21/6/2012 We Will Resist The Military Coup

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We will resist the military coup with our bared chests

Tanks and airplanes will not frighten us,

o council of disgrace

June 21, 2012
The Revolutionary Socialists

The military council cannot believe that the entirety of the security apparatus, along with their
businessmen and members of the National Democratic Party, have failed in pushing through the
representative of the counterrevolution via the ballot boxes. The military council supervised these
elections and set forth their regulations, deciding to defy the will of the millions who defeated their
candidate, to manipulate the results of the presidential elections. The council has decided to propagate
an atmosphere of fear and panic amidst the citizens by sending out the armed forces. They have urged
the businessmen to flee the country, to drive down the stock market, to spread rumors in an attempt
to arrive at either a humiliating settlement with the Muslim Brotherhood candidate or to impose Shafiq
as president by oppression and fraud, even if the price was the transformation of the country into a
bloodbath as in the Algerian example. All this, in order for the military to prove for the thousandth time
the extent of their antagonism toward the revolution and the revolutionaries, the extent of their desperate
efforts to carry out the usurpation of power, to continue to play their role protecting the thousand property-
holding families in Egypt who possess close to 90% of the wealth of the country, and thereby to protect
American, Zionist, and Saudi interests. But the citizens are our people, who have been seared by these
contrived crises throughout this past year and a half. They have resisted the pushing through of Shafiq
with the strikes of their shoes, by tearing down his signs and torching his headquarters, by submitting
reports against him and organizing demonstrations of the airport workers to oppose him, and finally
by voting for his competitor. They will not allow this coup to succeed, and they will resist him in every
possible way, knowing full well that the military seeks first and foremost to abort the revolution.

And the Revolutionary Socialist movement, having asserted its repudiation of the addendum to the
constitutional decree, shall escalate its activities throughout the coming period to defy this military coup
that violently attacks not only the Muslim Brotherhood, but all of the revolutionary, trade union and civilian
forces who strive to complete the revolution. At the same time, we condemn those forces that collude
with the military, that formulated with the military the constitutional decree addendum, even though
they be liberal or leftist. And at this time also we repudiate the withdrawal of the Muslim Brotherhood's
parliamentary representatives from holding the sit-in during the scheduled time of the parliament session
this past Tuesday, which would have confirmed their refusal of the judgment to dissolve Parliament
by the Supreme Constitutional Court. We condemn as well the statements of al Shater regarding the
possibility that Morsi will swear his oath before the Supreme Constitutional Court. This is a recognition of
the constitutional decree addendum, and brings to mind the agreement that existed between the forces of
the Brotherhood and the military since the initial constitutional decree in March of last year.

And finally, the Revolutionary Socialists call upon all of the living forces to unite in the squares of
liberation, the source of revolutionary legitimacy, around the following demands:

1) A suspension of the Constitutional Decree Addendum, and the army shall undertake to
surrender power immediately
2) That Mohammad Morsi shall declare his refusal to swear in before the Supreme
Constitutional Council.
3) The cancellation of the law giving the military the power to arrest civilians
4) An elected constituent assembly, taking into account representation of the various
social groupings among the workers and the farmers
5) A popular referendum on the dissolution of parliament
6) Purging of the institutions of the state
7) Stabilization of prices, an end to privatization, and the nationalization of the

Down with the military government!
Power and wealth to the people!

The RevoIutionary SociaIists
June 21, 2012

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