People vs. Alicando

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EN BANC [G.R. No. 117487. December 12, 1995.] PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.

ARNEL ALICANDO Y BRIONES, accusedappellant. DECISION PUNO, J p: The case at bar involves the imposition of the death penalty. With all our frailties, we are asked to play the role of an infallible God by exercising the divine right to give or take away life. We cannot err in the exercise of our judgment for our error will be irrevocable. Worse, our error can result in the worst of crimes murder by the judiciary. The records reveal that appellant Arnel Alicando was charged with the crime of rape with homicide 1 in an Information which reads: "That on or about the 12th day of June 1994 in the City of Iloilo, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Court, said accused, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously and by means of force, violence and intimidation to wit: by then and there pinning down one KHAZIE MAE PENECILLA, a minor, four years of age, choking her with his right hand, succeeded in having carnal knowledge with her and as a result thereof she suffered asphyxia by strangulation, fractured cervical vertebra and lacerations of the vaginal and rectal openings causing profuse hemorrhages and other injuries which are necessarily fatal and which were the direct cause of her death. CONTRARY TO LAW." On June 29, 1994, appellant was arraigned with the assistance of Atty. Rogelio Antiquiera of the PAO, Department of Justice. Appellant pleaded guilty. After appellant's plea of guilt, the trial court ordered the prosecution to present its evidence. It also set the case for reception of evidence for the appellant, if he so desired. 2 The prosecution evidence shows that in the afternoon of June 12, 1994, Romeo Penecilla, father of the four year old victim Khazie Mae, was drinking liquor with Ramil Rodriguez and Remus Gaddi in his (Penecilla's) house at Barangay Rizal, Zone 1, Pulo Bala, Iloilo. Appellant joined them but every now and then would take leave and return. Appellant was living in his uncle's house some five (5) arm's length from Penecilla's house. At about 4:30 p.m., Penecilla's group stopped drinking and left. Luisa Rebada also lives in the Penecilla neighborhood, about one and a half (1-1/2) arm's length from the house of appellant. At about 5:30 p.m. of that day, she saw the victim at the window of appellant's house. She offered to buy her "yemas" but appellant closed the window. Soon she heard the victim crying. She approached appellant's house and peeped through an opening between its floor and door. The sight shocked her appellant was naked, on top of the victim, his left hand choking her neck. She retreated to her house in fright. She gathered her children together and informed her compadre, Ricardo Lagrana, then in her house, about what she saw. Lagrana was also overcome with fear and hastily left. Romeo Penecilla returned to his house at 8 o'clock in the evening. He did not find Khazie Mae. He and his wife searched for her until 1 o'clock in the morning. Their effort was fruitless. Rebada was aware that the Penecillas were looking for their daughter but did not tell them what she knew.

Instead, Rebada called out appellant from her window and asked him the time Khazie Mae left his house. Appellant replied he was drunk and did not know. As the sun started to rise, another neighbor, Leopoldo Santiago went down from his house to answer the call of nature. He discovered the lifeless body of Khazie Mae under his house. Her parents were informed and so was the police. At 9:00 a.m., Rebada suffered a change of heart. She informed Romeo Penecilla and his wife Julie Ann, that appellant committed the crime. Forthwith, appellant was arrested and interrogated by P03 Danilo Tan. He verbally confessed his guilt without the assistance of counsel. On the basis of his uncounseled verbal confession and follow up interrogations, the police came to know and recovered from appellant's house, Khazie Mae's green slippers, a pair of gold earrings, a buri mat, a stained pillow and a stained T-shirt all of which were presented as evidence for the prosecution. The body of Khazie Mae was autopsied by Dr. Tito Doromal, a medico-legal officer. His autopsy report reveals the following injuries sustained by the victim: "HEAD & NECK/THORACO-ABDOMINAL REGIONS: 1) Contusion, purple in color, 11 x 11.3 cm., in dia., from left and right anterior neck, down to the medial portion of the left and right infraclavicular area. Contusion, bluish purple, 5.5 x 6.3 cm., in dia., antero-lateral left chest wall. Contusion, bluish in color, 3 in nos., 1, 0.5 & 1.1 cm., in dia., right anteroinferior chest wall. Contusion, purple in color, 4 x 3.2 cm., in dia., left sub-costal arch. Contusion, purple in color, 4.5 x 5 cm., in dia., supero-lateral, left iliac crest . ON OPENING THE SKULL 7 THORACO-ABDOMINAL CAVITIES: a) b) c) d) EXTREMITIES: 1) 2) 3) Confluent abrasion, 3 x 2.6 cm., in dia., posterior aspect, lower 3rd, left forearm. Old wound, 2 x 1.5 cm. in dia., posterior middle 3rd, left forearm. Old wound, 1.5 x 1 cm., in dia., antero-lateral aspect, middle 3rd, right forearm. VAGINAL FINDINGS/ANAL FINDINGS: a) b) c) Lacerated wound, from the fourchette up to the dome of the rectum. Hematoma, from the fourchette up to the rectum. Lacerated wound, lateral wall of the vagina up to the level of the promontory of the sacrum with a length of 8 centimeters. Fractured, 2nd cervical vertebra. Fractured, crecoid cartilage. Both lungs, expanded with multiple petechial hemorrhages. Other internal organs, congested.

2) 3) 4) 5)


A cylinder with a diameter of 2 cms., easily passes the vaginal and anal openings.


Appellant adopted the autopsy report of Dr. Doromal as his documentary evidence to prove that the proximate cause of Khazie Mae's death was asphyxia by strangulation. On July 20, 1994, the trial court found appellant guilty and sentenced him to death, viz: "WHEREFORE, the court hereby finds the accused, Arnel Alicando, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt for (sic) the Crime of Rape with Homicide penalized under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by paragraphs 6 and 7 (No. 4) Section 11 of Republic Act No. 7659. Arnel Alicando is hereby sentenced to suffer a (sic) penalty of death and to indemnify the heirs of the offended party, Khazie Mae D. Penecilla, the sum of P50,000.00. The death sentence shall be executed by putting the person under sentence to death by electrocution (electric chair). As soon as facilities are provided by the Bureau of Prisons, the method of carrying out his sentence shall be changed by gas poisoning (sic). Here ends Khazie Mae's quest for justice. Her tormentor must suffer for the grievous offense he had committed. He deserves no mercy. Cost against the accused. SO ORDERED. " The case is before us on automatic review considering the death penalty imposed by the trial court. A new counsel, Atty. Joel Tiongco, took the cudgel for appellant. In his Brief, appellant assails the decision of the trial court as a travesty of justice. We find that the Decision of the trial court sentencing the appellant to death is shot full of errors, both substantive and procedural. The conviction is based on an amalgam of inadmissible and incredible evidence and supported by scoliotic logic. First. The arraignment of the appellant is null and void. The trial judge failed to follow section (1) (a) of Rule 116 on arraignment. Said section provides: xxx Section 1. (a) xxx xxx

Arraignment and plea; how made.

The accused must be arraigned before the court where the complaint or information has been filed or assigned for trial. The arraignment must be made in open court by the judge or clerk by furnishing the accused a copy of the complaint or information with the list of witnesses, reading the same in the language or dialect known to him and asking him whether he pleads guilty or not guilty. The prosecutor may, however, call at the trial witnesses other than those named in the complaint or information."

The reading of the complaint or information to the appellant in the language or dialect known to him is a new requirement imposed by the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure. It implements the constitutional right of an appellant ". . . to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him." 3 The new rule also responds to the reality that the Philippines is a country divided by dialects and Pilipino as a national language is still in the process of evolution. 4 Judicial notice can be taken of the fact that many Filipinos have limited understanding either of the Pilipino or English language, our official languages for purposes of communication and instruction. 5 The importance of reading the complaint or information to the appellant in the language or dialect known to him cannot thus be understated. In the case at bar, the records do not reveal that the Information against the appellant was read in the language or dialect known to him. The Information against the appellant is written in the English language. It is unbeknown whether the appellant knows the English language. Neither is it known what dialect is understood by the appellant. Nor is there any showing that the Information couched in English was translated to the appellant in his own dialect before his plea of guilt. The scanty transcript during his arraignment, reads: 6 xxx xxx xxx

Prosecutor Edwin Fama Appearing as public prosecutor Atty. Rogelio Antiquiera For the accused, Your Honor. Ready for arraignment and pre-trial.) Interpreter (Reading the information to the accused for arraignment and pretrial.) Note: (After reading the information to the accused, accused pleads guilty)" One need not draw a picture to show that the arraignment of the appellant is a nullity. It violated section l(a) of Rule 116, the rule implementing the constitutional right of the appellant to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him. It also denied appellant his constitutional right to due process of law. 7 It is urged that we must presume that the arraignment of the appellant was regularly conducted. When life is at stake, we cannot lean on this rebuttable presumption. We cannot assume. We must be sure. Second. The plea of guilt made by the appellant is likewise null and void. The trial court violated section 3 of Rule 116 when it accepted the plea of guilt of the appellant. Said section provides: "Sec. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense; reception of evidence. When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability. The accused may also present evidence in his behalf." The records reveal how the trial judge inadequately discharged this duty of conducting a "searching inquiry." In the hearing of June 28, 1994, the transcripts reveal the following: 8 xxx Note Court Q xxx xxx

(After reading the information to the accused, accused pleads guilty.) Question (sic) of the court to the accused. Considering that this is a crime and under the amended law is a heinous crime, because of your plea of guilty without the consent or even against

the discretion of the court, the court will give you a mandatory death penalty because of the crime charged, do you understand? Accused Yes, Your Honor. Q Did you enter a plea of guilty on your own voluntary will or without any force or intimidation from any one or whatever?

Accused None, Your Honor. Q Are you sure?

Accused Yes, Your Honor. Q Or maybe because you were manhandled or maltreated by anyone and that will just be the consideration for you to plead guilty?

Accused No, Your Honor. Court Were you not manhandled, please let us see your body? Note (Accused raised his prison uniform or shirt and showed to the court his body from waist up.) Accused No, Your Honor. Court You were not maltreated in the jail? Accused No, Your Honor. Court Please let us see whether you have bruises so that you will be examined by a physician to the order of the court? Accused No, Your Honor. Court If you will plead guilty, that plea of guilty has no use because there will be a mandatory death penalty, do you still insist on your plea of guilty? Accused Yes, Your Honor. Court If you plead guilty to the crime charged there will be some effects on your civil rights but not until the decision will be affirmed by the Supreme Court.

Accused Yes, Your Honor. Note (See Order dated June 28, 1994 attached to the records of this case.)" In the next hearing on July 11, 1994, the following verbal exchange transpired, viz: 9 xxx xxx xxx

Fiscal Fama: Appearing as the public prosecutor, ready, Your Honor. Our first witness is Dr. Tito Doromal, Your Honor. Court: For the accused, Your Honor. Atty. Antiquiera: Before the court will proceed with the reception of evidence by the prosecution Arnel Alicando, please come here. (at this juncture, Arnel Alicando, come near to the court) The court is warning you again that this is reception of evidence by the prosecution after you plead guilty to the crime charged at, do you understand? A Q A Q A Q A Q A Yes. Do you still affirm and confirm to your plea of guilty of rape with homicide? Yes, Your Honor. Do you still insist that your plea of guilty is voluntary without force, intimidation or whatsoever? Yes. The court is warning you that after reception of evidence, the imposable penalty is mandatory death? Yes, Your Honor. Despite of that, you still insist on your plea of guilty? Yes, Your Honor.

Court Okey, proceed." Section 3 of Rule 116 which the trial court violated is not a new rule for it merely incorporated the decision of this Court in People vs. Apduhan, Jr., 10 and reiterated in an unbroken line of cases. 11 The bottom line of the rule is that the plea of guilt must be based on a free and informed judgment. Thus, the searching inquiry of the trial court must be focused on: (1) the voluntariness of the plea, and (2) the full comprehension of the consequences of the plea. The questions of the trial court failed to show the voluntariness of the plea of guilt of the appellant nor did the questions demonstrate appellant's full comprehension of the consequences of his plea. The records do not reveal any information about the personality profile of the appellant which can serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to give a free and informed plea of guilt. The age, socio-economic status, and educational background of the appellant were not plumbed by the trial court. The questions were framed in English yet there is no inkling that appellant has a nodding acquaintance of English. It will be noted too that the trial court did not bother to explain to the appellant the essential elements of the crime of rape with homicide.

A cursory examination of the questions of the trial court to establish the voluntariness of appellant's plea of guilt will show their utter insufficiency. The trial court simply inquired if appellant had physical marks of maltreatment. It did not ask the appellant when he was arrested, who arrested him, how and where he was interrogated, whether he was medically examined before and after his interrogation, etc. It limited its efforts trying to discover late body marks of maltreatment as if involuntariness is caused by physical abuse alone. Regretfully, it even turned a blind eye on the following damning entry on the June 13, 1994 Record of Events of the Iloilo PNP (Exh. "M") showing that after his arrest, the appellant was mobbed by inmates while in jail and had suffered hematoma, viz: "c- 0262-94 INFORMATION 2:50 PM - PO2 Salvador Pastoloro, Jr., PNP assigned at 327th PNP MFC, informed this office thru SPO1 W. Garcera alleging that at about 9:00 AM this date when the suspect ARNEL ALICANDO Y BRIONES, 24 yrs. old, residence of Rizal, Palapala Zone I, CP, been arrested and mobbed by the irate residents of Zone I, Rizal, Palapala, GP, in connection of the Rape with Homicide case wherein the victim KHAZIE MAE PENECILLA Y DRILON, 4 yrs. old, residence of same place who was discovered dead under the house thereat. Suspect when turned over to this office and put on lock up cell was also mobbed by the angry inmates thus causing upon him hematoma contusion on different parts of his body." Likewise, the trial court's effort to determine whether appellant had full comprehension of the consequences of his plea is fatally flawed. It warned the appellant he would get the mandatory death penalty without explaining the meaning of "mandatory". It did not inform the appellant of the indemnity he has to pay for the death of the victim. It cautioned appellant there ". . . will be some effects on your civil rights" without telling the appellant what those "effects" are and what "civil rights" of his are involved. Appellant's plea of guilt is void and the trial court erred in using it to sentence him to death. We stress that under the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, a conviction in capital offenses cannot rest alone on a plea of guilt. Section 3 of Rule 116 requires that after a free and intelligent plea of guilt, the trial court must require the prosecution to prove the guilt of the appellant and the precise degree of his culpability beyond reasonable doubt. This rule modifies prior jurisprudence that a plea of guilt even in capital offenses is sufficient to sustain a conviction charged in the information without need of further proof. The change is salutary for it enhances one of the goals of the criminal process which is to minimize erroneous conviction. We share the stance that "it is a fundamental value determination of our system that it is far worse to convict an innocent person than let a guilty man go free." 12 Third. Some prosecution evidence, offered independently of the plea of guilt of the appellant, were inadmissible, yet, were considered by the trial court convicting the appellant. Thus, the trial court gave full faith and credit to the physical evidence presented by the prosecution. To quote its Decision, 13 viz: "xxx xxx xxx

Further, there are physical evidence to prove Khazie was raped. These consists of a pillow with bloodstains in its center 14 and the T-shirt 15 of the accused colored white with bloodstains on its bottom. These physical evidence are evidence of the highest order. They strongly corroborate the testimony of Luisa Rebada that the victim was raped."

These are inadmissible evidence for they were gathered by PO3 Danilo Tan of the Iloilo City PNP as a result of custodial interrogation where appellant verbally confessed to the crime without the benefit of counsel. PO3 Tan admitted under cross-examination, viz: 16 xxx xxx xxx

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY ATTY. ANTIOUIERA: Q A Q A Q A Q A Mr. Witness, when for the first time did you see Arnel Alicando? June 13, 1994, when I arrested him. Previous to that you have never seen him? Yes, sir. When for the first time did you start investigating Arnel Alicando? After I finished investigating the body of the victim, Khazie Mae Penecilla. And that was also after you were informed that Arnel Alicando was a suspect in the raping of Khazie Mae Penecilla? Yes, sir.

Atty. Antiquiera: Q And who was that person who informed you of the suspect? A Luisa Rebada. Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Mrs. Rebada who is the witness in this case? Yes, sir. And you started investigating Arnel Alicando in the morning of June 13, 1994? Yes, sir. How long did you interrogate Arnel Alicando in the morning of June 13, 1994? I cannot remember the length of time I investigated him. Did it take you the whole morning of June 13, 1994 in interrogating and investigating Arnel Alicando? Yes, sir. And the investigation you conducted continued in the afternoon of the same date? Yes, sir. The following day, June 14, 1994, you still investigated and interrogated Arnel Alicando. Yes, sir. And when did you stop, finally, investigating and interrogating Arnel Alicando? After I finished recovering all the exhibits in relation to this case. What date did you stop your investigation? June 14, 1994, when I finished recovering the white T-shirt and pair of earring.

Atty. Antiquiera: Q You testified in this case, Mr. Witness you never informed the court that you apprised the accused of his constitutional rights, is that correct? A I apprised him. Q My question is, during your testimony before this court under the direct examination of the prosecution you never informed the court that you apprised the accused of his constitutional rights?

Pros. Fama: I did not ask him that question. How will he answer? Court: Sustained. Atty. Antiquiera: Q When did you inform, the date when you informed Alicando of his constitutional rights? A On June 13. Q A Q A Q A On what hour did you inform him? After the witness identified him. What constitutional rights inform Alicando of? The right to remain silent and right to get his lawyer and I have interpreted in Visayan language. And during your investigation for almost two (2) days the accused was never represented by counsel, is that correct? Yes, sir.

Atty. Antiquiera: Q Are you aware of the law that enjoins a public officer to inform the person of his constitutional rights? A Yes, sir. That is all, Your Honor." It is now familiar learning that the Constitution has stigmatized as inadmissible evidence uncounselled confession or admission. Section 12 paragraphs (1) and (3) of Article III of the Constitution provides: xxx xxx xxx

Sec. 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel. xxx xxx xxx (3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible against him."

In the case at bar, PO3 Tan did not even have the simple sense to reduce the all important confession of the appellant in writing. Neither did he present any writing showing that appellant waived his right to silence and to have competent and independent counsel. Despite the blatant

violation of appellant's constitutional right, the trial court allowed his uncounselled confession to flow into the records and illicitly used it in sentencing him to death. It is not only the uncounselled confession that is condemned as inadmissible, but also evidence derived therefrom. The pillow and the T-shirt with the alleged bloodstains were evidence derived from the uncounselled confession illegally extracted by the police from the appellant. Again, the testimony of PO3 Tan makes this all clear, viz: 17 xxx Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A xxx xxx

Did the accused Arnel Alicando accompany you to the place of the incident? Yes, sir. When you arrived at the place of the incident what did you do? He pointed to the fish basin. Can you identify this fish basin which you said pointed to you by Arnel Alicando? Yes, sir. Please point? (Witness pointing to the fish basin already marked as Exhibit "H".) Did you ask the accused what he did with this fish basin? I asked the accused what he did with the fish basin and he answered that he used the fish basin to cover Khazie Mae Penecilla when she was already dead.

Pros. Fama: Q You mean to say to conceal the crime ? A Yes, sir. Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A What else aside from this fish basin, what else did you recover? At around 7 o'clock in the evening he further pointed to us the old mat and the pillow wherein he laid the victim Khazie Mae Penecilla. You mean to say that you returned back to the scene of the incident that time? It was already night time and it was only Kagawad Rodolfo Ignacio, my companion, who went to the place of the incident. You mean to say you were verbally instructed by the accused? Yes, sir. In what particular place did you recover those things ? Inside the room where he raped child. Whose house is that ? The house of Imelda Alicando. The wife of Romeo Alicando? Yes, sir. In what particular place is that situated ? Inside the room where the accused was sleeping at Rizal-Palapala.

Pros. Fama: Q You mean to say inside that room the victim was raped by the accused? A Yes, sir. Q A Q A Q A Can you point that pillow which you said you recovered inside he room of Imelda Alicando? Yes, sir. And the mat? (Witness taking out from the fish basin the mat and pillow.) Did you find something on the pillow? The pillow have bloodstain in the middle.

This was already marked as Exhibit "J", Your Honor and the mat as Exhibit "I". Q A Aside from this what did you recover from the place of incident? On June 14, 1994, at about 10:00 o'clock in the morning the accused Arnel Alicando further informed me that he kept the gold earring of the victim and her clothes inside the room of the house of Imelda Alicando. Where? I saw the clothes of Khazie Mae Penecilla inside the room where the rape took place hanged on the clothes line. And I found the pair of earring at the bamboo post of the fence.


Court: Q Where is that bamboo post of the fence situated? A Around the fence of Imelda Alicando situated at the from gate on the right side . Pros. Fama: Q You mean to say you returned back on June 14, you recovered the items accompanied by the accused? A No more, I only followed his direction. Q A Q A Q A He made verbal direction to you? Yes, sir. Can you please show us the white t-shirt? (Witness taking out a white t-shirt from the fish basin.) Please examine that white t-shirt? The t-shirt have a bloodstain."

We have not only constitutionalized the Miranda warnings in our jurisdiction. We have also adopted the libertarian exclusionary rule known as the "fruit of the poisonous tree," a phrase minted by Mr. Justice Felix Frankfurter in the celebrated case of Nardone v. United States. 18 According to this rule, once the primary source (the "tree") is shown to have been unlawfully obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence (the "fruit") derived from it is also inadmissible. 19 Stated otherwise, illegally seized evidence is obtained as a direct result of the illegal act, whereas the "fruit of the poisonous tree" is the indirect result of the same illegal act. The "fruit of the poisonous tree" is at least once removed from the illegally seized evidence, but it is equally inadmissible. The rule is based on the principle that evidence illegally obtained by the State should not be used to gain other evidence because the originally illegally obtained evidence taints all evidence subsequently

obtained. 20 We applied this exclusionary rule in the recent case of People vs. Salanga, et al., 21 a ponencia of Mr. Justice Regalado. Salanga was the appellant in the rape and killing of a 15-year old barrio lass. He was, however, illegally arrested. Soldiers took him into custody. They gave him a body search which yielded a lady's underwear. The underwear was later identified as that of the victim. We acquitted Salanga. Among other reasons, we ruled that "the underwear allegedly taken from the appellant is inadmissible in evidence, being a so-called " fruit of the poisonous tree." 22 But even assuming arguendo that the pillow and the t-shirt were admissible evidence, still, the trial court erred in holding that they "strongly corroborated the testimony of Luisa Rebada that the victim was raped." For one, there was no basis for the trial court to conclude that the stains on the pillow and t-shirt were human bloodstains. The pillow and the t-shirt were not examined by any expert. To hold that they were human bloodstains is guesswork. For another, there was no testimony that the stains were caused by either the appellant or the victim. In addition, there was no testimony that the t-shirt was the one worn by the appellant when he allegedly committed the crime. It must also be noted that it is not unnatural for appellant to have bloodstains on his shirt. He is a butcher by occupation. Romeo Penecilla himself, the father of the victim, testified he knows the appellant "because he used to accompany me during butchering of animals." 23 The burden to prove that an accused waived his right to remain silent and the right to counsel before making a confession under custodial interrogation rests with the prosecution. It is also the burden of the prosecution to show that the evidence derived from confession is not tainted as "fruit of the poisonous tree." The burden has to be discharged by clear and convincing evidence. Indeed, par. 1 of Section 12 of Article III of the Constitution provides only one mode of waiver the waiver must be in writing and in the presence of counsel. In the case at bar, the records show that the prosecution utterly failed to discharge this burden. It- matters not that in the course of the hearing, the appellant failed to make a timely objection to the introduction of these constitutionally proscribed evidence. The lack of objection did not satisfy the heavy burden of proof that rested on the prosecution. There is no and there ought not to be any disagreement on basic principles. The Court should be concerned with the heinousness of the crime at bar and its despicable perpetration against a 4-year old girl, an impersonation of innocence itself. The Court should also be concerned with the multiplication of malevolence in our midst for there is no right to be evil and there are no ifs and buts about the imposition of the death penalty as long as it remains unchallenged as part of the laws of our land. These concerns are permanent, norms hewn in stone, and they transcend the transitoriness of time. Be that as it may, our commitment to the criminal justice system is not only to convict and punish violators of our laws. We are equally committed to the ideal that the process of detection, apprehension, conviction and incarceration of criminals should be accomplished with fairness, and without impinging on the dignity of the individual. In a death penalty case, the Court cannot rush to judgment even when a lowlife is involved for an erroneous conviction will leave a lasting stain in our escutcheon of justice. In sum, the Court cannot send the appellant to die in the electric chair on the basis of the procedural irregularities committed by, and the inadmissible evidence considered by the trial court. In Binabay vs. People, et al., 24 a ponencia of Mr. Chief Justice R. Concepcion, this Court held that no valid judgment can be rendered upon an invalid arraignment. Since in the case at bar, the arraignment of the appellant is void, his judgment of conviction is also void. In fairness to the appellant, and in justice to the victim, the case has to be remanded to the trial court for further proceedings. There is no philosophy of punishment that allows the State to kill without any semblance of fairness and justice. IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Decision in Criminal Case No. 43663, convicting accused Arnel Alicando of the crime of Rape with Homicide and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of death is annulled and set aside and the case is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings. No costs.

SO ORDERED. Narvasa, C.J., Feliciano, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Melo, Vitug, Francisco and Panganiban, JJ., concur. Footnotes
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Criminal Case No. 43663, RTC of Iloilo City, Br. 38. Order of June 28, 1994. Section 14 (2) of Article III of the Constitution. See section 6, Article XIV of the Constitution. See section 7, Article XIV of the Constitution. TSN, June 28, 1994, p. 2. Section 1, Article III of the Constitution provides: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, property without due process of law . . ." TSN, June 28, 1994, pp. 2-3. TSN, July 11, 1994, pp. 2. 24 SCRA 798, [1968]. E.g., People v. Abrea, 112 SCRA 83 [1982]; People vs. Alibasa, 118 SCRA 83 [1982]; People vs. Havana, 199 SCRA 805; People vs. Petalcorin, et. al., 180. In re: Winship, 397, US 358, 90 S. ct., 1068, 25 L. Ed. 2d 368 [1970]. Decision, page 7; Records, p. 96. Exh. "J". Exh. "F". TSN, July 12, 1994, pp. 18-21. TSN, July 12, 1994, pp. 14-17. 308 US 388, 60 S. Ct. 266, 84 L. ed. 307 [1939]. The genesis of the doctrine was laid down in Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. US, 251 US 385, 40 S. Ct. 182, 64 L. Ed. 319 [1920]. Del Carmen, Criminal Procedure, Law and Practice, 3rd Ed., pp. 64-65. G.R. No. 100910, July 25, 1994, 234 SCRA 407. Ibid, p. 416. TSN, July 12, 1994, p. 28. No. L-31008, January 10, 1971, 37 SCRA 445.

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