Finger Print Based Bank Locker System

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Title of the project: Finger Print Based Bank Locker System Domain: Biometrics & Embedded Design
Software: Embedded C, Keil, Proload

Microcontroller: AT89S52 Power Supply: +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply Display: LED 5mm, 16 X 2 LCD Crystal: 11.0592MHz Biometric Sensor: FIM3030N Storage Capacity: Up to 100 finger print images Image Registration: Through Serial Communication Applications: Industries, Banks, Office, Library, colleges

According ancient Greek scripts BIOMETRICS means study of life. Biometrics studies commonly include fingerprint, face, iris, voice, signature, and hand geometry recognition and verification. Many other modalities are in various stages of development and assessment. Among these available biometric traits Finger Print proves to be one of the best traits providing good mismatch ratio and also reliable. The present scenario to operate a bank locker is with locks which are having keys. By this we cant say that we are going to provide good security to our lockers. To provide perfect security and to make our work more easily we are taking the help of two different technologies viz. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS and BIOMETRICS. Firstly discussing about Biometrics we are concentrating on Fingerprint scanning. For this we are using FIM 3030N high voltage module as a scanner. This module has inbuilt ROM, DSP and RAM. In this we can store up to 100 users fingerprints. This module can operate in 2 modes they are Master mode and User mode. We will be using Master mode to register the fingerprints which will be stored in the ROM present on the scanner with a unique id. When this module is interfaced to the microcontroller, we will be using it in user mode. In this mode we will be verifying the scanned images with the stored images. When coming to our application the images of the persons who are authorized to enter into the locker room will be stored in the module with a unique id. To prove that the persons are authorized to enter that area they need to scan their images. This scanner is interfaced to 8051 microcontroller. By using this controller we will be controlling the scanning process. After the scanning has been completed the person has to enter the unique id which is given to him to open his locker with the help of a keypad. Immediately the locker will be opened. After the work has been completed if a switch is pressed the locker will be closed again. If an unauthorized person tries to scan his image then an indication will be given by a buzzer which is interfaced to the controller. If an authorized person forgets his id he will be given 3 chances to re-enter the id. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.

Advantages: Sophisticated security No manual errors No false intrusion Need not to carry ant card Others cannot steel the users entry key Scopes for Advancements: GSM modem can be connected to this unit to communicate to security department, in case of unauthorized entry trials. Applications Industries are using finger print modems for access control, Stores, attendance recording, and machine operation authentication. Banks and ATM Voter Identification and electoral enrollment Personal Computers Automotives and high end cars

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