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Choose the best answer: 1. Salem doesnt like .................. talkative people. A. B. the C. many D. a 2. Its true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor. A. an B. a C. the D. 3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario. A. the B. C. a D. an 4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe. A. an B. a C. the D. no article 5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years. A. an B. a C. the D. 6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast. A. an B. a C. the D. 7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning? A. an B. a C. the D. 8 Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year. A. an B. a C. the D. 9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids. A. an B. a C. the D. 10. Sarah thinks .................. life is more difficult in a foreign country. A. an B. a C. the D. 11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison. A. an B. a C. the D. 12. Ive noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables. A. an B. a C. the D. 13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently. A. an B. a C. the D. many 14. ................ examinations always make him nervous. A. an B. a C. the D. 15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month. A. an B. a C. the D. some

1.My neighbour is ... photograhpher; let's ask him for ... advice about color films. 2. - We had ...fish and ...chips for lunch. - That doesn't sounds ...very interesting lunch. 3. I had ...very bad night; I didn't sleep ...wink. 4. .. travel agent would give you .. information about ..hotels. 5. We'd better go by .. * - if we can get ..* at such ..hour as 2 a.m. 6. .. person who suffers from .. claustrophobia has dread of being confined in a..small space, and would always prefer..stairs to lift. 7. - Do you take .. sugar in ..coffee? - I used to, but now I'm on ..diet. I'm trying to lose ..weight.

8. .. man suffering from .. shock should not be given anything to drink. 9. - You'll get ..shock if you touch ..live wire with that screwdriver. Why don't you get screwdriver with .. insulated handle? 10. - It cost fifty-five and.. half pence and I've only got ..fifty pence piece. - You can pay by cheque here. - But can I write .. cheque for .. fifty-five and .. half pence? 11. - .. Mr Smith is ..old customer and .. honest man. - Why do you say that? Has he been accused of .. dishonesty? 12. - I'm not .. wage-earner; I'm .. self-employed man. I have .. business of my own. - Then you're not .. worker; you're capitalist! 13. When he was charged with ..murder he said he had .. alibi. 14. .. friend of mine is expecting .. baby. If it's ..girl she's going to be called Etheldreda. What ..name to give ..girl! 15. - He is .. vegetarian; you won't get ... meat at his house. He'll give you ..nut cutlet. - Last time I had ..nut culet I get ..indigestion. 16. - I have .. hour and .. half for lunch. - I only have ..half ..hour-barely .. time for ..smoke and .. cup of coffe. 17. - I hope you have .. lovely time and .. good weather. - But I'm not going for ..holiday; I'm now going on ..business. 18. He looked at me with ..horror when I explained that I was .. double agent. 19. I wouldn't climb .. mountain for $1000! I have ..horror of ..heights. 20. - I have ..headache and ..sore throat. I think I've got ..cold. - I think you're getting ..flu. 21. ..Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this person). He wants to make ..complaint about ..article in the paper. He was in ..bad temper. 22. If you go by ..train you can have quite ..comfortable journey, but make sure you get ..express, not ..train that stops at all the stations. 23. ..few people know (hardly anyone knows) that there is ..secret passage from his house to ..old smugglers' cave in the cliffs. 24. - I'm having ..few friends in to .. coffee tomorrow evening. Would you like to come? - I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to ..concert. 25.It's time you had ..holiday. You haven't had ..day off for ..month. in mo t thch hp: (1)_space is difficult to imagine and yet (2)_ man has been to (3)_ Moon and sent (4)_ machines to (5)_ Mars and far futher. There is no (6)_ air between us and the stars and yet light and X-rays and radio waves reach us here on (7)_ earth. We are seeking ( _ information, trying to find planets with (9)_ air and (10)_ water and (11)_ valuable materials such as (12)_ minerals that we need. Perhaps we will find (13)_ world like ours with (14)_ oxygen that we can breathe. Of course, (15)_ real romance would be to find other living species, to communicate with them and share (16)_ knowledge of the universe. At night ()_ trees release (17)_ carbon dioxide. In the day they make (18)_ oxygen. We need (19)_ trees to live. I love (20)_ trees. They give us (21)_ colour and (22)_ shade. They stop (23)_ noise from (24)_ trafic where we live. There was (25)_ beautiful tree behind my house for years. Then someone cut (26)_ tree

down so now all you can see is (27)_ buildings. So I'm going to sell (28)_ house because looking into (29)_ other people's windows is no fun. I preferred looking at (30)_ tree and (31)_ colour it had.

Cc bn in mo t vo ch trng: 1. This is..........beautiful painting. Does..........artist live near here? 2. I bought..........new toothbrush his morning and I can't find it. I'm sure I put it in..........bathroom. 3. Can you get..........fresh cream cake when you go out?..........shop on..........corner usually sells it. 4. It's.......... very nice school and ..........teachers are all very hard-working. 5. "Look! There's ..........cat in ..........garden." "Yes, it's ..........cat from next door." 6. There's.......... man at ..........door. He wants to see you. 7. We stayed in.......... very nice hotel. ..........room was comfortable and ..........food was excellent. 8. I bought ..........new jacket last week but yesterday two of ..........buttons came off. I'm taking it back to ..........shop. 9. I had ..........bath this morning but ..........water was a bit cold. 10. I was at ..........airport, waiting for ..........friend to arrive.

in mo t thch hp: This is (0) a true story about (1) ................... man who chose (2) .....................worst possible time for his crime. It happened in London in (3) ................ summer of 1972. (4) .............. man stole a barge on (5)... .. River Thames (in case you don't know, (6).. barge is a river boat used for carrying goods). (7)............ owner of ( ........... barge soon discovered that it was missing and immediately informed (9) .................... police so that they could look for it. Normally (10) river is quite (11).................... busy place, and it would be difficult to find what you were looking for. On this day, however, there was (12)..................... dock strike, and so there was only (13). barge on (14) ................... river. (15) ..................... thief was quickly found and arrested.

Chn phng n ng nht hon thnh cu sau: 1. My mother goes to church in ______ morning. A. x B. every C. the D. a 2. I eat ______ everyday. A. a banana B. banana C. the bananas D. any banana 3. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea. A. a B. an C. the D. x 4. There are billions of stars in _____ space. A. a B. an C. x D. the 5. He tried to park his car but _____ space wasnt big enough. A. the B. a C. an D. x 6. Can you turn off _____ television, please? A. the B. a C. an D. x 7. We had _____ dinner in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. x D. the 8. We had _____ meal in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. the D. x

9. Thank you. That was ______ very nice lunch. A. a B. an C. the D.x 10. ______rose is my favourite color. A. a B. an C. the D. x 11. When was _____ computer invented? A. a B. an C. the D. x 12. My daughter plays _____ piano very well. A. the B. a C. an D. x 13. Mary loves _____ flowers. A. a B. an C. the D. x 14. Jill went to ______ hospital to see her friend. A. x B. the C. a D. an 15. Mrs Lan went to ______ school to meet her sons daughter. A. x B. the C. a D. an 16. Carol went to ______ prison to meet her brother. A. the B. a C. an D. x 17. Sandra works at a big hospital. Shes _______. A.nurse B. a nurse C. the nurseD. an nurse 18. She works six days _____ week. A. in B. for C. a D. x 19. ______ is a star. A. Sun B. A sun C. The sun D. Suns 20. What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning. A. x B. a C. an D. the IN A, AN HOC O(rng) VO CH TRNG. 1.I still keep wondering if I were doing .......................right thing when I asked my father for ..................... permission to leave school. 2.We needed............house to live in when we were in London. 3.There are some things ...........gentleman can't do, Tom. 4.You are............ only person whose opinion is of any value to me in ...................present regrettable circumstances. 5.He told me he hated ..........doctors. Complete the sentences with the word given. Use te where necessary: 1. (school) a. Every term parent are invited to.................to meet the teachers. b. Why aren't your children at...................today? Are they ill? c. When he was younger, Ted hated............ d. What time does ..............start in the mornings in your country? e. A: How do your children get home from..............? By bus? ___B: No, they walk. ................isn't very far. f. What sort of job does Jenny wwant to do when she leaves..............? g. There were some people waiting outside ..........to meet their children. 2. (university) a. In your country, do many people go to the..............? b. If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at........... c. This is only a small town but................ is very biggest in the university. 3. (howpital) a. Nora works as a cleaner at................ b. When Ann was ill, we all went to...................to visit her. c. My brother has always been very healthy. He's never been in............. d. Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in................for a few days. 4. (church) a. John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to ............every Sunday. b. John himself doesn't go to ............... c. John went to....................to take some photographs of the building. 5. (prison) a. In many places people are in......................because of their political opinions. b. The other day the fire brigade were called to....................to put out a fire. c. The judge decided to fine the man 500 (pound) instead of sending him to...............

in mo t (a, an, the) hoc X (khng cn thit) vo ch trng: 1/I want to keep this __________ secret. 2/______rich should help _______ poor. 3/Here is ____beer you have tasted. Im sure. 4/This house is built of ____stone I have never seen before. 5/The weather was very good here during _______last week of December. 6/_______knowledge of languages is always useful. 7/He was _______conservative but he turned ____socialist. 8/They made him ____King. 9/This is ___kind of villa I like best. 10/_____life we live here is hard.

(1)_space is difficult to imagine and yet (2)_ man has been to (3)_ Moon and sent (4)_ machines to (5)_ Mars and far futher. There is no (6)_ air between us and the stars and yet light and X-rays and radio waves reach us here on (7)_ earth. We are seeking (8)_ information, trying to find planets with (9)_ air and (10)_ water and (11)_ valuable materials such as (12)_ minerals that we need. Perhaps we will find (13)_ world like ours with (14)_ oxygen that we can breathe. Of course, (15)_ real romance would be to find other living species, to communicate with them and share (16)_ knowledge of the universe. At night ()_ trees release (17)_ carbon dioxide. In the day they make (18)_ oxygen. We need (19)_ trees to live. I love (20)_ trees. They give us (21)_ colour and (22)_ shade. They stop (23)_ noise from (24)_ trafic where we live. There was (25)_ beautiful tree behind my house for years. Then someone cut (26)_ tree down so now all you can see is (27)_ buildings. So I'm going to sell (28)_ house because looking into (29)_ other people's windows is no fun. I preferred looking at (30)_ tree and (31)_ colour it had.

BI 1:
1. They often have . lunch at 1 oclock.

2. . Dinner will be served at 5 oclock. 3. We have rice and fish for . dinner. 4. Sunday is a . holiday. 5. They often go there in . summer. 6. He does to . school in the morning. (n trng n hc) 7. They go to . market every day. (i chn m mua ) 8. . Russian is more difficult than English. 9. . English is being used everywhere 10. . Vision, . hearing, . taste, . smell, and . Touch is sense of people. 11. . Football is a popular sport in VN. 12. . Cold is a common disease. 13. . Math is her worst subject. 14. . King George, . Professor Russell,. 15. . Books are my best friends. 16. They build . houses near the hall. 17. He lived in . London. 18. He used to be a teacher till he turned . writer. 19. I have . sister and two brothers. 20. They were much of . size. 21. Birds of . feather flock together. 22. . Mr. Johnson called to see you when you were out. 23. . Mrs. Blue sent you this letter. 24. George is . engineer. 25. The King made him . Lord. 26. He was born in Lowton, . small town in Lancashire. 27. Nguyen Du, . great poet, wrote that novel. 28. He works forty-four hours . week. 29. There are . dozen eggs in the fridge. 30. . kilo and . half. 31. . half holiday. 32. What . boy! 33. 1/3 = . /one third, 1/5 = . / one fifth. 34. I have had such . busy day. 35. Its . pity that : Tht tic rng 36. to keep it . secret : gi b mt 37. as . rule : nh mt nguyn tc 38. to be in . hurry : vi v 39. to be in . good/bad temper : bnh tnh/cu knh 40. all of . sudden : bt thnh lnh 41. to take . interest in : ly lm hng th trong 42. to make . fool of oneself : x s mt cch ngc nghch 43. to have . headache : nhc u 44. to have . opportunity to : c c hi 45. at . discount : gim gi 46. on . average : tnh trung bnh 47. . short time ago : cch y t lu 48. She is so pretty . girl. 49. Its such . beautiful picture. 50. She is as pretty . girl as her sister. 51. How beautiful . girl you are! 52. They made him . King. 53. As . Chairman of the Society, I call on Mr. Brown to speak. 54. He has . bread and . butter for breakfast. 55. She bought . beef and ham. 56. . sun rises in the east. 57. Once upon a time there was . little boy who lived in a cottage. . cottage was in the country and . boy had lived there all his life. 58. Finally, . writer killed himself. 59. I have . book and an eraser. . book is now on the table. 60. . Smiths, there are two people. 61. . Titanic was a great ship. 62. . Beatles, . bell, . Back Choir 63. . Thames; . Atlantic; . Bahamas, . Sahara (desert), . Crimea (peninsula)

64. . planet Mars; . play King Lear 65. . United States; . Netherlands 66. . horse is being replaced by the tractor. 67. . cat is a lovely home pet. 68. Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth . Second) 69. . rich should help . poor. 70. You should help . poor. 71. . girl in blue, . Gulf of Mexico, . road to London; . battle of Trafalgar, 72. This is . youngest student in my class. 73. . harder you work, . more you will be paid. 74. Nam is . cleverest in his class. 75. . man who helped you yesterday is not here. 76. . house with green fence is hers. 77. . man that we met has just come. 78. He goes to . school to meet his old teacher. 79. in . morning, in . street, in . water.. 80. . first, . second, . third. 81. . Life is very hard for some people. 82. . Independence is a happy thing. 83. . Butter is made from cream. 84. . Steel is made from iron. 85. . Lake Superior, . Cape Cod, . Mount Everest 86. . Ha Noi is the capital of VietNam. 87. . Red and . white make . pink. 88. . red sea, . Atlantic Ocean, . Persian Gufl, . Great Lakes 89. . Lake Geneva, . Lake Superior.. 90. . Rocky Mountains 91. .Mount Vesuvius 92. . earth, . moon 93. . Venus, . Mars 94. . University of Florida 95. .Stetson University 96. . United States 97. . China, . Vietnam, . France 98. . Solid matter physics 99. .Mathematics 100. . violin is difficult to play. 101. Who is that on . piano. 102. To perform jazz on . trumpet and . piano. 103. . third chapter 104. . Chapter three, . word war one 105. . Korean War, . Vietnamese economy 106. . constitution, . Magna Carta 107. . Indians 108. . Europe, .Florida. 109. . Baseball, . basketball 110. . Happiness, . freedom 111. . Christmass, . Thanksgiving

BI 2:I. Add "a' or "an" where necessary:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. He drove the car at ninety miles .......... hour. My brother wants to be.............. engineer. ......... cigarette ......... is made of ............. tobacco and .............. paper. ............. milk comes from .......... cow. We make ............... butter and cheese from ........ milk. .............. window is made of glass. ......... cat has .......... tail. ............. coffee is ........... drink. ........... fish swims in .......... water. ............. rose is .......... beautiful flower. We eat ............. soup with .............. spoon. I can write .......... letter in ............. ink or with ................. pencil.

II. Add "a", "an" or "the" where necessary: 1. .............. friend of mine has two dogs and ........... cat. 2. Put your bag in ................ back of ...........car. 3. Which is ................. quickest way to ............. Star Hotel? 4. It is ....... pity that ................ friends you spoke of have not come. 5. Would you like .......... cup of .............. tea and ......... cake? 6. It's beter to tell ....... truth than to tell ............... lies. 7. We had dinner together at ............... good restaurant yesterday. 8. ........... Thames, ............. Seine and .............. Rhine are famous rivers. 9. Mothers often tell ........... small children ........... stories before bedtime. 10. I dislike towns but I like ............. countryside. 11. Where is ......... hat that I bought yesterday? 12. Smith, ..........man you met yesterday, is ........... honest man. 13. .............. cheese, .............. butter, .......... iron and ................ milk are all substances. 14. ............. Alps are ............ highest mountain in ................ Europe. 15. He crossed ................ Atlantic in .............. record time. 16. It's .......... shame! There won't be another train for at least hour. 17. Stay in .......... hotel or ........... inn near ........... station. 18. ................ wool is one of .............. chief exports from ............. Australia. 19. I had ............. lunch with ............. old friend on ............... Saturday. 20. What ............... weather! ........... rain hasn't stopped all ...........day. 21. Out of .......... sight, out of .............. mind. 22. He collects .............. butterflies, ............. stamps and ................ match boxes. 23. .............. cat caught .......... mouse yesterday but .............. lucky mouse escaped. 24. I like ............. lot of .............. milk in my tea and ..........few lumps of .......... sugar. 25. He came to see me .............. last week and said it was last opportunity he would have. 26. In ................. last week of ............... year we had .......... lot of snow. 27. ................ nature is more wonderful than ....... works of ........... man. 28. He works all .........day and every day from ........ morning till late ................ night. 29. He asked for ........ bread and ........butter: ......... loaf of .......... former and ........... pound of ........ latter. 30. He won ............... prize of ............... hundred pounds and spent it all in ................. week. 31. He became ................. soldier and proved to be ................. good soldier. 32. He is ........... man for .............. job! None other can do it so well.

BI 3: Complete the story about the theft of a river barge. Put in a, an, one or the.
This is () a true story about (1) ................... man who chose (2) .....................worst possible time for his crime. It happened in London in (3) ................ summer of 1972. (4) .............. man stole a barge on (5)... .. River Thames (in case you don't know, (6).. barge is a river boat used for carrying goods). (7).................... owner of ( ........... .. barge soon discovered that it was missing and immediately informed (9) .................... police so that they could look for it. Normally (10) river is quite (11).................... busy place, and it would be difficult to find what you were looking for. On this day, however, there was (12)..................... dock strike, and so there was only (13). barge on (14) ................... river. (15) ..................... thief was quickly found and arrested.

BI 4:
1. My neighbour is ... photograhpher; let's ask him for ... advice about color films. 2. - We had ...fish and ...chips for lunch. - That doesn't sounds ...very interesting lunch. 3. I had ...very bad night; I didn't sleep ...wink. 4. .. travel agent would give you .. information about ..hotels. 5. We'd better go by .. taxi - if we can get ..taxi at such ..hour as 2 a.m. 6. .. person who suffers from .. claustrophobia has dread of being confined in ..small space, and would always prefer..stairs to .. lift. 7. - Do you take .. sugar in ..coffee? - I used to, but now I'm on ..diet. I'm trying to lose ..weight. 8. .. man suffering from .. shock should not be given anything to drink. 9. - You'll get ..shock if you touch ..live wire with that screwdriver. Why don't you get screwdriver with .. insulated handle? 10. - It cost fifty-five and.. half pence and I've only got ..fifty pence piece. - You can pay by cheque here. - But can I write .. cheque for .. fifty-five and .. half pence? 11. - .. Mr Smith is ..old customer and .. honest man.

- Why do you say that? Has he been accused of .. dishonesty? 12. - I'm not .. wage-earner; I'm .. self-employed man. I have .. business of my own. - Then you're not .. worker; you're capitalist! 13. When he was charged with ..murder he said he had .. alibi. 14. .. friend of mine is expecting .. baby. If it's ..girl she's going to be called Etheldreda. What ..name to give ..girl! 15. - He is .. vegetarian; you won't get ... meat at his house. He'll give you ..nut cutlet. - Last time I had ..nut culet I get ..indigestion. 16. - I have .. hour and .. half for lunch. - I only have ..half ..hour-barely .. time for ..smoke and .. cup of coffe. 17. - I hope you have .. lovely time and .. good weather. - But I'm not going for ..holiday; I'm now going on ..business. 18. He looked at me with ..horror when I explained that I was .. double agent. 19. I wouldn't climb .. mountain for $1000! I have ..horror of ..heights. 20. - I have ..headache and ..sore throat. I think I've got ..cold. - I think you're getting ..flu. 21. ..Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this person). He wants to make ..complaint about ..article in the paper. He was in ..bad temper. 22. If you go by ..train you can have quite ..comfortable journey, but make sure you get ..express, not ..train that stops at all the stations. 23. ..few people know (hardly anyone knows) that there is ..secret passage from his house to ..old smugglers' cave in the cliffs. 24. - I'm having ..few friends in to .. coffee tomorrow evening. Would you like to come? - I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to ..concert. 25.It's time you had ..holiday. You haven't had ..day off for ..month.

BI 5:
(1)_space is difficult to imagine and yet (2)_ man has been to (3)_ Moon and sent (4)_ machines to (5)_ Mars and far futher. There is no (6)_ air between us and the stars and yet light and X-rays and radio waves reach us here on (7)_ earth. We are seeking (8)_ information, trying to find planets with (9)_ air and (10)_ water and (11)_ valuable materials such as (12)_ minerals that we need. Perhaps we will find (13)_ world like ours with (14)_ oxygen that we can breathe. Of course, (15)_ real romance would be to find other living species, to communicate with them and share (16)_ knowledge of the universe. At night ()_ trees release (17)_ carbon dioxide. In the day they make (18)_ oxygen. We need (19)_ trees to live. I love (20)_ trees. They give us (21)_ colour and (22)_ shade. They stop (23)_ noise from (24)_ trafic where we live. There was (25)_ beautiful tree behind my house for years. Then someone cut (26)_ tree down so now all you can see is (27)_ buildings. So I'm going to sell (28)_ house because looking into (29)_ other people's windows is no fun. I preferred looking at (30)_ tree and (31)_ colour it had.

BI 6:Bi tp 1: in a/an hoc the:

1. This morning I bought.newspaper and .magazine. .newspaper is in my bag but I dont know where I put..magazine. 2. I saw accident this morning. car crashed into ..tree. driver of car wasnt hurt but ..car was badly damaged. 3. There are two cars parked outside:..blue one and .grey one. ..blue one belongs to my neighbors. I dont know who .. owner of..grey one is. 4. My friends live in.old house insmall village. There is .beautiful garden behind ..house. I would like to havegarden like this. 5. This house is very nice. Has it got .garden? 6. Its a beautiful day. Lets sit in..garden. 7. Can you recommend ..good restaurant? 8. We had dinner in.most expensive restaurant in town. 9. There isnt .airport near where I live. .nearest airport is 70 miles away. 10. Are you going away next week? - No, ..week after next. Bi tp 2: Hon thnh cc cu di y s dng mt gii t v mt trong cc t di y.(c th s dng cc t ny nhiu hn mt ln) Bed, home, hospital, prison, school, university, work 1. Two people were injured in the accident and were taken to hospital.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In Britain, children from the age of five have to go Mark didnt go out last night. He stayed.. Ill have to hurry. I dont want to be late.. There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going Cathys mother has just had an operation. She is still When Julia leaves school, she wants to study economics. Bill never gets up before 9 oclock. Its 8.30 now, so he is still.. If you commit a serious crime, you could be sent.

Bi tp 3: Chn p n ng: 1. Im afraid of dogs/the dogs. 2. Can you pass the salt/salt, please? 3. Apples/the apples are good for you. 4. Look at apples/the apples on that tree! They are very big. 5. Women/the women live longer than men/the men. 6. I dont drink tea/the tea. I dont like it. 7. We had a very nice meal. Vegetables/ the vegetables were especially good. 8. Life/the life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen. 9. I like skiing/the skiing. But Im not good at it. 10. Who are people/the people in this photograph? 11. What makes people/the people violent? What causes aggression/the aggression? 12. All books/all the books on the top shelf belong to me. 13. First world war/ the first world war lasted from 1914 until 1918. 14. One of our biggest problems is unemployment/the unemployment.

BI 7:
I am from Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester is...................city in United Kingdom. I live in.................. town called Taunton which is on.................. River Tone. I live in.................. house in................. quiet street in the countryside. ...............street is called "Hudson Street" and............... house is old - more than 100 years old! I am................ English lecturer at ............. college near ............... centre of town. I like books, music and taking photographs. I usually have ................ lunch at college. I usually go home by ............... car. We have all kinds of food in England. I like Polish food very much. Sometimes, I go to .................. Polish restaurant in Bath. ................ restaurant is called "Magda's". ................. Polish food is delicious!

BI 8:
1. Salem doesnt like .................. talkative people. A. B. the C. many D. a 2. Its true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor. A. an B. a C. the D. 3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario. A. the B. C. a D. an 4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe. A. an B. a C. the D. no article 5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years. A. an B. a C. the D. 6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast. A. an B. a C. the D. 7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning? A. an B. a C. the D. 8 Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year. A. an B. a C. the D. 9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids. A. an B. a C. the D. 10. Sarah thinks .................. life is more difficult in a foreign country. A. an B. a C. the D. 11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison. A. an B. a C. the D. 12. Ive noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables. A. an B. a C. the D. 13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently. A. an B. a C. the D. many

14. ................ examinations always make him nervous. A. an B. a C. the D. 15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month. A. an B. a C. the D. some

BI 9:Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. I want ........................... apple from that basket. A. a B. an C. the D. X 2. Miss Lin speaks ............................ Chinese. A. a B. an C. the D. X 3. One of the students said, ....................... professor is late today A. a B. an C. the D. X 4. Eli likes to play .......................... volleyball. A. a B. an C. the D. X 5. I bought ......................... umbrella to go out in the rain. A. a B. an C. the D. X 6. My daughter is learning to play ............................. guitar at her school. A. a B. an C. the D. X 7. Please give me ......................pen that is on the counter. A. a B. an C. the D. X 8. Albany is the capital of ........................ New York state. A. a B. an C. the D. X 9. Our neighbour has ..................... cat and .......................... dog. A. a/ a B. an/ a C. the/ the D. X/ X 10. .......................ink in my pen is red. A. a B. an C. the D. X 11. It is .......................... funniest book that I have ever read. A. a B. an C. the D. X 12. Can anyone give me .......................... hand, please because I have just fallen over? A. a B. an C. the D. X 13. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be ............................. A. doctor B. a doctor C. the doctor D. a doctors 14. I have left my book in .......................... kitchen and I would like you to get it for me. A. a B. an C. the D. X 15. Please meet me at the train station in ............................ hour from now. A. a B. an C. the D. X 16. I like to watch tennis on the television. It is ........................... very good game. A. a B. an C. the D. X 17. ..................... president of the United States will be visiting Australia next week. A. a B. an C. the D. X 18. July goes to ......................... work on the bus. A. a B. an C. the D. X 19. .....................golf is my favourite sport. I play once or twice .................... week if I can, but Im not .................... very good player. A. X/ a/ a B. The/ a/ a C. The/ the/ the D. X/ a/ the 20. I dont know what to do. Its ................................ problem. A. quite difficult B. a quite difficult C. quite a difficult D. the quite difficult 21. ......................... starts at seven oclock. A. School B. A school C. The school D. The schools 22. We can finish the rest of the bread for .............................breakfast. A. a B. an C. the D. X 23. Nigel opened a drawer and took out ............................... A. photos B. a photos C. some photos D. some photo 24. We need to protect ........................... environment from pollution. A. some B. a C. an D. the 25. We often go to school by ........................... bicycle. A. a B. an C. the D. X 26. There was ..................... accident yesterday at ................... corner of .................... street. A. a B. an C. the D. X

BI 10:

1.My mother go to.........church in...........morning to pray 2. I eat...........banana everyday 3.Tom is a sailor.He spends most of his life at......sea 4.We had........dinner in a restaurant 5.When was......computer invented? 6.She work 6 days........a week 7.We haven't been to.......cinema for years 8.John sat on....chair nearest the door 9.He is..........english man.He speaks......english 10.Do you need ........... umbrella 11. We live in....big house in...middle of .....village 12.I am looking for .............job 13.Did he get........job he is looking job 14.I live in.........Viet Nam 15.I have...cat. .....is yellow

BI 11Exercise 1:Underline the most suitable phrase in each sentence:

1. Is this a person / the person you told me about. 2. This is the only cinema / an only cinema in the area. 3. Philip has just bought the Thames barge / a Thames barge. 4. Im going to the British Museum / British Museum this afternoon. 5. Are you going to church / the church on Sunday? 6. Do you have a milk jug / milk jug? 7. The Prime Minister / Prime Minister will give a speech this afternoon. 8. The computer / Computer has already changed our lives dramatically. 9. I havent been to an open-air theatre / open-air theatre before. 10. Here is a thousand pounds / the a thousand pounds I owe you. 11. I was under an impression / under the impression that you had left. 12. I have to go Im in a hurry/ in hurry. 13. I managed to sell the old painting at a profit / at profit. 14. I think I prefer the other restaurant on the whole / on whole. 15. How many hours do you work, on average / on the average, every week? 16. I was in pain / in a pain after I twist my ankle. 17. Jack recovered from his accident and is now out of danger / out of the danger. 18. Excuse me, but youre in the way / in a way. 19. Sue felt seasick on the cross- channel ferry / a cross- channel ferry. 20. The burglar hit me on my back of the neck / the back of my neck. Exercise 2: Put a/ an/ the in each space, or leave the space blank: We went by _____ train to _____ west of England. ______ who live in ______ Netherlands are called ______ . ______ judge sent me to _____ prison for ______ ten years. ______ Columbus was one of _____ people to cross _____ Atlantic. As ______ captain of ______ ship, I have _______ complete authority. David learned to play _____ violin when he was at _______ university. ______ Trafalgar Square is near ______ Charing Cross Station. Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week? Well put up ______ shelves and then go to ______ caf for something to eat. Is that ______ present Bill gave you for ______ Christmas. Exercise 3: Chon phng an tot nhat e hoan thanh cac cau sau: 1. My mother goes to church in ______ morning. A. x B. every C. the D. a 2. I eat ______ everyday. A. a banana B. banana C. the bananas D. any banana 3. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea. A. a B. an C. the D. x 4. There are billions of stars in _____ space.

A. a B. an C. x D. the 5. He tried to park his car but _____ space wasnt big enough. A. the B. a C. an D. x 6. Can you turn off _____ television, please? A. the B. a C. an D. x 7. We had _____ dinner in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. x D. the 8. We had _____ meal in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. the D. x 9. Thank you. That was ______ very nice lunch. A. a B. an C. the D.x 10. ______rose is my favourite color. A. a B. an C. the D. x 11. When was _____ computer invented? A. a B. an C. the D. x 12. My daughter plays _____ piano very well. A. the B. a C. an D. x 13. Mary loves _____ flowers. A. a B. an C. the D. x 14. Jill went to ______ hospital to see her friend. A. x B. the C. a D. an 15. Mrs Lan went to ______ school to meet her sons daughter. A. x B. the C. a D. an 16. Carol went to ______ prison to meet her brother. A. the B. a C. an D. x 17. Sandra works at a big hospital. Shes _______. A.nurse B. a nurse C. the nurse D. an nurse 18. She works six days _____ week. A. in B. for C. a D. x 19. ______ is a star. A. Sun B. A sun C. The sun D. Suns 20. What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning. A. x B. a C. an D. the 21. London is _____ capital of England. A. an B. a C. x D. the 22. When ______ invented? A. was telephone B. was the telephone C. were telephones D. were a telephone 23. We visited _______ two years ago. A. Canada and the United States B. the Canada and the United States C. the Canada and United States D. Canada and United States 24. Are you going away next week? No, _______ week after next. A. a B. the C. someD. x 25. We havent been to ______ for years. A. cinema B. the cinema C. a cinema D. any cinema 26. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey. A. three hour B. a three- hours C. a three- hour D. three- hours 27. If you live in _______ foreign country, you should try and learn the language. A. the B. x C. an D. a 28. Did your train leave from ______ ? A. the 8 Platform B. an Platform 8 C. some Platform 8 D. Platform 8 29. I cant work here. Theres so much ______. A. noiseB. noises C. the noise D. a noise 30. Do you need ____? A. an umbrella B. a umbrella C. umbrella D. an umbrellas 31. Ive seen ______ good films recently. A. a B. the C. someD. an 32. I often watch ______ television for two hours every night.

A. someB. the C. any D. x 33. The injured man was taken to _____. A. hospital B. any hospital C. the hospital D. hospitals 34. She went out without _____ money. A. any B. an C. a D. x 35. Toshi speaks ______ at home. A. the Japanese B. Japan C. the Japan D. Japanese 36. A man and a woman were standing outside my house. ______ looked English but I think _____ woman was foreign. A. the / a B. a / the C. a/ a D. the / the 37. John sat on _____ chair nearest the door. A. the / a B. a / the C. a /a D. the / the 38. For breakfast I had _____ sandwich and _____ apple. The sandwich wasnt very nice. A. the / an B. a / the C. a / an D. the / the 39. I would love to live by _____ sea. A. the B. a C. an D. x 40. What is ______ longest river in ______ world? A. the/ a B. a / the C. a / a D. the / the 41. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ______ newspaper is in my bag but I dont know where ______ magazine is. A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 42. We live in ______ big house in ______ middle of the village. A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 43. Im looking for _____ job. Did Mary get _____ job she applied for? A. a / the B. the / a C. a/ a D. the / the 44. Did _______ police find ______ person who stole your bicycle? A. a /a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a 45. We went out for ______ last night. _______ restaurant we went was excellent. A. a /a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a 46. As I was walking along the street, I saw _____ $10 note on ______ pavement. A. a/ a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a 47. The Soviet Uinon was ______ first country to send a man into _____ space. A. the /the B. x / x C. x /the D. the / x 48. Did you watch Titanic on ______ television or at ______ cinema? A. the/ the B. x / x C. x / the D. the / x 49. After _____ lunch, we went for a walk by ______ sea. A. the / the B. x/ x C. x/ the D. the / x 50. Peru is ______ country in South America. _______ capital is Lima. A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 51. I never listen to _____ radio. In fact I havent got ______ radio. A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 52. It was a beautiful day. _______ sun shone brightly in _____ sky. A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 53. It is said that Robinhood robbed _____ rich and gave the money to _____ poor. A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 54. Life is not so easy for _______ unemployed. A. the B. a C. an D. x 55. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of _____ dead were taken away. A.the B. a C. an D. x 56. The butler was _____ I suspected. A. last person B. a last person C. the last person D. some last person 57. Where ______ you borrowed last week? A. is scissors B. are the scissors C. is some scissors D. are scissors 58. Why dont we go to the park _____? A. in the car B. with a car C. with car D. by the car 59. Too much rubbish is being dumped in ______. A. sea B. the sea C. a sea D. some sea

60. This is exactly _____ I was looking for. A. job B. a job C. some job D. the job 61. Of all the cars, I think I prefer ______. A. a Japanese B. some Japanese C. the Japanese one D. a Japanese one 62. I try to go jogging at least four times _______. A. the week B. of the week C. a week D. of a week. 63. Sally spent six month out of _____. A. work B. a work C. the work D. some work II/ Insert a, an or the if necessary. 1.There was . . . knock on . . . door. I opened it and found . . . small dark man in . . . blue overcoat and . . . woollen cap. 2.He said he was . . . employee of . . . gas company and had come to read . . . meter. 3. But I had . . . suspicion that he wasn't speaking . . . truth because . . . meter readers usually wear . . . peaked caps. 4. However, I took him to . . . meter, which is in . . . dark corner under . . . stairs (. . . meters are usually in . . . dark corners under . . . stairs). 5. I asked if he had . . . torch; he said he disliked torches and always read . . . meters by . . . light of . . . match. 6. I remarked that if there was . . . leak in . . . gaspipe there might be . . . explosion while he was reading . . . meter. 7. He said, 'As . . . matter of . . . fact, there was . . . explosion in . . . last house I visited; and Mr Smith, . . . owner of . . . house, was burnt in . . . face.' 8. 'Mr Smith was holding . . . lighted match at . . . time of . . . explosion.' 9. To prevent . . . possible repetition of this accident, I lent him . . . torch. 10. He switched on . . . torch, read . . . meter and wrote . . . reading down on . . . back of . . . envelope. 11. I said in . . . surprise that . . . meter readers usually put . . . readings down in . . . book. 12. He said that he had had . . . book but that it had been burnt in . . . fire in . . . Mr Smith's house. 13. By this time I had come to . . . conclusion that he wasn't . . . genuine meter reader; and . . . moment he left . . . house I rang . . . police. 14. Are John and Mary . . . cousins? ~ No, they aren't . . . cousins; they are . . . brother and . . . sister. 15. . . . fog was so thick that we couldn't see . . . side of . . . road. We followed . . . car in front of us and hoped that we were going . . . right way. 16. I can't remember . . . exact date of . . . storm, but I know it was . . . Sunday because everybody was at . . . church. On . . . Monday . . . post didn't come because . . . roads were blocked by . . . fallen trees. 17. Peter thinks that this is quite . . . cheap restaurant. 18. There's been . . . murder here. ~ Where's . . . body?~ There isn't . . . body. ~ Then how do you know there's been . . . murder? 19. Number . . . hundred and two, - . . house next door to us, is for sale. It's quite . - . nice house with . . . big rooms. . . . back windows look out on . . . park. 20. I don't know what . . . price . . . owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are . . . agents. You could give them . . . ring and make them . . . offer. 21. . . . postman's little boy says that he'd rather be . . . dentist than . . . doctor, because . . . dentists don't get called out at . . . night.

BI 12: Exercise 1: Choose the best answer:

1. Salem doesnt like .................. talkative people. A. B. the C. many D. a 2. Its true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor. A. an B. a C. the D. 3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario. A. the B. C. a D. an 4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe. A. an B. a C. the D. no article 5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years. A. an B. a C. the D. 6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast.

A. an B. a C. the D. 7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning? A. an B. a C. the D. 8 Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year. A. an B. a C. the D. 9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids. A. an B. a C. the D. 10. Sarah thinks .................. life is more difficult in a foreign country. A. an B. a C. the D. 11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison. A. an B. a C. the D. 12. Ive noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables. A. an B. a C. the D. 13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently. A. an B. a C. the D. many 14. ................ examinations always make him nervous. A. an B. a C. the D. 15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month. A. an B. a C. the D. some Exercise 2: Supply a suitable article 1. This is easy question 2. Please speak little louder 3. May I have yourphone number? 4. May I ask you question? 5. A man decided to rob __________bank in the town where he lived. He walked into ___________bank and handed ___note to one of ________cashiers._______cashier read_________note which told her to give _________man some money. Afraid that he might have_________gun, she did as she was told__________man then walked out of ________building, leaving__ note behind. However, he had no time to spend money because he was arrested ..same day. He had made ..mistake. He had written note on back of envelope. And on other side of .envelope was his name and address. This clue was quite enough for detective on the case.

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