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EE332 - Electric Circuit Analysis Course Plan

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CHRIST UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING III SEMESTER 2012-2013 COURSE HANDOUT In addition to prescribed syllabus for all courses

appended to the timetable this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. Course No Course Title Faculty 1. Course Description: : EE332 : ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS : Vijaya Margaret

To expose basic circuit concepts, circuit modeling and methods of circuit analysis in time domain and frequency domain for solving simple and multi dimensional circuits.
2. Scope and Objective:

To understand the concept of circuit elements lumped circuits, waveforms, circuit laws and network reduction. To analyze the transient response of series and parallel A.C. circuits and to solve problems in time domain using Laplace Transform. To understand the concept of active, reactive and apparent powers, power factor and resonance in series and parallel circuits. To solve the electrical network using mesh and nodal analysis by applying network theorems. To know the basic concepts of network topology and two port network parameters.

3. TEXT BOOKS 1. William H.Hayt Jr, Jack E.Kemmerly, and Steven M.Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Joseph A.Edminister, Mahmood Nahvi, Electric Circuits, Schaums Series, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi 2001. 4. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. R.C. Dorf, Introduction to Electric Circuits, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, Second Edition, 2003. 2. Charles K.Alexander, Mathew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, McGraw Hill, N.Y, 2003.

5. Syllabus:

Lumped circuits: Circuit elements, ideal sources (independent and dependent), linear passive parameters R, L and C; Kirchoffs Laws; analysis of series and parallel circuits: Network reduction; voltage and current division, source transformation, star/delta transformation.



Concept of phasor and complex impedance / admittance; analysis of simple series and parallel circuits: Active power, reactive power, apparent power (volt ampere), power factor and energy associated with these circuits; concept of complex power; phasor diagram, impedance triangle and power triangle associated with these circuits. Resonance in series and parallel circuits: Q factor, half-power frequencies and bandwidth of resonant circuits. UNIT III: NETWORK THEOREMS 9+3

Superposition, Reciprocity, Substitution, Thevenin, Norton, Tellegen and maximum power transfer theorems for variable resistance load, variable impedance load Statement and applications. UNIT IV: NETWORK TOPOLOGY & TWO PORT NETWORK PARAMETERS 9+3

Graph of a network, Concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix, tie-set and cut- set schedules Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form, solution of resistive networks, principle of duality. Definition of z, y, h and transmission parameters, modeling with these parameters, relationship between parameters sets, multiport networks UNIT V: RESPONSE OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 9+3

Concept of complex frequency pole Zero plots frequency Response of RL,RC and RLC circuits transient response of RL,RC and RLC series and parallel circuits free response step and sinusoidal responses natural frequency , damped frequency, damping factor and logarithmic decrement response of circuits for non-sinusoidal periodic inputs. 6. Course Plan: Lecture No. 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12 13,14 14,15 16,17,18 19,20 21,22,23 24,25,26,27 Learning Objectives Basic circuit concepts Basic circuit concepts Basic circuit concepts Basic circuit concepts Sinusoidal steady state Sinusoidal steady state Sinusoidal steady state Sinusoidal steady state Network theorems Network theorems Network theorems Topics to be covered Introduction , Lumped circuits: Circuit elements, ideal sources (independent and dependent), linear passive parameters R, L and C; Kirchoffs Laws; analysis of series and parallel circuits: Network reduction; voltage and current division, Source transformation, star/delta transformation. Introduction, Concept of phasor and complex impedance / admittance; analysis of simple series and parallel circuits: Active power, reactive power, apparent power (volt ampere), power factor and energy associated with these circuits; Concept of complex power; phasor diagram, impedance triangle and power triangle associated with these circuits. Resonance in series and parallel circuits: Q factor, half-power frequencies and bandwidth of resonant circuits. Introduction, Superposition, Reciprocity, Substitution, Thevenin, Norton, Tellegen and maximum power transfer theorems for variable resistance load, variable impedance load Statement and applications. Reference

28 29,30 31, 32 33,34 35, 36 37 38, 39 40,41 42,43 44,45

Network topology & two port network parameters Network topology & two port network parameters Network topology & two port network parameters Network topology & two port network parameters Network topology & two port network parameters Response of electric circuits Response of electric circuits Response of electric circuits Response of electric circuits Response of electric circuits

Introduction, Graph of a network, Concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix, tie-set and cut- set schedules, Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form, Solution of resistive networks, principle of duality. Definition of z, y, h and transmission parameters, modeling with these parameters, relationship between parameters sets, multiport networks Introduction, Concept of complex frequency pole Zero plots frequency Response of RL,RC and RLC circuits transient response of RL,RC and RLC series and parallel circuits free response step and sinusoidal responses frequency , damped frequency, damping factor and logarithmic decrement Response of circuits for non-sinusoidal periodic inputs.

7. Home assignments will be announced in the class. 8. Evaluation Scheme: EC Evaluation Component No. 1 CIA I 2 CIA II 3 CIA III 4 Semester Exam Module MSE Assignments Quiz ESE Duration (min) 120 ---------180 Date, Time & Venue Aug 2012 25 Jun, 9 Jul 27 Aug, 10 Sept Oct 2012 Nature of Component Closed Book Open Book Open Book Closed Book

9. Chamber Consultation Hours: To be announced in the class. 10. Make-up Policy: Make Up for any component will be given only in genuine cases. In all cases prior intimation must be given to faculty concerned. In case of any kind of illness a Doctors certificate is mandatory. 11. Notices: Notices regarding the course will be displayed on the general notice board of Block II & the course web page.

Instructor - In charge Vijaya Margaret EE332- Electric Circuit Analysis

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