HDPE-MaterialData 78281
HDPE-MaterialData 78281
HDPE-MaterialData 78281
Categories: Material Notes: Polymer; Thermoplastic; Polyethylene; HDPE; High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Blow Molding Grade This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Blow Molding Grade". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate MatWeb entries. The comments report the average value, and number of data points used to calculate the average. The values are not necessarily typical of any specific grade, especially less common values and those that can be most affected by additives or processing methods. Click here to view all available suppliers for this material. Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material. Physical Properties Bulk Density Density Apparent Bulk Density Water Absorption Moisture Absorption at Equilibrium Environmental Stress Crack Resistance Thermal Stress Crack Resistance Linear Mold Shrinkage Melt Flow High Load Melt Index Mechanical Properties Hardness, Shore D Tensile Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield Elongation at Break Elongation at Yield Modulus of Elasticity Flexural Modulus Charpy Impact Unnotched Charpy Impact, Notched, Low Temp Charpy Impact, Unnotched Low Temp Charpy Impact, Notched Tensile Impact Strength Tensile Impact Impact Tensile Creep Modulus, 1 hour Tensile Creep Modulus, 1000 hours Izod Impact, Notched Electrical Properties Electrical Resistivity Surface Resistance Dielectric Constant Dielectric Constant, Low Frequency Dielectric Strength Dissipation Factor Dissipation Factor, Low Frequency Comparative Tracking Index Thermal Properties CTE, linear 20C Melting Point Deflection Temperature at 0.46 MPa (66 psi) Deflection Temperature at 1.8 MPa (264 psi) Vicat Softening Point Brittleness Temperature Flammability, UL94 Oxygen Index Processing Properties Processing Temperature Metric 0.585 - 0.610 g/cc 0.923 - 1.01 g/cc 0.526 - 0.590 g/cc 0.0100 - 0.0200 % 0.0100 - 0.0500 % 10.0 - 5000 hour 250 hour 0.0150 - 0.0500 cm/cm 0.0100 - 50.0 g/10 min 0.310 - 0.350 g/10 min
@Temperature 190 - 190 C
English 0.0211 - 0.0220 lb/in 0.0333 - 0.0365 lb/in 0.0190 - 0.0213 lb/in 0.0100 - 0.0200 % 0.0100 - 0.0500 % 10.0 - 5000 hour 250 hour 0.0150 - 0.0500 in/in 0.0100 - 50.0 g/10 min 0.310 - 0.350 g/10 min
@Temperature 374 - 374 F
Comments Average value: 0.593 g/cc Grade Count:3 Average value: 0.954 g/cc Grade Count:199 Average value: 0.579 g/cc Grade Count:17 Average value: 0.0150 % Grade Count:12 Average value: 0.0133 % Grade Count:12 Average value: 374 hour Grade Count:126 Average value: 250 hour Grade Count:4 Average value: 0.0242 cm/cm Grade Count:3 Average value: 4.69 g/10 min Grade Count:192 Average value: 0.330 g/10 min Grade Count:2 Average value: 0.330 g/10 min Grade Count:2 Average value: 6.67 g/10 min Grade Count:3 Comments Average value: 65.1 Grade Count:80 Average value: 27.7 MPa Grade Count:45 Average value: 0.200 MPa Grade Count:1 Average value: 26.7 MPa Grade Count:192 Average value: 627 % Grade Count:170 Average value: 8.64 % Grade Count:57 Average value: 1.52 GPa Grade Count:29 Average value: 1.19 GPa Grade Count:178 Grade Count:3 Average value: 1.30 J/cm Grade Count:3 Grade Count:3 Average value: 1.25 J/cm Grade Count:5 Average value: 267 kJ/m Grade Count:71 Average value: 77.5 J/cm Grade Count:17 Average value: 3.37 Grade Count:3 Average value: 413 MPa Grade Count:6 Average value: 282 MPa Grade Count:6 Average value: 3.92 J/cm Grade Count:48 Comments Average value: 1.57e+15 ohm-cm Grade Count:14 Average value: 1.19e+15 ohm Grade Count:14 Average value: 1.79 Grade Count:14 Average value: 3.70 Grade Count:12 Average value: 84.0 kV/mm Grade Count:14 Average value: 0.000257 Grade Count:14 Average value: 0.000220 Grade Count:12 Average value: 600 V Grade Count:12 Comments Average value: 168 m/m-C Grade Count:34 Average value: 130 C Grade Count:28 Average value: 73.8 C Grade Count:84 Average value: 43.7 C Grade Count:9 Average value: 121 C Grade Count:114 Average value: -80.6 C Grade Count:119 Grade Count:13 Average value: 17.0 % Grade Count:6 Comments Average value: 194 C Grade Count:44
5.00 - 10.0 g/10 min Metric 55.0 - 73.0 11.7 - 44.0 MPa 0.200 - 0.200 MPa
@Temperature 150 - 150 C
5.00 - 10.0 g/10 min English 55.0 - 73.0 1700 - 6380 psi 29.0 - 29.0 psi
@Temperature 302 - 302 F
0.400 - 42.1 MPa 7.00 - 2000 % 6.00 - 13.0 % 0.700 - 2.62 GPa 0.179 - 2.62 GPa NB 0.430 - 2.50 J/cm NB 0.400 J/cm - NB 50.0 - 4800 kJ/m 53.4 - 131 J/cm 2.40 - 4.40 360 - 510 MPa 250 - 340 MPa 0.320 - 8.50 J/cm Metric 10000 - 1.00e+16 ohm-cm 10000 - 1.00e+16 ohm 1.00 - 2.40 2.40 - 5.00 16.0 - 150 kV/mm 0.000100 - 0.000350 0.000200 - 0.000240 600 V Metric 18.0 - 900 m/m-C 124 - 136 C 48.0 - 99.0 C 42.0 - 46.0 C 75.0 - 132 C -118 - 180 C HB - V -2 17.0 % Metric 157 - 271 C
58.0 - 6100 psi 7.00 - 2000 % 6.00 - 13.0 % 102 - 380 ksi 26.0 - 380 ksi NB 2.05 - 11.9 ft-lb/in NB 1.90 ft-lb/in - NB 23.8 - 2280 ft-lb/in 100 - 245 ft-lb/in 2.40 - 4.40 52200 - 74000 psi 36300 - 49300 psi 0.599 - 15.9 ft-lb/in English 10000 - 1.00e+16 ohm-cm 10000 - 1.00e+16 ohm 1.00 - 2.40 2.40 - 5.00 406 - 3810 kV/in 0.000100 - 0.000350 0.000200 - 0.000240 600 V English 10.0 - 500 in/in-F 255 - 277 F 118 - 210 F 108 - 115 F 167 - 270 F -180 - 356 F HB - V -2 17.0 % English 315 - 520 F
Some of the values displayed above may have been converted from their original units and/or rounded in order to display the information in a consistant format. Users requiring more precise data for scientific or MatWeb, Your Source for Materials Information - WWW.MATWEB.COM / engineering calculations can click on the property value to see the original value as well as raw conversions to equivalent units. We advise that you only use the original value or one of its raw conversions in your calculations to minimize rounding error. We also ask that you refer to MatWeb's disclaimer and terms of use regarding this information. Click here to view all the property values for this datasheet as they were originally entered into MatWeb.
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Average value: 17.0 % Grade Count:6 Comments Average value: 194 C Grade Count:44
Some of the values displayed above may have been converted from their original units and/or rounded in order to display the information in a consistant format. Users requiring more precise data for scientific or engineering calculations can click on the property value to see the original value as well as raw conversions to equivalent units. We advise that you only use the original value or one of its raw conversions in your calculations to minimize rounding error. We also ask that you refer to MatWeb's disclaimer and terms of use regarding this information. Click here to view all the property values for this datasheet as they were originally entered into MatWeb.
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