Adjusted Unadjusted

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ANNEXURE TO SHORT TERM LOANS AND DEPOSITS CONFIRMATIONS This annexure explains the meaning of some of the words,

expressions and acronyms used in the transaction confirmation to which this is attached. Date Ref Payment ID Our Dealer Counterparty Date Dealt Starting Date Nominal Amount Maturity Amount Deposit Amount Day Count this is our internally allocated reference number for this transaction the payment reference relating to a specific transaction the person representing RMB in entering into the transaction. This is not a mandatory field, and can be indicated as None the legal entity with which the transaction is entered into the date on which the transaction was entered into. electronically Transactions are usually entered into telephonically or

the effective date of the transaction, being the date upon which the capital amount of the loan, deposit or other cash flow is paid and, if applicable, interest commences the amount on which all interest calculations are based the amount repaid at the end of the transaction, which may be more or less than the Nominal Amount the amount paid at the commencement of the transaction, which may be more or less than Nominal Amounts the fraction used in calculating interest. This may be: (a) Act/365 (fixed) the actual number of days in the relevant period (from and including an interest payment date to but excluding the next interest payment date, provided that the first period will commence on the Starting Date and the last period will end on the day before the Maturity Date) divided by 365, irrespective of whether the period falls in a leap year. Act/360 (fixed) the actual number of days in the relevant period (from and including an interest payment date to but excluding the next interest payment date, provided that the first period will commence on the Starting Date and the last period will end on the day before the Maturity Date) divided by 360, irrespective of whether the period falls in a leap year. = = = = London Interbank Offered Rate Euro Interbank Offered Rate Euro Overnight Index Average Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate


Index Factor Interest Rate

a factor applied to the Interest Rate, on the basis that 1.00 means that 100% of the Interest Rate applies LIBOR EURIBOR EONIA SONIA


= = = = = = =

Australian Overnight Interbank Average Rate Brazilian Interbank Lending Rate UST Consumer Price Index The prime lending rate of First National Bank a division of FirstRand Bank Limited Norwegian Interbank Offered Rate Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate The mid-market rate for deposits in South African Rand which appears on the Reuters Screen SAFEY under the caption Yield as of 11:00am on the reset date. The South African Average Prime Rate which appears on Reuters Screen SAFEY Page under the caption Average Prime Rate as of 11:00am on the reset date.

ZAR Prime Rate = Spread Payment Lag Payment Holidays -

this is a fixed number of percentage points added to / deducted from the Interest Rate when a floating rate of interest applies, the number of days after the period end date on which the payment will be made payments are only made on business days in the specified centres, and if a day that would have been a payment day falls on a holiday in one or more of the specified centres, the payment day is adjusted in terms of the stated Business Day convention. Non business days are generally taken into account in the payment schedule, but unscheduled holidays are not. the number of days after the commencement of the relevant period on which the rate is reset as per payment holidays mutatis muntandis (taken into account of the schedule, but new holidays could impact) the number of days from and including the Starting Date, to but excluding the Maturity Date the date on which the Maturity Amount is to be repaid. This is not a mandatory field and if no date is specified a loan is repayable on demand by RMB and at any time by Counterparty, and a deposit is repayable on demand by Counterparty and at any time by RMB RMBs account to which all payment must be made by the Counterparty A BIM BIWK DLY LUN MTH = = = = = = - annual bi monthly bi weekly daily lunar monthly

Reset Lag Reset Holidays Number of Days Maturity Date

Nostro Instructions Payment Frequency

PA QTR SA WK ZC Stub Roll Day -

= = = = =

per annum quarterly semi annual weekly zero coupon

if the first or the last period in respect of which interest is calculated is shorter than the others, this is a Stub where indicated as a value other than zero, the calendar day of the month on which an interest period ends. If a Roll Day is not a business day, the Date Role determines the amended date for the last day of the relevant interest period and the Period determines the relevant interest calculation if, in terms of a Roll Date, an interest period ends on a non business day, the Date Roll determines the new end date for the interest period, by applying the modified following business day convention. This means that the interest period will end on the first following day that is a business day unless that falls in the next calendar month, in which case that date will be the first preceding day that is a business day. if, as a result of a Roll Day not being a business day, an interest period is no longer the period originally contemplated: Adjusted means interest is calculated for the period ending on the date determined by applying the Date Roll convention, and paid on that day (and the subsequent interest period adjusted accordingly) Unadjusted means the interest period is not adjusted, and interest is paid on the business day determined by the Date Roll convention Mat Unadjusted means the same as adjusted, except for the payment on the Maturity Date, which is Unadjusted

Date Roll


Principal Exchange Compounding

Applicable means, as set out in the schedule, the Deposit Amount and the Maturity Amount are exchanged Not Applicable means that the cash flows are based on the Nominal Amount, but there is no exchange of principal means that interest accrued on the Nominal Amount which is not paid out at the end of the relevant Interest Rate Period is added to the Nominal Amount for purposes of interest calculations in subsequent interest periods.

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