Author Guideline

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Author Guidelines The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

The Indonesia Journal of Business Administration(IJBA) is a business journal that bridges the gap between business research and practice, evaluating and reporting on new research to help readers identify and understand significant trends in their fields. The IJBA seeks to publish papers relating to business, broadly defined. It publishes articles that address both theoretical and practical issues in the broad areas of Business Strategy and Marketing, People and Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation, Operation and Performance Management, and Business Risk and Finance.Contributing academicians and researchers are encouraged to address a variety of concerns relating to all areas of business. We also encourage students to use an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing a topic, which often yields interesting and novel papers. The published articles provide valuable insight into matters of broad intellectual and practical concern to academicians and business professionals. The Journalis published three times a year: in April, July and October. The journal is mainly an outlet of MBA ITB students to publish their final project works, although it also accepts articles written by students at masters level from other institutions. A published paper is an honor that will be unambiguously beneficial for professional and academic careers, especially for those who want to attend graduate/professional schools. This means that papers written in relations to Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Operations Management, Information Systems, Business Law, Corporate Ethics, and Public Policy all qualify for submission. Information on the journal format can be found in the journals website. The number of pages must be at 6 pages. After published, the journal article will be available electronically at the journals website.

1. M anuscript P reparation

All submitted articles must be written in good English. In your submission, please state that: (i) The article has not been published elsewere before; (ii) It is not being considered concurrently for publication elsewhere; and (iii) The research reported in the manuscript was conducted in accordance with general ethical guidelines. Manuscripts must comply with the following guidelines, failing which they may be returned for revision before entering the review process. For submission, please visit our website . Please also indicate the corresponding author. If we do not acknowledge receipt of your submission within four weeks, please contact the Editor. Authors should retain copies of all manuscripts, as IJBA will not return them after completion of the review process.
2. M anuscript Stytle

Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word (version 2003 or 2007), using Times New Roman as the font type with font size 10pt. All paragraphs including footnotes and notes under each Table should be justified. The manuscript should be formatted in two column with Tables and Figures inserted in the manuscript. Leave a blank line between each paragraph, each entry in the reference section, and between

each section or part. The preferred length of a paper is 6 pages inclusive of everything (Tables, Figures, References and Appendices).

2.1. Title Title: Brief, effective, and reflective of the manuscript; font size 24, bold and centralised, capitalise each content word in th e title. Subtitle maybe used, font size 14. 2.2. Author Author(s): Full name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail and postal address(es) all in font size 1 0. For multiple authors, please indicate the corresponding author using an asterisk. Author affiliations, acknowledgements and information on research grants may be written in a footnote (indicated by superscript symbols, font size 10) on the title page. This footnote should not be part of the consecutive numbering of footnotes of the paper. See the following example: 2.3. Abstract Abstract: Concise, informative, not more than 250 words, font size 9, the word abstract is italic, typed

in font size 10.

2.4. Keywords Keywords: Provide and identify about 5 keywords (maximum); the word keyword should be itali c. Separate each key words by using a comma and do not close this part with a dot.; the word keyword should be italic. Separate each key words by using a comma.

The organization of the manuscript includes ; Introduction, Business Issue Exploration ( Conceptual Framework, Methods of Data Collection and Analysis, Analysis of Business Situation), Business Solution ( Alternatif of Business Solution, Analysis of Business Solution), Conclusion and Implementation Plan, References.

INTRODUCTION The introduction part is commenced with description regarding on how the student firstly obtains business assignment as his latest project topic. Then, it continues with sub-part of company short profile as the focus of the latest project containing (a) company history, (b) scope of business field undergone by the company, (c) description regarding to the working unit or subsidiary as the unit of analysis in the recent project and (d) business issue faced by such unit. For welldefined issues, the part regarding business issue should contain in detail regarding any issues to face, the causing factor arising the issues and the impact suffered by the company at the current time and its prediction in the future.


In this part, author attempts to find out factors so assumed to be the root of business issue. Such factors form conceptual framework of his/her final project. By analyzing factors found in such conceptual framework, the student could identify one or several significant factors affecting the business issues. Description concerning conceptual framework and analysis is described as follows. Conceptual Framework In this part, author develops conceptual framework that may assist them to find root of issues. Good criteria of conceptual framework is to have balance rigor and relevance, it means that it has to have sufficient foundation or concept, and it has to be relevant with the business context

As the guidance, conceptual framework often contains several parts regarding internal condition of the company, industrial situation, competitive condition, customer profile and attitude, supplier, procurement of substitute product, communication system and marketing line and such other factors in macro level such as infrastructure, economic condition, regulation and politic.

Method of Data Collection and Analysis After developing conceptual framework, student is required to analyze every factor contained in the framework. These details will assist any readers to conceive business situation of the company/industry. In order to improve reliability of its description, author should explain the required data base and method.

Analysis of Business Situation This section contains analysis and identification of business situation or factors that cause the issue. One of tools that are often used to find out the root of the problems is the cause-effect diagram or fish bone diagram. In case there are more than one factor, author can explicitly mention which factor he/she is going to deal with. The business situation analysis is also important for the author to formulate effective solution for the business context as it describes existing situation both controllable and uncontrollable that may affect his/her choice of business solution.

To determine the business solution, several alternatives are developed to be then analyzed in determining one optimal solution for the Companys business issue. Author may not necessarily analyze the solution alternatives one by one, but he/she could directly focus on one business solution and then analyze the possibilities that the solution could address the issue that is being faced by the company. Alternative of Business Solution After finding the main cause(s) of the business issue, author is required to develop alternatives of business solution that, according to them, may resolve the issue. In demonstrating their creativity to settle the issue, author is required to identify as many potential alternatives, not only alternatives that have most potential to be applied. Through this way, there are several advantages such as to develop imaginative intelligence, to grow openness and confidence attitudes and to develop realistic thought Analysis of Business Solution Among the identified alternatives, there are several alternatives considered as the most potential one to be applied. Author is required to provide the reason(s) why other alternatives are considered not applicable. From those potential alternatives, one alternative would be selected as the most optimal solution for the condition of the company/industry, by analyzing each potential alternative. The process for choosing the optimal solution should be effectively explained. Data, assumptions, criteria, calculation, argumentation and other analyses (e.g. stakeholder value analysis) must be elaborated. The reason of the use of certain analysis technique should also be explained briefly (for exam ple, why analysis of Net Present Value is used rather than Payback Period). Recommendations such as managerial implications of the chosen alternative must be also mentioned in this part.

CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN This part provides the conclusion of the study as well as the implementation plan of the proposed recommendation. In the implementation plan, the followings are explained: (a) activities that should be conducted and their correlation to each other; (b) person or unit who is responsible for conducting these activities; (c) timeframe of the activities and (d) flow of information, goods and money in each activity. Various requirements to implement business solution are explained in this section. This may include human resources, technology, finance and other.

2.5. Tables and F igures

Tables and Figures should be numbered separately and sequentially using Arabic numerals. Each Table and Figure should be given an informative title. Tables should be submitted as data - .doc, .rtf, Excel fileTables submitted as image data are not accepted, for they cannot be edited for publication. Figures which are provided electronically must be in tif, .gif or .pic file extensions. All figures and graphics must also be supplied as good quality originals. Please indicate the position of each Table and Figure in the text as follows:

Table 1.
Tabl e Head copy copy Tabl e Col um n Head Table column subhead M ore table copy a M ore table copy a



a . Sa mp le o f a T ab le footnote . (T ab le fo otn ote )

We suggest that you use a text box to insert a graphic (which is ideally a 300 dpi TIFF or EPS file, with all fonts embedded) because this method is somewhat more stable than directly inserting a picture. To have non-visible rules on your frame, use the MSWord Format pull-down menu, select Text Box > Colors and Lines to choose No Fill and No Line.
Figure 1 . Example of a figure caption. (figure caption)

Acknowledgment This paper is written based on the authors final project at MBA ITB supervised by Prof/Dr/Mr. Somebody, who has been relentlessly motivating the author to accomplish the final project. The author would like to thank you Company XYS where the final project has taken place. References

Kahn, R.L. & Bouding, E (Eds.), 1964, Power and Conflict in Organization, Glencoe, IL: Free Press. Katz,D., & Kahn, R.L. 1978, The Social Psychology of Organizations (2nd ed.), New York: Wiley. Wibisono, D., 2003, Riset Bisnis Panduan Bagi Praktisi dan Akademisi, Jakarta, INA: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Fry,L.W., & Slocum, J.W. Jr., 1984, Technology, Structure, and Workgroup Effectiveness: A Test of a Contingency Model. Academy of Management Journal, 21: 221-246 Goggin, W.C. 1974, How Multidimensional Structure Works at Dow Corning, Harvard Business Review, 55(1): 54-65 Biro Pusat Statistik, 2004, Laju Inflasi bisa Disebabkan oleh Kenaikan Populasi, September, 24:14. Berg, N.A. 1973, Corporate Role in Diversified Companies. In B. Taylor & I. MacMillan (Eds.), Business Policy:, Teaching and research: 298-347, New York: Wiley. Roberts, F.S., 1976, Strategy for the Energy Crisis: The Case of Computer Transportation Policy, In R. Axelrod (Ed.) Structure of Decision: 142-147, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Apple, James., Tataletak Pabrik dan Pemindahan Bahan (Plant Arrangement and Material Movement, (translation), Nurhajati Mamun, Bandung: ITB Publisher, 1990. Fireman, Paul, Personal Interview by Joan C. Tonn, Boston, MA: 22 October 2002. Tonn, Joan C.,1999, syllabus MM 6303, unpublished document. Perencanaan Lima Tahunan Perusahaan XYZ (A Five Year Plan of XYZ Company), unpublished document. Kharif,O, 2003, Cellular carriers under siege. Business Week Online, March 18. Quoted on 20 March 2003 from Zunitch, V.M. 2003, Businesses in transition, Journal of Accountancy, March, 1995 (3), Quoted on 17 March 2003 from The Economist,2003, In search of those elusive returns., 20 March, Quoted on 21 March 2003 from Austin, A.H., n.d. The Electronics Industry, 1947-1997, Quoted from Departemen Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesia, n.d. Hukum Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia. Quoted on 23 May 2003 from http://www.Naker.go/UU2003/whd/fair.pdf., 2003, Verizon Communication profile, Quoted on 21 September, 2003 from

3. F inal Submission of the Article Authors must revise their paper within the deadline informed after receiving reviewers comments. Once accepted for publication, the final version of the manuscript must be provided by login to The manuscript will be considered to be the definitive version of the article. The author must ensure that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.

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