Devore Wadsworth
Devore Wadsworth
Devore Wadsworth
Help your students grasp the essential concepts of statistical analysis and develop an appreciation for their real world applications.
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis uses an innovative approach to encourage students to discover the value and importance of statistics in everyday life. Traditional topics are interwoven with data analysis, and statistical theory is framed in a real-world context, emphasizing data analysis that examines real problems using real data. The text effectively illustrates concepts using descriptive statistics, graphical displays, and realistic applications that allow students to better grasp and apply the concepts. This approach provides students with a critical understanding that will be useful in their careers.
An introduction to the Bootstrap Method as a simple yet powerful tool, integrated with general inferential procedures; Monte Carlo methods are also presented. Contemporary examples include interesting applications such as genomics, financial statistics, the probability of AIDS infection, state lotteries, and polygraph testing. Treatment of Bayesian inference in parallel with frequentist methods. Nearly 100 new problems, including several that are substantial enough to form the basis for computer labs.
Datasets CD-ROM for Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Third Edition ISBN: 0-495-10986-X
This CD-ROM contains datasets formatted for MINITAB, SAS, SPSS, S-Plus, JMP, Excel, and ASCII.
Bridging the gap between mathematical foundations and contemporary statistical practice.
Written by accomplished authors Jay L. Devore and Kenneth N. Berk, Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications strikes the ideal balance between mathematical foundations and statistical practice. The authors engage students with real-life problems and scenarios, then provide them with both foundational context and theory. Real applications and interesting examples and exercises keep students focused on the subject matter, and ensure they acquire an essential foundation in statistics that will help them to succeed in class and in the future.
Students Suite CD-ROM for Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications ISBN: 0-495-01543-1
This CD-ROM contains datasets formatted for MINITAB, SAS, SPSS, JMP, Excel, and ASCII, as well as MINITAB macros for doing bootstrapping and permutation tests.
Student Solutions Manual for Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications ISBN: 0-534-40474-X
The Student Solutions Manual provides workedout solutions to selected problems in the text.