Punjab Beverages 2

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Pepsi cola started in the January 1898, from a small Drug store in the city of North Carolina. The owner of the Drug store, Mr. Caleb Bradham, prepared a drink, which the customers called "the Bred Drink". Bred registered this drink with the name of Pepsi Cola in 1903. Then he started his own production at Macro level and established his own company. In 1909 this company reached to 24 states of America with more than 250 dealers. The very first packing of Pepsi was in 16.5 ounce.

In 1932 Pepsi cola has introduced its new packing in 12 ounce. In 1950 Pepsi Cola has started its new Advertising Campaign with the name of "Refresh without Filling". It also changed the chemical formula and decreased its sweetness and calories.

With the efforts of the Sales & Marketing Department, Pepsi got so much fame that it established new plants at a rate of thirty per annum. Today Pepsi is available in more than 155 countries of the world including Soviet Union & China.



Naubahar Bottling Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. was established in 1971, but at that time it was involved in the business of manufacturing and marketing of Coca-Cola. It started its manufacturing and marketing business with Pepsi Cola in 1981. The Area allotted to it, was Gujranwala Franchise. The franchise area consists of the following nine districts.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Gujranwala Gujrat Hafizabad Mandibahauddin Jehlum Sialkot Narowal Sheikhupura Chakwal Shahdra

The company operates through a well-established network of a number of distributors. The company has two types of delivery systems i.e.

Direct delivery system

Indirect delivery system

The basic difference between the direct and the indirect delivery system is that in a direct distribution system, the company spends its own resources while in a indirect distribution, the delaer spends hi own resources on all the factors which increased the sale. The company also has its depots in different cities. Which helps a lot in increasing its sale and directing the distribution system. They are in

Sialkot Gujrat Shahdara Jehlum Sheikhupura


The major objective of the company is to produce and supply of highest quality, which confirms to both the national and international quality stands. The company is committed to provide maximum level of customer satisfaction.


The company operates through a well experienced, loyal and hardworking employees exceeding 700. The first and the most basic plan it to train them according to the changing technology and computerized environment, and satisfying their needs and requirements. Upgrading the plant structure and installation of the new machinery are other plans. The company is planning to increase its sales force and development in its infrastructure in the coming time period.


Recently the company has achieved ISO 9002 Certificate, For its best production and services. The company has already received different awards for its best quality, maximum production and even growth. They are

Exemplary performance award International quality award Bottler of the year Excellence on 1st position in sales Bottler of the year Bottler of the year Bottler of the year 1993 1987



1993 1994 1995

Currently the company holds more than 80% of the market share in its franchise area. The company is investing a lot of capital on the development of its infrastructure and strengthening its dealers network. For this purpose hundreds of T.O.Ts are distributed in all the cities each year.


The post mix department is responsible for installation, maintenance and filling of fountain fresh (post mix) machine in five districts of Gaujranwala franchise

Dispensing is today's "action package" carbonated soft drink in POST -MIX and PREMIX forms, coupled with compact, high volume, refrigerated dispensing equipment, represent convenience and increased profits for dealers and profit opportunities for the bottler. There has been a little growth in the POST-MIX/PRE-MIX dispensing area in the Pakistani Beverage Market until the 1994's.

Pressure on retailers to improve selling methods and techniques.

POST MIX MACHINE Post Mix machine is U.S. made and it has following main components. Water bank Cooling system Syrup tank(s) Congesture Walves CO2 tank

Post Mix Department installs machine at any suitable place with the cash security of Rs, 30000. Along with Post Mix machine, they also provide counter, water tank, water filter(s), disposable glasses, disposable plates, machine maintenance and service. The cooling system is almost like refrigerator or fridge cooling system. However gas cylinders are attached to the machine for gas mixing. Syrup and water mix-up happens in volves at-4 C .So the customer gets fresh, cool product in no time. The water used in fountain fresh machines is acquired from locally available source, It is stored in water tank and filtered once, twice or thrice depending on the purity of the water. With one syrup tank of PEPSI, TEAM and 7'up, equivalent of 19 cases standard bottle is obtained, While syrup cylinder of MIRINDA has the capacity of providing equivalent of 16 cases standard product.

Until now total 122 has been installed in different districts and approx. 114 are working while others needs repair. There is further demand of about 100 machine

POST-MIX SYSTEM The syrup mixed with water and CO2 at the customer account. POST-MIX containers can be bifurcated in Transfer Tank.

THE POST MIX SYSTEM DIFFERS SLIGHTLY IN PRINCIPLE FROM THE PRE-MIX SYSTEM. The difference is related to the way the finished beverage is produced for sale to the consumer. The bottle fill the beverage syrup into stainless steel tanks at production plant and transport the tanks to retail outlets. The operation of POST -MIX system is as follows.

OPERATION OF POST -MIX SYSTEM Compressed CO2 Gas flows from the storage cylinder through gas a pressure regulator where it is reduced to the working pressure of the carbonator, then through a pressure relief valve and back flow check valve to a juncture where the CO2 line gets divided. One segment going to secondary regulators and the other to carbonators and the other to carbonator tanks.

The flow of CO2 from the secondary regulators goes to the syrup containers. Syrup flows from the containers to the refrigeration unit and then to the dispensing valve. The CO2 gas directed to the carbonator assembly enter a small capacity tank which contains potable water automatically controlled to a predetermined level in addition to the tank. Its safety valve, the carbonator assembly includes a motor driven water pump to force the potable water into the tank against the CO2 pressure. The carbonated water from the carbonator .

Connect dispenser to a separate outlet. Turn power switch ON. Thoroughly flush all incoming product lines before connecting them to the dispenser. Turn on the water supply and allow the carbonator to fill completely. Lift relief valve ring until water flows from relief valve openings. Reliefs ring and allow closing.

Turn on CO2 gas and adjust regulator to 75 psi.

Activate a valve until pump starts. Close valve and allow pump to cycle. Dispense drinks from each valve to purge and remaining sanitizer from the sytrup lines and establish quality carbonation in the carbonator .

TRANSFER TANKS The most common packaging from for both PRE-MIX and Post Mix product is the Stainless Steel Tank. This tank comes as either a single entry or double entry system. Each has specific advantages and disadvantages. Both PRE-MIX and Post Mix product can be stored in either single or double entry system

DOUBLE ENTRY TANKS Double entry tanks have separate gas inlet and liquid outlet plugs. The standard double entry tank size can hold 18 Liters of product. However the double entry tanks are also available in other sizes.

SINGLE ENTRY TANK The single entry tank is generally made of stainless steel and can be obtained in different sizes. This tank is not commonly used for dispensing soft drinks. To date its use has been within the Beverage Industry.


One question the reader will need to ask is the ratio between tanks and cylinders per units purchased. The answer is dependent on these factors:

The length of distribution chains. The sales volume per outlet. The product Mix ( some flavors move faster than others ) Frequency of calls. Control of stock levels.

EXAMPLE OF POST MIX TANK REQUIREMENT One product tank contains the equivalent of 19 standard cases of 250 ml finished product, therefore an outlet selling 40 case per week would require the following minimum stock to cover a basic four flavor installation. TANKS

Outlet Machine Stock Outlet Reserve Stock Factory Shipping Stock Factory Production Filling

4 Tanks 1 Tanks 3 Tanks 2 Tanks 10 Tanks

Total: -

CO2 CYLINDERS Outlet Machine Stock 1 Cylinder

Outlet Reserve Stock Factory Stock Total: -

1 Cylinder 1 Cylinder 3 Cylinders

DISPENSING DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE In a simple way, the department can be considered to have four main functions.

SALES Security Deposit Receipt. Legal Agreement papers. Installation site sheet Installation & pick up order . Quality control functions.

SERVICE * * * Preventive maintenance card. Complaints log. Quality control & sanitation. * * Wastage Record. Spares unage Record

DELIVERY Delivery Card. Sales History Card Account Cash Record

WORKSHOP Daily sale & stock report Issue / Collection slip. Future needs Technical Development. Repair Section Store Section

POST MIX SALES OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Customer Service. Conducting Annual surveys of accounts. Preparing a sales plan for growth in conjunction with the Post Mix Manager. Grouping accounts into geographic routes for delivery Helps in selection of sales man cum technicians. New outlet development. Existing outlet development. Merchandising Quality checking

OUTLET SELECTION Dispensing equipment is very expensive and therefore every care must be taken to ensure that the outlet have proper annual yield. As with any installation of Post-Mix equipment, it is important to first undertake a site survey. Until this is done it is not possible to ascertain the equipment required. The points that need to be checked are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Volume through put. Type of unit required & space for product tanks Construction, alteration and other details. Water and electrical requirements. General Details and deliveries. Proper space for air circulation. Dealer and staff are trained or not.

The machine is normally installed in parks, shopping centers, college canteens, ice-cream parlors, busy roads, burger comers etc. The department is having five vehicles for visits of each machine after every two days. Different routes are planned in various areas. With every route/vehicle, there is a technician, driver and helper. The purpose of the route is to replace empty syrup tank, cleaning and maintenance work of machine and resolve any complaint. Special routes are arranged in case of urgent complaint or immediate syrup tank requirement. The technician also performs the job of salesman. Cylinders are delivered on cash and it is responsibility of technician to collect cash and later submit it at cash office. During the route, they have to arrange their meal for which no allowance is given. Technician s get a commission of Rs. 2.50 per cylinder sale. Currently sales Officer is incharge of the post mix department and performs his job as well. Various forms/documents/reports used in the department are:

Post Mix installation/removal orders Duty slip Overtime register Main store requisition Daily complaint register Daily technician report Part/outlet wise sales report Requisition for publicity Daily post mix report Individual technician files Party wise profiles


Post mix has interaction with following departments Shipping Accounts Stores Publicity Workshop MIS Audit


Fountain fresh department is an area which requires much more attention. Though currently it is working with its capacity and covering five districts with a smart staff. The organization should take it as a SBU and concentrate on it because of

High expected growth PEPSI has currently no competition in this area No problem of empty It does not requires a huge plant setup and works with simple setup and very low overhead No chance of fake bottle

So the sales can be increased dramatically by better management and boosting up Post Mix department.


There is job dissatisfaction and very low motivation on the staff due to:

Low salary Daily allowance has been eliminated Overtime is rewarded in terms of holidays not in monetary terms. According to technicians, they normally do not get a chance of making allowed vacations due to workload so the extra holidays are of no use for them. Higher positions are filled from outside, people within the department should be promoted to the chief technician and sales supervisor level. Technicians perform the responsibility of salesman for which they get just Rs. 2.50 per cylinder that is very low. Computer is present in the S.O. office but no one in the department is really qualified to get use of it. Sales targets are set without the consent of staff. Post Mix staff has no knowledge of ISO.

During the route riding, I observed following points

The key issue is proper and compatible combination of technician, helper and driver . these people should work as a team in the field and must possess the characteristics that make a team successful i.e. technical competence, trust ----. The group should move with full preparation i.e. all required slips, necessary tools, tested equipment. The routes must leave at least till 0:30 A.M. The vehicles must be fit and available on time. It is in their best interest and make their job safe, convenient and speedy.

The new machines are not available for installation. Used machines and counters make shopkeepers unhappy. The behavior of the staff with shopkeepers is generally good. The outlet owners have the Post Mix office number complaints and the response is efficient.


Shipping is a very critical area for any beverage organization. It serves the role of coordinator or middleman between production and sales. Ensuring appropriate quantity and on time availability of empty & liquid stock is utmost important. Any malfunction in empty receiving, storage, supply to plants, liquid stock and distribution directly affects sales. This is a complete chain or cycle and any weak link, bottle neck or disturbance will slowdown the whole operations. Shipping department has following main functions.

RECEIVING & STORING NEW OR USED EMPTY New empty is purchased from Pakistani or foreign suppliers as required. Management of production, shipping and procurement takes the decision of when, from where and in what quantity to buy new empty.

After approval, the purchased lot is identified with quality control passed stickers. Consignment is unloaded at the empty godown. Empties are transferred in cases manually and inspected for breakage. Cases are transferred to plant as per requirement on empty movement slip. Empty incharge does, stock taking and maintain daily empty stock physical report. Shipping department also receives used empty from dealers, distributors, salesman etc. Dealer/Salesman arranges the return of empties from market as per contract. On arrival of vehicle, dealer/salesman records entry (detail of empty) on gate register. A token # is issued to every vehicle. Shipping staff unloads vehicle on the token number. Empty incharge checks then for breakage and they are sorted out physically in standard, junior, liter sizes and put into cases brand and size wise.

Empty incharge prepares empty slip. Empty slip has an office copy and three other copies at factory one copy goes to MIS, other is for shift incharge at DP godown and the third is for gate office. Gate office reconciles the copy of empty slip with initial entry. Gate register has two parts, one is for gate entry and the other is shipping received. Details of empty slip must match with the earlier gate entry otherwise empty incharge & shift incharge is informed. SUPPLY OF EMPTY TO PLANTS Shipping department has three godowns for empty storage. These are godown No.1, No.2

PEPSI TOWN Due to shortage of space in godown # I, empty is unloaded at godown # 2 or sent to PEPSI town. This empty is returned when storage space becomes available at godown # I. Empty is supplied to plant when required by production people in specific quantity. the delivery is through forklifts. Daily production report. Report Product Loss Dirty Return To

Sign of production office


Plant Distribution

RG I Excise




& payment

From DP godown liquid stock is issued to three main parties.

i) For the base market salesman directly take load from factory godown. At the end of the day, they return the empty and deposit daily cash. ii) NBC has five depots to ensure smooth, regular supply and stock maintenance in other cities covering whole franchise area. The depots are in Sialkot, Gujrat, Jehlum, Sheikhupura and Shahdara. The depots are treated like distributor /dealers. Shipping, sales and MIS staff works in depots. Trucks are made available by the company on contract to supply liquid and return empty frame depots settlement sheet of depots in prepared and cleared by the transfer of cash from dealer's account to company accounts. iii) Some dealers whose area is not base or under any depot's range also take load directly from factory and clear their settlement sheet by cash payment.

The procedure for all three types of parties is same. The salesman / drives deposits empty slip to MIS computer operator. Liquid slip is issued to the salesman on which the quantity, size and brands are specified. Vehicle is loaded in the DP godown monitored cleared by stock incharge.


Finished goods storage should be secured against sunlight, rainfall, moisture and other intimidation.

Issued on FIFO (first in, first out) basis via validity of production dates. It ensures that product is not expired, bad taste and visually unattractive.

Shift wise record of daily transactions is maintained. These is physical stock taking for physical but not for expiry dates.

HANDLING & PACKAGING Forklifts are used for transferring FG shells I cases from production area to shipping hall or not delivery ducks to ensure product do no get damaged.

All Pepsi Cola carbonated soft drinks are packed in glass/PET bottles or post mix tanks. This is called primary packaging. Filled glass/PET bottles are further secured by means of plastic or wooden shells/cases called secondary packaging.


Empty Stocktaking of empty at the beginning Of shift (copy) Empty unloading Checking for empty slips to MIS, Dealer and an office copy Addition of new arrival in copy


Liquid Stocktaking in the morning and entry on Liquid Received and Issued form Full in and liquid receive from NBC Is added on the form.

Empty Empty send to NBC on New and


Liquid MIS issues liquid slip

Others Empty Slips. The amount is subtracted from copy Liquid is loaded on the sales vehicle according to liquid Slip Minus the amount from Liquid Received and Issue form


Monitoring of empty and stock incharges Maintenance of shipping records and documents Reconciling physical stock with MIS reports Posting on balance sheet register Sending daily stock report and dealer wise sales report to factory Receiving bank slips from dealers Clearance of depot's settlement sheet Transfer of cash to friends agency account Maintenance of stock FIFO system

During my visit to depot Shahdara, I studied depot operations and

The job of stock incharge.

Performed the job of empty incharge.

Worked on the seat of shift incharge.

* Drew liquid laws arrangement, Depot layout and time study of loading & unloading of vehicles.


Extremely poor situation condition at godown # 2.

Dirty empty washing in godown # 2 is with HC1. Which is very hazardous to the people working there is well as it can cause problems when empty is filled.

There is shortage of storage space at godown # 1 due to which extra empty has to transfer to which extra empty has to transfer to godown # 2 or Pepsi town and bring it back when needed in 1999, 2,224,928 cases empty moved to and brought back from Pepsi town only due to this shortage of space.

It is a very difficult task to manage vehicles parking at unloading pad, providing way to forklifts transferring empty to the plants, and maintaining lanes properly. Trunks and other vehicles have to wait for hour in queue for their term.

Environmental conditions are not good. Shipping staff and labour has to work whole day in sales vehicles and forklift's. It causes health problem for them liquid is supplied to depots based on daily sales and current stock position. But many times they receive unneeded liquid. For example, there is Shahdara but instead of teem is shortage of teem. They are sent Pepsi. The root cause is shortage of storage space at DP godown and production and shipping.

No financial or statistical technique is used to calculate what is appropriate stock level in a depot, when liquid should be sent and in what quantity.

Pepsi town is a big land area. Where a huge stock of empty is lying.

Empty should be kept under shelter to protect against weather. There is no proper arrangement of empties. There should be kept in an ordered and countable way.

Breakage, rejected empty, TIN packs and other useless material must be sale out by getting maximum price.

The job of empty incharge, stock incharge, shift incharge is very demanding. It requires mental ability, efficiency, physical fitness, ability to manage people and space and responsibility. They are paid low as compared to the people of same rank in other departments.

NBC announces two best employee of the month awards each month from production and service sector. Production sector includes production and quality control department while service sector includes shipping, Admin, procurement & stress, MIS, cash and accounts department. In this award is won by an empty incharge of shipping from service sector. Shipping is a large department where 250300 people work. There should be a separate best employer of the month award for shipping. The jobs of shipping staff are more physically & mentally demanding. It will motivate and help them to some out of the complex that shipping is an ignored past of the organization.

Shipping department is working is bounded capacity in terms of storage space and tuff conditions. However they are reducing breakage, rejection and other losses year by year and supplied by following figures.


250 ml liquid sale handling


Empties unloading


By empty movement slip loading =


By empty movement slip unloading


Other empty exchange unloading =


Other empty exchange unloading =


Other empty sale loading


Dirty empty wash


Total handling


Total breakage shipping


Breakage in %age


2 bottles per 100 cases




Description Sales breakage By order breakage Shipping breakage Lifter breakage Short in shipping Depot loss Reject by Production Short received by production Total losses

1999 8,695 0.16% 15,462 0.30% 2,659 0.50% 123 0.002% 2,583 0.050% 5,591 0. 10% 11 54,600 1.32%

2000 13,562 0.17% 28,418 0.35% 2,847 0.35% 198 0.002% 2,052 0.025% 6,876 0.08% 32 79,880 1.03%

2001 25,766 0,25% 19,957 0.20% 4,029 0.040% 206 0.002% 2,587 0.026% 7,044 0.07% 18 97,770 0.98%


Quality control department is responsible for following functions

Water treatment (for bottle filling & washing)

Syrup making (pasteurization room)


Laboratoryequipment's Production equipment's Incoming raw material testing

In process testing

Finished goods testing

Market complaints handling

Market rejections Customer rejections Trade sampling Quality testing of CO2 plant and Boiler


Water is the main ingredient of the beverage product. Raw water is treated so as to make it free of all impurities and use in the process.


Water Testing 2P-M Indicator Method: The purpose of "2P-M" or " A " alkalinity test is to verify that water treatment plant is operating correctly and final treated water for processing conforms to standards. High alkalinity leads to undesirable effects. The frequency of the test is after every half-hour.

Total Dissolved Salts Testing In Water: The purpose is to provide rapid, indirect evaluation of the total dissolved salts in a water sample. The level of total dissolved salts is a useful measure to gauge the overall consistency of the mineral contents in the water, which ultimately affect the quality of beverage. The frequency of the test is after every four hours.

Water Test Chlorine Residual: Chlorine "residual" is the amount of chlorine that remains after the natural chlorine demand of the water has been satisfied. Two fold purpose of the test is:

1. Where chlorine is necessary, to demonstrate that the level of chlorine present is adequate for water oxidation & disinfections purposes &

2. Where chlorine is prohibited, to confirm that it is absent.

The frequency of test for water treatment is after an hour and for washer final rinser is once in a shift.

Taste, Odor And Appearance: Treated Water: The purpose of this test is to provide a rapid, gross evaluation of major defects in treated water for syrup & beverage making. In this test, the taste, odor and appearance of treated water samples are assessed hourly.

Water Hardness Test: The hardness in the water will affect the beverage quality as well as produce scale in washers, boilers etc. water hardness is gradual decrease in the tendency of water to form foam due to presence of impurities like chlorides, Sulphates etc.


Bottles Washing Plant (Please See Appendix): In the plant, syrup (from syrup tanks) and water (from water treatment) is mixed at a specific ratio called flow mix. The mixture then moves to carbon cooler where carbonation of product i.e. absorption of CO2 in the syrup at low temperature is done. It then moves to filler where product is filled in empty bottles and crown caps are put on it. The final product moves towards packing machine through conveyer however most of the time bottles are packed into cases manually.

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) plant (Please See Appendix): CO2 assures the product a measure of added sanitary protection and greater shelf life. CO2 gas in addition to product carbonation, contributes to the production process itself by:

Displacing air from water and product during processing. Supplying counter pressure needs for some filler bowls.

CO2 enhances both beverage's taste and appearance. Carbon Dioxide imparts a pungent, slightly acidic taste to the finished product as well as creating greater eye appeal. Each individual product should be carbonated to a level most suited for that flavor .


BRIX INVERSION TEST The purpose is to break the sugar molecule into simple molecule of glucose and fructose; Inversion is performed to confirm on-line brix target .the test is taken after an hour of starting tank on production line.

FILL HEIGHT TEST The purpose of fill height measurement is to verify that containers are consistently filled to the correct level as established depending upon package size. Fill height is the distance from the top of bottle to the meniscus of the liquid.

BRIX BY HYDROMETER TEST The purpose is to measure by weight, the percent solids of sugar in simple syrup, finished syrup, control drinks and final beverage. Brix is defined as by weight percent solids of sugar .

pH TESTING pH scale indicates the amount of acidity or alkalinity. pH is measured for Raw water, treated water, control drink, finished beverage, T.A. testing and incoming raw material. The purpose of the test is to define the line Brix. This also helps in predicting the sensory attributes of the beverage.


The purpose of the test is to measure the acidity level in the test sample.

INCOMING RA W MATERIAL TESTING Sodium hydroxide (Caustic Soda) %purity test Processing material calcium chloride test Conductivity Ash in granular sugar by conductivity meter:

The purpose is to test the incoming sugar for its ash contents in order to define quality. Sugar ash is primary indicator of sugar sensory performance in a beverage. It is comprised of organic and in organic salts left over from the refining process. The sugar is used in syrup making.

Processing Materials Ferrous Sulfate Test: The chemical is used in syrup water treatment.

Processing Materials Activated Granular Carbon Test : The chemical is used in syrup making and water treatment.

Crown Corks/Caps Inspection/ Attribute Analysis: -

The purpose is to ensure that incoming lot of crown corks/caps fulfills the appearance requirement and free from defects. Crown caps are used for packing (sealing) of bottles after filling. Crowns and closures should match supplier shipment label and purchase order. The characteristics considered in the analysis are outside printing, inside printing, color, shell or liner flash, cracks, band etc.

Glass Bottles Inspection/ Attribute Analysis: The purpose is to identify the visual defects effecting the beverage quality in the incoming glass. The defects are categorized as following. Very critical defects: Any defect dangerous for personnel.

Critical defects: The defects that result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for using, maintaining or depending upon the product. These could be Struck glass, Loose glass, False bottoms, Bird, Swings. Major defects: The defect likely to result in failure or reduce materially the usability of the product for intended purpose. The defects are Cracks, Chocked necks, Bent neck, Stones over 1.6mm (1/16 inch) etc. Minor defects: a minor defect is departure from established standards having little bearing on the effective use. These could be Brush marks, Seeds, Dirty molds, Dirty finish etc.

HYDRATED LIME TEST Hydrated lime is used in water treatment ( Reaction tank).

Taste, Odor & Appearance Test: Granular Sugar: It is granular sugar test for its sensory attributes for consignment acceptance or rejection for every delivery.

CO2 purity test: CO2 used in Carbocooler for absorption. Chlorine (sodium hypo chlorite) test: Used in water treatment.

Post Mix tanks inspection: Post Mix is undiluted fountain syrup that is delivered to retailers in transfer tanks. The inspection is performed before filling new or market returned tanks. A form is filled with the following format

Tank Produ Appeara # ct nce

Preinspection O-ring

Safety Wolves

Washi ng


Post Mix tanks washing: -

It is in order to eliminate the chances of contamination. The steps are . Rinse with treated water Clean with detergent Rinse with treated water Sanitize with chlorine Rinse with treated water Sanitize with steam


The calibration ensures that the equipment is fit for its intended use. Calibration is very integral and critical because instruments are eyes into the process and if they are not working properly, the process may produce unexpected or undesired results.

PRESSURE GAUGE CALIBRATION The purpose is to test the non-existence of pressure difference & note if difference exists.

HYDROMETER CALIBRATION The purpose is to test the non-existence in Brix reading and note if difference existed.

THERMOMETER CALIBRATION To assure that thermometers are properly tested for their exact temperature readi7 masks, gloves and safety glasses.

Earplugs should be provided to the people working in the production hall. Proper sitting room should be provided to CO2 supervisor to keep the spare parts, tools and documents safely. Labor should wear neat and clean uniform. Proper arrangement should be for draining Many under 18 age boys are working in production.


PCI collects product samples from market, tests them in their labs against standards, sends monthly test results summary to their franchisers and allots rating (colors) to franchisers after every three months. The PCI Operations Director - Quality Systems for Middle East, North Africa & Pakistan sends rating of 44 factories including NBC. The color rating is based on following criteria.

Color Rating



SensoryRed < 70 %

Analytical < 80 %

Sensory < 70 %

Analytical < 85 % > 85 %


< 70 %

> 80 %

< 70 %

> 70 % Yellow

< 80 %

> 70 %

< 85 % > 85 %

70 - 85 %

> 80 %

70- 85 %

> 85 % Green > 85 %

80- 90 % > 90 %

> 85 % > 85 %

85 - 90 % > 90 %


both Sensory/ Analytical good


Sensory Satisfactory/Analytically good

Or Sensory good/ Analytically satisfactory

Orange Or

Sensory unsatisfactory/ Analytically satisfactory

Sensory satisfactory/ Analytically unsatisfactory


Both Sensory/ Analytically unsatisfactory

NBC has been in yellow color after the standard percentage is Increased.


In today's fast moving business environment, organizations are rapidly moving towards computerization and information systems.

In this era of rapid of frequent changes, it provides current, reliable and accurate information to the management. This information is very useful in decision-making. Information systems are generally defined as the system which provides regular and current information to management for decision making.

MIS department of NBC is playing a vital role in this regard. The department is working with a small setup & satisfying the information requirements the organization with a smart staff and developed setup, the department has eliminated much work load, paper work and saved a lot previous time.

The software system have two basic parts and these are developed in some programming language. The post important part of any information system is database. The database is the basic structure of data and defines how data is organized, stored and retired from memory. The database operates at the back end. At the front end, data is entered and retired through input screens.

The MIS department is currently performing its day-to-day operations as well as involved in software development. It also provide technical assistance and training to other departments. At the time oracle 8.0 is in execution. All computer in the department are networked by LAN (local area network) the department has licensed software working.

The following systems are working in the department.

Plant Efficiency System: -

The system is designed to keep current information about what is going on in production & plants. The system is helpful in getting production figures and reports about line utilization, line efficiency, mechanical efficiency, employee code, name, basic salary, allowances, tax, net pay and any other adjustments supplied by time office.

Sales & Distribution System: The most comprehensive system of MIS is sales and distribution system. It incorporates

Sales system Cash system Shipping system Post mix system

The basic input of this system is empties slip, liquid out slip, full in slip by order slips. Empty short slip, the reports of the system are

Load report ( dealer wise, depot wise ) Settlement sheet (dealer wise, depot wise) Shipping shift summary. Daily liquid out report. Pending report. Agent wise load out summary. Agent wise sales summary. District wise sales summary. Computerize sales statements

(Monthly, semi annually, annually) Cash report

Filled inspection, breakage, actual production, paid time, stoppage, production time etc.

Excise And Sales Tax System: NBC is a regular taxpayer of govt. of Pakistan. it pays excise and sales tax according to its production and sales. The system is developed to keep complete record of the tax transactions. Stock of the product at the RG I is maintained after production. the stock is moved to DP ( duty paid) godown after its clearance by excise inspector and payment of 15 % tax. at RG I, closing stock of a day is opening RG I stock plus day's production and minus tax clearance. General Ledger System:General ledger system of Accounts is on line from Ist July, 2000.the system logs all accounts and shows balance sheet & profit & loss statement incorporating every transaction. Payroll System: There is separate payroll system for NBC and Friend's Agency. The output of the system is pay slips and payroll report at the end of month. Payroll report incorporates.

All these reports are extremely important in the day-to-day operations of the abovementioned departments. In addition, customized reports can be obtained as required. The system is implemented at each depot as well. Marketing Information System: MKIS is a very strong software aimed to keep current record of each & every outlet of the franchise. Through this system, management can come to know Name & address of each outlet. T.O.T details Price details

Empty details Package details Publicity position Quality status

The system is designed in such a way that reports can be obtained about outlets: Distributor & area wise Route wise District wise

The system is useful in accessing market & investment position in each area. Suggestions: The future programs of the department is:

Networking with depots Internet development within organization

There should be formal web site and e-mail accounts of employees in the organization. A small computer books library will help the staff to add their skills.


Human Resource department is one of most important part of any organization, which performs the activities for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. The Human Resource mfg. process is as follow.

Recruitment procedure in NBC: Major sources of potential job candidates are

Internal Search Advertisement Employees Referrals School placement Selection devices used for selection of graduates, masters & MBSs are Application form written tests (English, Math, business/Engineering essay)

Interviews for worker level job where qualification and skill requirement is low, this formal procedure is not adopted rather candidates abilities are fledged by department head and sent to factory manager for approval. Orientation is the introduction of new into his or her job & the organization. This is for few selected persons in NBC training is generally on the job employees in all departments are bearing by the time or with the help of seniors. The organization provides compensation benefits to its employees such as:

Accommodation Holidays 14 Annual

1 O Casual 16 Medical with 1/2 pay. Annual pay Increment & bonus. Medical facility Mess Time office maintains personal file of each employee, daily attendance, leaves, incentives & commission etc., job descriptions and organizational chart are available for all employees. Employees are rotated from one department/post to other on request or when required. Payroll system.

OBSERVATION & SUGGESTIONS There should be proper planning by: Assessing current human resource stands & generating human resources inventory.

Assessing future human resources needs by organizations strategies & future programs. After assessing current capabilities of future needs a program should be developed to have right person for the right job & at right time. At the moment, HR department is itself facing staffing problem & it seems to be non-existent. The selection process through which candidates pass is very slow & time consuming pass is very slow and time consuming. Candidate have to sit daylong waiting for management approval to start test & then. There is service of interviews, which have no timetable. It is generally three four days patience test & trouble some for candidates from other cities or already doing jobs.

For the medical bills and small loan employees need to get managing directors approvals and then pass through a long procedure. It should be simplified. Department heads should be authorized to approved loans and medical bills up

to a certain amount.

Computer & job related aptitude test should also be made part of selection tests to have better job personality fit. Formal training is conducted but that is due to ISO department not with the planning/efforts of HR department. Performance appraisal has only once but it was a useless exercise because its results were not used in future planning or changes. Performance appraisal should be conducted:

To know development & training needs of employees. To get performance feed back. Anticipate direction for future performance To change/ compensation system.

There is not idea of planned career development in NBC. Career development can be in term of job rotation, transfer & promotion. It improves the organization's ability to attract of retain talented people, anticipating change & helping employees to learn new skills and improve utilization of a personal abilities. Motivation is the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals. The general level of motivation in NBC employees is very low and in NBC employees is low and they are dissatisfied with their jobs and pay scales. Only best employer of the month program is implemented highlight employees whose work performance is excellent. There would be lobbies or affiliations in the organization. These should be canalized in positive approach e.g. mentoring, communication link instead of source of conflicts. Teams (functional, self-managed, cross functional, problem solving) should be used to speed decisions, increase performance, facilitate cooperation & improve employee morale. There must be some channel to communicate employees problem/suggestion/comments directly to top management e.g. suggestion box. These suggestions should be discussed in quality control meetings.

No attitude surveyor any internal research has ever conducted by the HR department to get insight of employees thinking. Once best employee of the month award be for each department.

They output criteria of employees personality organizational characteristics; group, team or departmental variables and organization's structure and Human Resource policies are performance Absenteeism turnover & job satisfaction. Employees in NBC are performing well but they have low level of motivation. Absenteeism is controlled because total forty annual leaves are allowed but more important reason it that employees feel self responsibility. However the alarming indicators are turnover and job satisfaction. The organization is facing high turnover rate and employees are dissatisfied with their jobs and pay scales. Experienced staff is leaving the organization or searching for opportunities. With the kind attention and efforts of general manager & deputy general manager, the situation is improving. Qualified & young people are joining the organization. The pay scales of metric, intermediate & graduate employees are revised. However much more is needed to do in this regard.

AUTO WORKSHOP The function of auto workshop department is top provide repair, overhauling and maintenance services to the vehicles used in the organization. These vehicles include Mazda, Toyota, Hino, Suzuki, Honda and forklifts (Toyota) of different models and capacity. Total number of vehicles served by the auto workshop is about 140. the responsibility of auto workshop is to keep PEPSI fleet efficient, dependable and energetic. Different departments particularly shipping and sales use these vehicles. Sales staff mostly uses vehicles outside Gujranwala. In case of some major work, it comes to workshop however if there is nominal repair work, they have it done locally. The staff of the department consists of 20 persons including mechanics. Record keeper, supervisor and headed by auto0 workshop manager.

DOCUMENTS / REPORT IN THE DEPARTMENT: Daily performance report:

Vehicle #

Detail of work

Visit outside work

Job complete/Incomp lete

Name of mechani c

Drivers name Sign.

Monthly performance report of auto workshop:

Work order indicating defect, repair work and remarks and after repair a certificate showing that maintenance work is all right signed by the driver of the vehicle.

Work order for market. Log book in each vehicle for each driver. Gate pass] Store requisitions for transport spare parts and stationary. A small section of

store working under main store is maintained in the workshop


Electrocution section Tire maintenance section (compressor) Body welding section Service section Tool room


For any repair work, the driver must fill a work order signed by his respective in charge. The work order is also necessary for cars and motorcycles. The work order is refereed to record keeper who hands over to supervisor after entering in register and reports to work shop manager in case of accident. The supervisor is responsible for assigning the job to mechanic by matching the type of work and his skills. In case of some work required from market, supervisor himself goes with the vehicle or assigns one mechanic to monitor market work. The driver signs the work order certificate after his complete satisfaction.


Standards are set for mobile oil change, air filter change, mileage etc. of different vehicles. The data needs to be maintained and regularly evaluated. Specialized workers are needed to work on different parts of vehicle e.g. spring load, radiator etc. as well as for petrol and diesel vehicles. Specialist mechanics demand higher pay. For this reason, department has to get services from market. There has been no training for mechanics, they are learning only by time. Mechanics can acquire new skills and save expenditures by attending short courses as department head because of his ability to communicate and better understand problems praises one diploma holder mechanic. Maintenance and smooth of vehicle is dependant upon driver's understanding and care for the vehicle. There is no formal training for drivers as well. Short training camps should be arranged by the department conducted by engineers of the companies/dealers from where NBC purchases vehicles.

ISO 9000

ISO certification project started in March 98 and ISO 9002 certificate for NBC was announced on 18-19 F February 1999 by SGS Malaysia. This is first certified beverage plant in Pakistan and among first five in Asia. The project started with the following activates.

Clear identification of functions and responsibilities of each department Drawing of process flow charts Comparison with ISO guidelines for any non confirmation Redesign of process charts with the format like Process Person Document Procedure writing:

Procedures were written for every function of dept. to clearly document the activities. A procedure consists of following components: Purpose: Scope: Reference: Definition: PCI guidelines, FDA definition of technical terms & key words top to down purpose of the procedure

Responsibility & Authorities: Dept. responsibility

Monitoring responsibility lies with officers Actual implementation responsibility lies with the Operators Procedures Precautions Appendices work instructions


Level-1 management Level-2 Level-3 where, how) Level-4 records

Quality Manual for each department written by top Quality operating procedures Job description and Work instructions (who, why, when, Proof and evidence. Frequently used forms, reports, and




Management responsibility ISO 9000 Quality system documentation ISO 9000 Sales contract review Marketing Design control Document control and data control Purchasing Customer supplied products Product identification and tractability Process control Inspection and testing Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment QC Inspection and test status Control of non-confom1ing product Corrective and preventive action Handling, storage, packaging, Preservation and delivery Control of quality record Internal quality audit Training

ISO 9000 ISO 9000 Marketing --Stores, Production, QC Production QC, Stores

QC, Stores ISO 9000, QC, Stores, Production ISO 9000

Shipping, Stores ISO 9000 ISO 9000 HR

Servicing Statistical techniques ISO DEPARTMENT The structure of ISO dept. is simple. It is headed by ISO manager under which an TSO Coordinator works. The main functions of the dept. are

Problem I complaint handling Corrective action request (CARs) Periodic visits/ Internal audits Conducting of QC meetings

Quality Council meetings are held quarterly. OM, ISO Manager, Factory Manager, Production Manager, Plant Manager, QC manager, HR Manager and Marketing Manager participate in these meeting.


System Improvement Better image of the product Reduction of losses Improved efficiency Complete documentation Standardized raw material Preservative maintenance of equipment Improved productivity

SUGGESTIONS There are following problems in successful execution of the system:

Unwilling to provide extensive training Criticism on each otherG

bjbj "w8]pppp8$G

bjbj "w8]pppp8$ has resulted no significant impact on other factors.

The next step of NBC should be TQM (total quality management).


The department is responsible for all the purchases (including raw material), storage and issue of materials to various departments.

SUPPLIER SELECTION Selection of right supplier is an important job being performed by t.he department. Selection criteria differs from one category to another category .

CRITICAL These items are very much sensitive and one has to be cautious about making final decision about suppliers, in NBC following factors are taken into consideration while selecting supplier for these items

Past performance record PCI approved suppliers Site audit Self assessment through questionnaire Product inspection and testing Compliance by any appropriate standards or specifications

TECHNICAL/GENERAL ITEMS While selecting a supplier for technical and general item any of the following method is used.

Past performance record Competitive price in market Delivery requirement of NBC Availability of items in the market

Purchases can be divided easily into

RAW MATERIAL PURCHASES For the raw material purchases, there is Production Manager, Quality Control Manager, approving a list of suppliers and Procurement Manager based on their product quality. The procedure is that product samples are tested in the laboratory and then after complete satisfaction of quality, supplier is approved and sends his quotation. NBC has approved supplier list for following materials Concentrate Sugar Plastic shells Activated carbon

Glass bottles Crown corks Closures Packing cartons Pet bottles CO2 gas Glass bottles Crown corks Closures Packing cartons Pet bottles Hypo super Ferrous sulfate Caustic soda Bleaching liquid Sodium chloride Lime

There are raw material specifications and special instructions regarding:

Chemical properties Physical properties Packaging Sampling details Storage & handling Rejections

Production department sends monthly demand and quotations for the quantity net of current stock and wastage are invited.

Material requirement Opening/closing stock adjustmentby Material to be purchased

by Stores by

Production dept.

Procurement dept.

Some time purchase quantity decisions are made on the space available in the store. After the material is purchased and Gate checking, it is again send to quality laboratory by FIFO rule. On approval, a lot # and batch # is assigned to the material. The transportation is by road.

GENERAL PURCHASES For the general purchases like stationary, technical parts, supplies etc issue requisition slip (in case required material is in the store) or purchase requisition slip ( in case required material is not in the store stock) signed by concerned department head is send to Procurement Manager and Purchasers of procurement department make the purchase.

Store has categorized material in four labels

Mechanical General Stationary General Electric

Material is organized in store with a Store Label placed showing code #, Nomenclature, Ledger page # and location.

The documents/forms/reports used/generated in the department are:

Purchase requisition slip Purchase order

Receiving voucher Ledger (posting on ledger) Store return voucher Internal gate pass Temporary gate pass Permanent gate pass Daily activity report Daily stock taking report TOT report


Sale and marketing is the most important department of any beverage company. To maximize the sales and profit, this department should be proper planed and managed. Naubahar Bottling Co. Pvt. has a very aggressive and hardworking Sales and marketing department. Due to its efforts the company has got the first position in sales in 1993 through out the Pakistan.

Following are the major contents of this department:

Marketing Development Outlet Tactical analysis and routine planning of market strategies. Competition activity monitoring T.O. Ts. management Publicity management Sensory indices management Time management

MARKET DEVELOPMENT The first and the most basic job of the sales and marketing department is to plan, develop and make targets. And also to make strategies to achieve those targets and develop the market. The following major factors are considered in this respect.

Collection of all the data about each and every distributors/ outlets, about its sale, volume, growth and exclusivity. Finding the gaps in the market where there is a potential. Finding the points where competitor is strong and hoe we can break this point. Location of non-traditional shops where potential is available for the beverage. Different offers must be given to break the competitors point or win the mix point.

OUTLET Outlets play an important role in strengthening the market. By monitoring them you can build your market, have their loyalty and increase your sale. Sales persons should continuously visit outlets, listen their complaints and satisfy their needs and requirements. They must have information about each and every outlet, its growth, and volume and type business. Proper check must be maintained to get the feedback from the shopkeepers

Tactical Analysis & Routine Planning Of Market Strategies: On the market side the sales people gather information and on the bases of these information they further plan and improve their strategies.

Checking of the designated area, its sale, volume and growth. Calculation of share n brands and package wise Calculation of daily sales achievements on monthly target basis Location of the poor performance factors and analyzing their cause Finding their solution and getting the approval for its execution. Planning for a schedule for the designated area. Visiting the area according to the plan and reporting it to the higher management

Competition Activity Monitoring On the other hand a constant intention have been given to the competitors activities, strategies and offers. They have been compared with ours and updated according to the environment

Following are the key factors to be noted in respect of the competitor:

Nothing the competitors investments i.e. T.O.Ts., Publicity, Discounting, Promotional schemes, empty management, Cash credit, Vehicles injection (etc.) Reporting to the higher authority. Taking action to block the competitors activities and monitoring Our

T .O. TS. MANAGEMENT T.O.Ts means list of items available in a shop, which helps to sell our product conveniently on priority basis. It is one of the major investments being made by the company. T.O.Ts. management completely depends upon the Sales force. The factors to be considered are

Data collection about the sale, volume, growth, profitability, size and place of the shop Record of all the T.O.Ts. given to the shopkeeper. Further plan for the injection of T .0. Ts. Checking all the equipment time by time any removing their complaints

PUBLICITY MANAGEMENT To promote the image of the company and its products, publicity is a major tool. Publicity plays an important role in the promoting the image in the consumer's minds.

Publicity involves Banners, posters, signings, gifts and schemes. Focusing the followings spends publicity budget.

Location of the area. Arranging the sources and requirements and making priority lists Carefully arranging the publicity execution.

SENSORY INDICES LEVELS MEASURES Sensory measures means to check the quality and standards through the senses. The colour, taste, appearance and other specimens of the bottle, must be checked time by time so that the standards of the PCI may not doubted

EMPTY & LOAD MANAGEMENT Empty management means full utilization of available empty at highest productive Tripage level within the franchise area.

There are two types of empty management i.e.

Empty management within distributors & within Salesman.

The sales and marketing department have to manage, plan and make strategies a about the distribution of empty whether it is on credit or cash. The department also has to handle and manage load. Whether it is on vehicles or shipping or distributors or at the depots level. At shipping level load management can be divided into

Package wise Brand wise Demand wise

HOW TO MANAGE THE EMPTY Following are the steps, which are necessary to manage the empty

Estimation of empty available (within shopkeeper) Estimation of empty available ( within distributors ) Previous sales record of each specific area within distributors. Trippage level tracking of each distributor for the last two years at least. Estimation of sales volume growth for at least last three years (Distributors or salesman rout) Estimation of empty injection volume for at least three years (Distributors or salesman rout) Comparison of empty Trippage from the one to other distributors/salesman rout. Factors causing poor Trippage Factors involved causing hyper Trippage. Empty plan (Forecasting) based on the previous years Trippage Level & Percentage increase of empty injection.

TIME MANAGEMENT Time management is the most important factor especially in a Beverage industry, because it is wholly dependent on Sales and Marketing Department. And without proper management of time this department cannot run. Following are the key factors, which are to be considered necessary for the management of time:

Drop size of a specific area. Tonnage of the vehicle for that specific area. Total operational time management Idle time monitoring and elimination. Calculation of outlet knocks time. Calculation of available knock time for each outlet of a specific area. Define and ideal knock time for an outlet. Setting of a comprehensive plan, by considering all the above factors


NBC is a regular taxpayer of excise and sales tax to govt. the procedure is that production per hour of each plant is counted and noted in cases and bottles. The excise duty and sales tax is calculated as per govt. rate. The liquid stock of RG 1 is moved to DP godown after clearance and daily deposit of sales tax. The company and all its dealers pay sales tax at the end of each month. Sales tax and excise duty is also paid on some raw material as sugar, crown caps, concentrate etc. the department maintains following documents

RG 1 register RG2 register AR 1 form Daily production report (shift bases) ACL register

The department is concerned with collector rate of central excise and sales tax, production department, shipping department and MIS department.


Cash department does cash handling (collection and payment). The major part of cash collection is from dealers and salesman based on their settlement sheet and daily sales report. Cash payment is done on the vouchers issued by accounts department. Payments include employee's pay, bills, allowances, procurement expenditures and day-to-day general expenses.


The job of the department is to maintain books of accounts. There are following main activities of accounts.

Issuance of purchase vouchers for raw material, plant and machinery and general store items Check payment of payroll to employees including wages, overtime, bonuses etc. Handling of monthly tax statements.

Computerized general ledger system is working and shows the result of each transaction up to balance sheet and income/profit and loss statement.

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