Quiet Title Complaint Arizona Superior Court - Showmetheloan - Net 070512

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The plaintiff is seeking to quiet title to a property and claims the defendants have no valid interest in the property.

The plaintiff is seeking declaratory relief determining who owns the promissory note for the loan and whether the deed of trust secures any obligation of the plaintiff. The plaintiff is also seeking a judgment granting them quiet title to the property.

The plaintiff is Luis Ramirez. The defendants are Kings Mortgage Services, Inc., a California corporation; North American Title; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS).

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Your name here, pro se 123456 N. 10th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85666 623-222-2222 <[email protected]> SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF TULARE LUIS RAMIREZ Plaintiff, vs. Case No.

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(Assigned to the Hon.

COMES NOW the PLAINTIFF, LUIS RAMIREZ, (hereinafter Plaintiff) and for his verified Complaint hereby alleges and states under oath as follows: STANDARD OF REVIEW FOR PRO SE PLEADINGS
1. Plaintiff admits to some technical missteps attributable to the learning curve.

However, none of which is fatal to his claim as will be demonstrated below. The Plaintiff is proceeding without the benefit of legal counsel. Additionally, he is not a practicing attorney nor has he been trained in the complex study of law. As such, Plaintiff's pro se papers are to be construed liberally. See Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519-20, (1972). A pro se litigant should be given a reasonable opportunity to remedy defects in his pleadings if the factual allegations are close to stating a claim for relief. Hall v. Bellmon, 935 F.2d 1106, 1110 (10th Cir. 1991). Accordingly such pleadings should be held to a less stringent standard than those drafted by licensed, practicing attorneys.

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Plaintiff moves the court to take JUDICIAL NOTICE OF ADJUDICATIVE FACTS pursuant to A.R.E. Rule 201; of the relevant documents as if fully set forth herein.
2. Plaintiff, hereby files this Complaint against the Defendants to Quiet Title with

respect to a certain parcel of real estate and in support thereof avers as follows: PARTIES
3. Plaintiff Luis Ramirez, a single man, is an California consumer and resident of Tulare

4. Defendant DUMBASSSCUMBAG BANKSTER SHYSTERS Inc. is a California

Corporation organized under the laws of the State of California. JURISDICTION AND VENUE
5. Because the nature and cause of these proceedings involves matters and disputes in

controversy surrounding the subject property LOT 99 OF PALM RANCH NO. 1, IN THE CITY OF TULARE, COUNTY OF TULARE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN VOLUME 42, PAGE 26 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; thus this Courts the appropriate venue in which these proceedings may be commenced.
6. The amount in controversy exceeds $25,000. 7. At least twenty (20) days prior to the institution of this action Plaintiff tendered and

delivered to Defendants a grant deed / quit claim deed with respect to the legal property described herein above, together with the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) for execution and delivery thereof, pursuant to A.R.S. 12-1103 (B), and requested that Defendants execute such grant deed / quit claim deed (a true and correct copy of the grant deed / quit claim deed tendered to Defendants is attached hereto as Exhibit A).

Defendants have refused or neglected to execute the grant deed / quit claim deed

and, as a result, Plaintiff is entitled to recover the costs of suit and attorneys fees incurred herein. 2 of 14

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9. Plaintiff brings suit under Arizona law for Quiet Title Action under A.R.S. 12-

1103(B) and A.R.S. 12-521 & 12-526, for violations of Arizona's foreclosure by advertisement statute, A.R.S. 12-1101 et. seq., and under other theories described herein.
10. Plaintiff seeks declaratory relief as to what (if any) party, entity or individual or group

thereof is the owner of the promissory Note executed at the time of the loan closing, and whether the Deed of Trust (Mortgage) secures any obligation of the Plaintiff and in the alternative a Final Judgment granting Plaintiff Quiet Title in the subject property.
11. Plaintiff holds title to and is the TRUE OWNER its subject property at 123456 N. 10th

AVE., GLENDALE AZ, 85666; is the subject Property in this matter (the property); relative to any or all known or unknown claimants who may claim to have an interest in these proceedings.
12. Plaintiff acquired the subject property by warranty deed on September 11, 2001. 13. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff allegedly entered into a promissory Note

("Note") with the alleged original lender DUMBASSSCUMBAG BANKSTER SHYSTERS Inc. ("DBSI") on September 11, 2001. SECURITIZATION
14. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.

15. Plaintiff made payments to an alleged creditor that allegedly advanced Plaintiff

16. Said alleged creditor did not advance Plaintiff money through the securitization chain

but instead allegedly advanced Plaintiff money directly from an escrow account, a Superfund, that commingled the money of all investors without regard to REMICS, trusts or any other entity to whom the alleged Note was allegedly made payable and for which the alleged Deed of Trust allegedly secured an interest in the property never consummated any 3 of 14

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financial transaction with Plaintiff.

17. If any payments were made to the alleged creditor(s) THEN the money received by

the agents of the those alleged investors should have been credited against the money allegedly owed to those alleged creditors.
18. The relevant part of that alleged allocation should have been applied against the

alleged balance due on the alleged Deed of Trust, evidencing the alleged loan balance,

unsecured, would be correspondingly reduced or eliminated.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 19. Accordingly; the alleged obligation that originally gave rise to the alleged secured

debt has been satisfied either in part or more likely entirely.

20. Leaving an alleged new debt replacing the alleged old debt, which is undocumented

and unsecured --- and an alleged creditor with an action for contribution ONLY; because they were obviously a co-obligor if the allegations were true.
21. If Defendant or any other party relevant to any claim by Defendant and/or claim to the

alleged Note and/or alleged Deed of Trust claim they are not the co-obligor then they are alleging the PSA doesn't apply.
22. Any claim by the aforementioned party(ies) that the PSA doesn't apply evidences they

are not the alleged authorized the servicer or whoever they are pretending to be because there was not an actual securitization process.
23. After sending several certified QWRs to DBSI and the alleged servicer, Plaintiff

hired The examinerer, a banking and lending expert, to audit her alleged loan documents.

(THE EXAMINERS AFFIDAVIT entered as Exhibit A as if fully set forth herein).

23 24 24. THE EXMAINER has verified the location of Plaintiffs alleged loan was in ASSET

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closing date of June 29, 2007 which completely contradicts the purported Recorded Assignment from MERS.
25. Further, THE EXAMINER has identified a number of legal issues relating to the

alleged loan and is prepared to testify under oath as to the, including without limitations, following factual allegations regarding the recorded documents relating to Plaintiffs loan: a. Plaintiffs alleged loan was securitized, i) as a result of the securitization there is only a select group of entities that could be a holder in due course of the Note / purported loan; and ii) that the Defendants do not fall into that group; b. Plaintiffs alleged loan TRUST was formed under the trust laws of New York.

26. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.

27. Defendant has alleged to have assigned and/or been assigned the alleged Deed of

Trust to another party and/or from another party.

28. Defendant has alleged to have indorsed the alleged Note with the qualified

indorsement without recourse.

29. Arizona law only allows a HOLDER IN DUE COURSE to foreclose on real property. 30. Arizona law prohibits a HOLDER from foreclosing on real property. 31. When Defendant indorsed the alleged Note with the qualified indorsement the alleged

assignee was then by law only a HOLDER and NOT a HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.
32. The alleged trustee had at all times relevant a fiduciary responsibility to prevent any

and all qualified indorsement(s) being added to the alleged Note.

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33. The alleged trustee failed in the fiduciary duties to protect the parties by allowing the

qualified indorsement to be added to the alleged Note.

34. The alleged trustee has committed fraud upon all parties by allowing a qualified

indorsement to deprive the parties of their rights.

35. The alleged trustee has a business relationship with Defendant.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 40. Any action would not be on the alleged Note itself, but rather one for contribution. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 45. Plaintiff NEVER took a loan from Defendant. 24 25 26 27 46. Plaintiff NEVER signed a Note for and/or to Defendant. 47. Plaintiff NEVER accepted, offered or transferred any thing of value and/or made any 41. In the instant case, even if the alleged assignment is seen to be valid, then a co-obligor 36. The fraud committed and/or perpetrated by the alleged trustee for the benefit of

Defendant vitiates all assignments and contractual relationships relevant to Plaintiff.

37. Even In the Event the Court Finds the alleged "Assignment" Valid, the Assigning of

the Note to a Co-Obligor Makes it Functus Officio: (of no further effect, in law and in commerce).
38. The alleged assignment amounts to payment and consequently the evidence of that

debt, i.e., the alleged Note or judgment, becomes Functus officio.

39. By law, the alleged assignment of the alleged Note precludes any further action on the

alleged Note itself.

was assigned the alleged Note and the alleged debt has been extinguished.
42. The alleged trustee of the securitized trust is a co-obligor. 43. Allegedly then Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae are co-obligors. 44. The alleged servicer is a co-obligor.

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deal of any type with Defendant.

48. Plaintiff denies the loan, the debt, the default, the alleged Note, the alleged Deed of

Trust, Defendants right to collection or enforcement of the alleged Note or alleged Deed of Trust because Plaintiff never did any business with Defendant.
49. If Defendant desires to plead and prove otherwise, let them, with true and original

documents exclusive of any and all copies.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 54. If Defendant desires to plead and prove otherwise, let them, with true and original 17 50. The alleged Deed of Trust was never properly assigned or delivered within the 90 day

cutoff period.
51. Plaintiff denies all alleged signatures and alleges any and all signatures may be

forgeries and/or photoshopped.

52. If Defendant desires to plead and prove otherwise, let them, with true and original

documents exclusive of any and all copies.

53. Plaintiff contends all alleged signatures relevant in any way to any alleged

assignments if true signatures were obtained through trickery, deceit and fraud.

documents exclusive of any and all copies.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 55. Plaintiff has the right and has been deprived of the right by Defendant; to see all

books and records relevant to Defendants claims.

56. Plaintiff contends and alleges Defendant does not possess the books, records and/or

documents Defendant claims to possess.

57. If Defendant desires to plead and prove otherwise, let them, with true and original

documents exclusive of any and all copies.

58. Payments by the alleged servicer and alleged assignments to the alleged servicer or to

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the alleged REMIC would in fact extinguish the alleged old debt and thereby Defendant and/or other party(ies) conspiring with Defendant then must have originated an alleged new obligation that was neither memorialized by a promissory Note from Plaintiff (because it had been extinguished) nor a Deed of Trust that secured the extinguished Note.
59. Ergo, any and all alleged new obligation(s) that may arise between Plaintiff and the

alleged Assignee or between Plaintiff and the alleged payee (where the servicer continued to make payments) but only if the alleged contributor could establish that portion of the alleged claim to which they were entitled.
60. BY LAW: an assignment of the entire obligation to a co-obligor would extinguish the


entire obligation.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 65. If Defendant wants to rely on the alleged PSA to foreclose; then Defendant must 23 61. BY LAW: a partial payment by a co-obligor would extinguish the old obligation to

the extent of the payment.

62. BY LAW: the new debt could not possibly be recorded. 63. BY LAW: since the originator of the alleged Note did not actually consummate a

financial transaction with Plaintiff, the alleged Note is void for lack of consideration.
64. Payments by Plaintiff on the alleged original Note did not "ratify" the terms expressed

in the alleged original Note because Plaintiff was the only party who did not know the alleged payee, alleged lender and alleged beneficiary were all naked nominees who neither control the finances nor were their finances involved in the alleged financial transaction between Plaintiff and the alleged actual source of funds.

accept the alleged WHOLE PSA, which means that a loan in default does not qualify to be

assigned, even if in proper form and the alleged trustee or alleged manager of the "pool" has

no authority to accept it.

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66. To force the alleged trustee or alleged manager MUST to accept the alleged WHOLE

PSA then the court is adjudicating the rights of alleged investors who are not a party to this action and who explicitly agreed to advance money for alleged performing loans that would be put in a pool within 90 days to satisfy the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and the provisions of the alleged PSA which merely recite the REMIC provisions of the IRC.
67. Such a mandate, adjudication and/or order would require purposeful and

willful criminal acts in violation of IRS rules concerning REMICS, Title 26, and tax law; on the part of the court and all parties.
68. The source of alleged funds was a stranger to the documentation that Plaintiff signed.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 69. Since the actual handling of the money involved an escrow Superfund, Plaintiff and

this Court do not know if the alleged "lender" is or could be identified from the larger group of alleged investors whose money was intermingled and combined into an alleged single escrow account.
70. The co-mingling of funds in the accounts held by parties conspiring with Defendant

might make all of the alleged investors general partners in a common law general partnership.
71. Plaintiff has discovered NO EVIDENCE OF SEPARATE ACCOUNTS for the

alleged individual REMICS.

72. Accordingly; any decision by this Court to accept Defendants claims to the alleged

Note and/or alleged Deed of Trust would be adverse to the alleged investors in the alleged pools relevant to the alleged PSA by forcing them to accept an alleged loan that they obviously wanted to avoid, and the acceptance of which would violate the terms under which they allegedly loaned the money; thereby simultaneously: terminating the alleged PSA investor contracts and all other relevant contractual agreements between other parties and enforcing the alleged terminated contracts. 9 of 14

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73. This would mean a judicial order declaring in effect that the alleged loan became part

of the alleged pool and therefore the alleged entity representing the alleged pool had a right to foreclosure, that order would constitute a judicial determination of the rights of alleged investors who did not receive any notice of the proceeding nor any opportunity to be represented or heard before such an order could be entered. CRIMINAL ACTS
74. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 75. Defendant(s) unlawfully commenced a fraudulent and unlawful conveyance of real

property on the criminal act of filing a false and/or forged document into a public office, a felony under Arizona law; and in violation of, inter alia, A.R.S. 39-161 and others. FRAUDULENT ACTS
76. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.


answer yet. Its the complaint that counts. Put the documents as exhibits. Explain that the document is invalid because it was never notarized and/or robo-signed AND that if the document was filed it was a false document filed into a public office. If you went after the notarys surety bond list that also.
78. BLAH BLAH IS A ROBO-SIGNER. If any one of the notaries or officers are on the

national robo-signer list make sure you list them.

79. ADD EVERYTHING -ONE BY ONE -ON 3949A. It the documents you filed that

count, irrespective of whether or not they were responded to.

80. MERS FAILED TO RECORD whatever thereby breaking the chain of title. <the

public record is sacrosanct> and MERS conspired with Defendant to defraud this Court, the 10 of 14

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body politic and Plaintiff by purposefully failing to record alleged assignments, alleged substitutions of trustees, and/or other documents thereby conspiring to destroy and purposefully destroying the integrity of the public record for Defendants and MERS financial gain.
81. MERS conspired with Defendant to defraud the county recorder by purposefully

failing to record alleged assignments, alleged substitutions of trustees, and/or other documents in a conspiracy to evade fees, costs, payments, taxes and/or the like lawfully due the county records office. COUNT I - QUIET TITLE, A.R.S. 12-1101, et seq.
82. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.

83. Plaintiffs title in the property by warranty deed is superior to that of DBSI. 84. Plaintiff is credibly informed and believes that these non-real party(ies) in interest


Defendants make some claim adverse to Plaintiff.

15 85. A null security agreement is unenforceable for foreclosure or cloud on title in 16

17 86. Quiet Title is the only remaining option. 18 19 87. Defendants Decoupling Separation violates the long-standing precedence of

Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. 271.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 88. The alleged Deed of Trust is null, deficient, and/or illegal due to the fact one of the

following MUST be true as evidenced by the past and current locations of the alleged Deed of Trust and Note: a. The Alleged Deed of Trust was indeed separated from the alleged Note, one or

more times and Defendant(s) knowingly, purposefully, willfully with malum in se intent concealed said fact from Plaintiff; or

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The alleged Deed of Trust and were never conjoined and Defendant(s) purposefully, willfully with malum in se intent concealed said fact from

knowingly, Plaintiff.

89. Said nullity evidences Defendant(s) claim is false and an improper cloud on title.

90. Plaintiffs re-allege and incorporate by reference all preceding paragraphs as though

fully set forth herein.

91. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court find in her

favor and against the Defendants, and enter a judgment ordering the Recorder of Deeds for Maricopa County to convey the property located at: 123456 N. 10th AVE., GLENDALE AZ, 85666 to the Plaintiff, upon presentment of an order stating the same; and granting such other relief as follows: A. Judgment establishing Plaintiffs estate as described above; B. Judgment barring and forever estopping Defendants and each of them, from having or claiming any right or title adverse to Plaintiff to the premises; C. For a declaration and determination that Plaintiff is the rightful owner of title to the property and that Defendants herein, and each of them, be declared to have no estate, right, title or interest in said property. D. Judgment barring and forever estopping Defendants, and each of them, from claiming any estate, right, title or interest in said property. E. Judgment for Plaintiffs cost of suit and fees incurred; F. Such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.

Respectfully submitted this _____ day of June, in the year of Our Lord, 2012.

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BY:___________________________, Your name here, pro per Signed reserving all my rights at UCC 1-308 VERIFICATION OF Your name here I, Your name here, declare as follows: 1. I am named as the Plaintiff in the above-entitled matter. 2. I have read the foregoing pleading and know the facts therein stated to be true and correct. 3. I declare, under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

BY: _______________________________________, agent Your name here, pro per Signed reserving all my rights at UCC 1-308


ORIGINAL and ONE COPY delivered to: SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA, this ______ day of June, 2012. I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy has been delivered on this ______ day of June 2012 to: DUMBASSSCUMBAG BANKSTER SHYSTERS, Inc. A SATNIC Corporation 666 Avenue of Satan Devils Playground, HELL 666666

BY: ________________________________________, agent 13 of 14

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Your name here, pro per Signed reserving all my rights at UCC 1-308

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