B.SC., (I.T) Degree Examination November/December 2011 Entrance Test

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B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examination November/December 2011

(C.RC. Scheme)

{Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs} Note : 1. Part -A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

i) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end Once upon a time there was a Greek hero named Hercules. He was very tall and strong. He carried a club on his shoulders and held a bow'in his hand. He was the son of Zeus. I Ic was given twelve tasks to perform. Questions: 1. Who was Herculues? 2. What are his physical characteristics ? 3.What weapons did he carry? 4.Who was his father 5. How many tasks was he required to complete? ii) Give the antonym (opposite word) for the below words: 1. Presence 2. High 3. Above 4. Remember 5. Hot iit) Match the following : Group of words 1.A child whose parents are dead 2.Only for a short duration 3.Something which is not clear 4.One who is not egoistic 5.To move slowly on our knees and hands iv) Fill in the blanks with articles a, an or the 1. He is __________ humble person. 2. We are going on ___ tour. 3. We go to _____ school to learn. 4. He is engineer. 5. The Lion is _____ king of the jungle. Single Word a. Crawl b. vague c. humble d. temporary e. orphan

5 X 1 = 5 Marks

5x1=5 Marks

5 x 1 = 5 Marks

5 x 1 = 5 Marks Contd.2

v) F ill in the blanks with correct prepositions : 1. He is standing ____ his friend. 2. He told me all ____ the incident. 3. I stayed in Ooty ____ the summer. 4. She received several greeting cards ___ post. 5. We have to choose ____ two evils.

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5x1=5 Marks

vi) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct verb from the choices given : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Presently, I am _______ on a new novel. (Worked / Working / will work / have worked) Yesterday, I _____ in a queue, (standing / stand / stood / will be standing) How often _____ here? (rain / does it rain f doesn't it rain / raining) My sister _____ the answer to that question, (knowing / is know know / knows) I _______ across the reiver (swam / swimming / is swim / was swim) 5x1=5 Marks

vii) Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her for securing the first rank in the state level examination. (Do not reveal your identity in any manner) viii) Write an essay on the following topic : Is too much of cricket damaging other sports

12 Marks 8 Marks

i) 1) Find the square root of 6 correct to 2 decimal places. 2) Find the sum of the first n natural numbers.

5 + 5 Marks

ii) 1) Ram, Shyam and Som together have 105 chocolates. Som has 40 chocolates. If their shares are in A.P., find the number of chocolates with the other two. 2) Let set A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} and set B - {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}. Using Venn diagram show A - B and B - A. iii) 1) Convert the following surds into index form -- a. 10 13 34 5 + 5 Marks

2) Renu deposits Rs. 20,000 for 4 years on term deposit scheme. Find the total amount she gets at the end of 4 years if the rate of interest is 8%. 3) Simplify: 3 +3 2 + 5 3+ 4 + 3 Marks Contd. ...... 3

iv) 1) Calculate mean deviation for the given data C-1 f 0-9 6 1019 12 2029 19 3039 31 4049 18

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2) Draw a histogram for the following data C-1 f 199092 4 199395 7 199698 4 199901 5 200204 8 200507 9 200810 10 201113 13 6 + 4 Marks

v) Factorize the following a) 27x2 36xy + 12y2, b) x2 + 3x 28, c) 16x2 36y2, d) x2 + 3x 10 3 + 3+2 + 2 Marks vi) 1) 500 persons bought tickets to see the film. The adults paid Rs. 10 each and the children paid Rs. 5 each. If the total amount collected was Rs. 4,500, find the number of adults and the number of children who saw the film. 2) Solve graphically: 2x + y = 3 vii) Prove that if the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, then the two triangles are equiangular. Viii) Find the HCF and LCM of the following expressions and hence show that the product of te HCF and LCM of the expressions is equal to the product of the expressions. (x + y)2 and (x + y) (x3 xy + y2 ) ***********

BSIT- 11 First Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 201 1 (Distance Education) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME I Time: 3 hrs] Note 1. Part -A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B PART A
I Answer all questions : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. List your strengths and weaknesses. What does "Be Pragmatic" Mean? Name the negative factors that impede certainty? Define Etiquette and Manners. Give an example for interrogative sentence and imperative sentence and complex sentence. Differentiate between simple sentence and complex sentence. What are the two basic features of skimming? Give reason for "Letters are Popular". Differentiate between official letters and personal letters.

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[Max. Marks: 100

2 x 12 = 24 Marks 1x1 = 1 Mark

10. Why is it important to have a purpose for reading a text? 1 1 . 13. Identify the voice in the following sentence. "A series of advertisements are now being screened".

Name the two styles of etiquette.

12. What are the primary characteristics of common to highly creative people.

1. a) Prepare a brief self portrait of yourself for a professional Career. b) Explain different tips for time management. 2. a) Discuss in detail tips to tap your hidden potentials. 5 Marks 10 Marks 7 Marks

b) Identity your weaknesses on time management and put in a plan to overcome it. 8 Marks Contd.......2

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3. 4. 5. 6. a) Describe briefly basic aspects of personality development. b) Identity a role model who has been successful & list out their qualities. List and explain Basic tips for organizational skill Development a) Discuss Negative factors which impede creativity in detail. b) List out some of the Do's & Don'ts of informal Etiquette. a) Give the guide lines for the Electronic mail systems. b) From the point of view of Indian culture, write out points pertaining to good manners & behaviour. c) Name the ten successful traits for an IT - TYRO. 7. a) List the points you need to develop to speak better. b) What are cell phone etiquette? c)What are communication skills? 8. a) Give the structure of simple official letter. b) Write a note on sentences. c) Differentiate between formal and informal letters. ******* 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks

BSIT- 12 First Semester B.Sc. ( IT ) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (Distance Education) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS
Time: 3 hrs]

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Fill in the blanks : 1. The word data is the plural of ________ 2. _________ are the physical components that make up the computer system. 3. _________ is expressed in terms of Mnemonics. 4 ._________ moves packets from one medium to another. 5. _________ is the fastest memory. 6. A _________ Network does not have any dedicated servers. 7. ________ of computers are done depending on sizes cost and configuration. 8. _________ is a single user operating system that is command oriented. 9. A Daisy wheel printer is _____________printer. 10. Heart of a computer system is ______________ II. Answer the following. 11.What are the advantages of magnetic storage? 12.Name the two types of RAMS. 13.What is meant by hot pluggable? 14.Give the classification of printers. 15.What is a software ? Name the basic types of software 16.List important features of micro computer. 17.What are the different types of interfaces? 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 10x1=10 Marks

IIIAnswer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) With a neat block diagram explain the basic computer system. b) What are the different data processing activities? 5 x 15 = 75 Marks 7 8


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a) What are the Applications and limitations of computer? b) Explain the classification of computers. a) What are the step of that a scanner goes through when it scans a document b) Explain static and Dynamic RAM cell. a) What is cache? Describe the operations of a cache memory? b) Explain the different types of cables used in communication channels. a) List out the tasks that network operating system does. b) Explain, LAN and MAN. a) What are the network requirements in multimedia? b) Explain pocket switching c) Explain OSI reference model

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3x5=15 7. 8. a) Explain the classification of printers in detail, b) What are the functions of system software. Write short notes on a) Internet. b) Piracy control c) Virtual memory. *******

First Semester B.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations November / December 2011 Distance Education Programming Fundamentals & C
Time: 3 hrs.] Instruction to Candidates: 1. Part A Answer all questions. 2. Part B Answer any FIVE questions.

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[MaxMarks: 100

I. Answer ALL the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. How do you represent decision in a flow chart ? What is an assembly language ? Name the logical operators. What is an array ? What is sorting ? What does \t indicate 7 Can we insert an element between a[4] and a[5] of an array ? Is printf ( ) a function ? What is the terminals condition for recursive functions ? What is the use of function ? What does getc do ? What are the modes in which files can be opened ? How does *d++ differ from d++ ? What are linked lists? What do the following do & ? What does ' ^' indicate? Why we use include statements in C language ? What does % represent in C language. What is the role of parenthesis ? What is the key formula for matrix multiplication ? 25 x 1=25 Marks


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Why do we include "math.h" ? What is the end character of a string? What is a variable? If A = 11 what is the output of a++++ ? What is the use of define statement in C ?

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II. Answer any FIVE of the fallowings. 1. a) Write an algorithm and flowchart for reverse a number and test for palindrome. b) What are the rules for framing the variables ? 2. a)With an example, explain different data types in C. b)Write a program to generate Fibonacci series. 3. a)Explain different types of looping statements. b)Write a C program to find largest, and smallest among three numbers. 4. a) Write a C program to sort the numbers in ascending order using bubble sort method. b) Explain the switch statement with an example. 5. a)Write a C program to read a line of text and count number of words. b)Write a C program to find roots of a quadratic equation. 6. a What is a pointer ? Briefly explain the need for pointers. b) Explain bit wise operators. c)List the sequence of operations performed when a function is called. 7. a) Write a C - program to generate prime numbers between mandn. b) Write a function to find GCD of two numbers. 8. a) Write a note on linked list. b) Write a C program to copy one file to another. c) Write a C - program to exchange two variables without using temporary variable. 5 8 7 8 7 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 8 7 8 7 8 7 5X15=75 Marks


BSIT - 14 First Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (Distance Education) BASICS OF SYSTEM SOFTWARE
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

I Answer all questions: 1. What is Programming Environment? 2. Give the definition of Interpreter. 3. Name any two hashing functions. 4. What is boot strapping? 5. List the functions of Syntax Directed Translator 6. Define symbol table. 7. What is production rule? 8. What are indirect forward references? 9. How to resolve collision? 10. What is linear search? 11. What is lexical analysis? 12. What are load and go assemblers? 13. Why resource management is required? 14. What is tile system? 15. What are I/O drivers?
Differentiate between 6. Syntax and semantics 2x5=10.

1x15=15 Marks

17. Forward references and Backward references. 18. Runtime and compile time Binding. 19. Assembler and Compiler. 20. Loaders and Linkers. Contd.......2

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1. a) Explain the architecture of SIC / XE Machine Architecture. b) Compare the Architectures of PENTIUM PRO and CRAY 1. 2. a) With an example explain the process of Assembler. b) Describe formal definition notations with example. 3. a) Kxplain Top - down parsing technique. b)Give the finite state description of the Lexical level. 4. a) Describe how symbol table can be implemented b) In detail explain string packing. 5. a) Explain two - pass assembler. b) Discuss the effect of relocating a program. 6. a)What is an operating system? What are the function of operating system? Discuss. b)What is file system? How it is implemented, explain 7. a)Explain any one page replacement Algorithm. b)With a neat diagram explain Binary Buddy system. 8.Write short notes on: a) Resource Management b) Macro Processors c) File system 3 x 5 = 15 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks


BSIT 21 Second Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (Distance Education) OPERATING SYSTEMS
Time: 3 hrs] Marks: 100 Note : 1. Part -A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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I. Answer all questions : 1. List out the functions of Operating System. 2. What is a session in a Multi Threading Activity? 3. What is Context switch? 4. The address loaded into the MAR register is referred to as logical address True/False 5. Expand MMU. 6. List out any two useful needs of Virtual memory technique. 7. List the attributes of a File. 8. Define seek time and latency time of a desk. 9. List out the basic requirements of Windows based GUI. 10. What is the use of following command (in DOS) (i) DISK COPY (ii) PATH (iii) V DISK 11. We can change appearance of desk top through_______
1 Marks

25 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks 1 Marks

1 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks

12. What are the different criteria to compare the CPU scheduling Algorithms? 5 Marks

Answer any FIVE of the following: 1. a) Explain spooling & multi programming technique. b) Discuss the different schedulers. 2. a) Differentiate between multi processing; multi tasking and Multi Threading. 8 Marks Contd.......2 5x15=75 Marks

BSIT-21 Page No... 2

b) The following processes are scheduled by Round Robin scheduling calculate Total Avg waiting time and total waiting time of each process. Process Name PI P2 P3 P4 P5 Time 4m Sec 3m Sec 2m Sec 5m Sec 1m Sec ' 7 Marks

3. a) Explain the concept of multilevel queue sheduling b) Discuss the Single Partition Allocation and Multiple Partition Allocation for the Processes. 4. a) What is Paging? Explain. when a page fault occurs. 5. a) Explain Different file access methods. b) Describe any two file allocation methods in disk based system. 6. a) Discuss any two disc scheduling Algorithm with an illustrative example. b) Define the common components of GVI environment 7. a) List out different network protocols supports by Windows NT. b) Discuss the new features of Windows NT technology. 8. Write short notes on: a) Fragmentation b) Shared pages c) Context switching

8 Marks 7 Marks

8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks

b) Describe how a page fault occurs? What action does the operating system take

3x5-15 Marks

Page No... 1 BSIT-22 Second Semester B.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations November / December 2O11 (Distance Education) Data Structure Using C
Time: 3 hrs.] Instruction to Candidates : 1. Part A Answer all questions. 2. Part B Answer any FIVE full [Max. Marks: 100



Answer ALL the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. Define pointer. Give one example. What is meant by type casting? give one example? Differentiate between structure and union. What do you mean by Abstract data type? Define graph List the tree traversing methods. State the following: i) ii) iii) 8. 9. Root Depth Forest

25X1=25 Marks 2 2 3 2 2 1

6 2 5

Differentiate between Linear search and binary search methods. What is recursion ? Give the difference between recursion and iteration.

II. Answer any FIVE of the following. 5X15----75

1. a) Give (he declaration and initialization of array of pointers. b) Explain different storage classes with an example for each. c) List out all Library functions available for dynamic memory allocation. Cond

2. a) Explain dangling pointer problem with an example. b) Create an employee structure with following data members connecting of name, department, date of birth and print this structure. 3.

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5 salary. Write a program to read and 10

What are the rules to be followed in expression conversion ? Convert expression given below from infix to postfix and also show the stack contents for each step b-(a+b) * ((c-d)/a+a) 15 15 15 10 5 15

4. 5. 6. 7.

Write and explain queue operation by writing program for all queue operations and also check queue full and queue empty. Write function of insertion and deletion of circular queue and also explain circular queue operation with an illustrative example. a) Write function for counting the number of nodes, delete a node at specified node. b) What is a Linked list ? Compare and contrast arrays and linked list. Write an algorithm to find the shortest path and also find the shortest path for a given graph.

8. Explain with an algorithm for bubble sort and selection sort and compare with merits and demerits.



BSIT 23 Second Semester B.Sc. ( IT ) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (C B C Scheme ) DATA COMMUNICATION
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Part-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer ALL the questions: 1 . List the key elements of a protocol. 2. What is the functions of digital repeater. 3. Signal to noise ratio is expressed in the unit called 4. Define line coding . 5. Expand QAM 6. What is a periodic signal? Explain. 7. What is the functionality of MAC 8. Any device in the Network is identified by IP address 9. Define URL? With example. . 10. Compare frame relay with ATM cell Relay. 11 . What is circuit switching? Explain. 12. Give general block diagram for error detection system. True / False 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 4 4 3

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. 2. 3. a) Define and explain the key tasks of Data communication system, b) Briefly discuss the OS! and TCP/IP protocol Models. a) Compare analog and Digital repeater with neat block diagrams, b) Explain Nyquest and Shannon channel Capacity Represents the bit stream 1101001100 by following line coding methods (1) NRZ (2) NRZ Differentiated (3) Manchester (4) Differential Manchester. 10 Contnd....2 5x15 =75 Marks 10 5 7 8

b) Draw a neat diagram of co-axial cable and label the parts. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a) Explain different modulation techniques with neat figures. b) Discuss cross bar switches and what is the use of it. a) With a neat figure explain basic elements of ARQ protocol. b) Explain go back N protocol with an illustrative example. a) Explain clearly HDLC frame format in Detail. b) Discuss single parity check error detection. a) Explain MAC frame format. b) Explain CSMA/CD Mao frame structure. Write short notes on i) FDDI (ii) FDM (iii) IEEE 802.3 (token Ring)

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5 12 3 8 7 10 5 8 7 3x5= 15


BSIT 24 Second Semester B.Sc. ( IT ) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 ( C B C Scheme ) BASICS OF DBMS
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Part-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 1OO

25 Marks

I. Answer ALL the questions: 1. Define Schema and Instance of database. 2. Mela Data is stored in _______ 3. What is data? Give examples. 4. Multi user systems, supports multiusers 5. Three important data models are ________ 6. What is a record? Give example. 7. What is database? What are the components of data base system. 8. Hashing is very good for ______ keys. 9. Index provide the ____ Access lo records. 10. More than one relationship is also called _______ 11. The collection of all entities of a particular entity type in the database at any point in Time is called an _______ 12. Data model is a set of concepts to describe the ___ of a data base. 13. A set represents a ___ relationship between its member and the owner. 14. In relational model two or more tables can have the same name. True /False 15- Multi valued attributes are deployed in single ovals 16. Hashing for _______ files is called external hashing 17. What is null value? Explain with example. 18. Group of related record is a _______ True /False 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) What are the disadvantages of information processing by using File oriented approach. . b) Explain the advantages of Data base systems. 2. a) Explain components of DBMS and Database software. b) Explain types of data bases 3. a) Explain Different Data models b) Explain how record is organized is a page. 4. a) Explain any two file organisation. b) Explain and give example for primary index and secondary index. 5. a) Explain the following with example. i) Super key (ii) Key (iii) Composite key (v) Primery key. (iv) Candidate key

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5x 15 =75 Marks

7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8

b) Draw a diagram for showing relationship between customer and Account relation 6. a) Explain all the steps that are to be followed for E-R to relational Mapping. b) What is intention and extension? Explain. 7. a) Eist out the advantages and disadvantages of relational and Network Model . b) Explain external Hashing. 8. Write short notes on i) Data Independence ii) Mapping rules iii) Security Issues.

7 9 6 9 6 3x5= 15

BSIT-31 Third Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November /December 2011 (C.B.C Scheme) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME II
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part -A compulsory 2. Ansiver any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

1. If you arc un - married, prepare a word - portrait of yourself as well as your prospective life partner that you look forward to! 2. List out the typical questions that could be expected in interview. 3. List ten tips which may help to handle stress due to job interviews. 4. Mention few hints to tap your hidden potential. 5. Identity your weaknesses on lime management and put in a plan to overcome ii. 6. Discuss basic aspects of personality development. 3 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 3 Marks 4 Marks 5 Marks

1. a) Write about your short term and long term professional goals. b) List out your strengths and weaknesses. 2. a) What arc common short comings of interview. b) Briefly write out a preparation plan for an interview for the job applied. 3. a) Mention six basic strategies which have helped successful people in their carreers. 7 Marks b) What are writing skills? What are the importance of writing skills? I low to learn to write. 4. a) Discuss Marlows and Herzberg's theories. b) What are the principles of Human Management. 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks Contd2 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks

BSIT - 31
5. a) Which are the nine ways to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment. b) What arc the characteristics of successful people. 6. a) Mention certain Do's to improve communication skills. b) Read the text below and answer the questions below

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7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 3 Marks

" Someone with a great desire to learn is said to be highly motivated. Motivation is very important in what one learns and how quickly one learns it. A motivated person will generally learn faster and more efficiently than an unmotivated one. To Searn efficiently, a person must intend to learn (intentional learning). However, incidental learning - learning lhal is not intended but which results simply from exposure to material - some times does occur. The degree of incidental learning, docs not approach that of intentional learning in real life situations. 1) 2) 3) The passage implies that if a student studies for an exam, he is practicing a) incidental learning b) intentional learning c) residual learning d) motivational learning In the passage, "Motivation" means a) dread b) repulsion c) neglect d) impulsion According to the passage, in order to learn by intentional learning, one must bez a) highly motivated b) unmotivated c) tired of learning d) in need of learning 5 Marks

c) Given below are sentences with common errors. Identity the error and correct the same. (i) He has not given his final exams set (ii) He discusses about politics (iii) My sister is getting her ears bored this evening (iv) She sings well. Isn't it? (v) Me couldn't cope up with the class.



a) What is a Paragraph? How is coherence achieved in a paragraph? Why is cohesion important in a paragraph. .. 7 Marks b) Write formal thanks letter from a candidate to the manager of company after the interview for a post. 8 Marks a) What are the steps to be taken to make a successful presentation?

BSIT 32 Third Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (C.B.C Scheme) RDBM S
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all questions : 1. What are the properties & RDBMS based on relational model? 2. Distinguish between procedural and non procedural language. 3. What is the advantage of using a query language? 4. What are embedded SQL statements? 5. What are the three basic steps in data normalization? 6. 7. Which are the three categories of. OR ACLE,database structure? What is an Instance?

8. Mention the basic parts of a Database Trigger.

5 x 1 5 = 75 Marks Answer any FIVE of the following: 1. a) Explain briefly the fundamental relational algebra operations giving examples. b) What are assignment operations? Write examples 2. a) What do you mean by composition of relational operations? Give example. b) What is the difference between Cartesian product and natural Join operation? Give example. 3. a) Briefly explain the history of SQL. b) Explain various types of set operations in SQL 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks


4. a) Explain briefly global memory areas used by ORACLE. b) Explain the architecture of ORACLE.' 5. a) Explain how PL/SQL over comes the drawbacks of SQL. . b) Explain briefly various operators of PL / SQL. 6. a) Give the general syntax of PL/SQL functions and procedures. b) How errors are handled in PL/SQL? Give examples. 7. a) Explain the various components of ODBC. b) Explain the two tier Database Design. 8. a) Explain the following terms. (i) Java Servlet API (ii) Java Beans (iii) Java Server pages.

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8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks

b) Explain the Mobile computing Architecture..


BSIT - 33 Third Semester B.Sc. ( IT ) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (JCBC Scheme) OOPS WITH C++
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Part-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer ALL the questions: 1. Mention the primitive Data types available in C++. Explain one of them. 2. Distinguish between variables and constants. 3. What is a pointer? How is it Declained? Give an example. 4. Give the procedure of arithmetic operator with an example 5. What are the desirable properties of an algorithm? 6. What is a Flowchart? How is it different from an algorithm? 7. What are user defined functions? Give example 8. Mention the different types of programming Techniques. Explain one of them. 25 Marks 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) What are the rules followed for naming the variables or Identifier? b) With examples explain defined constants CONST analyzers and volatile analizers 8 2. a) How are arrays to be declared in C++? How are values assigned to array elements and how are they accessed? b) Explain referencing and De-referencing with pointers? How are pointers initialized. 3. a) What are structures and unions? With the help of an example bring out the differences between them. b) Illustrate the Dynamic Memory allocation and hence explain the use of new and delete operators. 8 Contnd....2 7 8 8 7 5x15 =75 Marks 7

BSIT - 33
4. a) Mention the different decision making statements available in C++. Explain one of them with an example b) Give the general format of a C++ program. 5. a) Write a C++ program to find the largest among 3 Numbers. b) Mention the parameter passing mechanisms in C++ Explain one of them with an example 6. a) What is Recursion? Write a program to find the factorial of a number using Recursion. b) Explain the concepts of Encapsulation and Inheritance. 7. a) What is a Friend Function? What are its special characteristics? Define a Friend function and show how it can be used to access members of two classes. b) Write a program in C++ for overloading operator. 8. Write short notes on i) Polymorphism ii) Operator overloading iii) Constructors. *******

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7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 3x5=15

ETC 34/BSIT - 34 Third Semester B.Sc. (IT ) Degree Examinations November /December 2011 (Distance Education) COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Par!-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all the questions: 1. OSThas_____layers. 2. The ______ layers uses the services provided by the network layer. 3. Each layer adds ______ to the data it received form the upper layer. 4. The layers not present in TCP/IP model arc ____ and _____ 5. A device having more than one IP address is known as ______ device 6. The two types of routing are ______ routing and ____ routing. 7. The IP datagram header has the IP address of ______ and _____ systems. 8. Protocol used to find out the physical address of a destination host from its IP address is known as ____ 9. Protocol used for reporting (he error occurred during the datagram transfer __. 10. In the sending system, UDP. receives data unit from the ___ layer. 11. UDP offers _____ to ______ data communication. 12. In TCP a unit of data is referred to as ____ 13. Flow control is achieved through the use of.______ window mechanism. 14. In TCP, before sending data, a ______ is established between the sending and receiving process. 15. TCP offers ______ duplex data transfer service. 16. In TCP / IP model, the session and presentation layers are integrated with _____ layers. 17. In client server, the ___ programme is always running. 18. The number of connections required for FTP operation is. ______ 1 1 1 Contnd....2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2

ETC 34/BSIT - 34
19. Connection -oriented concurrent server uses the service of _____ transport protocol. 20. In TCP/IP the two communicating process can be best described using the ____ model. 21. In client server model, an user wanting a particular service runs (he _____ programme.

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ll.Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) Define computer networks. What are the application of computer networks. b) Explain the simplified architecture for www service. 2. a) Explain layered architecture of OSI reference model. b) Write the general comparison between OSI and TCP/IP. 3. a) Discuss physical address, internet address and port address of TCP/IP model. b) Explain three - way handshaking .in TCP 4. a) Differentiate between Direct routingaiid indirect routing. b) With neat figure explain IP datagram'.headcr. 5. a) Explain how checksum is calculate at the sender and the receiver in TCP /IP protocols, b) With neat diagram explain ARP packet format. 6. a) Explain UDP datagram and uses of UDP protocol. b) lixplain flow control mechanism in TCP. 7. a) Explain connection less, Iterative server and connection oriented concurrent server. b) Discuss file transfer protocol with applications. Write short notes on a) Client - server model. b) Fragmentation c) ICMP message format. ******** 7 8 3 x 5= 15 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8

BSIT - 41 Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT ) Degree Examination November /December 2011 (Distance Education) (CBCS) ALGORITHMS
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Parr-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define algorithm profiling. Differentiate hetween static allocation and dynamic allocation. What is recusion? Explain. Define Full binary tree and complete binary tree. Give example. Define Graph. Give example. Define circular queue with example Define Debugging. 2 4 2 4 3 4 3

8. Compare Binary search with sequential search technique.

ILAnswer any FIVE full questions. 1. Design an iterative and recursive algorithm to find the maximum among given set of V elements. 2. Define the following with example. a) Depth of the tree b) Binary tree c) Queue 3. Design and Simulate the working of binary search algorithm 4. a) Design an algorithm to find the GCD of two numbers. b) Design an algorithm to find whether the given graph is connected or not. 5 5 5 15 7 8 Contnd....2 15

5. Explain the following with example a) In-order traverse b) Pre-order traverse c) Post-order traverse 6. a) Explain Time and Space complexity of an algorithm. b) write an algorithm to sort a list of elemenls using quick sort. 7. a) Explain the dimcntional representation of a binary tree. b) What is incidence matrix? Explain. 8. Write short notes on a) Linked list. b) Stack and in application c) Merge - sort. ********

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5 5 5 8 7 8 7 3x5=15

BSIT - 42 Fourth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November /December 2011 (Distance Education) JAVA PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define object & classes. Give real time example How Java is "Platform independent"? List the important features of OOP. Differentiate for loop & while loop. Define the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Constant Variable Mulli - threading Token Exceptions Java Packages. 25 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 3 Marks 3 Marks (2 Marks each)

Answer any FIVE questions: 1. a) List various data types used in Java. Give example. b) What is lype casting? Explain when it is required. 2. a) Why do we need constructor & destructors? b) List & explain the basic features of Java. 3. a) Write a Java program to display "Welcome Java" and list it's execution steps. 10 Marks b) What is OOP? Hxplain. 4. a) List various arithmetic, Relational and conditional operators in Java. b) Differentiate break & continue statement. 5 Marks 12 Marks 3 Marks Contd.......2 5x15 - 75 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks

BSIT - 42
5. a) What is Inheritance? Explain with example. b) What is overloading of functions? Give example. 6. a) Explain the process of exception handling in Java. b) When do we need Java packages? Explain. 7. a) Write a Java program to find sum of all even numbers between 25 to 85 and display the result. b) Define dynamic binding and message passing. 8. Write short note on: a) Polymorphism b) Java Streams c) Data abstraction & Encapsulation

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8 Marks 7 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks

8 Marks 7 Marks 3 x 5 = 15 Marks

BSIT 43 Fourth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (C.B.C Scheme) UNIX & SHELL PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all questions: 1. Define Daemon process. 2. Differentiate Hard - links with soft - links. 3. Write a command to count the number of uses logged into the system. 4. Write a command (UNIX) to display current date in dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy format. 5. What is a shell in UNIX? 6. What is a use of PATH variable? 7. What is POSIX? 8. What is absolute path name? Give example. 9. Define Pipe command with example. 10. How do you yank & paste the lines? 11. Why pine command is used for? 12. What is the function of the UNIX Kernel. 2 Marks 1 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 25 Marks 2 Marks 4 Marks 2 Marks

1. a) Explain the architecture of the UNIX. b) What are hidden files? How can they be displayed? 2. a) Explain the various types of files available in UNIX OS - with example. b) Explain cmp command with example. 3. Explain with example, various control structure in shell programming. 8 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 15 Marks


4. a) Explain 3 different modes of Vi - editor. b) What are wild - Cards? explain. 5. a) What is a Process? Explain the mechanism of process creation in Unix. b) Explain, how to split file into multiple files? 6. a) Write a shell script to multiply 2 numbers using expr utility. b) What are positional parameters? Explain 7. a) How do you run a process in background? Explain b) List any 5 options available in l s command.

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10 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks


Write short note on: a) mailx Command b) set Command c) grep filters

3 x 5 = 15 Marks


BSIT - 44 Fourth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (C.B.C Scheme) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE fall questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

1) Define Software Engineering. 2) What is Change Control? 3) How do you Classify Risks? 4) What is Prototyping? Give it's importance. 5) What is a Baseline? Give an example. 6) What is SRS? Give its importance 7) Define the following: . a) Data Dictionary b) PDL c) PERT d) OOD e) COCOMO 5x5 = 25 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 4 Marks 4 Marks 4 Marks 4 Marks 5x1=5 Marks

Answer any FIVE full questions: 1) a) List out the important characteristics of waterfall model. b) Explain Evolutionary prototype model. 2) What is Coupling? Explain the different types of Coupling. 3) 4) a) Differentiate verification & validation. b) Discuss Me Coil's software quality factor. . a) Explain design steps for Transaction mapping. b) Give IEEH definition of Risk Management. 5x15 =75 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks

Contd......... 2

BSIT - 44
5) a) What is System Testing? How it is important. b) Discuss SCM process. 6) What arc Cart Drivers? How they are applicable in COCOMO. 7) a) What is Software Testing? Give its importance. b) What is internal documentation? Explain. 8) Write short note on: a) Software reusability b) Programming tools c) Spiral model of software process **********

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10 Marks 5 Marks 15 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 5x3 = 15 Marks

BSIT - 51 Fifth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November /December 2O11 (C.B.C Scheme) COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
Time; 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

5x5 -25 Marks 1) Define pixel, resolution and aspect ratio. 2) Mention different input and output devices. Used in graphics applications. 3) With the help of illustration explain how initgraph ( ) function works. 4) What is animation? Explain any one animation technique. 5) How many colors are possible in RGB color model If 24 bits are used to represent a pixel. One byte for each color.

1) a) Explain Raster scan display technique with a neat diagram. b) What arc pointing devices? Explain one pointing device with diagram. 2) Develop a C - program using built - in functions to draw the diagram shown below and fill each block by four different colors. 15 Marks 5x 15 =75 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks

3) a) What is Multimedia? What are the main components of Multimedia? Give different applications of multimedia. b) Write a note on Multimedia packages. 4) a) What is animation? Explain the cell animation technique. b) Explain the following : i) Morphing ii) Rendering iii) Warping. 10 Marks 5 Marks 9 Marks 6 Marks Contd......... 2

BSIT - 51
5) Write a note on the following: i) Lasso tool ii) Painting tool iii) Editing tool. 6) a) What is file formal? Mention different file formats and explain any two. b) What is layer? Explain any two layered approaches. 7) Write a C - Program to draw a fish and give an animation effect. 8) Write a note on the following. i) CRT ii) Entering and sampling iii) 3-D animation

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15 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks


BSIT - 52 Fifth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (C.B.C Scheme) WEB PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Ansiuer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

5x5 - 25 Marks 1) What is Web? Explain GET and POST methods. 2) What is HTML? List the different classification of HTML tags. 3) What is CSS? Why it is required? 4) List the steps in implementing a servlet. 5) What is SSL? Why do we require SSL.

1) a) Why do we require Java script and DHTML. b) What is CGI? Explain the role of CGI programming in web. 2) a) Write an HTML program to demonstrate text characteristics tags. b) Explain how you can embed an image in HTML page? Give an example. 3) a) What is Java script? Explain the usage of script tags. b) Write a program to display text in status bar on click of a button. 4) a) Write a CGI application which accepts 3 numbers and display biggest number. 7 Marks b) With the help of an example explain extra path information. 5) a) What is Web Server? Explain Briefly the mechanism of web server. b) What is war file? Give its importance. 6) a) What is JSP? Explain the various JSP directives. b) Explain implicit objects out, request, response in a JSP Directives. 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 5x 15 =75 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks


BSIT 52 7) a) Explain in detail servlet cycle. b) Draw and explain the class diagram to show the relationships between the major classes in the servlet API. 8) Write short note on the following a) XML b) EJB . c) SSL

Page No..... 2 7 Marks 8 Marks 3x5= 15 Marks

BSIT - 53 Fifth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/ Dec ember 2O11 (C.B.C Scheme) DATA WAREHOUSING & DATA MINING
Time; 3 hr] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

5x5 =25 Marks 1) List the functions of Warehouse Manager in data warehousing. 2) Enlist the advantage and disadvantages of equal segment partitioning. 3) What is data mining? Explain its importance. 4) What is an event with respect to Data warehousing? List various events. 5) a) For successful data mining operation the data must be _______ and ______. b) There are two types of users in data-mining systems _______ and _______. c) _______ coupling DM system is smoothly integrated into a DB/DW system.

1) a) Explain the concept of Data warehouse and Data mining. b) What, is Normalization? Explain with the help of an example. 2) a) With the help of a diagram explain typical process flow in a data warehouse. 7 Marks b) Explain in detail data marts. 3) a) What is meta data? Explain in detail how meta dala is used in data transformation and loading. b) Briefly explain the role of configuration manager and event manager in data warehousing. 4) a) List various applications of Data mining in various fields. b) What kind of data can be mined? 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 5x 15 =75 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks


BSIT - 53
5) a) Give the syntax for task - relevant data specification. b) With regard to data presentation for data mining discuss data selection data cleaning and data formatting. 6) a) With the help of an example explain how decision trees arc useful in data mining.

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7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks

b) What is clustering? List the various clustering methods. 7) a) What is KDD system? List the guidelines to be followed in KDD system. b) List the techniques that can be incorporated in solving the problem using data mining techniques. 8) Write short notes on the following a) Neural network for data mining b) K - means clustering algorithm c) Data Mining for Financial data.analysis *******

8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 3x5=15 Marks

BSIT - 54 Fifth Semester B.Sc. (IT ) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (CBC Scheme) SOFTWARE QUALITY AND TESTING
Time:3hrsl . .

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all the questions : 1. What is the purpose of software testing? Why we have to test an application. 2. Give the meaning of quality of design and quality of conformance? 3. With the help of an example give the meaning of white box testing. 4. What is the difference between software verification and validation. 5. Differentiate quality and reliability with respect to a software. 5x5=25

Il. Answer any Five full questions 1. a) With the help of a diagram explain in detail test information flow in a typical software life cycle. b) What arc the hurdles in software testing and list some of the points lo he considered during test case design. 2. Write a note on the following (i) Grey box testing (ii) Alpha testing (iii) System testing (iv) Localization testing (v) Sanity testing 7 8 4. a) Give the equation for the measure of reliability and availability b) Give the road map for instituting software quality assurance. 5. Give the error checklist for the following : i) Comparison, errors. ii) Data declaration errors. iii) Control flow errors Contnd....2 8 7 3x5 = 15 3. a) Explain in detail the review technique adopted in quality assurance. b) List the 20 requirements delineated by ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standards 7 5x3=15 8 5x15= 75

6. a) What is case effect graphing technique? With the help of a diagram show the

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various representation of case effect nodes. b) What are the guidelines to be followed which helps for creating a series of generic tests for GUIs? 7. a) What is debugging? Why debugging is so difficult? b) What is regression testing? How is regression test conducted?

8 7 8 7 3 x 5 = 15

8. Write a short note on: i) Unit test ii) Integration Test H iii) Formal technical reviews (FI'R)


BSIT - 61 Sixth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (Distance Education CBCS) BASICS OF .NET
Time; 3 hrs] Note : I. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

5 x 5 = 25 Marks i) Explain .Net framework? ii) List out the objectives of .Net framework? iii) What is boxing and unboxing? Explain with an example. iv) With a neat diagram explain the event handling process of win forms / web forms. . v) Explain Remoting architecture.

5x 15 =75 Marks 1) a) What is the function of CTS? Explain the classification of types in CTS with a diagram. b) What are assemblies? What are static and dynamic assemblies? 2) a) List out the differences between C# and C++. b) List out important features of C#. 3) a) What is iterative statement? Explain for each statement with example. b) What are interfaces? Give an example. 4) a) What is operator over loading? Give an example. b) Write a note on classes in C#. 5) a) What are the different methods supported by system. Object class? Give an example for each. b) Write a note on Jagged arrays 5 Marks Contd.....2 10 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 5 Marks

BSIT - 61
6) a) Give the overall concept of ADO.Net with the help of figures. b) What is data provider? Explain 7) Write a program to display "Welcome to ASP.Net" 8 times in increasing order of their font size using ASP.Net. 8) Explain the steps or phases involved in implementing .Net rcmoting applications.

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10 Marks 5 Marks

15 Marks 15 Marks


BSIT - 62 Sixth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2O11 (Distance Education CBCS) E COMMERCE
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1 . Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B

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[Max. Marks: 100

5x5 =25 Marks 1) What are the categories of operations coming under c - commerce? 2) List any three basic needs of consumer oriented e - commerce? Explain. 3) Write a note on EFT? 4) What arc the desirable characteristics of an electronic market place? 5) What is order selection? Explain. PART B 1) a) What is the need for seamless connections and market place interacts? b) Explain block diagram depicting an electronic commerce architecture. 2) Explain the architectural frame work for electronic commerce. 3) Explain mercantile models from the consumer's perspective. 4) a) What are the three ways in which payment through credit cards can be made over the net? Explain. b) Name any four issues addressed in a e - payment system? 5) a) Explain four layers of EDI architecture. b) What is the need for open EDI? Explain. 6) a) Explain the primary elements of SCM. b) Explain horizontal & vertical organization. 7) a) What should be covered in the policy? b) Explain different security tools. 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks Contd..... .2 5x 15=75 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks

BSIT - 62
8) Write short note on the following: a) Kinds of Shopping b) Cryptography c) Viruses and worms

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3 x 5 = 15 Marks

BSIT 63 Sixth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November /December 2O11 (Distance Education) ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time: 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part -A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B [Max. Marks: 1 00

5x5 =25 Marks 1 ) List ihe functions of application layer. 2) What is the purpose of time out timer? 3) What is streaming? Explain. 4) Write a note on DSS? 5) What is Steganogsaphy? Explain. PART B 5x 15 =75 Marks 1) a) Explain working of DNS with an example. b) Discuss the sending and receiving process in E - mail? 2) a) Discuss the architecture of www? b) Explain what is a server farm? Give an example. 3) Explain shortest path first (SPF) routing algorithm with an example. 4) Discuss the various features of WLAN and us protocol architecture. 5) a) What arc die limitations of the best effort service? Explain. b) Discuss the features of real time protocol? 6) a) List out the advantages and disadvantages of WLAN? b) Compare Inlra red and Radio transmission. 7) Briefly explain any one crypiographic algorithm. 8) Briefly explain conventional encryption model. With the help of a diagram. ******* 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks

BSIT 64 Sixth Semester B.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations November/December 2011 (Distance Education) COMPUTER ETHICS AND CYBER LAWS
Time; 3 hrs] Note : 1. Part - A compulsory 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART B [Max. Marks: 100

5x5 = 25 Marks 1) Explain the four classifications of ethical issues. 2) Examine the social and ethical issues arising out of the presence of computers in the workplace. 3) What arc the fundamental conceptions regarding the evaluation of individual actions? 4) Discuss the distinct features of the Internet? 5) How is a professional code distinguished?

5x 15 =75 Marks 1) a) Explain different sources of law. b) Discuss the significance of legislation. 2) a) What is common Law. How does it differ from codified law? b) Explain how 'Custom' is a source of law. 3) State and discuss the primary assumptions of a legal system. 4) Discuss the current forms of computer crime. 5) Discuss the essentials of a valid contract? 6) What are the evidentiary presumptions of a secured electronic document? Explain the process of encryption and decryption of data. 7) What is meant by unauthorized access to a computer under the provisions of the IT Act, 2000? 8) Explain amendments to current legal provisions? 15 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks 5 Marks

BSIT BS / BTF - BC Sixth Semester B. Sc. ( IT ) Degree Examinations November / December 2011-12-31 ( Distance Education ) BRIDGE COURSE BTF BC / BSIT BC
Time 3 Hrs]

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[Max Marks 100

Note : Answer all questions from part A & answer any 5 full questions from Part B

I. Answer all the question: 1. What is an algorithm and a flowchart. 2. Differentiate between machine language with high-level languages. 3. Give the structure of C program. 4. What are variables and constants? 5. Give the general format of for statement. 6. Name the different parameter passing techniques. 7. Give the structure of nested if statement. 8. Declare a 2D array of names. 9. How to perform matrix multiplication? 10. With respect to an Algorithm, what is time and space complexity? 11. What is a computer? 12. What is stack? 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

II. Answer any Five full questions. 1. a) Write a flow chart to find GCD of two numbers. b) Write a C-program to find LCM of two numbers. c) Write an algorithm to find biggest of 3 numbers. 2. a) Explain different unformatted, I/O statements in C. b) Explain different iterative statements. c) Compare and constant nested if and switch statement. 5 5 5 5 5


3. a) Describe the primitive operations on Stack b) Write a function to delete an element from the linked list c) What are the applications of stack? 4. a) Discuss briefly circular queues. b) What are pointers? What are its advantages? How they are declared and used? c) Write a program to test whether the given string is palindrome or not 5. a) Explain the conversion of in-fix expression to prefix expression. b) Describe insertions and deletions operations on queues. c) How queues are different from stacks. 6. a) Explain Data communication model. b) Describe TCP/IP architechture. c) What is bandwidth, datarate, Channel, capacity and latency. 7. a) Describe packet switching b) Explain any one error control mechanism. c) Discuss the working of time Division multiplexing 8. Write short notes on a) Circuit switching b) CPU scheduling c) File organization. ********

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