Eportfoliio Rubric 2008
Eportfoliio Rubric 2008
Eportfoliio Rubric 2008
CATEGORY Fully Meeting Expectations Meeting Expectations Basically Meeting Not Yet Meeting POINTS
Expectations Expectations
All pages and All pages and most One page and some More than one page
components are complete components are complete components are missing and several components
are missing
(see checklist) (see checklist) (see checklist)
(see checklist)
Selection of 9 points 6 points 3 points 0 point
All artifacts and work Most artifacts and Few artifacts and Most artifacts and
samples are clearly and work samples are related work samples are related work samples are
directly related to the to the purpose of the e- to the purpose of the e- unrelated to the purpose
purpose of the e-portfolio. portfolio. portfolio. of the e-portfolio.
Reflections 9 points 6 points 3 points 0 points POINTS
All reflections clearly Most of the reflections A few reflections No reflections describe
describe why artifacts in the describe why artifacts in describe why artifacts in why artifacts in the e-
e-portfolio demonstrate the e-portfolio demonstrate the e-portfolio demonstrate portfolio demonstrate
achievement of each achievement of each achievement of each achievement of each
standard or goal and standard or goal and standard or goal and standard or goal and do not
include goals for continued include goals for future include goals for future include goals for future
learning. learning. learning. learning.
All reflections illustrate Most of the reflections A few reflections No reflections illustrate
the ability to effectively illustrate the ability to illustrate the ability to the ability to effectively
critique work and provide effectively critique work effectively critique work critique work or provide
suggestions for constructive and provide suggestions for and provide suggestions suggestions for
practical alternatives. constructive practical for constructive practical constructive practical
alternatives. alternatives. alternatives.
Use of 9 points 6 points 3 points 0 points POINTS
All of the Most of the A few of the The photographs, graphics,
photographs, graphics, photographs, graphics, photographs, graphics, sounds, and/or videos are
sound and/or video sound and/or video sound and/or video are inappropriate, do not enhance
enhance reflective enhance reflective inappropriate and do not reflective statements, and are
statements, create statements, create enhance reflective inappropriate examples of one
interest, and are interest, and are statements or create or more pieces of evidence or
appropriate examples appropriate examples interest, and are are distracting decorations that
of evidence. of evidence. inappropriate examples of detract from the content.
one or more pieces of
All audio and/or Most of the audio A few of the audio Audio and/or video files
video files are edited and/or video files are and/or video files are edited are not edited or exhibit
with proper voice edited with proper with inconsistent clarity or inconsistent clarity or sound
projection, appropriate voice projection, sound (too loud/too (too loud/too soft/garbled).
language, and clear appropriate language, soft/garbled).
delivery. and clear delivery.
Creativity 6 points 4 points 2 points 0 points
Creativity and Most of the files Some use of creativity No use of creativity or
original ideas enhance show use of creativity or original ideas is evident original ideas is evident that
the content of the e- and original ideas to that enhances the content of enhances the content of the e-
portfolio in an enhance the content of the e-portfolio. portfolio.
innovative way the e-portfolio.
The layout uses The layout uses The layout uses The layout uses horizontal
horizontal and vertical horizontal and vertical horizontal and vertical white and vertical white space
white space appropriately. white space appropriately space inappropriately in inappropriately and the content
(not crammed or too in most places. some places. appears cluttered.
spaced apart)
The background and The background and The background and font The background and font
font colors/styles enhance font colors/styles enhance colors/styles are distracting colors/styles are distracting and
the readability of the text. the readability of the text in some places and decrease decrease the readability of the
in most places. the readability of the text. text.
Annotations, 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points POINTS
Reflections &
Connections Each artifact is Most of the artifacts Some of the artifacts None of the artifacts
accompanied by a are accompanied by a are accompanied by a are accompanied by a
caption that articulately caption that articulately caption that articulately caption that articulately
explains the importance explains the importance explains the importance explains the importance
of that particular work of that particular work of that particular work of that particular work
including title, author, including title, author, including title, author, including title, author,
date, and description of date, and description of date, and description of date, and description of
the importance of the the importance of the the importance of the the importance of the
artifact. artifact. artifact. artifact.
Writing 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
The e-portfolio has The text has a few The text has errors in The text has many
no errors in grammar, errors in grammar, grammar, capitalization, errors in grammar,
capitalization, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling capitalization,
punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling. requiring editing and punctuation, and spelling
spelling. These require minor revision. requiring major editing
editing and revision. (4 or more errors) and revision.
(more than 6 errors)