Grades KChecklistsfor Common Core CCSSMath Poster Size
Grades KChecklistsfor Common Core CCSSMath Poster Size
Grades KChecklistsfor Common Core CCSSMath Poster Size
Level K
K.A1 Understand addition as putting together and adding
to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and
taking from.
Level A
A.A1 Represent and solve problems involving addition
and subtraction.
A.A2 Understand and apply properties of operations and
the relationship between addition and subtraction.
A.A3 Add ard suolracl W|lr|r 20. [8e luerl W|lr|r 10.|
A.A4 Work with addition and subtraction equations.
Level B
B.A1 Represent and solve problems involving addition
and subtraction.
B.A2 Add ard suolracl [luerl|y| W|lr|r 20.
B.A3 Work with equal groups of objects to gain
foundations for multiplication.
Level C
C.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.
C.A2 Understand properties of multiplication and the
relationship between multiplication and division.
C.A3 Vu|l|p|y ard d|v|de W|lr|r 100.
C.A4 Solve problems involving the four operations, and
identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.
Level D
D.A1 Use the four operations with whole numbers to
solve problems.
D.A2 Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.
D.A3 Generate and analyze patterns.
Level E
E.A1 Write and interpret numerical expressions.
E.A2 Analyze patterns and relationships.
Level K
K.B1 wor| W|lr ruroers 11-19 lo ga|r lourdal|ors lor
place value.
Level A
A.B1 Exlerd lre courl|rg sequerce [lo 120|.
A.B2 urderslard p|ace va|ue [lo 100|.
A.B3 Use place value understanding and properties of
operal|ors lo add ard suolracl [W|lr|r 100|.
Level B
B.B1 urderslard p|ace va|ue [lo 1000|.
B.B2 Use place value understanding and properties of
operal|ors lo add ard suolracl [W|lr|r 1000, luerl|y
W|lr|r 100|.
Level C
C.B1 Use place value and properties of operations to
perlorr ru|l|-d|g|l ar|lrrel|c. [Add & suolracl
luerl|y W|lr|r 1000. Vu|l|p|y 10s oy 1-d|g|l
Level D
D.B1 0erera||ze p|ace va|ue urderslard|rg lor ru|l|-d|g|l
Wro|e ruroers [lo 1,000,000|.
D.B2 Use place value understanding and properties of
operal|ors lo perlorr ru|l|-d|g|l ar|lrrel|c. [Add &
suolracl luerl|y. Vu|l|p|y & d|v|de ruroers up lo 1-
d|g|ls oy 1-d|g|l, ard ru|l|p|y lWo 2-d|g|l ruroers.|
Level E
E.B1 Understand the place value system.
E.B2 Perlorr operal|ors W|lr ru|l|-d|g|l Wro|e ruroers.
[0|v|de oy 2-d|g|l ruroers. F|uerl|y add, suolracl,
E.B3* Perform operations with decimals to hundredths.
Level F
F.R1 Understand ratio concepts and use
ral|o reasor|rg [ard percerls| lo so|ve
Level G
G.R1* Analyze proportional relationships
ard use lrer lo so|ve rea|-Wor|d ard
mathematical problems.
G.R2* Solve multistep percent problems.
Level F
F.S1 Develop understanding of statistical
F.S2 Summarize and describe distributions.
Level G
G.S1 Use random sampling to draw
inferences about a population.
G.S2 Draw informal comparative inferences
about two populations.
G.S3 lrvesl|gale crarce processes &
develop, use, and evaluate probability
Level H
H.S1 Investigate patterns of association in
bivariate data.
Level C
C.F1 Develop understanding of fractions as
numbers. [Use denominators of 2, 3,
1, , ard 8.|
Level D
D.F1 Extend understanding of fraction
equivalence and ordering.
D.F2 Build fractions from unit fractions by
applying and extending previous
understandings of operations on whole
D.F3 Understand decimal notation for
fractions, and compare decimal
Level E
E.F1 Use equivalent fractions as a strategy
to add and subtract fractions.
E.F2 Apply and extend previous
understandings of multiplication
and division to multiply and divide
Level F
F.N1 Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by
F.N2 Corpule luerl|y [a|| operal|ors| W|lr ru|l|-
d|g|l ruroers ard lrd corror laclors ard
F.N3 Apply and extend previous understandings of
numbers to the system of rational numbers.
Level G
G.N1* Apply and extend previous understandings of
operations with fractions to add and subtract
rational numbers.
G.N2* Apply and extend previous understandings of
operations with fractions to multiply and divide
rational numbers.
Level H
H.N1 Know that there are numbers that are not
rational, and approximate them by rational
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Leve|s A-l correspord
lo grades 1 lo 8 |r lre
Common Core State
Standards. During
transition to CCSS,
some topics may be
taught in earlier or later
grade levels.
Common Core State Standards
Level K
K.G1 Identify and describe shapes
(squares, circles, triangles, rectangles,
hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders,
and spheres).
K.G2 Analyze, compare, create, and
compose shapes.
Level A
A.G1 Reason with shapes and their
allr|oules. [Parl|l|or c|rc|es &
reclarg|es |rlo 2 or 1 equa| parls.|
Level B
B.G1 Reason with shapes and their
attributes. [Identify shapes by the
ruroer ol s|des.|
Level C
C.G1 Reason with shapes and their
attributes. [Identify types of
Level D
D.G1 Draw and identify lines and angles,
and classify shapes by properties of
their lines and angles.
Level E
E.G1 Graph points on the coordinate plane
lo so|ve rea|-Wor|d ard ralreral|ca|
E.G2 C|ass|ly lWo-d|rers|ora| lgures |rlo
categories based on their properties.
Level F
F.G1 3o|ve rea|-Wor|d ard ralreral|ca|
problems involving area, surface area,
and volume.
Level G
G.G1 Draw, construct, and describe
georelr|ca| lgures ard descr|oe lre
relationships between them.
G.G2 3o|ve rea|-||le ard ralreral|ca|
problems involving angle measure,
area, surface area, and volume.
Level H
H.G1 Understand congruence and similarity
using physical models, transparencies,
or geometry software.
H.G2 Understand and apply the Pythagorean
H.G3 3o|ve rea|-Wor|d ard ralreral|ca|
problems involving volume of
cylinders, cones, and spheres.
Level K
K.M1 Describe and compare measurable
K.M2 Classify objects and count the number of
objects in each category.
Level A
A.M1 Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating
length units.
A.M2 Tell and write time.
A.M3 Represent and interpret data.
Level B
B.M1 Measure and estimate lengths in standard
B.M2 Relate addition and subtraction to length.
B.M3 Work with time and money.
B.M4 Represent and interpret data.
Level C
C.M1 Solve problems involving measurement
and estimation of intervals of time, liquid
volumes, and masses of objects.
C.M2 Represent and interpret data.
C.M3 Understand concepts of area and relate
area to multiplication and to addition.
C.M4 Recognize perimeter as an attribute of
p|are lgures ard d|sl|rgu|sr oelWeer
linear and area measures.
Level D
D.M1 Solve problems involving measurement
and conversion of measurements from a
larger unit to a smaller unit.
D.M2 Represent and interpret data.
D.M3 Understand concepts of angle and
measure angles.
Level E
E.M1 Convert like measurement units within a
given measurement system.
E.M2 Represent and interpret data.
E.M3 Understand concepts of volume and relate
volume to multiplication and to addition.
Compiled and coded by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
CRE0lT3: 0ora|rs ard c|usler slalererls @ Copyr|grl 2010. Nal|ora| 0overrors Assoc|al|or Cerler lor 8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
Level F
F.E1 Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic
to algebraic expressions.
F.E2 Reasor aooul ard so|ve ore-var|ao|e equal|ors ard
F.E3 Represent and analyze quantitative relationships
between dependent and independent variables.
Level G
G.E1 Use properties of operations to generate equivalent
G.E2 3o|ve rea|-||le ard ralreral|ca| proo|ers us|rg
numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Level H (Includes Functions Domain)
H.E1 Work with radicals and integer exponents.
H.E2 Understand the connections between proportional
relationships, lines, and linear equations.
H.E3 Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of
simultaneous linear equations.
H.E4 0elre, eva|uale, ard corpare lurcl|ors.
H.E5 Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
*Part of cluster was divided for assessment.
Level K
K.C1 Know number names and the count
K.C2 Count to tell the number of objects.
K.C3 Compare numbers.
This chart shows all cluster overview statements from CCSS by strands, along with content codes for
pracl|ce ard assessrerl |lers. Corlerl |r orac|els |s lor c|ar|lcal|or purposes or|y.
Level K
K.A1 Understand addition as putting together
and adding to, and understand
subtraction as taking apart and taking
Level A
A.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
addition and subtraction.
A.A2 Understand and apply properties of
operations and the relationship between
addition and subtraction.
A.A3 Add and subtract within 20. [Be fluent
within 10.]
A.A4 Work with addition and subtraction
Level B
B.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
addition and subtraction.
B.A2 Add and subtract [fluently] within 20.
B.A3 Work with equal groups of objects to
gain foundations for multiplication.
Level C
C.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.
C.A2 Understand properties of multiplication
and the relationship between
multiplication and division.
C.A3 Multiply and divide within 100.
C.A4 Solve problems involving the four
operations, and identify and explain
patterns in arithmetic.
Level D
D.A1 Use the four operations with whole
numbers to solve problems.
D.A2 Gain familiarity with factors and
D.A3 Generate and analyze patterns.
Level E
E.A1 Write and interpret numerical
E.A2 Analyze patterns and relationships.
Level K
K.B1 Work with numbers 11-19 to gain
foundations for place value.
Level A
A.B1 Extend the counting sequence
[to 120].
A.B2 Understand place value [to 100].
A.B3 Use place value understanding
and properties of operations to
add and subtract [within 100].
Level B
B.B1 Understand place value [to 1000].
B.B2 Use place value understanding
and properties of operations to
add and subtract [within 1000,
fluently within 100].
Level C
C.B1 Use place value and properties of
operations to perform multi-digit
arithmetic. [Add & subtract fluently
within 1000. Multiply 10s by
1-digit numbers.]
Level D
D.B1 Generalize place value
understanding for multi-digit whole
numbers [to 1,000,000].
D.B2 Use place value understanding
and properties of operations to
perform multi-digit arithmetic.
[Add & subtract fluently. Multiply
& divide numbers up to 4-digits
by 1-digit, and multiply two 2-digit
Level E
E.B1 Understand the place value
E.B2* Perform operations with multi-
digit whole numbers. [Divide by
2-digit numbers. Fluently add,
subtract, multiply.]
E.B3* Perform operations with decimals
to hundredths.
*Part of cluster was divided for assessment.
Level C
C.F1 Develop understanding of
fractions as numbers.
[Use denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6,
and 8.]
Level D
D.F1 Extend understanding of fraction
equivalence and ordering.
D.F2 Build fractions from unit fractions
by applying and extending
previous understandings of
operations on whole numbers.
D.F3 Understand decimal notation for
fractions, and compare decimal
Level E
E.F1 Use equivalent fractions as a
strategy to add and subtract
E.F2 Apply and extend previous
understandings of multiplication
and division to multiply and
divide fractions.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Levels A-E correspond
to grades 1 to 5 in the
Common Core State
Standards. During
transition to CCSS,
some topics may be
taught in earlier or
later grade levels.
Common Core State Standards
Level K
K.G1 Identify and describe shapes
(squares, circles, triangles,
rectangles, hexagons, cubes,
cones, cylinders, and spheres).
K.G2 Analyze, compare, create, and
compose shapes.
Level A
A.G1 Reason with shapes and their
attributes. [Partition circles &
rectangles into 2 or 4 equal
Level B
B.G1 Reason with shapes and their
attributes. [Identify shapes by the
number of sides.]
Level C
C.G1 Reason with shapes and their
attributes. [Identify types of
Level D
D.G1 Draw and identify lines and
angles, and classify shapes
by properties of their lines and
Level E
E.G1 Graph points on the coordinate
plane to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.
E.G2 Classify two-dimensional figures
into categories based on their
Level K
K.M1 Describe and compare measurable
K.M2 Classify objects and count the number of
objects in each category.
Level A
A.M1 Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating
length units.
A.M2 Tell and write time.
A.M3 Represent and interpret data.
Level B
B.M1 Measure and estimate lengths in standard
B.M2 Relate addition and subtraction to length.
B.M3 Work with time and money.
B.M4 Represent and interpret data.
Level C
C.M1 Solve problems involving measurement and
estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes,
and masses of objects.
C.M2 Represent and interpret data.
C.M3 Understand concepts of area and relate area
to multiplication and to addition.
C.M4 Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane
figures and distinguish between linear and
area measures.
Level D
D.M1 Solve problems involving measurement and
conversion of measurements from a larger
unit to a smaller unit.
D.M2 Represent and interpret data.
D.M3 Understand concepts of angle and measure
Level E
E.M1 Convert like measurement units within a
given measurement system.
E.M2 Represent and interpret data.
E.M3 Understand concepts of volume and relate
volume to multiplication and to addition.
Compiled and coded by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
CREDITS: Domains and cluster statements Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Level K
K.C1 Know number names and the
count sequence.
K.C2 Count to tell the number of
K.C3 Compare numbers.
This chart shows all cluster overview statements from CCSS by strands, along with content
codes for practice and assessment items. Content in brackets is for clarification purposes only.
Level D
D.A1 Use the four operations with whole
numbers to solve problems.
D.A2 Gain familiarity with factors and
D.A3 Generate and analyze patterns.
Level E
E.A1 Write and interpret numerical
E.A2 Analyze patterns and relationships.
Level D
D.B1 Generalize place value understanding for
multi-digit whole numbers [to 1,000,000].
D.B2 Use place value understanding and
properties of operations to perform multi-
digit arithmetic. [Add & subtract fluently.
Multiply & divide numbers up to 4-digits by
1-digit, and multiply two 2-digit numbers.]
Level E
E.B1 Understand the place value system.
E.B2* Perform operations with multi-digit whole
numbers. [Divide by 2-digit numbers.
Fluently add, subtract, multiply.]
E.B3* Perform operations with decimals to
*Part of cluster was divided for assessment.
Level F
F.R1 Understand ratio concepts and use
ratio reasoning [and percents] to
solve problems.
Level G
G.R1* Analyze proportional relationships
and use them to solve real-world
and mathematical problems.
G.R2* Solve multistep percent
*Part of cluster was divided for assessment.
Level F
F.S1 Develop understanding of
statistical variability.
F.S2 Summarize and describe
Level G
G.S1 Use random sampling to
draw inferences about a
G.S2 Draw informal comparative
inferences about two
G.S3 Investigate chance
processes & develop, use,
and evaluate probability
Level H
H.S1 Investigate patterns of
association in bivariate data.
Level D
D.F1 Extend understanding of fraction
equivalence and ordering.
D.F2 Build fractions from unit fractions
by applying and extending
previous understandings of
operations on whole numbers.
D.F3 Understand decimal notation for
fractions, and compare decimal
Level E
E.F1 Use equivalent fractions as a
strategy to add and subtract
E.F2 Apply and extend previous
understandings of multiplication
and division to multiply and divide
Level F
F.N1 Apply and extend previous understandings
of multiplication and division to divide
fractions by fractions.
F.N2 Compute fluently [all operations] with multi-
digit numbers and find common factors
and multiples.
F.N3 Apply and extend previous understandings
of numbers to the system of rational
Level G
G.N1* Apply and extend previous
understandings of operations with
fractions to add and subtract rational
G.N2* Apply and extend previous
understandings of operations with
fractions to multiply and divide rational
Level H
H.N1 Know that there are numbers that are not
rational, and approximate them by rational
*Part of cluster was divided for assessment.
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Levels D-H correspond
to grades 4 to 8 in the
Common Core State
Standards. During
transition to CCSS,
some topics may be
taught in earlier or later
grade levels.
Level D
D.G1 Draw and identify lines and
angles, and classify shapes
by properties of their lines and
Level E
E.G1 Graph points on the coordinate
plane to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.
E.G2 Classify two-dimensional figures
into categories based on their
Level F
F.G1 Solve real-world and
mathematical problems involving
area, surface area, and volume.
Level G
G.G1 Draw, construct, and describe
geometrical figures and describe
the relationships between them.
G.G2 Solve real-life and mathematical
problems involving angle
measure, area, surface area,
and volume.
Level H
H.G1 Understand congruence and
similarity using physical models,
transparencies, or geometry
H.G2 Understand and apply the
Pythagorean Theorem.
H.G3 Solve real-world and
mathematical problems involving
volume of cylinders, cones, and
Level D
D.M1 Solve problems involving
measurement and
conversion of measurements
from a larger unit to a
smaller unit.
D.M2 Represent and interpret
D.M3 Understand concepts of
angle and measure angles.
Level E
E.M1 Convert like measurement
units within a given
measurement system.
E.M2 Represent and interpret
E.M3 Understand concepts of
volume and relate volume to
multiplication and to addition.
Level F
F.E1 Apply and extend previous
understandings of arithmetic to algebraic
F.E2 Reason about and solve one-variable
equations and inequalities.
F.E3 Represent and analyze quantitative
relationships between dependent and
independent variables.
Level G
G.E1 Use properties of operations to
generate equivalent expressions.
G.E2 Solve real-life and mathematical
problems using numerical and algebraic
expressions and equations.
Level H
(Includes Functions Domain)
H.E1 Work with radicals and integer
H.E2 Understand the connections between
proportional relationships, lines, and
linear equations.
H.E3 Analyze and solve linear equations and
pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
H.E4 Define, evaluate, and compare
H.E5 Use functions to model relationships
between quantities.
This chart shows all cluster overview statements from CCSS by strands, along with content
codes for practice and assessment items. Content in brackets is for clarification purposes only.
Common Core State Standards
MATH 4-8
Compiled and coded by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
CREDITS: Domains and cluster statements Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
K.B1 Work with numbers 1119 to gain foundations for
place value.
___1 Combine a group of 10 objects with a group of up to 9
objects and write the number sentence.
___2 Separate a group of 11 to 19 objects into 10 and
ones, and write the number sentence.
___3 Write the missing number in a sentence that
represents composition or decomposition of 11-19.
(i.e. 10 + ___ = 14)
K.C1 Know number names and the count sequence.
___1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
___2 Count forward in known range beginning from any
___3 Write numerals from 0 to 9.
___4 Write a stated number 0 to 20 when given verbal
K.C2 Count to tell the number of objects.
___1 Count objects accurately by saying one number for
each object.
___2 Write the number of objects that have been counted.
___3 Given a row of objects and the number, write the
number for a row that has one more.
___4 Write the number for up to 10 objects in any
___5 Write the number for up to 20 objects in a line.
___6 Write the number for up to 20 objects in a circle.
___7 Write the number for up to 20 objects in an array.
K.C3 Compare numbers.
___1 Compare two groups of up to 10 objects by one-to-
one matching.
___2 Compare two groups of up to 10 objects by counting.
___3 Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented
as written numerals.
K.G1 Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles,
rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
___1 Identify squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, and hexagons.
___2 Identify cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres.
___3 Describe relative positions of shapes using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
___4 Understand that a shape can have any orientation or size.
___5 lderl|ly srapes as lal or so||d.
K.G2 Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
___1 Analyze and compare two-dimensional shapes.
___2 Analyze and compare three-dimensional shapes.
___3 8u||d s|rp|e rode|s ol lal srapes.
___4 Draw simple two-dimensional shapes.
___5 Build simple models of solid shapes.
___ Pul s|rp|e lal srapes logelrer lo lorr |arger srapes.
K.M1 Describe and compare measurable attributes.
___1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or
___2 Directly compare objects to see which is taller/shorter.
___3 Directly compare objects to see which is longer/shorter.
___4 Directly compare objects to see which is heavier/lighter.
K.M2 Classify objects and count the number of objects in each
___1 Given a group of mixed objects, classify objects into given
___2 For a group of mixed objects, count objects in a given category.
___3 Tell which category has the most/least objects.
___4 Given a group of mixed objects, sort the categories by count.
K.A1 Understand addition as putting together and
adding to, and understand subtraction as taking
apart and taking from.
___1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects,
lrgers, or c|aps.
___2 Represent addition and subtraction with drawings.
___3 Represent addition and subtraction with equations.
___4 Add within 10 by using objects or drawings.
___5 Subtract within 10 by using objects or drawings.
___6 Decompose numbers to 10 into pairs in more than
one way.
___7 Find missing addends to make 10 by using objects
or drawings.
___8 Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level K
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Kindergarten CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association
Cerler lor 8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
A.B1 Extend the counting sequence.
___1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than
___2 Read and write numbers to 120.
___3 Represent a number of objects to 120 with a
written numeral.
A.B2 Understand place value.
___1 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit
number represent amounts of tens and ones.
___2 Understand how to represent numbers from 11 to
19 as a 10 and ones.
___3 Understand that 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
refer to tens with no ones.
___4 Compare numbers to 20 using the symbols >, =,
and <.
___5 Compare two 2-digit numbers using the symbols >,
=, and <.
A.B3 Use place value understanding and properties
of operations to add and subtract.
___1 Add within 100 using models or drawings.
___2 Add a two-digit number and a one-digit number.
___3 Add a two-digit number and a multiple of 10.
___4 Add two two-digit numbers, with or without
composing a ten.
___5 Verla||y lrd 10 rore or 10 |ess lrar ary lWo-d|g|l
___6 Subtract with multiples of 10 using models or
___7 Subtract with multiples of 10 using place value.
___8 Subtract with multiples of 10 by relating to addition.
A.G1 Reason with shapes and their attributes.
___1 3orl srapes oy a delr|rg allr|oule sucr as lre
number of sides.
___2 0raW srapes W|lr a g|ver delr|rg allr|oule.
___3 Combine two-dimensional shapes (rectangles,
squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and
quarter-circles) to create a composite shape.
___4 Combine three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right
rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right
circular cylinders) to create a composite shape.
___5 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four
equal shares.
___6 Describe shares of wholes using the words halves,
fourths, and quarters.
A.M1 Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating
length units.
___1 Order three objects by length.
___2 Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by
using a third object.
___3 Repeat a short object end-to-end to measure a
longer object.
___4 When measuring, know that there cannot be gaps or
A.M2 Tell and write time.
___1 Tell and write time in hours using analog clocks.
___2 Tell and write time in half-hours using analog clocks.
___3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using
digital clocks.
A.M3 Represent and interpret data.
___1 Organize and represent data with up to three
___2 Interpret data with up to three categories.
A.A1 Represent and solve problems involving addition and
___1 Add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems about combining
or separating.
___2 Add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems about comparing.
___3 Use objects or drawings to represent word problems.
___4 Use equations to represent word problems.
___5 Add three numbers with sums to 20 to solve word problems.
A.A2 Understand and apply properties of operations and the
relationship between addition and subtraction.
___1 Apply the commutative property for addition.
___2 Apply the associative property when adding three numbers.
___3 Re|ale suolracl|or lo lrd|rg a r|ss|rg adderd.
A.A3 Add and subtract within 20.
___1 Relate counting on or back to adding or subtracting 1 or 2.
___2 Relate counting on or back to adding or subtracting 3.
___3 Add luerl|y W|lr|r 10.
___1 3uolracl luerl|y W|lr|r 10.
___5 Find sums greater than 10 by decomposing to make 10.
___6 Subtract from numbers greater than 10 by decomposing to make 10.
___7 Subtract by recalling addition facts.
___8 Add within 20 (using various strategies).
___9 Subtract within 20 (using various strategies).
A.A4 Work with addition and subtraction equations.
___1 Determine if equations involving addition and/or subtraction are true
or false.
___2 Find a missing number in an addition equation.
___3 Find a missing number in a subtraction equation.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level A
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 1 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best
Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
B.B1 Understand place value.
___1 Understand that a three-digit number
represents hundreds, tens, and ones.
___2 Understand that a hundred is 10 tens.
___3 Understand that 100, 200, and so on refer to
hundreds with 0 tens and 0 ones.
___4 Count by 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1000.
___5 Read and write numbers to 1000.
___6 Represent numbers to 1000 as written
___7 Write numbers to 1000 in expanded form.
___8 Compare two 3-digit numbers using the
symbols >, =, and <.
B.B2 Use place value understanding and
properties of operations to add and subtract.
___1 Fluently add within 100 using various
___2 Fluently subtract within 100 using various
___3 Add up to four 2-digit numbers using various
___4 Add within 1000 using models or drawings.
___5 Add within 1000 using place value strategies.
___6 Subtract within 1000 using models or drawings.
___7 Subtract within 1000 using place value
___8 Verla||y lrd 10 or 100 rore or |ess lrar ary
three-digit number.
___9 Explain why addition and subtraction strategies
B.G1 Reason with shapes and their attributes.
___1 Draw shapes having a given number of angles or sides.
___2 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons,
and cubes.
___3 Partition a rectangle into squares and count the
___4 Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four
equal shares.
___5 Describe shares using the words halves, thirds, half of,
a third of, etc.
___6 Recognize that equal shares need not have the same
B.M1 Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
___1 Measure in inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
___2 Measure an object with two units and relate the measurements to the
unit size.
___3 Estimate lengths in inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
___1 Veasure lo lrd oul roW rucr |orger ore oojecl |s lrar arolrer.
B.M2 Relate addition and subtraction to length.
___1 Use drawings and equations to solve word problems involving lengths.
___2 Represent sums and differences within 100 on a number line diagram.
B.M3 Work with time and money.
___1 Te|| ard Wr|le l|re lo lre rearesl lve r|rules.
___2 Write times using a.m. and p.m.
___3 Solve word problems involving dollar bills and coins, using $ and
B.M4 Represent and interpret data.
___1 Make a line plot of measurement data, measured to nearest whole unit.
___2 Draw a bar graph with up to four categories.
___3 Draw a picture graph with up to four categories.
___4 Add or subtract to solve problems about data presented in a bar graph.
B.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
addition and subtraction.
___1 Add and subtract within 100 to solve word
problems about combining or separating.
___2 Add and subtract within 100 to solve word
problems about comparing.
___3 Use objects or drawings to represent word
___4 Use equations to represent word problems.
B.A2 Add and subtract within 20.
___1 Fluently add within 20 using mental strategies.
___2 Fluently subtract within 20 using mental
___3 Know from memory all sums of two one-digit
B.A3 Work with equal groups of objects to gain
foundations for multiplication.
___1 Find out if a group of up to 20 objects is even or
___2 Express an even number as a sum of two equal
___3 Add lo lrd lre ruroer sroWr oy ar array W|lr
up to 5 rows and 5 columns.
___4 Write an equation for an array as a sum of equal
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level B
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 2 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center
lor 8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
C.B1 Use place value understanding and properties of
operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
___1 Round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
___2 Fluently add numbers with sums to 1000.
___3 Fluently subtract from numbers to 1000.
___4 Subtract by relating to addition.
___5 Multiply one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 up to 90.
C.F1 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
[Use denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.]
___1 Write a fraction to represent one or more equal parts of
a whole unit.
___2 Write fractions to represent lengths of intervals on a
number line.
___3 Write fractions to represent locations on a number line.
___4 Recognize that equivalent fractions are the same size.
___5 Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions.
___6 Recognize fractions equivalent to whole numbers.
___7 Compare two fractions with the same numerator or
C.G1 Reason with shapes and their attributes.
___1 Categorize quadrilaterals including rhombuses,
rectangles, and squares by their attributes.
___2 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas to represent
unit fractions.
C.M1 Solve problems involving measurement and
estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses
of objects.
___1 Write time to the nearest minute.
___2 Measure time intervals in minutes.
___3 Solve word problems involving time intervals.
___4 Measure and estimate liquid volume in liters.
___5 Solve word problems involving liquid volume.
___6 Measure and estimate mass in grams and kilograms.
___7 Solve word problems involving mass.
C.M2 Represent and interpret data.
___1 Draw a bar graph using an appropriate scale.
___2 Solve problems using information from graphs.
___3 Make line plots of data measured using rulers to 1/4 inch.
C.M3 Understand concepts of area and relate area to
multiplication and to addition.
___1 Understand that area is measured in square units.
___2 Count unit squares to measure area.
___3 Relate area of a rectangle to multiplication.
___4 Solve real-world problems involving area.
___5 Represent products as rectangular areas.
___6 Use area models to represent the distributive property.
___Z F|rd areas oy decorpos|rg lgures lo ra|e reclarg|es.
6.H4 Recogn|ze per|meter as an attr|bute of p|ane gures
and distinguish between linear and area measures.
___1 Find the perimeter of a polygon.
___2 Find an unknown side length in a polygon.
___3 Compare perimeters of two rectangles with the same
___4 Compare areas of two rectangles with the same
C.A1 Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.
___1 Interpret multiplication as the total of equal groups.
___2 Interpret division as sharing equally or making equal
___3 Use multiplication and division to solve word problems.
___4 Find the missing number in a multiplication or division
C.A2 Understand properties of multiplication and the
relationship between multiplication and division.
___1 Apply the commutative and associative properties for
___2 Apply the distributive property when learning basic
___3 Re|ale d|v|s|or lo lrd|rg a r|ss|rg laclor.
C.A3 Multiply and divide within 100.
___1 F|uerl|y ru|l|p|y lo lrd producls ol lWo ore-d|g|l
___2 Fluently divide numbers to 100 by one-digit numbers.
C.A4 Solve problems involving the four operations, and
identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.
___1 Represent and solve two-step word problems using
addition and/or subtraction.
___2 Represent and solve two-step word problems using
multiplication and/or division.
___3 Represent and solve two-step word problems using
any two operations.
___4 Identify and explain arithmetic patterns.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level C
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 3 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best
Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
D.B1 Generalize place value understanding for
multi-digit whole numbers.
___1 Relate place value to multiplication and
division by 10.
___2 Read and write numbers to 1 million.
___3 Convert between standard and expanded
forms of whole numbers.
___4 Compare whole numbers up to 1 million.
___5 Round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
___6 Add and subtract whole numbers using place-
value concepts.
D.B2 Use place value understanding and
properties of operations to perform multi-digit
___1 Add multi-digit numbers using the standard
___2 Subtract multi-digit number using the standard
___3 Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit numbers using place
value and/or models.
___4 Multiply 3- and 4-digit by 1-digit numbers using
place value and/or models.
___5 Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using place
value and/or models.
___6 Relate division and multiplication.
___7 Divide 2-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors
using place value and/or models.
___8 Divide 3- and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit
divisors using place value and/or models.
D.F1 Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and
___1 Identify equivalent fractions using models.
___2 Write fractions equivalent to a given fraction.
___3 Compare fractions by rewriting them with a common
___4 Compare fractions by using models.
___5 Compare fractions by comparing to benchmarks.
D.F2 Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and
extending previous understandings of operations on whole
___1 Decompose fractions and mixed numbers, and write as
___2 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
___3 Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators.
___4 Add and subtract fractions to solve word problems.
___5 Decompose a non-unit fraction as a whole number times a
unit fraction.
___6 Multiply fractions by whole numbers.
D.F3 Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare
decimal fractions.
___1 Express fractions in tenths as hundredths.
___2 Add fractions in tenths and hundredths.
___3 Convert between decimals and fractions in tenths or
___4 Locate decimals on a number line.
___5 Compare two decimals to hundredths.
D.G1 Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes
by properties of their lines and angles.
___1 Identify and draw points, lines, and line segments.
___2 Identify and draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
___3 Identify and draw rays and acute, right, and obtuse angles.
___4 Classify and identify triangles by angles.
___5 Identify and draw lines of symmetry.
D.M1 Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of
measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.
___1 Compare measurement units and convert from larger to smaller units.
___2 Create or complete tables of equivalent measurements.
___3 Solve problems involving distance, time, and elapsed time.
___4 Solve problems involving capacity (liquid volume) and weight (mass).
___5 Solve problems involving money.
___6 Represent measurements on number line diagrams.
___7 Solve problems involving area of rectangles.
___8 Solve problems involving perimeter of rectangles.
D.M2 Represent and interpret data.
___1 Make line plots using data including fractions.
___2 Solve problems involving data shown on a line plot.
D.M3 Understand concepts of angle and measure angles.
___1 Relate degrees to fractions of a circle.
___2 Measure and draw angles using a protractor.
___3 Solve problems involving angle measurements.
D.A1 Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
___1 Interpret multiplication as times as many.
___2 Distinguish multiplicative from additive comparison in word problems.
___3 Solve number sentences involving multiple operations.
___4 Solve multi-step word problems using number sentences.
___5 Interpret remainders in division problems.
___6 Estimate to assess reasonableness of answers.
D.A2 Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.
___1 List factors pairs for numbers 1 to 100.
___2 Recognize factors and multiples.
___3 Recognize prime and composite numbers.
D.A3 Generate and analyze patterns.
___1 Complete number patterns.
___2 Generate number or shape patterns from rules.
___3 Identify and explain features of patterns.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level D
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.1)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 4 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association
Cerler lor 8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
E.B1 Understand the place value system.
___1 Relate place value to multiplying by 10 or 1/10.
___2 Multiply and divide whole numbers by powers of 10.
___3 Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10.
___4 Write powers of 10 using exponents.
___5 Read and write decimals to thousandths.
___6 Convert between standard and expanded forms of
___7 Compare decimals to thousandths.
___8 Round decimals to any place.
E.B2 Perform operations with multi-digit whole
___1 Multiply whole numbers up to 4-digit by 1-digit using
the standard algorithm.
___2 Multiply whole numbers up to 2-digit by 2-digit using
the standard algorithm.
___3 Relate division to multiplication by multiples of 10.
___4 Divide 3-digit dividends by multiples of 10 using place
value and/or models.
___5 Relate division to multiplication by 2-digit factors.
___6 Divide 3- and 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors
using place value and/or models.
E.B3 Perform operations with decimals to hundredths.
___1 Relate addition and subtraction of decimals.
___2 Add and subtract decimals to hundredths using place
value and/or models.
___3 Relate multiplication and division of decimals.
___4 Multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using
place value and/or models.
E.F1 Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and
subtract fractions.
___1 Write equivalent fractions.
___2 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
___3 Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike
___4 Add and subtract fractions to solve word problems.
___5 Add and subtract mixed numbers to solve word
___6 Assess reasonableness of answers by using
benchmarks and number sense.
E.F2 Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to multiply and divide
___1 Interpret fractions as division to solve word problems.
___2 Multiply whole numbers by fractions.
___3 Represent multiplication of fractions using area models.
___4 Multiply fractions by fractions.
___5 Multiply fractions and mixed numbers to solve word
___6 Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models.
___7 Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models.
___8 Relate division to multiplication of fractions.
___9 Divide with unit fractions and whole numbers to solve
E.G1 Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-
world and mathematical problems.
___1 Graph and identify points with positive coordinates on a
coordinate system.
___2 Use coordinates (positive only) to represent and solve
___3 Use coordinates to analyze geometric shapes.
E.C2 6|ass|fy two-d|mens|ona| gures |nto categor|es based
on their properties.
___1 Classify and identify quadrilaterals.
___2 Recognize categories and create hierarchies of shapes.
E.M1 Convert like measurement units within a given
measurement system.
___1 Convert metric measurements.
___2 Convert conventional measurements.
E.M2 Represent and interpret data.
___1 Make line plots using data including fractions.
___2 Solve problems about line plots.
E.M3 Understand concepts of volume and relate volume to
multiplication and to addition.
___1 Identify a cube as a unit of volume.
___2 Measure volume by counting unit cubes.
___3 Add ard/or ru|l|p|y lo lrd vo|ures ol reclargu|ar pr|srs.
___4 Solve problems involving volume of rectangular prisms
(with whole numbers as lengths).
___5 Solve problems involving volumes of connected prisms.
E.A1 Write and interpret numerical expressions.
___1 Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses.
___2 Write and interpret numerical expressions.
E.A2 Analyze patterns and relationships.
___1 Write and compare two patterns given two rules.
___2 Identify features of related patterns in tables or
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level E
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.10)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 5 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best
Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
F.N1 Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by
___1 Relate division and multiplication of fractions.
___2 Divide fractions by fractions using models.
___3 Divide fractions by fractions to solve problems.
F.N2 6ompute uent|y w|th mu|t|-d|g|t numbers and nd
common factors and multiples.
___1 Divide multi-digit numbers using the standard
___2 Add and subtract multi-digit decimals.
___3 Multiply multi-digit decimals.
___4 Divide multi-digit decimals.
___5 Find greatest common factors.
___6 Find least common multiples.
___7 Use distributive property to isolate a common factor.
F.N3 Apply and extend previous understandings of
numbers to the system of rat|ona| numbers.
___1 Relate positive and negative numbers to real
___2 Write and identify opposites of integers.
___3 Relate opposite numbers in ordered pairs to
___4 Graph or identify points in four quadrants.
___5 Compare rational numbers using a number line.
___6 Write comparisons for ordering rational numbers in
real situations.
___7 Solve problems involving coordinate graphs in four
___8 F|rd d|slarce oelWeer lWo po|rls W|lr lre sare lrsl
or second coordinate.
F.R1 Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning [and
percents] to solve problems.
___1 Write and interpret ratios.
___2 Find unit rates related to ratios.
___3 Write equivalent ratios, including ratio tables.
___4 Use ratios to convert measurements.
___5 Plot pairs of ratios on the coordinate plane.
___6 Solve unit rate problems such as unit pricing.
___7 Write a fraction or ratio as a percent.
___8 Find a number given the part and the percent.
___9 Find a percent of a number.
F.C1 8o|ve rea|-wor|d and mathemat|ca| prob|ems
involving area, surface area, and volume.
___1 Find areas of triangles.
___2 Decompose and compose shapes into triangles and
___3 Find areas of polygons.
___1 use cuoes lo lrd vo|ures ol pr|srs W|lr lracl|ora|
edge lengths.
___5 Vu|l|p|y lo lrd vo|ures ol pr|srs W|lr lracl|ora| edge
___6 Draw polygons given coordinates for the vertices.
___7 Use coordinates to calculate the length of vertical or
horizontal segments.
___8 Represerl 3-d|rers|ora| lgures as rels.
___9 Calculate surface areas.
F.S1 Develop understanding of statistical variability.
___1 Recognize statistical questions.
___2 Describe the center, spread (range), and shape of a data
___3 Recognize measures of center and variation of data.
___4 Display data on a dot plot.
___5 Display data using a histogram.
___6 Display data using a box plot.
F.S2 Summarize and describe distributions.
___1 Report the number and unit of measurement of a data set.
___2 Find the median and mean of a data set.
___3 Find the interquartile range of a data set.
___4 Find the mean absolute deviation of a data set.
F.E1 App|y and extend prev|ous understand|ngs of ar|thmet|c to
algebraic expressions.
___1 Evaluate numerical expressions that include exponents.
___2 Write or interpret simple expressions with variables.
___3 Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms.
___1 Eva|uale express|ors lor spec|lc va|ues ol var|ao|es.
___5 Eva|uale lorru|as lor spec|lc va|ues.
___6 Write equivalent expressions using the distributive property.
___7 Identify when two expressions are equivalent.
F.E2 Reason about and so|ve one-var|ab|e equat|ons and |nequa||t|es.
___1 Use substitution to decide if a number is a solution to an equation.
___2 Use variables and expressions to represent situations.
___3 Write equations of the form x + p = q to solve problems.
___4 Write equations of the form px = q to solve problems.
___5 Write or interpret inequalities x > c or x < c.
___6 Represent inequalities on number line diagrams.
F.E3 Represent and ana|yze quant|tat|ve re|at|onsh|ps between
dependent and independent variables.
___1 Use two variables to represent two related quantities.
___2 Graph ordered pairs of related quantities.
___3 Write equations to describe related variables.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level F
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.11)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 6 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for
8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.
G.N1 Apply and extend previous
understandings of operations with fractions
to add and subtract rational numbers.
___1 Relate sums of rational numbers to
movements or situations.
___2 Relate subtraction of rational numbers
to adding the opposite.
___3 Find distances between rational
numbers on a number line.
___4 Add and subtract integers.
___5 Add and subtract rational numbers.
G.N2 Apply and extend previous
understandings of operations with fractions
to multiply and divide rational numbers.
___1 Apply multiplication properties to
rational numbers.
___2 Interpret products of rational numbers
in real situations.
___3 Interpret quotients of rational numbers
in real situations.
___4 Multiply and divide integers.
___5 Multiply and divide rational numbers.
___6 Write rational numbers as decimals.
___7 Compute with rational numbers to solve
___8 Solve multi-step problems with rational
G.R1 Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-
world and mathematical problems.
___1 Calculate unit rates associated with ratios of fractions.
___2 Decide if two ratios or fractions form a proportion.
___3 Find the missing value in a proportion.
___4 Identify unit rates from tables, diagrams, or graphs.
___5 Identify unit rates from equations or verbal descriptions.
___6 Write equations for proportional relationships.
___7 Interpret points on graphs of proportions.
G.R2 Solve multi-step percent problems.
___1 Use percent to solve simple interest and tax problems.
___2 Use percent to solve markup and markdown problems.
___3 Use percent to solve problems about tips, commissions, and fees.
___4 Solve problems about percent increase or decrease.
___5 Calculate percent error.
C.C1 0raw, construct, and descr|be geometr|ca| gures and descr|be
the relationships between them.
___1 Compute lengths and areas from a scale drawing.
___2 Reproduce scale drawing using a different scale.
___3 Draw triangles given measures of sides or angles.
___4 Draw geometric shapes with given conditions.
___5 0escr|oe lWo-d|rers|ora| lgures lral resu|l lror s||c|rg so||ds.
G.G2 Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle
measure, area, surface area, and volume.
___1 Recognize relationships between parts of a circle.
___2 Apply formulas for circumference and area of circles.
___3 3o|ve equal|ors lo lrd supp|ererlary, corp|ererlary, verl|ca|,
and adjacent angles.
___4 Solve problems involving area and surface area.
___5 Solve problems involving volume of rectangular prisms.
G.S1 Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.
___1 Identify representative sampling methods.
___2 Use a sample to draw inferences about a population.
___3 Compare predictions from various samples.
G.S2 Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.
___1 Visually compare the centers and spreads of distributions on dot plots.
___2 Use measures of center and variability to make inferences.
G.S3 Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate
probability models.
___1 Compare probabilities and relate to likelihoods of events.
___2 Use relative frequency of outcomes to approximate probability.
___3 Calculate simple probabilities based on equally-likely outcomes.
___4 Make predictions based on relative frequency, and compare results to
___5 Calculate probabilities of compound events.
___6 Create an organized list, table, or tree diagram for a compound event.
___7 Design and use simulations of compound events.
G.E1 Use properties of operations to generate equivalent
___1 Add and subtract linear expressions with rational
___2 Expand or factor linear expressions.
___3 Interpret related expressions in real situations.
G.E2 Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
___1 Use operations with whole numbers to solve multi-step
___2 Use fractions to solve multi-step problems.
___3 Use decimals to solve multi-step problems.
___4 Assess reasonableness of answers by using estimation.
___5 Solve linear equations of form px + q = r and p(x + q) =r.
___6 Write linear equations to solve word problems.
___7 Relate algebraic solutions to arithmetic solutions.
___8 Write and solve linear inequalities for situations.
___9 Graph and interpret solutions to inequalities.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level G
Correlated to CCSS by Angie Seltzer, (v.1.11)
Copyright 2011 Seltzer Productions LLC, Dayton, Ohio
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 7 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors
Assoc|al|or Cerler lor 8esl Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers.
All rights reserved.
H.N1 Know that there are numbers that are not rational,
and approximate them by rational numbers.
___1 Identify rational and irrational numbers.
___2 Convert repeating decimals to rational numbers.
___3 Find approximations for irrational numbers.
H.G1 Understand congruence and similarity using
physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
___1 lderl|ly corgruerl parls |r rolal|ors, relecl|ors, ard
___2 lderl|ly lrarslorral|ors lral rove a lgure orlo a
corgruerl lgure.
___3 use coord|rales lo descr|oe lrars|al|ors, relecl|ors,
and rotations.
___4 Use coordinates to describe dilations.
___5 Corpare ral|os ol s|de |erglrs lo dec|de |l lWo lgures
are similar.
___6 Identify the scale factor that enlarges or reduces a
lgure lo ralcr a s|r||ar lgure.
___Z lderl|ly lrarslorral|ors lral rove a lgure orlo a
s|r||ar lgure.
___8 Justify and calculate angle measures in triangles and
||re lgures.
___9 Justify the angle-angle criterion of similar triangles.
H.G2 Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
___1 Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its
___2 use lre Pylragorear Treorer lo lrd |erglrs.
___3 use lre Pylragorear Treorer lo lrd d|slarce
between points.
H.G3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems
involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.
___1 Apply the formula for volume of a cone.
___2 Apply the formula for volume of a cylinder.
___3 Apply the formula for volume of a sphere.
___1 App|y lorru|as lo lrd vo|ures ol coro|red so||ds.
H.S1 Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
___1 Construct scatter plots.
___2 Interpret scatter plots.
___3 For data that appear to be linear, estimate a line of
oesl ll.
___1 lrlorra||y assess lre ll ol a ||rear rode|.
___5 Interpret a linear model for real-world data.
___6 Compare frequencies and relative frequencies from
two-way tables.
H.E1 Work with radicals and integer exponents.
___1 Simplify and evaluate numerical expressions with integer exponents.
___2 Develop and apply properties of exponents.
___3 Use square root and cube root symbols.
___4 Evaluate square roots and cube roots.
___5 Corverl oelWeer slardard rolal|or ard sc|erl|lc rolal|or.
___ use sc|erl|lc rolal|or lo corpare re|al|ve s|zes ol ruroers.
___Z Perlorr operal|ors or ruroers |r sc|erl|lc rolal|or.
___8 use sc|erl|lc rolal|or lo so|ve proo|ers.
___9 Convert measurement results to appropriate units.
H.E2 Understand the connections between proportional relationships,
lines, and linear equations.
___1 Graph proportional relationships.
___2 Compare two representations of a proportional relationship.
___3 Use similar triangles to verify that a line has constant slope.
___4 Relate linear equations to slopes and intercepts.
H.E3 Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous
linear equations.
___1 Simplify and solve linear equations by writing equivalent forms.
___2 lderl|ly or Wr|le equal|ors W|lr 0, 1, or |rlr|le|y rary so|ul|ors.
___3 3|rp||ly ard so|ve ||rear equal|ors W|lr ral|ora| coellc|erls.
___4 Identify the solution to a system of two linear equations as the
intersection point.
___5 Solve systems of two linear equations algebraically.
___6 Estimate the solution to two linear equations by graphing.
___7 Solve problems involving systems of two linear equations.
h.E4 0ene, eva|uate, and compare funct|ons.
___1 Understand that a function is a rule.
___2 Compare two representations of a function.
___3 Decide if a function is linear or non-linear.
H.E5 Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
___1 Identify rate of change from a graph, table, or description.
___2 Identify initial value of a function from a graph, table, or description.
___3 Write a function from the rate of change and initial value.
___4 Describe features of a non-linear function from its graph.
___5 Sketch a graph from a verbal description of its features.
Checklist of Problem Types
MATH Level H
Corre|aled lo CC33 oy Arg|e 3e|lzer, WWW.arg|eslulor|rg.cor (v.1.11)
@ Copyr|grl 2011 3e|lzer Producl|ors LLC, 0aylor, 0r|o
Highlighted Parts are from Grade 8 CCSS, Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best
Pracl|ces ard Courc|| ol Cr|el 3lale 3croo| 0llcers. A|| r|grls reserved.