K To 12 Masonry Teacher's Guide
K To 12 Masonry Teacher's Guide
K To 12 Masonry Teacher's Guide
Exploratory Course on MASONRY
Figure 1.TLE Framework The diagram shows that Technology and Livelihood Education encompasses the field of Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Agri-Fishery Arts and ICT. The 24 TLE courses can be categorized under any of these fields.
There are 24 TLE courses but there are only 23 Learning Modules because there is one Learning Module for Tailoring and Dressmaking.
New Feature on the Teaching of TLE Whats new in the teaching of TLE in the K to 12 curriculum? In the K to 12 curriculum, the TLE courses are taught based on the learning outcomes and performance criteria stated on the Training Regulations (TR) from Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA). They are TR-based. Why is this necessary? To prepare the K to 12 graduate for lucrative work, he/she must earn a National Certificate (NC) I, II or even an NC of higher level that is required by industry. This he/she earns after passing an assessment given by TESDA. How can you ensure that the K to 12 high school student (Grade 9 to 12) pass TESDA assessment and obtain an NC? By seeing to it that you teach the TLE course in accordance with the performance criteria and learning outcomes laid down in the TESDA Training Regulations. Do the exploratory courses enable the high school student to earn already an NC? Not yet. Completion of the exploratory courses may not yet qualify a high school student to take an assessment for an NC. Instead, it helps him/her earn a Certificate of Competency (COC) at least in Grade 9 that will lead eventually him/her to an NC. In short, the COC paves the way to the earning of an NC. Students choice of TLE specialization begins in Grades 9. After having been exposed to an array of TLE courses during the exploratory phase in the first two years, the student will be most benefited, if in Grades 10, 11 , or 12 he/she continues with a TLE course in which he/she already has a COC. In that way, he/she will get an NC faster.
Some Learning Modules combined use and maintenance of tools to make one Lesson, so the number of Lessons amount to 4; others made separate Lessons for use of tools and for maintenance of tools, thus the total is 5 Lessons.
1) Learning Outcomes 2) Performance Standards 3) Materials/Resources 4) Definition of Terms 5) What Do You Already Know? 6) What Do You Need to Know? 7) How Much Have You Learned? 8) How Do You Apply What You Learned? 9) What Is Your Score? 10) References There are some TLE Modules which have a section on How Do You Extend Your Learning?. This section is meant for enrichment. It is usually given as an assignment for not everything can be taught and done in the classroom given the limited time.
Students clearly understand the performance standards and make them their own learning goals.
You introduce the performance standards to your students and make sure that they understand them and make these performance standards their own . Let these standards give your lesson its specific direction.
Be prepared For a Self-check which serves as a posttest. Correct answers by referring to the answer key. Do the Activity.
Find a way to test real life application of what your students have learned.
Motivate the students to do the task by making clear what the enrichment activity is about why it is given, how it is done, how it relates to the class lesson .
Reflection It is a good habit to reflect on your teaching for the day what went well, what did not go well, why this activity went well with this group, why it didnt work well with the other group. What are your realizations? What are lessons learned? Jot them down in your diary. Commit them to your memory. If you do this consistently, you will find your delivery improve substantially.
Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Project/ Activities Assessment Duration
LESSON 1: PREPARE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TOOLS Demonstrate understanding of/on: Masonry and materials - Stone types and varieties of bond pattern - Brick laying and pattern - blocks masonry tools - Surface Finishing Tools 1. Materials and tools are received LO1.Identify 1. Listing and and inspected as per quantity and materials and describing the tools specification based on requisition. tools applicable and materials in 2. Tools and materials are checked to a specific masonry. for damages and manufacturing construction job. defects. 3. Materials and tools received are handled with appropriate safety devices. 4. Materials and tools are set aside for appropriate location nearest the workplace. 1. Needed materials and tools are listed per job requirement. 2. Materials and tools are requested according to the list prepared. 3. Requests are done per companys Standard Operating Procedures LO2.Request appropriate materials and tools. 1. make own and filledup job order, requisition slip and borrower slip 2. Accomplishing 12 Written test Performanc e test 4 hours
Job order and requisition slips - Sample job order and requisition forms - Borrowers Slip - Requisition
3 hours
Material management Procedures in receiving tools and materials Quality inspection and procedure Materials handling
LESSON 2: PRACTICE HOUSEKEEPING PROCEDURES Demonstrate understanding of/on: The Working Station What is 5S Signs, signal and barricade Accident prevention signs and tags\ Signaling 1. The basic procedures of 5S are demonstrated in the workplace. 2. Removing and disposing of unnecessary items according to company or office procedures are followed. 3. Reusable and recyclable materials are sorted according to company/ office procedures. 4. Items are arranged in accordance
LO1. Maintain cleanliness in work areas, tools and equipment and practice occupational Safety
1. Explain the components of 5s 2. Make own shop norms based on 5s 3. Participate on Role Playing
4 hours
1. Commonly used materials are maintained in designated area according to procedure. 2. Work is performed according to the standard work procedures per instructions and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements. 3. Incidents are reported to immediate supervisor.
LO2.Follow standard 1. Perform the work processes following: and procedures role play: work simplification with audience judge role play : panel discussion on occupational health and safety.
3 hours
LESSON 3: OBSERVE PROCEDURES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND MANUALS OF INSTRUCTIONS Demonstrate understanding of/on: Types of manuals used in construction sector Different types of signs and symbols Accessing information and data 1. Manuals are identified and accessed per job requirements. 2. Version and date of manual are checked to ensure that correct specifications and procedures are identified. 3. Relevant sections, chapters, and specifications in the manuals are located in relation to the work to be conducted. 4. Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance with industry practices. 1. Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. 2. Manual data are applied according to the given task. . LO1.Identify access, and interpret materials specification. 1. List down the different types of manual. 2. assignment: gather different manuals (photocopy) Performanc e test Written test 2 hours
1. Performing some specification in the manual 2. assignment: conduct interview with shop teacher or workers
2 hours
3. Manual or specification is stored appropriately to prevent damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements.
1. Performing the proper storing of tools and equipment in masonry 2. formulate shop rules
2 hours
LESSON 4: PERFORM MENSURATIONS AND CALCULATIONS Demonstrate understanding of/on: Mensuration Kinds of measurement Measuring Instrument/Measuring Tools Conversion 1. Calculation needed to complete tasks is done. 2. Accurate measurements are obtained according to job requirements. 3. Systems of measurement are identified and converted according to job requirements. 4. Work pieces are measured according to job requirements. 1. Measuring tools are selected/identified per object to be measured or required in the job 2. Correct specifications are obtained from relevant sources. LO1.Carry out measurement and calculations. 1. Performing the four fundamental operations. by solving the given problems 2. assignment: perform unit conversion of measurements Written test Performanc e test 6 hours
4 hours
LESSON 5: MAINTAIN TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Demonstrate understanding of/on: Types of Tools and Equipment. Classification of functional and nonfunctional tools risk reduction Uses of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 1. Tools and equipment are identified according to classification/specification, and job requirements. 2. Functional and non-functional tools and equipment are segregated and labeled according to classification. 3. Safety of tools and equipment are observed in accordance with manufacturers instructions 4. Conditions of PPE are checked in accordance with manufacturers instructions. LO1. Check conditions of tools and equipment . 1. 2. identification of tools from pictures explain the difference between of functional from non- tools segregate function from non-functional tools in the tool cabinet perform the wordmaze assignment: identify hazard in the work shop assignment: Written test Performanc e test 4 hours
4. 5.
6. basic lubrication Types of lubricants Kinds, uses and 1. Lubricants are identified according to types of equipment. 2. Tools and equipment are lubricated LO2.Perform basic preventive maintenance
6 hours
Store Tools and Equipment Tools and equipment inventory Reason for maintaining Tools and Equipment
LO3. Store tools and 1. Conduct tool equipment inventory 2. Performing the appropriate steps in storing tools
2 hours
40 hours
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
- Confucius
TWG on K to 12 Curriculum Guide version January 31, 2012 18