How To Calibrate ECU and Engine - SAE
How To Calibrate ECU and Engine - SAE
How To Calibrate ECU and Engine - SAE
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Throughout the presentation, examples will be provided using the PE3 engine control system. However, the fundamental principles apply to almost any type of controller.
How do we turn this collection of parts into a well running engine?
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Controller Tuning
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However, limiting the inputs severely hinders the control systems ability to perform at a high level.
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Digital Inputs Active pulled high and active pulled to GND Many possible functions including:
Measuring speeds
Cutting fuel and/or ignition Secondary rev limit Traction control Shift cut etc
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Fuel Injectors
Ignition Coils
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Used for almost all production systems Readily available in many sizes Easy to drive and configure
Faster response Very large flow rates available
P&H and Saturated Injectors typically look the same. Easiest way to tell them apart is to measure the electrical resistance.
If the engine that you are using came from the factory with fuel injection, use the stock injectors. There are very few cases where doing otherwise provides any real benefit.
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For given base open time, with constant fuel pressure and temperature, more voltage = more fuel flow
If no compensation is applied, at a fixed load and rpm, open time will provide different mixtures proportional to electrical load on system. This is impossible to tune well! Battery voltage compensation accounts for latency of injector and cant be measured electrically. It must be measured and calculated using mass flow! With the correct compensation, a xx% change in pulse width corresponds to a xx% change in fuel flow. This makes it much easier to tune as well as keeping all of the compensation terms happy.
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Open Time
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Inductive (Smart)
Same basic construction as dumb inductive coils except they have a built in ignition driver (igniter). GM LS series motors use smart coils Have 3 or more wire connections
The PE3 engine controller has built in inductive ignition igniters. It can drive inductive smart or dumb coils directly from the ECU.
If possible use the stock coils. There are very few cases where doing otherwise provides any real benefit. Most 600cc engines can benefit from running the hottest available plugs. This helps to reduce fouling.
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Charge time is best determined by measuring current through the coil using an oscilloscope at different voltages.
Example PE3 ECU Software Setup
Generally the charge time is set so max current is at least 3 time constants. As the coil current approaches saturation, extra charge time simply heats up the coil and the driver.
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Spark Duration
Coil Oscillation
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Add in additional compensation (air, coolant, starting, etc.) Setup additional inputs and outputs (idle air, fuel cut, secondary rev limiter, etc)
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Cylinders Number of cylinders in the engine Trigger and Sync Types Variable Reluctance or Hall Effect Pick the tooth arrangement on your trigger and sync from the drop down menu Choose which edge to trigger on (Positive or negative going) Enable peak track low for signals that vary by more than 30% from one peak to the next Load Control Controls which input is used to indicate engine load Tach Pulses per Rev Sets the number of tach pulses for every crank revolution
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Injection Type Sequential, Semi-Sequential, Throttle Body, Random Sequential Min Open Time Defines the minimum allowable pulse width for injection Peak And Hold Enable peak and hold mode and set peak and hold currents Open Time Range Sets the maximum base table open time. (The higher the range, the less resolution) Staged Injection Enable secondary injectors and set the thresholds where they are activated. Flood Clear With this enabled, when TPS is above 98% and RPM is less than cranking speed, no fuel is injected Every other Rev Used to aid in idling and part throttle loads with large injectors Page 27
Ignition Type Sequential, Wasted-Spark, Distributor (External drivers for smart coils) Ignition Range Defines the adjustable range of timing BDTC Charge Time Sets charge time of the ignition coil
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High and low out-of-range limits can be set as well. Errors will be latched each time a sensor goes out of range.
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Add in additional compensation (air, coolant, starting, etc.) Setup additional inputs and outputs (idle air, fuel cut, secondary rev limiter, etc)
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Red Box Highlights 4 cells being used by ECU at all times Blue X Shows exact operating condition within cells
Main Fuel Table
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Add in additional compensation (air, coolant, starting, etc.) Setup additional inputs and outputs (idle air, fuel cut, secondary rev limiter, etc)
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3-D Tables 100% = No modification for fuel compensation terms Air temp fuel compensations can be approximated using Ideal Gas Law (PV=nRT) Coolant temp compensations are determined through testing
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0F, 80F, 160F, 240F Compensation factors at coolant temperature values. Applied as long as the RPM is less than Fuel Starting RPM. Duration The number of revolutions that the compensation decays over once the engine is above Fuel Starting RPM. Initial Fuel Pulse Length of time the injectors are opened for a priming pulse on the first revolution.
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Duration This is the amount of time that the Accel compensation degrades over.
Max RPM This is the maximum RPM allowed for Accel compensation.
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Decel Fuel Cut-Off If the throttle position is less than Min TPS and the RPM is greater than Max RPM the ECU assumes that the engine is being motored and does not open the injectors until either the TPS increases or the RPM slows down to below Max RPM RPM Delta.
Starting-Ignition When Enabled, this fixes the timing at specified degrees BTDC until RPM is > Ignition Starting RPM
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2-D Array
8 User Input compensation terms that can be configured for analog inputs, frequency inputs, PWM duty cycle, IAC position, etc Can be used to modify fueling or ignition timing 100% = no modification for Fuel. 0 = no modification for ignition
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Add in additional compensation (air, coolant, starting, etc.) Setup additional inputs and outputs (idle air, fuel cut, secondary rev limiter, etc)
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PWM Table
10 Digital Outputs, 8 can be Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) at 5 950 Hz On/Off as a function of any on-board parameter If PWM selected, each PWM channel has an 8x8 3D adjustable indices table
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5 Digital Inputs active when pulled high (5-22 volts) 2 Digital Inputs active when pulled low (< 2 volts) Can be configured to Cut Fuel and/or Ignition or to bump idle speeds, enable launch or traction control, etc. 4 channels can also be used to measure frequencies (0-6000 Hz)
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Can have multiple rev limits activated by MAP, RPM or Digital Input Each rev limit can be activated by controlling fuel or ignition or both Each rev limit is equipped with a Deadband. The rev limit is activated at the RPM specified, but is not de-activated until RPM drops below (RPM Deadband In this case 6500-250 = 6250 RPM) The Soft option retards the timing when RPM is reached. If RPM still increases, then ECU will cut ignition
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