Rheology Advantage Instrument Control - Getting Started Guide

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Rheology Advantage Instrument Control



Rheometrics Series Getting Started Guide

Revision E Issued January 2004 Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 by TA InstrumentsWaters LLC 109 Lukens Drive New Castle, DE 19720

The material contained in this manual, and in the online help for the software used to support this instrument, is believed adequate for the intended use of the instrument. If the instrument or procedures are used for purposes other than those specified herein, confirmation of their suitability must be obtained from TA Instruments. Otherwise, TA Instruments does not guarantee any results and assumes no obligation or liability. TA Instruments also reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes without notice. TA Instruments may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in written license agreement from TA Instrument, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. TA Instruments Operating Software, as well as Module, Data Analysis, and Utility Software and their associated manuals and online help, are proprietary and copyrighted by TA Instruments. Purchasers are granted a license to use these software programs on the module and controller with which they were purchased. These programs may not be duplicated by the purchaser without the prior written consent of TA Instruments. Each licensed program shall remain the exclusive property of TA Instruments, and no rights or licenses are granted to the purchaser other than as specified above.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Important: TA Instruments Manual Supplement

Please click on the links below to access important information supplemental to this Getting Started Guide: TA Instruments Trademarks TA Instruments Patents Other Trademarks TA Instruments End-User License Agreement TA Instruments Offices

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Table of Contents
Important: TA Instruments Manual Supplement ........................................................................................................ 3 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings .................................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 1: Introducing Rheology Advantage ............................................................................................................ 7 Welcome ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Getting Help..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Screen Tips ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Contents and Index .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Adding Annotations................................................................................................................................................ 8 Navigating the Help System ................................................................................................................................... 8 Printing a Manual .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Changing the Help's Font Size ............................................................................................................................... 8 Printing a Help Topic .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Standard Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Experiment Run Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Configuring the Software ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Setting the Default Options ................................................................................................................................... 12 Viewing the Default File Locations ...................................................................................................................... 12 Using the Tool Bars ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Moving a Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Show/Hide a Tool Bar ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Changing the Button Size ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Understanding the Menus ........................................................................................................................................... 14 File Menu ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Instrument Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 14 Experiment Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Options Menu ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Chapter 2: Preparing the Instrument ........................................................................................................................ 17 Calibrating the Rheometer ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Calibrating Inertia .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Calibrating Instrument Inertia ...................................................................................................................... 18 Measuring System Inertia .............................................................................................................................. 18 Performing Flow Inertia Correction .............................................................................................................. 19 Using the Inertia Correction ................................................................................................................... 19 Rotational Mapping .............................................................................................................................................. 20 Mapping Types ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Automatic Prompting for Mapping .............................................................................................................. 21 Setting the Number of Mapping Iterations .................................................................................................. 21

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Calibrating for Friction .......................................................................................................................................... 22 Determining the Friction Correction Factor ................................................................................................. 22 Calibrating the Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 22 Finding the Offset and Span Values ............................................................................................................. 23 Offset & Span Calibration Method #1 ................................................................................................... 23 Offset & Span Calibration Method #2 ................................................................................................... 24 System Verification ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Setting and Controlling the Gap .......................................................................................................................... 25 Thermal Compensation ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Why Use Thermal Compensation? ............................................................................................................... 26 Calibrating the Compensation Value................................................................................................................... 26 Approximate Values ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Compliance ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Finding the Zero (Datum) Point .................................................................................................................... 27 Setting the Geometry Gap ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Using the Backoff Distance Setting ............................................................................................................... 28 Adjusting the Rheometer Gap Velocity Values ............................................................................................ 28 Programmed Gap Closure ............................................................................................................................. 29 Gap Setting Problems ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 3: Handling Files........................................................................................................................................... 31 What are the File Types? ............................................................................................................................................... 31 Choosing Filenames .............................................................................................................................................. 32 Opening/Copying Files ........................................................................................................................................ 33 Opening a File Using a UNC Address ......................................................................................................... 33 Opening a Rheology Solutions File .............................................................................................................. 33 Creating a Backup Copy of a File .................................................................................................................. 33 Using the File Property Information............................................................................................................................ 34 Viewing the Property Information ........................................................................................................................ 34 Adding/Editing the File Properties ..................................................................................................................... 35 Creating Custom File Properties ........................................................................................................................... 35 Chapter 4: Operating the Instrument ....................................................................................................................... 37 Designing a Test ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 What Steps are Involved? ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Available Flow Steps.............................................................................................................................................. 38 Available Creep Steps ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Available Oscillation Steps ................................................................................................................................... 39 Available Stress Relaxation Steps (AR 2000 Only) ............................................................................................ 40 Manually Operating the Rheometer............................................................................................................................ 41 Display Raw (Point) .............................................................................................................................................. 41 Data During a Test ................................................................................................................................................. 41 Displaying Data for a Flow Procedure ......................................................................................................... 41 Displaying Data for an Oscillation Procedure ............................................................................................ 41 Approximate Values ....................................................................................................................................... 42 Index............................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings

The following conventions are used throughout this guide to point out items of importance to you as you read through the instructions. A NOTE highlights important information about equipment or procedures. A CAUTION emphasizes a procedure that may damage equipment or cause loss of data if not followed correctly. A WARNING indicates a procedure that may be hazardous to the operator or to the environment if not followed correctly.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Chapter 1
Introducing Rheology Advantage
Thank you for purchasing TA Instruments Rheology Advantage. Rheology Advantage makes it easy for you to set up and control the various instruments that are available from TA Instruments through the use of tool bars, menus, and windows. The Instrument Control program is used to run experiments on your rheometer and gather data files. If you need help or information while using your Rheology Advantage software, online help is available as described in the next section.

Getting Help
Everything that you need to know about using the Advantage software is now online. This online information should be your primary source of information to help you use the programs. See the figure to the right for an graphical representation showing the location and types of help that are available.

Screen Tips
ScreenTips show information about different elements on the screen. To see a ScreenTip for a dialog box option, click the question mark and then click the option. (If the dialog box doesn't have a question mark button, select the option and then press the F1 key.) To see information about a tool bar button, position the mouse pointer over the button until the text appears (shown to the right).

Contents and Index

You can get Help using methods similar to the Windows help system. Click Contents and Index on the Help menu. Click the Contents tab to scroll through a table of contents for the Help file. Click the Index tab to search for topics by using an index of subjects. Click on the Find tab to use full-text search and look for specific words or phrases.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Adding Annotations
You can add your own notes to the help system pages by using the Notes button. Any topic that has been annotated with notes will have a paper clip icon to the left of the topic title.

Navigating the Help System

Use the following icons to access more information when using the Rheology Advantage online help: Provides a jump to more information. Shows a popup with more information or an example. Performs an action for you in the software.

Printing a Manual
During installation, you have the option to display one or both the icons for the TA Instrument Manuals and TA Software Manuals. These shortcuts allow you to access the library of available printable manuals for both hardware and software, respectively.

Changing the Help's Font Size

Follow these steps to change the font size for the current help file: 1. 2. Open the desired help file. In an open Help topic window, click Options. Select Font and then click Small, Normal, or Large.

Printing a Help Topic

Help topics can be printed by following these instructions: To print one topic: 1. 2. Open the desired help file and open a help topics. In the Help topic window, click Options. Click Print Topic.

To print more than one topic: 1. 2. 3. Select Help Topics. Select the Contents tab, then click on the book icon for the selected group of topics. Click the Print button.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Five large buttons (tabs) control what is shown in the main display area of the Rheology Advantage Instrument Control program (shown below):
Instrument Status Geometry Procedure Notes RealTime Plot

Button Instrument Status

Description Provides control over the basic instrument functions. This is a good place to manually assess a sample prior to procedure development. Shows the currently loaded measuring geometry and allows it to be edited. Shows the currently loaded procedure and allows it to be edited. Provides sample information including density and optional user variables If a measurement has been started, this displays the data graphically as well as numerical values for the last point.


Procedure Notes

Realtime Plot

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Standard Tool Bar

The tool bar (shown below) can be used for many of the same functions that are found in the menus. The table provides a list of the buttons available and a brief description of each one.
New Save Procedure Wizard Undo Delete Step Manual Oscillation Run About Data Module Analyze Results Help What's This Help


Add Step

Tool Bar Buttons New, Open, Save

Description These buttons are multifunctional in that they can apply to the geometry, procedure, or notes depending on the active tab. Click the Undo button to reverse the last command or delete the last entry and restores the previous text. Choose this button to start the wizard that will guide you through the process needed to set up a procedure. These buttons insert or delete the selected step(s) in the procedure. Changes can be made to the procedures even during the experiment as long as the step has not been started. Click this button to perform single point oscillation measurements. This is a good way to assess a sample prior to procedure development. Choose this button to switch to the data analysis program. Click this button to send the current data from the realtime plot to the data analysis program. Select this to show the current program version and copyright information. Click to access online help. Position cursor on desired area, then click this button to access interactive help.


Procedure Wizard

Add and Delete Step

Manual Oscillation

Run Data Module Analyze Results About Help Topics What's This Help


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Experiment Run Tool Bar

The Experiment Run tool bar is used to control the experiment after setup. The buttons found on the tool bar are briefly described below.
Run Stop Abort Abandon Step Point Accept Point

Tool Bar Buttons Run Stop Abort Step Abandon Point (Steady State Flow) Accept Point (Steady State Flow)

Description Starts the experiment. Stops the experiment. Terminates the current step and moves on to the next step in the procedure. Skips the current point in the step without saving it to the data file. Overrides the steady state conditions in the step and accepts the point.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Configuring the Software

The Rheology Advantage software is configured with certain options in place when it is installed. This section tells you how to make various configuration changes to the software after installation.

Setting the Default Options

The following instructions provide information on setting up the desired default options to be used for the program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select Options/Settings from the menu. Click on the View tab. Click on the Defaults button. Click the Close button. Select Experiment from the menu. Click on Graph, then select Change variables... Click on the set to defaults button. NOTE: Steps 6 and 7 only apply to the active test type, i.e., equilibrium flow etc. You must repeat this for each test type as required. 8. Click the OK button.

Viewing the Default File Locations

To view the directory that was last used for particular file types follow these directions: 1. 2. Select Options/Settings from the menu. Click on the Directories tab. NOTE: Directories can only be viewed using this method. To change directories you need to use the Save As function.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Using the Tool Bars

Tool bars give you quick access to various functions of the software. You can move them about the screen or "dock" them to the program screen. To find out the function of each button on a tool bar, hold the mouse cursor over the appropriate button until a pop-up text message appears.

Moving a Tool Bar

1. 2. Click the move handle, , on a docked tool bar or click the title bar on a floating tool bar .

Drag the tool bar to a new location. If you drag the tool bar to one edge of the program window, it becomes a docked tool bar.

Show/Hide a Tool Bar

1. 2. 3. 4. Select Options from the menu. Click on General. Click on the View tab. To show a particular tool bar, select (check) it on the list . To hide it, de-select it. NOTE: To quickly hide a floating tool bar, click the close (x) button on the tool bar.

Changing the Button Size

1. 2. 3. 4. Select Options from the menu. Click on General. Click on the View tab. Select Large Buttons to increase the tool bar size.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Understanding the Menus

The following tables provide a description of the various menus used in the Rheology Advantage Instrument Control program.

File Menu
Refer to the following table for a brief description of the File menu:

Menu Item Open Session

Description Select this menu item to open a previously saved session. A session contains information on the geometry, procedure, notes, and instrument options. A session file can be used as a desktop short cut to automatically configure your rheometer on starting the software. This option saves the current geometry, procedure, notes, and instrument options in a single file. This option also saves the current geometry, procedure, notes, and instrument options in a single file and it allows you to assign a new file name to the session file. Select Load Options from the menu to load the previously saved instrument options. Use this function to save the current instrument options to a file that can be recalled at a later date.

Save Session

Save Session As

Load Options

Save Options As

NOTE: For information on menus not discussed here, refer to the remaining portion of this manual.

Instrument Menu
Refer to the following table for a brief description of the Instrument menu:

Menu Item Oscillatory Mapping

Description This is an advanced feature used to improve low torque/displacement oscillatory data. Refer to the document New Features in Rheology Advantage 4.1 for more information. This function provides information on the current instrument type and communications. NOTE: For information on menus not discussed here, refer to the remaining portion of this manual.



Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Experiment Menu
Refer to the following table for a brief description of the Experiment menu:

Menu Item Graph

Description This function is used to change the properties, variables, and log/linear settings for the realtime plot. These functions perform in a fashion similar to the Rheology Advantage Data Analysis program. Please refer to the Rheology Advantage Data Analysis Getting Started Guide for further information. Select to access variables for the numerical data shown as part of the realtime plot window. Used to display the last results file of the same procedure type or to select up to two control files.

Additional Variables

Previous Results

NOTE: For information on menus not discussed here, refer to the remaining portion of this manual.

Options Menu
Refer to the following table for a brief description of the Options menu:

Menu Item Instrument Temperature

Description The AR 2000 automatically reads the currently installed temperature system. For other rheometers it is necessary to select the correct system using this function. Select this option to provide information on the system setup that may be requested by Service. Allows you to access settings that affect how data is stored and flagged as erroneous. This function provides access to SI/cgs switch, range bars, language, and other global settings. NOTE: For information on menus not discussed here, refer to the remaining portion of this manual.




Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide



Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Chapter 2
Preparing the Instrument
Before you can run a test on the rheometer, you will need to prepare the instrument for operation. Preparation involves proper calibration of the rheometer and selection of the appropriate geometry as directed in this chapter.

Calibrating the Rheometer

Your TA Instruments rheometer is a piece of precision scientific equipment and, as such, needs to be maintained to a sufficient standard so that operators of the instrument can be confident the data obtained from the instrument is correct. A rheometer works with the following fundamental physical properties: Torque Displacement/Speed Temperature Gap Frequency Phase shift.

Since much of the rheometer calibration can only be adjusted using specialist tools, it is recommended that the instrument be given a full calibration/verification service at least annually. Although you can not perform a full calibration of the rheometer yourself, you can still monitor the performance and perform verification tests. It is recommended that you adopt some form of good laboratory practice (GLP) and establish a routine for monitoring the performance of the rheometer. The following areas should be considered: Verification of System calibration factors. Instrument inertia. Measuring system inertia. Rotational (torque) mapping. Air bearing friction. Verification of Temperature calibration. Verification testing with a rheology standard (flow/creep/oscillation tests)

This chapter provides information that you will need to get started calibrating your rheometer. Refer to the online help available in the program for more details.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Calibrating Inertia
In an ideal world, whenever a torque was applied by a rheometer, it would act solely upon the loaded sample and nothing else. In practice, however, the non-zero moments of inertia of the rheometer spindle and measurement geometry mean that some of the applied torque is being used to accelerate or decelerate these mechanical components (until steady state is reached.) A correction needs to be made to the torque value to reflect more accurately the conditions that the sample is undergoing. The amount of correction applied is based upon the calibrated values of the instrument and geometry inertia. In the oscillation mode, the correction is made automatically. In the flow mode, however, the correction can be toggled on or off as necessary. Flow inertia correction is more likely to be needed when low viscosity materials are being measured using fast ramps over a wide shear range.

Calibrating Instrument Inertia

Under perfect circumstances, the inertia value of the rheometer should not change with time. Running a calibration check on this value therefore gives a good indication of the performance of the rheometer. If you notice a continual drift of this value, check the quality of the air used as it could be indicative of a poor quality supply. To calibrate the rheometer inertia, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select Options from the menu. Click on Instrument... Click on the Inertia tab. Ensure that there is no measuring system attached to the rheometer. Click on the Calibrate button. Follow the steps in the calibration wizard. NOTE: You can also type the value in manually at step 3, if required. (For example, you can type in a specific value to restore the calibration to a known calibration state.)

Measuring System Inertia

The value of the inertia for each measuring system differs because they all have been uniquely engineered and could have different masses. It is important to calibrate the inertia value for each geometry, particularly if high frequency oscillations are being used, or if low viscosity fluids are being measured. Follow these steps to calibrate the measuring system inertia: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Geometry from the menu. Click on View. Click on the Settings tab. Ensure that the correct measuring system is attached to the rheometer.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Click on the Calibrate button (Geometry inertia). NOTE: You can also type the value in manually at step 3, if required. (For example, you can type in a specific value to restore the calibration to a known calibration state.)

Performing Flow Inertia Correction

When a stress is applied to a sample it will move and continue to move while that stress is applied. If the stress is subsequently removed, the sample will stop moving, but not instantaneously. It requires a finite time to respond to this change in stress. This lag time is due to inertial effects and its magnitude is entirely sample dependent. In flow experiments, the effect of inertia is more pronounced in low viscosity fluids. Inertial effects manifest themselves in flow as the appearance of apparent thixotropic loops when a standard UP and DOWN flow curve is carried out. Consider the graph shown to the right.


Shear Rate

You could interpret this graph as a flow curve on a thixotroFigure 1 pic sample, highlighted by the presence of the hysteresis Flow Curve without Inertia Correction loop. However, the fact that the the DOWN curve (B) crosses the x axis alerts us to the fact that this apparent thixotropy is actually an inertial artifact and that the down curve intercepts the y-axis below the origin. The inertial correction feature available in the AR Rheometer eradicates such artifacts. It is a straight-forward toggle ON/ OFF option that you can access using the software. (See the online help available for the software.) Using the same sample as above, but measuring with the inertia correction ON, yields the results shown in Figure 2 to the left. This now shows a Newtonian response, which is as expected. This inertia correction only needs to be active when low viscosity materials are being measured.

Figure 2 Flow Curve with Inertia Correction

Using the Inertia Correction

The inertia correction is used automatically when carrying out oscillation tests. To use inertia correction in Flow mode: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select Options from the menu. Click on Experiment. Select the Flow tab. Ensure that both the Instrument and Geometry inertia have been calibrated. Ensure that the Inertia Correction option is selected. Press the OK button.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Rotational Mapping
Due to the micron tolerances needed to make an air bearing work, any bearing will have small variations in behavior around one revolution of the shaft. They are consistent over time unless changes occur in the air bearing. By combining the absolute angular position data from the optical encoder with microprocessor control of the motor, these small variations can be mapped automatically and stored in memory. To create a map, the program rotates the air bearing at a fixed speed, monitoring the torque required to maintain this speed through a full 360 of rotation. The number of points in the map (and the speed of rotation used) is dependent upon the mapping type used. These variations can then be allowed for automatically by the microprocessor, which is in effect carrying out a baseline correction of the torque. This results in a very wide operating range of the bearing without operator interventiona confidence check in bearing performance. For maximum accuracy at the lower torque end of the rheometer, it is recommended that the mapping be performed each time a new measuring system is used. To perform a rotational mapping: 1. 2. 3. Attach the required measuring geometry to the rheometer. Load the correct Geometry file into the software. Set the mapping type as follows: a. b. c. Select Instrument on the menu. Select Rotational Mapping. Select the Bearing mapping required [standard , fast, precision, or extended (AR 2000 only)see "Mapping Types" on the next page for more information.]

d. Select the number of iterations. e. Click Perform Mapping buttonsee "Mapping Types" on the next page for more information.

Mapping Types
The following mapping types are available in the Instrument Control program: Standard mapping takes approximately 1 minute to complete. It is suitable for day to day use. Fast mapping takes approximately 45 seconds to complete. Less mapping points per revolution are used than standard or precision mode. It is around half as accurate as Standard mode. It is suitable for day-today use where low-end accuracy is not so much of a problem. Precision mapping gives the most accurate calibration of the rheometer but takes around 2 minutes to complete. This mode is approximately twice as accurate as Standard mode. Extended mapping (AR 2000 Only) gives the best low torque/velocity performance.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Automatic Prompting for Mapping

The program can be set so that it will automatically prompt you to perform a mapping each time you change the installed measuring geometry. Follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Options on the menu bar. Select Settings. Click on the Mapping tab. Ensure that Prompt user to map when geometry changed option is selected. Press the OK button.

Setting the Number of Mapping Iterations

For optimum performance at very low torques (<10 N.m) multiple mappings can be performed. Generally, you will see little further improvement in performance after three consecutive mappings. To select the number of mapping iterations, use the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Options on the menu. Click on Settings. Click on the Mapping tab. Enter the number of mapping iterations required. Click on the OK button. NOTE: Extended mapping does not support multiple iterations.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Calibrating for Friction

An air bearing is used to provide virtually friction free application of torque to the sample. However, there will always be some residual friction. With most materials this friction is insignificant, but in about 1% of low viscosity samples, this inherent friction causes inaccuracies in the final rheological data. To overcome this, the software has an air bearing friction correction that can be activated, if required. Since each air bearing is custom designed and engineered, they are each unique. This means that the correction factor will also be unique to each bearing.

Determining the Friction Correction Factor

If you wish to apply the air bearing friction correction, you must first calibrate your bearing. This procedure should be carried out monthly if you use the option frequently. It can be affected by changes in the air supply so you are advised to ensure your air supply is stable. To determine the air bearing friction correction factor, use the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Make sure the instrument inertia has been calibrated. Attach the geometry of choice to the rheometer. Enter the relevant geometry details via the software and make sure it has had its inertia calibrated. Select Options from the menu. Select Instrument. Click on the Miscellaneous tab. Click on the Calibrate button and follow the wizard.

Calibrating the Temperature

A full calibration of the temperature control system should only be carried out by an authorized TA Instruments representative. It is possible, however, to verify and adjust the calibration using a procedure such as given below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Set the rheometer to give a value of 100C. Using a certified digital thermometer, measure the actual plate temperature. Set the rheometer to 0C. Measure and note the actual temperature again. (Ensure that the temperature has stabilized.) Repeat the process of setting and measuring temperatures, if more accuracy is required. Determine the values for offset and span (see the next section). Select Options from the menu.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

8. 9.

Select Instrument. Click on the Miscellaneous tab.

10. Click on the Offset entry for the selected temperature controller and enter the value obtained from the graph above for offset. 11. Click on the Span entry for the selected temperature controller and enter the span value obtained from the graph. 12. Click on the OK button to set these values on the rheometer.

Finding the Offset and Span Values

The temperature control devices on the rheometer can be independently calibrated by calculating a span and offset. It can be used in two ways.

Offset & Span Calibration Method #1

Set a low and high temperature [ST1 & ST2] and measure the actual temperatures by another (reference) technique [RT1 & RT2]. If this is done at just two temperatures covering the temperature range of interest the calculation of span and offset can simply be done as follows: Span Offset = = [ST2 - ST1]/[RT2- RT1] ST2 - [RT2*Span]

If you want to make a more accurate calibration, you will need to measure at more than two temperatures. In this case, it is easier to use a spreadsheet (such as Microsoft Excel.) Enter data into a table, then use the graph Wizard (or similar) to create an XY scatter graph. Insert the "best fit" line by right clicking on a data point. An example is shown below. Set Temperature 50 150 200 Measured Temperature 53 155 206

From the equation of the best fit line [y = Slope*x + Intercept] calculate the span and offset as follows: Span Offset = = 1/Slope = 1/1.02 = 0.98 -Intercept/Slope = 2/1.02 = -1.96

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Measured Temp.

Offset & Span Calibration Method #2

The second way to calibrate the span and offset is to use a "standard" oil, which hopefully covers the temperature range of interest. Measuring viscosity at the set temperature doesn't help you. You need to adjust the set temperature until you get the certified viscosity valuesome trial and error may be required. Note this temperature as the adjusted set temperature [AST]. For a two-point calibration calculate the span and offset as follows: Span Offset = = [AST2- AST1]/[ST2-ST1] AST2 - [ST2*Span]

If you have more than two points, use a spreadsheet as shown in this example. Set Temperature 50 150 200 Adjusted Temperature 45 144 192

In this case there is no need for more calculation as: Span = Offset = Slope = 0.98 Intercept = -3.86


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

System Verification
Although you cannot calibrate the rheometer yourself, you can check that the instrument is functioning properly by measuring the viscosity of a certified standard Newtonian oil. If you get a greater than 5% error in the reading, there is a possibility that your rheometer needs some attention from a TA Instruments Service Engineer. It is recommended that this verification check be performed at least on a monthly basis. Carry out the following experiment. 1. Attach a 60 mm 2 cone to the rheometer. (This is the preferred geometry, if you do not have one, use the largest cone available to you.) Install the measuring geometry into the rheometer. Set the zero datum point for the measuring system. Carefully load the sample, ensuring correct filling. Carry out a "2-minute" flow test over as wide a range as possible. Determine the Newtonian viscosity. If this value is more than 5% different from the certified value repeat the experiment. If the results are still in error, call your local TA Instruments office for advice.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The following are sources of error that can be checked: Over or under filling of the gapensure that you have established a standard method of sample loading. Temperature errorverify the temperature of the measuring geometry against a certified digital thermometer. Gap settingensure that the gap was correctly zeroed at the operating temperature.

Setting and Controlling the Gap

You may recall that the shear rate obtained in any experiment is due in part to the gap between the measuring systems used on the rheometer. Because of this, the accuracy of the way the gap is set is of critical importance to the accuracy of the results obtained. Whenever you change the measuring geometry on the rheometer, it is recommended that you ensure that the zero point or "datum" is correctly set. The rheometer can be made to obtain this setting automatically. Note that if the gap is incorrectly set, the data obtained will be in error. The actual gap that can be used depends upon the measuring geometry. For parallel plates, any gap (within reason) can be set. For cone and plates, the gap is determined by the cone truncation. Most other measuring systems also have a fixed gap setting.

When the test procedure calls for the temperature to change with time, the gap setting will change if the thermal expansion/contraction of the measuring system is not compensated for. The software, therefore, contains a thermal compensation mode that can be activated as required.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Thermal Compensation
When performing rheology testing, it is important to be able to compensate for changes in the temperature during the test measurement.

Why Use Thermal Compensation?

One of the features of the "Automatic Gap Setting" (AGS) facility is the ability to compensate for changes in the gap due to temperature changes during the measurement. The compensation is an active correction made to the gapthe rheometer physically moves the rheometer head to ensure that the actual gap remains constant. The effects of expansion/contraction of the metallic parts of the rheometer can be eliminated by calibrating and then activating the thermal gap compensation factor in the software. For the most accurate compensation, you must obtain a value for each different measuring geometry and temperature module used.

Calibrating the Compensation Value

Follow the steps below to calibrate the compensation value: 1. 2. 3. Select and attach the required measuring geometry. Click on the Settings tab of the Geometry template. Click on the Calibrate button and follow the wizard.

Approximate Values
The table below gives an approximate guide to compensation values. These will generally give an acceptable performance for the gap compensation. It is only when you are working with extremely small gaps/cone angles and require the highest degree of precision, that you will need to calibrate these values.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

When measuring stiff materials, correcting for compliance can improve the results. For torsion measurements follow the Calibration wizard on the Settings tab of the Geometry template. For parallel plates, the default values are rheometer and measuring system-specific and it is recommended that you keep these values. The compliance correction is not available for cone and plate measuring geometries.

Finding the Zero (Datum) Point

Follow these steps to ensure that the zero point (datum) is correctly set: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ensure that the air is applied and rheometer switched on. Attach the required measuring geometry to the rheometer. Load the Geometry file into the software. Ensure that the instrument status page is active. Select Instrument from the software menu. Click on the Gap entry. Select the Zero gap option or select the button on the tool bar.

Position the measuring geometry within 5 mm of the lower plate. (Use the up and down arrows.) Press the Continue button.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Setting the Geometry Gap

The actual gap used by a measuring geometry is not the same as the zero datum point, for instance a cone is backed away from the datum point by the truncation value of the cone. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Geometry from the menu. Click on View. Click on the Dimensions tab. Enter the gap set value as follows: Cones: Enter the truncation height (from the geometry certificate). Plates: Enter the required gap. Cylinders: Enter the gap (as specified on the geometry certificate).

Using the Backoff Distance Setting

When loading and removing samples from the rheometer, you must move the measuring geometry far enough apart to clean both the upper (rotor) and lower (stator) parts. The geometry file allows you to specify a backoff distance. This is the gap that the rheometer will go to when you press the backoff button head option from the Gap section of the Instrument menu. or select the Raise

Set this value so that the gap is large enough to allow sufficient clearance for cleaning and gap loading. I t should not be so large as to cause a significant delay when the head moves between the backoff and geometry gap positions.

Adjusting the Rheometer Gap Velocity Values

The speed of movement of the rheometer head is controlled by the software. Three values can be adjusted.



Fine velocity

The velocity of the rheometer head when moving to the measuring geometry gap and less than 10 mm above the zero point. Above 10 mm, the Coarse velocity setting is used. The velocity of the rheometer head when moving to gap and 10 mm above the zero point. Below 10 mm, the velocity slows to that selected as the Fine velocity. The velocity of the rheometer head when manually closing the gap to within 5mm (for gap zero determination.)

Course velocity

Other velocity

To adjust these values select Instrument on the Options menu. Then click on the Gap tab.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Programmed Gap Closure

Under the tab for Gap on the Instrument item of the Options menu, you will see the settings for Sample compression. This setting allows you to decide how the gap is actually closed (either none, linear, exponential or normal force/stress). This is a very important consideration, particularly if you have thixotropic materials or samples with very delicate structure. Sometimes the mere action of loading the sample and closing the gap can destroy the very property you are trying to measure. See the table below for the available settings:

Sample Compression



The gap is closed at a continuous velocity (as set under the Fine velocity entry.) When the gap closes to the distance specified in the Compression distance entry, the gap is closed at the Compression velocity value. When the gap closes to the distance specified in the Compression distance entry, the gap is closed at an exponentially decreasing rate. The initial velocity is that specified in the Compression velocity entry.



Normal force/stress

Over the Compression distance, the velocity will slow at a rate proportional to the increase in the speed of normal force build up (based upon the entry peak normal force).

Solvent trap covers should be used if the sample is likely to dry out during a measurement or if solvent evaporation will occur. The relevant solvent is put into the solvent reservoir, once the cover is in place the free volume between the cover and the edge of the sample is saturated with vapor. An alternative is to "seal" the edge of the sample with silicone grease. However, you must ensure that the grease does not migrate into the sample.

Gap Setting Problems

If the rheometer is not performing a good gap set, consider the following points. Is dirt present on the measuring geometry? If so, clean it and try again. Is the Normal force reading out of range? Try zeroing the reading manually. Is the measuring geometry correctly located in the upper chuck? Try removing, cleaning the screw thread and then re-attaching it.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide



Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Chapter 3
Handling Files
This section provides you with information needed to open, create, and save information using the Rheology Advantage Instrument Control program.

What are the File Types?

The software uses the following file types:

Type Measuring geometry Procedure, flow

Description Form factor information for the geometry. An entire flow procedure, all steps.


Extension *.argeom *.arflow

Procedure, oscillation Procedure,creep Notes Results Session Graph

An entire oscillation procedure, all steps. An entire creep procedure, all steps. Sample notes. Generated data. Saved sessions Graph style settings

*.arosc *.arcreep *.arexpnotes *.rsl *.ssar *.graphset

Options, Instrument Options, Experiment Instrument

Instruments options Experiment options Rheometer specific information.

*.arinsopts *.arexpopts *.arinstr

Measuring geometry files: You must create a geometry file for each measuring system you have. You can also create separate files for the same geometry if, for instance, you wish to use different gap values or other settings. (continued on next page)

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Procedure files: Procedure files contain the information required to run tests. Flow, creep and oscillation procedure files are distinguished by a different extension as well as using a different colored icon for each type. Flow procedure files have the extension ARFLOW Creep procedure files have the extension ARCREEP Oscillation procedure files have the extension AROSC

Notes file: All the information that you place in the Experiment notes section of the software is stored in a notes file.

Results file: All data generated by the software can be saved as a results file. The file extension is the same, no matter what type of procedure was used to generate the data. Session files: Session files allow you to record all information active in the instrument software. A session file contains the following information: Measuring geometry Procedure Notes Instrument settings Options. Graph settings files: The software allows you to create one or more "standardized" layouts for your graphs. These template files are stored as "Graph settings files" by use of the Styles tab (shown below) on the Graph properties.

Instrument files: These files contain the serial port (comms) information required to connect to an instrument. A descriptive name is also stored in the file. Instrument files have the extension ARINSTR.

Choosing Filenames
To make it easier to find files, you can use long, descriptive filenames. The complete path to the file, including the drive letter, server name, folder path, and filename, can contain up to 255 characters. Filenames cannot include any of the following characters: forward slash (/), backslash (\), greater than sign (>), less than sign (<), asterisk (*), period (.), question mark (?), quotation mark ("), pipe symbol (|), colon (:), or semicolon (;).


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Opening/Copying Files
You can open files from many different locations using the Open item under the Geometry, Procedure, and Notes menu items in the program. You can open a file on your computer hard disk or on a connected network drive. You can also open a file on a network, even if you don't have a connection to a network server, as long as your network supports UNC addresses. 1. 2. Select Open... in the Geometry, Procedure, or Notes menu item. Click the arrow next to the Look in box and locate the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the desired file. Click the file type you want in the Files of type box. Double-click any folders until you open the folder that contains the file you want. Double-click the file you want to open or select the file and click Open.

3. 4. 5.

Opening a File Using a UNC Address

1. 2. 3. Select Open... in the Geometry, Procedure, or Notes menu item. Click the file type you want in the Files of type box. Type the UNC address for the network share containing the file that you want in the File name box. Press ENTER. For example, type \\Computer1\Files to open a file on the server Computer1, on the share Files. Double-click any folders until you open the folder that contains the file you want. Double-click the file you want to open or select the file and click Open.

4. 5.

Opening a Rheology Solutions File

1. 2. Select Open... in the Geometry, Procedure, or Notes menu item. Click the arrow next to the Look in box and locate the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the desired file. Select the Version 1 option in the Files of type box. Double-click any folders until you open the folder that contains the file you want. Double-click the file you that want to open or select the file and click Open.

3. 4. 5.

Creating a Backup Copy of a File

1. 2. 3. 4. Select Open... in the Geometry, Procedure, or Notes menu item (depending on what you wish to back up.) Select File/Save As... Choose a location and type in a name for the backup file. Click the Save button.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Using the File Property Information

File properties are details about a file that help identify itfor example, a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, and keywords that identify topics or other important information in the file. You can set file properties for any Rheology Advantage file. You can also create custom file properties relevant to your own products or information handling routines. The following are the types of file properties: Pre-set file properties: These are properties such as author, title, and subject that already exist for you to enter a value. Custom file properties: You can create custom file properties that include any value you assign. For example you could create a custom file property to use in all QC Verification files. Automatically updated file properties: Statistics such as file size and the dates files are created and last modified are file properties that are automatically maintained for you. These file properties help you search for all files created after a certain date, such as March 3, 1996, or last modified yesterday.

Viewing the Property Information

To view the file property information for an already loaded file, follow these steps: 1. 2. Click on Geometry, Procedure, or Notes on the menu. Select Summary information.

To view the file property information for a stored file, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select File/Open... from the menu or click the button.

Click the arrow next to the Look in box and locate the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the desired file. Select, then right click the file you want to view file properties for. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Click on the tabs to see specific information.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Adding/Editing the File Properties

To add or edit the file property information for an already loaded file, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. Click on Geometry, Procedure, or Notes on the menu. Select Summary information. Add or change the properties on the Summary tab.

To add or edit the file property information for a stored file, follow these steps: 1. 2. Select File/Open... from the menu or click the button.

Click the arrow next to the Look in box and locate the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the desired file. Select, then right click the file you want to set file properties for. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Add or change the properties by selecting the options you want on the Summary and Custom tabs.

3. 4. 5.

Creating Custom File Properties

1. 2. Select File/Open... from the menu or click the button.

Click the arrow next to the Look in box and locate the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the desired file. Select, then right click the file you want to set file properties for. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Click the Custom tab. Type a name for the custom property in the Name box or select a name from the list. Click the type of property you want in the Type box. Type a value for the property in the Value box. The value you enter must match the selection in the Type box. For example, if you click Number in the Type box, you must type a number in the Value box. Values that don't match the property type are stored as text. Click the Add button.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10. Click the OK button.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide



Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Chapter 4
Operating the Instrument
This chapter provides the information needed to operate your rheometer using the Rheology Advantage Instrument Control program. In order to run the instrument you will need to design a test, set up and operate the rheometer and make sure that you have achieved accurate temperature control. In addition to the information already described, this chapter also provides you with the instructions needed to remove the air bearing clamp, level the rheometer, and manually operate the instrument.

Designing a Test
When using the rheometer to analyze test samples, the most common method used to obtain results is by creating or editing procedures. This section deals with the concepts of test design.

What Steps are Involved?

A procedure consists of one or more steps that are executed in sequence. Each step can be made to conditionally end, if required. The following is a description of the types of steps that can be used in a procedure. Conditioning step: Use this step to ensure that the sample is at the correct temperature and any residual normal force (from loading) is at an acceptable level. You can then "pre-condition" the sample. This allows you to apply a shear to remove any history associated with the sample preparation, storage and loading. Additional conditioning steps can be included in your procedure. Main procedure steps: In between the (optional) conditioning and post-experiment steps, you can define one or more main procedure steps, which can be of any type and in any order. Conditional step termination: The program allows you to define conditions in which a step is halted ahead of its normal termination conditions. You can use this to ensure that, for instance, the instrument does not over speed or apply excessive strains. Rather than running a step for a certain amount of time, you may wish to run it until stable data is obtained. You can set an equilibrium limit (such as the viscosity value becoming constant when running a single shear with time) that will stop the currently active test. Post-experiment step: You can set the temperature system to idle. You can also get the rheometer to head towards a new temperature. This can be handy as an aid to cleaning the rheometer.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Available Flow Steps

The following steps are available in the Test type option for flow mode:

Continuous Continually ramps the shear and samples at defined intervals.

Peak hold Holds the shear constant and samples at defined intervals.

Steady state flow Applies successive shear values. Data sampled under equilibrium conditions.

Stepped flow Applies successive shear values. Data sampled at end of each value.

Temperature ramp Holds the shear constant while rampling the temperature. Samples at defined intervals.

If your instrument has a normal force transducer, the squeeze/pull off test will also be available. In this test the upper geometry is either raised or lowered at a constant speed and the force is measured.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Available Creep Steps

Retardation Recovery

Applied value

The creep test function is shown to the right.

Maximum step time.

Available Oscillation Steps

The following steps are available in the Test type option for oscillation mode:

Strain/Stress Sweep
Applies a fixed frequency and increments the amplitude.

Frequency Sweep
Applies a fixed amplitude and changes the frequency.

Temperature Ramp/Time Sweep

Applies a fixed frequency with a set amplitude. Monitors viscoelastic properties as a function of time/temperature.

Time/Temperature Sweep
As per ramp, but applies a sequence of discrete temperature steps rather than a smooth ramp.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


Available Stress Relaxation Steps (AR 2000 Only)

The stress relaxation or step strain test is shown to the right.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

Manually Operating the Rheometer

When the Instrument Control program displays the Instrument Status page you can manually set and control the following aspects of the rheometer. You can access the parameters to set from the Instrument menu item by clicking on the appropriate icon or by clicking on the grid. Set Temperature Set Stress/Torque Set Rate/Speed Set Strain (AR 2000 Only) Zero Strain Zero Normal Force.

There are a number of gap controls that can also be accessed from the Instrument Status page: Raise head (to back off distance) Go to geometry gap Enter gap Zero gap Stop head Up and down.

Rotational mapping, normal force control, and bearing lock/release (AR 200 only) can also be accessed from the Status page.

Display Raw (Point) Data During a Test

Use the following steps to display the point graph for Oscillatory and steady state flow procedures.

Displaying Data for a Flow Procedure

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Options from the menu. Click on Experiment. Click on the Flow tab. Select the option Display point graph during run. Click on the OK button.

Displaying Data for an Oscillation Procedure

1. 2. 3. Select Options from the menu. Click on Experiment. Click on the Oscillation tab.

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

4. 5.

Select the option Display waveform during run. Click on the OK button.

The point graphs can also be saved to disk and be viewed on a point-by-point basis in the data analysis program.


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

*.arcreep 31 31 31 *.arexpnotes *.arexpopts *.arflow 31 *.argeom 31 *.arinsopts *.arinstr *.arosc 31 31 31 31

*.graphset *.rsl *.ssar 31 31

adjusted set temperature [AST] air bearing friction correction 22 24

Automatic Gap Setting (AGS) 26

backoff distance backup files 33 bubble level. See also spirit level buttons changing size 13 28

calibration 17 to 29 compensation value friction 22 compensation value calibrating 26 compliance correction 27


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

conditional step termination 37 conditioning step 37 12

configuring the software creep procedure files test steps 39 31 34

Custom file properties

data displaying 41

data files. See files datum point 27

default options setting 12

errors gap setting 25, 29 over filling the gap 25 sources of 25 temperature 25 under filling the gap 25 Experiment menu experiment options files 31 experiments. See tests 15

File menu 14 filenames 32 34

files. See also data automatically updated properties creating backup 33 creep procedure 31 custom properties 34 creating 34, 35 experiment options 31 flow procedure 31 graph 31 graph settings 32 instrument 31, 32 instrument options 31


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

files (cont'd) measuring geometry 31 notes 31, 32 opening 33 opening using UNC address oscillation procedure 31 pre-set properties 34 properties 34 adding 35 editing 35 results 31, 32 Rheology Solutions 33 session 31 types 31 flow inertia correction 19 procedure files 31 test steps 38 friction calibrating 22 correction 22


gap adjusting velocity of 28 controlling 25 programmed closure 29 setting 25, 28 geometry backoff distance 28

good laboratory practice (GLP) 17 graph files 31

graph settings files 32

Help 7 annotating 8 changing font size navigating 8 printing 8 hide/show tool bar 13

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


inertia calibrating 18 measuring system 18 instrument. See rheometer files 31, 32 Instrument menu instrument option files 31 14

logarithmic. See also Log

main procedure steps 37 manuals printing 8 21

mapping automatic prompting rotational 20 torque 20 types 20 measuring geometry files 31 measuring system inertia 18 menu Experiment 15 File 14 Instrument 14 Options 15

notes files 31, 32

Notes, Cautions, and Warnings 6

offset values determining 23


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

open files 33 files using UNC address 33 Rheology Solutions files 33 Options menu 15 31

oscillation procedure files steps 39

Post-experiment step 37

Pre-set file properties 34 preparation for testing procedure files 32 properties automatically updated files 34 adding 35 viewing for files 34 34 17

remote key. See also system key results files 31, 32 Rheology Solutions files 33 rheometer calibrating 17 to 29 inertia 18 controlling gap 25, 29 designing tests 37 displaying raw data 41 head velocity of 28 operating manually 41 preparing 17 setting gap 28, 29 speed of head 28 system verification 25 thermal compensation 26 rotational mapping 20 to 21

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide


samples compressing 29 removing 28 ScreenTip session files 31 size buttons 13 12 7

software configuring

span value 23 calibrating 23 determining 23 step strain test 40

stress relaxation steps (AR 2000) 40 stress relaxation test 40

system verification 25

temperature calibration 22

temperature control system calibration 22 tests designing 37 steps 37 conditional step termination 37 conditioning 37 creep mode 39 flow mode 38 main procedure 37 oscillation 39 post-experiment 37 thermal compensation 26 table of values 26, 42 tool bar button size 13 experiment run 11 hide/show 13 main 9 moving 13 standard 10


Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

tool bars


torque mapping 20

verifying the rheometer function 25

zero point 27

Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide



Rheology Instrument Control Getting Started Guide

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