Tips For Make-Up

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The main objective of makeup application is to emphasize one's

good facial features and minimize less attractive features. Since each person has unique features, there is no one ideal way to apply makeup. Applying cosmetics is an art. Anyone can put will teach you tips for applying makeup to perfect your look.

makeup on themselves and make the application look okay, but we

A professional make-over performed by an esthetician or make-up artist is the best way to learn how to apply makeup in a manner that will best suit your needs. The esthetician will carefully analyze your facial features. Then she will teach you how to apply makeup your negative ones. in order to best accentuate your positive attributions and minimize

Tips for Using Makeup

Before applying your makeup in the morning, make sure you

thoroughly cleanse your face. Apply a moisturizer to the skin. Lotion.

Preferably a moisturizer with a sun screen, such as Shade Make sure your hands are clean before you touch your face. velvety look.

When applying the foundation, use a sponge. This will give a Avoid wearing a dark foundation. You want the foundation to your skin tone, you will have a noticeable make-up line.

blend with your skin tones. When foundation does not match

If you use too much foundation and powder at one time, it can give the face a "caked-on" appearance. The first step in applying a complete makeup application is to

reduce the darkness under the eye with a concealer and then start your application with the concealer or the foundation depends more on personal preference than anything else.

apply a foundation to even out your skin tone. Whether you

Once that is done, the eye liner, eye shadow, mascara and You never want a sharp, hard line.

blush can be applied. One should always feather the eye liner.

The purpose of eye shadow is to shape and accentuate the more attractive when you use natural colors.

eye, not color it. Do not overuse eye shadow. The face looks

Blush is used to accentuate the cheek bone. This is to be applied sparingly and should look very natural. It is important to use a makeup brush for putting on eye

shadow and blush. A good cosmetic brush is an excellent makeup brush are:

blending tool. The two rules to follow when choosing the right The brush should match the size of the area it is to be used on.

Brushes should not be so stiff that they scratch the face, nor so soft as to be floppy and difficult to control. When wearing makeup, you should always wear lipstick. The are one feature that can look good on anyone with the correct makeup.

color should blend with the other make-up applied. The lips

Never go to bed with your makeup on. When the makeup is left on overnight it will clog the pores. It prevents the skin The skin needs to breathe overnight. from shedding and may cause blemishes and/or blackheads.

It is completely up to you as to how much makeup you

choose to wear. You do not need to wear a foundation or any other part of a makeup look if you do not want to. It is all a matter of preference.

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