Self - Reliance & Community: The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

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Thank you for your time and consideration and we look forward to not only your financial support

but your face in the place if day. that is at all possible. Thanks and have a blessed and prosperous

Self -Reliance & Community

By Evelyn Richardson Three months ago I resigned from my job due to an overwhelming stressful work environment, unethical dealings and collaborations, unfair wage treatment, and expectations that werent achievable considering the time restraints. I could have lasted longer under any of those circumstances except the ones that went against my Christian values and ethical morals. I was scared but as I wrote up a resignation letter that was mild I said within myself, God you better have my back, because my front is out the door. Everyone called me crazy for leaving a job in this economic climate and as the months wore on without another job I at times doubted my decision to leave a job for the ethical reasons that caused me to lose sleep many nights, break out in hives, gain 30lbs, and be agitated at home far more than what was acceptable. Unfortunately I worked with a lot of unethical people who lied constantly and sabotaged my work for lack of better words. These were people who decided to do these unethical and fraudulent things just to secure allegiance from bosses, colleagues, fellow church members, and to gain continued funding from funders. I prayed and built myself up on faith and walked out that door with a peace that was solid on the fact that I will not be a party to any organization or office that say they are providing valuable

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012 Page 1 Pliny Street Block Party Self-Reliance and Community Page 5 Time for Black Reassessment of God Concept Red Light Cameras in CT Shot Down Page 6 Bus Trip to the 12th Annual Harlem Book Fair The Asians Own the Black Hair Industry Page 7 A message from his Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Loves Role in Leadership Page 8 Recommended Reading

Pliny Street Block Party

Join Us!

The Daughters of Eve is hosting the 3rd Annual Pliny Street Block Party & Community Day event this year on September 1st 2012. We are seeking donations to make this event a success. We are asking for tax deductible donations and gifts for our

event. Please address all checks to Hartford Communities That

Care our fiduciary, on behalf of the Pliny Street Block Party and mail to Evelyn R. Richardson 8 Pliny Street Hartford, CT. 06120.

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

and sustainable services to a community of people who face abject poverty and it was not true. Sure they serviced some people but in that office the greatest portion of their filing system housed falsified documents and made up families just to boost the numbers. The cover up was the work of a past situation and I strongly believed that moving forward the right thing could have been done to correct the damage and offered my opinion on this being done. The problem to the present director appeared to be that cleaning up the mess would have been more work than just leaving it like it was and I was not going to be a party to it under my position. So I quit and filed for unemployment till I could secure another job which I felt would not be long. I am usually not a bragger but I have some really good and useful skills when it comes to working with the community and know that I would be a valuable asset to an ethical and empowering office. By the second month I started to feel the crunch of unemployment after I was denied unemployment compensation, so after over fifteen years I went to the Department of Social Services to ask for cash assistance. I was denied of course and referred to a program called Safety Net. The worker who was very helpful had asked about my story and I shared a bit and she shared how her friend was in a similar predicament in the past but that today under no circumstance are you to ever quit, she said you should have let them fire you. I had shared the organizations name and when she returned from a short step away from her desk she mentioned that this is the same organization that heads up the Safety Net Program and asked if that would be a problem for me. I replied not at all and she makes the referral and about two weeks later an appointment is scheduled for me to meet with a people empowering people worker. I meet the safety net worker and we sign lots of papers and we talk a bit. I outline my goals and she schedules another meeting in two weeks after she outlined their program for me. I took the referral to get help with my lights and gas at the time because when it came to empowerment, despite my circumstances I was a regular poster child, but I am not too proud to receive assistance in achieving my goals if I cant accomplish my basic needs on my own as a result of living beneath the poverty level circumstances. She critiques my resume and state this may be why I havent gotten contacted and asks me to work on that till we meet again. She also states the program can help with bill payments up to six payments for each bill. We leave and I submit all my bill info and continue to job hunt as well as make

a visit to the Labor Department to get help to work on my resume. I knew it could be better but that very resume got me quite a few jobs in the past. She never follows up with me about the bills she was supposed to be looking into so on the day I found out I got the job I applied for I contacted her via e-mail and phone stating I got a job, in-spite of my resume and I ask about the bill situation. No response via e-mail or phone. So I decide to call the woman who is supposed to be my safety net worker on a Saturday and leave a message but she picks up. So I stated I wanted to share my good news and ask if I can get help with bus transportation until I can secure my first paycheck, and this is where I was amazed. Every barrier that I needed a safety net for, her response was no I dont have it, no, my director says we have no funds to help you with your lights and no money to help you with your gas, and no, we do not have bus tokens for you to get to work Monday, and no we will not be getting bus passes for quite a while per my director. So then I ask, with my human services background, Is there anywhere you can refer me to? And she says no, I do not know where to refer you. I have a little background in Early Childhood Education and as a teachers assistant I was told and trained how to limit if not all together get rid of using the word no in the classroom. It is said to have an overbearing and controlling effect on children who feel empowered to make some decisions for themselves. Finding other ways to say no without literally saying the word no is a skill but it is an effective skill to learn because no tends to have a crippling effect. It is finite, closed minded, and leaves no wiggle room for consideration in the minds of children and people for that matter who for the most part will rebel if they feel that your NO is unfair and limits their ability to be empowered and/or have a degree of control over their choices or actions. I couldnt help but think that this safety net worker whose title read Manager needed that training. So after the fifth no I informed the Catholic Charities worker that I will not need their services and that this was reflective of the behaviors behind me leaving my job. I had witnessed the resources going to people who had no basic needs and the ones who came to them for resources that needed it were turned away simply because they didnt get involved with every program that was offered at the site. The reason those who did attend everything did so was because they were established and the programs provided were extracurricular trainings and not having any real lasting impact in the community as to addressing the needs of the needy or teaching self- reliance. Certainly I liked my work and I liked and valued the women who did frequent the

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

center but I knew that these women really didnt need the services provided but that there where many families who could if only the time was provided to really market some sustainable programs. Truly impoverished or needy families will not be found sitting on a family center couch five days a week reading a book with a group of women who can go home to functional families and financial security. After her saying no so many times I was left to think if this organization is receiving millions of dollars from the state and federal government and referrals continue to be made to their services and taken I am sure they assume that they are able to say yes to something for a family in need of their services. My resume was the least of my needs and secured me a job before I utilized the Labor Departments help with it. I was at the labor Department almost every other day utilizing their services even before her contact with me. If the name is People Empowering People I would suggest that they please find another way to address the times when they simply are not useful to the families who come to them. The best time this worker could have said no was when the referral was made. They should have told my DSS worker NO, we are not equipped and have no more funds to help anymore families. But the truth might lose them a funder and some funding, so not taking new people who only benefit their numbers was not likely to happen at CC. Especially since I had firsthand experience from my position with them that they tolerate falsified information to boost numbers. I actually felt that they may even submit my name into their Philliber Research information stating that they helped me also when all I was told was no five times. A couple of months ago I had the pleasure of sitting in on a few classes called Family Development Credentialing. I was allowed this training due to my employment with Catholic Charities where I worked at that time. My director did not want to lose me on Fridays and tried everything in her power to get me to tell her supervisors why I couldnt and didnt want to participate but I declined the offer and started the class. Right at the beginning I learned wonderful new language like social workers and human services workers not having the ability to empower others but that empowerment gained is by the individual as well as power over approaches being non effective in contrast to power with approaches when dealing with families. The large book I brought home was entitled Empowerment Skills for Family Workers and the first subject line that caught my eyes after the title of the book was this statement Restoring a sense of selfreliance and

community. After that I knew this book would be helpful in the pursuit of my purpose driven life that entailed being selfsufficient for my children, family and community. Certainly everything I have learned over the past 8 years of my life I have done my best to share with others who face or faced the same challenges and barriers I have faced to self-sufficiency and reliance but how can a people really accomplish this if all the monies allocated to a community is given to organizations that are outside of the community and to access these resources you have to endure a deficit model. You are perceived as something is wrong with you to acquire the services instead of placing the funding within the community with reliable people who have the education and skill set to oversee it. But what has happened is that the momma and papa organizations are and were removed and replaced with larger organizations who still fail to make the mark. So still the poor are getting poorer. And to top that off, the same people that had to close their business doors because of lack of funding are the underpaid workers who provide the work and experience to benefit these larger organizations. Its almost like our City is saying o.k. I feel better for a larger organization to rape and rob your community than for the people who live within it do it. I know, its hard to swallow but they deny smaller organizations the opportunity to compete and raise the bar so high for the larger organizations that most resort to the very dynamics I shared above. But certainly it appears they can sleep better at night if an organization with a big lawyer and some heavy weight titles mismanage the peoples money than having someone who may mismanage $1,000.00 compared to someone who strategically mismanages $10,000- $50,000. One might be out golfing on some of the peoples money while in contrast the next is out paying their mortgage with some. My story is not one that would sit on any front page of a magazine with such titles as Family or Abundant Life, or such happy go lucky articles of children who grew up with money, parents who worked extra hard to instill family values, work ethics or that nice pleasantry stuff. I say that because not long ago I had a conversation at the North End Farmers Market with a woman I respect and whose judgment I consider well. Trudi Mero of Nutmeg Planners, we talked about my passion, community work and she had some warning advice for me and assured me that she was watching me, which when people say that I get a sense of dread unfortunately, because then I become not only accountable to God for my actions but to those whose eyes are watching, and although I want to make a difference I dont want

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

to be judged for what I feel is right because I am still learning my style of leadership and how best to effectively incorporate mine with the styles of other leaders to be empowered to make effective change without wasting valuable time on foolishness like unethical practices and office drama. Now if there was a magazine called Lets Cut to the Chase my picture and story might be inside of that one. Any way I asked this woman I consider one of my mentors why are so many of our leaders selling out the community for personal gain? Her reply was because they themselves are financially challenged. She said the one thing that probably kept her honest and her work marked by integrity was that when she lost her husband at a young age who was a legislative person that she had the backing and support of her parents. She stated when she needed something all she had to do was ask them. She said it was hard raising a family with no husband but that support gave her a degree of stability she wouldnt have had otherwise. And she proudly threw back her shoulders when she mentioned that she didnt have to give the money back. After the conversation was over and still to this day I ponder her words of wisdom regarding integrity. I always think how yes I am financially stretched and my support is limited because in my family we all have our degree of financial instability in the sense that my family supports do not just have thousands of dollars lying around that I wouldnt have to pay back. But even with her pearls of wisdom I knew that I had what it takes to be full of integrity regarding my handling of money for my people and community in spite of the fact that I had limited resources of my own. I remember when I was growing up I would share everything unselfishly with others. I also used to be totally shocked and hurt when I noticed that the very people I would be gracious with turned out to be selfish themselves. At a young age I learned that not everyone viewed life, values, feelings, and emotions the way I did and it hurt for a while until I grew up and learned that my views, perceptions, actions, and ways made me unique, powerful, and beneficial. At some point I learned that I had to be more frugal with my resources without being insensitive to the needs of others. Thats when I made up my mind to work in an area that would expose me to connecting people to others with the resources that could help them so that I could be mindful to not care past my ability to sustain my own family. This took focus and priority. During my conversation with Mrs. Trudi she stated as if she had a crystal ball, she said our children have a different view of the realities of our lives. She said if I was hungry you would

give me your last box of cookies but then your kids get home hungry and ask where that box of cookies is? At first I almost interrupted and said yes I would give it to you if you were hungry but when I realized where she was going I knew that this wasnt true. Back when I shared of my last I wasnt the Christian woman I am today. I would give because I had the ability to get way more if I wanted to. My older kids reality was different than the batch I am raising now. Although all of them have the stories of want, lack, and need at various points depending on my circumstances at a specific time but my older kids tell stories of when I would give them $100.00 just to get them to stay clean or always wearing designer clothes and having the first and best of a lot of material possessions. My kids now wish they were born back then. Today I have less than when my older children were young because I work hard for every penny I earn so I value it more. My thinking today is that I cant help you unless first I can help myself. Recently I organized my 3rd successful block party and community event. The first two I had gainful employment while I planned and had the events. This year I was unemployed. Well the government does not pay for you to leave your work for Christian values which I would wholeheartedly understand if it werent for the unique circumstances around this particular resignation. This was the hardest three months of my life since I have been involved in trying to make positive impacts in my community. The first event we raised about $1000.00, the second event I raised $250.00 and paid out of pocket $ 1,250.00, and this event in September 2011 I raised through collaborations over $2,500.00. I raised and spent this money on the community when I had no money of my own and I had to share with my children who are still with me the importance of understanding whats ours and what is given for the benefit of the community and the people we love. Certainly my kids benefitted from the money at the same measure that all the other over 150 kids who attended benefitted. Certainly this was not ours but a gift from God to share with others. I may not always be able to be empowered to make differences for myself but as my greatest mentor, my father said last week during our morning walk you have an ability to make a difference, and if you cant make certain things happen for yourself, at least try to make it happen for someone else. I love my dad! I didnt have a job and I certainly couldnt have asked for money from these collaborators to pay my three months of backed up bills or buy my sons school uniforms but I was able to ask for and get forty -one book bags for community kids, food

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

from three community based organizations/ collaborators as well as free raffle items, and flowering pots to beautify our neighborhood and homes, Community based organizations resource information( most valuable) for the community, and a day filled with fun, community engagement, and awareness of the services that are housed in Hartford. Then I remembered Mrs. Meros comments, (My mom is deceased and cant help me.) my father helps me out a lot at times but his wisdom and love is more valuable, but I am pleased that when I need to help others outside of my means I have shown to the community that others care and can make it happen even as I struggle alon side of them. And I dont have to PAY IT BACK and I never heard NO once, more less five times in one paragraph. Restoring a sense of self -reliance and community is a subject that is dear to me. I always consider myself a hands on type of worker bee and the book states, empowerment skills for family workers also teaches family development workers how to collaborate skillfully with others to help communities become more supportive to families. This is my goal, my passion, and my purpose. And then sometimes when we dont allow our limitations to cripple us from helping others, God will show his favor upon our life. Exactly seven days after the block party I got a job offer.

cognition. Hell, Africans were introduced to Jesus in slavery (for the most part). For the first 300 years American racism kicked African descendants in their arse without mercy: where was Jesus during those lynchings, beatings, raping of black women, and social ostracism (of blacks) through carefully constructed laws? If black clergy are so dogmatic about critique of Obamas stand supporting same sex marriage, through a religious prism, then do the same for blacks suffering injustice (what does scripture say about endemic white racism?) You cannot pay black clergy two million tax free dollars to juxtapose Jesus teachings or condemnation as it relates to a consistent (but low key these days) form of racism. Indeed, these Sammy Sunshine smiling Negroes will talk around the issues instead of addressing it head on. If this same Jesus (we encountered in America) has any worth to black people please tell me what it is. Each Sunday black people go to church talking about a man crucified on a tree and taken into the sky. Oh yeah, there is a mansion in the heavens with many rooms in it (wonder if black peoples room is in the basement or root cellar) waiting for faithful Christians. Since my consciousness as a young black youth, it seems as Jesus has failed the black nation during times of crisis. Jesus sent liberators for the Hebrews when needed; black ass been kicked for 300 plus years by whites, but blacks [65 %] are willing to use Jesus words and denounce President Obama over same sex marriage. If blacks cannot make Jesus or God practical in our lives-not just praying or reading a Bible- then it is time blacks found another saviour that delivers hope, freedom, and sense of worth and gets white folks off our collective backs. Now that is a God I can embrace and live with.

Time For Black Reassessment of God Concept

I heard United States President Barack Obama make a statement that it is the prerogative of gay people to marry if they so choose. This statement is the evolution in Obamas thinking as it relates to gay marriage. First time a sitting president came out publically in favor of same sex marriage. The resulting backlash from the public sector was predictable; and black clergy also had a response along scriptural & theological lines. Seems as if black clergy are saying Obama is wrong to condone same sex marriage-out of line with the Bible these right Reverends claim- and our president is in need of prayer. What is interesting to me is this black allegiance to Jesus for our entire sojourn in America. I studied in a theological school for over 4 years and understand what the scriptures read. However, this Christian God has a special place in the very fiber of black By Cornell Lewis

Red Light Cameras in CT Shot Down

By Barbara Fair (My Brothers Keeper, New Haven) Installing red light cameras in Connecticut has met another defeat with one New Haven legislator bemoaning he would resurrect it every session as long as he is an elected official. Voicing opposition were those who perceived the measure as simply a revenue generator for cash strapped cities even though it was touted publicly by supporters as a public safety measure.

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

The original legislation was scaled down , using population guidelines, which predictably led the way for cameras to be installed in cities heavily populated by racial minorities. (Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven) Opposition to the bill was voiced in public hearings and public protests. NAACP joined ACLU and other opposition groups weeks before the final House vote which would have led the way to passage. According to NAACP state president, Scot X Esdaile, the measure would unjustly target city dwellers, many of whom are poor and racial minorities; those who are already singled out for unfair treatment and least able to pay the fines and fees associated with the bill. Police Unions also opposed the bill stating it would diminish their role in traffic enforcement. Many cities who had previously installed the cameras pushed to have them removed due to the controversy surrounding the tickets and the loss of revenue to cities. Most problematic was the fact that a huge percentage of the tickets stemmed from drivers turning right on red as opposed to running red lights. American Traffic Solutions, an Arizona based group, spent nearly $40,000 lobbying for the passage of the bill. Two other companies spent thousands lobbying as well. The bill called for car owners to pay a $50 fine along with a $15 administrative fee. Tickets would be received by car owners approximately 60 days after cameras photographed the license plate of a car running a red light. In addition, the bill included language stipulating that the car owner would not lose points on their drivers license. To their credit, CT legislators once again shot down the bill that clearly would have disproportionately impacted the most vulnerable in the state, invaded privacy, eliminated due process and caused much controversy.

Blvd) in Harlem! Deadline July 14th, 2012 Early Bird Special: Pay $40 by June 21st. Cost $50 per person includes continental breakfast, raffles, giveaways and light snacks! Tickets available at Tru-Books at 3155 Main Street, Hartford CT 06120 or purchase on website Bus departs Hartford at 9am sharp from Tru-Books(ACA Food Plaza), 3155 Main Street, Hartford CT. Leaves New York at 6:30pm. For more information, call TRU at 860-547-0739 or email [email protected]. Check out for more upcoming events.

The Asians Own the Black Hair Industry

The Book of ABE 3:43 By Alphonso McGriff III I dont have a problem with the Indians (India), Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, or any other group of people who are doing their thing within the Black Hair Industry.

If the Asians do control the Black Hair Industry its because of

decades of work they put in to make it happen. The Black Hair

Industry only became an industry when other groups of people or international impact as an industry.

got involved anyway. Until then, Black Hair Care had no national

Bus Trip to the 12 Annual Harlem Book Fair

Saturday, July 21 2012 Get your tickets now! The Harlem Book Fair is the largest book fair of its kind, and is expected to draw more than 50,000 New Yorkers and visitors to West 135th Street (between 5th Ave and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.


The Asians first made themselves relevant in the Black Hair the position to produce the volume of natural hair needed

Industry when Blacks decided to wear weaves. Blacks are not in internationally. Blacks are not in the position to grow the hair countries can supply this. Blacks cannot. Blacks cannot pay the the Asians have generated in the hair business, they have been able to branch out into two other key areas of female

needed for natural hair wigs, weaves, and ponytails. The Asian low wages to employees the way the Asians can. With the capital

maintenance, including nails and hair care products. Blacks are these other two areas. So yes, the Asians control the Black Hair

not in the position to produce the volume of products needed for

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

Industry. They have earned that opportunity. We Black folks need to stay in our lane and figure out what we can do with whats available to us rather than complain about what the Asians or anyone else is doing in their own lane. They them. Lets quit complaining about them and make something happen for ourselves.

Within his own sphere, each has the same opportunities for leader of a government. The leader is marked out by his and energy.

showing ability, and the same potential satisfactions as has the individual craftsmanship, his sensibility and insight, his initiative

are doing what they can with whats available to them. I applaud

Leaders are people who raise the standards by which they judge themselves and by which they are willing to be judged. The not merely for their followers alone. They develop with goal chosen, the objective selected, the requirements imposed, are consummate energy and devotion their own skill and knowledge in order to reach the standards they themselves have set. This whole-hearted acceptance of the demands imposed by ever high quality, we must remember, is essential in a leader. Dependability is another requirement in a leader. To be higher standards is the basis of all human progress. A love of

I will not be boycotting, shouting, marching, singing We Shall

Overcome, or protesting those Asians or anyone else. Any time I spend being upset with others for building their financial empire, takes away from the time I could be working on my own empire, whatever that may be for me. I will continue to get from the Asians and anyone else what I need and take responsibility for makes sense to me.

myself by using my reality to best serve me. Its the only thing that

dependable is to be willing to accept responsibility, and to carry it out faithfully. A leader will always be willing to take counsel from his people, but will often have to act on his own mind tells of any inordinate fear of making mistakes.

A Message from His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I

Submitted by Chris Haylett Leadership is required in all fields and no field is without its usefulness. We all know that the need for good leadership in

him is right. This demands that the leader has trained himself out

To embark successfully on a career involving leadership demands a courageous and determined spirit. Once a person has decided upon his life work, and is assured that in doing the work for what he then needs is faith and integrity, coupled with a

every walk of life is much greater today than ever before. Every the fine arts, the mechanical arts, all. And all of you young

aspect of living demands guiding hands: business, the professions, people, who have been given the enriching opportunity of an

which he is best endowed and equipped, he is filling a vital need, courageous spirit, so that, no longer preferring himself to the

advanced education will in the future be called upon to shoulder in varying degrees the responsibilities to leading and serving the nation.

fulfilment of his task, he may address himself to the problems he must solve in order to be effective. One mark of the great leader is that he feels sufficiently secure to devote his thought and of his task, rather than being constantly worried about the approval or disapproval of others.

attention to the well-being of his subordinates and the perfection

It is important however, to remember that leadership does not who wish to rule and dominate others. The true leader is of a different sort: he seeks effective activity which has a truly

mean domination. The world is always well supplied with people

He who would be a leader must pay the price in self-discipline

beneficent purpose. He inspires others to follow in his wake, and holding aloft the torch of wisdom, leads the way for society to realize its genuinely great aspirations.

and moral restraint. This entails the correction and improvement of personal character, the checking of passions and desires, and an exemplary control of ones bodily needs and drive.

Leaders have to submit themselves to a stricter self-discipline and develop a more exemplary moral character than is expected of others. To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well.1

You have learnt from your study of history that the story of nations is often told in terms of the accomplishments of individuals. In every significant event in history, you will find a and an adversary who sought to foil his efforts.

courageous and determined leader, an inspiring goal or objective,

The Imperial Ethiopian Ministry of Information Publications & Foreign Languages Press Department. Selected Speeches of His

In any normal society, everyone has some opportunity to show himself as a leader. Even the mechanic or clerk who has an helpers, or the officer who commands his troops, is a leader. assistant assigned to him not to speak of the doctor with all his

Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I 1918 to 1967, Addis Ababa,



The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

Loves Role in Leadership

By Chris Haylett With so much happening in our world, country, state and cities or towns, work places, worship places, institutions and even to love present? Charity begins at home, therefore, whenever we our homes, we recognize that there is leadership presentbut is practice the love of charity to ourselves (love of self) - from our overstand (understand) that we become the love that we expect from other. Hence the sayings: love thy neighbor as thyself, I am my brothers keeper, do unto others as you would for yourself, and as a man thinks, so is he. Truth is, if we truly

but loving is like breathing and we do not breathe sometimes. If sea from the mountains, with nothing stopping its flow, then we will not remain constant in love. The stream does not make an reenergizing, and relentlessly making its way to the sea. Our effort to flow, as it is constantly moving, reshaping, redirecting, emotional state will remain constant if we embrace the notion

we are not flowing in love as the stream that makes its way to the

that love constantly flows in us because we are love. Love is not a thing. Love is not something you do. Love is not something you are - love - without judgment, perceptions, or expectations because good leadership is futile without love. practice. Love is who you are, and uniquely so. Let us be who we

parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, friends, and children - we

Let us be in the state of mind of love in every moment as we only get one moment at a time. Let us practice leadership in our own and who you are becoming, growing, and evolving into staying constant with love. small way, leading ourselves with love for who you are at present

value life, then we would love, because we dont experience love without life and we all know that everyone can recognize love, even animals can! So, if we simply love and be love unconditionally because our life is LOVE, then we would be and ourselves as true leadership has love as the way, which fosters justice, equal rights, overstanding, etc.

manifesting love in leadership. And as a result, benefit mankind

Recommended reading

We only have one moment in life at any given time and if in that moment we are not experiencing love then we are accepting the or unconsciously, being in denial that we are love, would be contrast hate. Not loving or rejecting love, whether consciously saying that you are in loves contrast. So, what is your state of NEA ONNIM NO SUA A, He who does not know can know from learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blueprint for Black Power by Dr. Amos Wilson The Beauty Con Game by Umoja A Taste of Life by Supreme Understanding and Patra Afrika Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight Against Medical Discrimination by Alondra Nelson The Last Holiday: A Memoir by Gil Scott Heron

mind? If your state of mind is love then you are experiencing joy, happiness, prosperity, righteousness, and all good things. And, if because love transcends race, color, creed, class, denominations, borders, and boundaries. we are true leaders in every moment then we will love effortlessly

Love is like that unseen breath of life that we inhale to sustain our life and body. It cannot be switched on or off, as breathing cannot be turned on or off. We dont decide to not breathe. If we

chose not to breathe then we would die. We dont ask ourselves if we should breathe - we just breathe. We cant exist without love the way we cant exist without breathing. Therefore, if we accept experience the joy and happiness that everyone seeks on this earth. If we know that love is infinite then why do we relegate it to a

Join Us!!!
If you are contributing to the Hart Monitor, please email [email protected] or call 860-461-2611 The Hart Monitor PO Box 260532 Hartford, CT 06126 Disclaimer: The Hart Monitor strives to bring together various voices and opinions on racial justice issues in and around Hartford. We strive to be a newsletter for and by the people of

that we are love because we were born through love, then we will

finite place in our minds and make an effort of working hard at

anything that is contrary to love? If we say that we love only one group of people versus another group, then we have limited our love. We have created a measure for our love, thus we class

Hartford and surrounding areas. All articles in the Hart Monitor are the opinion of the writer listed only, not necessarily the Hart Monitor as a whole. If there is not attribution, the article is edited by Joanna Iovino and Larry Risby. written by the editors of the Hart Monitor. The Hart Monitor is

people in terms of love. Further, we differentiate in terms of love, and we judge each other in terms of love. We say that we love these people more than those, or that we love them sometimes,

The Hart Monitor Issue 4 June 2012

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