CONTENTS, SJC Vedic Astrology Class MP3 Archives - 2

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Atri SJC- New Delhi (Hindi/English PDFs) Boston SJC (English) Jaimini SJC (Danish & English) Jagannath

Hora Free Software Itranslator Sanskrit Software Sanskrit Documents Namah Shivaya

This is a chronological list of classes held at Vyasa SJC. Available MP3s will be uploaded as they are edited for uploading. April 22nd 2007: Sarasvati mantra, Question and Answer, Upapada Lagna Introduction April 1st 2007: Aum, Chandra Mantras, Rg Veda 1.91.16, Argala Review, 10th, 11th, 12th house from AL, Example Charts, March 4th 2007: Vedic/Hindu Calendar-Calculation and Holdidays (by Eric Rosenbush, Four Cases Studies (by Freeedom Cole) February 11th 2007 : Vishnu Mantras and usage, Houses (7-10) from Arudha Lagna December 21 2007: Mrityunjaya Mantra, Houses from Arudha Lagna, Achyutananda November 19 2006 : 0262 Janaka Sadakshara samskara, 0263 Janaka Sadakshara Samskara, Jyotir Lingam mantras and usage, Houses from Arudha Lagna 5 November 2006 Venus mantras, 8th house, Study of Arudha Lagna 22 October 2006 Study of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Arudhapada chapter in verse for verse comparison to Jaimini Arudhapada chapter

Jagannatha as Vamadeva
NEW October 8: Saturn Mantras

Shani Mantras.pdf, 0194 before class talk, 0195 Intro, 0196 Saturn Remedy Philosophy, 0197 Aum Visnave Namah 1, 0197 Aum Visnave Namah 2, 0197 Aum Visnave Namah 3, 0197 Aum Visnave Namah 4, 0198 Saturn in Lagna, 0198 Saturn MK, 0199 art of mantra, 0200 art of mantra, 0201 graha mantra, 0202 Graha Shanti, 0202 Kali Mantra 22 syllable, 0202 Pisascha Badhaka, 0202 Sadi Sati Mantras, 0203 Chamakam, 0204 example chart_1 Stacy, 0204 example chart_ 2 Stacy, 0204 example chart_Jane 1, 0204 example chart_Jane 2, 5 March 2006 Vedas, Vedanga, Panchanga 19 February 2006 Aditya Mantra Sadhana, Curses, Moola Dasa calculation, timing curses with Moola Dasa (handout) (class not recorded) 5 Febuary 2006 Swapna Shastra (Vedic Dream Interpretation)

22 January 2006 AUM, D-60 012 UL question, 013 D-60, 014 Durga mantra, 015 Durga mantra, 016 AUM, 017 AUM, Rishis of the Big Dipper (HW reading), 018 sudden death, 020 class, 021 D60, 022 D60, 023 D60, 025 D60, 026 D60, 027 D60, 028 D60, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034 8 January 2006 Argalaa 2006-01-8_01_letters, 2006-01-8_02_letters, 2006-01-8_03_bijas, 2006-01-8_04_Durgamantra, 2006-01-8_05_Durgamantra, 2006-01-8_06_Argala, Amma's chart.jhd, 2006-01-8_07_Argala, 2006-01-8_08_Argala, 2006-01-8_09_Argala, 2006-01-8_10_Argala, 2006-01-8_11_Argala, 2006-01-8_12_Argala, 2006-01-8_13_Argala, 2006-01-8_14_Argala, 2006-01-8_15_Argala, 2006-01-8_16_Argala, 2006-01-8_17_Argala 18 November 2005 Sanskrit (handout), Karakamsa Introduction 2005-12-18 01 Achyutas words, 2005-12-18 02 beginner Sanskrit, 2005-12-18 03 beginner Sanskrit, 2005-12-18 04 beginner Sanskrit, 2005-12-18 05 karakamsa signs, 2005-12-18 06 karakamsa planets, 2005-12-18 07 karakamsa yogas, 2005-12-18 08 break discussion , 2005-12-18 09 karakamsa houses 2 3, 2005-12-18 10 karakamsa houses 4 5 6 7, 2005-12-18 11 karakamsa houses 8 9, 2005-12-18 12 karakamsa houses, 2005-12-18 13 karakamsa, 2005-12-18 14 karakamsa remedy 4 December 2005 Sanskrit alphabet (handout), Special ascendants with focus on Yogada (handout) and Arudhas 20 November 2005 Gem Therapy and House/graha strengths (class un-edited) 6 November 2005 Bhavas (class not recorded) 23 October 2005 Panchanga (recording lost) 9 October 2005 Karakas (handout), bhadak/bhadakesh and remedies 2005-10-09 01 prayer, 2005-10-09 02 Mission, 2005-10-09 03 Mission, 2005-10-09 04 Mission, 2005-10-09 05 Karaka, 2005-10-09 06 Karaka, 2005-10-09 07 Karakas, 2005-10-09 08 Karakas/Bhadaka, 2005-10-09 09 Bhadaka, 2005-10-09 10 Bhadaka, 2005-10-09 11 Bhadaka Remedies 25 September 2005 Chakras, Ishta and other devattas calculated from Navamsa Handout, 2005-9-25 01 chakras, 2005-9-25 02 chakras, 2005-9-25 03 chakras, 2005-9-25 04 Ishta, 2005-9-25 05 Ishta, 2005-9-25 06 Ishta, 2005-9-25 07 Ishta, 2005-9-25 08 Ishta, 2005-9-25 09 Ishta, 2005-9-25 10 Ishta 2005 September Opening Lecture -S.Rath



Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

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