b] = [1120] = Solfeggio [396] x [2 .8 28 28 28~] Pascal [792] x [10uPi / Phi sq] or [12]= [9504] = [3024] x Ancient Pi] Just as [3024] = Pascal [364] divided by {KhC / 10} Pascal [4368] / by [10uPi / Phi sq. = 12] = Pascal [364] Pascal [4368] / by Sqrt [aPhi] = Pascal [3432] -------! Pascal [4368] x 10Sqrt [2a] = [61776] Then: [61776] = Dresden Codex [702] x [88] Mercury sidereal.
Next line: Jupiter Sidereal = [4333 .33333~],

Pascal [4368] / by [4 .333333~] = [1008] = [4 x Pascal 252]

Pascal [4368] / by Venus synod [585] = [x] = Solfeggio [528] x {Sqrt [2b] / 100} Next line: [aPi] x [aPhi] = [5 .09 09 09 09~] then: Pascal [4368] / by [5 .09 09 09 09~] = [858] = Pascal [1716] / by [2]

Pascal [1716] / by {KhC / 10} = [14256], or [1716] / by [KhC] = [1425.6].

This shows decimal variation strategy again identifying cycles with multiples of ten:

[14256] = Mercury synod [88] x Ancient Calendar Count Phi [162] Pascal [1716] x Sqrt [aPhi] = Pascal [4368] / by [2] Pascal [1716] / by [aPi] = Pascal [4368] / by [8]
Pascal [1716] / by Pascal [364] = [33 / 7] Pascal [1716] / by Mayan Dresden Codex [702] = [2 .444444~] = [0.777777~aPi] 10 x Pascal [1716] = [17160], then / by [780] Mars synod = [22] = {aPi x 7] Pascal [1716] / by Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333~] = Solfeggio [396] / by 1000 Pascal [1716] / by 10Sqrt [2a] = [121 .333333~] = Pascal 364 x [0 .3333333~] Thus: [121 .333333~] = Pascal [364] x [sine tetrahedral 19 .47122061~] Harmonics with above value [121 .33333~], NOTE: { aPi x aPhi} = 5 .09 09 09~: Pascal [1287] x [5 .09 09 09 09~] = [6552] = [121 .333333~] x [54], and [54 x KhC = 65]

Pascal [6435] = Pascal [455] x {10Sqrt 2a} Pascal [6435] / by KhC = mixed numeric sequence value [5346]
Thus [5346] = {10Sqrt 2a} x [378] Saturn synod

[aPi] x [aPhi] = [5 .09 09 09 09~] then: Pascal [6435] x [5 .09 09 09 09~] = [32760] = Pascal [364] x 90. Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [66] = [97 .5] = One half the KhC numerator [195]
Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [35] = Pascal [1287 / by 7] Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [55] = [117] Mercury synod Mars Pentad 13 Cosmic Calendar Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [495] = [13] Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [330] = [19 .5] Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [715] = [9] Pascal [6435] / by [260] Tzolkin = [24 .75] and [2475 / by 25] = [99] Pascal [6435] / by Pascal [45] = Pascal [286] / by 2 A Unique Pascal Number [1287] to show potential Pascal Cycles Obviously the examples shown clearly indicate that the ancient numerologies work harmonic patterns within the mathematical structures of Pascals triangle, which has it own sets of harmonic mathematical cycles. I could write 20 pages worth.

Many of these Pascal numbers also work perfectly within the Mars Pentad Pyramids grid tetrahedral based [13] Cosmic Calendar AND the ancient Egyptian numbers. The Pascal number [1287] is one of these:

Pascal number [1287] is the from a family of numbers that have sequential mix
capacities similar to the Ancient Pi replicating decimals of the sevenths. [1287] mixed sequences must be nodal points in harmonic cycles. [1872]---- [7128]---- [2871] are three examples. [1872] is the base numeric set of the Mayan Tzolkin [1872000]. [2871] = the Tesseract {Hypercube} [261] Nets x [11], and also = [29 x 99] [7128] x [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [9072] = [24] x [378] Saturn synod [7128] = [81] x[88] Mercury synod, and [81] = 9 squared, [7128] / by Sqrt[2a] = [5040] = 20 x Pascal [252] OR: [7128] / by Ancient Sqrt [800 = 28 .285714 285714~] = Pascal [252]. [7128] times Ancient Sqrt [800 = 28 .28 28 28 28~] = 10 x Pascal 1008 = 140 x 72 Therefore back to the Pascal number [1287] as the sequence: [1287] = [13] x [99], connecting the number to the ancient [99] count system [1287] / by [9] = [143] or half of Pascal [286] [1287] x Sqrt[2b] = Pascal value [1820] [1287] / by 10sqrt[2a] = Pascal value [91] [1287] / by [aPi / 2] = Mayan numerologic glyph [819] = [21 x 39 and 13 x 63] [aPi x aPhi] = [5 .09 09 09 09~] = [22 / 7] x [1 .619834711], THUS: [1287] x [aPi x aPhi] =[6552]= Pascal number [364] x [18]= Pascal number [91] x [72] [1287] works in the Mars Pentad calendar because of number sequence mix [1872] [1287] / by Pascal [1716] = [0 .75] = [585] Venus synod / by [780] Mars synod [1287] / by Pentad calendar Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333~] = [0 .297] and secondary Ancient Square Root Two = [420] / by [297] [1287] / by [117] Mercury synod = [11], and [12870] / by [585] Venus synod = [22] Astronomical Venus-Earth cycle [2925] days = [5 x 585V, and 25 x 117 Me], [2925] / by [1287] = [2 . 27 27 27 27 27] = {Sqrt Ancient Phi + 1} [1287] x secondary KhC constant [180 / 195] = [1188] = [aPi] x [378] Saturn synod {1872 / by 1287} = [1 .45 45 45 45~] , then divided by [1 .27 27 27 27~] = [8 / 7] [1287] / by KhC = [x], then [x] times Sqrt [2b] =[1512] = {aPi x Giza Pyramid height} These 4 pages on Pascal numbers are just a small part of the total possibilities. Lastly: Pascal [495] x {aPi x aPhi]} = ten times Pascal [252] Pascal [715] x {aPi x aPhi} = ten times Pascal [364]


The above image is a visual representation of the Ancient Square Root Two Values. Secondary Ancient Sqrt [2] x Primary Ancient Sqrt[2] Sqrt [2] = [1 .4 14 14 14 14~] times [1 .4 142857 142857 142857~] Sqrt[8] = [2 .8 28 28 28 28~] times [2 .8 285714 28 5714 28 5714~] Sqrt[800] = [28 .28 28 28 28 28~] x [28 .285714 285714~] Sqrt[5] = [2 .236 045 045 045~] times [2 .236 09 09 09 09~] Sqrt[6] = [2 .45 45 45 45~] times [2 .4444444444~] Sqrt[7] = [2 .6 428571 428571 428571~] times [2 .6 486 486 486 486~] Sqrt[10] = [3 .162 22222222~] times [3 .162 33333333~] Sqrt [18] = [4 .24 24 24 24 24~] times [4 .24 285714 285714 285714~] Sqrt[72] = [8 .48 48 48 48 48~] x [8 .48 571428 571428 571428~]

Square Root [50] = [7 .07 142857 142857~] x [7 . 07 07 07 07 07 07~]

Square Root [50] = {10 / by primary ancient Sqrt 2} TIMES: Square Root [50] = {10 / by secondary ancient Sqrt 2}

Ancient Calendar Count Phi [1 .62] equals: Ancient Sqrt Phi [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] x [1 .27 285714 285714 285714~]

The Egyptian Pyramid Mile and References:

Great Pyramid Passages and Chambers: by Morton Edgar - 2006 - 216 pages A Pyramid mile contains 2917.467+ Pyramid cubits, or [6084. 141]+ British feet. http://www.hunkler.com/pyramids/pyramid_symbolism.html The Pyramid Mile is 2917.46356+ cubits or 6084.6418 ft. The obvious number of absolute coincidence here is [6084]. This was recognized as a distinct function of my Jupiter sidereal of [4333 .33333] days. [6084] / by [4333 .33333] J = [1.404], and that [1.404] = [2] x [0. 702], directly correlating the Mayan Dresden Codex [702]. The above differential in the first referenced book by Morton Edgar has the cubit count at [2917. 467], and to accommodate pure [6084] that count is [2917 .4], fully [0.067] cubits off of the full count aforementioned, thus logically negligible. The BEST way to prove the definitive Pyramid Mile as [6084] are these two facts: [6084] = [780] Mars synod x [7.8], or it also equals [78] squared. Secondly is to take the Mars Pentad Time Pyramids SPEED of LIGHT Harmonic Equation. {C} = Speed of Light in km/sec = [299792.5] km/sec. = {C} [A] squared TWICE, then divided by {C}, = [B], then square root [B] TWICE. [A] thus = [6084]. Pyramid Mile [6084] squared TWICE = [x], then [x] divided by the Speed of Light {C}km /sec = [B], then square root [B] TWICE = [260] Tzolkin! [6084] / by [585] Venus synod = [10.4], and [10.4] is a function [260] as [10.4 / 2.6] =[4]. [6084] / by [117] Mercury synod = [52], and [52] = [2 x 26]. The Mars Pentad tetrahedral calendar count aligns Venus and Mercury synods mathematically to the tetrahedral pyramid math developed from the Mars Pentad grid [2] by sqrt[8]. This is [117] Mercury synod x [5] = [585] V, and [117]Me synod = [9] x [13], and [585]V = [13] x [45]. [585] V is the Venus synod to Earth. ALSO See next section below for full explanation. [6084] / by [702]M = [8 .6666] = [2 x 4.33333] aligning with Jupiter [4333 .3333] =[13 x 333 .3333]. [6084] / by [144] = [42.25] and [4225] = [65] sq., aligning[780]M = [12 x 65], and [585]V =[9 x 65]. Using the Egyptian Kemi value of [3600]sq.= [1296000], decimal variated to [1296], [6084] / by [1296] = [4.6944444] =[x], and [x] = [2.166666] squared. The Jupiter vigesimal calendar count is [20] x [216 .66666] = [4333 .3333] Jupiter sidereal. [6084] / by [12] =[507], which equals [0.65] x [780]M, and [6084] / by [13] =[468]= [0.6666] x [702]. Saturn Sidereal [10759] / by [6084] = [x], then [x] times {Pi} =[5.5555~], as set [50 /9] or [5 .5555555~], And that above [5 .5555~] = the [4333 .33333~]Jupiter sidereal / by [780] Mars synod. Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [6084] = [307.6923077], now square root twice, = [4.1882]. Now using modern {Pi} one takes [1.33333] or[4/3], and 4/3{Pi} = [4.1888], close enough to [4.1882]?

Solfeggio Frequency Summation in letter to LOVE528.com:

We have a universe that we define inductively in number systems and quantifications. These number systems and quantifiable equations that form the most basic fundamental mathematical concepts to the most advanced physics all invariably employ facets of universal mathematical constants, of which Pi and Phi are examples, or perhaps even better one could propose the Mandelbrot sets as fractals which lotus blossom from the point sources of Infinity into creational reality. Mathematical geometries develop into what is often called the Sacred Geometries, of which our historical ancestors employed into the constructs of the pyramids, to express especially the planetary timelines. These pyramids are not limited to the Egyptians, but are also MesoAmerican in sacred geometry expression. The Teotihuacan grids of [15 .5] degrees are not a random layout of a city, they are an expression of incredible geometry in relation to how these people interpreted the positions of the sun and the moon and the planets, emanating possibly from a specific astronomical event, or as a starting point of a new age of Man and into their own definition of accounting for planetary timeline movements and spiritual interpretations therein. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built to withstand the Earthly catastrophisms of the future, and maintain the ancient Egyptian expression of the Sacred Geometries for all mankind to witness and interpret. ALL religions express the Sacred Geometry in one way or another. Mathematical codes are witnessed in the Bible and in the Jewish alphabet. Islamic art often expresses pentagonal Penrose Tiling which expresses Phi. I created the Pentad Tiles which are an expression of tetrahedral geometry, to include mathematical translation into Phi and Pi. Our historical ancestors revered the sacred geometries as spiritual infinities, and the universal mathematics as they interpreted them were a distinct and fundamental spiritual component of their lives. The Mayan Tzolkin spiritual calendar of 260 days, and the Mayan Long Count which ends in 2012 are examples of this as well. The Word of God spoken in the Beginning can be interpreted by our intuitions as an acoustic component to expanding light energy and our universe inception, or creation in general. This where the specific Solfeggio frequencies can be viewed as an all important component of the Infinite Inevitability of the Word of God. Just as we have mathematical constants of high importance in Phi and Pi, and expanding fractals expressed by Mandelbrot equations, among many examples which could be offered, evidence is quite clear that specific Solfeggio frequencies appear in a consistent framework of distinct and unified componential integrities within the constructs

of the Sacred Geometries and the Universal Codes as we experience that in 3D reality. My work reviews a harmonic consistency of mathematical cycles that appear in the Sacred Geometries, especially in the planetary timelines and the pyramid expression of those timelines in those Sacred Geometries, which then are exampled in the Pyramids built by ancient mankind. We have a Sacred Geometry Solar System. In assessing the impact of specific number values which are predominant as distinct Harmonic Code within the structures of these mathematical constructs in the ancient iconographies and ancient Pyramid constructions, there is no question that specific Solfeggio frequencies as numeric values are at the forefront of Sacred Geometry expression within the universal mathematics. The Great Pyramid of Giza is often referred to as a distinct Resonance geometry. What better resonance could be implied other than the acoustic beauty of the Solfeggio 528, which is the most highly evidenced numeric Solfeggio value in the pyramid geometry mathematics in Harmonic Cycle of important numeric values therein? The Egyptian Pyramids employ the value of Ancient Pi as [22 / 7]. This is not Three Dimensional sphere Pi as defined in modern mathematics, It is Pyramid Pi, and then it is also Hypercube Pi, of which the tesseract hypercube is a Fourth Dimensional mathematical construct. Solfeggio frequencies 528 and 396 are integrated excellently with ancient Pi in the ancient pyramid numerologies especially, along with 639 and 852 specifically as componential integrities displayed therein. Without going into extensive calculations to display those evidences, you will have to take that on faith until you digest all my work. Thus with Solfeggio frequency values being such an integral part of the pyramid numerologies, or one might even define these numerologies as Codices, the inevitability of this is that the numbers invariably evolve into the Hypercube Polytope number system defining the expanded geometries that evolve from the Hypercube into forms defined as the hepteract, the octeract, and the enneract etc. Len Horowitz has attempted to explain this in his presentations, and as such he is between a rock and a hard place to define my material to be an understandable and tangibly accessible interpretation for anybody to comprehend and digest back into the Here and Now of the comprehensive Sacred Geometry and the function of Solfeggio resonance and universal harmonic within those sacred geometries. Look within yourselves and use your intuitions from all that you have learned and experienced in studying the Solfeggio 528, and you will know that this is the ultimate Harmonic Foci of acoustic frequencies which is evidenced quite definitively in analysis of ancient iconographies which evolve

into the ancient pyramid mathematics. Many of the analyses of these numerologies and Solfeggio numeric consistencies displayed within the massive capacitance of Sacred Geometry involve ancient timeline mathematics such as the Mayan Long Count and the Egyptian number systems employed in the pyramids these cultures constructed. So if you see confusing mathematics displayed in unusual numbers from my mathematical extrapolations, such as replicating decimal systems, or connective numerologies that converge harmonically in Sacred Geometries with specific Solfeggio frequency values, be sure to be confident that these interpretations are founded in definitive analysis with comprehensive evidences which fully support these premises. All of this Sacred Geometry, and our inner experiential evolutions of spiritual consciousness stands in the face of standard mathematical science which is often applied as a constraint system on human consciousness evolution in our basic educations which are imposed upon us to keep us conditioned in flat line thinking reality, guaranteed to enslave mankind to the technological servitude of the military industrial machine. This is imposed upon us to deviate and misdirect humanity from the ultimate freedom of spiritual evolution overtaking the consciousness of Mankind now, in this great age of existing in this fascinating spiritual evolution we are experiencing as an accelerating consensus of spiritual harmony in the Eternal Now. We are all at the forefront of expressing the Universal Truth together, and the Solfeggio frequencies which create the incredible healing energies are an evolution in mankinds awareness and spiritual path to the Infinite Source. In our hearts and our spiritual intuitions we all know this. My mathematic analyses therefore are fashioned to penetrate the veil of deceptions that are imposed upon us by The Powers That Be on this planet at this time in human history, by using the ancient spiritual mathematics and the Sacred Geometries as a foundation to extrapolate from, then exposed and integrated into the modern mathematics systems. Nobody can be 100% correct in all their theories or analyses, and that includes my work, however the fundamental basis of all this and all our efforts is such that the accumulative evidences presented by everyone involved through the efforts of Dr.Len Horowitz and other spiritual leaders of True Infinite Heart, will raise the mass consciousness of Humanity to a spiritual evolution on the fast track to the Infinite Source of the Creators Intent and Love. I hope that this helps those that are trying to understand the unique complexities that my endless mathematical efforts have tried to express. Vic Showell

The Speed of Light Harmonic Equation, The Mars Pentad and the Mayan Long Count [1872000] and Venus Synod 585
The Speed of Light Harmonic Equation was discovered in the first release of The Mars Pentad Time Pyramids, and uses the tetrahedral based important values from the Cosmic [13] Planetray Calendar shown in the beginning of this document, withan equation that shows: Harmonic Reciprocity and Harmonic Convergence of the highest order with the Decimal Variation process. The Speed of Light used will be in Km / sec and rounded to [299792 .5] km /sec. The Mars Pentad Time Pyramids Cosmic Calendar uses the number [13] as a constant in the planetary timelines in relation to the Mayan Tzolkin [260] = [13] x [20], and the Mayan Long Count [1872000] = [13] x [144,000]. In this tetrahedral cosmic calendar the Venus synod is readjusted to [585] days, from the standard western astronomical value of [584]. Even though the Mayan calendar round uses Earth as [365] year, and the Venus synod as [584] in the equation: [8 x 365] = [5 x 584], the Mayan Long Count, does not use the standard western astronomical count for Venus synod as [584]. The Mayans used the [13] as a Cosmic Calendar Constant in their Long Count because it unified tetrahedral and pentagonal based calendar systems. By using [13] times [144,000] = [1872000], the Egyptian value now work excellently within the Long Count value: [1872000] / by [5184] = [361 .11111~], then: [361 .11111~] / by Pentad Calendar Jupiter sidereal [4333 .33333~] = [0 .0833333~] and [0 .0833333~] = {Phi sq. divided by uPi/10} [1872000] / by Kemi value [1296000] = [1 .44444444~] then: [1 .44444444~] / by KhC = [1 .2] ={uPi / Phi sq.} The Mayan Long Count directly uses Venus synod as [585] in Harmonic Cycle: MLC [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod = [3200] exact! This will not work with the standard Venus synod [584], And thus PROVES that the Mayan Long Count approaches the planetary timelines in the exact same tetrahedral based Calendar Count System as the Mars Pentad. MLC [1872000] / by [780] Mars synod = [2400] MLC [1872000] / by [4333 .33333~] Jupiter sidereal = Egyptian number [432] MLC [1872000] / by Mercury synod [117] = [16,000]

MLC [1872000] / by Earth Lunar Year [364] = [36000 / 7] MLC [1872000] / by [88] Mercury sidereal = [21272 .72 72 72 72 ~] Then: [21272 .72 72 72 72 ~] is an obvious similar candidate in number harmonics to: [1 .27 27 27 27 27 27~] = Ancient Sqrt Phi, Thus: [21272 .72 72 72 72 ~] / by [1 .27 27 27 27 27~] = [117, 000 / by 7], and [117,000] = Mayan Long Count Mercury synod [117] x 1000.


The above value of [21272 .72 72 72 72~] times Ancient Pi = [66857 .142857~] And: [66857 .142857 142857 142857~] is EXACTLY 100 times the Mars Sol! Thus: [66857 .142857 142857 142857~] times [7 / 6] = [78,000] = 100 times Mars synod. So to come full circle and back to the [585] Venus synod, we see that [585] V = [13 x 45] and [9 x 65], and [585] V / by [780] M = [0 .75] Thus the alignment for calendar count purposes is established quite definitively with the Mayan Long Count and the [585] Venus synod and the Mayan Dresden Codex [702]: Mayan Dresden Codex [702] divided by Venus synod [585] = [1 .2] = {uPi / by Phi sq.} The Speed of Light Harmonic Equation works in Decimal Variation dynamics, and has extreme Harmonic Convergence with important numbers in the Mayan Long Count system and the Mars Pentad tetrahedral calendar counts: Tzolkin [260]--- [26]--- [2 .6], and the Speed of Light in km / sec = {C} Speed of Light Harmonic Equation: {C} divided by {target value [A] squared TWICE} = [B] then take value [B] and square root that value TWICE to = Harmonic Convergence Target value [A]: The [9] Lords of the Mayan Underworld {C} divided by {target value [9] squared TWICE} = [B], {C} divided by [6561] = [B], Then [B] square Rooted TWICE = [2 .5999~] = [2 .6]. Thus [2 .6] is a decimal variant of [260] Tzolkin. Extrapolation Process: The famous tetrahedral angle [19 .5] is also the KhC numerator as [195]. The Mayan Long Count uses [13] x [1 .2] x [120,000] = [1872000]. [1 .2] = uPi / by Phi sq. {C} divided by {target value [1 .2] squared TWICE} = [B]

Then [B] Square Rooted TWICE = [19 .499~] = [19 .5] -----! Thus Extreme Harmonic Convergence is displayed twice! The Mayan Long Count [1872000], and The Mars Pentad Cosmic Calendars use [13] as a Constant. {C} divided by {target value [13] squared TWICE} = [B] {C} divided by [28561] = [B] Then [B] square Rooted TWICE = [1 .7999~] = [1 .8] Thus: [1 .8] = Sqrt Ancient Phi x primary Ancient Sqrt [2] [1 .8] = [1 .5uPi / by Phi sq.] You can also reverse the equation: [585] Venus synod squared twice, then divided by {C} = value [B], then: [B] square rooted TWICE = [25] or [5] squared. Dresden Codex [702] squared twice, then divided by {C} = value [B], then: [B] square rooted TWICE = [30] The Mars Pentad [19 .5] angle, or count number [195]: [19 .5] squared twice, then divided by {C} = [B] then: [B] square rooted twice = [0 .833353~] = {Phi sq. / by Pi} [54] is an important Egyptian number, and an important pentagonal angle with sine [54] = [Phi / 2] {C} divided by [54] squared twice = [B] then: [B] square rooted twice = [ 0 .4333~] and [0 .4333~] = Jupier sidereal [4333 .33333~] divided by 10,000 Mayan Long Count = MLC [1872000]: MLC [1872000] squared twice, then divided by {C} = [B] Then: [B] square rooted twice = [80,002] = [80,000] This Convergence Harmonic is off true [80,000] by a factor of [2.5 / by 100,000] Thus the Speed of Light Harmonic Equation is not an anomaly, it is an important function of the Universal Harmonic Codes, and displays excellent and dynamic Harmonic Convergence! The ultimate Harmonic Convergence: {C} divided by {modern Pi or uPi, squared twice}= [3077 .664485] and [3077 .475877] and: Either result / by [1000] = TANGENT [72] degrees !!!

5832 Pyramid and Leedskalnin mystery number [7129] number count analysis:

[5184] / by [5832] = [0 .888888~] = [8 /9] [5832] x [KhC] = [7020] = 100 times Dresden Codex [702] [5832] = [108 x 54] = [81 x 72] = [18 x 18sq.] [5832] / by Calendar Count [1 .62] = [3600] = Sqrt of the Kemi [12960000] Kemi [12960000] / by [1 .4 14 14 14~] = [x], then [x] / by [aPi/2] = [5,832,000].

Continued from above: [5832] = [108 x 54] = [72 x 81] = [162 x 36] and [5832] x [0 .888888~] = [5184] [5832] x [0.2222222~] =[1296], or [5832] / by [8/9] = [6561] = [81]sq = [9x9x9x9] Kemi [12960000] / by [3024] = [x], and then [x] x [378] Saturn synod = [1,620,000]! [3024] = [8] x [378] Saturn Synod, and [3024] / by [5184] = [0 .5833333~], then [0 .5833333~] x [780] Mars synod = Pascal value [455] = Saturn [378] x KhC [3600] x KhC = [4333 .33333~] = Jupiter sidereal

Saqqara Arch Grid Theory

All art original {C} VS 2008 2009

From earlier in the text: [19] x Ancient Phi [1 .619834711] = tangent [72] degrees x 10. [985] / by [19] = [51 .8421~] excruciatingly convergent on Giza pyramid [51 .84277~] [725] / by [19] = [38 .1579~], the exact opposing angle to equal [90] The number [725] has convergence with the Hypercube Nets value [261] and [uPi]. [725] = [25 x 29], and [261] = [9 x 29] [725] / by [261] = [2 .777777~] and sqrt of [2 .77777~] = [1 .666666~] = 30 / 18 [261] / by [3] = [87] Then: [725] / by [87] = [8 .333333~] = {10Phi sq. / by uPi} exact

The Universal Harmonic Codes flow through all creation of Nature and the Cosmos. From the microcosm of the Planck length, Pi and Phi begin to emerge as quantifiable fractal pathways of creation manifesting into the macrocosmic infinities between tangential universes. What may appear as chaotic and random in the universe was created with Intent and converges in mathematical harmonic cycle with hidden order inherent in the fractal flow of creation expanding from the lotus blossom of the Eternal Now. With spontaneous Intent quantum foam expands from pure nothingness within the point source of the abyss into physical reality following pathways of Universal Harmonic Code. As Pi and Phi emerge in quantifiable observation from the infinite point sources through predictable subatomic microcosms, these constants flow mathematically with creation into the macrocosmic universe working distinctly in Harmonic Cycles.

The Universal Harmonic Codes are quantum fractal pathways of Creation itself. A Mars Pentad Tile as the Pentad Octagon expanded Grid Produces two vertical oriented decagons in red in the lower tier of the diagram.

The Pent Octad Grid and resultant Pentad Tile contains the Mars Pentad grid

The Egyptian Pyramid height of [481 .09 09 09 09~], with slope of [51 .84 277~] deg. also has a close component in astronomical cycle with the value of just [481]. [481] x [88] Mercury sidereal = [x], then [x] divided by Mars-Jupiter synod of [816 .5] = [51. 840~] [481] = [13] x [37] [37] x standard astronomical Venus synod [584] = [x], then [x] / by exact Earth year [365 .24] days = Sqrt [3500] [37] x Mars synod [780] = [x], then [x] divided by [364] = [555 / 7] [37] x [780] M synod = [x], then [x] / by [4333 .33333~] J synod= [6 .66000~] [37] x [687 .27 27 27 27~] = [x], then [x] / by Giza height [481 .09 09 09~] = [370 / 7]. [37] x [585] Venus synod = [x], then [x] / by [117] Mercury synod = [370 / 2]

The Universal Harmonic Codes

Closing Statements for modern math and science educators and students: Modern math science defines Pi as a value which no equation can define. Some math science attributions cater to modern Pi being a transcendental number. That unnecessary embellishment is about as transcen-dental as a filled cavity. Modern Pi is whitewashed into modern education with math science propaganda as the authoritative definition of the universal constant, leaving all other possibilities of valid interpretation virtually ignored and disregarded, or dusting away in lost archives of ancient history burned and buried by catastrophisms or religious political interests. Modern Pi is indeed quite legitimate as a calculative constant value for modern physics and math applications, but modern Pi has distinct company in Convergence Pi values that flow in Quantum Flux through the Universal Harmonic Codes of modern and ancient numerologies as applied into daily life or to advanced scientific application. Universal Harmonic Pi unifies all universal number count systems and the mathematical dynamics inherent in ancient numerologies aligned into modern mathematics. All of Gods multi-universal creations that Man attempts to quantify can be expressed more efficiently in cohesive coherence by Universal Harmonic Pi. Universal Harmonic Pi unifies the Golden Number Phi into an easily expressed equation. Industrial applications translated into technological production can be accomplished efficiently with the use of Universal Harmonic Pi as a prime universal constant with Phi. Modern religious and political interests obscure the ancient civilizations histories and their spiritual harmonic mathematic systems with modern history books and math science educations empty of this most important facet of the Universal Harmonic Codes, and how these ancient civilizations accounted for celestial movements so accurately. Modern history does not tell you that Christopher Columbus was the last person to discover America. Modern math experts scoff at Ancient Pi, not having a clue that the number is part of a vast ancient cultural number system of spiritually based but scientifically applied numerologies that built the Khufu Pyramid. Most geometry students in colleges have no idea that the cosine of the famous tetrahedral angle [19 .47122061] = [0 .942809041] = Square Root of [0 .8888888~] = Sqrt [8 / 9]. Ancient Civilizations such as Atlantis preceded the Egyptians, Sumerians and the Olmec, and that is where Ancient Pi mathematics emerged from before celestial catastrophisms beset Earth, then buried and drowned those civilizations from the face of the Earth. Mankind recovered and the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations emerged, to include the Olmec in Central America who preceded the Mayans. Ancient Egyptians and Mayans had sophisticated number count systems, and they obviously understood the Universal Harmonic Codes inherent in advanced geometry. Modern Science still cannot explain the construction of the Great Giza Khufu Pyramid, or replicate this fantastic architectural accomplishment in any way. Modern Science attempts to exalt itself as the New Religion, of which nobody can argue with the established good science of modern scientific authority. Global Experts annoint themselves as pseudo-Popes of science authority in a global swarming of science manipulated by corporate industries funding. This unfortunately is one of the greatest frauds perpetrated upon mankind.

Modern Science credits itself with the wonders of technology that have now plunged the planet into an ecological catastrophe. Everything is now contaminated and polluted, and the fueling economic basis of modern society is the perpetuation of the military industrial corporate energy-defense sector, and the global financial system of enslaving modern populations into the 21st century serfs and slaves of the Great American Debt, perpetrated by the credit crisis Federal Reserve stooges creating money out of thin air. So do not underestimate the accomplishments of ancient civilizations in their interpretations of the universe as defined in their spiritual mathematics which are based in the Universal Harmonic Codes of Ancient Man. Cultural Renaissances arose and fell through human history far exceeding current social political economic systems achievements based on Good Science. Modern technological societies are designed to extinguish Native cultures and their attachments to ancient heritages. Ancient civilizations built enormous stone pyramids that still stand, and will still be standing when all the Matchstick Skyscrapers crumble in flames and fall into the Earth. Ancient Man didnt need modern Pi to accomplish what modern man cannot. The Khufu Pyramid is a magnificent monument of mathematical expression built to withstand the Earthly catastrophisms that have cast Mankind into repeated eras of chaos, and then resurgence into new social cultural order as re-emerging civilizations. Universal Harmonic Pi expresses quantum and fractal mathematical pathways of physical manifestation emanating from microcosmic subatomic physics to the known presence of macrocosmic strings of galaxies every bit as good as modern Pi, if not better by virtue of aligning modern Pi into perfect harmony with modern Phi. Modern Pi provably works in modern mathematics, but ignoring other distinct possibilities is akin to being pennywise Pi mathematics that is pound foolish in the face of Ancient Pi, Universal Harmonic Pi, and Convergent Pi values. If your calculator had uPi as the Universal Constant rather than modern Pi, the main thing changed is that your valid results will now be Universal Harmonic Code aligned with modern Phi, which has an equation to define it from pentagonal geometry. Your results with uPi will differ by {1.5 / 100,000} percentage wise to modern Pi, but uPi is now unified with the Golden Number of Phi to create a wonderful cohesive system of modern mathematics simplified into a fundamental common fraction: {uPi / by Phi squared} = [6 / 5] = [1.2], and [12] = 10uPi / by Phi squared. The conclusion in differences of this Universal Harmonic Code system between Modern Pi and Universal Harmonic Pi applications is basically this with modern Phi: {15 uPi / by Phi squared} = [18] = Sqrt Ancient Phi x Ancient Sqrt Two x 10. [15 modern Pi / by Phi squared] = [17 .999 72422] = totally non harmonic numbers as results whenever modern Pi is applied in mathematical equations. Universal Harmonic Pi unifies all ancient and modern mathematic systems, whereas modern Pi somewhat stands on the sidelines isolated as the odd duck, the mathematical mallard that looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, but lays goose eggs when it comes to Universal Harmonic Codes and sacred geometry expressed in mathematical purities as I have laid them out with Universal Harmonic Pi.

Acknowledging Important Contacts in this project:

One: Dr. Horace Crater, University Tennessee Space Institute, whose Mars Pentad study initiated this investigation 2 years ago and whose contact sharpened my focus. Two: Dr Len Horowitz, whose faith, support, and hard work with LiveH2O and the global spiritual efforts with Solfeggio [528] Love healing code frequency are amazing. Three: Keith Laney and his Mars imaging site www.keithlaney.net, and the folks at the Hidden Mission: Gerald Ranells the Wook, Bob and Steve at Hidden Mission Journal, Melinda L., EA {Clay} and his tetrahedral [19 .5] forum efforts, Tarius {Chris B.}, and most especially Richard Bartosz whose accompanying input was especially exceptional in augmenting the deciphering of the Universal Harmonic Codes over the last 2 years. {C} Vic Showell March 28, 2009

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