100 Simple Acts

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100 Simple Acts. 30 Days. A Life Improved.


Accomplish all 100 simple acts within 30 consecutive days at least 3 acts per day, any time, and any order of completion is allowed, except for #100, which will be completed last. Mark or check off each simple act once it is accomplished. After 30 days, if you like, please e-mail me at

[email protected] to let me know you've completed the 100 simple acts exercise. Enjoy the next 30 days!

~ Lakeshore Publication

The Exercise Begins... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Buy a plant , read about it, and take care of it. Make your bed. Watch Animal Planet. Be still for 10 minutes. Commute to work in silence. Watch the birds in your yard. Wake up, go outside, and smell the morning. Observe the elderly and the very young while in the grocery store. Drink freshly made juice. You make it.

10. Eat an apple. Listen to the crunch. 11. Give a little extra. 12. Today, observe your feelings...and don't judge. 13. Iron a shirt. 14. Let It go. 15. Clean the kitchen. 16. Take a picture of the sunrise. 17. Take a picture of the sunset. 18. Sweep. 19. Take a bubble bath and soak in silence. 20. Leave a little earlier and drive with extra courtesy. 21. Do a favorite physical activity. 22. Make your favorite salad. 23. For today, let the insect (ant, fly, spider, bug, etc...) live. 24. Today, if you eat animal products (beef, pork, fish, chicken), acknowledge the sacrifice.

25. Drink your favorite tea or water. 26. Let someone cut in line. 27. Polish your favorite pair of shoes. 28. Breathe. 29. Write down 5 self-improvement goals on paper, place it in a paper bag, and hide it. 30. Write a short thank you note to someone and send it via snail mail. 31. Learn about another religion. 32. Ask how a friend or sibling is doing and keep the focus on them. 33. Avoid social media at least 3 days out of this week. 34. Forgive someone. 35. Complete one unfinished project. 36. Today, eliminate gossip from your communications. 37. List 5-8 things for which you are grateful. 38. Notice something new. 39. Put some fresh cut flowers in a vase OR take time to smell some flowers. 40. Get a box, put in unneeded/unused items & take it to Goodwill or another thrift store. 41. Be kind to_____________________. 42. Slow down while________________. 43. Give someone the benefit of the doubt. 44. Visit the humane society. Volunteer to sit with the cats or dogs or bring a donation. 45. Make a simple dinner for a friend or loved one. 46. Light a candle. Mindfully blow out the candle before sleeping or leaving! 47. Take a walk. Look for wildlife. 48. Give a small, inexpensive, and meaningful no-occasion gift to someone well deserving. 49. Read a new book. 50. Clean up and organize your computer. 51. Be polite. 52. Give something away.

53. Try something new. 54. Be nice to someone who is having a bad day. 55. What's your favorite inexpensive indulgence? Do it. 56. Volunteer your help or time. 57. Play a game. 58. Today - make do with what you have. No spending. 59. For today, forget about the past, don't think about the future, & stay in the now. 60. Listen before responding. 61. Think before speaking. 62. Give yourself 24 hours before acting. 63. Today, avoid alcohol or soda. 64. Listen to the birds. 65. Put yourself in the shoes of another. 66. Write a poem. 67. Today, no TV. 68. Do something seasonal. 69. Compromise. 70. Do a favor. 71. Save for a rainy day. 72. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. 73. Pray for others. 74. Commune with nature. 75. If you usually cook, go out instead. If you usually go out to eat, stay in and cook. 76. Fix something around the house. 77. Let someone off the hook. 78. Eat just a little less. 79. Explore your neighborhood. 80. Visit a Church.

81. Help someone. 82. Start a project. 83. Learn a new word. 84. Listen more than you speak. 85. Use your sense of smell. 86. Pick a topic you feel strongly about. List 5 good reasons for the other point of view. 87. Leave a bigger tip. 88. Be mindful. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Someone you encounter today is hurting. Empathize. Visit a museum. Inspire a smile. Have an ethnic meal. Apologize. Share a personal story. Say Yes. Close your eyes and dream of a better life for someone else. Feed a living thing. Observe the miniscule . Anticipate and respond.

100. Go through the list, think about your 99 simple acts, and write down 10 thoughts or feelings you have as a result of this exercise.


Please e-mail [email protected] if you would like to share your experience.

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