Skyrim Class Design

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Skyrim Class design going on to build.

Class Name: Ravenkin Class Backstory: Very similar to the Nightblades, the Ravenkin use a combination of stealth and magic to take down their foes. The only difference is that, while the Nightblades use magic to create a cover of darkness and as a secondary weapon in case they are discovered, the Ravenkin rely solely on their own skills and are confident that they will not be discovered. Their close relation with the Birds of the Night gives them more skill in stealth than an ordinary thief or the average assassin. The ravens also teach them various forms of illusion magic to help conceal themselves. They are occasionally hunted by groups such as the Vigilants of Stendarr and Witchhunters for their ability to speak with animals, and many have been known to join up with vampires and werewolves to rise against the oppression. Most souls of ravens blood have been born unto Dark Elf families, solely because of their close affinity and connection to shadows.

Ravenkin Build
Name: Mehra Ralith Race: Dunmer Backstory: Mehra was born into a Ravenkin family called the Raliths, consisting of Avon, her father, Dalar, her brother and Talsi, her mother. She was trained by Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood in the ways of the dagger from the age of seven and developed a close relationship with her mothers raven familiar, Fethrblaka, and was taught some highly advanced illusion spells. But then the family fell on hard times and they all started to starve, until finally a group of Witchhunters who had joined up with two Vigilants of Stendarr attacked their home and killed the entire household apart from Mehra, who had seen them coming and hidden in a cupboard. When she finally picked up the courage to face the scene and step out of the cupboard, she had already gone for weeks without food and went into an instinctual feeding frenzy, not paying attention to what she ate at all. Only when she sat by the fire she had made for the cooking did she realise that she had feasted on all the flesh from her familys bones. She went mad with the horror and lived in a cave for two years, making sure to feed only on animals and to turn away any human who came near, in this time she forgot all that she had learned about stealth and dagger combat, and lost all her knowledge of illusion magic, forgetting all the spells that Fethrblaka had taught her in the process. Over time she forgot about the taste of her familys flesh and convinced herself that she had not hidden when the Witchhunters came, but instead escaped and hated them ever since for destroying her life. Eventually she found herself ready to go back to civilised life and vowed to find some vampires so that she could sign up against the Witchhunters and the Vigilants of Stendarr. By this time, she was a fully grown Dark Elf at thirty years of age. As she was travelling to Broken Fang Cave to chase up a rumour of vampires that she had eavesdropped on, she was stopped by a group of travelling Nords wearing a blue cuirass with chainmail, who asked her business there, to which she replied with Going to see a family who can help me get revenge. The Nords seemed surprised by this and told her that they were going to fight a war against oppression. Mehra thought that this seemed like a good idea, and decided to join them. Along the way, they stopped at a camp, where she slept rather uncomfortably on a cart. She woke up as the cart was moving, tied up and sitting with three nords,

one gagged, one in rags, and the other in the same blue cuirass with chainmail that she recognised from before. Skill focuses: Sneak (100) Illusion (100) One Handed (50) Light Armor (90)

Stats focus: Health: Stay at 100. You will likely not need it as long as you remain effective in combat. Magicka: Probably want to go to about 400 here Pour the rest into stamina to try and carry more. This will give you more items to sell, so you will be able to access more services, for instance, buying a house. If you have Dawnguard, join the vampires, and use vampire armor when possible. Do not complete the dragon quest at the start, and instead focus on training to get to the point of skills and stats mentioned here. If you complete that quest, make sure you have effective ranged combat techniques in order to slay dragons. Join the Dark Brotherhood. Complete Taste of the Dead. You will be more powerful with Mehrunes Razor. Mix your armor between Shrouded, Ancient Dark Brotherhood and Nightingale to give the best stealth and backstab bonuses. Dont power-level unless you have high enough combat skills to be able to take down more powerful enemies. Do not use Smithing, Enchanting or Alchemy. That is not the way this class rolls. Breton is obviously the best race, but Dunmer fits the Ravenkin closest, skill wise and RP wise, so that is the race I chose.

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