13th Sunday Ordinary Time

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Parish Office: 5562 2231 Fax: 5562 2230 E-mail: [email protected] Parish website: www.stjosephswarrnambool.org Diocesan website: www.ballarat.catholic.org.au PARISH STAFF: Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest) Barry Wolff (Business Manager) Leanne McElgunn (Secretary) Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance) Michael Gray (St Josephs School) Philip Morison (Emmanuel College) 6.30pm (Vigil); 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays) (Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

ABORIGINAL & TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUNDAY By the Power of Faith, we shall be Healed
We acknowledge that the Church walks with us on this strong faith journey towards justice and healing. We recognise Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Sunday is a time to reaffirm the good will that has been achieved between us This year we are challenged not to be afraid, to open our minds and hearts and through the power of faith be healed. (Thelma Parker: NATSICC Chairperson) The rights of all Australians are important and we all have the responsibility to see they are uphold. One of the ways we can do that is to take part in the proposed referendum regarding Constitutional change. A handout explaining what is proposed will be available following Masses this weekend. NB: You are invited to remain for a few minutes following Mass to view a PowerPoint presentation re the above. Children First Foundation: We welcome Moira Kelly who is with us for the 10.30am Mass. She will speak about the Foundation and its mission re helping disadvantaged children. Moira is accompanied by some of the children who have been helped by the Foundation along with her adopted son, Emmanuel, from Iraq. The second collection at this Mass will be for the Children First Foundation. St Vincent de Paul: St Josephs Conference of St Vincent de Paul Society will celebrate 70 years of service in Warrnambool, Sunday 15th July, beginning with Mass at 10.30am. Past and present members along with family and friends, are invited to celebrate this great achievement. Supporting the Parish: Thanks to the parishioners who support our Thanksgiving Program. There are quite a number who are not involved in the Program but may now wish to participate. You can join through the Parish Envelope Program or by direct debit. Cards are available in the Gathering Space or write your details below. Name Address Phone No(s). Envelopes ( ) or Direct Debit ( ) Please place on the collection plate or the box provided in the Gathering Space.

Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:30pm; 1:30pm - 4:00pm SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: WEEK-END LITURGIES:

WEEK-DAY LITURGIES: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 10.00am (Eucharist) Friday: 10.30am (Reconciliation) N.B: A funeral normally takes the place of the weekday liturgy

Deaths: Ron Waixel Anniversaries: Fr Patrick Bohan, Alwyn Richardson, Carolyn OKeeffe McMahon, Barry Brown, Veronica Keegan Baptism: This weekend we welcome Anna Wilson into Gods Family. St Annes Purnim: The community are marking their 8th year of the celebration of Assembly of the Word. This worship alternates with the Eucharist. Congratulations. Annual Collection for the Pope: This collection is being taken up this weekend. Sick Parishioners: Please advise the Parish Office if you wish a sick or aged member of your family to receive Holy Communion. Praying the Rosary: Lyndoch Chapel at 1.30pm Collections: Counters: Presbytery: $1,172.00 Parish: $2,769.00 Thank you for your support This week: Team 7: Peter Lumsden (5562 8741) Next week: Team 8: Pat Blackney (5562 7189)

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