GOAL: UOAA's Objective in Convening This ASG Leadership Workshop Is To .................

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GOAL: UOAAs objective in convening this ASG Leadership Workshop is to .................. Provide support to its ASG Leadership Provide ASGs with an overview of National UOAA activities Provide a forum for the sharing of successful ASG activities and initiatives Identify common ASG concerns and seek solutions to those concerns through interactive discussions Discuss the ways that the National organization can better meet the needs of your ASG

8:00am 9:00am ... Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00am 9:30am ... Welcome, Introductions, Division of Attendees into 4 Groups 9:30am 10:15am ... Interactive Discussions Communicate, Communicate, Communicate o UOAA is communicating: ! UOAA Updates: www.ostomy.org/uoaa_update.shtml ! The Phoenix magazine: www.phoenixuoaa.org ! Website: www.ostomy.org ! Facebook: www.facebook.com/UOAAinc ! Blog: blog.ostomy.org ! Twitter: www.twitter.com/UOAA ! YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/UOAAUnitedOstomy o o o o What is your group doing to communicate with local members, potential members, medical community, the national organization and the general public at large? What do you find is effective? What did you find that is not effective? What can the national organization do to improve communications with your ASG?

10:15am 10:45am ... Reports of Group Findings 10:45am 11:30am ... Interactive Discussions ASG Leadership: New Leaders, Where Do We Find Them? o Is your group managed by Officers, Directors? ! If it is, what is your ASG doing to encourage members to take on leadership roles? ! If it is not, how is your ASG led? o What can UOAA do to help your ASG resolve any leadership issues you may have? ! How do you see UOAA giving status to ASG leaders to make them want to volunteer for a leadership position?

11:30am Noon ... Reports of Group Findings Noon 1:00pm ... Lunch and Networking Opportunity 1:00pm 1:45pm ... Interactive Discussions Interaction with Your Local Docs, WOC Nurses and Home Health Care Agencies o UOAA is: ! Preparing a new brochure that will be given to the ASGs for distribution to their Medical Community explaining the value of UOAA and its ASGs ! Introducing a Top Doc Award that will go along with the WOC Nurse of the Year Award ! Has published Nursing Information Modules that ASGs can use for in-service educational programs for Home Health Care nursing personnel ! Has added Dr. David Beck, MD, Past President, ASCRS and Margaret Goldberg, MSN, CWOCN, Past President The WOCN Society to its Board of Trustees ! Publishing the New Patient Guides that are provided free to Doctors and Nurses for distribution to their patients ! Has distributed its Visitor Training Manual and DVD o How are you reaching out to your local medical community? ! What has been effective? ! What has not been effective? o What can National further do to help you?

1:45pm 2:15pm ... Reports of Group Findings 2:15pm 3:00pm ... Interactive Discussions Publicizing your ASGs Activities and Services o UOAA publicizes its ASGs: ! At the ASCRS and WOCN National and Regional Conferences ! Through its observance of World Ostomy Day, October 6, 2012 ! Through its participation in The Great Comebacks Program and the Get Your Guts in Gear rides ! Through referrals from the National Office o What is your ASG doing to publicize its activities and services ! What has been effective? ! What has not been effective? o What can National further do to help you?

3:00pm 3:30pm ... Reports of Group Findings 3:30pm 4:00pm ... Q & A and Wrap-Up

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